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'true' : '')); //if ( == YT.PlayerState.ENDED) { //if (typeof refreshTrackChecklist !== "undefined") { refreshTrackChecklist(); } //else if (typeof parent.refreshTrackChecklist !== "undefined") { parent.refreshTrackChecklist(); } //} } } function youtubePlayerPlayPause(player) { var currentStatus = $("#player-btn--" + player.youtubeObject.cgID + " button.playpause").attr("data-status"); if (currentStatus == "play") { player.playVideo(); } else if (currentStatus == "pause") { player.pauseVideo(); } } /* Function that checks localStorage for the Vimeo/YouTube closed captions load policy. Returns number values: * 0 - closed captions should be be disabled (do not load closed captions) * 1 - closed captions should be loaded when video loads * If the local storage key is not defined we return 0 (as a number). */ function getVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy() { try { const lsKey = 'cg-video-player-cc-load-policy'; const ccLoadPolicy = localStorage.getItem(lsKey); return (ccLoadPolicy === '1') ? 1 : 0; } catch(e) { return 0; } } /* Function that toggles the video player CC load policy stored in local storage. Toggled values are (strings values): * '0' - closed captions should be be disabled (do not load closed captions) * '1' - closed captions should be loaded when video loads * If the local storage key is not defined it is treated as though the value were '0' and toggles to '1'. * */ function toggleVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy() { try { const lsKey = 'cg-video-player-cc-load-policy'; const ccLoadPolicy = localStorage.getItem(lsKey); if (ccLoadPolicy === '1') { localStorage.setItem(lsKey, '0'); } else { localStorage.setItem(lsKey, '1'); } } catch(e) { return; } } /* Function that prompts the user for confirmation before toggling the video player closed caption load policy. * - If closed captions are currently turned off, the user will be prompted to confirm before turning them on (and vice versa) * - Video player CC load policy setting is stored in local storage (see above functions) * - Vimeo and YouTube video players require reload of the associated IFrames to change the setting, * if user confirms yes to reload, the page will be reloaded. */ function toggleClosedCaptionsAndReloadVideoIframes() { const turnClosedCaptionsOnOff = (typeof getVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy !== 'undefined' && getVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy() === 1) ? 'off' : 'on'; const message = 'Turning ' + turnClosedCaptionsOnOff + ' closed captions will reload this page, please save any outstanding changes before you choose to turn closed captions ' + turnClosedCaptionsOnOff + '. Are you sure you want to turn closed captions ' + turnClosedCaptionsOnOff + '?'; if (confirm(message)) { toggleVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy(); location.reload(); } else { return false; } } // Called when the script is fully loaded. function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() { // Loop through players arrYoutubePlayerObjects.forEach(function (youtubeObject, index) { arrYoutubePlayers[index] = new YT.Player("player--" + youtubeObject.cgID, { height: youtubeObject.height, width: youtubeObject.width, videoId: youtubeObject.videoID, playerVars: { modestbranding: 1, rel: 0, disablekb: 1, playsinline: 1, controls: 0, start: youtubeObject.startTime, cc_load_policy: (typeof getVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy !== 'undefined') ? getVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy() : 0 }, events: { 'onStateChange': onYoutubePlayerStateChange, 'onReady': onYoutubePlayerReady } }); arrYoutubePlayers[index].youtubeObject = youtubeObject; arrYoutubePlayers[index].intervalFunction = null; $("#player-btn--" + youtubeObject.cgID + " button.playpause").on('click', function() { youtubePlayerPlayPause(arrYoutubePlayers[index]); }); $("#player-btn--" + youtubeObject.cgID + " button.replay").on('click', function() { arrYoutubePlayers[index].seekTo(0); }); $("#player-btn--" + youtubeObject.cgID + " button.rewind").on('click', function() { arrYoutubePlayers[index].seekTo(arrYoutubePlayers[index].getCurrentTime() - 10); }); const turnClosedCaptionsOnOff = (typeof getVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy !== 'undefined' && getVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy() === 1) ? 'off' : 'on'; $("#player-btn--" + youtubeObject.cgID + " button.closedcaption").attr('aria-label', 'Turn ' + turnClosedCaptionsOnOff + ' closed captions. Note, this requires a reload of the current page.'); $("#player-btn--" + youtubeObject.cgID + " button.closedcaption").on('click', function() { toggleClosedCaptionsAndReloadVideoIframes(); }); $("#player-btn--" + youtubeObject.cgID + " button.fullscreen").on('click', function() { arrYoutubePlayers[index].pauseVideo(); tb_show("", "/video_player?embed=1&uid=" + youtubeObject.cgUID + "&width=995&height=680&modal=true&TB_iframe=1", ""); }); }); arrYoutubePlayerObjects = undefined; } } //Vimeo Viewer if (typeof arrVimeoPlayerObjects != "undefined") { $("#vimeoScript").remove(); var vimeoTag = document.createElement('script'); = "vimeoScript"; vimeoTag.src = ""; vimeoTag.async = false; // Get First Script Tag & Insert Vimeo Script before that. var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(vimeoTag, firstScriptTag); // Array of Players var arrVimeoPlayers = []; // Functions to work on Vimeo Players function vimeoPlayerPlay(player) { // Change Buttons $("#player-btn--" + player.vimeoObject.cgID + " button.playpause").attr("data-status", "pause").attr("aria-label", "Pause"); $("#player-btn--" + player.vimeoObject.cgID + " button.playpause span.mdi").removeClass("mdi-play").addClass("mdi-pause"); // AJAX Recurring Call player.intervalFunction = setInterval( function() { player.getCurrentTime().then( function(seconds) { postVideoViews(player.vimeoObject.cgUID, player.vimeoObject.cgUID_s, seconds); }) }, 10000) // Timer player.intervalTimerFunction = setInterval(function() { player.getCurrentTime().then( function(seconds) { var currentTime = new Date(seconds * 1000).toISOString(); if (player.totalDuration >= 3600) { currentTime = currentTime.substr(11, 8); } else { currentTime = currentTime.substr(14, 5); } $("#player-time--" + player.vimeoObject.cgID).html(currentTime); }) }, 1000) } function vimeoPlayerPause(player) { // Change Buttons $("#player-btn--" + player.vimeoObject.cgID + " button.playpause").attr("data-status", "play").attr("aria-label", "Play"); $("#player-btn--" + player.vimeoObject.cgID + " button.playpause span.mdi").removeClass("mdi-pause").addClass("mdi-play"); 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