BioProject Overview
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This allows searching by characteristics of these projects, using the project description and project content across the databases.</p> <h2 id="project">Project</h2> <p>BioProject represents a submission, initiative, or group of data that is logically related in some manner, or is of interest to retrieve as a distinct dataset.<br /> By selecting <a href="/bioproject/project-info-e.html#Project_data_type">Project Data Types</a> (for example, “Genome Sequencing” and “Transcriptome or Gene Expression”), multiple studies can be merged into single project.<br /> In the project spanning multiple species, enter a taxonomic classification common to the species (e.g., genus name).</p> <h2 id="primary-and-umbrella">Primary and Umbrella projects</h2> <p>There are two basic types of projects; primary and umbrella projects.</p> <dl> <dt>Primary project:</dt> <dd>Submitted projects which are intended to represent and be linked to current or future data submissions. <span class="red">Primary projects can be kept private.</span></dd> <dt>Umbrella project:</dt> <dd>Administrative project that is created to group multiple projects that are related by a single effort from a single submitter or group of submitters. <span class="red">Umbrella projects cannot be kept private.</span></dd> </dl> <ul> <li>Submitted data can directly refer to primary projects but can not refer to umbrella projects. The data are linked to the umbrella project through the primary project.</li> <li>Submitted primary projects are not directly linked to other primary projects; they are linked indirectly by way of links to the umbrella project.</li> </ul> <h2 id="bioproject-hierarchy">BioProject hierarchy</h2> <p>Some large initiatives are represented by more than one layer of umbrella projects (see Figure B below); for instance, a top-most level may identify the largest definition of the collaboration; a second level of umbrella projects identify the primary categories of data production; and finally a third layer represents the projects that actually generate the data that is submitted.</p> <div class="figure"> <a class="group1" href="/assets/images/submission/bp_org.jpg" title="Schematic diagram of BioProject hierarchies. (A)Two layers. (B)Three layers."> <figure class="image"> <img src="/assets/images/submission/bp_org.jpg" alt="Schematic diagram of BioProject hierarchies. (A)Two layers. (B)Three layers." class="w450" /> <figcaption>Schematic diagram of BioProject hierarchies. (A)Two layers. (B)Three layers.</figcaption> </figure> </a> </div> <h2 id="release">Data release</h2> <div class="figure"> <a class="group1" href="/assets/images/submission/release_re.jpg" title="Triggering of data release between primary projects and data records."> <figure class="image"> <img src="/assets/images/submission/release_re.jpg" alt="Triggering of data release between primary projects and data records." class="w450" /> <figcaption>Triggering of data release between primary projects and data records.</figcaption> </figure> </a> </div> <ul> <li>You can “immediately release” or “hold” the registered primary project.</li> <li>The submitted primary project data can be kept private until the linked DDBJ/DRA/GEA/MetaboBank data made be public.</li> <li>Hold date of the project data cannot be specified.</li> <li>Primary project data are automatically released when the linked DDBJ/DRA/GEA/MetaboBank data are published.</li> <li>Publication of the primary project do not cause automatic release of the linked DDBJ/DRA/GEA/MetaboBank data.</li> <li>Under a primary project, publication of data does not cause the indirect release of the other data belong to the same project.</li> </ul> <p>FAQ: <a href="/faq/en/bp-bs-seq-release.html">How are linked BioProject/BioSample/sequence data released?</a></p> <div class="figure"> <a class="group1" href="/assets/images/submission/um_pri_visibility.jpg" title="Visibility of relationships between a public umbrella and primary projects."> <figure class="image"> <img src="/assets/images/submission/um_pri_visibility.jpg" alt="Visibility of relationships between a public umbrella and primary projects." class="w450" /> <figcaption>Visibility of relationships between a public umbrella and primary projects.</figcaption> </figure> </a> </div> <p><span class="red">An umbrella project cannot be kept private.</span></p> <p>An umbrella project can have public and private primary projects. Hierarchical relationship between the public umbrella project and the un-released primary project is invisible.</p> <p>Released project data are exchanged with the other two INSDC partners <a href="">NCBI</a>and <a href="">EBI</a> BioProject databases.</p> <p>FAQ: <a href="/faq/en/request-release-e.html">How to request data release?</a></p> <h2 id="use-umbrella-project">Use an umbrella project</h2> <p>You can submit an umbrella project from the <a href="">D-way submission system</a> in the same way as primary project. To remind the DDBJ BioProject team, you need to enter “this is an umbrella project” in the <a href="/bioproject/project-info-e.html#Private_comments">Private comments to DDBJ staff</a>.<br /> Registered umbrella project cannot be kept private.</p> <p>To group primary projects under an umbrella, please follow the steps below. <br /> First, submit and release an umbrella project. If necessary, please share the assigned PRJDB number with relevant researchers.<br /> When submitting related primary projects, please provide the PRJDB number of parent umbrella in the <a href="/bioproject/project-info-e.html#Area_linked-project">Umbrella BioProject</a>. Released primary projects are automatically linked to the specified umbrella project.</p> <p>If you want to add already registered primary projects to the umbrella, please inform the PRJDB numbers of umbrella and related primary projects to the <a href="">DDBJ BioProject team</a>.</p> </main> </section> </div> </section> </div> <footer></footer> <div id="back-top"></div> </body> </html>