Green Light: Reduce Traffic Emissions with AI - Google Research
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Light</div> </h1> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _desktop_1jr7w_15 _heading3_13anx_32"> <h3 size="3" class="_heading_1mjz1_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _heading3_13anx_32">Using Google AI to reduce traffic emissions</div> </h3> <p></p> </div> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _mobile_1jr7w_25 _body_13anx_63 _bodyLarge_13anx_71"> <h3 size="3" class="_heading_1mjz1_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _heading3_13anx_32"> <null>Using Google AI to reduce traffic emissions</null> </div> </h3> <p> <null></null> </p> </div> <div class="_buttonGroup_1jr7w_106"><a href="" target="_blank" class="_container_12nlj_1 _mediumEmphasis_12nlj_27"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _body_13anx_63 _body_13anx_63">Blog</div> </a><a href="" target="_blank" class="_container_12nlj_1 _mediumEmphasis_12nlj_27"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _body_13anx_63 _body_13anx_63">Interview</div> </a><a href="" target="_blank" class="_container_12nlj_1 _mediumEmphasis_12nlj_27"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _body_13anx_63 _body_13anx_63">Media</div> </a></div> </div> <div class="_backgroundDesktop_1jr7w_57"><video playsInline muted disablePictureInPicture disableRemotePlayback loop autoPlay> <source type="video/mp4" src="" /> </video></div> <div class="_backgroundMobile_1jr7w_58"><video playsInline muted disablePictureInPicture disableRemotePlayback loop autoPlay> <source type="video/mp4" src="" /> </video></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="_container_3mwgq_1"></div> <div id="intro" class="_container_1xa7h_1"> <div class="_item_1xa7h_67" style="--grid-item-start: 2; --grid-item-end: 11;"> <div class="_container_1ntli_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _container_1r2da_1 _body_13anx_63 _bodyLarge_13anx_71"> <h3 size="3" class="_heading_1mjz1_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _heading3_13anx_32">Green Light optimizes traffic lights to reduce vehicle emissions in cities, helping mitigate climate change and improving urban mobility </div> </h3> <p>Road transportation is responsible for a significant amount of global and urban greenhouse gas emissions. It is especially problematic at city intersections where pollution can be 29 times higher than on open roads. At intersections, half of these emissions come from traffic accelerating after stopping. While some amount of stop-and-go traffic is unavoidable, part of it is preventable through the optimization of traffic light timing configurations. To improve traffic light timing, cities need to either install costly hardware or run manual vehicle counts; both of these solutions are expensive and don’t provide all the necessary information.</p> <p><a target="_blank" href="">Green Light </a><a target="_blank" href="">uses AI</a> and Google Maps driving trends, with one of the strongest understandings of global road networks, to model traffic patterns and build intelligent recommendations for city traffic engineers to optimize traffic flow. Early numbers indicate a potential for up to 30% reduction in stops and 10% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (1). By optimizing each intersection, and coordinating between adjacent intersections, we can create waves of green lights and help cities further reduce stop-and-go traffic. Green Light is now live in over 70 intersections in 13 cities, 4 continents, from Haifa, Israel to Bangalore, India to Hamburg, Germany – and in these intersections we are able to save fuel and lower emissions for up to 30M car rides monthly. </p> <p>Green Light reflects Google Research's commitment to use AI to address climate change and improve millions of lives in cities around the world.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="_container_3mwgq_1"></div> <div id="how-it-works" class="_container_1xa7h_1"> <div class="_item_1xa7h_67" style="--grid-item-start: 2; --grid-item-end: 11;"> <div class="_container_1ntli_1"> <figure class="_frame_1wolg_15 _frameFullbleedMobile_1wolg_15"> <div class="_imageContainer_1wolg_10"><a class="_playVideoButton_1yq74_1" data-yt-modal-video-id="T6c_NdpbUvE?si=yucp8mkPUMxpzX6b" title="Play video" tabIndex="0"><svg width="49" height="48" viewBox="0 0 49 48" fill="none" xmlns="" role="presentation"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_2785_5974)"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M43.6667 8.06667C45.808 8.58476 47.44 10.2427 47.9333 12.3333C49 16.1429 49 24.0667 49 24.0667C49 24.0667 49 31.9905 47.9333 35.8C47.44 37.8907 45.808 39.5486 43.6667 40.0667C40.1259 41.0967 26.0168 41.1321 25.5322 41.1333C25.515 41.1333 25.515 41.1333 25.5333 41.1333C25 41.1333 10 41.1333 6.33333 40.0667C4.192 39.5486 2.56 37.8907 2.06667 35.8C1 31.9905 1 24.0667 1 24.0667C1 24.0667 1 16.1429 2.06667 12.3333C2.56 10.2427 4.192 8.58476 6.33333 8.06667C10 7 25 7 25.5333 7C25.524 7 25.5195 7 25.5195 7.00001C25.5195 7.00032 40.0639 7.01859 43.6667 8.06667ZM19 17V31L32 24.5385L19 17Z" fill="white"></path> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_2785_5974"> <rect width="48" height="48" fill="white" transform="translate(0.5)"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg><img src="" loading="lazy" alt /></a></div> </figure> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _container_1r2da_1 _body_13anx_63 _bodyLarge_13anx_71"> <h3 size="3" class="_heading_1mjz1_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _heading3_13anx_32">How it works</div> </h3> <h4 size="4" class="_heading_1mjz1_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _heading4_13anx_47">1. Understanding the intersection</div> </h4> <p>Building on our decades-long effort to map cities across the world, we can infer existing traffic light parameters including: cycle length, transition time, green split (i.e. right-of-way time and order), coordination and sensor operation (actuation).</p> <h4 size="4" class="_heading_1mjz1_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _heading4_13anx_47">2. Measuring traffic trends </div> </h4> <p>We create a model to understand how traffic flows through the intersection. This helps us understand typical traffic patterns including patterns of starting and stopping, average wait times at a traffic light, coordination between adjacent intersections (or lack thereof), and how traffic light plans change throughout the day.</p> <h4 size="4" class="_heading_1mjz1_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _heading4_13anx_47">3. Developing recommendations for the city</div> </h4> <p>Using AI, we identify possible adjustments to traffic light timing. We share these adjustments as actionable recommendations with the city. The city’s traffic engineers review the recommendations, approve them, and they can easily implement them in as little as 5 minutes, using the city's existing policies and tools.</p> <h4 size="4" class="_heading_1mjz1_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _heading4_13anx_47">4. Analyzing impact </div> </h4> <p>We measure how many stops we’ve saved for drivers, and its impact on traffic patterns. We then use industry standards models to calculate the climate impact of these changes. We share this with the partner city and continue monitoring for any future needed changes. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="_container_3mwgq_1"></div> <div class="_container_1xa7h_1"> <div class="_item_1xa7h_67" style="--grid-item-start: 2; --grid-item-end: 11;"> <div class="_container_1ntli_1"> <figure class="_frame_1wolg_15 _frameFullbleedMobile_1wolg_15"> <div class="_imageContainer_1wolg_10"><video playsInline muted disablePictureInPicture disableRemotePlayback loop autoPlay> <source type="video/mp4" src="" /> </video></div> </figure> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _container_1r2da_1 _body_13anx_63 _body_13anx_63"> <h3 size="3" class="_heading_1mjz1_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _heading3_13anx_32">User friendly recommendation interface for partner cities</div> </h3> <p>The Green Light dashboard provides city-specific actionable recommendations, showing supporting trends for each recommendation, with the option to accept or reject the suggestion. After a recommendation has been implemented, the dashboard shows an impact analysis report.</p><img src="" loading="lazy" alt /> <p></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="_container_3mwgq_1"></div> <div id="bring-green-light-to-your-city" class="_container_1xa7h_1"> <div class="_item_1xa7h_67" style="--grid-item-start: 2; --grid-item-end: 11;"> <div class="_container_1ntli_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _container_1r2da_1 _body_13anx_63 _bodyLarge_13anx_71"> <h3 size="3" class="_heading_1mjz1_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _heading3_13anx_32">Why bring Green Light to your city?</div> </h3> <ul> <li> <p>A simple, high-impact way for cities to go Green</p> </li> <li> <p>No additional hardware purchase, installation or maintenance required </p> </li> <li> <p>Automatic coverage, monitoring and optimization of intersections </p> </li> <li> <p>Trusted source of truth (based on Google Maps driving trends)</p> </li> <li> <p>Clear actionable recommendations and impact reports</p> </li> <li> <p>User friendly interface</p> </li> </ul> <p>If you are a city representative or traffic engineer and are interested in joining the waiting list, please complete this <a target="_blank" href=""><u>form</u></a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="_container_1xa7h_1 _withPadding_1ntli_31"> <div class="_item_1xa7h_67" style="--grid-item-start: 2; --grid-item-end: 11;"> <div class="_container_1ntli_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _container_1r2da_1 _body_13anx_63 _body_13anx_63"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt /> <h5 size="5" class="_heading_1mjz1_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99">Green Light has become an essential component of Kolkata Traffic Police. It serves several valuable purposes which contribute to safer, more efficient, and organized traffic flow and has helped us to reduce gridlock at busy intersections. Since November 2022, we have implemented suggestions at 13 intersections. The outcome is excellent as per the feedback from commuters and traffic personnel</div> </h5> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _body_13anx_63 _body_13anx_63"> <blockquote> <p>Vineet Kumar Goyal</p> <p><i>Commissioner of Police, Kolkata,</i> India</p> </blockquote> </div> <p></p><img src="" loading="lazy" alt /> <h5 size="5" class="_heading_1mjz1_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99">Green Light identified opportunities where we previously had no visibility and directed engineers to where there were potential benefits in changing signal timings. This provided valuable insights for our city with 2,400 traffic signals. Both the Green Light and Transport for Greater Manchester teams brought expertise and ideas to the table to improve journeys and reduce emissions. </div> </h5> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _body_13anx_63 _body_13anx_63"> <blockquote> <p>David Atkin</p> <p><i>Analysis and Reporting Manager, Transport for Greater Manchester, England</i></p> </blockquote> </div> <p><i></i></p><img src="" loading="lazy" alt /> <h5 size="5" class="_heading_1mjz1_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99">The system collects, analyzes and presents information that otherwise would require lots of time and effort to manually process. Changes can bring immediate benefits. Green Light helps engineers in their decision making process and enables quick insights.</div> </h5> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _body_13anx_63 _body_13anx_63"> <blockquote> <p>Anat Gilad</p> <p><i>Director of the Traffic Control and Technology Management Division, Haifa, Israel</i></p> </blockquote> </div> <p></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="_container_3mwgq_1"></div> <div class="_filled_1mg00_1"> <div class="_container_3mwgq_1"></div> <div class="_mobileHeader_1mg00_5"> <h3 size="3" class="_heading_1mjz1_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _heading3_13anx_32">Green Light in the news</div> </h3> <p></p> </div> <div class="_frame_1mgd7_84"><bds-carousel controls><bds-carousel-slide> <div class="_slide_1mgd7_150 _marginSlide_1mgd7_165"></div> </bds-carousel-slide><bds-carousel-slide> <div class="_slide_1mgd7_150 _firstSlide_1mgd7_175"> <h3 size="3" class="_heading_1mjz1_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _heading3_13anx_32">Green Light in the news</div> </h3> <p></p> </div> </bds-carousel-slide><bds-carousel-slide> <div class="_slide_1mgd7_150 _roundedLeftSlide_1mgd7_192"> <figure class="_frame_1wolg_15"> <div class="_imageContainer_1wolg_10"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt /></div> <figcaption class="_caption_1wolg_19"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _caption_13anx_55"> <p><a target="_blank" href="">How Google uses AI to reduce stop-and-go traffic on your route — and fight fuel emissions</a></p> <p></p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </bds-carousel-slide><bds-carousel-slide> <div class="_slide_1mgd7_150"> <figure class="_frame_1wolg_15"> <div class="_imageContainer_1wolg_10"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt /></div> <figcaption class="_caption_1wolg_19"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _caption_13anx_55"> <p>Video: <a target="_blank" href="">NBC News July 2024</a></p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </bds-carousel-slide><bds-carousel-slide> <div class="_slide_1mgd7_150"> <figure class="_frame_1wolg_15"> <div class="_imageContainer_1wolg_10"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt /></div> <figcaption class="_caption_1wolg_19"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _caption_13anx_55"> <p><a target="_blank" href="">Project Green Light’s work to reduce urban emissions using AI</a></p> <p></p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </bds-carousel-slide><bds-carousel-slide> <div class="_slide_1mgd7_150"> <figure class="_frame_1wolg_15"> <div class="_imageContainer_1wolg_10"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt /></div> <figcaption class="_caption_1wolg_19"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _caption_13anx_55"> <p><a target="_blank" href="">CBS News</a></p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </bds-carousel-slide><bds-carousel-slide> <div class="_slide_1mgd7_150"> <figure class="_frame_1wolg_15"> <div class="_imageContainer_1wolg_10"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt /></div> <figcaption class="_caption_1wolg_19"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _caption_13anx_55"> <p><a target="_blank" href="">Times of India</a></p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </bds-carousel-slide><bds-carousel-slide> <div class="_slide_1mgd7_150"> <figure class="_frame_1wolg_15"> <div class="_imageContainer_1wolg_10"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt /></div> <figcaption class="_caption_1wolg_19"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _caption_13anx_55"> <p><a target="_blank" href="">Kumparan</a></p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </bds-carousel-slide><bds-carousel-slide> <div class="_slide_1mgd7_150"> <figure class="_frame_1wolg_15"> <div class="_imageContainer_1wolg_10"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt /></div> <figcaption class="_caption_1wolg_19"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _caption_13anx_55"> <p><a target="_blank" href="">HT Auto</a></p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </bds-carousel-slide><bds-carousel-slide> <div class="_slide_1mgd7_150"> <figure class="_frame_1wolg_15"> <div class="_imageContainer_1wolg_10"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt /></div> <figcaption class="_caption_1wolg_19"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _caption_13anx_55"> <p><a target="_blank" href="">Telegraph India</a></p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </bds-carousel-slide><bds-carousel-slide> <div class="_slide_1mgd7_150"> <figure class="_frame_1wolg_15"> <div class="_imageContainer_1wolg_10"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt /></div> <figcaption class="_caption_1wolg_19"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _caption_13anx_55"> <p><a target="_blank" href="">Katadata</a></p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </bds-carousel-slide><bds-carousel-slide> <div class="_slide_1mgd7_150 _roundedRightSlide_1mgd7_203"> <figure class="_frame_1wolg_15"> <div class="_imageContainer_1wolg_10"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt /></div> <figcaption class="_caption_1wolg_19"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _caption_13anx_55"> <p><a target="_blank" href="">Antara News</a></p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </bds-carousel-slide><bds-carousel-slide> <div class="_slide_1mgd7_150 _marginSlide_1mgd7_165"></div> </bds-carousel-slide></bds-carousel></div> <div class="_container_3mwgq_1"></div> </div> <div class="_container_3mwgq_1"></div> <div trigger-together> <div id="faq" class="_container_1xa7h_1"> <div class="_item_1xa7h_67" style="--grid-item-start: 1; --grid-item-end: 12;"> <div class="_container_55vns_1" style="--stack-gap: 28px;"> <div> <h2 size="2" class="_heading_1mjz1_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _heading2_13anx_17">FAQs</div> </h2> </div> <div> <details class="_details_1heq1_6" style="--inview-delay: 0.2s"> <summary> <div> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _body_13anx_63 _bodyLarge_13anx_71">How much does this service cost?</div> </div><svg aria-hidden="true" width="36" height="36" viewBox="0 0 36 36" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.115 23.1152L18 16.2452L24.885 23.1152L27 21.0002L18 12.0002L9 21.0002L11.115 23.1152Z" fill="#174EA6"></path> </svg> </summary> <div class="_detailsAnswer_1heq1_58"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _container_1r2da_1 _body_13anx_63 _body_13anx_63"> <p>We are currently in the early research phase and offering Green Light to partner cities at no cost. Our primary goal of this product is to support cities’ sustainability goals. </p> <p> </p> </div> </div> </details> <details class="_details_1heq1_6" style="--inview-delay: 0.4s"> <summary> <div> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _body_13anx_63 _bodyLarge_13anx_71">Would we need to install any additional equipment?</div> </div><svg aria-hidden="true" width="36" height="36" viewBox="0 0 36 36" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.115 23.1152L18 16.2452L24.885 23.1152L27 21.0002L18 12.0002L9 21.0002L11.115 23.1152Z" fill="#174EA6"></path> </svg> </summary> <div class="_detailsAnswer_1heq1_58"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _container_1r2da_1 _body_13anx_63 _body_13anx_63"> <p>No, all recommendations are based on driving trends from Google Maps and are then implemented by the city using the city’s existing systems and equipment.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> </div> </div> </details> <details class="_details_1heq1_6" style="--inview-delay: 0.6000000000000001s"> <summary> <div> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _body_13anx_63 _bodyLarge_13anx_71">How do you choose which intersections to optimize?</div> </div><svg aria-hidden="true" width="36" height="36" viewBox="0 0 36 36" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.115 23.1152L18 16.2452L24.885 23.1152L27 21.0002L18 12.0002L9 21.0002L11.115 23.1152Z" fill="#174EA6"></path> </svg> </summary> <div class="_detailsAnswer_1heq1_58"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _container_1r2da_1 _body_13anx_63 _body_13anx_63"> <p>When we start working with a city, the Green Light algorithm investigates driving patterns through the city, uses insights from Google Maps, and provides recommendations for intersections to optimize, based on the expected impact of the optimization. For example, if a traffic light at a certain intersection is already on the best possible plan, the system would not provide a recommendation for it.</p> </div> </div> </details> <details class="_details_1heq1_6" style="--inview-delay: 0.8s"> <summary> <div> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _body_13anx_63 _bodyLarge_13anx_71">How are recommendations shared? How do they look and how do we implement it?</div> </div><svg aria-hidden="true" width="36" height="36" viewBox="0 0 36 36" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.115 23.1152L18 16.2452L24.885 23.1152L27 21.0002L18 12.0002L9 21.0002L11.115 23.1152Z" fill="#174EA6"></path> </svg> </summary> <div class="_detailsAnswer_1heq1_58"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _container_1r2da_1 _body_13anx_63 _body_13anx_63"> <p>Once a city signs an agreement with Green Light, they get access to our interface, where city officials can view suggested recommendations, supporting information, and monitor their measured impact on emissions and traffic flow.</p> </div> </div> </details> <details class="_details_1heq1_6" style="--inview-delay: 1s"> <summary> <div> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _body_13anx_63 _bodyLarge_13anx_71">What should I expect after I implement my first intersection?</div> </div><svg aria-hidden="true" width="36" height="36" viewBox="0 0 36 36" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.115 23.1152L18 16.2452L24.885 23.1152L27 21.0002L18 12.0002L9 21.0002L11.115 23.1152Z" fill="#174EA6"></path> </svg> </summary> <div class="_detailsAnswer_1heq1_58"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _container_1r2da_1 _body_13anx_63 _body_13anx_63"> <p>Green Light algorithms will continue to monitor all relevant metrics, and two weeks after implementation a full impact analysis report will be uploaded to the interface for city engineers to review.</p> </div> </div> </details> <details class="_details_1heq1_6" style="--inview-delay: 1.2000000000000002s"> <summary> <div> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _body_13anx_63 _bodyLarge_13anx_71">How does Green Light maintain drivers’ privacy?</div> </div><svg aria-hidden="true" width="36" height="36" viewBox="0 0 36 36" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.115 23.1152L18 16.2452L24.885 23.1152L27 21.0002L18 12.0002L9 21.0002L11.115 23.1152Z" fill="#174EA6"></path> </svg> </summary> <div class="_detailsAnswer_1heq1_58"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _container_1r2da_1 _body_13anx_63 _body_13anx_63"> <p>Green Light only shares recommendations about how a city should optimize traffic light timing - for example if they should add additional seconds of “green time” to a particular part of the traffic light cycle. User data is never shared with the city or any other third party. </p> <p></p> </div> </div> </details> <details class="_details_1heq1_6" style="--inview-delay: 1.4000000000000001s"> <summary> <div> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _body_13anx_63 _bodyLarge_13anx_71">Where do Green Light’s recommendations come from? </div> </div><svg aria-hidden="true" width="36" height="36" viewBox="0 0 36 36" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.115 23.1152L18 16.2452L24.885 23.1152L27 21.0002L18 12.0002L9 21.0002L11.115 23.1152Z" fill="#174EA6"></path> </svg> </summary> <div class="_detailsAnswer_1heq1_58"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _container_1r2da_1 _body_13anx_63 _body_13anx_63"> <p>We use Google Maps driving trends and AI to create recommendations.</p> </div> </div> </details> <details class="_details_1heq1_6" style="--inview-delay: 1.6s"> <summary> <div> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _body_13anx_63 _bodyLarge_13anx_71">Do Google Maps users get priority and green lights at intersections? </div> </div><svg aria-hidden="true" width="36" height="36" viewBox="0 0 36 36" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.115 23.1152L18 16.2452L24.885 23.1152L27 21.0002L18 12.0002L9 21.0002L11.115 23.1152Z" fill="#174EA6"></path> </svg> </summary> <div class="_detailsAnswer_1heq1_58"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _container_1r2da_1 _body_13anx_63 _body_13anx_63"> <p>No. Our system offers better plans based on aggregated anonymous data to improve traffic flow for everyone: Google and non Google users, car drivers, taxi drivers, buses and all other users of the road.</p> <p> </p> </div> </div> </details> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="_container_3mwgq_1"></div> <div class="_container_1xa7h_1 _filled_1ntli_17"> <div class="_item_1xa7h_67" style="--grid-item-start: 1; --grid-item-end: 12;"> <div class="_container_1ntli_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99 _container_1r2da_1 _body_13anx_63 _body_13anx_63"> <h6 size="6" class="_heading_1mjz1_1"> <div class="_frame_13anx_99">(1) Carbon saving assumptions are based on: 1) Early data points that are averaged from coordinated intersections. We expect these numbers to evolve over time and look forward to sharing continued results as we expand. 2) Modeled using an emissions model from the Department of Energy, with a single vehicle type as an approximation for all traffic (not yet adjusted for local vehicle mix)</div> </h6> <p></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="" data-glue-cookie-notification-bar-category="2B" data-glue-cookie-notification-bar-site-id=""></script> </body> </html>