IO - Adafruit
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And to make matters worse: complexity sells better\" - <a href=\"\">Edsger W. Dijkstra</a>"}; window.SITE_STATUS = {"IO - API":"up","IO - Default Queue Latency":"up","IO - MQTT":"up","IO - Primary Queue Latency":"up","IO - Web":"up"}; </script> <div id='root'> <div style='display:none' id='landing-welcome'> <img alt="Adafruit IO" id="landing-image" title="Adafruit IO Loading" src="" loading="lazy" /> </div> <script>document.getElementById('landing-welcome').style.display = 'block';</script> <div id='outer-wrapper'> <div id='inner-wrapper'> <div class="container noscript" id="content-container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12" id="content-wrapper"> <div style='display:none;' id='landing-warning'> <h1>Adafruit IO</h1> <p> Adafruit IO is the easiest way to get your projects onto the Internet of Things! </p> <p> Here at Adafruit, we sell all of these amazing components, but we couldn't find a good way to interact with them over the internet. There are certainly a lot of great services out there for datalogging, or communicating with your microcontroller over the web, but these services are either too complicated to get started, or they aren't particularly fun to use. So, we decided to experiment with our own system, and that is how Adafruit IO got started. </p> <p> It looks like you have javascript turned on, but something pretty serious has gone wrong. Please contact <a href=''>Adafruit Support</a> for help getting back up and running. If an error message appears below, it would be super helpful if you could copy and paste it into any notes you send to support. </p> <p class='links'> <ul> <li><a href="">Adafruit Store</a></li> <li><a href="">Guide and Tips</a></li> <li><a href="">Adafruit IO Forum</a></li> <li><a href="">API Documentation</a></li> <li><a href="">Blog/Changelog</a></li> </ul> </p> <div id="errordebugger"></div> </div> <noscript> <h1>Adafruit IO</h1> <p> Adafruit IO is the easiest way to get your projects onto the Internet of Things! </p> <p> Here at Adafruit, we sell all of these amazing components, but we couldn't find a good way to interact with them over the internet. There are certainly a lot of great services out there for datalogging, or communicating with your microcontroller over the web, but these services are either too complicated to get started, or they aren't particularly fun to use. So, we decided to experiment with our own system, and that is how Adafruit IO got started. </p> <p> There's not much here right now. <strong>Javascript is required</strong> for using Adafruit IO. You're seeing this empty page right now page because you have it turned off. </p> <p class='links'> <ul> <li><a href="">Adafruit Store</a></li> <li><a href="">Guide and Tips</a></li> <li><a href="">Adafruit IO Forum</a></li> <li><a href="">API Documentation</a></li> <li><a href="">Blog/Changelog</a></li> </ul> </p> </noscript> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script nomodule="nomodule" src=""></script><script nomodule="nomodule">System.import('')</script> </body> </html>