Prescriptive Authority

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class="featureRichSummary" ><p>Supporting the efforts of state, provincial, and territorial psychological associations to obtain the authority for licensed psychologists to write prescriptions.</p> </div> </div> </div> <section class="content" id="ctcol"> <div typeof="Region" resource="Main"> <div class="grid" > <div class="left-cont"> <div class="featureRichItem bg-color-light1 with-bg-color"> <h2 >Our focus</h2> <div class="wysiwyg lengthy" ><ul> <li><strong>Advocate for prescribing rights for qualified psychologists. <br /></strong> APA Services supports the efforts of our state, provincial, and territorial psychological association partners to obtain prescriptive authority for licensed psychologists with specialized training to help fill the need for access to comprehensive, quality mental health care.聽</li> <li><strong>Support prescriptive authority legislation to psychologists with additional education and training in clinical psychopharmacology. <br /></strong> Explore and embrace new approaches to ensuring that people get the healthcare they need and deserve, particularly given the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.</li> </ul> <div id="hc_extension_bkgnd" style="position: fixed; inset: 0px; z-index: -1999999999; display: block; background: none 0% 0% / auto repeat scroll padding-box border-box rgb(255, 255, 255);" ></div> <span id="hc_extension_svg_filters" /> </div> </div> <div class="featureRichItem "> <div class="wysiwyg lengthy" ><h3 class="h4-pseudo">Our efforts on this issue advance the following <a href="/advocacy/actions/advocacy-priorities">advocacy priorities</a>:</h3> <ul> <li>Health promotion and prevention throughout lifespan and settings</li> <li>Access to health services, including mental and behavioral health services</li> <li>Reimbursement and scope of practice</li> </ul> </div> </div> <section class="featureRichItem"> <section class="calloutWidget"> <div class="quoteWrap full"> <blockquote class="callout"> <span class="quote"> As psychologists there is something that all of us can do, whether it鈥檚 at the local, regional, state or federal level. </span> <div class="author"> &mdash;Manuel Paris Jr., PsyD, Associate professor, Yale University </div> </blockquote> </div> </section> </section> <div class="featureRichItem "> <h2 >What you can do</h2> </div> <section class="featureRichItem"> <section class="linkWidget icon square"> <div class="widgetWrapper iconWidget threePerRow default "> <div class="module first"> <a class="module-link" href="" target="_self" > <figure class="icon"> <img src="/images/icon-stay-informed_tcm9-295140.png" alt="stay informed on APA's advocacy efforts"> </figure> <div class="body"> <p class="title">Stay informed</p> <div class="wysiwyg lengthy"><p>Subscribe to the Washington Update newsletter to get the latest news and action alerts from APA Services and on the Hill.</p></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="module "> <a class="module-link" href="/advocacy/get-involved" target="_self" > 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Evelyn Burrell, Tamara Morris, Christopher Nguyen have been appointed to serve on the ACC.</div> </div> </a> </article> <article class="module"> <a class="module-link" href="/advocacy/news/research-innovation-education" target="_self"> <figure class="left"> <img src="/images/index-advocacy-research-innovation-education_tcm9-330506_w160_n.jpg" alt="A teacher using a microscope, surrounded by her students"> </figure> <div class="body"> <p class="title">Bipartisan boost for education research and innovation</p> <p><em>July 31, 2024</em></p> <div class="wysiwyg">APA Services joins more than 70 organizations endorsing legislation to strengthen education research and development</div> </div> </a> </article> <article class="module last"> <a class="module-link" href="/practice/news/utah-prescriptive-authority" target="_self"> <figure class="left"> <img src="/images/index-practice-utah-prescriptive-authority_tcm9-326427_w160_n.jpg" alt="Doctor writing a prescription"> </figure> <div class="body"> <p class="title">Utah鈥檚 prescriptive authority for psychologists</p> <p><em>April 12, 2024</em></p> <div class="wysiwyg">Becomes seventh state to pass prescriptive authority for specially trained psychologists</div> </div> </a> </article> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="right-cont"> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function () { if (false == true) { var loader = jQuery(this).find('#loader_304595');; 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