SPORTS ILLUSTRATED Magazine Customer Services

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vrRenewUrl = ""; // international renewal } else if(vrRenewCriteria5 == "K" || vrRenewCriteria5 == "P") { renewableFlag = false; } else if(vrRenewCriteria6 == "X" && vrRenewCriteria7 != "Y" && vrRenewCriteria7 != "1") { renewableFlag = true; vrNewWindow = true; vrRenewUrl = ""; // specific renewal } else if(vrRenewCriteria8 == "F") { renewableFlag = false; } else if(vrPayCriteria1 != "" && vrPayCriteria2 != "") { renewableFlag = false; } else if(vrRenewCriteria9 != "" && vrRenewCriteria7 != "Y" && vrRenewCriteria7 != "1") { renewableFlag = false; } else { renewableFlag = true; } if(vrPage == "renew" && renewableFlag) { vrRedirectUrl = vrRenewUrl; } // SI redirect if(vrMag == "SI" && vrSub != "" && vrRedirectUrl != "") { if(vrNewWindow) { // open in new window, 'renew', 'width=800,height=600,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,location=yes'); window.location = vrReloadUrl; } else { window.location = vrRedirectUrl; } } // end SI pay vanity URL redirect var cookiesEnabled = false; function getCookie(cookieName) { var cookieFoundAt; 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var formSubmitted = false; //complete any processing/checks before submitting the form function preSubmitProcessing(button) { var bypass = bypassAudit(); // Address login if(button=="1") { // first button clicked document.LayoutRegion1FORM.WESKEYLINE.value=''; if (document.LayoutRegion1FORM.LUCIE_LOGIN) { document.LayoutRegion1FORM.LUCIE_LOGIN.value = ''; } if (document.LayoutRegion1FORM.LUCIE_EMAIL) { document.LayoutRegion1FORM.LUCIE_EMAIL.value = ''; } if (document.LayoutRegion1FORM.LUCIE_PASSWORD) { document.LayoutRegion1FORM.LUCIE_PASSWORD.value = ''; } document.LayoutRegion1FORM.ZIPCHECK.value = ''; if (document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSREMAIL2) { document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSREMAIL2.value = ''; } // Account number login } else if (button=="2") { //second button clicked if (document.LayoutRegion1FORM.LUCIE_LOGIN) { document.LayoutRegion1FORM.LUCIE_LOGIN.value = ''; } if (document.LayoutRegion1FORM.LUCIE_EMAIL) { document.LayoutRegion1FORM.LUCIE_EMAIL.value = ''; } if (document.LayoutRegion1FORM.LUCIE_PASSWORD) { document.LayoutRegion1FORM.LUCIE_PASSWORD.value = ''; } if (document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSRSUBNM) { document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSRSUBNM.value = ''; } if (document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSRADDR1) { document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSRADDR1.value = ''; } if (document.LayoutRegion1FORM.WESCITY) { document.LayoutRegion1FORM.WESCITY.value = ''; } if (document.LayoutRegion1FORM.WESCITY) { document.LayoutRegion1FORM.WESZIP.value = ''; } if (document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSREMAIL1) { document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSREMAIL1.value = ''; } if (bypass || "FALSE" == "TRUE"){ document.LayoutRegion1FORM.WESREQUIREDFIELDS.value='WESKEYLINE'; document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSZIPCHK.value=""; document.LayoutRegion1FORM.ZIPCHECK.value=""; } else { document.LayoutRegion1FORM.WESREQUIREDFIELDS.value='WESKEYLINE ZIPCHECK'; document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSZIPCHK.value=document.LayoutRegion1FORM.ZIPCHECK.value; } } if(!bypass){ //email ID is not required for this SI_split condition. so bypass this check. // make sure the email is in the proper format // submit the form if the email is ok. checkSubmit will stop duplicate inquiries } if("SI" == "SI" && document.forms[0].SISPLIT.value=="TRUE" && !bypass){ if(button=="1" && document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSREMAIL1.value=="") { alert("Please enter your email ID for login"); return false; } else if(button=="2" && document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSREMAIL2.value=="") { alert("Please enter your email ID for login"); return false; }else{ if(button=="1"){ document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSREMAIL.value = document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSREMAIL1.value; }else if(button=="2"){ document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSREMAIL.value = document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSREMAIL2.value; } document.LayoutRegion1FORM.WESREQUIREDFIELDS.value +=" MSREMAIL"; } } //This mag code check was added for the edition check for Time For Kids checkSubmit(); } function bypassAudit() { var bypass = false; if("true" == "true" && (document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSREMAIL1.value==s || document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSREMAIL2.value==s)) { bypass = true; }else{ bypass = false; } if(document.LayoutRegion1FORM.ZIPCHECK.value==s) { bypass = true; document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSZIPCHK.value=""; document.LayoutRegion1FORM.ZIPCHECK.value=""; } return bypass; } ////////////////////////////////////// // START: Validation for LUCIE login // Author: James Ponikvar // Date: 2012-07-12 var TCS = {}; TCS.lucie = {}; TCS.lucie.util = {}; // Returns true if the value is a non-empty string. TCS.lucie.util.hasValue = function (value) { return (typeof(value) === 'string') && (value.length > 0); }; // Removes whitespace from the beginning and end of a string TCS.lucie.util.trim = function (value) { return value.replace(/^\s*(\S*(?:\s+\S+)*)\s*$/, "$1"); }; TCS.lucie.util.isValidEmail = function (email) { return (/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,6})+$/).test(email); }; TCS.lucie.util.isValidPassword = function (password) { return (password.length > 5) && (password.length < 16) && (/[0-9]+/g.test(password)) && (/[a-zA-Z]+/g.test(password)); }; TCS.lucie.util.isValidHBRPassword = function (password) { return (password.length > 4); //&& (password.length < 16) //&& (/[0-9]+/g.test(password)) //&& (/[a-zA-Z]+/g.test(password)); }; TCS.lucie.validateLogin = function (button) { var email = document.getElementById('lucie_email'), password = document.getElementById('lucie_password'), magCode = document.getElementById('msrsmag'), hasErrors = false, BAD_EMAIL = "Please enter a valid email address.\n", BAD_PASSWORD = "Please enter a valid password.", util = TCS.lucie.util, errorFocus = null, errors = []; // Check the email address. if (util.hasValue(email.value)) { email.value = util.trim(email.value); if (util.isValidEmail(email.value) == false) { hasErrors = true; errors.push(BAD_EMAIL); errorFocus = email; } } else { hasErrors = true; errors.push(BAD_EMAIL); errorFocus = email; } // Check password if (util.hasValue(password.value)) { password.value = util.trim(password.value); if (magCode.value == 'HR' || magCode.value == 'HI'){ if (util.isValidHBRPassword(password.value) == false) { hasErrors = true; errors.push(BAD_PASSWORD); errorFocus = errorFocus === null ? password : email; } }else{ if (util.isValidPassword(password.value) == false) { hasErrors = true; errors.push(BAD_PASSWORD); errorFocus = errorFocus === null ? password : email; } } } else { hasErrors = true; errors.push(BAD_PASSWORD); errorFocus = errorFocus === null ? password : email; } if (hasErrors) { alert(errors.join('')); errorFocus.focus();; document.LayoutRegion1FORM.LUCIE_LOGIN.value = ''; return false; } else { document.LayoutRegion1FORM.WESREQUIREDFIELDS.value = ''; document.LayoutRegion1FORM.LUCIE_LOGIN.value = 'Y'; var fieldsToBlank = [ "WESSTATE", "WESZIP", "WESCITY", "WESKEYLINE", "ZIPCHECK", "MSREMAIL", "MSREMAIL1", "MSREMAIL2", "MSRADDR1", "MSRSUBNM" ], n, f; for (n = 0; n < fieldsToBlank.length; n += 1) { f = document.LayoutRegion1FORM[fieldsToBlank[n]]; if (f) { f.value = ''; } } button.disabled = true; checkSubmit(); } }; // STOP: Validation for LUCIE login ////////////////////////////////////// function checkSubmit(){ if (formSubmitted) { alert('Please be patient. Your request may take 10 - 15 seconds to process. Thank you!'); } else { formSubmitted = true; document.LayoutRegion1FORM.submit(); } } function chooseEdition() { if(!document.LayoutRegion1FORM.TKMAG[0].checked && !document.LayoutRegion1FORM.TKMAG[1].checked && !document.LayoutRegion1FORM.TKMAG[2].checked && !document.LayoutRegion1FORM.TKMAG[3].checked && !document.LayoutRegion1FORM.TKMAG[4].checked && !document.LayoutRegion1FORM.TKMAG[5].checked) { alert("Please select your edition."); return false; } else { //alert("Edition checked"); return true; } } // A/B email split test function requireEmailAddress(button) { var emr= "false"; if("true" == "true") { // Set MSREMAIL if(button=="1") { document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSREMAIL.value = document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSREMAIL1.value; } else if(button=="2") { document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSREMAIL.value = document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSREMAIL2.value; } // set Email as a required field if ("SI" == "SI" && document.forms[0].SISPLIT.value!="TRUE"){ //don't set the email as reqd field for this SI condition }else{ document.LayoutRegion1FORM.WESREQUIREDFIELDS.value +=" MSREMAIL"; } } } // prompt for new credit card info function displayCCUpdate(){ var ccUr = "Show?WESSTATEPAGE=am/State/Transactions/updateCC.txt&TR=PAC&MSRSMAG=SI&WESKEYLINE="; location.replace(ccUr); } //--> // prompt for new address info function displayAddrUpdate(){ var addrUr = "Show?WESSTATEPAGE=am/State/Transactions/updateCC.txt&TR=MCA&MSRSMAG=SI&WESKEYLINE=&WESTRANSITION=TRUE&DPVERROR1=&DPVERROR2="; location.replace(addrUr); } //--> // HO ONLY - set MSRCNTRY to the value from the drop down (country2.jsp) var USCANPOSSARRAY= new Array("600UNITED STATES","450CANADA","417AMERICAN SAMOA","335APO/FPO AP","264APO AA","030APO AE","552BERMUDA","331GUAM","330MARSHALL ISLANDS","332MARIANA ISLANDS","500PUERTO RICO","510U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS"); var reDirectHO_HR="N"; function setCntry() { if(document.LayoutRegion1FORM.TEMP_CNTRY.value != null){ reDirectHO_HR="Y"; } if(reDirectHO_HR=="Y"){ var url1= '/wes/servlet/Show?WESPAGE=am/snippets/pages/redirect_HO_HR.jsp&MSRSMAG=SI'; location.replace(url1); }else{ document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSRCNTRY.value = document.LayoutRegion1FORM.TEMP_CNTRY.value; document.LayoutRegion1FORM.WESREQUIREDFIELDS.value='MSRCNTRY'; document.LayoutRegion1FORM.WESTRANSITION.value='TRUE'; document.LayoutRegion1FORM.submit(); } } //--> </script> <!-- <body vlink="#003366" alink="#003366"> --> <table width="591" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"> <form name="LayoutRegion1FORM" action="/web/20131026185145/" method="POST" autocomplete="OFF"> <input type="hidden" name="LUCIE_LOGIN"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="WESERRORPAGE" value="am/Services/error.jsp"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="MSRSMAG" id="msrsmag" value="SI"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="MSRCNTRY" value=""/> <input type="HIDDEN" name="WESTRANSITION"/> <input type="HIDDEN" name="MAILSORT" value="Locate Account:"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="WESJSP" value="T"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="WESTCCJSP" value="T"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="MSZIPCHK" value=""> <!--input type=HIDDEN name="CHKDIGITFLAG" value="T"//--> <input type="HIDDEN" name="SUBLOGGEDIN" value="TRUE"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="CODEMAG"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="MSCEKX" value=""> <input type="HIDDEN" name="MSDAMSUB"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="MSDAM" value="EC"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="FINDGIFT" value=""> <!--<input type=HIDDEN name="MSDAM" value="">--> <input type="HIDDEN" name="EDITIONNAME"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="TKACCOUNTNUMBER"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="PUBLISHER" value="TI"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="WESJSP" value="T"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="WESJSP" value="T"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="WESTCCJSP" value="T"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="WESRENEWIMAGEDIR" value="/tcs/wes/V7/pc2/lib/installedApps/AMWebEAR.ear/AMWeb.war//images/renew/SI"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="WESTCCIMAGEDIR" value="/tcs/wes/V7/pc2/lib/installedApps/AMWebEAR.ear/AMWeb.war//images/tcc"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="WESRENEWINCENTIVEDIR" value="/tcs/wes/V7/pc2/lib/installedApps/AMWebEAR.ear/AMWeb.war//am_ren/renewal/offers"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="WESRENEWINCENTIVEDIRTHANKS" value="/tcs/wes/V7/pc2/lib/installedApps/AMWebEAR.ear/AMWeb.war//am_ren/renewal/offers"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="RENEWALPOP" value=""> <input type="HIDDEN" name="TCCPOP" value=""> <input type="HIDDEN" name="SISPLIT"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="SPLITSUB"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="SUBMIYSISPLIT"> <!-- this snippet is required for random split of the promotions offered to the customer To add additional split logic add new fields as below. SOMESPLIT instead of the ABSPLIT. Add the SOMESPLIT as hidden field above. remember to populate the value from javascript with T or F so it will be in session during submit. you can check up on the next visit and give the same option as given for the first time create a boolean someReq. Then check for that value with T or F. Also use the someReq in page jsp tag to show either one of the options. If you want three way split then add additional field as int threeWaySplit1= 34; int threeWaySplit2=68; so you can check less than 34 case1 between 34 and 68 case 2 above 64 case 3 Thanks Vengat --> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var test122="100"; //alert("Random value is "+test122); </script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var alert2="emReq is FALSE so DONT ask for email address"; document.forms[0].SISPLIT.value = "TRUE"; //alert(alert2+" "+document.abForm.ABSPLIT.value); </script> <input type="HIDDEN" name="MSREMAIL" value=""> <input type="HIDDEN" name="WESSTATEPAGE" value="am/State/Transactions/find_account_manage_home.txt"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="WESREQUIREDFIELDS" value="MSRSUBNM MSRADDR1 WESZIP"> <input type="HIDDEN" name="EXTRAUNSUB" value="N"> <script language="JavaScript"> function userBlurb() { var newstring2 = "Please enter your name, address and zipcode or account number to locate your account"; timer=setTimeout("alert(newstring2)",1000); } </script> <input type="HIDDEN" name="WESERRORPAGE" value="am/Services/error.jsp"> <script language="JavaScript"> function checkEmail(valCE) { // Change this next var to match your form and email field names var userEmail = ''; // Change this next var to match your Alert() error message string var errorMessage = ''; // clear goodEmail flag var goodEmail = false; // test for which email is selected and pull the email from the input field, not the session if(valCE=="1"){ userEmail = document.LayoutRegion1FORM.GETEMAIL.value; document.LayoutRegion1FORM.MSREMAIL2.value=""; //alert("email check one "+userEmail); }else{ if(document.LayoutRegion1FORM.emailChoice[0].checked) { userEmail = document.LayoutRegion1FORM.oldEmail.value; } else if(document.LayoutRegion1FORM.emailChoice[1].checked) { userEmail = document.LayoutRegion1FORM.newEmail.value; } //alert("email check two "+userEmail); } if (userEmail != null && userEmail != '' && !userEmail.isBlank()) { // Run a check if field is filled in goodEmail = (^(\w|-)+(\.(\w|-)+)*@((\w|-)+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/) == -1) ? false : true; 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