@prefix cito: <> . @prefix dcterms: <> . @prefix foaf: <> . @prefix osgeo: <> . @prefix osspatial: <> . @prefix owl: <> . @prefix pleiades: <> . @prefix prov: <> . @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix skos: <> . @prefix spatial: <> . <> a <>; rdfs:label "Cilicius Aulon"; spatial:C <>; rdfs:comment "The sea passage between Anemurium and Cyprus."; foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf <> . <> dcterms:contributor <>, <>, <>; dcterms:creator <>; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14T21:33:44-05:00"; dcterms:title "Cilicium Mare"; owl:sameAs <> . <> dcterms:contributor <>, <>, <>; dcterms:creator <>; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14T21:33:44-05:00"; dcterms:title "Cilicius Aulon"; owl:sameAs <> . <> dcterms:contributor <>, <>, <>; dcterms:creator <>; dcterms:description ""; dcterms:modified "2012-02-14T21:33:44-05:00"; dcterms:title "Undetermined location"; owl:sameAs <> . <> a <>; osgeo:asGeoJSON "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[35.0, 36.0], [35.0, 36.5], [34.5, 36.5], [34.5, 36.0], [35.0, 36.0]]]}"; osgeo:asWKT "POLYGON ((35.0000000000000000 36.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 36.5000000000000000, 34.5000000000000000 36.5000000000000000, 34.5000000000000000 36.0000000000000000, 35.0000000000000000 36.0000000000000000))" . <> a <>, <>; osspatial:within <>; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "BAtlas 66 F4 Cilicius Aulon", "Burr 1932 46-47", "RE Aulon 10", "TM GEO ID 42642: Cilicius Aulon", "TP (Talbert: CUP) 9B3 (Talbert 3200)"; dcterms:contributor <>, <>, <>, <>; dcterms:coverage "sea passage between Anemurium and Cyprus"; dcterms:creator <>; dcterms:description "The sea passage between Anemurium and Cyprus."; dcterms:modified "2023-07-09T20:20:18-04:00"; dcterms:title "Cilicius Aulon"; cito:citesAsRelated <>; cito:citesForInformation <>, <>, <>, <>; rdfs:seeAlso <>; owl:sameAs <>; skos:altLabel "Cilicium Mare", "Cilicius Aulon"; skos:inScheme <>; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 66 F4 Cilicius Aulon" ]; pleiades:hasFeatureType <>; pleiades:hasLocation <>; pleiades:hasName <>, <> . <> a <>; owl:sameAs <>; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 66 F4 Cilicius Aulon" ]; pleiades:during <>, <>, <>, <>; pleiades:end_date 640; pleiades:nameRomanized "Cilicium Mare"; pleiades:start_date -550 . <> a <>; owl:sameAs <>; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 66 F4 Cilicius Aulon" ]; pleiades:during <>, <>, <>, <>; pleiades:end_date 640; pleiades:nameRomanized "Cilicius Aulon"; pleiades:start_date -550 . <> a <>; osspatial:partiallyOverlaps <>; owl:sameAs <>; prov:wasDerivedFrom [ rdfs:label "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 66 F4 Cilicius Aulon" ]; pleiades:during <>, <>, <>, <>; pleiades:end_date 640; pleiades:start_date -550 . <> a <>; owl:sameAs <>; skos:inScheme <>; skos:prefLabel "water, open"@en . <> osgeo:extent <> . <> a <>; owl:sameAs <>, <>; skos:inScheme <>; skos:prefLabel "Classical (Greco-Roman; 550 BC-330 BC)"@en; skos:scopeNote "The Classical period in Greek and Roman history. For the purposes of Pleiades, this period is said to begin in the year 550 and end in the year 330 before the birth of Christ. [[-550, -330]]"@en . <> a <>; owl:sameAs <>, <>; skos:inScheme <>; skos:prefLabel "Hellenistic Greek, Roman Republic (330 BC-30 BC)"@en; skos:scopeNote "The Hellenistic period in Greek history and the middle-to-late Republican period in Roman history. For the purposes of Pleiades, this period is said to begin in the year 330 and end in the year 30 before the birth of Christ. [[-330, -30]]"@en . <> a <>; owl:sameAs <>, <>; skos:inScheme <>; skos:prefLabel "Late Antique (AD 300-AD 640)"@en; skos:scopeNote "The Late Antique period in Greek and Roman history. For the purposes of Pleiades, this period is said to begin in the year 300 and to end in the year 640 after the birth of Christ. [[300, 640]]"@en . <> a <>; owl:sameAs <>, <>; skos:inScheme <>; skos:prefLabel "Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300)"@en; skos:scopeNote "The Roman period (i.e., the early Roman Empire) in Greek and Roman history. For the purposes of Pleiades, this period is said to begin in the year 30 before the birth of Christ and to end in the year 300 after the birth of Christ. [[-30, 300]]"@en .