FORTUNE Website and Application Terms and Conditions of Use | Fortune
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You further agree not to impersonate any other person or entity, whether actual or fictitious, including us, our advertisers or affiliates, or any of our or their personnel. You also may not offer to buy or sell any product or service on or through your comments submitted to our forums. You alone are responsible for the content and consequences of any of your activities.</p> </li> <li> <h4>Right to Monitor and Editorial Control.</h4> <p>We reserve the right, but do not have an obligation, to monitor and/or review all materials posted to the Web Site or through the Web Site Services or features by users, and we are not responsible for any such materials posted by users. However, we reserve the right at all times to disclose any information as necessary to satisfy any law, regulation or government request, or to edit, refuse to post, or to remove any information or materials, in whole or in part, that in our sole discretion are objectionable or in violation of these Terms of Use, our policies, or applicable law. We may also impose limits on certain features of the forums or restrict your access to part or all of the forums without notice or penalty if we believe you are in breach of the guidelines set forth in this paragraph, our terms and conditions or applicable law, or for any other reason without notice or liability.</p> </li> <li> <h4>Private or Sensitive Information on Public Forums.</h4> <p>Comments submitted to a forum may be recorded and stored in multiple places, both on our Web Site and elsewhere on the Internet, which are likely to be accessible for a long time and you have no control over who will read them. You must therefore be careful and selective about the personal information that you disclose about yourself and others, and in particular, you should not disclose sensitive, embarrassing, proprietary, or confidential information in your comments to our public forums.</p> </li> <li> <h4>Linking to the Web Site.</h4> <p>Unless otherwise specifically indicated in these Terms and Conditions or on the Web Site, you agree that: (i) if you include a link from any other web site to the Web Site, such link shall open in a new browser window and shall link to the full version of an HTML formatted page of this Web Site; (ii) you are not permitted to link directly to any image hosted on the Web Site or the Web Site Services, such as using an “in-line” linking method to cause the image hosted by us to be displayed on another web site; and (iii) you agree not to download or use images hosted on this Web Site on another web site for any purpose including, without limitation, posting such images on another site. 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We reserve the right, at our own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you, and in such case, you agree to cooperate with our defense of such claim.</p> </li> <li> <h4>Orders for Products and Services.</h4> <p>We may make certain products available to visitors and registrants of the Web Site. You are not required to purchase anything for certain limited use of or the Fortune app. However, if you do not purchase a subscription or product, your access to Fortune content and services will be limited. If you subscribe or order any products from us, you represent and warrant that you are 18 years old or older and reside in a jurisdiction that does not prohibit your use, access to or purchase of the applicable content or product. . You agree to pay in full the prices for any purchases you make either by credit/debit card concurrent with your online order or by other payment means acceptable to us. You also agree to the billing frequency stated at the time of your order and to pay all applicable taxes. If payment is not received by us from your credit or debit card issuer or its agents, you agree to pay all amounts due upon demand by us. Certain products that you purchase and/or download on or through the Web Site may be subject to additional terms and conditions presented to you at the time of such purchase or download. Your subscription may not include access to all areas of the digital product, and you may have to pay additional fees for full access. These additional charges will be clearly stated. </p> <p><b>Subscriber’s Automatic Renewal Program:</b> When you subscribe, you will receive or have access to your first term of issues or content for the rate shown at time of order (which may be a free trial). After such period, we will automatically renew your subscription for a new term as described at the time you accepted the offer, charged to the payment mechanism you authorized at the time of your offer acceptance (which may be a credit or debit card, or third party payment device such as Paypal) until you tell us to stop. If your credit card expires or your payment method is otherwise invalid, your subscription or product will not automatically be terminated. You will remain responsible for all charges. For annual renewal periods: each year we will send you a reminder notice with the rate for the next term and instructions on how to cancel which you may do at any time by contacting customer service or logging into your account. If you cancel annual digital subscription mid-term, there will be no refund; however, you will maintain access through your current subscription period. If you cancel annual print subscriptions mid-term, you will receive a refund on all undelivered issues. For monthly renewal periods, if you cancel, you may continue to receive access to your subscription until the end of that paid period and you will not be charged for future terms. No refunds are issued for monthly subscription plans. We reserve the right to change prices and fees at any time. We will notify you in advance if the regular rate of a product changes from what was stated at the time of your order. You will have the opportunity to accept the new price or cancel your subscription or purchase from that point forward. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your subscription or product for any reason, with or without notice and without further obligation. </p><p>For all subscriptions, if we are not able to charge your authorized payment mechanism for your renewal, we may attempt to charge you again before the end of your current billing term, update your account information using information obtained from third parties, such as your credit card company, or if such efforts are not successful, we may bill you directly using your contact and account information. You agree to keep all of your contact and account information current and accurate and notify us immediately if such information changes at any time. You authorize us to maintain your billing account information to charge your account as described above until you cancel.</p><p>The print version of Fortune magazine is only available to subscribers with a U.S. or Canadian postal address. Subscriptions may be available in other jurisdictions but either may not be auto-renewed or have access to digital editions. The magazine currently publishes bi-monthly, delivered in issues in February, April, June, August, October and December. Your first issue mails in 6-8 weeks. We reserve the right to modify the content, type and availability of the Web Site or any product or Web Site Services at any time. Applicable sales tax will be added. Subscribers have access to the digital content on associated with the subscription tier purchased for the duration of the billing period.</p></li> <li> <h4>Registered User Account, Password and Security.</h4><p> As part of the registration or account creation process, you will create login credentials by providing an email address and selecting a password. You also have to give us certain registration information, all of which must be accurate and updated. You agree to provide true, accurate and complete information during the registration process and promptly update your information with any changes as they occur. Only one person may use the user name and password associated with an account. You agree not to impersonate any person or company or use a name that you are not authorized to use. You must keep your login credentials strictly confidential, you may not allow anyone to use your registration, and you may not access the Web Site using any other person’s login credentials. We reserve the right to suspend and/or terminate your access at any time in our sole discretion. We shall not be responsible for losses incurred as the result of a user’s misuse of email addresses, passwords or their registration.</p> </li> <li> <h4>Third Party Web Sites.</h4> <p>You may be able to link from the Web Site to third party web sites, and third party web sites may link to the Web Site (collectively “Linked Sites”). You acknowledge and agree that we have no responsibility for the information, content, products, services, advertising, code, or other materials which may or may not be provided by or through Linked Sites, even if they are owned or run by our affiliates. Links to Linked Sites do not constitute our endorsement or sponsorship of such web sites or the information, content, products, services, advertising, code, or other materials presented on or through such web sites. The inclusion of any link to such sites on our Site does not imply our endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation of that site. Fortune Media (USA) Corporation and our affiliates disclaim any liability for links (1) from another web site to this Web Site, and (2) to another web site from this Web Site. Fortune Media (USA) Corporation and our affiliates cannot guarantee the standards of any web site to which links are provided on this Web Site, nor shall we be held responsible for the contents of such sites, or any subsequent links. We do not represent or warrant that the contents of any third party web site are accurate, compliant with state or federal law, or compliant with copyright or other intellectual property laws. We are not responsible for or any form of transmission received from any linked web site. Any reliance on the contents of a third party web site is done at your own risk and you assume all responsibilities and consequences resulting from such reliance.</p> </li> <li> <h4>Embedded Video Links.</h4> <p>Certain pages of the Web Site may provide the functionality for you to “embed” videos appearing on the page on other web sites or blog pages (together with the Player, as defined herein, the “Embedded Video”). The functionality is provided by giving you the necessary HTML code to include on such page to make that Embedded Video appear. If you include the HTML on a web or blog page, the actual video stream for the Embedded Video will be served from our servers but the Embedded Video may be rendered to the visitor of that page as part of that page. 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You may not block, inhibit, build upon or disable any portion of the Player, including without limitation links back to our site. You understand and agree that all measured metrics related to the access and viewing of the Embedded Video shall be credited to the Web Site. Without limitation of any provision of these Terms of Use, we shall have no liability to you for any reason with respect to your use of Embedded Video, and you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless us and our affiliates, and our directors, officers, employees and agents and those of our affiliates, from any and all claims, liabilities, costs, and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising in any way from your use of the Embedded Video.</p> </li> <li> <h4>Copyright Agent.</h4> <p>We respect the intellectual property rights of others and require that the people who use the Web Site or the Web Site Services, do the same. 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WE DO NOT WARRANT THAT THE WEB SITE SERVICES, CONTENT, FUNCTIONS OR MATERIALS PROVIDED THROUGH THE WEB SITE WILL BE TIMELY, SECURE, UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE, OR THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED. WE MAKE NO WARRANTY THAT THE WEB SITE OR THE PROVIDED SERVICES WILL MEET USERS’ REQUIREMENTS. NO ADVICE, RESULTS OR INFORMATION, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, OBTAINED BY YOU FROM US OR THROUGH THE WEB SITE SHALL CREATE ANY WARRANTY NOT EXPRESSLY MADE HEREIN. WE AND OUR AFFILIATES ALSO ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY, AND SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR, ANY DAMAGES TO, OR VIRUSES THAT MAY INFECT, YOUR EQUIPMENT ON ACCOUNT OF YOUR ACCESS TO, USE OF, OR BROWSING IN THE WEB SITE OR YOUR DOWNLOADING OF ANY MATERIALS, DATA, TEXT, IMAGES, VIDEO CONTENT, OR AUDIO CONTENT FROM THE WEB SITE. IF YOU ARE DISSATISFIED WITH THE WEB SITE, YOUR SOLE REMEDY IS TO DISCONTINUE USING THE WEB SITE.</p> <p>WE TRY TO ENSURE THAT THE INFORMATION POSTED ON THE WEB SITE IS CORRECT AND UP-TO-DATE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CHANGE OR MAKE CORRECTIONS TO ANY OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THE WEB SITE AT ANY TIME AND WITHOUT ANY PRIOR WARNING. WE NEITHER ENDORSE NOR ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACCURACY OR RELIABILITY OF ANY OPINION, ADVICE OR STATEMENT ON THE WEB SITE, NOR FOR ANY OFFENSIVE, DEFAMATORY, OBSCENE, INDECENT, UNLAWFUL OR INFRINGING POSTING MADE THEREON BY ANYONE OTHER THAN OUR AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEE SPOKESPERSONS WHILE ACTING IN THEIR OFFICIAL CAPACITIES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, OTHER USERS OF THE WEB SITE). IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO EVALUATE THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS OR USEFULNESS OF ANY INFORMATION, OPINION, ADVICE OR OTHER CONTENT AVAILABLE THROUGH THE WEB SITE. 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WE ARE NOT A REGISTERED BROKER-DEALER OR INVESTMENT ADVISOR AND DO NOT GIVE INVESTMENT ADVICE OR RECOMMEND ONE PRODUCT OVER ANOTHER.</p> <p>WITHOUT LIMITATION OF THE ABOVE IN THIS SECTION, WE AND OUR AFFILIATES, SUPPLIERS AND LICENSORS MAKE NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING ANY PRODUCTS OR SERVICES ORDERED OR PROVIDED VIA THE WEB SITE, AND HEREBY DISCLAIM, AND YOU HEREBY WAIVE, ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS MADE IN PRODUCT OR SERVICES LITERATURE, FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS DOCUMENTS AND OTHERWISE ON THE WEB SITE OR IN CORRESPONDENCE WITH US OR OUR AGENTS. 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SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES SO SOME OF THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO CERTAIN USERS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE PROTECTED ENTITIES BE LIABLE FOR OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY CONTENT POSTED, TRANSMITTED, EXCHANGED OR RECEIVED BY OR ON BEHALF OF ANY USER OR OTHER PERSON ON OR THROUGH THE WEB SITE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE TOTAL AGGREGATE LIABILITY OF THE PROTECTED ENTITIES TO YOU FOR ALL DAMAGES, LOSSES, AND CAUSES OF ACTION (WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR TORT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING FROM THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OR YOUR USE OF THE WEB SITE EXCEED, IN THE AGGREGATE, THE AMOUNT, IF ANY, PAID BY YOU TO US FOR YOUR USE OF THE WEB SITE OR PURCHASE OF PRODUCTS VIA THE WEB SITE.</p> </li> <li> <h4>Photosensitive Seizures.</h4> <p>A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, such as flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games or other electronic or online content. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” while watching video games or other electronic content. These seizures have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, disorientation, confusion, momentary loss of awareness, eye or face twitching, altered vision or jerking or shaking of arms or legs. If you experience any of the foregoing symptoms, or if you or your family has a history of seizures or epilepsy, you should immediately stop using the Web Site and consult a doctor.</p> </li> <li> <h4>Applicable Laws.</h4> <p>We control and operate the Web Site from our offices in the United States of America. We do not represent that materials on the Web Site are appropriate or available for use in other locations. Persons who choose to access the Web Site from other locations do so on their own initiative, and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable. All parties to these terms and conditions waive their respective rights to a trial by jury.</p> </li> <li> <h4>Termination.</h4> <p>We may terminate, change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Web Site or the Web Site Services at any time. We may restrict, suspend or terminate your access to the Web Site and/or the Web Site Services if we believe you are in breach of our terms and conditions or applicable law, or for any other reason without notice or liability. We maintain a policy that provides for the termination in appropriate circumstances of the Web Site use privileges of users who are repeat infringers of intellectual property rights.</p> </li> <li> <h4>Changes to Terms of Use.</h4> <p>We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove any portion of the Terms and Conditions, in whole or in part, at any time. Changes in the Terms and Conditions will be effective when posted. Your continued use of the Web Site and/or the Web Site Services made available on or through the Web Site after any changes to the Terms and Conditions are posted will be considered acceptance of those changes.</p> </li> <li> <h4>Dispute Resolution: Agreement to Arbitrate Disputes, Waiver of Class Arbitration. </h4><p> <b>Agreement to Arbitrate Disputes</b>: Except as noted below, any and all disputes, controversies, demands, counts, claims, or causes of action between you and us (including, but not limited to, disputes related in any way to the interpretation and scope of this Section 24, these Terms and Conditions generally, our Privacy Policy, and your use of the Web Site and Web Site Services) shall be settled exclusively through binding and confidential arbitration (“Arbitration”). THERE IS NO JUDGE OR JURY IN ARBITRATION, PROCEDURES FOR ARBITRATION ARE SIMPLER AND MORE LIMITED THAN LITIGATION RULES IN COURT, AND REVIEW BY A COURT IS LIMITED.<br/><br/> <b>AAA Rules and Procedures.</b> Arbitration shall be subject to the Federal Arbitration Act and shall be conducted by the American Arbitration Association (AAA) before one commercial arbitrator. The conduct of the Arbitration shall be subject to AAA’s then-current rules and procedures for commercial arbitration and, if the arbitrator deems it appropriate, the then-current supplementary rules and procedures for consumer-related disputes (collectively, “Arbitration Rules and Procedures”). YOU SPECIFICALLY AGREE THAT YOU ARE BOUND TO RESOLVE ALL DISPUTES IN ARBITRATION, AND YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU ARE VOLUNTARILY AND KNOWINGLY FORFEITING YOUR RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY AND TO OTHERWISE PROCEED IN A LAWSUIT IN STATE OR FEDERAL COURT. Payment of Arbitration costs will be governed by the AAA’s fee schedule, unless you are able to show that your portion will be prohibitive as compared to litigation costs, in which case we will pay as much of your Arbitration costs as the arbitrator deems necessary to prevent the arbitration from being cost-prohibitive as compared to litigation costs. We also reserve the right, in our sole and exclusive discretion, to assume responsibility for all Arbitration costs imposed by the AAA. Each party agrees to pay its own attorneys’ fees and expenses unless there is a governing statutory provision or remedy under the governing law that requires the prevailing party to be paid attorneys’ fees and expenses.<br/><br/> <b>Information on AAA </b>, its Rules and Procedures, and how to start arbitration can be found at or by calling 800-778-7879.<br/><br/> <b>Exception.</b> Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent the dispute arises from a violation of your or our intellectual property rights in any manner, both parties agree that the non-infringing party may seek injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in a state or federal court consistent with the Governing Law and Jurisdiction subsections below, and both parties consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in such courts. Additionally, you or we may take the dispute to small claims court if the dispute qualifies for small claims court.<br/><br/> <b>Waiver of Class Arbitration:</b> To the fullest extent permissible under applicable law, all disputes shall be resolved by binding confidential arbitration on an individual basis. You expressly agree that no other disputes shall be consolidated or joined with your dispute, whether through class arbitration proceedings or otherwise. You further acknowledge and agree that any arbitrator assigned to a dispute shall not, and lacks the authority to, conduct class arbitration or award class-wide relief and that such arbitrator shall only hear your individual dispute. You acknowledge that you are voluntarily and knowingly waiving any right to participate as a representative of any class of claimants pertaining to any dispute subject to Arbitration, such that you shall not be entitled to arbitrate any dispute as a representative plaintiff or claimant, class representative, class member, or private attorney general.<br/><br/> <b>Governing Law:</b> These Terms and Conditions and all disputes between the parties shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of New York, consistent with the Federal Arbitration Act, as they apply to agreements entered into and to be performed entirely within New York between New York residents, without regard to any conflict-of-law provisions which result in the application of the law of any other jurisdiction. Further, in any Arbitration, both parties agree the arbitrator shall honor claims of privilege and privacy recognized under New York law.<br/><br/> <b>Enforcement of Arbitration Award:</b> The arbitrator’s award shall be final and binding on all parties and may be entered as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction.<br/><br/> <b>Severability:</b> If any portion of this Dispute Resolution section (with the exception of the Waiver of Class Arbitration subsection) is deemed invalid or unenforceable by any arbitrator or court of competent jurisdiction, the invalid or unenforceable portion shall be severed and removed from these Terms and Conditions, and the remaining portions (including the Agreement to Arbitrate Disputes subsection) shall remain binding on you and us. If any arbitrator deems the Waiver of Class Arbitration subsection to be invalid or unenforceable, then the entire Agreement to Arbitrate Disputes subsection shall be null and void. Under such circumstances, you expressly acknowledge and agree that the Governing Law and Jurisdiction subsections apply to any disputes between you and us, and both parties consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in such courts.<br/><br/> <b>Jurisdiction:</b> If, in any dispute, this Agreement to Arbitrate Disputes subsection is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, notwithstanding the Severability subsection above, or null and void by any arbitrator or court of competent jurisdiction, or if the dispute seeks injunctive remedies arising from a violation of your or our intellectual property rights, the dispute shall be resolved by a state or federal court located in New York County, New York, USA. The parties agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such New York state or federal courts for the purposes of litigating any such dispute. This subsection does not apply disputes made in small claims court. </p> </li> <li> <h4>Supplemental Terms.</h4> <p>Getty Images Notice:</p> <p>Getty Images still images and visual representations (including, without limitation, from Getty Images wholly-owned Sport, MLB, NHLI, AFP Sport, and Bongarts Sports) may not be republished, retransmitted, reproduced, downloaded or otherwise used, except for downloading for personal, non-commercial use. </p> <p>S&P <a href="" target="_blank" aria-label="Go to" class="sc-93594058-0 ctOlNq">Dow</a> Jones Notice:</p> <p>The Dow Jones Industrial Average is proprietary to and is calculated, distributed and marketed by DJI Opco, a subsidiary of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and have been licensed for use to S&P Opco, LLC . Standard & Poor’s and S&P are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC and Dow Jones is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC. All content of the Dow Jones Industrial Average © S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC 2014 and/or its affiliates.</p> <p>Certain icons are used with permission from Adrian, available at <a href="" target="_blank" aria-label="Go to" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="sc-93594058-0 ctOlNq"></a>. Entypo pictograms are by Daniel Bruce, available at <a href="" target="_blank" aria-label="Go to" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="sc-93594058-0 ctOlNq"></a>. Both are<br/>governed by the Creative Commons license available at <a href="" target="_blank" aria-label="Go to" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="sc-93594058-0 ctOlNq"></a>.</p><p>Some data available on Furtune’s website or application is provided by Binance. THE DATA PROVIDED BY BINANCE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”. NEITHER BINANCE, ITS AFFILIATES NOR ANY OF THEIR PROVIDERS MAKES ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND TO ANY PERSON OR PARTY, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE DATA, THE TIMELINESS, RELIABILITY, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS THEREOF, THE RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED BY THE USE THEREOF OR ANY OTHER MATTER. BINANCE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE DATA DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A RECOMMENDATION TO BUY OR SELL SECURITIES OF ANY KIND. BY VIEWING THIS DATA, YOU AGREE THAT BINANCE HAS NOT UNDERTAKEN ANY LIABILITY OR OBLIGATION RELATING TO THE PURCHASE OR SALE OF ANY SECURITIES, AND YOU ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU AND THE ENTITY ON WHOSE BEHALF YOU ARE VIEWING THE DATA EXERCISES ITS OWN INDEPENDENT JUDGMENT IN, ITS SELECTION AND USE OR INTENDED USE OF ANY DATA, AND ANY RESULTS OBTAINED. ANY RELIANCE ON THE DATA IS AT THE USER’S SOLE RISK, AND NEITHER THE USER NOR THE ENTITY ON WHOSE BEHALF THE DATA IS USED SHALL HAVE ANY RECOURSE OR CLAIM AGAINST BINANCE, ITS AFFILIATES OR ITS PROVIDERS ARISING FROM SUCH RELIANCE. IN NO EVENT SHALL BINANCE OR ANY OF ITS PROVIDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RELATING TO THE USE OF THE DATA, WHETHER IN TORT, CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE, AND WHETHER OR NOT BINANCE (OR ITS PROVIDERS) HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. </p> </li> </ol> <p>These Terms and Conditions were last updated on October 18, 2024</p> <p></p></div><div class="sc-c2f4cd6e-11 ddsPZo"><div class="sc-c2f4cd6e-10 fNjlOo simple"></div></div></div></main><footer class="sc-f19f6d8d-0 dlCxCg"><nav data-cy="footer-navigation" class="sc-f19f6d8d-1 kTzMFu"><div class="sc-f19f6d8d-3 hZGFNn rankings" data-cy="footer-navigation-link-wrapper"><div data-cy="footer-navigation-section-title" class="sc-f19f6d8d-4 ghsfCY">Rankings</div><div class="sc-f19f6d8d-2 kkaocG"><ul class="sc-4ebe8201-0 HZany"><li class="sc-4ebe8201-1 bQxUqh"><a href="" target="_self" data-cy="footer-navigation-link" aria-label="footer link to 100 Best Companies" 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These additional charges will be clearly stated. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cb\u003eSubscriber\u0026#8217;s Automatic Renewal Program:\u003c/b\u003e When you subscribe, you will receive or have access to your first term of issues or content for the rate shown at time of order (which may be a free trial). After such period, we will automatically renew your subscription for a new term as described at the time you accepted the offer, charged to the payment mechanism you authorized at the time of your offer acceptance (which may be a credit or debit card, or third party payment device such as Paypal) until you tell us to stop. If your credit card expires or your payment method is otherwise invalid, your subscription or product will not automatically be terminated. You will remain responsible for all charges. 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You will have the opportunity to accept the new price or cancel your subscription or purchase from that point forward. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your subscription or product for any reason, with or without notice and without further obligation. \u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eFor all subscriptions, if we are not able to charge your authorized payment mechanism for your renewal, we may attempt to charge you again before the end of your current billing term, update your account information using information obtained from third parties, such as your credit card company, or if such efforts are not successful, we may bill you directly using your contact and account information. You agree to keep all of your contact and account information current and accurate and notify us immediately if such information changes at any time. You authorize us to maintain your billing account information to charge your account as described above until you cancel.\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe print version of Fortune magazine is only available to subscribers with a U.S. or Canadian postal address. Subscriptions may be available in other jurisdictions but either may not be auto-renewed or have access to digital editions. The magazine currently publishes bi-monthly, delivered in issues in February, April, June, August, October and December. Your first issue mails in 6-8 weeks. We reserve the right to modify the content, type and availability of the Web Site or any product or Web Site Services at any time. Applicable sales tax will be added. Subscribers have access to the digital content on associated with the subscription tier purchased for the duration of the billing period.\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003c/li\u003e\n \u003cli\u003e\n \u003ch4\u003eRegistered User Account, Password and Security.\u003c/h4\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e As part of the registration or account creation process, you will create login credentials by providing an email address and selecting a password. You also have to give us certain registration information, all of which must be accurate and updated. You agree to provide true, accurate and complete information during the registration process and promptly update your information with any changes as they occur. Only one person may use the user name and password associated with an account. You agree not to impersonate any person or company or use a name that you are not authorized to use. You must keep your login credentials strictly confidential, you may not allow anyone to use your registration, and you may not access the Web Site using any other person’s login credentials. We reserve the right to suspend and/or terminate your access at any time in our sole discretion. We shall not be responsible for losses incurred as the result of a user’s misuse of email addresses, passwords or their registration.\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003c/li\u003e\n \u003cli\u003e\n \u003ch4\u003eThird Party Web Sites.\u003c/h4\u003e\n \u003cp\u003eYou may be able to link from the Web Site to third party web sites, and third party web sites may link to the Web Site (collectively \u0026#8220;Linked Sites\u0026#8221;). You acknowledge and agree that we have no responsibility for the information, content,\n products, services, advertising, code, or other materials which may or may not be provided by or through Linked Sites, even if they are owned or run by our affiliates. Links to Linked Sites do not constitute our endorsement or sponsorship of\n such web sites or the information, content, products, services, advertising, code, or other materials presented on or through such web sites. The inclusion of any link to such sites on our Site does not imply our endorsement, sponsorship, or\n recommendation of that site. Fortune Media (USA) Corporation and our affiliates disclaim any liability for links (1) from another web site to this Web Site, and (2) to another web site from this Web Site. Fortune Media (USA) Corporation and\n our affiliates cannot guarantee the standards of any web site to which links are provided on this Web Site, nor shall we be held responsible for the contents of such sites, or any subsequent links. We do not represent or warrant that the\n contents of any third party web site are accurate, compliant with state or federal law, or compliant with copyright or other intellectual property laws. We are not responsible for or any form of transmission received from any linked web site.\n Any reliance on the contents of a third party web site is done at your own risk and you assume all responsibilities and consequences resulting from such reliance.\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003c/li\u003e\n \u003cli\u003e\n \u003ch4\u003eEmbedded Video Links.\u003c/h4\u003e\n \u003cp\u003eCertain pages of the Web Site may provide the functionality for you to \u0026#8220;embed\u0026#8221; videos appearing on the page on other web sites or blog pages (together with the Player, as defined herein, the \u0026#8220;Embedded Video\u0026#8221;). The functionality is provided\n by giving you the necessary HTML code to include on such page to make that Embedded Video appear. If you include the HTML on a web or blog page, the actual video stream for the Embedded Video will be served from our servers but the Embedded\n Video may be rendered to the visitor of that page as part of that page. If you elect to embed video on a page, you agree as follows: (i) you will not alter, in any respect, the Embedded Video (including without limitation the content, format,\n and length, and the advertising associated therewith) from how it is served from our servers; (ii) you will not facilitate access to the Embedded Video through any video player or other tool other than the video player that is provided by us\n when the Embedded Video appears (the \u0026#8220;Player\u0026#8221;); (iii) you may use the Embedded Video on an advertising-supported page provided that: (a) the Embedded Video shall not be included in, or used as part of, a service that sells access to video\n content; (b) you shall not insert advertising, sponsorship, or promotional messages in, or immediately adjacent to, the Embedded Video or Player; and (c) to the extent you sell any advertising, sponsorship, or promotional material to appear\n on the same page that includes the Embedded Video, the page must include other content not provided by us which is a sufficient basis for such sales. You may not block, inhibit, build upon or disable any portion of the Player, including\n without limitation links back to our site. You understand and agree that all measured metrics related to the access and viewing of the Embedded Video shall be credited to the Web Site. Without limitation of any provision of these Terms of\n Use, we shall have no liability to you for any reason with respect to your use of Embedded Video, and you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless us and our affiliates, and our directors, officers, employees and agents and those of our affiliates, from any and all claims, liabilities, costs, and expenses, including attorneys\u0026#8217; fees, arising in any way from your use of the Embedded Video.\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003c/li\u003e\n \u003cli\u003e\n \u003ch4\u003eCopyright Agent.\u003c/h4\u003e\n \u003cp\u003eWe respect the intellectual property rights of others and require that the people who use the Web Site or the Web Site Services, do the same. If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement,\n please forward the following information to our Copyright Agent, designated as such pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(2), named below:\u0026nbsp;\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003cul type=\"disc\"\u003e\n \u003cli\u003eYour address, telephone number, and email address;\u003c/li\u003e\n \u003cli\u003eA description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed;\u003c/li\u003e\n \u003cli\u003eA description of where the alleged infringing material is located;\u003c/li\u003e\n \u003cli\u003eA statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;\u003c/li\u003e\n \u003cli\u003eAn electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest; and\u003c/li\u003e\n \u003cli\u003eA statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on the copyright owner\u0026#8217;s behalf.\u003c/li\u003e\n \u003c/ul\u003e\n \u003cp\u003eCopyright Agent:\u003cbr\u003eFortune Media (USA) Corporation\u003cbr\u003e40 Fulton Street\u003cbr\u003eNew York, NY 10038\u003cbr\u003eE-mail: \u003ca href=\"\"\\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003ePhone: (646) 437-6828\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003ePlease Note\u003c/strong\u003e: The Copyright Agent has no responsibility for and will not respond to Usage/Reprint permission requests or Subscriber/Customer Service inquiries.\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003c/li\u003e\n \u003cli\u003e\n \u003ch4\u003eDISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.\u003c/h4\u003e\n \u003cp\u003eTHE WEB SITE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ALL SERVICES, FEATURES, CONTENT, FUNCTIONS AND MATERIALS PROVIDED THROUGH THE WEB SITE, ARE PROVIDED \u0026#8220;AS IS,\u0026#8221; \u0026#8220;AS AVAILABLE,\u0026#8221; WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING,\n WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY FOR INFORMATION, DATA, DATA PROCESSING SERVICES, UPTIME OR UNINTERRUPTED ACCESS, ANY WARRANTIES CONCERNING THE AVAILABILITY, PLAYABILITY, DISPLAYABILITY, ACCURACY, PRECISION, CORRECTNESS, THOROUGHNESS,\n COMPLETENESS, USEFULNESS, OR CONTENT OF INFORMATION, AND ANY WARRANTIES OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND WE HEREBY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, EXPRESS AND IMPLIED. WE DO NOT\n WARRANT THAT THE WEB SITE SERVICES, CONTENT, FUNCTIONS OR MATERIALS PROVIDED THROUGH THE WEB SITE WILL BE TIMELY, SECURE, UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE, OR THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED. WE MAKE NO WARRANTY THAT THE WEB SITE OR THE PROVIDED\n SERVICES WILL MEET USERS\u0026#8217; REQUIREMENTS. NO ADVICE, RESULTS OR INFORMATION, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, OBTAINED BY YOU FROM US OR THROUGH THE WEB SITE SHALL CREATE ANY WARRANTY NOT EXPRESSLY MADE HEREIN. WE AND OUR AFFILIATES ALSO ASSUME NO\n RESPONSIBILITY, AND SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR, ANY DAMAGES TO, OR VIRUSES THAT MAY INFECT, YOUR EQUIPMENT ON ACCOUNT OF YOUR ACCESS TO, USE OF, OR BROWSING IN THE WEB SITE OR YOUR DOWNLOADING OF ANY MATERIALS, DATA, TEXT, IMAGES, VIDEO CONTENT,\n OR AUDIO CONTENT FROM THE WEB SITE. IF YOU ARE DISSATISFIED WITH THE WEB SITE, YOUR SOLE REMEDY IS TO DISCONTINUE USING THE WEB SITE.\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003cp\u003eWE TRY TO ENSURE THAT THE INFORMATION POSTED ON THE WEB SITE IS CORRECT AND UP-TO-DATE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CHANGE OR MAKE CORRECTIONS TO ANY OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THE WEB SITE AT ANY TIME AND WITHOUT ANY PRIOR WARNING. WE\n NEITHER ENDORSE NOR ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACCURACY OR RELIABILITY OF ANY OPINION, ADVICE OR STATEMENT ON THE WEB SITE, NOR FOR ANY OFFENSIVE, DEFAMATORY, OBSCENE, INDECENT, UNLAWFUL OR INFRINGING POSTING MADE THEREON BY ANYONE OTHER THAN\n OUR AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEE SPOKESPERSONS WHILE ACTING IN THEIR OFFICIAL CAPACITIES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, OTHER USERS OF THE WEB SITE). IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO EVALUATE THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS OR USEFULNESS OF ANY INFORMATION,\n OPINION, ADVICE OR OTHER CONTENT AVAILABLE THROUGH THE WEB SITE. PLEASE SEEK THE ADVICE OF PROFESSIONALS, AS APPROPRIATE, REGARDING THE EVALUATION OF ANY SPECIFIC INFORMATION, OPINION, ADVICE OR OTHER CONTENT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO\n FINANCIAL, HEALTH, OR LIFESTYLE INFORMATION, OPINION, ADVICE OR OTHER CONTENT.\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003cp\u003ePRIOR TO THE EXECUTION OF A PURCHASE OR SALE OF ANY SECURITY OR INVESTMENT, YOU ARE ADVISED TO CONSULT WITH YOUR BROKER OR OTHER FINANCIAL ADVISOR TO VERIFY PRICING AND OTHER INFORMATION. WE SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR INVESTMENT DECISIONS\n BASED UPON, OR THE RESULTS OBTAINED FROM, THE CONTENT PROVIDED HEREIN. NOTHING CONTAINED IN THE WEB SITE SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS INVESTMENT ADVICE. WE ARE NOT A REGISTERED BROKER-DEALER OR INVESTMENT ADVISOR AND DO NOT GIVE INVESTMENT ADVICE OR\n RECOMMEND ONE PRODUCT OVER ANOTHER.\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003cp\u003eWITHOUT LIMITATION OF THE ABOVE IN THIS SECTION, WE AND OUR AFFILIATES, SUPPLIERS AND LICENSORS MAKE NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING ANY PRODUCTS OR SERVICES ORDERED OR PROVIDED VIA THE WEB SITE, AND HEREBY DISCLAIM, AND YOU\n HEREBY WAIVE, ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS MADE IN PRODUCT OR SERVICES LITERATURE, FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS DOCUMENTS AND OTHERWISE ON THE WEB SITE OR IN CORRESPONDENCE WITH US OR OUR AGENTS. ANY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ORDERED\n OR PROVIDED VIA THE WEB SITE ARE PROVIDED BY US \u0026#8220;AS IS,\u0026#8221; EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT, IF AT ALL, OTHERWISE SET FORTH IN A LICENSE OR SALE AGREEMENT SEPARATELY ENTERED INTO IN WRITING BETWEEN YOU AND US OR OUR LICENSOR OR SUPPLIER.\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003c/li\u003e\n \u003cli\u003e\n \u003ch4\u003eLIMITATION OF LIABILITY.\u003c/h4\u003e\n \u003cp\u003eIN NO EVENT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NEGLIGENCE, SHALL WE, OUR AFFILIATES, OR ANY OF OUR DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS OR CONTENT OR SERVICE PROVIDERS (COLLECTIVELY, THE \u0026#8220;PROTECTED ENTITIES\u0026#8221;) BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT,\n SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES ARISING FROM, OR DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY RELATED TO, THE USE OF, OR THE INABILITY TO USE, THE WEB SITE OR THE CONTENT, FEATURES, MATERIALS AND FUNCTIONS RELATED THERETO, YOUR\n PROVISION OF INFORMATION VIA THE WEB SITE, LOST BUSINESS OR LOST SALES, EVEN IF SUCH PROTECTED ENTITY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL\n OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES SO SOME OF THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO CERTAIN USERS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE PROTECTED ENTITIES BE LIABLE FOR OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY CONTENT POSTED, TRANSMITTED, EXCHANGED OR RECEIVED BY OR ON BEHALF OF\n ANY USER OR OTHER PERSON ON OR THROUGH THE WEB SITE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE TOTAL AGGREGATE LIABILITY OF THE PROTECTED ENTITIES TO YOU FOR ALL DAMAGES, LOSSES, AND CAUSES OF ACTION (WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR TORT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,\n NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING FROM THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OR YOUR USE OF THE WEB SITE EXCEED, IN THE AGGREGATE, THE AMOUNT, IF ANY, PAID BY YOU TO US FOR YOUR USE OF THE WEB SITE OR PURCHASE OF PRODUCTS VIA THE WEB SITE.\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003c/li\u003e\n \u003cli\u003e\n \u003ch4\u003ePhotosensitive Seizures.\u003c/h4\u003e\n \u003cp\u003eA very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, such as flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games or other electronic or online content. Even people who have no history of\n seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these \u0026#8220;photosensitive epileptic seizures\u0026#8221; while watching video games or other electronic content. These seizures have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness,\n disorientation, confusion, momentary loss of awareness, eye or face twitching, altered vision or jerking or shaking of arms or legs. If you experience any of the foregoing symptoms, or if you or your family has a history of seizures or\n epilepsy, you should immediately stop using the Web Site and consult a doctor.\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003c/li\u003e\n \u003cli\u003e\n \u003ch4\u003eApplicable Laws.\u003c/h4\u003e\n \u003cp\u003eWe control and operate the Web Site from our offices in the United States of America. We do not represent that materials on the Web Site are appropriate or available for use in other locations. Persons who choose to access the Web Site from\n other locations do so on their own initiative, and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable. All parties to these terms and conditions waive their respective rights to a trial by jury.\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003c/li\u003e\n \u003cli\u003e\n \u003ch4\u003eTermination.\u003c/h4\u003e\n \u003cp\u003eWe may terminate, change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Web Site or the Web Site Services at any time. We may restrict, suspend or terminate your access to the Web Site and/or the Web Site Services if we believe you are in breach\n of our terms and conditions or applicable law, or for any other reason without notice or liability. We maintain a policy that provides for the termination in appropriate circumstances of the Web Site use privileges of users who are repeat\n infringers of intellectual property rights.\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003c/li\u003e\n \u003cli\u003e\n \u003ch4\u003eChanges to Terms of Use.\u003c/h4\u003e\n \u003cp\u003eWe reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove any portion of the Terms and Conditions, in whole or in part, at any time. Changes in the Terms and Conditions will be effective when posted. Your continued use\n of the Web Site and/or the Web Site Services made available on or through the Web Site after any changes to the Terms and Conditions are posted will be considered acceptance of those changes.\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003c/li\u003e\n \u003cli\u003e\n \u003ch4\u003eDispute Resolution: Agreement to Arbitrate Disputes, Waiver of Class Arbitration. \u003c/h4\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e \n\u003cb\u003eAgreement to Arbitrate Disputes\u003c/b\u003e: Except as noted below, any and all disputes, controversies, demands, counts, claims, or causes of action between you and us (including, but not limited to, disputes related in any way to the interpretation and scope of this Section 24, these Terms and Conditions generally, our Privacy Policy, and your use of the Web Site and Web Site Services) shall be settled exclusively through binding and confidential arbitration (“Arbitration”). THERE IS NO JUDGE OR JURY IN ARBITRATION, PROCEDURES FOR ARBITRATION ARE SIMPLER AND MORE LIMITED THAN LITIGATION RULES IN COURT, AND REVIEW BY A COURT IS LIMITED.\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\n\n\u003cb\u003eAAA Rules and Procedures.\u003c/b\u003e Arbitration shall be subject to the Federal Arbitration Act and shall be conducted by the American Arbitration Association (AAA) before one commercial arbitrator. The conduct of the Arbitration shall be subject to AAA\u0026#8217;s then-current rules and procedures for commercial arbitration and, if the arbitrator deems it appropriate, the then-current supplementary rules and procedures for consumer-related disputes (collectively, “Arbitration Rules and Procedures”). YOU SPECIFICALLY AGREE THAT YOU ARE BOUND TO RESOLVE ALL DISPUTES IN ARBITRATION, AND YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU ARE VOLUNTARILY AND KNOWINGLY FORFEITING YOUR RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY AND TO OTHERWISE PROCEED IN A LAWSUIT IN STATE OR FEDERAL COURT. Payment of Arbitration costs will be governed by the AAA\u0026#8217;s fee schedule, unless you are able to show that your portion will be prohibitive as compared to litigation costs, in which case we will pay as much of your Arbitration costs as the arbitrator deems necessary to prevent the arbitration from being cost-prohibitive as compared to litigation costs. We also reserve the right, in our sole and exclusive discretion, to assume responsibility for all Arbitration costs imposed by the AAA. Each party agrees to pay its own attorneys\u0026#8217; fees and expenses unless there is a governing statutory provision or remedy under the governing law that requires the prevailing party to be paid attorneys\u0026#8217; fees and expenses.\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\n\n\u003cb\u003eInformation on AAA \u003c/b\u003e, its Rules and Procedures, and how to start arbitration can be found at or by calling 800-778-7879.\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\n\n\u003cb\u003eException.\u003c/b\u003e Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent the dispute arises from a violation of your or our intellectual property rights in any manner, both parties agree that the non-infringing party may seek injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in a state or federal court consistent with the Governing Law and Jurisdiction subsections below, and both parties consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in such courts. Additionally, you or we may take the dispute to small claims court if the dispute qualifies for small claims court.\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\n\n\u003cb\u003eWaiver of Class Arbitration:\u003c/b\u003e To the fullest extent permissible under applicable law, all disputes shall be resolved by binding confidential arbitration on an individual basis. You expressly agree that no other disputes shall be consolidated or joined with your dispute, whether through class arbitration proceedings or otherwise. You further acknowledge and agree that any arbitrator assigned to a dispute shall not, and lacks the authority to, conduct class arbitration or award class-wide relief and that such arbitrator shall only hear your individual dispute. You acknowledge that you are voluntarily and knowingly waiving any right to participate as a representative of any class of claimants pertaining to any dispute subject to Arbitration, such that you shall not be entitled to arbitrate any dispute as a representative plaintiff or claimant, class representative, class member, or private attorney general.\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\n\n\u003cb\u003eGoverning Law:\u003c/b\u003e These Terms and Conditions and all disputes between the parties shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of New York, consistent with the Federal Arbitration Act, as they apply to agreements entered into and to be performed entirely within New York between New York residents, without regard to any conflict-of-law provisions which result in the application of the law of any other jurisdiction. Further, in any Arbitration, both parties agree the arbitrator shall honor claims of privilege and privacy recognized under New York law.\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\n\n\u003cb\u003eEnforcement of Arbitration Award:\u003c/b\u003e The arbitrator\u0026#8217;s award shall be final and binding on all parties and may be entered as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction.\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\n\n\u003cb\u003eSeverability:\u003c/b\u003e If any portion of this Dispute Resolution section (with the exception of the Waiver of Class Arbitration subsection) is deemed invalid or unenforceable by any arbitrator or court of competent jurisdiction, the invalid or unenforceable portion shall be severed and removed from these Terms and Conditions, and the remaining portions (including the Agreement to Arbitrate Disputes subsection) shall remain binding on you and us. If any arbitrator deems the Waiver of Class Arbitration subsection to be invalid or unenforceable, then the entire Agreement to Arbitrate Disputes subsection shall be null and void. Under such circumstances, you expressly acknowledge and agree that the Governing Law and Jurisdiction subsections apply to any disputes between you and us, and both parties consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in such courts.\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\n\n\u003cb\u003eJurisdiction:\u003c/b\u003e If, in any dispute, this Agreement to Arbitrate Disputes subsection is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, notwithstanding the Severability subsection above, or null and void by any arbitrator or court of competent jurisdiction, or if the dispute seeks injunctive remedies arising from a violation of your or our intellectual property rights, the dispute shall be resolved by a state or federal court located in New York County, New York, USA. The parties agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such New York state or federal courts for the purposes of litigating any such dispute. This subsection does not apply disputes made in small claims court.\n\n\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003c/li\u003e\n \u003cli\u003e\n \u003ch4\u003eSupplemental Terms.\u003c/h4\u003e\n \u003cp\u003eGetty Images Notice:\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003cp\u003eGetty Images still images and visual representations (including, without limitation, from Getty Images wholly-owned Sport, MLB, NHLI, AFP Sport, and Bongarts Sports) may not be republished, retransmitted, reproduced, downloaded or otherwise\n used, except for downloading for personal, non-commercial use.\u0026nbsp;\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003cp\u003eS\u0026amp;P \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eDow\u003c/a\u003e Jones Notice:\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003cp\u003eThe Dow Jones Industrial Average is proprietary to and is calculated, distributed and marketed by DJI Opco, a subsidiary of S\u0026amp;P Dow Jones Indices LLC and have been licensed for use to S\u0026amp;P Opco, LLC . Standard \u0026amp; Poor’s and S\u0026amp;P\n are registered trademarks of Standard \u0026amp; Poor’s Financial Services LLC and Dow Jones is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC. All content of the Dow Jones Industrial Average © S\u0026amp;P Dow Jones Indices LLC 2014 and/or\n its affiliates.\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003cp\u003eCertain icons are used with permission from Adrian, available at \u003ca rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e. Entypo pictograms are by Daniel Bruce,\n available at \u003ca rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e. Both are\u003cbr\u003egoverned by the Creative Commons license available at \u003ca rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e.\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eSome data available on Furtune’s website or application is provided by Binance. THE DATA PROVIDED BY BINANCE IS PROVIDED \u0026#8220;AS IS\u0026#8221;. NEITHER BINANCE, ITS AFFILIATES NOR ANY OF THEIR PROVIDERS MAKES ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND TO ANY PERSON OR PARTY, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE DATA, THE TIMELINESS, RELIABILITY, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS THEREOF, THE RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED BY THE USE THEREOF OR ANY OTHER MATTER. BINANCE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE DATA DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A RECOMMENDATION TO BUY OR SELL SECURITIES OF ANY KIND. BY VIEWING THIS DATA, YOU AGREE THAT BINANCE HAS NOT UNDERTAKEN ANY LIABILITY OR OBLIGATION RELATING TO THE PURCHASE OR SALE OF ANY SECURITIES, AND YOU ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU AND THE ENTITY ON WHOSE BEHALF YOU ARE VIEWING THE DATA EXERCISES ITS OWN INDEPENDENT JUDGMENT IN, ITS SELECTION AND USE OR INTENDED USE OF ANY DATA, AND ANY RESULTS OBTAINED. ANY RELIANCE ON THE DATA IS AT THE USER’S SOLE RISK, AND NEITHER THE USER NOR THE ENTITY ON WHOSE BEHALF THE DATA IS USED SHALL HAVE ANY RECOURSE OR CLAIM AGAINST BINANCE, ITS AFFILIATES OR ITS PROVIDERS ARISING FROM SUCH RELIANCE. IN NO EVENT SHALL BINANCE OR ANY OF ITS PROVIDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RELATING TO THE USE OF THE DATA, WHETHER IN TORT, CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE, AND WHETHER OR NOT BINANCE (OR ITS PROVIDERS) HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.\n\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003c/li\u003e\n \u003c/ol\u003e\n \u003cp\u003eThese Terms and Conditions were last updated on October 18, 2024\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n","contentType":"webpage","databaseId":462278,"dateGmt":"2014-05-23T19:04:24","description":"","destination":"main","faq":[],"image":"","keywords":"","link":"","metaTitle":"","modifiedGmt":"2024-10-18T13:57:28","pageId":462278,"pageType":"static-page","platformCD":"main","premiumCategory":{"name":"","premiumCategoryId":1},"primarySection":{"link":"","name":"","primarySectionId":-1,"uri":""},"sectionNames":[],"sections":[],"slug":"terms-of-use","socialDescription":"Unrivaled access, premier storytelling, and the best of business since 1930.","socialTitle":"Fortune - Fortune 500 Daily \u0026 Breaking Business News","tagNames":[],"tags":[],"thumbnailUrl":"","title":"FORTUNE Website and Application Terms and Conditions of Use","topicNames":[],"topics":[],"url":""},"permutivePageConfig":{"LoginStatus":false,"classifications_watson":{"categories":"$alchemy_taxonomy","concepts":"$alchemy_concepts","keywords":"$alchemy_keywords"},"contentAuthors":["Fortune Editors"],"contentPublishDate":"2014-05-23T19:04:24Z","contentSection":"","contentTags":[],"dayOfWeek":"Sunday","pageType":"static-page","title":"FORTUNE Website and Application Terms and Conditions of Use"},"pianoPageConfig":{"contentSection":"","franchiseWall":false,"pageType":"","publishDate":"","tags":[]}},"__N_SSG":true},"page":"/[param]","query":{"param":"terms-of-use"},"buildId":"AemenyMzdQKfa2aLmDQZi","isFallback":false,"isExperimentalCompile":false,"gsp":true,"scriptLoader":[]}</script></body></html>