NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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But scientists say the season’s quiet start does not guarantee quiet times ahead.</li> <li><a href=""></a><a href="">NOAA Selects Newport, Ore., for Marine Operations Center-Pacific</a><br/>NOAA has selected the Port of Newport, Ore., to be the new home of the agency’s Marine Operations Center-Pacific beginning in 2011 pending the signing of a 20-year lease.</li> <li id="subscribenoaaNow"></li> </ul> </div> <!-- END NOAA NOW //--> <!-- NOAA NOW //--> </div> <!-- END CENTER AREA //--> <!-- BEGIN FAR RIGHT COLUMN //--> <div id="rightArea"> <!-- BEGIN EXPLORE NOAA //--> <div id="exploreNOAA"> <img src="/web/20090813174708im_/" width="108" height="14" alt="Explore NOAA" class="sectionTitle"/> <ul id="exploreNOAAItems"> <li id="exploreWeather"><a href="wx.html"><img src="/web/20090813174708im_/" alt="Explore Weather" title="Explore Weather" width="68" height="43"/></a></li> <li id="exploreOceans"><a href="ocean.html"><img src="/web/20090813174708im_/" alt="Explore Oceans" title="Explore Oceans" width="68" height="43"/></a></li> <li id="exploreFisheries"><a href="fisheries.html"><img src="/web/20090813174708im_/" alt="Explore Fisheries" title="Explore Fisheries" width="68" height="43"/></a></li> <li id="exploreCharting"><a href="charts.html"><img src="/web/20090813174708im_/" alt="Explore Charting" title="Explore Charting" width="68" height="43"/></a></li> <li id="exploreSatellites"><a href="satellites.html"><img src="/web/20090813174708im_/" alt="Explore Satellites" title="Explore Satellites" width="68" height="42"/></a></li> <li id="exploreClimate"><a href="climate.html"><img src="/web/20090813174708im_/" alt="Explore Climate" title="Explore Climate" width="68" height="42"/></a></li> <li id="exploreResearch"><a href="research.html"><img src="/web/20090813174708im_/" alt="Explore Research" title="Explore Research" width="68" height="42"/></a></li> <li id="exploreCoasts"><a href="coasts.html"><img src="/web/20090813174708im_/" alt="Explore Coasts" title="Explore Coasts" width="68" height="42"/></a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- END EXPLORE NOAA //--> <!-- EXPLORE NOAA //--> <!-- BEGIN NEWS RELEASES //--> <div id="newsReleases"> <a id="newsReleaseArchive" href="/web/20090813174708/">All Releases</a> <img src="/web/20090813174708im_/" width="89" height="14" alt="News Releases" class="sectionTitle"/> <ul id="newsReleasesList"> <li><a href="">NOAA and Oregon State University Map Oregon’s Seafloor</a></li> <li><a href="">‘Hydropalooza’ Provides Deeper Understanding of Alaska’s Kachemak Bay</a></li> <li><a href="">Study: Better Observations, Analyses Detecting Short-Lived Tropical Systems</a></li> <li><a href="">NOAA: July Temperature Below-Average for the U.S.</a></li> <li><a href="">Joint Federal and State Investigation Stops Illegal Fishing in Channel Islands Sanctuary</a></li> <li id="subscribeReleases"><a href="">Subscribe to NOAA News [RSS]</a> <img src="/web/20090813174708im_/" alt="Subscribe to RSS Feed" width="12" height="12"/></li> </ul> </div> <!-- END NEWS RELEASES //--> <!-- NEWS RELEASES //--> <!-- BEGIN FEATURES //--> <div id="features"> <img src="/web/20090813174708im_/" alt="Features" width="75" height="14" class="sectionTitle"/> <ul id="featureItems"> <li id="smallFeatureTop" style="background-image: url('/web/20090813174708im_/');"><a href="">NOAA Education</a><br/>Science Resources for Students and Teachers </li> <li id="smallFeatureBottom" style="background-image: url('/web/20090813174708im_/');"><a href="">NOAA Corps</a><br/> The New Corps of Discovery [<a href="">see video</a>]</li> <li id="largeFeature"><a href="question.html">AskNOAA</a><img src="/web/20090813174708im_/" width="39" height="49" alt="AskNOAA"/><br/> Are weather patterns variable from one El Niño to the next and what can be expected this year in the United States?</li> </ul> </div> <!-- END FEATURES //--> <!-- FEATURES //--> </div> <!-- END FAR-RIGHT COLUMN //--> </div> <!-- END CONTENT CONTAINER //--> </div> <!-- END VIEW CONTAINER //--> <!-- BEGIN FOOTER //--> <div id="footer"> <a href="">Privacy Policy</a> | <a href="">FOIA</a> | <a href="">Information Quality</a> | <a href="/web/20090813174708/">Disclaimer</a> | <a href=""></a> | <a href=""></a> | <a href="/web/20090813174708/">Site Map</a> | <a href=" Website">Contact Webmaster</a> </div> <!-- END FOOTER //--> <!-- FOOTER //--> </body> </html> <!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 17:47:08 Aug 13, 2009 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 12:29:59 Dec 11, 2024. 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