Incident Report
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data-category="Procurement"> Procurement </option> <option value="Logistics" data-category="Logistics"> Logistics </option> <option value="E-Commerce" data-category="E-Commerce"> E-Commerce </option> <option value="Maintenance" data-category="Maintenance"> Maintenance </option> <option value="Production" data-category="Production"> Production </option> <option value="Quality Management" data-category="Quality Management"> Quality Management </option> <option value="Administration" data-category="Administration"> Administration </option> <option value="Health, Safety and Environment" data-category="Health, Safety and Environment"> Health, Safety and Environment </option> <option value="Productivity" data-category="Productivity"> Productivity </option> <option value="Personal/Fun" data-category="Personal/Fun"> Personal/Fun </option> <option value="Other" data-category="Other"> Other </option> </select> </div> <div class="new-app-data-ok"> <button type="button" id="new-app-data-ok" class="button solid">Choose your data</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END NEW APP MODAL --> <div class="modal fade app-display-modal" id="clone-modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="clone-modal-label" aria-hidden="true" data-backdrop="static"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content thinScrollbar"> <div class="modal-header"> <button class="AlwaysEditable CloseButtonControl" data-dismiss="modal"> <i class="material">close</i> </button> <h5 class="modal-title" id="clone-modal-label"> <span>Clone your App</span> </h5> </div> <form id="CloneModalForm"> <div class="modal-body thinScrollbar" style="max-height:75vh;overflow:auto"> <p class="form-group appName"> <label for="appName">App name</label> <input name="appName" type="text" class="form-control AlwaysEditable" id="ClonedAppName" required/> <div id="errorMessage"></div> </p> <p class="form-group appCategory"> <label for="category">Category</label> <select name="category" class="form-control AlwaysEditable" id="ClonedAppCategory"> <option value="" disabled selected>Choose a category...</option> <option value="Field Service" data-category="Field Service"> Field Service </option> <option value="Inspections & Surveys" data-category="Inspections & Surveys"> Inspections & Surveys </option> <option value="Property Management" data-category="Property Management"> Property Management </option> <option value="Inventory Management" data-category="Inventory Management"> Inventory Management </option> <option value="Customer Engagement" data-category="Customer Engagement"> Customer Engagement </option> <option value="Sales & CRM" data-category="Sales & CRM"> Sales & CRM </option> <option value="Planning & Project Management" data-category="Planning & Project Management"> Planning & Project Management </option> <option value="Human Resources" data-category="Human Resources"> Human Resources </option> <option value="Education & Training" data-category="Education & Training"> Education & Training </option> <option value="Marketing" data-category="Marketing"> Marketing </option> <option value="Legal" data-category="Legal"> Legal </option> <option value="Accounting" data-category="Accounting"> Accounting </option> <option value="Manufacturing" data-category="Manufacturing"> Manufacturing </option> <option value="Operations" data-category="Operations"> Operations </option> <option value="Procurement" data-category="Procurement"> Procurement </option> <option value="Logistics" data-category="Logistics"> Logistics </option> <option value="E-Commerce" data-category="E-Commerce"> E-Commerce </option> <option value="Maintenance" data-category="Maintenance"> Maintenance </option> <option value="Production" data-category="Production"> Production </option> <option value="Quality Management" data-category="Quality Management"> Quality Management </option> <option value="Administration" data-category="Administration"> Administration </option> <option value="Health, Safety and Environment" data-category="Health, Safety and Environment"> Health, Safety and Environment </option> <option value="Productivity" data-category="Productivity"> Productivity </option> <option value="Personal/Fun" data-category="Personal/Fun"> Personal/Fun </option> <option value="Other" data-category="Other"> Other </option> </select> </p> <p class="copyData copyOption"> <input class="AlwaysEditable" id="CloneCopyData" name="CloneCopyData" type="checkbox" checked/> <span>Make a copy of table data for the new app</span> </p> <p class="copyFiles copyOption"> <input class="AlwaysEditable" id="CloneCopyFiles" name="CloneCopyFiles" type="checkbox" checked/> <span>Make a copy of file data (eg: images) for the new app</span> </p> <p class="copyDataForCoAuthor"> <span>(Warning: Without copying data, the new app will only work if you have access to the owner's data sources)</span> </p> <button id="CloneModalOKButton" type="submit" class="copyApp btn btn-primary AlwaysEditable" data-copydata="true" data-copyfiles="true" data-selectdata="true" data-dismiss="modal">Copy app</button> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal fade" id="dropbox-modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="dropbox-modal-label" aria-hidden="true" data-backdrop="static"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <h5 class="modal-title" id="dropbox-modal-label"> <span class="PickerTitle"></span> </h5> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div id="readOnlyChooser" style="display:none; text-align:center;margin-bottom:20px;"> <input type="checkbox"/> Read-only data? </div> <div id="dropboxtree" style="max-height: 300px;overflow: auto;background-color:#fafafa"> </div> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button id="DropboxFullAccessButton" type="button" class="btn" data-dismiss="modal" style="display:none">All Folders</button> <button type="button" class="btn" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel </button> <button id="DropboxModalOKButton" type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-dismiss="modal">OK </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal fade" id="smartsheet-modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="smartsheet-modal-label" aria-hidden="true" data-backdrop="static"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <h5 class="modal-title" id="smartsheet-modal-label"> <span class="PickerTitle">Choose a Sheet</span> </h5> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div style="margin:10px"> <label style="width:100px">Sheet Name:</label> <input id="SmartsheetName" type="text"/> </div> <div style="margin:10px"> <label style="width:100px">Sheet ID:</label> <input id="SmartsheetId" type="text"/> </div> <div style="font-size:smaller;margin-top:10px;"> To find the ID of a sheet, go to the Smartsheet site, open the Properties of the sheet, and copy the ID property. </div> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel </button> <button id="SmartsheetModalOKButton" type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-dismiss="modal">OK </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal fade" id="external-modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="external-modal-label" aria-hidden="true" data-backdrop="static"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <h5 class="modal-title" id="external-modal-label"> <span class="PickerTitle"></span> </h5> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div id="externaltree" style="max-height: 300px;overflow: auto;background-color:#fafafa"> </div> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel </button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary OKButton" data-dismiss="modal">OK </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal fade" id="treeprovider-modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="treeprovider-modal-label" aria-hidden="true" data-backdrop="static"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button class="CloseButtonControl" data-dismiss="modal"> <i class="material">close</i> </button> <h5 class="modal-title" id="treeprovider-modal-label"> <span class="PickerTitle"></span> </h5> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="waiting"> <div class="loader"></div> <p>Loading list of files...</p> </div> <div id="provider-tree"> </div> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary OKButton" data-dismiss="modal">OK </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal fade" id="selectTableSource-modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="selectTableSource-modal-label" aria-hidden="true" data-backdrop="static"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <h5 class="modal-title" id="selectTableSource-modal-label"> <span>New Table</span> </h5> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="waiting"> <div class="loader">Loading table sources...</div> <button class="add-source btn btn-default">Skip and browse</button> </div> <div class="source-selection"> <div class="suggested-sources"></div> <div class="all-sources"> <p>Add a table from an existing source:</p> <div class="form-group table-source"> <div class="icon"> <label for="worksheet">Source:</label> </div> <div class="dropdown"> <select name="spreadsheet" class="form-control"></select> </div> </div> <div class="form-group worksheet"> <div class="icon"> <label for="worksheet">Worksheet:</label> </div> <div class="dropdown"> <select name="worksheet" class="form-control"></select> </div> </div> <button class="create-table btn btn-default"> <i class="fa fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span>Create table from this worksheet</span> </button> <p>Or choose a new source:</p> </div> <div class="new-source"> <button class="browse-sources btn btn-default"> <i class="fa fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="browse-text">Browse for new source</span> </button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal fade" id="sourceselect-modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="sourceselect-modal-label" aria-hidden="true" data-backdrop="static"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button class="CloseButtonControl" data-dismiss="modal" id="sourceselect-modal-close-button"> <i class="material">close</i> </button> <h5 class="modal-title" id="sourceselect-modal-label"> <span>Get data from...</span> </h5> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div id="SourceSelector"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script async nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA==" type="text/javascript" src="/Content/scripts/_shared/external/box-select.js"></script> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA==" type="text/javascript"> var isConcordLoggingPossible = function() { return window.Concord && typeof window.Concord.TrackSimpleEvent === 'function' } var isSampleOwnerId = function(ownerId) { return [ 10305, 71626, 2078346, 5930060 ].indexOf(+ownerId) > -1; } var postCloneRequest = function(props, page) { // Copy the clone request props and track them if (isConcordLoggingPossible()) { window.Concord.TrackSimpleEvent('New App Form', { formAction: 'Submit', }); } var createPendingApp = Boolean(false) && page === "sampleApps"; var url = createPendingApp ? '/api/template/createPendingApp' : '/api/template/createApp'; $('#cloningClickEater').show() verifiedAjaxPost({ url: url, contentType: 'application/json', dataType: 'json', data: JSON.stringify(props) }).fail(function(error) { if (isConcordLoggingPossible() ) { if (createPendingApp) { window.Concord.EndScenario({ result: 'Failure', name: 'CreatePendingApp' }); } else if (!!props.scenario) { window.Concord.EndScenario({ result: 'Failure', scenario: props.scenario }); } } displayErrorModal('Error creating app on the server: ' + error.responseText, true) }).done(function(response) { if (response.Success) { if (isConcordLoggingPossible()) { if (createPendingApp) { window.Concord.EndScenario({ result: 'Success', name: 'CreatePendingApp' }); } else if (!!props.scenario) { window.Concord.EndScenario({ result: 'Success', scenario: props.scenario }); } } if (createPendingApp) { window.location=`/template/showdef?appId=${response.AppName}${props.linkFrom ? `&linkFrom=${props.linkFrom}` : ''}` } else { window.location = response.Url; } } else { if (isConcordLoggingPossible()) { if (createPendingApp) { window.Concord.EndScenario({ result: 'Failure', name: 'CreatePendingApp' }); } else if (!!props.scenario) { window.Concord.EndScenario({ result: 'Failure', scenario: props.scenario }); } } displayErrorModal(response.ErrorDescription) } }) } var loggedIn = false var redirectGuestUser = function () { var returnUrl = encodeURIComponent(window.location.href) window.location.href = '/Account/Login?returnUrl=' + returnUrl } var displayErrorModal = (errorMessage, isPlainText) => { $('#cloningClickEater').show(); $('#errorModal').modal(); $('#templatesButton').on('click', () => {'/templates', '_blank', 'noopener,noreferrer'); if (isConcordLoggingPossible()) { window.Concord.TrackSimpleEvent('Create New App With Error Go To Templates'); } }); $('#ackErrorButton').on('click', () => { if (isConcordLoggingPossible()) { window.Concord.TrackSimpleEvent('Create New App Modal With Error OK Button'); } }); if (isPlainText) { $('#modalErrorText').text(errorMessage); return; } // Get errors in array and filter out empty strings const errors = errorMessage.split('Error: ').filter(x => x); const firstError = errors.shift(); $('#waitingClone').hide(); $('#modalErrorText').text("Error: " + firstError); if(errors && errors.length > 0) { $('.modal-more-errors-holder').show(); $('#errorClick').show(); const errorCount = errors.length; const text = errorCount > 1 ? errorCount + " additional errors." : errorCount + " additional error." $('#moreErrorsAvailableText').text(text); var errorList = '<ul>' errors.forEach((error) => { errorList += '<li>'+ error + '</li>'; }); errorList += '</ul>'; let errorListSafeHtml = '' if (self.trustedTypes && self.trustedTypes.createPolicy) { const policy = self.trustedTypes.createPolicy('safe-error-list', { createHTML: (htmlString) => htmlString }); errorListSafeHtml = policy.createHTML(errorList) } else { errorListSafeHtml = errorList } document.getElementById('moreErrorsText').innerHTML = errorListSafeHtml; $('#seeMoreArrow').on('click', () => { $('#moreErrorsText').show(); $('#seeLessArrow').show(); $('#seeMoreArrow').hide(); }); $('#seeLessArrow').on('click', () => { $('#moreErrorsText').hide(); $('#seeLessArrow').hide(); $('#seeMoreArrow').show(); }); } } var cloneButtonClickHandlerLoggedIn = function (data) { // The data object should have keys that match up // with the .CloneButton data-* attributes. var appName = data.appname var appShortName = data.shortname var appDescription = data.description var dataCopyOption = data.copyoption var isChatbot = data.ischatbot var appLogo = data.logo var ownerId = data.owner var appId = data.appid var page = var isShared = data.isshared prepareCloneDialog(appName, appShortName, appLogo, ownerId, appDescription, dataCopyOption, isChatbot, isShared, appId, page) return $('#clone-modal').modal() } var prepareCloneDialog = function (sourceAppName, sourceAppShortName, logoUrl, ownerId, sourceAppDescription, dataCopyOption, isChatbot, isShared, appId, page) { // Get modal element and app name var modal = $('#clone-modal') modal.find('.modal-title img').attr('src', logoUrl) modal.find('#ClonedAppName').val(sourceAppShortName) modal.find('#ClonedAppDescription').val(sourceAppDescription) // Setup category list var category = null var categoryText = null var categoryList = modal.find('#ClonedAppCategory') categoryList.val('') categoryList.find('.temp-category').remove() modal.find('.samples').hide().removeClass('chatbotSamples').removeClass('mobileSamples').addClass(isChatbot ? 'chatbotSamples' : 'mobileSamples') // Show appropriate buttons/options if starting from an existing app or not var createFromScratch = (sourceAppName == '') && (('MyNewApp' == sourceAppShortName) || ('MyNewChatbot' == sourceAppShortName)) if (createFromScratch) { modal.find('#App_Blank_Template').addClass('active') modal.find('#CloneModalOKButton').hide() } else { modal.find('#CloneModalOKButton').show() modal.find('#CloneSelectData').hide() category = $('.app-card.' + sourceAppName + ' .category').attr('data-category') categoryText = $('.app-card.' + sourceAppName + ' .category').text() } // Select existing app category (if starting from an app template) category = category || 'Inspections \u0026 Surveys' categoryText = categoryText || 'Inspections \u0026 Surveys' if(!categoryList.find('option[value="' + category + '"]').length) { categoryList.append( $('<option>', { value: category, text: categoryText, class: 'temp-category'})) } if ('category' != '') categoryList.val(category) var copyMyOwnApp = (ownerId > 0) && (ownerId == -1) modal.find('.copyData').hide() modal.find('.copyFiles').hide() modal.find('.copyDataForCoAuthor').hide() if (copyMyOwnApp || dataCopyOption || isShared) { modal.find('.copyData').show() modal.find('.copyFiles').show() } if (isShared) { modal.find('.copyDataForCoAuthor').show() } // first bind the OK button in the clone modal dialog modal.find('[type="submit"]').off('click').on('click', function (e) { // Get app info var shortName = modal.find('#ClonedAppName').val() // Make sure app name is valid if (shortName === null || shortName.length === 0 || $('#ClonedAppName').is(':not(:valid)')) { return } // Get rest of the app's information var category = modal.find('option[value="' + modal.find('#ClonedAppCategory').val() + '"]').attr('data-category') var description = modal.find('#ClonedAppDescription').val() var dataSource = modal.find('#ClonedAppDataSource').val() var copyData = $(this).attr('data-copydata') == 'true' var copyFiles = $(this).attr('data-copyfiles') == 'true' var selectData = $(this).attr('data-selectdata') == 'true' sourceAppName = sourceAppName || $(this).attr('data-appid') // Close the dialog modal.each(function () { $('.modal-background').first().fadeOut(200, function () { $(this).remove() }) $(this).fadeOut(200) }) var scenario = isConcordLoggingPossible()? window.Concord.GetScenario() : undefined if (!loggedIn) { redirectGuestUser() } else if (sourceAppName) { var createPendingApp = Boolean(false) && page === "sampleApps"; var request = createPendingApp ? { AppId: appId, shortName: shortName, linkFrom: 'CopyApp', copyData: copyData, copyFiles: copyFiles, category: category, description: description, authSource: dataSource, } : { shortName: shortName, linkFrom: 'CopyApp', copyFrom: sourceAppName, copyData: copyData, copyFiles: copyFiles, category: category, description: description, appSource: dataSource, scenario: scenario } // Clone from existing app postCloneRequest(request, page) } else if (selectData) { // Launch sheet selector var callback = function (fileName, filePath, isReadOnly, dataSourceName, provider, qualifier) { postCloneRequest({ shortName: shortName, linkFrom: 'MakeNewApp', dataSourceName: dataSourceName, provider: provider, filePath: filePath, fileName: fileName, qualifier: qualifier, category: category, description: description, appSource: dataSource, scenario: scenario }) } var options = { returnPathAsUrl: false, fileType: filePickerOptions.PICK_TABLE, userId: ownerId } // var clickDefault = ($('#SourceSelector .DataSourceButton').length <= 1) clickDefault = false selectSheetSource(options, callback, clickDefault) } else { // Create blank new app postCloneRequest({ shortName: shortName, linkFrom: 'MakeNewApp', category: category, description: description, scenario: scenario }) } }) // When category dropdown is changed, update template apps modal.find('#ClonedAppCategory').off('change').on('change', function () { if (createFromScratch && modal.find('.samples').length) { var selectedCategory = $(this).val() if (selectedCategory != '') { modal.find('#CloneSelectData').slideDown() } var container = modal.find('.samples .appContainer') container.slideUp() container.filter('.' + selectedCategory).slideDown() } }) // Change whether data gets copied based on checkbox state modal.find('#CloneCopyData').off('change').on('change', function () { modal.find('.copyApp').attr('data-copydata', $(this).prop('checked')) if (!$(this).prop('checked') && modal.find('#CloneCopyFiles').prop('checked')) { // make sure that CloneCopyFiles is off modal.find('#CloneCopyFiles').prop('checked', false) modal.find('#CloneCopyFiles').change() } }) // Clicking on checkbox label also changes checkbox modal.find('.copyData > span').off('click').on('click', function () { modal.find('#CloneCopyData').prop('checked', function( i, val ) { return !val }) modal.find('#CloneCopyData').change() }) modal.find('#CloneCopyFiles').off('change').on('change', function () { modal.find('.copyApp').attr('data-copyfiles', $(this).prop('checked')) }) // Clicking on checkbox label also changes checkbox modal.find('.copyFiles > span').off('click').on('click', function () { modal.find('#CloneCopyFiles').prop('checked', function( i, val ) { return !val }) modal.find('#CloneCopyFiles').change() }) } $(function () { $('#clone-modal').on('', function () { $('#ClonedAppName').focus().select() }) $('#clone-modal .TemplateOption').on('click', function (e) { $('#clone-modal #TemplateUL li').removeClass('active') $(this).closest('li').addClass('active') e.stopPropagation() e.preventDefault() }) $('#clone-modal #CloneModalForm').on('submit', function () { return false }) $('#ClonedAppName').on('input', function () { const tooLong = $(this).val().length > 50 +0 const unsupportedChars = $(this).val().match(/[^-\w\s]/) if (tooLong || unsupportedChars) { $('#CloneNameControl').removeClass('has-success') $('#CloneNameControl').addClass('has-error') $('#errorMessage').removeClass('sr-only') $('#CloneModalOKButton').prop('disabled', true) if (unsupportedChars) { $('#errorMessage').text('App name cannot contain special characters.') } else { $('#errorMessage').text('App name exceeds length limit of ' + 50 + ' characters.') } } else { $('#CloneNameControl').removeClass('has-error') $('#CloneNameControl').addClass('has-success') $('#errorMessage').text('') $('#errorMessage').addClass('sr-only') $('#CloneModalOKButton').prop('disabled', false) } }) $('#clone-modal .cancel').on('click', function () { if (isConcordLoggingPossible()) { window.Concord.TrackSimpleEvent('New App Form', { formAction: 'Cancel', }); } }) $('#clone-modal .CloseButtonControl').on('click', function () { if(isConcordLoggingPossible()){ var scenario = window.Concord.GetScenario(); if(scenario && scenario.scenarioName == "CreatePendingApp"){ window.Concord.EndScenario({ name: "CreatePendingApp", result: 'Abandon', abandonReason: 'UserNavigatedAway' }); } } }) $(document) .on('click', '.CloneButton', function (e) { e.stopPropagation() e.preventDefault() var data = $(this).data() var appName = data.appname var appShortName = data.shortname var storyUrl = data.storyurl var ownerId = data.owner || ((appName || '').split('-')[1]) || '-1'; if (loggedIn) { // Launch the modal cloneButtonClickHandlerLoggedIn(data) // Handle the different cases for tracking. There are two // different events to track. The first is when the user clicks on // the "New mobile app" button on the "My Apps" page. The second case // is all other "copy app" button clicks. if ($(this).attr('id') == 'NewAppButton') { if (isConcordLoggingPossible()) { window.Concord.TrackSimpleEvent('New App Form', { formAction: 'Open', }); } } else { if (isConcordLoggingPossible()) { var isSampleApp = isSampleOwnerId(ownerId); window.Concord.TrackSimpleEvent('Copy Signed In', { appName: isSampleApp ? appName : '', copyType: isSampleApp ? 'Sample' : 'Account', }); } } } else { // When the user is not logged in, we want to redirect them to the // sign-in page. When they're done logging in, we redirect them to // a page, depending on where they came from. If they are copying a // sample app (i.e. something that has a story page) then we will // redirect them to the app's story page and pass in the copy=1 param // to pop open the clone dialog, so they don't have to click it // again. Otherwise, just redirect them back to the current url. var redirectUrl if (storyUrl) { redirectUrl = storyUrl + '©=1' } else { redirectUrl = window.location.pathname + } redirectUrl = '/Account/Login?returnUrl=' + encodeURIComponent(redirectUrl) if (isConcordLoggingPossible()) { var isSampleApp = isSampleOwnerId(ownerId); var props = { appName: isSampleApp ? appName : '', copyType: isSampleApp ? 'Sample' : 'Account', }; var scenario = undefined; var redirectCallback = function(success) { window.location.href = redirectUrl; }; window.Concord.TrackSimpleEvent('Copy Not Signed In', props, scenario, redirectCallback); } else { window.location.href = redirectUrl; } } }) }) </script> <!-- NEW APP MODAL SCRIPTS --> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA=="> (function () { function updateModal(props) { $('#new-app-modal').data('props', props) var modal = $('#new-app-modal .modal-body') modal.children().hide() if (props.step === 1) { modal.children('.step-1').show() } else if (props.step === 2 && props.type === 'sample') { var sampleStep = modal.children('.step-2-sample') var sampleApp = sampleStep.children('.new-app-sample-app') sampleApp.hide() if (props.category === 'All') { sampleApp.find('.app:not(.selectData)').show() } else { sampleApp.find('.app').hide() if (props.category) { sampleApp.find('.app[data-category="' + props.category + '"]:not(.selectData)').show() } else { sampleStep.find('#new-app-sample-category').val(null) } } } /** else if (props.step === 3 && props.type === 'sample') { var sampleStep = modal.children('.step-3-sample') } **/ else if (props.step === 2 && props.type === 'data') { var dataStep = modal.children('.step-2-data') dataStep.find('#new-app-data-name').val('New App') } } window.openNewAppModal = function (e) { if (e) { e.preventDefault() e.stopImmediatePropagation() } $('#new-app-modal').modal() updateModal({ step: 1 }) }; window.startWithData = function (e) { if (e) { e.preventDefault() e.stopImmediatePropagation() } if (isConcordLoggingPossible()) { window.Concord.EndScenario({ result: 'Success', name: 'CreateApp' }); window.Concord.StartScenario('CreateAppFromDataSource') } updateModal({ step: 2, type: 'data' }) } var oldOnBeforeUnload = window.onbeforeunload ? window.onbeforeunload : function () {}; window.onbeforeunload = function () { // this will run the onbeforeunload that was bound previously, if there was one; if (isConcordLoggingPossible()) { window.Concord.TrackSimpleEvent('User Navigated Away'); window.Concord.EndScenario({ result: 'Abandon', abandonReason: 'UserNavigatedAway' }); } } $(document) .on('click', '#NewAppButton', function(e) { window.openNewAppModal() if (null && null) { window.startWithData() } }) .on('click', '#create-new-app-modal-close', function(e) { if (isConcordLoggingPossible()) { window.Concord.TrackSimpleEvent('Close Create New App Modal') window.Concord.EndScenario({ result: 'Abandon', abandonReason: 'ClosedModal' // don't pass in name: this modal has a few scenarios so end whichever one is active }); } }) .on('click', '#new-app-start-with-sample', function (e) { e.preventDefault() e.stopImmediatePropagation() // pre-select the 'All' category const selectedCategory = 'All' $('#new-app-sample-category').val(selectedCategory) if (isConcordLoggingPossible()) { window.Concord.TrackSimpleEvent('Click New App Start With Sample') window.Concord.EndScenario({ result: 'Success', name: 'CreateApp' }); window.Concord.StartScenario('CreateAppFromSampleApp') } updateModal({ step: 2, type: 'sample', category: selectedCategory }) }) .on('click', '#new-app-start-with-data', function (e) { e.preventDefault() e.stopImmediatePropagation() window.startWithData() }) .on('click', '#new-app-start-with-spec', function (e) { e.preventDefault() e.stopImmediatePropagation() if (isConcordLoggingPossible()) { window.Concord.TrackSimpleEvent('Click New App Start With Idea') window.Concord.EndScenario({ result: 'Success', name: 'CreateApp' }); // start on /spec page CreateAppFromIdea so onbeforeunload here doesn't abandon it } window.location.href = '/spec' }) .on('change', '#new-app-sample-category', function () { updateModal({ step: 2, type: 'sample', category: $(this).val() }) }) .on('click', '#new-app-modal .app', function (e) { e.preventDefault() e.stopImmediatePropagation() var category = $('#new-app-modal').data('props').category var appid = $(this).data('appid') var appname = $(this).data('appname') if ($('#new-app-sample-name').val() === 'New App') { $('#new-app-sample-name').val('Copy of ' + appname) } updateModal({ step: 2, type: 'sample', category: category, appid: appid, appname: appname }) document.getElementById('new-app-sample-ok').click() }) .on('click', '#new-app-sample-ok', function (e) { e.preventDefault() e.stopImmediatePropagation() var category = $('#new-app-modal').data('props').category var appid = $('#new-app-modal').data('props').appid var shortName = $('#new-app-sample-name').val() var dataSource = $('#new-app-sample-dataSource').val() if (!shortName || $('#new-app-sample-name').is(':not(:valid)')) { return } if (!loggedIn) { redirectGuestUser() return } var scenario = isConcordLoggingPossible() ? window.Concord.GetScenario() : undefined postCloneRequest({ shortName: shortName, linkFrom: 'CopyApp', copyFrom: appid, copyData: true, category: category, description: '', appSource: dataSource, scenario: scenario }) $('#new-app-modal').modalclose() }) .on('click', '#new-app-data-ok', function (e) { e.preventDefault() e.stopImmediatePropagation() var category = $('#new-app-data-category').val() var shortName = $('#new-app-data-name').val() var dataSource = $('#new-app-data-dataSource').val() if (!shortName || $('#new-app-data-name').is(':not(:valid)')) { return } if (!loggedIn) { redirectGuestUser() return } var scenario = isConcordLoggingPossible() ? window.Concord.GetScenario() : undefined // Setup sheet selector var callback = function (fileName, filePath, isReadOnly, dataSourceName, provider, qualifier) { postCloneRequest({ shortName: shortName, linkFrom: 'MakeNewApp', dataSourceName: dataSourceName, provider: provider, filePath: filePath, fileName: fileName, qualifier: qualifier, category: category, copyData: false, description: '', appSource: dataSource, scenario: scenario }) } var options = { returnPathAsUrl: false, fileType: filePickerOptions.PICK_TABLE, userId: '-1' } clickDefault = true // Launch sheet selector selectSheetSource(options, callback, clickDefault) $('#new-app-modal').modalclose() $('#sourceselect-modal-close-button').on('click', function () { if (isConcordLoggingPossible()) { window.Concord.EndScenario({ result: 'Abandon', abandonReason: 'ClosedModal' }); } }) $('#sourceselect-modal-add-datasource-button').on('click', function () { if (isConcordLoggingPossible()) { window.Concord.EndScenario({ result: 'Abandon', abandonReason:'AddNewDataSource' }); } }) }) })() </script> <!-- END NEW APP MODAL SCRIPTS --> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA==" src="/Scripts/sp-theme/root.js"></script> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA==" src="" ></script> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA==" src="" ></script> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA==" src="" ></script> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA==" src="" ></script> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA==" src="" ></script> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA==" src="" ></script> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA==" src="" ></script> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA==" src="" ></script> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA==" src="" ></script> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA==" src="" ></script> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA==" src="" ></script> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA==" src="" ></script> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA==" src="" ></script> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA==" src="" ></script> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA==" src="" ></script> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA==" src="" ></script> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA=="> $(function () { initPreviewFrame('8128c095-006d-4b41-ba5e-7786c3097714', false, false); var url = new URL(window.location.href); var copyParam = url.searchParams.get("copy"); // We can be directed to the appstory page with the command to // automatically open up the clone modal. This is done by passing // copy=1 to the parameters. if (copyParam !== null) { // Don't actually click the .CloneButton, since that will // trigger events to be tracked. Call the click handler // directly so this doesn't happen. The arguments passed in // are the same as the data-* attributes on the .CloneButton // div. var cloneModal = cloneButtonClickHandlerLoggedIn({ appname: 'IncidentReport-2078346', shortname: 'Incident Report', owner: '2078346', logo: '\u0026datasource=google\u0026filename=DocId%3D1wvylGxLw1y4btjGLCBLrIaQFCgc-iPwt\u0026signature=493f6696551c15ccd0169e3d8b3b29d9dd96b0f2b253905a1b2d4af0621c439f\u0026tableprovider=google\u0026userid=2078346', storyurl: '' }); } // Here we have chosen to click the OKclone button to remove // friction in certain circumstances. (new user signup for one) if (copyParam == "2") { $(cloneModal).ready(() => { $('#CloneModalOKButton').trigger("click"); }); } }) </script> <!-- MORE TRACKING --> <!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA=="> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag() { dataLayer.push(arguments); } gtag('js', new Date()); function glueCookieNotificationBarLoaded() { (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'}); var firstScript=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:''; var script = d.createElement(s); script.async = true; var url = ''+i+dl; if (self.trustedTypes && self.trustedTypes.createPolicy) { var policy = self.trustedTypes.createPolicy('gtm-load-fix', { createScriptURL: function(_ignored) { return url; } }); script.src = policy.createScriptURL('_ignored'); } else { script.src = url; } firstScript.parentNode.insertBefore(script, firstScript); })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-MXWLX3PF'); } </script> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA==" src="/Content/scripts/_shared/external/cookienotificationbar.min.js" data-glue-cookie-notification-bar-autoload=false> </script> <script nonce="GesWqsd5owZQre00ZZR/dA=="> document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { new window.glue.CookieNotificationBar(document.getElementById('cookieConsentContainer'), { category: window.glue.CookieNotificationBar.category.TWO_A, siteId: "", language: 'en', }); }); </script> </div> <div id="cookieConsentContainer"></div> </body> </html>