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id="main"> <div class="main-content"> <div class="building-page"> <div class="building-home"> <section class="hero-section glue-headline--headline-4"> <div class="hero-section-wrapper glue-page glue-spacer-6-bottom"> <div class="glue-grid hero"> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-6 content hero-section-wrapper-content"> <div class="content-section"> <div class="hero_eyebrow glue-eyebrow load-in-hidden"> Building for everyone</div> <div class="glue-headline glue-headline--headline-1 hero_heading glue-spacer-3-top load-in-hidden">Working together to build AI for everyone</div> <div class="hero_subtext glue-body--large"> <p data-block-key="5uuiq">We’re designing AI with communities that are often overlooked so that what we build works for everyone. First, we’re working hard to ensure our teams can collaborate, innovate and prioritize fairness for all of our users throughout the design process. Second, we’re developing deep partnerships where we see gaps - expanding and diversifying our datasets. And finally, we're sharing what we learn so that it’s easier for anyone building AI to truly be helpful to everyone.</p></div> </div> </div> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-6 section-2 hero-section-wrapper-asset"> <picture> <img src="" class="hero_image" alt="image" width="389" height="219"> </picture> <div class="hero_line-mobile "></div> <div class="hero-image-subtext load-in-hidden"> <p data-block-key="d6nam">12 year old Brendan uses Magnifier, a Pixel feature designed with the Royal National Institute of Blind People and the National Federation of the Blind.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="headline building-team"> <div class="glue-page"> <div class="glue-grid"> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-6 glue-grid__col--span-6-md"> <div class="headline-title load-in-hidden"> Building teams where everyone can collaborate and innovate </div> </div> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-6 glue-grid__col--span-6-md"> <div class="headline-content-description load-in-hidden"> <p data-block-key="s19lv">To build AI that benefits everyone, the AI Research and Developer teams designing our technology need to reflect those who use it and feel comfortable to do their best work. That's why we're committed to prioritizing belonging across our workplace, so that everyone has the opportunity to contribute throughout the research and development process.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="glue-page building-team"> <img class="building-team-image load-in-hidden" src="" alt="fullbleed-image" loading="lazy"> <div class="building-team-image-subheader load-in-hidden"> Technical Program Manager Lingeng Wang tests Pixel’s Guided Frame, a feature developed with and for the blind and low-vision community. </div> </div> <div class="headline community"> <div class="glue-page"> <div class="glue-grid"> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-6 glue-grid__col--span-6-md"> <div class="headline-title load-in-hidden"> Championing inclusive testing through community contributions </div> <div class="cta-container glue-spacer-4-top load-in-hidden"> <a href="" class="glue-button glue-button--high-emphasis glue-button--icon-right content-track-js gradient-button-new type-1" data-event-content="championing inclusive testing through community contributions - learn more"> Learn more <svg role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="glue-icon"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#open-in-new"></use> </svg> </a> </div> </div> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-6 glue-grid__col--span-6-md"> <div class="headline-content-description load-in-hidden"> <p data-block-key="r5s38">The Inclusion Champion program at Google aims to help bring diverse perspectives to the product development process. It involves more than two thousand Googlers from various backgrounds actively participating in research, product feedback, and adversarial testing. Their feedback has significantly influenced the development process of over 200 products and features; identifying biases, improving accessibility, and helping to shape research with external testers.</p><p data-block-key="8s2j8">We’re continuously working to expand and enhance the program across all of our <a href="">Employee Resource Group</a> communities, with the aim of ensuring no one is overlooked as we develop models and products.</p> </div> <div class="cta-container-mob glue-spacer-4-top glue-spacer-4-bottom load-in-hidden"> <a href="" class="glue-button glue-button--high-emphasis glue-button--icon-right content-track-js gradient-button-new type-1" data-event-content="championing inclusive testing through community contributions - learn more"> Learn more <svg role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="glue-icon"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#open-in-new"></use> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="glue-page"> <div class="building-card community"> <div class="glue-grid larger-content-grid "> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-4 glue-grid__col--span-12-md"> <div class="building-card-content"> <div class="card-asset"> <picture> <source srcset=" " type="image/webp"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="card-image card-image-desktop load-in-hidden" alt="" width="465" height="619" loading="lazy"> </picture> </div> <div class="card-details"> <div class="card-details-headline load-in-hidden"> Building with blind and low vision Googlers so selfies on Pixel work for everyone </div> <div class="card-details-text load-in-hidden"> <p data-block-key="mt4mz">The Google Pixel team worked with Google’s Central Accessibility Team and a group of blind and low-vision Googlers to build Guided Frame, a feature that uses audio cues, high-contrast animations, and haptic feedback to help people who are blind and low-vision take selfies and group photos. Their feedback helped the team ensure they were solving for the real needs of the real people they were aiming to serve.</p> </div> <div class="card-details-cta load-in-hidden"> <a class="card-details-cta-link content-track-js" href= data-event-content="building with blind and low vision googlers so selfies on pixel work for everyone - learn more"> Learn more <svg role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="glue-icon"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#open-in-new"></use> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-4 glue-grid__col--span-12-md"> <div class="building-card-content"> <div class="card-asset"> <picture> <source srcset=" " type="image/webp"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="card-image card-image-desktop load-in-hidden" alt="" width="465" height="619" loading="lazy"> </picture> </div> <div class="card-details"> <div class="card-details-headline load-in-hidden"> Collaborating with Fort Peck Tribes to define “societally beneficial” </div> <div class="card-details-text load-in-hidden"> <p data-block-key="mt4mz">A Google team focused on responsible innovation visited the <a href="">Fort Peck Tribes</a> in Poplar, Montana for bidirectional relationship building and immersive learning. By understanding how the tribes’ key values can be applied to defining and designing societally beneficial technology, the team was able create a more inclusive foundation for Google products and research.</p> </div> <div class="card-details-cta load-in-hidden"> <a class="card-details-cta-link content-track-js" href= data-event-content="collaborating with fort peck tribes to define “societally beneficial” - learn more"> Learn more <svg role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="glue-icon"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#open-in-new"></use> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-4 glue-grid__col--span-12-md"> <div class="building-card-content"> <div class="card-asset"> <picture> <source srcset=" " type="image/webp"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="card-image card-image-desktop load-in-hidden" alt="" width="465" height="619" loading="lazy"> </picture> </div> <div class="card-details"> <div class="card-details-headline load-in-hidden"> Equipping employees to practice the AI Principles </div> <div class="card-details-text load-in-hidden"> <p data-block-key="mt4mz">Research and developer teams can learn how to operationalize our responsible practices and policies via a frequently updated AI Principles Hub, featuring current product policies and guidance, along with self-service content and training. Usage of this hub has more than doubled since 2023.</p> </div> <div class="card-details-cta load-in-hidden"> <a class="card-details-cta-link content-track-js" href=/static/documents/ai-principles-2023-progress-update.pdf data-event-content="equipping employees to practice the ai principles - learn more"> Learn more <svg role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="glue-icon"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#open-in-new"></use> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimony-card"> <div class="glue-page"> <div class="glue-grid"> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-7 glue-grid__col--span-12-md testimony-card-content"> <div class="testimony-card-preview typing-paused load-in-hidden"> </div> <div class="testimony-card-name load-in-hidden"> TULSEE DOSHI | SHE/HER </div> <div class="testimony-card-designation load-in-hidden"> DIRECTOR, PRODUCT MANAGEMENT, GOOGLE DEEPMIND </div> <div class="testimony-card-cta load-in-hidden"> <a class="testimony-card-cta-link border-gradient type-2 content-track-js" data-event-content="TULSEE DOSHI | SHE/HER - Read the full quote" > Read the full quote </a> </div> </div> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-5 glue-grid__col--span-12-md testimony-card-media"> <video data-play-state="paused" data-mute-state="muted" data-title="video-portrait-tulsee-doshi" class="building-testimony-video load-in-hidden" playsinline="" muted="" tabindex="0" data-player-progress="4"> <source src="/documents/63/tulsee-compressed-28_QSASgkr.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <track kind="captions" srclang="en" label="&quot;I am a young woman of color in tech. I’m also a dancer. I’m also, you know, a daughter of immigrants. I do the work that I do because I want to build products that work for more people. And I want to build products that work for me, that work for my family, that work for my friends. And as Google, the products that we build not only impact tons of users, but the path that we lay out is a path that others choose to follow across the industry. I really want to make sure that we’re building in a way that sets the right standard.&quot;" default> </video> <div class="building-testimony-controls load-in-hidden"> <span class="volume"> <svg class="glue-icon glue-icon--24px volume-off"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#volume-off"></use> </svg> <svg class="glue-icon glue-icon--24px volume-on"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#volume-on"></use> </svg> </span> <span class="play-icon"> <svg class="glue-icon glue-icon--24px play"> <path fill="currentColor" d="M8,5v14l11-7L8,5z"/> </svg> <svg class="glue-icon glue-icon--24px pause"> <path fill="currentColor" d="M6,19h4V5H6V19z M14,5v14h4V5H14z"/> </svg> </span> <span class="replay"> <svg class="glue-icon glue-icon--24px"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#replay"></use> </svg> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="glue-modal" aria-labelledby="modal-label" aria-describedby="modal-content"> <div class="modal-wrapper"> <div class="modal-container"> &quot;I am a young woman of color in tech. I’m also a dancer. I’m also, you know, a daughter of immigrants. I do the work that I do because I want to build products that work for more people. And I want to build products that work for me, that work for my family, that work for my friends. And as Google, the products that we build not only impact tons of users, but the path that we lay out is a path that others choose to follow across the industry. I really want to make sure that we’re building in a way that sets the right standard.&quot; </div> <button class="glue-modal__close-btn" aria-label="Close the modal"></button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="headline sharing"> <div class="glue-page"> <div class="glue-grid"> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-6 glue-grid__col--span-6-md"> <div class="headline-title load-in-hidden"> Prioritizing fairness at every step of the process </div> </div> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-6 glue-grid__col--span-6-md"> <div class="headline-content-description load-in-hidden"> <p data-block-key="jgr4r">Just as there is no single "correct" model for all machine learning or AI tasks, there is no "correct" technique that ensures fairness in every situation or outcome. In practice, our AI researchers and developers use a variety of approaches to work towards fairness in our results, especially when working in the emerging area of generative AI.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="glue-page dropdown-container"> <div class="glue-video dropdown-container-video" aria-label="yt-video"> <div class="glue-video__preview-container glue-video__preview-container--inline load-in-hidden"> <picture class="glue-video__preview"> <img class="dropdown-container-image" src="" alt="yt-video-preview" loading="lazy"> </picture> <div class="glue-video__info"> <svg class="glue-icon glue-video__play-button glue-video__play-button--white" role="presentation"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#video-youtube-white"></use> </svg> </div> </div> <div class="glue-video__container glue-video__container--inline" data-glue-yt-video-vid="crD1tzTlE4o"> </div> </div> <div class="glue-grid"> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-6 glue-mod-order-1"> <p class="glue-headline glue-headline--headline-4 load-in-hidden">Using our recommended practices, here are some examples of how our teams and partners approached fairness in building the Monk Skin Tone Scale, a more equitable skin tone evaluation model. </p> <div class="cta-container load-in-hidden"> <a href="" class="glue-button glue-button--high-emphasis glue-button--icon-right gradient-button-new type-2 content-track-js" data-event-content="using our recommended practices, here are some examples of how our teams and partners approached fairness in building the monk skin tone scale, a more equitable skin tone evaluation model. - skin tone research at google"> Skin tone research at Google <svg class="glue-icon" xmlns="" width="19" height="19" viewBox="0 0 19 19" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.4922 14.625H3.99219V4.125H9.24219V2.625H3.99219C3.15969 2.625 2.49219 3.3 2.49219 4.125V14.625C2.49219 15.45 3.15969 16.125 3.99219 16.125H14.4922C15.3172 16.125 15.9922 15.45 15.9922 14.625V9.375H14.4922V14.625ZM10.7422 2.625V4.125H13.4347L6.06219 11.4975L7.11969 12.555L14.4922 5.1825V7.875H15.9922V2.625H10.7422Z" fill="white" /> </svg> </a> </div> </div> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-6 glue-mod-order-2"> <div class="glue-grid"> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-2 glue-grid__col--span-0-sm"></div> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-8 "> <div class="glue-expansion-panels expansion-panels-container load-in-hidden"> <div class="glue-expansion-panel panel-track-js" data-event-label="1. Designing models using concrete goals for fairness and inclusion" data-event-text="Fairness section"> <div class="glue-expansion-panel__toggle"> <span class="glue-expansion-panel__button" id="mypanels-1-toggle" data-glue-expansion-panel-toggle-for="mypanels-1-content-1"> <span class="glue-expansion-panel__header-text expansion-panels-container-header"> 1. Designing models using concrete goals for fairness and inclusion </span> <svg role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="glue-icon glue-expansion-panel__header-arrow expansion-panels-container-icon"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#expand-more"></use> </svg> </span> </div> <div class="glue-expansion-panel__content" id="mypanels-1-content-1"> <div> <p> To develop a more representative skin tone scale, Dr. Ellis Monk — an Associate Professor of Sociology at Harvard University — leveraged his extensive research on skin tone and colorism in the <a href="">US</a> and <a href="">Brazil</a>, consultations with experts in social psychology and social categorization, and feedback from members of overlooked communities. Dr. Monk’s research resulted in the Monk Skin Tone (MST) Scale — a more inclusive 10-tone scale explicitly designed to represent a broader range of communities. The MST Scale provides a broader spectrum of skin tones that can be used to evaluate datasets and machine learning models for better representation. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="glue-expansion-panel panel-track-js" data-event-label="2. Using representative datasets to train and test models" data-event-text="Fairness section"> <div class="glue-expansion-panel__toggle"> <span class="glue-expansion-panel__button" id="mypanels-2-toggle" data-glue-expansion-panel-toggle-for="mypanels-1-content-2"> <span class="glue-expansion-panel__header-text expansion-panels-container-header"> 2. Using representative datasets to train and test models </span> <svg role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="glue-icon glue-expansion-panel__header-arrow expansion-panels-container-icon"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#expand-more"></use> </svg> </span> </div> <div class="glue-expansion-panel__content" id="mypanels-1-content-2"> <div> <p> The Google Skin Tone Team worked with <a href="">TONL</a> to curate the <a href="">Monk Skin Tone Examples (MST-E) dataset</a>, which includes examples of 19 people whose skin tones span the 10-point Monk Skin Tone (MST) scale. The dataset contains 1515 images and 31 videos which captures people in various poses &amp; lighting conditions, as well as with or without accessories like masks or glasses. Because the ways that people classify skin tones can be subjective, Dr. Monk annotated the images of the people featured in the dataset himself. This dataset is designed to help practitioners <a href="">teach human annotators</a> how to test for consistent skin tone annotations across various conditions, like high and low lighting, which should in turn make AI-driven products work better for people of all skin tones. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="glue-expansion-panel panel-track-js" data-event-label="3. Checking the system for unfair biases" data-event-text="Fairness section"> <div class="glue-expansion-panel__toggle"> <span class="glue-expansion-panel__button" id="mypanels-3-toggle" data-glue-expansion-panel-toggle-for="mypanels-1-content-3"> <span class="glue-expansion-panel__header-text expansion-panels-container-header"> 3. Checking the system for unfair biases </span> <svg role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="glue-icon glue-expansion-panel__header-arrow expansion-panels-container-icon"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#expand-more"></use> </svg> </span> </div> <div class="glue-expansion-panel__content" id="mypanels-1-content-3"> <div> <p> In order to validate the Monk Skin Tone (MST) Scale for ML fairness purposes, the Google Research team launched a study to understand how well participants across diverse communities felt their own skin tone was represented. Study participants found the MST Scale to be more inclusive than the commonly used Fitzpatrick Scale and better at representing their skin tone. <a href="">ML fairness</a> evaluations like this prevent common human biases from inadvertently getting reproduced by ML algorithms. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="glue-expansion-panel panel-track-js" data-event-label="4. Analyzing performance" data-event-text="Fairness section"> <div class="glue-expansion-panel__toggle"> <span class="glue-expansion-panel__button" id="mypanels-4-toggle" data-glue-expansion-panel-toggle-for="mypanels-1-content-4"> <span class="glue-expansion-panel__header-text expansion-panels-container-header"> 4. Analyzing performance </span> <svg role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="glue-icon glue-expansion-panel__header-arrow expansion-panels-container-icon"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#expand-more"></use> </svg> </span> </div> <div class="glue-expansion-panel__content" id="mypanels-1-content-4"> <div> <p> Solving skin tone inclusion is complex and should be a collaborative effort. Our research team continues to collaborate with Dr. Monk on refining the scale further. Users, ML fairness experts, and developers are all encouraged to <a href="">share feedback</a> on how we can improve the scale and develop our models responsibly, in line with <a href="/principles/">Google’s AI Principles</a>. Maintaining open lines of feedback is critical to ensuring that models are developed responsibly on an ongoing basis. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cta-container-mob load-in-hidden"> <a href="" class="glue-button glue-button--high-emphasis glue-button--icon-right gradient-button-new type-2 content-track-js" data-event-content="using our recommended practices, here are some examples of how our teams and partners approached fairness in building the monk skin tone scale, a more equitable skin tone evaluation model. - skin tone research at google"> Skin tone research at Google <svg class="glue-icon" xmlns="" width="19" height="19" viewBox="0 0 19 19" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.4922 14.625H3.99219V4.125H9.24219V2.625H3.99219C3.15969 2.625 2.49219 3.3 2.49219 4.125V14.625C2.49219 15.45 3.15969 16.125 3.99219 16.125H14.4922C15.3172 16.125 15.9922 15.45 15.9922 14.625V9.375H14.4922V14.625ZM10.7422 2.625V4.125H13.4347L6.06219 11.4975L7.11969 12.555L14.4922 5.1825V7.875H15.9922V2.625H10.7422Z" fill="white" /> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="headline diversify"> <div class="glue-page"> <div class="glue-grid"> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-6 glue-grid__col--span-6-md"> <div class="headline-title load-in-hidden"> Diversifying our datasets through partnership </div> </div> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-6 glue-grid__col--span-6-md"> <div class="headline-content-description load-in-hidden"> <p data-block-key="hjrvv">We expand the datasets used to train our models by working with experts and researchers with deep expertise and cultural context of the communities our products are designed for.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="glue-page"> <div class="building-card diversify"> <div class="glue-grid larger-content-grid "> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-4 glue-grid__col--span-12-md"> <div class="building-card-content"> <div class="card-asset"> <picture class="glue-video__preview" > <video class="card-video-asset" autoplay="" loop="" muted="" playsinline=""> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> <track kind="captions" srclang="en" label="No captions available" default> </video> </picture> </div> <div class="card-details"> <div class="card-details-headline load-in-hidden"> Supporting Language Inclusion with global experts and native speakers </div> <div class="card-details-text load-in-hidden"> <p data-block-key="pz7uy">Our Language Inclusion initiative is an ambitious commitment to build an AI model that supports the world’s most spoken languages, breaking down barriers to help people connect and better understand the world around them. We're partnering with expert linguists and native speakers around the world to source representative speech data, including researchers and organizations in places such as Africa and India, as well as working alongside local governments, NGOs, and academic institutions to ensure coverage across dialects and languages.</p> </div> <div class="card-details-cta load-in-hidden"> <a class="card-details-cta-link content-track-js" href= data-event-content="supporting language inclusion with global experts and native speakers - learn more"> Learn more <svg role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="glue-icon"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#open-in-new"></use> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-4 glue-grid__col--span-12-md"> <div class="building-card-content"> <div class="card-asset"> <div class="glue-video" aria-label="Project Elevate Black Voices with Howard University"> <div class="glue-video__preview-container glue-video__preview-container--modal"> <picture class="glue-video__preview"> <img class="glue-video__preview-image load-in-hidden" src="" role="presentation" loading="lazy"> </picture> <div class="glue-video__info"> <svg class="glue-icon glue-video__play-button glue-video__play-button--white" role="presentation"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#video-youtube-white"></use> </svg> </div> </div> <div class="glue-modal glue-modal--dark"> <div class="glue-video__container glue-modal__content-wrapper" tabindex="0" data-glue-yt-video-vid="t_pdlrU8qhs" data-glue-yt-video-height="100%" data-glue-yt-video-width="100%"> <div class="glue-modal__close-btn" tabindex="0" aria-label=""></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card-details"> <div class="card-details-headline load-in-hidden"> Project Elevate Black Voices with Howard University </div> <div class="card-details-text load-in-hidden"> <p data-block-key="pz7uy">Google and Howard University's Project Elevate Black Voices partnership is a first-of-its-kind collaboration to build a high-quality African-American English (AAE) speech dataset. The project will allow Howard University to share the dataset with those looking to improve speech technology while establishing a framework for responsible data collection, ensuring the data benefits Black communities. Howard University will retain ownership of the dataset and licensing and serve as stewards for its responsible use.</p> </div> <div class="card-details-cta load-in-hidden"> <a class="card-details-cta-link content-track-js" href= data-event-content="project elevate black voices with howard university - learn more"> Learn more <svg role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="glue-icon"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#open-in-new"></use> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-4 glue-grid__col--span-12-md"> <div class="building-card-content"> <div class="card-asset"> <picture> <source srcset=" " type="image/webp"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="card-image card-image-desktop load-in-hidden" alt="" width="465" height="619" loading="lazy"> </picture> </div> <div class="card-details"> <div class="card-details-headline load-in-hidden"> More Inclusive Images with TONL, Chronicon, and RAMPD </div> <div class="card-details-text load-in-hidden"> <p data-block-key="pz7uy">Google has been retraining some of our earlier machine learning models with more inclusive datasets by partnering with the stock photography company, <a href="">TONL</a>, to source thousands of images of people from historically overlooked backgrounds. The aim was to expand the library to include photography of models across the gender spectrum, models with darker skin tones, and a diverse array of models with disabilities. The project has expanded to include work with <a href="">Chronicon</a> and <a href="">RAMPD</a> (Recording Artists and Music Professionals with Disabilities), to further source custom images centering individuals with chronic conditions and disabilities.<br/></p> </div> <div class="card-details-cta load-in-hidden"> <a class="card-details-cta-link content-track-js" href= data-event-content="more inclusive images with tonl, chronicon, and rampd - learn more"> Learn more <svg role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="glue-icon"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#open-in-new"></use> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="profile-section white-container"> <div class="profile-container"> <div class="glue-page"> <div class="glue-grid"> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-5 glue-grid__col--span-6-md glue-mod-order-1-sm"> <picture> <source srcset=" " type="image/webp"> <img class="profile-image load-in-hidden" loading="lazy" src="" class="card-image card-image-desktop" alt="" width="465" height="619"> </picture> </div> <div class="glue-grid glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-7 glue-grid__col--span-6-md glue-mod-order-2-sm profile-content"> <p class="profile-bio load-in-hidden"> “At Google, our goal is to build AI that works for everyone – boldly, responsibly, and together. We know we won’t always get things right at first, but we’re committed to learning from our users, partners, and our own research, so we can build helpful products, share what we learn, and ensure everyone can benefit.” </p> <div class="profile-container-bottom"></div> <div class="profile-about"> <div class="profile-pronouns load-in-hidden"><p data-block-key="k5qdi">JAMES MANYIKA | HE/HIM</p> </div> <div class="profile-designation load-in-hidden">SVP, RESEARCH, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY, GOOGLE</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="headline sharing"> <div class="glue-page"> <div class="glue-grid"> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-6 glue-grid__col--span-6-md"> <div class="headline-title load-in-hidden"> Sharing what works with everyone </div> </div> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-6 glue-grid__col--span-6-md"> <div class="headline-content-description load-in-hidden"> <p data-block-key="lrdts">This technology is advancing rapidly and it's imperative that we share it in ways that bring everyone along and avoid causing harm. This is a collective responsibility, and one we take seriously. We know we’re at an exciting inflection point in our journey and we're committed to learning, addressing missteps, and sharing so that we can all move forward in a way that benefits everyone.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="glue-page"> <div class="building-card sharing"> <div class="glue-grid larger-content-grid "> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-3 glue-grid__col--span-6-md"> <div class="building-card-content"> <div class="card-asset"> <picture> <source srcset=" " type="image/webp"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="card-image card-image-desktop load-in-hidden" alt="None" width="465" height="619" loading="lazy"> </picture> </div> <div class="card-details"> <div class="card-details-headline load-in-hidden"> Speech Accessibility Project </div> <div class="card-details-text load-in-hidden"> The Speech Accessibility Project is a collaboration between researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and five technology companies, including Google. The university is working with advocacy groups, like Team Gleason and the Davis Phinney Foundation, to create datasets of impaired speech that can help accelerate improvements to automated speech recognition (ASR) for the communities these organizations support. </div> <div class="card-details-cta load-in-hidden"> <a class="card-details-cta-link content-track-js" href= data-event-content="speech accessibility project - join the study"> Join the study <svg role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="glue-icon"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#open-in-new"></use> </svg> </a> <a class="card-details-cta-link content-track-js" href= data-event-content="speech accessibility project - learn more"> Learn more <svg role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="glue-icon"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#open-in-new"></use> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-3 glue-grid__col--span-6-md"> <div class="building-card-content"> <div class="card-asset"> <picture> <source srcset=" " type="image/webp"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="card-image card-image-desktop load-in-hidden" alt="None" width="465" height="619" loading="lazy"> </picture> </div> <div class="card-details"> <div class="card-details-headline load-in-hidden"> ML fairness course for developers </div> <div class="card-details-text load-in-hidden"> As part of Google for Developers Machine Learning Foundational Courses, this Fairness module shows developers how to evaluate a machine learning model responsibly by doing more than just calculating loss metrics, effectively auditing training data, and evaluating predictions for bias. </div> <div class="card-details-cta load-in-hidden"> <a class="card-details-cta-link content-track-js" href= data-event-content="ml fairness course for developers - take the free crash course"> Take the free crash course <svg role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="glue-icon"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#open-in-new"></use> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-3 glue-grid__col--span-6-md"> <div class="building-card-content"> <div class="card-asset"> <picture> <source srcset=" " type="image/webp"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="card-image card-image-desktop load-in-hidden" alt="None" width="465" height="619" loading="lazy"> </picture> </div> <div class="card-details"> <div class="card-details-headline load-in-hidden"> Equitable AI Research Roundtable </div> <div class="card-details-text load-in-hidden"> Google’s Equitable AI Research Roundtable is a community-based participatory research group focused on ML Fairness. The project promotes knowledge sharing with experts who focus on research and data-based analysis of historically marginalized communities. The goal of this group is to center the voices and experiences of those who are potentially most impacted by the unethical, or unfair, deployment of AI and to engage diverse perspectives around AI/ML related concerns and harms. </div> <div class="card-details-cta load-in-hidden"> <a class="card-details-cta-link content-track-js" href= data-event-content="equitable ai research roundtable - learn more"> Learn more <svg role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="glue-icon"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#open-in-new"></use> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-3 glue-grid__col--span-6-md"> <div class="building-card-content"> <div class="card-asset"> <picture> <source srcset=" " type="image/webp"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="card-image card-image-desktop load-in-hidden" alt="None" width="465" height="619" loading="lazy"> </picture> </div> <div class="card-details"> <div class="card-details-headline load-in-hidden"> Sharing research and datasets to fuel progress </div> <div class="card-details-text load-in-hidden"> Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and datasets to fuel progress in the field. </div> <div class="card-details-cta load-in-hidden"> <a class="card-details-cta-link content-track-js" href= data-event-content="sharing research and datasets to fuel progress - cultural properties of fair ai systems"> Cultural properties of fair AI systems <svg role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="glue-icon"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#open-in-new"></use> </svg> </a> <a class="card-details-cta-link content-track-js" href= data-event-content="sharing research and datasets to fuel progress - scalable infrastructure"> Scalable infrastructure <svg role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="glue-icon"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#open-in-new"></use> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="headline builds-everyone"> <div class="glue-page"> <div class="glue-grid"> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-6 glue-grid__col--span-6-md"> <div class="headline-title load-in-hidden"> Learn more about how Google builds with and for everyone </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="glue-page"> <div class="building-card builds_everyone"> <div class="glue-grid larger-content-grid "> <div class="glue-grid__col glue-grid__col--span-4 glue-grid__col--span-12-md"> <div class="building-card-content"> <div class="card-asset"> <picture> <source srcset=" " type="image/webp"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="card-image card-image-desktop load-in-hidden" alt="" width="465" height="619" loading="lazy"> </picture> </div> <div class="card-details"> <div class="card-details-headline load-in-hidden"> Building belonging for everyone </div> <div class="card-details-text load-in-hidden"> <p data-block-key="12531">How we’re helping everyone reach their full potential at work, in our products, and in society.</p> </div> <div class="card-details-cta load-in-hidden"> <a class="card-details-cta-link content-track-js" href= data-event-content="building belonging for everyone - 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learn more"> Learn more <svg role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="glue-icon"> <use href="/static/icons.svg#open-in-new"></use> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script nonce> window.voicesVideoCaptions['video-portrait-tulsee-doshi'] = [{"caption":"I am a young woman of color in tech.","timestamp":"2.3"},{"caption":"I’m also a dancer. I’m also, you know, a daughter of immigrants.","timestamp":"6.4"},{"caption":"I do the work that I do because I want to build products that work for more people.","timestamp":"11.9"},{"caption":"And I want to build products that work for me, that work for my family, that work for my friends.","timestamp":"15.8"},{"caption":"And as Google, the products that we build not only impact tons of users,","timestamp":"19.1"},{"caption":"but the path that we lay out is a path that others choose to follow across the industry.","timestamp":"22.8"},{"caption":"I really want to make sure that we’re building in a way that sets the right standard.","timestamp":"26"}]; </script> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="glue-footer glue-mod-spacer-3-top"> <section class="glue-footer__global"> <div class="glue-footer__logo"> <a class="glue-footer__logo-url content-track-js" href="" target="_blank" data-event-content="footer - google logo " data-event-content-type="outbound"> <img src="" alt="Google" width="75" height="24" loading="lazy"> </a> </div> <ul class="glue-footer__global-links glue-no-bullet"> <li class="glue-footer__global-links-list-item"> <a class="glue-footer__link navigation-track-js" href="" target="_blank" data-event-label="privacy" data-event-type="footer"> Privacy </a> </li> <li class="glue-footer__global-links-list-item"> <a class="glue-footer__link navigation-track-js" href="" target="_blank" data-event-label="terms" data-event-type="footer"> Terms </a> </li> <li class="glue-footer__global-links-list-item"> <a class="glue-footer__link navigation-track-js" href="" target="_blank" data-event-label="about google" data-event-type="footer"> About Google </a> </li> <li class="glue-footer__global-links-list-item"> <a class="glue-footer__link navigation-track-js" href="" target="_blank" data-event-label="google products" data-event-type="footer"> Google Products </a> </li> <li class="glue-footer__global-links-list-item"> <a class="glue-footer__link navigation-track-js" onclick="sendFeedback()" data-event-label="feedback" data-event-type="footer"> Feedback </a> </li> <li aria-hidden="true" class="glue-footer__global-links-list-item"> <button aria-hidden="true" class="glue-footer__link glue-cookie-notification-bar-control footer_link"> Cookies management controls </button> </li> </ul> </section> <script> function sendFeedback() { var config = { 'productId': '720193', 'bucket': 'site', 'allowNonLoggedInFeedback' : true }; userfeedback.api.startFeedback(config); } </script> <script src="//" defer></script> </footer> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/index.min.ff2fe7ddbf02.js"></script> <script src="" data-glue-cookie-notification-bar-category="2A" data-glue-cookie-notification-bar-language="" data-glue-cookie-notification-bar-site-id=""> </script> </body> </html>

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