City of Galveston - 990 updates — Nextdoor — Nextdoor

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2 days ago</span> <span id="bm_icon_370451495" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <p id="message_370451495" data-class="post-content" data-story="m. This community event will be held at Saengerfest Park, 2302 Strand St. in the city’s historic downtown district. Everyone is invited to join the City of Galveston, the Historic Downtown Galveston Partnership, Galveston Park Board of Trustees, and the Galveston Historical Foundation for this festive occasion. Galveston’s Mayor Craig Brown will oversee the lighting with the man in red, Santa Claus. “This annual event allows us to gather as a community to celebrate our vibrant city during the holiday season,” Mayor Craig Brown said. “The lighting of the tree is a great friends and family tradition that lets us get together and keep our community shining brightly.” This year’s festivities will feature entertainment provided by the Galveston Ballet, the Galveston Community Band and more. Those arriving early can start their evening at Holiday at Hendley Green at 4 pm., the Galveston Historical Foundation’s kick-off event for the 51st Dickens on the Strand, which returns December 6-8, 2024. The Queen of Dickens on The Strand will make a royal appearance at the Green. Galveston ArtWalk, taking place downtown the same evening, will provide an opportunity for revelers to do some Christmas shopping while out for the evening. All in all, it promises to be a very festive evening on Galveston Island." data-links="{}"> m. This community event will be held at Saengerfest Park, 2302 Strand St. in the city’s historic downtown district.<br/> <br/> Everyone is invited to join the City of Galveston, the Historic Downtown Galveston Partnership, Galveston Park Board of Trustees, and the Galveston Historical Foundation for this festive occasion. Galveston’s Mayor Craig Brown will oversee the lighting with the man in red, Santa Claus.<br/> <br/> “This annual event allows us to gather as a community to celebrate our vibrant city during the holiday season,” Mayor Craig Brown said. “The lighting of the tree is a great friends and family tradition that lets us get together and keep our community shining brightly.”<br/> <br/> This year’s festivities will feature entertainment provided by the Galveston Ballet, the Galveston Community Band and more.<br/> <br/> Those arriving early can start their evening at Holiday at Hendley Green at 4 pm., the Galveston Historical Foundation’s kick-off event for the 51st Dickens on the Strand, which returns December 6-8, 2024. The Queen of Dickens on The Strand will make a royal appearance at the Green.<br/> <br/> Galveston ArtWalk, taking place downtown the same evening, will provide an opportunity for revelers to do some Christmas shopping while out for the evening.<br/> <br/> All in all, it promises to be a very festive evening on Galveston Island. <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">2 days ago</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">&middot;</span> Subscribers of <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-agency-post" data-id="370451495">City of Galveston</a> <span id="topic_list_370451495"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_370451495"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">2</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_369915710" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="369915710" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="31841031" href="/profile/31841031/"> <img class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Public Information Officer Marissa Barnett has no photo" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">bkQ5ccy66G6c"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_369915710"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_369915710" data-attachments='{"0": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/45/66/456643c78b828e9b3365ef158746751e.png", "url": ""}}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_369915710"> <span id="subject_369915710" data-subject="The state of Texas is once again offering its free boat vessel disposal program." class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/369915710/">The state of Texas is once again offering its free boat vessel disposal program.</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="31841031" href="/profile/31841031/">Public Information Officer Marissa Barnett</a></span> from <a href="/agency/17037901/"> City of Galveston </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2024-11-19T14:34:32">&middot; 5 days ago</span> <span id="bm_icon_369915710" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-369915710" data-contentid="369915710" data-contenttype="post" class="js-photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-data media-thumbnail "> <img src="" alt="Photo from Public Information Officer Marissa B."/> </div> <p id="message_369915710" data-class="post-content" data-story="Please see the flyer to details and call to reserve your spot." data-links="{}"> Please see the flyer to details and call to reserve your spot. <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">5 days ago</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">&middot;</span> Subscribers of <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-agency-post" data-id="369915710">City of Galveston</a> <span id="topic_list_369915710"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_369915710"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_368068498" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="368068498" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="31841031" href="/profile/31841031/"> <img class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Public Information Officer Marissa Barnett has no photo" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">bCw5bjgPr6zd"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_368068498"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_368068498" data-attachments='{"0": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/16/3f/163f0210beac1dfa2944f4df942a5cf8.png", "url": ""}}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_368068498"> <span id="subject_368068498" data-subject="City of Galveston facilities will be closed Monday, November 11 for Veterans Day." class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/368068498/">City of Galveston facilities will be closed Monday, November 11 for Veterans Day.</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="31841031" href="/profile/31841031/">Public Information Officer Marissa Barnett</a></span> from <a href="/agency/17037901/"> City of Galveston </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2024-11-08T17:25:48">&middot; 8 Nov</span> <span id="bm_icon_368068498" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-368068498" data-contentid="368068498" data-contenttype="post" class="js-photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-data media-thumbnail "> <img src="" alt="Photo from Public Information Officer Marissa B."/> </div> <p id="message_368068498" data-class="post-content" data-story="TRASH: Trash pickup for the week of November 11 will run one day behind the normal schedule. If your collection day is Monday, it will be collected on Tuesday and so on throughout the week. RECREATION CENTER: McGuire Dent and Wright Cuney recreation centers will be closed Monday, November 11, and will reopen Tuesday during normal hours. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Island Transit will operate on a Saturday schedule (7:30a-7:30p) for its fixed-route buses on Monday, November 11. The rubber wheel trolleys will also run a Saturday schedule from 10 a.m. to 8p.m. Rail trolleys will not operate." data-links="{}"> TRASH: Trash pickup for the week of November 11 will run one day behind the normal schedule. If your collection day is Monday, it will be collected on Tuesday and so on throughout the week.<br/> <br/> RECREATION CENTER: McGuire Dent and Wright Cuney recreation centers will be closed Monday, November 11, and will reopen Tuesday during normal hours. <br/> <br/> PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Island Transit will operate on a Saturday schedule (7:30a-7:30p) for its fixed-route buses on Monday, November 11. The rubber wheel trolleys will also run a Saturday schedule from 10 a.m. to 8p.m. Rail trolleys will not operate. <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">8 Nov</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">&middot;</span> Subscribers of <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-agency-post" data-id="368068498">City of Galveston</a> <span id="topic_list_368068498"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_368068498"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_366363210" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="366363210" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="31841031" href="/profile/31841031/"> <img class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Public Information Officer Marissa Barnett has no photo" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">jBz6T4p6gfpz"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_366363210"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_366363210" data-attachments='{"0": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/7d/50/7d504e9c2967a352bb93c0adb1b0c7e2.png", "url": ""}}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_366363210"> <span id="subject_366363210" data-subject="This is a public notice of a new proposed name for the baseball field at Bernard Davis Pony Colt Stadium." class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/366363210/">This is a public notice of a new proposed name for the baseball field at Bernard Davis Pony Colt Stadium.</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="31841031" href="/profile/31841031/">Public Information Officer Marissa Barnett</a></span> from <a href="/agency/17037901/"> City of Galveston </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2024-10-30T15:32:25">&middot; 30 Oct</span> <span id="bm_icon_366363210" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-366363210" data-contentid="366363210" data-contenttype="post" class="js-photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-data media-thumbnail "> <img src="" alt="Photo from Public Information Officer Marissa B."/> </div> <p id="message_366363210" data-class="post-content" data-story="The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is considering naming a baseball field at Bernard Davis Stadium the “Frank Giusti Field at Bernard Davis Pony Colt Stadium.” This name would not replace any of the current names of the baseball complex. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board will hold a public meeting on Monday, December 2, at 12 p.m. at McGuire Dent Recreation Center, 2222 28th Street. The public is invited to attend this meeting or submit any comments about the naming to the City Secretary&#39;s Office at 823 Rosenberg Suite 201, Galveston, Texas 77550." data-links="{}"> The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is considering naming a baseball field at Bernard Davis Stadium the “Frank Giusti Field at Bernard Davis Pony Colt Stadium.” This name would not replace any of the current names of the baseball complex. <br/> <br/> The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board will hold a public meeting on Monday, December 2, at 12 p.m. at McGuire Dent Recreation Center, 2222 28th Street. The public is invited to attend this meeting or submit any comments about the naming to the City Secretary&#x27;s Office at 823 Rosenberg Suite 201, Galveston, Texas 77550. <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">30 Oct</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">&middot;</span> Subscribers of <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-agency-post" data-id="366363210">City of Galveston</a> <span id="topic_list_366363210"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_366363210"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_366180703" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="366180703" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="31841031" href="/profile/31841031/"> <img class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Public Information Officer Marissa Barnett has no photo" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">xkXMQt6WkYny"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_366180703"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_366180703" data-attachments='{"0": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/a2/fb/a2fba51df527c5773e6046b6310db4db.png", "url": ""}}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_366180703"> <span id="subject_366180703" data-subject="The annual Lone Star Rally returns to the island this weekend with a line-up of events." class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/366180703/">The annual Lone Star Rally returns to the island this weekend with a line-up of events.</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="31841031" href="/profile/31841031/">Public Information Officer Marissa Barnett</a></span> from <a href="/agency/17037901/"> City of Galveston </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2024-10-29T16:38:21">&middot; 29 Oct</span> <span id="bm_icon_366180703" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-366180703" data-contentid="366180703" data-contenttype="post" class="js-photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-data media-thumbnail "> <img src="" alt="Photo from Public Information Officer Marissa B."/> </div> <p id="message_366180703" data-class="post-content" data-story="The four-day motorcycle rally will take place Thursday to Sunday, Oct. 31- Nov. 3. The rally is concentrated in historic downtown and Seawall Boulevard, where there are concerts, exhibits and vendors for people to enjoy. This event often attracts more than 500,000 visitors to the island and contributes more than $115 million to the local economy. There will be road closures during the four-day rally, so we want residents and visitors to be prepared for those changes. Street Closures: Lone Star Rally festivities will be concentrated in Galveston’s historic downtown and Seawall Boulevard. • Seawall Boulevard will be subject to traffic closures from 19th Street to 25th Street beginning Wednesday October 30, at 7:30 a.m. Eastbound traffic will remain open during the rally dates to vehicles and motorcycles. Westbound traffic will be routed north down 19th Street to Avenue O, west to 25th Street and south to Seawall Boulevard. • Some of the streets downtown will be closed to vehicle traffic. 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th streets between Mechanic Street and Harborside will be closed for vendor setup beginning Tuesday, Oct. 29. • The Strand from 18th Street to 25th Street will be open to bike traffic only during the event. Changes to City services: The rubber wheel trolleys will operate the downtown to Seawall route on Friday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Riders should anticipate some delays with the increased traffic on the island. The trolleys will operate as long as they’re able with traffic. If canceled due to heavy traffic, an announcement will be made through social media. The cost is $1 per rider. Share the Road: With more than 250,000 motorcycles expected to arrive in Galveston, the local police department, the Texas Department of Public Safety and other law enforcement agencies will be working to ensure the safety of all motorists. Here are some tips for sharing the road: • Always check your blind spots before merging or changing lanes. • Use caution when passing and always use signals. • Allow for more distance between vehicles and motorcycles. • Increase awareness at intersections. • Don’t text and ride/drive. • Don’t drink and ride/drive. Unified Command Center: Galveston Police Department’s Unified Command Center will be set-up at the downtown transit building to address safety throughout the Lone Star Rally entertainment district. Overnight camping and parking: Overnight camping is not permitted at any public beach except Galveston Island State Park. Parking along Seawall Boulevard is also prohibited from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. daily." data-links="{}"> The four-day motorcycle rally will take place Thursday to Sunday, Oct. 31- Nov. 3. <br/> <br/> The rally is concentrated in historic downtown and Seawall Boulevard, where there are concerts, exhibits and vendors for people to enjoy. This event often attracts more than 500,000 visitors to the island and contributes more than $115 million to the local economy. <br/> <br/> There will be road closures during the four-day rally, so we want residents and visitors to be prepared for those changes. <br/> <br/> Street Closures: <br/> Lone Star Rally festivities will be concentrated in Galveston’s historic downtown and Seawall Boulevard. <br/> • Seawall Boulevard will be subject to traffic closures from 19th Street to 25th Street beginning Wednesday October 30, at 7:30 a.m. Eastbound traffic will remain open during the rally dates to vehicles and motorcycles. Westbound traffic will be routed north down 19th Street to Avenue O, west to 25th Street and south to Seawall Boulevard.<br/> • Some of the streets downtown will be closed to vehicle traffic. 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th streets between Mechanic Street and Harborside will be closed for vendor setup beginning Tuesday, Oct. 29. <br/> • The Strand from 18th Street to 25th Street will be open to bike traffic only during the event. <br/> <br/> Changes to City services:<br/> The rubber wheel trolleys will operate the downtown to Seawall route on Friday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.<br/> <br/> Riders should anticipate some delays with the increased traffic on the island. The trolleys will operate as long as they’re able with traffic. If canceled due to heavy traffic, an announcement will be made through social media. The cost is $1 per rider. <br/> <br/> Share the Road:<br/> With more than 250,000 motorcycles expected to arrive in Galveston, the local police department, the Texas Department of Public Safety and other law enforcement agencies will be working to ensure the safety of all motorists. Here are some tips for sharing the road: <br/> • Always check your blind spots before merging or changing lanes.<br/> • Use caution when passing and always use signals.<br/> • Allow for more distance between vehicles and motorcycles.<br/> • Increase awareness at intersections. <br/> • Don’t text and ride/drive.<br/> • Don’t drink and ride/drive.<br/> <br/> Unified Command Center:<br/> Galveston Police Department’s Unified Command Center will be set-up at the downtown transit building to address safety throughout the Lone Star Rally entertainment district. <br/> <br/> Overnight camping and parking:<br/> Overnight camping is not permitted at any public beach except Galveston Island State Park. Parking along Seawall Boulevard is also prohibited from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. daily. <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">29 Oct</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">&middot;</span> Subscribers of <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-agency-post" data-id="366180703">City of Galveston</a> <span id="topic_list_366180703"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_366180703"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_366031263" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="366031263" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="31841031" href="/profile/31841031/"> <img class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Public Information Officer Marissa Barnett has no photo" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">8M9T-xCmWQjj"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_366031263"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_366031263" data-attachments='{"0": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/e8/ff/e8ffebc4fa06c445e5276dacc6b47c71.png", "url": ""}}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_366031263"> <span id="subject_366031263" data-subject="The City received the following information from the Texas General Land Office:" class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/366031263/">The City received the following information from the Texas General Land Office:</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="31841031" href="/profile/31841031/">Public Information Officer Marissa Barnett</a></span> from <a href="/agency/17037901/"> City of Galveston </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2024-10-28T21:42:59">&middot; 28 Oct</span> <span id="bm_icon_366031263" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-366031263" data-contentid="366031263" data-contenttype="post" class="js-photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-data media-thumbnail "> <img src="" alt="Photo from Public Information Officer Marissa B."/> </div> <p id="message_366031263" data-class="post-content" data-story="On July 9, 2024, the Texas General Land Office (GLO) adopted emergency rules to enable coastal counties and municipalities affected by Tropical Storm Alberto and Hurricane Beryl to expedite the beachfront construction and dune protection permitting process. Specifically, 31 Texas Administrative Code §15.18 (Emergency Dune Restoration, Stabilization and Repair of Damaged Habitable Structures, and Repair and Shortening of Dune Walkovers) allowed the authorization of dune restoration, emergency stabilization and repair of habitable structures, and emergency repairs and shortening of dune walkovers following a storm. As a courtesy, we are providing notification that the ability of local governments to authorize actions under the emergency rules will expire on November 7, 2024. Any emergency authorizations proposed after the expiration date will be required to adhere to the standard permitting process as outlined in your local Beach Access and Dune Protection Plans and state Beach/Dune rules. Emergency authorizations issued prior to November 7, 2024 are valid for 6- months from the date of issuance. Under the emergency rules, local governments were required to maintain a written record of any authorizations issued under 31 TAC § 15.18. A copy of the complete written record of all actions authorized under the emergency rules must be submitted to the GLO no later than November 14, 2024. The GLO will provide each local government with a link to a folder where the written records can be uploaded if there are file size constraints. For emergency repairs to damaged habitable structures, dune restoration projects, or repair or shortening of a dune walkover, the written record must include a record of the names and addresses of the property owners that received such authorization. For each authorization, the local government must provide to the GLO a written record of the actions that it authorized, including the address and location of the structure, dune restoration or dune walkover, a description of the repairs or other activities, and pictures of the structure, dune restoration, or dune walkover before and after completion of the authorized activities. We at the GLO appreciate all of your efforts during this challenging time of recovery. If you have any questions regarding the submittal of the written records or the emergency rule expiration, please do not hesitate to contact us." data-links="{}"> On July 9, 2024, the Texas General Land Office (GLO) adopted emergency rules to enable coastal counties and municipalities affected by Tropical Storm Alberto and Hurricane Beryl to expedite the beachfront construction and dune protection permitting process. Specifically, 31 Texas Administrative Code §15.18 (Emergency Dune Restoration, Stabilization and Repair of Damaged Habitable Structures, and Repair and Shortening of Dune Walkovers) allowed the authorization of dune restoration, emergency stabilization and repair of habitable structures, and emergency repairs and shortening of dune walkovers following a storm. <br/> <br/> As a courtesy, we are providing notification that the ability of local governments to authorize actions under the emergency rules will expire on November 7, 2024. Any emergency authorizations proposed after the expiration date will be required to adhere to the standard permitting process as outlined in your local Beach Access and Dune Protection Plans and state Beach/Dune rules. Emergency authorizations issued prior to November 7, 2024 are valid for 6- months from the date of issuance. <br/> <br/> Under the emergency rules, local governments were required to maintain a written record of any authorizations issued under 31 TAC § 15.18. A copy of the complete written record of all actions authorized under the emergency rules must be submitted to the GLO no later than November 14, 2024. The GLO will provide each local government with a link to a folder where the written records can be uploaded if there are file size constraints. <br/> <br/> For emergency repairs to damaged habitable structures, dune restoration projects, or repair or shortening of a dune walkover, the written record must include a record of the names and addresses of the property owners that received such authorization. For each authorization, the local government must provide to the GLO a written record of the actions that it authorized, including the address and location of the structure, dune restoration or dune walkover, a description of the repairs or other activities, and pictures of the structure, dune restoration, or dune walkover before and after completion of the authorized activities. <br/> <br/> We at the GLO appreciate all of your efforts during this challenging time of recovery. If you have any questions regarding the submittal of the written records or the emergency rule expiration, please do not hesitate to contact us. <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">28 Oct</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">&middot;</span> Subscribers of <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-agency-post" data-id="366031263">City of Galveston</a> <span id="topic_list_366031263"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_366031263"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">1</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_365462996" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="365462996" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="31841031" href="/profile/31841031/"> <img class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Public Information Officer Marissa Barnett has no photo" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">tZKTCkDBNPb9"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_365462996"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_365462996" data-attachments='{}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_365462996"> <span id="subject_365462996" data-subject="The weekend is full of events and festivities." class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/365462996/">The weekend is full of events and festivities.</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="31841031" href="/profile/31841031/">Public Information Officer Marissa Barnett</a></span> from <a href="/agency/17037901/"> City of Galveston </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2024-10-25T19:07:24">&middot; 25 Oct</span> <span id="bm_icon_365462996" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <p id="message_365462996" data-class="post-content" data-story="Check out the list and be aware of the associated road closures. Island Oktoberfest Prost! The 42nd Annual Island Oktoberfest begins tonight at 5 p.m. Oktoberfest is a fun fall celebration of German music, sweets and drinks, and will also include arts &amp; crafts, vendors, and kids activities. The two-day event will be held on 24th Street (between Church and Ball) and Winnie (between 23rd and 25th Streets) as it has been in the past. This area is closed and will reopen on Sunday, October 27th at 3:00 p.m. Galveston Daily News Press Run The 13th Annual Galveston Daily News Press Run takes place this Saturday, October 26th, starting and finishing at 8522 Teichman Road. The Kid’s 1K race begins at 7:00 AM, followed by the 5K and 10K at 7:30 AM. Affected roads include I-45 Southbound Turn Lane, Feeder Road (Teichman Road to Lewis Lane), Lewis Lane (Feeder Road to 89th Street), 89th Street (Lewis Lane to Teichman Road), and Teichman Road (89th to Daily News). Dia de los Muertos Dia de los Muertos is Saturday, October 26, 2024 from 12 p.m. to 10 p.m. on the Galveston County Courthouse Grounds at 722 21st Street. The parade portion of the event is proposed for Saturday, October 26, 2024 from 12 p.m. to approximately 1 p.m. The line-up for the parade would begin at 10:30 AM on Ball between 25th and 26th Streets (and the City Hall Parking lot at 823 25th Street.) Island Boo Fest and Mystical Parade of Boo The 3rd Annual Island Boo Fest is scheduled for Saturday, October 26 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Saengerfest Park, 2302 Strand. This family-friendly, free event is hosted by the Galveston Golf Cart Society and features 35-45 decorated golf carts that will hand out trick or treat bags and candy to children. They are requesting the temporary closure of 23rd Street from Harborside to Strand from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. to allow for additional staging of golf carts and a mobile visitors center." data-links="{}"> Check out the list and be aware of the associated road closures. <br/> <br/> Island Oktoberfest<br/> <br/> Prost! The 42nd Annual Island Oktoberfest begins tonight at 5 p.m. Oktoberfest is a fun fall celebration of German music, sweets and drinks, and will also include arts &amp; crafts, vendors, and kids activities. The two-day event will be held on 24th Street (between Church and Ball) and Winnie (between 23rd and 25th Streets) as it has been in the past. This area is closed and will reopen on Sunday, October 27th at 3:00 p.m.<br/> <br/> Galveston Daily News Press Run<br/> The 13th Annual Galveston Daily News Press Run takes place this Saturday, October 26th, starting and finishing at 8522 Teichman Road. The Kid’s 1K race begins at 7:00 AM, followed by the 5K and 10K at 7:30 AM. Affected roads include I-45 Southbound Turn Lane, Feeder Road (Teichman Road to Lewis Lane), Lewis Lane (Feeder Road to 89th Street), 89th Street (Lewis Lane to Teichman Road), and Teichman Road (89th to Daily News).<br/> <br/> Dia de los Muertos <br/> <br/> Dia de los Muertos is Saturday, October 26, 2024 from 12 p.m. to 10 p.m. on the Galveston County Courthouse Grounds at 722 21st Street. The parade portion of the event is proposed for Saturday, October 26, 2024 from 12 p.m. to approximately 1 p.m. The line-up for the parade would begin at 10:30 AM on Ball between 25th and 26th Streets (and the City Hall Parking lot at 823 25th Street.)<br/> <br/> Island Boo Fest and Mystical Parade of Boo<br/> <br/> The 3rd Annual Island Boo Fest is scheduled for Saturday, October 26 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Saengerfest Park, 2302 Strand. This family-friendly, free event is hosted by the Galveston Golf Cart Society and features 35-45 decorated golf carts that will hand out trick or treat bags and candy to children. They are requesting the temporary closure of 23rd Street from Harborside to Strand from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. to allow for additional staging of golf carts and a mobile visitors center. <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">25 Oct</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">&middot;</span> Subscribers of <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-agency-post" data-id="365462996">City of Galveston</a> <span id="topic_list_365462996"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_365462996"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">4</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_364914564" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="364914564" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="31841031" href="/profile/31841031/"> <img class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Public Information Officer Marissa Barnett has no photo" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">dYnW-FSLZBPP"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_364914564"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_364914564" data-attachments='{"0": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/f2/54/f2548552fa467f9cb3ec9a616c7312ca.png", "url": ""}}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_364914564"> <span id="subject_364914564" data-subject="Ball High&#39;s Homecoming Parade is tomorrow!" class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/364914564/">Ball High&#39;s Homecoming Parade is tomorrow!</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="31841031" href="/profile/31841031/">Public Information Officer Marissa Barnett</a></span> from <a href="/agency/17037901/"> City of Galveston </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2024-10-22T21:54:06">&middot; 22 Oct</span> <span id="bm_icon_364914564" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-364914564" data-contentid="364914564" data-contenttype="post" class="js-photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-data media-thumbnail "> <img src="" alt="Photo from Public Information Officer Marissa B."/> </div> <p id="message_364914564" data-class="post-content" data-story="📣🌪💜 The parade starts at 5 p.m. and is expected to last about two hours. Temporary Road Closures (for Parade Line-up): 41st Street (Ave O to Ave Q) 43rd Street (Ave O to Ave Q) Avenue P (41st to 45th Streets) Beginning Wednesday, October 23 at 3:30 PM through 5:15 PM Rolling / Temporary Road Closures (for Parade Route): Begin at 41st &amp; Avenue P (Ball High School) Proceed East on Avenue P to 39th Street South on 39th Street to Seawall East on Seawall to 35th Street North on 35th Street to Avenue O West on Avenue O to 41st Street End at Ball High School Beginning Wednesday, October 23 at 5:00 PM through 6:30 PM* *Each street and intersection will reopen as the final parade participant passes." data-links="{}"> 📣🌪💜 The parade starts at 5 p.m. and is expected to last about two hours. <br/> <br/> Temporary Road Closures (for Parade Line-up):<br/> 41st Street (Ave O to Ave Q)<br/> 43rd Street (Ave O to Ave Q)<br/> Avenue P (41st to 45th Streets)<br/> Beginning Wednesday, October 23 at 3:30 PM through 5:15 PM<br/> Rolling / Temporary Road Closures (for Parade Route):<br/> Begin at 41st &amp; Avenue P (Ball High School)<br/> Proceed East on Avenue P to 39th Street<br/> South on 39th Street to Seawall<br/> East on Seawall to 35th Street<br/> North on 35th Street to Avenue O<br/> West on Avenue O to 41st Street<br/> End at Ball High School<br/> Beginning Wednesday, October 23 at 5:00 PM through 6:30 PM*<br/> *Each street and intersection will reopen as the final parade participant passes. <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">22 Oct</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">&middot;</span> Subscribers of <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-agency-post" data-id="364914564">City of Galveston</a> <span id="topic_list_364914564"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_364914564"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">4</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_363766592" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="363766592" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="31841031" href="/profile/31841031/"> <img class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Public Information Officer Marissa Barnett has no photo" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">bJ2j5nWBrSSq"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_363766592"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_363766592" data-attachments='{}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_363766592"> <span id="subject_363766592" data-subject="You may have noticed some of the streetlights are out on Seawall Blvd." class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/363766592/">You may have noticed some of the streetlights are out on Seawall Blvd.</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="31841031" href="/profile/31841031/">Public Information Officer Marissa Barnett</a></span> from <a href="/agency/17037901/"> City of Galveston </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2024-10-16T16:26:38">&middot; 16 Oct</span> <span id="bm_icon_363766592" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <p id="message_363766592" data-class="post-content" data-story="We are aware of the issue and have regularly reported the outages to the power company. We have been informed that there are thousands of street light and assoicated circuit outages through the service area as a result of Hurricane Beryl. The Seawall streetlights are on the list for repairs, but it could still be some time before they are fixed. Our local CenterPoint representative is working with us to get these fixed and we appreciate his assistance. Please do continue reporting any outages you see through the reporting channel:" data-links="{"description": "", "display_url": "", "image_key": "", "image_url": "", "original_url": "", "title": "Outage Tracker Information", "url": ""}"> We are aware of the issue and have regularly reported the outages to the power company. <br/> <br/> We have been informed that there are thousands of street light and assoicated circuit outages through the service area as a result of Hurricane Beryl. The Seawall streetlights are on the list for repairs, but it could still be some time before they are fixed. Our local CenterPoint representative is working with us to get these fixed and we appreciate his assistance. <br/> <br/> Please do continue reporting any outages you see through the reporting channel: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> <div class="metadata"> <div class="linkbox-container"> <a href="" class="linkbox-link" data-story-id=363766592 target="_blank"> <div class="linkbox-content without-description"> <div class="linkbox-content-title">Outage Tracker Information</div> <div class="linkbox-content-description"></div> <div class="linkbox-content-url"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">16 Oct</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">&middot;</span> Subscribers of <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-agency-post" data-id="363766592">City of Galveston</a> <span id="topic_list_363766592"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_363766592"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">7</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">2</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_363571116" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="363571116" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="31841031" href="/profile/31841031/"> <img class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Public Information Officer Marissa Barnett has no photo" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">4HQwp5dX6zcs"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_363571116"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_363571116" data-attachments='{"0": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/ea/90/ea909703d8d4c9b248f9368cb5acf0b6.png", "url": ""}}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_363571116"> <span id="subject_363571116" data-subject="The Galveston City Council is accepting applications for a position on the Park Board of Trustees." class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/363571116/">The Galveston City Council is accepting applications for a position on the Park Board of Trustees.</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="31841031" href="/profile/31841031/">Public Information Officer Marissa Barnett</a></span> from <a href="/agency/17037901/"> City of Galveston </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2024-10-15T16:01:51">&middot; 15 Oct</span> <span id="bm_icon_363571116" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-363571116" data-contentid="363571116" data-contenttype="post" class="js-photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-data media-thumbnail "> <img src="" alt="Photo from Public Information Officer Marissa B."/> </div> <p id="message_363571116" data-class="post-content" data-story="The new trustee will serve for the remainder of the unexpired term that ends on June 30, 2025. The deadline to apply for the open position on the Park Board is October 31. City Council will interview applicants on November 14 and appoint a new trustee during the December 12 regular meeting. The Park Board of Trustees&#39; mission is to promote Galveston Island, its natural resources, attractions, and heritage; to attract visitors to Galveston Island; and to assure that Galveston&#39;s assets, for which the Board of Trustees is responsible, provide visitors and residents with exemplary experiences in an environment that is safe, clean, accessible, fun, and environmentally sensitive. Interested candidates may access and complete the electronic application online at For questions regarding the electronic application, applicants may email the City Secretary’s email group at or call 409-797-3510." data-links="{"description": "", "display_url": "", "image_key": "", "image_url": "", "original_url": "", "title": "New Submission", "url": ""}"> The new trustee will serve for the remainder of the unexpired term that ends on June 30, 2025. <br/> <br/> The deadline to apply for the open position on the Park Board is October 31. City Council will interview applicants on November 14 and appoint a new trustee during the December 12 regular meeting. <br/> <br/> The Park Board of Trustees&#x27; mission is to promote Galveston Island, its natural resources, attractions, and heritage; to attract visitors to Galveston Island; and to assure that Galveston&#x27;s assets, for which the Board of Trustees is responsible, provide visitors and residents with exemplary experiences in an environment that is safe, clean, accessible, fun, and environmentally sensitive.<br/> <br/> Interested candidates may access and complete the electronic application online at <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a>. For questions regarding the electronic application, applicants may email the City Secretary’s email group at <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> or call 409-797-3510. <div class="metadata"> <div class="linkbox-container"> <a href="" class="linkbox-link" data-story-id=363571116 target="_blank"> <div class="linkbox-content without-description"> <div class="linkbox-content-title">New Submission</div> <div class="linkbox-content-description"></div> <div class="linkbox-content-url"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">15 Oct</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">&middot;</span> Subscribers of <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-agency-post" data-id="363571116">City of Galveston</a> <span id="topic_list_363571116"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_363571116"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> <span data-class="count" class="count">2</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="feed-invite-prompt hide"> <div class="feed-invite-shadow"></div> <div class="feed-invite-container"> <div class="feed-invite-headline"> Want to see more? 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