Text Expander for Customer and Tech Support - typedesk
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14.25 9.25 14.25H2.75ZM8.75 17C8.33579 17 8 17.3358 8 17.75C8 18.1642 8.33579 18.5 8.75 18.5H15.25C15.6642 18.5 16 18.1642 16 17.75C16 17.3358 15.6642 17 15.25 17H8.75Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>Document Template Generator</span> <p class="text-sm text-secondary">Quickly create and personalize documents on the fly</p> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="my-2 rounded-lg lg:my-0 lg:flex lg:p-0" :class="{ 'bg-neutral-100 lg:bg-transparent p-3 ': hover == 'customers' }"> <a @click.stop.prevent="toggleSubmenu('customers')" class="flex items-center justify-between gap-2 font-normal border-transparent btn btn-sm lg:justify-center lg:pr-4" href=""> Customers <img width="16" height="16" class="w-4 rotate-90" src="/img/chevron_right.svg" alt="text expander app, best text expander, text snippet software, text template tool, text expander for Windows, text expander for Mac, text expander Chrome extension, free text expander, text expander software, productivity text expander, text 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Simplify your workflow, reduce response time, and maintain consistent, high-quality customer interactions. 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<p class="text-lg">Your team and processes evolve. typedesk is the tool that bridges the gap: create canned responses and text templates that you can use on all your apps and websites.</p> <a class="btn" href=""> Explore features <svg class="nudge" width="17" height="11" viewBox="0 0 17 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.50685 5.63258L0.5 5.53078C0.5 5.15108 0.78215 4.83728 1.14823 4.78768L1.25 4.78078L13.946 4.78168L10.7248 1.56228C10.4585 1.29608 10.4341 0.879381 10.6518 0.585681L10.7244 0.50158C10.9905 0.235179 11.4072 0.21078 11.7009 0.42858L11.7851 0.50108L16.2851 4.99738C16.5514 5.26348 16.5758 5.68018 16.3581 5.97388L16.2855 6.05798L11.7855 10.5618C11.4927 10.8548 11.0179 10.855 10.7248 10.5622C10.4585 10.2961 10.4341 9.87942 10.6518 9.58572L10.7244 9.50157L13.942 6.28168L1.25 6.28078C0.8703 6.28078 0.55651 5.99868 0.50685 5.63258Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container mx-auto"> <h2 class="mx-auto mb-5 max-w-lg text-center">Not just 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organization </div> <div class="flex items-center gap-2"> <svg class="shrink-0" width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12 2.6106C17.5228 2.6106 22 7.08775 22 12.6106C22 18.1334 17.5228 22.6106 12 22.6106C6.47715 22.6106 2 18.1334 2 12.6106C2 7.08775 6.47715 2.6106 12 2.6106ZM12 4.1106C7.30558 4.1106 3.5 7.91618 3.5 12.6106C3.5 17.305 7.30558 21.1106 12 21.1106C16.6944 21.1106 20.5 17.305 20.5 12.6106C20.5 7.91618 16.6944 4.1106 12 4.1106ZM10.75 14.0499L15.2197 9.58027C15.5126 9.28738 15.9874 9.28738 16.2803 9.58027C16.5466 9.84654 16.5708 10.2632 16.3529 10.5568L16.2803 10.6409L11.2803 15.6409C11.0141 15.9072 10.5974 15.9314 10.3038 15.7135L10.2197 15.6409L7.71967 13.1409C7.42678 12.848 7.42678 12.3732 7.71967 12.0803C7.98594 11.814 8.4026 11.7898 8.69621 12.0077L8.78033 12.0803L10.75 14.0499Z" fill="#212121" /> </svg> It offers advanced personalization variables </div> <div class="flex items-center gap-2"> <svg class="shrink-0" width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12 2.6106C17.5228 2.6106 22 7.08775 22 12.6106C22 18.1334 17.5228 22.6106 12 22.6106C6.47715 22.6106 2 18.1334 2 12.6106C2 7.08775 6.47715 2.6106 12 2.6106ZM12 4.1106C7.30558 4.1106 3.5 7.91618 3.5 12.6106C3.5 17.305 7.30558 21.1106 12 21.1106C16.6944 21.1106 20.5 17.305 20.5 12.6106C20.5 7.91618 16.6944 4.1106 12 4.1106ZM10.75 14.0499L15.2197 9.58027C15.5126 9.28738 15.9874 9.28738 16.2803 9.58027C16.5466 9.84654 16.5708 10.2632 16.3529 10.5568L16.2803 10.6409L11.2803 15.6409C11.0141 15.9072 10.5974 15.9314 10.3038 15.7135L10.2197 15.6409L7.71967 13.1409C7.42678 12.848 7.42678 12.3732 7.71967 12.0803C7.98594 11.814 8.4026 11.7898 8.69621 12.0077L8.78033 12.0803L10.75 14.0499Z" fill="#212121" /> </svg> You can share your templates with anyone </div> <div class="flex items-center gap-2"> <svg class="shrink-0" width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12 2.6106C17.5228 2.6106 22 7.08775 22 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6.47715 2.6106 12 2.6106ZM12 4.1106C7.30558 4.1106 3.5 7.91618 3.5 12.6106C3.5 17.305 7.30558 21.1106 12 21.1106C16.6944 21.1106 20.5 17.305 20.5 12.6106C20.5 7.91618 16.6944 4.1106 12 4.1106ZM10.75 14.0499L15.2197 9.58027C15.5126 9.28738 15.9874 9.28738 16.2803 9.58027C16.5466 9.84654 16.5708 10.2632 16.3529 10.5568L16.2803 10.6409L11.2803 15.6409C11.0141 15.9072 10.5974 15.9314 10.3038 15.7135L10.2197 15.6409L7.71967 13.1409C7.42678 12.848 7.42678 12.3732 7.71967 12.0803C7.98594 11.814 8.4026 11.7898 8.69621 12.0077L8.78033 12.0803L10.75 14.0499Z" fill="#212121" /> </svg> You can assign different permissions to each team member </div> <div class="flex items-center gap-2"> <svg class="shrink-0" width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12 2.6106C17.5228 2.6106 22 7.08775 22 12.6106C22 18.1334 17.5228 22.6106 12 22.6106C6.47715 22.6106 2 18.1334 2 12.6106C2 7.08775 6.47715 2.6106 12 2.6106ZM12 4.1106C7.30558 4.1106 3.5 7.91618 3.5 12.6106C3.5 17.305 7.30558 21.1106 12 21.1106C16.6944 21.1106 20.5 17.305 20.5 12.6106C20.5 7.91618 16.6944 4.1106 12 4.1106ZM10.75 14.0499L15.2197 9.58027C15.5126 9.28738 15.9874 9.28738 16.2803 9.58027C16.5466 9.84654 16.5708 10.2632 16.3529 10.5568L16.2803 10.6409L11.2803 15.6409C11.0141 15.9072 10.5974 15.9314 10.3038 15.7135L10.2197 15.6409L7.71967 13.1409C7.42678 12.848 7.42678 12.3732 7.71967 12.0803C7.98594 11.814 8.4026 11.7898 8.69621 12.0077L8.78033 12.0803L10.75 14.0499Z" fill="#212121" /> </svg> It makes onboarding new hires a breeze </div> <div class="flex items-center gap-2"> <svg class="shrink-0" width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12 2.6106C17.5228 2.6106 22 7.08775 22 12.6106C22 18.1334 17.5228 22.6106 12 22.6106C6.47715 22.6106 2 18.1334 2 12.6106C2 7.08775 6.47715 2.6106 12 2.6106ZM12 4.1106C7.30558 4.1106 3.5 7.91618 3.5 12.6106C3.5 17.305 7.30558 21.1106 12 21.1106C16.6944 21.1106 20.5 17.305 20.5 12.6106C20.5 7.91618 16.6944 4.1106 12 4.1106ZM10.75 14.0499L15.2197 9.58027C15.5126 9.28738 15.9874 9.28738 16.2803 9.58027C16.5466 9.84654 16.5708 10.2632 16.3529 10.5568L16.2803 10.6409L11.2803 15.6409C11.0141 15.9072 10.5974 15.9314 10.3038 15.7135L10.2197 15.6409L7.71967 13.1409C7.42678 12.848 7.42678 12.3732 7.71967 12.0803C7.98594 11.814 8.4026 11.7898 8.69621 12.0077L8.78033 12.0803L10.75 14.0499Z" fill="#212121" /> </svg> You can use it without touching your mouse </div> <div class="flex items-center gap-2"> <svg class="shrink-0" width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12 2.6106C17.5228 2.6106 22 7.08775 22 12.6106C22 18.1334 17.5228 22.6106 12 22.6106C6.47715 22.6106 2 18.1334 2 12.6106C2 7.08775 6.47715 2.6106 12 2.6106ZM12 4.1106C7.30558 4.1106 3.5 7.91618 3.5 12.6106C3.5 17.305 7.30558 21.1106 12 21.1106C16.6944 21.1106 20.5 17.305 20.5 12.6106C20.5 7.91618 16.6944 4.1106 12 4.1106ZM10.75 14.0499L15.2197 9.58027C15.5126 9.28738 15.9874 9.28738 16.2803 9.58027C16.5466 9.84654 16.5708 10.2632 16.3529 10.5568L16.2803 10.6409L11.2803 15.6409C11.0141 15.9072 10.5974 15.9314 10.3038 15.7135L10.2197 15.6409L7.71967 13.1409C7.42678 12.848 7.42678 12.3732 7.71967 12.0803C7.98594 11.814 8.4026 11.7898 8.69621 12.0077L8.78033 12.0803L10.75 14.0499Z" fill="#212121" /> </svg> It's fast and easy to use </div> <div class="flex items-center gap-2"> <svg class="shrink-0" width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12 2.6106C17.5228 2.6106 22 7.08775 22 12.6106C22 18.1334 17.5228 22.6106 12 22.6106C6.47715 22.6106 2 18.1334 2 12.6106C2 7.08775 6.47715 2.6106 12 2.6106ZM12 4.1106C7.30558 4.1106 3.5 7.91618 3.5 12.6106C3.5 17.305 7.30558 21.1106 12 21.1106C16.6944 21.1106 20.5 17.305 20.5 12.6106C20.5 7.91618 16.6944 4.1106 12 4.1106ZM10.75 14.0499L15.2197 9.58027C15.5126 9.28738 15.9874 9.28738 16.2803 9.58027C16.5466 9.84654 16.5708 10.2632 16.3529 10.5568L16.2803 10.6409L11.2803 15.6409C11.0141 15.9072 10.5974 15.9314 10.3038 15.7135L10.2197 15.6409L7.71967 13.1409C7.42678 12.848 7.42678 12.3732 7.71967 12.0803C7.98594 11.814 8.4026 11.7898 8.69621 12.0077L8.78033 12.0803L10.75 14.0499Z" fill="#212121" /> </svg> It works on Mac and Windows </div> <div class="flex items-center gap-2"> <svg class="shrink-0" width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12 2.6106C17.5228 2.6106 22 7.08775 22 12.6106C22 18.1334 17.5228 22.6106 12 22.6106C6.47715 22.6106 2 18.1334 2 12.6106C2 7.08775 6.47715 2.6106 12 2.6106ZM12 4.1106C7.30558 4.1106 3.5 7.91618 3.5 12.6106C3.5 17.305 7.30558 21.1106 12 21.1106C16.6944 21.1106 20.5 17.305 20.5 12.6106C20.5 7.91618 16.6944 4.1106 12 4.1106ZM10.75 14.0499L15.2197 9.58027C15.5126 9.28738 15.9874 9.28738 16.2803 9.58027C16.5466 9.84654 16.5708 10.2632 16.3529 10.5568L16.2803 10.6409L11.2803 15.6409C11.0141 15.9072 10.5974 15.9314 10.3038 15.7135L10.2197 15.6409L7.71967 13.1409C7.42678 12.848 7.42678 12.3732 7.71967 12.0803C7.98594 11.814 8.4026 11.7898 8.69621 12.0077L8.78033 12.0803L10.75 14.0499Z" fill="#212121" /> </svg> It works with 10,000+ apps and websites </div> </div> <div class="mx-auto mt-10 flex flex-wrap justify-center gap-8 saturate-0 hover:saturate-100"> <img class="h-5 lg:h-6" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src=" /img/logo-tech-support-expander-1.svg"> <img class="h-5 lg:h-6" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src=" /img/logo-tech-support-expander-2.svg"> <img class="h-5 lg:h-6" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src=" /img/logo-tech-support-expander-3.svg"> <img class="h-5 lg:h-6" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src=" /img/logo-tech-support-expander-4.svg"> <img class="h-5 lg:h-6" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src=" /img/logo-tech-support-expander-5.svg"> <img class="h-5 lg:h-6" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src=" /img/logo-tech-support-expander-6.svg"> <img class="h-5 lg:h-6" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src=" /img/logo-tech-support-expander-7.svg"> </div> <div class="mt-10 flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-5"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn inline-flex items-center justify-center gap-4 rounded-full border-0 bg-red-500 px-3 py-2 pr-5 text-white hover:bg-red-400"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" class="h-6 w-6"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M2.25 12c0-5.385 4.365-9.75 9.75-9.75s9.75 4.365 9.75 9.75-4.365 9.75-9.75 9.75S2.25 17.385 2.25 12Zm14.024-.983a1.125 1.125 0 0 1 0 1.966l-5.603 3.113A1.125 1.125 0 0 1 9 15.113V8.887c0-.857.921-1.4 1.671-.983l5.603 3.113Z" clip-rule="evenodd" /> </svg> Watch Customer Review </a> <div> <p class="text-center font-title text-lg">"It's completely revolutionized the way I'm running my business."</p> <p class="text-center text-sm opacity-50"> Lori Reeves<br>Founder at BrandStrengh </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container mx-auto"> <div class="grid items-stretch lg:grid-cols-2 bg-neutral-50 rounded-xl"> <div class="relative flex justify-center lg:overflow-hidden lg:items-end lg:justify-start lg:order-last max-h-80 lg:max-h-none"> <img loading="lazy" class="lg:absolute -translate-y-32 -mb-32 w-[140%] md:w-[120%] lg:w-[150%] max-w-none" src="/img/tech-support-share.svg" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support"> </div> <div class="z-10 flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-5 p-10 text-center lg:items-start lg:text-left lg:p-32 lg:pr-0"> <h2>A canned responses app that <strong>scales</strong> with your support team</h2> <p class="text-lg">Empower your agents with an advanced shared responses library. Thanks to collaborative editing, role-based permissions, and detailed reporting, typedesk ensures your team delivers the best customer service every time, fostering trust and driving satisfaction.</p> <a class="btn" href=""> Learn more about teams <svg class="nudge" width="17" height="11" viewBox="0 0 17 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.50685 5.63258L0.5 5.53078C0.5 5.15108 0.78215 4.83728 1.14823 4.78768L1.25 4.78078L13.946 4.78168L10.7248 1.56228C10.4585 1.29608 10.4341 0.879381 10.6518 0.585681L10.7244 0.50158C10.9905 0.235179 11.4072 0.21078 11.7009 0.42858L11.7851 0.50108L16.2851 4.99738C16.5514 5.26348 16.5758 5.68018 16.3581 5.97388L16.2855 6.05798L11.7855 10.5618C11.4927 10.8548 11.0179 10.855 10.7248 10.5622C10.4585 10.2961 10.4341 9.87942 10.6518 9.58572L10.7244 9.50157L13.942 6.28168L1.25 6.28078C0.8703 6.28078 0.55651 5.99868 0.50685 5.63258Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="overflow-hidden text-center"> <h2 class="mx-auto max-w-2xl text-3xl">Our text expander is trusted by <strong>15,000+</strong> customer support and customer success agents!</h2> <div class="w-screen px-20 mx-auto overflow-hidden logoscontainer"> <p class="text-center"></p> <div class="flex mt-8 overflow-visible max-w-none"> <img loading="lazy" class="w-auto h-14 max-w-none logos" src="/img/logos.webp" alt="Productivity software, Abbreviation tool, Response Library, Email Autoresponders, Response Templates"> <img loading="lazy" class="w-auto h-14 max-w-none logos" src="/img/logos.webp" alt="Mac text expansion, Text expansion software, Email Autoresponders, Response Management, Productivity enhancement tool"> <img loading="lazy" class="w-auto h-14 max-w-none logos" src="/img/logos.webp" alt="Typing shortcuts, Abbreviation tool, Saved Replies, Message Templates, Pre-written Responses"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container mx-auto"> <div class="p-10 overflow-hidden lg:p-20 bg-typedesk-100 rounded-2xl"> <div class="z-10 flex flex-col items-start justify-start gap-5"> <img loading="lazy" class="w-12" src="/img/quote.svg" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support"> <p class="text-2xl font-button">While our help desk does provide saved answers, I use typedesk to maintain a personal voice in my canned responses quickly and efficiently.</p> Mélanie Shears, Customer Billing Specialist, Helpscout <img loading="lazy" class="w-32" src="/img/helpscout_logo.svg" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container mx-auto max-w-5xl grid-cols-12 gap-8 lg:grid"> <div class="col-span-6 flex flex-col gap-8"> <div class="col-span-5 flex flex-col items-start rounded-2xl bg-neutral-900 p-10 text-white"> <img src="/img/wave.webp" class="mb-5 w-32" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support"> <h3>The AI Assistant Tailored for Customer Support Excellence</h3> <p>typedesk is the ultimate text expander built to revolutionize the customer support workflow. Leverage AI-driven prompts to craft effective communication templates, share them with your support team, and deliver personalized responses to customers instantly – all from within your existing support workflow.</p> <a class="btn btn-sm mt-5 hover:bg-transparent" href=""> Discover typedesk AI <svg class="nudge" width="17" height="11" viewBox="0 0 17 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.50685 5.63258L0.5 5.53078C0.5 5.15108 0.78215 4.83728 1.14823 4.78768L1.25 4.78078L13.946 4.78168L10.7248 1.56228C10.4585 1.29608 10.4341 0.879381 10.6518 0.585681L10.7244 0.50158C10.9905 0.235179 11.4072 0.21078 11.7009 0.42858L11.7851 0.50108L16.2851 4.99738C16.5514 5.26348 16.5758 5.68018 16.3581 5.97388L16.2855 6.05798L11.7855 10.5618C11.4927 10.8548 11.0179 10.855 10.7248 10.5622C10.4585 10.2961 10.4341 9.87942 10.6518 9.58572L10.7244 9.50157L13.942 6.28168L1.25 6.28078C0.8703 6.28078 0.55651 5.99868 0.50685 5.63258Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="col-span-5 flex flex-col items-start rounded-2xl bg-neutral-50 p-10"> <div class="mx-auto mb-10 flex max-w-4xl flex-wrap justify-center gap-6"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_1.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_2.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_3.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_4.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_5.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_6.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_7.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_8.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_9.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_10.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer 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for support" src="/img/icon_service_15.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_16.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_17.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" 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text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_20.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_21.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_22.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_23.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_24.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_25.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing 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expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_28.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_29.svg"> <img class="w-8" loading="lazy" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support" src="/img/icon_service_30.svg"> </div> <h3><span class="z-10 underline">Seamless Integration with Major Customer Service Platforms</h3> <p>Elevate efficiency with typedesk's flawless integration across all leading customer service platforms and tools. typedesk works on top of your existing apps and websites, without changing your habits and worklows.</p> <a class="btn btn-sm mt-5 hover:bg-transparent" href=""> Discover features <svg class="nudge" width="17" height="11" viewBox="0 0 17 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.50685 5.63258L0.5 5.53078C0.5 5.15108 0.78215 4.83728 1.14823 4.78768L1.25 4.78078L13.946 4.78168L10.7248 1.56228C10.4585 1.29608 10.4341 0.879381 10.6518 0.585681L10.7244 0.50158C10.9905 0.235179 11.4072 0.21078 11.7009 0.42858L11.7851 0.50108L16.2851 4.99738C16.5514 5.26348 16.5758 5.68018 16.3581 5.97388L16.2855 6.05798L11.7855 10.5618C11.4927 10.8548 11.0179 10.855 10.7248 10.5622C10.4585 10.2961 10.4341 9.87942 10.6518 9.58572L10.7244 9.50157L13.942 6.28168L1.25 6.28078C0.8703 6.28078 0.55651 5.99868 0.50685 5.63258Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="relative col-span-5 flex flex-col items-start overflow-hidden rounded-2xl bg-neutral-50 p-10 pt-[200px]"> <img src="/img/soc.svg" class="absolute -right-[250px] -top-[200px] w-[500px] max-w-none" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support"> <h3>Data Privacy, Tailored for Customer Support</h3> <p>Protecting your customers' data is as important to us as it is to you. typedesk ensures the safety of your templates and communications with AES-256 encryption and HMAC-SHA256 for integrity protection, meeting the high security standards expected in customer support.</p> <a class="btn btn-sm mt-5 hover:bg-transparent" href=""> Read our security policy <svg class="nudge" width="17" height="11" viewBox="0 0 17 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.50685 5.63258L0.5 5.53078C0.5 5.15108 0.78215 4.83728 1.14823 4.78768L1.25 4.78078L13.946 4.78168L10.7248 1.56228C10.4585 1.29608 10.4341 0.879381 10.6518 0.585681L10.7244 0.50158C10.9905 0.235179 11.4072 0.21078 11.7009 0.42858L11.7851 0.50108L16.2851 4.99738C16.5514 5.26348 16.5758 5.68018 16.3581 5.97388L16.2855 6.05798L11.7855 10.5618C11.4927 10.8548 11.0179 10.855 10.7248 10.5622C10.4585 10.2961 10.4341 9.87942 10.6518 9.58572L10.7244 9.50157L13.942 6.28168L1.25 6.28078C0.8703 6.28078 0.55651 5.99868 0.50685 5.63258Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="relative col-span-5 flex flex-col items-start overflow-hidden rounded-2xl bg-neutral-50 p-10 pt-[120px]"> <img src="/img/keyboard.webp" class="absolute right-0 top-0 w-[350px] max-w-none" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support"> <h3>Keyboard-First Efficiency for Support Agents</h3> <p>In customer support, response time is crucial. typedesk's keyboard-first approach ensures agents can swiftly transition from any platform to typedesk, input customer responses without missing a beat, and focus on what's most important—satisfying customers and resolving queries.</p> <a class="btn btn-sm mt-5 hover:bg-transparent" href="#"> See all the shortcuts <svg class="nudge" width="17" height="11" viewBox="0 0 17 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.50685 5.63258L0.5 5.53078C0.5 5.15108 0.78215 4.83728 1.14823 4.78768L1.25 4.78078L13.946 4.78168L10.7248 1.56228C10.4585 1.29608 10.4341 0.879381 10.6518 0.585681L10.7244 0.50158C10.9905 0.235179 11.4072 0.21078 11.7009 0.42858L11.7851 0.50108L16.2851 4.99738C16.5514 5.26348 16.5758 5.68018 16.3581 5.97388L16.2855 6.05798L11.7855 10.5618C11.4927 10.8548 11.0179 10.855 10.7248 10.5622C10.4585 10.2961 10.4341 9.87942 10.6518 9.58572L10.7244 9.50157L13.942 6.28168L1.25 6.28078C0.8703 6.28078 0.55651 5.99868 0.50685 5.63258Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-span-6 flex flex-col gap-8"> <div class="relative col-span-5 flex flex-col items-start overflow-hidden rounded-2xl bg-neutral-50 p-10 pt-[340px]"> <img src="/img/report.svg" class="absolute -right-[100px] -top-[100px] w-[500px] max-w-none" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support"> <h3>Optimize Customer Support with Activity Insights</h3> <p>Keep a pulse on your support team's effectiveness with typedesk’s Activity reports. Designed for support teams, these reports provide a transparent view of productivity and consistency, ensuring your team delivers on-brand messages every time.</p> <a class="btn btn-sm mt-5 hover:bg-transparent" href="#"> Learn more <svg class="nudge" width="17" height="11" viewBox="0 0 17 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.50685 5.63258L0.5 5.53078C0.5 5.15108 0.78215 4.83728 1.14823 4.78768L1.25 4.78078L13.946 4.78168L10.7248 1.56228C10.4585 1.29608 10.4341 0.879381 10.6518 0.585681L10.7244 0.50158C10.9905 0.235179 11.4072 0.21078 11.7009 0.42858L11.7851 0.50108L16.2851 4.99738C16.5514 5.26348 16.5758 5.68018 16.3581 5.97388L16.2855 6.05798L11.7855 10.5618C11.4927 10.8548 11.0179 10.855 10.7248 10.5622C10.4585 10.2961 10.4341 9.87942 10.6518 9.58572L10.7244 9.50157L13.942 6.28168L1.25 6.28078C0.8703 6.28078 0.55651 5.99868 0.50685 5.63258Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="relative col-span-5 flex flex-col items-start overflow-hidden rounded-2xl bg-neutral-50 p-10 pb-[280px]"> <img src="/img/quickaccess_new.svg" class="absolute -bottom-[260px] left-[calc(50%-300px)] w-[600px] max-w-none" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support"> <h3>Quick Access to Your Support Messages with the Quick Expander</h3> <p>Need that perfect trouble-shooting guide or empathy statement quickly? typedesk’s Quick Expander provides rapid access to your templates, ensuring your customer interactions remain consistent, empathetic, and professional—always.</p> <a class="btn btn-sm mt-5 hover:bg-transparent" href="#"> Learn more <svg class="nudge" width="17" height="11" viewBox="0 0 17 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.50685 5.63258L0.5 5.53078C0.5 5.15108 0.78215 4.83728 1.14823 4.78768L1.25 4.78078L13.946 4.78168L10.7248 1.56228C10.4585 1.29608 10.4341 0.879381 10.6518 0.585681L10.7244 0.50158C10.9905 0.235179 11.4072 0.21078 11.7009 0.42858L11.7851 0.50108L16.2851 4.99738C16.5514 5.26348 16.5758 5.68018 16.3581 5.97388L16.2855 6.05798L11.7855 10.5618C11.4927 10.8548 11.0179 10.855 10.7248 10.5622C10.4585 10.2961 10.4341 9.87942 10.6518 9.58572L10.7244 9.50157L13.942 6.28168L1.25 6.28078C0.8703 6.28078 0.55651 5.99868 0.50685 5.63258Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="relative col-span-5 flex flex-col items-start overflow-hidden rounded-2xl bg-neutral-50 p-10"> <img src="/img/variables_new.svg" class="-mx-10 mb-10 w-[120%] max-w-none" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support"> <h3>Powerful Variables for Personalized Customer Communication</h3> <p>Creating personalized interactions is a breeze with typedesk. Utilize our sophisticated variables to seamlessly integrate dynamic content such as customer names and issue details into your templates, making every conversation as individualized as your customers.</p> <a class="btn btn-sm mt-5 hover:bg-transparent" href="#"> Learn more <svg class="nudge" width="17" height="11" viewBox="0 0 17 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.50685 5.63258L0.5 5.53078C0.5 5.15108 0.78215 4.83728 1.14823 4.78768L1.25 4.78078L13.946 4.78168L10.7248 1.56228C10.4585 1.29608 10.4341 0.879381 10.6518 0.585681L10.7244 0.50158C10.9905 0.235179 11.4072 0.21078 11.7009 0.42858L11.7851 0.50108L16.2851 4.99738C16.5514 5.26348 16.5758 5.68018 16.3581 5.97388L16.2855 6.05798L11.7855 10.5618C11.4927 10.8548 11.0179 10.855 10.7248 10.5622C10.4585 10.2961 10.4341 9.87942 10.6518 9.58572L10.7244 9.50157L13.942 6.28168L1.25 6.28078C0.8703 6.28078 0.55651 5.99868 0.50685 5.63258Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="gap-16 rounded-2xl bg-yellow-50 p-10"> <div class="w-full"> <h3>Ready to reply to customers at the speed of light?</h3> <p>Join the text expander revolution. Get typedesk for you and your team today to reclaim your time!</p> </div> <div class="mt-5 flex w-full flex-col items-start justify-start gap-4"> <a href="#" class="btn btn-sm border-0 bg-yellow-600 text-white hover:bg-yellow-600"> Start 14-day free trial <svg class="nudge" width="17" height="11" viewBox="0 0 17 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.50685 5.63258L0.5 5.53078C0.5 5.15108 0.78215 4.83728 1.14823 4.78768L1.25 4.78078L13.946 4.78168L10.7248 1.56228C10.4585 1.29608 10.4341 0.879381 10.6518 0.585681L10.7244 0.50158C10.9905 0.235179 11.4072 0.21078 11.7009 0.42858L11.7851 0.50108L16.2851 4.99738C16.5514 5.26348 16.5758 5.68018 16.3581 5.97388L16.2855 6.05798L11.7855 10.5618C11.4927 10.8548 11.0179 10.855 10.7248 10.5622C10.4585 10.2961 10.4341 9.87942 10.6518 9.58572L10.7244 9.50157L13.942 6.28168L1.25 6.28078C0.8703 6.28078 0.55651 5.99868 0.50685 5.63258Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> </a> <img class="w-40" src="/img/platforms.svg" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support"> <div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-3 lg:flex-row"> <img width="96" height="16" class="w-24" src="/img/stars.svg" alt="text expander for customer service, best text expander for support, text snippet tool for agents, text template software for helpdesk, text expander for email support, text expander for live chat, phrase expander for customer interaction, keyboard shortcut tool for support teams, typing automation for customer service, canned response software for agents, text expander utility for support"> <p class="text-secondary text-sm">Rated 4.8/5 over 300+ verified reviews</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container mx-auto grid gap-12 lg:grid-cols-12"> <div class="lg:col-span-7"> <div class="items-center text-center lg:text-left gap-4 p-[calc(5vw+20px)] flex flex-col gap-3 bg-typedesk-100/50 rounded-2xl"> <div class="w-full"> <h2 class="mb-2">Ready to save <strong>30 hours</strong> per month?</h2> <p>Join the text expander revolution. Get typedesk for you and your team today to reclaim your time!</p> </div> <div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center lg:items-start lg:justify-start w-full gap-4"> <a href="/signup?next=download" class="btn btn-primary"> Start 14-day free trial <svg class="nudge" width="17" height="11" viewBox="0 0 17 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.50685 5.63258L0.5 5.53078C0.5 5.15108 0.78215 4.83728 1.14823 4.78768L1.25 4.78078L13.946 4.78168L10.7248 1.56228C10.4585 1.29608 10.4341 0.879381 10.6518 0.585681L10.7244 0.50158C10.9905 0.235179 11.4072 0.21078 11.7009 0.42858L11.7851 0.50108L16.2851 4.99738C16.5514 5.26348 16.5758 5.68018 16.3581 5.97388L16.2855 6.05798L11.7855 10.5618C11.4927 10.8548 11.0179 10.855 10.7248 10.5622C10.4585 10.2961 10.4341 9.87942 10.6518 9.58572L10.7244 9.50157L13.942 6.28168L1.25 6.28078C0.8703 6.28078 0.55651 5.99868 0.50685 5.63258Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> </a> <div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-3 lg:flex-row"> <img 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justify-start gap-2"> <p class="rounded-full bg-neutral-100 px-5 text-neutral-700">Case Study</p> <h3 class="m-0 mt-1 text-lg">How typedesk Text Expander Empowers HighLevel to Scale Support and Save Countless Hours</h3> <div class="flex items-center gap-2 group-hover:text-typedesk" href=""> Read full article <svg class="mt-1 h-4 w-4" width="17" height="11" viewBox="0 0 17 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.50685 5.63258L0.5 5.53078C0.5 5.15108 0.78215 4.83728 1.14823 4.78768L1.25 4.78078L13.946 4.78168L10.7248 1.56228C10.4585 1.29608 10.4341 0.879381 10.6518 0.585681L10.7244 0.50158C10.9905 0.235179 11.4072 0.21078 11.7009 0.42858L11.7851 0.50108L16.2851 4.99738C16.5514 5.26348 16.5758 5.68018 16.3581 5.97388L16.2855 6.05798L11.7855 10.5618C11.4927 10.8548 11.0179 10.855 10.7248 10.5622C10.4585 10.2961 10.4341 9.87942 10.6518 9.58572L10.7244 9.50157L13.942 6.28168L1.25 6.28078C0.8703 6.28078 0.55651 5.99868 0.50685 5.63258Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="container mx-auto text-center" id="reviews"> <div class="mb-10"> <h2>It was love at first type</h2> <p class="mt-2 text-lg">Our top tech support teams save $900 per month by using <a href="/text-expander">typedesk text expander</a>!</p> <a href="" class="btn btn-sm mt-5"> Read all reviews <svg class="nudge" width="17" height="11" viewBox="0 0 17 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.50685 5.63258L0.5 5.53078C0.5 5.15108 0.78215 4.83728 1.14823 4.78768L1.25 4.78078L13.946 4.78168L10.7248 1.56228C10.4585 1.29608 10.4341 0.879381 10.6518 0.585681L10.7244 0.50158C10.9905 0.235179 11.4072 0.21078 11.7009 0.42858L11.7851 0.50108L16.2851 4.99738C16.5514 5.26348 16.5758 5.68018 16.3581 5.97388L16.2855 6.05798L11.7855 10.5618C11.4927 10.8548 11.0179 10.855 10.7248 10.5622C10.4585 10.2961 10.4341 9.87942 10.6518 9.58572L10.7244 9.50157L13.942 6.28168L1.25 6.28078C0.8703 6.28078 0.55651 5.99868 0.50685 5.63258Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="relative 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0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="I love typedesk! It is by far one of my favourite tools to have in our tech stack.">I love typedesk! It is by far one of my favourite tools to have in our tech stack.</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <img loading="lazy" class="object-cover w-10 h-10 rounded-full" src="/img/testimonials/avatar/184.jpg" alt="Response Management, Text snippet tool, Text expansion app, Email Autoresponders, Email Macros"> <div> <p class="text-sm">Pip Meecham</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary">Tech Advisor & ClickUp Channel Partner</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="We use typedesk to ensure that communications remain aligned and uniform across all our channels as our company scales up.">We use typedesk to ensure that communications remain aligned and uniform across all our channels as our company scales up.</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <img loading="lazy" class="object-cover w-10 h-10 rounded-full" src="/img/testimonials/avatar/182.jpg" alt="Message Templates, Typing shortcuts, Phrase expansion software, Keyboard macros, Response Management"> <div> <p class="text-sm">Michael Johnson</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary">Senior Certification Specialist, HighLevel</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="This software is unreal. It's like having a ChatGPT writing assistant on every single app I use and having all the prompts I can create at my fingertips.">This software is unreal. It's like having a ChatGPT writing assistant on every single app I use and having all the prompts I can create at my fingertips.</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <img loading="lazy" class="object-cover w-10 h-10 rounded-full" src="/img/testimonials/avatar/185.jpg" alt="Productivity enhancement tool, Saved Replies, Time-saving software, Boilerplate Text, Text replacement software"> <div> <p class="text-sm">Michael Montefusco</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary">Founder, Fitness Marketing Machine</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="This app is a phenomenal tool.">This app is a phenomenal tool.</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <img loading="lazy" class="object-cover w-10 h-10 rounded-full" src="/img/testimonials/avatar/183.jpg" alt="Message Templates, Quick text tool, Smart typing tool, Text snippet tool, Standardized Messages"> <div> <p class="text-sm">David Shutler</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary">Senior Recruitment Consultant</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="While our help desk does provide saved answers, I use typedesk to maintain a personal voice in my canned responses quickly and efficiently.">While our help desk does provide saved answers, I use typedesk to maintain a personal voice in my canned responses quickly and efficiently.</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <div> <p class="text-sm">Melanie Shears</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary">Finance & People Operations, Customer Billing Specialist, Helpscout</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="I(we) absolutely LOVE typedesk. This is a no brainer for any solopreneur or team that have to deal with customers support, fill forms on a regular basis, or just save time in general. It also syncs up on the cloud with everyone on the team so we have brand consistency across the company and remove the guessing out of the replies that our team have to generate keeping it custom for all our clients. We write or edit it once, and the entire team is automatically up to date for their very next communication. It's 10x faster, and works like a charm across all our platforms. UI is friendly with minimal learning curve. And like that wasn't enough, they just brought chatGPT integration at no extra cost allowing us to bring the power or 'reply', 'paraphrase', 'summarize' and much more to all our activities with the press of a keystroke. No need to copy/paste from one app to another or even having to go to chatgpt itself, it brings it right there and then for us. Thank you, definitely makes our life much easier. Our team now use it for their personal tasks as well.">I(we) absolutely LOVE typedesk. This is a no brainer for any solopreneur or team that have to deal with customers support, fill forms on a regular basis, or just save time in general. It also syncs up on the cloud with everyone on the team so we have brand consistency across the company and remove the guessing out of the replies that our team have to generate keeping it custom for all our clients. We write or edit it once, and the entire team is automatically up to date for their very next communication. It's 10x faster, and works like a charm across all our platforms. UI is friendly with minimal learning curve. And like that wasn't enough, they just brought chatGPT integration at no extra cost allowing us to bring the power or 'reply', 'paraphrase', 'summarize' and much more to all our activities with the press of a keystroke. No need to copy/paste from one app to another or even having to go to chatgpt itself, it brings it right there and then for us. Thank you, definitely makes our life much easier. Our team now use it for their personal tasks as well.</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <div> <p class="text-sm">Patrick Charlier</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary">Co-founder</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="typedesk saves me so much time! Creating a template is easy to do and these shortcuts save so much time. I'm finding new ways every week to continue optimizing my time by fine tuning my templates. The new features provide easy ways to create multiple results from a single template.">typedesk saves me so much time! Creating a template is easy to do and these shortcuts save so much time. I'm finding new ways every week to continue optimizing my time by fine tuning my templates. The new features provide easy ways to create multiple results from a single template.</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <div> <p class="text-sm">Jason E.</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary">COO</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="Typdesk is a cross-platform tool that is highly valued by its developers and receives frequent updates. Although I sometimes encounter problems with new updates, the responsive team promptly fixes them. Overall, my experience with Typdesk has been excellent.">Typdesk is a cross-platform tool that is highly valued by its developers and receives frequent updates. Although I sometimes encounter problems with new updates, the responsive team promptly fixes them. Overall, my experience with Typdesk has been excellent.</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <img loading="lazy" class="object-cover w-10 h-10 rounded-full" src="" alt="Copy and Paste Messages, Saved Replies, Pre-written Responses, Automated Responses, Custom shortcuts"> <div> <p class="text-sm">Natasha</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary">HR Manager interested in upscaling orgs</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="Amazing time saver! Things that used to take several minutes now take several seconds. It reduces time, fatigue, and prevents errors. Michel is awesome at updating and maintaining the program. Highly recommended!">Amazing time saver! Things that used to take several minutes now take several seconds. It reduces time, fatigue, and prevents errors. Michel is awesome at updating and maintaining the program. Highly recommended!</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <img loading="lazy" class="object-cover w-10 h-10 rounded-full" src="" alt="Text expansion software, Quick Responses, Response Management, Time-saving software, Automated Responses"> <div> <p class="text-sm">Ben Delville</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary">Work in IT, prefer outdoors.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="Typedesk is one of my favourite tools and saves me literally 2+ hours a day, I use it every 5 mins or so. Highly recommended!">Typedesk is one of my favourite tools and saves me literally 2+ hours a day, I use it every 5 mins or so. Highly recommended!</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <img loading="lazy" class="object-cover w-10 h-10 rounded-full" src="" alt="Quick text tool, Text snippet tool, Response Library, Pre-made Messages, Response Templates"> <div> <p class="text-sm">Shane Harris (Patch)</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary">@shane_harris_patch_</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="Excellent product! Switched over from T*xtExpand*r and TypeDesk is soooooo much better. I highly recommend to anyone considering purchase. Congrats on the launch and keep up the good work!">Excellent product! Switched over from T*xtExpand*r and TypeDesk is soooooo much better. I highly recommend to anyone considering purchase. Congrats on the launch and keep up the good work!</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <img loading="lazy" class="object-cover w-10 h-10 rounded-full" src="" alt="Email Scripts, Custom shortcuts, Response Management, Email Drafts, Standardized Messages"> <div> <p class="text-sm">C J</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary">Cybersecurity consultant and blogger.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="This app is a totally time-saver. So amazing when it comes to typing reports and email messages when I want to save time.">This app is a totally time-saver. So amazing when it comes to typing reports and email messages when I want to save time.</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <img loading="lazy" class="object-cover w-10 h-10 rounded-full" src="" alt="Pre-written Responses, Text expansion app, Automation software, Response Library, Message Templates"> <div> <p class="text-sm">Dr. Gwen Smith</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary">Energy healing life coach</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="Simply the best time saving app, easy to use and implement and very lightweight">Simply the best time saving app, easy to use and implement and very lightweight</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <img loading="lazy" class="object-cover w-10 h-10 rounded-full" src="" alt="Phrase expansion software, Response Management, Frequently Used Replies, Windows text expansion, Workflow automation"> <div> <p class="text-sm">Jamie Forster</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary">@jamie_forster</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="A useful cross-platform tool that gets much love and attention from its developers and regular updates. From time to time, I run into issues with new updates, but these are quickly fixed by their responsive team and my overall my experience with Typdesk has been amazing.">A useful cross-platform tool that gets much love and attention from its developers and regular updates. From time to time, I run into issues with new updates, but these are quickly fixed by their responsive team and my overall my experience with Typdesk has been amazing.</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <img loading="lazy" class="object-cover w-10 h-10 rounded-full" src="" alt="Automation software, Response Templates, Productivity software, Typing shortcuts, Text replacement software"> <div> <p class="text-sm">Panther Productions</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary">Founder Freelance FOSS web agency</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="Exceptional piece of software. I need to write a ton of E-Mails and created some templates for myself, which I just copied. The Problem was that I needed to manually change some elements like names and other information unique to every single mail. Every so often, it's easy to forget to fill out one of the blank spaces within my text template after copying, which is frustrating when you have sent an e-mail with "Hello _____". There may be some more or less complicated workarounds within some writing & Mail Software I use, but nothing has been as easy to use as typedesk. You can paste your precomposed text in typedesk as a new "canned response", replace your "_____ blank_____" with a variable, individualize how you want to be prompted when it's time to fill in the information in the blank fields. From now on, you just type "/" + "your pre-defined shortcut" and there you go. My personal Killerfeature: It lives outside your applications, so it can be used with every single piece of software where you need to enter text. Regardless if it's within a browser, Mail application, Word, Excel etc.">Exceptional piece of software. I need to write a ton of E-Mails and created some templates for myself, which I just copied. The Problem was that I needed to manually change some elements like names and other information unique to every single mail. Every so often, it's easy to forget to fill out one of the blank spaces within my text template after copying, which is frustrating when you have sent an e-mail with "Hello _____". There may be some more or less complicated workarounds within some writing & Mail Software I use, but nothing has been as easy to use as typedesk. You can paste your precomposed text in typedesk as a new "canned response", replace your "_____ blank_____" with a variable, individualize how you want to be prompted when it's time to fill in the information in the blank fields. From now on, you just type "/" + "your pre-defined shortcut" and there you go. My personal Killerfeature: It lives outside your applications, so it can be used with every single piece of software where you need to enter text. Regardless if it's within a browser, Mail application, Word, Excel etc.</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <img loading="lazy" class="object-cover w-10 h-10 rounded-full" src="" alt="Automation software, Email Macros, Saved Replies, Standardized Messages, Email Automation"> <div> <p class="text-sm">Marifl</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary">@marcus_ifland</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="I had a couple of other tools that provided some similar functions to typedesk, but once I started to learn the additional capabilities, I dumped the others and settle on typedesk. I’ve still far from master everything that could be possible, simply down to the availability of my time, but I use it daily, I’ve been able to separate home and business uses into a clearly define set, and can call them from a single interface. Being able to return different data, in multiple ways depending on circumstance is brilliant, it simply prompts me to give it the right scenario, and it reformats to suit. I had a small issue with the Mac version on initial install, but support were responsive, helpful and resolve the issue in the next release, and gave me a temporary work around. Bugs are fine if support is there, so that was a positive experience too. I’m very happy with typedesk and look forward to expanding my use of it, and continue to share knowledge about it with friends and colleagues so they benefit too.">I had a couple of other tools that provided some similar functions to typedesk, but once I started to learn the additional capabilities, I dumped the others and settle on typedesk. I’ve still far from master everything that could be possible, simply down to the availability of my time, but I use it daily, I’ve been able to separate home and business uses into a clearly define set, and can call them from a single interface. Being able to return different data, in multiple ways depending on circumstance is brilliant, it simply prompts me to give it the right scenario, and it reformats to suit. I had a small issue with the Mac version on initial install, but support were responsive, helpful and resolve the issue in the next release, and gave me a temporary work around. Bugs are fine if support is there, so that was a positive experience too. I’m very happy with typedesk and look forward to expanding my use of it, and continue to share knowledge about it with friends and colleagues so they benefit too.</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <img loading="lazy" class="object-cover w-10 h-10 rounded-full" src="" alt="Automation software, Text expansion app, Email Macros, Text replacement software, Custom shortcuts"> <div> <p class="text-sm">Mike Foston</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary">Hi</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="This is exactly what I needed for my team to build better systems!">This is exactly what I needed for my team to build better systems!</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <div> <p class="text-sm">Nookie_at_Dating_Kinky</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="Hi, I was really happy with the use of another Text expander tool (FastKeys) so I was skipping this, but luckily I checked it out. Hey, what the heck.">Hi, I was really happy with the use of another Text expander tool (FastKeys) so I was skipping this, but luckily I checked it out. Hey, what the heck.</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <div> <p class="text-sm">EZnl</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="This is the kind of tool that is a bit underrated, it deserves even more love. I am sucker for time savings and improving my effiency and this tool does deliver. Love the ease of use and the way it makes me more productive even minutes after I started to use this. The only thing I need to do is to think when I type in something I reuse a lot, to make a canned response of it! Well deserved 5 taco's!">This is the kind of tool that is a bit underrated, it deserves even more love. I am sucker for time savings and improving my effiency and this tool does deliver. Love the ease of use and the way it makes me more productive even minutes after I started to use this. The only thing I need to do is to think when I type in something I reuse a lot, to make a canned response of it! Well deserved 5 taco's!</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <div> <p class="text-sm">BossOfTime</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="It is very easy to use. Simplicity is key which is perfect, because you don't want to be bogged down and distracted when a fast response is required. Glad i purchased, will definately get my ROI with time saved">It is very easy to use. Simplicity is key which is perfect, because you don't want to be bogged down and distracted when a fast response is required. Glad i purchased, will definately get my ROI with time saved</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <div> <p class="text-sm">James_Riddles</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="Super excited to have the Team version of TypeDesk... now I can have my team working to support my business and help their productivity and mine!">Super excited to have the Team version of TypeDesk... now I can have my team working to support my business and help their productivity and mine!</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <div> <p class="text-sm">NG</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="I use TypeDesk every day and it saves me the time and annoyance of typing repetitive text. It's seems like a small thing, saving a few seconds here, a few there, but they really do add up.">I use TypeDesk every day and it saves me the time and annoyance of typing repetitive text. It's seems like a small thing, saving a few seconds here, a few there, but they really do add up.</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <div> <p class="text-sm">lionstail</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="Fantastic tool for Content Creators or small Social media teams to interact across social media. Respond quickly and at scale to incoming and outgoing DM's. Great for fast Email responses. Perfect tool for answering similar questions. Team Folders is fantastic and it's the reason you should stack this offer. Get it. It saves so much time and effort. ">Fantastic tool for Content Creators or small Social media teams to interact across social media. Respond quickly and at scale to incoming and outgoing DM's. Great for fast Email responses. Perfect tool for answering similar questions. Team Folders is fantastic and it's the reason you should stack this offer. Get it. It saves so much time and effort. </p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <div> <p class="text-sm">pintofoptimism</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="I am very impressed with how the team handled my 3 star review. They reached out directly to Malwarebytes, got them the info to get the product white listed, and then followed up with me. This is a much needed product, if you type the same thing multiple times. Don't let this get away from you. It's a great product with 5 star service.">I am very impressed with how the team handled my 3 star review. They reached out directly to Malwarebytes, got them the info to get the product white listed, and then followed up with me. This is a much needed product, if you type the same thing multiple times. Don't let this get away from you. It's a great product with 5 star service.</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <div> <p class="text-sm">Kathe</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full max-w-md p-8 mb-6 mr-6 bg-neutral-50 shrink-0 rounded-xl border-slate-200 snap-center snap-mandatory"> <p class="flex items-center justify-start"> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="" class="text-yellow-400 w-7 h-7" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor"> <path d="M9.049 2.927c.3-.921 1.603-.921 1.902 0l1.07 3.292a1 1 0 00.95.69h3.462c.969 0 1.371 1.24.588 1.81l-2.8 2.034a1 1 0 00-.364 1.118l1.07 3.292c.3.921-.755 1.688-1.54 1.118l-2.8-2.034a1 1 0 00-1.175 0l-2.8 2.034c-.784.57-1.838-.197-1.539-1.118l1.07-3.292a1 1 0 00-.364-1.118L2.98 8.72c-.783-.57-.38-1.81.588-1.81h3.461a1 1 0 00.951-.69l1.07-3.292z" /> </svg> </p> <p class="my-3 max-h-[300px] testimonial" title="Yes Just What I Needed! this is great for the repetitive task, such a time saver , my work production has gone through the roof with this tool thank you!">Yes Just What I Needed! this is great for the repetitive task, such a time saver , my work production has gone through the roof with this tool thank you!</p> <div class="flex items-center gap-4"> <div> <p class="text-sm">Sumo-ling</p> <p class="text-sm text-secondary"></p> </div> </div> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "SoftwareApplication", "name": "typedesk Canned Responses", "operatingSystem": ["Windows", "MacOS", "Chrome", "Firefox", "Brave"], "applicationCategory": ["UtilitiesApplication","DesktopEnhancementApplication","CommunicationApplication", "BrowserApplication","BusinessApplication"], "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": "4.8", "ratingCount": "309" }, "review": [ { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "I love typedesk! It is by far one of my favourite tools to have in our tech stack.", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Pip Meecham" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "We use typedesk to ensure that communications remain aligned and uniform across all our channels as our company scales up.", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Michael Johnson" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "This software is unreal. It's like having a ChatGPT writing assistant on every single app I use and having all the prompts I can create at my fingertips.", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Michael Montefusco" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "This app is a phenomenal tool.", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "David Shutler" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "While our help desk does provide saved answers, I use typedesk to maintain a personal voice in my canned responses quickly and efficiently.", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Melanie Shears" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "I(we) absolutely LOVE typedesk. This is a no brainer for any solopreneur or team that have to deal with customers support, fill forms on a regular basis, or just save time in general. It also syncs up on the cloud with everyone on the team so we have brand consistency across the company and remove the guessing out of the replies that our team have to generate keeping it custom for all our clients. We write or edit it once, and the entire team is automatically up to date for their very next communication. It's 10x faster, and works like a charm across all our platforms. UI is friendly with minimal learning curve. And like that wasn't enough, they just brought chatGPT integration at no extra cost allowing us to bring the power or 'reply', 'paraphrase', 'summarize' and much more to all our activities with the press of a keystroke. No need to copy/paste from one app to another or even having to go to chatgpt itself, it brings it right there and then for us. Thank you, definitely makes our life much easier. Our team now use it for their personal tasks as well.", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Patrick Charlier" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "typedesk saves me so much time! Creating a template is easy to do and these shortcuts save so much time. I'm finding new ways every week to continue optimizing my time by fine tuning my templates. The new features provide easy ways to create multiple results from a single template.", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Jason E." } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "Typdesk is a cross-platform tool that is highly valued by its developers and receives frequent updates. Although I sometimes encounter problems with new updates, the responsive team promptly fixes them. Overall, my experience with Typdesk has been excellent.", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Natasha" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "Amazing time saver! Things that used to take several minutes now take several seconds. It reduces time, fatigue, and prevents errors. Michel is awesome at updating and maintaining the program. Highly recommended!", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Ben Delville" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "Typedesk is one of my favourite tools and saves me literally 2+ hours a day, I use it every 5 mins or so. Highly recommended!", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Shane Harris (Patch)" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "Excellent product! Switched over from T*xtExpand*r and TypeDesk is soooooo much better. I highly recommend to anyone considering purchase. Congrats on the launch and keep up the good work!", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "C J" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "This app is a totally time-saver. So amazing when it comes to typing reports and email messages when I want to save time.", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Dr. Gwen Smith" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "Simply the best time saving app, easy to use and implement and very lightweight", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Jamie Forster" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "A useful cross-platform tool that gets much love and attention from its developers and regular updates. From time to time, I run into issues with new updates, but these are quickly fixed by their responsive team and my overall my experience with Typdesk has been amazing.", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Panther Productions" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "Exceptional piece of software. I need to write a ton of E-Mails and created some templates for myself, which I just copied. The Problem was that I needed to manually change some elements like names and other information unique to every single mail. Every so often, it's easy to forget to fill out one of the blank spaces within my text template after copying, which is frustrating when you have sent an e-mail with "Hello _____". There may be some more or less complicated workarounds within some writing & Mail Software I use, but nothing has been as easy to use as typedesk. You can paste your precomposed text in typedesk as a new "canned response", replace your "_____ blank_____" with a variable, individualize how you want to be prompted when it's time to fill in the information in the blank fields. From now on, you just type "/" + "your pre-defined shortcut" and there you go. My personal Killerfeature: It lives outside your applications, so it can be used with every single piece of software where you need to enter text. Regardless if it's within a browser, Mail application, Word, Excel etc.", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Marifl" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "I had a couple of other tools that provided some similar functions to typedesk, but once I started to learn the additional capabilities, I dumped the others and settle on typedesk. I’ve still far from master everything that could be possible, simply down to the availability of my time, but I use it daily, I’ve been able to separate home and business uses into a clearly define set, and can call them from a single interface. Being able to return different data, in multiple ways depending on circumstance is brilliant, it simply prompts me to give it the right scenario, and it reformats to suit. I had a small issue with the Mac version on initial install, but support were responsive, helpful and resolve the issue in the next release, and gave me a temporary work around. Bugs are fine if support is there, so that was a positive experience too. I’m very happy with typedesk and look forward to expanding my use of it, and continue to share knowledge about it with friends and colleagues so they benefit too.", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Mike Foston" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "This is exactly what I needed for my team to build better systems!", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Nookie_at_Dating_Kinky" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "Hi, I was really happy with the use of another Text expander tool (FastKeys) so I was skipping this, but luckily I checked it out. Hey, what the heck.", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "EZnl" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "This is the kind of tool that is a bit underrated, it deserves even more love. I am sucker for time savings and improving my effiency and this tool does deliver. Love the ease of use and the way it makes me more productive even minutes after I started to use this. The only thing I need to do is to think when I type in something I reuse a lot, to make a canned response of it! Well deserved 5 taco's!", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "BossOfTime" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "It is very easy to use. Simplicity is key which is perfect, because you don't want to be bogged down and distracted when a fast response is required. Glad i purchased, will definately get my ROI with time saved", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "James_Riddles" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "Super excited to have the Team version of TypeDesk... now I can have my team working to support my business and help their productivity and mine!", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "NG" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "I use TypeDesk every day and it saves me the time and annoyance of typing repetitive text. It's seems like a small thing, saving a few seconds here, a few there, but they really do add up.", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "lionstail" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "Fantastic tool for Content Creators or small Social media teams to interact across social media. Respond quickly and at scale to incoming and outgoing DM's. Great for fast Email responses. Perfect tool for answering similar questions. Team Folders is fantastic and it's the reason you should stack this offer. Get it. It saves so much time and effort. ", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "pintofoptimism" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "I am very impressed with how the team handled my 3 star review. They reached out directly to Malwarebytes, got them the info to get the product white listed, and then followed up with me. This is a much needed product, if you type the same thing multiple times. Don't let this get away from you. It's a great product with 5 star service.", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Kathe" } }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5" }, "name": "Yes Just What I Needed! this is great for the repetitive task, such a time saver , my work production has gone through the roof with this tool thank you!", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Sumo-ling" } } ], "offers": { "@type": "Offer", "price": "5.00", "priceCurrency": "USD" } } </script> </div> <a title="Show more testimonials" href="#" onclick="scrollCaroussel(event)" class="btn"> <img class="nudge" src="/img/chevron_right.svg" alt="Show more testimonials"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="container mx-auto"> <div class="grid gap-12 lg:grid-cols-12"> <div class="text-center lg:col-span-4 lg:text-left"> <h2 class="text-3xl">Frequently asked questions</h2> <p class="mt-2 mb-4">Need more info about typedesk document generator? Visit our learning centre to become a template master!</p> <a href="/help/" class="btn btn-sm"> Visit learning center <svg class="nudge" width="17" height="11" viewBox="0 0 17 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.50685 5.63258L0.5 5.53078C0.5 5.15108 0.78215 4.83728 1.14823 4.78768L1.25 4.78078L13.946 4.78168L10.7248 1.56228C10.4585 1.29608 10.4341 0.879381 10.6518 0.585681L10.7244 0.50158C10.9905 0.235179 11.4072 0.21078 11.7009 0.42858L11.7851 0.50108L16.2851 4.99738C16.5514 5.26348 16.5758 5.68018 16.3581 5.97388L16.2855 6.05798L11.7855 10.5618C11.4927 10.8548 11.0179 10.855 10.7248 10.5622C10.4585 10.2961 10.4341 9.87942 10.6518 9.58572L10.7244 9.50157L13.942 6.28168L1.25 6.28078C0.8703 6.28078 0.55651 5.99868 0.50685 5.63258Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="lg:col-span-8"> <div x-data="{ visible: null }"> <div class="p-6 border-b cursor-pointer select-none group border-neutral-200" @click="visible !== 'V2hhdCBpcyBhIHRleHQgZXhwYW5kZXI/' ? visible = 'V2hhdCBpcyBhIHRleHQgZXhwYW5kZXI/' : visible = null"> <h3 class="flex items-center gap-6 m-0 text-base font-normal"> <img class="transition-all group-hover:rotate-12" src="/img/plus.svg" :class="visible == 'V2hhdCBpcyBhIHRleHQgZXhwYW5kZXI/' ? '!rotate-45' : ''" alt=""> What is a text expander? </h3> <div class="mt-4 prose" :class="{ 'hidden' : visible != 'V2hhdCBpcyBhIHRleHQgZXhwYW5kZXI/' }"> <p>A <strong>text expander for Windows</strong> and Mac is a productivity tool that allows users to create shortcuts for frequently typed phrases, sentences, or paragraphs. These shortcuts, known as <em>text snippets</em>, automatically expand into the full text when typed, saving time and effort. The <strong>text expander app</strong> is particularly useful for businesses and individuals looking to streamline their typing tasks and create consistent <em>text templates</em> for communication.</p> </div> </div> <div class="p-6 border-b cursor-pointer select-none group border-neutral-200" @click="visible !== 'SXMgdHlwZWRlc2sgdGV4dCBleHBhbmRlciBmcmVlPw==' ? visible = 'SXMgdHlwZWRlc2sgdGV4dCBleHBhbmRlciBmcmVlPw==' : visible = null"> <h3 class="flex items-center gap-6 m-0 text-base font-normal"> <img class="transition-all group-hover:rotate-12" src="/img/plus.svg" :class="visible == 'SXMgdHlwZWRlc2sgdGV4dCBleHBhbmRlciBmcmVlPw==' ? '!rotate-45' : ''" alt=""> Is typedesk text expander free? </h3> <div class="mt-4 prose" :class="{ 'hidden' : visible != 'SXMgdHlwZWRlc2sgdGV4dCBleHBhbmRlciBmcmVlPw==' }"> <p>typedesk offers a versatile <strong>text expander</strong> solution with a free version that includes basic features, allowing users to experience the power of <em>text snippets</em> and <em>text templates</em> without any initial investment. For advanced features and unlimited usage, there are premium plans available that cater to a variety of needs.</p> </div> </div> <div class="p-6 border-b cursor-pointer select-none group border-neutral-200" @click="visible !== 'SXMgeW91ciB0ZXh0IGV4cGFuZGVyIGEgQ2hyb21lIGV4dGVuc2lvbj8=' ? visible = 'SXMgeW91ciB0ZXh0IGV4cGFuZGVyIGEgQ2hyb21lIGV4dGVuc2lvbj8=' : visible = null"> <h3 class="flex items-center gap-6 m-0 text-base font-normal"> <img class="transition-all group-hover:rotate-12" src="/img/plus.svg" :class="visible == 'SXMgeW91ciB0ZXh0IGV4cGFuZGVyIGEgQ2hyb21lIGV4dGVuc2lvbj8=' ? '!rotate-45' : ''" alt=""> Is your text expander a Chrome extension? </h3> <div class="mt-4 prose" :class="{ 'hidden' : visible != 'SXMgeW91ciB0ZXh0IGV4cGFuZGVyIGEgQ2hyb21lIGV4dGVuc2lvbj8=' }"> <p>Yes, the typedesk <strong>text expander</strong> is available as an <strong>auto text expander for chrome</strong>, making it easily accessible and convenient for users who prefer to work within their browser. This extension integrates seamlessly with various online platforms, allowing for quick and efficient use of <em>text snippets</em> and <em>text templates</em> across numerous applications.</p> </div> </div> <div class="p-6 border-b cursor-pointer select-none group border-neutral-200" @click="visible !== 'RG9lcyB0aGlzIHdvcmsgd2l0aCBPdXRsb29rPw==' ? visible = 'RG9lcyB0aGlzIHdvcmsgd2l0aCBPdXRsb29rPw==' : visible = null"> <h3 class="flex items-center gap-6 m-0 text-base font-normal"> <img class="transition-all group-hover:rotate-12" src="/img/plus.svg" :class="visible == 'RG9lcyB0aGlzIHdvcmsgd2l0aCBPdXRsb29rPw==' ? '!rotate-45' : ''" alt=""> Does this work with Outlook? </h3> <div class="mt-4 prose" :class="{ 'hidden' : visible != 'RG9lcyB0aGlzIHdvcmsgd2l0aCBPdXRsb29rPw==' }"> <p>Yes, typedesk works beautifully with Outlook email client. Click here to see how to use an <a href=''>email template on Outlook</a>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="p-6 border-b cursor-pointer select-none group border-neutral-200" @click="visible !== 'V2h5IGlzIG15IGN1cnJlbnQgdGV4dCBleHBhbmRlciBub3Qgd29ya2luZyB3aXRoIG15IGFwcHM/' ? visible = 'V2h5IGlzIG15IGN1cnJlbnQgdGV4dCBleHBhbmRlciBub3Qgd29ya2luZyB3aXRoIG15IGFwcHM/' : visible = null"> <h3 class="flex items-center gap-6 m-0 text-base font-normal"> <img class="transition-all group-hover:rotate-12" src="/img/plus.svg" :class="visible == 'V2h5IGlzIG15IGN1cnJlbnQgdGV4dCBleHBhbmRlciBub3Qgd29ya2luZyB3aXRoIG15IGFwcHM/' ? '!rotate-45' : ''" alt=""> Why is my current text expander not working with my apps? </h3> <div class="mt-4 prose" :class="{ 'hidden' : visible != 'V2h5IGlzIG15IGN1cnJlbnQgdGV4dCBleHBhbmRlciBub3Qgd29ya2luZyB3aXRoIG15IGFwcHM/' }"> <p>If your current <strong>text expander</strong> is not working with your apps, it may be due to compatibility issues or limitations in the software. typedesk is designed to work across a wide range of platforms, ensuring that your <em>text snippets</em> and <em>text templates</em> are available wherever you need them. Compatibility and integration are top priorities for our <strong>text expander app</strong>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="p-6 border-b cursor-pointer select-none group border-neutral-200" @click="visible !== 'SXMgeW91ciB0ZXh0IGV4cGFuZGVyIFdvcmQtY29tcGF0aWJsZT8=' ? visible = 'SXMgeW91ciB0ZXh0IGV4cGFuZGVyIFdvcmQtY29tcGF0aWJsZT8=' : visible = null"> <h3 class="flex items-center gap-6 m-0 text-base font-normal"> <img class="transition-all group-hover:rotate-12" src="/img/plus.svg" :class="visible == 'SXMgeW91ciB0ZXh0IGV4cGFuZGVyIFdvcmQtY29tcGF0aWJsZT8=' ? '!rotate-45' : ''" alt=""> Is your text expander Word-compatible? </h3> <div class="mt-4 prose" :class="{ 'hidden' : visible != 'SXMgeW91ciB0ZXh0IGV4cGFuZGVyIFdvcmQtY29tcGF0aWJsZT8=' }"> <p>typedesk's <strong>text expander</strong> is compatible with Microsoft Word, enabling you to use your <em>text snippets</em> and <em>text templates</em> within one of the most popular word-processing software. This integration helps to enhance your writing efficiency and ensures consistency in your documents.</p> </div> </div> <div class="p-6 border-b cursor-pointer select-none group border-neutral-200" @click="visible !== 'RG8geW91IG9mZmVyIGEgdGV4dCBleHBhbmRlciBmb3IgV2luZG93cz8=' ? visible = 'RG8geW91IG9mZmVyIGEgdGV4dCBleHBhbmRlciBmb3IgV2luZG93cz8=' : visible = null"> <h3 class="flex items-center gap-6 m-0 text-base font-normal"> <img class="transition-all group-hover:rotate-12" src="/img/plus.svg" :class="visible == 'RG8geW91IG9mZmVyIGEgdGV4dCBleHBhbmRlciBmb3IgV2luZG93cz8=' ? '!rotate-45' : ''" alt=""> Do you offer a text expander for Windows? </h3> <div class="mt-4 prose" :class="{ 'hidden' : visible != 'RG8geW91IG9mZmVyIGEgdGV4dCBleHBhbmRlciBmb3IgV2luZG93cz8=' }"> <p>Yes, typedesk provides a <strong>text expander for Windows</strong> that works with all your apps and websites. This ensures that whether you're working on emails, documents, or any other typing-intensive tasks, your <em>text snippets</em> are readily available to streamline your workflow on the Windows platform.</p> </div> </div> <div class="p-6 border-b cursor-pointer select-none group border-neutral-200" @click="visible !== 'SG93IHRvIHVzZSB0ZXh0IGV4cGFuZGVyPw==' ? visible = 'SG93IHRvIHVzZSB0ZXh0IGV4cGFuZGVyPw==' : visible = null"> <h3 class="flex items-center gap-6 m-0 text-base font-normal"> <img class="transition-all group-hover:rotate-12" src="/img/plus.svg" :class="visible == 'SG93IHRvIHVzZSB0ZXh0IGV4cGFuZGVyPw==' ? '!rotate-45' : ''" alt=""> How to use text expander? </h3> <div class="mt-4 prose" :class="{ 'hidden' : visible != 'SG93IHRvIHVzZSB0ZXh0IGV4cGFuZGVyPw==' }"> <p>Using typedesk <strong>text expander for Windows</strong> and Mac is easy. Use the Quick Access to easily find any template, or define a text shortcut you can use to recall your text templates.</p> </div> </div> <div class="p-6 border-b cursor-pointer select-none group border-neutral-200" @click="visible !== 'Q2FuIEkgdXNlIHR5cGVkZXNrIHRleHQgZXhwYW5kZXIgd2l0aCBHbWFpbD8=' ? visible = 'Q2FuIEkgdXNlIHR5cGVkZXNrIHRleHQgZXhwYW5kZXIgd2l0aCBHbWFpbD8=' : visible = null"> <h3 class="flex items-center gap-6 m-0 text-base font-normal"> <img class="transition-all group-hover:rotate-12" src="/img/plus.svg" :class="visible == 'Q2FuIEkgdXNlIHR5cGVkZXNrIHRleHQgZXhwYW5kZXIgd2l0aCBHbWFpbD8=' ? '!rotate-45' : ''" alt=""> Can I use typedesk text expander with Gmail? </h3> <div class="mt-4 prose" :class="{ 'hidden' : visible != 'Q2FuIEkgdXNlIHR5cGVkZXNrIHRleHQgZXhwYW5kZXIgd2l0aCBHbWFpbD8=' }"> <p>Absolutely, typedesk works with all email clients. Want to learn <a href=''>how to create gmail templates</a>? See our dedicated article!</p> </div> </div> <div class="p-6 border-b cursor-pointer select-none group border-neutral-200" @click="visible !== 'RG8geW91IG9mZmVyIGEgdGV4dCBleHBhbmRlciBmb3IgaVBob25lPw==' ? visible = 'RG8geW91IG9mZmVyIGEgdGV4dCBleHBhbmRlciBmb3IgaVBob25lPw==' : visible = null"> <h3 class="flex items-center gap-6 m-0 text-base font-normal"> <img class="transition-all group-hover:rotate-12" src="/img/plus.svg" :class="visible == 'RG8geW91IG9mZmVyIGEgdGV4dCBleHBhbmRlciBmb3IgaVBob25lPw==' ? '!rotate-45' : ''" alt=""> Do you offer a text expander for iPhone? </h3> <div class="mt-4 prose" :class="{ 'hidden' : visible != 'RG8geW91IG9mZmVyIGEgdGV4dCBleHBhbmRlciBmb3IgaVBob25lPw==' }"> <p>typedesk offers a desktop and laptop-friendly <strong>text expander</strong>. Although not currently available, the text expander for iPhone is under development. This will allow users to quickly insert <em>text snippets</em> and utilize <em>text templates</em> while on the go, enhancing productivity on their iOS devices.</p> </div> </div> <div class="p-6 border-b cursor-pointer select-none group border-neutral-200" @click="visible !== 'SXMgdGhpcyBhIG1hYyB0ZXh0IGV4cGFuZGVyPw==' ? visible = 'SXMgdGhpcyBhIG1hYyB0ZXh0IGV4cGFuZGVyPw==' : visible = null"> <h3 class="flex items-center gap-6 m-0 text-base font-normal"> <img class="transition-all group-hover:rotate-12" src="/img/plus.svg" :class="visible == 'SXMgdGhpcyBhIG1hYyB0ZXh0IGV4cGFuZGVyPw==' ? '!rotate-45' : ''" alt=""> Is this a mac text expander? </h3> <div class="mt-4 prose" :class="{ 'hidden' : visible != 'SXMgdGhpcyBhIG1hYyB0ZXh0IGV4cGFuZGVyPw==' }"> <p>Absolutely! typedesk <strong>mac text expander</strong> works on all mac computers and is the <strong>best text expander for mac</strong>. typedesk is a great alternative to the build-in text shortcuts.</p> </div> </div> <div class="p-6 border-b cursor-pointer select-none group border-neutral-200" @click="visible !== 'RG8geW91IG9mZmVyIGEgdGV4dCBleHBhbmRlciBmb3IgTWFjPw==' ? visible = 'RG8geW91IG9mZmVyIGEgdGV4dCBleHBhbmRlciBmb3IgTWFjPw==' : visible = null"> <h3 class="flex items-center gap-6 m-0 text-base font-normal"> <img class="transition-all group-hover:rotate-12" src="/img/plus.svg" :class="visible == 'RG8geW91IG9mZmVyIGEgdGV4dCBleHBhbmRlciBmb3IgTWFjPw==' ? '!rotate-45' : ''" alt=""> Do you offer a text expander for Mac? </h3> <div class="mt-4 prose" :class="{ 'hidden' : visible != 'RG8geW91IG9mZmVyIGEgdGV4dCBleHBhbmRlciBmb3IgTWFjPw==' }"> <p>For Mac users, typedesk has developed a dedicated <strong>mac text expander</strong> that integrates seamlessly with the macOS environment. This allows for efficient use of <em>text snippets</em> and <em>text templates</em>, making typing tasks faster and more consistent on Mac computers.</p> </div> </div> <div class="p-6 border-b cursor-pointer select-none group border-neutral-200" @click="visible !== 'V2hhdCBpcyB0aGUgYmVzdCB0ZXh0IGV4cGFuZGVyIGZvciBXaW5kb3dzPw==' ? visible = 'V2hhdCBpcyB0aGUgYmVzdCB0ZXh0IGV4cGFuZGVyIGZvciBXaW5kb3dzPw==' : visible = null"> <h3 class="flex items-center gap-6 m-0 text-base font-normal"> <img class="transition-all group-hover:rotate-12" src="/img/plus.svg" :class="visible == 'V2hhdCBpcyB0aGUgYmVzdCB0ZXh0IGV4cGFuZGVyIGZvciBXaW5kb3dzPw==' ? '!rotate-45' : ''" alt=""> What is the best text expander for Windows? </h3> <div class="mt-4 prose" :class="{ 'hidden' : visible != 'V2hhdCBpcyB0aGUgYmVzdCB0ZXh0IGV4cGFuZGVyIGZvciBXaW5kb3dzPw==' }"> It really depends on what you're looking for! typedesk text expander for Windows is a great solution if you are looking for an effortless and user-friendly solution at a reasonable price! </div> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is a text expander?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>A <strong>text expander for Windows</strong> and Mac is a productivity tool that allows users to create shortcuts for frequently typed phrases, sentences, or paragraphs. These shortcuts, known as <em>text snippets</em>, automatically expand into the full text when typed, saving time and effort. The <strong>text expander app</strong> is particularly useful for businesses and individuals looking to streamline their typing tasks and create consistent <em>text templates</em> for communication.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Is typedesk text expander free?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>typedesk offers a versatile <strong>text expander</strong> solution with a free version that includes basic features, allowing users to experience the power of <em>text snippets</em> and <em>text templates</em> without any initial investment. For advanced features and unlimited usage, there are premium plans available that cater to a variety of needs.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Is your text expander a Chrome extension?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Yes, the typedesk <strong>text expander</strong> is available as an <strong>auto text expander for chrome</strong>, making it easily accessible and convenient for users who prefer to work within their browser. This extension integrates seamlessly with various online platforms, allowing for quick and efficient use of <em>text snippets</em> and <em>text templates</em> across numerous applications.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Does this work with Outlook?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Yes, typedesk works beautifully with Outlook email client. Click here to see how to use an <a href=''>email template on Outlook</a>.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Why is my current text expander not working with my apps?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>If your current <strong>text expander</strong> is not working with your apps, it may be due to compatibility issues or limitations in the software. typedesk is designed to work across a wide range of platforms, ensuring that your <em>text snippets</em> and <em>text templates</em> are available wherever you need them. Compatibility and integration are top priorities for our <strong>text expander app</strong>.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Is your text expander Word-compatible?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>typedesk's <strong>text expander</strong> is compatible with Microsoft Word, enabling you to use your <em>text snippets</em> and <em>text templates</em> within one of the most popular word-processing software. This integration helps to enhance your writing efficiency and ensures consistency in your documents.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Do you offer a text expander for Windows?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Yes, typedesk provides a <strong>text expander for Windows</strong> that works with all your apps and websites. This ensures that whether you're working on emails, documents, or any other typing-intensive tasks, your <em>text snippets</em> are readily available to streamline your workflow on the Windows platform.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How to use text expander?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Using typedesk <strong>text expander for Windows</strong> and Mac is easy. Use the Quick Access to easily find any template, or define a text shortcut you can use to recall your text templates.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Can I use typedesk text expander with Gmail?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Absolutely, typedesk works with all email clients. Want to learn <a href=''>how to create gmail templates</a>? See our dedicated article!</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Do you offer a text expander for iPhone?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>typedesk offers a desktop and laptop-friendly <strong>text expander</strong>. Although not currently available, the text expander for iPhone is under development. This will allow users to quickly insert <em>text snippets</em> and utilize <em>text templates</em> while on the go, enhancing productivity on their iOS devices.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Is this a mac text expander?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Absolutely! typedesk <strong>mac text expander</strong> works on all mac computers and is the <strong>best text expander for mac</strong>. typedesk is a great alternative to the build-in text shortcuts.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Do you offer a text expander for Mac?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>For Mac users, typedesk has developed a dedicated <strong>mac text expander</strong> that integrates seamlessly with the macOS environment. This allows for efficient use of <em>text snippets</em> and <em>text templates</em>, making typing tasks faster and more consistent on Mac computers.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the best text expander for Windows?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "It really depends on what you're looking for! typedesk text expander for Windows is a great solution if you are looking for an effortless and user-friendly solution at a reasonable price!" } } ] } </script> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container mx-auto"> <h3 class="mb-8 text-center text-3xl">More than just a text expander</h3> <div class="mx-auto grid items-start gap-8 md:grid-cols-3"> <a class="group flex flex-col rounded-xl bg-neutral-50 p-8 transition-colors hover:bg-neutral-100" href=""> <svg class="mb-2 text-yellow-500" fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" xmlns=""> <path d="M8.29397 14L6.52694 21.0681C6.34048 21.814 7.26336 22.324 7.79569 21.7693L19.7911 9.2693C20.2486 8.79255 19.9107 8 19.25 8H14.7905L16.4615 2.98717C16.6234 2.50152 16.2619 2 15.75 2H8.74997C8.41511 2 8.12082 2.22198 8.02883 2.54396L5.02883 13.044C4.89194 13.5231 5.25168 14 5.74997 14H8.29397ZM13.0385 8.51283C12.8766 8.99848 13.238 9.5 13.75 9.5H17.4908L8.66619 18.6958L9.98216 13.4319C10.1005 12.9585 9.74248 12.5 9.25455 12.5H6.74427L9.31569 3.5H14.7094L13.0385 8.51283Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <h3 class="text-lg font-semibold">Text Expander</h3> <p class="text-secondary">The most advanced text expander for Mac and Windows</p> </a> <a class="group flex flex-col rounded-xl bg-neutral-50 p-8 transition-colors hover:bg-neutral-100" href=""> <svg class="mb-2 text-blue-500" fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" xmlns=""> <path d="M20.0256 12.1922C19.8772 12.4296 19.6806 12.6332 19.4486 12.7899L13.3987 16.8736C12.5535 17.4441 11.4465 17.4441 10.6013 16.8736L4.55142 12.7899C3.79043 12.2762 3.49533 11.3306 3.77229 10.5003L10.6132 15.0598C11.4005 15.5847 12.4112 15.6175 13.2264 15.1582L13.3867 15.0598L20.2271 10.4998C20.4088 11.0459 20.3545 11.666 20.0256 12.1922ZM20.2271 13.7498C20.4088 14.2959 20.3545 14.916 20.0256 15.4422C19.8772 15.6796 19.6806 15.8832 19.4486 16.0399L13.3987 20.1236C12.5535 20.6941 11.4465 20.6941 10.6013 20.1236L4.55142 16.0399C3.79043 15.5262 3.49533 14.5806 3.77229 13.7503L10.6132 18.3098C11.4005 18.8347 12.4112 18.8675 13.2264 18.4082L13.3867 18.3098L20.2271 13.7498ZM13.3867 3.42476L19.7519 7.66821C20.2115 7.97456 20.3356 8.59543 20.0293 9.05496C19.956 9.16481 19.8618 9.25907 19.7519 9.33231L13.3867 13.5758C12.547 14.1356 11.453 14.1356 10.6132 13.5758L4.24807 9.33231C3.78854 9.02595 3.66437 8.40509 3.97072 7.94556C4.04396 7.8357 4.13822 7.74144 4.24807 7.66821L10.6132 3.42476C11.453 2.86492 12.547 2.86492 13.3867 3.42476ZM11.5608 4.60648L11.4453 4.67283L5.705 8.50026L11.4453 12.3277C11.7439 12.5267 12.1228 12.5488 12.4392 12.394L12.5547 12.3277L18.294 8.50026L12.5547 4.67283C12.2561 4.47378 11.8772 4.45166 11.5608 4.60648Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <h3 class="text-lg font-semibold">AI Prompt Generator</h3> <p class="text-secondary">A prompt assistant available everywhere you work</p> </a> <a class="group flex flex-col rounded-xl bg-neutral-50 p-8 transition-colors hover:bg-neutral-100" href=""> <svg class="mb-2 text-yellow-500" fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.5 20C18.5 20.275 18.276 20.5 18 20.5H6C5.724 20.5 5.5 20.275 5.5 20V17H4V20C4 21.104 4.896 22 6 22H18C19.104 22 20 21.104 20 20V9.828C20 9.298 19.789 8.789 19.414 8.414L13.585 2.586C13.57 2.57105 13.5531 2.55808 13.5363 2.5452C13.5238 2.53567 13.5115 2.5262 13.5 2.516C13.429 2.452 13.359 2.389 13.281 2.336C13.2557 2.31894 13.2281 2.30548 13.2005 2.29207C13.1845 2.28426 13.1685 2.27647 13.153 2.268C13.1363 2.25859 13.1197 2.24897 13.103 2.23933C13.0488 2.20797 12.9944 2.17648 12.937 2.152C12.74 2.07 12.528 2.029 12.313 2.014C12.2933 2.01274 12.2738 2.01008 12.2542 2.00741C12.2271 2.00371 12.1999 2 12.172 2H6C4.896 2 4 2.896 4 4V13H5.5V4C5.5 3.725 5.724 3.5 6 3.5H12V8C12 9.104 12.896 10 14 10H18.5V20ZM13.5 4.621L17.378 8.5H14C13.724 8.5 13.5 8.275 13.5 8V4.621ZM8.75 11.5C8.33579 11.5 8 11.8358 8 12.25C8 12.6642 8.33579 13 8.75 13H15.25C15.6642 13 16 12.6642 16 12.25C16 11.8358 15.6642 11.5 15.25 11.5H8.75ZM2.75 14.25C2.33579 14.25 2 14.5858 2 15C2 15.4142 2.33579 15.75 2.75 15.75H9.25C9.66421 15.75 10 15.4142 10 15C10 14.5858 9.66421 14.25 9.25 14.25H2.75ZM8.75 17C8.33579 17 8 17.3358 8 17.75C8 18.1642 8.33579 18.5 8.75 18.5H15.25C15.6642 18.5 16 18.1642 16 17.75C16 17.3358 15.6642 17 15.25 17H8.75Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <h3 class="text-lg font-semibold">Document Template Generator</h3> <p class="text-secondary">Quickly create and personalize documents on the fly with our free document template creator</p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="container mx-auto"> <div class="items-center text-center lg:text-left gap-4 p-[calc(5vw+20px)] flex flex-col lg:gap-16 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