CNN Member Services: FAQ

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color:#cc0000;">GENERAL INFORMATION AND HELP:</div> <span class="cnnSectBulletItems"> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#1a">What do I get if I register as a CNN member?</a><br> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#1b">Is CNN membership free?</a><br> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#1c">How do I register?</a><br> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#1d">I'm already registered. How do I sign in?</a><br> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#1e">What if I can't sign in?</a><br> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#1f">What if I receive an "e-mail address not recognized" error message?</a><br> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#1g">What if I receive an "e-mail address is already in use" error message?</a><br> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#1h">Why do I have to answer so many personal questions?</a><br> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#1i">How does CNN protect my privacy?</a><br> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#1j">After I fill out the online form, why do I have to confirm my e-mail address?</a><br> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#1k">What is a browser cookie?</a><br> <br> </span> <div class="cnnSectBoxHeadW" style="background-color:#ffffff; color:#cc0000;">E-MAIL:</div> <span class="cnnSectBulletItems"> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#2a">I am a current Breaking News Alert and/or E-mail Newsletter subscriber. Does that mean I am registered CNN member?</a><br> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#2b">How are E-mail Newsletters and Your E-mail Alerts different?</a><br> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#2c">What if I haven't been receiving my e-mail newsletters?</a><br> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#2d">I signed up for several e-mail newsletters before July 2004. Do I have to register to keep getting these newsletters?</a><br> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#2e">Do I have to register as a CNN Member to unsubscribe from a newsletter?</a><br> <br> </span> <div class="cnnSectBoxHeadW" style="background-color:#ffffff; color:#cc0000;">PASSWORD AND PROFILE MANAGEMENT:</div> <span class="cnnSectBulletItems"> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#3a">What if I forgot my password?</a><br> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#3b">How do I change my password?</a><br> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#3c">What if my password hint doesn't remind me of my password?</a><br> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#3d">How do I update my account profile?</a><br> &#149;&nbsp;<a href="#3e">How do I change the personal information in my account?</a><br> <br> </span> <div><img src="" width="634" hspace="0" vspace="0" alt="" border="0" height="3"></div> <br> <span class="cnnBigPrint"><b style="color:#c00">GENERAL INFORMATION AND HELP</b></span><br><br> <a name="1a"></a><span class="cnnBigPrint" style="color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">What do I get if I register as a CNN member?</span><br> <span class="cnnBodyText"> As a CNN member, you will receive instant access to several different services including personalized e-mails alerting you to news stories, Breaking News Alerts and E-mail Newsletters. You can also get sports scores and sports news from<br><br> <div style="padding-left:20px;"> <b>Your E-mail Alerts</b><br> You can easily follow the news that matters to you with's free personalized news tracking service. will e-mail you an alert each time a story is published that matches your selected topics, such as people, locations and issues. <a href="/web/20140127154236/">More about Your E-mail Alerts</a>.<br><br> <b> News and Score Alerts</b><br> Get sports news alerts and scores delivered to your inbox. Choose from NFL, MLB, NBA, NCAA, golf, NHL and Olympic alerts. <a href="">Get Alerts</a>.<br><br> <b>Breaking News Alerts</b><br> With breaking news e-mail alerts you can be one of the first to know the latest developments on the biggest news stories. <a href="">Subscribe to Breaking News Alert</a>.<br><br> <b>E-mail Newsletters</b><br> Want a daily summary of top stories delivered to your inbox? How about a weekly round up of political or health news? CNN's suite of E-mail Newsletters delivers you the latest coverage on politics, health, business, technology and more. Select one, two, or sign up for them all -- including free newsletters from CNN's premier on-air shows and anchors. <a href="">Activate your E-mail Newsletters</a>.<br><br> <b>Games/Trivia:</b><br> When you become a CNN member you will have access to all the interactive games, sweepstakes, and contests runs throughout the year.<br> <b><a href="" target="new">REGISTER NOW</a>!</b> </div> </span> <br><br> <a name="1b"></a><span class="cnnBigPrint" style="color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">Is CNN membership free?</span><br> <span class="cnnBodyText"> Yes, CNN membership is a free service provided to our users. After completing the simple registration process, you will have immediate access to all the CNN member services on any CNN site. </span> <br><br> <a name="1c"></a><span class="cnnBigPrint" style="color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">How do I register?</span><br> <span class="cnnBodyText"> Registration is easy. Simply complete the registration form, then reply to the confirmation e-mail sent to your inbox and you're a member. <b><a href="" target="new">Register FREE</a>!</b> </span> <br><br> <a name="1d"></a><span class="cnnBigPrint" style="color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">I'm already registered. How do I sign in?</span><br> <span class="cnnBodyText"> If you've already a registered CNN member, click on any "Member Services" or "Sign in" link, then enter your e-mail address and password. <b><a href=";source=cnn" target="new">Sign in now</a>!</b> <br><br> If you were signed up for an E-mail Newsletter before July 2004, you may not be a full CNN member. Please refer to the e-mail section of this FAQ for more details. </span> <br><br> <a name="1e"></a><span class="cnnBigPrint" style="color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">What if I can't sign in?</span><br> <span class="cnnBodyText"> Double-check your e-mail address and password. The e-mail address and password fields are case sensitive. If you are unsure of your password, click the "forgot password" link. If you are sure of your e-mail address and password, and continue to have problems, please send us a message through the <a href="/web/20140127154236/">CNN feedback system</a>.<br><br> If you were subscribed to the Breaking News Alert or any E-mail Newsletter before July 2004, you may not be a full CNN member. Please refer to the e-mail section of this FAQ for more details. </span> <br><br> <a name="1f"></a><span class="cnnBigPrint" style="color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">What if I receive an "e-mail address not recognized" error message?</span><br> <span class="cnnBodyText"> If you are receiving an error message that indicates your "e-mail address not recognized," then a CNN member account has not yet been created using that e-mail address. If you have not registered as a CNN member, <a href="">register now</a>. <br><br> If you were subscribed to the Breaking News Alert or any E-mail Newsletter before July 2004, you may not be a full CNN member. Please refer to the e-mail section of this FAQ for more details. </span> <br><br> <a name="1g"></a><span class="cnnBigPrint" style="color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">What if I receive an "e-mail address is already in use" error message?</span><br> <span class="cnnBodyText"> If you are receiving an error message that indicates your "e-mail address is already in use," then an account has already been setup using that e-mail address. If you have already registered, please try to <a href="">sign in</a>. If you cannot remember your password, please click on the "forgot password" link. <br><br> If you are certain you did not register your e-mail address, please send a message through the <a href="/web/20140127154236/">CNN feedback system</a> to report this problem and we will investigate immediately. </span> <br><br> <a name="1h"></a><span class="cnnBigPrint" style="color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">Why do I have to answer so many personal questions?</span><br> <span class="cnnBodyText"> Collecting information about users helps us tailor product offerings so we provide a constantly improving group of member service. Personal information is used for internal purposes only and will not be shared, sold, or otherwise distributed, in accordance with <a href="/web/20140127154236/" target="new">CNN's Privacy Statement</a>. </span> <br><br> <a name="1i"></a><span class="cnnBigPrint" style="color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">How does CNN protect my privacy?</span><br> <span class="cnnBodyText"> The collection and use of every CNN member's personal information adheres to the CNN privacy guidelines. To learn more, read <a href="/web/20140127154236/" target="new">CNN's Privacy Statement</a>. </span> <br><br> <a name="1j"></a><span class="cnnBigPrint" style="color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">After I fill out the online form, why do I have to confirm my e-mail address?</span><br> <span class="cnnBodyText"> By requiring you to acknowledge receipt of an e-mail sent to your inbox, we hope to confirm that the person with access to the e-mail account signed up for CNN membership. For your security we seek to protect your personal information and prevent anyone else from setting up accounts in your name for spam or any other type of misuse. </span> <br><br> <a name="1k"></a><span class="cnnBigPrint" style="color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">What is a browser cookie?</span><br> <span class="cnnBodyText"> A browser cookie is a small text file placed on your computer by a Web site you visited. Some Web sites, like CNN, use browser cookies to recognize repeat users. This helps repeat users bypass login or registration pages and allows CNN to track user behavior across all the CNN sites. <br><br> Cookies are not programs. They cannot damage your system or files. Generally, cookies work by assigning a unique number to each user that has no meaning outside the site that placed the cookie. In other words, you are not identified personally; we only track number randomly assigned to you. <br><br> Some of our advertisers use cookies as well. They collect click-thru data on the advertisements to gauge how well individual advertising campaigns work. <br><br> If you do not want information collected in this way, most browsers have a simple procedure allowing you to accept or deny cookies on a case-by-case basis. This feature is usually located in the "Options" or "Preferences" menu of your browser. <br><br> However, cookies are necessary to use certain features (e.g., customized delivery of information) that require registration. To learn more about cookies and your privacy rights, read <a href="/web/20140127154236/" target="new">CNN's Privacy Statement</a>. </span> <br><br> <span class="cnnBigPrint"><b style="color:#c00">E-MAIL</b></span><br><br> <a name="2a"></a><span class="cnnBigPrint" style="color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">I am a current Breaking News Alert and/or E-mail Newsletter subscriber. Does that mean I am registered CNN member?</span><br> <span class="cnnBodyText"> We recently added the E-mail Newsletters to member services. If you subscribed to the Breaking News Alert or any E-mail Newsletter after July 2004, then you are a CNN member. <br><br> If you subscribed to either of these services prior to July 2004, then you are not yet a full CNN member. You will continue to receive your e-mails without any change. You are only required to register as a CNN member if you attempt to add another newsletter. <br><br> However, If you would like to manage your subscriptions through the Member Center or gain access to our personalized e-mail alerts, contests, and many other free products, simply <a href=";source=cnn">register</a> as a CNN member and your existing subscriptions will be updated in your profile. </span> <br><br> <a name="2b"></a><span class="cnnBigPrint" style="color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">How are E-mail Newsletters and Your E-mail Alerts different?</span><br> <span class="cnnBodyText"> E-mail Newsletters refers to daily, weekly and breaking news triggered e-mails or promotional notices written or developed by CNN staff specifically for E-mail Newsletter subscribers. <a href="/web/20140127154236/">More about E-mail Newsletters</a>. <br><br> Your E-mail Alerts is a personalized service that sends you e-mails after one of the CNN Web sites publishes a story on a topic your have selected. You can select the topics from a list or customize e-mail alerts based on keywords. You can also select the frequency you receive the e-mails. For example, you can receive an e-mail whenever a story is published or once a day, week or month. You can also select the delivery method -- text e-mail, HTML e-mail, or wireless e-mail and/or message. <a href="/web/20140127154236/">More about Your E-mail Alerts</a>. </span> <br><br> <a name="2c"></a><span class="cnnBigPrint" style="color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">What if I haven't been receiving my E-mail Newsletters?</span><br> <span class="cnnBodyText"> If you currently use software to block e-mail spam, your e-mail newsletters may be getting blocked. Double check that the following domains are on you allowed list. <div style="padding-left:30px;"> <li> <li> <li> <li> <li> </div> </span> <br> <a name="2d"></a><span class="cnnBigPrint" style="color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">I signed up for several E-mail Newsletters before July 2004. Do I have to register to keep getting these newsletters?</span><br> <span class="cnnBodyText"> We recently added the E-mail Newsletters to member services. If you subscribed to the Breaking News Alert or any e-mail newsletter before July 2004, you will continue to receive your e-mails without any change. You are only required to register as a CNN member if you attempt to add another newsletter. <br><br> However, If you would like to manage your subscriptions through the Member Center or gain access to our personalized e-mail alerts, contests, and many other free products, simply register as a CNN member and your existing subscriptions will be updated in your profile. </span> <br><br> <a name="2e"></a><span class="cnnBigPrint" style="color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">Do I have to register as a CNN member to unsubscribe from a newsletter?</span><br> <span class="cnnBodyText"> No, you do not have to register to unsubscribe from an E-mail Newsletter. To unsubscribe, simply click the one-click unsubscriibe link listed at the bottom of the last e-mail you received. </span> <br><br> <span class="cnnBigPrint"><b style="color:#c00">PASSWORD AND PROFILE MANAGEMENT</b></span><br><br> <a name="3a"></a><span class="cnnBigPrint" style="color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">What if I forgot my password?</span><br> <span class="cnnBodyText"> If you are on a "Sign in" page, click the "Forgot password" link and we will display your password hint. If you still can't remember, select the "reset your password" option. </span> <br><br> <a name="3b"></a><span class="cnnBigPrint" style="color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">How do I change my password?</span><br> <span class="cnnBodyText"> From any member services page, click the "Member Center" link, and then select "Change my password." While updating your password, don't forget to also update your password hint. If you cannot remember your password, click the "forgot password" link on any "Sign in" page. </span> <br><br> <a name="3c"></a><span class="cnnBigPrint" style="color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">What if my password hint doesn't remind me of my password?</span><br> <span class="cnnBodyText"> If your password hint doesn't help, you may choose to reset your password. From the password hint page, click the "reset your password" link. We will send an e-mail to your primary e-mail address with a reset code. Once you receive the code, you will be prompted to enter it along with a new password. </span> <br><br> <a name="3d"></a><span class="cnnBigPrint" style="color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">How do I update my account profile and/or change the personal information in my account?</span><br> <span class="cnnBodyText"> From any member service page click the "Member Center" link, and then select "Change my personal information." </span> <br><br><br><br><br><br> <!-- /CONTENT ENDS HERE --> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- below fold --> <br clear="all"> <table width="770" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="10"><img src="" alt="" width="10" height="10"></td> <td width="760"> <!-- floor --> <div id="cnnFootNav"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr valign="middle"> <td class="cnnFootNavPad"><a href="/web/20140127154236/" onclick="clickEdLink()">CNN U.S.</a></td> <td> <form> <select title=" is available in different languages" name="languages" size="1" onchange="if (this.options[selectedIndex].value != '') location.href=this.options[selectedIndex].value" class="cnnFormSelectSm"> <option value="" disabled selected>Languages</option> <option value="" disabled>---------</option> <option value="">Arabic</option> <option value="">Japanese</option> <option value="">Korean</option> <option value="">Turkish</option> </select> </form> </td> <td><a href="/web/20140127154236/">CNN TV</a></td> <td><a href="/web/20140127154236/">E-mail Services</a></td> <td><a href="/web/20140127154236/">CNN Mobile</a></td> <td><a href="/web/20140127154236/">CNNAvantGo</a></td> <td><a href="">Ad Info</a></td> <td><a href="/web/20140127154236/">About Us</a></td> <td align="right" class="cnnFootNavPad"><a href="/web/20140127154236/">Preferences</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="cnnFootSearch"> <colgroup> <col width="572"> <col width="32"> <col width="158"> </colgroup> <tr valign="middle"> <td><form action="" method="get" onsubmit="return CNN_validateSearchForm(this);"><input type="hidden" name="Coll" value="cnn_xml"><input type="hidden" name="QuerySubmit" value="true"/><input type="hidden" name="query" value=""/><input type="hidden" name="Page" value="1"/><input type="hidden" name="source" value="edition"><input type="hidden" name="invocationType" value="search/bottom"><img src="" width="63" height="12" hspace="0" vspace="9" border="0" alt="Search" class="cnnSrch"><img src="" width="2" height="30" hspace="15" vspace="0" border="0" alt=""><input type="radio" name="sites" value="web" checked class="cnnR"><img src="" width="44" height="7" hspace="0" vspace="0" border="0" alt="" class="cnnWeb"><input type="radio" name="sites" value="cnn" class="cnnR"><img src="" width="41" height="7" hspace="0" vspace="0" border="0" alt="" class="cnnCNN"><input type="text" name="QueryText" value="" title="Enter text to search for and click 'Search'" size="30" maxlength="80" class="cnnInput"><input type="submit" value="SEARCH" class="cnnFormButtonSearch"></form></td> <td><img src="" width="2" height="30" hspace="15" vspace="0" border="0" alt=""></td> <td><img src="" width="158" height="29" hspace="0" vspace="0" border="0" alt=""></td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" id="cnnFoot"> <colgroup> <col width="310"> <col width="400"> </colgroup> <tr valign="top"> <td><b>&copy; 2007 Cable News Network LP, LLLP.</b><br>A Time Warner Company. 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