Major League Baseball Awards | Baseball Almanac

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// read the search query for input tag, i.e. user searches for "django" let's say var q = document.querySelector('input[name="q"]').value; // just proceed if user has typed something if (q.length > 0) { // go to search results page which is search.html here but can be anything you like with "gsc.q" hash parameter equal to search query'/custom_search.shtml?q=' + q, '_self'); } }); // check if there is any text in the search string if ( > 0) { // retrieve the "q" keyed search string value var q ='&').filter(function(x) { return x.substring(0, 2) === 'q='; })[0].substring(2); // put the value to the search box if it is not empty if (q.length > 0) { document.querySelector('input[name="q"]').value = q; } } </script> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/navigation.min.js"></script> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="intro"> <h1>BASEBALL AWARDS</h1> <h2>Major League Baseball Awards | <a href="" title="Baseball Almanac: The Official History of Major League Baseball">Baseball Almanac</a></h2> <p>Baseball awards, given to those people who make significant contributions or reach the highest levels of professionalism within the game of baseball, serve two purposes. Each annual baseball award represents the highest honor players, managers, and other professionals can receive to celebrate greatness. The baseball awards serve as baseball's time capsule&mdash;triggering memories within those who love the sport, allowing them to fondly remember the heroes who have made baseball our National Pastime.</p> <p>Expanding much like the game of baseball itself, the number of baseball awards celebrating baseball accomplishments has grown exponentially over time. Where once only one baseball award chronicled the greatest achievements of the game's greatest players, now a multitude of baseball awards serve to note achievements of a growing baseball industry &mdash; from elements of game play in the majors, minors, and collegiate levels, to managers and general managers, and now to the members of the broadcasting, newsprint, and public relations fields.</p> <p><a href="" title="Baseball Almanac: The Official History of Major League Baseball">Baseball Almanac</a> is pleased to present the most comprehensive selection of baseball awards in existence. Each baseball award selection lists all of the recipients, a brief history of the award, other interesting facts, and &mdash; in some cases &mdash; detailed voting results for the award.</p> </div> <div class="topquote"> <img src="/images/typewriter-with-paper.png" alt="Baseball Almanac Top Quote" /> <p>&quot;The greatness of <a href="players/player.php?p=cobbty01" title="Ty Cobb Stats, Height, Weight, Research & History | Baseball Almanac">Ty Cobb</a> was something that had to be seen, and to see him was to remember him forever.&quot; - <a href="players/player.php?p=sislege01" title="George Sisler Stats, Height, Weight, Research & History | Baseball Almanac">Sisler, George</a>. Hall of Fame First Baseman. <a href=""><em>Ty Cobb</em></a>. Alexander, Charles. Author. Oxford University Press. 16 May 1985. Page 3.</p> </div> <div class="ba-table"> <table class="boxed awards"> <tr> <td class="header"><h2>Baseball Awards</h2> <p>Baseball Awards, Past &amp; Present, Given to Major League Players</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="banner"> <p>Baseball Award Name (Baseball Award Notes)<br /> <small>First Year Awarded - Last Year Award</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Abby_Greer_Award.shtml" title="ABBY GREER AWARD | BASEBALL ALMANAC">Abby Greer Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/rock.shtml" title="Colorado Rockies History">Colorado Rockies</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2004 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/All-MLB_Team.shtml" title="The All-MLB Team Winners | Baseball Almanac">All-MLB Team</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2019 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_mvpa.shtml" title="MLB ALL-STAR GAME MOST VALUABLE PLAYER AWARD | BASEBALL ALMANAC">All-Star Game Most Valuable Player Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1962 - 2024</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/american_legion_player_of_the_year.shtml" title="American Legion Player of the Year | Baseball Almanac">American Legion Player of the Year</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1949 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/AFL_Breakout_Player_of_the_Year.shtml" title="Arizona Fall League Breakout Prospect of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Arizona Fall League Breakout Prospect of the Year</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2021 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/AFL_Defensive_Player_of_the_Year.shtml" title="Arizona Fall League Defensive Player of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Arizona Fall League Defensive Player of the Year</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2021 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/Joe_Black_MVP_Award.shtml" title="Arizona Fall League Most Valuable Player Award | Baseball Almanac">Arizona Fall League Most Valuable Player</a> (AKA: <a href="awards/Joe_Black_MVP_Award.shtml" title="Joe Black MVP Award | Baseball Almanac">Joe Black MVP</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2002 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/AFL_Hitter_of_the_Year.shtml" title="Arizona Fall League Offensive Player of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Arizona Fall League Offensive Player of the Year</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2021 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/AFL_Pitcher_of_the_Year.shtml" title="Arizona Fall League Pitcher of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Arizona Fall League Pitcher of the Year</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2021 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/AFL_Reliever_of_the_Year.shtml" title="Arizona Fall League Reliever of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Arizona Fall League Reliever of the Year</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2021 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_apas.shtml" title="Associated Press All-Star Award and Teams">Associated Press All-Star Award &amp; Teams</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1982 - 2000 | Discontinued in 2001</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_apr.shtml" title="Associated Press Athlete of the Year Award">Associated Press Athlete of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1931 - 2001 | Discontinued in 2001</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_mgy2.shtml" title="The AP Manager of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Associated Press Manager of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1959 - 2000 | Discontinued in 2001</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_app.shtml" title="Associated Press Player of the Year Award">Associated Press Player of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1988 - 2000 | Discontinued in 2001</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_mvpw2.shtml" title="The Babe Ruth Award | Baseball Almanac">Babe Ruth Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1949 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Baseball_America_College_Player_of_the_Year.shtml" title="Baseball America College Player of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Baseball America College Player of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1981 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Baseball_America_High_School_Baseball_Player_of_the_Year_Award.shtml" title="Baseball America High School Player of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Baseball America High School Player of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1992 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/minor_league_player_of_the_year_award.shtml" title="Baseball America Minor League Player of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Baseball America Minor League Player of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1981 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/Baseball_America_Player_of_the_Year.shtml" title="Baseball America Player of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Baseball America Player of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1998 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/Baseball_America_Rookie_of_the_Year.shtml" title="Baseball America Rookie of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Baseball America Rookie of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1989 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_bdpy.shtml" title="The Baseball Digest MLB Player of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Baseball Digest Player of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1969 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_bdpy2.shtml" title="Baseball Digest MLB Pitcher of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Baseball Digest Pitcher of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1994 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/aw_spink.shtml" title="The BBWAA Career Excellence Award | Baseball Almanac">BBWAA Career Excellence Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1962 - 2025</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Beacon_Awards.shtml" title="Beacon Awards by Major League Baseball">Beacon Awards</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2007 - 2015 | Discontinued in 2016</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/Bob_Feller_Act_of_Valor_Award.shtml" title="Bob Feller Act of Valor Award | Baseball Almanac">Bob Feller Act of Valor Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2013 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/cleveland_man_of_the_year_award.shtml" title="Bob Feller Man of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Bob Feller Man of the Year Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/clei.shtml" title="The Official History of the Cleveland Guardians | Baseball Almanac">Guardians</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1937 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Red_Sox_Pitcher_of_the_Year_Award.shtml" title="Boston Red Sox Pitcher of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Boston Red Sox Pitcher of the Year Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/rsox.shtml" title="Boston Red Sox History">Red Sox</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1941 - 2023</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Red_Sox_Rookie_of_the_Year_Award.shtml" title="Boston Red Sox Rookie of the Year Award">Boston Red Sox Rookie of the Year Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/rsox.shtml" title="Boston Red Sox History">Red Sox</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1990 - 2022</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_br.shtml" title="Branch Rickey Award">Branch Rickey Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1992 - 2014 | Discontinued in 2015</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/breakout_hitter_of_the_year_gibby.shtml" title="Breakout Hitter of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Breakout Hitter of the Year Award</a> (<a href="awards/this_year_in_baseball_awards.shtml" title="GIBBYS">GIBBYs</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2009 - 2014 | Renamed <a href="awards/Esurance_MLB_Awards.shtml" title="Esurance MLB Awards">Esurance MLB Awards</a> in 2015</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/breakout_pitcher_of_the_year_gibby.shtml" title="Breakout Pitcher of the Year Award">Breakout Pitcher of the Year Award</a> (<a href="awards/this_year_in_baseball_awards.shtml" title="GIBBYS">GIBBYs</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2012 - 2014 | Renamed <a href="awards/Esurance_MLB_Awards.shtml" title="Esurance MLB Awards">Esurance MLB Awards</a> in 2015</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/Brewers_Most_Valuable_Pitcher.shtml" title="Brewers Most Valuable Pitcher Award | Baseball Almanac">Brewers Most Valuable Pitcher Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/brewers.shtml" title="Milwaukee Brewers Official History | Baseball Almanac">Brewers</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1980 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/Top_Newcomer_Award-Brewers.shtml" title="Milwaukee Brewers Top Newcomer Award | Baseball Almanac">Brewers Top Newcomer Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/brewers.shtml" title="Milwaukee Brewers Official History | Baseball Almanac">Brewers</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2000 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/wallace_award.shtml" title="The Brooks Wallace Award for Best Shortstop in College Baseball | Baseball Almanac">Brooks Wallace Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2004 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/bullpen_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="Bullpen of the Week Award">Bullpen of the Week Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2016 - 2018 | Discontinued in 2019</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/buster_posey_award.shtml" title="Buster Posey Award | Baseball Almanac">Buster Posey Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2000 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="books/bookcasey.shtml" title="The Best Baseball Book of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Casey Award Winners</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1983 - 2023</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/catfish_hunter_award.shtml" title="Catfish Hunter Award | Baseball Almanac">Catfish Hunter Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/athl.shtml" title="Oakland Athletics History">Oakland Athletics</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2004 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_chalm.shtml" title="Chalmers Award">Chalmers Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1911 - 1914 | Discontinued in 1915</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/charlie_hough_good_guy_award.shtml" title="Charlie Hough Good Guy Award | Baseball Almanac">Charlie Hough Good Guy Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/marlins.shtml" title="Miami Marlins Official History | Baseball Almanac">Miami Marlins</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1995 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/clint_hartung_award.shtml" title="Clint Hartung Award">Clint Hartung Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1870 - 1990 | Discontinued in 2000</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/closer_of_the_year_award.shtml" title="Closer of the Year Award">Closer of the Year Award</a> (<a href="awards/this_year_in_baseball_awards.shtml" title="GIBBYS">GIBBYs</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2002 - 2014 | Renamed <a href="awards/Esurance_MLB_Awards.shtml" title="Esurance MLB Awards">Esurance MLB Awards</a> in 2015</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/clutch_performer_of_the_month_award.shtml" title="Clutch Performer of the Month Award | Baseball Almanac">Clutch Performer of the Month Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2007 - 2010 | Discontinued in 2011</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/clutch_performer_of_the_year_award.shtml" title="Clutch Performer of the Year Award">Clutch Performer of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2007 - 2010 | Discontinued in 2011</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/comeback_player_of_the_year_gibby.shtml" title="Comeback Player of the Year GIBBY">Comeback Player of the Year Award</a> (<a href="awards/this_year_in_baseball_awards.shtml" title="GIBBYS">GIBBYs</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2010 - 2014 | Renamed <a href="awards/Esurance_MLB_Awards.shtml" title="Esurance MLB Awards">Esurance MLB Awards</a> in 2015</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/comeback_player_of_the_year_award_2.shtml" title="Major League Baseball Comeback Player of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Comeback Player of the Year Award</a> (MLB)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2005 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/comeback_player_of_the_year_award_plch.shtml" title="The Comeback Player of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Comeback Player of the Year Award</a> (<a href="awards/aw_plch.shtml" title="Players Choice Awards">Player's Choice Awards</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1997 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Commissioners_Historic_Achievement_Award.shtml" title="Commissioner's Historic Achievement Award">Commissioner's Historic Achievement Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2002 - 2024</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/Curt_Flood_Award.shtml" title="The Curt Flood Award | Baseball Almanac">Curt Flood Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2020 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_cyy.shtml" title="The Cy Young Award | Baseball Almanac">Cy Young Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1956 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/dallas_green_special_achievement_award.shtml" title="Dallas Green Special Achievement Award">Dallas Green Special Achievement Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/phillies.shtml" title="Philadelphia Phillies History">Phillies</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2004 - 2014 | Discontinued in 2015</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/darryl_kile_award.shtml" title="The Darryl Kile Good Guy Award | Baseball Almanac">Darryl Kile Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2003 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/defensive_player_of_the_year_award_plch.shtml" title="Defensive Player of the Year Award">Defensive Player of the Year Award</a> (<a href="awards/this_year_in_baseball_awards.shtml" title="GIBBYS">GIBBYs</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2002 - 2014 | Renamed <a href="awards/Esurance_MLB_Awards.shtml" title="Esurance MLB Awards">Esurance MLB Awards</a> in 2015</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/delivery_man_of_the_month_award.shtml" title="Delivery Man of the Month Award">Delivery Man of the Month Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2005 - 2013 | Discontinued in 2014</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/delivery_man_of_the_year_award.shtml" title="Delivery Man of the Year Award">Delivery Man of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2005 - 2014 | Discontinued in 2014</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/stenson_award.shtml" title="Dernell Stenson Sportsmanship Award | Baseball Almanac">Dernell Stenson Sportsmanship Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2004 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/dick_howser_trophy.shtml" title="DICK HOWSER TROPHY | BASEBALL ALMANAC">Dick Howser Trophy</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1987 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_out.shtml" title="Edgar Martinez Award | Baseball Almanac">Edgar Martinez Award</a> (<a href="awards/aw_out.shtml" title="The Outstanding Designated Hitter Award | Baseball Almanac">Outstanding Designated Hitter Award</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1973 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Ernie_Lombardi_Reds_Most_Valuable_Player_Award.shtml" title="Ernie Lombardi Most Valuable Player Award | Baseball Almanac">Ernie Lombardi Most Valuable Player Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/reds.shtml" title="Cincinnati Reds History">Reds</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1955 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Esurance_MLB_Awards.shtml" title="Esurance MLB Awards">Esurance MLB Awards</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2015 - 2017 | Discontinued in 2018</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/Fall_Stars_Game_MVP.shtml" title="Fall Stars Game MVP | Baseball Almanac">Fall Stars Game MVP</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2006 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/fielding_bible_awards.shtml" title="The Fielding Bible Awards | Baseball Almanac">Fielding Bible Awards</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2006 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/fishel_award.shtml" title="The MLB Fishel Award | Baseball Almanac">Fishel Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1981 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_frk.shtml" title="Ford C. Frick Award | Baseball Almanac">Ford C. Frick Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1978 - 2025</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/good_guy_award.shtml" title="Frank Gibbons-Steve Olin Good Guy Award | Baseball Almanac">Frank Gibbons-Steve Olin Good Guy Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/clei.shtml" title="The Official History of the Cleveland Guardians | Baseball Almanac">Guardians</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1968 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/BAT_award.shtml" title="Frank Slocum Big B.A.T. Award | Baseball Almanac">Frank Slocum Big B.A.T. Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1988 - 2022</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/gatorade_national_baseball_player_of_the_year.shtml" title="Gatorade National Baseball Player of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Gatorade National Baseball Player of the Year</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1985 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/this_year_in_baseball_awards.shtml" title="GIBBY Awards">GIBBY Awards</a> (Formerly: <a href="awards/this_year_in_baseball_awards.shtml" title="This Year in Baseball Awards">This Year in Baseball Awards</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2002 - 2014 | Renamed <a href="awards/Esurance_MLB_Awards.shtml" title="Esurance MLB Awards">Esurance MLB Awards</a> in 2015</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_ggca.shtml" title="MLB Catchers who won a Gold Glove Award | Baseball Almanac">Gold Glove Catchers</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1957 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_gg1b.shtml" title="MLB First Basemen who won a Gold Glove Award | Baseball Almanac">Gold Glove First Basemen</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1957 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_ggal.shtml" title="MLB Outfielders from the AL who won a Gold Glove Award | Baseball Almanac">Gold Glove American League Outfielders</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1957 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_ggnl.shtml" title="MLB Outfielders from the NL who won a Gold Glove Award | Baseball Almanac">Gold Glove National League Outfielders</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1957 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_ggpi.shtml" title="MLB Pitchers who won a Gold Glove Award | Baseball Almanac">Gold Glove Pitchers</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1957 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_gg2b.shtml" title="MLB Second Basemen who won a Gold Glove Award | Baseball Almanac">Gold Glove Second Basemen</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1957 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_ggss.shtml" title="MLB Shortstops who won a Gold Glove Award | Baseball Almanac">Gold Glove Shortstops</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1957 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/Gold_Glove_Team_Award.shtml" title="The Gold Glove Team Award | Baseball Almanac">Gold Glove Team Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2020 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_gg3b.shtml" title="MLB Third Basemen who won a Gold Glove Award | Baseball Almanac">Gold Glove Third Basemen</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1957 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/Gold_Glove_Utility_Players.shtml" title="MLB Utility Players who won a Gold Glove Award | Baseball Almanac">Gold Glove Utility Players</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2022 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_goldenspikes.shtml" title="GOLDEN SPIKES AWARD | BASEBALL ALMANAC">Golden Spikes Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1978 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/golden_tomahawk_award.shtml" title="Golden Tomahawk Award">Golden Tomahawk Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1963 - 2002 | Discontinued in 2003</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/Green_Glove_Award.shtml" title="Major League Baseball Green Glove Award Winners | Baseball Almanac">Green Glove Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2008 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_ha.shtml" title="The Hank Aaron Award | Baseball Almanac">Hank Aaron Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1999 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/heart_and_hustle_award.shtml" title="Heart and Hustle Award | Baseball Almanac">Heart &amp; Hustle Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2005 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/hickok_belt.shtml" title="HICKOK BELT | BASEBALL ALMANAC">Hickok Belt</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1950 - 1976 &amp; 2012 - 2025</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/player_of_the_year_award_TYIB.shtml" title="Hitter of the Year Award">Hitter of the Year Award</a> (<a href="awards/this_year_in_baseball_awards.shtml" title="GIBBYS">GIBBYs</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2002 - 2014 | Renamed <a href="awards/Esurance_MLB_Awards.shtml" title="Esurance MLB Awards">Esurance MLB Awards</a> in 2015</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_hut.shtml" title="HUTCH AWARD | BASEBALL ALMANAC">Hutch Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1965 - 2023</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/International_League_Most_Valuable_Pitcher.shtml" title="International League Most Valuable Pitcher Award | Baseball Almanac">International League Most Valuable Pitcher Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1953 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/International_League_mvp.shtml" title="International League Most Valuable Player Award | Baseball Almanac">International League Most Valuable Player Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1932 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/International_League_rookie_of_the_year.shtml" title="International League Top Prospect Award | Baseball Almanac">International League Top Prospect Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1950 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Jack_Graney_Award.shtml" title="Jack Graney Award | Baseball Almanac">Jack Graney Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1987 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/slocum_award.shtml" title="Jack Lang Award | Baseball Almanac">Jack Lang Award</a> (Formerly: <a href="awards/slocum_award.shtml" title="Slocum Award | Baseball Almanac">Slocum Award</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1930 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Red_Sox_Jensen_Spirit_Award.shtml" title="Jackie Jensen Spirit Award">Jackie Jensen Spirit Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/rsox.shtml" title="Boston Red Sox History">Boston Red Sox</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1990 - 2018 | Discontinued in 2019</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/James_P_Dawson_Award.shtml" title="JAMES P. DAWSON AWARD | BASEBALL ALMANAC">James P. Dawson Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/yank.shtml" title="New York Yankees History">New York Yankees</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1956 - 2024</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/jeff_conine_award.shtml" title="Jeff Conine Award | Baseball Almanac">Jeff Conine Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/marlins.shtml" title="Miami Marlins Official History | Baseball Almanac">Miami Marlins</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2008 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/joe_bauman_award.shtml" title="Joe Bauman Home Run Award | Baseball Almanac">Joe Bauman Home Run Award</a> (Formerly: <a href="awards/joe_bauman_award.shtml" title="Round Tripper Award | Baseball Almanac">Round-Tripper Award</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2002 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/Joe_Cronin_Award.shtml" title="JOE CRONIN AWARD | BASEBALL ALMANAC">Joe Cronin Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1973 - 1999 | Discontinued in 1999</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/Joe_DiMaggio_Toast_of_the_Town_Award.shtml" title="Joe DiMaggio Toast of the Town Award | Baseball Almanac">Joe DiMaggio Toast of the Town Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1983 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Joe-Nuxhall-Good-Guy-Award.shtml" title="Joe Nuxhall Good Guy Award | Baseball Almanac">Joe Nuxhall Good Guy Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/reds.shtml" title="Cincinnati Reds History">Cincinnati Reds</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1991 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/John_Olerud_Award.shtml" title="The John Olerud Two-Way Player of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">John Olerud Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2010 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/johnny_bench_award.shtml" title="The Best College Catcher – Johnny Bench Award Winners | Baseball Almanac">Johnny Bench Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2000 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/Johnny_Vander_Meer_Award.shtml" title="Cincinnati Reds Outstanding Pitcher of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Johnny Vander Meer Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/reds.shtml" title="Cincinnati Reds History">Cincinnati Reds</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1969 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/florida_marlins_rookie_of_the_year_award.shtml" title="Jose Fernandez Award | Baseball Almanac">Jose Fernandez Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/marlins.shtml" title="Miami Marlins Official History | Baseball Almanac">Miami Marlins</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1995 - 2024 (Formerly: <a href="awards/florida_marlins_rookie_of_the_year_award.shtml" title="Miami Marlins Rookie of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Marlins Rookie of the Year</a>)</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/royals_pitcher_of_the_year.shtml" title="The Kansas City Royals Pitcher of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Kansas City Royals Pitcher of the Year</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/kcr.shtml" title="Kansas City Royals History">KC Royals</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1971 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/royals_player_of_the_year.shtml" title="The Kansas City Royals Player of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Kansas City Royals Player of the Year</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/kcr.shtml" title="Kansas City Royals History">KC Royals</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1971 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/kingofbaseballaward.shtml" title="King of Baseball Award | Baseball Almanac">King of Baseball Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1951 - 2019 | Discontinued in 2020</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/larry_doby_award.shtml" title="Larry Doby Award | Baseball Almanac">Larry Doby Award</a> (Formerly: <a href="awards/larry_doby_award.shtml" title="Futures Game MVP Award | Baseball Almanac">Futures Game MVP Award</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1999 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_lge.shtml" title="League Award">League Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1922 - 1929 | Discontinued in 1930</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_mvpl.shtml" title="League Championship Most Valuable Player Award | Baseball Almanac">League Championship Most Valuable Player Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1980 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/lou_brock_award.shtml" title="The Lou Brock Award | Baseball Almanac">Lou Brock Award</a> (The <a href="hitting/hisb4.shtml" title="Stolen Base Champions | Baseball Almanac">N.L. Stolen Base Champion</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1978 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_lg.shtml" title="Lou Gehrig Memorial Award">Lou Gehrig Memorial Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1955 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/luis_aparicio_award.shtml" title="The Luis Aparicio Award | Baseball Almanac">Luis Aparicio Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2004 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Luis-Gonzalez-Award.shtml" title="The Luis Gonzalez Award | Baseball Almanac">Luis Gonzalez Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/dbacks.shtml" title="Arizona Diamondbacks Official History | Baseball Almanac">Arizona Diamondbacks</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2014 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_mgy.shtml" title="MLB Manager of the Year Award (BBWAA) | Baseball Almanac">Manager of the Year Award</a> (BBWAA)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1983 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/manager_of_the_year_award_TYIB.shtml" title="Manager of the Year Award">Manager of the Year Award</a> (<a href="awards/this_year_in_baseball_awards.shtml" title="GIBBYS">GIBBYs</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2003 - 2014 | Renamed <a href="awards/Esurance_MLB_Awards.shtml" title="Esurance MLB Awards">Esurance MLB Awards</a> in 2015</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/florida_marlins_most_valuable_player_award.shtml" title="Miami Marlins Most Valuable Player Award | Baseball Almanac">Marlins Most Valuable Player Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/marlins.shtml" title="Miami Marlins Official History | Baseball Almanac">Miami Marlins</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1993 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Marvin_Miller_Man_of_the_Year_Award.shtml" title="Marvin Miller Man of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Marvin Miller Man of the Year Award</a> (<a href="awards/aw_plch.shtml" title="Players Choice Awards">Player's Choice Awards</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1997 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/michael_harrison_award.shtml" title="Michael Harrison Award for Community Service">Michael Harrison Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/brewers.shtml" title="MILWAUKEE BREWERS HISTORY">Milwaukee Brewers</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1992 - 2011 | Discontinued in 2012</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/mike_coolbaugh_award.shtml" title="Mike Coolbaugh Award | Baseball Almanac">Mike Coolbaugh Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2008 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/mike_schmidt_most_valuable_player_award.shtml" title="Mike Schmidt Most Valuable Player Award">Mike Schmidt Most Valuable Player Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/phillies.shtml" title="Philadelphia Phillies History">Phillies</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2004 - 2014 | Discontinued in 2015</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/MiLB_Breakout_Player_of_the_Year.shtml" title="MiLB Breakout Player of the Year | Baseball Almanac">MiLB Breakout Player of the Year</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2023 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/minor_league_player_of_the_year_award_USA.shtml" title="USA Today Minor League Player of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Minor League Baseball Player of the Year Award (USA Today)</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1988 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/club_retailer_of_the_year_award.shtml" title="MLB Club Retailer of the Year Award">MLB Club Retailer of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2005 - 2019 | Discontinued in 2020</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/MLB_Executive_of_the_Year.shtml" title="The Major League Baseball Executive of the Year | Baseball Almanac">MLB Executive of the Year</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2018 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/MLB_MVP_GIBBY.shtml" title="MLB MVP Award">MLB MVP Award</a> (<a href="awards/this_year_in_baseball_awards.shtml" title="GIBBYS">GIBBYs</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2012 - 2014 | Renamed <a href="awards/Esurance_MLB_Awards.shtml" title="Esurance MLB Awards">Esurance MLB Awards</a> in 2015</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/2019-MLB-Play-of-the-Week.shtml" title="Major League Baseball Play of the Week in 2019">MLB Play of the Week</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2019 - 2019</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Moose_Clausen_Award.shtml" title="MOOSE CLAUSEN AWARD | BASEBALL ALMANAC">Moose Clausen Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/mari.shtml" title="Seattle Mariners History">Seattle Mariners</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2001 - 2020</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/most_outstanding_player_award.shtml" title="College World Series Most Outstanding Player | Baseball Almanac">Most Outstanding Player Award, College World Series</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1947 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_mvp.shtml" title="Major League Baseball Most Valuable Player Award (BBWAA) | Baseball Almanac">Most Valuable Player Award</a> (BBWAA)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1931 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_org.shtml" title="MLB ORGANIZATION OF THE YEAR AWARD | BASEBALL ALMANAC">Organization of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1982 - 2023</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/outstanding_pitcher_of_the_year_award.shtml" title="Outstanding Pitcher of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Outstanding Pitcher of the Year Award</a> (<a href="awards/aw_plch.shtml" title="Players Choice Awards">Player's Choice Awards</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1994 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/outstanding_player_of_the_year_award.shtml" title="Outstanding Player of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Outstanding Player of the Year Award</a> (<a href="awards/aw_plch.shtml" title="Players Choice Awards">Player's Choice Awards</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1992 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/outstanding_rookie_of_the_year_award.shtml" title="Outstanding Rookie of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Outstanding Rookie of the Year Award</a> (<a href="awards/aw_plch.shtml" title="Players Choice Awards">Player's Choice Awards</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1994 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Pacific_Coast_League_MVP.shtml" title="Pacific Coast League Most Valuable Player Award | Baseball Almanac">Pacific Coast League Most Valuable Player Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1927 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Paul-Owens-Award.shtml" title="Paul Owens Award | Baseball Almanac">Paul Owens Award</a> (<a href="teams/phillies.shtml" title="The Official History of the Philadelphia Phillies | Baseball Almanac">Phillies</a>: <a href="awards/Paul-Owens-Award.shtml" title="Paul Owens Award | Baseball Almanac">Best Minor League Player &amp; Pitcher</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1986 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/pitcher_of_the_month_award.shtml" title="Major League Baseball Pitchers Who Won Pitchers of the Month | Baseball Almanac">Pitcher of the Month Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1975 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/Platinum_Glove_Award.shtml" title="The Platinum Glove Award | Baseball Almanac">Platinum Glove Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2011 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/player_of_the_month_award.shtml" title="Major League Baseball Players Who Won Player of the Month | Baseball Almanac">Player of the Month Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1958 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox">Player of the Week Award: <table> <tbody> <tr> <td class="datacolBoxC">&nbsp;</td> <td class="datacolBoxC">&nbsp;</td> <td class="datacolBoxC">&nbsp;</td> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2003_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2003 Player of the Week Award">2003</a></td> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2004_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2004 Player of the Week Award">2004</a></td> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2005_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2005 Player of the Week Award">2005</a></td> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2006_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2006 Player of the Week Award">2006</a></td> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2007_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2007 Player of the Week Award">2007</a></td> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2008_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2008 Player of the Week Award">2008</a></td> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2009_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2009 Player of the Week Award">2009</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2010_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2010 Player of the Week Award">2010</a></td> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2011_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2011 Player of the Week Award">2011</a></td> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2012_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2012 Player of the Week Award">2012</a></td> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2013_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2013 Player of the Week Award">2013</a></td> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2014_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2014 Player of the Week Award">2014</a></td> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2015_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2015 Player of the Week Award">2015</a></td> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2016_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2016 Player of the Week Award">2016</a></td> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2017_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2017 Player of the Week Award">2017</a></td> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2018_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2018 Player of the Week Award">2018</a></td> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2019_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2019 Player of the Week Award">2019</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2020_MLB_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2020 MLB PLAYER OF THE WEEK AWARD | BASEBALL ALMANAC">2020</a></td> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2021_MLB_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2021 MLB PLAYER OF THE WEEK AWARD | BASEBALL ALMANAC">2021</a></td> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2022_MLB_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2022 MLB PLAYER OF THE WEEK AWARD | BASEBALL ALMANAC">2022</a></td> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2023_MLB_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2023 MLB PLAYER OF THE WEEK AWARD | BASEBALL ALMANAC">2023</a></td> <td class="datacolBoxC"><a href="awards/2024_MLB_player_of_the_week_award.shtml" title="2024 MLB PLAYER OF THE WEEK AWARD | BASEBALL ALMANAC">2024</a></td> <td class="datacolBoxC">&nbsp;</td> <td class="datacolBoxC">&nbsp;</td> <td class="datacolBoxC">&nbsp;</td> <td class="datacolBoxC">&nbsp;</td> <td class="datacolBoxC">&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/player_of_the_year_award.shtml" title="Player of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Player of the Year Award</a> (<a href="awards/aw_plch.shtml" title="Players Choice Awards">Player's Choice Awards</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1998 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/player_of_the_year_award_TYIB.shtml" title="Player of the Year Award, GIBBY">Player of the Year Award</a> (<a href="awards/this_year_in_baseball_awards.shtml" title="GIBBYS">GIBBYs</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2002 - 2014 | Renamed <a href="awards/Esurance_MLB_Awards.shtml" title="Esurance MLB Awards">Esurance MLB Awards</a> in 2015</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_plch.shtml" title="Major League Baseball Players Choice Awards | Baseball Almanac">Players Choice Awards</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1992 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/MLB_Presidential_Medal_of_Freedom.shtml" title="Baseball Players Who Won A Presidential Medal of Freedom | Baseball Almanac">Presidential Medal of Freedom</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1945 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_redsmith.shtml" title="Red Smith Award | Baseball Almanac">Red Smith Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1981 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/reliever_of_the_month_award.shtml" title="Major League Baseball Pitchers Who Won Reliever of the Month | Baseball Almanac">Reliever of the Month Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2017 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Reliever_of_the_Year_Award.shtml" title="MLB Reliever of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Reliever of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2014 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_moy.shtml" title="Roberto Clemente Award | Baseball Almanac">Roberto Clemente Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1971 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/roger_clemens_award.shtml" title="Roger Clemens Award">Roger Clemens Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2004 - 2008 | Discontinued in 2009</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_reli.shtml" title="Rolaids Relief Man Award">Rolaids Relief Man Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1976 - 2012 | Discontinued in 2013</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/roland_hemond_award.shtml" title="Roland Hemond Award">Roland Hemond Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2001 - 2017 | Discontinued in 2018</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/rookie_of_the_month_award.shtml" title="Major League Baseball Players Who Won Rookie of the Month | Baseball Almanac">Rookie of the Month Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2001 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_roy.shtml" title="MLB Rookie of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Rookie of the Year Award</a> (BBWAA / aka <a href="awards/aw_roy.shtml" title="Jackie Robinson Award | Baseball Almanac">Jackie Robinson Award</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1947 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/rookie_of_the_year_award_TYIB.shtml" title="Rookie of the Year Award, This Year in Baseball / GIBBY">Rookie of the Year Award</a> (<a href="awards/this_year_in_baseball_awards.shtml" title="GIBBYS">GIBBYs</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2003 - 2014 | Renamed <a href="awards/Esurance_MLB_Awards.shtml" title="Esurance MLB Awards">Esurance MLB Awards</a> in 2015</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/rotary_smith_award.shtml" title="Rotary Smith Award">Rotary Smith Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1988 - 2003 | Discontinued in 2004</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/roy_campanella_award.shtml" title="Roy Campanella Award | Baseball Almanac">Roy Campanella Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2006 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Scout_of_the_Year_Award.shtml" title="Scout of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Scout of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1984 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/setup_man_of_the_year_award.shtml" title="Setup Man of the Year Award">Setup Man of the Year Award</a> (<a href="awards/this_year_in_baseball_awards.shtml" title="GIBBYS">GIBBYs</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2002 - 2014 | Renamed <a href="awards/Esurance_MLB_Awards.shtml" title="Esurance MLB Awards">Esurance MLB Awards</a> in 2015</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="books/Seymour_Medal.shtml" title="The Seymour Medal Award | Baseball Almanac">Seymour Medal Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1996 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Silver_Bat_Award.shtml" title="Silver Bat Award | Baseball Almanac">Silver Bat Award</a> (Formerly the <a href="awards/Silver_Bat_Award.shtml" title="Bud Hillerich Award | Baseball Almanac">Bud Hillerich Award</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1949 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_ssa.shtml" title="The Silver Slugger Award | Baseball Almanac">Silver Slugger Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1980 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/sophomore_of_the_year.shtml" title="Sophomore of the Year Award">Sophomore of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1953 - 1962 | Discontinued in 1963</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/comeback_player_of_the_year_award.shtml" title="The Sporting News Comeback Player of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Sporting News Comeback Player of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1965 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_snfi.shtml">Sporting News Fireman / Reliever of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1960 - 2010 | Discontinued in 2011</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_snmy.shtml" title="The Sporting News Manager of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Sporting News Manager of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1936 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/aw_sney.shtml" title="The Sporting News MLB Executive of the Year | Baseball Almanac">Sporting News MLB Executive of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1936 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/aw_snml.shtml" title="The Sporting News Player of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Sporting News MLB Player of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1936 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_snmv.shtml" title="The Sporting News Most Valuable Player Award | Baseball Almanac">Sporting News Most Valuable Player Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1929 - 1945 | Discontinued in 1946</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_snpy2.shtml" title="The Sporting News Starting Pitcher of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Sporting News Starting Pitcher of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1944 - 2024</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/MLB_Pioneer_Award.shtml" title="Sporting News Pioneer Award">Sporting News Pioneer Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1984 - 1990 | Discontinued in 1991</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_snpy.shtml" title="Sporting News Player of the Year Award">Sporting News Player of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1944 - 1991 | Discontinued in 1992</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_snrp3.shtml" title="The Sporting News MLB Rookie of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Sporting News Rookie of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1946 - 1962 &amp; 2004 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_snrp.shtml" title="Sporting News Rookie Pitcher of the Year Award">Sporting News Rookie Pitcher of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1946 - 2003 | Unified <a href="awards/aw_snrp3.shtml" title="Sporting News Rookie of the Year Award">Sporting News Rookie of the Year</a> in 2004</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_snrp2.shtml" title="Sporting News Rookie Player of the Year Award">Sporting News Rookie Player of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1946 - 2003 | Unified <a href="awards/aw_snrp3.shtml" title="Sporting News Rookie of the Year Award">Sporting News Rookie of the Year</a> in 2004</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_si.shtml" title="Sports Illustrated Sportsperson of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Sports Illustrated Sportsperson of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1955 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/starting_pitcher_of_the_year_award.shtml" title="Starting Pitcher of the Year Award">Starting Pitcher of the Year Award</a> (<a href="awards/this_year_in_baseball_awards.shtml" title="GIBBYS">GIBBYs</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2002 - 2014 | Renamed <a href="awards/Esurance_MLB_Awards.shtml" title="Esurance MLB Awards">Esurance MLB Awards</a> in 2015</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/steve_carlton_most_valuable_pitcher_award.shtml" title="Steve Carlton Most Valuable Pitcher Award">Steve Carlton Most Valuable Pitcher Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/phillies.shtml" title="Philadelphia Phillies History">Phillies</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2004 - 2014 | Discontinued in 2015</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_twa.shtml" title="Ted Williams Award">Ted Williams Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1997 - 2001 | Discontinued in 2002</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/texas_league_player_of_the_year.shtml" title="Texas League MVP | Baseball Almanac">Texas League MVP</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1931 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Thomas_A_Yawkey_Award.shtml" title="Thomas A. Yawkey Award">Thomas A. Yawkey Award</a> (<a href="awards/Thomas_A_Yawkey_Award.shtml" title="Boston Red Sox MVP">Boston Red Sox MVP</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1937 - 2022</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/tiger_of_the_year.shtml" title="Tiger of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Tiger of the Year Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/dett.shtml" title="Detroit Tigers Official History | Baseball Almanac">Detroit Tigers</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1965 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/tiger_rookie_of_the_year.shtml" title="The Tiger Rookie of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Tiger Rookie of the Year Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/dett.shtml" title="The Official History of the Detroit Tigers | Baseball Almanac">Detroit Tigers</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1969 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/tip_oneill_award.shtml" title="Tip O'Neill Award | Baseball Almanac">Tip O'Neill Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1984 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_tc.shtml" title="The Tony Conigliaro Award | Baseball Almanac">Tony Conigliaro Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1997 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/Blue_Jays_Good_Guy_Award.shtml" title="The Toronto Blue Jays Good Guy Award | Baseball Almanac">Toronto Blue Jays Good Guy Award</a> (<a href="teams/toro.shtml" title="The Official History of the Toronto Blue Jays | Baseball Almanac">Toronto Blue Jays</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1977 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/Blue_Jays_Most_Improved_Player_Award.shtml" title="The Toronto Blue Jays Most Improved Player Award | Baseball Almanac">Toronto Blue Jays Most Improved Player Award</a> (<a href="teams/toro.shtml" title="The Official History of the Toronto Blue Jays | Baseball Almanac">Toronto Blue Jays</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1977 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/Blue_Jays_Pitcher_of_the_Year.shtml" title="The Toronto Blue Jays Pitcher of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Toronto Blue Jays Pitcher of the Year Award</a> (<a href="teams/toro.shtml" title="The Official History of the Toronto Blue Jays | Baseball Almanac">Toronto Blue Jays</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1977 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/Blue_Jays_Player_of_the_Year.shtml" title="The Toronto Blue Jays Player of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Toronto Blue Jays Player of the Year Award</a> (<a href="teams/toro.shtml" title="The Official History of the Toronto Blue Jays | Baseball Almanac">Toronto Blue Jays</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1977 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/Blue_Jays_Rookie_of_the_Year.shtml" title="The Toronto Blue Jays Rookie of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Toronto Blue Jays Rookie of the Year Award</a> (<a href="teams/toro.shtml" title="The Official History of the Toronto Blue Jays | Baseball Almanac">Toronto Blue Jays</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1977 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_triph.shtml" title="Every Triple Crown Winner in MLB History | Baseball Almanac">Triple Crown Award, Hitting</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1876 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/pitrip.shtml" title="Every Triple Crown Pitcher in Major League Baseball History | Baseball Almanac">Triple Crown Award, Pitching</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1876 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/true_ranger_award.shtml" title="The Texas Rangers True Ranger Award | Baseball Almanac">True Ranger Award</a> (<a href="teams/rang.shtml" title="The Official History of the Texas Rangers | Baseball Almanac">Texas Rangers</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2019 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/tug_mcgraw_true_pro_award.shtml" title="Tug McGraw True Pro Award">Tug McGraw True Pro Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/phillies.shtml" title="Philadelphia Phillies History">Phillies</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2004 - 2014 | Discontinued in 2015</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/All-USA_Today_High_School_Baseball_Team_Award.shtml" title="USA Today High School Baseball Player of the Year | Baseball Almanac">USA Today High School Baseball Player of the Year</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1989 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/warrenspahnaward.shtml" title="The Warren Spahn Award | Baseball Almanac">Warren Spahn Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1999 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/wilbur_snypp_award.shtml" title="Wilbur Snypp Award | Baseball Almanac">Wilbur Snypp Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1975 - 2023</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/willie_mickey_and_the_duke_award.shtml" title="Willie, Mickey and the Duke Award | Baseball Almanac">Willie, Mickey and the Duke Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1995 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/willie_mac_award.shtml" title="Willie Mac Award | Baseball Almanac">Willie Mac Award</a> (Team Award: <a href="teams/giants.shtml" title="San Francisco Giants History">San Francisco Giants</a>)<br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1980 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/Wilson_Defensive_Player_of_The_Year_Award.shtml" title="WILSON DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR AWARD | BASEBALL ALMANAC">Wilson Defensive Player of the Year Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2012 - 2019 | Discontinued in 2020</small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"><a href="awards/World_Baseball_Classic_MVP.shtml" title="The MVP of the World Baseball Classic | Baseball Almanac">World Baseball Classic Most Valuable Player Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2006 - 2026</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="datacolBox"> <a href="awards/aw_mvpw.shtml" title="World Series Most Valuable Player Award | Baseball Almanac">World Series Most Valuable Player Award</a><br /> <small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1955 - 2024</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="banner"> <p>Baseball Award Name (Baseball Award Notes)<br /> <small>First Year Awarded - Last Year Award</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="headerBlue">Baseball Awards | Research by <a href="" title="Baseball Almanac: The Official History of Major League Baseball">Baseball Almanac</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> <img src="images/ball-red.png" alt="baseball almanac flat baseball" class="flat-baseball-img"> <div class="fast-facts"> <h3><img src="/images/fast-facts-logo.png" alt="baseball almanac fast facts" /></h3> <p>The first <a href="awards/aw_chalm.shtml" title="Chalmers Award | Baseball Almanac">Chalmers Award</a> (a predecessor to the Most Valuable Player Award) winner was to receive a Chalmers car. However, the recipient was <a href="../players/player.php?p=cobbty01" title="Ty Cobb Stats, Height, Weight, Research & History | Baseball Almanac">Ty Cobb</a> who already owned a Chalmers automobile.</p> <p>The modern <a href="awards/aw_mvp.shtml" title="Most Valuable Player Award | Baseball Almanac">Most Valuable Player Award</a> was first given at the end of the 1931 season. A pitcher won in the American League and a second baseman won in the National League. Do you remember who they were?</p> <p>Did you know that at the end of the 1947 regular season, <a href="../players/player.php?p=robinja02" title="Jackie Robinson Stats, Height, Weight, Research & History | Baseball Almanac">Jackie Robinson</a> became the first <a href="awards/aw_roy.shtml" title="Rookie of the Year Award | Baseball Almanac">Rookie of the Year</a> award winner?</p> </div> </div> <div class="footer"> <!-- Tag ID: Baseballalmanac_leaderboard_BTF --> <div align="center" id="Baseballalmanac_leaderboard_BTF"> <script data-cfasync="false" type="text/javascript"> freestar.config.enabled_slots.push({ placementName: "Baseballalmanac_leaderboard_BTF", slotId: "Baseballalmanac_leaderboard_BTF" }); </script> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="notes"> <a href="/"><img style="max-width: 180px; margin: 0 auto" src="/images/baseball-almanac-logo.png" alt="Baseball Almanac"></a> <p>Where what happened yesterday<br /> is being preserved today.</p> <div class="social"> <a href="" title="Baseball Almanac Twitter" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="" title="Baseball Almanac Facebook" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href="" title="Baseball Almanac Instagram" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-instagram"></i></a> </div> </div> <div class="links"> <div> <span>Stats</span> <a href="/me_award.shtml" title="Baseball Awards Menu">Awards</a> <a href="/featmenu.shtml" title="Fabulous Feats Menu">Fabulous Feats</a> <a href="/frstmenu.shtml" title="Famous Firsts Menu">Famous Firsts</a> <a href="/hofmenu.shtml" title="Baseball Hall of Fame Menu">Hall of Fame</a> <a href="/himenu.shtml" title="MLB Hitting Charts Menu">Hitting Charts</a> <a href="/limenu.shtml" title="Legendary Lists Menu">Legendary Lists</a> <a href="/pimenu.shtml" title="MLB Pitching Charts Menu">Pitching Charts</a> <a href="/rb_menu.shtml" title="MLB Record Books Menu">Record Books</a> <a href="/rulemenu.shtml" title="MLB Rules Menu">Rules</a> <a href="/scoring.shtml" title="Baseball Scoring Menu">Scoring</a> <a href="/teamstats/statmaster.php" title="Statmaster Menu">Statmaster</a> <a href="/bstatmen.shtml" title="Baseball Stats 101 Menu">Stats 101</a> <a href="/yearmenu.shtml" title="MLB Year by Year Menu">Year by Year</a> </div> <div> <span>People</span> <a href="/automenu.shtml" title="Baseball Autographs Menu">Autographs</a> <a href="/players/ballplayer.shtml" title="MLB Players Main Menu">Ballplayers</a> <a href="/fammenu.shtml" title="Baseball Families Menu">Baseball Families</a> <a href="/players/baseball_interviews.shtml" title="Baseball Interviews Menu">Interviews</a> <a href="/mgrmenu.shtml" title="Baseball Managers Menu">Managers</a> <a href="/deaths/chart/baseball_player_obituaries.shtml" title="Baseball Obituaries Menu">Obituaries</a> <a href="/quomenu.shtml" title="Baseball Quotes Menu">Quotes</a> <a href="/teammenu.shtml" title="MLB Teams Menu">Team by Team</a> <a href="/umpiresmenu.shtml" title="Baseball Umpires Menu">Umpires</a> <a href="/prz_menu.shtml" title="Baseball and US Presidents Menu">US Presidents</a> </div> <div> <span>Places</span> <a href="/asgmenu.shtml" title="All-Star Game Menu">All-Star Game</a> <a href="/stadium.shtml" title="Baseball Ballparks Menu">Ballparks</a> <a href="/division_series/division_series.shtml" title="Division Series Menu">Division Series</a> <a href="/graves/baseball_graves.shtml" title="Baseball Grave Sites Menu">Grave Sites</a> <a href="/League_Championship_Series.shtml" title="ALCS and NLCS Menu">LCS</a> <a href="/opening_day/opening_day.shtml" title="Opening Day Menu">Opening Day</a> <a href="/ws/wsmenu.shtml" title="World Series Menu">World Series</a> </div> <div> <span>Other</span> <a href="/about.shtml" title="Baseball Almanac Advertising Menu">Advertising</a> <a href="/baseball_cards/baseball_cards.php" title="Baseball Card Database Menu">Baseball Cards</a> <a href="/bookmenu.shtml" title="Baseball Book Shelf Menu">Book Shelf</a> <a href="/feedmenu.shtml" title="Baseball Almanac Feedback Menu">Feedback</a> <a href="/gam_menu.shtml" title="Baseball Fun and Games Menu">Fun &amp; Games</a> <a href="/humomenu.shtml" title="Baseball Humor Menu">Humor &amp; Jokes</a> <a href="/mve_time.shtml" title="Baseball Movies Menu">Movie Time</a> <a href="/mlmstart.shtml" title="The Baseball Almanac Newsletter">Newsletter</a> <a href="/news.php" title="Baseball News Feeds Menu">News Feeds</a> <a href="/poems.shtml" title="Baseball Poetry and Song Menu">Poetry &amp; Song</a> <a href="/privacy-policy.shtml" title="Baseball Almanac Privacy Policy">Privacy Policy</a> <a href="/Search.shtml" title="Baseball Almanac Search Menu">Search &amp; Find</a> <a href="/support.shtml" title="Baseball Almanac Support">Support</a> </div> </div> <div class="copyright"> <div class="legal"> <p>Copyright 1999-<script type="text/javascript"> copyright=new Date(); update=copyright.getFullYear(); document.write(update); </script>. 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