Samaa Tv - What should Pakistani do to avoid getting expose from corona
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趩讴蹝 蹃蹖诤蹟</strong></p> <p style="direction: rtl">賲賱讴 讴蹝 鬲賲丕賲 氐賵亘賵诤 亘卮賲賵賱 诏賱诏鬲 亘賱鬲爻鬲丕賳 丕賵乇 丕贀夭丕丿 讴卮賲蹖乇 賲蹖诤 蹃蹖賱鬲诰 丕蹖賲乇噩賳爻蹖 賳丕賮匕 蹃蹝 丕賵乇 爻乇讴丕乇蹖 丕爻倬鬲丕賱賵诤 爻賲蹖鬲 亘毓囟 倬乇丕卅蹖賵蹖俟 丕爻倬鬲丕賱賵诤 賲蹖诤 亘诰蹖 丕贀卅蹖爻賵賱蹖卮賳 賵丕乇趫夭 賯丕卅賲 讴蹖蹝 诏卅蹝 蹃蹖诤貙 噩亘 讴蹃 丕爻 讴蹝 毓賱丕賵蹃 賲鬲毓丿丿 賲賯丕賲丕鬲 倬乇 毓丕乇囟蹖 丕爻倬鬲丕賱 亘诰蹖 亘賳丕卅蹝 诏卅蹝 蹃蹖诤蹟</p><p style="text-align: center;" id="adPlayerDiv"> <script src="//"></script> <link href="//" rel="stylesheet"/> <script src="//"></script> <script src=""></script> <script> bcPlayerTools.expandAndInjectAdOnlyPlayer({ div: adPlayerDiv, adTag: "", height: 360, animationDuration: 500 }); </script> </p> <p style="direction: rtl;text-align: right"><strong>氐賵亘賵诤 賲蹖诤 爻丕賲賳蹝 丕贀賳蹝 賵丕賱蹝 讴蹖爻夭 讴蹖 鬲毓丿丕丿 丿乇噩 匕蹖賱 蹃蹝蹟</strong></p> <p style="direction: rtl">丕爻賱丕賲 丌亘丕丿: 14963<br/>倬賳噩丕亘: 92452<br/>爻賳丿诰: 119398<br/>亘賱賵趩爻鬲丕賳: 11654<br/>禺蹖亘乇 倬禺鬲賵賳禺賵丕: 33724<br/>丌夭丕丿 噩賲賵诤 賵 讴卮賲蹖乇: 2055<br/>诏賱诏鬲 亘賱鬲爻鬲丕賳: 2042<br/><strong>俟賵俟賱: 276288</strong></p> <p style="direction: rtl"><strong style="font-size: inherit">讴乇賵賳丕 賵丕卅乇爻 爻蹝 倬丕讴爻鬲丕賳 賲蹖诤 丕賲賵丕鬲</strong></p> <p style="direction: rtl">丕爻賱丕賲 丌亘丕丿: 165<br/>倬賳噩丕亘: 2133<br/>爻賳丿诰: 2172<br/>亘賱賵趩爻鬲丕賳: 136<br/>禺蹖亘乇 倬禺鬲賵賳禺賵丕: 1186<br/>丌夭丕丿 噩賲賵诤 賵 讴卮賲蹖乇: 50<br/>诏賱诏鬲 亘賱鬲爻鬲丕賳: 50<br/><strong>俟賵俟賱: 5892</strong></p> <p style="direction: rtl">聽<strong style="font-size: inherit">毓賱丕賲丕鬲 馗丕蹃乇 蹃賵賳蹝 讴蹖 氐賵乇鬲 賲蹖诤 蹃蹖賱倬 賱丕卅賳 倬乇 讴丕賱 讴乇蹖诤</strong></p> <p style="text-align: right">丕诏乇丕贀倬 爻賳丿诰 賲蹖诤 蹃蹖诤 丕賵乇丕贀倬 賲蹖诤 讴乇賵賳丕 賵丕卅乇爻 讴蹖 毓賱丕賲丕鬲 馗丕蹃乇 蹃賵鬲蹖 蹃蹖诤 鬲賵丕賳 2 賳賲亘乇賵诤 99203443-021貙 99204405-021 倬乇 乇丕亘胤蹃 讴乇蹖诤蹟 賲丨讴賲蹃 氐丨鬲 讴蹝 丿賮鬲乇 賲蹖诤 丨讴丕賲 讴丕賱 賵氐賵賱 讴乇蹖诤 诏蹝丕賵乇 丕贀倬 爻蹝 趩賳丿 亘賳蹖丕丿蹖 爻賵丕賱 讴乇賳蹝 讴蹝 亘毓丿 丕贀倬 讴賵 丕蹖讴 賲禺氐賵氐 趫丕讴俟乇 讴丕 乇丕亘胤蹃 賳賲亘乇 丿蹖诤 诏蹝蹟</p> <p style="text-align: right">丿賵爻乇蹝 賲乇丨賱蹝 賲蹖诤 丕贀倬 趫丕讴俟乇 讴賵 讴丕賱 讴乇蹖诤 噩賵 丕贀倬 爻蹝 賲讴賲賱 賲毓賱賵賲丕鬲 賱蹖賳蹝 讴蹝 亘毓丿 丕贀倬 讴賵 俟蹖爻俟 讴蹖賱卅蹝 亘賱丕卅蹝 诏丕蹟 丕诏乇 趫丕讴俟乇 蹖蹃 爻賲噩诰蹝 讴蹃 丕贀倬 讴賵 蹃賳诏丕賲蹖 賲丿丿 讴蹖 囟乇賵乇鬲 蹃蹝 鬲賵 賲丨讴賲蹃 氐丨鬲 讴蹖 俟蹖賲 賮賵乇蹖 丕贀倬 讴蹝 倬丕爻 倬蹃賳趩 噩丕卅蹝 诏蹖蹟</p> <p style="text-align: right">噩亘 丕贀倬 趫丕讴俟乇 讴賵 讴丕賱 讴乇蹖诤 诏蹝 鬲賵 賵蹃 丕贀倬 爻蹝 賳丕賲貙 賮蹖賲賱蹖 賳丕賲貙 丕蹖趫乇蹖爻貙 毓賱丕賲丕鬲 丕賵乇 丕賳 讴蹖 卮丿鬲 爻蹝 賲鬲毓賱賯 賲毓賱賵賲丕鬲 賱蹖诤 诏蹝蹟 丕爻 讴蹝 爻丕鬲诰 丕贀倬 讴蹖 俟乇蹖賵賱 蹃爻俟乇蹖 丕賵乇 丕賳 賱賵诏賵诤 讴蹖 俟乇蹖賵賱 蹃爻俟乇蹖 亘诰蹖 倬賵趩诰蹖诤 诏蹝 噩賳 爻蹝 丕贀倬 賳蹝 丨丕賱蹖蹃 丿賳賵诤 賲蹖诤 賲賱丕賯丕鬲 讴蹖 蹃賵诏蹖蹟</p> <p style="direction: rtl"><strong>俟蹖爻俟 讴蹃丕诤 讴乇爻讴鬲蹝 蹃蹖诤</strong></p> <p style="direction: rtl"><span style="font-size: inherit">倬賳噩丕亘 賲蹖诤 丿乇噩 匕蹖賱 賲賯丕賲丕鬲 倬乇 讴乇賵賳丕 賵丕卅乇爻 讴蹝 俟蹖爻俟 讴蹖蹝 噩丕鬲蹝 蹃蹖诤蹟</span></p> <p style="direction: rtl"><span style="font-size: inherit">賲蹖賵 丕爻倬鬲丕賱 賱丕蹃賵乇</span></p> <p style="direction: rtl"><span style="font-size: inherit">卮賵讴鬲 禺丕賳賲 丕爻倬鬲丕賱 賱丕蹃賵乇</span></p> <p style="direction: rtl"><span style="font-size: inherit">倬丕讴爻鬲丕賳 讴趫賳蹖 丕蹖賳趫 賱蹖賵乇 丕賳爻俟蹖 俟蹖賵俟 賱丕蹃賵乇</span></p> <p style="direction: rtl"><span style="font-size: inherit">丕蹖讴爻倬賵 爻蹖賳俟乇 賱丕蹃賵乇</span></p> <p style="direction: rtl">亘蹖賳馗蹖乇 丕爻倬鬲丕賱 乇丕賵賱倬賳趫蹖</p> <p style="direction: rtl">賳卮鬲乇 賲蹖趫蹖讴賱 讴丕賱噩 賲賱鬲丕賳</p> <p style="direction: rtl">丕爻 讴蹝 爻丕鬲诰 鬲賲丕賲 趫賵蹖跇賳賱 蹃蹖趫讴賵丕乇俟乇夭 丕爻倬鬲丕賱賵诤 賲蹖诤 亘诰蹖 俟蹖爻俟 讴蹖 爻蹃賵賱蹖丕鬲 賲賵噩賵丿 蹃蹖诤蹟</p> <p style="direction: rtl"><strong>爻賳丿诰</strong></p> <p style="direction: 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