Automatische Zeiterfassung für Projekte & Teams | Memtime

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17.6228 18.252 18.5793 17.0024C19.5358 15.7528 20.1155 14.256 20.2503 12.6881C20.2667 12.4892 20.3614 12.3049 20.5137 12.1759C20.6659 12.0469 20.8632 11.9836 21.0621 12C21.261 12.0164 21.4453 12.1111 21.5743 12.2634C21.7034 12.4157 21.7667 12.6129 21.7503 12.8119ZM11.2503 6.74998V12C11.2503 12.1989 11.3293 12.3897 11.4699 12.5303C11.6106 12.671 11.8013 12.75 12.0003 12.75H17.2503C17.4492 12.75 17.6399 12.671 17.7806 12.5303C17.9212 12.3897 18.0003 12.1989 18.0003 12C18.0003 11.8011 17.9212 11.6103 17.7806 11.4697C17.6399 11.329 17.4492 11.25 17.2503 11.25H12.7503V6.74998C12.7503 6.55107 12.6712 6.36031 12.5306 6.21965C12.3899 6.079 12.1992 5.99998 12.0003 5.99998C11.8013 5.99998 11.6106 6.079 11.4699 6.21965C11.3293 6.36031 11.2503 6.55107 11.2503 6.74998ZM15.0003 4.49998C15.2228 4.49998 15.4403 4.434 15.6253 4.31039C15.8103 4.18677 15.9545 4.01107 16.0396 3.8055C16.1248 3.59994 16.1471 3.37374 16.1036 3.15551C16.0602 2.93728 15.9531 2.73682 15.7958 2.57949C15.6384 2.42216 15.438 2.31501 15.2197 2.2716C15.0015 2.22819 14.7753 2.25047 14.5697 2.33562C14.3642 2.42077 14.1885 2.56496 14.0649 2.74997C13.9412 2.93497 13.8753 3.15248 13.8753 3.37498C13.8753 3.67335 13.9938 3.9595 14.2048 4.17048C14.4157 4.38146 14.7019 4.49998 15.0003 4.49998ZM18.3753 6.74998C18.5978 6.74998 18.8153 6.684 19.0003 6.56039C19.1853 6.43677 19.3295 6.26107 19.4146 6.0555C19.4998 5.84994 19.5221 5.62374 19.4786 5.40551C19.4352 5.18728 19.3281 4.98682 19.1708 4.82949C19.0134 4.67216 18.813 4.56501 18.5947 4.5216C18.3765 4.47819 18.1503 4.50047 17.9447 4.58562C17.7392 4.67077 17.5635 4.81496 17.4399 4.99997C17.3162 5.18497 17.2503 5.40248 17.2503 5.62498C17.2503 5.92335 17.3688 6.2095 17.5798 6.42048C17.7907 6.63146 18.0769 6.74998 18.3753 6.74998ZM20.6253 10.125C20.8478 10.125 21.0653 10.059 21.2503 9.93539C21.4353 9.81177 21.5795 9.63607 21.6646 9.4305C21.7498 9.22494 21.7721 8.99874 21.7286 8.78051C21.6852 8.56228 21.5781 8.36182 21.4208 8.20449C21.2634 8.04716 21.063 7.94001 20.8447 7.8966C20.6265 7.85319 20.4003 7.87547 20.1947 7.96062C19.9892 8.04577 19.8135 8.18996 19.6899 8.37497C19.5662 8.55997 19.5003 8.77748 19.5003 8.99998C19.5003 9.29835 19.6188 9.5845 19.8298 9.79548C20.0407 10.0065 20.3269 10.125 20.6253 10.125Z" fill="#10B981"/> </svg></div></div><div class="sub_menu-item-text"><a href="/de/features/zeitintervalle" class="menu-link">Zeitintervalle</a></div></div></div><div class="features_project_time-entries"><div class="feature_item-3"><div class="feature_sub-menu-icon-3"><div class="html-embed-23 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M4.5 11.25L19.5 11.25C19.8978 11.25 20.2794 11.092 20.5607 10.8107C20.842 10.5294 21 10.1478 21 9.75L21 5.25C21 4.85218 20.842 4.47065 20.5607 4.18934C20.2794 3.90804 19.8978 3.75 19.5 3.75L4.5 3.75C4.10218 3.75 3.72065 3.90804 3.43934 4.18934C3.15804 4.47064 3 4.85218 3 5.25L3 9.75C3 10.1478 3.15804 10.5294 3.43934 10.8107C3.72065 11.092 4.10218 11.25 4.5 11.25ZM4.5 5.25L19.5 5.25L19.5 9.75L4.5 9.75L4.5 5.25ZM4.5 20.25L19.5 20.25C19.8978 20.25 20.2794 20.092 20.5607 19.8107C20.842 19.5294 21 19.1478 21 18.75L21 14.25C21 13.8522 20.842 13.4706 20.5607 13.1893C20.2794 12.908 19.8978 12.75 19.5 12.75L4.5 12.75C4.10218 12.75 3.72065 12.908 3.43934 13.1893C3.15804 13.4706 3 13.8522 3 14.25L3 18.75C3 19.1478 3.15804 19.5294 3.43934 19.8107C3.72065 20.092 4.10218 20.25 4.5 20.25ZM4.5 14.25L19.5 14.25L19.5 18.75L4.5 18.75L4.5 14.25ZM6 16.5C6 16.2775 6.06598 16.06 6.1896 15.875C6.31322 15.69 6.48892 15.5458 6.69448 15.4606C6.90005 15.3755 7.12625 15.3532 7.34448 15.3966C7.56271 15.44 7.76316 15.5472 7.9205 15.7045C8.07783 15.8618 8.18498 16.0623 8.22839 16.2805C8.27179 16.4988 8.24951 16.725 8.16437 16.9305C8.07922 17.1361 7.93502 17.3118 7.75002 17.4354C7.56501 17.559 7.3475 17.625 7.125 17.625C6.82663 17.625 6.54049 17.5065 6.32951 17.2955C6.11853 17.0845 6 16.7984 6 16.5ZM6 7.5C6 7.2775 6.06598 7.05999 6.1896 6.87498C6.31322 6.68998 6.48892 6.54578 6.69448 6.46064C6.90005 6.37549 7.12625 6.35321 7.34448 6.39662C7.56271 6.44003 7.76316 6.54717 7.9205 6.70451C8.07783 6.86184 8.18498 7.06229 8.22839 7.28052C8.27179 7.49875 8.24951 7.72495 8.16437 7.93052C8.07922 8.13608 7.93502 8.31179 7.75002 8.4354C7.56501 8.55902 7.34751 8.625 7.125 8.625C6.82663 8.625 6.54049 8.50647 6.32951 8.29549C6.11853 8.08452 6 7.79837 6 7.5Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path opacity="0.2" d="M3.75 9.75L3.75 5.25C3.75 5.05109 3.82902 4.86032 3.96967 4.71967C4.11032 4.57902 4.30109 4.5 4.5 4.5L19.5 4.5C19.6989 4.5 19.8897 4.57902 20.0303 4.71967C20.171 4.86032 20.25 5.05109 20.25 5.25L20.25 9.75C20.25 9.94891 20.171 10.1397 20.0303 10.2803C19.8897 10.421 19.6989 10.5 19.5 10.5L4.5 10.5C4.30109 10.5 4.11032 10.421 3.96967 10.2803C3.82902 10.1397 3.75 9.94891 3.75 9.75ZM4.5 19.5L19.5 19.5C19.6989 19.5 19.8897 19.421 20.0303 19.2803C20.171 19.1397 20.25 18.9489 20.25 18.75L20.25 14.25C20.25 14.0511 20.171 13.8603 20.0303 13.7197C19.8897 13.579 19.6989 13.5 19.5 13.5L4.5 13.5C4.30109 13.5 4.11032 13.579 3.96967 13.7197C3.82902 13.8603 3.75 14.0511 3.75 14.25L3.75 18.75C3.75 18.9489 3.82902 19.1397 3.96967 19.2803C4.11032 19.421 4.30109 19.5 4.5 19.5Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M4.5 11.25L19.5 11.25C19.8978 11.25 20.2794 11.092 20.5607 10.8107C20.842 10.5294 21 10.1478 21 9.75L21 5.25C21 4.85218 20.842 4.47065 20.5607 4.18934C20.2794 3.90804 19.8978 3.75 19.5 3.75L4.5 3.75C4.10218 3.75 3.72065 3.90804 3.43934 4.18934C3.15804 4.47064 3 4.85218 3 5.25L3 9.75C3 10.1478 3.15804 10.5294 3.43934 10.8107C3.72065 11.092 4.10218 11.25 4.5 11.25ZM4.5 5.25L19.5 5.25L19.5 9.75L4.5 9.75L4.5 5.25ZM4.5 20.25L19.5 20.25C19.8978 20.25 20.2794 20.092 20.5607 19.8107C20.842 19.5294 21 19.1478 21 18.75L21 14.25C21 13.8522 20.842 13.4706 20.5607 13.1893C20.2794 12.908 19.8978 12.75 19.5 12.75L4.5 12.75C4.10218 12.75 3.72065 12.908 3.43934 13.1893C3.15804 13.4706 3 13.8522 3 14.25L3 18.75C3 19.1478 3.15804 19.5294 3.43934 19.8107C3.72065 20.092 4.10218 20.25 4.5 20.25ZM4.5 14.25L19.5 14.25L19.5 18.75L4.5 18.75L4.5 14.25ZM6 16.5C6 16.2775 6.06598 16.06 6.1896 15.875C6.31322 15.69 6.48892 15.5458 6.69448 15.4606C6.90005 15.3755 7.12625 15.3532 7.34448 15.3966C7.56271 15.44 7.76316 15.5472 7.9205 15.7045C8.07783 15.8618 8.18498 16.0623 8.22839 16.2805C8.27179 16.4988 8.24951 16.725 8.16437 16.9305C8.07922 17.1361 7.93502 17.3118 7.75002 17.4354C7.56501 17.559 7.3475 17.625 7.125 17.625C6.82663 17.625 6.54049 17.5065 6.32951 17.2955C6.11853 17.0845 6 16.7984 6 16.5ZM6 7.5C6 7.2775 6.06598 7.05999 6.1896 6.87498C6.31322 6.68998 6.48892 6.54578 6.69448 6.46064C6.90005 6.37549 7.12625 6.35321 7.34448 6.39662C7.56271 6.44003 7.76316 6.54717 7.9205 6.70451C8.07783 6.86184 8.18498 7.06229 8.22839 7.28052C8.27179 7.49875 8.24951 7.72495 8.16437 7.93052C8.07922 8.13608 7.93502 8.31179 7.75002 8.4354C7.56501 8.55902 7.34751 8.625 7.125 8.625C6.82663 8.625 6.54049 8.50647 6.32951 8.29549C6.11853 8.08452 6 7.79837 6 7.5Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><div class="sub_menu-item-text"><a href="/de/features/zeiteintraege" class="menu-link">Zeiteinträge</a></div></div></div><div class="features_custom-reporting"><div class="feature_item-4"><div class="sub_menu-icon-4"><div class="html-embed-22 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M19.5 6.75V17.25C19.5 17.4489 19.421 17.6397 19.2803 17.7803C19.1397 17.921 18.9489 18 18.75 18H16.5V9.75L12.75 6H7.5V3.75C7.5 3.55109 7.57902 3.36032 7.71967 3.21967C7.86032 3.07902 8.05109 3 8.25 3H15.75L19.5 6.75Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> <path d="M20.0306 6.21938L16.2806 2.46938C16.2109 2.39975 16.1282 2.34454 16.0371 2.3069C15.9461 2.26926 15.8485 2.24992 15.75 2.25H8.25C7.85218 2.25 7.47064 2.40804 7.18934 2.68934C6.90804 2.97064 6.75 3.35218 6.75 3.75V5.25H5.25C4.85218 5.25 4.47064 5.40804 4.18934 5.68934C3.90804 5.97064 3.75 6.35218 3.75 6.75V20.25C3.75 20.6478 3.90804 21.0294 4.18934 21.3107C4.47064 21.592 4.85218 21.75 5.25 21.75H15.75C16.1478 21.75 16.5294 21.592 16.8107 21.3107C17.092 21.0294 17.25 20.6478 17.25 20.25V18.75H18.75C19.1478 18.75 19.5294 18.592 19.8107 18.3107C20.092 18.0294 20.25 17.6478 20.25 17.25V6.75C20.2501 6.65148 20.2307 6.55391 20.1931 6.46286C20.1555 6.37182 20.1003 6.28908 20.0306 6.21938ZM15.75 20.25H5.25V6.75H12.4397L15.75 10.0603V17.985C15.75 17.9906 15.75 17.9953 15.75 18C15.75 18.0047 15.75 18.0094 15.75 18.015V20.25ZM18.75 17.25H17.25V9.75C17.2501 9.65148 17.2307 9.55391 17.1931 9.46286C17.1555 9.37182 17.1003 9.28908 17.0306 9.21937L13.2806 5.46938C13.2109 5.39975 13.1282 5.34454 13.0371 5.3069C12.9461 5.26926 12.8485 5.24992 12.75 5.25H8.25V3.75H15.4397L18.75 7.06031V17.25ZM13.5 14.25C13.5 14.4489 13.421 14.6397 13.2803 14.7803C13.1397 14.921 12.9489 15 12.75 15H8.25C8.05109 15 7.86032 14.921 7.71967 14.7803C7.57902 14.6397 7.5 14.4489 7.5 14.25C7.5 14.0511 7.57902 13.8603 7.71967 13.7197C7.86032 13.579 8.05109 13.5 8.25 13.5H12.75C12.9489 13.5 13.1397 13.579 13.2803 13.7197C13.421 13.8603 13.5 14.0511 13.5 14.25ZM13.5 17.25C13.5 17.4489 13.421 17.6397 13.2803 17.7803C13.1397 17.921 12.9489 18 12.75 18H8.25C8.05109 18 7.86032 17.921 7.71967 17.7803C7.57902 17.6397 7.5 17.4489 7.5 17.25C7.5 17.0511 7.57902 16.8603 7.71967 16.7197C7.86032 16.579 8.05109 16.5 8.25 16.5H12.75C12.9489 16.5 13.1397 16.579 13.2803 16.7197C13.421 16.8603 13.5 17.0511 13.5 17.25Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="sub_menu-item-text"><a href="/de/features/reporting" class="menu-link">Reporting</a></div></div></div><div class="features_integrations"><div class="feature_item-5"><div class="feature_sub-menu-icon-5"><div class="html-embed-21 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M19.4864 11.5481L21.0595 9.57932C20.8473 8.7817 20.5299 8.01591 20.1155 7.30213L17.6123 7.02088C17.4124 6.79559 17.1992 6.5824 16.9739 6.38244L16.6927 3.87838C15.9781 3.46647 15.212 3.15122 14.4145 2.94088L12.4458 4.51307C12.1448 4.49525 11.843 4.49525 11.542 4.51307L9.57328 2.93994C8.77826 3.15275 8.01502 3.47021 7.30359 3.884L7.02234 6.38713C6.79706 6.58709 6.58387 6.80028 6.38391 7.02557L3.87984 7.30682C3.46793 8.02137 3.15268 8.78743 2.94234 9.58494L4.51453 11.5537C4.49672 11.8547 4.49672 12.1565 4.51453 12.4574L2.94141 14.4262C3.15359 15.2238 3.47107 15.9896 3.88547 16.7034L6.38859 16.9846C6.58856 17.2099 6.80174 17.4231 7.02703 17.6231L7.30828 20.1271C8.02284 20.539 8.7889 20.8543 9.58641 21.0646L11.5552 19.4924C11.8561 19.5103 12.1579 19.5103 12.4589 19.4924L14.4277 21.0656C15.2253 20.8534 15.9911 20.5359 16.7048 20.1215L16.9861 17.6184C17.2114 17.4184 17.4246 17.2052 17.6245 16.9799L20.1286 16.6987C20.5405 15.9841 20.8558 15.2181 21.0661 14.4206L19.4939 12.4518C19.5092 12.1507 19.5067 11.8489 19.4864 11.5481ZM11.9995 15.7499C11.2579 15.7499 10.5328 15.53 9.91614 15.118C9.29946 14.7059 8.81881 14.1202 8.53498 13.435C8.25115 12.7498 8.17689 11.9958 8.32159 11.2684C8.46628 10.5409 8.82343 9.87274 9.34788 9.34829C9.87233 8.82384 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10.8323 9.17344 11.4143 9.05769C11.9962 8.94193 12.5994 9.00134 13.1476 9.2284C13.6958 9.45547 14.1643 9.83998 14.494 10.3333C14.8236 10.8267 14.9996 11.4067 14.9996 12C14.9996 12.7957 14.6835 13.5588 14.1209 14.1214C13.5583 14.684 12.7952 15 11.9996 15ZM20.2496 12.2025C20.2533 12.0675 20.2533 11.9325 20.2496 11.7975L21.6483 10.05C21.7216 9.95829 21.7724 9.85059 21.7965 9.73563C21.8206 9.62067 21.8174 9.50165 21.7871 9.38817C21.5573 8.52637 21.2143 7.69884 20.7671 6.92723C20.7084 6.82628 20.6271 6.7404 20.5294 6.67644C20.4318 6.61248 20.3205 6.57219 20.2046 6.55879L17.9808 6.31129C17.8883 6.21379 17.7946 6.12004 17.6996 6.03004L17.4371 3.80067C17.4236 3.68462 17.3831 3.57332 17.319 3.47566C17.2549 3.37801 17.1688 3.29668 17.0677 3.23817C16.2961 2.79121 15.4686 2.44884 14.6067 2.22004C14.4933 2.18972 14.3742 2.18648 14.2593 2.21058C14.1443 2.23468 14.0366 2.28545 13.9449 2.35879L12.2021 3.75004C12.0671 3.75004 11.9321 3.75004 11.7971 3.75004L10.0496 2.35411C9.9578 2.28076 9.85011 2.23 9.73514 2.2059C9.62018 2.1818 9.50116 2.18504 9.38768 2.21536C8.52588 2.44507 7.69836 2.78806 6.92674 3.23536C6.82579 3.29397 6.73991 3.37535 6.67595 3.473C6.61199 3.57065 6.5717 3.68189 6.5583 3.79785L6.3108 6.02535C6.2133 6.11848 6.11955 6.21223 6.02955 6.3066L3.80018 6.56254C3.68413 6.57604 3.57284 6.61647 3.47518 6.6806C3.37752 6.74473 3.29619 6.83079 3.23768 6.93192C2.79082 7.70363 2.44815 8.53114 2.21862 9.39286C2.18843 9.50641 2.18534 9.62547 2.2096 9.74044C2.23387 9.8554 2.2848 9.96306 2.3583 10.0547L3.74955 11.7975C3.74955 11.9325 3.74955 12.0675 3.74955 12.2025L2.35362 13.95C2.28027 14.0418 2.22951 14.1495 2.20541 14.2645C2.18131 14.3794 2.18455 14.4984 2.21487 14.6119C2.44458 15.4737 2.78757 16.3012 3.23487 17.0729C3.29348 17.1738 3.37486 17.2597 3.47251 17.3236C3.57017 17.3876 3.6814 17.4279 3.79737 17.4413L6.02112 17.6888C6.11424 17.7863 6.20799 17.88 6.30237 17.97L6.56205 20.1994C6.57556 20.3155 6.61598 20.4268 6.68011 20.5244C6.74424 20.6221 6.8303 20.7034 6.93143 20.7619C7.70315 21.2088 8.53066 21.5514 9.39237 21.781C9.50592 21.8112 9.62498 21.8143 9.73995 21.79C9.85491 21.7657 9.96257 21.7148 10.0542 21.6413L11.7971 20.25C11.9321 20.2538 12.0671 20.2538 12.2021 20.25L13.9496 21.6488C14.0413 21.7221 14.149 21.7729 14.264 21.797C14.3789 21.8211 14.4979 21.8179 14.6114 21.7875C15.4734 21.5582 16.3009 21.2152 17.0724 20.7675C17.1733 20.7089 17.2592 20.6275 17.3232 20.5299C17.3871 20.4322 17.4274 20.321 17.4408 20.205L17.6883 17.9813C17.7858 17.8888 17.8796 17.795 17.9696 17.7L20.1989 17.4375C20.315 17.424 20.4263 17.3836 20.5239 17.3195C20.6216 17.2554 20.7029 17.1693 20.7614 17.0682C21.2083 16.2965 21.551 15.4689 21.7805 14.6072C21.8107 14.4937 21.8138 14.3746 21.7895 14.2596C21.7652 14.1447 21.7143 14.037 21.6408 13.9454L20.2496 12.2025ZM18.7402 11.5932C18.7561 11.8642 18.7561 12.1359 18.7402 12.4069C18.729 12.5925 18.7871 12.7755 18.9033 12.9207L20.2336 14.5829C20.081 15.068 19.8855 15.5386 19.6496 15.9891L17.5308 16.2291C17.3463 16.2496 17.1759 16.3378 17.0527 16.4766C16.8722 16.6796 16.68 16.8718 16.4771 17.0522C16.3382 17.1755 16.25 17.3458 16.2296 17.5304L15.9942 19.6472C15.5438 19.8833 15.0732 20.0788 14.588 20.2313L12.9249 18.901C12.7918 18.7946 12.6265 18.7368 12.4561 18.7369H12.4111C12.1401 18.7529 11.8684 18.7529 11.5974 18.7369C11.4119 18.7263 11.229 18.7844 11.0836 18.9L9.41674 20.2313C8.93162 20.0786 8.46102 19.8832 8.01049 19.6472L7.77049 17.5313C7.75001 17.3468 7.66182 17.1764 7.52299 17.0532C7.32003 16.8727 7.12783 16.6805 6.94737 16.4775C6.82412 16.3387 6.65376 16.2505 6.46924 16.23L4.35237 15.9938C4.1163 15.5433 3.92084 15.0727 3.7683 14.5875L5.09862 12.9244C5.21478 12.7793 5.27291 12.5962 5.26174 12.4107C5.2458 12.1397 5.2458 11.8679 5.26174 11.5969C5.27291 11.4114 5.21478 11.2283 5.09862 11.0832L3.7683 9.41723C3.92095 8.9321 4.11641 8.4615 4.35237 8.01098L6.4683 7.77098C6.65282 7.7505 6.82318 7.66231 6.94643 7.52348C7.12689 7.32052 7.31909 7.12831 7.52205 6.94785C7.66144 6.82452 7.74999 6.65377 7.77049 6.46879L8.0058 4.35286C8.45628 4.11679 8.92689 3.92132 9.41205 3.76879L11.0752 5.0991C11.2203 5.21527 11.4034 5.2734 11.5889 5.26223C11.8599 5.24629 12.1317 5.24629 12.4027 5.26223C12.5882 5.27286 12.7711 5.21479 12.9164 5.0991L14.5824 3.76879C15.0675 3.92144 15.5381 4.1169 15.9886 4.35286L16.2286 6.46879C16.2491 6.65331 16.3373 6.82367 16.4761 6.94692C16.6791 7.12738 16.8713 7.31958 17.0517 7.52254C17.175 7.66137 17.3454 7.74956 17.5299 7.77004L19.6467 8.00535C19.8828 8.45583 20.0783 8.92644 20.2308 9.4116L18.9005 11.0747C18.7832 11.2211 18.725 11.406 18.7374 11.5932H18.7402Z" fill="#E71C7D"/> </svg></div></div><div class="sub_menu-item-text"><a href="/de/integrations" class="menu-link">Integrationen</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="use_cases-wrap"><div class="sub_menu-header"><p class="p-1-bold"><strong class="h6 mob_sub-heading-menu">Use cases</strong></p></div><div class="use-cases_2-col-wrap"><div class="use-cases_2-col-left"><div class="use_case_link-marketing"><div class="sub_menu_item-wrapper"><div class="use_cases-sub-menu-icon-1"><div class="html-embed-25 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21.75 11.25C21.75 12.2446 21.3549 13.1984 20.6517 13.9017C19.9484 14.6049 18.9946 15 18 15H14.25V7.5H18C18.9946 7.5 19.9484 7.89509 20.6517 8.59835C21.3549 9.30161 21.75 10.2554 21.75 11.25Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M22.5 11.25C22.4988 10.0569 22.0243 8.91305 21.1806 8.06941C20.337 7.22576 19.1931 6.75126 18 6.75002H14.2687C13.9959 6.73408 9.24188 6.39939 4.71469 2.60252C4.49607 2.41891 4.22959 2.30151 3.94656 2.2641C3.66353 2.22668 3.37571 2.27082 3.11689 2.39132C2.85807 2.51182 2.63902 2.70367 2.48546 2.94435C2.3319 3.18503 2.25022 3.46453 2.25 3.75002V18.75C2.25004 19.0356 2.3316 19.3152 2.48508 19.556C2.63857 19.7968 2.85761 19.9888 3.11646 20.1095C3.37532 20.2301 3.66322 20.2743 3.94633 20.2369C4.22945 20.1995 4.49601 20.0821 4.71469 19.8985C8.25563 16.9285 11.9334 16.0772 13.5 15.8391V18.8128C13.4997 19.06 13.5605 19.3034 13.6769 19.5215C13.7934 19.7395 13.9619 19.9253 14.1675 20.0625L15.1987 20.7497C15.3981 20.8827 15.6264 20.9661 15.8645 20.9928C16.1027 21.0194 16.3438 20.9887 16.5676 20.903C16.7914 20.8173 16.9914 20.6793 17.151 20.5005C17.3105 20.3216 17.4248 20.1071 17.4844 19.875L18.5878 15.7163C19.6704 15.5722 20.6638 15.04 21.3834 14.2185C22.103 13.397 22.4998 12.3421 22.5 11.25ZM3.75 18.7435V3.75002C7.76344 7.11658 11.8716 7.96877 13.5 8.17877V14.3175C11.8734 14.5313 7.76625 15.3816 3.75 18.7435ZM16.0312 19.4935V19.5038L15 18.8166V15.75H17.025L16.0312 19.4935ZM18 14.25H15V8.25002H18C18.7956 8.25002 19.5587 8.56609 20.1213 9.1287C20.6839 9.69131 21 10.4544 21 11.25C21 12.0457 20.6839 12.8087 20.1213 13.3713C19.5587 13.9339 18.7956 14.25 18 14.25Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><a href="/de/agenturen" class="menu-link">Agenturen</a></div></div><div class="use_case_link-legal"><div class="sub_menu_item-wrapper"><div class="use_cases-sub-menu-icon-1"><div class="html-embed-26 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 5.25V8.64656C20.5594 8.2526 20.0456 7.94926 19.4878 7.75388C18.93 7.5585 18.3392 7.4749 17.7491 7.50785C17.159 7.5408 16.5812 7.68966 16.0486 7.94592C15.516 8.20219 15.0391 8.56084 14.6452 9.00141C14.2512 9.44197 13.9479 9.95582 13.7525 10.5136C13.5571 11.0714 13.4735 11.6622 13.5064 12.2523C13.5394 12.8424 13.6883 13.4203 13.9445 13.9528C14.2008 14.4854 14.5594 14.9623 15 15.3563V18H3.75C3.55109 18 3.36032 17.921 3.21967 17.7803C3.07902 17.6397 3 17.4489 3 17.25V5.25C3 5.05109 3.07902 4.86032 3.21967 4.71967C3.36032 4.57902 3.55109 4.5 3.75 4.5H20.25C20.4489 4.5 20.6397 4.57902 20.7803 4.71967C20.921 4.86032 21 5.05109 21 5.25Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M23.25 12C23.2508 11.1387 23.0397 10.2904 22.6352 9.52997C22.2308 8.76952 21.6455 8.12025 20.9309 7.63942C20.2163 7.15858 19.3944 6.86094 18.5376 6.77274C17.6808 6.68454 16.8155 6.80849 16.0179 7.13367C15.2204 7.45884 14.5151 7.97525 13.9642 8.63736C13.4133 9.29947 13.0338 10.0869 12.8591 10.9303C12.6844 11.7738 12.7199 12.6472 12.9625 13.4736C13.205 14.3001 13.6472 15.0542 14.25 15.6694V21C14.2499 21.1279 14.2825 21.2537 14.3448 21.3655C14.407 21.4772 14.4968 21.5712 14.6056 21.6384C14.7144 21.7057 14.8386 21.744 14.9663 21.7498C15.0941 21.7555 15.2212 21.7285 15.3356 21.6712L18 20.3381L20.6644 21.6712C20.7788 21.7285 20.9059 21.7555 21.0337 21.7498C21.1614 21.744 21.2856 21.7057 21.3944 21.6384C21.5032 21.5712 21.593 21.4772 21.6552 21.3655C21.7175 21.2537 21.7501 21.1279 21.75 21V15.6694C22.7119 14.6903 23.2506 13.3725 23.25 12ZM18 8.25C18.7417 8.25 19.4667 8.46993 20.0834 8.88199C20.7001 9.29404 21.1807 9.87971 21.4646 10.5649C21.7484 11.2502 21.8226 12.0042 21.6779 12.7316C21.5333 13.459 21.1761 14.1272 20.6517 14.6517C20.1272 15.1761 19.459 15.5333 18.7316 15.6779C18.0042 15.8226 17.2502 15.7484 16.5649 15.4645C15.8797 15.1807 15.294 14.7001 14.882 14.0834C14.4699 13.4667 14.25 12.7417 14.25 12C14.25 11.0054 14.6451 10.0516 15.3484 9.34835C16.0516 8.64509 17.0054 8.25 18 8.25ZM18.3356 18.8287C18.2314 18.7766 18.1165 18.7495 18 18.7495C17.8835 18.7495 17.7686 18.7766 17.6644 18.8287L15.75 19.7869V16.7428C16.4531 17.0767 17.2217 17.25 18 17.25C18.7783 17.25 19.5469 17.0767 20.25 16.7428V19.7869L18.3356 18.8287ZM12.75 18C12.75 18.1989 12.671 18.3897 12.5303 18.5303C12.3897 18.671 12.1989 18.75 12 18.75H3.75C3.35218 18.75 2.97064 18.592 2.68934 18.3107C2.40804 18.0294 2.25 17.6478 2.25 17.25V5.25C2.25 4.85218 2.40804 4.47064 2.68934 4.18934C2.97064 3.90804 3.35218 3.75 3.75 3.75H20.25C20.6478 3.75 21.0294 3.90804 21.3107 4.18934C21.592 4.47064 21.75 4.85218 21.75 5.25C21.75 5.44891 21.671 5.63968 21.5303 5.78033C21.3897 5.92098 21.1989 6 21 6C20.8011 6 20.6103 5.92098 20.4697 5.78033C20.329 5.63968 20.25 5.44891 20.25 5.25H3.75V17.25H12C12.1989 17.25 12.3897 17.329 12.5303 17.4697C12.671 17.6103 12.75 17.8011 12.75 18ZM11.25 12.75C11.25 12.9489 11.171 13.1397 11.0303 13.2803C10.8897 13.421 10.6989 13.5 10.5 13.5H6.75C6.55109 13.5 6.36032 13.421 6.21967 13.2803C6.07902 13.1397 6 12.9489 6 12.75C6 12.5511 6.07902 12.3603 6.21967 12.2197C6.36032 12.079 6.55109 12 6.75 12H10.5C10.6989 12 10.8897 12.079 11.0303 12.2197C11.171 12.3603 11.25 12.5511 11.25 12.75ZM11.25 9.75C11.25 9.94891 11.171 10.1397 11.0303 10.2803C10.8897 10.421 10.6989 10.5 10.5 10.5H6.75C6.55109 10.5 6.36032 10.421 6.21967 10.2803C6.07902 10.1397 6 9.94891 6 9.75C6 9.55109 6.07902 9.36032 6.21967 9.21967C6.36032 9.07902 6.55109 9 6.75 9H10.5C10.6989 9 10.8897 9.07902 11.0303 9.21967C11.171 9.36032 11.25 9.55109 11.25 9.75Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><a href="/de/anwaltskanzleien" class="menu-link">Anwaltskanzleien</a></div></div><div class="use_case_link-account"><div class="sub_menu_item-wrapper"><div class="use_cases-sub-menu-icon-1"><div class="html-embed-27 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 5.25V19.5H3V4.5H20.25C20.4489 4.5 20.6397 4.57902 20.7803 4.71967C20.921 4.86032 21 5.05109 21 5.25Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M21.75 19.5C21.75 19.6989 21.671 19.8897 21.5303 20.0303C21.3897 20.171 21.1989 20.25 21 20.25H3C2.80109 20.25 2.61032 20.171 2.46967 20.0303C2.32902 19.8897 2.25 19.6989 2.25 19.5V4.5C2.25 4.30109 2.32902 4.11032 2.46967 3.96967C2.61032 3.82902 2.80109 3.75 3 3.75C3.19891 3.75 3.38968 3.82902 3.53033 3.96967C3.67098 4.11032 3.75 4.30109 3.75 4.5V14.6897L8.46937 9.96937C8.53903 9.89964 8.62175 9.84432 8.71279 9.80658C8.80384 9.76884 8.90144 9.74941 9 9.74941C9.09856 9.74941 9.19616 9.76884 9.28721 9.80658C9.37825 9.84432 9.46097 9.89964 9.53063 9.96937L12 12.4397L16.9397 7.5H15C14.8011 7.5 14.6103 7.42098 14.4697 7.28033C14.329 7.13968 14.25 6.94891 14.25 6.75C14.25 6.55109 14.329 6.36032 14.4697 6.21967C14.6103 6.07902 14.8011 6 15 6H18.75C18.9489 6 19.1397 6.07902 19.2803 6.21967C19.421 6.36032 19.5 6.55109 19.5 6.75V10.5C19.5 10.6989 19.421 10.8897 19.2803 11.0303C19.1397 11.171 18.9489 11.25 18.75 11.25C18.5511 11.25 18.3603 11.171 18.2197 11.0303C18.079 10.8897 18 10.6989 18 10.5V8.56031L12.5306 14.0306C12.461 14.1004 12.3783 14.1557 12.2872 14.1934C12.1962 14.2312 12.0986 14.2506 12 14.2506C11.9014 14.2506 11.8038 14.2312 11.7128 14.1934C11.6217 14.1557 11.539 14.1004 11.4694 14.0306L9 11.5603L3.75 16.8103V18.75H21C21.1989 18.75 21.3897 18.829 21.5303 18.9697C21.671 19.1103 21.75 19.3011 21.75 19.5Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><a href="/de/steuern-finanzen" class="menu-link">Steuerberater</a></div></div><div class="use_case_link-architects"><div class="sub_menu_item-wrapper"><div class="use_cases-sub-menu-icon-1"><div class="html-embed-28 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M20.25 10.8319V19.5C20.25 19.6989 20.171 19.8897 20.0303 20.0303C19.8897 20.171 19.6989 20.25 19.5 20.25H15C14.8011 20.25 14.6103 20.171 14.4697 20.0303C14.329 19.8897 14.25 19.6989 14.25 19.5V15C14.25 14.8011 14.171 14.6103 14.0303 14.4697C13.8897 14.329 13.6989 14.25 13.5 14.25H10.5C10.3011 14.25 10.1103 14.329 9.96967 14.4697C9.82902 14.6103 9.75 14.8011 9.75 15V19.5C9.75 19.6989 9.67098 19.8897 9.53033 20.0303C9.38968 20.171 9.19891 20.25 9 20.25H4.5C4.30109 20.25 4.11032 20.171 3.96967 20.0303C3.82902 19.8897 3.75 19.6989 3.75 19.5V10.8319C3.75001 10.7273 3.77187 10.624 3.81416 10.5284C3.85646 10.4328 3.91827 10.3472 3.99562 10.2769L11.4956 3.19499C11.6337 3.06929 11.8137 2.99963 12.0005 2.99963C12.1872 2.99963 12.3672 3.06929 12.5053 3.19499L20.0053 10.2769C20.0825 10.3472 20.1441 10.433 20.1863 10.5285C20.2284 10.6241 20.2501 10.7274 20.25 10.8319Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M20.5153 9.72843L13.0153 2.65218C13.0116 2.64898 13.0082 2.64554 13.005 2.64187C12.7289 2.39074 12.369 2.25159 11.9958 2.25159C11.6225 2.25159 11.2627 2.39074 10.9866 2.64187L10.9763 2.65218L3.48469 9.72843C3.33187 9.86895 3.20989 10.0397 3.12646 10.2298C3.04303 10.4199 2.99997 10.6252 3 10.8328V19.5C3 19.8978 3.15804 20.2793 3.43934 20.5607C3.72064 20.842 4.10218 21 4.5 21H9C9.39782 21 9.77936 20.842 10.0607 20.5607C10.342 20.2793 10.5 19.8978 10.5 19.5V15H13.5V19.5C13.5 19.8978 13.658 20.2793 13.9393 20.5607C14.2206 20.842 14.6022 21 15 21H19.5C19.8978 21 20.2794 20.842 20.5607 20.5607C20.842 20.2793 21 19.8978 21 19.5V10.8328C21 10.6252 20.957 10.4199 20.8735 10.2298C20.7901 10.0397 20.6681 9.86895 20.5153 9.72843ZM19.5 19.5H15V15C15 14.6022 14.842 14.2206 14.5607 13.9393C14.2794 13.658 13.8978 13.5 13.5 13.5H10.5C10.1022 13.5 9.72064 13.658 9.43934 13.9393C9.15804 14.2206 9 14.6022 9 15V19.5H4.5V10.8328L4.51031 10.8234L12 3.74999L19.4906 10.8216L19.5009 10.8309L19.5 19.5Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><a href="/de/architekten-ingenieure" class="menu-link">Architekten &amp; Ingenieure</a></div></div><div class="use_case_link-software"><div 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6.57634 7.77002C6.70364 7.92294 6.76499 8.12016 6.74688 8.3183C6.72877 8.51645 6.63269 8.69928 6.47977 8.82659ZM22.9798 11.4235L18.4798 7.67346C18.4041 7.61043 18.3167 7.56292 18.2226 7.53366C18.1285 7.5044 18.0296 7.49396 17.9315 7.50292C17.8334 7.51189 17.738 7.54009 17.6508 7.58592C17.5636 7.63175 17.4862 7.69431 17.4232 7.77002C17.2959 7.92294 17.2346 8.12016 17.2527 8.3183C17.2708 8.51645 17.3669 8.69928 17.5198 8.82659L21.3279 12L17.5198 15.1735C17.4419 15.2358 17.3773 15.313 17.3296 15.4006C17.282 15.4882 17.2523 15.5845 17.2423 15.6837C17.2323 15.7829 17.2421 15.8831 17.2713 15.9785C17.3005 16.0739 17.3484 16.1624 17.4123 16.2391C17.4761 16.3157 17.5546 16.3788 17.6431 16.4247C17.7316 16.4706 17.8284 16.4984 17.9278 16.5065C18.0272 16.5146 18.1273 16.5027 18.222 16.4717C18.3168 16.4406 18.4044 16.391 18.4798 16.3256L22.9798 12.5757C23.0642 12.5053 23.1321 12.4172 23.1788 12.3176C23.2254 12.2181 23.2495 12.1095 23.2495 11.9996C23.2495 11.8896 23.2254 11.781 23.1788 11.6815C23.1321 11.5819 23.0642 11.4938 22.9798 11.4235ZM15.2557 3.04502C15.1631 3.01141 15.0648 2.99636 14.9664 3.00074C14.868 3.00512 14.7715 3.02883 14.6822 3.07053C14.593 3.11223 14.5129 3.1711 14.4464 3.24377C14.3799 3.31645 14.3284 3.4015 14.2948 3.49409L8.29477 19.9941C8.26102 20.0867 8.24586 20.1851 8.25016 20.2836C8.25447 20.3821 8.27815 20.4788 8.31986 20.5681C8.36157 20.6575 8.42049 20.7377 8.49324 20.8043C8.56599 20.8708 8.65114 20.9224 8.74384 20.956C8.826 20.9852 8.91257 21.0001 8.99977 21C9.1538 21 9.30409 20.9526 9.43022 20.8642C9.55635 20.7758 9.65221 20.6507 9.70477 20.506L15.7048 4.00596C15.7384 3.91338 15.7534 3.81508 15.7491 3.71669C15.7447 3.61829 15.721 3.52172 15.6793 3.43249C15.6376 3.34325 15.5787 3.26311 15.506 3.19663C15.4334 3.13015 15.3483 3.07863 15.2557 3.04502Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><div class="sub_menu-item-text"><a href="/de/software-entwicklung" class="menu-link">Software-Entwicklung</a></div></div></div></div><div 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15.3108 16.9393C15.5921 17.2206 15.7501 17.6022 15.7501 18V19.3472C14.8142 19.8236 13.796 20.117 12.7501 20.2116V18ZM10.0567 12.75H13.9436L15.0292 15.1031C14.4891 14.9576 13.9191 14.9662 13.3837 15.1281C12.8483 15.29 12.369 15.5986 12.0001 16.0191C11.6312 15.5986 11.1519 15.29 10.6165 15.1281C10.0811 14.9662 9.5111 14.9576 8.97106 15.1031L10.0567 12.75ZM10.7495 11.25L12.0001 8.53968L13.2507 11.25H10.7495ZM17.8332 17.8341C17.6457 18.0216 17.4507 18.1969 17.2501 18.3628V16.5C17.2502 16.3915 17.2266 16.2843 17.1807 16.1859L12.6807 6.43593C12.6206 6.30605 12.5246 6.19607 12.404 6.119C12.2834 6.04193 12.1432 6.00097 12.0001 6.00097C11.857 6.00097 11.7169 6.04193 11.5962 6.119C11.4756 6.19607 11.3796 6.30605 11.3195 6.43593L6.81949 16.1859C6.77367 16.2843 6.74999 16.3915 6.75012 16.5V18.3628C6.54949 18.1969 6.35449 18.0216 6.16699 17.8341C5.01307 16.6803 4.22719 15.2103 3.90874 13.6099C3.5903 12.0096 3.75359 10.3507 4.37798 8.84311C5.00236 7.33554 6.05978 6.04698 7.41651 5.1404C8.77325 4.23381 10.3684 3.74992 12.0001 3.74992C13.6319 3.74992 15.227 4.23381 16.5837 5.1404C17.9405 6.04698 18.9979 7.33554 19.6223 8.84311C20.2466 10.3507 20.4099 12.0096 20.0915 13.6099C19.773 15.2103 18.9872 16.6803 17.8332 17.8341Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><a href="/de/designer-kreative" class="menu-link">Designer &amp; Kreative</a></div></div><div class="use_case_link-remote"><div class="sub_menu_item-wrapper"><div class="use_cases-sub-menu-icon-1"><div class="html-embed-31 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M20.1564 15.8165C19.5095 17.1956 18.5247 18.3887 17.2933 19.2853L16.4158 18.4069C16.3217 18.3125 16.2043 18.2448 16.0755 18.2109L14.0626 17.6803C13.8842 17.6334 13.7294 17.5223 13.6277 17.3684C13.526 17.2145 13.4846 17.0284 13.5114 16.8459L13.7345 15.3272C13.7534 15.1991 13.8051 15.078 13.8846 14.9759C13.9641 14.8737 14.0687 14.7938 14.1883 14.744L17.0439 13.5572C17.1758 13.5024 17.3206 13.4865 17.4613 13.5112C17.602 13.536 17.7326 13.6004 17.838 13.6969L20.1564 15.8165ZM14.9898 9.84373L17.0683 7.42498C17.1851 7.28939 17.2496 7.11648 17.2501 6.93748V4.68748C15.5111 3.43674 13.3831 2.84727 11.2484 3.025C9.11369 3.20274 7.11239 4.13602 5.60417 5.65712C4.09595 7.17822 3.17972 9.18738 3.02014 11.3235C2.86056 13.4596 3.46811 15.5826 4.73358 17.3109L5.66358 16.6997C5.76658 16.6316 5.85118 16.5392 5.9099 16.4306C5.96861 16.322 5.99961 16.2006 6.00014 16.0772L6.01983 12.6806C6.02085 12.5334 6.06483 12.3897 6.14639 12.2672L8.10952 9.33279C8.16582 9.24923 8.23837 9.17787 8.32286 9.12296C8.40735 9.06806 8.50203 9.03075 8.60126 9.01325C8.70048 8.99575 8.80222 8.99842 8.90039 9.02111C8.99856 9.04379 9.09115 9.08603 9.17264 9.14529L11.0298 10.364C11.1862 10.4767 11.3797 10.5253 11.5708 10.5L14.5201 10.1006C14.703 10.0757 14.8702 9.98422 14.9898 9.84373Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 3.75C13.5984 3.7483 15.1625 4.21361 16.5 5.08875V6.9375L14.4216 9.35063L11.4713 9.75L11.4422 9.72937L9.59813 8.52375C9.43464 8.40858 9.24976 8.32727 9.05439 8.2846C8.85901 8.24192 8.65707 8.23875 8.46045 8.27526C8.26382 8.31177 8.07649 8.38723 7.90945 8.49721C7.74242 8.60718 7.59906 8.74944 7.48782 8.91562L5.52469 11.85C5.36115 12.0945 5.27312 12.3818 5.27157 12.6759L5.25 16.0725L4.94344 16.2741C4.18558 15.0228 3.77404 13.5926 3.75101 12.1299C3.72798 10.6672 4.09429 9.22469 4.81238 7.95021C5.53048 6.67573 6.57454 5.6151 7.83756 4.87703C9.10058 4.13896 10.5371 3.75 12 3.75ZM5.83969 17.4816L6.07594 17.3269C6.28224 17.1908 6.45172 17.0059 6.56932 16.7885C6.68691 16.5711 6.74898 16.3281 6.75 16.0809L6.76969 12.6844L8.73469 9.75C8.74432 9.75741 8.75433 9.76429 8.76469 9.77063L10.6088 10.9772C10.9178 11.1953 11.298 11.2881 11.6728 11.2369L14.625 10.8366C14.9891 10.788 15.3226 10.6075 15.5625 10.3294L17.6409 7.91437C17.8734 7.64204 18.0007 7.29554 18 6.9375V6.34406C19.0144 7.41731 19.7217 8.74352 20.0478 10.1839C20.3738 11.6242 20.3067 13.1257 19.8534 14.5312L18.3403 13.1475C18.13 12.9544 17.8689 12.8254 17.5877 12.7756C17.3066 12.7257 17.017 12.7572 16.7531 12.8663L13.8975 14.0522C13.6587 14.1524 13.4498 14.3125 13.2908 14.5169C13.1319 14.7213 13.0283 14.9633 12.99 15.2194L12.7659 16.7372C12.7121 17.1025 12.7949 17.4749 12.9985 17.783C13.2021 18.091 13.5122 18.3132 13.8694 18.4069L15.8813 18.9375L16.1025 19.1597C14.4596 20.1023 12.5421 20.4501 10.6729 20.1444C8.80362 19.8388 7.09676 18.8984 5.83969 17.4816ZM17.3438 18.2812L16.9406 17.8772C16.7526 17.6884 16.5177 17.5532 16.26 17.4853L14.25 16.9547L14.4741 15.4369L17.3288 14.25L19.2188 15.9825C18.737 16.8552 18.1019 17.634 17.3438 18.2812Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><a href="/de/remote-teams" class="menu-link">Remote-Teams</a></div></div><div class="use_case_link-freelance"><div class="sub_menu_item-wrapper"><div class="use_cases-sub-menu-icon-1"><div class="html-embed-32 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M20.25 6.75V16.5H3.75V6.75C3.75 6.35218 3.90804 5.97064 4.18934 5.68934C4.47064 5.40804 4.85218 5.25 5.25 5.25H18.75C19.1478 5.25 19.5294 5.40804 19.8107 5.68934C20.092 5.97064 20.25 6.35218 20.25 6.75Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M21.75 15.75H21V6.75C21 6.15326 20.7629 5.58097 20.341 5.15901C19.919 4.73705 19.3467 4.5 18.75 4.5H5.25C4.65326 4.5 4.08097 4.73705 3.65901 5.15901C3.23705 5.58097 3 6.15326 3 6.75V15.75H2.25C2.05109 15.75 1.86032 15.829 1.71967 15.9697C1.57902 16.1103 1.5 16.3011 1.5 16.5V18C1.5 18.5967 1.73705 19.169 2.15901 19.591C2.58097 20.0129 3.15326 20.25 3.75 20.25H20.25C20.8467 20.25 21.419 20.0129 21.841 19.591C22.2629 19.169 22.5 18.5967 22.5 18V16.5C22.5 16.3011 22.421 16.1103 22.2803 15.9697C22.1397 15.829 21.9489 15.75 21.75 15.75ZM4.5 6.75C4.5 6.55109 4.57902 6.36032 4.71967 6.21967C4.86032 6.07902 5.05109 6 5.25 6H18.75C18.9489 6 19.1397 6.07902 19.2803 6.21967C19.421 6.36032 19.5 6.55109 19.5 6.75V15.75H4.5V6.75ZM21 18C21 18.1989 20.921 18.3897 20.7803 18.5303C20.6397 18.671 20.4489 18.75 20.25 18.75H3.75C3.55109 18.75 3.36032 18.671 3.21967 18.5303C3.07902 18.3897 3 18.1989 3 18V17.25H21V18ZM14.25 8.25C14.25 8.44891 14.171 8.63968 14.0303 8.78033C13.8897 8.92098 13.6989 9 13.5 9H10.5C10.3011 9 10.1103 8.92098 9.96967 8.78033C9.82902 8.63968 9.75 8.44891 9.75 8.25C9.75 8.05109 9.82902 7.86032 9.96967 7.71967C10.1103 7.57902 10.3011 7.5 10.5 7.5H13.5C13.6989 7.5 13.8897 7.57902 14.0303 7.71967C14.171 7.86032 14.25 8.05109 14.25 8.25Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><a href="/de/freelancer" 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17.264C5.29213 17.2251 5.49468 17.2652 5.66015 17.3756L7.8014 18.8034L10.6758 19.5225C10.7718 19.5458 10.8623 19.5878 10.942 19.6462C11.0218 19.7045 11.0892 19.7781 11.1404 19.8626C11.1917 19.9471 11.2257 20.0409 11.2405 20.1386C11.2554 20.2363 11.2508 20.3359 11.227 20.4319ZM23.6667 11.3887C23.6052 11.5757 23.5072 11.7485 23.3785 11.8974C23.2498 12.0462 23.0928 12.1681 22.9167 12.2559L20.6967 13.3659L15.533 18.5306C15.4413 18.6222 15.3275 18.6884 15.2027 18.7229C15.0778 18.7574 14.9461 18.759 14.8205 18.7275L8.82046 17.2275C8.72922 17.2046 8.64305 17.1648 8.5664 17.1103L3.3614 13.394L1.08515 12.2559C0.729402 12.0781 0.458845 11.7662 0.332968 11.389C0.207092 11.0117 0.236203 10.5999 0.4139 10.244L2.74359 5.58561C2.92142 5.22986 3.23327 4.9593 3.61054 4.83343C3.98782 4.70755 4.39964 4.73666 4.75546 4.91436L6.82359 5.94561L11.7923 4.52623C11.9271 4.48768 12.07 4.48768 12.2048 4.52623L17.1736 5.94561L19.2417 4.91436C19.5975 4.73666 20.0094 4.70755 20.3866 4.83343C20.7639 4.9593 21.0758 5.22986 21.2536 5.58561L23.5833 10.244C23.6721 10.4199 23.7253 10.6116 23.7396 10.808C23.7539 11.0045 23.7291 11.2019 23.6667 11.3887ZM19.3373 12.6019L16.7864 7.49998H13.8033L9.74953 11.4375C10.9364 12.1959 12.7973 12.405 14.467 10.7222C14.5974 10.5907 14.7718 10.5122 14.9567 10.5016C15.1415 10.4911 15.3238 10.5492 15.4683 10.665L18.6942 13.2497L19.3373 12.6019ZM1.75546 10.9144L3.4139 11.744L5.74359 7.08561L4.08515 6.25592L1.75546 10.9144ZM17.6245 14.3119L15.0267 12.2315C13.1948 13.7315 10.8689 13.9294 8.9414 12.7003C8.7518 12.5797 8.59171 12.418 8.47298 12.2272C8.35424 12.0365 8.27989 11.8214 8.25541 11.5981C8.23093 11.3747 8.25695 11.1487 8.33155 10.9367C8.40615 10.7247 8.52742 10.5322 8.6864 10.3734C8.68866 10.3707 8.69117 10.3682 8.6939 10.3659L12.8995 6.28686L11.9995 6.02998L7.27265 7.38092L4.70671 12.5119L9.31921 15.8072L14.7698 17.1694L17.6245 14.3119ZM22.2408 10.9144L19.9139 6.25592L18.2555 7.08561L20.5851 11.744L22.2408 10.9144Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><a 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3.08634 7.38416 3.08782 7.36286 3.09106C7.2077 3.11691 7.08601 3.23347 7.01932 3.39872C7.0778 3.03612 7.28324 2.76765 7.52698 2.76765C7.81321 2.76765 8.055 3.15338 8.055 3.60994C8.055 3.66748 8.05081 3.72473 8.0422 3.78587ZM10.2663 4.05776C10.2925 3.97431 10.3067 3.88401 10.3067 3.79029C10.3067 3.37635 10.044 3.05205 9.70877 3.05205C9.38111 3.05205 9.11453 3.3832 9.11453 3.79029C9.11453 3.81803 9.11589 3.84583 9.11849 3.87357L9.06767 3.85415C9.0299 3.73961 9.01074 3.61977 9.0109 3.49916C9.0109 3.00419 9.32723 2.60146 9.71615 2.60146C10.105 2.60146 10.4214 3.00419 10.4214 3.49916C10.4214 3.70507 10.3646 3.9016 10.2663 4.05776ZM9.97954 5.02115C9.97393 5.04617 9.96201 5.05727 9.83017 5.12584C9.7636 5.16049 9.68074 5.20363 9.57705 5.26678L9.50776 5.30874C9.22932 5.47752 8.57736 5.87288 8.40037 5.89607C8.28015 5.91224 8.20579 5.86562 8.0386 5.75201C7.99876 5.72466 7.95855 5.69786 7.91797 5.67163C7.61657 5.47387 7.4227 5.25603 7.4008 5.17087C7.49907 5.09492 7.74263 4.90483 7.86733 4.79228C8.12045 4.55692 8.37517 4.39876 8.50123 4.39876C8.5079 4.39876 8.51392 4.39923 8.52017 4.40041C8.66831 4.42655 9.03368 4.57238 9.30055 4.67885C9.4239 4.72807 9.53042 4.77056 9.60538 4.79747C9.8415 4.87856 9.96461 4.98232 9.97954 5.02115ZM12.101 16.0201C12.2342 15.4193 12.3877 14.6019 12.3628 14.12C12.3571 14.0105 12.3474 13.8914 12.338 13.7762C12.3205 13.5608 12.2945 13.2406 12.3213 13.1456C12.3266 13.1432 12.3325 13.141 12.3391 13.1392C12.3402 13.4147 12.4001 13.9642 12.8395 14.1558C12.9705 14.213 13.1201 14.2419 13.2843 14.2419C13.7245 14.2419 14.2129 14.0259 14.413 13.8259C14.5308 13.7081 14.6299 13.5639 14.6993 13.4498C14.7145 13.4942 14.7238 13.5523 14.7189 13.6272C14.6927 14.0335 14.8902 14.5725 15.266 14.7712L15.3207 14.7999C15.4546 14.8702 15.8101 15.0568 15.8158 15.1454C15.8158 15.1454 15.8128 15.1558 15.793 15.1742C15.7039 15.2556 15.3905 15.4157 15.0874 15.5705C14.5497 15.845 13.9402 16.1562 13.6665 16.4441C13.2811 16.8496 12.8452 17.1221 12.582 17.1221C12.5528 17.1225 12.5237 17.1184 12.4958 17.1099C12.2099 17.0208 11.9746 16.6083 12.101 16.0201ZM2.3567 14.4873C2.32754 14.3508 2.30453 14.2431 2.32926 14.1388C2.3472 14.0615 2.72886 13.9786 2.89186 13.9432C3.12102 13.8935 3.35804 13.8421 3.51301 13.748C3.72258 13.6211 3.83607 13.387 3.93616 13.1804C4.00864 13.031 4.08347 12.8766 4.17253 12.8259C4.17754 12.8229 4.18522 12.8195 4.19985 12.8195C4.36669 12.8195 4.71678 13.1702 4.9185 13.4842C4.96967 13.5633 5.06445 13.7219 5.1741 13.9055C5.50206 14.4542 5.95112 15.2058 6.18565 15.4577C6.39699 15.6841 6.73911 16.1195 6.65495 16.4929C6.59334 16.7826 6.26532 17.0182 6.18795 17.0703C6.15986 17.0767 6.1251 17.0799 6.0842 17.0799C5.63532 17.0799 4.74676 16.7065 4.26937 16.5058L4.19873 16.4761C3.93215 16.3644 3.49696 16.2939 3.07611 16.2258C2.74125 16.1716 2.28269 16.0974 2.20668 16.0304C2.14506 15.9613 2.21653 15.7366 2.27956 15.5384C2.32495 15.3959 2.37181 15.2486 2.39748 15.0944C2.43389 14.8484 2.39105 14.6481 2.3567 14.4873Z" fill="#0F172A"/> 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26C8.00001 27.0609 8.42143 28.0783 9.17158 28.8284C9.92172 29.5786 10.9391 30 12 30ZM12 14L52 14L52 26L12 26L12 14ZM12 54L52 54C53.0609 54 54.0783 53.5786 54.8284 52.8284C55.5786 52.0783 56 51.0609 56 50L56 38C56 36.9391 55.5786 35.9217 54.8284 35.1716C54.0783 34.4214 53.0609 34 52 34L12 34C10.9391 34 9.92172 34.4214 9.17158 35.1716C8.42143 35.9217 8.00001 36.9391 8.00001 38L8 50C8 51.0609 8.42143 52.0783 9.17158 52.8284C9.92172 53.5786 10.9391 54 12 54ZM12 38L52 38L52 50L12 50L12 38ZM16 44C16 43.4067 16.176 42.8266 16.5056 42.3333C16.8352 41.8399 17.3038 41.4554 17.852 41.2284C18.4001 41.0013 19.0033 40.9419 19.5853 41.0576C20.1672 41.1734 20.7018 41.4591 21.1213 41.8787C21.5409 42.2982 21.8266 42.8328 21.9424 43.4147C22.0581 43.9967 21.9987 44.5999 21.7716 45.148C21.5446 45.6962 21.1601 46.1648 20.6667 46.4944C20.1734 46.8241 19.5933 47 19 47C18.2044 47 17.4413 46.6839 16.8787 46.1213C16.3161 45.5587 16 44.7956 16 44ZM16 20C16 19.4067 16.176 18.8266 16.5056 18.3333C16.8352 17.8399 17.3038 17.4554 17.852 17.2284C18.4001 17.0013 19.0033 16.9419 19.5853 17.0576C20.1672 17.1734 20.7018 17.4591 21.1213 17.8787C21.5409 18.2982 21.8266 18.8328 21.9424 19.4147C22.0581 19.9967 21.9987 20.5999 21.7716 21.148C21.5446 21.6962 21.1601 22.1648 20.6667 22.4944C20.1734 22.824 19.5933 23 19 23C18.2044 23 17.4413 22.6839 16.8787 22.1213C16.3161 21.5587 16 20.7956 16 20Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path opacity="0.2" d="M10 26L10 14C10 13.4696 10.2107 12.9609 10.5858 12.5858C10.9609 12.2107 11.4696 12 12 12L52 12C52.5304 12 53.0391 12.2107 53.4142 12.5858C53.7893 12.9609 54 13.4696 54 14L54 26C54 26.5304 53.7893 27.0391 53.4142 27.4142C53.0391 27.7893 52.5304 28 52 28L12 28C11.4696 28 10.9609 27.7893 10.5858 27.4142C10.2107 27.0391 10 26.5304 10 26ZM12 52L52 52C52.5304 52 53.0391 51.7893 53.4142 51.4142C53.7893 51.0391 54 50.5304 54 50L54 38C54 37.4696 53.7893 36.9609 53.4142 36.5858C53.0391 36.2107 52.5304 36 52 36L12 36C11.4696 36 10.9609 36.2107 10.5858 36.5858C10.2107 36.9609 10 37.4696 10 38L10 50C10 50.5304 10.2107 51.0391 10.5858 51.4142C10.9609 51.7893 11.4696 52 12 52Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 30L52 30C53.0609 30 54.0783 29.5786 54.8284 28.8284C55.5786 28.0783 56 27.0609 56 26L56 14C56 12.9391 55.5786 11.9217 54.8284 11.1716C54.0783 10.4214 53.0609 10 52 10L12 10C10.9391 10 9.92173 10.4214 9.17158 11.1716C8.42144 11.9217 8.00001 12.9391 8.00001 14L8.00001 26C8.00001 27.0609 8.42143 28.0783 9.17158 28.8284C9.92172 29.5786 10.9391 30 12 30ZM12 14L52 14L52 26L12 26L12 14ZM12 54L52 54C53.0609 54 54.0783 53.5786 54.8284 52.8284C55.5786 52.0783 56 51.0609 56 50L56 38C56 36.9391 55.5786 35.9217 54.8284 35.1716C54.0783 34.4214 53.0609 34 52 34L12 34C10.9391 34 9.92172 34.4214 9.17158 35.1716C8.42143 35.9217 8.00001 36.9391 8.00001 38L8 50C8 51.0609 8.42143 52.0783 9.17158 52.8284C9.92172 53.5786 10.9391 54 12 54ZM12 38L52 38L52 50L12 50L12 38ZM16 44C16 43.4067 16.176 42.8266 16.5056 42.3333C16.8352 41.8399 17.3038 41.4554 17.852 41.2284C18.4001 41.0013 19.0033 40.9419 19.5853 41.0576C20.1672 41.1734 20.7018 41.4591 21.1213 41.8787C21.5409 42.2982 21.8266 42.8328 21.9424 43.4147C22.0581 43.9967 21.9987 44.5999 21.7716 45.148C21.5446 45.6962 21.1601 46.1648 20.6667 46.4944C20.1734 46.8241 19.5934 47 19 47C18.2044 47 17.4413 46.6839 16.8787 46.1213C16.3161 45.5587 16 44.7956 16 44Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <rect x="12" y="14" width="38" height="11" fill="#CBDDF4"/> <rect x="12" y="38" width="24" height="11" fill="#CBDDF4"/> <rect x="40" y="40" width="24" height="24" rx="4" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M57.0625 46.0938H52.8438V44.125C52.8438 43.9012 52.7549 43.6866 52.5966 43.5284C52.4384 43.3701 52.2238 43.2812 52 43.2812C51.7762 43.2812 51.5616 43.3701 51.4034 43.5284C51.2451 43.6866 51.1562 43.9012 51.1562 44.125V46.0938H46.9375C46.2662 46.0938 45.6223 46.3604 45.1476 46.8351C44.6729 47.3098 44.4062 47.9537 44.4062 48.625V56.5C44.4062 57.1713 44.6729 57.8152 45.1476 58.2899C45.6223 58.7646 46.2662 59.0312 46.9375 59.0312H57.0625C57.7338 59.0312 58.3777 58.7646 58.8524 58.2899C59.3271 57.8152 59.5938 57.1713 59.5938 56.5V48.625C59.5938 47.9537 59.3271 47.3098 58.8524 46.8351C58.3777 46.3604 57.7338 46.0938 57.0625 46.0938ZM57.9062 56.5C57.9062 56.7238 57.8174 56.9384 57.6591 57.0966C57.5009 57.2549 57.2863 57.3438 57.0625 57.3438H46.9375C46.7137 57.3438 46.4991 57.2549 46.3409 57.0966C46.1826 56.9384 46.0938 56.7238 46.0938 56.5V48.625C46.0938 48.4012 46.1826 48.1866 46.3409 48.0284C46.4991 47.8701 46.7137 47.7812 46.9375 47.7812H57.0625C57.2863 47.7812 57.5009 47.8701 57.6591 48.0284C57.8174 48.1866 57.9062 48.4012 57.9062 48.625V56.5ZM47.7812 50.0312C47.7812 49.8087 47.8472 49.5912 47.9708 49.4062C48.0945 49.2212 48.2702 49.077 48.4757 48.9919C48.6813 48.9067 48.9075 48.8845 49.1257 48.9279C49.344 48.9713 49.5444 49.0784 49.7017 49.2358C49.8591 49.3931 49.9662 49.5935 50.0096 49.8118C50.053 50.03 50.0308 50.2562 49.9456 50.4618C49.8605 50.6673 49.7163 50.843 49.5313 50.9667C49.3463 51.0903 49.1288 51.1562 48.9062 51.1562C48.6079 51.1562 48.3217 51.0377 48.1108 50.8267C47.8998 50.6158 47.7812 50.3296 47.7812 50.0312ZM53.9688 50.0312C53.9688 49.8087 54.0347 49.5912 54.1583 49.4062C54.282 49.2212 54.4577 49.077 54.6632 48.9919C54.8688 48.9067 55.095 48.8845 55.3132 48.9279C55.5315 48.9713 55.7319 49.0784 55.8892 49.2358C56.0466 49.3931 56.1537 49.5935 56.1971 49.8118C56.2405 50.03 56.2183 50.2562 56.1331 50.4618C56.048 50.6673 55.9038 50.843 55.7188 50.9667C55.5338 51.0903 55.3163 51.1562 55.0938 51.1562C54.7954 51.1562 54.5092 51.0377 54.2983 50.8267C54.0873 50.6158 53.9688 50.3296 53.9688 50.0312Z" fill="#CBDDF4"/> <rect x="49.2998" y="53.8" width="5.4" height="1.8" rx="0.9" fill="#CBDDF4"/> </svg></div><div class="p-3-book color-primary text-left">Zeichnet automatisch deine Zeit in Programmen auf</div></div></div><div id="w-node-_11454a83-4f14-4610-58f5-bd6420fd48bf-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-cell home-hero-cell"><div class="home-card-img"><div class="icon-wand w-embed"><svg width="65" height="64" viewBox="0 0 65 64" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Speichert Informationen sicher offline</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M54.667 24V52C54.667 52.5304 54.4563 53.0391 54.0812 53.4142C53.7061 53.7893 53.1974 54 52.667 54H12.667C12.1366 54 11.6279 53.7893 11.2528 53.4142C10.8777 53.0391 10.667 52.5304 10.667 52V24C10.667 23.4696 10.8777 22.9609 11.2528 22.5858C11.6279 22.2107 12.1366 22 12.667 22H52.667C53.1974 22 53.7061 22.2107 54.0812 22.5858C54.4563 22.9609 54.667 23.4696 54.667 24Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M52.667 20H44.667V14C44.667 10.8174 43.4027 7.76515 41.1523 5.51472C38.9018 3.26428 35.8496 2 32.667 2C29.4844 2 26.4321 3.26428 24.1817 5.51472C21.9313 7.76515 20.667 10.8174 20.667 14V20H12.667C11.6061 20 10.5887 20.4214 9.83856 21.1716C9.08842 21.9217 8.66699 22.9391 8.66699 24V52C8.66699 53.0609 9.08842 54.0783 9.83856 54.8284C10.5887 55.5786 11.6061 56 12.667 56H52.667C53.7279 56 54.7453 55.5786 55.4954 54.8284C56.2456 54.0783 56.667 53.0609 56.667 52V24C56.667 22.9391 56.2456 21.9217 55.4954 21.1716C54.7453 20.4214 53.7279 20 52.667 20ZM24.667 14C24.667 11.8783 25.5098 9.84344 27.0101 8.34315C28.5104 6.84285 30.5453 6 32.667 6C34.7887 6 36.8236 6.84285 38.3238 8.34315C39.8241 9.84344 40.667 11.8783 40.667 14V20H24.667V14ZM52.667 52H12.667V24H52.667V52ZM35.667 38C35.667 38.5933 35.491 39.1734 35.1614 39.6667C34.8318 40.1601 34.3632 40.5446 33.815 40.7716C33.2669 40.9987 32.6637 41.0581 32.0817 40.9424C31.4998 40.8266 30.9652 40.5409 30.5457 40.1213C30.1261 39.7018 29.8404 39.1672 29.7246 38.5853C29.6089 38.0033 29.6683 37.4001 29.8954 36.852C30.1224 36.3038 30.5069 35.8352 31.0003 35.5056C31.4936 35.1759 32.0736 35 32.667 35C33.4626 35 34.2257 35.3161 34.7883 35.8787C35.3509 36.4413 35.667 37.2043 35.667 38Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <rect x="40.667" y="40" width="24" height="24" rx="4" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M58.9159 57.6201C58.992 57.7018 59.0511 57.7979 59.0898 57.9026C59.1285 58.0073 59.146 58.1187 59.1413 58.2302C59.1367 58.3418 59.1099 58.4513 59.0626 58.5525C59.0153 58.6536 58.9484 58.7444 58.8658 58.8194C58.7832 58.8945 58.6864 58.9525 58.5813 58.9899C58.4761 59.0274 58.3645 59.0436 58.253 59.0376C58.1415 59.0316 58.0323 59.0035 57.9317 58.955C57.8312 58.9065 57.7412 58.8385 57.6671 58.755L54.0573 54.7844C53.4465 54.5543 52.7881 54.4794 52.1412 54.5665C51.4944 54.6537 50.8793 54.9001 50.3511 55.2836C50.1702 55.4155 49.9444 55.4701 49.7233 55.4354C49.5021 55.4007 49.3038 55.2796 49.172 55.0987C49.0401 54.9178 48.9856 54.692 49.0202 54.4708C49.0549 54.2497 49.176 54.0514 49.3569 53.9196C50.2177 53.2909 51.2405 52.922 52.3044 52.8564L50.9446 51.3602C49.9175 51.6098 48.9566 52.0788 48.1279 52.7348C47.9521 52.8691 47.7306 52.9291 47.511 52.9017C47.2915 52.8743 47.0915 52.7617 46.9541 52.5883C46.8168 52.4149 46.753 52.1945 46.7766 51.9745C46.8002 51.7545 46.9092 51.5526 47.0802 51.4122C47.8634 50.7926 48.7439 50.3072 49.686 49.9757L48.4689 48.6398C47.539 49.0367 46.6706 49.5642 45.8898 50.2064C45.7166 50.3484 45.494 50.4157 45.2711 50.3937C45.0482 50.3716 44.8432 50.2618 44.7012 50.0886C44.5592 49.9154 44.4918 49.6928 44.5139 49.4699C44.536 49.247 44.6457 49.042 44.8189 48.9C45.5741 48.2799 46.4002 47.7516 47.2799 47.3264L46.4171 46.38C46.3411 46.2982 46.282 46.2022 46.2433 46.0975C46.2046 45.9928 46.187 45.8814 46.1917 45.7698C46.1964 45.6583 46.2231 45.5488 46.2704 45.4476C46.3177 45.3465 46.3846 45.2557 46.4673 45.1806C46.5499 45.1055 46.6466 45.0476 46.7518 45.0102C46.857 44.9727 46.9686 44.9565 47.08 44.9625C47.1915 44.9685 47.3007 44.9966 47.4013 45.0451C47.5019 45.0936 47.5918 45.1616 47.6659 45.2451L58.9159 57.6201ZM52.6665 56.2188C52.444 56.2188 52.2265 56.2848 52.0415 56.4084C51.8565 56.532 51.7123 56.7077 51.6272 56.9133C51.542 57.1188 51.5197 57.345 51.5631 57.5633C51.6065 57.7815 51.7137 57.982 51.871 58.1393C52.0284 58.2966 52.2288 58.4038 52.447 58.4472C52.6653 58.4906 52.8915 58.4683 53.097 58.3832C53.3026 58.298 53.4783 58.1538 53.6019 57.9688C53.7255 57.7838 53.7915 57.5663 53.7915 57.3438C53.7915 57.0454 53.673 56.7593 53.462 56.5483C53.251 56.3373 52.9649 56.2188 52.6665 56.2188ZM57.2052 52.7348C57.381 52.8691 57.6025 52.9291 57.822 52.9017C58.0416 52.8743 58.2415 52.7617 58.3789 52.5883C58.5163 52.4149 58.5801 52.1945 58.5565 51.9745C58.5329 51.7545 58.4239 51.5526 58.2529 51.4122C57.463 50.7847 56.5727 50.2952 55.6196 49.9645C55.4093 49.895 55.18 49.9111 54.9814 50.0093C54.7828 50.1074 54.6307 50.2797 54.5581 50.489C54.4854 50.6983 54.498 50.9278 54.5931 51.1279C54.6882 51.328 54.8581 51.4826 55.0663 51.5585C55.8403 51.8275 56.5635 52.2252 57.2052 52.7348ZM60.5141 48.9C58.3004 47.087 55.5278 46.0956 52.6665 46.0938C52.3895 46.0938 52.1089 46.1029 51.8326 46.1212C51.7218 46.1286 51.6135 46.1576 51.514 46.2068C51.4144 46.256 51.3255 46.3243 51.2524 46.4079C51.1792 46.4914 51.1232 46.5885 51.0876 46.6937C51.052 46.7989 51.0374 46.9101 51.0448 47.0209C51.0521 47.1317 51.0812 47.2399 51.1304 47.3395C51.1796 47.4391 51.2479 47.528 51.3314 47.6011C51.415 47.6743 51.5121 47.7303 51.6173 47.7659C51.7224 47.8015 51.8336 47.8161 51.9444 47.8087C52.1835 47.7925 52.4268 47.7848 52.6665 47.7848C55.1374 47.7861 57.5317 48.6422 59.4432 50.2078C59.5289 50.2781 59.6275 50.3308 59.7336 50.363C59.8396 50.3952 59.9509 50.4062 60.0612 50.3954C60.1715 50.3845 60.2785 50.3521 60.3763 50.2999C60.474 50.2477 60.5605 50.1767 60.6308 50.0911C60.7011 50.0054 60.7539 49.9068 60.7861 49.8007C60.8183 49.6947 60.8293 49.5834 60.8184 49.4731C60.8076 49.3628 60.7751 49.2558 60.7229 49.158C60.6707 49.0603 60.5997 48.9738 60.5141 48.9035V48.9Z" fill="#CBDDF4"/> </svg></div><div class="p-3-book color-primary text-left">Speichert deine Daten sicher und ausschließlich auf deinem Gerät</div></div></div><div id="w-node-_11454a83-4f14-4610-58f5-bd6420fd48c4-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-cell home-hero-cell"><div class="home-card-img"><div class="icon-wand w-embed"><svg width="65" height="64" viewBox="0 0 65 64" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Hilft bei der Zeiterfassung für Projekte</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M56.333 14V50C56.333 50.5304 56.1223 51.0391 55.7472 51.4142C55.3722 51.7893 54.8634 52 54.333 52H10.333C9.80257 52 9.29387 51.7893 8.91879 51.4142C8.54372 51.0391 8.33301 50.5304 8.33301 50V14C8.33301 13.4696 8.54372 12.9609 8.91879 12.5858C9.29387 12.2107 9.80257 12 10.333 12H54.333C54.8634 12 55.3722 12.2107 55.7472 12.5858C56.1223 12.9609 56.333 13.4696 56.333 14Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.333 10H54.333C55.3939 10 56.4113 10.4214 57.1614 11.1716C57.9116 11.9217 58.333 12.9391 58.333 14V40H60.333C62.5421 40 64.333 41.7909 64.333 44V60C64.333 62.2091 62.5421 64 60.333 64H44.333C42.1239 64 40.333 62.2091 40.333 60V54H10.333C9.27214 54 8.25473 53.5786 7.50458 52.8284C6.75444 52.0783 6.33301 51.0609 6.33301 50V14C6.33301 12.9391 6.75444 11.9217 7.50458 11.1716C8.25473 10.4214 9.27214 10 10.333 10ZM54.333 40H44.333C42.1239 40 40.333 41.7909 40.333 44V50H10.333V14H54.333V40ZM19.8274 22.6667C20.1571 22.1734 20.333 21.5933 20.333 21C20.333 20.2044 20.0169 19.4413 19.4543 18.8787C18.8917 18.3161 18.1287 18 17.333 18C16.7397 18 16.1596 18.1759 15.6663 18.5056C15.1729 18.8352 14.7884 19.3038 14.5614 19.8519C14.3343 20.4001 14.2749 21.0033 14.3907 21.5853C14.5064 22.1672 14.7921 22.7018 15.2117 23.1213C15.6312 23.5409 16.1658 23.8266 16.7477 23.9424C17.3297 24.0581 17.9329 23.9987 18.4811 23.7716C19.0292 23.5446 19.4978 23.1601 19.8274 22.6667ZM29.8274 22.6667C30.1571 22.1734 30.333 21.5933 30.333 21C30.333 20.2044 30.0169 19.4413 29.4543 18.8787C28.8917 18.3161 28.1287 18 27.333 18C26.7397 18 26.1596 18.1759 25.6663 18.5056C25.173 18.8352 24.7884 19.3038 24.5614 19.8519C24.3343 20.4001 24.2749 21.0033 24.3907 21.5853C24.5064 22.1672 24.7921 22.7018 25.2117 23.1213C25.6312 23.5409 26.1658 23.8266 26.7477 23.9424C27.3297 24.0581 27.9329 23.9987 28.4811 23.7716C29.0292 23.5446 29.4978 23.1601 29.8274 22.6667Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M59.9268 52.6328C59.8027 54.0757 59.2691 55.4531 58.3887 56.6029C57.5084 57.7528 56.3179 58.6274 54.9574 59.1237C53.5969 59.6199 52.123 59.7174 50.709 59.4044C49.2951 59.0915 47.9999 58.3812 46.9759 57.3572C45.9518 56.3332 45.2416 55.038 44.9286 53.624C44.6157 52.2101 44.7131 50.7361 45.2094 49.3756C45.7057 48.0151 46.5803 46.8247 47.7301 45.9443C48.88 45.064 50.2574 44.5304 51.7003 44.4062C51.924 44.3876 52.1461 44.4586 52.3175 44.6037C52.4889 44.7487 52.5957 44.9559 52.6143 45.1797C52.633 45.4035 52.562 45.6255 52.4169 45.7969C52.2719 45.9683 52.0647 46.0751 51.8409 46.0937C50.7183 46.19 49.6465 46.605 48.7517 47.2897C47.8569 47.9745 47.1763 48.9006 46.79 49.9591C46.4037 51.0176 46.3278 52.1643 46.5712 53.2645C46.8146 54.3646 47.3672 55.3724 48.164 56.1691C48.9607 56.9659 49.9684 57.5184 51.0686 57.7618C52.1687 58.0052 53.3155 57.9293 54.374 57.5431C55.4325 57.1568 56.3586 56.4762 57.0433 55.5814C57.7281 54.6866 58.1431 53.6148 58.2393 52.4922C58.2486 52.3814 58.2795 52.2735 58.3305 52.1746C58.3814 52.0758 58.4513 51.988 58.5362 51.9162C58.6211 51.8443 58.7192 51.7899 58.8251 51.7561C58.9311 51.7222 59.0426 51.7095 59.1534 51.7187C59.2642 51.728 59.3721 51.7589 59.4709 51.8099C59.5698 51.8608 59.6576 51.9307 59.7294 52.0156C59.8012 52.1005 59.8556 52.1987 59.8895 52.3046C59.9234 52.4105 59.9361 52.522 59.9268 52.6328ZM51.4893 48.3437V52C51.4893 52.2238 51.5782 52.4384 51.7365 52.5966C51.8947 52.7549 52.1093 52.8437 52.3331 52.8437H55.9893C56.2131 52.8437 56.4277 52.7549 56.5859 52.5966C56.7442 52.4384 56.8331 52.2238 56.8331 52C56.8331 51.7762 56.7442 51.5616 56.5859 51.4034C56.4277 51.2451 56.2131 51.1562 55.9893 51.1562H53.1768V48.3437C53.1768 48.12 53.0879 47.9054 52.9297 47.7471C52.7715 47.5889 52.5569 47.5 52.3331 47.5C52.1093 47.5 51.8947 47.5889 51.7365 47.7471C51.5782 47.9054 51.4893 48.12 51.4893 48.3437ZM57.9581 49.75C58.1806 49.75 58.3981 49.684 58.5831 49.5604C58.7681 49.4368 58.9123 49.2611 58.9974 49.0555C59.0826 48.8499 59.1049 48.6237 59.0615 48.4055C59.0181 48.1873 58.9109 47.9868 58.7536 47.8295C58.5962 47.6722 58.3958 47.565 58.1776 47.5216C57.9593 47.4782 57.7331 47.5005 57.5276 47.5856C57.322 47.6708 57.1463 47.815 57.0227 48C56.8991 48.185 56.8331 48.4025 56.8331 48.625C56.8331 48.9234 56.9516 49.2095 57.1626 49.4205C57.3736 49.6315 57.6597 49.75 57.9581 49.75ZM55.7081 47.5C55.9306 47.5 56.1481 47.434 56.3331 47.3104C56.5181 47.1868 56.6623 47.0111 56.7474 46.8055C56.8326 46.5999 56.8549 46.3737 56.8115 46.1555C56.7681 45.9373 56.6609 45.7368 56.5036 45.5795C56.3462 45.4222 56.1458 45.315 55.9276 45.2716C55.7093 45.2282 55.4831 45.2505 55.2776 45.3356C55.072 45.4208 54.8963 45.565 54.7727 45.75C54.6491 45.935 54.5831 46.1525 54.5831 46.375C54.5831 46.6734 54.7016 46.9595 54.9126 47.1705C55.1236 47.3815 55.4097 47.5 55.7081 47.5Z" fill="#CBDDF4"/> <rect x="14.333" y="30" width="32" height="4" rx="2" fill="#1A73E8"/> <rect x="14.333" y="37" width="24" height="4" rx="2" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-3-book color-primary text-left">Zeigt dir deinen Tag chronologisch und auf die Minute genau</div></div></div></div></div></div></section><section class="benefits-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer home-benefits-container w-container"><div class="section-heading-64"><h2 id="w-node-_17ea6f3c-18d4-0662-7f83-ed4a66a7b249-66a7b248" class="h2 mob-h2">Zeiterfassung kostet Zeit und Geld</h2><div class="subtitle-2-book mob-subtitle-book text-central">Abrechenbare Stunden gehen verloren - denn selbst tägliche Projektzeiterfassung ist nur 36-67% genau.</div></div><div class="w-layout-grid home-main-bottom-grid-wrapper"><div class="time-entires-card new-home-shorter"><aside class="benefits-icon-container"><div class="robot-icon w-embed"><svg width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M42 24C42 27.5601 40.9443 31.0402 38.9665 34.0003C36.9886 36.9604 34.1774 39.2675 30.8883 40.6298C27.5992 41.9922 23.98 42.3487 20.4884 41.6541C16.9967 40.9596 13.7894 39.2453 11.2721 36.7279C8.75474 34.2106 7.04041 31.0033 6.34587 27.5116C5.65134 24.02 6.0078 20.4008 7.37018 17.1117C8.73255 13.8226 11.0397 11.0114 13.9997 9.03355C16.9598 7.05568 20.4399 6 24 6C28.7739 6 33.3523 7.89642 36.7279 11.2721C40.1036 14.6477 42 19.2261 42 24Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M24 4.5C20.1433 4.5 16.3731 5.64366 13.1664 7.78634C9.95963 9.92903 7.46027 12.9745 5.98436 16.5377C4.50845 20.1008 4.12228 24.0216 4.8747 27.8043C5.62711 31.5869 7.4843 35.0615 10.2114 37.7886C12.9386 40.5157 16.4131 42.3729 20.1957 43.1253C23.9784 43.8777 27.8992 43.4916 31.4623 42.0156C35.0255 40.5397 38.071 38.0404 40.2137 34.8336C42.3564 31.6269 43.5 27.8567 43.5 24C43.4945 18.83 41.4383 13.8732 37.7826 10.2174C34.1268 6.56167 29.1701 4.50546 24 4.5ZM24 40.5C20.7366 40.5 17.5465 39.5323 14.8331 37.7192C12.1197 35.9062 10.0048 33.3293 8.756 30.3143C7.50715 27.2993 7.1804 23.9817 7.81705 20.781C8.45371 17.5803 10.0252 14.6403 12.3327 12.3327C14.6403 10.0252 17.5803 8.4537 20.781 7.81704C23.9817 7.18039 27.2993 7.50714 30.3143 8.75599C33.3293 10.0048 35.9062 12.1197 37.7193 14.8331C39.5323 17.5465 40.5 20.7366 40.5 24C40.495 28.3745 38.7551 32.5685 35.6618 35.6618C32.5685 38.7551 28.3746 40.495 24 40.5ZM33 30C33 30.3978 32.842 30.7794 32.5607 31.0607C32.2794 31.342 31.8978 31.5 31.5 31.5H16.5C16.1022 31.5 15.7207 31.342 15.4393 31.0607C15.158 30.7794 15 30.3978 15 30C15 29.6022 15.158 29.2206 15.4393 28.9393C15.7207 28.658 16.1022 28.5 16.5 28.5H31.5C31.8978 28.5 32.2794 28.658 32.5607 28.9393C32.842 29.2206 33 29.6022 33 30ZM15 20.25C15 19.805 15.132 19.37 15.3792 19C15.6264 18.63 15.9778 18.3416 16.389 18.1713C16.8001 18.001 17.2525 17.9564 17.689 18.0432C18.1254 18.13 18.5263 18.3443 18.841 18.659C19.1557 18.9737 19.37 19.3746 19.4568 19.811C19.5436 20.2475 19.499 20.6999 19.3287 21.111C19.1584 21.5222 18.8701 21.8736 18.5 22.1208C18.13 22.368 17.695 22.5 17.25 22.5C16.6533 22.5 16.081 22.2629 15.659 21.841C15.2371 21.419 15 20.8467 15 20.25ZM33 20.25C33 20.695 32.868 21.13 32.6208 21.5C32.3736 21.87 32.0222 22.1584 31.611 22.3287C31.1999 22.499 30.7475 22.5436 30.3111 22.4568C29.8746 22.37 29.4737 22.1557 29.159 21.841C28.8444 21.5263 28.6301 21.1254 28.5432 20.689C28.4564 20.2525 28.501 19.8001 28.6713 19.389C28.8416 18.9778 29.13 18.6264 29.5 18.3792C29.87 18.132 30.305 18 30.75 18C31.3467 18 31.919 18.2371 32.341 18.659C32.763 19.081 33 19.6533 33 20.25Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></aside><div class="benefit-content-wrapper"><h3 class="h5 mob-h5">Zeiterfassung nervt</h3><div class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Schätzen ist anstrengend und wird aufgeschoben - Stoppuhren unterbrechen den Workflow und werden vergessen.</div></div></div><div class="time-entires-card color-brand new-home-shorter"><div class="benefits-icon-container"><div class="icon-chart w-embed"><svg width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M42 24C42 27.5601 40.9443 31.0402 38.9665 34.0003C36.9886 36.9604 34.1774 39.2675 30.8883 40.6298C27.5992 41.9922 23.98 42.3487 20.4884 41.6541C16.9967 40.9596 13.7894 39.2453 11.2721 36.7279C8.75474 34.2106 7.04041 31.0033 6.34587 27.5116C5.65134 24.02 6.0078 20.4008 7.37018 17.1117C8.73255 13.8226 11.0397 11.0114 13.9997 9.03355C16.9598 7.05568 20.4399 6 24 6C28.7739 6 33.3523 7.89642 36.7279 11.2721C40.1036 14.6477 42 19.2261 42 24Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M26.25 33.75C26.25 34.195 26.118 34.63 25.8708 35C25.6236 35.37 25.2722 35.6584 24.861 35.8287C24.4499 35.999 23.9975 36.0436 23.5611 35.9568C23.1246 35.87 22.7237 35.6557 22.409 35.341C22.0943 35.0263 21.8801 34.6254 21.7932 34.189C21.7064 33.7525 21.751 33.3001 21.9213 32.889C22.0916 32.4778 22.38 32.1264 22.75 31.8792C23.12 31.632 23.555 31.5 24 31.5C24.5967 31.5 25.169 31.7371 25.591 32.159C26.013 32.581 26.25 33.1533 26.25 33.75ZM24 13.5C19.8638 13.5 16.5 16.5281 16.5 20.25V21C16.5 21.3978 16.658 21.7794 16.9393 22.0607C17.2207 22.342 17.6022 22.5 18 22.5C18.3978 22.5 18.7794 22.342 19.0607 22.0607C19.342 21.7794 19.5 21.3978 19.5 21V20.25C19.5 18.1875 21.5194 16.5 24 16.5C26.4806 16.5 28.5 18.1875 28.5 20.25C28.5 22.3125 26.4806 24 24 24C23.6022 24 23.2207 24.158 22.9393 24.4393C22.658 24.7206 22.5 25.1022 22.5 25.5V27C22.5 27.3978 22.658 27.7794 22.9393 28.0607C23.2207 28.342 23.6022 28.5 24 28.5C24.3978 28.5 24.7794 28.342 25.0607 28.0607C25.342 27.7794 25.5 27.3978 25.5 27V26.865C28.92 26.2369 31.5 23.5087 31.5 20.25C31.5 16.5281 28.1363 13.5 24 13.5ZM43.5 24C43.5 27.8567 42.3564 31.6269 40.2137 34.8336C38.071 38.0404 35.0255 40.5397 31.4623 42.0156C27.8992 43.4916 23.9784 43.8777 20.1957 43.1253C16.4131 42.3729 12.9386 40.5157 10.2114 37.7886C7.4843 35.0615 5.62711 31.5869 4.8747 27.8043C4.12228 24.0216 4.50845 20.1008 5.98436 16.5377C7.46027 12.9745 9.95963 9.92903 13.1664 7.78634C16.3731 5.64366 20.1433 4.5 24 4.5C29.1701 4.50546 34.1268 6.56167 37.7826 10.2174C41.4383 13.8732 43.4945 18.83 43.5 24ZM40.5 24C40.5 20.7366 39.5323 17.5465 37.7193 14.8331C35.9062 12.1197 33.3293 10.0048 30.3143 8.75599C27.2993 7.50714 23.9817 7.18039 20.781 7.81704C17.5803 8.4537 14.6403 10.0252 12.3327 12.3327C10.0252 14.6403 8.45371 17.5803 7.81705 20.781C7.1804 23.9817 7.50715 27.2993 8.756 30.3143C10.0048 33.3293 12.1197 35.9062 14.8331 37.7192C17.5465 39.5323 20.7366 40.5 24 40.5C28.3746 40.495 32.5685 38.7551 35.6618 35.6618C38.7551 32.5685 40.495 28.3745 40.5 24Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><div class="benefit-content-wrapper"><h3 class="h5 mob-h5">33-64% vergisst man</h3><div class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Laut einer Studie in Harvard Business Review sind rückblickend geschätzt Projektzeiten so gut wie wertlos.</div></div></div><div class="time-entires-card color-brand new-home-shorter"><div class="benefits-icon-container"><div class="lock-icon w-embed"><svg width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M15 9V28.5H6C5.60218 28.5 5.22064 28.342 4.93934 28.0607C4.65804 27.7794 4.5 27.3978 4.5 27V10.5C4.5 10.1022 4.65804 9.72064 4.93934 9.43934C5.22064 9.15804 5.60218 9 6 9H15Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M44.9663 29.4375L42.7163 11.4375C42.5792 10.3498 42.0498 9.3495 41.2274 8.62449C40.4051 7.89948 39.3463 7.49962 38.25 7.5H6C5.20435 7.5 4.44129 7.81607 3.87868 8.37868C3.31607 8.94129 3 9.70435 3 10.5V27C3 27.7956 3.31607 28.5587 3.87868 29.1213C4.44129 29.6839 5.20435 30 6 30H14.0737L21.1575 44.1713C21.2822 44.4205 21.4739 44.63 21.711 44.7764C21.9481 44.9228 22.2213 45.0002 22.5 45C24.4891 45 26.3968 44.2098 27.8033 42.8033C29.2098 41.3968 30 39.4891 30 37.5V34.5H40.5C41.1386 34.5002 41.7699 34.3645 42.352 34.1019C42.934 33.8394 43.4536 33.4559 43.876 32.977C44.2985 32.4982 44.6142 31.9349 44.8022 31.3246C44.9901 30.7144 45.0461 30.0711 44.9663 29.4375ZM13.5 27H6V10.5H13.5V27ZM41.625 30.9919C41.4852 31.1527 41.3123 31.2814 41.1181 31.3691C40.9239 31.4568 40.7131 31.5014 40.5 31.5H28.5C28.1022 31.5 27.7206 31.658 27.4393 31.9393C27.158 32.2206 27 32.6022 27 33V37.5C27.0003 38.5404 26.6401 39.5488 25.9806 40.3535C25.3212 41.1582 24.4033 41.7096 23.3831 41.9137L16.5 28.1456V10.5H38.25C38.6154 10.4999 38.9684 10.6332 39.2425 10.8748C39.5166 11.1165 39.6931 11.4499 39.7388 11.8125L41.9888 29.8125C42.0169 30.0237 41.9989 30.2385 41.9361 30.442C41.8733 30.6456 41.7672 30.8332 41.625 30.9919Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><div class="benefit-content-wrapper"><h3 class="h5 mob-h5">Schlechte Daten kosten Geld</h3><div class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Planung, Controlling und Abrechnung auf Basis unzuverlässiger Projektzeiten mindern den Gewinn erheblich.</div></div></div></div><div class="shorter-home-button"><a href="/de/die-30-prozent-methode" target="_blank" class="primary-button-xl-3">Mehr erfahren</a></div></div></section><section class="feature-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer feature-container w-container"><div class="feature_wrapper"><div class="section-heading-120"><h2 id="w-node-_5b71ecc4-b1bb-4215-5b06-aee9f7fa915f-f7fa915e" class="h2 mob-h2">Was du mit automatischer Zeiterfassung gewinnst</h2><div class="subtitle-2-book mob-subtitle-book text-central">Entdecke die Vorteile von automatischer Zeiterfassung mit Memtime</div></div><div class="w-layout-grid feature-card-left"><div class="feature-card-left-content"><div class="home-feature-content"><h3 class="h3 mob-h3">Erinnere dich an jeden Tag</h3><div class="p-2-book mob-p-1-book">Memtime läuft automatisch im Hintergrund und erinnert sich an deine Zeit in Programmen. Gehe zu jedem beliebigen Tag zurück und erinnere dich an alles, woran du wann und für wie lange gearbeitet hast. </div></div><div class="feature-content-avatar-box"><div class="feature-content-avatar-block"><div class="feature-content-avatar"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Virginie Brand PR &amp; Content, Serviceplan"/></div><div class="feature-content-avatar-data"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Virginie Brand</div><div class="p-4-regular-book-compact text-left">PR &amp; Content, Serviceplan</div></div></div><div class="feature-content-comment"><div class="p-3-book text-primary">&quot;Keine Minute wird mehr vergessen.&quot;</div></div></div></div><div class="feature-car"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Erinnere dich, woran du gearbeitet hast" class="image-2"/></div></div><div class="w-layout-grid feature_card-right"><div class="feature-card-right-img"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Verknüpfe deine Projektsoftware" class="image"/></div><div class="feature-card-right-content"><div class="feature-content"><h3 class="h3 mob-h3">Spare 75% Aufwand für Zeiterfassung</h3><div class="p-2-book mob-p-1-book">Es braucht nur Sekunden, um dich an deinen Tag zu erinnern und Zeit für Projekte und Aufgaben einzutragen. Memtime lässt sich mit deiner Projektsoftware verknüpfen und ermöglicht dir den sofortigen Export von Zeiteinträgen.</div></div><div class="feature-content-avatar-box"><div class="feature-content-avatar-block"><div class="feature-content-avatar"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Liz Tapp Creative Director, Widgets&amp;Stone"/></div><div class="feature-content-avatar-data"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Liz Tapp</div><div class="p-4-regular-book-compact text-left">Creative Director, Widgets&amp;Stone</div></div></div><div class="feature-content-comment"><div class="p-3-book text-primary mob-p-1-book">&quot;Das Zuweisen der automatisch erfassten Zeit ist intuitiv und dauert nur Sekunden.&quot;</div></div></div></div></div><div class="w-layout-grid feature-card-left"><div class="feature-card-left-content"><div class="home-feature-content"><h3 class="h3 mob-h3">Hol dir abrechenbare Stunden zurück</h3><div class="p-2-book mob-p-1-book">Automatische Zeiterfassung garantiert die Genauigkeit von Daten. Das bedeutet, dass du nie wieder auch nur eine Minute deiner abrechenbaren Zeit verlierst. Und nie wieder mehr als vereinbart für Kunden arbeitest und zu wenig berechnest. </div></div><div class="feature-content-avatar-box"><div class="feature-content-avatar-block"><div class="feature-content-avatar"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Gero Pflüger Owner, pflüger: kreativ ackern"/></div><div class="feature-content-avatar-data"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Gero Pflüger</div><div class="p-4-regular-book-compact text-left">Owner, pflüger: kreativ ackern</div></div></div><div class="feature-content-comment"><div class="p-3-book text-primary">&quot;Wir verlieren nicht mehr jedes Jahr fünfstellige Beträge durch falsche Zeiterfassung und fehlerhafte Kalkulation.&quot;</div></div></div></div><div class="feature-car"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Hol dir abrechenbare Stunden zurück" class="image-2 lazy2"/></div></div><div class="w-layout-grid feature_card-right"><div class="feature-card-right-img"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Bessere Einschätzungen" class="image lazy2"/></div><div class="feature-card-right-content"><div class="feature-content"><h3 class="h3 mob-h3">Verbessere deine Schätzungen</h3><div class="p-2-book mob-p-1-book">Mit genaueren Daten sind auch bessere Einschätzungen von Projekten und eine bessere Planung von Kapazitäten möglich. Schätze Aufgaben präziser ein, um pünktlich zu liefern und im Budget zu bleiben.</div></div><div class="feature-content-avatar-box"><div class="feature-content-avatar-block"><div class="feature-content-avatar"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Katharina Willner Managing Director, vlow studio"/></div><div class="feature-content-avatar-data"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Katharina Willner</div><div class="p-4-regular-book-compact text-left">Managing Director, vlow studio</div></div></div><div class="feature-content-comment"><div class="p-3-book text-primary">&quot;Wir können zukünftige Projekte realistischer einschätzen.&quot;</div></div></div></div></div><div class="w-layout-grid feature-card-left"><div class="feature-card-left-content"><div class="home-feature-content"><h3 class="h3 mob-h3">Steigere deine Rentabilität</h3><div class="p-2-book mob-p-1-book">Vergleiche geplante mit tatsächlichen Projektstunden, um deine rentabelsten Angebote zu ermitteln. Eine Steigerung der Rentabilität beginnt mit dem Wissen darüber, wie du deine Zeit nutzt.</div></div><div class="feature-content-avatar-box"><div class="feature-content-avatar-block"><div class="feature-content-avatar"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Marcus Buff Managing Director,"/></div><div class="feature-content-avatar-data"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Marcus Buff</div><div class="p-4-regular-book-compact text-left">Managing Director,</div></div></div><div class="feature-content-comment"><div class="p-3-book text-primary mob-p-1-book">&quot;Nutzt du Memtime nicht, entgehen dir Umsätze und Kapazitäten.&quot;</div></div></div></div><div class="feature-car"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Vergleiche tatsächliche mit geplanten Projektstunden" class="image-2 lazy2"/></div></div><div class="benefits-button"><a href="" target="_blank" class="primary-button-xl">Jetzt kostenlos testen</a></div></div></div></section><section class="tabs-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer tabs-hero-container w-container"><div class="css w-embed"><style> .tabs::before, .tabs::after{ display:none; } </style></div><div class="tabs-container-wrapper"><div id="w-node-e715fe10-c607-144b-61cd-3b26df605dbd-9306e1eb" class="section-heading-80"><h2 id="w-node-e715fe10-c607-144b-61cd-3b26df605dbe-9306e1eb" class="h2 mob-h2">Sieh deiner Zeit dabei zu, wie sie sich selbst erfasst<br/></h2><div class="subtitle-2-book mob-subtitle-book text-central">Das Schöne an automatischer Zeiterfassung ist, dass man sie vergessen kann<br/></div></div><div data-duration-in="300" data-duration-out="100" data-current="Tab 3" data-easing="ease" class="tabs w-tabs"><div class="tabs-list w-tab-menu"><a data-w-tab="Tab 3" class="tab-text-box w-inline-block w-tab-link w--current"><div class="tab-progress-bar"></div><div class="tabs-link__title"><div class="arrow_icon w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M28 16C28 18.3734 27.2962 20.6935 25.9776 22.6668C24.6591 24.6402 22.7849 26.1783 20.5922 27.0866C18.3995 27.9948 15.9867 28.2324 13.6589 27.7694C11.3312 27.3064 9.19295 26.1635 7.51472 24.4853C5.83649 22.8071 4.6936 20.6689 4.23058 18.3411C3.76756 16.0133 4.0052 13.6005 4.91345 11.4078C5.8217 9.21509 7.35977 7.34094 9.33316 6.02236C11.3066 4.70379 13.6266 4 16 4C19.1826 4 22.2349 5.26428 24.4853 7.51472C26.7357 9.76516 28 12.8174 28 16Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M16 3C13.4288 3 10.9154 3.76244 8.77759 5.1909C6.63975 6.61935 4.97351 8.64968 3.98957 11.0251C3.00563 13.4006 2.74819 16.0144 3.2498 18.5362C3.75141 21.0579 4.98953 23.3743 6.80762 25.1924C8.6257 27.0105 10.9421 28.2486 13.4638 28.7502C15.9856 29.2518 18.5995 28.9944 20.9749 28.0104C23.3503 27.0265 25.3807 25.3603 26.8091 23.2224C28.2376 21.0846 29 18.5712 29 16C28.9964 12.5533 27.6256 9.24882 25.1884 6.81163C22.7512 4.37445 19.4467 3.00364 16 3ZM16 27C13.8244 27 11.6977 26.3549 9.88873 25.1462C8.07979 23.9375 6.66989 22.2195 5.83733 20.2095C5.00477 18.1995 4.78693 15.9878 5.21137 13.854C5.63581 11.7202 6.68345 9.7602 8.22183 8.22183C9.76021 6.68345 11.7202 5.6358 13.854 5.21136C15.9878 4.78692 18.1995 5.00476 20.2095 5.83733C22.2195 6.66989 23.9375 8.07979 25.1462 9.88873C26.3549 11.6977 27 13.8244 27 16C26.9967 18.9164 25.8367 21.7123 23.7745 23.7745C21.7123 25.8367 18.9164 26.9967 16 27ZM21.7075 15.2925C21.8005 15.3854 21.8742 15.4957 21.9246 15.6171C21.9749 15.7385 22.0008 15.8686 22.0008 16C22.0008 16.1314 21.9749 16.2615 21.9246 16.3829C21.8742 16.5043 21.8005 16.6146 21.7075 16.7075L17.7075 20.7075C17.5199 20.8951 17.2654 21.0006 17 21.0006C16.7346 21.0006 16.4801 20.8951 16.2925 20.7075C16.1049 20.5199 15.9994 20.2654 15.9994 20C15.9994 19.7346 16.1049 19.4801 16.2925 19.2925L18.5863 17H11C10.7348 17 10.4804 16.8946 10.2929 16.7071C10.1054 16.5196 10 16.2652 10 16C10 15.7348 10.1054 15.4804 10.2929 15.2929C10.4804 15.1054 10.7348 15 11 15H18.5863L16.2925 12.7075C16.1049 12.5199 15.9994 12.2654 15.9994 12C15.9994 11.7346 16.1049 11.4801 16.2925 11.2925C16.4801 11.1049 16.7346 10.9994 17 10.9994C17.2654 10.9994 17.5199 11.1049 17.7075 11.2925L21.7075 15.2925Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><h6 class="h6 mob-h6">Erinnere dich an jeden Tag</h6></div><div class="tabs__link-body"><p class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Aktivitäten werden automatisch aufgezeichnet, während du arbeitest (nur für dich sichtbar)</p></div></a><a data-w-tab="Tab 1" class="tab-text-box w-inline-block w-tab-link"><div class="tabs-link__title"><div class="arrow_icon w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M28 16C28 18.3734 27.2962 20.6935 25.9776 22.6668C24.6591 24.6402 22.7849 26.1783 20.5922 27.0866C18.3995 27.9948 15.9867 28.2324 13.6589 27.7694C11.3312 27.3064 9.19295 26.1635 7.51472 24.4853C5.83649 22.8071 4.6936 20.6689 4.23058 18.3411C3.76756 16.0133 4.0052 13.6005 4.91345 11.4078C5.8217 9.21509 7.35977 7.34094 9.33316 6.02236C11.3066 4.70379 13.6266 4 16 4C19.1826 4 22.2349 5.26428 24.4853 7.51472C26.7357 9.76516 28 12.8174 28 16Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M16 3C13.4288 3 10.9154 3.76244 8.77759 5.1909C6.63975 6.61935 4.97351 8.64968 3.98957 11.0251C3.00563 13.4006 2.74819 16.0144 3.2498 18.5362C3.75141 21.0579 4.98953 23.3743 6.80762 25.1924C8.6257 27.0105 10.9421 28.2486 13.4638 28.7502C15.9856 29.2518 18.5995 28.9944 20.9749 28.0104C23.3503 27.0265 25.3807 25.3603 26.8091 23.2224C28.2376 21.0846 29 18.5712 29 16C28.9964 12.5533 27.6256 9.24882 25.1884 6.81163C22.7512 4.37445 19.4467 3.00364 16 3ZM16 27C13.8244 27 11.6977 26.3549 9.88873 25.1462C8.07979 23.9375 6.66989 22.2195 5.83733 20.2095C5.00477 18.1995 4.78693 15.9878 5.21137 13.854C5.63581 11.7202 6.68345 9.7602 8.22183 8.22183C9.76021 6.68345 11.7202 5.6358 13.854 5.21136C15.9878 4.78692 18.1995 5.00476 20.2095 5.83733C22.2195 6.66989 23.9375 8.07979 25.1462 9.88873C26.3549 11.6977 27 13.8244 27 16C26.9967 18.9164 25.8367 21.7123 23.7745 23.7745C21.7123 25.8367 18.9164 26.9967 16 27ZM21.7075 15.2925C21.8005 15.3854 21.8742 15.4957 21.9246 15.6171C21.9749 15.7385 22.0008 15.8686 22.0008 16C22.0008 16.1314 21.9749 16.2615 21.9246 16.3829C21.8742 16.5043 21.8005 16.6146 21.7075 16.7075L17.7075 20.7075C17.5199 20.8951 17.2654 21.0006 17 21.0006C16.7346 21.0006 16.4801 20.8951 16.2925 20.7075C16.1049 20.5199 15.9994 20.2654 15.9994 20C15.9994 19.7346 16.1049 19.4801 16.2925 19.2925L18.5863 17H11C10.7348 17 10.4804 16.8946 10.2929 16.7071C10.1054 16.5196 10 16.2652 10 16C10 15.7348 10.1054 15.4804 10.2929 15.2929C10.4804 15.1054 10.7348 15 11 15H18.5863L16.2925 12.7075C16.1049 12.5199 15.9994 12.2654 15.9994 12C15.9994 11.7346 16.1049 11.4801 16.2925 11.2925C16.4801 11.1049 16.7346 10.9994 17 10.9994C17.2654 10.9994 17.5199 11.1049 17.7075 11.2925L21.7075 15.2925Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><h6 class="h6 mob-h6">Geh ins Detail</h6></div><div class="tabs__link-body"><p class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Du kannst an an jede Minute heranzoomen und die Timeline deiner Aktivitäten durchsehen</p></div><div class="tab-progress-bar"></div></a><a data-w-tab="Tab 2" data-src="" class="tab-text-box w-inline-block w-tab-link"><div class="tabs-link__title"><div class="arrow_icon w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M28 16C28 18.3734 27.2962 20.6935 25.9776 22.6668C24.6591 24.6402 22.7849 26.1783 20.5922 27.0866C18.3995 27.9948 15.9867 28.2324 13.6589 27.7694C11.3312 27.3064 9.19295 26.1635 7.51472 24.4853C5.83649 22.8071 4.6936 20.6689 4.23058 18.3411C3.76756 16.0133 4.0052 13.6005 4.91345 11.4078C5.8217 9.21509 7.35977 7.34094 9.33316 6.02236C11.3066 4.70379 13.6266 4 16 4C19.1826 4 22.2349 5.26428 24.4853 7.51472C26.7357 9.76516 28 12.8174 28 16Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M16 3C13.4288 3 10.9154 3.76244 8.77759 5.1909C6.63975 6.61935 4.97351 8.64968 3.98957 11.0251C3.00563 13.4006 2.74819 16.0144 3.2498 18.5362C3.75141 21.0579 4.98953 23.3743 6.80762 25.1924C8.6257 27.0105 10.9421 28.2486 13.4638 28.7502C15.9856 29.2518 18.5995 28.9944 20.9749 28.0104C23.3503 27.0265 25.3807 25.3603 26.8091 23.2224C28.2376 21.0846 29 18.5712 29 16C28.9964 12.5533 27.6256 9.24882 25.1884 6.81163C22.7512 4.37445 19.4467 3.00364 16 3ZM16 27C13.8244 27 11.6977 26.3549 9.88873 25.1462C8.07979 23.9375 6.66989 22.2195 5.83733 20.2095C5.00477 18.1995 4.78693 15.9878 5.21137 13.854C5.63581 11.7202 6.68345 9.7602 8.22183 8.22183C9.76021 6.68345 11.7202 5.6358 13.854 5.21136C15.9878 4.78692 18.1995 5.00476 20.2095 5.83733C22.2195 6.66989 23.9375 8.07979 25.1462 9.88873C26.3549 11.6977 27 13.8244 27 16C26.9967 18.9164 25.8367 21.7123 23.7745 23.7745C21.7123 25.8367 18.9164 26.9967 16 27ZM21.7075 15.2925C21.8005 15.3854 21.8742 15.4957 21.9246 15.6171C21.9749 15.7385 22.0008 15.8686 22.0008 16C22.0008 16.1314 21.9749 16.2615 21.9246 16.3829C21.8742 16.5043 21.8005 16.6146 21.7075 16.7075L17.7075 20.7075C17.5199 20.8951 17.2654 21.0006 17 21.0006C16.7346 21.0006 16.4801 20.8951 16.2925 20.7075C16.1049 20.5199 15.9994 20.2654 15.9994 20C15.9994 19.7346 16.1049 19.4801 16.2925 19.2925L18.5863 17H11C10.7348 17 10.4804 16.8946 10.2929 16.7071C10.1054 16.5196 10 16.2652 10 16C10 15.7348 10.1054 15.4804 10.2929 15.2929C10.4804 15.1054 10.7348 15 11 15H18.5863L16.2925 12.7075C16.1049 12.5199 15.9994 12.2654 15.9994 12C15.9994 11.7346 16.1049 11.4801 16.2925 11.2925C16.4801 11.1049 16.7346 10.9994 17 10.9994C17.2654 10.9994 17.5199 11.1049 17.7075 11.2925L21.7075 15.2925Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><h6 class="h6 mob-h6"><strong>Erfasse Stunden für Projekte</strong></h6></div><div class="tabs__link-body"><p class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Erinnere dich auf einen Blick an deinen Tag und erstelle schnell Zeiteinträge<br/></p></div><div class="tab-progress-bar"></div></a><a data-w-tab="Tab 4" class="tab-text-box w-inline-block w-tab-link"><div class="tabs-link__title"><div class="arrow_icon w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M28 16C28 18.3734 27.2962 20.6935 25.9776 22.6668C24.6591 24.6402 22.7849 26.1783 20.5922 27.0866C18.3995 27.9948 15.9867 28.2324 13.6589 27.7694C11.3312 27.3064 9.19295 26.1635 7.51472 24.4853C5.83649 22.8071 4.6936 20.6689 4.23058 18.3411C3.76756 16.0133 4.0052 13.6005 4.91345 11.4078C5.8217 9.21509 7.35977 7.34094 9.33316 6.02236C11.3066 4.70379 13.6266 4 16 4C19.1826 4 22.2349 5.26428 24.4853 7.51472C26.7357 9.76516 28 12.8174 28 16Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M16 3C13.4288 3 10.9154 3.76244 8.77759 5.1909C6.63975 6.61935 4.97351 8.64968 3.98957 11.0251C3.00563 13.4006 2.74819 16.0144 3.2498 18.5362C3.75141 21.0579 4.98953 23.3743 6.80762 25.1924C8.6257 27.0105 10.9421 28.2486 13.4638 28.7502C15.9856 29.2518 18.5995 28.9944 20.9749 28.0104C23.3503 27.0265 25.3807 25.3603 26.8091 23.2224C28.2376 21.0846 29 18.5712 29 16C28.9964 12.5533 27.6256 9.24882 25.1884 6.81163C22.7512 4.37445 19.4467 3.00364 16 3ZM16 27C13.8244 27 11.6977 26.3549 9.88873 25.1462C8.07979 23.9375 6.66989 22.2195 5.83733 20.2095C5.00477 18.1995 4.78693 15.9878 5.21137 13.854C5.63581 11.7202 6.68345 9.7602 8.22183 8.22183C9.76021 6.68345 11.7202 5.6358 13.854 5.21136C15.9878 4.78692 18.1995 5.00476 20.2095 5.83733C22.2195 6.66989 23.9375 8.07979 25.1462 9.88873C26.3549 11.6977 27 13.8244 27 16C26.9967 18.9164 25.8367 21.7123 23.7745 23.7745C21.7123 25.8367 18.9164 26.9967 16 27ZM21.7075 15.2925C21.8005 15.3854 21.8742 15.4957 21.9246 15.6171C21.9749 15.7385 22.0008 15.8686 22.0008 16C22.0008 16.1314 21.9749 16.2615 21.9246 16.3829C21.8742 16.5043 21.8005 16.6146 21.7075 16.7075L17.7075 20.7075C17.5199 20.8951 17.2654 21.0006 17 21.0006C16.7346 21.0006 16.4801 20.8951 16.2925 20.7075C16.1049 20.5199 15.9994 20.2654 15.9994 20C15.9994 19.7346 16.1049 19.4801 16.2925 19.2925L18.5863 17H11C10.7348 17 10.4804 16.8946 10.2929 16.7071C10.1054 16.5196 10 16.2652 10 16C10 15.7348 10.1054 15.4804 10.2929 15.2929C10.4804 15.1054 10.7348 15 11 15H18.5863L16.2925 12.7075C16.1049 12.5199 15.9994 12.2654 15.9994 12C15.9994 11.7346 16.1049 11.4801 16.2925 11.2925C16.4801 11.1049 16.7346 10.9994 17 10.9994C17.2654 10.9994 17.5199 11.1049 17.7075 11.2925L21.7075 15.2925Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><h6 class="h6 mob-h6">Exportiere an deine Projektsoftware</h6></div><div class="tabs__link-body"><p class="p-3-book">Exportiere Zeiteinträge als Reports oder synchronisiere sie mit deiner Projektsoftware<br/></p></div><div class="tab-progress-bar"></div></a></div><div class="tabs__content w-tab-content"><div data-w-tab="Tab 3" class="tabs__pane w-tab-pane w--tab-active"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Automatisch erfasste Aktivitäten in der Erinnerungshilfe" class="image-11 lazy2"/></div><div data-w-tab="Tab 1" class="tabs__pane w-tab-pane"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Zoome an jeden Tag heran oder heraus" class="image-11 lazy2"/></div><div data-w-tab="Tab 2" class="tabs__pane w-tab-pane"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Erstelle Zeiteinträge" class="image-11 lazy2"/></div><div data-w-tab="Tab 4" class="tabs__pane w-tab-pane"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Exportiere oder synchronisiere Zeiteinträge" class="image-11 lazy2"/></div></div></div><div class="how-it-works-case-img-mobile"><img src="" loading="eager" alt="Automatisch erfasste Aktivitäten in der Erinnerungshilfe" class="image-18"/><div class="how-it-works-cases"><h3 class="h3 mob-h3"><strong>Erinnere dich an jeden Tag</strong></h3><div class="p-3-book">Aktivitäten werden automatisch aufgezeichnet, während du arbeitest (nur für dich sichtbar)</div></div></div><div class="how-it-works-case-img-mobile"><img src="" loading="eager" alt="Zoome an jeden Tag heran oder heraus" class="image-18"/><div class="how-it-works-cases"><h3 class="h3 mob-h3"><strong>Geh ins Detail</strong></h3><div class="p-3-book">Du kannst an jede Minute heranzoomen und die Timeline deiner Aktivitäten durchsehen.</div></div></div><div class="how-it-works-case-img-mobile"><img src="" loading="eager" alt="Erstelle Zeiteinträge" class="image-18"/><div class="how-it-works-cases"><h3 class="h3 mob-h3"><strong>Erfasse Stunden für Projekte</strong></h3><div class="p-3-book">Erinnere dich auf einen Blick an deinen Tag und erstelle schnell Zeiteinträge.</div></div></div><div class="how-it-works-case-img-mobile"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=" Exportiere oder synchronisiere Zeiteinträge"/><div class="how-it-works-cases"><h3 class="h3 mob-h3"><strong>Exportiere an deine Projektsoftware </strong></h3><div class="p-3-book">Exportiere Zeiteinträge als Reports oder synchronisiere sie mit deiner Projektsoftware.</div></div></div></div></div></section><section class="integrations-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer integrations-container w-container"><div class="integrations-wrapper"><div class="section-heading-64"><h2 id="w-node-_17ea6f3c-18d4-0662-7f83-ed4a66a7b249-66a7b248" class="h2 mob-h2">Synchronisiere Memtime mit deiner Projektsoftware</h2><div class="subtitle-2-book mob-subtitle-book text-central">Deine Zeiteinträge erscheinen automatisch an der richtigen Stelle in deiner Projektsoftware. Wenn deine Software noch nicht dabei ist, schicke uns gerne eine Integrationsanfrage.</div></div><div class="w-layout-grid integrations-grid-wrapper"><a id="w-node-_4742dc9e-f923-a222-42f2-b94236ebfb98-9306e1eb" href="/de/integrations/clickup-time-tracking" target="_blank" class="sync_link w-inline-block"><div aria-label="Clickup" id="w-node-_4742dc9e-f923-a222-42f2-b94236ebfb99-9306e1eb" class="integration-card"><div class="html-embed-5 w-embed"><svg width="109" height="28" viewBox="0 0 109 28" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>ClickUp integration</title> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M4.84766 20.0853L8.54254 17.248C10.5056 19.8162 12.5912 21 14.9128 21C17.2218 21 19.2485 19.8302 21.1231 17.2822L24.8707 20.0511C22.1659 23.7254 18.8047 25.6667 14.9128 25.6667C11.0332 25.6667 7.63937 23.7378 4.84766 20.0853Z" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1853_19565)"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.7045 7.75451L8.12791 13.4353L5.08789 9.90115L14.7184 1.58203L24.273 9.90734L21.219 13.4291L14.7045 7.75451Z" fill="url(#paint1_linear_1853_19565)"/> <path d="M38.8456 22.1618C36.6001 22.1618 34.7286 21.4322 33.211 19.9731C31.6933 18.4938 30.9453 16.5975 30.9453 14.2829C30.9453 11.9495 31.7135 10.0315 33.2311 8.53042C34.7706 7.00909 36.6421 6.25931 38.8673 6.25931C41.6125 6.25931 44.0442 7.44623 45.4595 9.30197L42.9843 11.9075C41.7987 10.6351 40.5092 9.98952 39.1172 9.98952C37.9316 9.98952 36.954 10.3846 36.1423 11.1982C35.3524 12.0118 34.9583 13.0338 34.9583 14.2626C34.9583 15.4511 35.3524 16.4513 36.1423 17.2649C36.954 18.0566 37.9316 18.4518 39.0954 18.4518C40.6131 18.4518 41.9446 17.7844 43.0464 16.4715L45.6255 18.9526C44.9179 19.8906 43.9619 20.6622 42.7763 21.2658C41.5908 21.8709 40.281 22.1618 38.8456 22.1618ZM49.9877 6.02909V21.9331H46.3284V6.02909H49.9877ZM53.456 9.40461C52.23 9.40461 51.3362 8.50861 51.3362 7.27976C51.3362 6.09131 52.272 5.19531 53.456 5.19531C54.6416 5.19531 55.5571 6.09131 55.5571 7.27976C55.5571 8.50861 54.6416 9.40623 53.456 9.40623V9.40461ZM55.3073 10.4266V21.9331H51.6264V10.4266H55.3073ZM62.3525 22.1835C60.5431 22.1835 59.0875 21.6204 57.9453 20.4942C56.8219 19.3695 56.2601 17.9306 56.2601 16.1589C56.2601 14.3871 56.8219 12.9498 57.9655 11.8235C59.1093 10.6973 60.585 10.1358 62.4146 10.1358C64.8059 10.1358 66.9071 11.3024 67.8832 13.4911L64.9518 15.0342C64.3699 14.0542 63.5583 13.5533 62.4984 13.5533C61.7287 13.5533 61.1048 13.8038 60.6052 14.3046C60.3681 14.5505 60.1817 14.8408 60.0568 15.1591C59.932 15.4772 59.871 15.817 59.8773 16.1589C59.8773 17.6802 60.9791 18.8064 62.4565 18.8064C63.5164 18.8064 64.494 18.2231 64.9099 17.3271L67.8428 19.0771C66.8435 20.9951 64.7857 22.1835 62.3525 22.1835ZM80.6062 21.9331H76.2382L72.8475 17.3675L72.3074 17.8684V21.9331H68.6498V6.02909H72.309V13.7618L75.76 10.4266H80.2311L75.3039 15.0544L80.6062 21.9331ZM80.8516 15.9504V6.52842H84.7605V15.8882C84.7605 17.618 85.7589 18.4518 87.1943 18.4518C88.6076 18.4518 89.6052 17.576 89.6052 15.8882V6.52842H93.5363V15.9504C93.5363 20.4942 90.3951 22.2038 87.1943 22.2038C84.0126 22.2038 80.8516 20.4942 80.8516 15.9504ZM102.224 10.1358C103.867 10.1358 105.198 10.7191 106.258 11.8858C107.318 13.0322 107.838 14.4711 107.838 16.1589C107.838 17.8482 107.298 19.2855 106.238 20.474C105.176 21.6406 103.846 22.2255 102.245 22.2255C100.975 22.2255 99.8739 21.8086 98.9801 20.9749V26.6651H95.2988V10.4266H98.9182V11.4906C99.812 10.5931 100.914 10.1358 102.224 10.1358ZM104.095 16.2009C104.095 14.6998 103.015 13.5533 101.517 13.5533C100.02 13.5533 98.9182 14.6998 98.9182 16.2009C98.9182 16.9304 99.1665 17.5558 99.6455 18.0769C100.144 18.598 100.768 18.8484 101.517 18.8484C102.265 18.8484 102.889 18.598 103.367 18.0769C103.844 17.5701 104.106 16.8974 104.097 16.2009H104.095Z" fill="black"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1853_19565" x1="4.84766" y1="22.9736" x2="24.8707" y2="22.9736" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#8930FD"/> <stop offset="1" 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47.6816 5.50371 47.6816 4.26782C47.6816 3.03193 48.4947 2.31641 49.6338 2.31641ZM48.2027 8.56164H51.0005V24.8249H48.2027V8.56164Z" fill="#172B4D"/> <path d="M57.9605 24.8239H55.2285V8.56067H57.9605V11.4227C58.9037 9.50385 60.5306 8.13786 63.7186 8.333V11.065C60.1403 10.7072 57.9605 11.7805 57.9605 15.2287V24.8239Z" fill="#172B4D"/> <path d="M76.8204 21.8957C75.7796 24.043 73.8282 25.1488 71.3238 25.1488C66.9974 25.1488 64.8184 21.4736 64.8184 16.6919C64.8184 12.1054 67.095 8.23438 71.649 8.23438C74.0233 8.23438 75.8454 9.30836 76.8204 11.4224V8.56032H79.6181V24.8236H76.8204V21.8957ZM72.0712 22.5469C74.5762 22.5469 76.8204 20.9525 76.8204 17.3424V16.0415C76.8204 12.4313 74.7714 10.837 72.3964 10.837C69.2416 10.837 67.6147 12.9185 67.6147 16.6919C67.6147 20.5955 69.1758 22.5469 72.0712 22.5469Z" fill="#172B4D"/> <path d="M27.7407 13.2159L15.6928 1.16802L14.5248 0L5.45496 9.07053L1.3089 13.2159C0.876199 13.6486 0.876199 14.3507 1.3089 14.7841L9.59466 23.0698L14.5248 28L23.5947 18.9301L23.7354 18.7894L27.74 14.7848C28.1727 14.3521 28.1727 13.65 27.74 13.2166L27.7407 13.2159ZM14.5248 18.1397L10.3851 14L14.5255 9.85958L18.6652 13.9993L14.5248 18.1397Z" fill="#1D7AFC"/> <path d="M14.5209 9.85978C11.808 7.14688 11.8003 2.75617 14.4927 0.03125L5.43555 9.0884L10.3657 14.0186L14.5223 9.8619L14.5209 9.85978Z" fill="url(#paint0_linear_1853_19571)"/> <path d="M18.6791 13.9883L14.5273 18.14C17.2494 20.8628 17.2494 25.2768 14.5273 27.9989L23.6085 18.9184L18.6784 13.9883H18.6791Z" fill="url(#paint1_linear_1853_19571)"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_1853_19571" x1="13.7828" y1="5.6713" x2="8.00137" y2="11.452" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop offset="0.176" stop-color="#0055CC"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#1D7AFC"/> </linearGradient> <linearGradient id="paint1_linear_1853_19571" x1="15.3192" y1="22.2776" x2="21.0886" y2="16.5082" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop offset="0.176" stop-color="#0055CC"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#1D7AFC"/> 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104.743 10.9926 104.743 12.091C104.743 13.1896 104.959 14.2776 105.379 15.2928C105.799 16.308 106.414 17.2305 107.191 18.0077C107.967 18.7849 108.889 19.4015 109.904 19.8224C110.919 20.2432 112.007 20.46 113.105 20.4605C115.137 20.4605 117.351 19.6717 118.448 18.2197V18.2219ZM113.113 17.5314C110.176 17.5314 107.796 15.0965 107.796 12.0921C107.796 9.08775 110.176 6.65284 113.113 6.65284C116.051 6.65284 118.431 9.08775 118.431 12.0921C118.431 15.0965 116.051 17.5314 113.113 17.5314ZM102.093 18.7336V11.0317C102.093 6.68884 99.3544 3.75975 94.9908 3.75975C92.9071 3.75975 91.1988 4.9652 90.5955 6.00157C90.4646 5.19102 90.0359 4.34011 88.7028 4.34011H88.0242C87.8976 4.3404 87.7762 4.39083 87.6867 4.48038C87.5971 4.56992 87.5467 4.69129 87.5464 4.81793V19.7045H87.5497C87.5628 19.9554 87.7711 20.1561 88.0242 20.1561H90.122C90.1537 20.1561 90.1853 20.1517 90.2159 20.1463C90.23 20.1441 90.242 20.1376 90.2562 20.1343L90.3031 20.1201C90.3217 20.1114 90.338 20.1016 90.3555 20.0917L90.3817 20.0776C90.4021 20.0634 90.4215 20.0478 90.4395 20.0307L90.4504 20.023C90.5381 19.9394 90.5904 19.8254 90.5966 19.7045H90.5988V10.9117C90.5985 9.79224 91.0429 8.71845 91.8342 7.92654C92.6255 7.13462 93.6989 6.68942 94.8184 6.68884C95.9377 6.68942 97.011 7.13447 97.8023 7.92615C98.5936 8.71783 99.038 9.79134 99.038 10.9107L99.0391 18.2612V18.259L99.0413 18.2787V19.7045H99.0435C99.0577 19.9554 99.265 20.1561 99.518 20.1561H101.616C101.647 20.1559 101.679 20.1526 101.71 20.1463C101.722 20.1441 101.734 20.1387 101.746 20.1354C101.763 20.131 101.781 20.1267 101.797 20.1201C101.814 20.1125 101.83 20.1027 101.846 20.0939L101.876 20.0776C101.895 20.0642 101.913 20.0497 101.93 20.0339L101.944 20.023C101.964 20.0038 101.982 19.983 101.998 19.9608L102.001 19.9565C102.054 19.8831 102.085 19.796 102.09 19.7056H102.094L102.093 18.7336ZM80.2504 18.2219C80.3235 19.0565 80.9922 20.119 82.1486 20.119H82.825C83.0868 20.119 83.3017 19.9041 83.3017 19.6412V4.75575H83.2995C83.2928 4.63418 83.24 4.51974 83.1518 4.4358C83.0636 4.35187 82.9467 4.30476 82.825 4.30411H80.7271C80.6054 4.30476 80.4885 4.35187 80.4003 4.4358C80.3121 4.51974 80.2593 4.63418 80.2526 4.75575H80.2504V5.96557C78.9653 4.38157 76.9395 3.72375 74.9071 3.72375C73.8088 3.72418 72.7212 3.94094 71.7066 4.36167C70.692 4.7824 69.7702 5.39885 68.9939 6.17582C68.2175 6.95279 67.6018 7.87508 67.1818 8.89001C66.7619 9.90494 66.546 10.9926 66.5464 12.091C66.5464 16.7132 70.2893 20.4605 74.9071 20.4605C76.9395 20.4605 79.153 19.6717 80.2504 18.2197V18.2219ZM74.9159 17.5314C71.9791 17.5314 69.5977 15.0965 69.5977 12.0921C69.5977 9.08775 71.9791 6.65284 74.9159 6.65284C77.8526 6.65284 80.233 9.08775 80.233 12.0921C80.233 15.0965 77.8526 17.5314 74.9159 17.5314ZM54.1439 16.0892C55.5435 17.0601 57.0719 17.5314 58.5402 17.5314C59.9399 17.5314 61.3864 16.8059 61.3864 15.5427C61.3864 13.8561 58.2337 13.5932 56.2537 12.919C54.2737 12.2459 52.5675 10.8539 52.5675 8.59902C52.5675 5.14847 55.6395 3.72266 58.5064 3.72266C60.3228 3.72266 62.197 4.32266 63.4122 5.18229C63.8311 5.49866 63.5759 5.86411 63.5759 5.86411L62.4162 7.52229C62.2853 7.70775 62.0584 7.8692 61.7311 7.66738C61.4039 7.46557 60.2562 6.65284 58.5064 6.65284C56.7577 6.65284 55.7028 7.46011 55.7028 8.46375C55.7028 9.66375 57.073 10.0423 58.6777 10.4525C61.4726 11.2063 64.5217 12.1128 64.5217 15.5427C64.5217 18.5819 61.681 20.4605 58.5402 20.4605C56.161 20.4605 54.1351 19.7819 52.4355 18.5339C52.082 18.1794 52.3286 17.8499 52.3286 17.8499L53.4828 16.2005C53.7184 15.8928 54.014 15.9997 54.1439 16.0892ZM46.081 18.2219C46.1551 19.0565 46.8228 20.119 47.9791 20.119H48.6555C48.782 20.1184 48.9032 20.0679 48.9927 19.9784C49.0822 19.889 49.1327 19.7677 49.1333 19.6412V4.75575H49.13C49.1236 4.63409 49.0709 4.5195 48.9826 4.43551C48.8944 4.35152 48.7773 4.3045 48.6555 4.30411H46.5588C46.437 4.30476 46.3201 4.35187 46.2319 4.4358C46.1437 4.51974 46.0909 4.63418 46.0842 4.75575H46.081V5.96557C44.7959 4.38157 42.77 3.72375 40.7388 3.72375C38.5204 3.72462 36.3932 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21.3514 1.28287C21.4224 1.10379 21.529 0.940935 21.6646 0.804154C21.801 0.665645 21.9637 0.555808 22.1432 0.481104C22.3226 0.4064 22.5152 0.368337 22.7096 0.369153H24.2026L24.2016 0.370154ZM40.1856 8.78815C37.8706 8.78815 36.1526 9.78515 35.4436 11.5572V3.54515H32.4556V23.6682H35.4426V12.1852C36.4587 11.7485 37.549 11.5102 38.6546 11.4832C40.9706 11.4832 42.1646 12.4802 42.1646 14.4732V23.6312H45.1526V13.8462C45.1526 10.5972 43.2856 8.78815 40.1486 8.78815H40.1856ZM117.679 9.15715H121.6V9.71115C121.6 10.2282 121.413 10.7452 121.077 11.1142C120.666 11.5572 120.106 11.7782 119.21 11.7782H117.716V19.5322C117.716 20.4922 118.202 21.0092 119.21 21.0092H121.6V23.6312H118.762C116.148 23.6312 114.728 22.2282 114.728 19.7172V11.8152H112.45V11.2252C112.45 10.0062 113.347 9.19415 114.579 9.19415H114.728V5.16915H117.716V9.15715H117.679ZM103.114 13.2922C103.114 14.2522 103.749 14.8802 104.869 14.9172L107.745 15.1022C110.62 15.2862 112.226 16.7632 112.226 19.3112C112.226 22.1542 109.985 24.0002 106.363 24.0002C102.703 24.0002 100.163 22.1542 99.9386 19.3102H102.927C103.114 20.5662 104.421 21.4522 106.288 21.4522C108.23 21.4522 109.388 20.6402 109.388 19.4222C109.388 18.4252 108.716 17.7972 107.409 17.7232L104.57 17.5392C101.807 17.3912 100.238 15.9142 100.238 13.4032C100.238 10.5972 102.516 8.78815 105.99 8.78815C109.351 8.78815 111.591 10.5602 111.815 13.2552H108.902C108.716 12.1112 107.558 11.3352 105.99 11.3352C104.197 11.3352 103.114 12.0742 103.114 13.2922Z" fill="#FA5D00"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M98.9308 16.5772C98.9308 11.9622 96.5778 8.82422 92.0218 8.82422C87.8398 8.82422 84.9258 11.8882 84.9258 16.3932C84.9258 20.8232 87.7648 23.9992 92.2458 23.9992C95.6818 23.9992 98.2218 22.1532 98.7068 19.3092H95.8308C95.3828 20.6022 93.9638 21.4142 92.2838 21.4142C89.6688 21.4142 88.2128 19.7162 87.9138 17.3532H98.9308V16.5772ZM88.4738 15.5812C88.1378 15.9502 87.9518 16.3562 87.8768 16.8362V16.3932C87.8768 13.4392 89.5948 11.3712 92.0218 11.3712C94.0388 11.3712 95.4948 12.7372 95.9058 14.9162H90.5278C89.5198 14.9162 88.8848 15.1742 88.4738 15.5812Z" fill="#FA5D00"/> <path d="M74.5442 9.15809L78.4282 20.6041L82.2752 9.15809H85.3001L80.1842 23.6311H76.4862L71.3702 9.12109H74.5442V9.15809ZM67.7472 9.15809C66.4772 9.15809 65.9552 9.34309 65.5442 9.67509C65.0641 10.125 64.7486 10.7228 64.6482 11.3731V9.15809H61.6602V23.6311H64.6482V12.0011H67.8972C69.2042 12.0011 69.7642 11.7061 70.1752 11.2621C70.5482 10.8931 70.6982 10.3761 70.6982 9.85909V9.12109H67.7102L67.7472 9.15809Z" fill="#FA5D00"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M47.207 13.8841C47.357 10.8201 49.821 8.78906 53.481 8.78906C57.029 8.78906 59.307 10.7831 59.307 13.8471V23.6691H56.394V21.2311C55.648 23.0031 53.892 23.9261 51.689 23.9261C48.664 23.9261 46.834 22.1171 46.834 19.5691C46.834 16.7261 49.074 14.8801 52.436 14.8801C54.378 14.8801 55.909 15.6181 56.394 16.7261V14.1811C56.394 12.4821 55.199 11.3741 53.407 11.3741C51.614 11.3741 50.307 12.3711 50.12 13.8851L47.207 13.8841ZM49.821 19.3491C49.821 20.6781 50.83 21.5271 52.511 21.5271C54.154 21.5271 55.423 20.7891 56.394 19.3491V17.2441H52.436C50.793 17.2441 49.821 18.0561 49.821 19.3491Z" fill="#FA5D00"/> <path d="M10.9059 23.6301V14.9901H13.8939C14.2758 14.9717 14.6363 14.8082 14.9019 14.5331C15.1669 14.2581 15.3139 13.8931 15.3129 13.5131V9.12014H10.9059C10.5099 9.12014 10.1299 9.27614 9.84986 9.55314C9.56986 9.83014 9.41286 10.2051 9.41286 10.5971V23.6311H10.9059V23.6301ZM19.7569 0.370141H18.3009V6.20314C17.9109 6.20314 17.5369 6.35314 17.2579 6.62314C16.9794 6.8907 16.8174 7.2571 16.8069 7.64314V23.6311H18.3009C18.6909 23.6211 19.0609 23.4611 19.3329 23.1851C19.6049 22.9091 19.7569 22.5391 19.7569 22.1541V0.369141V0.370141ZM6.49986 23.6301H5.00586V1.84714C5.00575 1.65448 5.04468 1.46379 5.1203 1.28659C5.19593 1.10939 5.30668 0.949356 5.44586 0.816141C5.58526 0.681169 5.75021 0.575382 5.93102 0.504979C6.11184 0.434576 6.30489 0.400973 6.49886 0.406141H7.99186V16.3941C7.99186 16.7861 7.83486 17.1611 7.55486 17.4381C7.27486 17.7151 6.89486 17.8711 6.49886 17.8711V23.6311L6.49986 23.6301Z" fill="#FA5D00"/> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_1853_19580"> <rect width="121" height="24" fill="white" transform="translate(0.599609)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg></div></div></a><a href="/de/integrations/toggl-time-tracking" target="_blank" class="sync_link-toggl w-inline-block"><div aria-label="integrations Toggltrack" class="integration-card"><div class="html-embed-8 w-embed"><svg width="122" height="24" viewBox="0 0 122 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Toggl Track integration</title> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_1853_19591)"> <path d="M75.4542 18.7653C75.1262 18.8075 74.7958 18.8279 74.4651 18.8264C73.3633 18.8264 72.5371 18.5718 71.9858 18.0627C71.4352 17.5522 71.1596 16.6635 71.1596 15.3973V7.69909H68.5312V6.36673H71.1596V3.06055H72.6869V6.36673H76.3174V7.69909H72.6869V15.4707C72.6869 16.1289 72.8207 16.6184 73.0876 16.9398C73.3545 17.2598 73.8389 17.4198 74.54 17.4198C74.924 17.4198 75.2578 17.4045 75.5414 17.3711C75.8251 17.3384 76.1087 17.2969 76.3923 17.2475V18.5805C76.0753 18.6627 75.7625 18.7238 75.4542 18.7653Z" fill="#E57CD8"/> <path d="M41.3641 20.5757C41.3285 19.5299 41.015 18.4215 40.2172 17.6913C39.3255 16.8768 38.0354 16.5023 36.8368 16.5023H31.4943C30.967 16.5023 30.4986 16.1117 30.4986 15.6295C30.4986 15.2244 30.7794 14.8848 31.1605 14.7859C31.159 14.7859 31.2499 14.7626 31.3481 14.7321C32.3045 15.1844 33.3837 15.3888 34.4608 15.3888C36.1088 15.3888 37.7605 14.9117 38.9699 13.7975C40.1466 12.7139 40.6965 11.1968 40.6965 9.64553C40.6965 8.09353 40.1466 6.57644 38.9692 5.4928C38.6249 5.17716 38.2417 4.90685 37.8288 4.68844C38.9634 4.94735 40.1343 4.62662 40.9415 3.25571L38.671 1.64844L36.7757 4.24698C36.026 4.01454 35.245 3.89853 34.4601 3.90298C32.8128 3.90298 31.1605 4.38007 29.9517 5.49426C28.7743 6.57789 28.2245 8.09426 28.2245 9.64626C28.2245 11.1983 28.7743 12.7139 29.9517 13.799C30.0535 13.8935 30.1597 13.9823 30.2681 14.0681L30.0477 14.183C29.6121 14.423 29.0805 14.8063 28.5539 15.359C27.807 16.1408 27.0608 17.3146 27.0608 18.8739C27.0608 18.8739 26.9568 22.2033 30.8368 22.2033H33.6477C34.2943 22.2033 34.9532 22.6092 34.9532 23.2463C34.9532 23.4768 34.8841 23.6928 34.7655 23.8732H40.1401C40.9539 22.9823 41.4034 21.719 41.3641 20.5757ZM33.5074 8.61935C33.7728 8.35753 34.1365 8.2448 34.4986 8.2448C34.8608 8.2448 35.2237 8.35753 35.4892 8.61935C35.7481 8.87389 35.8688 9.23098 35.8688 9.59607C35.8688 9.96117 35.7481 10.3175 35.4892 10.5728C35.2237 10.8346 34.8608 10.9473 34.4986 10.9473C34.1365 10.9473 33.7728 10.8353 33.5074 10.5728C33.2485 10.3183 33.1277 9.96189 33.1277 9.59607C33.1277 9.23098 33.2485 8.87462 33.5074 8.61935Z" fill="#E57CD8"/> <path d="M56.6689 20.5757C56.6325 19.5299 56.3198 18.4215 55.5212 17.6913C54.6303 16.8768 53.3401 16.5023 52.1416 16.5023L45.9387 16.4579C45.5481 16.4579 45.2492 16.2157 45.2492 15.8586C45.2492 15.5641 45.3976 15.1248 45.7714 15.0513C46.5141 15.2791 47.287 15.3929 48.0638 15.3888C49.7118 15.3888 51.3634 14.9117 52.5729 13.7975C53.7496 12.7139 54.2994 11.1968 54.2994 9.64553C54.2994 8.09353 53.7496 6.57644 52.5729 5.4928C52.2288 5.17695 51.8459 4.9064 51.4332 4.68771C52.5678 4.94662 53.7387 4.62589 54.5452 3.25498L52.2747 1.64844L50.3801 4.24698C49.6301 4.01455 48.8489 3.89853 48.0638 3.90298C46.4165 3.90298 44.7649 4.38007 43.5554 5.49426C42.3779 6.57716 41.8281 8.09353 41.8281 9.64553C41.8281 11.1975 42.3787 12.7132 43.5554 13.7983C43.9045 14.119 44.2899 14.3873 44.7016 14.6063C44.4296 14.8099 44.1438 15.0593 43.8579 15.3583C43.1125 16.1408 42.3656 17.3146 42.3656 18.8739C42.3656 18.8739 42.2623 22.2033 46.1423 22.2033H48.9525C49.599 22.2033 50.2579 22.6092 50.2579 23.2463C50.2579 23.4768 50.1889 23.6928 50.0703 23.8732H55.4449C56.2587 22.9823 56.7089 21.719 56.6689 20.5757ZM47.1489 8.61935C47.4143 8.35753 47.7772 8.2448 48.1401 8.2448C48.5023 8.2448 48.8652 8.35753 49.1314 8.61935C49.3896 8.87389 49.511 9.23098 49.511 9.59607C49.511 9.96117 49.3896 10.3175 49.1314 10.5728C48.8652 10.8346 48.5023 10.9473 48.1401 10.9473C47.7772 10.9473 47.4143 10.8353 47.1489 10.5728C46.8899 10.3183 46.7692 9.96189 46.7692 9.59607C46.7692 9.23098 46.8899 8.87462 47.1489 8.61935Z" fill="#E57CD8"/> <path d="M63.1724 18.8676V13.8981C62.0146 14.0429 61.6117 13.2385 61.6117 12.4392V0.304688H55.8691V13.3461C55.8691 14.9658 56.1135 16.3163 56.7062 17.1658C57.6175 18.4596 58.8495 19.3061 61.3004 19.3163C61.7528 19.2967 62.5077 19.2087 63.1724 18.8676Z" fill="#E57CD8"/> <path d="M25.1179 6.06964C23.6343 4.57873 21.6103 3.93945 19.5892 3.93945C17.5688 3.93945 15.5434 4.57945 14.0619 6.06964C12.6175 7.52127 11.9434 9.55109 11.9434 11.6282C11.9434 13.706 12.6175 15.7351 14.0612 17.1867C15.5434 18.6776 17.5688 19.3162 19.5892 19.3162C21.6103 19.3162 23.635 18.6776 25.1179 17.1867C26.5608 15.7351 27.2357 13.7053 27.2357 11.6282C27.2357 9.55109 26.5608 7.52054 25.1179 6.06964ZM20.8386 12.8238C20.4954 13.1627 20.0263 13.3067 19.5586 13.3067C19.0903 13.3067 18.6212 13.1627 18.2786 12.8238C17.9441 12.4944 17.7877 12.0333 17.7877 11.562C17.7877 11.09 17.9434 10.6296 18.2779 10.3002C18.6212 9.962 19.0903 9.81654 19.5579 9.81654C20.0263 9.81654 20.4961 9.962 20.8386 10.3002C21.1732 10.6296 21.3295 11.09 21.3295 11.562C21.3295 12.0333 21.1732 12.4944 20.8386 12.8238Z" fill="#E57CD8"/> <path d="M9.87201 13.9178C8.91637 13.9178 8.52583 13.6298 8.17237 13.1876C7.94401 12.8989 7.83055 12.4749 7.83055 11.9251V9.35269H11.0349V4.74178H7.82983V0.304688H3.7331V1.96287C3.7331 3.80069 2.31274 5.29087 0.560737 5.29087C0.431365 5.29041 0.302145 5.28191 0.173828 5.26541L0.173828 9.35269H2.3251V13.4603C2.3251 15.0763 2.6211 16.3221 3.21237 17.1701C4.12656 18.4683 5.13965 19.3171 7.6131 19.3171C9.04728 19.3171 10.248 18.992 11.0349 18.5585V13.7272C10.7382 13.8392 10.3367 13.9178 9.87128 13.9178" fill="#E57CD8"/> <path d="M81.548 6.71504C82.2156 6.20449 83.0244 5.94922 83.9764 5.94922C84.3269 5.94922 84.7356 5.9914 85.2033 6.07286V7.65249C84.9886 7.60599 84.7712 7.57295 84.5524 7.55358C84.3523 7.53714 84.1516 7.52889 83.9509 7.52885C83.2164 7.52885 82.6033 7.66849 82.1109 7.94849C81.6257 8.22101 81.2168 8.61115 80.9218 9.08304C80.6215 9.56013 80.4084 10.1274 80.2833 10.7856C80.1553 11.4773 80.0924 12.1796 80.0956 12.883V18.5827H78.5684V6.24595H80.0454V9.05904C80.38 8.00595 80.8804 7.22486 81.548 6.71504ZM87.0542 7.75067C87.3036 7.37306 87.6269 7.04995 88.0047 6.80086C88.4054 6.52958 88.8898 6.32013 89.4571 6.17176C90.0244 6.0234 90.7007 5.94922 91.4855 5.94922C93.1538 5.94922 94.3895 6.3274 95.1902 7.08449C95.9916 7.84085 96.3924 8.97686 96.3924 10.4896V18.5827H94.8651V15.9427C94.4811 16.8809 93.8847 17.5958 93.0745 18.0889C92.2651 18.5827 91.3349 18.8299 90.2833 18.8299C89.5989 18.8299 88.9938 18.7347 88.468 18.5463C87.9422 18.3572 87.5044 18.0976 87.1538 17.7681C86.8022 17.4377 86.5285 17.0333 86.3524 16.5841C86.1669 16.1129 86.0736 15.6105 86.0774 15.1041C86.0774 13.9521 86.4564 13.0721 87.2164 12.4641C87.9756 11.8547 88.9313 11.4932 90.0833 11.3776L94.2389 10.9834C94.6564 10.9339 94.8644 10.7616 94.8644 10.4649V10.0212C94.8644 9.18195 94.6062 8.5194 94.0891 8.03504C93.5713 7.54995 92.7291 7.30704 91.5604 7.30704C89.4404 7.30704 88.2135 8.08013 87.8804 9.62631L86.5276 8.90995C86.6441 8.49945 86.8221 8.1087 87.0542 7.75067ZM90.308 12.7834C89.3567 12.883 88.6811 13.1499 88.2804 13.5863C87.8804 14.0227 87.6796 14.5281 87.6796 15.1041C87.6796 15.811 87.9175 16.3747 88.3924 16.7936C88.8687 17.2132 89.5655 17.4227 90.484 17.4227C91.1844 17.4227 91.8062 17.3034 92.3487 17.0656C92.8645 16.8454 93.3324 16.5267 93.7262 16.1274C94.0962 15.7495 94.3857 15.3004 94.5771 14.8074C94.7665 14.328 94.8642 13.8174 94.8651 13.3019V12.2918L90.308 12.7849V12.7834ZM98.6404 9.84813C98.9368 9.0776 99.3886 8.37628 99.9676 7.78776C100.557 7.19466 101.265 6.73229 102.045 6.43067C102.855 6.10995 103.752 5.94995 104.736 5.94995C105.638 5.94995 106.452 6.08958 107.178 6.36885C107.89 6.64025 108.541 7.05148 109.093 7.57831L108.117 8.76231C107.646 8.34306 107.109 8.00533 106.527 7.76304C105.935 7.52154 105.301 7.40016 104.661 7.40595C103.944 7.40595 103.285 7.52449 102.683 7.76304C102.104 7.9879 101.576 8.32782 101.131 8.76231C100.698 9.18995 100.36 9.71649 100.117 10.3412C99.876 10.9667 99.7545 11.6576 99.7545 12.4139C99.7545 13.1703 99.876 13.8576 100.118 14.4743C100.343 15.065 100.688 15.6026 101.131 16.0532C101.573 16.4946 102.102 16.8394 102.684 17.0656C103.306 17.3081 103.969 17.4295 104.637 17.4234C105.338 17.4234 105.993 17.2954 106.602 17.0409C107.211 16.7863 107.758 16.4445 108.242 16.0169L109.168 17.2009C108.634 17.6947 107.992 18.0976 107.24 18.4096C106.489 18.7223 105.629 18.8787 104.661 18.8787C103.677 18.8787 102.784 18.7187 101.983 18.3979C101.181 18.0772 100.497 17.6329 99.9298 17.0656C99.3556 16.4874 98.9117 15.7931 98.628 15.0292C98.3276 14.2401 98.1771 13.3769 98.1771 12.4387C98.1771 11.5012 98.3313 10.6379 98.6404 9.84813Z" fill="#E57CD8"/> <path d="M112.523 14.9049V18.5813H110.996V2.33398H112.523V12.9805L119.107 6.24453H121.261L115.828 11.6234L121.386 18.5813H119.383L114.801 12.6598L112.523 14.9049Z" fill="#E57CD8"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_1853_19591"> <rect width="121.455" height="24" fill="white" transform="translate(0.173828)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg></div></div></a><a href="/de/integrations/teamwork-time-tracking" target="_blank" class="sync_link-clockify-new w-inline-block"><div aria-label="integrations Teamwork" class="integration-card"><div class="html-embed-9 w-embed"><svg width="137" height="18" viewBox="0 0 137 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Teamwork integration</title> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M6.75144 6.77105C7.81306 6.77105 8.42176 6.22189 8.42176 5.26532C8.42176 4.36514 7.76714 3.7596 6.79286 3.7596H4.38506V2.06854C4.38506 0.848928 3.4621 0.210938 2.54995 0.210938C1.6378 0.210938 0.714844 0.848928 0.714844 2.06854V13.7326C0.714844 16.5356 1.89262 17.786 4.53364 17.786C5.96535 17.786 6.78295 17.4375 7.39166 17.0976C7.85629 16.8525 8.02197 16.3324 8.02197 15.9275C8.02197 15.1776 7.49341 14.3424 6.73433 14.3424C6.62897 14.3424 6.52273 14.3595 6.40837 14.3954C6.36875 14.4107 6.32372 14.4295 6.2742 14.4517C6.0743 14.5388 5.80146 14.6575 5.40076 14.6575C4.92713 14.6575 4.38417 14.4987 4.38417 13.2619V6.7702L6.75144 6.77105Z" fill="#1D1C39"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M15.2393 6.29976C15.7039 6.13919 16.1658 6.05805 16.6124 6.05805C18.1396 6.05805 19.2075 6.99412 19.736 7.92592L12.8972 10.2865C12.5847 8.88418 13.0142 7.06843 15.2393 6.29976ZM22.585 12.7745C22.2222 12.7745 21.862 12.9009 21.545 13.1391L21.4937 13.1827C20.8525 13.7251 20.116 14.135 19.2426 14.4365C18.5898 14.662 17.9505 14.7764 17.3417 14.7764C15.7561 14.7764 14.4225 13.9727 13.7391 12.6156L22.1771 9.70323C23.5053 9.24463 23.6845 8.31196 23.4081 7.59283C22.378 4.90933 19.9512 3.24219 17.0753 3.24219C16.1369 3.24219 15.1618 3.41471 14.1767 3.75463C12.0138 4.50109 10.4731 5.84796 9.72037 7.64919C9.03874 9.28136 9.05494 11.2004 9.76629 13.0538C10.917 16.0524 13.3636 17.7716 16.4809 17.7716C17.0707 17.7716 17.6885 17.7093 18.3169 17.5855C18.886 17.4736 19.4155 17.3318 19.9341 17.1525C21.346 16.6656 22.631 15.9618 23.6521 15.118L23.6611 15.1104L23.6692 15.1018C24.0077 14.7371 24.1428 14.3041 24.0492 13.8805C23.9096 13.2493 23.2819 12.7736 22.5878 12.7736" fill="black"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M36.7385 10.559C36.7385 12.6002 35.5165 14.6593 32.7872 14.6593C30.4488 14.6593 28.8776 13.0272 28.8776 10.5983C28.8776 8.16924 30.4659 6.4594 32.8287 6.4594C34.7745 6.4594 36.7385 7.72689 36.7385 10.559ZM38.6563 3.33093C37.5686 3.33093 36.7798 4.06287 36.7798 5.07153V5.12704C35.6993 3.96465 34.0974 3.33093 32.2092 3.33093C27.9474 3.33093 25.084 6.23563 25.084 10.5598C25.084 14.884 27.8978 17.7887 32.0858 17.7887C34.1388 17.7887 35.8119 17.0815 36.8635 15.785V16.048C36.8635 17.3308 37.7901 17.7887 38.6573 17.7887C39.7387 17.7887 40.4105 17.1216 40.4105 16.048V5.07068C40.4105 4.01334 39.7225 3.33008 38.6573 3.33008" fill="black"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M59.7463 3.33094C57.5906 3.33094 55.9239 4.23625 55.1099 5.82994C54.2175 4.19269 52.6138 3.33094 50.4465 3.33094C48.8329 3.33094 47.3904 3.93732 46.5358 4.94342C46.5097 4.00565 45.7462 3.33094 44.7007 3.33094C43.767 3.33094 42.8242 3.89377 42.8242 5.15011V16.0481C42.8242 17.1712 43.4761 17.7886 44.6593 17.7886C45.8425 17.7886 46.5358 17.1379 46.5358 16.0481V9.54004C46.5358 7.39204 47.5453 6.30224 49.5352 6.30224C51.5252 6.30224 52.2888 7.33141 52.2888 9.85433V16.0088C52.2888 17.1566 52.9407 17.7886 54.1239 17.7886C55.3071 17.7886 56.0004 17.1396 56.0004 16.0088V9.93203C56.0004 7.4894 56.9954 6.30224 59.043 6.30224C60.9718 6.30224 61.7957 7.38777 61.7957 9.93203V16.0088C61.7957 17.1566 62.4477 17.7886 63.6309 17.7886C64.814 17.7886 65.5074 17.1396 65.5074 16.0088V9.93203C65.5074 5.55152 63.5687 3.33008 59.7454 3.33008" fill="black"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M87.9212 3.33094C87.1063 3.33094 86.4229 3.88779 86.0969 4.81788L82.9625 13.216L79.8685 4.85801C79.5327 3.9416 79.1076 3.33094 78.1262 3.33094C77.0772 3.33094 76.69 3.86815 76.3433 4.85716L73.2484 13.216L70.1158 4.82129C69.788 3.88864 69.1055 3.33094 68.2906 3.33094C67.4757 3.33094 66.7031 3.93818 66.7031 4.95367C66.7031 5.27907 66.7815 5.60362 66.9642 6.03578L71.1801 16.23C71.5835 17.1651 72.0896 17.7878 73.2494 17.7878C74.519 17.7878 75.0016 16.9517 75.2808 16.224L78.1244 8.87129L80.8878 16.2197C81.2534 17.2608 81.9512 17.7886 82.9615 17.7886C83.9719 17.7886 84.6364 17.2643 85.074 16.2274L89.244 6.00332C89.424 5.61899 89.5087 5.28504 89.5087 4.95282C89.5087 4.02786 88.8262 3.33008 87.9204 3.33008" fill="black"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M97.3543 15.0099C94.9165 15.0099 93.4029 13.3034 93.4029 10.5568C93.4029 7.81007 94.9535 6.1822 97.3543 6.1822C99.7551 6.1822 101.306 7.89974 101.306 10.5568C101.306 13.2138 99.7551 15.0099 97.3543 15.0099ZM97.3543 3.36719C94.947 3.36719 92.9528 4.11706 91.5887 5.53567C90.3658 6.80738 89.6914 8.59069 89.6914 10.5568C89.6914 12.5228 90.3649 14.3164 91.5877 15.5975C92.9546 17.0289 94.948 17.7857 97.3543 17.7857C103.01 17.7857 105.017 13.8911 105.017 10.5568C105.017 7.22246 103.01 3.36719 97.3543 3.36719Z" fill="black"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M113.975 3.33008C112.528 3.33008 111.203 3.90743 110.266 4.93061C110.191 4.03639 109.399 3.33008 108.438 3.33008C107.408 3.33008 106.602 4.09447 106.602 5.07068V16.0471C106.602 17.19 107.525 17.7878 108.438 17.7878C109.351 17.7878 110.273 17.19 110.273 16.0471V10.8331C110.273 7.68413 111.182 6.34068 113.315 6.34068C113.655 6.34068 113.852 6.38423 114.042 6.42609C114.21 6.46281 114.37 6.49782 114.597 6.49782C115.472 6.49782 116.061 5.87692 116.061 4.95281C116.061 3.96636 115.243 3.33008 113.977 3.33008" fill="black"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M124.534 10.5956L128.543 6.64037C129.101 6.11086 129.628 5.61122 129.628 4.91345C129.628 4.0107 128.91 3.32915 127.959 3.32915C127.213 3.32915 126.684 3.87234 126.172 4.39759L121.321 9.15223V1.95153C121.321 0.991558 120.498 0.210938 119.486 0.210938C118.474 0.210938 117.65 0.991558 117.65 1.95153V16.0471C117.65 17.0071 118.474 17.7877 119.486 17.7877C120.498 17.7877 121.321 17.0071 121.321 16.0471V11.7717L126.177 16.5613C126.262 16.6424 126.346 16.7252 126.429 16.8081C126.917 17.2898 127.42 17.7886 128.166 17.7886C129.048 17.7886 129.794 17.0814 129.794 16.2436C129.794 15.6355 129.359 15.1717 128.914 14.7497L124.536 10.5964L124.534 10.5956Z" fill="black"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M134.3 13.2578C132.986 13.2578 131.916 14.2725 131.916 15.5202C131.916 16.7681 132.986 17.7826 134.3 17.7826C135.615 17.7826 136.685 16.7681 136.685 15.5202C136.685 14.2725 135.616 13.2578 134.3 13.2578Z" fill="#D711BE"/> </svg></div></div></a><a href="/de/integrations/jiraservertempo-time-tracking" target="_blank" class="sync_link-clio-new w-inline-block"><div aria-label="integrations Tempo" class="integration-card"><div class="html-embed-11 w-embed"><svg width="107" height="32" viewBox="0 0 107 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Tempo integration</title> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_1853_19616)"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M45.5143 10.9374V23.674H42.25V10.9374H37.7988V8H49.9427V10.9374H45.5143ZM59.4569 22.4132C58.3615 23.4471 56.627 23.9874 54.9153 23.9874C51.5605 23.9874 49.0272 21.6614 49.0272 18.0196C49.0272 14.7302 51.378 12.0752 54.7328 12.0752C58.0191 12.0752 60.2557 14.6127 60.2557 18.3251V18.9829H52.0626C52.2452 20.4161 53.3634 21.6144 55.2349 21.6144C56.1706 21.6144 57.4715 21.1915 58.1789 20.4866L59.4569 22.4132ZM52.0175 16.9028H57.4486C57.3802 15.8247 56.6499 14.395 54.7331 14.395C52.9303 14.395 52.1544 15.7778 52.0175 16.9028ZM65.302 16.0175V23.674H62.3917V12.2952H65.302V13.7794C65.7603 13.0962 67.2265 12.0126 68.9227 12.0126C70.5495 12.0126 71.5805 12.7899 71.9931 14.0857C72.6346 13.0491 74.1014 12.0126 75.797 12.0126C77.8364 12.0126 79.0512 13.1198 79.0512 15.4521V23.674H76.1177V16.4886C76.1177 15.4285 75.6594 14.6746 74.4678 14.6746C73.4368 14.6746 72.589 15.3814 72.1763 15.9939V23.674H69.2434V16.4886C69.2434 15.4285 68.7851 14.6746 67.5935 14.6746C66.585 14.6746 65.7372 15.3814 65.302 16.0175ZM84.7685 22.2078V28H81.8581V12.2951H84.7685V13.7314C85.6163 12.6247 86.8311 12.0126 88.1828 12.0126C91.0245 12.0126 93.0864 14.1788 93.0864 17.9696C93.0864 21.7604 91.0245 23.9502 88.1828 23.9502C86.8768 23.9502 85.662 23.3851 84.7685 22.2078ZM90.0963 17.9883C90.0963 16.0438 89.0927 14.7084 87.5974 14.7084C86.9084 14.7084 86.0983 15.0872 85.606 15.6244C85.11 16.1566 84.7874 17.0206 84.7874 17.9961C84.7874 18.8109 85.0126 19.5479 85.3753 20.0788C85.4124 20.1333 85.452 20.1869 85.4946 20.2397C85.5524 20.311 85.6127 20.3776 85.6754 20.4391C86.1689 20.9324 86.9401 21.2916 87.5974 21.2916C89.0927 21.2916 90.0963 19.9562 90.0963 17.9883ZM100.337 23.9874C104.006 23.9874 106.207 21.262 106.207 18.0196C106.207 14.8007 104.006 12.0752 100.337 12.0752C96.6913 12.0752 94.4905 14.8007 94.4905 18.0196C94.4905 21.262 96.6913 23.9874 100.337 23.9874ZM100.368 21.2916C98.5524 21.2916 97.5415 19.7687 97.5415 17.9883C97.5415 16.2312 98.5524 14.7084 100.368 14.7084C102.183 14.7084 103.217 16.2312 103.217 17.9883C103.217 19.7687 102.183 21.2916 100.368 21.2916Z" fill="#004789"/> <path d="M23.5882 12.425L21.5311 10.3125C21.3789 10.1562 21.1294 10.1562 20.9772 10.3125L14.672 16.7875L12.1584 14.2063C12.0063 14.05 11.7567 14.05 11.6046 14.2063L9.29185 16.5812C9.1397 16.7375 9.1397 16.9938 9.29185 17.15L14.1364 22.125C14.2155 22.2063 14.3129 22.2437 14.4164 22.2437C14.5198 22.2437 14.6172 22.2063 14.6963 22.125L23.5882 12.9937C23.7403 12.8375 23.7403 12.5813 23.5882 12.425Z" fill="#004789"/> <path d="M10.0469 27.2564C3.99313 23.6672 1.91896 15.7179 5.4141 9.50106C5.71233 8.97062 6.04147 8.46994 6.39783 8H2.88532C2.88507 8.00044 2.88481 8.00087 2.88456 8.00131C-1.41715 15.6527 1.13568 25.4366 8.58645 29.8541C10.413 30.937 12.3642 31.5969 14.3327 31.8634L12.3422 28.3229C11.559 28.0516 10.7902 27.6972 10.0469 27.2564Z" fill="#00AEEF"/> <path d="M29.8669 23.9987C26.9845 29.1257 21.7557 31.9944 16.3776 32L14.6211 28.8758C19.5761 29.5862 24.682 27.222 27.3374 22.499C28.9424 19.6442 29.373 16.424 28.7831 13.4286L30.7733 9.88867C32.554 14.3217 32.3822 19.5247 29.8669 23.9987Z" fill="#F5871F"/> <path d="M4.02344 6.25H8.00064C11.9654 2.65753 17.8723 1.87865 22.7044 4.74355C25.2483 6.25181 27.0895 8.53 28.11 11.1261L29.8682 7.99869C28.5466 5.64339 26.6221 3.60281 24.1649 2.14591C17.3147 -1.91551 8.70937 -0.026998 4.02344 6.25Z" fill="#00AC65"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_1853_19616"> <rect width="105.412" height="32" fill="white" transform="translate(0.794922)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg></div></div></a><a href="/de/integrations/clockify-time-tracking" target="_blank" class="sync_link-tempo-new w-inline-block"><div aria-label="integrations Clockify" class="integration-card"><div class="html-embed-12 w-embed"><svg width="131" height="32" viewBox="0 0 131 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Clockify integration</title> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.4211 9.52783L19.9134 4.0293L21.4856 5.60206L15.9932 11.1006L14.4211 9.52783ZM12.1956 15.1469C11.1208 15.1469 10.25 14.2718 10.25 13.1913C10.25 12.1119 11.1208 11.2357 12.1956 11.2357C13.2705 11.2357 14.1412 12.1119 14.1412 13.1913C14.1412 14.2718 13.2705 15.1469 12.1956 15.1469ZM21.5112 20.8263L19.9391 22.4002L14.4468 16.9016L16.0189 15.3277L21.5112 20.8263Z" fill="#222222"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M121.807 28.3086C121.302 29.4505 120.578 30.3525 119.635 31.011C118.691 31.6707 117.648 32 116.508 32C114.905 32 113.457 31.4173 112.163 30.2531L113.841 27.2538C114.609 27.9793 115.405 28.3421 116.228 28.3421C117.051 28.3421 117.72 28.0452 118.236 27.4514C118.751 26.8587 119.01 26.2101 119.01 25.508C119.01 25.1999 116.65 19.1913 111.932 7.48096H115.882L121.116 20.3991L126.351 7.48096H130.301L121.807 28.3086ZM108.225 3.2951C107.435 3.2951 106.82 3.54179 106.382 4.03628C105.942 4.53077 105.723 5.19603 105.723 6.03097V7.48096H110.332V10.4468H105.723V25.0135H102.036V10.4468H99.8309V7.48096H102.036V6.12921C102.036 4.28408 102.59 2.81736 103.699 1.73015C104.806 0.641834 106.145 0.0982337 107.715 0.0982337C109.284 0.0982337 110.715 0.680899 112.011 1.84512L110.496 4.44816C109.772 3.6802 109.015 3.2951 108.225 3.2951ZM94.1033 4.67922C93.4666 4.67922 92.9181 4.44817 92.4565 3.98717C91.996 3.52617 91.7652 2.97698 91.7652 2.33961C91.7652 1.70224 91.996 1.15306 92.4565 0.692064C92.9181 0.229946 93.4666 0 94.1033 0C94.7388 0 95.2885 0.229946 95.749 0.692064C96.2094 1.15306 96.4403 1.70224 96.4403 2.33961C96.4403 2.97698 96.2094 3.52617 95.749 3.98717C95.2885 4.44817 94.7388 4.67922 94.1033 4.67922ZM84.5368 25.0135L79.3355 17.3339L76.6685 20.0363V25.0135H72.9813V0.559229H76.6685V14.9284L83.7798 7.48096H88.5195L81.8698 14.4339L89.0134 25.0135H84.5368ZM64.0805 21.9149C64.949 21.9149 65.7919 21.6972 66.6092 21.2742L68.9629 23.6316C67.3105 24.7267 65.492 25.277 63.504 25.277C61.0678 25.277 58.9717 24.4476 57.2167 22.7889C55.4606 21.1302 54.5831 18.9602 54.5831 16.2802C54.5831 13.6001 55.4996 11.419 57.3315 9.73796C59.1634 8.05692 61.3978 7.21641 64.0303 7.21641C65.8153 7.21641 67.412 7.63723 68.8247 8.4744L66.19 11.112C65.4508 10.8028 64.7093 10.6443 63.9645 10.6443C62.4281 10.6443 61.0957 11.1556 59.9651 12.1769C58.8345 13.1983 58.2703 14.5165 58.2703 16.1317C58.2703 17.7458 58.8301 19.1143 59.9484 20.235C61.0678 21.3545 62.4448 21.9149 64.0805 21.9149ZM42.4032 25.277C39.7696 25.277 37.5754 24.403 35.8193 22.6572C34.0632 20.9103 33.1857 18.7738 33.1857 16.2467C33.1857 13.7207 34.0632 11.5831 35.8193 9.83731C37.5754 8.09042 39.7696 7.21641 42.4032 7.21641C45.0368 7.21641 47.231 8.09042 48.9871 9.83731C50.7432 11.5831 51.6207 13.7207 51.6207 16.2467C51.6207 18.7738 50.7432 20.9103 48.9871 22.6572C47.231 24.403 45.0368 25.277 42.4032 25.277ZM46.3703 12.1111C45.3278 11.0451 44.0054 10.5126 42.4032 10.5126C40.801 10.5126 39.4786 11.0451 38.4373 12.1111C37.3936 13.1771 36.8729 14.5556 36.8729 16.2467C36.8729 17.9389 37.3936 19.3174 38.4373 20.3823C39.4786 21.4483 40.801 21.9807 42.4032 21.9807C44.0054 21.9807 45.3278 21.4483 46.3703 20.3823C47.4117 19.3174 47.9335 17.9389 47.9335 16.2467C47.9335 14.5556 47.4117 13.1771 46.3703 12.1111ZM25.663 0.559229H29.3503V25.0135H25.663V0.559229ZM12.2533 21.6492C13.3604 21.6492 14.4152 21.4282 15.3819 21.0353L18.0645 23.7221C16.3441 24.6831 14.3639 25.2357 12.2533 25.2357C5.65264 25.2357 0.300781 19.8778 0.300781 13.2697C0.300781 6.66052 5.65264 1.30263 12.2533 1.30263C14.3427 1.30263 16.3051 1.84177 18.0132 2.78499L15.3752 5.42709C14.4096 5.03641 13.3582 4.8154 12.2533 4.8154C7.6306 4.8154 3.88318 8.58379 3.88318 13.2329C3.88318 17.8808 7.6306 21.6492 12.2533 21.6492ZM95.914 25.0135H92.2268V7.48096H95.914V25.0135Z" fill="#03A9F4"/> </svg></div></div></a><a href="/de/integrations/moco-time-tracking" target="_blank" class="sync_link-zoho-projects w-inline-block"><div aria-label="integrations Moco" class="integration-card"><div class="html-embed-13 w-embed"><svg width="108" height="26" viewBox="0 0 108 26" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Moco integration</title> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_1853_19633)"> <path d="M71.6169 25.7941C69.795 25.7941 68.0783 25.4524 66.5016 24.7691C64.925 24.0858 63.5236 23.1633 62.3324 22.0017C61.1411 20.8401 60.1952 19.4734 59.4944 17.936C58.7937 16.3985 58.4434 14.6903 58.4434 12.9478C58.4434 11.1712 58.7937 9.4971 59.4944 7.95964C60.1952 6.42219 61.1411 5.05557 62.3324 3.89394C63.5236 2.73231 64.925 1.80984 66.5016 1.12653C68.0783 0.443218 69.8301 0.101562 71.6169 0.101562C73.614 0.101562 75.4709 0.511549 77.1526 1.29736C78.3088 1.84401 79.3599 2.49315 80.2708 3.31313C80.6562 3.65478 80.8664 4.1331 80.8664 4.61142C80.8664 5.1239 80.6212 5.63639 80.2358 5.97804C79.535 6.55886 78.519 6.55886 77.7832 5.94388C77.1176 5.39723 76.3818 4.91891 75.576 4.54309C74.3497 3.99644 73.0183 3.68895 71.5819 3.68895C70.2855 3.68895 69.0242 3.92811 67.9031 4.40642C66.7469 4.88474 65.7308 5.56805 64.89 6.38803C64.0491 7.208 63.3484 8.1988 62.8579 9.32627C62.3674 10.4537 62.1221 11.6495 62.1221 12.9137C62.1221 14.1778 62.3674 15.4077 62.8579 16.501C63.3484 17.6285 64.0141 18.6193 64.89 19.4393C65.7308 20.2593 66.7469 20.9426 67.9031 21.4209C69.0593 21.8992 70.2855 22.1384 71.5819 22.1384C73.0183 22.1384 74.3497 21.865 75.576 21.2842C76.3818 20.9084 77.1176 20.4642 77.7482 19.9176C78.484 19.3026 79.5 19.3026 80.2007 19.9176C80.6212 20.2593 80.8314 20.7717 80.8314 21.2842C80.8314 21.7967 80.6212 22.275 80.2358 22.5825C79.3248 23.3683 78.2737 24.0175 77.1176 24.5641C75.4709 25.3841 73.614 25.7941 71.6169 25.7941Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M94.4606 25.7941C92.6388 25.7941 90.922 25.4524 89.3454 24.7691C87.7688 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87.7688 19.4734C88.6096 20.2934 89.6257 20.9767 90.7819 21.455C91.9381 21.9334 93.1643 22.1725 94.4606 22.1725C95.757 22.1725 96.9832 21.9334 98.1394 21.455C99.2956 20.9767 100.312 20.3276 101.153 19.4734C101.993 18.6535 102.694 17.6627 103.185 16.5352C103.675 15.4077 103.92 14.2119 103.92 12.9478C103.92 11.6837 103.675 10.4879 103.185 9.36043C102.694 8.23297 101.993 7.24217 101.153 6.42219C100.312 5.60222 99.2956 4.95307 98.1394 4.44059C96.9832 3.96227 95.757 3.72311 94.4606 3.72311Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M26.6314 25.9307H26.0708C25.2299 25.9307 24.5292 25.2474 24.5292 24.4275L23.8285 7.37883C23.8285 6.86635 23.7234 6.38803 23.5132 5.94388C23.3029 5.49972 23.0227 5.08974 22.6723 4.74808C22.3219 4.40642 21.9015 4.1331 21.446 3.92811C20.5351 3.55229 19.414 3.51812 18.468 3.92811C18.0125 4.1331 17.5921 4.37226 17.2417 4.71392C16.8914 5.05557 16.6111 5.46556 16.4009 5.90971C16.1906 6.35386 16.0855 6.86635 16.0855 7.37883L16.1206 16.0569C16.1206 16.706 15.8403 17.1502 15.3147 17.3893C14.8593 17.5943 13.9834 17.5943 13.4228 17.3893C13.0724 17.2527 12.5119 16.706 12.5119 16.0911V7.27633C12.5119 6.76385 12.4067 6.28553 12.1965 5.87555C11.9863 5.43139 11.706 5.05557 11.3557 4.71392C11.0053 4.37226 10.5849 4.09893 10.1294 3.92811C9.21847 3.55229 8.09732 3.55229 7.18638 3.92811C6.69588 4.1331 6.31048 4.40642 5.96012 4.74808C5.60976 5.08974 5.32947 5.49972 5.11926 5.94388C4.90904 6.38803 4.80393 6.90051 4.80393 7.413L4.17328 24.4275C4.17328 25.2474 3.47256 25.9307 2.6317 25.9307H2.14119C1.30033 25.9307 0.599609 25.2474 0.599609 24.4275L1.23026 7.413C1.23026 6.38803 1.44047 5.43139 1.82587 4.54309C2.21127 3.65478 2.73681 2.86897 3.43753 2.21983C4.10321 1.57068 4.874 1.0582 5.78494 0.682377C6.69588 0.306556 7.67689 0.101562 8.69293 0.101562C9.88415 0.101562 11.0053 0.340722 12.0214 0.853205C12.617 1.1607 13.1775 1.50235 13.668 1.9465C14.0885 2.32232 14.6841 2.32232 15.1045 1.9465C15.595 1.53652 16.1206 1.1607 16.7162 0.853205C17.6972 0.340722 18.8183 0.101562 20.0096 0.101562C21.0256 0.101562 22.0066 0.306556 22.9176 0.682377C23.8285 1.0582 24.6343 1.57068 25.3 2.25399C25.9657 2.90314 26.5263 3.68895 26.9117 4.57725C27.2971 5.46556 27.5073 6.42219 27.5073 7.413L28.208 24.4616C28.173 25.2474 27.4722 25.9307 26.6314 25.9307Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M42.1954 9.90096C42.5198 9.83025 42.8558 9.79297 43.2038 9.79297C45.7895 9.79297 47.8294 11.8134 47.8294 14.282C47.8294 16.7505 45.7895 18.771 43.2038 18.771C40.9355 18.771 39.0872 17.2162 38.6676 15.168C38.9918 15.2715 39.3391 15.3278 39.7002 15.3278C41.5289 15.3278 43.0277 13.8975 43.0277 12.0612C43.0277 11.232 42.7126 10.4755 42.1954 9.90096Z" fill="black" stroke="#38B5EB" stroke-width="1.75"/> <path d="M43.2028 25.8624C41.381 25.8624 39.6642 25.5208 38.0876 24.8375C36.511 24.1542 35.1095 23.2317 33.9183 22.0701C32.7271 20.9084 31.7811 19.5418 31.0804 18.0044C30.3797 16.4669 30.0293 14.7586 30.0293 13.0162C30.0293 11.2396 30.3797 9.56545 31.0804 8.028C31.7811 6.49055 32.7271 5.12393 33.9183 3.9623C35.1095 2.80067 36.511 1.8782 38.0876 1.19489C39.6642 0.511578 41.416 0.169922 43.2028 0.169922C45.0247 0.169922 46.7415 0.511578 48.3181 1.19489C49.8947 1.8782 51.2962 2.80067 52.4874 3.9623C53.6786 5.12393 54.6246 6.49055 55.3253 8.028C56.026 9.56545 56.3764 11.2737 56.3764 13.0162C56.3764 14.7928 56.026 16.4669 55.3253 18.0044C54.6246 19.5418 53.6786 20.9084 52.4874 22.0701C51.2962 23.2317 49.8947 24.1542 48.3181 24.8375C46.7415 25.5208 45.0247 25.8624 43.2028 25.8624ZM43.2028 3.79147C41.9065 3.79147 40.6452 4.03063 39.5241 4.50895C38.3679 4.98727 37.3518 5.67058 36.511 6.49055C35.6701 7.31053 34.9694 8.30133 34.4789 9.42879C33.9884 10.5563 33.7431 11.7521 33.7431 13.0162C33.7431 14.2803 33.9884 15.5103 34.4789 16.6036C34.9694 17.731 35.6701 18.7218 36.511 19.5418C37.3518 20.3618 38.3679 21.0451 39.5241 21.5234C40.6802 22.0017 41.9065 22.2409 43.2028 22.2409C44.4992 22.2409 45.7254 22.0017 46.8816 21.5234C48.0378 21.0451 49.0539 20.3959 49.8947 19.5418C50.7356 18.7218 51.4363 17.731 51.9268 16.6036C52.4173 15.4761 52.6626 14.2803 52.6626 13.0162C52.6626 11.7521 52.4173 10.5563 51.9268 9.42879C51.4363 8.30133 50.7356 7.31053 49.8947 6.49055C49.0539 5.67058 48.0378 5.02143 46.8816 4.50895C45.7254 4.03063 44.4992 3.79147 43.2028 3.79147Z" fill="black"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_1853_19633"> <rect width="107" height="26" fill="white" transform="translate(0.599609)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg></div></div></a><a href="/de/integrations/awork-time-tracking" target="_blank" class="sync_link-teamwork_new w-inline-block"><div aria-label="integrations Awork" class="integration-card"><div class="html-embed-14 w-embed"><svg width="129" height="36" viewBox="0 0 129 36" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Awork integration</title> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_1853_19645)"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M18.992 29.6251C19.3901 29.4184 19.8613 29.7139 19.8613 30.1703V35.1112C19.8613 35.5675 19.3901 35.8631 18.992 35.6564L15.3376 33.7588L11.6834 35.6564C11.2854 35.8631 10.8139 35.5675 10.8139 35.1112V30.1703C10.8139 29.7139 11.2854 29.4184 11.6834 29.6251L15.3376 31.5226L18.992 29.6251ZM15.3376 0.277344C16.6134 0.277344 17.6476 1.31285 17.6476 2.59024C17.6476 3.52359 17.0952 4.32723 16.3001 4.69267V7.9712H20.94C25.8116 7.9712 29.7749 11.9397 29.7749 16.8175V19.1702C29.7749 24.048 25.8116 28.0163 20.94 28.0163H9.7354C4.8638 28.0163 0.900391 24.048 0.900391 19.1702V16.8175C0.900391 11.9397 4.8638 7.9712 9.7354 7.9712H14.3752V4.69267C13.5801 4.32723 13.0277 3.52359 13.0277 2.59024C13.0277 1.31285 14.0619 0.277344 15.3376 0.277344ZM90.0345 9.79017C91.2015 9.77147 92.3079 9.9724 93.3536 10.3931C94.3991 10.8138 95.2955 11.3911 96.0426 12.1248C96.7894 12.8588 97.3751 13.7375 97.8001 14.7612C98.2248 15.7848 98.428 16.867 98.4093 18.0074C98.428 19.1481 98.2248 20.23 97.8001 21.2537C97.3751 22.2773 96.7894 23.1538 96.0426 23.8829C95.2955 24.6121 94.3991 25.187 93.3536 25.6077C92.3079 26.0284 91.2015 26.2294 90.0345 26.2107C88.8673 26.2294 87.7609 26.0284 86.7153 25.6077C85.6695 25.187 84.7733 24.6121 84.0264 23.8829C83.2793 23.1538 82.6934 22.2773 82.2688 21.2537C81.8438 20.23 81.6408 19.1481 81.6595 18.0074C81.6408 16.867 81.8438 15.7848 82.2688 14.7612C82.6934 13.7375 83.2793 12.8588 84.0264 12.1248C84.7733 11.3911 85.6695 10.8138 86.7153 10.3931C87.7609 9.9724 88.8673 9.77147 90.0345 9.79017ZM45.0593 9.79009C46.0208 9.79009 46.9008 9.99122 47.6991 10.3931C48.4974 10.7951 49.1579 11.3701 49.6809 12.1179V10.1968H54.4986V25.8181H49.6809V23.883C49.1579 24.6309 48.4974 25.2057 47.6991 25.6077C46.9008 26.0096 46.0208 26.2107 45.0593 26.2107C43.6214 26.2107 42.3235 25.8508 41.1659 25.131C40.0081 24.4112 39.1072 23.425 38.4629 22.1722C37.8187 20.9196 37.4966 19.5312 37.4966 18.0074C37.4966 16.4837 37.8187 15.0955 38.4629 13.8427C39.1072 12.59 40.0081 11.6014 41.1659 10.8769C42.3235 10.1524 43.6214 9.79009 45.0593 9.79009ZM61.2775 10.1968L63.9944 19.9285L66.7253 10.365H71.1368L73.8678 19.9285L76.5848 10.1968H81.6964L76.4167 25.8181H71.571L68.868 17.2221L66.1791 25.8181H61.3335L56.0537 10.1968H61.2775ZM109.131 9.90231C109.859 9.90231 110.48 10.0004 110.993 10.1968V14.6139C110.414 14.4365 109.761 14.3475 109.033 14.3475C107.856 14.3475 106.908 14.6863 106.19 15.3641C105.471 16.042 105.111 16.9511 105.111 18.0915V25.818H100.294V10.1968H105.111V12.4824C105.466 11.688 106.005 11.0591 106.729 10.5964C107.452 10.1336 108.253 9.90231 109.131 9.90231ZM117.864 4.12493V16.7314L123.088 10.1968H128.592L122.276 17.9794L128.9 25.8181H123.34L117.864 19.2134V25.8181H113.046V4.12493H117.864ZM20.94 12.7897H9.7354C7.5138 12.7897 5.7128 14.593 5.7128 16.8175V19.1702C5.7128 21.3946 7.5138 23.1978 9.7354 23.1978H20.94C23.1616 23.1978 24.9625 21.3946 24.9625 19.1702V16.8175C24.9625 14.593 23.1616 12.7897 20.94 12.7897ZM45.8715 13.9548C44.7511 13.9548 43.8408 14.3358 43.1406 15.0977C42.4404 15.8597 42.0902 16.8295 42.0902 18.0074C42.0902 19.1854 42.4404 20.1529 43.1406 20.9101C43.8408 21.6673 44.7511 22.0459 45.8715 22.0459C46.992 22.0459 47.9023 21.6673 48.6025 20.9101C49.3027 20.1529 49.6528 19.1854 49.6528 18.0074C49.6528 16.8295 49.3027 15.8597 48.6025 15.0977C47.9023 14.3358 46.992 13.9548 45.8715 13.9548ZM90.0345 14.0109C88.9046 14.0109 87.9919 14.3849 87.2964 15.1328C86.6008 15.8808 86.2532 16.8389 86.2532 18.0074C86.2532 19.1761 86.6008 20.1318 87.2964 20.875C87.9919 21.6182 88.9046 21.9898 90.0345 21.9898C91.164 21.9898 92.0767 21.6182 92.7725 20.875C93.4679 20.1318 93.8158 19.1761 93.8158 18.0074C93.8158 16.8389 93.4679 15.8808 92.7725 15.1328C92.0767 14.3849 91.164 14.0109 90.0345 14.0109ZM10.9102 15.6762C12.186 15.6762 13.2202 16.7117 13.2202 17.9891C13.2202 19.2665 12.186 20.302 10.9102 20.302C9.63444 20.302 8.60025 19.2665 8.60025 17.9891C8.60025 16.7117 9.63444 15.6762 10.9102 15.6762ZM19.7651 15.6762C21.0408 15.6762 22.075 16.7117 22.075 17.9891C22.075 19.2665 21.0408 20.302 19.7651 20.302C18.4893 20.302 17.4551 19.2665 17.4551 17.9891C17.4551 16.7117 18.4893 15.6762 19.7651 15.6762Z" fill="#091A34"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_1853_19645"> <rect width="128" height="36" fill="white" transform="translate(0.900391)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg></div></div></a><a href="/de/integrations/lawcus-time-tracking" target="_blank" class="sync_link-xero w-inline-block"><div aria-label="integrations Lawcus" class="integration-card"><div class="html-embed-15 w-embed"><svg width="134" height="26" viewBox="0 0 284 53" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3513_22697)"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M159.258 25.8599L152.927 46.6119H144.034L133.434 16.2275H141.847L148.536 37.4872L155.154 16.2275H163.673L170.432 37.4872L177.125 16.2275H185.365L175.099 46.6119H165.872L159.258 25.8599Z" fill="black"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M127.275 19.0842C125.174 17.1797 122.05 16.2275 117.899 16.2275H101.471V22.5035H114.869C117.588 22.5035 119.481 22.8694 120.543 23.6013C121.598 24.3292 122.129 25.6002 122.129 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14.0605 19.3032 14.1769 19.5213C14.2934 19.7393 14.4619 19.9252 14.6675 20.0623L15.6987 20.7495C15.8981 20.8826 16.1264 20.9659 16.3645 20.9926C16.6027 21.0193 16.8438 20.9885 17.0676 20.9028C17.2914 20.8172 17.4914 20.6791 17.651 20.5003C17.8105 20.3214 17.9248 20.107 17.9844 19.8748L19.0878 15.7161C20.1704 15.572 21.1638 15.0398 21.8834 14.2183C22.603 13.3968 22.9998 12.3419 23 11.2498ZM4.25 18.7433V3.74984C8.26344 7.1164 12.3716 7.96859 14 8.17859V14.3173C12.3734 14.5311 8.26625 15.3814 4.25 18.7433ZM16.5312 19.4933V19.5036L15.5 18.8164V15.7498H17.525L16.5312 19.4933ZM18.5 14.2498H15.5V8.24984H18.5C19.2956 8.24984 20.0587 8.56591 20.6213 9.12852C21.1839 9.69112 21.5 10.4542 21.5 11.2498C21.5 12.0455 21.1839 12.8085 20.6213 13.3712C20.0587 13.9338 19.2956 14.2498 18.5 14.2498Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-text text-central case-tab-mob">Agenturen</div></div></a><a data-w-tab="Legal" class="use-case-tab-ink w-inline-block w-tab-link"><div 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22.25 21V15.6694C23.2119 14.6903 23.7506 13.3725 23.75 12ZM18.5 8.25C19.2417 8.25 19.9667 8.46993 20.5834 8.88199C21.2001 9.29404 21.6807 9.87971 21.9646 10.5649C22.2484 11.2502 22.3226 12.0042 22.1779 12.7316C22.0333 13.459 21.6761 14.1272 21.1517 14.6517C20.6272 15.1761 19.959 15.5333 19.2316 15.6779C18.5042 15.8226 17.7502 15.7484 17.0649 15.4645C16.3797 15.1807 15.794 14.7001 15.382 14.0834C14.9699 13.4667 14.75 12.7417 14.75 12C14.75 11.0054 15.1451 10.0516 15.8484 9.34835C16.5516 8.64509 17.5054 8.25 18.5 8.25ZM18.8356 18.8287C18.7314 18.7766 18.6165 18.7495 18.5 18.7495C18.3835 18.7495 18.2686 18.7766 18.1644 18.8287L16.25 19.7869V16.7428C16.9531 17.0767 17.7217 17.25 18.5 17.25C19.2783 17.25 20.0469 17.0767 20.75 16.7428V19.7869L18.8356 18.8287ZM13.25 18C13.25 18.1989 13.171 18.3897 13.0303 18.5303C12.8897 18.671 12.6989 18.75 12.5 18.75H4.25C3.85218 18.75 3.47064 18.592 3.18934 18.3107C2.90804 18.0294 2.75 17.6478 2.75 17.25V5.25C2.75 4.85218 2.90804 4.47064 3.18934 4.18934C3.47064 3.90804 3.85218 3.75 4.25 3.75H20.75C21.1478 3.75 21.5294 3.90804 21.8107 4.18934C22.092 4.47064 22.25 4.85218 22.25 5.25C22.25 5.44891 22.171 5.63968 22.0303 5.78033C21.8897 5.92098 21.6989 6 21.5 6C21.3011 6 21.1103 5.92098 20.9697 5.78033C20.829 5.63968 20.75 5.44891 20.75 5.25H4.25V17.25H12.5C12.6989 17.25 12.8897 17.329 13.0303 17.4697C13.171 17.6103 13.25 17.8011 13.25 18ZM11.75 12.75C11.75 12.9489 11.671 13.1397 11.5303 13.2803C11.3897 13.421 11.1989 13.5 11 13.5H7.25C7.05109 13.5 6.86032 13.421 6.71967 13.2803C6.57902 13.1397 6.5 12.9489 6.5 12.75C6.5 12.5511 6.57902 12.3603 6.71967 12.2197C6.86032 12.079 7.05109 12 7.25 12H11C11.1989 12 11.3897 12.079 11.5303 12.2197C11.671 12.3603 11.75 12.5511 11.75 12.75ZM11.75 9.75C11.75 9.94891 11.671 10.1397 11.5303 10.2803C11.3897 10.421 11.1989 10.5 11 10.5H7.25C7.05109 10.5 6.86032 10.421 6.71967 10.2803C6.57902 10.1397 6.5 9.94891 6.5 9.75C6.5 9.55109 6.57902 9.36032 6.71967 9.21967C6.86032 9.07902 7.05109 9 7.25 9H11C11.1989 9 11.3897 9.07902 11.5303 9.21967C11.671 9.36032 11.75 9.55109 11.75 9.75Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-text text-central">Anwaltskanzleien</div></div></a><a data-w-tab="Accounting" class="use-case-tab-ink w-inline-block w-tab-link"><div class="use-case-tab-content"><div class="use-case-tab-icon-box"><div class="code-embed-8 w-embed"><svg width="25" height="24" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Buchhaltung und Wirtschaftsprüfung</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21.5 5.25V19.5H3.5V4.5H20.75C20.9489 4.5 21.1397 4.57902 21.2803 4.71967C21.421 4.86032 21.5 5.05109 21.5 5.25Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M22.25 19.5C22.25 19.6989 22.171 19.8897 22.0303 20.0303C21.8897 20.171 21.6989 20.25 21.5 20.25H3.5C3.30109 20.25 3.11032 20.171 2.96967 20.0303C2.82902 19.8897 2.75 19.6989 2.75 19.5V4.5C2.75 4.30109 2.82902 4.11032 2.96967 3.96967C3.11032 3.82902 3.30109 3.75 3.5 3.75C3.69891 3.75 3.88968 3.82902 4.03033 3.96967C4.17098 4.11032 4.25 4.30109 4.25 4.5V14.6897L8.96937 9.96937C9.03903 9.89964 9.12175 9.84432 9.21279 9.80658C9.30384 9.76884 9.40144 9.74941 9.5 9.74941C9.59856 9.74941 9.69616 9.76884 9.78721 9.80658C9.87825 9.84432 9.96097 9.89964 10.0306 9.96937L12.5 12.4397L17.4397 7.5H15.5C15.3011 7.5 15.1103 7.42098 14.9697 7.28033C14.829 7.13968 14.75 6.94891 14.75 6.75C14.75 6.55109 14.829 6.36032 14.9697 6.21967C15.1103 6.07902 15.3011 6 15.5 6H19.25C19.4489 6 19.6397 6.07902 19.7803 6.21967C19.921 6.36032 20 6.55109 20 6.75V10.5C20 10.6989 19.921 10.8897 19.7803 11.0303C19.6397 11.171 19.4489 11.25 19.25 11.25C19.0511 11.25 18.8603 11.171 18.7197 11.0303C18.579 10.8897 18.5 10.6989 18.5 10.5V8.56031L13.0306 14.0306C12.961 14.1004 12.8783 14.1557 12.7872 14.1934C12.6962 14.2312 12.5986 14.2506 12.5 14.2506C12.4014 14.2506 12.3038 14.2312 12.2128 14.1934C12.1217 14.1557 12.039 14.1004 11.9694 14.0306L9.5 11.5603L4.25 16.8103V18.75H21.5C21.6989 18.75 21.8897 18.829 22.0303 18.9697C22.171 19.1103 22.25 19.3011 22.25 19.5Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-text text-central">Steuerberater</div></div></a><a data-w-tab="Architects" class="use-case-tab-ink w-inline-block w-tab-link"><div class="use-case-tab-content"><div class="use-case-tab-icon-box"><div class="code-embed-8 w-embed"><svg width="25" height="24" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Architekten und Ingenieure</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M20.75 10.8317V19.4999C20.75 19.6988 20.671 19.8895 20.5303 20.0302C20.3897 20.1708 20.1989 20.2499 20 20.2499H15.5C15.3011 20.2499 15.1103 20.1708 14.9697 20.0302C14.829 19.8895 14.75 19.6988 14.75 19.4999V14.9999C14.75 14.801 14.671 14.6102 14.5303 14.4695C14.3897 14.3289 14.1989 14.2499 14 14.2499H11C10.8011 14.2499 10.6103 14.3289 10.4697 14.4695C10.329 14.6102 10.25 14.801 10.25 14.9999V19.4999C10.25 19.6988 10.171 19.8895 10.0303 20.0302C9.88968 20.1708 9.69891 20.2499 9.5 20.2499H5C4.80109 20.2499 4.61032 20.1708 4.46967 20.0302C4.32902 19.8895 4.25 19.6988 4.25 19.4999V10.8317C4.25001 10.7272 4.27187 10.6239 4.31416 10.5283C4.35646 10.4327 4.41827 10.347 4.49562 10.2767L11.9956 3.19487C12.1337 3.06917 12.3137 2.99951 12.5005 2.99951C12.6872 2.99951 12.8672 3.06917 13.0053 3.19487L20.5053 10.2767C20.5825 10.3471 20.6441 10.4328 20.6863 10.5284C20.7284 10.624 20.7501 10.7273 20.75 10.8317Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M21.0153 9.72831L13.5153 2.65206C13.5116 2.64886 13.5082 2.64541 13.505 2.64175C13.2289 2.39062 12.869 2.25146 12.4958 2.25146C12.1225 2.25146 11.7627 2.39062 11.4866 2.64175L11.4763 2.65206L3.98469 9.72831C3.83187 9.86883 3.70989 10.0395 3.62646 10.2296C3.54303 10.4197 3.49997 10.6251 3.5 10.8327V19.4999C3.5 19.8977 3.65804 20.2792 3.93934 20.5605C4.22064 20.8418 4.60218 20.9999 5 20.9999H9.5C9.89782 20.9999 10.2794 20.8418 10.5607 20.5605C10.842 20.2792 11 19.8977 11 19.4999V14.9999H14V19.4999C14 19.8977 14.158 20.2792 14.4393 20.5605C14.7206 20.8418 15.1022 20.9999 15.5 20.9999H20C20.3978 20.9999 20.7794 20.8418 21.0607 20.5605C21.342 20.2792 21.5 19.8977 21.5 19.4999V10.8327C21.5 10.6251 21.457 10.4197 21.3735 10.2296C21.2901 10.0395 21.1681 9.86883 21.0153 9.72831ZM20 19.4999H15.5V14.9999C15.5 14.602 15.342 14.2205 15.0607 13.9392C14.7794 13.6579 14.3978 13.4999 14 13.4999H11C10.6022 13.4999 10.2206 13.6579 9.93934 13.9392C9.65804 14.2205 9.5 14.602 9.5 14.9999V19.4999H5V10.8327L5.01031 10.8233L12.5 3.74987L19.9906 10.8214L20.0009 10.8308L20 19.4999Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-text text-central">Architekten &amp; Ingenieure</div></div></a><a data-w-tab="Remote" class="use-case-tab-ink w-inline-block w-tab-link"><div class="use-case-tab-content"><div class="use-case-tab-icon-box"><div class="code-embed-8 w-embed"><svg width="25" height="24" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Remote-Teams</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M20.6564 15.8167C20.0095 17.1957 19.0247 18.3889 17.7933 19.2855L16.9158 18.407C16.8217 18.3127 16.7043 18.245 16.5755 18.2111L14.5626 17.6805C14.3842 17.6335 14.2294 17.5225 14.1277 17.3686C14.026 17.2146 13.9846 17.0286 14.0114 16.8461L14.2345 15.3273C14.2534 15.1993 14.3051 15.0782 14.3846 14.976C14.4641 14.8738 14.5687 14.794 14.6883 14.7442L17.5439 13.5573C17.6758 13.5026 17.8206 13.4867 17.9613 13.5114C18.102 13.5362 18.2326 13.6006 18.338 13.697L20.6564 15.8167ZM15.4898 9.84391L17.5683 7.42516C17.6851 7.28957 17.7496 7.11666 17.7501 6.93766V4.68766C16.0111 3.43693 13.8831 2.84745 11.7484 3.02519C9.61369 3.20292 7.61239 4.13621 6.10417 5.65731C4.59595 7.1784 3.67972 9.18756 3.52014 11.3237C3.36056 13.4598 3.96811 15.5828 5.23358 17.3111L6.16358 16.6998C6.26658 16.6318 6.35118 16.5394 6.4099 16.4308C6.46861 16.3222 6.49961 16.2008 6.50014 16.0773L6.51983 12.6808C6.52085 12.5336 6.56483 12.3899 6.64639 12.2673L8.60952 9.33297C8.66582 9.24941 8.73837 9.17805 8.82286 9.12315C8.90735 9.06825 9.00203 9.03093 9.10126 9.01343C9.20048 8.99593 9.30222 8.9986 9.40039 9.02129C9.49856 9.04398 9.59115 9.08621 9.67264 9.14547L11.5298 10.3642C11.6862 10.4769 11.8797 10.5255 12.0708 10.5002L15.0201 10.1008C15.203 10.0759 15.3702 9.9844 15.4898 9.84391Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96452 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 3.75C14.0984 3.7483 15.6625 4.21361 17 5.08875V6.9375L14.9216 9.35062L11.9713 9.75L11.9422 9.72937L10.0981 8.52375C9.93464 8.40858 9.74976 8.32727 9.55439 8.2846C9.35901 8.24192 9.15707 8.23875 8.96045 8.27526C8.76382 8.31177 8.57649 8.38723 8.40945 8.49721C8.24242 8.60718 8.09906 8.74944 7.98782 8.91562L6.02469 11.85C5.86115 12.0945 5.77312 12.3818 5.77157 12.6759L5.75 16.0725L5.44344 16.2741C4.68558 15.0228 4.27404 13.5926 4.25101 12.1299C4.22798 10.6672 4.59429 9.22469 5.31238 7.95021C6.03048 6.67573 7.07454 5.6151 8.33756 4.87703C9.60058 4.13896 11.0371 3.75 12.5 3.75ZM6.33969 17.4816L6.57594 17.3269C6.78224 17.1908 6.95172 17.0059 7.06932 16.7885C7.18691 16.5711 7.24898 16.3281 7.25 16.0809L7.26969 12.6844L9.23469 9.75C9.24432 9.75741 9.25433 9.76429 9.26469 9.77063L11.1088 10.9772C11.4178 11.1953 11.798 11.2881 12.1728 11.2369L15.125 10.8366C15.4891 10.788 15.8226 10.6075 16.0625 10.3294L18.1409 7.91437C18.3734 7.64204 18.5007 7.29554 18.5 6.9375V6.34406C19.5144 7.41731 20.2217 8.74352 20.5478 10.1839C20.8739 11.6242 20.8067 13.1257 20.3534 14.5312L18.8403 13.1475C18.63 12.9544 18.3689 12.8254 18.0877 12.7756C17.8066 12.7257 17.517 12.7572 17.2531 12.8663L14.3975 14.0522C14.1587 14.1524 13.9498 14.3125 13.7908 14.5169C13.6319 14.7213 13.5283 14.9633 13.49 15.2194L13.2659 16.7372C13.2121 17.1025 13.2949 17.4749 13.4985 17.783C13.7021 18.091 14.0122 18.3132 14.3694 18.4069L16.3813 18.9375L16.6025 19.1597C14.9596 20.1023 13.0421 20.4501 11.1729 20.1444C9.30362 19.8388 7.59676 18.8984 6.33969 17.4816ZM17.8438 18.2812L17.4406 17.8772C17.2526 17.6884 17.0177 17.5532 16.76 17.4853L14.75 16.9547L14.9741 15.4369L17.8288 14.25L19.7188 15.9825C19.237 16.8552 18.6019 17.634 17.8438 18.2812Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-text text-central">Remote-Teams</div></div></a><a data-w-tab="Software" class="use-case-tab-ink w-inline-block w-tab-link"><div class="use-case-tab-content"><div class="use-case-tab-icon-box"><div class="code-embed-8 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Software-Entwickler</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M22.5 12L18 15.75H6L1.5 12L6 8.25H18L22.5 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M6.47977 8.82659L2.67165 12L6.47977 15.1735C6.55763 15.2358 6.62227 15.313 6.66992 15.4006C6.71757 15.4882 6.74727 15.5845 6.75728 15.6837C6.76729 15.7829 6.75741 15.8831 6.72822 15.9785C6.69903 16.0739 6.65111 16.1624 6.58727 16.2391C6.52343 16.3157 6.44495 16.3788 6.35643 16.4247C6.2679 16.4706 6.17111 16.4984 6.07171 16.5065C5.9723 16.5146 5.87229 16.5027 5.77752 16.4717C5.68275 16.4406 5.59513 16.391 5.51977 16.3256L1.01978 12.5756C0.935337 12.5053 0.867403 12.4172 0.820784 12.3176C0.774165 12.2181 0.75 12.1095 0.75 11.9996C0.75 11.8896 0.774165 11.781 0.820784 11.6815C0.867403 11.5819 0.935337 11.4938 1.01978 11.4235L5.51977 7.67346C5.67269 7.54616 5.86991 7.48481 6.06805 7.50292C6.2662 7.52103 6.44903 7.61711 6.57634 7.77002C6.70364 7.92294 6.76499 8.12016 6.74688 8.3183C6.72877 8.51645 6.63269 8.69928 6.47977 8.82659ZM22.9798 11.4235L18.4798 7.67346C18.4041 7.61043 18.3167 7.56292 18.2226 7.53366C18.1285 7.5044 18.0296 7.49396 17.9315 7.50292C17.8334 7.51189 17.738 7.54009 17.6508 7.58592C17.5636 7.63175 17.4862 7.69431 17.4232 7.77002C17.2959 7.92294 17.2346 8.12016 17.2527 8.3183C17.2708 8.51645 17.3669 8.69928 17.5198 8.82659L21.3279 12L17.5198 15.1735C17.4419 15.2358 17.3773 15.313 17.3296 15.4006C17.282 15.4882 17.2523 15.5845 17.2423 15.6837C17.2323 15.7829 17.2421 15.8831 17.2713 15.9785C17.3005 16.0739 17.3484 16.1624 17.4123 16.2391C17.4761 16.3157 17.5546 16.3788 17.6431 16.4247C17.7316 16.4706 17.8284 16.4984 17.9278 16.5065C18.0272 16.5146 18.1273 16.5027 18.222 16.4717C18.3168 16.4406 18.4044 16.391 18.4798 16.3256L22.9798 12.5756C23.0642 12.5053 23.1321 12.4172 23.1788 12.3176C23.2254 12.2181 23.2495 12.1095 23.2495 11.9996C23.2495 11.8896 23.2254 11.781 23.1788 11.6815C23.1321 11.5819 23.0642 11.4938 22.9798 11.4235ZM15.2557 3.04502C15.1631 3.01141 15.0648 2.99636 14.9664 3.00074C14.868 3.00512 14.7715 3.02883 14.6822 3.07053C14.593 3.11223 14.5129 3.1711 14.4464 3.24377C14.3799 3.31645 14.3284 3.4015 14.2948 3.49409L8.29477 19.9941C8.26102 20.0867 8.24586 20.1851 8.25016 20.2836C8.25447 20.3821 8.27815 20.4788 8.31986 20.5681C8.36157 20.6575 8.42049 20.7377 8.49324 20.8043C8.56599 20.8708 8.65114 20.9224 8.74384 20.956C8.826 20.9852 8.91257 21.0001 8.99977 21C9.1538 21 9.30409 20.9526 9.43022 20.8642C9.55635 20.7758 9.65221 20.6507 9.70477 20.506L15.7048 4.00596C15.7384 3.91338 15.7534 3.81508 15.7491 3.71669C15.7447 3.61829 15.721 3.52172 15.6793 3.43249C15.6376 3.34325 15.5787 3.26311 15.506 3.19663C15.4334 3.13015 15.3483 3.07863 15.2557 3.04502Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-text text-central">Software-Entwicklung</div></div></a><a data-w-tab="Designers" class="use-case-tab-ink w-inline-block w-tab-link"><div class="use-case-tab-content"><div class="use-case-tab-icon-box"><div class="code-embed-8 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Designer und Kreative</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 11.9999C20.9996 10.4202 20.5835 8.86836 19.7933 7.50042C19.0032 6.13248 17.8669 4.99661 16.4987 4.20697C15.1305 3.41732 13.5785 3.00173 11.9987 3.00195C10.419 3.00217 8.86713 3.4182 7.49912 4.20823C6.13111 4.99826 4.99515 6.13444 4.20539 7.50261C3.41564 8.87077 2.99991 10.4227 3 12.0025C3.00009 13.5822 3.41599 15.1341 4.2059 16.5022C4.99581 17.8702 6.1319 19.0063 7.5 19.7962V16.4999L12 6.74993L16.5 16.4999V19.7962C17.8685 19.0061 19.0048 17.8696 19.7947 16.5011C20.5847 15.1325 21.0004 13.5801 21 11.9999Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M18.8945 5.10574C17.066 3.27724 14.586 2.25 12.0001 2.25C9.41423 2.25 6.93425 3.27724 5.10574 5.10574C3.27724 6.93425 2.25 9.41423 2.25 12.0001C2.25 14.586 3.27724 17.066 5.10574 18.8945C6.93425 20.723 9.41423 21.7502 12.0001 21.7502C14.586 21.7502 17.066 20.723 18.8945 18.8945C20.723 17.066 21.7502 14.586 21.7502 12.0001C21.7502 9.41423 20.723 6.93425 18.8945 5.10574ZM8.25012 18.0001C8.25012 17.6023 8.40815 17.2208 8.68946 16.9395C8.97076 16.6582 9.35229 16.5001 9.75012 16.5001C10.1479 16.5001 10.5295 16.6582 10.8108 16.9395C11.0921 17.2208 11.2501 17.6023 11.2501 18.0001V20.2117C10.2042 20.1171 9.18599 19.8237 8.25012 19.3473V18.0001ZM12.7501 18.0001C12.7501 17.6023 12.9082 17.2208 13.1895 16.9395C13.4708 16.6582 13.8523 16.5001 14.2501 16.5001C14.6479 16.5001 15.0295 16.6582 15.3108 16.9395C15.5921 17.2208 15.7501 17.6023 15.7501 18.0001V19.3473C14.8142 19.8237 13.796 20.1171 12.7501 20.2117V18.0001ZM10.0567 12.7501H13.9436L15.0292 15.1032C14.4891 14.9577 13.9191 14.9663 13.3837 15.1282C12.8483 15.2901 12.369 15.5988 12.0001 16.0192C11.6312 15.5988 11.1519 15.2901 10.6165 15.1282C10.0811 14.9663 9.5111 14.9577 8.97106 15.1032L10.0567 12.7501ZM10.7495 11.2501L12.0001 8.53981L13.2507 11.2501H10.7495ZM17.8332 17.8342C17.6457 18.0217 17.4507 18.197 17.2501 18.3629V16.5001C17.2502 16.3916 17.2266 16.2844 17.1807 16.1861L12.6807 6.43606C12.6206 6.30617 12.5246 6.19619 12.404 6.11912C12.2834 6.04205 12.1432 6.00109 12.0001 6.00109C11.857 6.00109 11.7169 6.04205 11.5962 6.11912C11.4756 6.19619 11.3796 6.30617 11.3195 6.43606L6.81949 16.1861C6.77367 16.2844 6.74999 16.3916 6.75012 16.5001V18.3629C6.54949 18.197 6.35449 18.0217 6.16699 17.8342C5.01307 16.6805 4.22719 15.2104 3.90874 13.6101C3.5903 12.0097 3.75359 10.3508 4.37798 8.84324C5.00236 7.33566 6.05978 6.0471 7.41651 5.14052C8.77325 4.23393 10.3684 3.75004 12.0001 3.75004C13.6319 3.75004 15.227 4.23393 16.5837 5.14052C17.9405 6.0471 18.9979 7.33566 19.6223 8.84324C20.2466 10.3508 20.4099 12.0097 20.0915 13.6101C19.773 15.2104 18.9872 16.6805 17.8332 17.8342Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-text text-central">Designer &amp; Kreative</div></div></a><a data-w-tab="Freelancers" class="use-case-tab-ink w-inline-block w-tab-link"><div class="use-case-tab-content"><div class="use-case-tab-icon-box"><div class="code-embed-8 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Freelancer</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M20.25 6.75V16.5H3.75V6.75C3.75 6.35218 3.90804 5.97064 4.18934 5.68934C4.47064 5.40804 4.85218 5.25 5.25 5.25H18.75C19.1478 5.25 19.5294 5.40804 19.8107 5.68934C20.092 5.97064 20.25 6.35218 20.25 6.75Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M21.75 15.75H21V6.75C21 6.15326 20.7629 5.58097 20.341 5.15901C19.919 4.73705 19.3467 4.5 18.75 4.5H5.25C4.65326 4.5 4.08097 4.73705 3.65901 5.15901C3.23705 5.58097 3 6.15326 3 6.75V15.75H2.25C2.05109 15.75 1.86032 15.829 1.71967 15.9697C1.57902 16.1103 1.5 16.3011 1.5 16.5V18C1.5 18.5967 1.73705 19.169 2.15901 19.591C2.58097 20.0129 3.15326 20.25 3.75 20.25H20.25C20.8467 20.25 21.419 20.0129 21.841 19.591C22.2629 19.169 22.5 18.5967 22.5 18V16.5C22.5 16.3011 22.421 16.1103 22.2803 15.9697C22.1397 15.829 21.9489 15.75 21.75 15.75ZM4.5 6.75C4.5 6.55109 4.57902 6.36032 4.71967 6.21967C4.86032 6.07902 5.05109 6 5.25 6H18.75C18.9489 6 19.1397 6.07902 19.2803 6.21967C19.421 6.36032 19.5 6.55109 19.5 6.75V15.75H4.5V6.75ZM21 18C21 18.1989 20.921 18.3897 20.7803 18.5303C20.6397 18.671 20.4489 18.75 20.25 18.75H3.75C3.55109 18.75 3.36032 18.671 3.21967 18.5303C3.07902 18.3897 3 18.1989 3 18V17.25H21V18ZM14.25 8.25C14.25 8.44891 14.171 8.63968 14.0303 8.78033C13.8897 8.92098 13.6989 9 13.5 9H10.5C10.3011 9 10.1103 8.92098 9.96967 8.78033C9.82902 8.63968 9.75 8.44891 9.75 8.25C9.75 8.05109 9.82902 7.86032 9.96967 7.71967C10.1103 7.57902 10.3011 7.5 10.5 7.5H13.5C13.6989 7.5 13.8897 7.57902 14.0303 7.71967C14.171 7.86032 14.25 8.05109 14.25 8.25Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-text text-central">Freelancer</div></div></a><a data-w-tab="Consultants" class="use-case-tab-ink w-inline-block w-tab-link"><div class="use-case-tab-content"><div class="use-case-tab-icon-box"><div class="code-embed-8 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Berater</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M18.75 14.25L15 18L9 16.5L3.75 12.75L6.75 6.75L12 5.25L17.25 6.75H13.5L9.21937 10.9022C9.1398 10.9817 9.07914 11.0781 9.04188 11.1843C9.00463 11.2905 8.99173 11.4037 9.00416 11.5155C9.01658 11.6273 9.05401 11.7349 9.11366 11.8303C9.17331 11.9257 9.25366 12.0064 9.34875 12.0666C10.9903 13.1156 13.2188 13.0434 15 11.25L18.75 14.25Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M11.227 20.4321C11.1865 20.5944 11.0928 20.7384 10.961 20.8413C10.8292 20.9443 10.6668 21.0002 10.4995 21.0002C10.4363 21.0005 10.3734 20.993 10.312 20.9777L7.31202 20.2277C7.2285 20.2067 7.14922 20.1715 7.07765 20.1237L4.82765 18.6237C4.66218 18.5133 4.54734 18.3417 4.5084 18.1466C4.46945 17.9515 4.5096 17.749 4.61999 17.5835C4.73039 17.418 4.902 17.3032 5.09706 17.2643C5.29213 17.2253 5.49468 17.2655 5.66015 17.3758L7.8014 18.8037L10.6758 19.5227C10.7718 19.546 10.8623 19.588 10.942 19.6464C11.0218 19.7048 11.0892 19.7783 11.1404 19.8628C11.1917 19.9473 11.2257 20.0411 11.2405 20.1388C11.2554 20.2365 11.2508 20.3362 11.227 20.4321ZM23.6667 11.389C23.6052 11.5759 23.5072 11.7488 23.3785 11.8976C23.2498 12.0465 23.0928 12.1683 22.9167 12.2562L20.6967 13.3662L15.533 18.5308C15.4413 18.6224 15.3275 18.6887 15.2027 18.7232C15.0778 18.7577 14.9461 18.7592 14.8205 18.7277L8.82046 17.2277C8.72922 17.2048 8.64305 17.1651 8.5664 17.1105L3.3614 13.3943L1.08515 12.2562C0.729402 12.0783 0.458845 11.7665 0.332968 11.3892C0.207092 11.0119 0.236203 10.6001 0.4139 10.2443L2.74359 5.58585C2.92142 5.2301 3.23327 4.95955 3.61054 4.83367C3.98782 4.70779 4.39964 4.7369 4.75546 4.9146L6.82359 5.94585L11.7923 4.52648C11.9271 4.48792 12.07 4.48792 12.2048 4.52648L17.1736 5.94585L19.2417 4.9146C19.5975 4.7369 20.0094 4.70779 20.3866 4.83367C20.7639 4.95955 21.0758 5.2301 21.2536 5.58585L23.5833 10.2443C23.6721 10.4201 23.7253 10.6118 23.7396 10.8083C23.7539 11.0048 23.7291 11.2021 23.6667 11.389ZM19.3373 12.6021L16.7864 7.50023H13.8033L9.74952 11.4377C10.9364 12.1962 12.7973 12.4052 14.467 10.7224C14.5974 10.591 14.7718 10.5124 14.9567 10.5019C15.1415 10.4913 15.3238 10.5495 15.4683 10.6652L18.6942 13.2499L19.3373 12.6021ZM1.75546 10.9146L3.4139 11.7443L5.74359 7.08585L4.08515 6.25616L1.75546 10.9146ZM17.6245 14.3121L15.0267 12.2318C13.1948 13.7318 10.8689 13.9296 8.9414 12.7005C8.7518 12.5799 8.59171 12.4183 8.47298 12.2275C8.35424 12.0367 8.27989 11.8217 8.25541 11.5983C8.23093 11.3749 8.25695 11.1489 8.33155 10.9369C8.40615 10.725 8.52742 10.5325 8.6864 10.3737C8.68866 10.3709 8.69117 10.3684 8.6939 10.3662L12.8995 6.2871L11.9995 6.03023L7.27265 7.38116L4.70671 12.5121L9.31921 15.8074L14.7698 17.1696L17.6245 14.3121ZM22.2408 10.9146L19.9139 6.25616L18.2555 7.08585L20.5851 11.7443L22.2408 10.9146Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-text text-central">Berater</div></div></a><a data-w-tab="It" class="use-case-tab-ink w-inline-block w-tab-link"><div class="use-case-tab-content"><div class="use-case-tab-icon-box"><div class="code-embed-8 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>IT-Dienstleister</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M12 12.1024V21.7502C11.874 21.7497 11.7502 21.7175 11.64 21.6565L3.39 17.1415C3.2722 17.077 3.17386 16.9821 3.10526 16.8667C3.03666 16.7512 3.0003 16.6195 3 16.4852V7.51896C3.00003 7.41329 3.0224 7.30883 3.06563 7.2124L12 12.1024Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M20.97 6.2017L12.72 1.68764C12.4996 1.56584 12.2518 1.50195 12 1.50195C11.7482 1.50195 11.5004 1.56584 11.28 1.68764L3.03 6.20358C2.7944 6.33249 2.59772 6.52229 2.46052 6.75316C2.32331 6.98404 2.25061 7.24751 2.25 7.51608V16.4823C2.25061 16.7509 2.32331 17.0144 2.46052 17.2452C2.59772 17.4761 2.7944 17.6659 3.03 17.7948L11.28 22.3108C11.5004 22.4326 11.7482 22.4964 12 22.4964C12.2518 22.4964 12.4996 22.4326 12.72 22.3108L20.97 17.7948C21.2056 17.6659 21.4023 17.4761 21.5395 17.2452C21.6767 17.0144 21.7494 16.7509 21.75 16.4823V7.51701C21.7499 7.24797 21.6774 6.98391 21.5402 6.7525C21.403 6.52108 21.206 6.33084 20.97 6.2017ZM12 3.00014L19.5319 7.12514L12 11.2501L4.46812 7.12514L12 3.00014ZM3.75 8.43764L11.25 12.542V20.5848L3.75 16.4833V8.43764ZM12.75 20.5848V12.5458L20.25 8.43764V16.4795L12.75 20.5848Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-text text-central">IT-Dienstleister</div></div></a></div><div class="w-tab-content"><div data-w-tab="Marketing" class="w-tab-pane w--tab-active"><section class="use-case-tab-content-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer features-banner-tab-content-container w-container"><div class="use-case-tab-content-wrapper"><div class="w-layout-grid use-case-tab-content-grid"><div class="use-case-tab-content-hero"><div class="use-case-tab-content_wrapper"><h3 class="h3 align-left mob-h3">Agenturen</h3><div class="p-2-book mob-p-1-book">Marketing-, Werbe- und Digitalagenturen nutzen automatische Zeiterfassung, um die Stundenerfassung für alle Teammitglieder schnell und einfach zu gestalten. Genaue Daten ermöglichen die Einschätzung von Projekten sowie die Planung von Kapazitäten und helfen dir dabei, der unbezahlten Betreuung oder zu geringen Abrechnung von Kunden ein für alle Mal ein Ende zu setzen.</div><div class="int-icloud-cal-banner-benefits"><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book mob-p-1-book">Einfache Zeiterfassung &amp; Stundenerfassung für alle</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book mob-p-1-book">Keine Überbetreuung &amp; 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2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section></div><div data-w-tab="Legal" class="w-tab-pane"><section class="use-case-tab-content-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer features-banner-tab-content-container w-container"><div class="use-case-tab-content-wrapper"><div class="w-layout-grid use-case-tab-content-grid"><div class="use-case-tab-content-hero"><div class="use-case-tab-content_wrapper"><h3 class="h3 align-left">Anwaltskanzleien</h3><div class="p-2-book">Die meisten Anwälte müssen sich ihren Tag in 6-Minuten-Intervallen merken – unmöglich ohne automatische Zeiterfassung. Memtime unterstützt Anwaltskanzleien dabei, abrechenbare Stunden zurückzugewinnen, rentabler zu werden und den Umsatz pro Anwalt und Profit pro Partner zu steigern.</div><div class="int-icloud-cal-banner-benefits"><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Arbeitstage werden in 6-Minuten-Intervallen angezeigt</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Sofortige Stundenerfassung in der Kanzleisoftware</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Erhöhter Umsatz &amp; Gewinn pro Partner</div></div></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-cal-banner-button"><a href="/de/termin-vereinbaren" target="_blank" class="talk-to-us-button-xl">Sprich mit uns</a><a href="/de/anwaltskanzleien" target="_blank" class="details-outline-button-xl w-button">Weitere Details</a></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-content-img"><div id="w-node-_32ac1f64-af30-4526-86f5-22dd22cc2233-9306e1eb" class="use-case-tab-left-comment-wrapper"><div class="use-case-comment-border"></div><div id="w-node-_32ac1f64-af30-4526-86f5-22dd22cc2235-9306e1eb" class="use-case-tab-left-comment-brand"><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-content"><div class="feature-card-left-comment-box w-embed"><svg width="53" height="40" viewBox="0 0 53 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.532 20.1967C11.9228 20.2842 11.0961 20.3279 10.0517 20.3279C6.74466 20.3279 4.22085 19.4098 2.4803 17.5738C0.826765 15.6503 0 13.2896 0 10.4918C0 7.51912 0.957307 5.02732 2.87192 3.01639C4.87356 1.00546 7.57143 0 10.9655 0C14.4466 0 17.2315 1.00546 19.3202 3.01639C21.4089 4.93988 22.4532 7.78142 22.4532 11.541C22.4532 16.612 20.9302 21.7705 17.8842 27.0164C14.8383 32.1749 11.0961 36.5027 6.65764 40L4.0468 37.2459C9.70361 31.2131 12.532 25.5301 12.532 20.1967ZM43.0788 20.1967C42.4696 20.2842 41.6429 20.3279 40.5985 20.3279C37.2915 20.3279 34.7677 19.4098 33.0271 17.5738C31.3736 15.6503 30.5468 13.2896 30.5468 10.4918C30.5468 7.51912 31.5041 5.02732 33.4187 3.01639C35.4204 1.00546 38.1182 0 41.5123 0C44.9934 0 47.7783 1.00546 49.867 3.01639C51.9557 4.93988 53 7.78142 53 11.541C53 16.612 51.477 21.7705 48.431 27.0164C45.3851 32.1749 41.6429 36.5027 37.2044 40L34.5936 37.2459C40.2504 31.2131 43.0788 25.5301 43.0788 20.1967Z" fill="#B5D2F8"/> </svg></div><div class="q-l q-l-mob">Memtime macht jede Minute meiner Zeit abrechenbar.</div></div><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar-box"><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Dr. Nik Sarafi Bewertung von Memtime"/></div><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar-body"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Dr. Nik Sarafi</div><div class="feature-2clm-comment-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section></div><div data-w-tab="Accounting" class="w-tab-pane"><section class="use-case-tab-content-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer features-banner-tab-content-container w-container"><div class="use-case-tab-content-wrapper"><div class="w-layout-grid use-case-tab-content-grid"><div class="use-case-tab-content-hero"><div class="use-case-tab-content_wrapper"><h3 class="h3 align-left"><strong>Steuerberater</strong></h3><div class="p-2-book">Die Zeiterfassung für Finanzdienstleistungen erfolgt in der Regel in kurzen Intervallen von 6 bis 15 Minuten. Weil die Arbeit im steuerrechtlichen Bereich sehr E-Mail-lastig ist, bietet automatische Zeiterfassung dir die einzige Möglichkeit, dich im Detail an deinen Tag zu erinnern und Mandanten die richtigen Zeiten zuzuweisen.</div><div class="int-icloud-cal-banner-benefits"><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Sieh dir deinen Tag in allen Details an</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Hol dir abrechenbare Zeit in 1- bis 60-Minuten-Intervallen zurück</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Einfacher Export von Zeiteinträgen an deine Kanzleisoftware</div></div></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-cal-banner-button"><a href="/de/termin-vereinbaren" target="_blank" class="talk-to-us-button-xl">Sprich mit uns</a><a href="/de/steuern-finanzen" target="_blank" class="details-outline-button-xl w-button">Weitere 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20.3279 40.5985 20.3279C37.2915 20.3279 34.7677 19.4098 33.0271 17.5738C31.3736 15.6503 30.5468 13.2896 30.5468 10.4918C30.5468 7.51912 31.5041 5.02732 33.4187 3.01639C35.4204 1.00546 38.1182 0 41.5123 0C44.9934 0 47.7783 1.00546 49.867 3.01639C51.9557 4.93988 53 7.78142 53 11.541C53 16.612 51.477 21.7705 48.431 27.0164C45.3851 32.1749 41.6429 36.5027 37.2044 40L34.5936 37.2459C40.2504 31.2131 43.0788 25.5301 43.0788 20.1967Z" fill="#B5D2F8"/> </svg></div><div class="q-l q-l-mob">Unser Team ist weniger überfordert und kann sich besser auf wichtige Aufgaben konzentrieren.</div></div><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar-box"><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Josh L. Bewertung von Memtime"/></div><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar-body"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Josh L.</div><div class="feature-2clm-comment-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section></div><div data-w-tab="Architects" class="w-tab-pane"><section class="use-case-tab-content-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer features-banner-tab-content-container w-container"><div class="use-case-tab-content-wrapper"><div class="w-layout-grid use-case-tab-content-grid"><div class="use-case-tab-content-hero"><div class="use-case-tab-content_wrapper"><h3 class="h3 align-left"><strong>Architekten &amp; Ingenieure</strong></h3><div class="p-2-book">Architekten und Ingenieure brauchen benutzerfreundliche und intuitive Lösungen zur Projektzeiterfassung. Anders als bei manuellen Timern findet Memtime&#x27;s automatische und sichere Aufzeichnung von Aktivitäten diskret im Hintergrund statt und lenkt nicht von der Arbeit an Projekten ab.</div><div class="int-icloud-cal-banner-benefits"><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Vergiss Zeiterfassung ein für alle Mal</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Bleibe im Budget &amp; vermeide das Ausufern von Projekten</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Verbessere die Einschätzung &amp; das Upselling rentabler Projekte</div></div></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-cal-banner-button"><a href="/de/termin-vereinbaren" target="_blank" class="talk-to-us-button-xl">Sprich mit uns</a><a href="/de/architekten-ingenieure" target="_blank" class="details-outline-button-xl w-button">Weitere Details</a></div></div><div 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20.3279C37.2915 20.3279 34.7677 19.4098 33.0271 17.5738C31.3736 15.6503 30.5468 13.2896 30.5468 10.4918C30.5468 7.51912 31.5041 5.02732 33.4187 3.01639C35.4204 1.00546 38.1182 0 41.5123 0C44.9934 0 47.7783 1.00546 49.867 3.01639C51.9557 4.93988 53 7.78142 53 11.541C53 16.612 51.477 21.7705 48.431 27.0164C45.3851 32.1749 41.6429 36.5027 37.2044 40L34.5936 37.2459C40.2504 31.2131 43.0788 25.5301 43.0788 20.1967Z" fill="#B5D2F8"/> </svg></div><div class="q-l q-l-mob">Es ist nicht mehr nötig, Timer zu starten und zu stoppen – das vergesse ich sowieso immer.</div></div><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar-box"><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Sue C. 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6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section></div><div data-w-tab="Remote" class="w-tab-pane"><section class="use-case-tab-content-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer features-banner-tab-content-container w-container"><div class="use-case-tab-content-wrapper"><div class="w-layout-grid use-case-tab-content-grid"><div class="use-case-tab-content-hero"><div class="use-case-tab-content_wrapper"><h3 class="h3 align-left"><strong>Remote-Teams</strong></h3><div class="p-2-book">Remote-Teams nutzen Memtime&#x27;s datenschutzorientierte Zeiterfassung, um das Ausfüllen von Stundenzetteln für alle so einfach wie möglich zu machen – ohne die Privatsphäre ihrer Mitarbeiter zu verletzen. Erhalte verlässliche, aktuelle Daten von deinen Remote-Arbeitern, um die volle Kontrolle über den Status und das Budget von Projekten zu haben.</div><div class="int-icloud-cal-banner-benefits"><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Aktivitäten werden ausschließlich auf dem Gerät des jeweiligen Benutzers gespeichert</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Detaillierte Übersicht über deinen Arbeitstag für jedes vergangene Datum</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Unaufdringliche Lösung zur Steigerung der Produktivität</div></div></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-cal-banner-button"><a href="/de/termin-vereinbaren" target="_blank" class="talk-to-us-button-xl">Sprich mit uns</a><a href="/de/remote-teams" target="_blank" class="details-outline-button-xl w-button">Weitere Details</a></div></div><div 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20.3279 34.7677 19.4098 33.0271 17.5738C31.3736 15.6503 30.5468 13.2896 30.5468 10.4918C30.5468 7.51912 31.5041 5.02732 33.4187 3.01639C35.4204 1.00546 38.1182 0 41.5123 0C44.9934 0 47.7783 1.00546 49.867 3.01639C51.9557 4.93988 53 7.78142 53 11.541C53 16.612 51.477 21.7705 48.431 27.0164C45.3851 32.1749 41.6429 36.5027 37.2044 40L34.5936 37.2459C40.2504 31.2131 43.0788 25.5301 43.0788 20.1967Z" fill="#B5D2F8"/> </svg></div><div class="q-l q-l-mob">Memtime hilft uns, Klarheit über Projektumfänge und unsere Kapazitäten zu erhalten.</div></div><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar-box"><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Joeri V. Bewertung von Memtime"/></div><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar-body"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Marco T.</div><div class="feature-2clm-comment-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section></div><div data-w-tab="Software" class="w-tab-pane"><section class="use-case-tab-content-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer features-banner-tab-content-container w-container"><div class="use-case-tab-content-wrapper"><div 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Memtime trackt Entwickler-Tools und synchronisiert Zeiteinträge mit der Projektsoftware deiner Wahl – für eine einfache und sichere Stundenerfassung.</div><div class="int-icloud-cal-banner-benefits"><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Automatische Zeiterfassung für Entwickler mit 100 % Privatsphäre</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Präzise Einschätzung von Aufgaben &amp; Planung von Sprints</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Projekte bleiben im Zeitplan &amp; im Budget</div></div></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-cal-banner-button"><a href="/de/termin-vereinbaren" target="_blank" class="talk-to-us-button-xl">Sprich mit uns</a><a href="/de/software-entwicklung" target="_blank" class="details-outline-button-xl w-button">Weitere Details</a></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-content-img"><div id="w-node-d0ec9377-6ae6-12e8-72ca-c695b7fcca6a-9306e1eb" class="use-case-tab-left-comment-wrapper"><div class="use-case-comment-border"></div><div id="w-node-d0ec9377-6ae6-12e8-72ca-c695b7fcca6c-9306e1eb" class="use-case-tab-left-comment-brand"><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-content"><div class="feature-card-left-comment-box w-embed"><svg width="53" height="40" viewBox="0 0 53 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.532 20.1967C11.9228 20.2842 11.0961 20.3279 10.0517 20.3279C6.74466 20.3279 4.22085 19.4098 2.4803 17.5738C0.826765 15.6503 0 13.2896 0 10.4918C0 7.51912 0.957307 5.02732 2.87192 3.01639C4.87356 1.00546 7.57143 0 10.9655 0C14.4466 0 17.2315 1.00546 19.3202 3.01639C21.4089 4.93988 22.4532 7.78142 22.4532 11.541C22.4532 16.612 20.9302 21.7705 17.8842 27.0164C14.8383 32.1749 11.0961 36.5027 6.65764 40L4.0468 37.2459C9.70361 31.2131 12.532 25.5301 12.532 20.1967ZM43.0788 20.1967C42.4696 20.2842 41.6429 20.3279 40.5985 20.3279C37.2915 20.3279 34.7677 19.4098 33.0271 17.5738C31.3736 15.6503 30.5468 13.2896 30.5468 10.4918C30.5468 7.51912 31.5041 5.02732 33.4187 3.01639C35.4204 1.00546 38.1182 0 41.5123 0C44.9934 0 47.7783 1.00546 49.867 3.01639C51.9557 4.93988 53 7.78142 53 11.541C53 16.612 51.477 21.7705 48.431 27.0164C45.3851 32.1749 41.6429 36.5027 37.2044 40L34.5936 37.2459C40.2504 31.2131 43.0788 25.5301 43.0788 20.1967Z" fill="#B5D2F8"/> </svg></div><div class="q-l q-l-mob">Memtime schafft Klarheit über den wahren Projekt-Workload.</div></div><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar-box"><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Elle F. Bewertung von Memtime"/></div><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar-body"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">G2 Verifizierte Nutzerbewertung</div><div class="feature-2clm-comment-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 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8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section></div><div data-w-tab="Designers" class="w-tab-pane"><section class="use-case-tab-content-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer features-banner-tab-content-container w-container"><div class="use-case-tab-content-wrapper"><div class="w-layout-grid use-case-tab-content-grid"><div class="use-case-tab-content-hero"><div class="use-case-tab-content_wrapper"><h3 class="h3 align-left">Designer &amp; Kreative</h3><div class="p-2-book">Designer haben es besonders schwer mit manuellen Zeiterfassungsmethoden, weil sie stören und ineffizient sind. Memtime&#x27;s automatische Zeiterfassung ist das perfekte Add-On für jeden kreativen Prozess, der sich auf verlässliche und benutzerfreundliche Tools zur Projektverwaltung stützt.</div><div class="int-icloud-cal-banner-benefits"><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Automatische Zeiterfassung in <a href="/de/figma-time-tracking">Figma</a>, Photoshop usw.</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Verknüpfe deine Projektsoftware für eine schnelle Stundenerfassung</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Endlich verlässliche Einschätzung kreativer Aufgaben</div></div></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-cal-banner-button"><a href="/de/termin-vereinbaren" target="_blank" class="talk-to-us-button-xl">Sprich mit uns</a><a href="/de/designer-kreative" target="_blank" class="details-outline-button-xl w-button">Weitere 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34.7677 19.4098 33.0271 17.5738C31.3736 15.6503 30.5468 13.2896 30.5468 10.4918C30.5468 7.51912 31.5041 5.02732 33.4187 3.01639C35.4204 1.00546 38.1182 0 41.5123 0C44.9934 0 47.7783 1.00546 49.867 3.01639C51.9557 4.93988 53 7.78142 53 11.541C53 16.612 51.477 21.7705 48.431 27.0164C45.3851 32.1749 41.6429 36.5027 37.2044 40L34.5936 37.2459C40.2504 31.2131 43.0788 25.5301 43.0788 20.1967Z" fill="#B5D2F8"/> </svg></div><div class="q-l q-l-mob">Ich kann geleistete mit  geschätzten Stunden vergleichen und sehen, ob ich im Budget bin.</div></div><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar-box"><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Iris C. 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6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section></div><div data-w-tab="Freelancers" class="w-tab-pane"><section class="use-case-tab-content-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer features-banner-tab-content-container w-container"><div class="use-case-tab-content-wrapper"><div class="w-layout-grid use-case-tab-content-grid"><div class="use-case-tab-content-hero"><div class="use-case-tab-content_wrapper"><h3 class="h3 align-left">Freelancer</h3><div class="p-2-book">Freelancer jonglieren oft mit mehreren Projekten auf einmal, während sie gleichzeitig versuchen, ihre Zeit im Auge zu behalten – keine leichte Aufgabe mit manueller Zeiterfassung. Memtime läuft unauffällig im Hintergrund und erinnert sich an deinen Arbeitstag, damit du nicht mehr an Timer oder Stoppuhren denken musst und dich auf deine  Projekte konzentrieren kannst.</div><div class="int-icloud-cal-banner-benefits"><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Projekte &amp; Aufgaben werden automatisch erfasst</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Hol dir jede abrechenbare Minute deiner Zeit zurück</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Stelle Kunden faire Rechnungen &amp; biete profitable Dienstleistungen an</div></div></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-cal-banner-button"><a href=";language=de" target="_blank" class="talk-to-us-button-xl">Jetzt kostenlos testen</a><a href="/de/freelancer" target="_blank" class="details-outline-button-xl w-button">Weitere Details</a></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-content-img"><div id="w-node-b9ba52e7-536a-7c1a-c355-30696b77e695-9306e1eb" class="use-case-tab-left-comment-wrapper"><div class="use-case-comment-border"></div><div id="w-node-b9ba52e7-536a-7c1a-c355-30696b77e697-9306e1eb" class="use-case-tab-left-comment-brand"><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-content"><div class="feature-card-left-comment-box w-embed"><svg width="53" height="40" viewBox="0 0 53 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.532 20.1967C11.9228 20.2842 11.0961 20.3279 10.0517 20.3279C6.74466 20.3279 4.22085 19.4098 2.4803 17.5738C0.826765 15.6503 0 13.2896 0 10.4918C0 7.51912 0.957307 5.02732 2.87192 3.01639C4.87356 1.00546 7.57143 0 10.9655 0C14.4466 0 17.2315 1.00546 19.3202 3.01639C21.4089 4.93988 22.4532 7.78142 22.4532 11.541C22.4532 16.612 20.9302 21.7705 17.8842 27.0164C14.8383 32.1749 11.0961 36.5027 6.65764 40L4.0468 37.2459C9.70361 31.2131 12.532 25.5301 12.532 20.1967ZM43.0788 20.1967C42.4696 20.2842 41.6429 20.3279 40.5985 20.3279C37.2915 20.3279 34.7677 19.4098 33.0271 17.5738C31.3736 15.6503 30.5468 13.2896 30.5468 10.4918C30.5468 7.51912 31.5041 5.02732 33.4187 3.01639C35.4204 1.00546 38.1182 0 41.5123 0C44.9934 0 47.7783 1.00546 49.867 3.01639C51.9557 4.93988 53 7.78142 53 11.541C53 16.612 51.477 21.7705 48.431 27.0164C45.3851 32.1749 41.6429 36.5027 37.2044 40L34.5936 37.2459C40.2504 31.2131 43.0788 25.5301 43.0788 20.1967Z" fill="#B5D2F8"/> </svg></div><div class="q-l q-l-mob">Die einzige App, die mir die benötigte Genauigkeit für meine Projekte bietet.</div></div><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar-box"><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Krista M. Bewertung von Memtime"/></div><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar-body"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Krista M.</div><div class="feature-2clm-comment-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section></div><div data-w-tab="Consultants" class="w-tab-pane"><section class="use-case-tab-content-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer features-banner-tab-content-container w-container"><div class="use-case-tab-content-wrapper"><div class="w-layout-grid use-case-tab-content-grid"><div class="use-case-tab-content-hero"><div class="use-case-tab-content_wrapper"><h3 class="h3 align-left">Berater</h3><div class="p-2-book">Berater brauchen Präzision, wenn es um das Tracking abrechenbarer Stunden geht. Memtime&#x27;s automatische Zeiterfassung hilft Beratern, sich an jeden Tag auf die Minute genau zu erinnern, Kunden die passenden Zeiten zuzuweisen und diese fair abzurechnen.</div><div class="int-icloud-cal-banner-benefits"><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Sieh dir jeden vergangenen Arbeitstag bis ins kleinste Detail an</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Dein Zeitprotokoll hilft dir, dich zu erinnern &amp; Zeiteinträge zu erstellen</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Steigere deinen Umsatz, indem du dich auf profitable Dienstleistungen konzentrierst </div></div></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-cal-banner-button"><a href="/de/termin-vereinbaren" target="_blank" class="talk-to-us-button-xl">Sprich mit uns</a><a href="/de/berater" target="_blank" class="details-outline-button-xl w-button">Weitere Details</a></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-content-img"><div id="w-node-_00602314-9fe9-4efd-6c4d-8f04035848df-9306e1eb" class="use-case-tab-left-comment-wrapper"><div class="use-case-comment-border"></div><div id="w-node-_00602314-9fe9-4efd-6c4d-8f04035848e1-9306e1eb" class="use-case-tab-left-comment-brand"><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-content"><div class="feature-card-left-comment-box w-embed"><svg width="53" height="40" viewBox="0 0 53 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.532 20.1967C11.9228 20.2842 11.0961 20.3279 10.0517 20.3279C6.74466 20.3279 4.22085 19.4098 2.4803 17.5738C0.826765 15.6503 0 13.2896 0 10.4918C0 7.51912 0.957307 5.02732 2.87192 3.01639C4.87356 1.00546 7.57143 0 10.9655 0C14.4466 0 17.2315 1.00546 19.3202 3.01639C21.4089 4.93988 22.4532 7.78142 22.4532 11.541C22.4532 16.612 20.9302 21.7705 17.8842 27.0164C14.8383 32.1749 11.0961 36.5027 6.65764 40L4.0468 37.2459C9.70361 31.2131 12.532 25.5301 12.532 20.1967ZM43.0788 20.1967C42.4696 20.2842 41.6429 20.3279 40.5985 20.3279C37.2915 20.3279 34.7677 19.4098 33.0271 17.5738C31.3736 15.6503 30.5468 13.2896 30.5468 10.4918C30.5468 7.51912 31.5041 5.02732 33.4187 3.01639C35.4204 1.00546 38.1182 0 41.5123 0C44.9934 0 47.7783 1.00546 49.867 3.01639C51.9557 4.93988 53 7.78142 53 11.541C53 16.612 51.477 21.7705 48.431 27.0164C45.3851 32.1749 41.6429 36.5027 37.2044 40L34.5936 37.2459C40.2504 31.2131 43.0788 25.5301 43.0788 20.1967Z" fill="#B5D2F8"/> </svg></div><div class="q-l q-l-mob">Besseres Rentabilitätsmanagement und bessere Ressourcenplanung.</div></div><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar-box"><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Daniel S. Bewertung von Memtime "/></div><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar-body"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">G2 Verifizierte Nutzerbewertung</div><div class="feature-2clm-comment-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section></div><div data-w-tab="It" class="w-tab-pane"><section class="use-case-tab-content-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer features-banner-tab-content-container w-container"><div class="use-case-tab-content-wrapper"><div class="w-layout-grid use-case-tab-content-grid"><div class="use-case-tab-content-hero"><div class="use-case-tab-content_wrapper"><h3 class="h3 align-left mob-h3">IT-Dienstleister</h3><div class="p-2-book">Anders als andere Zeiterfassungsprogramme für IT-Unternehmen garantiert Memtime den vollständigen Schutz deiner eigenen Daten und der Daten deiner Kunden. Deine Zeit wird automatisch im Hintergrund aufgezeichnet und lokal auf deinem Gerät gespeichert, um deine Privatsphäre zu schützen.</div><div class="int-icloud-cal-banner-benefits"><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Memtime speichert deine Zeit in Programmen sicher &amp; offline</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Selbstständige &amp; automatische Zeiterfassung in Entwickler-Tools</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book">Verlässliche Daten für die präzise Einschätzung zukünftiger Projekte</div></div></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-cal-banner-button"><a href="/de/termin-vereinbaren" target="_blank" class="talk-to-us-button-xl">Sprich mit uns</a><a href="/de/it-dienstleister" target="_blank" class="details-outline-button-xl w-button">Weitere Details</a></div></div><div class="use-case-tab-content-img"><div id="w-node-_4a2dc66b-63d7-bb0e-9f3c-6ae316c45894-9306e1eb" class="use-case-tab-left-comment-wrapper"><div class="use-case-comment-border"></div><div id="w-node-_4a2dc66b-63d7-bb0e-9f3c-6ae316c45896-9306e1eb" class="use-case-tab-left-comment-brand"><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-content"><div class="feature-card-left-comment-box w-embed"><svg width="53" height="40" viewBox="0 0 53 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.532 20.1967C11.9228 20.2842 11.0961 20.3279 10.0517 20.3279C6.74466 20.3279 4.22085 19.4098 2.4803 17.5738C0.826765 15.6503 0 13.2896 0 10.4918C0 7.51912 0.957307 5.02732 2.87192 3.01639C4.87356 1.00546 7.57143 0 10.9655 0C14.4466 0 17.2315 1.00546 19.3202 3.01639C21.4089 4.93988 22.4532 7.78142 22.4532 11.541C22.4532 16.612 20.9302 21.7705 17.8842 27.0164C14.8383 32.1749 11.0961 36.5027 6.65764 40L4.0468 37.2459C9.70361 31.2131 12.532 25.5301 12.532 20.1967ZM43.0788 20.1967C42.4696 20.2842 41.6429 20.3279 40.5985 20.3279C37.2915 20.3279 34.7677 19.4098 33.0271 17.5738C31.3736 15.6503 30.5468 13.2896 30.5468 10.4918C30.5468 7.51912 31.5041 5.02732 33.4187 3.01639C35.4204 1.00546 38.1182 0 41.5123 0C44.9934 0 47.7783 1.00546 49.867 3.01639C51.9557 4.93988 53 7.78142 53 11.541C53 16.612 51.477 21.7705 48.431 27.0164C45.3851 32.1749 41.6429 36.5027 37.2044 40L34.5936 37.2459C40.2504 31.2131 43.0788 25.5301 43.0788 20.1967Z" fill="#B5D2F8"/> </svg></div><div class="q-l q-l-mob">Wir gewinnen jede Woche 5 abrechenbare Stunden zurück.</div></div><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar-box"><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Andreas Z. Bewertung von Memtime "/></div><div class="use-case-tab-left-comment-avatar-body"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Andreas Z.</div><div class="feature-2clm-comment-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 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1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section></div></div></div></div></div></section><section class="home-4-clm-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer home-4-clm-section-container w-container"><div id="w-node-c12f14f1-8279-11e7-db1d-08b79db5d803-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-layout home-4-clm-wrapper wf-layout-layout"><div id="w-node-c12f14f1-8279-11e7-db1d-08b79db5d804-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-cell home-4-clm-left-heading"><div id="w-node-c12f14f1-8279-11e7-db1d-08b79db5d805-9306e1eb" class="home-4-clm-heading"><h2 id="w-node-c12f14f1-8279-11e7-db1d-08b79db5d806-9306e1eb" class="h2 mob-h2 text-left">Wie Teams automatische Zeiterfassungsdaten nutzen</h2><div class="subtitle-2-book mob-subtitle-book">Zuverlässige Zeiterfassungsdaten machen den Unterschied für deine Planung und Rentabilität</div></div></div><div id="w-node-c12f14f1-8279-11e7-db1d-08b79db5d80b-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-cell home-4-clm-heading-img"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Memtime’s Vorteile für Teams" class="benefits-4-clm-left-illustration lazy2"/></div></div><div class="home-4-clm-container-wrapper"><div class="benefits-4-clm-container"><div id="w-node-c12f14f1-8279-11e7-db1d-08b79db5d80f-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-layout benefits-4-clm-box wf-layout-layout"><div id="w-node-c12f14f1-8279-11e7-db1d-08b79db5d810-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-cell benefits-4-clm-left-cell"><div class="benefits-4-clm-content"><h5 class="h5"><strong>Löse Rentabilitätsprobleme</strong></h5><div class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Zeiterfassungsdaten sind die verlässlichste Quelle für Insights in den Status und die Rentabilität von Projekten. Solange Arbeitsstunden dein größter Kostenfaktor sind, besteht der schnellste Weg zur Lösung von Rentabilitätsproblemen darin, die Arbeitszeiten deines Teams zu optimieren.</div></div></div><div id="w-node-c12f14f1-8279-11e7-db1d-08b79db5d817-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-cell benefits-4-clm-right-cellt"><div class="benefits-4-clm-content"><h5 class="h5"><strong>Lege angemessene Preise fest</strong></h5><div class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Du weißt nicht, wie viel es dich kostet, Ergebnisse zu liefern, bis du genaue und konsistente Zeiterfassungsdaten von allen Teammitgliedern hast. Automatische Zeiterfassung hilft Teams, sich an ihre Zeit zu erinnern und Stunden schnell und genau zu erfassen.</div></div></div><div id="w-node-c12f14f1-8279-11e7-db1d-08b79db5d81e-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-cell benefits-4-clm-left-cell"><div class="benefits-4-clm-content"><h5 class="h5"><strong>Schätze Projekte &amp; Aufgaben ein</strong></h5><div class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Die Unterschätzung von Aufgaben ist der Hauptgrund dafür, dass Teams das Budget und die Timelines von Projekten überschreiten. Automatische Zeiterfassungsdaten helfen Teams, ihre Aufgaben richtig einzuschätzen, Meilensteine einzuhalten und das Ausufern von Projekten zu vermeiden.</div></div></div><div id="w-node-c12f14f1-8279-11e7-db1d-08b79db5d825-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-cell benefits-4-clm-right-cellt"><div class="benefits-4-clm-content"><h5 class="h5"><strong>Hol dir abrechenbare Stunden zurück</strong></h5><div class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Agenturen, Anwaltskanzleien, IT-Teams, Steuerberater und zahlreiche andere Unternehmen und Berufsgruppen, die nach Stunden abrechnen, verlieren Geld aufgrund mangelhafter Zeiterfassungsprozesse. Automatische Zeiterfassung macht sich bereits ab der ersten zurückgewonnenen abrechenbaren Stunde bezahlt.</div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="shorter-home-button"><a href="/de/die-30-prozent-methode" target="_blank" class="primary-button-xl-3">Mehr erfahren</a></div></div></section><section class="home-comment-slider-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer comment-slider-container w-container"><div id="w-node-_5bb69180-d353-0665-8ae1-5f998da4087d-8da4087b" class="section-heading-64"><div class="comment-slider-data"><div class="icon-comment-quote w-embed"><svg width="64" height="48" viewBox="0 0 64 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Quote</title> <path d="M15.133 24.2361C14.3974 24.341 13.399 24.3934 12.1379 24.3934C8.1445 24.3934 5.09688 23.2918 2.99507 21.0885C0.998358 18.7803 0 15.9475 0 12.5902C0 9.02294 1.15599 6.03278 3.46798 3.61966C5.88506 1.20655 9.14286 0 13.2414 0C17.445 0 20.8079 1.20655 23.3301 3.61966C25.8522 5.92786 27.1133 9.3377 27.1133 13.8492C27.1133 19.9344 25.2742 26.1246 21.5961 32.4197C17.9179 38.6098 13.399 43.8033 8.03941 48L4.8867 44.6951C11.7176 37.4557 15.133 30.6361 15.133 24.2361ZM52.0197 24.2361C51.2841 24.341 50.2857 24.3934 49.0246 24.3934C45.0312 24.3934 41.9836 23.2918 39.8818 21.0885C37.8851 18.7803 36.8867 15.9475 36.8867 12.5902C36.8867 9.02294 38.0427 6.03278 40.3547 3.61966C42.7718 1.20655 46.0296 0 50.1281 0C54.3317 0 57.6946 1.20655 60.2168 3.61966C62.7389 5.92786 64 9.3377 64 13.8492C64 19.9344 62.1609 26.1246 58.4828 32.4197C54.8046 38.6098 50.2857 43.8033 44.9261 48L41.7734 44.6951C48.6043 37.4557 52.0197 30.6361 52.0197 24.2361Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> </svg></div><h2 id="w-node-_5bb69180-d353-0665-8ae1-5f998da40880-8da4087b" class="h2 mob-h2">Das sagen unsere Kunden</h2></div></div><div class="g2-section"><div class="g2-icon-left"><div class="code-embed-9 w-embed"><svg width="65" height="120" viewBox="0 0 65 120" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Award laurel</title> <path d="M47.5752 117.684C59.3524 122.983 64.1415 117.963 64.1415 114.794C59.9692 114.385 50.0004 113.72 47.5752 117.684ZM32.6247 113.351C35.5494 115.848 39.1425 117.058 42.7631 116.762C46.3837 116.467 49.7963 114.687 52.3921 111.739C48.3733 110.441 37.3998 108.904 32.6247 113.351ZM52.5484 103.05C52.1019 109.644 57.9124 113.351 64.1861 113.886C63.0419 107.253 57.184 104.292 52.5484 103.05ZM41.2986 96.9724C40.6344 99.7907 41.547 107.441 50.5725 110.477C50.1846 105.311 47.8207 98.5842 41.2986 96.9724ZM23.4011 104.643C25.7153 107.326 28.7661 108.981 32.0222 109.319C35.2782 109.657 38.5332 108.658 41.2205 106.494C37.6036 104.328 28.9185 101.403 23.4011 104.643ZM32.9373 89.38C31.701 92.1562 31.4386 100.066 39.4287 104.827C39.892 99.7356 38.131 91.0275 32.9373 89.38ZM13.1699 92.4546C13.9221 94.1745 14.9673 95.6987 16.242 96.9348C17.5167 98.1708 18.9943 99.0928 20.5851 99.6448C22.161 100.182 23.816 100.333 25.4447 100.087C27.0735 99.8418 28.6404 99.2051 30.046 98.2178C25.0086 92.714 16.971 90.6027 13.1699 92.4546ZM25.1146 77.7076C21.5312 84.9724 25.3184 93.2686 29.259 96.6772C31.0116 89.9248 29.4041 82.566 25.1174 77.7076H25.1146ZM6.52218 77.393C6.0896 88.6762 16.2287 88.0632 20.9898 88.1378C19.4911 85.767 11.1605 77.1725 6.52218 77.393ZM19.0251 66.8526C17.1413 69.2623 14.3142 78.5249 20.574 86.0816C22.5359 80.6168 22.9657 72.2266 19.0251 66.8526ZM1.20846 61.8515C0.884721 70.965 7.48501 75.5768 13.8509 75.5055C11.9364 71.1142 6.81801 62.6493 1.20846 61.8515ZM14.5625 55.5726C10.3428 58.4591 10.8228 67.7801 13.3122 72.632C16.1087 68.1142 18.1962 62.5001 14.5625 55.5726ZM0.929374 47.0332C-1.15816 55.3326 4.97606 60.9466 8.65716 61.4266C7.71386 57.4634 6.47753 50.4418 0.926583 47.0332H0.929374ZM13.7867 44.2732C9.13439 46.9813 6.92964 53.458 8.67111 59.2958C11.9168 56.2569 15.8268 49.8289 13.7867 44.2732ZM0.71169 34.2322C-2.16286 44.3284 4.43744 47.6267 6.89336 48.4375C6.60032 44.1435 4.25045 35.5846 0.71169 34.2322ZM13.6025 31.5825C11.7159 32.2149 6.33799 37.3457 7.31198 46.5338C10.8507 44.2181 15.1486 39.8073 13.6025 31.5825ZM2.65968 18.9339C-0.555343 31.3425 4.80862 36.4376 6.56962 37.4527C6.84871 33.5284 7.18919 24.3598 2.65968 18.9339ZM14.5597 19.2453C11.1912 20.3383 6.9408 27.5252 7.14174 34.4365C10.4796 32.6593 15.4723 25.268 14.5597 19.2453ZM13.555 0C5.73517 9.39237 4.63838 16.7999 6.92406 25.9328C10.4656 22.229 13.2927 11.1145 13.555 0Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> </svg></div></div><a href="#" class="g2-box-lin-2 w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="G2 Momentum Leader - Fall2024"/></a><a href="#" class="g2-box-lin-3 w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="G2 High Performer - Fall 2024"/></a><a href="#" class="g2-box-lin-4 w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="G2 Users Love Us"/></a><a href="#" class="g2-box-lin-5 w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="G2 High Performer, Europe - Fall 2024"/></a><a href="#" class="g2-box-lin-8 w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="OMR Reviews Top Rated Time Tracking Software"/></a><div class="g2-icon-right"><div class="code-embed-10 w-embed"><svg width="66" height="120" viewBox="0 0 66 120" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Award laurel</title> <path d="M17.1951 117.684C5.13796 122.983 0.23509 117.963 0.23509 114.794C4.50652 114.385 14.7122 113.72 17.1951 117.684Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> <path d="M22.1187 116.762C25.8253 117.058 29.5038 115.848 32.4979 113.351C27.6094 108.904 16.3751 110.441 12.2608 111.739C14.9183 114.687 18.412 116.467 22.1187 116.762Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> <path d="M12.1008 103.05C12.5579 109.644 6.60938 113.351 0.186523 113.886C1.35795 107.253 7.35508 104.292 12.1008 103.05Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> <path d="M23.6208 96.9724C24.3008 99.7907 23.3665 107.441 14.1265 110.477C14.5236 105.311 16.9437 98.5842 23.6208 96.9724Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> <path d="M33.1177 109.319C36.4511 108.981 39.5744 107.326 41.9436 104.643C36.2951 101.403 27.4037 104.328 23.7008 106.494C26.4519 108.658 29.7843 109.657 33.1177 109.319Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> <path d="M32.1808 89.38C33.4465 92.1562 33.7151 100.066 25.5351 104.827C25.0608 99.7356 26.8636 91.0275 32.1808 89.38Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> <path d="M49.2728 96.9348C50.5778 95.6987 51.6478 94.1745 52.4179 92.4546C48.5265 90.6027 40.2979 92.714 35.1408 98.2178C36.5798 99.2051 38.184 99.8418 39.8514 100.087C41.5189 100.333 43.2131 100.182 44.8265 99.6448C46.4551 99.0928 47.9678 98.1708 49.2728 96.9348Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> <path d="M40.1893 77.7076C43.8579 84.9724 39.9808 93.2686 35.9465 96.6772C34.1522 89.9248 35.8008 82.566 40.1893 77.7076Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> <path d="M59.2236 77.393C59.6665 88.6762 49.2865 88.0632 44.4122 88.1378C45.9465 85.767 54.4751 77.1725 59.2236 77.393Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> <path d="M46.4236 66.8526C48.3522 69.2623 51.2465 78.5249 44.8379 86.0816C42.8293 80.6168 42.3893 72.2266 46.4236 66.8526Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> <path d="M64.6665 61.8515C64.9979 70.965 58.2408 75.5768 51.7236 75.5055C53.6836 71.1142 58.9236 62.6493 64.6665 61.8515Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> <path d="M50.995 55.5726C55.315 58.4591 54.8236 67.7801 52.2751 72.632C49.4122 68.1142 47.275 62.5001 50.995 55.5726Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> <path d="M64.9493 47.0332C67.0865 55.3326 60.8065 60.9466 57.0379 61.4266C58.0036 57.4634 59.2665 50.4418 64.9493 47.0332Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> <path d="M51.7865 44.2732C56.5493 46.9813 58.8065 53.458 57.0236 59.2958C53.7008 56.2569 49.6979 49.8289 51.7865 44.2732Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> <path d="M65.1722 34.2322C68.1151 44.3284 61.3579 47.6267 58.8436 48.4375C59.1436 44.1435 61.5493 35.5846 65.1722 34.2322Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> <path d="M51.9751 31.5825C53.9065 32.2149 59.4122 37.3457 58.415 46.5338C54.7922 44.2181 50.3922 39.8073 51.9751 31.5825Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> <path d="M63.1779 18.9339C66.4693 31.3425 60.9779 36.4376 59.1751 37.4527C58.8893 33.5284 58.5408 24.3598 63.1779 18.9339Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> <path d="M50.995 19.2453C54.4436 20.3383 58.7951 27.5252 58.5893 34.4365C55.1722 32.6593 50.0608 25.268 50.995 19.2453Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> <path d="M52.0236 0C60.0293 9.39237 61.1522 16.7999 58.8122 25.9328C55.1865 22.229 52.2922 11.1145 52.0236 0Z" fill="#EEE5D2"/> </svg></div></div></div><div class="mob-g2-section"><a href="#" class="mob-g2-box-lin-2 w-inline-block"><div class="w-embed"><svg width="64" height="80" viewBox="0 0 64 80" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_1528_281)"> <path d="M7.56311 57.6749L32.4227 69.9713L56.3382 57.6749V9.59045H7.56311V57.6749Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M56.8415 9.77405L7.05945 58.5315L32.8631 70.95L56.8415 59.0209V9.77405Z" fill="#F2F3F2"/> <path d="M5.92664 25.6188V58.7151L6.80773 59.1433L31.6673 71.4397L32.4226 71.8068L33.1778 71.4397L57.1562 59.1433L58.0373 58.7151V8H5.92664V25.6188ZM7.56296 57.7974V9.59058H56.401V57.7974L32.4226 70.0939L7.56296 57.7974Z" fill="#DCDEDC"/> <path d="M31.982 10.3859C32.2338 10.3859 32.4855 10.3859 32.7373 10.447L31.982 11.8541C30.8492 11.7929 29.8422 12.6494 29.7793 13.7506C29.7163 14.8517 30.5974 15.8306 31.7303 15.8917H31.982C32.4855 15.8917 32.989 15.7082 33.3666 15.4023L34.1848 16.7482C33.5554 17.1765 32.8002 17.4212 31.982 17.4212C29.9681 17.4823 28.2689 16.0141 28.2059 14.0565C28.143 12.0988 29.6534 10.447 31.6674 10.3859H31.982ZM34.5624 13.3835L35.5064 14.9129L34.5624 16.3812L33.6813 14.9129H31.8562L32.8002 13.3835H34.5624ZM33.052 12.8329C33.052 12.5882 33.1149 12.3435 33.2408 12.16C33.3666 11.9765 33.6184 11.7929 33.8072 11.6706L33.933 11.6094C34.1848 11.487 34.2477 11.4259 34.2477 11.3035C34.2477 11.1812 34.0589 11.0588 33.933 11.0588C33.6813 11.0588 33.4925 11.1812 33.3666 11.4259L33.052 11.12C33.1149 10.9976 33.2408 10.8753 33.3666 10.7529C33.5554 10.6306 33.7442 10.6306 33.933 10.6306C34.1218 10.6306 34.3736 10.6918 34.4994 10.8141C34.6253 10.9365 34.7512 11.12 34.7512 11.3035C34.7512 11.6094 34.5624 11.8541 34.1848 11.9765L33.996 12.0988C33.8072 12.2212 33.6813 12.2823 33.6184 12.4659H34.7512V12.8941L33.052 12.8329ZM31.982 20.4799L37.9609 17.1765V8H25.9402V17.1152L31.982 20.4799ZM59.2331 42.1363H4.73092L2.71698 46.4187L4.73092 50.701H59.2331L61.1842 46.4187L59.2331 42.1363Z" fill="#FF492C"/> <path d="M18.3879 39.3834C18.3585 39.3834 18.3333 39.3732 18.3123 39.3528C18.2914 39.3324 18.2809 39.308 18.2809 39.2794V33.4922C18.2809 33.4636 18.2914 33.4391 18.3123 33.4187C18.3333 33.3983 18.3585 33.3881 18.3879 33.3881H19.42C19.4494 33.3881 19.4745 33.3983 19.4955 33.4187C19.5165 33.4391 19.527 33.4636 19.527 33.4922V38.3067C19.527 38.3353 19.5417 38.3495 19.571 38.3495H22.4535C22.4828 38.3495 22.506 38.3577 22.5227 38.374C22.5437 38.3944 22.5542 38.4188 22.5542 38.4474V39.2794C22.5542 39.308 22.5437 39.3324 22.5227 39.3528C22.506 39.3732 22.4828 39.3834 22.4535 39.3834H18.3879ZM27.2555 36.7283C27.289 36.9445 27.2996 37.1872 27.2869 37.4564C27.2828 37.5257 27.245 37.5603 27.1737 37.5603H24.4485C24.415 37.5603 24.4045 37.5746 24.4171 37.6032C24.4339 37.7174 24.4653 37.8315 24.5115 37.9458C24.6667 38.2639 24.9793 38.4229 25.4492 38.4229C25.8227 38.4188 26.1185 38.27 26.3366 37.9763C26.3618 37.9437 26.3891 37.9274 26.4184 37.9274C26.4352 37.9274 26.4541 37.9396 26.4751 37.9641L27.1107 38.5698C27.1401 38.5983 27.1548 38.6248 27.1548 38.6493C27.1548 38.6574 27.1443 38.6799 27.1233 38.7166C26.9261 38.9491 26.6765 39.1306 26.3744 39.261C26.0681 39.3875 25.7325 39.4507 25.3674 39.4507C24.8639 39.4507 24.436 39.3406 24.0835 39.1204C23.7353 38.8961 23.4856 38.584 23.3346 38.1843C23.2087 37.8989 23.1458 37.5257 23.1458 37.0648C23.1458 36.7508 23.1898 36.4735 23.2779 36.2328C23.4122 35.825 23.6493 35.5028 23.9891 35.2662C24.3248 35.0256 24.7255 34.9053 25.1912 34.9053C25.7786 34.9053 26.2506 35.0705 26.6073 35.4008C26.9597 35.7312 27.1758 36.1737 27.2555 36.7283ZM25.1975 35.9514C24.8282 35.9514 24.5849 36.1186 24.4674 36.4531C24.4464 36.5265 24.4255 36.6183 24.4045 36.7283C24.4045 36.7569 24.4192 36.7712 24.4485 36.7712H25.9779C26.0115 36.7712 26.0219 36.7569 26.0094 36.7283C25.98 36.5611 25.9653 36.4816 25.9653 36.4898C25.9149 36.3185 25.8227 36.1859 25.6884 36.0921C25.5583 35.9983 25.3946 35.9514 25.1975 35.9514ZM29.8169 34.9114C30.1988 34.9114 30.5386 34.9767 30.8365 35.1072C31.1386 35.2336 31.3736 35.409 31.5414 35.6333C31.7092 35.8535 31.7931 36.1023 31.7931 36.3797V39.2794C31.7931 39.308 31.7826 39.3324 31.7617 39.3528C31.7407 39.3732 31.7155 39.3834 31.6862 39.3834H30.654C30.6247 39.3834 30.5995 39.3732 30.5785 39.3528C30.5575 39.3324 30.547 39.308 30.547 39.2794V38.998C30.547 38.9817 30.5407 38.9694 30.5281 38.9613C30.5197 38.9572 30.5093 38.9633 30.4967 38.9796C30.2491 39.2937 29.8526 39.4507 29.3072 39.4507C28.8499 39.4507 28.4785 39.3426 28.1932 39.1265C27.9121 38.9103 27.7715 38.5901 27.7715 38.166C27.7715 37.7255 27.931 37.385 28.2498 37.1443C28.5645 36.8996 29.0156 36.7773 29.603 36.7773H30.5029C30.5323 36.7773 30.547 36.763 30.547 36.7345V36.5509C30.547 36.3592 30.4883 36.2104 30.3708 36.1043C30.2533 36.0024 30.0771 35.9514 29.8421 35.9514C29.6617 35.9514 29.5107 35.982 29.389 36.0432C29.2673 36.1044 29.1897 36.1921 29.1562 36.3062C29.1394 36.3715 29.1016 36.4001 29.0428 36.3919L27.9729 36.2573C27.9058 36.2451 27.8743 36.2186 27.8785 36.1778C27.9037 35.9413 28.0023 35.725 28.1744 35.5293C28.3464 35.3336 28.575 35.1826 28.8603 35.0766C29.1457 34.9665 29.4645 34.9114 29.8169 34.9114ZM29.6407 38.5514C29.8925 38.5514 30.1064 38.4862 30.2827 38.3556C30.4589 38.2251 30.547 38.0559 30.547 37.8479V37.542C30.547 37.5135 30.5323 37.4992 30.5029 37.4992H29.8673C29.603 37.4992 29.3974 37.5481 29.2505 37.646C29.0995 37.7439 29.024 37.8805 29.024 38.0559C29.024 38.2108 29.0806 38.3332 29.1939 38.4229C29.303 38.5086 29.4519 38.5514 29.6407 38.5514ZM35.4749 33.4922C35.4749 33.4636 35.4853 33.4391 35.5063 33.4187C35.5273 33.3983 35.5525 33.3881 35.5819 33.3881H36.6077C36.6371 33.3881 36.6623 33.3983 36.6832 33.4187C36.7042 33.4391 36.7147 33.4636 36.7147 33.4922V39.2794C36.7147 39.308 36.7042 39.3324 36.6832 39.3528C36.6623 39.3732 36.6371 39.3834 36.6077 39.3834H35.5819C35.5525 39.3834 35.5273 39.3732 35.5063 39.3528C35.4853 39.3324 35.4749 39.308 35.4749 39.2794V38.998C35.4749 38.9817 35.4686 38.9715 35.456 38.9674C35.4434 38.9633 35.4308 38.9674 35.4182 38.9796C35.1749 39.2937 34.8371 39.4507 34.4049 39.4507C33.9938 39.4507 33.6413 39.3406 33.3476 39.1204C33.0498 38.8961 32.8357 38.5901 32.7057 38.2027C32.605 37.905 32.5547 37.5583 32.5547 37.1627C32.5547 36.7589 32.6092 36.4062 32.7183 36.1043C32.8525 35.7373 33.0644 35.4477 33.354 35.2357C33.6435 35.0195 34.0043 34.9114 34.4364 34.9114C34.856 34.9114 35.1833 35.0542 35.4182 35.3397C35.4308 35.356 35.4434 35.3621 35.456 35.358C35.4686 35.354 35.4749 35.3417 35.4749 35.3213V33.4922ZM35.286 38.0497C35.4035 37.8377 35.4623 37.5481 35.4623 37.181C35.4623 36.7977 35.3994 36.4979 35.2735 36.2818C35.135 36.0615 34.9378 35.9514 34.6819 35.9514C34.4049 35.9514 34.1952 36.0615 34.0525 36.2818C33.9057 36.5061 33.8323 36.8099 33.8323 37.1933C33.8323 37.5359 33.8952 37.8214 34.0211 38.0497C34.1679 38.2945 34.384 38.4168 34.6693 38.4168C34.9336 38.4168 35.1392 38.2945 35.286 38.0497ZM41.6615 36.7283C41.695 36.9445 41.7055 37.1872 41.6929 37.4564C41.6887 37.5257 41.651 37.5603 41.5796 37.5603H38.8545C38.8209 37.5603 38.8104 37.5746 38.8231 37.6032C38.8398 37.7174 38.8713 37.8315 38.9174 37.9458C39.0727 38.2639 39.3853 38.4229 39.8552 38.4229C40.2286 38.4188 40.5244 38.27 40.7426 37.9763C40.7678 37.9437 40.795 37.9274 40.8244 37.9274C40.8412 37.9274 40.8601 37.9396 40.881 37.9641L41.5167 38.5698C41.5461 38.5983 41.5607 38.6248 41.5607 38.6493C41.5607 38.6574 41.5502 38.6799 41.5293 38.7166C41.3321 38.9491 41.0824 39.1306 40.7803 39.261C40.4741 39.3875 40.1384 39.4507 39.7733 39.4507C39.2699 39.4507 38.8419 39.3406 38.4895 39.1204C38.1412 38.8961 37.8916 38.584 37.7406 38.1843C37.6147 37.8989 37.5518 37.5257 37.5518 37.0648C37.5518 36.7508 37.5958 36.4735 37.6839 36.2328C37.8181 35.825 38.0552 35.5028 38.3951 35.2662C38.7307 35.0256 39.1314 34.9053 39.5972 34.9053C40.1846 34.9053 40.6565 35.0705 41.0132 35.4008C41.3656 35.7312 41.5817 36.1737 41.6615 36.7283ZM39.6034 35.9514C39.2342 35.9514 38.9908 36.1186 38.8734 36.4531C38.8524 36.5265 38.8314 36.6183 38.8104 36.7283C38.8104 36.7569 38.8251 36.7712 38.8545 36.7712H40.3838C40.4174 36.7712 40.4279 36.7569 40.4153 36.7283C40.3859 36.5611 40.3713 36.4816 40.3713 36.4898C40.3209 36.3185 40.2286 36.1859 40.0944 36.0921C39.9642 35.9983 39.8006 35.9514 39.6034 35.9514ZM44.7138 34.9237C44.9278 34.9237 45.0956 34.9624 45.2173 35.0399C45.2634 35.0644 45.2823 35.1072 45.274 35.1684L45.0852 36.1472C45.0809 36.2165 45.0411 36.2369 44.9655 36.2084C44.8775 36.1798 44.7746 36.1656 44.6571 36.1656C44.6068 36.1656 44.5418 36.1696 44.4621 36.1778C44.2481 36.1982 44.0677 36.2736 43.9208 36.4041C43.774 36.5387 43.7005 36.7182 43.7005 36.9425V39.2794C43.7005 39.308 43.6921 39.3324 43.6754 39.3528C43.6544 39.3732 43.6292 39.3834 43.5999 39.3834H42.5677C42.5383 39.3834 42.5131 39.3732 42.4922 39.3528C42.4712 39.3324 42.4607 39.308 42.4607 39.2794V35.0827C42.4607 35.0542 42.4712 35.0297 42.4922 35.0093C42.5131 34.9889 42.5383 34.9787 42.5677 34.9787H43.5999C43.6292 34.9787 43.6544 34.9889 43.6754 35.0093C43.6921 35.0297 43.7005 35.0542 43.7005 35.0827V35.407C43.7005 35.4273 43.7069 35.4396 43.7194 35.4437C43.732 35.4477 43.7404 35.4457 43.7446 35.4375C43.988 35.0949 44.311 34.9237 44.7138 34.9237ZM14.3789 24.8907C14.4082 24.8459 14.4502 24.8235 14.5047 24.8235H15.5368C15.5662 24.8235 15.5914 24.8337 15.6124 24.854C15.6334 24.8744 15.6438 24.8989 15.6438 24.9275V30.7147C15.6438 30.7433 15.6334 30.7678 15.6124 30.7882C15.5914 30.8085 15.5662 30.8187 15.5368 30.8187H14.5047C14.4753 30.8187 14.4502 30.8085 14.4292 30.7882C14.4082 30.7678 14.3978 30.7433 14.3978 30.7147V26.9401C14.3978 26.9157 14.3914 26.9035 14.3789 26.9035C14.3705 26.9035 14.36 26.9116 14.3474 26.9279L13.4096 28.3533C13.3803 28.3982 13.3404 28.4206 13.2901 28.4206H12.7677C12.7173 28.4206 12.6775 28.3982 12.6481 28.3533L11.7104 26.9279C11.6978 26.9116 11.6873 26.9055 11.6789 26.9096C11.6663 26.9136 11.66 26.9259 11.66 26.9463V30.7147C11.66 30.7433 11.6496 30.7678 11.6286 30.7882C11.6076 30.8085 11.5824 30.8187 11.553 30.8187H10.5209C10.4915 30.8187 10.4663 30.8085 10.4454 30.7882C10.4244 30.7678 10.4139 30.7433 10.4139 30.7147V24.9275C10.4139 24.8989 10.4244 24.8744 10.4454 24.854C10.4663 24.8337 10.4915 24.8235 10.5209 24.8235H11.553C11.6076 24.8235 11.6496 24.8459 11.6789 24.8907L13.0006 26.8851C13.0174 26.9218 13.0341 26.9218 13.0509 26.8851L14.3789 24.8907ZM18.6396 30.886C18.1445 30.886 17.7207 30.7617 17.3683 30.5128C17.0158 30.26 16.7746 29.9174 16.6445 29.4851C16.5648 29.2159 16.525 28.9243 16.525 28.6103C16.525 28.2718 16.5648 27.9679 16.6445 27.6988C16.7788 27.2787 17.0221 26.9483 17.3746 26.7077C17.727 26.4671 18.1508 26.3467 18.6459 26.3467C19.1284 26.3467 19.5396 26.465 19.8794 26.7016C20.2193 26.9381 20.4606 27.2685 20.6032 27.6926C20.6955 27.9781 20.7417 28.2779 20.7417 28.5919C20.7417 28.9019 20.7018 29.1894 20.6221 29.4545C20.492 29.9032 20.2529 30.2539 19.9046 30.5067C19.5522 30.7596 19.1305 30.886 18.6396 30.886ZM18.6396 29.8521C18.8326 29.8521 18.9962 29.7951 19.1305 29.6808C19.2648 29.5667 19.3613 29.4096 19.42 29.2098C19.4661 29.0263 19.4892 28.8264 19.4892 28.6103C19.4892 28.3696 19.4661 28.1657 19.42 27.9985C19.357 27.8069 19.2584 27.6559 19.1242 27.5458C18.9857 27.4398 18.82 27.3867 18.627 27.3867C18.4298 27.3867 18.2641 27.4398 18.1298 27.5458C17.9998 27.6559 17.9053 27.8069 17.8466 27.9985C17.7963 28.1372 17.7711 28.3411 17.7711 28.6103C17.7711 28.8672 17.7921 29.067 17.834 29.2098C17.8928 29.4096 17.9914 29.5667 18.1298 29.6808C18.2682 29.7951 18.4382 29.8521 18.6396 29.8521ZM26.5695 26.3467C27.0268 26.3467 27.3834 26.4813 27.6394 26.7505C27.8995 27.0197 28.0296 27.397 28.0296 27.8823V30.7147C28.0296 30.7433 28.0191 30.7678 27.9981 30.7882C27.9771 30.8085 27.9519 30.8187 27.9226 30.8187H26.8904C26.8611 30.8187 26.8359 30.8085 26.8149 30.7882C26.7981 30.7678 26.7897 30.7433 26.7897 30.7147V28.1453C26.7897 27.9129 26.7268 27.7273 26.6009 27.5886C26.4793 27.4541 26.3156 27.3867 26.1101 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26.5716 35.8478 26.5716 35.8765V39.3679C26.5716 39.4007 26.5613 39.4272 26.5409 39.4477C26.5204 39.4681 26.4939 39.4784 26.4611 39.4784H25.3873C25.3546 39.4784 25.328 39.4681 25.3076 39.4477C25.2871 39.4272 25.2768 39.4007 25.2768 39.3679V35.8765C25.2768 35.8478 25.2605 35.8335 25.2278 35.8335H24.6878C24.6551 35.8335 24.6285 35.8233 24.608 35.8028C24.5876 35.7823 24.5773 35.7558 24.5773 35.723V34.8517C24.5773 34.819 24.5876 34.7924 24.608 34.7719C24.6285 34.7515 24.6551 34.7413 24.6878 34.7413H25.2278C25.2605 34.7413 25.2768 34.7249 25.2768 34.6922V34.4897C25.2768 34.1093 25.3341 33.8127 25.4487 33.5999C25.5673 33.3913 25.7555 33.242 26.0132 33.152C26.275 33.062 26.6371 33.0232 27.0993 33.0354H27.4491C27.4777 33.0354 27.5022 33.0456 27.5227 33.0661C27.5473 33.0906 27.5595 33.1173 27.5595 33.1459V33.8884C27.5595 33.9211 27.5473 33.9477 27.5227 33.9681C27.5022 33.9927 27.4777 34.0049 27.4491 34.0049H27.1422C26.9295 34.009 26.7802 34.052 26.6943 34.1338C26.6125 34.2197 26.5716 34.3731 26.5716 34.594V34.6922C26.5716 34.7249 26.5879 34.7413 26.6207 34.7413H27.5104ZM30.1796 39.552C29.6642 39.552 29.2224 39.417 28.8542 39.147C28.486 38.877 28.2345 38.5089 28.0995 38.0425C28.0136 37.7562 27.9706 37.4432 27.9706 37.1037C27.9706 36.7437 28.0136 36.4185 28.0995 36.1281C28.2427 35.674 28.4984 35.3181 28.8665 35.0604C29.2347 34.8027 29.6764 34.6737 30.1919 34.6737C30.691 34.6737 31.1205 34.8006 31.4805 35.0542C31.8323 35.3119 32.0818 35.6678 32.2291 36.1219C32.3313 36.4287 32.3825 36.7498 32.3825 37.0853C32.3825 37.4166 32.3396 37.7275 32.2536 38.018C32.1187 38.4966 31.8671 38.8709 31.4989 39.1409C31.1348 39.415 30.6951 39.552 30.1796 39.552ZM30.1796 38.4414C30.3801 38.4414 30.5519 38.38 30.6951 38.2573C30.8383 38.1346 30.9405 37.9648 31.0019 37.748C31.0469 37.5516 31.0694 37.3369 31.0694 37.1037C31.0694 36.846 31.0469 36.6292 31.0019 36.4532C30.9323 36.2446 30.828 36.081 30.6889 35.9623C30.5457 35.8478 30.3719 35.7906 30.1674 35.7906C29.9628 35.7906 29.791 35.8478 29.6519 35.9623C29.5128 36.081 29.4126 36.2446 29.3513 36.4532C29.3021 36.5964 29.2776 36.8132 29.2776 37.1037C29.2776 37.3819 29.3001 37.5967 29.3451 37.748C29.4065 37.9648 29.5088 38.1346 29.6519 38.2573C29.7951 38.38 29.971 38.4414 30.1796 38.4414ZM35.5733 34.6861C35.7942 34.6861 35.9701 34.729 36.101 34.8149C36.1501 34.8395 36.1665 34.8845 36.1501 34.9499L35.9599 35.9992C35.9558 36.0728 35.9128 36.0953 35.831 36.0667C35.7369 36.034 35.6306 36.0176 35.512 36.0176C35.4628 36.0176 35.3954 36.0237 35.3095 36.036C35.0885 36.0564 34.9004 36.1382 34.7449 36.2814C34.5936 36.4246 34.5179 36.6169 34.5179 36.8582V39.3679C34.5179 39.4007 34.5056 39.4272 34.4811 39.4477C34.4606 39.4681 34.434 39.4784 34.4013 39.4784H33.3275C33.2988 39.4784 33.2723 39.4681 33.2477 39.4477C33.2272 39.4272 33.217 39.4007 33.217 39.3679V34.8579C33.217 34.8292 33.2272 34.8027 33.2477 34.7781C33.2723 34.7576 33.2988 34.7474 33.3275 34.7474H34.4013C34.434 34.7474 34.4606 34.7576 34.4811 34.7781C34.5056 34.8027 34.5179 34.8292 34.5179 34.8579V35.2076C34.5179 35.224 34.522 35.2363 34.5301 35.2444C34.5465 35.2526 34.5568 35.2485 34.5609 35.2322C34.8145 34.8681 35.152 34.6861 35.5733 34.6861ZM41.9856 34.6737C42.4642 34.6737 42.8385 34.8169 43.1085 35.1033C43.3785 35.3938 43.5135 35.8008 43.5135 36.3244V39.3679C43.5135 39.4007 43.5032 39.4272 43.4828 39.4477C43.4623 39.4681 43.4378 39.4784 43.4091 39.4784H42.3292C42.3005 39.4784 42.274 39.4681 42.2495 39.4477C42.229 39.4272 42.2187 39.4007 42.2187 39.3679V36.6067C42.2187 36.3571 42.1553 36.1587 42.0285 36.0115C41.8976 35.8642 41.7237 35.7906 41.5069 35.7906C41.2942 35.7906 41.1204 35.8642 40.9854 36.0115C40.8504 36.1587 40.7829 36.3551 40.7829 36.6005V39.3679C40.7829 39.4007 40.7726 39.4272 40.7522 39.4477C40.7277 39.4681 40.7011 39.4784 40.6724 39.4784H39.6047C39.572 39.4784 39.5454 39.4681 39.525 39.4477C39.5045 39.4272 39.4943 39.4007 39.4943 39.3679V36.6067C39.4943 36.3612 39.4268 36.1628 39.2918 36.0115C39.1568 35.8642 38.9809 35.7906 38.7641 35.7906C38.5718 35.7906 38.4082 35.8478 38.2732 35.9623C38.1423 36.081 38.0646 36.2446 38.04 36.4532V39.3679C38.04 39.4007 38.0298 39.4272 38.0094 39.4477C37.9848 39.4681 37.9582 39.4784 37.9296 39.4784H36.8558C36.823 39.4784 36.7964 39.4681 36.776 39.4477C36.7555 39.4272 36.7453 39.4007 36.7453 39.3679V34.8579C36.7453 34.8292 36.7555 34.8027 36.776 34.7781C36.7964 34.7576 36.823 34.7474 36.8558 34.7474H37.9296C37.9582 34.7474 37.9848 34.7576 38.0094 34.7781C38.0298 34.8027 38.04 34.8292 38.04 34.8579V35.2199C38.04 35.2363 38.0462 35.2485 38.0584 35.2567C38.0707 35.2608 38.083 35.2526 38.0952 35.2322C38.3489 34.8599 38.7396 34.6737 39.2672 34.6737C39.5741 34.6737 39.842 34.7392 40.0711 34.8701C40.3002 34.997 40.4761 35.181 40.5988 35.4224C40.6151 35.4592 40.6377 35.4592 40.6663 35.4224C40.7972 35.1687 40.9793 34.9806 41.2124 34.8579C41.4415 34.7351 41.6992 34.6737 41.9856 34.6737ZM48.5881 36.6251C48.6249 36.8582 48.6371 37.118 48.6249 37.4043C48.6167 37.4821 48.5758 37.521 48.5021 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30.2435C30.0119 30.264 29.9874 30.2741 29.9587 30.2741H28.8788ZM33.9657 25.6536C33.9657 25.625 33.9779 25.5984 34.0025 25.5739C34.0229 25.5534 34.0475 25.5432 34.0761 25.5432H35.1561C35.1847 25.5432 35.2113 25.5534 35.2358 25.5739C35.2563 25.5984 35.2665 25.625 35.2665 25.6536V29.8508C35.2665 30.6525 35.0354 31.2252 34.5731 31.5689C34.1108 31.9166 33.5136 32.0905 32.7814 32.0905C32.5645 32.0905 32.3252 32.0741 32.0634 32.0414C32.0021 32.0332 31.9714 31.9943 31.9714 31.9248L32.0082 30.9737C32.0082 30.8919 32.0511 30.8571 32.1371 30.8693C32.358 30.9062 32.5605 30.9246 32.7445 30.9246C33.1373 30.9246 33.4399 30.8408 33.6527 30.673C33.8613 30.4971 33.9657 30.221 33.9657 29.8446C33.9657 29.8242 33.9595 29.8119 33.9473 29.8078C33.9349 29.8037 33.9227 29.8099 33.9104 29.8262C33.6772 30.0757 33.3377 30.2005 32.8918 30.2005C32.4909 30.2005 32.1248 30.1044 31.7934 29.9121C31.458 29.7198 31.2187 29.409 31.0755 28.9794C30.9855 28.6972 30.9405 28.331 30.9405 27.8811C30.9405 27.4024 30.9958 27.0138 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48.8914 31.413 48.9036C31.3966 48.92 31.3782 48.9282 31.3578 48.9282H30.7933C30.7728 48.9282 30.7544 48.92 30.738 48.9036C30.7258 48.8914 30.7196 48.875 30.7196 48.8546V45.9276C30.7196 45.9153 30.7135 45.9071 30.7012 45.9031C30.6931 45.899 30.6869 45.9031 30.6828 45.9153L29.9158 47.0935C29.8953 47.1262 29.8667 47.1425 29.8299 47.1425H29.5476C29.5108 47.1425 29.4822 47.1262 29.4617 47.0935L28.6886 45.9215C28.6845 45.9092 28.6763 45.9051 28.664 45.9091C28.6558 45.9133 28.6518 45.9215 28.6518 45.9337V48.8546C28.6518 48.875 28.6456 48.8914 28.6334 48.9036C28.617 48.92 28.5985 48.9282 28.5781 48.9282H28.0136C27.9931 48.9282 27.9768 48.92 27.9645 48.9036C27.9481 48.8914 27.94 48.875 27.94 48.8546V44.7065C27.94 44.686 27.9481 44.6697 27.9645 44.6574C27.9768 44.641 27.9931 44.6329 28.0136 44.6329H28.5781C28.6149 44.6329 28.6436 44.6492 28.664 44.6819L29.6642 46.1976C29.6724 46.2057 29.6806 46.2098 29.6887 46.2098C29.6969 46.2098 29.7031 46.2057 29.7071 46.1976L30.7074 44.6819ZM35.0947 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44.6329H32.9655C33.0023 44.6329 33.0309 44.6492 33.0514 44.6819L34.0515 46.1976C34.0598 46.2057 34.0679 46.2098 34.0761 46.2098C34.0843 46.2098 34.0904 46.2057 34.0945 46.1976L35.0947 44.6819ZM39.6232 45.1728C39.6232 45.1933 39.617 45.2097 39.6048 45.2219C39.5884 45.2383 39.57 45.2465 39.5496 45.2465H37.4571C37.4366 45.2465 37.4264 45.2567 37.4264 45.2771V46.4246C37.4264 46.445 37.4366 46.4553 37.4571 46.4553H38.8623C38.8827 46.4553 38.9011 46.4614 38.9175 46.4737C38.9298 46.4901 38.9359 46.5085 38.9359 46.5289V46.9953C38.9359 47.0157 38.9298 47.0341 38.9175 47.0505C38.9011 47.0628 38.8827 47.0689 38.8623 47.0689H37.4571C37.4366 47.0689 37.4264 47.0791 37.4264 47.0996V48.2839C37.4264 48.3043 37.4366 48.3145 37.4571 48.3145H39.5496C39.57 48.3145 39.5884 48.3227 39.6048 48.3391C39.617 48.3514 39.6232 48.3677 39.6232 48.3881V48.8546C39.6232 48.875 39.617 48.8914 39.6048 48.9036C39.5884 48.92 39.57 48.9282 39.5496 48.9282H36.7883C36.7678 48.9282 36.7515 48.92 36.7392 48.9036C36.7228 48.8914 36.7147 48.875 36.7147 48.8546V44.7065C36.7147 44.686 36.7228 44.6697 36.7392 44.6574C36.7515 44.641 36.7678 44.6329 36.7883 44.6329H39.5496C39.57 44.6329 39.5884 44.641 39.6048 44.6574C39.617 44.6697 39.6232 44.686 39.6232 44.7065V45.1728ZM42.7588 48.9282C42.7179 48.9282 42.6892 48.9098 42.6728 48.873L41.8629 47.1057C41.8547 47.0894 41.8424 47.0812 41.8261 47.0812H41.0897C41.0693 47.0812 41.059 47.0914 41.059 47.1119V48.8546C41.059 48.875 41.0509 48.8914 41.0345 48.9036C41.0222 48.92 41.0058 48.9282 40.9854 48.9282H40.4209C40.4004 48.9282 40.3841 48.92 40.3718 48.9036C40.3554 48.8914 40.3472 48.875 40.3472 48.8546V44.7065C40.3472 44.686 40.3554 44.6697 40.3718 44.6574C40.3841 44.641 40.4004 44.6329 40.4209 44.6329H42.1083C42.3578 44.6329 42.5788 44.684 42.771 44.7863C42.9633 44.8926 43.1126 45.0399 43.219 45.2281C43.3253 45.4203 43.3785 45.6392 43.3785 45.8846C43.3785 46.1669 43.3048 46.4062 43.1576 46.6025C43.0144 46.803 42.814 46.9421 42.5563 47.0198C42.5481 47.0198 42.542 47.0239 42.5379 47.0321C42.5337 47.0402 42.5337 47.0485 42.5379 47.0566L43.403 48.8422C43.4112 48.8586 43.4153 48.8709 43.4153 48.8791C43.4153 48.9118 43.3928 48.9282 43.3478 48.9282H42.7588ZM41.0897 45.2465C41.0693 45.2465 41.059 45.2567 41.059 45.2771V46.4983C41.059 46.5187 41.0693 46.5289 41.0897 46.5289H42.0101C42.2065 46.5289 42.364 46.4696 42.4826 46.351C42.6053 46.2364 42.6667 46.083 42.6667 45.8907C42.6667 45.6985 42.6053 45.5431 42.4826 45.4244C42.364 45.3058 42.2065 45.2465 42.0101 45.2465H41.0897Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M23.6568 60.0099C23.6445 60.0222 23.6405 60.0344 23.6445 60.0467C23.6527 60.059 23.665 60.0651 23.6814 60.0651H26.0928C26.1215 60.0651 26.146 60.0753 26.1664 60.0958C26.191 60.1162 26.2033 60.1408 26.2033 60.1695V61.0346C26.2033 61.0633 26.191 61.0878 26.1664 61.1083C26.146 61.1287 26.1215 61.139 26.0928 61.139H22.0921C22.0594 61.139 22.0328 61.1287 22.0123 61.1083C21.9919 61.0878 21.9816 61.0633 21.9816 61.0346V60.2124C21.9816 60.1592 22 60.1142 22.0369 60.0774C22.3273 59.7951 22.6239 59.4863 22.9266 59.1508C23.2293 58.8154 23.4195 58.6068 23.4973 58.525C23.6609 58.3286 23.8286 58.1404 24.0004 57.9604C24.5404 57.3632 24.8104 56.9194 24.8104 56.6289C24.8104 56.4203 24.7367 56.2484 24.5895 56.1134C24.4422 55.9826 24.25 55.9171 24.0127 55.9171C23.7754 55.9171 23.5832 55.9826 23.4359 56.1134C23.2846 56.2484 23.2089 56.4264 23.2089 56.6473V56.8682C23.2089 56.8969 23.1986 56.9214 23.1782 56.9418C23.1577 56.9623 23.1332 56.9725 23.1046 56.9725H22.0553C22.0266 56.9725 22.0021 56.9623 21.9816 56.9418C21.9571 56.9214 21.9448 56.8969 21.9448 56.8682V56.4509C21.9652 56.1318 22.0675 55.8476 22.2516 55.598C22.4357 55.3526 22.6791 55.1644 22.9818 55.0335C23.2886 54.9026 23.6322 54.8372 24.0127 54.8372C24.4341 54.8372 24.8001 54.9169 25.1111 55.0765C25.422 55.2319 25.6613 55.4425 25.829 55.7085C26.0008 55.9784 26.0867 56.275 26.0867 56.5982C26.0867 56.8477 26.0233 57.1034 25.8965 57.3652C25.7738 57.627 25.5876 57.9093 25.3381 58.212C25.154 58.4411 24.9556 58.6702 24.7429 58.8993C24.5302 59.1242 24.2131 59.4495 23.7918 59.8749L23.6568 60.0099ZM29.0934 61.2372C28.4389 61.2372 27.9235 61.0551 27.5471 60.691C27.1667 60.327 26.9764 59.8299 26.9764 59.1999V56.8498C26.9764 56.2321 27.1667 55.7432 27.5471 55.3832C27.9235 55.0192 28.4389 54.8372 29.0934 54.8372C29.7439 54.8372 30.2614 55.0192 30.6458 55.3832C31.0263 55.7432 31.2165 56.2321 31.2165 56.8498V59.1999C31.2165 59.8299 31.0263 60.327 30.6458 60.691C30.2614 61.0551 29.7439 61.2372 29.0934 61.2372ZM29.0934 60.1633C29.3593 60.1633 29.57 60.0815 29.7255 59.9178C29.885 59.7542 29.9648 59.5354 29.9648 59.2613V56.813C29.9648 56.543 29.885 56.3262 29.7255 56.1626C29.57 55.9989 29.3593 55.9171 29.0934 55.9171C28.8316 55.9171 28.6229 55.9989 28.4675 56.1626C28.308 56.3262 28.2282 56.543 28.2282 56.813V59.2613C28.2282 59.5354 28.308 59.7542 28.4675 59.9178C28.6229 60.0815 28.8316 60.1633 29.0934 60.1633ZM33.7078 60.0099C33.6955 60.0222 33.6935 60.0344 33.7017 60.0467C33.7058 60.059 33.718 60.0651 33.7385 60.0651H36.15C36.1786 60.0651 36.2032 60.0753 36.2236 60.0958C36.2441 60.1162 36.2543 60.1408 36.2543 60.1695V61.0346C36.2543 61.0633 36.2441 61.0878 36.2236 61.1083C36.2032 61.1287 36.1786 61.139 36.15 61.139H32.1431C32.1144 61.139 32.0899 61.1287 32.0694 61.1083C32.049 61.0878 32.0388 61.0633 32.0388 61.0346V60.2124C32.0388 60.1592 32.0551 60.1142 32.0878 60.0774C32.3824 59.7951 32.679 59.4863 32.9776 59.1508C33.2803 58.8154 33.4706 58.6068 33.5483 58.525C33.716 58.3286 33.8858 58.1404 34.0576 57.9604C34.5976 57.3632 34.8675 56.9194 34.8675 56.6289C34.8675 56.4203 34.7939 56.2484 34.6466 56.1134C34.4953 55.9826 34.301 55.9171 34.0637 55.9171C33.8265 55.9171 33.6341 55.9826 33.4869 56.1134C33.3396 56.2484 33.266 56.4264 33.266 56.6473V56.8682C33.266 56.8969 33.2558 56.9214 33.2353 56.9418C33.2149 56.9623 33.1883 56.9725 33.1556 56.9725H32.1063C32.0776 56.9725 32.0531 56.9623 32.0326 56.9418C32.0121 56.9214 32.002 56.8969 32.002 56.8682V56.4509C32.0183 56.1318 32.1185 55.8476 32.3026 55.598C32.4867 55.3526 32.7322 55.1644 33.0389 55.0335C33.3458 54.9026 33.6874 54.8372 34.0637 54.8372C34.485 54.8372 34.8512 54.9169 35.162 55.0765C35.477 55.2319 35.7184 55.4425 35.8862 55.7085C36.0538 55.9784 36.1377 56.275 36.1377 56.5982C36.1377 56.8477 36.0763 57.1034 35.9536 57.3652C35.8268 57.627 35.6386 57.9093 35.3891 58.212C35.205 58.4411 35.0066 58.6702 34.7939 58.8993C34.5812 59.1242 34.2642 59.4495 33.8428 59.8749L33.7078 60.0099ZM41.4762 58.4268C41.5048 58.4268 41.5314 58.437 41.5559 58.4575C41.5764 58.4779 41.5866 58.5025 41.5866 58.5311V59.4331C41.5866 59.4617 41.5764 59.4863 41.5559 59.5067C41.5314 59.5272 41.5048 59.5374 41.4762 59.5374H41.0957C41.0671 59.5374 41.0528 59.5518 41.0528 59.5804V61.0346C41.0528 61.0633 41.0425 61.0878 41.0221 61.1083C40.9976 61.1287 40.9709 61.139 40.9423 61.139H39.9053C39.8726 61.139 39.846 61.1287 39.8255 61.1083C39.8051 61.0878 39.7949 61.0633 39.7949 61.0346V59.5804C39.7949 59.5518 39.7805 59.5374 39.7519 59.5374H37.0213C36.9927 59.5374 36.9661 59.5272 36.9415 59.5067C36.9211 59.4863 36.9109 59.4617 36.9109 59.4331V58.7213C36.9109 58.6845 36.9211 58.6395 36.9415 58.5863L38.5431 54.9905C38.5676 54.9374 38.6085 54.9108 38.6658 54.9108H39.7764C39.8173 54.9108 39.846 54.921 39.8623 54.9414C39.8787 54.9619 39.8766 54.9926 39.8562 55.0335L38.3712 58.3715C38.3672 58.3839 38.3672 58.3961 38.3712 58.4084C38.3795 58.4207 38.3897 58.4268 38.402 58.4268H39.7519C39.7805 58.4268 39.7949 58.4104 39.7949 58.3777V57.2793C39.7949 57.2466 39.8051 57.22 39.8255 57.1996C39.846 57.1791 39.8726 57.1689 39.9053 57.1689H40.9423C40.9709 57.1689 40.9976 57.1791 41.0221 57.1996C41.0425 57.22 41.0528 57.2466 41.0528 57.2793V58.3777C41.0528 58.4104 41.0671 58.4268 41.0957 58.4268H41.4762Z" fill="#252530"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_1528_290"> <rect width="57.2952" height="64" fill="white" transform="translate(3.35242 8)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg></div></a></div><div class="carousel-container"><div class="comment-container"><div id="w-node-_5bb69180-d353-0665-8ae1-5f998da4089a-8da4087b" class="slider-comment"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta-wrapper"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta"><div class="feature-comment-card-avatar"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Thomas B. Bewertung von Memtime"/></div><div class="feature-comment-card-data"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Thomas B.</div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-text"><div class="p-2-book text-primary">“Mit Memtime sind wir schneller, präziser und entspannter.”</div></div></div><div id="w-node-_5bb69180-d353-0665-8ae1-5f998da408b0-8da4087b" class="slider-comment"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta-wrapper"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta"><div class="feature-comment-card-avatar"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Stefanie W. Bewertung von Memtime"/></div><div class="feature-comment-card-data"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Stefanie W.</div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 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8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-text"><div class="p-2-book text-primary">“Wir wollten ein Tool, das möglichst wenig Aufwand verursacht.”</div></div></div><div id="w-node-_5bb69180-d353-0665-8ae1-5f998da408c6-8da4087b" class="slider-comment"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta-wrapper"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta"><div class="feature-comment-card-avatar"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Sven R. Bewertung von Memtime"/></div><div class="feature-comment-card-data"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Sven R.</div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 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8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-text"><div class="p-2-book text-primary">“Es ist die simpelste Variante, Zeiten zu erfassen.”</div></div></div><div id="w-node-_5bb69180-d353-0665-8ae1-5f998da408dc-8da4087b" class="slider-comment"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta-wrapper"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta"><div class="feature-comment-card-avatar"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Katharina W. Bewertung von Memtime"/></div><div class="feature-comment-card-data"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Katharina W.</div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 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8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-text"><div class="p-2-book text-primary">“Wir können zukünftige Projekte realistischer einschätzen.”</div></div></div><div id="w-node-_5bb69180-d353-0665-8ae1-5f998da408f2-8da4087b" class="slider-comment"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta-wrapper"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta"><div class="feature-comment-card-avatar"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Liz T. Bewertung von Memtime"/></div><div class="feature-comment-card-data"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Liz T.</div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-text"><div class="p-2-book text-primary">“Erfasste Zeiten zuzuweisen ist intuitiv und dauert nur Sekunden.”</div></div></div><div id="w-node-_5bb69180-d353-0665-8ae1-5f998da40908-8da4087b" class="slider-comment"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta-wrapper"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta"><div class="feature-comment-card-avatar"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Ben B. Bewertung von Memtime"/></div><div class="feature-comment-card-data"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Ben B.</div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 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8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-text"><div class="p-2-book text-primary">“Der Grad an Detailgenauigkeit ist unglaublich.”</div></div></div><div id="w-node-_5bb69180-d353-0665-8ae1-5f998da4091e-8da4087b" class="slider-comment"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta-wrapper"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta"><div class="feature-comment-card-avatar"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Zuzana R. Bewertung von Memtime"/></div><div class="feature-comment-card-data"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Zuzana R.</div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 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8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-text"><div class="p-2-book text-primary">“Kein Stress mehr bei der Zeiterfassung.”</div></div></div><div id="w-node-_5bb69180-d353-0665-8ae1-5f998da40934-8da4087b" class="slider-comment"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta-wrapper"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta"><div class="feature-comment-card-avatar"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Eric C. Bewertung von Memtime"/></div><div class="feature-comment-card-data"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Eric C.</div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 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8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-text"><div class="p-2-book text-primary">“Ich bereue nur, es nicht früher entdeckt zu haben.”</div></div></div><div id="w-node-_5bb69180-d353-0665-8ae1-5f998da4094a-8da4087b" class="slider-comment"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta-wrapper"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta"><div class="feature-comment-card-avatar"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Wolfgang J. Bewertung von Memtime"/></div><div class="feature-comment-card-data"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Wolfgang J.</div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 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8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-text"><div class="p-2-book text-primary">“Memtime ist für uns win/win.”</div></div></div><div id="w-node-_5bb69180-d353-0665-8ae1-5f998da40960-8da4087b" class="slider-comment"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta-wrapper"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta"><div class="feature-comment-card-avatar"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Polly M. Bewertung von Memtime"/></div><div class="feature-comment-card-data"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Polly M.</div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 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8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-text"><div class="p-2-book text-primary">“Ich kann wesentlich genauer abrechnen.”</div></div></div><div id="w-node-_15b8022a-ae10-e106-1f9b-47307a0bdc91-8da4087b" class="slider-comment"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta-wrapper"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta"><div class="feature-comment-card-avatar"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Amanda V. Bewertung von Memtime"/></div><div class="feature-comment-card-data"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Amanda V.</div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 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8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-text"><div class="p-2-book text-primary">“Die Menge erfasster Stunden ist in die Höhe geschnellt!”<br/></div></div></div><div id="w-node-f9f112cf-047c-9b1e-030c-834f5b3e1087-8da4087b" class="slider-comment"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta-wrapper"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta"><div class="feature-comment-card-avatar"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Nik S. Bewertung von Memtime"/></div><div class="feature-comment-card-data"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Nik S.</div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 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8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-text"><div class="p-2-book text-primary">“Memtime macht jede Minute meiner Zeit abrechenbar.”</div></div></div><div id="w-node-e11b30c2-6744-afd3-a5d5-ec6dc7f7ed39-8da4087b" class="slider-comment"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta-wrapper"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta"><div class="feature-comment-card-avatar"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Tarak N. Bewertung von Memtime"/></div><div class="feature-comment-card-data"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Tarak N.</div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 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8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-text"><div class="p-2-book text-primary">“Es öffnet dir die Augen, wohin deine Zeit geht.”</div></div></div><div id="w-node-e5673a29-787a-e5e6-7485-74650c2bcd93-8da4087b" class="slider-comment"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta-wrapper"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta"><div class="feature-comment-card-avatar"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Martin P Bewertung von Memtime"/></div><div class="feature-comment-card-data"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Martin P.</div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-text"><div class="p-2-book text-primary">“Jetzt kann ich meine GESAMTE Zeit abrechnen.”</div></div></div><div id="w-node-e7a71543-e4e6-4a7e-4289-8d8da380a8ef-8da4087b" class="slider-comment"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta-wrapper"><div class="feature-comment-card-meta"><div class="feature-comment-card-avatar"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Louis M. Bewertung von Memtime"/></div><div class="feature-comment-card-data"><div class="p-3-bold text-primary">Louis M.</div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-stars-wrapper"><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div><div class="comment-card-star"><div class="html-embed-34 w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3203 8.93578L14.7969 12.0108L15.8524 16.5889C15.9082 16.8282 15.8923 17.0787 15.8065 17.309C15.7208 17.5394 15.5691 17.7393 15.3703 17.8839C15.1716 18.0284 14.9346 18.1112 14.6891 18.1218C14.4436 18.1324 14.2004 18.0704 13.9899 17.9436L9.99689 15.5217L6.01252 17.9436C5.80202 18.0704 5.55881 18.1324 5.31328 18.1218C5.06775 18.1112 4.83079 18.0284 4.63204 17.8839C4.4333 17.7393 4.28157 17.5394 4.19584 17.309C4.1101 17.0787 4.09416 16.8282 4.15002 16.5889L5.20392 12.0155L1.6797 8.93578C1.49331 8.77502 1.35852 8.5628 1.29225 8.32574C1.22598 8.08868 1.23117 7.83733 1.30718 7.60321C1.38319 7.36909 1.52663 7.16262 1.71952 7.0097C1.9124 6.85678 2.14614 6.76421 2.39142 6.74359L7.03674 6.34125L8.85002 2.01625C8.94471 1.78931 9.10443 1.59546 9.30907 1.45911C9.51371 1.32276 9.75411 1.25 10 1.25C10.2459 1.25 10.4863 1.32276 10.691 1.45911C10.8956 1.59546 11.0553 1.78931 11.15 2.01625L12.9688 6.34125L17.6125 6.74359C17.8578 6.76421 18.0915 6.85678 18.2844 7.0097C18.4773 7.16262 18.6207 7.36909 18.6968 7.60321C18.7728 7.83733 18.778 8.08868 18.7117 8.32574C18.6454 8.5628 18.5106 8.77502 18.3242 8.93578H18.3203Z" fill="#FFA71F"/> </svg></div></div></div></div><div class="feature-comment-card-text"><div class="p-2-book text-primary">“No-Bullshit-Ansatz für die Erfassung meiner Stunden.”</div></div></div></div></div></div></section><section class="home-banner-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer home-banner-container w-container"><div class="home-banner-container-wrapper"><div class="w-layout-grid home-banner-content"><div class="home-banner-hero"><div class="banner_content_wrapper"><h3 class="h3 white mob-h3">Vereinbare eine kostenlose Demo</h3><div class="p-2-book white mob-p-1-book">Spare dir Zeit bei der Recherche und erhalte Antworten auf all deine Fragen in Echtzeit.</div><div class="home-banner-benefits"><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#EDF3FF"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#EDF3FF"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book white mob-p-1-book">Lass dich von uns durch das Tool führen</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" 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8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#EDF3FF"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book white mob-p-1-book">Hole dir deinen individuellen Zeitplan zur Umsetzung</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#EDF3FF"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#EDF3FF"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book white mob-p-1-book">Finde heraus, wie Memtime die Rentabilität steigert</div></div></div></div><div class="home-banner-button"><a href="/de/termin-vereinbaren" target="_blank" class="primary-button-xl bg-white"><div class="text_button_primary text_button_brand">Demo vereinbaren<br/></div></a></div></div><div class="home-banner-img"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Vereinbare eine kostenlose Demo"/></div></div></div></div></section><section class="benefits-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer home-benefits-container w-container"><div class="section-heading-64"><h2 id="w-node-_17ea6f3c-18d4-0662-7f83-ed4a66a7b249-66a7b248" class="h2 mob-h2">Seien wir ehrlich – Zeiterfassung nervt</h2><div class="subtitle-2-book mob-subtitle-book text-central">Darum haben wir einen Weg gefunden, den Aufwand zu minimieren und trotzdem von sämtlichen Vorteilen zu profitieren</div></div><div class="w-layout-grid home-main-bottom-grid-wrapper"><div class="time-entires-card color-brand designers-card"><aside class="benefits-icon-container"><div class="robot-icon w-embed"><svg width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Zeiterfassung mit Privatsphäre an erster Stelle</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M19.5 33.7496C19.5 34.7879 19.1921 35.803 18.6152 36.6663C18.0383 37.5297 17.2184 38.2026 16.2591 38.5999C15.2998 38.9973 14.2442 39.1013 13.2258 38.8987C12.2074 38.6961 11.2719 38.1961 10.5377 37.4619C9.80346 36.7277 9.30345 35.7922 9.10088 34.7738C8.89831 33.7554 9.00227 32.6998 9.39963 31.7405C9.79699 30.7812 10.4699 29.9612 11.3333 29.3844C12.1966 28.8075 13.2116 28.4996 14.25 28.4996C15.6424 28.4996 16.9777 29.0527 17.9623 30.0373C18.9469 31.0218 19.5 32.3572 19.5 33.7496ZM33.75 28.4996C32.7116 28.4996 31.6966 28.8075 30.8333 29.3844C29.9699 29.9612 29.297 30.7812 28.8996 31.7405C28.5023 32.6998 28.3983 33.7554 28.6009 34.7738C28.8034 35.7922 29.3035 36.7277 30.0377 37.4619C30.7719 38.1961 31.7074 38.6961 32.7258 38.8987C33.7442 39.1013 34.7998 38.9973 35.7591 38.5999C36.7184 38.2026 37.5383 37.5297 38.1152 36.6663C38.6921 35.803 39 34.7879 39 33.7496C39 32.3572 38.4469 31.0218 37.4623 30.0373C36.4777 29.0527 35.1424 28.4996 33.75 28.4996ZM31.1456 9.61644C31.0098 9.43042 30.833 9.27817 30.6288 9.17151C30.4247 9.06484 30.1987 9.00663 29.9684 9.00137C29.7382 8.99611 29.5098 9.04395 29.301 9.14119C29.0922 9.23842 28.9086 9.38244 28.7644 9.56207L26.3381 12.3746C26.057 12.7243 25.701 13.0065 25.2963 13.2004C24.8917 13.3942 24.4487 13.4949 24 13.4949C23.5513 13.4949 23.1083 13.3942 22.7037 13.2004C22.299 13.0065 21.943 12.7243 21.6619 12.3746L19.2356 9.56207C19.0914 9.38244 18.9078 9.23842 18.699 9.14119C18.4902 9.04395 18.2618 8.99611 18.0316 9.00137C17.8013 9.00663 17.5753 9.06484 17.3712 9.17151C17.167 9.27817 16.9902 9.43042 16.8544 9.61644L7.5 22.4996H40.5L31.1456 9.61644Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M46.5 21.0001H41.265L32.3588 8.73575C32.0889 8.36519 31.7376 8.06142 31.3321 7.84775C30.9265 7.63408 30.4773 7.5162 30.0191 7.50317C29.5608 7.49013 29.1057 7.58228 28.6886 7.77255C28.2716 7.96282 27.9036 8.24613 27.6131 8.60075L25.2037 11.3945L25.1663 11.4376C25.0266 11.613 24.8493 11.7546 24.6474 11.852C24.4454 11.9493 24.2242 11.9999 24 11.9999C23.7758 11.9999 23.5546 11.9493 23.3526 11.852C23.1507 11.7546 22.9734 11.613 22.8337 11.4376L22.7963 11.3945L20.3869 8.60075C20.0964 8.24613 19.7284 7.96282 19.3114 7.77255C18.8943 7.58228 18.4392 7.49013 17.9809 7.50317C17.5227 7.5162 17.0735 7.63408 16.6679 7.84775C16.2624 8.06142 15.9111 8.36519 15.6412 8.73575L6.735 21.0001H1.5C1.10218 21.0001 0.720644 21.1582 0.43934 21.4395C0.158035 21.7208 0 22.1023 0 22.5001C0 22.8979 0.158035 23.2795 0.43934 23.5608C0.720644 23.8421 1.10218 24.0001 1.5 24.0001H46.5C46.8978 24.0001 47.2794 23.8421 47.5607 23.5608C47.842 23.2795 48 22.8979 48 22.5001C48 22.1023 47.842 21.7208 47.5607 21.4395C47.2794 21.1582 46.8978 21.0001 46.5 21.0001ZM18.0637 10.5001L18.0994 10.5451L20.5087 13.337C20.9307 13.8559 21.463 14.2741 22.0669 14.5614C22.6709 14.8487 23.3312 14.9978 24 14.9978C24.6688 14.9978 25.3291 14.8487 25.9331 14.5614C26.537 14.2741 27.0693 13.8559 27.4912 13.337L29.9006 10.5451C29.9119 10.5301 29.9194 10.5151 29.9325 10.5001L37.5563 21.0001H10.4419L18.0637 10.5001ZM33.75 27.0001C32.0899 27.0004 30.4881 27.6125 29.2508 28.7194C28.0136 29.8263 27.2276 31.3503 27.0431 33.0001H20.9569C20.772 31.3518 19.9867 29.8292 18.7508 28.723C17.5149 27.6168 15.915 27.0043 14.2563 27.0025C12.5976 27.0007 10.9964 27.6097 9.75808 28.7132C8.51978 29.8167 7.73114 31.3376 7.54266 32.9855C7.35418 34.6334 7.77905 36.293 8.7362 37.6477C9.69335 39.0023 11.1158 39.9571 12.732 40.3299C14.3482 40.7026 16.0451 40.4672 17.4989 39.6686C18.9526 38.87 20.0615 37.5641 20.6138 36.0001H27.3862C27.7987 37.1668 28.5241 38.1977 29.4829 38.9801C30.4417 39.7624 31.5971 40.2661 32.8229 40.4361C34.0487 40.6061 35.2976 40.4359 36.4331 39.944C37.5687 39.4522 38.5472 38.6576 39.2616 37.6472C39.9761 36.6367 40.399 35.4493 40.4842 34.2148C40.5694 32.9802 40.3135 31.746 39.7446 30.647C39.1757 29.548 38.3157 28.6266 37.2584 27.9834C36.2012 27.3402 34.9875 27.0001 33.75 27.0001ZM14.25 37.5001C13.5083 37.5001 12.7833 37.2802 12.1666 36.8681C11.5499 36.4561 11.0693 35.8704 10.7855 35.1852C10.5016 34.5 10.4274 33.746 10.5721 33.0185C10.7167 32.2911 11.0739 31.6229 11.5983 31.0985C12.1228 30.574 12.791 30.2169 13.5184 30.0722C14.2458 29.9275 14.9998 30.0017 15.6851 30.2856C16.3703 30.5694 16.956 31.05 17.368 31.6667C17.7801 32.2834 18 33.0084 18 33.7501C18 34.2426 17.903 34.7302 17.7145 35.1852C17.5261 35.6402 17.2499 36.0536 16.9017 36.4018C16.5534 36.75 16.14 37.0262 15.6851 37.2147C15.2301 37.4031 14.7425 37.5001 14.25 37.5001ZM33.75 37.5001C33.0083 37.5001 32.2833 37.2802 31.6666 36.8681C31.0499 36.4561 30.5693 35.8704 30.2855 35.1852C30.0016 34.5 29.9274 33.746 30.0721 33.0185C30.2167 32.2911 30.5739 31.6229 31.0983 31.0985C31.6228 30.574 32.291 30.2169 33.0184 30.0722C33.7458 29.9275 34.4998 30.0017 35.1851 30.2856C35.8703 30.5694 36.456 31.05 36.868 31.6667C37.2801 32.2834 37.5 33.0084 37.5 33.7501C37.5 34.7447 37.1049 35.6985 36.4017 36.4018C35.6984 37.105 34.7446 37.5001 33.75 37.5001Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></aside><div class="benefit-content-wrapper"><h3 class="h5 mob-h5">Datenschutz an erster Stelle</h3><div class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Das Letzte, was die Welt braucht, ist eine weitere Software zur Mitarbeiterüberwachung. Bei der Entwicklung von Memtime haben wir den Schutz und die Sicherheit von Nutzerdaten in den Mittelpunkt gestellt. Damit niemand das gruselige Gefühl von &quot;big brother is watching you&quot; erleben muss.</div></div></div><div class="time-entires-card color-brand designers-card"><div class="benefits-icon-container"><div class="icon-chart w-embed"><svg width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Funktioniert für jedes Abrechnungsmodell</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M43.5 18H4.5L24 6L43.5 18Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M4.5 19.5H9V31.5H6C5.60218 31.5 5.22064 31.6581 4.93934 31.9394C4.65804 32.2207 4.5 32.6022 4.5 33C4.5 33.3979 4.65804 33.7794 4.93934 34.0607C5.22064 34.342 5.60218 34.5 6 34.5H42C42.3978 34.5 42.7794 34.342 43.0607 34.0607C43.342 33.7794 43.5 33.3979 43.5 33C43.5 32.6022 43.342 32.2207 43.0607 31.9394C42.7794 31.6581 42.3978 31.5 42 31.5H39V19.5H43.5C43.8264 19.4997 44.1437 19.3929 44.4039 19.1959C44.6641 18.9989 44.853 18.7224 44.9418 18.4084C45.0307 18.0943 45.0147 17.7599 44.8963 17.4558C44.7778 17.1516 44.5634 16.8944 44.2856 16.7232L24.7856 4.72317C24.5493 4.57789 24.2774 4.50098 24 4.50098C23.7226 4.50098 23.4507 4.57789 23.2144 4.72317L3.71437 16.7232C3.43655 16.8944 3.22217 17.1516 3.10374 17.4558C2.98532 17.7599 2.96932 18.0943 3.05817 18.4084C3.14702 18.7224 3.33586 18.9989 3.59607 19.1959C3.85627 19.3929 4.17363 19.4997 4.5 19.5ZM12 19.5H18V31.5H12V19.5ZM27 19.5V31.5H21V19.5H27ZM36 31.5H30V19.5H36V31.5ZM24 7.76067L38.2013 16.5H9.79875L24 7.76067ZM46.5 39C46.5 39.3979 46.342 39.7794 46.0607 40.0607C45.7794 40.342 45.3978 40.5 45 40.5H3C2.60218 40.5 2.22064 40.342 1.93934 40.0607C1.65804 39.7794 1.5 39.3979 1.5 39C1.5 38.6022 1.65804 38.2207 1.93934 37.9394C2.22064 37.6581 2.60218 37.5 3 37.5H45C45.3978 37.5 45.7794 37.6581 46.0607 37.9394C46.342 38.2207 46.5 38.6022 46.5 39Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><div class="benefit-content-wrapper"><h3 class="h5 mob-h5">Für jedes Abrechnungsmodell</h3><div class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Zeiterfassung wird üblicherweise mit einer  Abrechnung nach Stunden assoziiert. Tatsächlich geht es aber darum, zu wissen,  wie viel es dich kostet, Ergebnisse zu liefern. Wenn du deine tatsächlich benötigten Stunden nicht kennst, kannst du auch nicht deine tatsächliche Gewinnspanne ermitteln.</div></div></div><div class="time-entires-card color-brand designers-card"><div class="benefits-icon-container"><div class="lock-icon w-embed"><svg width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Minimiert Turbulenzen</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M13.5005 30L18.0005 34.5C18.0005 34.5 16.5005 40.5 7.50048 40.5C7.50048 31.5 13.5005 30 13.5005 30ZM25.5005 13.5H13.9411C13.5438 13.5002 13.1628 13.658 12.8817 13.9387L6.44111 20.3794C6.24446 20.5765 6.10655 20.8244 6.04279 21.0954C5.97904 21.3664 5.99196 21.6498 6.08011 21.9138C6.16827 22.1779 6.32818 22.4122 6.54194 22.5906C6.7557 22.769 7.01489 22.8843 7.29048 22.9238L15.0005 24L25.5005 13.5ZM24.0005 33L25.0767 40.71C25.1162 40.9856 25.2315 41.2448 25.4099 41.4585C25.5882 41.6723 25.8226 41.8322 26.0866 41.9204C26.3507 42.0085 26.6341 42.0214 26.9051 41.9577C27.1761 41.8939 27.424 41.756 27.6211 41.5594L34.0617 35.1188C34.3425 34.8377 34.5003 34.4567 34.5005 34.0594V22.5L24.0005 33Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> <path d="M19.4573 34.8633C19.3842 35.154 17.5561 41.9996 7.50047 41.9996C7.10264 41.9996 6.72111 41.8416 6.43981 41.5603C6.1585 41.279 6.00047 40.8974 6.00047 40.4996C6.00047 30.444 12.8461 28.6158 13.1367 28.5427C13.5229 28.4463 13.9315 28.5071 14.2728 28.7119C14.614 28.9168 14.8599 29.2488 14.9564 29.6349C15.0529 30.021 14.992 30.4297 14.7872 30.771C14.5824 31.1122 14.2504 31.3581 13.8642 31.4546C13.6955 31.5015 9.66047 32.6808 9.07172 38.9283C15.3192 38.3396 16.5005 34.3121 16.5492 34.1246C16.6487 33.739 16.8973 33.4086 17.2403 33.2063C17.5833 33.0039 17.9926 32.9461 18.3783 33.0455C18.7639 33.145 19.0943 33.3936 19.2966 33.7366C19.499 34.0796 19.5568 34.489 19.4573 34.8746V34.8633ZM36.8948 22.2258L36.0005 23.1202V34.0571C36.0027 34.4526 35.9263 34.8446 35.7756 35.2102C35.625 35.5759 35.4031 35.908 35.123 36.1871L28.688 42.6183C28.4105 42.8978 28.0804 43.1196 27.7167 43.2708C27.3531 43.4221 26.9631 43.4998 26.5692 43.4996C26.2442 43.4995 25.9213 43.447 25.613 43.344C25.0836 43.1689 24.6138 42.8492 24.2566 42.4212C23.8995 41.9931 23.6691 41.4736 23.5917 40.9215L22.5848 33.7046L14.2955 25.4152L7.08234 24.4083C6.52949 24.3308 6.00923 24.1005 5.58011 23.7435C5.15098 23.3864 4.83 22.9166 4.65329 22.3871C4.47657 21.8575 4.45113 21.2891 4.57982 20.7459C4.7085 20.2027 4.98622 19.7061 5.38172 19.3121L11.813 12.8771C12.0921 12.5969 12.4242 12.3751 12.7898 12.2244C13.1555 12.0738 13.5475 11.9974 13.943 11.9996H24.8798L25.7742 11.1052C30.7767 6.1046 36.8048 5.88897 39.1636 6.0296C39.895 6.07405 40.5848 6.38463 41.1029 6.90275C41.6211 7.42088 41.9316 8.11071 41.9761 8.8421C42.113 11.1952 41.8973 17.2233 36.8967 22.2258H36.8948ZM7.50047 21.4383L14.4661 22.4096L21.8798 14.9996H13.943L7.50047 21.4383ZM17.123 23.9996L24.0005 30.8771L34.7723 20.1052C36.224 18.6633 37.3502 16.9274 38.0753 15.0142C38.8004 13.1009 39.1075 11.0546 38.9761 9.01272C36.9353 8.88605 34.891 9.19635 32.9797 9.9229C31.0685 10.6494 29.3343 11.7755 27.893 13.2258L17.123 23.9996ZM33.0005 26.1202L25.5886 33.5321L26.5636 40.4996L33.0005 34.0571V26.1202Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div></div><div class="benefit-content-wrapper"><h3 class="h5 mob-h5">Minimiert Turbulenzen</h3><div class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Stoppuhren sind ein Relikt der Vergangenheit. Automatische Zeiterfassung ist definitiv der Weg in die Zukunft für jedes Unternehmen, das seinen Verwaltungsaufwand minimieren und tiefe Einblicke in den Status und die Rentabilität von Projekten gewinnen möchte. Memtime hilft dir bei der Skalierung.</div></div></div></div></div></section><section class="vs-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer vs-container w-container"><div class="section-heading-64"><h2 id="w-node-_17ea6f3c-18d4-0662-7f83-ed4a66a7b249-66a7b248" class="h2 mob-h2">Manuelle vs. automatische Zeiterfassung</h2><div class="subtitle-2-book mob-subtitle-book text-central"></div></div><div class="vs-hand-text"><div class="home-arrow w-embed"><svg width="122" height="98" viewBox="0 0 122 98" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M120.931 16.8902C121.5 17.8368 121.194 19.0656 120.248 19.6348L104.822 28.9108C103.875 29.48 102.646 29.1741 102.077 28.2275C101.508 27.2809 101.814 26.052 102.76 25.4828L116.472 17.2375L108.227 3.52567C107.658 2.57906 107.964 1.35024 108.91 0.781022C109.857 0.211802 111.086 0.517735 111.655 1.46434L120.931 16.8902ZM3.12759 97.628C-1.08397 78.3629 -0.445149 50.8664 15.7992 31.6486C32.1838 12.2648 63.76 2.05299 119.7 15.9801L118.734 19.8616C63.4466 6.09707 33.8052 16.5428 18.8541 34.2308C3.76262 52.0846 2.94733 78.0739 7.0353 96.7737L3.12759 97.628Z" fill="#1A73E8"/> </svg></div><div class="signature-30-bold mob-signature-30-bold">Wechsle zu automatischer Zeiterfassung mit Memtime</div></div><div class="vs-wrapper"><div class="w-layout-grid vs-bottom-grid-wrapper"><div class="div-block"><div class="vs-card-negative"><div class="vs-card-negative-line-wrapper"><div class="vs-card-negative-line"><div class="vs-card-positive-line-icon"><div class="code-embed w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Nachteile</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M28 16C28 18.3734 27.2962 20.6935 25.9776 22.6668C24.6591 24.6402 22.7849 26.1783 20.5922 27.0866C18.3995 27.9948 15.9867 28.2324 13.6589 27.7694C11.3312 27.3064 9.19295 26.1635 7.51472 24.4853C5.83649 22.8071 4.6936 20.6689 4.23058 18.3411C3.76756 16.0133 4.0052 13.6005 4.91345 11.4078C5.8217 9.21509 7.35977 7.34094 9.33316 6.02236C11.3066 4.70379 13.6266 4 16 4C19.1826 4 22.2348 5.26428 24.4853 7.51472C26.7357 9.76515 28 12.8174 28 16Z" fill="#EF4444"/> <path d="M11.5 19C11.2033 19 10.9133 18.912 10.6667 18.7472C10.42 18.5824 10.2277 18.3481 10.1142 18.074C10.0007 17.7999 9.97095 17.4983 10.0288 17.2074C10.0867 16.9164 10.2296 16.6491 10.4393 16.4393C10.6491 16.2296 10.9164 16.0867 11.2074 16.0288C11.4983 15.9709 11.7999 16.0007 12.074 16.1142C12.3481 16.2277 12.5824 16.42 12.7472 16.6666C12.912 16.9133 13 17.2033 13 17.5C13 17.8978 12.842 18.2794 12.5607 18.5607C12.2794 18.842 11.8978 19 11.5 19ZM20.5 16C20.2033 16 19.9133 16.088 19.6667 16.2528C19.42 16.4176 19.2277 16.6519 19.1142 16.926C19.0007 17.2001 18.971 17.5017 19.0288 17.7926C19.0867 18.0836 19.2296 18.3509 19.4393 18.5607C19.6491 18.7704 19.9164 18.9133 20.2074 18.9712C20.4983 19.0291 20.7999 18.9993 21.074 18.8858C21.3481 18.7723 21.5824 18.58 21.7472 18.3334C21.912 18.0867 22 17.7967 22 17.5C22 17.1022 21.842 16.7206 21.5607 16.4393C21.2794 16.158 20.8978 16 20.5 16ZM29 16C29 18.5712 28.2376 21.0846 26.8091 23.2224C25.3807 25.3603 23.3503 27.0265 20.9749 28.0104C18.5995 28.9944 15.9856 29.2518 13.4638 28.7502C10.9421 28.2486 8.6257 27.0105 6.80762 25.1924C4.98953 23.3743 3.75141 21.0579 3.2498 18.5362C2.74819 16.0144 3.00563 13.4006 3.98957 11.0251C4.97351 8.64968 6.63975 6.61935 8.77759 5.1909C10.9154 3.76244 13.4288 3 16 3C19.4467 3.00364 22.7512 4.37445 25.1884 6.81163C27.6256 9.24882 28.9964 12.5533 29 16ZM27 16C27 13.8244 26.3549 11.6977 25.1462 9.88873C23.9375 8.07979 22.2195 6.66989 20.2095 5.83733C18.1995 5.00476 15.9878 4.78692 13.854 5.21136C11.7202 5.6358 9.76021 6.68345 8.22183 8.22183C6.68345 9.7602 5.63581 11.7202 5.21137 13.854C4.78693 15.9878 5.00477 18.1995 5.83733 20.2095C6.66989 22.2195 8.07979 23.9375 9.88873 25.1462C11.6977 26.3549 13.8244 27 16 27C18.9164 26.9967 21.7123 25.8367 23.7745 23.7745C25.8367 21.7123 26.9967 18.9164 27 16ZM21.445 10.1675L16 13.7987L10.555 10.1737C10.3342 10.0266 10.064 9.9731 9.80378 10.0251C9.54358 10.0772 9.3147 10.2305 9.16751 10.4513C9.02031 10.672 8.96685 10.9423 9.0189 11.2025C9.07094 11.4627 9.22421 11.6916 9.44501 11.8387L15.445 15.8387C15.6093 15.9484 15.8025 16.0069 16 16.0069C16.1976 16.0069 16.3907 15.9484 16.555 15.8387L22.555 11.8387C22.7758 11.6916 22.9291 11.4627 22.9811 11.2025C23.0332 10.9423 22.9797 10.672 22.8325 10.4513C22.6853 10.2305 22.4564 10.0772 22.1962 10.0251C21.936 9.9731 21.6658 10.0266 21.445 10.1737V10.1675ZM19.5538 22.1675C18.5 21.4662 17.4925 21 16 21C14.5075 21 13.5 21.4662 12.4463 22.1675C12.2305 22.3165 12.0819 22.5443 12.0325 22.8018C11.983 23.0593 12.0367 23.3259 12.1819 23.5442C12.3271 23.7625 12.5523 23.915 12.8089 23.969C13.0654 24.0229 13.3329 23.9739 13.5538 23.8325C14.3663 23.2925 15 23 16 23C17 23 17.6338 23.2925 18.4463 23.8325C18.5555 23.908 18.6787 23.9609 18.8087 23.9882C18.9386 24.0156 19.0727 24.0168 19.2031 23.9917C19.3335 23.9667 19.4576 23.9159 19.5682 23.8424C19.6788 23.7689 19.7736 23.6741 19.8472 23.5635C19.9207 23.4529 19.9715 23.3288 19.9966 23.1984C20.0216 23.068 20.0205 22.9339 19.9932 22.804C19.9658 22.674 19.9129 22.5508 19.8375 22.4415C19.762 22.3323 19.6656 22.2391 19.5538 22.1675Z" fill="#EF4444"/> </svg></div></div><div class="p-2-book text-primary mob-p-1-book">Es ist schwer, sich an jede Stunde oder gar Minute eines Arbeitstages zu erinnern</div></div><div class="vs-card-negative-line"><div class="vs-card-positive-line-icon"><div class="code-embed w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Nachteile</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M28 16C28 18.3734 27.2962 20.6935 25.9776 22.6668C24.6591 24.6402 22.7849 26.1783 20.5922 27.0866C18.3995 27.9948 15.9867 28.2324 13.6589 27.7694C11.3312 27.3064 9.19295 26.1635 7.51472 24.4853C5.83649 22.8071 4.6936 20.6689 4.23058 18.3411C3.76756 16.0133 4.0052 13.6005 4.91345 11.4078C5.8217 9.21509 7.35977 7.34094 9.33316 6.02236C11.3066 4.70379 13.6266 4 16 4C19.1826 4 22.2348 5.26428 24.4853 7.51472C26.7357 9.76515 28 12.8174 28 16Z" fill="#EF4444"/> <path d="M11.5 19C11.2033 19 10.9133 18.912 10.6667 18.7472C10.42 18.5824 10.2277 18.3481 10.1142 18.074C10.0007 17.7999 9.97095 17.4983 10.0288 17.2074C10.0867 16.9164 10.2296 16.6491 10.4393 16.4393C10.6491 16.2296 10.9164 16.0867 11.2074 16.0288C11.4983 15.9709 11.7999 16.0007 12.074 16.1142C12.3481 16.2277 12.5824 16.42 12.7472 16.6666C12.912 16.9133 13 17.2033 13 17.5C13 17.8978 12.842 18.2794 12.5607 18.5607C12.2794 18.842 11.8978 19 11.5 19ZM20.5 16C20.2033 16 19.9133 16.088 19.6667 16.2528C19.42 16.4176 19.2277 16.6519 19.1142 16.926C19.0007 17.2001 18.971 17.5017 19.0288 17.7926C19.0867 18.0836 19.2296 18.3509 19.4393 18.5607C19.6491 18.7704 19.9164 18.9133 20.2074 18.9712C20.4983 19.0291 20.7999 18.9993 21.074 18.8858C21.3481 18.7723 21.5824 18.58 21.7472 18.3334C21.912 18.0867 22 17.7967 22 17.5C22 17.1022 21.842 16.7206 21.5607 16.4393C21.2794 16.158 20.8978 16 20.5 16ZM29 16C29 18.5712 28.2376 21.0846 26.8091 23.2224C25.3807 25.3603 23.3503 27.0265 20.9749 28.0104C18.5995 28.9944 15.9856 29.2518 13.4638 28.7502C10.9421 28.2486 8.6257 27.0105 6.80762 25.1924C4.98953 23.3743 3.75141 21.0579 3.2498 18.5362C2.74819 16.0144 3.00563 13.4006 3.98957 11.0251C4.97351 8.64968 6.63975 6.61935 8.77759 5.1909C10.9154 3.76244 13.4288 3 16 3C19.4467 3.00364 22.7512 4.37445 25.1884 6.81163C27.6256 9.24882 28.9964 12.5533 29 16ZM27 16C27 13.8244 26.3549 11.6977 25.1462 9.88873C23.9375 8.07979 22.2195 6.66989 20.2095 5.83733C18.1995 5.00476 15.9878 4.78692 13.854 5.21136C11.7202 5.6358 9.76021 6.68345 8.22183 8.22183C6.68345 9.7602 5.63581 11.7202 5.21137 13.854C4.78693 15.9878 5.00477 18.1995 5.83733 20.2095C6.66989 22.2195 8.07979 23.9375 9.88873 25.1462C11.6977 26.3549 13.8244 27 16 27C18.9164 26.9967 21.7123 25.8367 23.7745 23.7745C25.8367 21.7123 26.9967 18.9164 27 16ZM21.445 10.1675L16 13.7987L10.555 10.1737C10.3342 10.0266 10.064 9.9731 9.80378 10.0251C9.54358 10.0772 9.3147 10.2305 9.16751 10.4513C9.02031 10.672 8.96685 10.9423 9.0189 11.2025C9.07094 11.4627 9.22421 11.6916 9.44501 11.8387L15.445 15.8387C15.6093 15.9484 15.8025 16.0069 16 16.0069C16.1976 16.0069 16.3907 15.9484 16.555 15.8387L22.555 11.8387C22.7758 11.6916 22.9291 11.4627 22.9811 11.2025C23.0332 10.9423 22.9797 10.672 22.8325 10.4513C22.6853 10.2305 22.4564 10.0772 22.1962 10.0251C21.936 9.9731 21.6658 10.0266 21.445 10.1737V10.1675ZM19.5538 22.1675C18.5 21.4662 17.4925 21 16 21C14.5075 21 13.5 21.4662 12.4463 22.1675C12.2305 22.3165 12.0819 22.5443 12.0325 22.8018C11.983 23.0593 12.0367 23.3259 12.1819 23.5442C12.3271 23.7625 12.5523 23.915 12.8089 23.969C13.0654 24.0229 13.3329 23.9739 13.5538 23.8325C14.3663 23.2925 15 23 16 23C17 23 17.6338 23.2925 18.4463 23.8325C18.5555 23.908 18.6787 23.9609 18.8087 23.9882C18.9386 24.0156 19.0727 24.0168 19.2031 23.9917C19.3335 23.9667 19.4576 23.9159 19.5682 23.8424C19.6788 23.7689 19.7736 23.6741 19.8472 23.5635C19.9207 23.4529 19.9715 23.3288 19.9966 23.1984C20.0216 23.068 20.0205 22.9339 19.9932 22.804C19.9658 22.674 19.9129 22.5508 19.8375 22.4415C19.762 22.3323 19.6656 22.2391 19.5538 22.1675Z" fill="#EF4444"/> </svg></div></div><div class="p-2-book text-primary mob-p-1-book">Es ist unmöglich, zu einem früheren Datum zurückzukehren und sich an alles zu erinnern, woran man gearbeitet hat</div></div><div class="vs-card-negative-line"><div class="vs-card-positive-line-icon"><div class="code-embed w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Nachteile</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M28 16C28 18.3734 27.2962 20.6935 25.9776 22.6668C24.6591 24.6402 22.7849 26.1783 20.5922 27.0866C18.3995 27.9948 15.9867 28.2324 13.6589 27.7694C11.3312 27.3064 9.19295 26.1635 7.51472 24.4853C5.83649 22.8071 4.6936 20.6689 4.23058 18.3411C3.76756 16.0133 4.0052 13.6005 4.91345 11.4078C5.8217 9.21509 7.35977 7.34094 9.33316 6.02236C11.3066 4.70379 13.6266 4 16 4C19.1826 4 22.2348 5.26428 24.4853 7.51472C26.7357 9.76515 28 12.8174 28 16Z" fill="#EF4444"/> <path d="M11.5 19C11.2033 19 10.9133 18.912 10.6667 18.7472C10.42 18.5824 10.2277 18.3481 10.1142 18.074C10.0007 17.7999 9.97095 17.4983 10.0288 17.2074C10.0867 16.9164 10.2296 16.6491 10.4393 16.4393C10.6491 16.2296 10.9164 16.0867 11.2074 16.0288C11.4983 15.9709 11.7999 16.0007 12.074 16.1142C12.3481 16.2277 12.5824 16.42 12.7472 16.6666C12.912 16.9133 13 17.2033 13 17.5C13 17.8978 12.842 18.2794 12.5607 18.5607C12.2794 18.842 11.8978 19 11.5 19ZM20.5 16C20.2033 16 19.9133 16.088 19.6667 16.2528C19.42 16.4176 19.2277 16.6519 19.1142 16.926C19.0007 17.2001 18.971 17.5017 19.0288 17.7926C19.0867 18.0836 19.2296 18.3509 19.4393 18.5607C19.6491 18.7704 19.9164 18.9133 20.2074 18.9712C20.4983 19.0291 20.7999 18.9993 21.074 18.8858C21.3481 18.7723 21.5824 18.58 21.7472 18.3334C21.912 18.0867 22 17.7967 22 17.5C22 17.1022 21.842 16.7206 21.5607 16.4393C21.2794 16.158 20.8978 16 20.5 16ZM29 16C29 18.5712 28.2376 21.0846 26.8091 23.2224C25.3807 25.3603 23.3503 27.0265 20.9749 28.0104C18.5995 28.9944 15.9856 29.2518 13.4638 28.7502C10.9421 28.2486 8.6257 27.0105 6.80762 25.1924C4.98953 23.3743 3.75141 21.0579 3.2498 18.5362C2.74819 16.0144 3.00563 13.4006 3.98957 11.0251C4.97351 8.64968 6.63975 6.61935 8.77759 5.1909C10.9154 3.76244 13.4288 3 16 3C19.4467 3.00364 22.7512 4.37445 25.1884 6.81163C27.6256 9.24882 28.9964 12.5533 29 16ZM27 16C27 13.8244 26.3549 11.6977 25.1462 9.88873C23.9375 8.07979 22.2195 6.66989 20.2095 5.83733C18.1995 5.00476 15.9878 4.78692 13.854 5.21136C11.7202 5.6358 9.76021 6.68345 8.22183 8.22183C6.68345 9.7602 5.63581 11.7202 5.21137 13.854C4.78693 15.9878 5.00477 18.1995 5.83733 20.2095C6.66989 22.2195 8.07979 23.9375 9.88873 25.1462C11.6977 26.3549 13.8244 27 16 27C18.9164 26.9967 21.7123 25.8367 23.7745 23.7745C25.8367 21.7123 26.9967 18.9164 27 16ZM21.445 10.1675L16 13.7987L10.555 10.1737C10.3342 10.0266 10.064 9.9731 9.80378 10.0251C9.54358 10.0772 9.3147 10.2305 9.16751 10.4513C9.02031 10.672 8.96685 10.9423 9.0189 11.2025C9.07094 11.4627 9.22421 11.6916 9.44501 11.8387L15.445 15.8387C15.6093 15.9484 15.8025 16.0069 16 16.0069C16.1976 16.0069 16.3907 15.9484 16.555 15.8387L22.555 11.8387C22.7758 11.6916 22.9291 11.4627 22.9811 11.2025C23.0332 10.9423 22.9797 10.672 22.8325 10.4513C22.6853 10.2305 22.4564 10.0772 22.1962 10.0251C21.936 9.9731 21.6658 10.0266 21.445 10.1737V10.1675ZM19.5538 22.1675C18.5 21.4662 17.4925 21 16 21C14.5075 21 13.5 21.4662 12.4463 22.1675C12.2305 22.3165 12.0819 22.5443 12.0325 22.8018C11.983 23.0593 12.0367 23.3259 12.1819 23.5442C12.3271 23.7625 12.5523 23.915 12.8089 23.969C13.0654 24.0229 13.3329 23.9739 13.5538 23.8325C14.3663 23.2925 15 23 16 23C17 23 17.6338 23.2925 18.4463 23.8325C18.5555 23.908 18.6787 23.9609 18.8087 23.9882C18.9386 24.0156 19.0727 24.0168 19.2031 23.9917C19.3335 23.9667 19.4576 23.9159 19.5682 23.8424C19.6788 23.7689 19.7736 23.6741 19.8472 23.5635C19.9207 23.4529 19.9715 23.3288 19.9966 23.1984C20.0216 23.068 20.0205 22.9339 19.9932 22.804C19.9658 22.674 19.9129 22.5508 19.8375 22.4415C19.762 22.3323 19.6656 22.2391 19.5538 22.1675Z" fill="#EF4444"/> </svg></div></div><div class="p-2-book text-primary mob-p-1-book">Man muss für jede Aufgabe eine Stoppuhr starten, die man immer wieder vergisst zu stoppen</div></div><div class="vs-card-negative-line"><div class="vs-card-positive-line-icon"><div class="code-embed w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Nachteile</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M28 16C28 18.3734 27.2962 20.6935 25.9776 22.6668C24.6591 24.6402 22.7849 26.1783 20.5922 27.0866C18.3995 27.9948 15.9867 28.2324 13.6589 27.7694C11.3312 27.3064 9.19295 26.1635 7.51472 24.4853C5.83649 22.8071 4.6936 20.6689 4.23058 18.3411C3.76756 16.0133 4.0052 13.6005 4.91345 11.4078C5.8217 9.21509 7.35977 7.34094 9.33316 6.02236C11.3066 4.70379 13.6266 4 16 4C19.1826 4 22.2348 5.26428 24.4853 7.51472C26.7357 9.76515 28 12.8174 28 16Z" fill="#EF4444"/> <path d="M11.5 19C11.2033 19 10.9133 18.912 10.6667 18.7472C10.42 18.5824 10.2277 18.3481 10.1142 18.074C10.0007 17.7999 9.97095 17.4983 10.0288 17.2074C10.0867 16.9164 10.2296 16.6491 10.4393 16.4393C10.6491 16.2296 10.9164 16.0867 11.2074 16.0288C11.4983 15.9709 11.7999 16.0007 12.074 16.1142C12.3481 16.2277 12.5824 16.42 12.7472 16.6666C12.912 16.9133 13 17.2033 13 17.5C13 17.8978 12.842 18.2794 12.5607 18.5607C12.2794 18.842 11.8978 19 11.5 19ZM20.5 16C20.2033 16 19.9133 16.088 19.6667 16.2528C19.42 16.4176 19.2277 16.6519 19.1142 16.926C19.0007 17.2001 18.971 17.5017 19.0288 17.7926C19.0867 18.0836 19.2296 18.3509 19.4393 18.5607C19.6491 18.7704 19.9164 18.9133 20.2074 18.9712C20.4983 19.0291 20.7999 18.9993 21.074 18.8858C21.3481 18.7723 21.5824 18.58 21.7472 18.3334C21.912 18.0867 22 17.7967 22 17.5C22 17.1022 21.842 16.7206 21.5607 16.4393C21.2794 16.158 20.8978 16 20.5 16ZM29 16C29 18.5712 28.2376 21.0846 26.8091 23.2224C25.3807 25.3603 23.3503 27.0265 20.9749 28.0104C18.5995 28.9944 15.9856 29.2518 13.4638 28.7502C10.9421 28.2486 8.6257 27.0105 6.80762 25.1924C4.98953 23.3743 3.75141 21.0579 3.2498 18.5362C2.74819 16.0144 3.00563 13.4006 3.98957 11.0251C4.97351 8.64968 6.63975 6.61935 8.77759 5.1909C10.9154 3.76244 13.4288 3 16 3C19.4467 3.00364 22.7512 4.37445 25.1884 6.81163C27.6256 9.24882 28.9964 12.5533 29 16ZM27 16C27 13.8244 26.3549 11.6977 25.1462 9.88873C23.9375 8.07979 22.2195 6.66989 20.2095 5.83733C18.1995 5.00476 15.9878 4.78692 13.854 5.21136C11.7202 5.6358 9.76021 6.68345 8.22183 8.22183C6.68345 9.7602 5.63581 11.7202 5.21137 13.854C4.78693 15.9878 5.00477 18.1995 5.83733 20.2095C6.66989 22.2195 8.07979 23.9375 9.88873 25.1462C11.6977 26.3549 13.8244 27 16 27C18.9164 26.9967 21.7123 25.8367 23.7745 23.7745C25.8367 21.7123 26.9967 18.9164 27 16ZM21.445 10.1675L16 13.7987L10.555 10.1737C10.3342 10.0266 10.064 9.9731 9.80378 10.0251C9.54358 10.0772 9.3147 10.2305 9.16751 10.4513C9.02031 10.672 8.96685 10.9423 9.0189 11.2025C9.07094 11.4627 9.22421 11.6916 9.44501 11.8387L15.445 15.8387C15.6093 15.9484 15.8025 16.0069 16 16.0069C16.1976 16.0069 16.3907 15.9484 16.555 15.8387L22.555 11.8387C22.7758 11.6916 22.9291 11.4627 22.9811 11.2025C23.0332 10.9423 22.9797 10.672 22.8325 10.4513C22.6853 10.2305 22.4564 10.0772 22.1962 10.0251C21.936 9.9731 21.6658 10.0266 21.445 10.1737V10.1675ZM19.5538 22.1675C18.5 21.4662 17.4925 21 16 21C14.5075 21 13.5 21.4662 12.4463 22.1675C12.2305 22.3165 12.0819 22.5443 12.0325 22.8018C11.983 23.0593 12.0367 23.3259 12.1819 23.5442C12.3271 23.7625 12.5523 23.915 12.8089 23.969C13.0654 24.0229 13.3329 23.9739 13.5538 23.8325C14.3663 23.2925 15 23 16 23C17 23 17.6338 23.2925 18.4463 23.8325C18.5555 23.908 18.6787 23.9609 18.8087 23.9882C18.9386 24.0156 19.0727 24.0168 19.2031 23.9917C19.3335 23.9667 19.4576 23.9159 19.5682 23.8424C19.6788 23.7689 19.7736 23.6741 19.8472 23.5635C19.9207 23.4529 19.9715 23.3288 19.9966 23.1984C20.0216 23.068 20.0205 22.9339 19.9932 22.804C19.9658 22.674 19.9129 22.5508 19.8375 22.4415C19.762 22.3323 19.6656 22.2391 19.5538 22.1675Z" fill="#EF4444"/> </svg></div></div><div class="p-2-book text-primary mob-p-1-book">Stundenzettel werden so lange aufgeschoben, bis es zu spät ist, Stunden zu erfassen</div></div><div class="vs-card-negative-line"><div class="vs-card-positive-line-icon"><div class="code-embed w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Nachteile</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M28 16C28 18.3734 27.2962 20.6935 25.9776 22.6668C24.6591 24.6402 22.7849 26.1783 20.5922 27.0866C18.3995 27.9948 15.9867 28.2324 13.6589 27.7694C11.3312 27.3064 9.19295 26.1635 7.51472 24.4853C5.83649 22.8071 4.6936 20.6689 4.23058 18.3411C3.76756 16.0133 4.0052 13.6005 4.91345 11.4078C5.8217 9.21509 7.35977 7.34094 9.33316 6.02236C11.3066 4.70379 13.6266 4 16 4C19.1826 4 22.2348 5.26428 24.4853 7.51472C26.7357 9.76515 28 12.8174 28 16Z" fill="#EF4444"/> <path d="M11.5 19C11.2033 19 10.9133 18.912 10.6667 18.7472C10.42 18.5824 10.2277 18.3481 10.1142 18.074C10.0007 17.7999 9.97095 17.4983 10.0288 17.2074C10.0867 16.9164 10.2296 16.6491 10.4393 16.4393C10.6491 16.2296 10.9164 16.0867 11.2074 16.0288C11.4983 15.9709 11.7999 16.0007 12.074 16.1142C12.3481 16.2277 12.5824 16.42 12.7472 16.6666C12.912 16.9133 13 17.2033 13 17.5C13 17.8978 12.842 18.2794 12.5607 18.5607C12.2794 18.842 11.8978 19 11.5 19ZM20.5 16C20.2033 16 19.9133 16.088 19.6667 16.2528C19.42 16.4176 19.2277 16.6519 19.1142 16.926C19.0007 17.2001 18.971 17.5017 19.0288 17.7926C19.0867 18.0836 19.2296 18.3509 19.4393 18.5607C19.6491 18.7704 19.9164 18.9133 20.2074 18.9712C20.4983 19.0291 20.7999 18.9993 21.074 18.8858C21.3481 18.7723 21.5824 18.58 21.7472 18.3334C21.912 18.0867 22 17.7967 22 17.5C22 17.1022 21.842 16.7206 21.5607 16.4393C21.2794 16.158 20.8978 16 20.5 16ZM29 16C29 18.5712 28.2376 21.0846 26.8091 23.2224C25.3807 25.3603 23.3503 27.0265 20.9749 28.0104C18.5995 28.9944 15.9856 29.2518 13.4638 28.7502C10.9421 28.2486 8.6257 27.0105 6.80762 25.1924C4.98953 23.3743 3.75141 21.0579 3.2498 18.5362C2.74819 16.0144 3.00563 13.4006 3.98957 11.0251C4.97351 8.64968 6.63975 6.61935 8.77759 5.1909C10.9154 3.76244 13.4288 3 16 3C19.4467 3.00364 22.7512 4.37445 25.1884 6.81163C27.6256 9.24882 28.9964 12.5533 29 16ZM27 16C27 13.8244 26.3549 11.6977 25.1462 9.88873C23.9375 8.07979 22.2195 6.66989 20.2095 5.83733C18.1995 5.00476 15.9878 4.78692 13.854 5.21136C11.7202 5.6358 9.76021 6.68345 8.22183 8.22183C6.68345 9.7602 5.63581 11.7202 5.21137 13.854C4.78693 15.9878 5.00477 18.1995 5.83733 20.2095C6.66989 22.2195 8.07979 23.9375 9.88873 25.1462C11.6977 26.3549 13.8244 27 16 27C18.9164 26.9967 21.7123 25.8367 23.7745 23.7745C25.8367 21.7123 26.9967 18.9164 27 16ZM21.445 10.1675L16 13.7987L10.555 10.1737C10.3342 10.0266 10.064 9.9731 9.80378 10.0251C9.54358 10.0772 9.3147 10.2305 9.16751 10.4513C9.02031 10.672 8.96685 10.9423 9.0189 11.2025C9.07094 11.4627 9.22421 11.6916 9.44501 11.8387L15.445 15.8387C15.6093 15.9484 15.8025 16.0069 16 16.0069C16.1976 16.0069 16.3907 15.9484 16.555 15.8387L22.555 11.8387C22.7758 11.6916 22.9291 11.4627 22.9811 11.2025C23.0332 10.9423 22.9797 10.672 22.8325 10.4513C22.6853 10.2305 22.4564 10.0772 22.1962 10.0251C21.936 9.9731 21.6658 10.0266 21.445 10.1737V10.1675ZM19.5538 22.1675C18.5 21.4662 17.4925 21 16 21C14.5075 21 13.5 21.4662 12.4463 22.1675C12.2305 22.3165 12.0819 22.5443 12.0325 22.8018C11.983 23.0593 12.0367 23.3259 12.1819 23.5442C12.3271 23.7625 12.5523 23.915 12.8089 23.969C13.0654 24.0229 13.3329 23.9739 13.5538 23.8325C14.3663 23.2925 15 23 16 23C17 23 17.6338 23.2925 18.4463 23.8325C18.5555 23.908 18.6787 23.9609 18.8087 23.9882C18.9386 24.0156 19.0727 24.0168 19.2031 23.9917C19.3335 23.9667 19.4576 23.9159 19.5682 23.8424C19.6788 23.7689 19.7736 23.6741 19.8472 23.5635C19.9207 23.4529 19.9715 23.3288 19.9966 23.1984C20.0216 23.068 20.0205 22.9339 19.9932 22.804C19.9658 22.674 19.9129 22.5508 19.8375 22.4415C19.762 22.3323 19.6656 22.2391 19.5538 22.1675Z" fill="#EF4444"/> </svg></div></div><div class="p-2-book text-primary mob-p-1-book">Zeiterfassung lenkt von der eigentlichen Arbeit ab</div></div><div class="vs-card-negative-line"><div class="vs-card-positive-line-icon"><div class="code-embed w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Nachteile</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M28 16C28 18.3734 27.2962 20.6935 25.9776 22.6668C24.6591 24.6402 22.7849 26.1783 20.5922 27.0866C18.3995 27.9948 15.9867 28.2324 13.6589 27.7694C11.3312 27.3064 9.19295 26.1635 7.51472 24.4853C5.83649 22.8071 4.6936 20.6689 4.23058 18.3411C3.76756 16.0133 4.0052 13.6005 4.91345 11.4078C5.8217 9.21509 7.35977 7.34094 9.33316 6.02236C11.3066 4.70379 13.6266 4 16 4C19.1826 4 22.2348 5.26428 24.4853 7.51472C26.7357 9.76515 28 12.8174 28 16Z" fill="#EF4444"/> <path d="M11.5 19C11.2033 19 10.9133 18.912 10.6667 18.7472C10.42 18.5824 10.2277 18.3481 10.1142 18.074C10.0007 17.7999 9.97095 17.4983 10.0288 17.2074C10.0867 16.9164 10.2296 16.6491 10.4393 16.4393C10.6491 16.2296 10.9164 16.0867 11.2074 16.0288C11.4983 15.9709 11.7999 16.0007 12.074 16.1142C12.3481 16.2277 12.5824 16.42 12.7472 16.6666C12.912 16.9133 13 17.2033 13 17.5C13 17.8978 12.842 18.2794 12.5607 18.5607C12.2794 18.842 11.8978 19 11.5 19ZM20.5 16C20.2033 16 19.9133 16.088 19.6667 16.2528C19.42 16.4176 19.2277 16.6519 19.1142 16.926C19.0007 17.2001 18.971 17.5017 19.0288 17.7926C19.0867 18.0836 19.2296 18.3509 19.4393 18.5607C19.6491 18.7704 19.9164 18.9133 20.2074 18.9712C20.4983 19.0291 20.7999 18.9993 21.074 18.8858C21.3481 18.7723 21.5824 18.58 21.7472 18.3334C21.912 18.0867 22 17.7967 22 17.5C22 17.1022 21.842 16.7206 21.5607 16.4393C21.2794 16.158 20.8978 16 20.5 16ZM29 16C29 18.5712 28.2376 21.0846 26.8091 23.2224C25.3807 25.3603 23.3503 27.0265 20.9749 28.0104C18.5995 28.9944 15.9856 29.2518 13.4638 28.7502C10.9421 28.2486 8.6257 27.0105 6.80762 25.1924C4.98953 23.3743 3.75141 21.0579 3.2498 18.5362C2.74819 16.0144 3.00563 13.4006 3.98957 11.0251C4.97351 8.64968 6.63975 6.61935 8.77759 5.1909C10.9154 3.76244 13.4288 3 16 3C19.4467 3.00364 22.7512 4.37445 25.1884 6.81163C27.6256 9.24882 28.9964 12.5533 29 16ZM27 16C27 13.8244 26.3549 11.6977 25.1462 9.88873C23.9375 8.07979 22.2195 6.66989 20.2095 5.83733C18.1995 5.00476 15.9878 4.78692 13.854 5.21136C11.7202 5.6358 9.76021 6.68345 8.22183 8.22183C6.68345 9.7602 5.63581 11.7202 5.21137 13.854C4.78693 15.9878 5.00477 18.1995 5.83733 20.2095C6.66989 22.2195 8.07979 23.9375 9.88873 25.1462C11.6977 26.3549 13.8244 27 16 27C18.9164 26.9967 21.7123 25.8367 23.7745 23.7745C25.8367 21.7123 26.9967 18.9164 27 16ZM21.445 10.1675L16 13.7987L10.555 10.1737C10.3342 10.0266 10.064 9.9731 9.80378 10.0251C9.54358 10.0772 9.3147 10.2305 9.16751 10.4513C9.02031 10.672 8.96685 10.9423 9.0189 11.2025C9.07094 11.4627 9.22421 11.6916 9.44501 11.8387L15.445 15.8387C15.6093 15.9484 15.8025 16.0069 16 16.0069C16.1976 16.0069 16.3907 15.9484 16.555 15.8387L22.555 11.8387C22.7758 11.6916 22.9291 11.4627 22.9811 11.2025C23.0332 10.9423 22.9797 10.672 22.8325 10.4513C22.6853 10.2305 22.4564 10.0772 22.1962 10.0251C21.936 9.9731 21.6658 10.0266 21.445 10.1737V10.1675ZM19.5538 22.1675C18.5 21.4662 17.4925 21 16 21C14.5075 21 13.5 21.4662 12.4463 22.1675C12.2305 22.3165 12.0819 22.5443 12.0325 22.8018C11.983 23.0593 12.0367 23.3259 12.1819 23.5442C12.3271 23.7625 12.5523 23.915 12.8089 23.969C13.0654 24.0229 13.3329 23.9739 13.5538 23.8325C14.3663 23.2925 15 23 16 23C17 23 17.6338 23.2925 18.4463 23.8325C18.5555 23.908 18.6787 23.9609 18.8087 23.9882C18.9386 24.0156 19.0727 24.0168 19.2031 23.9917C19.3335 23.9667 19.4576 23.9159 19.5682 23.8424C19.6788 23.7689 19.7736 23.6741 19.8472 23.5635C19.9207 23.4529 19.9715 23.3288 19.9966 23.1984C20.0216 23.068 20.0205 22.9339 19.9932 22.804C19.9658 22.674 19.9129 22.5508 19.8375 22.4415C19.762 22.3323 19.6656 22.2391 19.5538 22.1675Z" fill="#EF4444"/> </svg></div></div><div class="p-2-book text-primary mob-p-1-book">Unzuverlässige &amp; inkonsistente Daten zwischen verschiedenen Teams</div></div></div></div></div><div class="vs-card-positive"><div class="vs-card-positive-line-wrapper"><div class="vs-card-positive-line"><div class="vs-card-positive-line-icon"><div class="code-embed w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Vorteile</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M28 16C28 18.3734 27.2962 20.6935 25.9776 22.6668C24.6591 24.6402 22.7849 26.1783 20.5922 27.0866C18.3995 27.9948 15.9867 28.2324 13.6589 27.7694C11.3312 27.3064 9.19295 26.1635 7.51472 24.4853C5.83649 22.8071 4.6936 20.6689 4.23058 18.3411C3.76756 16.0133 4.0052 13.6005 4.91345 11.4078C5.8217 9.21509 7.35977 7.34094 9.33316 6.02236C11.3066 4.70379 13.6266 4 16 4C19.1826 4 22.2348 5.26428 24.4853 7.51472C26.7357 9.76515 28 12.8174 28 16Z" fill="#10B981"/> <path d="M16 3C13.4288 3 10.9154 3.76244 8.77759 5.1909C6.63975 6.61935 4.97351 8.64968 3.98957 11.0251C3.00563 13.4006 2.74819 16.0144 3.2498 18.5362C3.75141 21.0579 4.98953 23.3743 6.80762 25.1924C8.6257 27.0105 10.9421 28.2486 13.4638 28.7502C15.9856 29.2518 18.5995 28.9944 20.9749 28.0104C23.3503 27.0265 25.3807 25.3603 26.8091 23.2224C28.2376 21.0846 29 18.5712 29 16C28.9964 12.5533 27.6256 9.24882 25.1884 6.81163C22.7512 4.37445 19.4467 3.00364 16 3ZM16 27C13.8244 27 11.6977 26.3549 9.88873 25.1462C8.07979 23.9375 6.66989 22.2195 5.83733 20.2095C5.00477 18.1995 4.78693 15.9878 5.21137 13.854C5.63581 11.7202 6.68345 9.7602 8.22183 8.22183C9.76021 6.68345 11.7202 5.6358 13.854 5.21136C15.9878 4.78692 18.1995 5.00476 20.2095 5.83733C22.2195 6.66989 23.9375 8.07979 25.1462 9.88873C26.3549 11.6977 27 13.8244 27 16C26.9967 18.9164 25.8367 21.7123 23.7745 23.7745C21.7123 25.8367 18.9164 26.9967 16 27ZM10 13.5C10 13.2033 10.088 12.9133 10.2528 12.6666C10.4176 12.42 10.6519 12.2277 10.926 12.1142C11.2001 12.0006 11.5017 11.9709 11.7926 12.0288C12.0836 12.0867 12.3509 12.2296 12.5607 12.4393C12.7704 12.6491 12.9133 12.9164 12.9712 13.2074C13.0291 13.4983 12.9994 13.7999 12.8858 14.074C12.7723 14.3481 12.58 14.5824 12.3334 14.7472C12.0867 14.912 11.7967 15 11.5 15C11.1022 15 10.7206 14.842 10.4393 14.5607C10.158 14.2794 10 13.8978 10 13.5ZM22 13.5C22 13.7967 21.912 14.0867 21.7472 14.3334C21.5824 14.58 21.3481 14.7723 21.074 14.8858C20.7999 14.9994 20.4983 15.0291 20.2074 14.9712C19.9164 14.9133 19.6491 14.7704 19.4393 14.5607C19.2296 14.3509 19.0867 14.0836 19.0288 13.7926C18.971 13.5017 19.0007 13.2001 19.1142 12.926C19.2277 12.6519 19.42 12.4176 19.6667 12.2528C19.9133 12.088 20.2033 12 20.5 12C20.8978 12 21.2794 12.158 21.5607 12.4393C21.842 12.7206 22 13.1022 22 13.5ZM21.865 19.5C20.5788 21.7238 18.4413 23 16 23C13.5588 23 11.4213 21.725 10.135 19.5C10.0627 19.3862 10.0141 19.2589 9.99218 19.1258C9.97029 18.9927 9.97555 18.8566 10.0076 18.7256C10.0397 18.5946 10.098 18.4715 10.1789 18.3636C10.2598 18.2557 10.3617 18.1652 10.4785 18.0978C10.5952 18.0303 10.7245 17.9871 10.8583 17.9708C10.9922 17.9546 11.128 17.9655 11.2575 18.0031C11.3871 18.0407 11.5077 18.1041 11.6121 18.1895C11.7164 18.2749 11.8025 18.3805 11.865 18.5C12.7988 20.1138 14.2663 21 16 21C17.7338 21 19.2013 20.1125 20.135 18.5C20.1975 18.3805 20.2836 18.2749 20.388 18.1895C20.4924 18.1041 20.6129 18.0407 20.7425 18.0031C20.872 17.9655 21.0078 17.9546 21.1417 17.9708C21.2756 17.9871 21.4048 18.0303 21.5215 18.0978C21.6383 18.1652 21.7402 18.2557 21.8211 18.3636C21.902 18.4715 21.9603 18.5946 21.9924 18.7256C22.0245 18.8566 22.0297 18.9927 22.0078 19.1258C21.9859 19.2589 21.9374 19.3862 21.865 19.5Z" fill="#10B981"/> </svg></div></div><div class="p-2-book text-primary mob-p-1-book">Es ist einfach, sich an jeden Tag bis ins kleinste Detail zu erinnern</div></div><div class="vs-card-positive-line"><div class="vs-card-positive-line-icon"><div class="code-embed w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Vorteile</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M28 16C28 18.3734 27.2962 20.6935 25.9776 22.6668C24.6591 24.6402 22.7849 26.1783 20.5922 27.0866C18.3995 27.9948 15.9867 28.2324 13.6589 27.7694C11.3312 27.3064 9.19295 26.1635 7.51472 24.4853C5.83649 22.8071 4.6936 20.6689 4.23058 18.3411C3.76756 16.0133 4.0052 13.6005 4.91345 11.4078C5.8217 9.21509 7.35977 7.34094 9.33316 6.02236C11.3066 4.70379 13.6266 4 16 4C19.1826 4 22.2348 5.26428 24.4853 7.51472C26.7357 9.76515 28 12.8174 28 16Z" fill="#10B981"/> <path d="M16 3C13.4288 3 10.9154 3.76244 8.77759 5.1909C6.63975 6.61935 4.97351 8.64968 3.98957 11.0251C3.00563 13.4006 2.74819 16.0144 3.2498 18.5362C3.75141 21.0579 4.98953 23.3743 6.80762 25.1924C8.6257 27.0105 10.9421 28.2486 13.4638 28.7502C15.9856 29.2518 18.5995 28.9944 20.9749 28.0104C23.3503 27.0265 25.3807 25.3603 26.8091 23.2224C28.2376 21.0846 29 18.5712 29 16C28.9964 12.5533 27.6256 9.24882 25.1884 6.81163C22.7512 4.37445 19.4467 3.00364 16 3ZM16 27C13.8244 27 11.6977 26.3549 9.88873 25.1462C8.07979 23.9375 6.66989 22.2195 5.83733 20.2095C5.00477 18.1995 4.78693 15.9878 5.21137 13.854C5.63581 11.7202 6.68345 9.7602 8.22183 8.22183C9.76021 6.68345 11.7202 5.6358 13.854 5.21136C15.9878 4.78692 18.1995 5.00476 20.2095 5.83733C22.2195 6.66989 23.9375 8.07979 25.1462 9.88873C26.3549 11.6977 27 13.8244 27 16C26.9967 18.9164 25.8367 21.7123 23.7745 23.7745C21.7123 25.8367 18.9164 26.9967 16 27ZM10 13.5C10 13.2033 10.088 12.9133 10.2528 12.6666C10.4176 12.42 10.6519 12.2277 10.926 12.1142C11.2001 12.0006 11.5017 11.9709 11.7926 12.0288C12.0836 12.0867 12.3509 12.2296 12.5607 12.4393C12.7704 12.6491 12.9133 12.9164 12.9712 13.2074C13.0291 13.4983 12.9994 13.7999 12.8858 14.074C12.7723 14.3481 12.58 14.5824 12.3334 14.7472C12.0867 14.912 11.7967 15 11.5 15C11.1022 15 10.7206 14.842 10.4393 14.5607C10.158 14.2794 10 13.8978 10 13.5ZM22 13.5C22 13.7967 21.912 14.0867 21.7472 14.3334C21.5824 14.58 21.3481 14.7723 21.074 14.8858C20.7999 14.9994 20.4983 15.0291 20.2074 14.9712C19.9164 14.9133 19.6491 14.7704 19.4393 14.5607C19.2296 14.3509 19.0867 14.0836 19.0288 13.7926C18.971 13.5017 19.0007 13.2001 19.1142 12.926C19.2277 12.6519 19.42 12.4176 19.6667 12.2528C19.9133 12.088 20.2033 12 20.5 12C20.8978 12 21.2794 12.158 21.5607 12.4393C21.842 12.7206 22 13.1022 22 13.5ZM21.865 19.5C20.5788 21.7238 18.4413 23 16 23C13.5588 23 11.4213 21.725 10.135 19.5C10.0627 19.3862 10.0141 19.2589 9.99218 19.1258C9.97029 18.9927 9.97555 18.8566 10.0076 18.7256C10.0397 18.5946 10.098 18.4715 10.1789 18.3636C10.2598 18.2557 10.3617 18.1652 10.4785 18.0978C10.5952 18.0303 10.7245 17.9871 10.8583 17.9708C10.9922 17.9546 11.128 17.9655 11.2575 18.0031C11.3871 18.0407 11.5077 18.1041 11.6121 18.1895C11.7164 18.2749 11.8025 18.3805 11.865 18.5C12.7988 20.1138 14.2663 21 16 21C17.7338 21 19.2013 20.1125 20.135 18.5C20.1975 18.3805 20.2836 18.2749 20.388 18.1895C20.4924 18.1041 20.6129 18.0407 20.7425 18.0031C20.872 17.9655 21.0078 17.9546 21.1417 17.9708C21.2756 17.9871 21.4048 18.0303 21.5215 18.0978C21.6383 18.1652 21.7402 18.2557 21.8211 18.3636C21.902 18.4715 21.9603 18.5946 21.9924 18.7256C22.0245 18.8566 22.0297 18.9927 22.0078 19.1258C21.9859 19.2589 21.9374 19.3862 21.865 19.5Z" fill="#10B981"/> </svg></div></div><div class="p-2-book text-primary mob-p-1-book">Man kann schnell und einfach jeden beliebigen Tag aus der Vergangenheit bis ins kleinste Detail rekonstruieren</div></div><div class="vs-card-positive-line"><div class="vs-card-positive-line-icon"><div class="code-embed w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Vorteile</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M28 16C28 18.3734 27.2962 20.6935 25.9776 22.6668C24.6591 24.6402 22.7849 26.1783 20.5922 27.0866C18.3995 27.9948 15.9867 28.2324 13.6589 27.7694C11.3312 27.3064 9.19295 26.1635 7.51472 24.4853C5.83649 22.8071 4.6936 20.6689 4.23058 18.3411C3.76756 16.0133 4.0052 13.6005 4.91345 11.4078C5.8217 9.21509 7.35977 7.34094 9.33316 6.02236C11.3066 4.70379 13.6266 4 16 4C19.1826 4 22.2348 5.26428 24.4853 7.51472C26.7357 9.76515 28 12.8174 28 16Z" fill="#10B981"/> <path d="M16 3C13.4288 3 10.9154 3.76244 8.77759 5.1909C6.63975 6.61935 4.97351 8.64968 3.98957 11.0251C3.00563 13.4006 2.74819 16.0144 3.2498 18.5362C3.75141 21.0579 4.98953 23.3743 6.80762 25.1924C8.6257 27.0105 10.9421 28.2486 13.4638 28.7502C15.9856 29.2518 18.5995 28.9944 20.9749 28.0104C23.3503 27.0265 25.3807 25.3603 26.8091 23.2224C28.2376 21.0846 29 18.5712 29 16C28.9964 12.5533 27.6256 9.24882 25.1884 6.81163C22.7512 4.37445 19.4467 3.00364 16 3ZM16 27C13.8244 27 11.6977 26.3549 9.88873 25.1462C8.07979 23.9375 6.66989 22.2195 5.83733 20.2095C5.00477 18.1995 4.78693 15.9878 5.21137 13.854C5.63581 11.7202 6.68345 9.7602 8.22183 8.22183C9.76021 6.68345 11.7202 5.6358 13.854 5.21136C15.9878 4.78692 18.1995 5.00476 20.2095 5.83733C22.2195 6.66989 23.9375 8.07979 25.1462 9.88873C26.3549 11.6977 27 13.8244 27 16C26.9967 18.9164 25.8367 21.7123 23.7745 23.7745C21.7123 25.8367 18.9164 26.9967 16 27ZM10 13.5C10 13.2033 10.088 12.9133 10.2528 12.6666C10.4176 12.42 10.6519 12.2277 10.926 12.1142C11.2001 12.0006 11.5017 11.9709 11.7926 12.0288C12.0836 12.0867 12.3509 12.2296 12.5607 12.4393C12.7704 12.6491 12.9133 12.9164 12.9712 13.2074C13.0291 13.4983 12.9994 13.7999 12.8858 14.074C12.7723 14.3481 12.58 14.5824 12.3334 14.7472C12.0867 14.912 11.7967 15 11.5 15C11.1022 15 10.7206 14.842 10.4393 14.5607C10.158 14.2794 10 13.8978 10 13.5ZM22 13.5C22 13.7967 21.912 14.0867 21.7472 14.3334C21.5824 14.58 21.3481 14.7723 21.074 14.8858C20.7999 14.9994 20.4983 15.0291 20.2074 14.9712C19.9164 14.9133 19.6491 14.7704 19.4393 14.5607C19.2296 14.3509 19.0867 14.0836 19.0288 13.7926C18.971 13.5017 19.0007 13.2001 19.1142 12.926C19.2277 12.6519 19.42 12.4176 19.6667 12.2528C19.9133 12.088 20.2033 12 20.5 12C20.8978 12 21.2794 12.158 21.5607 12.4393C21.842 12.7206 22 13.1022 22 13.5ZM21.865 19.5C20.5788 21.7238 18.4413 23 16 23C13.5588 23 11.4213 21.725 10.135 19.5C10.0627 19.3862 10.0141 19.2589 9.99218 19.1258C9.97029 18.9927 9.97555 18.8566 10.0076 18.7256C10.0397 18.5946 10.098 18.4715 10.1789 18.3636C10.2598 18.2557 10.3617 18.1652 10.4785 18.0978C10.5952 18.0303 10.7245 17.9871 10.8583 17.9708C10.9922 17.9546 11.128 17.9655 11.2575 18.0031C11.3871 18.0407 11.5077 18.1041 11.6121 18.1895C11.7164 18.2749 11.8025 18.3805 11.865 18.5C12.7988 20.1138 14.2663 21 16 21C17.7338 21 19.2013 20.1125 20.135 18.5C20.1975 18.3805 20.2836 18.2749 20.388 18.1895C20.4924 18.1041 20.6129 18.0407 20.7425 18.0031C20.872 17.9655 21.0078 17.9546 21.1417 17.9708C21.2756 17.9871 21.4048 18.0303 21.5215 18.0978C21.6383 18.1652 21.7402 18.2557 21.8211 18.3636C21.902 18.4715 21.9603 18.5946 21.9924 18.7256C22.0245 18.8566 22.0297 18.9927 22.0078 19.1258C21.9859 19.2589 21.9374 19.3862 21.865 19.5Z" fill="#10B981"/> </svg></div></div><div class="p-2-book text-primary mob-p-1-book">Die App läuft automatisch im Hintergrund und zeichnet Arbeitsstunden minutengenau auf</div></div><div class="vs-card-positive-line"><div class="vs-card-positive-line-icon"><div class="code-embed w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Vorteile</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M28 16C28 18.3734 27.2962 20.6935 25.9776 22.6668C24.6591 24.6402 22.7849 26.1783 20.5922 27.0866C18.3995 27.9948 15.9867 28.2324 13.6589 27.7694C11.3312 27.3064 9.19295 26.1635 7.51472 24.4853C5.83649 22.8071 4.6936 20.6689 4.23058 18.3411C3.76756 16.0133 4.0052 13.6005 4.91345 11.4078C5.8217 9.21509 7.35977 7.34094 9.33316 6.02236C11.3066 4.70379 13.6266 4 16 4C19.1826 4 22.2348 5.26428 24.4853 7.51472C26.7357 9.76515 28 12.8174 28 16Z" fill="#10B981"/> <path d="M16 3C13.4288 3 10.9154 3.76244 8.77759 5.1909C6.63975 6.61935 4.97351 8.64968 3.98957 11.0251C3.00563 13.4006 2.74819 16.0144 3.2498 18.5362C3.75141 21.0579 4.98953 23.3743 6.80762 25.1924C8.6257 27.0105 10.9421 28.2486 13.4638 28.7502C15.9856 29.2518 18.5995 28.9944 20.9749 28.0104C23.3503 27.0265 25.3807 25.3603 26.8091 23.2224C28.2376 21.0846 29 18.5712 29 16C28.9964 12.5533 27.6256 9.24882 25.1884 6.81163C22.7512 4.37445 19.4467 3.00364 16 3ZM16 27C13.8244 27 11.6977 26.3549 9.88873 25.1462C8.07979 23.9375 6.66989 22.2195 5.83733 20.2095C5.00477 18.1995 4.78693 15.9878 5.21137 13.854C5.63581 11.7202 6.68345 9.7602 8.22183 8.22183C9.76021 6.68345 11.7202 5.6358 13.854 5.21136C15.9878 4.78692 18.1995 5.00476 20.2095 5.83733C22.2195 6.66989 23.9375 8.07979 25.1462 9.88873C26.3549 11.6977 27 13.8244 27 16C26.9967 18.9164 25.8367 21.7123 23.7745 23.7745C21.7123 25.8367 18.9164 26.9967 16 27ZM10 13.5C10 13.2033 10.088 12.9133 10.2528 12.6666C10.4176 12.42 10.6519 12.2277 10.926 12.1142C11.2001 12.0006 11.5017 11.9709 11.7926 12.0288C12.0836 12.0867 12.3509 12.2296 12.5607 12.4393C12.7704 12.6491 12.9133 12.9164 12.9712 13.2074C13.0291 13.4983 12.9994 13.7999 12.8858 14.074C12.7723 14.3481 12.58 14.5824 12.3334 14.7472C12.0867 14.912 11.7967 15 11.5 15C11.1022 15 10.7206 14.842 10.4393 14.5607C10.158 14.2794 10 13.8978 10 13.5ZM22 13.5C22 13.7967 21.912 14.0867 21.7472 14.3334C21.5824 14.58 21.3481 14.7723 21.074 14.8858C20.7999 14.9994 20.4983 15.0291 20.2074 14.9712C19.9164 14.9133 19.6491 14.7704 19.4393 14.5607C19.2296 14.3509 19.0867 14.0836 19.0288 13.7926C18.971 13.5017 19.0007 13.2001 19.1142 12.926C19.2277 12.6519 19.42 12.4176 19.6667 12.2528C19.9133 12.088 20.2033 12 20.5 12C20.8978 12 21.2794 12.158 21.5607 12.4393C21.842 12.7206 22 13.1022 22 13.5ZM21.865 19.5C20.5788 21.7238 18.4413 23 16 23C13.5588 23 11.4213 21.725 10.135 19.5C10.0627 19.3862 10.0141 19.2589 9.99218 19.1258C9.97029 18.9927 9.97555 18.8566 10.0076 18.7256C10.0397 18.5946 10.098 18.4715 10.1789 18.3636C10.2598 18.2557 10.3617 18.1652 10.4785 18.0978C10.5952 18.0303 10.7245 17.9871 10.8583 17.9708C10.9922 17.9546 11.128 17.9655 11.2575 18.0031C11.3871 18.0407 11.5077 18.1041 11.6121 18.1895C11.7164 18.2749 11.8025 18.3805 11.865 18.5C12.7988 20.1138 14.2663 21 16 21C17.7338 21 19.2013 20.1125 20.135 18.5C20.1975 18.3805 20.2836 18.2749 20.388 18.1895C20.4924 18.1041 20.6129 18.0407 20.7425 18.0031C20.872 17.9655 21.0078 17.9546 21.1417 17.9708C21.2756 17.9871 21.4048 18.0303 21.5215 18.0978C21.6383 18.1652 21.7402 18.2557 21.8211 18.3636C21.902 18.4715 21.9603 18.5946 21.9924 18.7256C22.0245 18.8566 22.0297 18.9927 22.0078 19.1258C21.9859 19.2589 21.9374 19.3862 21.865 19.5Z" fill="#10B981"/> </svg></div></div><div class="p-2-book text-primary mob-p-1-book">Die Erfassung von Stunden wird so schnell und einfach, dass sie sich von selbst macht</div></div><div class="vs-card-positive-line"><div class="vs-card-positive-line-icon"><div class="code-embed w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Vorteile</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M28 16C28 18.3734 27.2962 20.6935 25.9776 22.6668C24.6591 24.6402 22.7849 26.1783 20.5922 27.0866C18.3995 27.9948 15.9867 28.2324 13.6589 27.7694C11.3312 27.3064 9.19295 26.1635 7.51472 24.4853C5.83649 22.8071 4.6936 20.6689 4.23058 18.3411C3.76756 16.0133 4.0052 13.6005 4.91345 11.4078C5.8217 9.21509 7.35977 7.34094 9.33316 6.02236C11.3066 4.70379 13.6266 4 16 4C19.1826 4 22.2348 5.26428 24.4853 7.51472C26.7357 9.76515 28 12.8174 28 16Z" fill="#10B981"/> <path d="M16 3C13.4288 3 10.9154 3.76244 8.77759 5.1909C6.63975 6.61935 4.97351 8.64968 3.98957 11.0251C3.00563 13.4006 2.74819 16.0144 3.2498 18.5362C3.75141 21.0579 4.98953 23.3743 6.80762 25.1924C8.6257 27.0105 10.9421 28.2486 13.4638 28.7502C15.9856 29.2518 18.5995 28.9944 20.9749 28.0104C23.3503 27.0265 25.3807 25.3603 26.8091 23.2224C28.2376 21.0846 29 18.5712 29 16C28.9964 12.5533 27.6256 9.24882 25.1884 6.81163C22.7512 4.37445 19.4467 3.00364 16 3ZM16 27C13.8244 27 11.6977 26.3549 9.88873 25.1462C8.07979 23.9375 6.66989 22.2195 5.83733 20.2095C5.00477 18.1995 4.78693 15.9878 5.21137 13.854C5.63581 11.7202 6.68345 9.7602 8.22183 8.22183C9.76021 6.68345 11.7202 5.6358 13.854 5.21136C15.9878 4.78692 18.1995 5.00476 20.2095 5.83733C22.2195 6.66989 23.9375 8.07979 25.1462 9.88873C26.3549 11.6977 27 13.8244 27 16C26.9967 18.9164 25.8367 21.7123 23.7745 23.7745C21.7123 25.8367 18.9164 26.9967 16 27ZM10 13.5C10 13.2033 10.088 12.9133 10.2528 12.6666C10.4176 12.42 10.6519 12.2277 10.926 12.1142C11.2001 12.0006 11.5017 11.9709 11.7926 12.0288C12.0836 12.0867 12.3509 12.2296 12.5607 12.4393C12.7704 12.6491 12.9133 12.9164 12.9712 13.2074C13.0291 13.4983 12.9994 13.7999 12.8858 14.074C12.7723 14.3481 12.58 14.5824 12.3334 14.7472C12.0867 14.912 11.7967 15 11.5 15C11.1022 15 10.7206 14.842 10.4393 14.5607C10.158 14.2794 10 13.8978 10 13.5ZM22 13.5C22 13.7967 21.912 14.0867 21.7472 14.3334C21.5824 14.58 21.3481 14.7723 21.074 14.8858C20.7999 14.9994 20.4983 15.0291 20.2074 14.9712C19.9164 14.9133 19.6491 14.7704 19.4393 14.5607C19.2296 14.3509 19.0867 14.0836 19.0288 13.7926C18.971 13.5017 19.0007 13.2001 19.1142 12.926C19.2277 12.6519 19.42 12.4176 19.6667 12.2528C19.9133 12.088 20.2033 12 20.5 12C20.8978 12 21.2794 12.158 21.5607 12.4393C21.842 12.7206 22 13.1022 22 13.5ZM21.865 19.5C20.5788 21.7238 18.4413 23 16 23C13.5588 23 11.4213 21.725 10.135 19.5C10.0627 19.3862 10.0141 19.2589 9.99218 19.1258C9.97029 18.9927 9.97555 18.8566 10.0076 18.7256C10.0397 18.5946 10.098 18.4715 10.1789 18.3636C10.2598 18.2557 10.3617 18.1652 10.4785 18.0978C10.5952 18.0303 10.7245 17.9871 10.8583 17.9708C10.9922 17.9546 11.128 17.9655 11.2575 18.0031C11.3871 18.0407 11.5077 18.1041 11.6121 18.1895C11.7164 18.2749 11.8025 18.3805 11.865 18.5C12.7988 20.1138 14.2663 21 16 21C17.7338 21 19.2013 20.1125 20.135 18.5C20.1975 18.3805 20.2836 18.2749 20.388 18.1895C20.4924 18.1041 20.6129 18.0407 20.7425 18.0031C20.872 17.9655 21.0078 17.9546 21.1417 17.9708C21.2756 17.9871 21.4048 18.0303 21.5215 18.0978C21.6383 18.1652 21.7402 18.2557 21.8211 18.3636C21.902 18.4715 21.9603 18.5946 21.9924 18.7256C22.0245 18.8566 22.0297 18.9927 22.0078 19.1258C21.9859 19.2589 21.9374 19.3862 21.865 19.5Z" fill="#10B981"/> </svg></div></div><div class="p-2-book text-primary mob-p-1-book">Nicht einmal Multitasking ist ein Problem, denn die Zeiterfassung läuft von selbst</div></div><div class="vs-card-positive-line"><div class="vs-card-positive-line-icon"><div class="code-embed w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Vorteile</title> <path opacity="0.2" d="M28 16C28 18.3734 27.2962 20.6935 25.9776 22.6668C24.6591 24.6402 22.7849 26.1783 20.5922 27.0866C18.3995 27.9948 15.9867 28.2324 13.6589 27.7694C11.3312 27.3064 9.19295 26.1635 7.51472 24.4853C5.83649 22.8071 4.6936 20.6689 4.23058 18.3411C3.76756 16.0133 4.0052 13.6005 4.91345 11.4078C5.8217 9.21509 7.35977 7.34094 9.33316 6.02236C11.3066 4.70379 13.6266 4 16 4C19.1826 4 22.2348 5.26428 24.4853 7.51472C26.7357 9.76515 28 12.8174 28 16Z" fill="#10B981"/> <path d="M16 3C13.4288 3 10.9154 3.76244 8.77759 5.1909C6.63975 6.61935 4.97351 8.64968 3.98957 11.0251C3.00563 13.4006 2.74819 16.0144 3.2498 18.5362C3.75141 21.0579 4.98953 23.3743 6.80762 25.1924C8.6257 27.0105 10.9421 28.2486 13.4638 28.7502C15.9856 29.2518 18.5995 28.9944 20.9749 28.0104C23.3503 27.0265 25.3807 25.3603 26.8091 23.2224C28.2376 21.0846 29 18.5712 29 16C28.9964 12.5533 27.6256 9.24882 25.1884 6.81163C22.7512 4.37445 19.4467 3.00364 16 3ZM16 27C13.8244 27 11.6977 26.3549 9.88873 25.1462C8.07979 23.9375 6.66989 22.2195 5.83733 20.2095C5.00477 18.1995 4.78693 15.9878 5.21137 13.854C5.63581 11.7202 6.68345 9.7602 8.22183 8.22183C9.76021 6.68345 11.7202 5.6358 13.854 5.21136C15.9878 4.78692 18.1995 5.00476 20.2095 5.83733C22.2195 6.66989 23.9375 8.07979 25.1462 9.88873C26.3549 11.6977 27 13.8244 27 16C26.9967 18.9164 25.8367 21.7123 23.7745 23.7745C21.7123 25.8367 18.9164 26.9967 16 27ZM10 13.5C10 13.2033 10.088 12.9133 10.2528 12.6666C10.4176 12.42 10.6519 12.2277 10.926 12.1142C11.2001 12.0006 11.5017 11.9709 11.7926 12.0288C12.0836 12.0867 12.3509 12.2296 12.5607 12.4393C12.7704 12.6491 12.9133 12.9164 12.9712 13.2074C13.0291 13.4983 12.9994 13.7999 12.8858 14.074C12.7723 14.3481 12.58 14.5824 12.3334 14.7472C12.0867 14.912 11.7967 15 11.5 15C11.1022 15 10.7206 14.842 10.4393 14.5607C10.158 14.2794 10 13.8978 10 13.5ZM22 13.5C22 13.7967 21.912 14.0867 21.7472 14.3334C21.5824 14.58 21.3481 14.7723 21.074 14.8858C20.7999 14.9994 20.4983 15.0291 20.2074 14.9712C19.9164 14.9133 19.6491 14.7704 19.4393 14.5607C19.2296 14.3509 19.0867 14.0836 19.0288 13.7926C18.971 13.5017 19.0007 13.2001 19.1142 12.926C19.2277 12.6519 19.42 12.4176 19.6667 12.2528C19.9133 12.088 20.2033 12 20.5 12C20.8978 12 21.2794 12.158 21.5607 12.4393C21.842 12.7206 22 13.1022 22 13.5ZM21.865 19.5C20.5788 21.7238 18.4413 23 16 23C13.5588 23 11.4213 21.725 10.135 19.5C10.0627 19.3862 10.0141 19.2589 9.99218 19.1258C9.97029 18.9927 9.97555 18.8566 10.0076 18.7256C10.0397 18.5946 10.098 18.4715 10.1789 18.3636C10.2598 18.2557 10.3617 18.1652 10.4785 18.0978C10.5952 18.0303 10.7245 17.9871 10.8583 17.9708C10.9922 17.9546 11.128 17.9655 11.2575 18.0031C11.3871 18.0407 11.5077 18.1041 11.6121 18.1895C11.7164 18.2749 11.8025 18.3805 11.865 18.5C12.7988 20.1138 14.2663 21 16 21C17.7338 21 19.2013 20.1125 20.135 18.5C20.1975 18.3805 20.2836 18.2749 20.388 18.1895C20.4924 18.1041 20.6129 18.0407 20.7425 18.0031C20.872 17.9655 21.0078 17.9546 21.1417 17.9708C21.2756 17.9871 21.4048 18.0303 21.5215 18.0978C21.6383 18.1652 21.7402 18.2557 21.8211 18.3636C21.902 18.4715 21.9603 18.5946 21.9924 18.7256C22.0245 18.8566 22.0297 18.9927 22.0078 19.1258C21.9859 19.2589 21.9374 19.3862 21.865 19.5Z" fill="#10B981"/> </svg></div></div><div class="p-2-book text-primary mob-p-1-book">Genaue &amp; aktuelle Daten für eine höhere Rentabilität</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section><section class="home-how-it-works-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer home-how-it-works-container w-container"><div class="section-heading-80"><h2 id="w-node-f996aa4c-3243-db1e-d841-66272101a6a3-2101a6a2" class="h2 mob-h2">In 4 Schritten zu automatischer Zeiterfassung</h2><div class="subtitle-2-book mob-subtitle-book text-central">Einfache Schritte für deinen Einstieg in Memtime</div></div><div id="w-node-_50218c20-b710-5013-3f83-09dcec450215-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-layout how-it-works-number-wrapper wf-layout-layout"><div id="w-node-_50218c20-b710-5013-3f83-09dcec450216-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-cell how-it-works-number-cell"><div class="home-how-it-works-steps"><div class="step_animation-line"></div><div class="circle-parent_1"><p class="p-1-bold text-white">1</p></div><div class="step_animation-line"></div></div></div><div id="w-node-_50218c20-b710-5013-3f83-09dcec450217-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-cell how-it-works-number-cell"><div class="home-how-it-works-steps"><div class="step_animation-line"></div><div class="circle-parent_2"><p class="p-1-bold text-white">2</p></div><div class="step_animation-line"></div></div></div><div id="w-node-daacf4c1-13a6-a746-eb93-496396a935d2-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-cell how-it-works-number-cell"><div class="home-how-it-works-steps"><div class="step_animation-line"></div><div class="circle-parent_3"><p class="p-1-bold text-white">3</p></div><div class="step_animation-line"></div></div></div><div id="w-node-_5026170f-c78b-7ccd-e69f-9e8b4680b5df-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-cell how-it-works-number-cell"><div class="home-how-it-works-steps"><div class="step_animation-line"></div><div class="circle-parent_4"><p class="p-1-bold text-white">4</p></div><div class="step_animation-line"></div></div></div></div><div id="w-node-_37bc3f8b-1692-c291-f8ed-dbeb90b87270-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-layout how-it-works-grid-wrapper wf-layout-layout"><div id="w-node-_7a89935a-f4dc-d283-dd31-5fbca07a0077-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-cell how-it-works-cell-1"><div class="home-how-it-works-steps-wrapper"><div class="home-how-it-works-card"><div class="home-how-it-works-img"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Lade Memtime herunter"/></div><div class="how-works_content_wrapper"><h3 class="h5 mob-h5">Installiere Memtime</h3><div class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Lade Memtime&#x27;s Desktop-App auf deinen Computer herunter. Folge den Installationsanweisungen und starte die App.</div></div></div></div></div><div id="w-node-_7a89935a-f4dc-d283-dd31-5fbca07a0085-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-cell how-it-works-cell-2"><div class="home-how-it-works-steps-wrapper"><div class="home-how-it-works-card"><div class="home-how-it-works-img"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Konfiguriere die Einstellungen"/></div><div class="how-works_content_wrapper"><h3 class="h5 mob-h5"><strong>Konfiguriere es</strong></h3><div class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Nimm die Grundeinstellungen vor. Wähle z.B. zwischen 5- und 6-Minuten-Intervallen für deine Timeline.</div></div></div></div></div><div id="w-node-_7a89935a-f4dc-d283-dd31-5fbca07a0093-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-cell how-it-works-cell-3"><div class="home-how-it-works-steps-wrapper"><div class="home-how-it-works-card"><div class="home-how-it-works-img"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Die automatische Aufzeichnung von Aktivitäten beginnt"/></div><div class="how-works_content_wrapper"><h3 class="h5 mob-h5"><strong>Lehne dich zurück</strong></h3><div class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Deine Aktivitäten werden automatisch erfasst. Du kannst dich ganz deiner Arbeit widmen, während Memtime diskret im Hintergrund läuft.</div></div></div></div></div><div id="w-node-_7a89935a-f4dc-d283-dd31-5fbca07a00a1-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-cell how-it-works-cell-4"><div class="home-how-it-works-steps-wrapper"><div class="home-how-it-works-card"><div class="home-how-it-works-img"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Lass deinen Tag Revue passieren"/></div><div class="how-works_content_wrapper"><h3 class="h5 mob-h5"><strong>Sieh dir deinen Tag an</strong></h3><div class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Schau dir am Ende des Tages deine Timeline an – du wirst überrascht sein, was Memtime alles für dich aufgezeichnet hat.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section><section class="home-banner-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer home-banner-container w-container"><div class="home-banner-container-wrapper"><div class="w-layout-grid home-banner-content"><div class="home-banner-hero"><div class="banner_content_wrapper"><h3 class="h3 white mob-h3">Starte jetzt deine kostenlose Testphase. Es kostet absolut nichts.<br/></h3><div class="p-2-book white p_mob_1-book">Darum solltest du dich noch heute bei Memtime anmelden:</div><div class="home-banner-benefits"><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#EDF3FF"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#EDF3FF"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book white p_mob_1-book">Du befreist dich 14 Tage lang von der Last der Zeiterfassung</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#EDF3FF"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#EDF3FF"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book white p_mob_1-book">Nach dem Ende deiner Testphase wird dir nichts berechnet</div></div><div class="banner_benefits_line"><div class="html-embed-17 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path opacity="0.2" d="M21 12C21 13.78 20.4722 15.5201 19.4832 17.0001C18.4943 18.4802 17.0887 19.6337 15.4442 20.3149C13.7996 20.9961 11.99 21.1743 10.2442 20.8271C8.49836 20.4798 6.89472 19.6226 5.63604 18.364C4.37737 17.1053 3.5202 15.5016 3.17294 13.7558C2.82567 12.01 3.0039 10.2004 3.68509 8.55585C4.36628 6.91131 5.51983 5.50571 6.99987 4.51677C8.47991 3.52784 10.22 3 12 3C14.387 3 16.6761 3.94821 18.364 5.63604C20.0518 7.32387 21 9.61305 21 12Z" fill="#EDF3FF"/> <path d="M12 2.25C10.0716 2.25 8.18657 2.82183 6.58319 3.89317C4.97982 4.96451 3.73013 6.48726 2.99218 8.26884C2.25422 10.0504 2.06114 12.0108 2.43735 13.9021C2.81355 15.7934 3.74215 17.5307 5.10571 18.8943C6.46928 20.2579 8.20656 21.1865 10.0979 21.5627C11.9892 21.9389 13.9496 21.7458 15.7312 21.0078C17.5127 20.2699 19.0355 19.0202 20.1068 17.4168C21.1782 15.8134 21.75 13.9284 21.75 12C21.7473 9.41498 20.7192 6.93661 18.8913 5.10872C17.0634 3.28084 14.585 2.25273 12 2.25ZM12 20.25C10.3683 20.25 8.77326 19.7661 7.41655 18.8596C6.05984 17.9531 5.00242 16.6646 4.378 15.1571C3.75358 13.6496 3.5902 11.9908 3.90853 10.3905C4.22685 8.79016 5.01259 7.32015 6.16637 6.16637C7.32016 5.01259 8.79017 4.22685 10.3905 3.90852C11.9909 3.59019 13.6497 3.75357 15.1571 4.37799C16.6646 5.00242 17.9531 6.05984 18.8596 7.41655C19.7661 8.77325 20.25 10.3683 20.25 12C20.2475 14.1873 19.3775 16.2843 17.8309 17.8309C16.2843 19.3775 14.1873 20.2475 12 20.25ZM16.2806 11.4694C16.3504 11.539 16.4057 11.6217 16.4434 11.7128C16.4812 11.8038 16.5006 11.9014 16.5006 12C16.5006 12.0986 16.4812 12.1962 16.4434 12.2872C16.4057 12.3783 16.3504 12.461 16.2806 12.5306L13.2806 15.5306C13.1399 15.6714 12.949 15.7504 12.75 15.7504C12.551 15.7504 12.3601 15.6714 12.2194 15.5306C12.0786 15.3899 11.9996 15.199 11.9996 15C11.9996 14.801 12.0786 14.6101 12.2194 14.4694L13.9397 12.75H8.25C8.05109 12.75 7.86033 12.671 7.71967 12.5303C7.57902 12.3897 7.5 12.1989 7.5 12C7.5 11.8011 7.57902 11.6103 7.71967 11.4697C7.86033 11.329 8.05109 11.25 8.25 11.25H13.9397L12.2194 9.53063C12.0786 9.38989 11.9996 9.19902 11.9996 9C11.9996 8.80098 12.0786 8.61011 12.2194 8.46937C12.3601 8.32864 12.551 8.24958 12.75 8.24958C12.949 8.24958 13.1399 8.32864 13.2806 8.46937L16.2806 11.4694Z" fill="#EDF3FF"/> </svg></div><div class="p-2-book white p_mob_1-book">Du findest endlich heraus, wo all deine Zeit hingeht :)</div></div></div></div><div class="home-banner-button"><a href="" target="_blank" class="primary-button-xl bg-white"><div class="text_button_primary text_button_brand">Jetzt 14 Tage kostenlos testen</div></a></div></div><div class="home-banner-img"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Starte eine kostenlose Testphase"/></div></div></div></div></section><section class="faq-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer faq-container w-container"><div class="section-heading-64"><h2 id="w-node-_17ea6f3c-18d4-0662-7f83-ed4a66a7b249-66a7b248" class="h2 mob-h2">FAQs</h2><div class="subtitle-2-book mob-subtitle-book text-central">Das Schöne an automatischer Zeiterfassung ist, dass man sie vergessen kann</div></div><div id="w-node-ce16a33e-0f29-0723-665b-94c56fa1b798-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-layout faq-2-box wf-layout-layout"><div id="w-node-ce16a33e-0f29-0723-665b-94c56fa1b799-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-cell faq-2-cell"><div class="faq-2-wrapper"><div data-delay="0" data-hover="false" data-w-id="b2a7c050-4023-03db-3ee6-bc9d21ce4fae" class="faq-item w-dropdown"><div class="faq-question w-dropdown-toggle"><div class="faq-text">Kann Memtime wirklich JEDES Programm erfassen?</div><div class="faq_icon_wrap"><div class="faq_icon w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M26.7081 12.7081L16.7081 22.7081C16.6152 22.801 16.5049 22.8748 16.3835 22.9251C16.2621 22.9754 16.132 23.0013 16.0006 23.0013C15.8691 23.0013 15.739 22.9754 15.6176 22.9251C15.4962 22.8748 15.3859 22.801 15.2931 22.7081L5.29306 12.7081C5.10542 12.5204 5 12.2659 5 12.0006C5 11.7352 5.10542 11.4807 5.29306 11.2931C5.4807 11.1054 5.73519 11 6.00056 11C6.26592 11 6.52042 11.1054 6.70806 11.2931L16.0006 20.5868L25.2931 11.2931C25.386 11.2001 25.4963 11.1264 25.6177 11.0762C25.7391 11.0259 25.8692 11 26.0006 11C26.132 11 26.2621 11.0259 26.3835 11.0762C26.5048 11.1264 26.6151 11.2001 26.7081 11.2931C26.801 11.386 26.8747 11.4963 26.9249 11.6177C26.9752 11.7391 27.0011 11.8692 27.0011 12.0006C27.0011 12.132 26.9752 12.2621 26.9249 12.3835C26.8747 12.5048 26.801 12.6151 26.7081 12.7081Z" fill="#0F172A"/> </svg></div></div></div><nav class="faq-answer w-dropdown-list"><div class="faq_body-wrap"><p class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Ja, es erfasst wirklich alle Computeraktivitäten. Jedes Programm, jedes Dokument, jede E-Mail, jeden Videoanruf, jedes Meeting und jeden Browser-Tab. Um ganz sicher zu gehen, kannst du Memtime 14 Tage lang kostenlos testen. </p></div></nav></div><div data-delay="0" data-hover="false" data-w-id="b2a7c050-4023-03db-3ee6-bc9d21ce4fae" class="faq-item w-dropdown"><div class="faq-question w-dropdown-toggle"><div class="faq-text">Was ist, wenn ich mehrere Fenster gleichzeitig offen habe?</div><div class="faq_icon_wrap"><div class="faq_icon w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M26.7081 12.7081L16.7081 22.7081C16.6152 22.801 16.5049 22.8748 16.3835 22.9251C16.2621 22.9754 16.132 23.0013 16.0006 23.0013C15.8691 23.0013 15.739 22.9754 15.6176 22.9251C15.4962 22.8748 15.3859 22.801 15.2931 22.7081L5.29306 12.7081C5.10542 12.5204 5 12.2659 5 12.0006C5 11.7352 5.10542 11.4807 5.29306 11.2931C5.4807 11.1054 5.73519 11 6.00056 11C6.26592 11 6.52042 11.1054 6.70806 11.2931L16.0006 20.5868L25.2931 11.2931C25.386 11.2001 25.4963 11.1264 25.6177 11.0762C25.7391 11.0259 25.8692 11 26.0006 11C26.132 11 26.2621 11.0259 26.3835 11.0762C26.5048 11.1264 26.6151 11.2001 26.7081 11.2931C26.801 11.386 26.8747 11.4963 26.9249 11.6177C26.9752 11.7391 27.0011 11.8692 27.0011 12.0006C27.0011 12.132 26.9752 12.2621 26.9249 12.3835C26.8747 12.5048 26.801 12.6151 26.7081 12.7081Z" fill="#0F172A"/> </svg></div></div></div><nav class="faq-answer w-dropdown-list"><div class="faq_body-wrap"><p class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Memtime zeichnet nur die Zeit in dem Fenster auf, das sich gerade im Vordergrund befindet. Also dort, wo du zuletzt mit deiner Maus oder Tastatur aktiv warst. Sobald du zu einem anderen Fenster wechselst, wird die Zeit dort aufgezeichnet und in deiner Timeline angezeigt.</p></div></nav></div><div data-delay="0" data-hover="false" data-w-id="b2a7c050-4023-03db-3ee6-bc9d21ce4fae" class="faq-item w-dropdown"><div class="faq-question w-dropdown-toggle"><div class="faq-text">Und was ist, wenn ich hauptsächlich mit lokalen Dateien, Dokumenten oder E-Mails arbeite?</div><div class="faq_icon_wrap"><div class="faq_icon w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M26.7081 12.7081L16.7081 22.7081C16.6152 22.801 16.5049 22.8748 16.3835 22.9251C16.2621 22.9754 16.132 23.0013 16.0006 23.0013C15.8691 23.0013 15.739 22.9754 15.6176 22.9251C15.4962 22.8748 15.3859 22.801 15.2931 22.7081L5.29306 12.7081C5.10542 12.5204 5 12.2659 5 12.0006C5 11.7352 5.10542 11.4807 5.29306 11.2931C5.4807 11.1054 5.73519 11 6.00056 11C6.26592 11 6.52042 11.1054 6.70806 11.2931L16.0006 20.5868L25.2931 11.2931C25.386 11.2001 25.4963 11.1264 25.6177 11.0762C25.7391 11.0259 25.8692 11 26.0006 11C26.132 11 26.2621 11.0259 26.3835 11.0762C26.5048 11.1264 26.6151 11.2001 26.7081 11.2931C26.801 11.386 26.8747 11.4963 26.9249 11.6177C26.9752 11.7391 27.0011 11.8692 27.0011 12.0006C27.0011 12.132 26.9752 12.2621 26.9249 12.3835C26.8747 12.5048 26.801 12.6151 26.7081 12.7081Z" fill="#0F172A"/> </svg></div></div></div><nav class="faq-answer w-dropdown-list"><div class="faq_body-wrap"><p class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Memtime ist in der Lage, Informationen wie Dateinamen, E-Mail-Betreffs oder Titel von Browser-Tabs für dich zu ermitteln. Damit du immer genau weißt, woran du gearbeitet hast. </p></div></nav></div><div data-delay="0" data-hover="false" data-w-id="b2a7c050-4023-03db-3ee6-bc9d21ce4fae" class="faq-item w-dropdown"><div class="faq-question w-dropdown-toggle"><div class="faq-text">Wird es in der Zukunft eine Memtime-App für mobile Geräte geben? </div><div class="faq_icon_wrap"><div class="faq_icon w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M26.7081 12.7081L16.7081 22.7081C16.6152 22.801 16.5049 22.8748 16.3835 22.9251C16.2621 22.9754 16.132 23.0013 16.0006 23.0013C15.8691 23.0013 15.739 22.9754 15.6176 22.9251C15.4962 22.8748 15.3859 22.801 15.2931 22.7081L5.29306 12.7081C5.10542 12.5204 5 12.2659 5 12.0006C5 11.7352 5.10542 11.4807 5.29306 11.2931C5.4807 11.1054 5.73519 11 6.00056 11C6.26592 11 6.52042 11.1054 6.70806 11.2931L16.0006 20.5868L25.2931 11.2931C25.386 11.2001 25.4963 11.1264 25.6177 11.0762C25.7391 11.0259 25.8692 11 26.0006 11C26.132 11 26.2621 11.0259 26.3835 11.0762C26.5048 11.1264 26.6151 11.2001 26.7081 11.2931C26.801 11.386 26.8747 11.4963 26.9249 11.6177C26.9752 11.7391 27.0011 11.8692 27.0011 12.0006C27.0011 12.132 26.9752 12.2621 26.9249 12.3835C26.8747 12.5048 26.801 12.6151 26.7081 12.7081Z" fill="#0F172A"/> </svg></div></div></div><nav class="faq-answer w-dropdown-list"><div class="faq_body-wrap"><p class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Wir haben bereits mit der Arbeit an einer mobilen App begonnen. Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt sind nur Geräte mit den Betriebssystemen Windows, macOS und Linux mit Memtime kompatibel – also noch keine Chromebooks, Handys oder Tablets. Wir können mobile Apps veröffentlichen, sobald Chrome OS, iOS und Android das Tracking von Aktivitäten zulassen. </p></div></nav></div></div></div><div id="w-node-ce16a33e-0f29-0723-665b-94c56fa1b7a4-9306e1eb" class="w-layout-cell faq-2-cell"><div class="faq-2-wrapper"><div data-delay="0" data-hover="false" data-w-id="b2a7c050-4023-03db-3ee6-bc9d21ce4fae" class="faq-item w-dropdown"><div class="faq-question w-dropdown-toggle"><div class="faq-text">Kann ich Memtime auf mehreren Geräten nutzen? </div><div class="faq_icon_wrap"><div class="faq_icon w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M26.7081 12.7081L16.7081 22.7081C16.6152 22.801 16.5049 22.8748 16.3835 22.9251C16.2621 22.9754 16.132 23.0013 16.0006 23.0013C15.8691 23.0013 15.739 22.9754 15.6176 22.9251C15.4962 22.8748 15.3859 22.801 15.2931 22.7081L5.29306 12.7081C5.10542 12.5204 5 12.2659 5 12.0006C5 11.7352 5.10542 11.4807 5.29306 11.2931C5.4807 11.1054 5.73519 11 6.00056 11C6.26592 11 6.52042 11.1054 6.70806 11.2931L16.0006 20.5868L25.2931 11.2931C25.386 11.2001 25.4963 11.1264 25.6177 11.0762C25.7391 11.0259 25.8692 11 26.0006 11C26.132 11 26.2621 11.0259 26.3835 11.0762C26.5048 11.1264 26.6151 11.2001 26.7081 11.2931C26.801 11.386 26.8747 11.4963 26.9249 11.6177C26.9752 11.7391 27.0011 11.8692 27.0011 12.0006C27.0011 12.132 26.9752 12.2621 26.9249 12.3835C26.8747 12.5048 26.801 12.6151 26.7081 12.7081Z" fill="#0F172A"/> </svg></div></div></div><nav class="faq-answer w-dropdown-list"><div class="faq_body-wrap"><p class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Ja. Memtime wird nicht pro Gerät, sondern pro Benutzer abgerechnet. Das bedeutet, dass jeder Benutzer Memtime auf beliebig vielen Geräten installieren kann. Allerdings sind nur Geräte mit den Betriebssystemen Windows, macOS und Linux kompatibel – also noch keine Chromebooks, Handys und Tablets. Sobald Chrome OS, iOS und Android das Tracking von Aktivitäten zulassen, können wir auch mobile Apps veröffentlichen. </p></div></nav></div><div data-delay="0" data-hover="false" data-w-id="b2a7c050-4023-03db-3ee6-bc9d21ce4fae" class="faq-item w-dropdown"><div class="faq-question w-dropdown-toggle"><div class="faq-text">Wer kann auf meine Daten zugreifen? Können Chefs ihre Mitarbeiter mit Memtime überwachen?</div><div class="faq_icon_wrap"><div class="faq_icon w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M26.7081 12.7081L16.7081 22.7081C16.6152 22.801 16.5049 22.8748 16.3835 22.9251C16.2621 22.9754 16.132 23.0013 16.0006 23.0013C15.8691 23.0013 15.739 22.9754 15.6176 22.9251C15.4962 22.8748 15.3859 22.801 15.2931 22.7081L5.29306 12.7081C5.10542 12.5204 5 12.2659 5 12.0006C5 11.7352 5.10542 11.4807 5.29306 11.2931C5.4807 11.1054 5.73519 11 6.00056 11C6.26592 11 6.52042 11.1054 6.70806 11.2931L16.0006 20.5868L25.2931 11.2931C25.386 11.2001 25.4963 11.1264 25.6177 11.0762C25.7391 11.0259 25.8692 11 26.0006 11C26.132 11 26.2621 11.0259 26.3835 11.0762C26.5048 11.1264 26.6151 11.2001 26.7081 11.2931C26.801 11.386 26.8747 11.4963 26.9249 11.6177C26.9752 11.7391 27.0011 11.8692 27.0011 12.0006C27.0011 12.132 26.9752 12.2621 26.9249 12.3835C26.8747 12.5048 26.801 12.6151 26.7081 12.7081Z" fill="#0F172A"/> </svg></div></div></div><nav class="faq-answer w-dropdown-list"><div class="faq_body-wrap"><p class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Memtime kann nicht zur Mitarbeiterüberwachung verwendet werden. Es ist ein Offline-Tool. Alle Tracking-Daten werden ausschließlich auf dem Gerät des Nutzers gespeichert – niemals auf einem Server. Das bedeutet, dass niemand Zugriff auf deine Daten hat. Weder Chefs, noch Kollegen und schon gar nicht wir bei Memtime.</p></div></nav></div><div data-delay="0" data-hover="false" data-w-id="b2a7c050-4023-03db-3ee6-bc9d21ce4fae" class="faq-item w-dropdown"><div class="faq-question w-dropdown-toggle"><div class="faq-text">Wie kann ich Memtime mit meiner Projektsoftware integrieren?</div><div class="faq_icon_wrap"><div class="faq_icon w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M26.7081 12.7081L16.7081 22.7081C16.6152 22.801 16.5049 22.8748 16.3835 22.9251C16.2621 22.9754 16.132 23.0013 16.0006 23.0013C15.8691 23.0013 15.739 22.9754 15.6176 22.9251C15.4962 22.8748 15.3859 22.801 15.2931 22.7081L5.29306 12.7081C5.10542 12.5204 5 12.2659 5 12.0006C5 11.7352 5.10542 11.4807 5.29306 11.2931C5.4807 11.1054 5.73519 11 6.00056 11C6.26592 11 6.52042 11.1054 6.70806 11.2931L16.0006 20.5868L25.2931 11.2931C25.386 11.2001 25.4963 11.1264 25.6177 11.0762C25.7391 11.0259 25.8692 11 26.0006 11C26.132 11 26.2621 11.0259 26.3835 11.0762C26.5048 11.1264 26.6151 11.2001 26.7081 11.2931C26.801 11.386 26.8747 11.4963 26.9249 11.6177C26.9752 11.7391 27.0011 11.8692 27.0011 12.0006C27.0011 12.132 26.9752 12.2621 26.9249 12.3835C26.8747 12.5048 26.801 12.6151 26.7081 12.7081Z" fill="#0F172A"/> </svg></div></div></div><nav class="faq-answer w-dropdown-list"><div class="faq_body-wrap"><p class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Erstelle einen Memtime-Account und wähle während des Konfigurationsprozesses einfach deine Projektsoftware aus einer Liste aus. Anschließend musst du dich nur noch einmal in deine Software einloggen, wenn du Memtime installierst. Erfahre mehr über diesen Prozess unter Integrationen. </p></div></nav></div><div data-delay="0" data-hover="false" data-w-id="b2a7c050-4023-03db-3ee6-bc9d21ce4fae" class="faq-item w-dropdown"><div class="faq-question w-dropdown-toggle"><div class="faq-text">Kann ich Memtime kostenlos testen?</div><div class="faq_icon_wrap"><div class="faq_icon w-embed"><svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M26.7081 12.7081L16.7081 22.7081C16.6152 22.801 16.5049 22.8748 16.3835 22.9251C16.2621 22.9754 16.132 23.0013 16.0006 23.0013C15.8691 23.0013 15.739 22.9754 15.6176 22.9251C15.4962 22.8748 15.3859 22.801 15.2931 22.7081L5.29306 12.7081C5.10542 12.5204 5 12.2659 5 12.0006C5 11.7352 5.10542 11.4807 5.29306 11.2931C5.4807 11.1054 5.73519 11 6.00056 11C6.26592 11 6.52042 11.1054 6.70806 11.2931L16.0006 20.5868L25.2931 11.2931C25.386 11.2001 25.4963 11.1264 25.6177 11.0762C25.7391 11.0259 25.8692 11 26.0006 11C26.132 11 26.2621 11.0259 26.3835 11.0762C26.5048 11.1264 26.6151 11.2001 26.7081 11.2931C26.801 11.386 26.8747 11.4963 26.9249 11.6177C26.9752 11.7391 27.0011 11.8692 27.0011 12.0006C27.0011 12.132 26.9752 12.2621 26.9249 12.3835C26.8747 12.5048 26.801 12.6151 26.7081 12.7081Z" fill="#0F172A"/> </svg></div></div></div><nav class="faq-answer w-dropdown-list"><div class="faq_body-wrap"><p class="p-3-book mob-p-1-book">Ja, unsere kostenlose Testphase dauert 14 Tage und erfordert keine Kreditkartendaten. Nach dem Ende deiner Testphase wird dir nichts berechnet. </p></div></nav></div></div></div></div></div></section><section class="footer-section"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer footer-container w-container"><div class="footer-content"><div class="footer-logo-box"><div class="footer-logo-wrapper"><div class="footer-logo"><a aria-label="" href="/de" aria-current="page" class="logo_footer w-inline-block w--current"><img src="" loading="lazy" aria-label="Memtime logo" height="32" alt="Memtime footer logo" class="memtime-logo"/></a></div><div class="footer-copyright"><div class="p-4-regular-book">© 2016-2025 memtime GmbH</div></div></div><div class="footer-social-wrapper"><div class="footer-social-title-wrapper"><div class="p-4-regular-book">Folge uns:</div></div><div class="footer-social"><a aria-label="LinkedIn" href="" class="link_footer-in w-inline-block"><div class="in w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>LinkedIn icon</title> <path 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6.25019 7.05848 6.02543 7.17254 5.77388C7.28661 5.52233 7.3465 5.2496 7.34833 4.9734C7.35016 4.6972 7.2939 4.4237 7.18318 4.17066C7.07246 3.91761 6.90977 3.69068 6.70567 3.50458C6.50156 3.31849 6.26061 3.17739 5.99844 3.09045C5.73627 3.00352 5.45875 2.97268 5.18389 2.99995ZM3.22889 19.7999H7.08689V8.46395H3.22889V19.7999Z" fill="black"/> </svg></div></a><a aria-label="Instagram " href="" class="link_footer-inst w-inline-block"><div class="instagram w-embed"><svg width="25" height="24" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <title>Instagram icon</title> <path d="M17.7299 5.46C17.4926 5.46 17.2605 5.53038 17.0632 5.66224C16.8659 5.79409 16.7121 5.98151 16.6212 6.20078C16.5304 6.42005 16.5066 6.66133 16.5529 6.89411C16.5993 7.12689 16.7135 7.34071 16.8814 7.50853C17.0492 7.67635 17.263 7.79064 17.4958 7.83694C17.7286 7.88324 17.9698 7.85948 18.1891 7.76866C18.4084 7.67783 18.5958 7.52402 18.7277 7.32668C18.8595 7.12935 18.9299 6.89734 18.9299 6.66C18.9299 6.34174 18.8035 6.03652 18.5784 5.81147C18.3534 5.58643 18.0482 5.46 17.7299 5.46V5.46ZM22.3299 7.88C22.3104 7.0503 22.155 6.2294 21.8699 5.45C21.6156 4.78313 21.2199 4.17928 20.7099 3.68C20.2147 3.16743 19.6095 2.77418 18.9399 2.53C18.1625 2.23616 17.3407 2.07721 16.5099 2.06C15.4499 2 15.1099 2 12.3899 2C9.66989 2 9.32989 2 8.26989 2.06C7.43905 2.07721 6.61724 2.23616 5.83989 2.53C5.17157 2.77665 4.56683 3.16956 4.06989 3.68C3.55732 4.17518 3.16407 4.78044 2.91989 5.45C2.62605 6.22734 2.4671 7.04915 2.44989 7.88C2.38989 8.94 2.38989 9.28 2.38989 12C2.38989 14.72 2.38989 15.06 2.44989 16.12C2.4671 16.9508 2.62605 17.7727 2.91989 18.55C3.16407 19.2196 3.55732 19.8248 4.06989 20.32C4.56683 20.8304 5.17157 21.2234 5.83989 21.47C6.61724 21.7638 7.43905 21.9228 8.26989 21.94C9.32989 22 9.66989 22 12.3899 22C15.1099 22 15.4499 22 16.5099 21.94C17.3407 21.9228 18.1625 21.7638 18.9399 21.47C19.6095 21.2258 20.2147 20.8326 20.7099 20.32C21.2221 19.8226 21.6182 19.2182 21.8699 18.55C22.155 17.7706 22.3104 16.9497 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