IP Address Tracker Software - Tracking Tool - ManageEngine OpUtils
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id="tt-ip-con"><a href="" title="How to resolve IP address conflict">How to resolve IP address conflict</a></li> <li id="tt-ip-spoofing"><a href="" title="IP Spoofing">IP Spoofing</a></li> <li id="tt-basics-of-dhcp-server"><a href="" title="Basics of DHCP server">Basics of DHCP server</a></li> <li id="tt-dhcp-dora"><a href="" title="DHCP DORA process">DHCP DORA process</a></li> <li id="tt-dhcp-snooping"><a href="" title="DHCP snooping">DHCP snooping</a></li> <li id="tt-dhcp-fingerprinting"><a href="" title="DHCP fingerprinting">DHCP fingerprinting</a></li> <li id="tt-dhcp-lease-time"><a href="" title="DHCP Lease Time">DHCP Lease Time</a></li> <li id="tt-dhcp-reservation"><a href="" title="DHCP Reservation">DHCP Reservation</a></li> <li id="tt-dhcp-vs-static"><a href="" title="DHCP vs Static IP addressing">DHCP vs Static IP addressing</a></li> <li id="tt-dns-vs-dhcp"><a href="" title="DNS vs DHCP">DNS vs DHCP</a></li> <li id="tt-forward-lookup"><a href="" title="Forward Lookup">Forward lookup</a></li> <li id="tt-forward-vs-reverse-lookup"><a href="" title="Forward vs Reverse lookup">Forward vs Reverse lookup</a></li> <li id="tt-reverse-ip-lookup"><a href="" title="Reverse IP lookup">Reverse IP lookup</a></li> <li id="tt-rogue-dhcp-servers"><a href="" title="Rogue DHCP server">Rogue DHCP server</a></li> <li id="tt-add-pro"><a href="" title="Supernetting">Address Resolution Protocol</a></li> <li id="tt-sp-chal"><a href="" title="Network port management challenges">Switch port management challenges</a></li> <li id="tt-sp-flap"><a href="" title="Port flapping">Switch port flapping</a></li> <li id="tt-sp-spoof"><a href="" title="Switch spoofing">Switch spoofing</a></li> <li id="tt-ly3-ly2"><a href="" title="Layer 3 Vs Layer 2 switches">Layer 3 vs layer 2 switches</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <div id="itom-related-products"></div> <div id="itom-lhs-img"></div> </div> <div class="rhs-cont"> <div class="sec-row"> <div class="ip-row"> <div class="col"> <h2>IP address tracking can help you:</h2> </div> <div class="col"><a href="#track-ip-address" class="ip-track-box"> <img src="/products/oputils/images/ipa-track.png" alt="IP Address Tracker - ManageEngine OpUtils" title="IPs across multiple super-nets" /> <span><strong>Track</strong> IPs across multiple supernets and subnets</span> </a></div> <div class="col"><a href="#inspect-comprehensive" class="ip-track-box"><img src="/products/oputils/images/ipa-inspect.png" alt="IP Address Tracker Software - ManageEngine OpUtils" title="Comprehensive IP utilization details" /> <span><strong>Inspect</strong> comprehensive IP utilization details</span> </a></div> <div class="col"><a href="#resolve-ip" class="ip-track-box"><img src="/products/oputils/images/ipa-resolve.png" alt="IP Address Tracker Tool - ManageEngine OpUtils" title="IP conflicts with instant alerts" /> <span><strong>Resolve</strong> IP conflicts with instant alerts and IP tools</span> </a></div> </div> </div> <div class="sec-row"> <div class="sec-title"> <h2 class="tac">User Review</h2> </div> <div class="usr-review"> <p>The IP tools allowed us to recompile our Master IP list in a matter of minutes rather than wasting the time of 2 employees for a full day. In the first hour of it’s use we were able to recover the cost of the software.</p> <div class="usr-details"> <p>IT Admin, The Automaster Motor Co.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sec-row" id="track-ip-address"> <div class="sec-title"> <h2>Track IP addresses across multiple supernets and subnets</h2> </div> <div class="flex-row"> <div class="col"> <div class="box"> <p class="pb1">ManageEngine OpUtils' <b>IP address tracker</b> is capable of tracking all your IP addresses in real time. This comprehensive IP address tracker<strong> </strong>helps you remove the hurdles in subnet management by aiding you to add, manage, and track IPv4 and IPv6 subnets with ease.</p> <p>Enabling route aggregation in your network? With OpUtils' IP address tracker, you can simplify this task by adding and monitoring supernets and their associated subnets from a centralized console. To further simplify the IP tracking task, the hierarchical Tree View in OpUtils' IP Address Manager allows you to group and track different subnets and supernets as needed. Along with this, the Donut View enables you to track your IPs based on their networking aspects such as DNS status and NIC Type.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="sec-img-con"><a class="img-zoom zoomicon" href="/products/oputils/images/iam-subnet-details.gif"> <img src="/products/oputils/images/iam-subnet-details.gif" alt="IP Address Tracking - ManageEngine OpUtils" title="Track IP addresses across multiple subnets" class="scale-img" /></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sec-row" id="inspect-comprehensive"> <div class="sec-title"> <h2>Inspect comprehensive IP utilization details with a hassle-free <b>IP address tracking</b> solution</h2> </div> <div class="flex-row reverse"> <div class="col"> <div class="box"> <p class="pb1">An important requirement for tracking IP addresses is to understand <strong>how and by who an IP is being used</strong>. This helps in various networking tasks such as capacity planning and enhancing network security.</p> <p class="pb1">OpUtils offers you in-depth <b>IP address tracking</b> by scanning your IP address space using different network protocols, including ICMP and SNMP. This enables you to track crucial IP details such as IP utilization status, associated MAC address, device type, <a href="" target="_blank">forward</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">reverse lookup</a> status, and connected switch port details.</p> <p>OpUtils also displays an IP snapshot that contains details on the IP's location, interface ID, system description, and more. Along with this real-time data, you can <strong>track historical IP usage</strong> and analyze the utilization trends with the IP History feature and the various IP Address Manager reports available.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="sec-img-con"><a class="img-zoom zoomicon" href="/products/oputils/images/iam-ip-details.png"> <img src="/products/oputils/images/iam-ip-details.png" alt="Track IP Address - ManageEngine OpUtils" title="Inspect comprehensive IP utilization details" class="scale-img" /></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sec-row" id="resolve-ip"> <div class="sec-title"> <h2>Resolve IP conflicts with instant alerts and IP tools</h2> </div> <div class="flex-row"> <div class="col"> <div class="box"> <p class="pb1">While relying on spreadsheets and CLI commands for IP address tracking, detecting serious issues such as IP conflicts is impossible unless reported by the end user. An IP conflict can easily cascade into costly network downtime if not acted upon at the right time. This requires a reliable IP address tracker tool to be deployed in the network to stay ahead of IP conflicts. The real-time IP monitoring capability of OpUtils' IP address tracker helps you stay ahead of such issues by enabling proactive <a href="" target="_blank">IP address conflict detection</a>. By continually tracking your IP address space, it can easily detect and alert users on duplicate IP addresses in the network.</p> <p>Using the conflict details displayed by the IP conflict alert messages and the built-in <a href="" target="_blank">IP tools</a>, you can easily resolve IP conflicts before they cause a critical network issue. Also, with the IP address tracker you can dig deep into details such as the connected devices, their switch ports, the other devices connected to the port, and so on. Thus the IP tracking software along with the IP tools offered by OpUtils, helps you easily carry out day-to-day IP related tasks from a centralized console.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="sec-img-con"><a class="img-zoom zoomicon" href="/products/oputils/images/iam-toolset.png"> <img src="/products/oputils/images/iam-toolset.png" alt="IP Tracker Software - ManageEngine OpUtils" title="Hassle-free IP address tracking solution" class="scale-img" /></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sec-row"> <div class="ip-row"> <div class="col"> <h2>All these IP address tracking capabilities together enable:</h2> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="ip-track-box"><img src="/products/oputils/images/ipa-nw-ips.png" alt="IP Tracking Tool - ManageEngine OpUtils" title="Resolve IP conflicts" /> <p>An easier approach to manage network IPs</p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="ip-track-box"><img src="/products/oputils/images/ipa-conflict.png" alt="IP Tracking Software - ManageEngine OpUtils" title="IP Address Conflict" /> <p>Conflict-free IP address space</p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="ip-track-box"><img src="/products/oputils/images/ipa-ts-time.png" alt="Real-Time IP Address Tracker - ManageEngine OpUtils" title="IP Address Tracker Time" /> <p>Reduced troubleshooting time</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sec-row"> <div class="sec-title"> <h2 class="tac">More on OpUtils’ IP address management features</h2> </div> <div class="more-op-fea"><a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="/products/oputils/images/ipa-ip-tools.png" alt="Advanced IP Address Tracker - ManageEngine OpUtils" title="IP Address Tracker with IP Tools" /> <span>IP tools<br /> <span>(A part of the network toolset)</span></span> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/products/oputils/images/ipa-ebook.png" alt="Tool for IP Address Tracking - ManageEngine OpUtils" title="IP Address Tracker E-Book" /> <span>E-book</span></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/products/oputils/images/ipa-blogs.png" alt="IP Address Tracker Solutions - ManageEngine OpUtils" title="Blog for IP Address Tracker" /> <span>OpUtils Blogs</span></a></div> </div> <div class="sec-row"> <div class="opu-free-sec"> <p>Eliminate the hassles of IP tracking; try OpUtils for free today!</p> <a href="" target="_blank">Download a free, 30-day trial!</a></div> </div> <div class="sec-row"> <div class="sec-title"> <h2>IP address tracker 101 - FAQs</h2> </div> <div class="accordion_container"> <div class="accordion_head"> <h3 id="q0" class="faqh">What is IP address tracker?</h3> <span class="plusminus">+</span></div> <div class="accordion_body" style="display: none;"> <p>An IP address tracking tool is a network utility that allows you to scan, track, and get the details such as the MAC and interface ID of an IP address. IP tracking solutions collects these details by using different network scanning protocols to inspect your network address space. Some advanced IP address tracker software such as OpUtils offers in-depth insights into tracked IPs. This includes, the IP's networking attributes, connected switch ports, system location, and more.</p> </div> <div class="accordion_head"> <h3 id="q1" class="faqh">Why do you need an IP address tracker?</h3> <span class="plusminus">+</span></div> <div class="accordion_body" style="display: none;"> <p>Traditionally, network admins have been relying on native commands and spreadsheets to track IP addresses. Native commands do allow a network admin to scan for IPs and find their associated MAC address in a network; however, this technique works best for a small-scale network such as IP address tracking in your home network.</p> <p>For large-scale networks, having to manually track IP addresses is a complex task. As networks scale across a number of subnets, manual IP address tracking becomes impractical due to the limited capabilities of native commands. IP address tracker software provides complete visibility into your network IP address space with enhanced scanning and real-time IP address tracking. Integrating with an <a href="" target="_blank">IP scanner</a> offers you real-time insights into the status of IP addresses. This is not possible with generic tools and native OS commands.</p> <div class="faq-inner"> <p class="faq-innter-title">The challenges faced when not using an IP address tracking tool</p> <ul class="points"> <li><strong>Scalability:</strong> Native commands are not equipped for effective large-scale IP address tracking.</li> <li><strong>Cross-subnet scanning:</strong> Native commands do not enable cross-subnet scanning.</li> <li><strong>Tracking IPv6:</strong> With the advent of IPv6 addresses, the length of IP addresses has increased significantly. This makes it tedious to manually update IP addresses for scanning using native commands.</li> <li><strong>Dynamic IP addresses:</strong> Manual tracking is ineffective for dynamically allocated IP addresses, because the associated MAC address can change at any point in time.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="accordion_head"> <h3 id="q2" class="faqh">How to track IP addresses?</h3> <span class="plusminus">+</span></div> <div class="accordion_body" style="display: none;"> <p>Tracking your network's IP address space requires an <a href="">IP address management</a> solution like OpUtils. This IP address tracker tool relies on different strategies such as network scanning and discovery to identify various data related to the tracked IP addresses. To start tracking IP addresses, you need to first discover and add your network's IP address space to the IP address tracker tool. This can be done in OpUtils IP address tracker by:</p> <ul class="points pb1"> <li>Importing IPs to be tracked using the <strong>Import from CSV</strong> option</li> <li>Discovering the IPv4 subnets to be tracked by specifying the subnet detail.</li> <li>Discovering IP addresses by specifying the global prefix or the subnet or site details of your IPv6 addresses.</li> </ul> <p>Once discovered, OpUtils automatically tracks your IPs and displays their statuses in the console.</p> </div> <div class="accordion_head"> <h3 id="q3" class="faqh">How to find all the IP addresses in my network?</h3> <span class="plusminus">+</span></div> <div class="accordion_body" style="display: none;"> <p>With IP Address Tracker tool, finding all the IP addresses in your network becomes hassle free. You can find all the monitored IP addresses in your network, you can try any of the below given capabilities of OpUtils' IP address tracker.</p> <ul class="points pb1"> <li>IP Address Manager: As mentioned above, OpUtils' IP address tracking solution automatically scans and displays all the IPs within the monitored range. You can find a particular IP in the network using the Search option.</li> <li>MAC IP List tool: The MAC IP List tool under the OpUtils' Toolset offers a list of all the IPs and their associated MAC addresses in the network. You can browse through the list and find the IP address you are looking for.</li> </ul> <p>OpUtils' IP address tracker tool uses different network protocols and scanning methods to ensure that it displays the accurate, real-time status of the discovered IP addresses.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sec-row"> <div class="home-nw"> <p>If you are looking for a tool to manage your home network's IP resources, you can download the Free edition, which comes with use-appropriate capabilities.</p> <a href="" target="_blank">Download the free edition</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <div class="sec-pTB bg-l-grey" id="opu-customer-logo"> <div class="container"> <div id="customer-logo"> <a href="/products/oputils/customers.html?btmcust" title="ManageEngine OpUtils Customers"> <ul class="clearfix"> <li><span class="cLogo cl-ibm">Loreal</span></li> <li><span class="cLogo cl-ctgov">nasa</span></li> <li><span class="cLogo cl-eds">dhl</span></li> <li><span class="cLogo cl-ups">at&t</span></li> <li><span class="cLogo cl-moto">siemens</span></li> </ul> </a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <div class="clearfix sec-pTB opmRelPrd mbH"> <div class="fea-nav container"> <div class="fea-nav-link clearfix"><span data-nav="allFeaDiv2">Related Products</span></div> <div class="fea-nav-list"> <div id="allFeaDiv2" class="fea-list-cont clearfix"> <ul> <li class="relOpm">» <a title="Network Monitoring - ManageEngine" href="">Network Monitoring</a></li> <li class="relNfa">» <a title="Bandwidth Monitoring & Traffic Analysis - ManageEngine" href="">Bandwidth Monitoring & Traffic Analysis</a></li> <li class="relNcm">» <a title="Network Configuration Management - ManageEngine" href="">Network Configuration Management</a></li> <li class="relIpam">» <a title="Switch Port & IP Address Management - ManageEngine" href="">Switch Port & IP Address Management</a></li> <li class="relFwa">» <a title="Firewall Management - ManageEngine" href="">Firewall Management</a></li> <li class="relOpmMSP">» <a title="Network Monitoring Software for MSPs - ManageEngine" href="">Network Monitoring Software for MSPs</a></li> <li class="relIt">» <a title="IT Operations Management - ManageEngine" href="/it-operations-management/">IT Operations Management </a></li> <li class="relapm">» <a title="Applications Manager - ManageEngine" href="" target="_blank">Application Performance Monitoring </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <div class="btmBar mbH"> <div id="btmBar"> <div class="container clearfix"> <ul class="clearfix desktop"> <li class="btm-dwn"><a title="Download ManageEngine OpUtils" href="/products/oputils/download.html?btmMenu">Download <span class="s-icon icon-s-download"> </span></a></li> <li><a title="Live Demo - ManageEngine OpUtils" target="_blank" href=""><span class="s-icon icon-s-demo"> </span><br> Live Demo</a></li> <li><a title="Compare Editions - ManageEngine OpUtils" href="/products/oputils/tools-matrix.html?btmMenu"><span class="s-icon icon-s-compare"> </span><br> Compare Editions</a></li> <li><a title="Get Quote - ManageEngine OpUtils" href="/products/oputils/getquote-form.html?btmMenu"><span class="s-icon icon-s-quote"> </span><br> Get Quote</a></li> <li><a title="Buy Now - ManageEngine OpUtils" target="_blank" href=""><span class="s-icon icon-s-buynow"> </span><br> Buy Now</a></li> </ul> <ul class="clearfix mobile"> <li><a title="Download ManageEngine OpUtils" href=""><span class="s-icon icon-s-download"> </span><br> Download</a></li> <li><a title="Demo - ManageEngine OpUtils" href=""><span class="s-icon icon-s-demo"> </span><br> Request Demo</a></li> <li><a title="Get Quote ManageEngine OpUtils" href=""><span class="s-icon icon-s-quote"> </span> <br> Get Quote</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <footer id="meCommonFooterNew"></footer> <div id="survey" data-surveyPrd="oputils"> </div> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src=""></script> <script src="/js/me-new-v1.js"></script> <script src="/itom/js/me-itom.js"></script> <script src=""></script> <script>$(document).ready(function(){$("#storelnk").attr("href", "");$("#forumlnk").attr("href", "");$("#blogslnk").attr("href", "");$("#smaplnk").attr("href", "//");$("#fbacklnk").attr("data-feedback", "49000004360347");});</script> <script>$('.ssRhs').append('<li><span>Direct Inward Dialing</span></li><li><a href="tel:+14089169400"><strong>Tel:</strong> +1 408 916 9400</a></li>');$('#rp-oputils').hide();</script> <script type="text/javascript">$('#ipaddmgmt > span').addClass('dropact').siblings('ul').show();$('#ipadd-ipadtracer a').addClass('feaact');$('#fea').addClass('selecteddiv');</script> <script> $(".accordion_head").click(function(){ $(".accordion_head").removeClass('active'); 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IP tracking solutions collects...<a href=''>more" } }] }, { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Why do you need an IP address tracker?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Traditionally, network admins have been relying on native commands and spreadsheets to track IP addresses. Native commands do allow a network admin to scan for IPs and find their associated MAC address in a network; however, this technique works best for a small-scale network such as...<a href=''>more" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How to track IP addresses?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "To start tracking IP addresses, you need to first discover and add your network's IP address space to the IP address tracker tool. This can be done in OpUtils IP address tracker by...<a href=''>more" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How to find all the IP addresses in my network?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "With IP Address Tracker tool, finding all the IP addresses in your network becomes hassle free. You can find all the monitored IP addresses in your network, you can try any of the below given capabilities of OpUtils' IP address tracker...<a href=''>more" } } ] } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "VideoObject", "name": "IP Address Tracker | IP Tracking Tool - ManageEngine OpUtils", "description": "Oputils' IP address tracker software enables real-time IP address tracking using protocols such as ICMP Ping and SNMP scanning. Try now!", "thumbnailUrl": [""], "uploadDate": "2021-12-13", "duration": "PT2M34S", "embedUrl": "" }</script> <script> $('#lhsTree > li > ul > span').click(function(){ if($(this).hasClass('showmore')){ $(this).parent().children('li').show(); $(this).text("Show Less >>"); $(this).removeClass('showmore'); } else{ $(this).addClass('showmore'); $('.showhide').hide(); $(this).text("Show More >>"); } }); </script> </body> </html>