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This can be used to match deformed results from a different analysis or to match a design/analysis model to an as-built or as-is scan model. </span> </div> </div> <div class="Column"> <div class="ContentFloat"> <h3>Sculptor Morph API</h3> <a href="SculptorMorphApi.html"><img src="images/SculptorMorphAPI.jpg" /></a> <span> Sculptor Morph API is an API based library to support real-time 3D morphing embedded in your application. </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="RightWrp"> <!--<div class="SearchWrp"> <input type="text" class="text" value="Enter keywords..."/> <a href="javascript:void(0)"></a> </div>--> <div class="RelatedLinkWrp"> <ul> <li> <a href="SculptorMorph.html">Sculptor Morph </a></li> <li> <a href="SculptorMorphAnalysis.html">Sculptor Morph Analysis</a></li> <li> <a href="Sculptor+Cad.html">Sculptor + CAD </a></li> <li> <a href="Sculptor+Optimize.html">Sculptor + Optimize</a></li> <li> <a href="Sculptor+Match.html">Sculptor + Match</a></li> <li> <a href="SculptorMorphApi.html">Sculptor Morph API</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="RightBox"> <div class="Content"> <div id="slider1"> <div> <h2>Sculptor<font>PRODUCT NOTES</font></h2> <h3>Sculptor Morph 3.4</h3> <span> <i>Current version of Sculptor Morph is 3.4 released June 2013.</i> <br /><br /> Sculptor Morph leverages our revolutionary Arbitrary Shape Deformation (ASD) technology to provide real-time 3D morphing technology for STL data and point cloud data.<br /><br /> Sculptor Morph provides the user the ability to easily deform, move features, and modify stl and point cloud formats and can be extended by adding Sculptor + CAD or Sculptor + Match Version 3.4 enhancements include: significant improvements to ASD Volume creation and capability to "Apply Design to other Model". </span> </div> <div> <h2>Sculptor<font>PRODUCT NOTES</font></h2> <h3>Sculptor Morph Analysis 3.4</h3> <span> <i>Current version of Sculptor Morph Analysis is 3.4 released June 2013. </i> <br /><br /> Sculptor Morph Analysis utilizes our revolutionary Arbitrary Shape Deformation (ASD) technology to provide real-time 3D morphing technology for mesh based analysis data for CFD and CAE solvers.<br /><br /> Sculptor Morph provides the user the ability to easily deform, move features, and modify stl and point cloud formats and can be extended by adding Sculptor + CAD or Sculptor + Match.<br /><br /> Version 3.4 enhancements include: significant improvements to ASD Volume creation, capability to "Apply Design to other Model", improved OpenFOAM export, improved handling of StarCCM+ grids, improved Wind-US translator, and added Crunch translator. </span> </div> <div> <h2>Sculptor<font>PRODUCT NOTES</font></h2> <h3>Building ASD Volumes</h3> <span> ASD volumes can be modified to fit the shape of your model through a "Shrink Wrap" operation which moves the control points of the Volume to the intersection with your model. <br /><br /> Cartesian and cylindrical ASD volumes can be defined. Cylindrical ASD volumes are beneficial for shape modifications of near cylindrical objects and shape modifications that are radial in nature.<br /><br /> Certain planes in the ASD Volume can be designated to act as "Super Planes" which prevent propagation of changes with no changes crossing the "super planes". </span> </div> <div> <h2>Sculptor<font>PRODUCT NOTES</font></h2> <h3>Sculptor + CAD</h3> <span> <i>Current version of Sculptor+ CAD is 3.4 released June 2013. </i><br /><br /> Sculptor + CAD lets you return you modified designs back to their CAD format or morph them directly.<br /><br /> Sculptor + CAD is an add-on to Sculptor Morph and Sculptor Morph Analysis that provides the ability to import, modify, and export CAD data for most major CAD and standard based formats.<br /><br /> Sculptor + CAD supersedes the Back2CAD product previously offered by Optimal Solutions. </span> </div> <div> <h2>Sculptor<font>PRODUCT NOTES</font></h2> <h3>Sculptor + Optimize</h3> <span> <i>Current version of Sculptor+ Optimize is 3.4 released June 2013. </i><br /><br /> Sculptor + Optimize links to most major third party optimization systems and also lets you quickly explore your design space using a built in Random Latin Hypercube or GRG optimization algorithm in one user friendly and powerful tool. <br /><br /> Sculptor + Optimize is an add-on to Sculptor Morph Analysis that provides the ability to optimize shape by driving ASD modifications to achieve performance objectives. <br /><br /> Sculptor + Optimize supersedes the Optimization Control Center product previously offered by Optimal Solutions. <br /><br /> Version 3.4 enhancements include:<i> analysis variables dialog and a new Response Surface function.</i> </span> </div> <div> <h2>Sculptor<font>PRODUCT NOTES</font></h2> <h3>Sculptor+ Match</h3> <span> <i>Current version of Sculptor+ Match is 3.4 released June 2013. </i><br /><br /> Sculptor+ Match lets you morph a baseline model to match a target model. This can be used to match deformed results from a different analysis or to match a design/analysis model to an as-built or as-is scan model. Shape Matching from Optimal Solutions gives you the ability to morph models to target shapes so they can be used in more than one discipline.<br /><br /> Sculptor+ Match is an add-on to Sculptor Morph and Sculptor Morph Analysis that provides the ability to modify an existing model to match a different model<br /><br /> Sculptor+ Match is a new product for the Sculptor family </span> </div> <div> <h2>Sculptor<font>PRODUCT NOTES</font></h2> <h3>Sculptor Morph API</h3> <span> <i>Current version of Sculptor Morph API is 3.4 released June 2013.</i><br /><br /> Sculptor Morph API is a library of function calls with an API interface designed to perform free form 3D shape modifications bringing the power of Sculptor Arbitrary Shape Deformation (ASD) technology into your application.<br /><br /> More modules are planned to be supported through API interfaces – watch this space </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Middle Section --> <!-- Bottom Section --> <div id="SectionBottom"> <div class="Center"> <!--<div id="FooterTopLink"> <a href="javascript:void(0)">Customer Resources</a> <a href="javascript:void(0)">Distributor Resources</a> </div>--> <div id="FooterMain"> <div id="FooterMainLink"> <a href="index.html">Home</a> <a href="Products.html">Products</a> <a href="Applications.html">Applications</a> <a href="GettingStarted.html">Getting Started</a> <a href="Webinars.html">Webinars</a> <a href="Distributors.html">Distributors</a> <a href="ContactUs.html">Contact Us</a> <a href="">Support</a> </div> <div class="CopyRight"> &copy; Copyright 2012 Optimal Solutions Software, LLC., All rights reserved. </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Bottom Section --> </body> </html>

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