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$("div." + strClass + " ul li div.item").css({"width":"100%","height":intSliderHeight + "px"}); } } } function SlideAnimate(slider, strClass) { var thisSlide; if (typeof slider === "undefined") { thisSlide = $('.' + strClass + '>ul>li.flex-active-slide'); } else { thisSlide = slider.slides.eq(slider.currentSlide); } $.each($(thisSlide).find('.wow2'), function() { $(this).addClass($(this).attr('AF') + ' animated'); }); } function SlideAnimationStop(slider) { if (typeof slider === "undefined") { $.each($('.' + strClass + '>ul>li').find('.wow2'), function() { SlideStop($(this)); }); } else { $.each(slider.slides.find('.wow2'), function() { SlideStop($(this)); }); } } function SlideStop(wowItem) { if (typeof wowItem.attr('AF') !== "undefined") { wowItem.addClass(wowItem.attr('AF') + ' animated'); } else { wowItem.addClass('animated'); } strClasses = ''; var arrClasses = wowItem.attr('class').split(' '); // remove all acept: row wow2 for ( var i = 0, l = arrClasses.length; i<l; ++i ) { //alert( arrClasses[i] ); if (arrClasses[i]!='row' && arrClasses[i]!="wow2") { strClasses = strClasses + ' ' + arrClasses[i]; //console.log("removing class: " + arrClasses[i]); wowItem.removeClass(arrClasses[i]); } } //temp store these removed classes to add later (the animations).. wowItem.attr('AF',strClasses); } function SliderHeight(strClass) { SliderPresent = 1; var image = new Image(); $(image).load(function () { var intSliderHeight = $(window).height() - ($('#MainNav').outerHeight() + 2); var intHeight = image.height; //var intRatio = $(window).width() / image.width; //alert("Image: " + intHeight + ' x ' + image.width + '\n Viewing portal: ' + intSliderHeight + ' x ' + $(window).width() + '\n Ratio: ' + intRatio); //if (intRatio>1) { intHeight = image.height * ($(window).width() / image.width); } if (intHeight > intSliderHeight) { intHeight = intSliderHeight; } $('head').append('<style>.' + strClass + ' ul li div.item { height:' + intHeight + 'px; }<\/style>'); }); image.onerror = function () { //$('head').append('<style>.' + strClass + ' ul li div.item { height:' + 200 + 'px; }<\/style>'); //fall back to old method SortSliderHeight2(strClass); } image.src = $('.' + strClass + ' ul li div.item').css("background-image").match(/^url\("?(.+?)"?\)$/)[1]; } // function to do the tweaking function fixSpy() { // grab a copy the scrollspy data for the element //alert("fixSpy()"); var data = $'bs.scrollspy'); // if there is data, lets fiddle with the offset value if (data) { // get the current height of the navbar //offset = $navtop.outerHeight(); offset = $("#MainNav").outerHeight(); //alert("offset: " + offset); // adjust the body's padding top to match //$body.css('padding-top', offset); // change the data's offset option to match data.options.offset = offset // now stick it back in the element $'bs.scrollspy', data); // and finally refresh scrollspy $body.scrollspy('refresh'); } } function InitScrollSpecific() { //if (!$('body.GenericPage').length) { return; } // only proceed if a generic page.. myDistance = $(window).scrollTop(); intWindowWidth = $( window ).width(); //alert("InitScrollSpecific()"); if (flgFixed!=1 && myDistance >= objDistance) { // FIX IT! flgFixed = 1; //code fixes window as you scroll down...then unfixes back up.. if (intWindowWidth > SMALL_WINDOW) { //alert("fixing.."); $('body #MainNav').addClass('navbar-fixed-top'); $('body #FixSocialBar').removeClass('navbar-fixed-top'); $('body #NonMobileSection').css("display","none"); $('body').css("padding-top", (intLogoHeight) + 24 + "px"); // 92 (padding of body when section removed) //82 $('body #TopMenu').css("padding-top", "0px"); $('body #MainMenu ul').css("margin-left","15px"); $('body #VenueAndDates').css("display","none"); } } else if (flgFixed==1 && myDistance < (objDistance)) { // UNFIX IT! flgFixed = 0; if (intWindowWidth > SMALL_WINDOW) { //alert("unfixing.."); $('body #MainNav').removeClass('navbar-fixed-top'); $('body #FixSocialBar').addClass('navbar-fixed-top'); $('body #NonMobileSection').css("display","block"); $('body').css("padding-top","0px"); //$('body #TopMenu').css("padding-top", "40px"); $('body #MainNav #MainMenu ul').css("margin-left","0px"); $('body #VenueAndDates').css("display","block"); } } } function countdown() { var count = $('#countdown'); if ($.fn.countdown && count.length) { count.countdown("date"), function (event) { var $this = $(this); switch (event.type) { case "seconds": case "minutes": case "hours": case "days": case "weeks": case "daysLeft": $this.find('p#' + event.type).html(event.value); break; case "finished": $this.hide(); break; } }); } } function InitWindow() { //alert("init"); //test bootstrap... if ($('#bootstrapCssTest').is(':visible') === true) { //alert("manual load..."); $('<link href="/config/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />').appendTo('head'); } // ensure BIO has no dodgy HTML in it //$('div#SpeakerBio div#AF_SpeakerBio').html($('div#SpeakerBio div#AF_SpeakerBio').text()); //intLogoHeight = $(".navbar-brand img").height(); intLogoHeight = $("#TopMenu #NonMobileSection").height(); objDistance = $("#MainNav").height() + $("#MainMenu").height() - 56; //114 (height of menu from top adjuster) /// 94 CheckContentWidths(); $(window).scroll(function () { InitScrollSpecific(); }); InitScrollSpecific(); // fix body padding (in case navbar size is different than the padding) //$body.css('padding-top', offset); // Enable scrollSpy with correct offset based on height of navbar $body.scrollspy({target: '.navbar-side', offset: offset }); // Now monitor the resize events and make the tweaks var resizeTimer; $(window).resize(function() { clearTimeout(resizeTimer); resizeTimer = setTimeout(fixSpy, 50); }); intSliderHeight = $(window).height() - ($('#MainNav').outerHeight() + 2); intOriginalHeight = intSliderHeight; if ($('#SpkRotator').length) { $('#SpkRotator').flexslider({ animation: "slide", initDelay: 2000, slideshowSpeed: 3500, animationSpeed: 600, easing: "jswing", animationLoop: true, itemWidth: 200, itemMargin: 35, minItems: 1, //maxItems: 8, pauseOnHover: true, controlNav: true, move: 2 //, start: function(slider){ } }); } if ($('#SpnMid').length) { $('#SpnMid').flexslider({ animation: "slide", initDelay: 2000, slideshowSpeed: 3500, easing: "jswing", animationSpeed: 600, animationLoop: true, itemWidth: 220, itemMargin: 15, minItems: 1, //maxItems: 15, pauseOnHover: true, controlNav: true, move: 2 //, start: function(slider){ alert("starting.."); } }); } if (!$(".navbar-toggle").is(":visible")) { $(function() { $(".dropdown").hover(function(){ $(this).addClass('open') }, function(){ $(this).removeClass('open') } ); }); } // check thumbnails... //console.log("check thumbnails...2"); var oImageCheck = setTimeout(CheckImagesLoaded, 1250); } function CheckImagesLoaded() { //console.log("CheckImagesLoaded()"); $('.tmpl_ContactImage').error(function() { console.log("image error found."); $('.tmpl_ContactImage').attr('src','/config/img/icons/noprofile.png'); }); } function DocReady() { //alert("doc ready"); if ($('#Photos').length) { GetPhotos(10,false); } if ($('#Videos').length) { GetVideos(8,false); } $('a.YouTubeVideo').each(function(index) { $(this).html('<iframe height="155" width="310" src="' + $(this).attr("href") + '?&amp;rel=0&amp;modestbranding=1&amp;hd=1&amp;controls=1&amp;frameborder=0&amp;wmode=transparent&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>'); }); //$("a.PlayYouTubeVideo").click(ShowVideo($(this))); pageScroller(); close_toggle(); TidyInternetExplorer(); //hoverOpacity(); } $(document).delegate('*[data-toggle="lightbox"]', 'click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $(this).ekkoLightbox(); }); $(window).resize(function () { //alert("resize"); InitWindow(); }); $(window).load(function(){ //alert("(window).load"); CheckUrlSsl(); CheckMyAccount(); // 15/09/2023 to put login button on 2024+ events if ($('#countdown').length) { countdown(); } try { // hide cookie preferences... setTimeout(function(){ $("div.custom-persistent-icon").fadeOut(250) }, 6250); // if ((typeof window.viewportUnitsBuggyfill != 'undefined') && (window.viewportUnitsBuggyfill != undefined)) { window.viewportUnitsBuggyfill.init(); } if (intWidth>767) { oWow = new WOW( { boxClass: 'wow', // animated element css class (default is wow) animateClass: 'animated', // animation css class (default is animated) offset: 10, // distance to the element when triggering the animation (default is 0) mobile: false, // trigger animations on mobile devices (default is true) live: true, // act on asynchronously loaded content (default is true) }); oWow.init(); } else { //reset animation.. $('.wow').css("opacity","1"); $('.wow2').css("opacity","1"); } //# URL params... (function () { var e, a = /\+/g, // Regex for replacing addition symbol with a space r = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g, d = function (s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(a, " ")); }, q = document.referrer.substring(1); //q =; while (e = r.exec(q)) urlParams[d(e[1])] = d(e[2]); })(); if ($('#webticker').length) { $('#webticker').css("display", "block"); // reveal ticker on load.. $('#webticker').webTicker({ speed: 50, //pixels per second direction: "left", //if to move left or right moving: true, //weather to start the ticker in a moving or static position startEmpty: false, //weather to start with an empty or full ticker duplicate: true, //if there is less items then visible on the ticker you can duplicate the items to make it continuous rssfrequency: 0, //the frequency of updates in minutes. 0 means do not refresh updatetype: "reset", //how the update would occur options are "reset" or "swap" hoverpause: true //pause the ticker when hovered }); } } catch(err) { } //alert("resize"); //$(window).trigger('resize'); }); $(document).ready(function () { //alert("doc ready"); InitWindow(); DocReady(); RunParallax(); CheckSearchTerms(); ListSearch(); CheckAgendaTimezone(); }) function CheckSearchTerms() { // check if sending search parameters.. var strQ = ""; if ("q" in urlParams) { strQ = urlParams["q"]; } else if ("prev" in urlParams) { strQ = "" } if (strQ != "") { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: strServicePath + "AddSearchTerm", data: "{Token:'" + strEventHash + "',SearchString:'" + strQ + "',EventID:'" + strEventID + "'}", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function(msg) { Debug("webservice response: " + msg.d); }, failure: function() { Debug("webservice search term call failed."); } }); } } function CheckUrlSsl() { var strUsesSSL = ($('meta[name=Terrapinn-SSL]').length > 0) ? $('meta[name=Terrapinn-SSL]').attr("content") : '0'; var strProtocol = document.location.protocol; //console.log('CheckUrlSsl(): ' + strUsesSSL); //console.log('SSL? ' + strProtocol); if (strUsesSSL == '1' && strProtocol == 'http:') { try { oScript.onload = function () { LE.init('41584e36-5452-40cb-931e-3227e7150b80'); var strData = "Non SSL: " + window.location.href; LE.log(strData); }; oScript.src = ""; document.head.appendChild(oScript); } catch(err) { console.log('LE error: ' + err.message); } console.log('need SSL redirect'); console.log(window.location.href.replace('http://','https://')); window.location = window.location.href.replace('http://','https://'); } } // sort height of mainslider -#### no longer used? function MainMenu() { //alert("MainMenu()"); if ($('#MainSlider').length) { intWindowWidth = $( window ).width(); $('#MainSlider').css("height", intSliderHeight + "px"); $('#MainSlider ul').css("height",intSliderHeight + "px"); $('#MainSlider ul li').css("height",intSliderHeight + "px"); $('#MainSlider').flexslider({ animation: "fade", animationLoop: true, itemWidth: 1200, initDelay: 2000, slideshowSpeed: 3500, animationSpeed: 600, pauseOnHover: false, directionNav: true, controlNav: true //controlsContainer: ".Slider-Nav", ,//start: function(slider){ SortSliderHeight() } }); SortSliderHeight() } } function RunParallax() { // cache the window object $window = $(window); $('section[data-type="background"]').each(function(){ // declare the variable to affect the defined data-type var $scroll = $(this); $(window).scroll(function() { // HTML5 proves useful for helping with creating JS functions! // also, negative value because we're scrolling upwards //var yPos = -($window.scrollTop() / $'speed')); //alert($scroll.height()); var yPos = -(($window.scrollTop() - $scroll.offset().top) / $'speed')); yPos += -234; //yPos += $'offset'); //alert("$scroll.height(): " + $scroll.height()); var coords = '50% '+ yPos + 'px'; // move the background $scroll.css({ backgroundPosition: coords }); }); // end window scroll }); // end section function } function TidyInternetExplorer() { //alert("navigator.userAgent: " + navigator.userAgent); if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Windows NT 6.2; ARM(.+)Touch/)) { var msViewportStyle = document.createElement("style"); msViewportStyle.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "@-ms-viewport{width:device-width}" ) ); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]. appendChild(msViewportStyle); } } function pageScroller(){ $("a[data-jumpto]").on("click",function(a){ a.preventDefault(); jumpTo($(this).data("jumpto")) }) } function jumpTo(a){ var pos = $('#MainMenu').outerHeight(); //alert("pos: " + pos); //alert($(a).offset().top); $("html, body").animate({scrollTop:$(a).offset().top - pos},1000); } function hoverOpacity() { $('#MainNav').mouseover(function() { $(this).css({ opacity: 1 }); }); $('#MainNav').mouseout(function() { $(this).css({ opacity: 0.30 }); }); } function CheckContentWidths() { //alert("CheckContentWidths()"); intWidth = $( window ).width(); var intHeaderHeight = $('#MainNav').outerHeight(); if ($("#webtickerHolder").length) { intHeaderHeight = intHeaderHeight + $('#webtickerHolder').outerHeight(); } //alert(intHeaderHeight); //alert("intWidth: " + intWidth); if (intWidth <= SMALL_WINDOW) { //alert("small"); $('#MainNav').addClass('navbar-fixed-top'); //$('#FixSocialBar').removeClass('navbar-fixed-top'); } else { //alert("large"); //$('#FixSocialBar').addClass('navbar-fixed-top'); $('#MainNav').removeClass('navbar-fixed-top'); } // smaller devices, check menu not overlaying... if (SliderPresent==1 && intWidth < 1000 && intWidth >767) { //$("body.HomePage section ").first().css("padding-top", intHeaderHeight + "px"); //$("body.HomePage section section").first().css("margin-top", 30 + "px"); } else if (SliderPresent==1 && intWidth <= 767) { //$("body.HomePage section ").first().css("padding-top", intHeaderHeight + "px"); //$("body.HomePage section section").first().css("margin-top", 10 + "px"); } } function close_toggle() { //alert("$(window).width(): " + $(window).width()); //alert("$(document).width(): " + $(document).width()); if ($(window).width() <= SMALL_WINDOW) { $('#MainMenu .nav a').on('click', function(){ if (!$(this).hasClass("dropdown-toggle")) { $(".navbar-toggle").click(); } }); } else { $('#MainMenu .nav a').off('click'); } } function ListSearch() { if ($('#AttendeeList').length) { var oListOptions = { valueNames: ['Company','Country','Jobtitle'], page:20, plugins: [ListPagination({})] }; var oList = new List('AttendeeList', oListOptions); } } function PrepareCalendar() { var strTitle, strBody, strLocation, strStart, strEnd; strTitle = $('div.StructuredEvent span.Summary').text(); strLocation = $('div.StructuredEvent span.Location').text(); strBody = $('div.StructuredEvent span.Summary').text() + ' - ' + $('a.navbar-brand').attr('title'); strStart = $('div.StructuredEvent span.dtstart').attr('data-start-utc'); strEnd = $('div.StructuredEvent span.dtstart').attr('data-end-utc'); } function ShowVideo(oA) { //alert("ShowVideo()"); var box = $("<div></div>").addClass("darkCover").html('<div class="CloseVideo"><a href="#"><img src="/img/icons/close.png" alt="close video" /></a></div>').click(function () { $(this).fadeOut(); content.fadeOut(); content.html("<div></div>"); return false; }); $("body").prepend(box); box.fadeTo(900, 0.6); var content = $("<div></div>").addClass("darkContent").html('<iframe height="390" width="640" src="' + $(oA).attr("href") + '?&amp;rel=0&amp;modestbranding=1&amp;hd=1&amp;controls=1&amp;frameborder=0&amp;wmode=transparent&autoplay=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>'); $("body").prepend(content); content.fadeTo("fast", 1); return false; } var strKeyHeader = "Terrapinn-"; function GetData(strKey, intTtl ) { var oEntry = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(strKey)||"0"); if (oEntry != "0") { if (oEntry.Ttl && ((parseInt(oEntry.Ttl) + parseInt(oEntry.Now)) < new Date().getTime())) { //cache expired..... } else { return oEntry.Value; } } else { //console.log("GetData(), key NOT found, returning... "); } } function SetData(strKey, oValue, intTtl ) { var oEntry = { Value : oValue, Ttl : intTtl, Now : new Date().getTime() }; var strData = JSON.stringify(oEntry); localStorage.setItem(strKey, strData); } function hashCode(str){ var hash = 0; if (str.length == 0) return hash; for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { char = str.charCodeAt(i); hash = ((hash<<5)-hash)+char; hash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer } return strKeyHeader + hash; } function PurgeOldCache() { let keys = Object.keys(localStorage); for(let strKey of keys) { if (strKey.startsWith(strKeyHeader)) { // read it...and check... var oEntry = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(strKey)||"0"); if (oEntry != "0") { if (flgPurgeCache || (oEntry.Ttl && ((parseInt(oEntry.Ttl) + parseInt(oEntry.Now)) < new Date().getTime()))) { //console.log("PurgeOldCache(), data EXPIRED, purging... "); localStorage.removeItem(strKey); } else { //console.log("PurgeOldCache(), cache NOT expired... " + oEntry.Value.length); } } } } } jQuery.browser = {}; (function () { jQuery.browser.msie = false; jQuery.browser.version = 0; if (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE ([0-9]+)\./)) { jQuery.browser.msie = true; jQuery.browser.version = RegExp.$1; } })(); function ShowFeed(arrItems, intMaxArticles, strType, flgShowLead, flgShowImage, strColorOverride) { var html = ''; var arrImgs; var intMaxLength = 180; var intMaxTitleLength = 100; var i = 0; var strTitle = arrItems.title; var strDescription = arrItems.description; var strLink =; var strPrecis = ''; var strItemTitle = ''; //console.log('ShowFeed: ' + strType); //console.dir(arrItems); if (strType=='LIST') { //html += '<div class="row BlogTitle"><div class="col-md-12"><h1><a href="' + strLink + '">' + arrItems.title + '</a></h1><h2>' + strDescription + '</h2></div></div>'; html += '<div class="row">'; } else if (strType=='ROTATOR') { html+= '<div class="flex-container"><div id="BlogRotator" class="flexslider"><ul class="slides">' } //console.log('ShowFeed: arrItems.items.length: ' + arrItems.items.length); for(i; i < arrItems.items.length && i < intMaxArticles; i++) { try { var item = arrItems.items[i]; strItemTitle = item.title; if (strItemTitle.length > intMaxTitleLength) { strItemTitle = strItemTitle.substring(0,intMaxTitleLength) + '..'; } //description might be html? try { strPrecis = $(item.description).text(); } catch(err) { strPrecis = item.description; } if (strPrecis.length > intMaxLength) { strPrecis = strPrecis.substring(0,intMaxLength) + '..'; } arrImages = {}; try { if (flgShowImage) { arrImages = $('<div>' + item.description + '</div>').find('img'); } } catch (ex) { } if (strType=='LIST') { if (i!=0) { if ((i) % 2 == 0) { html += '<div class="clearfix visible-sm">&nbsp;</div>'; } if ((i) % 3 == 0) { html += '<div class="clearfix visible-md">&nbsp;</div>'; } if ((i) % 4 == 0) { html += '<div class="clearfix visible-lg">&nbsp;</div>'; } } html += '<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3"><div class="BlogContentHolder">'; if (arrImages.length>0) { html += '<div class="BlogContent" style="background:url(\'' + arrImages[0].src + '\');background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size: cover;">' + '<h3><a href="' + + '" target="_blog" title="' + strPrecis + '">'+ strItemTitle + '</a></h3>' + '</div>'; } else { html += '<div class="BlogContent" style="">' + '<h3><a href="' + + '" target="_blog" title="' + strPrecis + '">'+ strItemTitle + '</a></h3>' + '</div>'; } if (flgShowLead) { html += '<div class="BlogPrecis"><p>' + strPrecis + ' <a href="' + + '" target="_blog" title="' + strItemTitle + '">continues</a> &#187;</p></div>'; } html += '</div></div>'; } else if (strType=='ROTATOR') { if (arrImages.length>0) { html += '<li>'; html += '<div class="BlogContent" style="background:url(\'' + arrImages[0].src + '\');background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size: cover;">' + '<h3><a href="' + + '" title="' + strPrecis + '" target="_blog">'+ strItemTitle + '</a></h3>' + '</div>'; if (flgShowLead) { html += '<div class="BlogPrecis"><p>' + strPrecis + ' <a href="' + + '" target="_blog" title="' + strItemTitle + '">continues</a> &#187;</p></div>'; } html+= '</li>'; } else { html += '<li>'; html += '<div class="BlogContent">' + '<h3><a href="' + + '" target="_blog" title="' + strPrecis + '">'+ strItemTitle + '</a></h3>' + '</div>'; if (flgShowLead) { html += '<div class="BlogPrecis"><p>' + strPrecis + ' <a href="' + + '" target="_blog" title="' + strItemTitle + '">continues</a> &#187;</p></div>'; } html += '</li>'; } } } catch(err) { showError(err); //console.log(err.message); } } if (strType=='LIST') { html += '</div>'; } else if (strType=='ROTATOR') { html += '</ul></div></div>'; } if (!flgShowImage) { html += '<style>div#BlogContent div.BlogContent { height:auto!important; }</style>'; } if (strColorOverride!='') { html += '<style>div#BlogContent h3 { background:#' + strColorOverride + '!important; } </style>'; } //console.log('html: ' + html); jQuery('div#BlogContent').append(html); if (strType=='ROTATOR') { $('#BlogRotator').flexslider({ animation: "slide", initDelay: 2000, slideshowSpeed: 3500, easing: "jswing", animationSpeed: 600, animationLoop: true, itemWidth: 320, itemMargin: 15, minItems: 1, //maxItems: 15, pauseOnHover: true, controlNav: true, move: 2 //, start: function(slider){ alert("starting.."); } }); } } function GetFeed(strURL, intMaxArticles, flgIsIntro) { var intCacheTime = 3600000; // 1 hour cache var strHashKey = hashCode(String(window.location)); var arrItems = {}; arrItems = GetData(strHashKey,intCacheTime); if (arrItems && arrItems.length > 0) { ShowFeed(arrItems, intMaxArticles, flgIsIntro); } else { jQuery.getFeed({ url: strURL, success: function(feed) { SetData(strHashKey, feed, intCacheTime); ShowFeed(feed, intMaxArticles, flgIsIntro); } }); } } const monthNames = ["", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; const monthNamesShort = ["", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun","Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]; var DateTime; var oDate; function CheckAgendaTimezone() { //console.log("CheckAgendaTimezone()"); // testing... // = () => new Date(2020, 6, 8).valueOf(); //luxon.Settings.defaultZoneName = 'America/New_York'; if ( $("div#Agenda").length && $("div#Agenda").hasClass("VirtualEvent") ) { //console.log("dealing with agenda.."); loadExtScript('', function() { return (typeof luxon === 'object'); }, CheckAgendaTimezoneRun); } } function CheckAgendaTimezoneRun() { //console.log("CheckAgendaTimezoneRun()"); // instantiate Luxon... DateTime = luxon.DateTime; var strLocalZone = DateTime.local().zoneName; strLocalZone = strLocalZone.substr(strLocalZone.indexOf('/') + 1, strLocalZone.length - 1); //console.log("Time zone city: " + strLocalZone); //console.log("Event city: " + strEventCity); if (strLocalZone == strEventCity) { return; } // testing... //console.log("local time: " + DateTime.local().toLocaleString(DateTime.TIME_24_SIMPLE)); //console.log("local timezone (browser): " + Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone) //console.log("local timezone: " + DateTime.local().zoneName); var oTimezone = $('<div id="TimeZoneChanger"><h3>Time zone</h3></div>'); var oHtml = $('<div class="onoffswitch"></div>'); var oBtn = $('<input type="checkbox" name="onoffswitch" class="onoffswitch-checkbox" id="myonoffswitch" tabindex="0" />'); var oLabel = $('<label class="onoffswitch-label" for="myonoffswitch"><span class="onoffswitch-inner" data-before="Local" data-after="Event"></span><span class="onoffswitch-switch"></span></label>'); $(oHtml).append($(oBtn)); $(oHtml).append($(oLabel)); $(oTimezone).append($(oHtml)); // filter version... $('div.AgendaHeader>div').append($(oTimezone)); // older version... $('div#Agenda').prepend($(oTimezone)); //var strLocalZone = DateTime.local().zoneName; //strLocalZone = strLocalZone.substr(strLocalZone.indexOf('/') + 1, strLocalZone.length - 1); $("span.onoffswitch-inner").attr('data-before', strLocalZone); $("span.onoffswitch-inner").attr('data-after', strEventCity); $("#myonoffswitch").change(function () { if ($("#myonoffswitch").is(":checked")) { DoTimezone(); } else { DoTimezoneLocal(); } }); } function DoTimezone() { //console.log("DoTimezone()"); $("div.Time").each(function () { oDate = DateTime.fromISO($(this).attr('data')); $(this).html('<span class="TimeDate">' + monthNamesShort[oDate.month] + ' ' + + '</span>' + oDate.toLocaleString(DateTime.TIME_24_SIMPLE)); }); $("div.session>span").each(function () { oDate = DateTime.fromISO($(this).attr('data')); $(this).html('<span class="TimeDate">' + monthNamesShort[oDate.month] + ' ' + + '</span>' + oDate.toLocaleString(DateTime.TIME_24_SIMPLE)); }); } function DoTimezoneLocal() { //console.log("DoTimezoneLocal()"); $("div.Time").each(function () { if (strEventZone == 'UTC0') { oDate = DateTime.fromISO($(this).attr('data'), { zone: 'UTC+0' }); } else { oDate = DateTime.fromISO($(this).attr('data'), { zone: strEventZone }); } //oDate = DateTime.fromISO($(this).attr('data'), { zone: strEventZone }); $(this).html('<span class="TimeDate">' + monthNamesShort[oDate.month] + ' ' + + '</span>' + oDate.toLocaleString(DateTime.TIME_24_SIMPLE)); }); $("div.session>span").each(function () { if (strEventZone == 'UTC0') { oDate = DateTime.fromISO($(this).attr('data'), { zone: 'UTC+0' }); } else { oDate = DateTime.fromISO($(this).attr('data'), { zone: strEventZone }); } //oDate = DateTime.fromISO($(this).attr('data'), { zone: strEventZone }); $(this).html('<span class="TimeDate">' + monthNamesShort[oDate.month] + ' ' + + '</span>' + oDate.toLocaleString(DateTime.TIME_24_SIMPLE)); }); } function loadExtScript(src, test, callback) { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = src; document.body.appendChild(s); var callbackTimer = setInterval(function() { var call = false; try { call =; } catch (e) {} if (call) { clearInterval(callbackTimer);; } }, 100); } </script> <!-- youtube / flickr --> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ // load photos from Flickr -either to gallery or rotator... function GetPhotos(intCount, flgGallery) { if (typeof strPhotos === 'undefined') { return; } intCount = (typeof intCount === "undefined") ? 500 : intCount; flgGallery = (typeof flgGallery === "undefined") ? true : flgGallery; $.ajax({ url: '', data: { format: 'json', method: 'flickr.photosets.getPhotos', api_key: 'b3a6ea9e962408fb6a57e1266989eba2', photoset_id: strPhotos, per_page: intCount, page: 1 }, dataType: 'jsonp', jsonp: 'jsoncallback' }).done(function (result) { var baseUrl; var linksContainer; if (flgGallery) { linksContainer = $('#links') } else { linksContainer = $('#Photos .slides') } $.each(, function (index, photo) { baseUrl = 'https://farm' + + '' + photo.server + '/' + + '_' + photo.secret; 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} else { //show in rotator.. $('<li/>').append($('<a class="PlayYouTubeVideo" href="' + data.items[i].contentDetails.videoId + '" title="' + data.items[i].snippet.title + ' ' + data.items[i].snippet.description + '" onclick="return ShowVideo(this);"><img src="' + data.items[i].snippet.thumbnails.medium.url + '" alt="' + data.items[i].snippet.title + '" /></a>')).appendTo(linksContainer); } } if (flgGallery) { var links = document.getElementById('links').getElementsByTagName('a'), options = { startSlideshow: true, slideshowInterval: 6800, carousel: false, closeOnEscape: true, youTubeVideoIdProperty: 'youtube', youTubePlayerVars: undefined, youTubeClickToPlay: false }, gallery = blueimp.Gallery(links, options); } else { $('#Videos').flexslider({ animation: "slide", animationSpeed: 600, slideshow: false, itemWidth: 250, minItems: 1, maxItems: 8, controlNav: false, start: function(slider){ $('body').removeClass('loading'); } }); } }); } /* ]]> */ </script> <!-- Evt udpates --> <script> var intArchiveMonths = 3; var flgLookupProcessed = false; var submitOnce = 0; var strResponseMsg = ''; var strResponseCS = ''; $(document).ready(function () { if (!$("div#EvtUpdates").length) { return; } $("head").append("<script src=\"\" type=\"text/javascript\"></scr" + "ipt>"); $("#btnEvtUpdatesEmail").click(function(){ if (EvtUpdatesValidate()) { EvtUpdatesProcess(); } return false }); debugout($("div.form-inline").width()); strResponseMsg = $("div#EvtUpdates").attr("data-responseMsg"); debugout("strResponseMsg: " + strResponseMsg); strResponseCS = $("div#EvtUpdates").attr("data-responseCS"); debugout("strResponseCS: " + strResponseCS); $("div.form-inline").css("width",$("div.form-inline").width() + 64); $('#elqCustomerGUID').on("ElqLoaded", function( event ) { debugout("EVT, ELQ loaded."); if ($('#txtEvtUpdatesEmail').length) { $('#txtEvtUpdatesEmail').change(function() { //debugout("email changed, calling data lookup based on email: " + $('#txtEvtUpdatesEmail').val()); elqTracker.getData({key: "{64cb133a-2f29-4fba-be03-abfeb3a0cf3a}", lookup: "<C_EmailAddress>" + $('#txtEvtUpdatesEmail').val() + "</C_EmailAddress>", success: function() { EvtUpdatesPopulateForm(false); }}); }); } if ($('#elqCustomerGUID').val() != '') { var guid = $('#elqCustomerGUID').val(); debugout("have guid: " + guid); if ($('#SFDCContactID').length && $('#SFDCContactID').val()=='') { debugout("guid gotten, and SFDCContactID unknown...calling data lookup.."); elqTracker.getData({key: "{466702f1-a0a7-4198-aa3c-6196e5b21656}", lookup: "", success: function() { EvtUpdatesSetElqContent_Cookie($('#elqCustomerGUID').val()); }}); } } elqTracker.getGUID(function(guid) { debugout("[lookup] " + "guid: " + guid); $('#elqCustomerGUID').val(guid); debugout("guid gotten: " + $('#elqCustomerGUID').val() + " calling data lookup.."); if (guid != undefined) { elqTracker.getData({key: "{466702f1-a0a7-4198-aa3c-6196e5b21656}", lookup: "", success: function() { EvtUpdatesSetElqContent_Cookie(guid); }}); } }); }); }); function EvtUpdatesSetElqContent_Cookie(strGUID) { debugout("EvtUpdatesSetElqContent_Cookie('" + strGUID + "')"); if (typeof GetElqContentPersonalizationValue == "function") { //if ($('#V_ElqEmailAddress').length) { $('#V_ElqEmailAddress').val(GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('V_ElqEmailAddress')) } //if ($('#V_ElqLastName').length) { $('#V_ElqLastName').val(GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('V_ElqLastName')) } //if ($('#V_ElqCompanyName').length) { $('#V_ElqCompanyName').val(GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('V_ElqCompanyName')) } if ($('#txtEvtUpdatesEmail').length && $('#txtEvtUpdatesEmail').val()=='') { $('#txtEvtUpdatesEmail').val(GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('V_ElqEmailAddress')) } //var _Title = GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('V_ElqTitle'); //ElqDoUpate('#txtTitle',_Title); //var _Firstname = GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('V_ElqFirstName'); //ElqDoUpate('#txtFirstname',_Firstname); //var _Lastname = GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('V_ElqLastName'); //ElqDoUpate('#txtLastname',_Lastname); //var _Company = GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('V_ElqCompanyName'); //ElqDoUpate('#txtCompany',_Company); //ElqDoUpate('#txtOrganisation',_Company); //var _Email = GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('V_ElqEmailAddress'); //ElqDoUpate('#txtEmail',_Email); //ElqDoUpate('#txtEmailConfirm',_Email); //var _Phone = GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('V_ElqPhoneNumber'); //ElqDoUpate('#txtPhone',_Phone); //ElqDoUpate('#txtTel',_Phone); if ($('#SFDCContactID').val()=='') { debugout("$('#SFDCContactID').val(): " + $('#SFDCContactID').val()); if ($('#txtEvtUpdatesEmail').val() != '') { debugout("calling data lookup based on [EvtUpdatesSetElqContent_Cookie()] : " + $('#txtEvtUpdatesEmail').val()); elqTracker.getData({key: "{64cb133a-2f29-4fba-be03-abfeb3a0cf3a}", lookup: "<C_EmailAddress>" + $('#txtEvtUpdatesEmail').val() + "</C_EmailAddress>", success: function() { EvtUpdatesPopulateForm(true); }}); } } } } function EvtUpdatesPopulateForm(flgIsCookie) { debugout("EvtUpdatesPopulateForm('" + flgIsCookie + "')"); if (typeof GetElqContentPersonalizationValue == "function") { var oHistoryDate = new Date(); oHistoryDate.setMonth(oHistoryDate.getMonth() - intArchiveMonths); var oLastModified; var _LastModified = GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('C_DateModified'); var arrParts = _LastModified.split('/'); if (arrParts.length == 3) { debugout("_LastModified: " + _LastModified + " / " + arrParts[2] + " : " + (arrParts[0]-1) + " : " + arrParts[1]); debugout("oHistoryDate: " + oHistoryDate); oLastModified = new Date(arrParts[2], arrParts[0]-1, arrParts[1]); } if (arrParts.length != 3 || oLastModified > oHistoryDate) { debugout("Elq data valid"); // populate.. if ($('#txtEvtUpdatesFirstname').val() == '') { $('#txtEvtUpdatesFirstname').val(GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('C_FirstName')); } if ($('#txtEvtUpdatesLastname').val() == '') { $('#txtEvtUpdatesLastname').val(GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('C_LastName')); } } else { debugout("Date test failed, not populated"); } //basics.. always update, since a reflection on the email used $('#SFDCContactID').val(GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('SFDCContactID')); $('#SFDCAccountID').val(GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('SFDCAccountID')); debugout("SFDCContactID: " + $('#SFDCContactID').val()); debugout("SFDCAccountID: " + $('#SFDCAccountID').val()); } else { debugout("no ELQ function"); } } function EvtUpdatesValidate() { debugout("EvtUpdatesValidate()"); if (submitOnce == 0) { var oInput; var flgFirstError = true; $("div#EvtUpdates div.form-group").each(function(){ oInput = $(this).find("input"); //debugout(oInput.val()); //debugout("has class? " + oInput.hasClass("inputRequired")); if (oInput.length && oInput.hasClass("inputRequired") && $.trim(oInput.val()) == '') { //error debugout("ERROR. data for input: " + oInput.val()); $(this).removeClass("has-success"); $(this).addClass("has-error"); if (flgFirstError) { oInput.focus(); flgFirstError=false; } } else { $(this).removeClass("has-error"); $(this).addClass("has-success"); } }); } else { flgFirstError = false; } return flgFirstError; } function EvtUpdatesProcess() { debugout("EvtUpdatesProcess()"); var flgOK = true; EvtUpdatesProcessStart(); dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'goalVPV', 'VPV': '/evtUpdates/' }); submitOnce = 1; //var strServicePath = "/template/live/events.asmx/"; var strServicePath = "/template/live/events.asmx/"; //var strData = "{'EID':'" + strEventID + "','Email':'" + $("#txtEvtUpdatesEmail").val() + "','Firstname':'" + $("#txtEvtUpdatesFirstname").val() + "','Lastname':'" + $("#txtEvtUpdatesLastname").val() + "'}"; var strFirstname = ($("#txtEvtUpdatesFirstname").length > 0) ? $("#txtEvtUpdatesFirstname").val() : ''; var strLastname = ($("#txtEvtUpdatesLastname").length > 0) ? $("#txtEvtUpdatesLastname").val() : ''; var strOffice = ($("#TerrapinnMetaOffice").length > 0) ? $("#TerrapinnMetaOffice").attr('content') : ''; //console.log('strOffice: ' + strOffice); var strData = "{'EID':'" + strEventID + "','Email':'" + $("#txtEvtUpdatesEmail").val() + "','Firstname':'" + strFirstname + "','Lastname':'" + strLastname + "','Office':'" + strOffice + "'}"; debugout("strData: " + strData); LE.init('bc9b6f96-0d5d-45d7-87de-253d43edf3e6'); LE.log("Evt updates subscription attempt [" + strEventID + "] [" + window.location + "]"); debugout("LSE evt tracked"); jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: strServicePath + "EventSignup", data: '{"Token":"' + strEventHash + '","EventID":"' + strEventID + '","oParams":"' + strData + '"}', contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function (msg) { debugout("webservice response: " + msg.d); if (msg.d) { //good.. debugout("success"); EvtUpdatesProcessResult(true); } else { //error.. flgOK = false; debugout("apologies, unable to complete this at present"); EvtUpdatesProcessResult(false); } }, failure: function () { flgOK = false debugout("apologies, unable to complete this at present"); EvtUpdatesProcessResult(false); } }); } function EvtUpdatesProcessStart() { debugout("EvtUpdatesProcessStart()"); // hide form.. var intTime = 250; var intCount = 0; $("div#EvtUpdates div.form-group").each(function(i, el){ intCount = intCount+1; setTimeout(function(){ $(el).animate({right: '400px', opacity: '0'}, "slow"); }, intCount * intTime); }); intCount = intCount + 2; setTimeout(function(){ $("div#EvtUpdates div.form-group").css("display","none"); $("div#EvtUpdates div.form-inline").append('<img src="" alt="ajax loader icon" id="EvtUpdatesAjaxLoader" />'); }, (intCount * intTime)); } function EvtUpdatesProcessResult(flgResult) { debugout("EvtUpdatesProcessResult() : " + flgResult); // show msg.. var strHtml = ''; if (flgResult) { strHtml = '<h3 style="opacity:0;" id="EvtUpdatesResponseMsg">' + strResponseMsg + '</h3>'; } else { strHtml = '<h3 style="opacity:0;" id="EvtUpdatesResponseMsg">Apologies, at this time we\'re unable to carry out this request. Please try again later or <a href="mailto:' + strResponseCS + '">get in touch</a></h3>'; LE.log("Evt updates subscription FAILS [" + strEventID + "] [" + window.location + "]"); } setTimeout(function(){ $("img#EvtUpdatesAjaxLoader").animate({opacity: '0'}, "fast"); $("div#EvtUpdates div.form-inline").append(strHtml); $("img#EvtUpdatesAjaxLoader").css("display","none"); $("h3#EvtUpdatesResponseMsg").animate({opacity: '1'}, "slow"); }, 2050); } jQuery.fn.hideInput = function() { this.animate({left: '300px', opacity: '0'}, "slow"); return this; }; function debugout(strData) { try { //if (getParameterByName('adrian')=='1') { alert(strData);console.log(strData); } //console.log(strData); // alert(strData); } catch(err) { } } function showError(ex) { //var caller_line = ex.stack.split("\n")[4]; //var index = caller_line.indexOf("at "); //var clean = caller_line.slice(index+2, caller_line.length); console.log(ex); } function getParameterByName(name) { try { name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]"); var regexS = "[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"; var regex = new RegExp(regexS); var results = regex.exec(; if(results == null) return ""; else return decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); } catch(err) { console.log(err.message); } } </script> <!-- Wisepops checks --> <script> var intWisepopChecks = 0; $(function () { try { return; window.setTimeout(CheckWiepops, 500); } catch(err) { console.log(err.message); } }); function CheckWiepops() { intWisepopChecks = intWisepopChecks+1; //console.log("intWisepopChecks: " + intWisepopChecks); if (intWisepopChecks>10) { return; } if ($("div#wisepop-main-container").length) { //alert("have wisepops"); _paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Wisepops', 'Shown', '']); $("a.wisepop-building-block-action").click(function() { //alert("wisepops clicked! 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