Concours 芦 Pologne - des endroits, des personnes, des r茅cits 禄 - La Pologne en Alg茅rie - Portal

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des endroits, des personnes, des r&eacute;cits &raquo;</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Nous sommes ravis de vous informer que l&#39;Ambassade de la R&eacute;publique de Pologne en Alg&eacute;rie organise un concours de photographie pour c&eacute;l&eacute;brer la f&ecirc;te nationale de la Pologne, le 12 novembre 2024. Le concours se concentre sur les lieux, les personnes et les histoires de la Pologne. Les participants peuvent s&#39;inscrire dans l&#39;une des cat&eacute;gories suivantes :</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li>Pologne - endroits : photos de paysages, d&#39;architecture, d&#39;infrastructures ou d&#39;espaces urbains en Pologne.</li> <li>Pologne - individus : photos illustrant la vie quotidienne des Polonais, ainsi que des sc&egrave;nes g&eacute;n&eacute;rales en Pologne ; celles-ci doivent refl&eacute;ter une caract&eacute;ristique distinctive de ce pays.</li> <li>Pologne-Alg&eacute;rie : photos mettant en valeur les relations historiques ou contemporaines entre l&#39;Alg&eacute;rie et la Pologne.</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Chaque cat&eacute;gorie recevra un prix de 300 euros de l&#39;Ambassade. L&#39;Ambassade se r&eacute;serve le droit de ne pas attribuer de prix dans une ou plusieurs cat&eacute;gories, ou de d&eacute;cerner plusieurs prix &eacute;quivalents. Dans ce dernier cas, la somme de 300 euros sera r&eacute;partie entre les gagnants.</p> <p><br /> Les personnes souhaitant participer sont invit&eacute;es &agrave; envoyer une photo correspondant &agrave; l&#39;une des cat&eacute;gories mentionn&eacute;es pr&eacute;c&eacute;demment avant le 20 octobre 2024, &agrave; 11h00, heure d&#39;Alg&eacute;rie. Tous les Alg&eacute;riens &acirc;g&eacute;s de 15 &agrave; 30 ans peuvent prendre part au concours. Il n&#39;est pas n&eacute;cessaire d&#39;&ecirc;tre photographe professionnel ou de poss&eacute;der un dipl&ocirc;me en photographie.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Le concours n&#39;est pas ouvert aux employ&eacute;s de l&#39;ambassade de la R&eacute;publique de Pologne &agrave; Alger et &agrave; leurs familles.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Comment puis-je postuler ?</strong></p> <ol> <li>Veuillez envoyer une photo correspondant &agrave; l&#39;une des cat&eacute;gories mentionn&eacute;es ci-dessus &agrave; l&#39;adresse e-mail suivante :<strong></strong></li> <li>Les photos soumises<strong> ne doivent pas d&eacute;passer 3 &agrave; 4 MB et doivent &ecirc;tre au format JPEG</strong>.</li> <li>Veuillez inclure une br&egrave;ve description de votre photo comprenant les informations suivantes: o&ugrave; et quand vous avez pris la photo, pourquoi vous avez choisi ce paysage sp&eacute;cifique, l&#39;histoire et le message de la photo. La description ne doit pas d&eacute;passer 150 mots. Vous pouvez r&eacute;diger votre description en fran&ccedil;ais, anglais ou arabe. Celle-ci doit &ecirc;tre incluse dans le corps de l&#39;e-mail et ne doit pas &ecirc;tre jointe sous forme de fichier Word ou PDF.</li> <li>Votre candidature doit &ecirc;tre soumise avant le 20 octobre 2024 &agrave; 23h00.</li> <li>Veuillez remplir et signer la d&eacute;claration de droits d&#39;auteur jointe &agrave; cette annonce et l&#39;envoyer avec votre candidature sous forme de fichier PDF.</li> <li>N&#39;oubliez pas que la taille maximale d&#39;un message (y compris les pi&egrave;ces jointes) pouvant &ecirc;tre envoy&eacute; &agrave; une bo&icirc;te e-mail g&eacute;n&eacute;rale est de 20 MB.</li> </ol> <p>L&#39;Ambassade informe tous les candidats que les photos soumises ne seront pas renvoy&eacute;es &agrave; leurs propri&eacute;taires si elles ne sont pas s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;es.</p> <p>Les candidats souhaitant participer &agrave; deux ou trois cat&eacute;gories diff&eacute;rentes sont inform&eacute;s qu&#39;une seule photo par cat&eacute;gorie sera s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;e. Cela signifie que vous ne pouvez gagner que dans une seule cat&eacute;gorie avec une seule photo.</p> <p>L&#39;ambassade v&eacute;rifiera l&#39;originalit&eacute; et l&#39;authenticit&eacute; de la photo. Les photos g&eacute;n&eacute;r&eacute;es par intelligence artificielle ou t&eacute;l&eacute;charg&eacute;es &agrave; partir d&#39;autres sources seront rejet&eacute;es. Nous acceptons de l&eacute;g&egrave;res modifications de la luminosit&eacute;, du contraste, de la saturation des couleurs, etc., mais l&#39;&oelig;uvre ne doit pas &ecirc;tre substantiellement modifi&eacute;e ni soumise &agrave; des changements de couleur importants ou &agrave; d&#39;autres traitements techniques.</p> <p>Veuillez indiquer avec quel appareil la photo a &eacute;t&eacute; prise. Toutefois, l&#39;appareil utilis&eacute; ne joue pas de r&ocirc;le dans la s&eacute;lection des photos, que ce soit un t&eacute;l&eacute;phone ou un appareil photo. Ce qui importe vraiment, c&#39;est la qualit&eacute; de l&#39;image.</p> <p><strong>Crit&egrave;res de s&eacute;lection :</strong></p> <ol> <li>Pertinence de la photo par rapport &agrave; l&#39;une des cat&eacute;gories mentionn&eacute;es dans cette annonce.</li> <li>Clart&eacute; de la photo, permettant au jury d&#39;identifier clairement les objets, les personnes ou les lieux repr&eacute;sent&eacute;s.</li> <li>Caract&egrave;re unique du paysage et de sa relation avec la Pologne, le peuple polonais, la culture, l&#39;histoire ou les relations alg&eacute;ro-polonaises.</li> <li>Respect des conditions du concours.</li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">&ldquo;Poland - Places, People, Stories&rdquo; Competition</span></strong></p> <p><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Algeria is pleased to announce the organization of a photography competition in celebration of Poland&rsquo;s National Day on November 12, 2024. The theme of the competition revolves around places, people, and stories from Poland. Participants can enter one of the following categories:</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Poland - Places: </span><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Photographs of Polish landscapes, architecture, infrastructure, or urban spaces.</span></li> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Poland - People: </span><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Photographs depicting everyday life and general scenes in Poland; these scenes should reflect something typically Polish.</span></li> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Poland-Algeria Stories: </span><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Photographs showcasing historical or contemporary relations between Algeria and Poland.</span></li> </ol> <p><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">The embassy will award a prize of &euro;300 in each category. The Embassy reserves the right not to award a prize in one or more categories or to award several equivalent prizes (in which case the &euro;300 will be split).</span></p> <p><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Those interested in participating are invited to submit a photo that aligns with one of the aforementioned categories by 20 October 2024, at 11:00 p.m. Algeria time. All Algerian citizens aged 15-30 years are eligible to participate. It is not required to be a professional photographer or to hold a photography certificate.</span></p> <p><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Employees of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Algiers and their family members are not eligible to participate in the competition.</span></p> <p><strong><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">How to Apply:</span></strong></p> <ol> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Please send a photo that fits into one of the categories mentioned above to this email address: <strong> </strong></span></li> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Submitted photographs should be <strong>no larger than 3-4 MB, and the file type must be JPEG</strong>.</span></li> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Include a short description of your photo that covers the following information: where and when you took the photo, why you chose this specific scenery, and the story or message behind the photo. The description should be a maximum of 150 words and can be written in French, English, or Arabic. Please write the description in the body of the email, not as an attachment in Word or PDF format.</span></li> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Your application must be submitted before 20 October 2024 at 11:00 PM.</span></li> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Please fill out and sign the copyright statement attached to this announcement and send it with your application as a PDF file.</span></li> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Keep in mind that the maximum size for a message (including attachments) that can be delivered to a general mailbox is 20 MB.</span></li> </ol> <p><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">The Embassy informs all applicants that submitted photos will not be returned if they are not selected. </span></p> <p><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Applicants willing to participate in two or three different categories should note that only one photo will be selected in only one category; in other words, you can only win in one category with one photo.</span></p> <p><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">The Embassy will verify the originality and authenticity of the submitted photo. Photos generated by artificial intelligence or downloaded from other sources will be rejected. We allow slight adjustments to brightness, contrast, color saturation, and similar corrections, but the work must not be substantially modified or undergo significant color changes or other technical alterations.</span></p> <p><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Please indicate the device used to take the photo. However, the specific device does not affect the selection process; photos can be taken with either a phone or a camera. What matters is the quality of the image.</span><br /> &nbsp;</p> <p><strong><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Selection Criteria:</span></strong></p> <ol> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Relevance of the photo to one of the categories mentioned in this announcement.</span></li> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Clarity of the photo: Can the jury easily identify objects, people, or places in the image</span></li> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Uniqueness of the scenery and its connection to Poland, Polish people, culture, history, or Polish-Algerian relations.</span></li> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt">Adherence to the competition rules and conditions.</span></li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p dir="rtl"><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA" style="font-size:12.0pt">賲爻丕亘賯丞 &quot;亘賵賱賵賳賷丕 &ndash; 兀賲丕賰賳貙 兀卮禺丕氐 賵賯氐氐 &quot;</span></p> <p dir="rtl">&nbsp;</p> <p dir="rtl"><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">賷爻毓丿賳丕 兀賳 賳毓賱賲賰賲 兀賳 爻賮丕乇丞 噩賲賴賵乇賷丞 亘賵賱賵賳賷丕 賮賷 丕賱噩夭丕卅乇 鬲賳馗賲 賲爻丕亘賯丞 賱賱鬲氐賵賷乇 丕賱賮賵鬲賵睾乇丕賮賷 丕丨鬲賮丕賱丕 亘丕賱賷賵賲 丕賱賵胤賳賷 丕賱亘賵賱賵賳賷 賷賵賲 12 賳賵賮賲亘乇 2024. 鬲鬲賲丨賵乇 丕賱賲爻丕亘賯丞 丨賵賱 孬賱丕孬 賮卅丕鬲: 兀賲丕賰賳貙 兀卮禺丕氐 賵賯氐氐 賲賳 亘賵賱賵賳賷丕. 賷賲賰賳賰賲 丕賱賲卮丕乇賰丞 賮賷 賮卅丞 賲賳 丕賱賮卅丕鬲 丕賱鬲丕賱賷丞:</span></p> <ol dir="rtl"> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">亘賵賱賵賳賷丕 - 丕賱兀賲丕賰賳</span><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">: 氐賵乇 賱賱賲賳丕馗乇 丕賱胤亘賷毓賷丞 兀賵 丕賱毓賲丕乇丞 兀賵 丕賱亘賳賶 丕賱鬲丨鬲賷丞 兀賵 丕賱賲爻丕丨丕鬲 丕賱丨囟乇賷丞 賮賷 亘賵賱賵賳賷丕</span>.</li> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">亘賵賱賵賳賷丕 - 丕賱兀卮禺丕氐</span><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">: 氐賵乇 賲賳 丕賱丨賷丕丞 丕賱賷賵賲賷丞 賱賱亘賵賱賵賳賷賷賳 賵丕賱賲卮丕賴丿 丕賱毓丕賲丞 賮賷 亘賵賱賵賳賷丕貨 賷噩亘 兀賳 鬲毓賰爻 丕賱賲卮丕賴丿 爻賲丞 賲賲賷夭丞 賱亘賵賱賵賳賷丕</span>.</li> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">賯氐氐 亘賵賱賵賳賷丕 賵丕賱噩夭丕卅乇</span><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">: 氐賵乇 鬲賵囟丨 丕賱毓賱丕賯丕鬲 丕賱鬲丕乇賷禺賷丞 兀賵 丕賱賲毓丕氐乇丞 亘賷賳 丕賱噩夭丕卅乇 賵亘賵賱賵賳賷丕.</span></li> </ol> <p dir="rtl"><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">爻鬲賲賳丨 丕賱爻賮丕乇丞 噩丕卅夭丞 賯丿乇賴丕 300 賷賵乇賵 賮賷 賰賱 賮卅丞. 賵鬲丨鬲賮馗 丕賱爻賮丕乇丞 亘丨賯賴丕 賮賷 毓丿賲 賲賳丨 噩丕卅夭丞 賮賷 賮卅丞 賵丕丨丿丞 兀賵 兀賰孬乇 兀賵 賲賳丨 毓丿丞 噩賵丕卅夭 賲鬲賰丕賮卅丞 (賵賮賷 賴匕賴 丕賱丨丕賱丞 爻賷鬲賲 鬲賯爻賷賲 賲亘賱睾 300 賷賵乇賵)</span><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">. </span></p> <p dir="rtl"><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">丕賱賲賴鬲賲賷賳 亘丕賱賲卮丕乇賰丞 賲丿毓賵賵賳 賱廿乇爻丕賱 氐賵乇丞 鬲鬲賲丕卮賶 賲毓 廿丨丿賶 丕賱賮卅丕鬲 丕賱賲匕賰賵乇丞 兀毓賱丕賴 亘丨賱賵賱 20 兀賰鬲賵亘乇 2024貙 丕賱爻丕毓丞 11:00 賱賷賱丕 亘鬲賵賯賷鬲 丕賱噩夭丕卅乇. 噩賲賷毓 丕賱賲賵丕胤賳賷賳 丕賱噩夭丕卅乇賷賷賳 丕賱匕賷賳 鬲鬲乇丕賵丨 兀毓賲丕乇賴賲 亘賷賳 15 賵30 爻賳丞 賲丐賴賱賵賳 賱賱賲卮丕乇賰丞. 賱丕 賷卮鬲乇胤 兀賳 賷賰賵賳 丕賱賲鬲賯丿賲 賲氐賵乇賸丕 賲丨鬲乇賮賸丕 兀賵 丨丕賲賱丕 賱卮賴丕丿丞 賮賷 丕賱鬲氐賵賷乇 丕賱賮賵鬲賵睾乇丕賮賷</span>.</p> <p dir="rtl"><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">賱丕 賷賲賰賳 賱</span><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">賲賵馗賮賷 爻賮丕乇丞 噩賲賴賵乇賷丞 亘賵賱賵賳賷丕 亘丕賱噩夭丕卅乇 賵毓丕卅賱丕鬲賴賲 丕賱賲卮丕乇賰丞 賮賷 丕賱賲爻丕亘賯丞&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></p> <p dir="rtl"><strong><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">賰賷賮賷丞 丕賱鬲賯丿賷賲</span>:</strong></p> <ol dir="rtl"> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">賷乇噩賶 廿乇爻丕賱 氐賵乇丞 鬲鬲賳丕爻亘 賲毓 廿丨丿賶 丕賱賮卅丕鬲 丕賱賲匕賰賵乇丞 兀毓賱丕賴 廿賱賶 毓賳賵丕賳 丕賱亘乇賷丿 丕賱廿賱賰鬲乇賵賳賷 丕賱鬲丕賱賷</span>:<span dir="LTR" lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt"> </span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</li> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">賷噩亘 兀賱丕 賷夭賷丿 丨噩賲 丕賱氐賵乇 丕賱賲賯丿賲丞 毓賳 3-4 賲賷睾丕亘丕賷鬲貙 賵賷噩亘 兀賳 賷賰賵賳 賳賵毓 丕賱賲賱賮</span> <span dir="LTR" lang="EN-US" style="color:#4472c4">JPEG</span></li> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">賷噩亘 丕乇賮丕賯 賵氐賮 賲賵噩夭 毓賳 丕賱氐賵乇丞 丕賱匕賷 賷丨鬲賵賷 毓賱賶 丕賱賲毓賱賵賲丕鬲 丕賱鬲丕賱賷丞: 兀賷賳 賵賲鬲賶 丕賱鬲賯胤鬲 丕賱氐賵乇丞貙 賵賱賲丕匕丕 丕禺鬲乇鬲 賴匕丕 丕賱賲卮賴丿 亘丕賱鬲丨丿賷丿貙 賵丕賱賯氐丞 兀賵 丕賱乇爻丕賱丞 賲賳 丕賱氐賵乇丞. 賷噩亘 兀賱丕 賷鬲噩丕賵夭 丕賱賵氐賮 150 賰賱賲丞 賵賷賲賰賳 賰鬲丕亘鬲賴 亘丕賱賱睾丞 丕賱賮乇賳爻賷丞 兀賵 丕賱廿賳噩賱賷夭賷丞 兀賵 丕賱毓乇亘賷丞. 賷乇噩賶 賰鬲丕亘丞 丕賱賵氐賮 賮賷 賳氐 丕賱亘乇賷丿 丕賱廿賱賰鬲乇賵賳賷貙 賵賱賷爻 賰賲乇賮賯 亘氐賷睾丞</span> Word <span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">兀賵</span> PDF</li> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">賷噩亘 鬲賯丿賷賲 丕賱胤賱亘 賯亘賱 20 兀賰鬲賵亘乇2024 丕賱爻丕毓丞 11:00賱賷賱丕.</span></li> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">賷購乇噩賶 賲賱亍 亘賷丕賳 丨賯賵賯 丕賱賳卮乇 丕賱賲乇賮賯 亘賴匕丕 丕賱廿毓賱丕賳 賵丕賱鬲賵賯賷毓 毓賱賷賴 賵廿乇爻丕賱賴 賲毓 丕賱胤賱亘 亘氐賷睾丞</span> PDF</li> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">賷噩亘 賲乇丕毓丕丞 兀賳 丕賱丨丿 丕賱兀賯氐賶 賱丨噩賲 丕賱乇爻丕賱丞 (亘賲丕 賮賷 匕賱賰 丕賱賲乇賮賯丕鬲) 丕賱鬲賷 賷賲賰賳 廿乇爻丕賱賴丕 廿賱賶 氐賳丿賵賯 丕賱丕賷賲賷賱 丕賱毓丕賲 賴賵 20 賲賷睾丕亘丕賷鬲.</span></li> </ol> <p dir="rtl"><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">鬲購毓賱賲 丕賱爻賮丕乇丞 噩賲賷毓 丕賱賲鬲賯丿賲賷賳 亘兀賳 丕賱氐賵乇 丕賱賲賯丿賲丞 賱賳 鬲購毓丕丿 廿匕丕 賱賲 賷鬲賲 丕禺鬲賷丕乇賴丕.</span></p> <p dir="rtl"><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">賷噩亘 毓賱賶 丕賱賲鬲賯丿賲賷賳 丕賱乇丕睾亘賷賳 賮賷 丕賱賲卮丕乇賰丞 賮賷 賮卅鬲賷賳 兀賵 孬賱丕孬 賮卅丕鬲 賲禺鬲賱賮丞 丕賱丕賳鬲亘丕賴 廿賱賶 兀賳賴 爻賷鬲賲 丕禺鬲賷丕乇 氐賵乇丞 賵丕丨丿丞 賮賯胤 賮賷 賮卅丞 賵丕丨丿丞 賮賯胤貨 賵亘毓亘丕乇丞 兀禺乇賶貙 賷賲賰賳賰 丕賱賮賵夭 賮賷 賮卅丞 賵丕丨丿丞 賮賯胤 亘氐賵乇丞 賵丕丨丿丞.</span></p> <p dir="rtl"><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">爻鬲鬲丨賯賯 丕賱爻賮丕乇丞 賲賳 兀氐賱賷丞 賵丨賯賷賯丞 丕賱氐賵乇丞 丕賱賲賯丿賲丞. 爻賷鬲賲 乇賮囟 丕賱氐賵乇 丕賱鬲賷 鬲賲 丕賱丨氐賵賱 毓賱賷賴丕 毓賳 胤乇賷賯 丕賱匕賰丕亍 丕賱丕氐胤賳丕毓賷 兀賵 丕賱鬲賷 鬲賲 鬲賳夭賷賱賴丕 賲賳 賲氐丕丿乇 兀禺乇賶. 賳丨賳 賳賯亘賱 丕賱鬲毓丿賷賱丕鬲 丕賱胤賮賷賮丞 毓賱賶 丕賱爻胤賵毓 賵丕賱鬲亘丕賷賳 賵鬲卮亘毓 丕賱賱賵賳 賵睾賷乇賴丕 賲賳 丕賱鬲氐丨賷丨丕鬲 丕賱賲賲丕孬賱丞貙 賵賱賰賳 賷噩亘 兀賱丕 賷鬲賲 鬲毓丿賷賱 丕賱毓賲賱 亘卮賰賱 噩匕乇賷 兀賵 兀賳 賷禺囟毓 賱鬲睾賷賷乇丕鬲 賰亘賷乇丞 賮賷 丕賱兀賱賵丕賳 兀賵 鬲毓丿賷賱丕鬲 鬲賯賳賷丞 兀禺乇賶.</span></p> <p dir="rtl"><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">賷乇噩賶 匕賰乇 丕賱噩賴丕夭 丕賱賲爻鬲禺丿賲 賱丕賱鬲賯丕胤 丕賱氐賵乇丞. 賵賱賰賳 鬲毓賱賲賰賲 丕賱爻賮丕乇丞 兀賳 丕賱噩賴丕夭 丕賱賲爻鬲毓賲賱 賱丕 賷丐孬乇 毓賱賶 丕賱賮賵夭 兀賵 丕賱禺爻丕乇丞貨 賷賲賰賳 丕賱鬲賯丕胤 丕賱氐賵乇 廿賲丕 亘丕賱賴丕鬲賮 兀賵 丕賱賰丕賲賷乇丕. 丕賱賲賴賲 亘丕賱賳爻亘丞 賱賱噩賳丞 賴賵 噩賵丿丞 丕賱氐賵乇丞.</span></p> <p dir="rtl"><strong><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">賲毓丕賷賷乇 丕賱丕禺鬲賷丕乇</span>:</strong></p> <ol dir="rtl"> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">賲賱丕亍賲丞 丕賱氐賵乇丞 賲毓 廿丨丿賶 丕賱賮卅丕鬲 丕賱賲匕賰賵乇丞 賮賷 賴匕丕 丕賱廿毓賱丕賳</span>.</li> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">賵囟賵丨 丕賱氐賵乇丞: 賴賱 賷賲賰賳 賱賱噩賳丞 丕賱鬲丨賰賷賲 丕賱鬲毓乇賮 亘爻賴賵賱丞 毓賱賶 丕賱兀卮賷丕亍 兀賵 丕賱兀卮禺丕氐 兀賵 丕賱兀賲丕賰賳 賮賷 丕賱氐賵乇丞</span></li> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">鬲賲賷夭 丕賱賲賳馗乇 賵丕乇鬲亘丕胤賴 亘亘賵賱賵賳賷丕 兀賵 丕賱卮毓亘 丕賱亘賵賱賵賳賷 兀賵 丕賱孬賯丕賮丞 兀賵 丕賱鬲丕乇賷禺 兀賵 丕賱毓賱丕賯丕鬲 丕賱亘賵賱賵賳賷丞 丕賱噩夭丕卅乇賷丞</span>.</li> <li><span dir="ltr" lang="AR-SA">丕賱丕賱鬲夭丕賲 亘賯賵丕毓丿 賵卮乇賵胤 丕賱賲爻丕亘賯丞.</span></li> </ol> <p dir="rtl">&nbsp;</p> <p dir="rtl">&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> <h3>Mat茅riaux</h3> <a class="file-download" href="/attachment/ef3a9a47-3186-442e-84ed-f6605382efc4" target="_blank" download aria-label=" T茅l茅charger le fichier D茅claration_de_Droits_d&#39;Auteur_et_d&#39;Autorisation.docx Taille: 0.01MB Format: docx"> 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