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src="/images/careers/part-33.png" class="a-p-b part-img part-img-33 parallaxMoveElem33" alt="Hand image"> </div> <div class="about-us-tools op_0 mobile-offset" > <div class="description-msg text t"> <span class="op_03 splitByLinesChars">Careers</span> <span class="description-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="47.625" height="16.5" viewBox="-18.837 -6.179 47.625 16.5"> <path class="stroke arrow-line" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-width=".2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M-17.087-5.491h40.858v8.756"/> <path class="arrow arrow-triangle" d="M27.913 2.052l-4.142 7.182-4.148-7.182h8.29z"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="col col-d-100 c_b title-offset p-t-100"> <div class="col col-d-58 col-t-70 col-m-100 mobile-offset"> <h3 class="title b plr c_b bx anim-title op_0 c_anim"> <span class="splitByLinesChars">Want To Be Part of Our </span> <strong><span class="splitByLinesChars anim-a">Family</span></strong><span class="splitByLinesChars">?</span> </h3> </div> <div class="col col-d-100 col-t-100 col-m-100 anim-txt op_0 mobile-offset"> <div class="col col-d-25 col-t-50 col-m-100 plr bx text m"><p>eDesign is always on the lookout for creative, passionate, adventurous, and quirky people to join our team. If you&rsquo;re excited to work on award-winning projects, collaborate with fantastic people and be willing to challenge yourself, you may be that special someone we are looking for.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p></div> <div class="col col-d-25 col-t-50 col-m-100 plr bx text m"><p>Send us your resume and portfolio at <a href=""></a></p></div> </div> <div class="col col-d-100 col-t-100 col-m-100 p-t-100 anim-dd"> <div class="dd-box op_0" id="u-seo-paid-media-u-specialist"> <div class="dd-title"> <div class="dd-t-1"><strong>SEO &amp; Analytics Specialist</strong> (Freelance)</div> <div class="dd-t-2">Morristown, NJ / Hybrid / Fully-Remote</div> </div> <div class="dd-text ov-hidden"> <article class="dd-text-box text m black"> <p><strong>About Us:</strong></p> <p>eDesign brings digital customer experience to their clients through insight-backed creative solutions that enhance engagement with key target audiences and a focus on delivering measurable business value. </p> <p><strong>Job Description:</strong></p> <p>We seek an experienced and highly motivated Freelance SEO &amp; Analytics Specialist to join our team. You will be responsible for improving our clients' online, organic visibility and driving traffic to their websites through search engine optimization while delivering data and reporting on their website and SEO results.</p> <p><strong>Core Duties and Responsibilities:</strong></p> <p>Own and develop effective SEO strategies for clients in various industries.</p> <p>Be able to effectively communicate strategies and tasks to clients both digitally and in live video meetings.</p> <p>Conduct keyword research and implement on-page optimization through various CMSs.</p> <p>Stay up-to-date on industry trends and search engine algorithm updates.</p> <p>Capable of executing technical SEO, coding adjustments, HTML changes, and technical adjustments needed for web development teams.</p> <p>Monitor and analyze website traffic and search engine rankings and give clear and compelling updates on progress using tools like Search Console, SEMrush, and GA4.</p> <p>Deliver great, monthly reports and data not only on SEO performance but also measurable website data.</p> <p>Effectively set up tracking on client websites using GTM, GA4, and Looker/Data Studio.</p> <p>Collaborate with the Marketing and Website Development teams to create and execute marketing strategies that collaboratively drive results.</p> <p>Great copywriting and grammatical skills, with the ability to make SEO changes that do not sacrifice the context and quality of content on a webpage.</p> <p>Great independent organization and task management skills.</p> <p>Able to manage processes and work with team members to ensure deadlines are met.</p> <p>Report to the Director of Digital Marketing with frequent client work and strategy updates.</p> <p><strong>Desired Skills and Experience:</strong></p> <p>Proven experience managing SEO for multiple companies simultaneously, with a track record of delivering proven results - 8+ years of experience.</p> <p>In-depth knowledge of search engine optimization best practices and techniques.</p> <p>Experience with WordPress and other CMSs, including the ability to edit and optimize website content for SEO - 5+ years of experience.</p> <p>Experience delivering SEO reports in a client-facing environment - 5+ years of experience.</p> <p>Experience using SEMrush or other SEO tools for keyword research, site audits, and position tracking.</p> <p>Copywriting experience is needed for SEO optimization and client communication.</p> <p>Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.</p> <p>Strong communication and presentation skills for client-facing communication.</p> <p>Ability to work independently and in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment.</p> <p><strong>Other Notes</strong></p> <p>SEMrush experience is a big plus.</p> <p>Agency experience preferred.</p> <p><strong>Location:</strong> Morristown, NJ / Hybrid / Fully-Remote</p> <p><strong>Business Travel:</strong> As needed, up to 10%</p> </article> </div> </div> <div class="dd-box op_0" id="senior-u-account-manager-u-us"> <div class="dd-title"> <div class="dd-t-1">Senior <strong>Account Manager</strong> (US)</div> <div class="dd-t-2">Location: Morristown, NJ or Remote</div> </div> <div class="dd-text ov-hidden"> <article class="dd-text-box text m black"> <p><strong>About Us:</strong></p> <p>eDesign brings digital customer experience to their clients through insight-backed creative solutions that enhance engagement with key target audiences and a&nbsp;focus on delivering measurable business value.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Job Description:</strong></p> <p>eDesign Interactive, a&nbsp;digital experience agency, is seeking an&nbsp;expert in all things digital, who has an analytical and strategic mind with a&nbsp;proven experience in providing strategic output on website design and development, digital marketing and MarTech solutions&nbsp;across our clients, as well as inspiring our delivery&nbsp;teams to create award-winning work.<br />&nbsp;<br />The Account Manager works to create the best customer&nbsp;experience across different departments: strategy, account, creative, development, and marketing, project management and analytics.&nbsp;The Account Manager knows the devil is in the details. Their role will&nbsp;strategize, develop and own the&nbsp;execution of all aspects of our clients&rsquo; work from conception to&nbsp;reporting and analytics. The Account Manager&nbsp;looks after client needs&nbsp;through direct contact while working in tandem with their staff, and&nbsp;internal agency resources.<br />&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Core Duties and Responsibilities:</strong></p> <p>Working with other team leads on initiatives in order to develop&nbsp;marketing plans to support the financial objectives of the business as&nbsp;well as the client objectives.</p> <p>Representing the company at industry events and conferences, specifically developing relationships with clients and prospects.</p> <p>Becoming an expert on our clients&rsquo; vertical.</p> <p>Acting as the daily client contact for assigned projects,&nbsp;developing relationships with clients and working closely with them to&nbsp;learn their business and company goals.</p> <p>Developing and executing the overall strategy for comprehensive&nbsp;marketing programs including CMS, web design and development, display&nbsp;advertising, online marketing programs (search, email, social) and&nbsp;alternative revenue streams in&nbsp;order to achieve agency and client goals.</p> <p>Producing strategic proposals and recommendations for your clients.</p> <p>Playing a key part in the delivery of creative and strategic presentations and meetings, including pitch meetings.</p> <p>Developing forecasts for each channel and updating future forecasts.</p> <p>Dealing with stakeholders at all levels and influencing incremental account revenue.</p> <p>Managing comfortably and effectively through complex project&nbsp;environments, working with both long-term and short-term business&nbsp;objectives.</p> <p>The creative output on your accounts, ensuring that work is on brief and budget while always seeking to innovate and improve.</p> <p>Understanding the business objectives of any given project and ensuring that deliveries fulfill these and exceed expectations.</p> <p>Supervising, mentoring and empowering your employees thus playing an instrumental role in their growth.</p> <p>Fostering a collaborative work environment and growing communication skills and business acumen of your team.</p> <p>Working on multiple, deadline-driven campaigns.</p> <p><strong>Desired Skills and Experience:</strong></p> <p>Bachelor&rsquo;s degree.</p> <p>5+ years of account management experience.</p> <p>5+ years of professional digital agency experience.</p> <p>Strong agency background with a passion and understanding of digital,&nbsp;specifically within CPG and/or higher education verticals.</p> <p>Experience in all aspects of developing and maintaining marketing strategies.</p> <p>Technical marketing skills, (i.e. Marketing automation, Hubspot, Wordpress, CMS).</p> <p>Proven experience in customer and market research.</p> <p>Relevant product and industry knowledge.</p> <p>Experience with relevant marketing software applications such as Google Analytics and more.</p> <p>Independent,&nbsp;determined; loves taking responsibility and problem-solving.</p> <p>An attitude that inspires others internally and within our clients.</p> <p><strong>Location</strong>:&nbsp;Morristown, NJ</p> <p><strong>Business&nbsp;Trave</strong>l: As needed, up to 10%</p> </article> </div> </div> <div class="dd-box op_0" id="u-sales-u-manager-us"> <div class="dd-title"> <div class="dd-t-1"><strong>Sales</strong> Manager (US)</div> <div class="dd-t-2">Location: Morristown, NJ or Remote</div> </div> <div class="dd-text ov-hidden"> <article class="dd-text-box text m black"> <p><strong>About Us:</strong></p> <p>eDesign brings digital customer experience to their clients through insight-backed creative solutions that enhance engagement with key target audiences and a focus on delivering measurable business value.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Job Description:</strong></p> <p>eDesign Interactive, a digital experience agency, is seeking someone well versed in all things digital and passionate about developing relationships with prospects that create qualified business development opportunities. &nbsp;</p> <p>The Sales Manager will be enthusiastic about promoting what they believes in&hellip;a fierce passion for brand storytelling, marketing technology, digital solutions, and incredible agency proficiencies. You&rsquo;ll want everyone to feel the same way you do and come out every day excited by the opportunity to connect with prospects and sell innovative solutions. And the icing on the cake -you&rsquo;ll know you&rsquo;ve got an award-winning, talented team behind you.</p> <p><strong>Core Duties and Responsibilities:</strong></p> <p>Proficiency to identify and research target prospects, uncover opportunities, and facilitate the entire sales process from first contact to close of deal.</p> <p>Contact businesses to qualify sales leads that are self generated, as well as generated via our website, direct marketing campaigns and a variety of other marketing-related lead sources.</p> <p>Deliver and explain eDesign services to the decision makers who will influence or make the buying decisions.</p> <p>Ability to control client relationships and ensure that accounts run smoothly.</p> <p>Ability to play a key role in the delivery of creative and strategic presentations and meetings, including pitch meetings.</p> <p>Obtain relevant customer information along with background information and enter leads into CRM.</p> <p>Adjust and improve tactics to better engage with prospects and target the needs and interests of individuals.</p> <p>Nurture and manage a sales pipeline in CRM software and follow up with prospects that have interest eDesign&rsquo;s solutions.</p> <p>Work closely with the leadership and delivery teams to transition qualified leads into the sales process.</p> <p>Proven results in consultative complex sales of marketing services, with annual quotas of $1 mill+.</p> <p>Experience with successful client relationship management as well as uncovering upsell opportunities.</p> <p><strong>Desired Skills and Experience:</strong></p> <p>Bachelor&rsquo;s degree.</p> <p>5 years of business development experience.</p> <p>5 years of professional agency experience in new business sales, with proficiency in speaking about web design, branding, digital marketing, CMS solutions and other general MarTech services.</p> <p>Roster of top mid-sized and large company clients preferred.</p> <p>Technical marketing knowledge a plus.</p> <p>Relevant product and industry knowledge.</p> <p>Experience with relevant sales software such as CRM, Sales Navigator and more.</p> <p><strong>Location:</strong> Morristown, NJ or Remote</p> <p><strong>Business Travel:</strong> As needed, up to 10%</p> </article> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- /.section-content --> </div><!-- /.section-offset --> </div><!-- /.section-wrap --> </section><!-- /.inner-blog-section --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script src="/js/main.js?v=20240815v2"></script> <script> App.Lottie.initPrelaoder(); App.init(); </script> <script> (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) { i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () { (i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments) }, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o), m = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m) })(window, document, 'script', '//', 'ga'); ga('create', 'UA-66869522-1', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> </body> </html>

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