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Just complete the sections below to get things started. Looking for more details on Post+? [faqLink]Read the FAQ[/faqLink].":["L'attivazione di Post+ è semplice. Basta completare le sezioni seguenti per iniziare. Cerchi maggiori dettagli su Post+? [faqLink]Leggi le FAQ[/faqLink]."],"Active":["Attivo"],"Active Sessions":["Sessioni attive"],"Activity":["Attività"],"Ad Visibility":["Aggiungi visibilità"],"Ad-Free Browsing":["Navigazione senza pubblicità"],"Ad-Free excludes certain promotional content. [link]Learn more[/link].":["Ad-Free esclude alcuni contenuti promozionali. [link]Ulteriori informazioni[/link]."],"Add":["Aggiungi"],"Add GIF":["Aggiungi GIF"],"Add a banner and avatar to represent your community. You can upload gifs, jpegs, pngs, or webp. Keep your file under 20 MB.":["Aggiungi un banner e un avatar che rappresentino la tua Community. Puoi caricare gif, jpeg, png, o webp. Il tuo file non deve superare i 20MB."],"Add a comment...":["Aggiungi commento..."],"Add a filter":["Aggiungi un filtro"],"Add audio":["Aggiungi audio"],"Add audio from web":["Aggiungi audio dal web"],"Add domain":["Aggiungi dominio"],"Add images from web":["Aggiungi immagini dal web"],"Add link":["Aggiungi link"],"Add media":["Aggiungi media"],"Add new filter":["Aggiungi un nuovo filtro"],"Add photo":["Aggiungi foto"],"Add poll":["Aggiungi sondaggio"],"Add read more":["Aggiungi continua a leggere"],"Add read-more link":["Inserisci link continua a leggere"],"Add something wonderful":["Aggiungi qualcosa di fantastico"],"Add text":["Aggiungi testo"],"Add to queue":["Aggiungi alla coda"],"Add to the discussion":["Aggiungi alla discussione"],"Add up to 10 related tags to help describe your community.":["Aggiungi fino a 10 tag per descrivere la tua Community."],"Add video":["Aggiungi video"],"Add video from web":["Aggiungi video dal web"],"Admin":["Amministratore"],"Advertisements":["Annunci"],"Advertiser Controls":["Controlli dell'inserzionista"],"Agree to The Meet Group conditions":["Accetti le condizioni di The Meet Group"],"All":["Tutti"],"All Messages":["Tutti i messaggi"],"All posts":["Tutti i post"],"All time":["Sempre"],"All types":["Tutti i tipi"],"Allow likes":["Permetti i Mi piace"],"Allow reblogs":["Permetti reblog"],"Allow tipping":["Permetti mance"],"Amount":["Importo"],"An error occurred while saving the community":["Si è verificato un errore durante il salvataggio della Community"],"An error occurred while uploading the image":["Si è verificato un errore durante il caricamento dell'immagine"],"Analytics":["Analytics"],"Android URL":["URL Android"],"Anonymous":["Anonimo"],"Anonymous Asks only supports text (including text styles and formatting). Media and links will be removed.":["Le domande anonime supportano solo il testo (inclusi gli stili di testo e la formattazione). Media e collegamenti verranno rimossi."],"Anonymous avatar":["Avatar anonimo"],"Answer Time":["Tempo di risposta"],"Answer Time 🚧":["Tempo di risposta 🚧"],"Answer an ask":["Rispondi a una domanda"],"Answer privately":["Rispondi privatamente"],"Any unsaved changes will be lost.":["Eventuali modifiche non salvate andranno perse."],"Anyone":["Chiunque"],"Anyone (on Tumblr)":["Chiunque (su Tumblr)"],"Anyone can see posts within this community.":["Chiunque può vedere i post in questa Community."],"Anyone on or off Tumblr.":["Chiunque fuori o dentro Tumblr."],"Appeal":["Ricorso"],"Appeal accepted":["Ricorso accettato"],"Appeal rejected":["Ricorso rifiutato"],"Appeal this post":["Fai ricorso per questo post"],"Appearance":["Aspetto"],"Apply filters":["Applica filtri"],"Apply now":["Iscriviti ora"],"Apps":["App"],"Are you sure you want to cancel/delete this download request?":["Sei sicuro di voler annullare/eliminare questa richiesta di download?"],"Are you sure you want to cancel?":["Vuoi davvero cancellare?"],"Are you sure you want to delete this post?":["Sei sicuro/a di voler cancellare questo post?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":["Vuoi davvero uscire?"],"Are you sure you want to stop supporting %1$s? You'll miss out on exclusive content plus...":["Sei sicuro di voler smettere di supportare %1$s? Ti perderai contenuti esclusivi oltre a..."],"Are you sure you want to stop supporting Tumblr? You'll miss out new stages of your badge...":["Sei sicuro/a di voler smettere di sostenere Tumblr? Ti perderai i nuovi livelli del tuo badge..."],"Are you sure you want to stop supporting Tumblr? You'll miss out on new stages of your badge...":["Sei sicuro/a di voler smettere di sostenere Tumblr? Ti perderai i nuovi livelli del tuo badge..."],"Are you sure you want to turn on the legacy editor? You will lose all your progress.":["Sei sicuro di voler disattivare l'editor legacy? Perderai tutti i tuoi progressi."],"Are you sure?":["Sei sicuro?"],"As of January 2024, Tumblr has removed the Post+ feature. [link]See this post for more details[/link].":["Da gennaio 2024, Tumblr ha rimosso la funzione Post+. [link]Leggi questo post per saperne di più[/link]."],"Ask":["Chiedi"],"Ask anonymously":["Chiedi in anonimo"],"Ask answered":["Domande a cui hai risposto"],"Asks":["Domande"],"Assorted 'shling!' and 'fwip!' noises in messaging.":["Suoni assortiti dei messaggi, tipo \"dling!\" e \"wip!\"."],"Attribution":["Attribuzione"],"Audience":["Pubblico"],"Audio":["Audio"],"Audio Player":["Lettore audio"],"Authorize Tumblr to access your Twitter account on the window that just opened":["Autorizza Tumblr ad accedere al tuo account Twitter nella finestra che si è appena aperta"],"Autosave draft failed.":["Salvataggio automatico della bozza non riuscito."],"Autosave draft failed. There may be some issues with your post.":["Salvataggio automatico della bozza non riuscito. Potrebbero esserci dei problemi con il tuo post."],"Autosave failed because the post content source URL is invalid.":["Il salvataggio automatico non è riuscito perché l'URL della fonte del contenuto del post non è valido."],"Autosave failed because there are issues with your post content uploads.":["Salvataggio automatico della bozza non riuscito a causa di problemi con il caricamento dei contenuti del post."],"Autosave failed because we don't support this media format yet.":["Il salvataggio automatico non è riuscito perché questo formato non è ancora supportato."],"Available Blog Names":["Nomi blog disponibili"],"Available until":["Disponibile fino al"],"Avatar":["Avatar"],"Awesome news":["Fantastico"],"Back":["Indietro"],"Back in Town":["Di nuovo in città"],"Back to the top":["Torna all'inizio"],"Bad ad?":["Pessimo annuncio?"],"Bank/Card":["Banca/Carta"],"Based on our Community Guidelines this post contains sexually explicit content and is now only viewable to you.":["Secondo le nostre Linee guida utente questo post contiene contenuti sessualmente espliciti e al momento è visibile solo a te."],"Based on our Community Guidelines, this post requires a Community Label.":["Secondo le nostre Linee guida utente questo post necessita di un'etichetta Community."],"Based on our Community Guidelines, this post requires a Content Label.":["Secondo le nostre Linee guida utente questo post necessita di un'etichetta Contenuti."],"Based on our User Guidelines this post contains sexually explicit content and is now only viewable to you.":["In base alle nostre Linee guida utente, questo post contiene contenuti sessualmente espliciti e ora è visibile solo a te."],"Based on our User Guidelines, this post requires a Content Label.":["Secondo le nostre Linee guida utente, questo post necessita di un'etichetta Contenuti."],"Be the first to Reblog!":["Reblogga prima di tutti!"],"Be the first to Reblog! Or...":["Reblogga prima di tutti! O..."],"Be the first to Reply!":["Rispondi prima di tutti!"],"Be the first to Reply! Or...":["Rispondi prima di tutti! O..."],"Before we go further:[br/]When is your birthday?":["Prima di andare oltre:[br/]quand'è il tuo compleanno?"],"Before you go, there are a few things you should know...":["Prima di andare, ci sono alcune cose che dovresti sapere..."],"Best Stuff First":["Prima il meglio"],"Beta":["Beta"],"Bigger":["Più grande"],"Biggest":["Enorme"],"Biggest fans":["Grandissimi fan"],"Black":["Nero"],"Blaze":["Blaze"],"Blaze campaign pending! We’ll email you when it’s approved.":["Campagna Blaze in attesa! Ti invieremo un'e-mail quando sarà approvata."],"Block":["Blocca"],"Block anyway":["Blocca comunque"],"Blockquote":["Blockquote"],"Blog":["Blog"],"Blog Settings":["Impostazioni blog"],"Blog name":["Nome del blog"],"Blog settings":["Impostazioni blog"],"Blogs":["Blog"],"Blue":["Blu"],"Blurred because you don't follow this Tumblr yet. 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Tocca per vederla."],"Bold":["Grassetto"],"Book now":["Prenota ora"],"Brand avatar URL":["URL avatar del marchio"],"Browser":["Browser"],"Browser Push Notifications":["Notifiche push del browser"],"Bulleted List":["Elenco puntato"],"Bulleted list":["Elenco puntato"],"But if you must, enter your password below:":["Ma se proprio devi, inserisci la tua password qui sotto:"],"But there's more where that came from:":["Ma ce ne sono altri che vengono dallo stesso posto:"],"Buy and manage custom domains":["Compra e utilizza domini personalizzati"],"By adding an image description to your post, you are making it more accessible for screen reader users.":["Aggiungendo una descrizione dell'immagine al tuo post, lo rendi più accessibile per gli utenti di screen reader."],"By clicking \"Next\":":["Cliccando avanti:"],"By clicking \"[strong]Get Started![/strong]\":":["Cliccando [strong]Inizia![/strong]:"],"By clicking log in, or continuing with the other options below, you agree to Tumblr’s [tumblrTOSLink]Terms of Service[/tumblrTOSLink] and have read the [tumblrPrivacyLink]Privacy Policy[/tumblrPrivacyLink]":["Facendo clic su log in, o continuando con le altre opzioni di seguito, accetti i [tumblrTOSLink]Termini di servizio[/tumblrTOSLink] di Tumblr e confermi di aver letto l'[tumblrPrivacyLink]Informativa sulla privacy[/tumblrPrivacyLink]"],"By clicking sign up, or continuing with the other options below, you agree to Tumblr’s [tumblrTOSLink]Terms of Service[/tumblrTOSLink] and have read the [tumblrPrivacyLink]Privacy Policy[/tumblrPrivacyLink]":["Facendo clic su registrati, o continuando con le altre opzioni di seguito, accetti i [tumblrTOSLink]Termini di servizio[/tumblrTOSLink] di Tumblr e confermi di aver letto l'[tumblrPrivacyLink]Informativa sulla privacy[/tumblrPrivacyLink]"],"By continuing with the options below, you agree to Tumblr’s [tumblrTOSLink]Terms of Service[/tumblrTOSLink] and have read the [tumblrPrivacyLink]Privacy Policy[/tumblrPrivacyLink]":["Continuando con le opzioni di seguito, accetti i [tumblrTOSLink]Termini di servizio[/tumblrTOSLink] di Tumblr e confermi di aver letto l'[tumblrPrivacyLink]Informativa sulla privacy[/tumblrPrivacyLink]"],"By continuing, you agree to our [termsLink]Terms of Service[/termsLink] and have read our [privacyLink]Privacy Policy[/privacyLink].":["Continuando, accetti i nostri [termsLink]Termini di servizio[/termsLink] e confermi di aver letto la nostra [privacyLink]Informativa sulla privacy[/privacyLink]."],"By default, we hide potentially mature content in the iOS app. Posts that use tags related to mature content will be hidden, and blogs marked mature will have a prompt before viewing.":["Per impostazione predefinita, nascondiamo i contenuti potenzialmente adulti nell'app iOS. 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Anyone mentioned can always reblog.":["Scegli chi può rebloggare questo post. Chiunque sia menzionato può sempre rebloggare."],"Clear search and filters":["Cancella ricerca e filtri"],"Click this to update your GDPR privacy consents.":["Fare clic qui per aggiornare i consensi sulla privacy del GDPR."],"Click to Begin":["Clicca per iniziare"],"Click to queue a post":["Clicca per mettere in coda un post"],"Click to reblog a post":["Clicca per rebloggare un post"],"Close":["Chiudi"],"Close without saving":["Chiudere senza salvare"],"Collapse search":["Nascondi ricerca"],"Color":["Colore"],"Color Palette":["Tavolozza dei colori"],"Colorize matching tags on the dashboard. Colorized tags add a nice touch to your dashboard but they might be harder to read.":["Colora i tag corrispondenti sulla dashboard. I tag colorati aggiungono un bel tocco alla tua dashboard ma potrebbero essere più difficili da leggere."],"Colors":["Colori"],"Comments and tags":["Commenti e tag"],"Comments only":["Solo commenti"],"Communities":["Community"],"Community Guidelines":["Linee guida utente"],"Community Replies":["Risposte community"],"Community labels":["Etichette community"],"Composing":["Composizione"],"Computer weirdness.":["Stranezze dei computer."],"Confirm":["Conferma"],"Confirm new password":["Conferma nuova password"],"Confirm password":["Conferma password"],"Congrats! You've joined our experiment!":["Congratulazioni! Ti sei unito/a al nostro esperimento!"],"Contact Tumblr Support":["Contatta l'assistenza Tumblr"],"Contact support":["Contatta l'assistenza"],"Contact us":["Contattaci"],"Content":["Contenuto"],"Content flagging":["Segnalazione contenuti"],"Content labels":["Etichette Contenuti"],"Content source":["Fonte contenuto"],"Content you see":["Contenuto che vedi"],"Contents contains unsupported HTML, the post may not be what you expected.":["Il testo contiene HTML non supportato, il post potrebbe non essere come te lo aspettavi."],"Contents contains unsupported Markdown, the post may not be what you expected.":["Il testo contiene Markdown non supportato, il post potrebbe non essere come te lo aspettavi."],"Control what you see across Tumblr. To see changes, refresh the page, or restart Tumblr on your devices.":["Controlla ciò che vedi su Tumblr. Per vedere le modifiche, aggiorna la pagina o riavvia Tumblr sui tuoi dispositivi."],"Conversation":["Conversazione"],"Conversation Menu":["Menu conversazione"],"Conversation with":["Conversazione con"],"Couldn't find that Tumblr. Don't be mad.":["Non abbiamo trovato quel Tumblr. Non arrabbiarti."],"Create":["Crea"],"Create a post":["Crea un post"],"Create your first +Post":["Crea il tuo primo Post+"],"Curate your own Dashboard":["Prenditi cura della tua dashboard"],"Current balance":["Saldo attuale"],"Current password":["Password Attuale"],"Current session":["Sessione attuale"],"Currently offline":["Attualmente offline"],"Custom URL":["URL personalizzato"],"Customize my blog 🎨":["Personalizza il mio blog 🎨"],"Daily":["Giornaliero"],"Daily tip amount remaining: [remaining]":["Importo della mancia giornaliera rimanente: [remaining]"],"Dang it.":["Accidenti."],"Dang, only %1$s audio allowed per post.":["Cavolo, è permesso solo %1$s audio per post.","Cavolo, sono permessi solo %1$s audio per post."],"Dang, only %1$s block allowed per post.":["Cavolo. È possibile inserire solo %1$s blocco per post.","Cavolo. È possibile inserire solo %1$s blocchi per post."],"Dang, only %1$s image allowed per post.":["Cavolo, è permessa solo %1$s immagine per post.","Cavolo, sono permesse solo %1$s immagini per post."],"Dashboard":["Dashboard"],"Date":["Data"],"Day":["Giorno"],"Deactivate Post+":["Disattiva Post+"],"Deactivating your Post+ means:":["Disattivare il tuo Post+ significa:"],"Deactivation is effective immediately. But don't sweat it. Your details are stored, so you can reactivate again at anytime.":["La disattivazione ha effetto immediato. Ma non preoccuparti, i tuoi dati vengono memorizzati, quindi puoi riattivarti in qualsiasi momento."],"Decrement":["Decremento"],"Delete":["Elimina"],"Delete a post":["Cancella post"],"Delete account":["Elimina account"],"Delete all messages":["Cancella tutti i messaggi"],"Delete conversation":["Elimina conversazione"],"Delete reply":["Elimina risposta"],"Details":["Dettagli"],"Disable":["Disabilita"],"Disable automatic SMS for Two-Factor Authentication":["Disattiva l'SMS automatico per l'autenticazione a due fattori"],"Disable custom domain":["Disabilita dominio personalizzato"],"Disable custom theme":["Disattiva tema personalizzato"],"Disabling this will allow you to surf the dashboard page-by-page instead of the endlessly-scrolling feed. To update the URL in your browser for each page, disable Best Stuff First below.":["Disabilitandolo, potrai navigare nella dashboard pagina per pagina invece del feed a scorrimento infinito. Per aggiornare l'URL nel tuo browser per ogni pagina, disabilita Prima il meglio di seguito."],"Discard":["Elimina"],"Discard changes?":["Eliminare le modifiche?"],"Discard this post?":["Eliminare questo post?"],"Disconnect":["Disconnetti"],"Disconnect from [provider]":["Disconnetti da [provider]"],"Disconnect your [provider] account?":["Disconnetti dal tuo account [provider]?"],"Disconnected!":["Disconnesso!"],"Dismiss":["Chiudi"],"Dismiss Recommendation":["Elimina raccomandazione"],"Dismiss appeal banner":["Rimuovi banner di appello"],"Dismiss the post review request form":["Ignora il modulo di richiesta di revisione post"],"Display URL":["Mostra URL"],"Display a CTA":["Mostra una CTA"],"Do not sell my personal information":["Non vendere le mie informazioni personali"],"Do you want your community to be public or private?":["Vuoi che la tua Community sia pubblica o privata?"],"Domain name":["Nome dominio"],"Domain settings":["Impostazioni di dominio"],"Domain suggestions":["Suggerimenti per il dominio"],"Domains":["Domini"],"Donate now":["Dona ora"],"Done":["Fatto"],"Done. 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Ora stai seguendo {{blogNameLink /}}."],"Download":["Scarica"],"Download Requests":["Richieste di download"],"Download on the Apple Store":["Scaricalo nell'Apple Store"],"Download your privacy data, as required by [gdpr]GDPR[/gdpr].":["Scarica i tuoi dati sulla privacy, come richiesto dal [gdpr]GDPR[/gdpr]."],"Draft saved!":["Bozza salvata!"],"Drafts":["Bozze"],"Dunno anyone by that name.":["Non conosco nessuno con quel nome."],"Earnings from Post+ or tips will show here":["I guadagni relativi a Post+ verranno mostrati qui."],"Easy to use":["Facile da usare"],"Edit":["Modifica"],"Edit Appearance":["Modifica grafica"],"Edit creator profile":["Modifica profilo creatore"],"Edit filtered content":["Modifica contenuti filtrati"],"Edit filtered tags":["Modifica tag filtrati"],"Edit personal and deposit details at":["Modifica dettagli personali e di pagamento su"],"Edit subscription price":["Modifica costi di abbonamento"],"Edit your payment method":["Modifica il tuo metodo di pagamento."],"Ehhhh, that's not a Tumblr. Check your spelling?":["Ehhhh, non è un Tumblr. Forse l'hai scritto male?"],"Email":["Email"],"Email me about account activity.":["Inviami email sulle attività dell'account."],"Email or blog name":["Email o nome di un blog"],"En Savoir Plus":["Scopri di più"],"Enable":["Abilita"],"Enable Tumblr Labs":["Abilita Tumblr Labs"],"Enable colorized tags":["Abilita tag colorati"],"Enables a blog's custom colors in the blog view (e.g. [staffBlogViewUrl]). If disabled, all blogs will be shown using your selected palette's colors instead.":["Abilita i colori personalizzati di un blog nella visualizzazione blog (ad es. [staffBlogViewUrl]). Se disabilitato, tutti i blog verranno mostrati utilizzando invece i colori della tavolozza selezionata."],"Enabling this displays timestamps in the post, reblog trail, and notes views. By default, timestamps are only visible in the meatballs menu on posts.":["Abilitando questa opzione vengono visualizzati i timestamp nel post, il percorso del reblog e le visualizzazioni delle note. Per impostazione predefinita, i timestamp sono visibili solo nel menu dei tre puntini sui post."],"Enabling two-factor authentication makes it extra difficult for anyone other than you to access your account. [link]Learn more[/link].":["Abilitando l'autenticazione a due fattori rendi la vita difficile a chiunque voglia accedere al tuo account. [link]Scopri di più[/link]."],"End Date":["Data di fine"],"Endless scrolling":["Scorrimento infinito"],"Enjoy Ad-Free Browsing until the end of your current billing period. Your subscription will end on [strong][endDate][/strong].":["Goditi la navigazione senza pubblicità fino alla fine del periodo di fatturazione corrente. Il tuo abbonamento terminerà il [strong][endDate][/strong]."],"Enjoy Tumblr without interruptions from ads.":["Goditi Tumblr senza interruzioni dagli annunci."],"Enter 6-digit code":["Inserisci il codice a sei cifre."],"Enter URL":["Inserisci un URL"],"Enter a username or URL to follow":["Inserisci un nome utente o un URL da seguire"],"Enter a username, URL, or email address to follow":["Inserisci un nome utente, un URL o un indirizzo email da seguire"],"Enter a word or a phrase":["Inserisci una parola o una frase"],"Enter auth code":["Inserisci codice di autenticazione"],"Enter one of these backup codes when prompted for a two-factor authentication code. Keep in mind: Each code can only be used once.":["Inserisci uno di questi codici di backup quando ti viene chiesto un codice di autenticazione a due fattori. Ricorda: ogni codice può essere usato una volta sola."],"Enter one of these backup codes when prompted for a two-factor authentication code. Keep in mind: Each code can only be used once. Learn more at":["Inserisci uno di questi codici di backup quando ti viene chiesto un codice di autenticazione a due fattori. Ricorda: ogni codice può essere usato una volta sola. Scopri di più su"],"Enter one of these backup codes when prompted for a two-factor authentication code. Keep in mind: Each code can only be used once. Learn more at":["Inserisci uno di questi codici di backup quando ti viene chiesto un codice di autenticazione a due fattori. Ricorda: ogni codice può essere usato una volta sola. Scopri di più su"],"Enter the code generated by the authenticator app":["Inserisci il codice generato dall'app per l'autenticazione."],"Enter your email to log in or register:":["Inserisci la tua email per iscriverti o accedi:"],"Error Disconnecting!":["Errore di disconnessione!"],"Error loading forms":["Errore di caricamento dei moduli"],"Estimated Progress:":["Progresso stimato:"],"Everyone can see this page":["Tutti possono vedere questa pagina"],"Everyone who's not already a member will see a 'Join' option.":["Chiunque non sia già membro vedrà l'opzione Unisciti."],"Everyone who's not already a member will see a 'Request' option.":["Chiunque non sia già membro vedrà l'opzione Richiedi."],"Exclusive posts for your biggest fans":["Post esclusivi per i tuoi più grandi fan"],"Expand":["Espandi"],"Expand content":["Espandi contenuto"],"Experiments":["Esperimenti"],"Expired":["Scaduto"],"Explore":["Esplora"],"Explore all of Tumblr":["Esplora tutto Tumblr"],"Explore today’s picks from the Tumblr team.":["Esplora le scelte di oggi dal team di Tumblr."],"Explore trending topics on Tumblr. See all of the GIFs, fan art, and general conversation about the internet’s favorite things.":["Esplora gli argomenti di tendenza su Tumblr. 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Nel frattempo, condividilo sui social media."],"Home":["Home"],"Hourly":["Per ora"],"How old are you?":["Quanti anni hai?"],"I already purchased something from this ad.":["Ho già acquistato qualcosa grazie a questo annuncio."],"I don't like this blog any more":["Questo blog non mi piace più"],"I don't like this post any more":["Questo post non mi piace più"],"I see it too often.":["Lo vedo troppo spesso."],"I want to change it":["Voglio cambiarlo"],"I'll do it later":["Lo farò più tardi"],"I'm not interested in this.":["Non mi interessa."],"If it violates our community guidelines, we'll remove it.":["Se non rispetta le Linee guida della Community, il contenuto verrà rimosso."],"If you cancel your subscription, you will start seeing ads on Tumblr in the apps and on desktop.":["Se annulli l'abbonamento, inizierai a vedere annunci su Tumblr nelle app e sul desktop."],"If you disable the authenticator app, you will not be able to login without receiving the code via SMS.":["Se disabiliti l'app per l'autenticazione, potrai effettuare il login solamente con il codice via SMS."],"If you leave before saving, your changes will be lost. 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Per favore attendi il completamento prima di caricare un altro video."],"Only members can see comments and reactions, unless you allow anyone to join.":["Solo i membri possono vedere i commenti e le reazioni, a meno che tu non dia libero accesso a tutti."],"Only members can see comments and reactions.":["Solo i membri possono vedere i commenti e le reazioni."],"Only members can see posts within this community.":["Solo i membri possono vedere i post in questa Community."],"Only one image, video, link, or audio above the teaser please!":["Solo un'immagine, video, link o audio sopra il teaser, per favore!"],"Only show user Blaze ads [emoji]😎[/emoji]":["Mostra solo gli annunci Blaze degli utenti [emoji]😎[/emoji]"],"Only you can see this page":["Solo tu puoi vedere questa pagina"],"Ooops! It looks like there was an error trying to upload one or more images.":["Ops! Sembra che si sia verificato un errore durante il caricamento di una o più immagine."],"Ooops! 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Qualcosa è andato storto."],"Oops, sorry about that. There was an issue fetching your current subscription status. Please wait a few moments before refreshing your browser. Your subscription should show up imminently.":["Ops, mi dispiace. Si è verificato un problema durante il recupero dello stato attuale dell'abbonamento. Per favore aspetta qualche istante prima di aggiornare il browser. Il tuo abbonamento dovrebbe apparire a breve."],"Oops, the teaser should be 300 characters or less!":["Ops, il teaser non deve superare i 300 caratteri!"],"Oops. Something went wrong.":["Ops! Qualcosa è andato storto."],"Open":["Apri"],"Open app":["Apri app"],"Open link":["Apri link"],"Open post state options":["Aprire le opzioni di stato del post"],"Open the post membership settings":["Apri le impostazioni di abbonamento post"],"Opt-out of seeing ads personalized by our ads partners based on information from your visits to Tumblr. 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Per ulteriori informazioni sulla pubblicità basata sugli interessi e per disattivare la visualizzazione di annunci basati sugli interessi su altri siti di publisher, visita [aboutAds][/aboutAds] o [networkAdvertising][/networkAdvertising]."],"Orange":["Arancione"],"Order now":["Ordina"],"Ordered List":["Lista numerata"],"Ordered list":["Lista ordinata"],"Original Poster":["Autore originario"],"Original Posts":["Post Originali"],"Original poster":["Autore originario"],"Other reblogs":["Altri reblog"],"Our computer is a loser.":["Il nostro computer è un perdente."],"Paid":["Pagato"],"Password":["Password"],"Password changed successfully!":["Password cambiata con successo!"],"Password is empty.":["La password è vuota."],"Password reset email sent!":["E-mail di reimpostazione password inviata!"],"Passwords don't match.":["Le password non corrispondono."],"Past 30 days":["Ultimi 30 giorni"],"Patio":["Patio"],"Pause":["Pausa"],"Pause/Unpause a video":["Metti in pausa/riattiva un video"],"Payment \u0026 Purchases":["Acquisti e pagamenti"],"Payment method":["Metodo di pagamento"],"Payment method successfully updated.":["Metodo di pagamento aggiornato con successo."],"Payout details":["Dettagli pagamenti"],"Payouts":["Pagamenti"],"Payouts to your bank account will appear here.":["I pagamenti verso la tua banca verranno mostrati qui."],"Perks of supporting me":["Vantaggi nel sostenermi"],"Permanently delete this conversation?":["Davvero vuoi eliminare per sempre questa conversazione?"],"Personal and deposit details":["Dettagli personali e dei versamenti"],"Photo":["Foto"],"Photos":["Foto"],"Pick as many reasons as you want.":["Scegli tutti i motivi che vuoi."],"Pin this post":["Fissa questo post"],"Pink":["Rosa"],"Pinned Post":["Post fissati in alto"],"Plain text/HTML":["Testo semplice/HTML"],"Plan":["Piano"],"Plan: [strong]Gift[/strong]. 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Riprova per favore."],"Posts":["Post"],"Posts about #%1$s":["Post su #%1$s"],"Posts about #%1$s and #%2$s":["Post su #%1$s e #%2$s"],"Posts from the tags you follow.":["Post dai tag che segui."],"Posts that your favorite people liked.":["Post che sono piaciuti alle tue persone preferite."],"Posts you missed":["Post che hai perso"],"Posts? Nah.":["Post? 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email"],"Reset":["Resetta"],"Restore timeline to what it was when you last viewed it":["Riporta la cronologia a com'era l'ultima volta che l'hai visualizzata"],"Resubscribe":["Abbonati di nuovo"],"Resubscribe to Ad-Free Browsing":["Iscriviti di nuovo alla navigazione senza pubblicità"],"Retry":["Riprova"],"Return":["Indietro"],"Return to TumblrMart":["Torna a TumblrMart"],"Review Flagged Posts":["Verifica post segnalati"],"Review flagged posts":["Verifica post segnalati"],"Rich text":["Rich text"],"Rich text editor":["Rich text editor"],"Save":["Salva"],"Save as draft":["Salva bozza"],"Save changes":["Salva modifiche"],"Save subscription price":["Salva costo abbonamento"],"Say something":["Di' qualcosa"],"Say your thing":["Di' quello che vuoi"],"Schedule":["Programma"],"Scheduled Post":["Post programmato"],"Scroll carousel left":["Fai girare la giostra a sinistra"],"Scroll carousel right":["Fai girare la giostra a destra"],"Scroll down":["Scorri giù"],"Scroll to new messages":["Passa ai nuovi messaggi"],"Scroll up":["Scorri verso l'alto"],"Search":["Cerca"],"Search Gifs":["Cerca una GIF"],"Search Tumblr":["Cerca su Tumblr"],"Search Tumblr...":["Cerca su Tumblr..."],"Search all of Tumblr":["Cerca in tutto Tumblr"],"Search or paste URL":["Cerca o incolla un URL"],"Search or paste audio URL":["Cerca o incolla un URL audio"],"Search posts...":["Cerca Post"],"Search your followers":["Cerca tra i tuoi lettori"],"Security":["Sicurezza"],"See Everything":["Vedi tutto"],"See all":["Vedi tutti"],"See how much you’ll be paid.":["Guarda quanto ti pagheranno."],"See menu":["Vedi menu"],"See what's trending on Tumblr":["Guarda le cose popolari su Tumblr"],"Select GIF:":["Seleziona GIF:"],"Select album art":["Seleziona copertina album"],"Select text style":["Scegli stile testo"],"Send":["Invia"],"Send a message":["Invia un messaggio"],"Send code via SMS":["Invia codice via SMS"],"Send me a magic link":["Inviami un link magico"],"Send password reset":["Resetta la password"],"Send 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Everyone must agree to these when joining.":["Stabilisci le regole di base. Tutti devo accettarle quando decidono di entrare."],"Set up":["Imposta"],"Set up your creator profile":["Imposta il tuo profilo creatore"],"Set up your deposit details on":["Imposta i tuoi dettagli di pagamento su"],"Set your password":["Imposta la password"],"Set your post ablaze. Sponsor it to put it in front of more people across Tumblr!":["Usa Blaze sul tuo post. Sponsorizzalo per mostrarlo a più persone su Tumblr!"],"Settings":["Impostazioni"],"Settings sub-menu":["Impostazione menu secondario"],"Setup Post+":["Imposta Post+"],"Seven post types to get you started. Your brain can do the rest. This thing is yours. Use it however you like.":["Per cominciare hai sette tipi di post. Il tuo cervello farà il resto. Questa cosa è tutta tua. Usala come preferisci."],"Shape":["Forma"],"Share":["Condividi"],"Share to Facebook":["Condividi su Facebook"],"Share to Twitter":["Condividi su Twitter"],"Share your story and add perks":["Condividi la tua storia e aggiungi vantaggi"],"Shop Credits":["Compra crediti"],"Shop TumblrMart":["Acquista su TumblrMart"],"Shop Tumblrmart":["Acquista su TumblrMart"],"Shop now":["Compra ora"],"Shorten long posts":["Accorciare post lunghi"],"Shortened URL":["URL accorciato"],"Show \"Based On Your Likes!\" in the following tab alongside posts from blogs you follow.":["Mostra \"In base ai tuoi Mi piace!\" nella scheda seguente accanto ai post dei blog che segui."],"Show Blog Statistics":["Mostra le statistiche del blog"],"Show More":["Mostra di più"],"Show all ads [emoji]🤑[/emoji]":["Mostra tutti gli annunci [emoji]🤑[/emoji]"],"Show all notifications":["Mostra tutte le notifiche"],"Show avatar":["Mostra avatar"],"Show header image":["Mostra immagine intestazione"],"Show more":["Mostra di più"],"Show more blogs":["Mostra altri blog"],"Show more replies":["Mostra più risposte"],"Show more tags":["Mostra più tag"],"Show only Mention notifications":["Mostra solo le notifiche di citazione"],"Show only Reblog notifications":["Mostra solo le notifiche di reblog"],"Show only Reply notifications":["Mostra solo le notifiche di risposta"],"Show replies":["Mostra risposte"],"Show tags added in Reblogs":["Mostra i tag aggiunti nei reblog"],"Show timestamps on posts, reblogs, and notes.":["Mostra i timestamp su post, reblog e note."],"Sign me up":["Registrami"],"Sign me up 🙌":["Registrami 🙌"],"Sign up":["Registrati"],"Sign up or log in:":["Iscriviti o fai il login:"],"Since we don't know your age, you cannot disable this.":["Dal momento che non conosciamo la tua età, non puoi disabilitarlo."],"Since you are under 18, you cannot disable this.":["Dato che hai meno di 18 anni, non puoi disabilitarlo."],"Small":["Small"],"Small text":["Testo piccolo"],"Snooze Tumblr Live":["Silenzia Tumblr Live"],"Snooze Tumblr Live for the next 7 days":["Silenzia Tumblr Live per i prossimi 7 giorni"],"Some apps require a specific one-time-use password to access your Tumblr account. Get one here.":["Alcune app richiedono una password specifica ad uso unico per accedere al tuo account Tumblr. Prendine una qui."],"Something fell into a volcano.":["Qualcosa è caduto dentro un vulcano."],"Something fizzled.":["C'è qualcosa che dà i numeri."],"Something got messed up.":["C'è un po' di casino."],"Something got snagged.":["Davvero imbarazzante."],"Something is all gummed up.":["Qualcosa si è impantanato."],"Something melted.":["Qualcosa si è sciolto."],"Something pooped out.":["Qualcosa non ce la fa più."],"Something strange happened. Reload to try again?":["È successo qualcosa di strano. Aggiorna per riprovare?"],"Something sucks!":["Una vera seccatura!"],"Something went screwy.":["C'è qualcosa di bizzarro."],"Something went splat.":["Qualcosa si è disintegrato."],"Something went wrong":["Qualcosa è andato storto"],"Something went wrong with your answer. Please check and try again.":["Qualcosa è andato storto con la tua risposta. Controlla e riprova per favore."],"Something went wrong. Please try again":["Qualcosa è andato storto. Riprova."],"Something went wrong. Please try again.":["Ops, qualcosa è andato storto. Riprova."],"Something went wrong. Try again.":["Ops, qualcosa è andato storto. Riprova."],"Something's acting up.":["Qualcosa fa i capricci."],"Something's busted.":["Qualcosa non funziona."],"Something's not happening.":["Qualcosa non sta accadendo."],"Something's not working.":["Qualcosa non va."],"Something's wonky.":["C'è qualcosa di instabile."],"Sometimes you can't get to your phone for the two-factor authentication verification codes. Download backup codes for those times. Get them here.":["Se a volte non riesci ad accedere al tuo telefono per visualizzare i codici di autenticazione a due fattori, scarica i codici di backup per non avere problemi. Li trovi qui."],"Sorry":["Ci dispiace"],"Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but to use Tumblr Live you must be 18 years or older.":["Mi dispiace essere portatore di cattive notizie, ma per utilizzare Tumblr Live devi avere almeno 18 anni."],"Sorry, %1$s only allows messages from Tumblrs they follow.":["Ci spiace ma %1$s permette di inviare messaggi solo ai Tumbleri che segue."],"Sorry, we don't support this media format yet.":["Siamo spiacenti, ancora non supportiamo questo tipo di file."],"Sorry, you can't upload audio on an anonymous ask.":["Spiacenti, non puoi caricare l'audio in una domanda anonima."],"Sorry, you can't upload images on an anonymous ask.":["Spiacenti, non puoi caricare immagini in una domanda."],"Sorry, you can't upload videos on a reblog. If you have the link for the video, you can paste it here!":["Spiacenti, non puoi caricare video in un reblog. Se hai il link per il video, puoi incollarlo qui!"],"Sorry, you can't upload videos on an anonymous ask.":["Spiacenti, non puoi caricare video in una domanda anonima."],"Sorry… you can't change your subscription price while you have active supporters.":["Spiacenti... non puoi modificare il prezzo dell'abbonamento mentre hai abbonati attivi."],"Sort by":["Ordina per"],"Sound settings":["Impostazioni audio"],"Sounds":["Suoni"],"Spam reported":["Spam segnalata"],"Sponsored":["Sponsorizzato"],"Sponsored by %1$s":["Sponsorizzato da %1$s"],"Staff Picks 🌟":["Scelti dallo staff 🌟"],"Staff picks on Tumblr":["Scelti dallo staff su Tumblr"],"Standard messaging rates apply":["Vengono applicate le tariffe standard per i messaggi"],"Start conversation":["Inizia conversazione"],"Started:":["Iniziato:"],"Status":["Stato"],"Strikethrough":["Barrato"],"Submit Appeal":["Invia ricorso"],"Submit a post review request":["Invia una richiesta di revisione post"],"Submitted by [span][anonymousName] ([anonymousEmail])[/span]":["Postato da [span][anonymousName] ([anonymousEmail])[/span]"],"Subscribe":["Iscriviti"],"Subscript":["Pedice"],"Subscription":["Abbonamento"],"Subscription price":["Costi di abbonamento"],"Subscriptions":["Iscrizioni"],"Suggested blogs":["Blog raccomandati"],"Support":["Supporto"],"Supporters":["Abbonati"],"Supporting":["Abbonati"],"Switch":["Cambia"],"Switch blogs?":["Cambia blog?"],"Tag":["Tag"],"Tagline":["Sottotitolo"],"Tags":["Tag"],"Tags you follow":["Tag che segui"],"Talk to a Tumblr":["Parla con un Tumblr"],"Tap to retry.":["Tocca per riprovare."],"Tell everyone what this place is all about.":["Fai sapere a tutti di cosa si tratta."],"Tell your supporters what makes you special…":["Fai sapere ai tuoi sostenitori cosa ti rende speciale..."],"Text":["Testo"],"Text Color":["Colore testo"],"Text Editor":["Editor di Testo"],"Text color":["Colore testo"],"Thanks for reporting! We'll have a look.":["Grazie per la segnalazione! Daremo un'occhiata."],"That was a cool thing to type but it's not a Tumblr.":["Era una bella cosa da scrivere, ma non è un Tumblr."],"That's an impressively big audio. Unfortunately, Tumblr can only handle %1$sMB audio files. Audio too big: %2$s":["È un audio enorme. Sfortunatamente Tumblr può gestire solo %1$sMB di file audio. Audio troppo grande: %2$s"],"That's an impressively big image. Unfortunately, Tumblr can only handle %1$sMB JPEGs or PNGs and %2$sMB GIFs. Image too big: %3$s":["È un'immagine enorme. Sfortunatamente, Tumblr può gestire solo %1$sMB di JPEG o PNG e GIF da %2$sMB. Immagini troppo grandi: %3$s"],"That's an impressively big video. Unfortunately, Tumblr can only handle %1$sMB videos. Video too big: %2$s":["Questo video è troppo grande. Sfortunatamente Tumblr può gestire solo video da %1$sMB. Video troppo grande: %2$s"],"The Tumblrs you like and reblog most":["I Tumblr che ti piacciono e reblogghi di più"],"The amount selected above is how much your supporters will be charged. You can't change your monthly price after receiving your first payment.":["L'importo selezionato sopra è l'importo che verrà addebitato ai tuoi abbonati. Non puoi modificare il tuo prezzo mensile dopo aver ricevuto il tuo primo pagamento."],"The best of the Tumblrs you follow":["Il meglio dei Tumblr che segui"],"The internet evaporated.":["Internet è evaporato."],"The internet is being wiggly.":["Internet è su di giri."],"The post was shared!":["Il post è stato condiviso!"],"The primary URL for a CTA must be a valid URL.":["L'URL principale per un invito all'azione deve essere un URL valido."],"The queue lets you stagger posts over a period of hours or days. It's an easy way to keep your blog active and consistent.":["La coda ti permette di programmare la pubblicazione dei tuoi post dopo ore o giorni. È un modo semplice per mantenere il tuo blog attivo e sempre aggiornato."],"The server is being foolish.":["Il server è impazzito."],"There was a problem redirecting to checkout":["Si è verificato un problema durante il reindirizzamento al checkout"],"There was an error autosaving your post.":["Si è verificato un errore durante il salvataggio automatico del post."],"There was an error loading the checkout page. Please try again.":["Si è verificato un errore durante il caricamento della pagina di pagamento. Per favore riprova."],"There was an error submitting your request.":["Si è verificato un errore durante l'invio della tua richiesta."],"There's a %1$s-link-block-per-post limit.":["Puoi mettere solo %1$s link per post.","Puoi mettere solo %1$s link per post."],"There's a %1$s-video-per-post limit.":["C'è un limite di %1$s video per post.","C'è un limite di %1$s video per post."],"There's a 4096-text-characters-per-block limit.":["C'è un limite di 4096 caratteri di testo per blocco."],"There's an issue with your payment method.":["C'è stato un problema con il tuo pagamento."],"These are the best new GIFs, fan art, illustrations, photos on the internet as curated by Tumblr staff.":["Queste sono le migliori nuove GIF, fan art, illustrazioni, foto su Internet a cura dello staff di Tumblr."],"These up-to-date topics are curated just for you. The more you engage with content on Tumblr, the more exciting your personalized recommendations will feel.":["Questi argomenti sono stati selezionati solo per te. Più interagisci con i contenuti di Tumblr, più emozionanti saranno i tuoi consigli personalizzati."],"Think of your dashboard as your own little world—one that you get to shape with blogs, tags, and other stuff you like.":["Pensa alla tua dashboard come al tuo piccolo mondo, uno che puoi modellare con blog, tag e altre cose che ti piacciono."],"This Tumblr can't receive messages.":["Questo Tumblr non può ricevere messaggi."],"This Tumblr has been deactivated and can no longer receive messages":["Questo Tumblr è stato disattivato e non può più ricevere messaggi"],"This Tumblr is content-free.":["Questo Tumblr è senza contenuti."],"This Tumblr is cool, but empty.":["Questo Tumblr è tanto fico quanto vuoto."],"This Tumblr may contain sensitive media.":["Questo Tumblr potrebbe avere dei contenuti sensibili."],"This blog does not follow anyone":["Questo blog non segue nessuno"],"This blog is a group blog.":["Questo è un blog di gruppo."],"This blog is cool for...":["Questo blog è figo per..."],"This blog is password protected.":["Questo blog è protetto da password."],"This blog is really cool":["Questo blog è proprio figo"],"This content has been hidden due to its potentially mature nature.":["Questo contenuto è stato nascosto a causa di contenuti potenzialmente per adulti."],"This is my original work, or I have permission to post this.":["Questa è la mia opera originale, oppure ho il permesso di postarla."],"This is straight fire.":["Questo è fuoco puro."],"This minimalist Tumblr has no posts.":["Questo Tumblr minimalista non ha post."],"This note type is not supported":["Questo tipo di nota non è supportato"],"This post contains filtered content.":["Questo post contiene materiale filtrato."],"This post contains filtered tags.":["Questo post contiene tag filtrati."],"This post has ceased to exist.":["Questo post ha cessato di esistere."],"This post is cool for...":["Questo post è figo per..."],"This post is gone now.":["Questo post non c'è più."],"This post is on fire – in a good way! We’ll send you a wrap-up when it’s done.":["Questo post va a fuoco - in senso buono! Ti invieremo un riepilogo quando sarà finito."],"This post is really cool":["Questo post è proprio figo"],"This post isn't here anymore, but the Tumblr still is.":["Questo post non c'è più, ma il Tumblr è ancora qui."],"This post was flagged because it contains sexually explicit content which violates our Community Guidelines. It has not been deleted but is now only viewable to you. This decision cannot be appealed.":["Questo post è stato segnalato perché presenta contenuti sessualmente espliciti che violano le nostre Linee guida utente. Non è stato eliminato, ma solo tu puoi vederlo. Questa decisione è definitiva e non puoi fare ricorso."],"This post was flagged because it contains sexually explicit content which violates our User Guidelines. It has not been deleted but is now only viewable to you. This decision cannot be appealed.":["Questo post è stato segnalato perché presenta contenuti per adulti che violano le nostre Linee guida utente. Non è stato eliminato, ma ora solo tu puoi vederlo. Questa decisione è definitiva e non puoi fare ricorso."],"This post was flagged because somewhere in your reblog there might be sexually explicit content which is a violation of our Community Guidelines.":["Questo post è stato segnalato perché nel tuo reblog potrebbero esserci contenuti sessualmente espliciti che violano le nostre Linee guida utente."],"This post was flagged because somewhere in your reblog there might be sexually explicit content which is a violation of our User Guidelines.":["Questo post è stato segnalato perché da qualche parte nel tuo reblog potrebbero esserci contenuti per adulti che violano le nostre Linee guida utente."],"This post was flagged because somewhere in your reblog there might be sexually explicit content.":["Questo post è stato segnalato perché il tuo reblog potrebbe presentare contenuti sessualmente espliciti da qualche parte."],"This post was flagged because we think it contains sexually explicit content which violates our Community Guidelines. It has been hidden from others, but not deleted. If you think this was done in error, tap Appeal and a real, live human will review it.":["Questo post è stato segnalato perché riteniamo che contenga contenuti sessualmente espliciti che violano le nostre Linee guida utente. È nascosto agli altri, ma non è stato cancellato. Se credi che ci sia stato un errore, tocca Ricorso e qualcuno lo controllerà."],"This post was flagged because we think it contains sexually explicit content which violates our User Guidelines. It has been hidden from others, but not deleted. If you think this was done in error, tap Appeal and a real, live human will review it.":["Questo post è stato contrassegnato perché riteniamo contenga contenuti sessualmente espliciti che violano le nostre Linee guida utente. È stato nascosto agli altri, ma non eliminato. Se pensi ci sia stato un errore, tocca Ricorso e un essere umano lo esaminerà."],"This post went to heaven.":["Questo post è andato in paradiso."],"This reblog is in content appeal":["Questo reblog è in fase di controllo"],"This subscription is on hold due to a payment issue. Please check your payment information.":["Questo abbonamento è stato sospeso a causa di un problema di pagamento. Per favore controlla le tue informazioni di pagamento."],"This switch puts stuff you'll like at the top of your dash.":["Con questo interruttore vedrai i contenuti che preferisci all'inizio della dashboard."],"This will appear at the top of your blog and replace any previous pinned post. Are you sure?":["Questo apparirà all'inizio del tuo blog e sostituirà qualsiasi altro post precedentemente fissato in alto. Vuoi davvero farlo?"],"This will follow all blogs and tags in the collection.":["Questo seguirà tutti i blog e i tag nella raccolta."],"Threaded replies":["Risposte raggruppate"],"Tip":["Mancia"],"Tip amount should be between [min] and [max]":["L'importo della mancia deve essere compreso tra [min] e [max]"],"Tip button":["Tasto mancia"],"Title":["Titolo"],"To activate Post+ you must disable password protection [a]here[/a].":["Per attivare Post+ devi disabilitare la protezione tramite password [a]qui[/a]."],"To make these changes, you'll first need to set a password with a password reset link sent to your email.":["Per apportare queste modifiche, devi prima impostare una password con un link per la reimpostazione della password inviato alla tua e-mail."],"To make these changes, you'll need to disconnect from your login provider.":["Per apportare queste modifiche, dovrai disconnetterti dal tuo provider di accesso."],"To view this blog sign up or login:":["Per visualizzare questo blog registrati o accedi:"],"To:":["A:"],"Today":["Oggi"],"Today on Tumblr":["Oggi su Tumblr"],"Today ⏰":["Oggi ⏰"],"Toggle more":["Attiva di più"],"Top Posts":["Post migliori"],"Top post":["Post migliore"],"Total follower":["Lettore totale","Lettori totali"],"Total followers":["Lettori totali"],"Total notes":["Note totali"],"Trending topics on Tumblr":["Argomenti popolari su Tumblr"],"Trending 🚀":["Popolari 🚀"],"Try another filter?":["Vuoi provare un altro filtro?"],"Try out our shiny new post editor. [supportLink]Let us know[/supportLink] if you find something wonky.":["Prova il nostro nuovo post editor. [supportLink]Facci sapere[/supportLink] se c'è qualcosa che non va."],"Trying...":["Tentativo in corso..."],"Tumblr":["Tumblr"],"Tumblr Ad-Free Browsing":["Navigazione Tumblr senza pubblicità"],"Tumblr Blaze":["Tumblr Blaze"],"Tumblr Live":["Tumblr Live"],"Tumblr Live: Following":["Tumblr Live: seguiti"],"Tumblr URL":["URL Tumblr"],"Tumblr is blogs.":["Tumblr è fatto di blog."],"Tumblr is so easy to use that it’s hard to explain.":["Tumblr è così facile da usare che è difficile da spiegare."],"Tumblr subscriptions":["Iscrizioni Tumblr"],"Tumblr toolbar":["Barra degli strumenti di Tumblr"],"Tumblr, your way.":["Tumblr come vuoi."],"Tumblr: Image":["Tumblr: immagine"],"TumblrMart":["TumblrMart"],"Tumblrmart":["Tumblrmart"],"Tumblrs":["Tumblr"],"Turn On":["Attiva"],"Turns out that when you make it easy to create interesting things, that’s exactly what people do. All those great, random blogs your friends send you, those are Tumblr blogs. We’ll help you find and follow blogs like that, and we’ll help other people find and follow yours.":["Succede che quando rendi estremamente facile creare contenuti interessanti, le persone fanno esattamente quello. Tutti quei blog meravigliosi che ti mandano i tuoi amici, sono blog Tumblr. Ti aiuteremo a trovare e seguire blog meravigliosi, e aiuteremo altre persone a trovare e seguire il tuo."],"Tweet":["Twitta"],"Twitter":["Twitter"],"Two-factor authentication":["Autenticazione a due fattori"],"Type or paste link":["Digita o incolla link"],"URL for avatar":["URL per l'avatar"],"Uh oh, link fetch failed.":["Oh oh, link non trovato."],"Uh oh, upload failed.":["Ops, caricamento fallito."],"Unable to appeal the post. Please contact support for further help.":["Impossibile recuperare il post. Si prega di contattare l'assistenza per ulteriore aiuto."],"Unblock":["Sblocca"],"Undock post":["Sblocca il post"],"Unfollow":["Smetti di seguire"],"Unfollow this tag":["Non seguire più questo tag"],"Unknown, totally annoying error.":["Errore sconosciuto e davvero fastidioso."],"Unleash a compliment":["Invia un complimento"],"Unordered list":["Lista senza ordine"],"Update":["Aggiorna"],"Update Image Description":["Aggiorna descrizione immagine"],"Update Privacy Consent":["Aggiorna il consenso sulla privacy"],"Update email":["Aggiorna email"],"Update image description":["Aggiorna descrizione immagine"],"Update your payment method":["Aggiorna metodo di pagamento"],"Upload a video":["Carica un video"],"Upload an audio":["Carica un audio"],"Upload an image":["Carica un'immagine"],"Upload an image or video":["Carica un'immagine o un video"],"Upload audio":["Carica audio"],"Upload images":["Carica immagini"],"Upload video":["Carica un video"],"Use blog colors when viewing blogs":["Usa i colori del blog durante la visualizzazione dei blog"],"Use password to log in":["Usa la password per effettuare l'accesso"],"Use the authenticator app to scan the barcode below":["Usa l'app per l'autenticazione per leggere il codice a barre."],"Use the space below to give us more context regarding your appeal and why you think the post was misclassified.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eSexually explicit content is imagery that depicts realistic human genitals or sex acts. For more information and related exceptions, read our \u003ca target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\" href=\"//\"\u003eSexually Explicit Content Policy\u003c/a\u003e.":["Usa lo spazio sottostante per fornirci più contesto in merito al tuo ricorso e al motivo per cui ritieni che il post sia stato classificato erroneamente.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eI contenuti sessualmente espliciti sono immagini che ritraggono genitali umani o atti sessuali realistici. Per ulteriori informazioni e relative eccezioni, leggi la nostra \u003ca target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\" href=\"//\"\u003eInformativa sui contenuti sessualmente espliciti\u003c/a\u003e."],"Use the space below to give us more context regarding your appeal and why you think the post was misclassified.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eSexually explicit content is imagery that depicts realistic human genitals or sex acts. For more information and related exceptions, read our \u003ca target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\" href=\"//\"\u003eSexually Explicit Content Policy\u003c/a\u003e.":["Usa lo spazio sottostante per fornirci più contesto in merito al tuo ricorso e al motivo per cui ritieni che il post sia stato classificato erroneamente.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eI contenuti sessualmente espliciti sono immagini che ritraggono genitali umani o atti sessuali realistici. Per ulteriori informazioni e relative eccezioni, leggi la nostra \u003ca target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\" href=\"//\"\u003eInformativa sui contenuti sessualmente espliciti\u003c/a\u003e."],"User Guidelines":["Linee guida utente"],"Verifying":["Sto verificando"],"Video":["Video"],"Video Player":["Lettore video"],"Videos":["Video"],"View":["Guarda"],"View +Posts by %1$s":["Vedi Post+ di %1$s"],"View Gifts":["Vedi regali"],"View and edit your details over at Stripe":["Visualizza e modifica i tuoi dettagli su Stripe"],"View blog":["Guarda blog"],"View details":["Dettagli"],"View in grid":["Visualizza nella griglia"],"View in list":["Visualizza nella lista"],"View in masonry":["Vedi in masonry"],"View on blog":["Guarda sul blog"],"View post":["Guarda post"],"View results anyway":["Vedi comunque i risultati"],"View this Tumblr":["Guarda questo Tumblr"],"Wanna go ad-free?":["Vuoi eliminare la pubblicità?"],"Want to see all your flagged posts for this Tumblr?":["Vuoi vedere tutti i post segnalati per questo Tumblr?"],"Want to tell us more?":["Vuoi dirci altro?"],"Watch Live Broadcast":["Guarda il broadcast live"],"Watch more":["Guarda di più"],"We couldn't delete your messages just now. Try again later?":["Non siamo riusciti a cancellare il tuo messaggio. Vuoi riprovare tra poco?"],"We couldn’t find any posts like that.":["Non siamo riusciti a trovare nessun post che corrispondesse."],"We have determined that your post contains content that would be better suited with a Community Label. While it does not violate our [link]Community Guidelines[/link], a Community Label has been added to your post so that it is only presented to those who wish to view that material. If you think this was done in error, you can Request Review to let us know. Please include a short explanation with your request:":["Abbiamo stabilito che il tuo post contiene contenuti che sarebbero più adatti a un'etichetta della community. Sebbene non violi le nostre [link]Linee guida utente[/link], è stata aggiunta un'etichetta Community al tuo post in modo che venga presentata solo a coloro che desiderano visualizzare quel materiale. Se ritieni che questo sia stato fatto per errore, puoi richiedere una revisione per farcelo sapere. Ti preghiamo di includere una breve spiegazione alla tua richiesta:"],"We have determined that your post contains content that would be better suited with a Content Label. While it does not violate our [link]Community Guidelines[/link], a Content Label has been added to your post so that it is only presented to those who wish to view that material. If you think this was done in error, you can Request Review to let us know. Please include a short explanation with your request:":["Abbiamo stabilito che il tuo post contiene contenuti che sarebbero più adatti a un'etichetta Contenuti. Sebbene non violi le nostre [link]Linee guida utente[/link], è stata aggiunta un'etichetta Contenuti al tuo post in modo che venga presentata solo a coloro che desiderano visualizzare quel materiale. Se ritieni che questo sia stato fatto per errore, puoi richiedere una revisione per farcelo sapere. Ti preghiamo di includere una breve spiegazione alla tua richiesta:"],"We have determined that your post contains content that would be better suited with a Content Label. While it does not violate our [link]User Guidelines[/link], a Content Label has been added to your post so that it is only presented to those who wish to view that material. If you think this was done in error, you can Request Review to let us know. Please include a short explanation with your request:":["Abbiamo stabilito che il tuo post contiene contenuti che sarebbero più adatti a un'etichetta contenuti. Sebbene non violi le nostre [link]Linee guida utente[/link], è stata aggiunta un'etichetta Contenuti al tuo post in modo che venga presentata solo a coloro che desiderano visualizzare quel materiale. Se ritieni che ciò sia stato fatto per errore, puoi richiedere una revisione per farcelo sapere. Ti preghiamo di includere una breve spiegazione alla tua richiesta:"],"We have updated your community labels based on your tags":["Abbiamo aggiornato le etichette della tua community in base ai tuoi tag"],"We have updated your content labels based on your tags.":["Abbiamo aggiornato le tue etichette contenuti in base ai tuoi tag."],"We lied. But now you understand this thing. So come on in.":["Ti abbiamo mentito. Ma adesso sai come funziona, quindi vai pure."],"We reviewed your post and determined it needed a Community Label.":["Abbiamo esaminato il tuo post e stabilito che necessitava di un'etichetta community."],"We reviewed your post and determined it needed a Content Label.":["Abbiamo esaminato il tuo post e stabilito che necessitava di un'etichetta Contenuti."],"We sent an email to [bold][email][/bold]. It contains a magic link that’ll log you in.":["Abbiamo inviato un'email a [bold][email][/bold]. Contiene un link magico che ti permetterà di accedere."],"We sent you a magic link!":["Ti abbiamo inviato un link magico!"],"We strongly advise against this. Your account is far less likely to get compromised if you've enabled Two-Factor Authentication.":["Ti sconsigliamo vivamente questa opzione. Abilitando l'Autenticazione a Due Fattori il tuo account sarà molto più difficile da compromettere."],"We'll never share this with other users. We're just making sure you're old enough to use Tumblr.":["Non lo condivideremo mai con altri utenti. Ci stiamo solo assicurando che tu sia abbastanza grande per usare Tumblr."],"We'll never share this with other users.[br/]We're just making sure you're old enough to use Tumblr.":["Non lo condivideremo mai con altri utenti.[br/]Ci stiamo solo assicurando che tu abbia l'età per usare Tumblr."],"We've noticed some suspicious activity on your account. To help keep everything safe, you should definitely reset your password.":["Abbiamo notato delle attività sospette sul tuo account. Per tenere al sicuro i tuoi contenuti, sarebbe meglio impostare una nuova password."],"We've sent you an email with instructions to reset your password. [br/][br/] Please make sure it didn't wind up in your Junk Mail. If you aren't receiving our password reset emails, see our [a]help documents[/a].":["Ti abbiamo inviato un'e-mail con le istruzioni per reimpostare la password. [br/][br/] Assicurati che non sia finito nella posta indesiderata. Se non ricevi le nostre e-mail per la reimpostazione della password, consulta i nostri [a]documenti di assistenza[/a]."],"Welcome to your corner of the internet":["Benvenuto nel tuo angolo di internet"],"We’re sorry. There was an error autosaving your post.":["Siamo spiacenti. Si è verificato un errore nel salvataggio automatico del post."],"We’re sorry. There was an error processing your post.":["Ci dispiace. Si è verificato un errore durante l'elaborazione del tuo post."],"We’re sorry. There was an error processing your post. Please try again.":["Ci dispiace. Si è verificato un errore nell'elaborazione del tuo post. Riprova per favore."],"What are you here for, [br/][blogname]?":["Per cosa sei qui, [br/][blogname]?"],"What does this mean?":["Cosa significa?"],"What is Tumblr?":["Cos'è Tumblr?"],"What kind of things make you happy?":["Che cosa ti rende felice?"],"What's new":["Novità"],"Whatever you were looking for doesn't currently exist at this address. Unless you were looking for this error page, in which case: Congrats! You totally found it.":["Quello che stavi cercando al momento non esiste più a questo indirizzo. A meno che non stessi cercando questa pagina di errore, in quel caso: Congratulazioni! L'hai trovata."],"Whatever you're into, Tumblr has it. Follow tags that matter to you, and the things you love will show up here.":["Qualunque cosa ti piaccia, Tumblr ce l'ha. Segui i tag che ti interessano e le cose che ami verranno visualizzate qui."],"When's your birthday?":["Quand'è il tuo compleanno?"],"Who can reblog?":["Chi può ribloggare?"],"Who is that? WHO IS THAT?":["Chi è? CHI È?"],"Why are you hiding this ad?":["Perché nascondi questo post?"],"With Post+, you can create multi-media experiences and add bonus content for your supporters with our flexible +post formats — offering a deeper dive into your content. All this while earning some money for your efforts.":["Con Post+, puoi creare esperienze multimediali e aggiungere contenuti bonus per i tuoi sostenitori con i nostri formati +post flessibili, offrendo un tuffo più profondo nei tuoi contenuti. Tutto questo mentre guadagni dei soldi per i tuoi sforzi."],"Wow! That's not a Tumblr!":["Wow! Non è un Tumblr!"],"Write a message":["Scrivi un messaggio"],"Write your appeal here. For example you can write:\n\n\"This post shows my top surgery recovery\n\"This post shows other, non-sexual LGBTQ+ content\" (please specify)\n\"This is a non-sexual nude drawing I created\"\n\"My post is about breastfeeding\"\n\"This post doesn't contain any nudity\"":["Scrivi qui il tuo appello. Ad esempio puoi scrivere:\n\n\"Questo post mostra il mio miglior recupero chirurgico. Questo post mostra altri contenuti\"\n\"LGBTQ+ non sessuali. (specificare)\"\n\"Questo è un disegno di nudo non sessuale che ho creato\"\n\"Il mio post riguarda l'allattamento al seno\" \n\"Questo post non contiene nudità\""],"Write your appeal here. For example you can write:\n\n\"This post shows my top surgery recovery\"\n\"This post shows other, non-sexual LGBTQ+ content\" (please specify)\n\"This is a non-sexual nude drawing I created\"\n\"My post is about breastfeeding\"\n\"This post doesn't contain any nudity\"":["Scrivi qui il tuo appello. Ad esempio puoi scrivere:\n\n\"Questo post mostra il mio miglior recupero chirurgico. Questo post mostra altri contenuti\"\n\"LGBTQ+ non sessuali. (specificare)\"\n\"Questo è un disegno di nudo non sessuale che ho creato\"\n\"Il mio post riguarda l'allattamento al seno\"\n\"Questo post non contiene nudità\""],"Write your appeal here. For example you can write: \"This post shows my top surgery recovery \"This post shows other, non-sexual LGBTQ+ content\" (please specify) \"This is a non-sexual nude drawing I created\" \"My post is about breastfeeding\" \"This post doesn't contain any nudity\"":["Scrivi qui il tuo appello. Ad esempio puoi scrivere: \"Questo post mostra il mio miglior recupero chirurgico\", \"Questo post mostra altri contenuti LGBTQ+ non sessuali\" (specificare), \"Questo è un disegno di nudo non sessuale che ho creato\", \"Il mio post riguarda l'allattamento al seno\", \" Questo post non contiene nudità\"."],"Year":["Anno"],"Yellow":["Giallo"],"Yes":["Sì"],"Yes! Nothing found!":["Sì! Non abbiamo trovato nulla!"],"Yes, cancel my Blaze campaign":["Sì, cancella la mia campagna Blaze"],"Yes, extinguish my Blaze campaign":["Sì, termina la mia campagna Blaze"],"Yesterday":["Ieri"],"You agree to our [term]Terms of Service[/term] and have read our [privacy]Privacy Policy[/privacy].":["Accetti i nostri [term]Termini di servizio[/term] e confermi di aver letto la nostra [privacy]Informativa sulla privacy[/privacy]."],"You already follow {{blogNameLink /}}.":["Segui già {{blogNameLink /}}."],"You already know how this works.":["Sai già come funziona."],"You are automatically opted out of this experience because you are under 16 years old.":["Sei automaticamente escluso da questa esperienza perché hai meno di 16 anni."],"You are automatically opted out of this experience because you are under 18 years old.":["Avendo meno di 18 anni, non potrai partecipare a questa esperienza."],"You are currently using the Tumblr post editor. [supportLink]Let us know[/supportLink] if you find something wonky.":["Stai attualmente utilizzando il nuovo editor di post. [supportLink]Facci sapere[/supportLink] se trovi qualcosa di strano."],"You are not filtering any post content":["Non stai filtrando alcun contenuto"],"You are not filtering any tags":["Non stai filtrando alcun tag"],"You can allow moderators to invite people, too.":["Puoi anche permettere ai moderatori di invitare le persone."],"You can extinguish the remaining campaign and we’ll stop sharing your post across Tumblr. So far it’s been shown to [impressionCount] out of [impressionGoal] impressions. All sales are final and this will not refund your purchase. Would you like to extinguish your Blaze campaign?":["Puoi estinguere la campagna rimanente e smetteremo di condividere il tuo post su Tumblr. Finora è stato mostrato [impressionCount] su [impressionGoal] impressioni. Tutte le vendite sono definitive e non avrai diritto a un rimborso per il tuo acquisto. Vorresti estinguere la tua campagna Blaze?"],"You can now manage your checkmark settings by clicking \"[a]Edit appearance[/a]\" above.":["Ora puoi gestire le impostazioni del segno di spunta facendo clic su [a]Modifica aspetto[/a] in alto."],"You can only send messages to Tumblrs you follow.":["Puoi inviare messaggi solo ai tumbleri che segui."],"You can send invites directly or via an invite link.":["Puoi inviare inviti direttamente o usando un link d'invito."],"You can't upload more than %1$s video.":["Non puoi caricare più di %1$s video.","Non puoi caricare più di %1$s video."],"You have no messages":["Non ci sono messaggi"],"You have this Tumblr blocked, so we've hidden it from your view.":["Hai bloccato questo Tumblr, quindi non è più visibile al pubblico."],"You invited [listOfBlogs/].":["Hai invitato [listOfBlogs/]."],"You understand that Tumblr Live is powered by [meet]The Meet Group[/meet] and have read their [term]Terms of Service[/term], [content]Content and Conduct Policy[/content], and [privacy]Privacy Policy[/privacy].":["Accetti che i Servizi live di Tumblr sono forniti da [meet]The Meet Group[/meet] e confermi di aver letto i [term]Termini di servizio[/term], [content]la Politica sui contenuti e la condotta[/content] e [privacy]l'Informativa sulla privacy[/privacy]."],"You will not be charged for Ad-Free Browsing again unless you resubscribe.":["Non ti verrà addebitata nuovamente la navigazione senza pubblicità a meno che vorrai iscriverti di nuovo."],"You will receive an email when someone logs into your account or a new app is authorized.":["Riceverai un'email quando qualcuno accederà al tuo account o quando verrà autorizzata una nuova app."],"You'll need to restart the iOS app for the setting to take effect.":["Devi riavviare l'app iOS per attuare le modifiche."],"You'll say goodbye to all of your Post+ supporters":["Dire addio a tutti i tuoi sostenitori di Post+."],"You'll still have access to all your +Posts and be able to edit them.":["Avrai comunque accesso a tutti i tuoi Post+ e potrai modificarli."],"You're following {{blogNameLink /}}. What a great decision.":["Hai deciso di seguire {{blogNameLink /}}. Ottima scelta."],"You're now following {{blogNameLink /}}. It's going to be a great day.":["Ora stai seguendo {{blogNameLink /}} Sarà una bellissima giornata."],"You're now following {{blogNameLink /}}. That must feel good.":["Ora segui {{blogNameLink /}}. Dev'essere una bella sensazione."],"You're too late. This post is no more.":["Troppo tardi. Questo post non esiste più."],"You've exceeded your daily audio upload limit. Please try again tomorrow.":["Hai superato il limite giornaliero di audio caricati. Riprova domani per favore."],"You've exceeded your daily image upload limit. Please try again tomorrow.":["Hai superato il limite giornaliero di immagini caricate. Riprova domani per favore."],"You've exceeded your daily post limit. Please try again tomorrow.":["Hai superato il limite giornaliero di post. Riprova domani per favore."],"You've exceeded your daily post or media limit. Please try again tomorrow.":["Hai superato il limite giornaliero di post o contenuti. Riprova domani per favore."],"You've exceeded your daily video upload limit. Please try again tomorrow.":["Hai superato il limite giornaliero di video caricati. Riprova domani per favore."],"You've hit the daily limit on new conversations. Impressive.":["Hai superato il limite giornaliero di nuove conversazioni. Notevole."],"You've reached the maximum amount of posts that you can have in your queue.":["Hai già raggiunto il numero massimo di post in coda."],"Your +Posts will lose the support/subscribe option and you'll no longer receive financial support.":["I tuoi Post+ perderanno l'opzione abbonati/iscriviti e non riceverai più supporto finanziario."],"Your +Posts will remain on Tumblr with only the teaser visible to everyone.":["I tuoi Post+ rimarranno su Tumblr solo con il teaser visibile a tutti."],"Your GIF used in a post":["Tua GIF usata in un post"],"Your Inbox is an aggregate view of questions and submissions that any of your blogs receive.":["La tua Posta in arrivo è un aggregato di domande e contributi ricevuti in tutti i tuoi blog."],"Your Post+ profile can only have a maximum of 1,000 characters.":["Il tuo profilo Post+ può avere un massimo di 1.000 caratteri."],"Your Post+ subscribers.":["I tuoi abbonati Post+."],"Your Post+ subscription has been cancelled":["Il tuo abbonamento Post+ è stato cancellato."],"Your Tumblr crushes":["I tuoi colpi di fulmine"],"Your appeal was accepted! This post is no longer hidden.":["Il tuo ricorso è stato accettato! Questo post non è più nascosto."],"Your community will be easier to discover.":["La tua Community sarà più facile da scoprire."],"Your community will be easiest to discover.":["La tua Community sarà facilissima da scoprire."],"Your email address":["Il tuo indirizzo email"],"Your favorite Tumblrs":["I tuoi Tumblr preferiti"],"Your message here":["Il tuo messaggio"],"Your payment method is managed by Apple because you signed up for Ad-Free Browsing via the App Store. You can manage your subscription with your Apple ID.":["Il tuo metodo di pagamento è gestito da Apple perché ti sei registrato per la navigazione senza pubblicità tramite l'App Store. Puoi gestire il tuo abbonamento con il tuo ID Apple."],"Your payment method is no longer valid. Please update it to resume your Post+ subscription.":["Il tuo metodo di pagamento non è più valido. Aggiornalo per recuperare l'abbonamento a Post +."],"Your payment method is used for tipping and all of your Post+ subscriptions.":["Il tuo metodo di pagamento viene utilizzato per le mance e tutti i tuoi abbonamenti Post+."],"Your payment method is used for tipping and all of your subscriptions.":["Il tuo metodo di pagamento viene utilizzato per le mance e tutti i tuoi abbonamenti."],"Your personal and payout details have been verified. If any information changes you can access it by going to [payouts_link]Payouts[/payouts_link] under your blog settings.":["I tuoi dati personali e di pagamento sono stati verificati. Se qualche informazione cambia, puoi accedervi andando su [payouts_link]Pagamenti[/payouts_link] nelle impostazioni del tuo blog."],"Your post is in Community Label review.":["Il tuo post è in revisione dell'etichetta community."],"Your post is in Content Label review.":["Il tuo post è in revisione etichetta Contenuti."],"Your post is in content appeal":["Il tuo post è in fase di controllo"],"Your post is in content appeal. Once a decision has been made, we'll send you an email.":["Il tuo post è in fase di controllo. Appena avremo preso una decisione, ti invieremo un'email."],"Your post will be removed from the Blaze moderation queue and a full refund of your payment will be issued.":["Il tuo post verrà rimosso dalla coda di moderazione di Blaze e verrà emesso un rimborso completo del pagamento."],"Your question has been received!":["La tua domanda è stata ricevuta!"],"Your subscription":["Il tuo abbonamento"],"Your subscription ended on [strong][endDate][/strong].":["Il tuo abbonamento è terminato il [strong][endDate][/strong]."],"Your subscription expired":["Il tuo abbonamento è scaduto"],"Your subscription has been canceled":["Il tuo abbonamento è stato cancellato"],"Your subscription has been cancelled":["Il tuo abbonamento è stato cancellato"],"Your subscription is active":["Il tuo abbonamento è attivo"],"Your subscription was cancelled on [strong][endDate][/strong].":["Il tuo abbonamento è terminato il [strong][endDate][/strong]."],"Your subscription will still be active until the end of your current billing period. Cancellation will be effective on %1$s.":["Il tuo abbonamento sarà ancora attivo fino alla fine del periodo di fatturazione corrente. La cancellazione sarà effettiva il %1$s."],"Your subscription will still be active until the end of your current billing period. Cancellation will be effective on [strong][nextBillingLabel][/strong].":["Il tuo abbonamento sarà ancora attivo fino alla fine del periodo di fatturazione corrente. La cancellazione sarà effettiva il [strong][nextBillingLabel][/strong]."],"Your words here":["Scrivi qui le tue parole"],"You’ll no longer be able to use your [provider] account to log in to Tumblr.":["Non potrai più utilizzare il tuo account [provider] per accedere a Tumblr."],"You’re about to [boopAsVerb] [p][blogName][/p]":["Stai per [boopAsVerb] [p][blogName][/p]"],"You’re about to [span][boopAsVerb][/span] [p][blogName][/p]":["Stai per [span][boopAsVerb][/span] [p][blogName][/p]"],"You’ve gone off the ’net. Please reconnect and try again.":["Nessuna connessione alla rete. Riconnettiti e prova ancora."],"[action]Go to [/action][query/]":["[action]Vai a [/action][query/]"],"[blog/] answered:":["[blog/] ha risposto:"],"[blog/] asked:":["[blog/] ha chiesto:"],"[blog/] gifted you Tumblr Ad-Free Browsing!":["[blog/] ti ha regalato la navigazione senza pubblicità di Tumblr!"],"[blog/] sent you a gift from TumblrMart!":["[blog/] ti ha inviato un regalo da TumblrMart!"],"[blog/] sent you a gift from Tumblrmart!":["[blog/] ti ha inviato un regalo da TumblrMart!"],"[crossedOutSpan][priceMonthly][/crossedOutSpan] [largerNumberSpan][monthlyPriceAnnually][/largerNumberSpan] [normalTextSpan]/ month, billed annually for [priceAnnually][/normalTextSpan]":["[crossedOutSpan][priceMonthly][/crossedOutSpan] [largerNumberSpan][monthlyPriceAnnually][/largerNumberSpan] [normalTextSpan]/ mese, addebito annuale di [priceAnnually][/normalTextSpan]"],"[fNumber]":["[fNumber]","[fNumber]"],"[fNumber] note":["[fNumber] nota","[fNumber] note"],"[faqLink]Learn more[/faqLink] or get [helpLink]help[/helpLink] with Blaze.":["[faqLink]Scopri di più[/faqLink] o chiedi [helpLink]aiuto[/helpLink] per Blaze."],"[firstLabel], [secondLabel]":["[firstLabel], [secondLabel]"],"[highlight][impressionCount][/highlight] / [impressionGoal] impressions":["[highlight][impressionCount][/highlight] / [impressionGoal] visualizzazioni"],"[highlight][impressionCount][/highlight] / [impressionGoal] people":["[highlight][impressionCount][/highlight] / [impressionGoal] persone"],"[initialLabels], [finalLabel].":["[initialLabels], [finalLabel]."],"[label]":["[label]"],"[label]Opt-out of the 60-day transfer lock.[/label] [whatsThis]What's this?[/whatsThis]":["[label]Disattiva il blocco del trasferimento di 60 giorni.[/label] [whatsThis]Cos'è?[/whatsThis]"],"[largerNumberSpan][priceMonthly][/largerNumberSpan] [normalTextSpan]/ month[/normalTextSpan]":["[largerNumberSpan][priceMonthly][/largerNumberSpan] [normalTextSpan]/ mese[/normalTextSpan]"],"[largerNumberSpan][price][/largerNumberSpan] [normalTextSpan]/ [period][/normalTextSpan]":["[largerNumberSpan][price][/largerNumberSpan] [normalTextSpan]/ [period][/normalTextSpan]"],"[learnMoreLink]Learn more[/learnMoreLink] or get [helpLink]help[/helpLink] with Blaze.":["[learnMoreLink]Scopri di più[/learnMoreLink] o chiedi [helpLink]aiuto[/helpLink] per Blaze."],"[noteCountWrapper][fNumber][/noteCountWrapper]":["[noteCountWrapper][fNumber][/noteCountWrapper]","[noteCountWrapper][fNumber][/noteCountWrapper]"],"[noteCountWrapper][fNumber][/noteCountWrapper] comment":["[noteCountWrapper][fNumber][/noteCountWrapper] commento","[noteCountWrapper][fNumber][/noteCountWrapper] commenti"],"[noteCountWrapper][fNumber][/noteCountWrapper] note":["[noteCountWrapper][fNumber][/noteCountWrapper] nota","[noteCountWrapper][fNumber][/noteCountWrapper] note"],"[p]We’re sorry to see you go, but we understand. Once cancelled, you’ll retain access to your Tumblr Supporter Badge until your current subscription ends.[/p] [p]After this date your subscription will expire and the badge will go away.[/p] [p]You won’t be billed again, and you can renew at any time.[/p]":["[p]Ci spiace vederti andar via, ma ti capiamo. Dopo la cancellazione, potrai continuare ad accedere al tuo badge Sostenitore di Tumblr fino al termine del tuo abbonamento.[/p] [p]Dopodiché il tuo abbonamento scadrà e il badge sparirà.[/p] [p]Non ti verrà più addebitato nulla e potrai rinnovare in qualsiasi momento.[/p]"],"[p]We’re sorry to see you go, but we understand. Once cancelled, you’ll retain access to your perks until [nextBillingLabel].[/p] [p]After this date your subscription will expire and you will lose access to Premium Perks.[/p] [p]You won’t be billed again, and you can renew at any time.[/p]":["[p]Ci spiace vederti andar via, ma ti capiamo. Dopo la cancellazione, potrai continuare ad accedere ai tuoi vantaggi fino al [nextBillingLabel].[/p] [p]Dopodichè il tuo abbonamento scadrà e perderai l'accesso ai vantaggi Premium.[/p] [p]Non ti verrà più addebitato nulla e potrai rinnovare in qualsiasi momento.[/p]"],"[strong][number][/strong] [span][slug][/span] reaction":["[strong][number][/strong] [span][slug][/span] reazione","[strong][number][/strong] [span][slug][/span] reazioni"],"[strong][number][/strong] member":["[strong][number][/strong] membro","[strong][number][/strong] membri"],"[strong][number][/strong] post":["[strong][number][/strong] post","[strong][number][/strong] post"],"[strong][sender][/strong][br /][span]gifted you:[/span]":["[strong][sender][/strong][br /][span]ti ha regalato:[/span]"],"anonymous":["anonimo"],"avatar":["avatar"],"black":["nero"],"blue":["blu"],"green":["verde"],"iOS URL":["URL iOS"],"on [lastSeenDate]":["il [lastSeenDate]"],"orange":["arancione"],"pink":["rosa"],"purple":["viola"],"red":["rosso"],"reply count button":["contatore risposte"],"some words":["alcune parole"],"via SMS":["con SMS"],"via SMS and authenticator app":["con SMS e l'app per l'autenticazione"],"via authenticator app":["con l'app per l'autenticazione"],"yellow":["giallo"],"{{blogNameLink /}} does not follow you.":["{{blogNameLink /}} non ti segue."],"{{blogNameLink /}} follows you!":["{{blogNameLink /}} ti segue!"],"…":["…"],"✨ A shiny new post editor ✨":["✨ Un nuovissimo post editor ✨"],"✨ Look! A shiny new post editor ✨":["✨ Guarda! Un nuovo brillante post editor✨"],"Message for when no tags match a query\u0004\"%1$s\" is not trending yet, we're working on adding more tags soon.":["\"%1$s\" non è ancora popolare, stiamo lavorando per aggiungere altri tag."],"Blaze campaign overview popover: earned description\u0004\"Earned\" refers to the audience and engagements the post achieves organically during the campaign, i.e. not as a direct result of being Blazed.":["Il termine Ottenuti si riferisce al pubblico e agli engagement che il post riceve in modo organico durante la campagna, ad es. non come risultato diretto dell'uso di Blaze."],"Blaze campaign overview popover: earned description\u0004Earned impressions and engagements are from people spreading your post further, and aren't a direct result of impressions you paid for.":["Le impressioni e gli ingaggi guadagnati provengono da persone che diffondono ulteriormente il tuo post e non sono il risultato diretto delle impressioni per cui hai pagato."],"Alt text for a tag's image. Placeholder is the untranslated tag text.\u0004#%1$s":["#%1$s"],"Year in review: Top posts list enumerator identifying which number it is on the list\u0004#%1$s":["#%1$s"],"Year in review: Top posts list enumerator identifying which number it is on the list\u0004#[postNumber]":["#[postNumber]"],"Alt text for images on the CDN. Placeholders are: tag for the image, blog's title.\u0004#%1$s from %2$s":["#%1$s di %2$s"],"Alert text for when the same tag has already been added\u0004#%1$s has already been added.":["#%1$s è stato già aggiunto"],"The page title for a tag page\u0004#%1$s on Tumblr":["#%1$s su Tumblr"],"The page title for a tag page\u0004%1$s on Tumblr":["%1$s su Tumblr"],"Share title for blog tag page; first placeholder is tag, second placeholder is blog title/name\u0004#%1$s | %2$s":["#%1$s | %2$s"],"Year in review: sharing post top tag item and count\u0004#%2$s - %1$s post":["#%2$s - %1$s post","#%2$s - %1$s post"],"Prompt user to insert second tag\u0004#add another tag":["#aggiungi un altro tag"],"Communities wait list placeholder for tag input\u0004#add tag":["#aggiungi tag"],"Communities wait list placeholder for tag input\u0004add tag":["aggiungi tag"],"Placeholder text for user to add tags\u0004#add tags":["#aggiungi tag"],"Prompt user to insert tags\u0004#add tags":["#aggiungi tag"],"Prompt user to insert the first tag\u0004#add tags":["#aggiungi tag"],"Prompt user to insert the first tag\u0004#add tags to help people find your post":["#aggiungi tag per aiutare gli altri a trovare il tuo post"],"Used as a tag filter in a Tumblr Live marquee.\u0004#animation":["#animation"],"Used as a tag filter in a Tumblr Live marquee.\u0004#entertainment":["#entertainment"],"Used as a tag filter in a Tumblr Live marquee.\u0004#gaming":["#gaming"],"Used as a tag filter in a Tumblr Live marquee.\u0004#music":["#music"],"Used as a tag filter in a Tumblr Live marquee.\u0004all":["tutti"],"monthly price for tumblr supporter badge\u0004$2.99/month":["$2,99/mese"],"Domain sale price only for the first year\u0004$[price] for the first year":["$[price] per il primo anno"],"Domain sale price only for the first year\u0004[formatedSalePrice] for the first year":["[formatedSalePrice] per il primo anno"],"Domain price per year\u0004$[price]/year":["$[price]/anno"],"Domain price per year\u0004[formatedPrice]/year":["[formatedPrice]/anno"],"%1$s is the full date with month, day, and year.\u0004%1$s":["%1$s"],"%1$s is the full month and numeric date\u0004%1$s":["%1$s"],"%1$s is the day of the week and %2$s is the time\u0004%1$s %2$s":["%1$s %2$s"],"Reaction label for reaction name and count.\u0004%1$s %2$s reaction":["%1$s %2$s reazione","%1$s %2$s reazioni"],"[April Fools 2023] Reaction label for reaction name and count.\u0004%1$s %2$s reaction":["%1$s %2$s reazione","%1$s %2$s reazioni"],"Input is a translated date string, e.g., \"July 20, 2020, 4:56 PM\"\u0004%1$s - See new posts":["%1$s - Vedi nuovi post"],"Screenreader label on group of badges\u0004%1$s badge":["%1$s badge","%1$s badge"],"Metadata title for a collection. The tokens are the name of the collection and the collection creator.\u0004%1$s collection on Tumblr by %2$s":["Raccolta %1$s su Tumblr di %2$s"],"[Communities] Label on community category indicating how many communities it contains\u0004%1$s community":["%1$s Community","%1$s Community"],"Relative day string to show on a poll expires in 1 week\u0004%1$s day":["%1$s giorno","%1$s giorni"],"Relative day string to show when time runs out in 1 or more days\u0004%1$s day":["%1$s giorno","%1$s giorni"],"[TumblrMart horse friend widget]: text indicating the age of a horse in days\u0004%1$s day old":["%1$s giorno fa","%1$s giorni fa"],"How many days ago\u0004%1$s days ago":["%1$s giorni fa"],"[TumblrMart] Pre-filled text of a Tumblr post when a user shares they received a gift and asks are disabled for their account.\u0004%1$s gifted me %2$s.":["%1$s mi ha regalato %2$s."],"Link to a blog (1st placeholder is blogName) that has posts with the given tag (2nd placeholder is tag)\u0004%1$s has #%2$s posts":["%1$s ha #%2$s post"],"Confirmation that a user has been blocked\u0004%1$s has been blocked.":["%1$s è stato bloccato"],"Relative hour string to show on a poll expires in 1 day\u0004%1$s hour":["%1$s ora","%1$s ore"],"Relative hour string to show on a poll expires in 1 week\u0004%1$s hour":["%1$s ora","%1$s ore"],"Relative hour string to show when time runs out in 1 or more days\u0004%1$s hour":["%1$s ora","%1$s ore"],"Relative hour string to show when time runs out in less than 1 day\u0004%1$s hour":["%1$s ora","%1$s ore"],"Accessibility label for the number of impressions of a Blaze campaign\u0004%1$s impression":["%1$s impressione","%1$s impressioni"],"Variable is the username of the live streamer\u0004%1$s is live":["%1$s è in diretta"],"Accessibility label for the number of likes of a Blaze campaign\u0004%1$s like":["%1$s mi piace","%1$s mi piace"],"Count of online community members\u0004%1$s member online":["%1$s membro online","%1$s membri online"],"Description of a community page where first two parameters represent numbers while third and fourth represent user generated text\u0004%1$s members, %2$s posts about %3$s • %4$s":["%1$s membri, %2$s post a proposito di %3$s • %4$s"],"Relative minute string to show on a poll expires in 1 day\u0004%1$s minute":["%1$s minuto","%1$s minuti"],"Relative minute string to show when time runs out in less than 1 day\u0004%1$s minute":["%1$s minuto","%1$s minuti"],"Year in review post results post notes text\u0004%1$s note - Posted %2$s":["%1$s nota - Postato %2$s","%1$s note - Postate %2$s"],"Community member count with cap\u0004%1$s of %2$s":["%1$s di %2$s"],"Variable represents the name of a blog.\u0004%1$s on Tumblr":["%1$s su Tumblr"],"Variable represents the name of a blog.\u0004%1$s's creator profile":["Profilo del creatore di %1$s"],"Window title for blog; placeholder is blog title/name\u0004%1$s on Tumblr":["%1$s su Tumblr"],"Window title for blog tag page; first placeholder is blog title/name, second placeholder is tag\u0004%1$s on Tumblr - #%2$s":["%1$s su Tumblr - #%2$s"],"Window title for blog search page; first placeholder is blog title/name, second placeholder is search term\u0004%1$s on Tumblr - search: %2$s":["%1$s su Tumblr - cerca: %2$s"],"Label text for the reaction menu item\u0004%1$s reaction":["Reazione %1$s"],"Tooltip text for the silence reaction icon in the post footer reactions menu\u0004%1$s reactions":["%1$s reazioni"],"Tooltip text for the silence reaction icon in the post footer reactions menu\u0004Disable reactions":["Disabilita reazioni"],"Tooltip text for the silence reaction icon in the post footer reactions menu\u0004disable reactions":["disabilita reazioni"],"Accessibility label for the number of reblogs of a Blaze campaign\u0004%1$s reblog":["%1$s reblog","%1$s reblog"],"Indicated how much time before post notifications are unmuted.\u0004%1$s remaining":["%1$s rimanenti"],"Accessibility label for the number of shares of a Blaze campaign\u0004%1$s share":["%1$s condivisione","%1$s condivisioni"],"Label at the top of message sent to you with shared post (in messaging)\u0004%1$s shared a post":["%1$s ha condiviso un post"],"Label at the top of message sent to you with shared post that's no longer available (in messaging)\u0004%1$s shared a post that's no longer available.":["%1$s ha condiviso un post che non è più disponibile."],"Notifying the user of how many messages are in the current conversation window that they have not seen yet\u0004%1$s unread message":["%1$s messaggio non letto","%1$s messaggi non letti"],"Number of votes\u0004%1$s vote":["%1$s voto","%1$s voti"],"%1$s is email service domain name and %2$s is a numeric priority\u0004%1$s with priority %2$s":["%1$s con priorità %2$s"],"Title of the Search page\u0004%1$s | Tumblr":["%1$s | Tumblr"],"Page title for Community\u0004%1$s | Tumblr Communities":["%1$s | Community di Tumblr"],"Page title for a community where the parameter is the community name\u0004%1$s • Community on Tumblr":["%1$s • Community su Tumblr"],"Heading for a Patio column that contains a specific blog's activity timeline\u0004%1$s's activity":["Attività di %1$s"],"Heading for a Patio column that contains a specific blog's timeline\u0004%1$s's blog":["Blog di %1$s"],"Heading for a Patio column that contains a specific blog's drafts\u0004%1$s's drafts":["Bozze di %1$s"],"Heading for a Patio column that contains a specific blog's messages\u0004%1$s's messages":["I messaggi di %1$s"],"Heading for a Patio column that contains a specific blog's queue\u0004%1$s's queue":["Coda di %1$s"],"%1$s is the full date with month and year. %2$s is the time.\u0004%1$s, %2$s":["%1$s, %2$s"],"%1$s is the full month and numeric date and %2$s is the time\u0004%1$s, %2$s":["%1$s, %2$s"],"Subscription price per month (abbreviated)\u0004%1$s/mo":["%1$s/m"],"variable is a price. mo is a two letter abbreviation for month.\u0004%1$s/mo":["%1$s/mese"],"Ad-free browsing price per month\u0004%1$s/month":["%1$s/mese"],"Subscription price per month\u0004%1$s/month":["%1$s/mese"],"Ad-free browsing price per year\u0004%1$s/year":["%1$s/anno"],"Subscription price per year\u0004%1$s/year":["%1$s/anno"],"Subscription price per year (abbreviated)\u0004%1$s/yr":["%1$s/a"],"The title for the archive page. Placeholder is the blog's title\u0004%1$s: Archive":["%1$s: archivio"],"Title for a blog image page. Placeholder is the blog's title\u0004%1$s: Image":["%1$s: immagine"],"Title for a blog image page. Placeholder is the blog's title\u0004%1$s: Photo":["%1$s: foto"],"%1$s is a domain name and %2$s is the respective port number. %3$s is a numeric priority. %4$s is a numeric weight value\u0004%1$s:%2$s, with priority %3$s and weight %4$s":["%1$s:%2$s, con priorità %3$s e peso %4$s"],"Number of days (abbreviated, for use in relative timestamps)\u0004%1$sd":["%1$sg","%1$sg"],"Number of days ago (abbreviated, for use in relative timestamps)\u0004%1$sd ago":["%1$sg fa","%1$sg fa"],"Number of hours (abbreviated, for use in relative timestamps)\u0004%1$sh":["%1$sh","%1$sh"],"Number of hours ago (abbreviated, for use in relative timestamps)\u0004%1$sh ago":["%1$so fa","%1$so fa"],"Number of minutes (abbreviated, for use in relative timestamps)\u0004%1$sm":["%1$sm","%1$sm"],"Number of minutes ago (abbreviated, for use in relative timestamps)\u0004%1$sm ago":["%1$s m fa","%1$s m fa"],"Number of months (abbreviated, for use in relative timestamps)\u0004%1$smo":["%1$sme","%1$sme"],"Number of months ago (abbreviated, for use in relative timestamps)\u0004%1$smo ago":["%1$sme fa","%1$sme fa"],"Number of seconds (abbreviated, for use in relative timestamps)\u0004%1$ss":["%1$ss","%1$ss"],"Number of seconds ago (abbreviated, for use in relative timestamps)\u0004%1$ss ago":["%1$ss fa","%1$ss fa"],"Number of years (abbreviated, for use in relative timestamps)\u0004%1$sy":["%1$sa","%1$sa"],"Number of years ago (abbreviated, for use in relative timestamps)\u0004%1$sy ago":["%1$sa fa","%1$sa fa"],"Number of community members shown in nav, keep short if possible\u0004%2$s member":["%2$s membro","%2$s membri"],"Title for the April Fools reactions shown on the post footer; the first placeholder is the emoji used for the reaction, and the second is the count\u0004%2$s reaction used %1$s time":["%2$s reazione usata %1$s volta","%2$s reazione usata %1$s volte"],"Label for lock icon on the post form Community Labels button\u0004(Community labels are locked on this post.)":["(Le etichette della community sono bloccate su questo post.)"],"Label for lock icon on the post form Content Labels button\u0004(Content labels are locked on this post.)":["(Le etichette Contenuti sono bloccate su questo post.)"],"[TumblrMart horse friend widget]: text indicating that the horse is dead. RIP is an acronym for rest in peace\u0004(RIP)":["(RIP)"],"Year in review longest tag subtitle text\u0004(Whew, that's [number] character!)":["(Wow, è [number] carattere!)","(Wow, sono [number] caratteri!)"],"Community invite dialog label to show how many remaining invites can be sent\u0004([number] Remaining)":["([number] Rimasto)","([number] Rimasti)"],"Screenreader-friendly role label for an individual member with the role of admin in the Members list\u0004(admin)":["(amministratore)"],"Screenreader-only label on a community post reply, to indicate the reply author is a community admin\u0004(admin)":["(amministratore)"],"Screenreader-friendlyrole label for an individual member with the role of moderator in the Members list\u0004(moderator)":["(moderatore)"],"Screenreader-only label on a community post reply, to indicate the reply author is a community moderator\u0004(moderator)":["(moderatore)"],"Text is shown after price selection option for Ad-Free browsing. Example: 34.99 (save 33%)\u0004(save [yearlyDiscountPercent]%)":["(save [yearlyDiscountPercent]%)"],"CTA to click a link to Blaze Zendesk page (Blaze landing page)\u0004* some blogs may not allow posts to be sponsored by others. Learn more in our [link]Help Center[/link].":["* alcuni blog potrebbero non consentire la sponsorizzazione di post da parte di altri. Scopri di più nel nostro [link]Centro assistenza[/link]."],"CTA to click a link to Blaze Zendesk page (Blaze landing page)\u0004* some blogs may not allow posts to be sponsored by others. Learn more in our [link]Help Center[/link]. 👉":["* alcuni blog potrebbero non consentire la sponsorizzazione di post da parte di altri. Scopri di più nel nostro [link]Centro assistenza[/link]. 👉"],"CTA to click a link to Blaze Zendesk page (Blaze landing page)\u0004Learn more in our [link]Help Center[/link].":["Scopri di più nel nostro [link]Centro assistenza[/link]."],"Tumblr Live\u0004*Tap the heart icon in the bottom left to change your game settings.":["*Tocca l'icona del cuore in basso a sinistra per modificare le impostazioni di gioco."],"Tumblr Live\u0004*This does not apply to anyone currently waiting in line.":["*Questo non si applica a chi sta aspettando in fila."],"Tumblr Live\u0004\u003c0\u003eWhat is NextDate?\u003c/0\u003e\u003c1\u003eThis is NextDate, the game that lets you find your next date. When you make a match, your date will be added to your \u003cstrong\u003eMY DATES\u003c/strong\u003e section\u003c/1\u003e\u003c2\u003e*Tap the heart icon in the bottom left to change your game settings.\u003c/2\u003e":["\u003c0\u003eCos'è NextDate?\u003c/0\u003e\u003c1\u003eQuesto è NextDate, il gioco che ti permette di trovare il tuo prossimo appuntamento. Quando crei un match, il tuo appuntamento verrà aggiunto alla sezione \u003cstrong\u003eI MIEI APPUNTAMENTI\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/1\u003e\u003c2\u003e*Tocca l'icona del cuore in basso a sinistra per modificare le impostazioni di gioco.\u003c/2\u003e"],"Tumblr Live\u0004\u003cstrong\u003eAnd more to come!\u003c/strong\u003e":["\u003cstrong\u003eE molto altro ancora!\u003c/strong\u003e"],"Tumblr Live\u0004\u003cstrong\u003eBattles\u003c/strong\u003e—Earn SP for every battle, whether you win or lose!":["\u003cstrong\u003eBattaglie\u003c/strong\u003e: guadagna PS per ogni battaglia, che tu vinca o perda!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004\u003cstrong\u003eDaily viewers and gifters\u003c/strong\u003e—Get SP for every minute a viewer views your stream!":["\u003cstrong\u003eVisualizzatori e gifter giornalieri\u003c/strong\u003e: ottieni PS per ogni minuto in cui uno spettatore visualizza il tuo stream!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004\u003cstrong\u003eEarn Diamonds in Live\u003c/strong\u003e - Get SP for every Diamond you earn!":["\u003cstrong\u003eGuadagna diamanti in diretta\u003c/strong\u003e: ottieni SP per ogni diamante che guadagni!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004\u003cstrong\u003eHelp streamers rank up\u003c/strong\u003e—Receive bonus XP for being in a stream when a Bronze or higher-level streamer ranks up.":["\u003cstrong\u003eAiuta gli streamer a salire di livello\u003c/strong\u003e: ricevi XP bonus per essere in uno stream quando uno streamer di livello Bronzo o superiore sale di livello!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004\u003cstrong\u003eSend diamonds in Live\u003c/strong\u003e—Get XP for every diamond you send.":["\u003cstrong\u003eInvia diamanti in Live\u003c/strong\u003e: ottieni XP per ogni diamante che invii."],"Tumblr Live\u0004\u003cstrong\u003eThere's more to come...\u003c/strong\u003e":["\u003cstrong\u003eE molto altro ancora...\u003c/strong\u003e"],"Tumblr Live\u0004\u003cstrong\u003eWatch streamers\u003c/strong\u003e—Earn XP by watching streams.":["\u003cstrong\u003eGuarda gli streamer\u003c/strong\u003e: guadagna XP guardando gli stream."],"Tumblr Live\u0004ABOUT ME":["CHI SONO"],"Tumblr Live\u0004ALL":["TUTTI"],"Tumblr Live\u0004ASK:":["CHIEDI:"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Accept challenges":["Accetta sfide"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Acknowledge":["Accetta"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Add a description...":["Aggiungi descrizione..."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Add a public message to your gift.":["Aggiungi un messaggio pubblico al tuo regalo."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Added to My Dates!":["Aggiunto ai miei appuntamenti!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Agender":["Nessun genere"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Alas! No gifters this week.":["Peccato! Nessuno ti ha mandato regali questa settimana."],"Tumblr Live\u0004All time":["Sempre"],"Tumblr Live\u0004All-Time":["Sempre"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Androgyne":["Androgina"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Androgynous":["Androgino"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Announcements":["Annunci"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Are you sure you want to cancel your guest request?":["Sei sicuro di voler cancellare la tua richiesta ospite?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Are you sure you want to end the guest stream?":["Sei sicuro di voler terminare il flusso ospite?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Are you sure you want to end your guest stream?":["Sei sicuro di voler terminare il tuo stream ospite?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Are you sure you want to replace your current guest stream?":["Sei sicuro di voler sostituire lo stream ospite attualmente in esecuzione?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Are you sure?":["Sei sicuro?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Ask your viewers to play!":["Chiedi ai tuoi spettatori di giocare!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Aw no! None of your favorites are currently live.":["Oh no! Nessuno dei tuoi preferiti è attualmente attivo."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Aw snap! There was an error while loading your streaming history. Please try again later.":["Si è verificato un errore caricando lo storico streaming. Per favore riprova più tardi."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Aw snap! There was an error while trying to fetch your fans list. Please try again later.":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di recuperare la tua lista fan. Per favore riprova più tardi."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Aw snap! There was an error while trying to fetch your favorites list. Please try again later.":["Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di recuperare la tua lista fan. Per favore riprova più tardi."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Aw snap, looks like your browser doesn't support streaming. Please try another one.":["Accidenti sembra che il tuo browser non supporti lo streaming. Provane un altro."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Aw snap. Looks like there's a connectivity issue. Please hold.":["Accidenti. Sembra che ci sia un problema di connettività. Per favore attendi."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Aw, shucks. You do not have enough {{plural}}! Please purchase {{plural}} in the app.":["Non hai abbastanza {{plural}}! Acquista {{plural}} nell' app."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Aw, snap. We encountered a wild error while trying to execute your search request. Please try again later.":["Accidenti. Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di eseguire la richiesta di ricerca. Per favore riprova più tardi."],"Tumblr Live\u0004BLACK VIP":["VIP NERO"],"Tumblr Live\u0004BONUS":["BONUS"],"Tumblr Live\u0004BOSS VIP":["VIP BOSS"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Back":["Indietro"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Back to Live":["Torna a Live"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Based on current game settings, you are unable to join at this time.":["In base alle attuali impostazioni di gioco, al momento non puoi partecipare."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Battles":["Battaglie"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Battles Challenges":["Sfide battaglie"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Battles are disabled":["Le battaglie sono disabilitate"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Be the first to send a gift!":["Sii il primo a inviare un regalo!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Become a":["Diventa un/a"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Before you stream...":["Prima dello streaming..."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Bigender":["Bigenere"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Black VIP":["VIP nero"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Blast sent!":["Blast inviato!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Blind":["Cieco"],"Tumblr Live\u0004BlindDate":["BlindDate"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Block":["Blocca"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Blocked":["Bloccato"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Blocked Users":["Utenti bloccati"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Boss Features":["Funzionalità boss"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Boss VIP":["VIP Boss"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Boss of the Week":["Boss della settimana"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Bosses of the Week":["Boss della settimana"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Bouncers":["Moderatori"],"Tumblr Live\u0004By using Live, you understand that your streams, comments, and profile on Live may be visible to users of other apps that are part of the {{hostAppName}} Live network. For more information, including the complete list of apps on the network, click here to view our \u003cbr /\u003e \u003c3\u003eLive Terms of Service\u003c/3\u003e and \u003c5\u003ePartner Policy\u003c/5\u003e.":["Utilizzando Live, comprendi che i tuoi stream, commenti e profilo su Live potrebbero essere visibili agli utenti di altre app che fanno parte della rete Live {{hostAppName}}. Per ulteriori informazioni, incluso l'elenco completo delle app sulla rete, clicca qui per visualizzare i nostri \u003cbr /\u003e \u003c3\u003eTermini di servizio Live\u003c/3\u003e e l'\u003c5\u003eInformativa partner\u003c/5\u003e."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Cancel request":["Annulla richiesta"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Cannot start NextDate game while guest stream or other game mode is active.":["Impossibile iniziare il gioco NextDate mentre è attivo lo streaming ospite o un'altra modalità di gioco."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Challenge cancelled.":["Sfida annullata."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Challenge other streamers to battle side by side using the \"VS\" button, and win battles by receiving the most diamonds during the stream. Or, y'know, just chat with each other. We're not the boss of you!":["Sfida altri streamer a combattere fianco a fianco utilizzando il pulsante \"VS\" e vinci battaglie ricevendo il maggior numero di diamanti durante lo streaming. Oppure, basta chattare tra di voi. Non siamo il tuo capo!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Chat Effects":["Effetti chat"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Choose \"Instant battle\" or challenge a favorite, then select a #tag. We'll match you up to stream side-by-side and see who can get the most diamonds before your time runs out.":["Scegli Battaglia istantanea o sfida un preferito, quindi seleziona un #tag. Ti abbineremo per lo streaming fianco a fianco e vedremo chi può ottenere il maggior numero di diamanti prima che scada il tempo."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Choose a Tag":["Scegli un tag"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Choose a guest":["Scegli un ospite"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Choose a tag for your battle, so your opponents know what they're up against!":["Scegli un tag per la tua battaglia in modo che gli avversari sappiano cosa stanno per affrontare!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Cis":["Cis"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Cis Female":["Cis femmina"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Cis Male":["Cis maschio"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Cis Man":["Cis uomo"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Cis Woman":["Cis donna"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Cisgender":["Cisgender"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Cisgender Female":["Cisgender femmina"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Cisgender Male":["Cisgender maschio"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Cisgender Man":["Cisgender uomo"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Cisgender Woman":["Cisgender donna"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Clear search":["Cancella ricerca"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Click below to enable the audio.":["Fare clic di seguito per abilitare l'audio."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Close":["Chiudi"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Close more tools":["Chiudi più strumenti"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Come back later? There are no active challenge requests right now.":["Vuoi tornare più tardi? Al momento nn ci sono richieste di sfida attive."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Confirm":["Conferma"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Congrats! You've reached the maximum character count. Give yourself a nice pat on the back (...and edit your description down?).":["Congratulazioni! Hai raggiunto il numero massimo di caratteri. Datti una bella pacca sulla spalla (...e modifica la tua descrizione?)."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Congratulations":["Congratulazioni"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Congratulations on being such a vital part of our community \u003c3 We've made you a {{vip}} VIP to say thank you.":["Congratulazioni per essere una parte così vitale della nostra comunità \u003c3 Ti abbiamo nominato VIP {{vip}} per ringraziarti."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Congratulations!":["Congratulazioni!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Continue streaming":["Continua streaming"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Cool down":["Riposati"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Copied to clipboard":["Copiato negli appunti"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Currency Offers":["Offerte valuta"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Current Contests":["Gare in corso"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Customize your gift":["Personalizza il tuo regalo"],"Tumblr Live\u0004DATE":["DATA"],"Tumblr Live\u0004DESCRIPTION":["DESCRIZIONE"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Date in the NextDate game during DateNight and unlock a free drink for your first date!":["Organizza un appuntamento nel gioco NextDate durante DateNight e sblocca un drink gratuito per il tuo primo appuntamento!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Date me":["Esci con me"],"Tumblr Live\u0004DateNight":["DateNight"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Demiman":["Demiman"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Demiwoman":["Demiwoman"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Description":["Descrizione"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Did you know you can remove anyone from your stream by tapping their name in the chat, then tapping the \"Block\" button?":["Sapevi che puoi rimuovere chiunque dal tuo stream toccando il suo nome nella chat, quindi toccando il pulsante Blocca?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Dig deep here -— make sure your shout out stands out to everyone in the stream.":["Approfondisci: assicurati che il tuo shout out si distingua tra tutti nello stream."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Do not show this again":["Non mostrarlo più"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Don't forget to interact with your viewers—they're here for you!":["Non dimenticare di interagire con i tuoi spettatori, sono qui per te!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Don't forget to say thanks :)":["Non dimenticare di ringraziare :)"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Download the App":["Scarica l'app"],"Tumblr Live\u0004ENDED":["TERMINATO"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Edit description":["Modifica descrizione"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Eep! Unable to copy to clipboard!":["Eep! Impossibile copiare negli appunti!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Enable audio":["Abilita audio"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Enby":["Enby"],"Tumblr Live\u0004End NextDate":["Termina NextDate"],"Tumblr Live\u0004End NextGuest":["Termina NextGuest"],"Tumblr Live\u0004End guest stream?":["Termina stream ospite?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004End stream":["Termina stream"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Ending...":["Chiusura..."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Entrance Effect":["Effetto entrata"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Error starting NextDate! Please try again later.":["Errore durante l'avvio di NextDate. Per favore riprova."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Error starting NextGuest! Please try again later.":["Errore durante l'avvio di NextGuest! Per favore riprova più tardi."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Error while trying to check for favorite blast allowed":["Errore durante il tentativo di controllare il blast preferito consentito"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Exclusive":["Esclusivo"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Exclusive Gifts":["Regali esclusivi"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Exit battle":["Abbandona battaglia"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Exit stream":["Esci stream"],"Tumblr Live\u0004F":["F"],"Tumblr Live\u0004FAVORITES":["PREFERITI"],"Tumblr Live\u0004FREE":["GRATIS"],"Tumblr Live\u0004FTM":["FTM"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Fan Blast":["Fan Blast"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Favorite":["Preferito"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Featured":["In primo piano"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Female":["Femmina"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Female to Male":["Da femmina a maschio"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Filters":["Filtri"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Find an opponent":["Trova un avversario"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Finding an opponent…":["Sto cercando un avversario..."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Forward":["Inoltra"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Free Drinks":["Drink gratis"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Free drinks unlocked!":["Drink gratis sbloccati!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004GO LIVE!":["VAI ALLA DIRETTA!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004GOT IT":["CAPITO"],"Tumblr Live\u0004GREEN VIP":["VIP VERDE"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Game mode:":["Modalità di gioco:"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Gender Fluid":["Gender Fluid"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Gender Nonconforming":["Genere non conforme"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Gender Questioning":["Dubbio di genere"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Gender Variant":["Variante di genere"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Genderfluid":["Genderfluid"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Genderqueer":["Genderqueer"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Get started":["Inizia"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Gift Audio OFF":["Audio regalo OFF"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Gift Audio ON":["Audio regalo ON"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Gifters":["Donatori"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Gifts give you diamonds which you can redeem for IRL money. Be sure to say thank you and keep your viewers coming back!":["I regali ti danno diamanti che puoi riscattare con denaro IRL. Assicurati di dire grazie e fai in modo che i tuoi spettatori tornino!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Give gift":["Regala"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Global Leaderboards":["Classifiche globali"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Go to tools menu":["Vai al manu strumenti"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Got it":["Capito"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Green VIP":["VIP verde"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Guest":["Ospite"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Guest streaming is disabled while NextDate is being played.":["Lo streaming ospite è disabilitato durante la riproduzione di NextDate."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Guest streaming is disabled.":["Lo streaming ospite è disabilitato."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Guest unavailable":["Ospite non disponibile"],"Tumblr Live\u0004HOT":["POPOLARI"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Hate speech or bullying":["Incitamento all'odio o bullismo"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Hearts":["Cuori"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Here we go! Your stream is starting.":["Eccoci qui! Il tuo stream sta iniziando."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Hijra":["Hijra"],"Tumblr Live\u0004How do VIPs work?":["Come funzionano i VIP?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004How does this work?":["Come funziona?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004How to Level Up":["Come salire di grado"],"Tumblr Live\u0004How to Rank up":["Come salire di grado"],"Tumblr Live\u0004How's your lighting? Make sure your viewers can see what you're showing 'em.":["Come va la tua illuminazione? Assicurati che i tuoi spettatori possano vedere cosa stai mostrando loro."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Hrm. No gifters...yet!":["Nessuno ha fatto regali... ancora!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004I agree to the [Terms of Service] \u0026 the live streaming [Code of Conduct] and understand that breaking the rules may result in account removal.":["Accetto i [Terms of Service] e il [Code of Conduct] del live streaming e comprendo che la violazione delle regole può comportare la rimozione dell'account."],"Tumblr Live\u0004I want each round to last (minutes):":["Voglio che ogni round duri (minuti):"],"Tumblr Live\u0004I want to date:":["Voglio conoscere:"],"Tumblr Live\u0004I want to participate in NextDate games for:":["Voglio partecipare ai giochi NextDate per:"],"Tumblr Live\u0004IT'S A DATE!":["È UN APPUNTAMENTO!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Icon ring":["Icona anello"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Idle streams hurt our community. Please click on the \"continue\" button below if you are actively streaming. Otherwise, this stream will automatically end when the timer runs out.":["I flussi inattivi danneggiano la nostra comunità. Clicca sul pulsante Continua in basso se stai trasmettendo attivamente. In caso contrario, questo flusso terminerà automaticamente allo scadere del tempo."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Illegal activity":["Attività illegale"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Include me in searches for:":["Includimi nelle ricerche di:"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Instant Battle":["Battaglia istantanea"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Intersex":["Intersex"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Intersex Man":["Intersex uomo"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Intersex Woman":["Intersex donna"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Invalid message. Please Try Again":["Messaggio non valido. Per favore riprova."],"Tumblr Live\u0004It's Date Night!":["È la Notte degli Appuntamenti!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004It's DateNight!":["É la DateNight!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004It's date night! The 1st drink is on us!":["È la notte degli appuntamenti! Il primo drink lo offriamo noi!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004JACKPOT!":["JACKPOT!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Join as a guest":["Partecipa come ospite"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Joining stream...":["Accesso allo stream..."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Keep streaming!":["Continua a streammare!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Keep streaming...":["Continua a streammare..."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Kick out":["Manda via"],"Tumblr Live\u0004LAST CALL":["ULTIMA CHIMATA"],"Tumblr Live\u0004LEARN MORE":["SCOPRI DI PIÙ"],"Tumblr Live\u0004LIMITED!":["OFFERTA LIMITATA!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Last Call!":["Ultima chiamata!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Last Week`s Top Gifters":["I migliori donatori della scorsa settimana"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Leaderboard":["Classifica"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Let your fans know when you'll be Live!":["Fai sapere ai tuoi fan quando sarai Live!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Let your fans know when you'll be live.":["Fai sapere ai tuoi fan quando sarai live."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Let's get streaming!":["Andiamo in streaming!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Let's keep Live fun! Nudity or obscene behavior will result in account deletion.":["Continuiamo a divertirci con Live! La nudità o il comportamento osceno comporteranno la cancellazione dell'account."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Levels":["Livelli"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Like":["Mi piace"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Likes":["Mi piace"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Live Now":["Live Now"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Looks like your browser doesn't support audio autoplay.":["Sembra che il tuo browser non supporti la riproduzione automatica dell'audio."],"Tumblr Live\u0004M":["M"],"Tumblr Live\u0004MEN":["UOMINI"],"Tumblr Live\u0004MTF":["MTF"],"Tumblr Live\u0004MYSTERY":["MISTERO"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Male":["Maschio"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Male to Female":["Da maschio a femmina"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Meet safely! Get 2 months free of UrSafe and read these important safety tips!":["Fai incontri sicuri! Ottieni 2 mesi gratis di UrSafe e leggi questi importanti consigli di sicurezza!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Message all your fans at once by sending a blast from your \"Fans\" section.":["Invia un messaggio a tutti i tuoi fan inviando un blast dalla tua sezione fan!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Minors":["Minori"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Mirror OFF":["Specchio OFF"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Mirror ON":["Specchio ON"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Modbot is watching to keep this stream safe.":["Modbot sta controllando per mantenere questo flusso al sicuro."],"Tumblr Live\u0004More":["Altro"],"Tumblr Live\u0004More Settings":["Ulteriori impostazioni"],"Tumblr Live\u0004More Tools":["Altri strumenti"],"Tumblr Live\u0004More tools":["Più strumenti"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Mute OFF":["Mute OFF"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Mute ON":["Mute ON"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Mute guest":["Silenzia ospite"],"Tumblr Live\u0004My Dates":["I miei appuntamenti"],"Tumblr Live\u0004My Live ID":["Il mio Live ID"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Mystery Wheel":["Mystery Wheel"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Mystery Wheel Chances":["Tentativi Mystery Wheel"],"Tumblr Live\u0004NAME":["NOME"],"Tumblr Live\u0004NEARBY":["QUI VICINO"],"Tumblr Live\u0004NEW":["NOVITÀ"],"Tumblr Live\u0004NEW COMMENTS":["NUOVI COMMENTI"],"Tumblr Live\u0004NEW!":["NOVITÀ!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004NEXT STREAM":["PROSSIMO STREAM"],"Tumblr Live\u0004NEXT!":["AVANTI!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004NO.":["NO."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Name":["Nome"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Neither":["Nessuno dei due"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Neutrois":["Neutrois"],"Tumblr Live\u0004New fans":["Nuovi fan"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Next suggestion":["Prossimo suggerimento"],"Tumblr Live\u0004NextDate":["NextDate"],"Tumblr Live\u0004NextDate Settings":["Impostazioni NextDate"],"Tumblr Live\u0004NextDate Tips":["Suggerimenti NextDate"],"Tumblr Live\u0004NextDate is disabled":["NextDate è disabilitato"],"Tumblr Live\u0004NextGuest":["NextGuest"],"Tumblr Live\u0004No gifters yet. Be the first!":["Nessuno ha inviato regali ancora. Sii il primo!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004No guest broadcaster requests.":["Nessuna richiesta di broadcaster ospite."],"Tumblr Live\u0004No results found":["Nessun risultato trovato"],"Tumblr Live\u0004No streamers available to challenge.":["Nessuno streamer disponibile per la sfida."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Non-binary":["Non-binario"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Non-gendered":["Nessun genere"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Notify your fans by sending a blast from the “Favorites” menu!":["Avvisa i tuoi fan con un blast dal menu Preferiti!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Nudity or pornography":["Nudità o pornografia"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Offline":["Offline"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! Looks like your streaming history is empty.":["Oh no, sembra che il tuo storico streaming sia vuoto."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error loading streamer levels data. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore durante il caricamento dei dati dei livelli di visualizzatore. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error loading your viewer levels data. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore durante il caricamento dei dati dei livelli di visualizzatore. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while loading your feed. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di caricare il tuo feed. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to accept a challenge request. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di accettare una richiesta di sfida. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to access battles tags. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di accedere ai tag battaglia. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to access your mutuals. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di accedere ai collegamenti comuni. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to cancel a challenge request. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di cancellare una richiesta di sfida. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to cancel an instant battle request. Sorry about that!":["Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di annullare una richiesta di battaglia istantanea. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to cancel your rematch. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di cancellare la tua rivincita. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to fetch blocked user details. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di recuperare i dettagli dell'utente bloccato. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to fetch streamer details. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di recuperare i dettagli dello streamer. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to fetch your blocked users list. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di recuperare l'elenco degli utenti bloccati. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to fetch your bouncers list. Try again?":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di recuperare l'elenco dei tuoi moderatori. Vuoi riprovare?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to generate your recharge URL. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di generare l'URL di ricarica. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to get battle details. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di recuperare i dettagli battaglia. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to get your battles settings. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di recuperare le tue impostazioni battaglia. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to join this battle. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di unirsi a questa battaglia. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to request a rematch. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di richiedere una rivincita. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to retrieve this mini profile. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di recuperare questo mini profilo. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to retrieve your balance. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di recuperare il tuo saldo. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to send a challenge request. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di inviare una richiesta di sfida. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to send an instant battle request. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di inviare una richiesta di battaglia istantanea. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to send the blast to your favorites. Try again?":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di inviare un blast ai tuoi preferiti. Vuoi riprovare?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to skip the battle. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di saltare la battaglia. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to skip this battle. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di saltare questa battaglia. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to start the battle. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di iniziare la battaglia. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! There was an error while trying to update your settings. Sorry about that!":["Oh no! Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di aggiornare le tue impostazioni. Ci dispiace!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! We are unable to load your Viewers. Please try again later.":["Oh no! Non siamo riusciti a caricare i tuoi spettatori. Per favore riprova più tardi."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! We are unable to load your new fans at this time. Please come try again later.":["Oh no! Non siamo in grado di caricare i tuoi nuovi fan in questo momento. Per favore, riprova più tardi."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! We were unable to create this stream. Try again?":["Oh no! Impossibile creare questo stream. Riprova?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! We were unable to update your gift streak :(":["Oh no, non siamo riusciti ad aggiornare la tua serie di regali :("],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no! Your shout out failed to send. Try again?":["Oh no! Invio di shout out fallito. Riprova?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oh no. There was an error while trying to update your settings. Try again?":["Oh no. Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di aggiornare le tue impostazioni. Vuoi riprovare?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Okay":["Okay"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Only allow:":["Consenti solo:"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oops, something's off. We're unable to create the stream.":["Ops, qualcosa non va. Impossibile creare lo stream!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Oops, we can't seem to load the announcements at this time.":["Spiacenti, non riusciamo a caricare gli annunci in questo momento."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Other":["Altro"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Outgoing challenge canceled—battle commencing!":["Sfida in uscita annullata, inizia la battaglia!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004PURPLE VIP":["VIP VIOLA"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Pangender":["Pangender"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Partner Policy":["Informativa partner"],"Tumblr Live\u0004People near me":["Persone vicino a me"],"Tumblr Live\u0004People who are close in age":["Persone con età simile"],"Tumblr Live\u0004People will be joining your stream any minute now...":["Le persone si uniranno al tuo stream da un momento all'altro..."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Play NextDate during DateNight to get a free drink from us when you go on your first date!":["Gioca a NextDate durante la DateNight per avere drink gratis da noi durante il tuoi primo appuntamento!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Play Now":["Gioca ora"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Play icon":["Icona gioca"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Please wait...":["Attendi per favore..."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Polygender":["Polygender"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Popular":["Popolari"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Prepare for battle!":["Preparati per la battaglia!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Profile Ribbon":["Nastro profilo"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Profile picture needed—so people know who's streaming!":["È necessaria l'immagine del profilo, in modo che le persone sappiano chi sta trasmettendo in streaming!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Purple VIP":["VIP viola"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Put yourself here!":["Mettiti qui!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Queue is empty":["La coda è vuota"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Quit stream":["Lascia stream"],"Tumblr Live\u0004READ OUR SAFETY TIPS":["LEGGI I NOSTRI CONSIGLI PER LA SICUREZZA"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Recent Contests":["Gare recenti"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Recent Streams":["Stream recenti"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Refresh":["Aggiorna"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Reject All":["Rifiuta tutti"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Rematch!":["Rivincita!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Rematch?":["Rematch?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Remember to make your viewers feel special when they send you gifts—it's the right thing to do!":["Ricorda di far sentire speciali i tuoi spettatori dopo che ti hanno inviato regali, è la cosa giusta da fare!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Remove":["Rimuovi"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Remove favorite":["Rimuovi preferito"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Remove from bouncers":["Rimuovi dai moderatori"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Remove guest from your stream?":["Rimuovere l'ospite dal tuo stream?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Replace":["Sostituisci"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Replace guest stream?":["Sostituire lo stream ospite?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Report":["Segnala"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Report Abuse":["Segnala abuso"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Report submitted. Thanks!":["Segnalazione inviata! Grazie!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Request to join":["Chiedi di entrare"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Review challenges":["Rivedi sfide"],"Tumblr Live\u0004SALE!":["OFFERTE!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004SAY HI!":["SALUTA!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004SEND A GIFT!":["INVIA UN REGALO!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004SPIN":["GIRA"],"Tumblr Live\u0004START!":["INIZIA!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004STARTING...":["Inizializzo..."],"Tumblr Live\u0004STREAM":["STREAM"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Save":["Salva"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Say something...":["Di' qualcosa..."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Say something?":["Vuoi dire qualcosa?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Search for a streamer":["Cerca uno streamer"],"Tumblr Live\u0004See all":["Vedi tutti"],"Tumblr Live\u0004See less":["Mostra meno"],"Tumblr Live\u0004See more":["Mostra di più"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Send":["Invia"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Send Blast":["Invia blast"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Send Feedback":["Invia un feedback"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Send a message":["Invia un messaggio"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Send a message...":["Invia un messaggio..."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Send a quick message":["Invia un messaggio rapido"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Send a quick message…":["Invia un messaggio rapido..."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Send challenge":["Invia sfida"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Send feedback":["Invia un feedback"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Send gift":["Invia regalo"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Sent":["Inviato"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Set as bouncer":["Imposta come moderatore"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Set as gift recipient.":["Imposta come destinatario del regalo."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Settings":["Impostazioni"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Share your skills and be real with your viewers, but please do not stream:":["Condividi le tue abilità e sii sincero con i tuoi spettatori, ma per favore non trasmettere in streaming:"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Shout Out":["Shout Out"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Shout outs available":["Shout Out disponibili"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Show account balance":["Mostra saldo conto"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Someone is challenging you to a battle!":["Qualcuno vuole combattere contro di te!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Someone wants to guest stream with you!":["Qualcuno vuole fare un guest streaming con te!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Sorry! This stream has ended.":["Siamo spiacenti, questo stream è terminato"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Sorry, something's gone wrong with your guest stream request. Please try again later.":["Spiacenti, si è verificato un problema con la tua richiesta di streaming ospite. Per favore riprova più tardi."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Sorry, there was an error while trying to send your guest stream request. Try again?":["Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di inviare una richiesta di streaming ospite. Vuoi riprovare?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Sorry, you can't join this stream because a block is in place between you and the streamer.":["Impossibile partecipare a questo stream perché c'è un blocco tra te e lo streamer."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Sorry, you can't join this stream right now.":["Spiacenti, al momento non puoi unirti a questo stream."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Sorry, you can't join this stream right now. Please try again later.":["Impossibile partecipare a questo stream adesso, riprova più tardi."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Spin the mystery wheel for a chance to send the streamer a treat!":["Gira la mystery wheel per avere la possibilità di inviare un regalo allo streamer!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Spin the wheel!":["Gira la ruota!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Stand out from the crowd—give your streamer a gift!":["Distinguiti dalla massa: fai un regalo al tuo streamer!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Standard":["Standard"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Start battle":["Inizia la battaglia"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Starting...":["Avvio..."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Still streaming?":["Stai ancora streammando?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Streamer Tools":["Strumenti streamer"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Streamers rank up by earning streamer points (SP). Streamers can earn SP by battling, streaming, receiving gifts, and more.":["Gli streamer salgono di grado guadagnando punti streamer (PS)! Gli streamer possono guadagnare PS combattendo, trasmettendo in streaming, ricevendo regali e molto altro."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Success! Now only people who match your filter may join.":["Successo! Ora possono partecipare solo le persone che corrispondono al tuo filtro."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Switch camera":["Cambia camera"],"Tumblr Live\u0004TEXT":["TESTO"],"Tumblr Live\u0004TOP":["TOP"],"Tumblr Live\u0004TOP GIFTERS":["TOP GIFTER"],"Tumblr Live\u0004TRENDING":["POPOLARI"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Tap join me below!":["Tocca unisciti a me qui sotto!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Tap the heart below!":["Tocca il cuore qui sotto!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Terms of Service":["Condizioni generali di servizio"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Thank you for your report!":["Grazie per la tua segnalazione!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Thank you for your report.":["Grazie per la segnalazione."],"Tumblr Live\u0004That's an invalid message. Please try again.":["Messaggio non valido. Per favore riprova."],"Tumblr Live\u0004The NextDate game is limited":["Il gioco NextDate è limitato"],"Tumblr Live\u0004The first drink's on us":["Il primo drink lo offriamo noi"],"Tumblr Live\u0004The streamer is currently using a mode not supported on web.":["Lo streamer sta attualmente utilizzando una modalità non supportata sul Web."],"Tumblr Live\u0004There are no streams!":["Non ci sono stream!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004There are no top gifters yet.":["Ancora non ci sono top gifter."],"Tumblr Live\u0004There are no viewers in this stream. Have you told your fans about it?":["Non ci sono spettatori in questo stream. L'hai detto ai tuoi fan?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004There's no one here because you haven't blocked anyone yet.":["Non c'è nessuno qui perché non hai ancora bloccato nessuno."],"Tumblr Live\u0004This Stream":["Questo stream"],"Tumblr Live\u0004This Week":["Questa settimana"],"Tumblr Live\u0004This field is required!":["Questo campo è obbligatorio!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004This requires a higher user level.":["Questo richiede un livello utente superiore."],"Tumblr Live\u0004This stream has ended due to inactivity.":["Questo stream è terminato per inattività."],"Tumblr Live\u0004This stream has ended.":["Questo stream è terminato."],"Tumblr Live\u0004This will end your guest stream":["Questo terminerà il tuo stream ospite"],"Tumblr Live\u0004This will end your stream":["Questo terminerà il tuo stream"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Time to Battle!":["È ora di combattere!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004To get the full experience of DateNight, download our app today!":["Per vivere l'esperienza completa di DateNight, scarica la nostra app oggi!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004To get the full experience of DateNight, have 1:1 video chats with your dates, and claim your free drinks - download our app today!":["Per provare a pieno l'esperienza DateNight, usa le video chat 1:1 per i tuoi appuntamenti e ottieni i tuoi drink gratis. Scarica oggi la nostra app!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Today":["Oggi"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Tools":["Strumenti"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Top Diamonds":["Diamanti top"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Top Gifter":["Top Gifter"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Top Gifters":["Top Gifter"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Top Gifters this Week":["Migliori donatori di questa settimana"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Top Streamer":["Top Streamer"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Track your progress toward your next badge level.":["Tieni traccia dei tuoi progressi verso il tuo prossimo livello di badge."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Trans":["Trans"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Trans Female":["Trans Femmina"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Trans Male":["Trans Maschio"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Trans Man":["Trans uomo"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Trans Person":["Persona trans"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Trans Woman":["Trans donna"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Trans*":["Trans*"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Trans* Female":["Trans* Femmina"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Trans* Male":["Trans* Maschio"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Trans* Man":["Trans* uomo"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Trans* Person":["Persona trans*"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Trans* Woman":["Donna trans*"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Transfeminine":["Transfemminile"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Transgender":["Transgender"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Transgender Female":["Transgender femmina"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Transgender Male":["Transgender Maschio"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Transgender Man":["Transgender uomo"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Transgender Person":["Persona transgender"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Transgender Woman":["Donna transgender"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Transmasculine":["Transmascolino"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Transsexual":["Transessuale"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Transsexual Female":["Transessuale femmina"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Transsexual Male":["Transessuale maschio"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Transsexual Man":["Transessuale uomo"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Transsexual Person":["Persona transessuale"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Transsexual Woman":["Donna transessuale"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Try again":["Prova ancora"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Two Spirit":["Two Spirit"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Two-Spirit":["Bi-spirito"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Type a description.":["Aggiungi una descrizione."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Type message...":["Scrivi messaggio..."],"Tumblr Live\u0004UNDO":["ANNULLA"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Unable to join this stream. Please try again later.":["Impossibile partecipare a questo stream. Riprova più tardi."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Unable to register your vote. Please try again later.":["Impossibile registrare il tuo voto. Per favore riprova più tardi."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Under Construction":["Lavori in corso"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Unfortunately, that stream has no top gifters. Better luck next time!":["Sfortunatamente, quello stream non ha i migliori gifter. La prossima volta sarai più fortunato\\a!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Unmute guest":["Riattiva ospite"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Use Shout Out":["Usa Shout Out"],"Tumblr Live\u0004User avatar":["Avatar utente"],"Tumblr Live\u0004User interaction is required to start the streaming. Please confirm.":["Per avviare lo streaming è necessaria l'interazione dell'utente. Si prega di confermare."],"Tumblr Live\u0004VIEWS":["VISUALIZZAZIONI"],"Tumblr Live\u0004VIP":["VIP"],"Tumblr Live\u0004VIP Badge":["Badge VIP"],"Tumblr Live\u0004VIP Entrance":["Entrata VIP"],"Tumblr Live\u0004VIP Status":["Status VIP"],"Tumblr Live\u0004VS":["VS"],"Tumblr Live\u0004View Code of Conduct":["Vedi Codice di condotta"],"Tumblr Live\u0004View Leaderboard":["Vedi classifica"],"Tumblr Live\u0004View profile":["Vedi profilo"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Viewers":["Spettatori"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Viewers who have sent you gifts are highlighted yellow in the chat. Show them some love!":["Gli spettatori che ti hanno inviato regali sono evidenziati in giallo nella chat. Mostra loro un po' d'amore!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004WAITING…":["IN ATTESA..."],"Tumblr Live\u0004WOMEN":["DONNE"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Wahey! You've unlocked":["Ehi! Hai sbloccato"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Wait for it...people will be joining soon!":["Aspetta... le persone si uniranno presto!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Waiting for camera...":["Aspettando la videocamera..."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Waiting for opponent…":["Aspettando l'avversario..."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Waiting for the NextGuest":["In attesa di NextGuest"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Waiting...":["In attesa..."],"Tumblr Live\u0004We can find you an opponent instantly, or you can challenge a favorite streamer.":["Possiamo trovarti un avversario all'istante oppure puoi sfidare uno dei tuoi streamer preferiti."],"Tumblr Live\u0004We're working on bringing all of the features you love from the apps to the website. Stay tuned!":["Stiamo lavorando per portare tutte le funzionalità che ami dalle app al sito web. Resta sintonizzato/a!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Welcome to Live!":["Benvenuto su Live!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004What Are Streamer Ranks?":["Cosa sono i livelli streamer?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004What is NextDate?":["Cos'è NextDate?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004What is NextGuest?":["Cos'è NextGuest?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004What is a VIP?":["Cos'è un VIP?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004What would you like to do?":["Cosa ti piacerebbe fare?"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Whoa there, you can't start a battle while active on a guest stream or another game mode.":["Ehi, non puoi iniziare una battaglia mentre sei attivo in uno streaming ospite o in un'altra modalità di gioco."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Wins":["Vince"],"Tumblr Live\u0004YOU'RE NEXT!":["SEI IL PROSSIMO!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Yes":["Sì"],"Tumblr Live\u0004You can only send this gift if you're a Black VIP.":["Puoi inviare questo regalo solo se sei un VIP Nero."],"Tumblr Live\u0004You can only send this gift if you're a Boss VIP.":["Puoi inviare questo regalo solo se sei un VIP Boss."],"Tumblr Live\u0004You can only send this gift if you're a Green VIP.":["Puoi inviare questo regalo solo se sei un VIP Verde."],"Tumblr Live\u0004You can only send this gift if you're a Purple VIP.":["Puoi inviare questo regalo solo se sei un VIP Viola."],"Tumblr Live\u0004You don't have any dates yet!":["Non hai appuntamenti ancora!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004You don't have any fans...yet! Keep streaming! They're out there!":["Non hai fan... ancora! Continua a trasmettere! Sono là fuori!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004You earned":["Hai guadagnato"],"Tumblr Live\u0004You haven't favorited anyone yet.":["Non hai ancora messo qualcuno tra i preferiti."],"Tumblr Live\u0004You haven't gained any new fans in this stream. Better luck next time!":["Non hai guadagnato nuovi fan in questo stream. La prossima volta sarai più fortunato!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004You haven't made anyone a bouncer yet.":["Non hai ancora trasformato nessuno in un moderatore."],"Tumblr Live\u0004You need a profile picture to stream.":["Hai bisogno di una foto del profilo per strimmare."],"Tumblr Live\u0004You ranked up and earned XP!":["Sei salito di livello ottenendo XP!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004You're a":["Sei un/una"],"Tumblr Live\u0004You're a VIP!":["Sei un/una VIP!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004You're in! Your request has been accepted. Get ready to join the stream.":["Richiesta accettata. Preparati a unirti allo stream."],"Tumblr Live\u0004You've joined the queue!":["Ti sei unito alla coda!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004You've successfully sent a guest stream request. Now all you have to do is sit back, relax, and wait for its approval. Or, if you've changed your mind, you can cancel your request.":["Hai inviato correttamente una richiesta di streaming ospite. Ora tutto ciò che devi fare è sederti, rilassarti e attendere l'approvazione. Oppure, se hai cambiato idea, puoi cancellare la tua richiesta."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Your Progress":["I tuoi progressi"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Your boss status and features will expire on Sunday at midnight (EST)—unless you earn them again this week.":["Il tuo stato e le funzionalità del boss scadranno domenica a mezzanotte (EST) a meno che non te li guadagni di nuovo questa settimana."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Your first gift!":["Il tuo primo regalo!"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Your gifters will show up here.":["I tuoi donatori verranno visualizzati qui."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Your guest broadcast was successfully terminated.":["La tua trasmissione ospite è stata terminata con successo."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Your guest stream has ended.":["Il tuo streaming ospite è terminato."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Your level":["Il tuo livello"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Your rank":["La tua posizione"],"Tumblr Live\u0004Your safety is the most important thing.":["La tua sicurezza è la cosa più importante."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Your streamer rank shows how you stack up against other streamers on Live. Earn streamer points (SP) to rank up from Bronze all the way up to Diamond! Find out how to earn SP below.":["Il tuo grado di streamer ti consente di vedere come te la cavi rispetto ad altri streamer Live! Guadagna punti streamer (PS) per salire di livello da Bronzo fino a Diamante! Dai un'occhiata ai modi per guadagnare PS qui sotto."],"Tumblr Live\u0004Your viewer level shows how you stack up against other fans on Live! Earn XP to level up from Newbie all the way up to Legend. Find out how to earn XP below.":["Il tuo livello di spettatore ti consente di vedere come te la cavi con gli altri fan su Live! Guadagna XP per salire di livello da Principiante fino a Leggenda! Dai un'occhiata ai modi per guadagnare XP di seguito."],"Tumblr Live\u0004black badge":["badge nero"],"Tumblr Live\u0004boss badge":["badge boss"],"Tumblr Live\u0004both":["entrambi"],"Tumblr Live\u0004continue":["continua"],"Tumblr Live\u0004date":["appuntamento"],"Tumblr Live\u0004diamonds":["diamanti"],"Tumblr Live\u0004dismiss":["chiudi"],"Tumblr Live\u0004fans":["fan"],"Tumblr Live\u0004favorited":["preferito"],"Tumblr Live\u0004favorites":["preferiti"],"Tumblr Live\u0004green badge":["badge verde"],"Tumblr Live\u0004has been banned.":["è stato bannato."],"Tumblr Live\u0004he":["lui"],"Tumblr Live\u0004her":["lei"],"Tumblr Live\u0004him":["lui"],"Tumblr Live\u0004his":["suo"],"Tumblr Live\u0004hour":["ora"],"Tumblr Live\u0004hours":["ore"],"Tumblr Live\u0004inappropriate comment removed.":["commento inappropriato rimosso."],"Tumblr Live\u0004joined the stream":["si è unito/a allo stream"],"Tumblr Live\u0004less than a minute":["meno di 1 minuto"],"Tumblr Live\u0004live":["live"],"Tumblr Live\u0004men":["uomini"],"Tumblr Live\u0004minute":["minuto"],"Tumblr Live\u0004minutes":["minuti"],"Tumblr Live\u0004more than":["più di"],"Tumblr Live\u0004next":["avanti"],"Tumblr Live\u0004no":["no"],"Tumblr Live\u0004play icon":["icona gioca"],"Tumblr Live\u0004purple badge":["badge viola"],"Tumblr Live\u0004second":["secondo"],"Tumblr Live\u0004seconds":["secondi"],"Tumblr Live\u0004selected":["selezionato"],"Tumblr Live\u0004she":["lei"],"Tumblr Live\u0004this week":["questa settimana"],"Tumblr Live\u0004to":["a"],"Tumblr Live\u0004today":["oggi"],"Tumblr Live\u0004tomorrow":["domani"],"Tumblr Live\u0004until":["fino"],"Tumblr Live\u0004user":["utente"],"Tumblr Live\u0004users":["utenti"],"Tumblr Live\u0004women":["donne"],"Tumblr Live\u0004{{name}}'s Gifters":["Gifter di {{name}}"],"Description of renewal date of subscription\u0004*To avoid hiccups during domain renewal and secure your ownership, we will attempt to renew your domain 14 days ahead of expiry.":["*Per evitare intoppi durante il rinnovo del dominio e garantire la tua proprietà, cercheremo di rinnovare il tuo dominio 14 giorni prima della scadenza."],"Description of renewal date of subscription\u0004*To avoid hiccups during subscription renewal that may disrupt domain connection, we will attempt to renew your domain 14 days ahead of expiry.":["*Per evitare intoppi durante il rinnovo dell'abbonamento che potrebbe interrompere la connessione del dominio, cercheremo di rinnovare il tuo dominio 14 giorni prima della scadenza."],"Description of renewal date of subscription\u0004*To avoid hiccups during subscription renewal that may disrupt your domain connection, we will attempt to renew your domain 14 days ahead of expiry.":["*Per evitare problemi al momento del rinnovo dell'abbonamento che potrebbe interrompere la connessione del dominio, proveremo a rinnovare il tuo dominio 14 giorni prima della data di scadenza."],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Share post copy. Intro content text.\u0004*clack clack clack* It’s crab time *clack clack clack*":["*clack clack clack* Tempo di granchi *clack clack clack*"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Share post copy. Intro content text.\u0004Due to unforeseen circumstances, this post will be brought to you solely by crabs.":["A causa di circostanze impreviste, questo post ti verrà inviato esclusivamente dai granchi."],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Share post copy. Intro content text.\u0004What’s that coming over the dash? Is it a monster? No. It’s just a crab 🦀":["Cosa sta succedendo sulla dash? È un mostro? No. È solo un granchio 🦀"],"Prompt user to insert more tags\u0004+":["+"],"Link allowing a user to purchase an additional domain\u0004+ Add":["+ Aggiungi"],"Link allowing a user to purchase an additional domain\u0004Add":["Aggiungi"],"Separator of list of community labels\u0004,":[","],"Separator of list of community labels\u0004, ":[", "],"Separator of list of content warnings\u0004,":[","],"Separator of list of content warnings\u0004, ":[", "],"Separator of list of content labels\u0004, ":[", "],"Note indicating displayed price is per month\u0004/month":["/mese"],"Note indicating displayed price is per month\u0004per month":["al mese"],"A label in the poll duration options dropdown, for polls that last one day\u00041 Day":["1 giorno"],"A label in the poll duration options dropdown, for polls that last one week\u00041 Week":["1 Settimana"],"Desired dimensions for the community banner\u00041840px by 560px":["1840px X 560px"],"Desired dimensions for the community banner\u00041840px by 640px":["1840px X 640px"],"Dimensions for the community banner\u00041840px by 640px":["1840px per 640px"],"2 or more years\u00042 years +":["Da 2 anni in poi"],"A label in the poll duration options dropdown, for polls that last three days\u00043 Days":["3 giorni"],"Desired dimensions for the community avatar\u0004512px square":["512px quadrati"],"Dimensions for the community avatar\u0004512px square":["512px quadrati"],"Relative string to show when time runs out in exactly 1 week\u00046 days 23 hours":["6 giorni 23 ore"],"Relative time to show on a poll which just been created\u00046 days 23 hours":["6 giorni 23 ore"],"Button label for muting a post for eight hours.\u00048 hours":["8 ore"],"No search result found for message recipients\u0004???":["???"],"No search result found for message recipients\u0004Eh?":["Eh?"],"No search result found for message recipients\u0004Huh what?":["Ehm, cosa?"],"No search result found for message recipients\u0004Never heard of 'em.":["Mai sentito prima."],"No search result found for message recipients\u0004That isn't anyone.":["Non è nessuno."],"No search result found for message recipients\u0004Uh, who?":["Eh, chi?"],"No search result found for message recipients\u0004Whaaa?":["Cheee?"],"A user was successfully demoted from community moderator to regular user\u0004@%1$s has been demoted.":["@%1$s è stato rimosso dal suo ruolo."],"A user was successfully demoted from moderator to regular user\u0004@%1$s has been demoted.":["@%1$s è stato rimosso dal suo ruolo."],"Success message after removing a community member\u0004@%1$s has been removed.":["@%1$s è stato rimosso."],"A user was successfully promoted to community moderator\u0004@%1$s is now a moderator!":["@%1$s ora è un moderatore!"],"A user was successfully promoted to moderator\u0004@%1$s is now a moderator!":["@%1$s ora è un moderatore!"],"A user was successfully promoted to community admin\u0004@%1$s is now an admin.":["@%1$s ora è un amministratore."],"Window title for blog; placeholder is blogname\u0004@%1$s on Tumblr":["@%1$s su Tumblr"],"Placeholder text for the community selection form on the post form. @@ is a prefix that should remain in front of the string\u0004@@add community":["@@aggiungi community"],"Message shown when a user has been invited to join a community. Sender is the name of the username that has sent the invite.\u0004@[sender] invited you to join [strong][communityName][/strong]":["@[sender] ti ha invitato a unirti a [strong][communityName][/strong]"],"Message shown when a user has been invited to join a community. Sender is the name of the username that has sent the invite.\u0004Welcome! @[sender] invited you to join [strong][communityName][/strong]":["Benvenuta/o! @[sender] Ti ha invitato a unirti a [strong][communityName][/strong]"],"Message shown when a user has been invited to join a community. Sender is the name of the username that has sent the invite.\u0004Welcome! @[sender] invited you to join this community.":["Ti diamo il benvenuto! @[sender] ti ha invitato a unirti a questa Community."],"Option for targeting Blaze campaigns\u0004@anyone":["@chiunque"],"Option for targeting Blaze campaigns\u0004Add #tags":["Aggiungi #tag"],"Description for a toggle that will show a tip button under a blog's name\u0004A \"Tip\" button will appear under your blog's name.":["Sotto il nome del tuo blog apparirà il pulsante \"Mancia\"."],"Metadata description for a collection. The token is the name of the collection creator.\u0004A collection created by %1$s":["Raccolta creata da %1$s"],"Placeholder of the Tagline form field\u0004A community celebrating original artists on Tumblr":["Una Community che celebra gli artisti originali su Tumblr"],"A message on the commmunity page explain the popular tab is still not available\u0004A feed of this community’s popular posts will be here… someday.":["Ci sarà un feed dei post popolari di questa Community qui... un giorno."],"Placeholder text for new guidelines on Community Settings\u0004A guideline for your community":["Istruzioni per la tua Community"],"Placeholder text when creating a new \"bulleted list\" text block\u0004A handy list of bullet points.":["Un utile elenco puntato."],"Subtitle of the home page of purchasing domains at Tumblr\u0004A home address for all your chaos.":["Un indirizzo home per tutto il tuo caos."],"CTA description for Domains on Tumblr upsell in blog settings\u0004A home address for all your chaos:":["Un indirizzo home per tutto il tuo caos:"],"CTA description for Domains on Tumblr upsell in blog settings\u0004Want a different home address for all your chaos?":["Vuoi un indirizzo home per tutto il tuo caos?"],"[Communities] Placeholder text and validation message for note field in content moderation dialog\u0004A note is required when selecting \"%1$s\".":["Quando scegli %1$s è richiesta l'aggiunta di una nota."],"[Communities] Placeholder text and validation message for note field in moderation dialog\u0004A note is required when selecting \"%1$s\".":["Quando scegli %1$s è richiesta l'aggiunta di una nota."],"[Communities] Placeholder text and validation message for note field in moderation modal\u0004A note is required when selecting \"%1$s\".":["Quando scegli %1$s è richiesta l'aggiunta di una nota."],"[Communities] Landing page subtitle\u0004A place where your passions can thrive.":["Un luogo in cui le tue passioni possono prosperare."],"Communities landing page description\u0004A place where your passions can thrive. Find others who share your enthusiasm and start creating meaningful connections.":["Un luogo in cui le tue passioni possono prosperare. Trova altri che condividono il tuo entusiasmo e inizia a creare connessioni importanti."],"[Premium] Description of the Premium Perks page\u0004A plethora of Premium possibilities. Plus, personal preferences for perks.":["Ecco tutte le possibilità con Premium. Inoltre, puoi personalizzare i tuoi vantaggi."],"Description of a DNS A record\u0004A records are used to point a domain (e.g. or a subdomain (e.g. to an IP address (e.g.":["I record A vengono utilizzati per indirizzare un dominio (es. o un sottodominio (es. a un indirizzo IP (ad es."],"The placeholder for the details section input of the community form\u0004A short description of what your community is about":["Aggiungi una descrizione che aiuti gli utenti a capire di cosa tratta la tua Community."],"April Fools: Alt text for image in share post. The placeholder is a string like: \"crab - 50, socks - 25, brick - 1\" (with localized reaction names).\u0004A square image with a rainbow gradient background. The following reactions and their counts are placed on top, in random positions: %1$s.":["Un'immagine quadrata con uno sfondo sfumato arcobaleno. Le seguenti reazioni e i loro conteggi sono posizionati in cima, in posizione casuale: %1$s."],"[One Piece Takeover] Alt text description for toggle enabling one piece takeover\u0004A toggle to enable the One Piece takeover containing an image of Buggy the Clown.":["Un interruttore per abilitare il tema di One Piece contenente un'immagine di Buggy.\n."],"Placeholder text when creating a new \"indented\" text block\u0004A wild indented quote appears.":["Viene visualizzata una citazione con rientro."],"Post form crash\u0004A wild tumbeast ate your post! Sorry about that - we'll try to rein this one in!":["Un tumbeast selvaggio ha mangiato il tuo post! Ci dispiace molto - cercheremo di tenerlo a bada!"],"Post form crash\u0004Our editor is not cool enough (yet) to handle your post!":["Il nostro editor non è abbastanza figo (ancora) per gestire il tuo post!"],"Post form crash\u0004Your post was too out of this world and crashed the editor!":["Il tuo post era troppo fuori dal mondo e ha mandato in crash l'editor!"],"Description of a DNS AAAA record\u0004AAAA records are used to point a domain (e.g. or a subdomain (e.g. to an IPv6 address (e.g. ::ffff:c0a8:101).":["I record AAA vengono usati per indirizzare un dominio (ad es. o un sottodominio (ad es. a un indirizzo IPv6 (ad es. ::ffff:c0a8:101)."],"Link to the community about page in mobile menu\u0004About":["Più info"],"Navigational tab at the top of Tumblr Blaze - About\u0004About":["Più info"],"The About section of the community form\u0004About":["Più info"],"The header for the About section of the community form\u0004About":["Più info"],"About this Community page title\u0004About this Community":["A proposito di questa Community"],"Link to the community about page\u0004About this Community":["A proposito di questa Community"],"Link to the community about page\u0004About this community":["A proposito di questa Community"],"About this community page title\u0004About this community":["A proposito di questa Community"],"Page title when user lands to the community's about page\u0004About this community":["A proposito di questa Community"],"Color selector to change the colors of the blog view accents\u0004Accent":["Colore secondario"],"Action button to accept an invite to a Tumblr Lab experiment\u0004Accept":["Accetta"],"Label of a button used to accept invitation from a user to a community\u0004Accept":["Accetta"],"Button that allows users to join a community after reading its guidelines\u0004Accept and join":["Accetta e partecipa"],"Button that allows users to join a community after reading its guidelines\u0004Agree and join":["Accetta e unisciti"],"Button that allows users to join a community after reading its guidelines\u0004Join the community":["Unisciti alla Community"],"Button that allows users to request joininig a community after reading its guidelines\u0004Accept and request":["Accetta e richiedi"],"Action button of the dialog that is displayed when you try to perform a community members only action (as invited user, community without guidelines)\u0004Accept invitation":["Accetta invito"],"Label of a button used to accept invitation to a community\u0004Accept invitation":["Accetta invito"],"Label of a button used to accept invitation to a community\u0004Join":["Unisciti"],"Label for header button to accept invite to community\u0004Accept invite":["Accetta invito"],"Action button to showing that an invite to a Tumblr Lab experiment was accepted\u0004Accepted":["Accettato"],"Account settings page title\u0004Account":["Account"],"Button for user to see account settings page during onboarding\u0004Account settings":["Impostazioni Account"],"[TumblrMart] category title for when when a gift was activated\u0004Activated":["Attivato"],"Blaze campaign status filter label for active campaigns\u0004Active":["Attive"],"Label for a tumblrmart order that is currently active\u0004Active":["Attivo"],"Label for the amount of active Post+ subscriptions\u0004Active":["Attivo","Attivi"],"Label for the amount of active subscriptions\u0004Active":["Attivo","Attivi"],"Navigational tab at the top of Tumblr Blaze - Active\u0004Active":["Attive"],"Title for the Active Tabs section\u0004Active Tabs":["Schede attive"],"[Badge Management] Active badge alt text\u0004Active badge":["Badge attivo"],"Text shown next to status indicator. If there's a placeholder [number], it's the number of hours. Please treat it like the more-common %1$s placeholder.\u0004Active in the last hour":["Attivo nell'ultima ora","Attivo nelle ultime [number] ore"],"Blaze campaign graph Activity title\u0004Activity":["Attività"],"Label for the activity icon on Patio\u0004Activity":["Attività"],"Link to the community activity page\u0004Activity":["Attività"],"Title of the Activity page\u0004Activity | Tumblr":["Attività | Tumblr"],"[Premium] Ad-Free exceptions and link to details\u0004Ad-Free excludes certain promotional content. Learn more.":["Ad-Free esclude alcuni contenuti promozionali. Ulteriori informazioni."],"Header for pop-up message when the user has ad-block enabled and we show a rewarded ad.\u0004Ad-blocker detected":["Ad-blocker rilevato"],"Label for the submit button on the form for adding a new DNS record\u0004Add":["Aggiungi"],"Submit form button for adding new DNS record\u0004Add":["Aggiungi"],"[Badge Management] Button text to add an unlocked badge to inventory.\u0004Add":["Aggiungi"],"Title of the adding new DNS record. Placeholder is a domain name the user is adding a DNS record for\u0004Add DNS record for [domainName]":["Aggiungi record DNS per [domainName]"],"Help message shown when the user hasn't yet add blogs nor tags while creating a collection. 'blogsLink' is a link to the blogs' tab, and 'tagsLink' is a link to the tags' tab\u0004Add [blogsLink]blogs[/blogsLink] and/or [tagsLink]tags[/tagsLink] to see an example of this collection's feed":["Aggiungi [blogsLink]blog[/blogsLink] e/o [tagsLink]tag[/tagsLink] per vedere un esempio del feed di questa raccolta"],"Heading for a settings dialog for a new column on the Patio screen\u0004Add a %1$s column":["Aggiungi una colonna %1$s"],"Heading for a dialog when creating a new Blog column on the Patio screen\u0004Add a Blog column":["Aggiungi una colonna blog"],"Heading for a dialog when creating a new Collection column on the Patio screen\u0004Add a Collection column":["Aggiungi una colonna raccolta"],"Heading for a dialog when creating a new Community column on the Patio screen\u0004Add a Community column":["Aggiungi una colonna Community"],"Heading for a dialog when creating a new Search column on the Patio screen\u0004Add a Search column":["Aggiungi una colonna ricerca"],"Heading for a dialog when creating a new Tag column on the Patio screen\u0004Add a Tag column":["Aggiungi una colonna tag"],"A description of the Appearance section of the community form\u0004Add a banner and avatar to represent your community. You can upload gifs, jpegs, pngs, or webp. Animated gif and webp are not supported. Keep your file under 10 MB.":["Aggiungi un banner e un avatar che rappresentino la tua Community. Puoi caricare gif, jpeg, png, o webp. Gif e webp animati non sono supportati. Il tuo file non deve superare i 10MB."],"Community create form - appearance section - description\u0004Add a banner and avatar to represent your community. You can upload gifs, jpegs, pngs, or webp. Animated gif and webp are not supported. Keep your file under 10 MB.":["Aggiungi un banner e un avatar che rappresentino la tua Community. Puoi caricare gif, jpeg, png, o webp. Gif e webp animati non sono supportati. Il tuo file non deve superare i 10MB."],"Community create form - appearance section - description\u0004Add a banner and avatar to represent your community. You can upload gifs, jpegs, pngs, or webp. Keep your file under 10 MB.":["Aggiungi un banner e un avatar che rappresentino la tua Community. Puoi caricare gif, jpeg, png, o webp. Il tuo file non deve superare i 10MB."],"Community create form - appearance section - description\u0004Add a banner and avatar to represent your community. You can upload gifs, jpegs, pngs, or webp. Keep your file under 20 MB.":["Aggiungi un avatar e un banner per rappresentare la tua Community. Puoi caricare gif, jpeg, png, o webp. Assicurati che il tuo file non superi i 20MB."],"Placeholder for blog input\u0004Add a blog":["Aggiungi un blog"],"Title for dialog to create a new column on the Patio screen\u0004Add a column":["Aggiungi colonna"],"Title of modal for selecting a Patio column type\u0004Add a column":["Aggiungi una colonna"],"Placeholder for a text input that allows a user to leave message while gifting another user\u0004Add a message (optional)":["Aggiungi un messaggio (facoltativo)"],"Placeholder for a text input that allows a user to leave message while tipping an other user\u0004Add a message (optional)":["Aggiungi un messaggio (Facoltativo)"],"Text field placeholder for a collection name\u0004Add a name":["Aggiungi nome"],"Button to add a new column on Patio\u0004Add a new column":["Aggiungi una nuova colonna"],"Button that takes users to a page for adding a new DNS record\u0004Add a record":["Aggiungi record"],"Label or placeholder text to show on a user input where a user can add a featured tag to their blog\u0004Add a tag":["Aggiungi un tag"],"Placeholder for tag input\u0004Add a tag":["Aggiungi un tag"],"Button for displaying domain contact info form field\u0004Add address line 2":["Aggiungi indirizzo 2"],"Button for displaying domain contact info form field\u0004Add organization name":["Nome organizzazione"],"Upload collection image label\u0004Add an image":["Aggiungi un'immagine"],"Help text describing a setting\u0004Add an option for your audience to show their love in tips. [link]Learn more[/link]":["Aggiungi un'opzione per i tuoi fans per mostrare il loro amore con le mance. [link]Ulteriori informazioni[/link]"],"Help text describing a setting\u0004If this seems wrong, learn more at [link][/link]":["Se ti sembra sbagliato, scopri di più su [link][/link]"],"Help text describing a setting\u0004It'll be hidden from Tumblr searches, and from external search engines like Google or Yahoo. [link]Learn more[/link]":["Sarà nascosto dalle ricerche su Tumblr e dai motori di ricerca esterni come Google o Yahoo. [link]Ulteriori informazioni[/link]"],"Help text describing a setting\u0004It’ll be hidden from Tumblr searches, and external search engines like Google or Yahoo will be discouraged from indexing your blog, but it is up to them to honor your request. [link]Learn more[/link]":["Sarà nascosto dalle ricerche su Tumblr e i motori di ricerca esterni come Google o Yahoo, saranno scoraggiati dall'indicizzare il tuo blog, ma spetta a loro onorare la tua richiesta. [link]Ulteriori informazioni[/link]"],"Help text describing a setting\u0004This applies to searches on Tumblr as well as external search engines, like Google or Yahoo.":["Questo riguarda le ricerche su Tumblr così come i motori di ricerca esterni, come Google o Yahoo."],"Help text describing a setting\u0004This blog will only be viewable to people that are logged into Tumblr and its submission form will only be available on mobile apps. [link]Learn more[/link]":["Questo blog sarà visibile solo alle persone che hanno effettuato l'accesso a Tumblr e il modulo di invio sarà disponibile solo sulle app mobili. [link]Più info[/link]"],"Input placeholder for optional message sent alongside community invite\u0004Add an optional message":["Aggiungi un messaggio"],"[Communities] Placeholder text for note field in content moderation dialog\u0004Add an optional note...":["Aggiungi una nota opzionale..."],"[Communities] Placeholder text for note field in moderation dialog\u0004Add an optional note...":["Aggiungi una nota opzionale..."],"[Communities] Placeholder text for note field in moderation modal\u0004Add an optional note...":["Aggiungi una nota opzionale..."],"[TumblrMart] Label on a button that will allow folks to add badges to their profile.\u0004Add badges":["Aggiungi badge"],"Help message shown when the user hasn't yet add blogs nor tags while creating a collection\u0004Add blogs and/or tags to see an example of this collection's feed":["Aggiungi blog e/o tag per vedere un esempio del feed di questa raccolta"],"Label for button that adds a new Patio column\u0004Add column":["Aggiungi colonna"],"Label for floating action button to add a new column on Patio\u0004Add column":["Aggiungi colonna"],"Button to add a new guideline to the Community Settings form\u0004Add guideline":["Aggiungi linee guida"],"Button to add link to an image in the post form\u0004Add link attribution for image":["Aggiungi il link per l'immagine"],"Button to add a new poll option\u0004Add option":["Aggiungi opzione"],"Button to add a new poll option\u0004Option":["Opzione"],"Button label to add first reaction to a post\u0004Add reaction":["Aggiungi reazione"],"Tooltip text for post footer reaction menu\u0004Add reaction":["Aggiungi reazione"],"Tooltip text for post footer reaction menu\u0004add reaction":["Aggiungi reazione"],"Perks is a plural noun, benefits a user will get for purchasing a paid subscription to a blog.\u0004Add supporter perks":["Aggiungi vantaggi per gli abbonati"],"Perks is a plural noun, benefits a user will get for purchasing a paid subscription to a blog.\u0004Edit your perks":["Modifica i tuoi vantaggi"],"Close the prompt and get back to editor to add some tags\u0004Add tags":["Aggiungi tag"],"Label for a toggle that will show a tip button under a blog's posts\u0004Add tip button to your posts by default":["Aggiungi il pulsante mancia ai tuoi post di default"],"A menu option to immediately add this post to your queue, without opening the post editor\u0004Add to queue":["Aggiungi alla coda"],"A description for the Tags section of the community form\u0004Add up to 10 related tags to help describe your community.":["Aggiungi fino a 10 tag per descrivere la tua Community."],"A description for the Tags section of the community form\u0004Add up to 10 tags to help others understand and discover your community.":["Aggiungi fino a 10 tag per aiutare gli altri a capire e scoprire la tua Community."],"Community create form - tags section - description\u0004Add up to 10 related tags to help describe your community.":["Aggiungi fino a 10 tag per descrivere la tua Community."],"Community create form - tags section - description\u0004Add up to 10 related tags to help others discover your community.":["Aggiungi fino a 10 tag per aiutare gli altri a scoprire la tua Community."],"Community create form - tags section - description\u0004Add up to 10 tags to help others understand and discover your community.":["Aggiungi fino a 10 tag per aiutare gli altri a capire e scoprire la tua Community."],"Notification filter text for a Flagged Community Label\u0004Added Community Label":["Etichetta community aggiunta"],"Notification filter text for a Flagged Content Label\u0004Added Content Label":["Etichetta Contenuti aggiunta"],"Another user added the logged in user's GIF to their post\u0004Added your GIF to a post":["Ha aggiunto la tua GIF a un post"],"Another user added the logged in user's work to their post\u0004Added your genre-defying work to a post":["Ha aggiunto il tuo fantastico lavoro a un post"],"Another user added the logged in user's image to their post\u0004Added your image to a post":["Ha aggiunto la tua immagine a un post"],"Prompt text to reminds user adding tags can improve the discoverability of the post\u0004Adding tags to your posts helps people find them":["L'aggiunta di tag ai tuoi post aiuta le persone a trovarli"],"Additional partners we list for GDPR purposes\u0004Additional Partners":["Ulteriori partner"],"Second part of intro text for our GDPR consent management platform\u0004Additionally, we and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalized ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program.":["Inoltre, noi e i nostri partner pubblicitari memorizziamo e/o accediamo alle informazioni dei dispositivi ed elaboriamo anche dati personali, come identificatori univoci, attività di navigazione e altre informazioni standard inviate dai dispositivi, incluso l'indirizzo IP. Queste informazioni vengono raccolte nel tempo e utilizzate per annunci personalizzati, parametri degli annunci, approfondimenti sul pubblico e sviluppo di prodotti specifici per il nostro programma di annunci."],"Form label for editing domain contact info\u0004Address":["Indirizzo"],"Form label for editing domain contact info\u0004Address line 2":["Indirizzo 2"],"Form label for editing domain contact info\u0004City":["Città"],"Form label for editing domain contact info\u0004Country":["Paese"],"Form label for editing domain contact info\u0004Email address":["Indirizzo Email"],"Form label for editing domain contact info\u0004First name":["Nome"],"Form label for editing domain contact info\u0004Last name":["Cognome"],"Form label for editing domain contact info\u0004Organization":["Organizzazione"],"Form label for editing domain contact info\u0004Phone":["Telefono"],"Form label for editing domain contact info\u0004Phone country code":["Prefisso telefonico del Paese"],"Form label for editing domain contact info\u0004State":["Stato"],"Label for a settings section that lets the user edit the domain name of their blog\u0004Address":["Indirizzo"],"Button to adjust targeting for Blaze advertising package\u0004Adjust targeting":["Regola il targeting"],"Admin label for group blog admins\u0004Admin":["Admin"],"Administration settings page title\u0004Admin":["Amministratore"],"Label describing that this action is guarded by community admin role\u0004Admin":["Admin"],"Label stating that user is a community admin\u0004Admin":["Amministratore"],"Role label for an individual member with the role of admin in the Members list\u0004Admin":["Admin"],"Tab button to display list of community admins\u0004Admin":["Admin"],"Tab button to display list of community admins\u0004Admins":["Amministratori"],"The active user is a community admin\u0004Admin":["Admin"],"Title for the first page of several introducing newly-promoted community admin to the role\u0004Admin access awarded!":["Sei diventato amministratore"],"Title for the third page of several introducing newly-promoted community admin to the role\u0004Admins access all.":["Gli amministratori hanno accesso tutto."],"Title for the third page of several introducing newly-promoted community admin to the role\u0004Great power, and responsibility.":["Grande potere e responsabilità."],"Description of community admin role shown before promoting a user to admin. Text within [span] is highlighted red to emphasize its importance.\u0004Admins can remove members, posts and comments. [span]Admins cannot be demoted or removed.[/span]":["Gli amministratori possono rimuovere membri, post e commenti. [span]Gli amministratori non possono essere retrocessi o rimossi.[/span]"],"Advertiser info table title\u0004Advertiser":["Inserzionista"],"Advertiser info table title\u0004Advertiser Domain":["Dominio dell'inserzionista"],"Advertiser info table title\u0004Payer":["Pagante"],"Advertiser info table title\u0004Programmatic Partner":["Partner di pubblicità programmatica"],"Label describing a settings section\u0004Affiliate links":["Link affiliati"],"Label describing a settings section\u0004Blocked Tumblrs":["Tumblr bloccati"],"Label describing a settings section\u0004Blog avatar":["Avatar blog"],"Label describing a settings section\u0004Following":["Seguiti"],"Label describing a settings section\u0004Security":["Sicurezza"],"Label describing a settings section\u0004Tipping":["Mance"],"Label describing a settings section\u0004Visibility":["Visibilità"],"Blaze guide first step description\u0004After you have entered your payment information, click \"Pay Now\".":["Dopo aver inserito le informazioni di pagamento, clicca su Paga ora."],"Blaze guide first step description\u0004Click \"Blaze\" at the bottom, and you'll be directed to the checkout.":["Clicca Blaze in fondo per andare al checkout."],"Blaze guide first step description\u0004Click on the Blaze icon at the bottom of an original post you'd like to promote (you can't Blaze a reblog).":["Clicca sull'icona Blaze in fondo a un post originale che vorresti promuovere (non puoi usare Blaze sui reblog)."],"Blaze guide first step description\u0004Click on the Blaze icon at the bottom of an original post you'd like to promote (you can't blaze a reblog).":["Clicca sull'icona Blaze in fondo a un post originale che vorresti promuovere (non puoi usare Blaze sui reblog)."],"Blaze guide first step description\u0004Click on the Blaze icon at the bottom of the post (note that only original posts can be Blazed).":["Clicca sull'icona Blaze in fondo al post (ricorda che puoi usare Blaze solo sui post originali)."],"Blaze guide first step description\u0004Confirm your payment details and click \"Pay now.\"":["Conferma i tuoi dettagli di pagamento e clicca su Paga ora."],"Blaze guide first step description\u0004Define your desired audience by selecting a country and language and adding some tags. Tag targeting ensures your post will reach the right audience.":["Decidi il pubblico che desideri selezionando un Paese, una lingua e aggiungendo qualche tag. I tag mirati faranno in modo che il tuo post raggiunga il pubblico adatto."],"Blaze guide first step description\u0004Select the package/pricing depending on the post impressions you'd like for the post.":["Seleziona il pacchetto/il prezzo in base alle impressioni del post che desideri per il post."],"Blaze guide first step description\u0004Select your desired audience size.":["Scegli la quantità di spettatori che desideri."],"Blaze guide first step description\u0004Select your desired number of impressions and audience (by country and/or language).":["Scegli il numero di impressioni e l'audience che desideri (per Paese e/o lingua)."],"Blaze guide first step description\u0004Tap \"Blaze\" at the bottom, and you'll be directed to the checkout. Add your payment details and tap \"Pay now.\"":["Tocca Blaze in fondo e verrai portato/a al checkout. Aggiungi i tuoi dettagli di pagamento e tocca Paga ora."],"Blaze guide first step description\u0004The post will now be reviewed and once approved, other users will start to see it as a sponsored post.":["Il tuo post verrà ora esaminato e una volta approvato, gli altri utenti inizieranno a vederlo come post sponsorizzato."],"Blaze guide first step description\u0004When the modal appears, use targeting option to make sure it will reach the right audience.":["Quando appare la finestra, utilizza l'opzione più adeguata per assicurarti che raggiunga il pubblico giusto."],"Blaze guide first step description\u0004You will be redirected to the checkout page.":["Verrai reindirizzato/a alla pagina di pagamento."],"Label when moderator removes content that is against Tumblr guidelines\u0004Against Tumblr guidelines":["Non rispetta le Linee guida di Tumblr"],"Label when moderator removes content that is against community guidelines\u0004Against community guidelines":["Contrario alle Linee guida della Community"],"[Communities] Moderation reason label\u0004Against community guidelines":["Contrario alle Linee guida della Community"],"[Communities] Moderation reason label\u0004Inappropriate behaviour":["Comportamento inappropriato"],"[Communities] Moderation reason label\u0004Not allowed on Tumblr":["Non consentito su Tumblr"],"[Communities] Moderation reason label\u0004Off-topic":["Off-topic"],"[Communities] Moderation reason label\u0004Other":["Altro"],"[Communities] Moderation reason label\u0004Spam":["Spam"],"Button that allows users to request joining a community after reading its guidelines\u0004Agree and request":["Accetta e richiedi"],"An alert stating that the user can go no further unless they login or register\u0004Ah, now. You need clearance for that.":["Ah, ora. Hai bisogno di un'autorizzazione per quello."],"When uploading an audio file, this refers to the album that the song belongs to\u0004Album":["Album"],"Form field label for adding or editing a DNS record, the expected input is a domain or subdomain name\u0004Alias Of (Points To)":["Alias di (Rimanda a)"],"Form field label for adding or editing a DNS record, the expected input is a domain or subdomain name\u0004Alias of (Points to)":["Alias di (Rimanda a)"],"Filter for which items to display in the audit log\u0004All":["Tutti"],"Filter for which items to display in the audit log\u0004Comments":["Commenti"],"Filter for which items to display in the audit log\u0004Membership":["Abbonamento"],"Filter for which items to display in the audit log\u0004Memberships":["Abbonamenti"],"Filter for which items to display in the audit log\u0004Posts":["Post"],"Navigational tab at the top of Tumblr Blaze - All\u0004All":["Tutte"],"Disclaimer for Blaze ad campaigns\u0004All audience sizes are estimated.":["Tutti i volumi di pubblico rappresentano una stima."],"Disclaimer for Blaze ad campaigns\u0004Shown impressions are estimated.":["Le impressioni mostrate sono stimate."],"Blaze campaign status filter label for all campaigns\u0004All campaigns":["Tutte le campagne"],"Tab button to display list of all community members\u0004All members":["Tutti i membri"],"Text shown on the notifications settings when you receive notifications \"From everyone\"\u0004All notifications":["Tutte le notifiche"],"All posts types\u0004All posts":["Tutti i post"],"Button label when there is no more data to load\u0004All reblogs loaded":["Tutti i reblog caricati"],"Banner title inviting users to use the mobile app.\u0004All you can binge":["Tutto quello di cui puoi abbuffarti"],"Label describing a settings input that hides your blog from search results.\u0004Allow [blogName] to appear in search results":["Permetti a [blogName] di apparire tra i risultati di ricerca"],"Label describing a settings input that hides your blog from search results.\u0004Discourage searching of [blogName]":["Inibisci la ricerca di [blogName]"],"Label describing a settings input that hides your blog from search results.\u0004Hide [blogName] from search results":["Nascondi [blogName] dai risultati di ricerca"],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Allow anonymous questions":["Permetti domande anonime"],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Allow asks with media":["Consenti domande con media"],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Allow others to Blaze my posts":["Permetti agli altri di usare Blaze sui miei post"],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Allow your audience on [link]web[/link] and mobile to submit posts into your submission queue for approval.":["Consenti al tuo pubblico su [link]web[/link] e dispositivi mobili di inviare post nella coda di invio per l'approvazione."],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Allowed post types":["Tipi di post consentiti"],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Ask page title":["Titolo pagina domande"],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Change unaffiliated links into Tumblr affiliate links":["Modifica i link non affiliati in link affiliati di Tumblr"],"Label describing a settings input\u0004If you use your own affiliate code, we'll leave your links alone.":["Se usi il tuo codice affiliato personale, non toccheremo i tuoi link."],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Let other users sponsor my blog’s posts. This setting can be overridden on each post you create. [link]Learn more[/link]":["Consenti ad altri utenti di sponsorizzare i post del mio blog. Questa impostazione può essere sovrascritta su ogni post che crei. [link]Ulteriori informazioni[/link]"],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Let people ask questions":["Permetti agli altri di fare domande"],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Let people submit posts":["Permetti agli altri di postare dei contributi"],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Let people tip you":["Permetti agli altri di lasciarti mance"],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Only allow messages from Tumblrs you follow":["Permetti solo ai Tumblr che segui di inviarti messaggi"],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Optional tags for submitter (comma separated)":["Tag facoltativi per i contributi (separati da virgola)"],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Password protect this blog":["Proteggi il tuo blog con una password"],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Send your audience to [link][url][/link] to ask you questions.":["Manda i lettori a [link][url][/link] per farti le domande."],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Serve empty crossdomain.xml policy":["Configura un file crossdomain.xml vuoto"],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Serving an empty crossdomain.xml tells external services using Flash and Silverlight not to access any data on your Tumblr.":["Inoltrando un crossdomain.xml vuoto viene comunicato ai servizi esterni che usano Flash e Silverlight di non accedere a nessun dato su Tumblr."],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Submissions guidelines":["Linee guida per i contributi"],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Submissions page title":["Titolo della pagina dei contributi"],"Label describing a settings input\u0004This blog can only be viewed by people who enter this password:":["Questo blog può essere visto solo da chi inserisce questa password:"],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Tumblrs you don't follow (except your Post+ supporters) won't be able to start conversations with you.":["I tumbleri che non segui (eccetto i tuoi abbonati di Post+) non potranno avviare conversazioni con te."],"Label describing a settings input\u0004Tumblrs you don't follow won't be able to start conversations with you.":["I Tumblr che non segui non possono iniziare una conversazione con te."],"Label describing a settings that hides your blog when enabled.\u0004Allow logged-out users to see this blog":["Permetti agli utenti che non hanno effettuato il login di vedere questo blog"],"Label for a switch to enable or disable invite links for community\u0004Allow members to join with an invite code":["Permetti ai membri di unirsi usando un codice invito"],"Label for a switch to enable or disable invite links for community\u0004Allow members to join with an invite link":["Permetti ai membri di unirsi usando un link d'invito"],"Label for a switch to enable or disable letting moderators invite new members\u0004Allow moderators to invite new members":["Permetti ai moderatori di invitare nuovi membri"],"Description for the Post submission setting.\u0004Allow your audience to submit posts via mobile into your submission queue for approval. Web submissions aren't enabled for this blog because it is hidden.":["Consenti al tuo pubblico di inviare post tramite dispositivo mobile nella coda di invio per l'approvazione. Gli invii via web non sono abilitati per questo blog perché è nascosto."],"Toast notification on Tumblr Ad-Free landing page when a user closes rewarded video ad before it finishes.\u0004Almost made it to ad-free browsing!":["Sei ad un passo dalla navigazione senza pubblicità!"],"Title of the section that introduces feature for using user's own domain\u0004Already have your own domain name?":["Hai già un nome di dominio?"],"Label for the checkbox to indicate the user also wants to ban the blog and any other blog that user owns\u0004Also ban @%1$s and any other blog owned by that account from rejoining.":["In più, impedisci a @%1$s e a qualsiasi altro blog di proprietà di quell'account di rientrare."],"Label for the checkbox to indicate the user also wants to ban the blog and any other blog that user owns\u0004Also ban them from rejoining.":["Impediscigli anche di rientrare."],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Purchase history table amount column header\u0004Amount":["Importo"],"A record description\u0004An A record is used to point a domain (e.g. or a subdomain (e.g. to an IP address (":["Un record A viene utilizzato per indirizzare un dominio (es. o un sottodominio (es. a un indirizzo IP ("],"Alt text for an image\u0004An anonymous user avatar.":["Un avatar utente anonimo."],"Alt text for an image\u0004An avatar for Tumblr bot.":["Un avatar per Tumblr bot."],"Alt text for an image\u0004An image of a Tumblr post showing the supporter badge as it appears next to the post author’s name.":["Un'immagine di un post di Tumblr che mostra il badge di sostenitore così come appare accanto al nome dell'autore del post."],"Alt text for an image\u0004The copper supporter badge.":["Badge sostenitore rame."],"Alt text for an image\u0004The gold supporter badge.":["Badge sostenitore oro."],"Alt text for an image\u0004The oil slick supporter badge.":["Badge sostenitore iridescente."],"Alt text for an image\u0004The platinum supporter badge.":["Badge sostenitore platino."],"Alt text for an image\u0004The steel supporter badge.":["Badge sostenitore acciaio."],"Help text that tells the user that the domain is setting up\u0004An email will be sent to you once the domain is ready! In the meantime, your site's custom URL is [blogLink][blogDisplayUrl][/blogLink]":["Ti verrà inviata un'e-mail non appena il dominio sarà pronto! Nel frattempo, l'URL personalizzato del tuo sito è [blogLink][blogDisplayUrl][/blogLink]"],"Help text that tells the user that the domain is setting up\u0004An email will be sent to you once the domain is ready! In the meantime, your site's custom URL is [blogLink][url][/blogLink]":["Ti verrà inviata un'e-mail non appena il dominio sarà pronto! Nel frattempo, l'URL personalizzato del tuo sito è [blogLink][url][/blogLink]"],"Help text that tells the user that the domain is setting up due to a pending transfer\u0004An email will be sent to you once the domain is transferred to Tumblr!":["Quando il dominio sarà stato trasferito su Tumblr, riceverai un'email."],"[One Piece Takeover] Title description for toggle enabling one piece takeover\u0004An image of Buggy the Clown.":["Un'immagine di Buggy."],"Invite links: Login Wall referral text\u0004And discover content you both love":["E scopri i contenuti che amate entrambi"],"[Timeline] A notice on the timeline that communicates information to the user, usually with an action and a dismiss button\u0004Announcement":["Annuncio"],"[Subscriptions \u0026 purchases] Header describing the length of an annual subscription\u0004Annual subscription":["Abbonamento annuale"],"Anonymous ask notification\u0004Anonymous asked":["Anonimo ha chiesto"],"Anonymous gift ask notification\u0004Anonymous sent you a gift!":["Anonimo ti ha mandato un regalo!"],"Year in review landing page text\u0004Another year, another year in review. You know, the really important stuff: Your longest tag. Your most popular posts. The blogs you reblogged from the most. Press the big button. Do it.":["Un altro anno è finito: è tempo di bilanci! Sai, le cose davvero importanti: I tuoi tag più lunghi. I tuoi post più popolari. I blog da cui hai rebloggato di più. Premi il pulsante grande. Vai."],"Clicking the button will allow the user to reply.\u0004Answer":["Rispondi"],"Heading for a Patio column that contains the answer time timeline\u0004Answer time":["Tempo di risposta"],"Label for the answer time icon on Patio\u0004Answer time":["Tempo di risposta"],"Set whether you want to receive an email notification when you have an answered ask\u0004Answered Asks":["Domande Risposte"],"Another user has answered the logged in user's ask\u0004Answered your ask":["Ha risposto alla tua domanda"],"Button label that links to posts for a completed answertime\u0004Answers":["Risposte"],"Heading for a section where Tumblrbot answers questions about the Tumblr supporter badge.\u0004Any questions? Come right this way. Tumblrbot is here to help.":["Hai domande? Nessun problema. Tumblrbot è qui per aiutarti."],"Community settings - joining section - free to join join type label\u0004Anyone can join":["Chiunque può unirsi"],"Community invite dialog share invite link explanation\u0004Anyone with a valid link can join this community":["Chiunque abbia un link valido può unirsi a questa Community"],"Community invite dialog share invite link explanation\u0004Anyone with this link can join this community. Refresh to invalidate this link and generate a new one.":["Chiunque abbia questo link può unirsi a questa Community. Aggiorna per invalidare questo link e generarne uno nuovo."],"Community invite dialog share invite link explanation\u0004Anyone with this link can join this community. [link]Learn more[/link]":["Chiunque con questo link può unirsi a questa Community. [link]Scopri di più[/link]"],"Name of the Apple App Store\u0004App Store":["App Store"],"Notification filter text for an Approved Community Label\u0004Appeal Accepted":["Ricorso accettato"],"Notification filter text for an Approved Content Label\u0004Appeal Accepted":["Ricorso accettato"],"Notification filter text for a Rejected Community Label\u0004Appeal Rejected":["Ricorso rifiutato"],"Notification filter text for a Rejected Content Label\u0004Appeal Rejected":["Ricorso rifiutato"],"Community create form - appearance section - title\u0004Appearance":["Aspetto"],"The header for the Appearance section of the community form\u0004Appearance":["Aspetto"],"Dashboard settings page description\u0004Appearance options, text editor":["Opzioni grafiche, editor di testo"],"Button text for applying the chosen filters for a search query\u0004Apply":["Applica"],"Button to apply the selected tags to a filter\u0004Apply":["Applica"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Apply now":["Iscriviti ora"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Book now":["Prenota ora"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Click to Begin":["Clicca per iniziare"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Contact us":["Contattaci"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Donate now":["Dona ora"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Download":["Scarica"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Download now":["Scarica ora"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Follow the Blog":["Segui il blog"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Get access":["Ottieni accesso"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Get offer":["Ottieni offerta"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Get quote":["Richiedi preventivo"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Get showtimes":["Ottieni gli orari"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Get tickets":["Ottieni biglietti"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Install":["Installa"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Install now":["Installa ora"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Learn more":["Scopri di più"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Listen now":["Ascolta ora"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Open link":["Apri link"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Order now":["Ordina ora"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Play game":["Gioca"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Play now":["Gioca ora"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Read more":["Leggi tutto"],"CTA label on ad\u0004See menu":["Vedi menu"],"CTA label on ad\u0004See more":["Vedi di più"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Shop now":["Compra ora"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Sign up":["Registrati"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Subscribe":["Sottoscrivi"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Watch more":["Guarda di più"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Watch now":["Guarda ora"],"CTA label on ad\u0004Watch the Promo":["Guarda la promo"],"Toggle button that lets the user save settings for all blogs at once instead of jut the current one\u0004Apply settings to all blogs":["Applica le impostazioni a tutti i blog"],"Button text that will set up other users Blaze their content setting\u0004Apply to all":["Applica a tutti"],"Button text that will set up other users Blaze their content setting\u0004Only new posts":["Solo nuovi post"],"Button label to approve membership request in a community\u0004Approve":["Approva"],"Blaze campaign status: Approved\u0004Approved":["Approvato"],"Notification filter text for an Approved Blaze\u0004Approved Blaze":["Blaze approvati"],"App settings page title\u0004Apps":["App"],"Title of the apps settings page\u0004Apps":["App"],"Menu item link to blog's archive page\u0004Archive":["Archivio"],"Menu item link to blog's archive page\u0004View Archive":["Vedi archivio"],"The user wants to extinguish a blazed post and needs to confirm\u0004Are you sure to extinguish Blaze campaign?":["Sei sicuro/a di estinguere la campagna Blaze?"],"Prompting a user to block another user\u0004Are you sure you want to block %1$s from %2$s?":["Vuoi davvero bloccare %1$s da %2$s?"],"Prompting a user to block an anonymous sender\u0004Are you sure you want to block the sender from %1$s?":["Vuoi davvero bloccare il mittente da %1$s?"],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Are you sure you want to block {{name}}?":["Sei sicuro di voler bloccare {{name}}?"],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Are you sure you want to kick out {{name}}?":["Sei sicuro di voler cacciare {{name}}?"],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Are you sure you want to make {{name}} a bouncer?":["Sei sicuro di voler rendere {{name}} moderatore?"],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Are you sure you want to remove {{name}} from your Bouncers?":["Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere {{name}} dai tuoi moderatori?"],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Are you sure you want to remove {{name}} from your Favorites?":["Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere {{name}} dai tuoi preferiti?"],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Are you sure you want to remove {{name}} from your bouncers?":["Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere {{name}} dai tuoi moderatori?"],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Are you sure you want to report {{name}}?":["Sei sicuro di voler segnalare {{name}}?"],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Are you sure you want to unblock {{name}}?":["Sei sicuro di voler sbloccare {{name}}?"],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Aw snap. There was an error while removing {{name}} from your Bouncers. Please try again, or let us know if the problem persists.":["Accidenti. Si è verificato un errore durante la rimozione di {{name}} dai tuoi moderatori. Riprova o facci sapere se il problema persiste."],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Aw snap. There was an error while removing {{name}} from your Favorites. Please try again, or let us know if the problem persists.":["Accidenti. Si è verificato un errore durante la rimozione di {{name}} dai tuoi preferiti. Riprova o facci sapere se il problema persiste."],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Aw snap. There was an error while unblocking {{name}}. Please try again later.":["Accidenti. Si è verificato un errore durante lo sblocco di {{name}}. Per favore riprova più tardi."],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Aw, you missed them! {{name}} is no longer waiting to be a guest in your stream.":["Oh, l'hai perso! {{name}} non aspetta più di essere ospite nel tuo stream."],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Favorited {{name}}":["Preferiti {{name}}"],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Wahay! You sent {{name}} to {{recipient}}.":["Wahay! Hai inviato {{name}} a {{recipient}}."],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004You blocked {{name}}.":["Hai bloccato {{name}}."],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004You favorited {{name}}.":["I tuoi preferiti {{name}}."],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004You sent {{name}}":["Hai inviato {{name}}"],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004You sent {{name}} along with a personal message. Nice touch!":["Hai inviato {{name}} insieme a un messaggio personale. Ben fatto!"],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004You sent {{name}}. Nice.":["Hai inviato {{name}}. Carino."],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004You successfully made {{name}} a bouncer.":["Hai fatto diventare {{name}} un moderatore."],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004You successfully removed {{name}} from your bouncers.":["Hai rimosso {{name}} dai moderatori con successo."],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004You're a Bouncer! {{name}} made you a Bouncer! You now have the power to kick people out of the stream!":["Sei un moderatore! {{name}} ti ha reso un moderatore! Ora hai il potere di cacciare le persone dal flusso!"],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004You've already chosen to Date {{name}}!":["Hai già scelto di uscire con {{name}}!"],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004to {{name}}. Nice.":["a {{name}}. Bello."],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004{{name}} has been blocked and can no longer contact you or the streamer. You can always unblock members in Settings.":["{{name}} è stato bloccato e non può più contattare te o lo streamer. Puoi sempre sbloccare i membri nelle tue impostazioni."],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004{{name}} has been removed from your Favorites.":["{{name}} è stato rimosso dai tuoi preferiti."],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004{{name}} has been removed from your bouncers.":["{{name}} è stato rimosso dai tuoi moderatori."],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004{{name}} has been unblocked.":["{{name}} è stato sbloccato."],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004{{name}} removed this stream's description.":["{{name}} ha rimosso la descrizione di questo stream."],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004{{name}} was added to your Favorites \u003c3":["{{name}} è stato aggiunto ai tuoi preferiti \u003c3"],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004{{name}} was removed from Favorites.":["{{name}} è stato rimosso dai tuoi preferiti."],"{{name}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004{{name}}'s stream has ended.":["Lo stream di {{name}} è terminato."],"[Premium] Dialog heading for canceling premium subscription\u0004Are you sure you want to cancel?":["Vuoi davvero cancellare?"],"Confirmation that the messages should be deleted.\u0004Are you sure you want to delete %1$s message?":["Sei sicuro di voler eliminare %1$s messaggio?","Sei sicuro di voler eliminare %1$s messaggi?"],"Confirmation message shown when a user attempts to delete a collection\u0004Are you sure you want to delete this collection?":["Sei sicuro/a di voler eliminare questa raccolta?"],"Confirmation modal text for deleting a post. The non-breaking space entity replacing the last space in the sentence is intended to improve text wrapping in English by preventing the last word from being 'orphaned' (being put on its own line by itself). As a rough guideline for other languages: If the last two words of the translated sentence exceed 15 characters (counting all spaces as one character), please omit the entity and only use regular spaces.\u0004Are you sure you want to delete this post?":["Sei sicuro/a di voler cancellare questo post?"],"Prompt to show when a user is about to disable the custom domain setting from one of its blogs\u0004Are you sure you want to disable your custom domain?":["Vuoi davvero disabilitare il tuo dominio personalizzato?"],"Prompt to show when a user is about to disable the custom domain setting from one of its blogs\u0004Disabling your custom theme will cause %1$s to redirect to$s. Are you sure?":["Disabilitando il tuo tema personalizzato, %1$s verrà reindirizzato a$s. Sei sicuro?"],"Prompt to show when a user is about to disable the custom domain setting from one of its blogs\u0004You will not be able to reconnect your blog to %1$s once it is disabled. Are you sure?":["Non potrai ricollegare il tuo blog a %1$s una volta disabilitato. Sei sicuro/a?"],"Prompt user to confirm disconnecting a domain from a blog\u0004Are you sure you want to disconnect \u003cstrong\u003e%1$s\u003c/strong\u003e from the blog \u003cstrong\u003e%2$s\u003c/strong\u003e?":["Sei sicuro/a di voler disconnettere \u003cstrong\u003e%1$s\u003c/strong\u003e dal blog \u003cstrong\u003e%2$s\u003c/strong\u003e?"],"Prompt user to confirm disconnecting a domain from a blog\u0004Are you sure you want to disconnect \u003cstrong\u003e%1$s\u003c/strong\u003e from the site \u003cstrong\u003e%2$s\u003c/strong\u003e?":["Sei sicuro di voler disconnettere \u003cstrong\u003e%1$s\u003c/strong\u003e dal sito \u003cstrong\u003e%2$s\u003c/strong\u003e?"],"Prompt user to confirm disconnecting a domain from a blog\u0004Disconnect Domain":["Disconnetti dominio"],"Title of the modal shown when a user attemps to leave a community. The placeholder is filled by the community name.\u0004Are you sure you want to leave \"%1$s\"?":["Vuoi davvero abbandonare %1$s?"],"Title of the modal shown when a user attemps to leave a community.\u0004Are you sure you want to leave?":["Vuoi davvero uscire?"],"Confirmation dialog text when promoting a group blog member to admin. 'blogName' is the blogname of the member being promoted. 'groupBlogName' is the group blog name. 'b' are bold tags.\u0004Are you sure you want to make [b][blogName][/b] an admin for [b][groupBlogName][/b]? You can't undo this.":["Vuoi davvero rendere [b][blogName][/b] admin per [b][groupBlogName][/b]? Non potrai eliminare questa azione."],"Title for confirmation dialog when user mutes a post.\u0004Are you sure you want to mute notifications?":["Sei sicuro/a di voler silenziare le notifiche?"],"Text of the dialog to confirm revoking an app's authorization from your account. The placeholder is the name of the app e.g. 'Tumblr for iOS'.\u0004Are you sure you want to remove %1$s?":["Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere %1$s?"],"Confirmation dialog text when removing a member from a group blog. 'blogName' is the blogname of the member being removed.\u0004Are you sure you want to remove [b][blogName][/b] from this blog?":["Vuoi davvero rimuovere [b][blogName][/b] da questo blog?"],"Prompt to ask user whether skip current onboarding or not\u0004Are you sure you want to skip? Your dashboard will be a little empty.":["Sei sicuro/a di voler saltare questo passaggio? La tua dashboard sarà un po' vuota."],"Title for confirmation dialog when user opts-in to data sharing (CCPA)\u0004Are you sure?":["Sei sicuro?"],"Alternate text for image in the background with arrows pointing left\u0004Arrows left":["Frecce a sinistra"],"Post attribution.\u0004Art by [strong][artistName][/strong]":["Opera di [strong][artistName][/strong]"],"Post attribution.\u0004Posted by [strong][blogName][/strong]":["Postato da [strong][blogName][/strong]"],"When uploading an audio file, this refers to the author of the song\u0004Artist":["Artista"],"Placeholder of the Community name form field - variation 1\u0004Artists Alliance":["Alleanza artisti"],"Answer to question: What are the benefits of supporting Tumblr with badges?\u0004As a Supporter, you will contribute directly to our shared future here at Tumblr dot com—fostering the creativity and community our platform is so (in)famous for and nurturing the people and worlds that make Tumblr such a special place here in the vast online ether. You love it here, and so do we, and by investing in Tumblr, you can not just support it—but help it grow and flourish at its very best.":["In qualità di Sostenitore, contribuirai direttamente al nostro futuro comune qui su Tumblr punto com: promuovendo la creatività e la comunità per cui la nostra piattaforma è così (in)famosa e coltivando le persone e i mondi che rendono Tumblr un posto così speciale qui nel vasto universo online. Ami questo posto e anche noi, e investendo in Tumblr, non solo potrai sostenerlo, ma anche aiutarlo a crescere e prosperare al meglio."],"Body text explaining that community moderators still see community posts from people they have blocked\u0004As a moderator you will see all posts and comments inside this community–even from those who you've previously blocked.":["In qualità di moderatore vedrai tutti i post e commenti dentro a questa Community, anche da quelli che hai precedentemente bloccato."],"Body text explaining that community moderators still see posts from people they have blocked\u0004As a moderator you will see all posts and comments inside this community–even from those who you've previously blocked.":["In qualità di moderatore vedrai tutti i post e commenti dentro a questa Community, anche da quelli che hai precedentemente bloccato."],"Body text explaining that community admins still see community posts from people they have blocked\u0004As an admin you will see all posts and comments inside this community—even from those who you’ve previously blocked.":["In qualità di amministratore vedrai tutti i post e commenti dentro a questa Community, anche da quelli che hai precedentemente bloccato."],"[Blaze other people posts announcement] Label text for the blaze announcement pop up\u0004As we appreciate seeing your work being Blazed, we activated it for each blog, but you are free to decide for yourself and turn it off at any time from your blog's settings.":["Poiché apprezziamo il fatto che il tuo lavoro venga apprezzato con Blaze, l'abbiamo attivato per ogni blog, ma sei libero di decidere autonomamente e disattivarlo in qualsiasi momento dalle impostazioni del tuo blog."],"[Blaze other people posts announcement] Label text for the blaze announcement pop up\u0004We love seeing all the amazing things you’ve Blazed so much, that we’ve decided to let you Blaze posts from any blog. This feature can be disabled from the blog settings page.":["Ci piace così tanto vedere tutte le cose straordinarie su cui hai usato Blaze, che abbiamo deciso di farti usare Blaze sui post di qualsiasi blog. Questa funzione può essere disabilitata dalla pagina delle impostazioni del blog."],"Label describing a settings section to allow other users to ask questions\u0004Ask":["Chiedi"],"Menu item link to blog's ask page\u0004Ask":["Chiedi"],"Post type\u0004Ask":["Chiedi"],"Post type\u0004Audio":["Audio"],"Post type\u0004Chat":["Chat"],"Post type\u0004Link":["Link"],"Post type\u0004Photo":["Foto"],"Post type\u0004Quote":["Citazione"],"Post type\u0004Text":["Testo"],"Post type\u0004Video":["Video"],"Placeholder for when the user is going to write a new Ask Post\u0004Ask [otherBlogName] a question":["Fai una domanda a [otherBlogName]"],"Button label to send a question to a blog\u0004Ask a question":["Fai una domanda"],"Placeholder for a poll question\u0004Ask a question...":["Fai una domanda..."],"Placeholder for user input to provide a custom Ask page title\u0004Ask me anything":["Chiedimi qualsiasi cosa"],"Another user sent an Ask to the current user\u0004Asked":["Ha chiesto"],"Warning message shown when a user tries to disable all accepted submission types\u0004At least one post type must be selected":["Devi selezionare almeno un tipo di post"],"Blaze campaign popover: audience section title\u0004Audience":["Pubblico"],"Label for audience Blaze campaigns (modal)\u0004Audience":["Pubblico"],"Label for audience Blaze campaigns (modal)\u0004Send it to":["Invialo a"],"Label for language selector in Blaze campaigns (modal)\u0004Audience Language":["Lingua del pubblico"],"Label for language selector in Blaze campaigns (modal)\u0004Language":["Lingua"],"Label for impression package selector in Blaze campaigns (modal)\u0004Audience sizes":["Pubblico desiderato"],"Label for impression package selector in Blaze campaigns (modal)\u0004Estimated impression packages":["Pacchetti visualizzazioni stimate"],"Label for an audio block\u0004Audio":["Audio"],"When adding an audio block, this refers to the block name\u0004Audio":["Audio"],"The label used to describe the audio block controls\u0004Audio Player":["Lettore audio"],"Page title for communities moderation -\u003e audit log page\u0004Audit Log":["Registro di controllo"],"Page title for communities moderation -\u003e audit log page\u0004Audit log":["Registro di controllo"],"Link to the community audit log page\u0004Audit log":["Registro di controllo"],"Label describing list of tabs available on activity audit log page\u0004Audit log categories":["Categorie registro di controllo"],"Refers to the auto-renewal setting for a domain subscription\u0004Auto-renew off":["Rinnovo automatico off"],"Refers to the auto-renewal setting for a domain subscription\u0004Auto-renew on":["Rinnovo automatico on"],"Refers to the auto-renewal setting for a domain subscription\u0004Auto-renewal in progress":["Rinnovo automatico in corso"],"Post queue 2.0 settings. Example of full text in english: 'Automatically publish 3 queued posts(s) every 60 minute(s) between 09:00am and 05:00pm'\u0004Automatically publish [perIntervalSelect/] queued posts(s) every [intervalSelect/] minute(s)[br/] between [startTimeSelect/] and [endTimeSelect/]":["Pubblica automaticamente [perIntervalSelect/] post in coda ogni [intervalSelect/] minuto(i)[br/] tra [startTimeSelect/] e [endTimeSelect/]"],"{{postFrequencySelect /}}, {{startHourSelect /}}, and {{endHourSelect /}} are special \u003cselect\u003e input tokens and can be read as '5 times a day between 1pm and 6pm'. Do not replace the tokens. This string should not include closing punctuation because it looks bad next to the input\u0004Automatically publish a queued post {{postFrequencySelect /}} times a day between {{startHourSelect /}} and {{endHourSelect /}}":["Pubblica automaticamente un post in coda {{postFrequencySelect /}} volte al giorno tra le {{startHourSelect /}} e le {{endHourSelect /}}"],"Label for a tumblrmart order that is ready to be activated\u0004Available":["Disponibile"],"[TumblrMart] Status date string for pending gifts\u0004Available %1$s":["Disponibile %1$s"],"Information about forecasted impressions\u0004Available audience: %1$s":["Pubblico disponibile: %1$s"],"[Badge Management] Available badge (owned but not currently active) alt text\u0004Available badge":["Badge disponibile"],"Success message shown during signup when a username is available.\u0004Available!":["Disponibile!"],"The avatar for a community\u0004Avatar":["Avatar"],"Frame rendered around avatar\u0004Avatar frame":["Cornice avatar"],"{{textMaxLength}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Aw, shucks! Your custom text can't be more than {{textMaxLength}} characters!":["Accidenti! Il testo personalizzato non può contenere più di {{textMaxLength}} caratteri!"],"The message displayed when there are no search results.\u0004Aw, we don’t have anything about that. Sorry.":["Oh no, non abbiamo niente del genere. Ci dispiace."],"The message displayed when there are no search results.\u0004Maybe try a similar search but use different words? Dunno.":["Forse puoi provare con una ricerca simile ma usando parole differenti?"],"The message displayed when there are no search results.\u0004Maybe you spelled it wrong?":["Forse lo hai scritto male?"],"The message displayed when there are no search results.\u0004That search was amazing, but the world just isn’t ready for it.":["Quella ricerca era fantastica, ma il mondo ancora non è pronto per questo genere di cose."],"The message displayed when there are no search results.\u0004That search was weird and we didn’t really “get” it.":["Quella ricerca era strana e non l'abbiamo proprio capita."],"The message displayed when there are no search results.\u0004Your search returned nothing, nothing, nothing.":["La tua ricerca non ha prodotto niente di niente."],"Error shown during signup when a username is unavailable.\u0004Aww, already taken.":["Nooo, già preso."],"Text displayed for button that navigates the user back to the previous step\u0004Back":["Indietro"],"Text displayed for button that navigates the user back to the previous step\u0004Previous":["Precedente"],"Back button label used in communities mobile header\u0004Back button":["Tasto indietro"],"Used to show all live stream tags on the Tumblr Live marquee\u0004Back to tags":["Torna ai tag"],"Scroll back to the top of the notes list\u0004Back to the top":["Torna all'inizio"],"Scroll back to the top of the page\u0004Back to top":["Torna all'inizio"],"Color selector to change the background color of the blog view\u0004Background":["Sfondo"],"More descriptive post attribution for background art on landing page.\u0004Background art by [strong][blogName][/strong]":["Sfondo artistico di [strong][blogName][/strong]"],"Text displayed while a blog backup is being generated for download\u0004Backup processing…":["Elaborazione backup..."],"Text displayed while a blog backup is being generated for download\u0004This will take a while, please check back later.":["Ci vorrà del tempo, per favore ricontrolla più tardi."],"[Badge Management] Background image for unseen badge modal banner.\u0004Badge background image.":["Immagine sfondo badge"],"[Badge Management] Banner image for unseen badge modal banner.\u0004Badge banner image.":["Immagine banner badge."],"[Badge Management] Badge Icon alt text\u0004Badge icon":["Icona badge"],"[Badge Management] Icon for unseen badge modal banner.\u0004Badge icon.":["Icona badge"],"[Badge Management] Badge manager badge icon image\u0004Badge image.":["Immagine badge."],"[Badge Management] Image of TumblrMart badge\u0004Badge image.":["Immagine badge."],"Menu item label for banning a community member\u0004Ban @%1$s":["Banna @%1$s"],"Label for informing user that the blog is banned from the community\u0004Banned":["Bannato"],"Message to show that a blog was banned in the community, who banned them and when\u0004Banned by [bold][bannedByBlogName][/bold] on [bannedAt].":["Bannato da [bold][bannedByBlogName][/bold] su [bannedAt]."],"Message to show that a blog was banned in the community, and when\u0004Banned on [bannedAt].":["Bannato su [bannedAt]."],"Heading above a member that has been banned by a moderator\u0004Banned this member":["Ha bannato questo utente"],"Alt text for banner image that links to the Recommended video hub channel\u0004Banner image showing a preview of the Recommended channel":["Immagine banner che mostra un'anteprima del canale consigliato"],"Body of Why am I seeing this ad? dialog\u0004Because you have disabled or opted out of tracking, this ad was not targeted to you based on information about your interests. Ads may still be targeted based on information such as the content of the page that you are visiting.":["Dal momento che hai disabilitato o scelto di non seguire il tracciamento, questo annuncio non è stato indirizzato a te in base alle informazioni sui tuoi interessi. Gli annunci potrebbero essere indirizzati in base a informazioni come per esempio il contenuto della pagina che stai visitando."],"Body of Why am I seeing this ad? dialog\u0004Different factors contribute to why you saw this ad, including who provided the ad, and your profile information or interests inferred from your activity":["Esistono diversi fattori che contribuiscono al motivo per cui vedi questo annuncio, tra cui il fornitore dell'annuncio e le informazioni che si percepiscono dalla tua attività."],"Body of Why am I seeing this ad? dialog\u0004Different factors contribute to why you saw this ad, which may include who provided the ad and your profile information.":["Esistono diversi fattori che contribuiscono al motivo per cui vedi questo annuncio, che potrebbero includere l'autore dell'annuncio e le informazioni sul tuo profilo."],"Body of Why am I seeing this ad? dialog\u0004Different factors contribute to why you saw this ad, which may include who provided the ad, your profile information, or interests inferred from your activity.":["Esistono diversi fattori che contribuiscono al motivo per cui vedi questo annuncio, che potrebbero includere l'autore dell'annuncio o gli interessi che si percepiscono dalla tua attività."],"Body of Why am I seeing this ad? dialog\u0004This ad was provided by the programmatic partner and was based on interests they have inferred about your activity.":["Questo annuncio è stato fornito dal partner di pubblicità programmatica e si basa sugli interessi dedotti dalla tua attività."],"Body of Why am I seeing this ad? dialog\u0004You are seeing this ad because [advertiserName] wants to reach users in your country or location, and because of interests inferred about or selected by you, including [link]tags you follow[/link].":["Vedi questo annuncio perché [advertiserName] desidera raggiungere utenti nel Paese o nel luogo in cui ti trovi, con gli stessi interessi dedotti o che hai selezionato, compresi [link]i tag che segui[/link]."],"Body of Why am I seeing this ad? dialog\u0004You are seeing this ad because [link][advertiserDomain][/link] wants to reach users in your location and with the language settings in your account.":["Vedi questo annuncio perché [link][advertiserDomain][/link] desidera raggiungere utenti nel luogo in cui ti trovi e che hanno le stesse impostazioni della lingua del tuo account."],"Body of Why am I seeing this ad? dialog\u0004You are seeing this ad because [link][advertiserDomain][/link] wants to reach users in your location, interest inferred, and device.":["Vedi questo annuncio perché [link][advertiserDomain][/link] desidera raggiungere utenti nel luogo in cui ti trovi, con gli stessi interessi e che usano lo stesso dispositivo."],"Body of Why am I seeing this ad? dialog\u0004You are seeing this ad because [link][advertiserName][/link] wants to reach users in your country, and with a blog in your language.":["Vedi questo annuncio perché [link][advertiserName][/link] desidera raggiungere utenti nel Paese in cui ti trovi, che gestiscono un blog nella tua lingua."],"Heading on a section showing prices for Tumblr supporter badge.\u0004Become a supporter and help keep Tumblr, Tumblr.":["Diventa un sostenitore o una sostenitrice e aiuta Tumblr a rimanere Tumblr."],"Body of the dialog that is displayed when you try to perform a community members only action (as invited user)\u0004Before you can do that, you need to be a member of the community.":["Prima di poterlo fare devi essere un membro della Community."],"Message displayed to community members promoting free-to-join setting availability - body\u0004Before you can submit a community, please verify your email.":["Prima di poter inviare la tua Community devi verificare la tua email."],"Message displayed to community members promoting free-to-join setting availability - body\u0004Once again, we've made it easier to grow your community. Switch your community to free-to-join, or ask your admin, and anyone will be able to discover it and join in the fun.":["Abbiamo di nuovo reso più facile far crescere la tua Community. Rendi libero l'accesso alla tua Community o chiedi al tuo admin e chiunque potrà trovarla e partecipare."],"Message displayed to new users who created an account as part of community creation flow\u0004Before you can submit a community, please verify your email.":["Prima di poter inviare la tua Community devi verificare la tua email."],"Jingle Bells: Screenreader-only label for a bell\u0004Bell":["Campana"],"Birthday picker day\u0004Birth day":["Giorno di nascita"],"Birthday picker month\u0004Birth month":["Mese di nascita"],"Birthday picker year\u0004Birth year":["Anno di nascita"],"Title for birthday section in account settings page\u0004Birthday":["Compleanno"],"Notification filter text for a Birthday milestone\u0004Birthday milestones":["Traguardi compleanni"],"Toast that appears when birthday is successfully saved in account settings page\u0004Birthday saved! 🎁":["Compleanno salvato! 🎁"],"Button for starting the blaze process\u0004Blaze":["Blaze"],"Confirmation that the user wants to proceed with Blaze\u0004Blaze":["Blaze"],"Confirmation that the user wants to proceed with Blaze\u0004Blaze it!":["Usa Blaze!"],"Label describing a settings section to allow Blazing your posts\u0004Blaze":["Blaze"],"Label for a button to promote a post\u0004Blaze":["Blaze"],"Alt text for a decorative image in Grid view hover overlay (Blaze landing page)\u0004Blaze Icon":["Icona Blaze"],"Alt text for a decorative image in Grid view overlay over blazed posts (Blaze landing page)\u0004Blaze Icon":["Icona Blaze"],"Input to add tags for tag targeting on Blaze\u0004Blaze Tags input":["Input dei tag Blaze"],"Blaze again button\u0004Blaze again":["Usa di nuovo Blaze"],"Activity item text for a Blaze other people's posts - Blaze post approved with boost message to post owner\u0004Blaze campaign for your post has been approved with a boost!":["La campagna Blaze sul tuo post è stata approvata con un boost!"],"Activity item text for a Blaze other people's posts - Blaze post approved message to post owner\u0004Blaze campaign for your post has been approved!":["La campagna Blaze sul tuo post è stata approvata!"],"Activity item text for a Blaze other people's posts - Blaze post rejected message to post owner\u0004Blaze campaign for your post has been rejected":["La tua campagna Blaze per il tuo post è stata rifiutata"],"Activity item text for a Blaze other people's posts - Blaze post completed message to post owner\u0004Blaze campaign for your post was completed successfully!":["La campagna Blaze sul tuo post è stata completata con successo!"],"Blaze is the brand name - - post is awaiting moderation\u0004Blaze campaign pending!":["Campagna Blaze in attesa!"],"Blaze is the brand name - post is awaiting moderation\u0004Blaze campaign pending!":["Campagna Blaze in sospeso!"],"Blaze is the brand name - post is awaiting moderation\u0004Blaze pending!":["Blaze in sospeso!"],"Label for blog selector in Blaze campaigns (modal)\u0004Blaze it using":["Usa Blaze con"],"Button for redirecting user to choose a post to blaze\u0004Blaze new post":["Usa Blaze su un nuovo post"],"Alternate text for a blaze other people posts icon\u0004Blaze other people posts icon":["Icona usa Blaze sui post di altre persone"],"Blaze call out (Blaze landing page)\u0004Blaze your favorite art, memes, and content. Sponsor it to put it in front of more people across Tumblr!":["Usa Blaze sulle tue opere d'arte, meme e contenuti preferiti. Sponsorizzali per mostrarli a più persone su Tumblr!"],"Blaze call out (Blaze landing page)\u0004Sponsor the very best art, memes, and content. Get more eyes on your posts — or a friend's.":["Sponsorizza le migliori opere d'arte, meme e contenuti. Ottieni più visibilità sui tuoi post o su quelli di un amico."],"Text for Blaze Promo page - where Blaze is the brand/service name\u0004Blaze your favorite art, memes, and shitposts into the eyes of new friends, fans, and followers.":["Porta la tua arte, i tuoi meme e i tuoi shitpost preferiti agli occhi di nuovi amici, fan e follower."],"Subtitle for sales goal when creating a Blaze campaign\u0004Blaze your way to more business.":["Usa Blaze per alimentare il tuo business."],"Subtitle for engagement goal when creating a Blaze campaign\u0004Blaze your way to more likes, comments, shares, and clicks.":["Usa Blaze per avere più Mi piace, commenti, condivisioni e click."],"Title of the Blaze page\u0004Blaze | Tumblr":["Blaze | Tumblr"],"Approved state of Blaze post button\u0004Blazed":["Post con Blaze"],"Label description for a Blazed post, blazed an other's user post\u0004Blazed [blazerBlogLink/]'s post":["ha Blaze-ato il post di [blazerBlogLink/]"],"Label description for a Blazed post, blazed an other's user post\u0004You Blazed a post made by [blazerBlogLink/].":["Hai Blaze-ato un post fatto da [blazerBlogLink/]."],"Label description for a Blazed post, blazed an other's user post\u0004You sponsored [blazerBlogLink/]'s post":["Hai Blaze-ato un post di [blazerBlogLink/]"],"Label description for a Blazed post, blazed an other's user post\u0004You sponsored a post made by [blazerBlogLink/].":["Hai sponsorizzato un post fatto da [blazerBlogLink/]."],"Label description for a Blazed post, blazed from an other user\u0004Blazed by [blazeeBlogLink/]":["Blaze-ato da [blazeeBlogLink/]"],"Label description for a Blazed post, blazed from an other user\u0004Sponsored by [blazeeBlogLink/] with Blaze":["Blaze-ato da [blazeeBlogLink/]"],"Label description for a Blazed post, blazed from an other user\u0004This campaign was sponsored by [blazeeBlogLink/].":["Questa campagna è stata sponsorizzata da [blazeeBlogLink/]."],"Label description for a Blazed post, blazed from an other user\u0004Your post Blazed by [blazeeBlogLink/].":["Il tuo post Blaze-ato da [blazeeBlogLink/]."],"Displayed when an other user has blazed a post of the current user\u0004Blazed by [blazeeBlogLink/]":["Blaze-ato da [blazeeBlogLink/]"],"Another user Blazed the logged in user's post\u0004Blazed your post!":["Ha usato Blaze sul tuo post!"],"Displayed when this user has blazed a post from an other user\u0004Blazed [link][blogName]'s[/link] post":["ha Blaze-ato il post di [link][blogName][/link]"],"Blocking a user from sending more messages to you\u0004Block":["Blocca"],"Blocking a user from sending more messages to you\u0004Block %1$s":["Blocca %1$s"],"Label text to show on a user input where they can change the Tumblrs they have blocked\u0004Block":["Blocca"],"Menu item to block a blog\u0004Block":["Blocca"],"Menu item to block a blog\u0004Block %1$s":["Blocca %1$s"],"Variable is blogname to block\u0004Block %1$s":["Blocca %1$s"],"Variable is blog name. This will block another user from seeing a different blog and from your primary blog too\u0004Block from %1$s too":["Blocca anche da %1$s"],"Menu item to block an anonymous sender\u0004Block sender":["Blocca mittente"],"Label for the blog icon on Patio\u0004Blog":["Blog"],"Input to change the blog description\u0004Blog description":["Descrizione blog"],"Label for a section that shows the tumblr url of a secondary blog, e.g.\u0004Blog name":["Nome del blog"],"Label for the blog name input field on Patio\u0004Blog name":["Nome blog"],"No blogs found\u0004Blog not found":["Blog non trovato"],"No blogs found\u0004No blogs found by the search text of the mention":["Nessun blog trovato dal testo di ricerca della menzione"],"Label for a blog that appears in search results\u0004Blog search result":["Risultati di ricerca blog"],"Label for a list of blog search results\u0004Blog search results":["Risultati di ricerca blog"],"Input to change the blog title\u0004Blog title":["Titolo blog"],"[TumblrMart] Checkout modal search selected blog pill label\u0004Blog to gift":["Blog a cui regalare"],"A list of blogs\u0004Blogs":["Blog"],"List of blogs included in a collection\u0004Blogs":["Blog"],"Tab title for the search page on mobile\u0004Blogs":["Blog"],"Tab title for the search page on mobile\u0004Posts":["Post"],"Tab title for the search page on mobile\u0004Tags":["Tag"],"Title for a list of blog results\u0004Blogs":["Blog"],"Title for a list of blog search results\u0004Blogs":["Blog"],"Title for a list of blog search results\u0004Searches":["Ricerche"],"Title for a list of blogs that match the search query\u0004Blogs":["Blog"],"Year in review post results blogs most reblogged\u0004Blogs I reblogged the most:":["Blog che ho rebloggato di più:"],"Title for the sidebar section with blogs related to a blog\u0004Blogs like this one":["Blog come questo"],"Title for the sidebar section with blogs related to a blog\u0004Check these out":["Guarda questi blog"],"Year in review blogs reblogged text\u0004Blogs you [bold]reblogged[/bold] the most.":["Blog che hai [bold]rebloggato[/bold] di più."],"Reason to purchase Blaze - Title\u0004Blow up your posts.":["Fai esplodere i tuoi post."],"Reason to purchase Blaze - Title\u0004Grow your community.":["Aumenta la tua comunità."],"Reason to purchase Blaze - Title\u0004Ignite the dashboard!":["Infiamma la dashboard!"],"[TumblrMart] Button text that will start the process of purchasing the blue checkmark products\u0004Blue Checkmark":["Spunta blu"],"Community labels settings: Label for Blur column\u0004Blur":["Offusca"],"Content labels settings: Label for Blur column\u0004Blur":["Sfuoca"],"Word that indicates font boldness\u0004Bold":["Grassetto"],"Next to an image of iOS and Android smartphones running the tumblr app and next to links to download the apps\u0004Bored? That's dumb. Download a Tumblr app.":["Noia? Giammai! Scarica un'app Tumblr."],"Next to an image of iOS and Android smartphones running the tumblr app and next to links to download the apps\u0004Distract yourself in line with the Tumblr app.":["Distraiti con l'app Tumblr."],"Next to an image of iOS and Android smartphones running the tumblr app and next to links to download the apps\u0004Explore and share from anywhere.":["Esplora e condividi ovunque tu sia."],"Next to an image of iOS and Android smartphones running the tumblr app and next to links to download the apps\u0004For relaxing times, make it Tumblr time.":["Per rilassarti, Tumblr."],"Next to an image of iOS and Android smartphones running the tumblr app and next to links to download the apps\u0004Go ahead. Touch Tumblr.":["Continua così. Tocca Tumblr."],"Next to an image of iOS and Android smartphones running the tumblr app and next to links to download the apps\u0004Ignore your loved ones with the Tumblr app.":["Ignora le persone che ami con l'app Tumblr."],"Next to an image of iOS and Android smartphones running the tumblr app and next to links to download the apps\u0004No one should have to go through life without a Tumblr app.":["Nessuno dovrebbe affrontare la vita senza un'app Tumblr."],"Next to an image of iOS and Android smartphones running the tumblr app and next to links to download the apps\u0004One weird click to download a Tumblr app.":["Un solo insignificante click per scaricare un'app Tumblr."],"Next to an image of iOS and Android smartphones running the tumblr app and next to links to download the apps\u0004Pretend you're reading with the Tumblr app.":["Fai finta di leggere con l'app Tumblr."],"Next to an image of iOS and Android smartphones running the tumblr app and next to links to download the apps\u0004Put Tumblr in your pocket rn. lol swag.":["Metti Tumblr in tasca."],"Next to an image of iOS and Android smartphones running the tumblr app and next to links to download the apps\u0004Put Tumblr in your pocket. Right now.":["Metti Tumblr in tasca. Adesso."],"Next to an image of iOS and Android smartphones running the tumblr app and next to links to download the apps\u0004Use Tumblr from all your favorite places. Download the mobile app.":["Usa Tumblr da tutti i tuoi posti preferiti. Scarica l'app mobile."],"Next to an image of iOS and Android smartphones running the tumblr app and next to links to download the apps\u0004Use Tumblr in bathrooms with our slick mobile apps.":["Usa Tumblr anche al bagno con le nostre stilosissime app mobili."],"CTA to purchase a domain to brand user's blog\u0004Brand it for [price]":["Personalizzalo per [price]"],"Year in review not enough data page title\u0004Bummer [sadEmoji]":["Oh, no! [sadEmoji]"],"Login wall: Text shown when user clicks on a blog or image after exceeding click counter limit\u0004But there's good news. Get free samples from now until, well, the ends of time itself by signing up for Tumblr and getting unlimited access not just to this blog, but countless others like it.":["Ma ci sono buone notizie. Ottieni campioni gratuiti da ora fino alla fine dei tempi iscrivendoti a Tumblr e ottenendo accesso illimitato non solo a questo blog, ma a innumerevoli altri simili."],"Label for button click metric for tumblr blaze campaigns with sales goal\u0004Button clicks:":["Click sul pulsante:"],"Label of the buy button for purchasing a domain\u0004Buy":["Compra"],"[TumblrMart] label for a toggle to determine if product is to purchase for self\u0004Buy":["Acquista"],"{{plural}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Buy {{plural}}":["Compra {{plural}}"],"{{plural}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Your balance is too low for that. Please click \"Buy {{plural}}\" to refill your account.":["Saldo insufficiente. Clicca su Acquista {{plural}} per ricaricare il tuo account."],"description of the list of perks the user gets by becoming a creator's supporter\u0004By becoming my supporter you’ll get access to these great perks:":["Diventando mio sostenitore avrai accesso a questi fantastici vantaggi:"],"Terms text when editing domain contact information\u0004By clicking [buttonLabel], you agree to the applicable [terms]Domain Registration Agreement[/terms] and confirm that the Transferee has agreed in writing to be bound by the same agreement. You authorize the respective registrar to act as your [designatedAgent]Designated Agent[/designatedAgent].":["Facendo clic su [buttonLabel], accetti l'[terms]Accordo di registrazione del dominio[/terms] applicabile e confermi che il Cessionario ha accettato per iscritto di essere vincolato dallo stesso accordo. Autorizzi il rispettivo registrar ad agire come tuo [designatedAgent]Agente designato[/designatedAgent]."],"Text shown at the bottom of a community's guidelines\u0004By joining this community, you agree to its guidelines in addition to the Tumblr [link]Community Guidelines[/link].":["Unendoti a questa Community, accetti le sue linee guida in aggiunta alle [link]Linee guida utente[/link] di Tumblr."],"Text shown at the bottom of a community's guidelines\u0004By joining this community, you agree to its guidelines in addition to the Tumblr [link]User Guidelines[/link].":["Unendoti a questa Community, accetti le sue linee guida in aggiunta alle [link]Linee guida utente[/link] di Tumblr."],"Text shown at the bottom of a community's guidelines when joining the community\u0004By joining this community, you agree to its guidelines in addition to the Tumblr [link]User Guidelines[/link].":["Unendoti a questa Community, accetti le sue linee guida in aggiunta alle [link]Linee guida utente[/link] di Tumblr."],"Text shown below community guidelines on community guidelines page\u0004By participating in this community, you agree to its guidelines in addition to the Tumblr [link]Community Guidelines[/link].":["Partecipando a questa Community, accetti le sue linee guida in aggiunta alle [link]Linee guida utente[/link] di Tumblr."],"Text shown below community guidelines on community guidelines page\u0004By participating in this community, you agree to its guidelines in addition to the Tumblr [link]User Guidelines[/link].":["Partecipando a questa Community, accetti le sue linee guida in aggiunta alle [link]Linee guida utente[/link] di Tumblr."],"Confirmation text shown when requesting a community membership (no user defined guidelines)\u0004By requesting access, you agree to abide by Tumblr [link]User Guidelines[/link] should you be accepted into this community.":["Richiedendo l'accesso, confermi di accettare le [link]Linee guida utente[/link] di Tumblr, qualora venissi ammesso a questa Community."],"Text shown at the bottom of a community's guidelines when requesting community membership\u0004By requesting access, you agree to abide by its guidelines in addition to the Tumblr [link]User Guidelines[/link] should you be accepted into this community.":["Richiedendo l'accesso, accetti di rispettare le sue linee guida oltre alle [link]Linee guida utente[/link] di Tumblr, qualora venissi ammesso a questa Community."],"Text for the dialog shown when a user wants to allow tips on their blog\u0004By tapping “Enable tipping” below you agree to our [termsLink]Terms of Service[/termsLink] and have read our [privacyLink]Privacy Policy[/privacyLink].":["Toccando \"Abilita mance\" di seguito, accetti i nostri [termsLink]Termini di servizio[/termsLink] e confermi di aver letto la nostra [privacyLink]Informativa sulla privacy[/privacyLink]."],"CNAME record description\u0004CNAME (canonical name) records are typically used to link a subdomain (e.g. to a domain (e.g.":["I record CNAME (nome canonico) vengono generalmente utilizzati per collegare un sottodominio (ad esempio a un dominio (es."],"Windows98 calendar button\u0004Calendar":["Calendario"],"Link to the privacy notice for users located in California\u0004California Privacy Notice":["Informativa sulla privacy della California"],"Link to the privacy notice for users located in California\u0004Privacy Notice for California Users":["Notifica di privacy per i residenti in California"],"Label for selecting a Call to action button for Blaze campaigns (modal)\u0004Call to action button":["Pulsante Call to Action"],"Campaign Goal section title for a blaze campaign\u0004Campaign Goal":["Obiettivo della campagna"],"Campaign goal section title of a Blaze campaign\u0004Campaign Goal":["Obiettivo della campagna"],"Label for selecting a campaign goal for Blaze campaigns (modal)\u0004Campaign Goal":["Obiettivo della campagna"],"A pending sponsored owned post is being extinguished - intro message (sponsored by other user)\u0004Campaign initiated by [link][blogName][/link] will be removed from moderation queue and the post will not be promoted across Tumblr.":["La campagna avviata da [link][blogName][/link] verrà rimossa dalla coda di moderazione e il post non verrà promosso su Tumblr."],"A pending sponsored non-owned post is being extinguished - intro message\u0004Campaign with [link][blogName][/link] post will be removed from the moderation queue, the post will not be promoted and a full refund of your payment will be issued.":["La campagna con il post [link][blogName][/link] verrà rimossa dalla coda di moderazione, il post non verrà promosso e verrà emesso un rimborso completo del pagamento."],"A pending sponsored non-owned post is being extinguished - intro message\u0004Campaign with [link][blogName]’s[/link] post will be removed from the moderation queue, the post will not be promoted and a full refund of your payment will be issued.":["La campagna con il post di [link][blogName][/link] verrà rimossa dalla coda di moderazione, il post non verrà promosso e verrà emesso un rimborso completo del pagamento."],"Navigational tab at the top of Tumblr Blaze - Campaigns\u0004Campaigns":["Campagne"],"Navigational tab at the top of Tumblr Blaze - Campaigns\u0004Your posts":["I tuoi post"],"Palette/theme name. Black text on light yellow background.\u0004Canary":["Canarino"],"Button to cancel a tags filter selection\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Cancel button\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Cancel button for promoting to moderator\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Cancel button for updating member role\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Cancel delete collection action button label\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Cancel the changes\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Cancel the changes after updating the blog settings header\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Close domain contain info form\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Close the prompt and get back to the current onboarding page\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Community invite dialog invite link refresh confirmation dismiss button label\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Confirmation dialog for removing a community member - dismiss\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Dismiss button for modal shown when user attempts to leave a community\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Dismiss button of the dialog that is displayed when you try to perform a community members only action (as invited user)\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Label for button to cancel creation of a new Patio Tag column\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Label for button to cancel creation of a new Patio column\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Label for button to cancel modifying the settings of a Patio Search column\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Label for button to cancel modifying the settings of a Patio Tag column\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Label for cancel button\u0004Cancel":["Annulla"],"Menu item label for canceling pending invite by admin\u0004Cancel invite":["Cancella invito"],"[Premium] Cancel subscription button label\u0004Cancel subscription":["Cancella abbonamento"],"[Premium] Cancel subscription button label\u0004Cancel your subscription":["Cancella il tuo abbonamento"],"[Subscriptions \u0026 purchases] Cancel subscription button label\u0004Cancel this subscription":["Annulla questo abbonamento"],"Label for a button that will allow a user to cancel their tip before completing the transaction\u0004Cancel tip":["Annulla mancia"],"Cancel subscription button label on Tumblr Premium modal\u0004Cancel your subscription":["Cancella il tuo abbonamento"],"Blaze campaign status: Canceled\u0004Canceled":["Annullato"],"Another user canceled their Blaze of the logged in user's post\u0004Canceled their Blaze campaign of your post":["Ha cancellato la campagna Blaze sul suo post"],"Another user canceled the logged in user's Blaze on their post\u0004Canceled your Blaze campaign of their post":["Ha cancellato la campagna Blaze sul suo post"],"cancellation effective date\u0004Cancellation effective [date]":["Cancellazione valida dal [date]"],"[Premium] Label to show that a subscription is cancelled\u0004Cancelled":["Annullato"],"cancelled on date\u0004Cancelled [date]":["Annullato [date]"],"Palette/theme name. Black text on white background.\u0004Cement":["Cemento"],"Button redirect to page to change blog settings\u0004Change":["Modifica"],"Text on a button that will allow a user change their badges image\u0004Change badge image":["Cambia immagine badge"],"Text on a button that will allow a user change their badges image\u0004Change badge image.":["Cambia immagine badge."],"Change password settings page description\u0004Change password":["Cambia password"],"Change password settings page title\u0004Change password":["Cambia password"],"[Tour Guide] Text that is shown as a tooltip inform user about audience control\u0004Change your post audience":["Cambia il pubblico del tuo post"],"Label for a toggle button that lets a user change the name or url of its blog\u0004Change your username":["Cambia il tuo nome utente"],"Success message shown when the changes on a blog collection have been saved\u0004Changes saved!":["Modifiche salvate!"],"Windows98 channels icon\u0004Channels":["Canali"],"Error message when a user tries to tip themself\u0004Cheatin' uh?":["Che fai... imbrogli?"],"Error message when a user tries to tip themself\u0004It looks like you're trying to launder money, not that i know what that means!":["Sembra che tu stia cercando di riciclare denaro, non che io sappia cosa significhi!"],"Error message when a user tries to tip themself\u0004Mission impossible":["Missione impossible"],"Error message when a user tries to tip themself\u0004Really...?":["Davvero?"],"Error message when a user tries to tip themself\u0004That would be counter productive.":["Questo sarebbe controproducente."],"Error message when a user tries to tip themself\u0004You deserve great things. But not like this.":["Ti meriti grandi cose. Ma non così."],"Error message when a user tries to tip themself\u0004nope.gif":["teloscordi.gif"],"Button text to check for Twitter handle availablity as Tumblr username\u0004Check":["Controlla"],"Empty state message for when a user has no items in their activity timeline\u0004Check back when you make a post to see Likes, Reblogs, new followers, and more.":["Quando crei un post controlla questa scheda per vedere reblog, nuovi lettori, Mi piace e altro."],"Button text inviting the user to view the collection\u0004Check it out":["Dagli un'occhiata"],"Community intro modal dismiss button label\u0004Check it out":["Dai un'occhiata"],"Title for the sidebar section with blogs recommended for the user\u0004Check out these blogs":["Guarda questi blog"],"Label for a setting that enables showing checkmarks next to your user name\u0004Checkmarks":["Spunte"],"A placeholder for the nth option of a poll\u0004Choice %1$s":["Scelta %1$s"],"How to Blaze description\u0004Choose Audience":["Scegli il pubblico"],"How to Blaze description\u0004Promote it with Blaze":["Sponsorizzalo con Blaze"],"How to Blaze description\u0004Select post to Blaze":["Scegli il post su cui vuoi usare Blaze"],"Message displayed in a blog selector dropdown, when no blog is chosen.\u0004Choose a blog":["Scegli un blog"],"Choose a photo from the user's computer\u0004Choose a photo":["Scegli una foto"],"text on a button that will start the process of resubscribing to Ad-free browsing\u0004Choose a plan and resubscribe":["Scegli un piano e iscriviti di nuovo"],"Blaze intro first step title\u0004Choose a post and the audience you want to promote it to with Blaze":["Scegli un post e il tipo di pubblico a cui vuoi rivolgerti per promuoverlo con Blaze"],"Blaze intro first step title\u0004Choose a post you want to promote with Blaze":["Scegli un post che vuoi promuovere con Blaze"],"Community create form - details section - description\u0004Choose a short, descriptive name and add a tagline that helps people understand what the community is about.":["Scegli un nome corto e descrittivo e aggiungi un sottotitolo che aiuti gli utenti a capire di cosa tratta la Community."],"Community create form - details section - description\u0004Choose a short, descriptive name, a handle for the URL, and add a tagline that helps people understand what the community is about.":["Scegli un nome corto e descrittivo , un nome utente per l'URL e aggiungi un sottotitolo che aiuti gli utenti a capire di cosa tratta la Community."],"A description for the details section of the community form\u0004Choose a short, descriptive name and add a tagline that helps users understand what the community is about.":["Scegli un nome corto e descrittivo e aggiungi un sottotitolo che aiuti gli utenti a capire di cosa tratta la Community."],"How to Blaze - Title\u0004Choose impressions and audience.":["Scegli le impressioni e il pubblico."],"How to Blaze - Title\u0004Choose your sponsored post.":["Scegli i tuoi post sponsorizzati"],"How to Blaze - Title\u0004Find the post you want to Blaze.":["Trova il post su cui vuoi usare Blaze."],"How to Blaze - Title\u0004Sponsor post with Blaze.":["Sponsorizza post con Blaze."],"Ignite modal title when on product screen and Blazing other people post\u0004Choose the package of impressions that you would like for this post.":["Seleziona il pacchetto di impressioni che desideri per questo post."],"Ignite modal title when on product screen and Blazing other people post\u0004Select the bundle of impressions you want for this post.":["Seleziona il pacchetto di impressioni che desideri per questo post."],"Ignite modal title when on product selection screen\u0004Choose the package of impressions that you would like for your post.":["Seleziona il pacchetto di impressioni che desideri per il tuo post."],"Ignite modal title when on product selection screen\u0004Choose your desired audience size.":["Scegli la quantità di spettatori che desideri."],"Ignite modal title when on product selection screen\u0004Select the bundle of impressions you want for your post.":["Seleziona il pacchetto di impressioni che desideri per il tuo post."],"Clear search and filters in the blog view\u0004Clear":["Cancella"],"Remove all selected tags from the filter\u0004Clear ([count])":["Cancella ([count])"],"Remove all selected tags from the filter\u0004Clear[count]":["Cancella[count]"],"Action to reset the filters on the search page\u0004Clear filters":["Cancella filtri"],"Clear topic search box\u0004Clear search":["Cancella Ricerca"],"Help text for blog setting for Discord integration\u0004Clear this field to disable sending events to Discord.":["Deseleziona questo campo per disabilitare l'invio di eventi a Discord."],"Jingle Bells: Button to show bells\u0004Click for bells":["Clicca per mostrare le campane"],"Pride 2023: Button to show frogs\u0004Click for frogs":["Clicca per le rane"],"How to Blaze - Details\u0004Click on the Blaze icon at the bottom of the post you think more people should see.":["Clicca sull'icona Blaze in fondo al post che vuoi che venga visto da più persone."],"How to Blaze - Details\u0004Click on the Blaze icon at the bottom of the post you would like to sponsor.":["Clicca sull'icona Blaze in fondo al post che vorresti sponsorizzare."],"How to Blaze - Details\u0004Select the pricing package and the audience we should show this post to.":["Seleziona il pacchetto di prezzi e il pubblico a cui dovremmo mostrare questo post."],"How to Blaze - Details\u0004Select your pricing package, and which audiences you want to see the chosen post.":["Seleziona il tuo pacchetto di prezzi e il pubblico a cui vuoi mostrare il post scelto."],"How to Blaze - Details\u0004We'll blow up the post and make sure it gets thousands of views on Tumblr.":["Faremo esplodere il post e faremo in modo che ottenga migliaia di visualizzazioni su Tumblr."],"How to Blaze - Details\u0004We’ll send your post into Tumblr’s stratosphere, and get it seen by thousands on thousands across the dashboard.":["Invieremo il tuo post nella stratosfera di Tumblr e lo faremo vedere a migliaia e migliaia attraverso la dashboard."],"Label for current lightbox image. Clicking on this image goes to the next image.\u0004Click to go to next image":["Clicca per la prossima immagine"],"[TumblrMart horse friend widget]: Label for a button that will clean up a horse's poo, and increase the player's score\u0004Click to remove poo":["Fare clic per rimuovere la cacca"],"Clicks section title of a Blaze campaign\u0004Clicks":["Click"],"Clicks section title of a Blaze campaign\u0004clicks":["click"],"Button label to close dialog modal\u0004Close":["Chiudi"],"Button used to show less blog info\u0004Close":["Chiudi"],"Close the dialog/modal\u0004Close":["Chiudi"],"Close the panel showing the community notes for a post\u0004Close":["Chiudi"],"Menu item to close the popover menu it's inside\u0004Close":["Chiudi"],"Screenreader-only label for close button in modals\u0004Close":["Chiudi"],"Video controls\u0004Close":["Chiudi"],"Video controls\u0004Mute sound":["Silenzia"],"Video controls\u0004Pause":["Pausa"],"Video controls\u0004Play":["Ascolta"],"Video controls\u0004Toggle full screen":["Passa a schermo intero"],"Video controls\u0004Toggle high definition":["Attiva alta definizione"],"label on a button that will dismiss a banner\u0004Close":["Chiudi"],"[Tumblrmart] Label on a button that will minimize Horse Friend game\u0004Close Horse Friend":["Chiudi Horse Friend"],"Clicking on the image will expand it and open a lightbox\u0004Close image":["Chiudi immagine"],"Label for last lightbox image. Clicking on this image closes the lightbox.\u0004Close image":["Chiudi immagine"],"Close the panel showing the notes for a post\u0004Close notes":["Chiudi note"],"Success message after copying the embed code\u0004Code copied!":["Codice copiato!"],"Label for button to collapse side navigation\u0004Collapse":["Nascondi"],"Jingle Bells: Button to collapse control panel\u0004Collapse panel":["Nascondi scheda"],"Pride 2023: Button to collapse control panel\u0004Collapse panel":["Nascondi scheda"],"Label for the collection icon on Patio\u0004Collection":["Raccolta"],"Collections list label\u0004Collections":["Raccolte"],"Link label in main navigation pointing to Collections\u0004Collections":["Raccolte"],"Link label in main navigation pointing to Collections page\u0004Collections":["Raccolte"],"Link label in main navigation pointing to Collections page\u0004See all":["Vedi tutte"],"Hidden title of modal describing Collections\u0004Collections Invitation":["Inviti alle raccolte"],"Body of the message shown when a logged out user opens a collection invitation link\u0004Collections are curated sets of Tumblr blogs and tags that you can share with your friends. Follow them all to add them to your feed.":["Le raccolte sono insiemi curati di blog e tag Tumblr che puoi condividere con i tuoi amici. Seguili tutti per aggiungerli al tuo feed."],"Body of the message shown when a logged out user opens a collection invitation link\u0004Collections are sets of blogs and tags that you can share with your friends. Follow all to see this content on your dashboard.":["Le raccolte sono insiemi di blog e tag che puoi condividere con i tuoi amici. Seguili tutti per vedere questi contenuti sulla tua dashboard."],"Label for setting the normal width on a Patio Column\u0004Column":["Colonna"],"Label for setting the normal width on a Patio Column\u0004Normal width":["Larghezza normale"],"A placeholder indicating that this section is still being built\u0004Coming Soon":["In arrivo"],"Text on button to register users coming from Twitter\u0004Coming from Twitter/X? Sign up":["Vieni da Twitter/X? Iscriviti"],"Text on button to register users coming from Twitter\u0004Coming from Twitter? Sign up":["Vieni da Twitter? Iscriviti"],"Text on button to register users coming from Twitter\u0004Coming from Twitter? Signup":["Vieni da Twitter? Iscriviti"],"[Communities] CTA text to leave a first comment on a post\u0004Comment":["Commento"],"Placeholder text shown for a comment when content has been moderated\u0004Comment removed by moderator.":["Commento rimosso da un moderatore."],"Message for when moderating a comment was successful\u0004Comment removed from community.":["Commento rimosso dalla Community."],"Another user commented on the logged in user's blog with the shown name\u0004Commented on [blogNameOfAuthor]":["Ha commented su [blogNameOfAuthor]"],"One or more users commented on the logged in user's blog with the shown name\u0004Commented on [blogNameOfAuthor]":["Ha commentato su [blogNameOfAuthor]"],"Another user commented on a [community] post by [blogname] that the logged in user follows\u0004Commented on [blogname]'s post in [community]":["Ha commentato il post di [blogname] in [community]."],"One or more users commented on a [community] post by [blogname] that the logged in user follows\u0004Commented on [blogname]'s post in [community]":["Ha commentato sul post di [blogname] in [community]"],"Another user replied to the logged in user's community post\u0004Commented on your post in [communityName]":["Ha commentato il tuo post in [communityName]."],"Another user replied to the logged in user's community post\u0004commented on your post in [communityName].":["ha commentato il tuo post in [communityName]."],"The label for commercial posts.\u0004Commercial content":["Contenuti commerciali"],"Page title for Communities landing page on mobile\u0004Communities":["Community"],"Search filter request mode option\u0004Communities":["Community"],"Search filter request mode option\u0004Latest":["Più recenti"],"Search filter request mode option\u0004Top":["Più amati"],"Tab title for the search page\u0004Communities":["Community"],"[Communities] Landing page main heading\u0004Communities":["Community"],"[Search] Title for a list of communities that match the search query\u0004Communities":["Community"],"Community create form - banner - title\u0004Communities on Tumblr":["Community su Tumblr"],"Title for communities search results page\u0004Communities related to \"%1$s\"":["Community relative a: %1$s"],"Label for the communities icon on Patio\u0004Community":["Community"],"About this Community page guidelines title\u0004Community Guidelines":["Linee guida utente"],"About this Community page guidelines title\u0004Community guidelines":["Linee guida utente"],"Text shown as title for a community's guidelines\u0004Community Guidelines":["Linee guida utente"],"Text shown as title for a community's guidelines\u0004Community guidelines":["Linee guida utente"],"Text shown as title for a community's guidelines\u0004Review the Guidelines":["Rivedi le Linee guida"],"Menu item to alert that the community label was already suggested\u0004Community Label suggested":["Etichetta community suggerita"],"Community Label in post menu for labelled post\u0004Community Label: Everyone":["Etichetta community: tutti"],"Community Label in post menu for labelled post\u0004Community Label: Mature":["Etichetta community: adulti"],"Community Label in post body\u0004Community Label: Mature":["Etichetta community: adulti"],"Community Label in post header\u0004Community Label: Mature":["Etichetta community: adulti"],"Link to the community settings page\u0004Community Settings":["Impostazioni Community"],"Link to the community settings page\u0004Community settings":["Impostazioni Community"],"Link to the community settings page\u0004Settings":["Impostazioni"],"Community create form - details section - title\u0004Community details":["Dettagli Community"],"Label describing list of tabs (filters) on community feed\u0004Community feed filters":["Filtri dei feed della Community"],"Heading of join community modal accept terms step\u0004Community guidelines":["Linee guida della Community"],"Title of post form Community Labels dropdown\u0004Community labels":["Etichette community"],"Label describing list of tabs available on community members page\u0004Community members categories":["Categorie dei membri della Community"],"[Communities] Heading text for a feed of posts from joined communities\u0004Community posts":["Post della Community"],"[Communities] Link to feed of posts from communities the user has joined\u0004Community posts":["Post della Community"],"Header text shown when Community creation request submitted successfully\u0004Community saved!":["Community salvata!"],"[Search] Label for a community which appears in search results\u0004Community search result":["Risultati di ricerca Community"],"The title of a card that shows tags assigned to the current community\u0004Community tags":["Tag Community"],"Private Community visibility label for screen readers\u0004Community visibility is private":["Questa Community è privata"],"Private Community visibility label for screen readers\u0004This community is private":["Questa Community è privata"],"Public Community visibility label for screen readers\u0004Community visibility is public":["Questa Community è pubblica"],"Public Community visibility label for screen readers\u0004This community is public":["Questa Community è pubblica"],"Blaze campaign status\u0004Completed":["Completata"],"Blaze campaign status\u0004Extinguished":["Terminata"],"Blaze campaign status filter label for completed campaigns\u0004Completed":["Completate"],"Blaze campaign status: Completed\u0004Completed":["Completato"],"Notification filter text for a Completed Blaze\u0004Completed Blaze":["Blaze completate"],"Button that opens Dashboard Tabs Configure screen\u0004Configure Dashboard Tabs":["Configura schede dashboard"],"Header for pop-up message when we can't load a rewarded ad and just give the reward to the user\u0004Congrats":["Complimenti"],"The user has reached a like milestone\u0004Congratulations, you liked [strong][milestone][/strong] posts!":["Congratulazioni, ti sono piaciuti i post di [strong][milestone][/strong]!"],"The blog has reached a posting milestone\u0004Congratulations, you posted [strong][milestone][/strong] posts!":["Congratulazioni, hai pubblicato post di [strong][milestone][/strong]!"],"The blog has reached a birthday milestone\u0004Congratulations, your blog [strong][targetTumblelogName][/strong] turned [strong][number][/strong] year old!":["Congratulazioni, il tuo blog [strong][targetTumblelogName][/strong] ha compiuto [strong][number][milestone][/strong] anno!","Congratulazioni, il tuo blog [strong][targetTumblelogName][/strong] ha compiuto [strong][number][milestone][/strong] anni!"],"The blog has reached a birthday milestone\u0004Happy Birthday [strong][targetTumblelogName][/strong]! You turned [strong][number][/strong] year old today!":["Buon compleanno [strong][targetTumblelogName][/strong]! Oggi compi [strong][number][/strong] anno!","Buon compleanno [strong][targetTumblelogName][/strong]! Oggi compi [strong][number][/strong] anni!"],"Name of the domain connect feature\u0004Connect":["Connetti"],"Name of the domain connect feature\u0004Connect domain":["Connetti dominio"],"Prompt user to confirm domain connection\u0004Connect Domain":["connetti dominio"],"Prompt user to confirm permanently disconnecting legacy domain which was bought outside Tumblr\u0004Connect Domain":["Connetti dominio"],"Prompt user to confirm permanently disconnecting legacy domain which was bought outside Tumblr\u0004The blog \u003cstrong\u003e%1$s\u003c/strong\u003e is currently connected to \u003cstrong\u003e%2$s\u003c/strong\u003e, a domain that was not purchased at Tumblr. Once \u003cstrong\u003e%2$s\u003c/strong\u003e is disconnected from the blog, you will not be able to connect it again. Are you sure you want to proceed with connecting \u003cstrong\u003e%3$s\u003c/strong\u003e to the blog \u003cstrong\u003e%1$s\u003c/strong\u003e instead?":["Il blog \u003cstrong\u003e%1$s\u003c/strong\u003e è attualmente connesso a \u003cstrong\u003e%2$s\u003c/strong\u003e, un dominio che non è stato acquistato su Tumblr. Una volta che \u003cstrong\u003e%2$s\u003c/strong\u003e sarà disconnesso dal blog, non potrai più connetterlo. Sei sicuro di voler invece procedere con la connessione di \u003cstrong\u003e%3$s\u003c/strong\u003e al blog \u003cstrong\u003e%1$s\u003c/strong\u003e?"],"Prompt user to confirm permanently disconnecting legacy domain which was bought outside Tumblr\u0004The blog \u003cstrong\u003e%1$s\u003c/strong\u003e is currently connected to \u003cstrong\u003e%2$s\u003c/strong\u003e, a domain that was not purchased on Tumblr. Connecting \u003cstrong\u003e%3$s\u003c/strong\u003e to \u003cstrong\u003e%1$s\u003c/strong\u003e will disconnect \u003cstrong\u003e%2$s\u003c/strong\u003e and you will no longer be able to connect it to your Tumblr blog in the future. Are you sure?":["Il blog \u003cstrong\u003e%1$s\u003c/strong\u003e è attualmente connesso a \u003cstrong\u003e%2$s\u003c/strong\u003e, un dominio che non è stato acquistato su Tumblr. La connessione di \u003cstrong\u003e%3$s\u003c/strong\u003e a \u003cstrong\u003e%1$s\u003c/strong\u003e disconnetterà \u003cstrong\u003e%2$s\u003c/strong\u003e e non sarai più in grado di connetterlo al tuo Tumblr blog in futuro. Sei sicuro/a?"],"Button text for confirming domain connection\u0004Connect domain":["Connetti dominio"],"CTA button for Domain Connection\u0004Connect domain for [discountedPriceFormatted]":["Connetti dominio per [discountedPriceFormatted]"],"CTA button for Domain Connection\u0004Connect domain for [discountedPrice]":["Connetti dominio a [discountedPrice]"],"Announcement of the sunsetting of free connection if the legacy domain is not transferable to Tumblr\u0004Connect your domain to ensure your blog remains on [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] and retains its unique aesthetic! [linkLearnMore]Learn more[/linkLearnMore].":["Connetti il tuo dominio per essere sicuro/a che il tuo blog rimanga su [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] e mantenga la sua particolare estetica! [linkLearnMore]Scopri di più[/linkLearnMore]."],"Announcement of the sunsetting of free connection if the legacy domain is not transferable to Tumblr\u0004Starting [startDate], your custom theme will be disabled, and [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] will redirect to [defaultDomainBlogLink][defaultDisplayUrl][/defaultDomainBlogLink]. But you can ensure your blog remains on [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] and retains its unique aesthetic by connecting your domain! [linkLearnMore]Learn more[/linkLearnMore].":["A partire dal [startDate], il tuo tema predefinito sarà disattivato e [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] reindirizzerà a [defaultDomainBlogLink][defaultDisplayUrl][/defaultDomainBlogLink]. Per essere sicuro che il tuo blog rimanga attivo [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] e mantenga il suo aspetto originale collega il tuo dominio! [linkLearnMore]Scopri di più[/linkLearnMore]."],"Label of the blog switcher used for selecting a blog for domain mapping\u0004Connected to":["Connesso a"],"Refers to the Tumblr blog a domain purchased by a user redirects to\u0004Connected to":["Connesso a"],"Refers to the Tumblr blog a domain purchased by a user redirects to\u0004Connected until":["Connesso fino al"],"Refers to the date of a connected domain, when the connection expires\u0004Connected until":["Connesso fino al"],"Button that links to Tumblr support\u0004Contact Support":["Contatta l'assistenza"],"Title of the contact information panel in domain settings\u0004Contact information":["Informazioni di contatto"],"Title for the modal that appears when contact information update failed due to domain maintenance\u0004Contact information update failed":["Aggiornamento delle informazioni di contatto non riuscito"],"Contact support button\u0004Contact support":["Contatta l'assistenza"],"Label on post header indicating that this post has commercial content.\u0004Contains commercial content":["Contiene contenuto commerciale"],"Community labels settings: Description for mature content setting\u0004Contains content that may not be suitable for all audiences.":["Contiene contenuti che potrebbero non essere adatti a tutti i tipi di pubblico."],"Content labels settings: Description for mature content setting\u0004Contains content that may not be suitable for all audiences.":["Contiene contenuti che potrebbero non essere adatti a tutti i tipi di pubblico."],"Details about community label category\u0004Contains discussion of substance abuse or addiction experience that may be dangerous to or trigger those at risk.":["Contiene discussioni sull'abuso di sostanze o sull'esperienza di dipendenza che possono essere pericolose o istigare le persone a rischio."],"Details about community label category\u0004Contains mature content, such as erotic writing or other sexually suggestive subject matter.":["Contiene contenuti per adulti, come testi erotici o altri argomenti sessualmente allusivi."],"Details about community label category\u0004Contains violent or graphic content similar to what you might see in a movie.":["Contiene contenuti violenti o immagini simili a quelle che potresti vedere in un film."],"Details about community label category\u0004The author has indicated this post may contain content that may not be suitable for all audiences.":["L'autore ha indicato che questo post potrebbe includere contenuti non adatti a tutti i tipi di pubblico."],"Community labels settings: Description for drug use topic\u0004Contains discussion of substance abuse or addiction experience.":["Contiene discussioni sull'abuso di sostanze o esperienze di dipendenza."],"Content labels settings: Description for drug use topic\u0004Contains discussion of substance abuse or addiction experience.":["Contiene discussioni sull'abuso di sostanze o esperienze di dipendenza."],"Community labels settings: Description for sexual themes topic\u0004Contains sexually suggestive subject matter, such as erotic writing or imagery.":["Contiene argomenti sessualmente allusivi, come testi o immagini erotiche."],"Content labels settings: Description for sexual themes topic\u0004Contains sexually suggestive subject matter, such as erotic writing or imagery.":["Contiene argomenti sessualmente allusivi, come testi o immagini erotiche."],"Community labels settings: Description for violence topic\u0004Contains violent or graphic content similar to what you might see in an age-restricted movie.":["Contiene contenuti violenti o grafici simili a quelli che potresti vedere in un film vietato ai minori."],"Content labels settings: Description for violence topic\u0004Contains violent or graphic content similar to what you might see in an age-restricted movie.":["Contiene contenuti violenti o immagini simili a quelle che potresti vedere in un film vietato ai minori."],"Menu item to alert that the content label was already suggested\u0004Content Label suggested":["Etichetta Contenuti suggerita"],"Content Label in post body\u0004Content Label: Mature":["Etichetta contenuti: adulti"],"Content Label in post header\u0004Content Label: Mature":["Etichetta contenuti: adulti"],"Content Label in post menu for labelled post\u0004Content Label: Mature":["Etichetta contenuti: adulti"],"The header for the Content label section of the community form\u0004Content label":["Etichetta Contenuti"],"Title of post form Content Labels dropdown\u0004Content labels":["Etichette Contenuti"],"Content label community panel education banner (creating a new community)\u0004Content labels control who can access this new community and help users avoid content they’d rather not see. [link]Learn more[/link]":["Le etichette Contenuti controllano chi può accedere a questa nuova Community e aiutano gli utenti a evitare contenuti che preferirebbero non vedere. [link]Scopri di più[/link]"],"Content label community panel education banner\u0004Content labels help control who can see this community, and help others avoid content they'd rather not see. [link]Learn more[/link]":["Le etichette Contenuti controllano chi può vedere questa Community e aiutano gli utenti a evitare contenuti che preferirebbero non vedere. [link]Scopri di più[/link]"],"Content label community panel education banner (editing settings for existing community)\u0004Content labels help control who can see this community, and help others avoid content they'd rather not see. [link]Learn more[/link]":["Le etichette contenuti aiutano a controllare chi può vedere questa Community aiutando gli altri a evitare contenuti che preferirebbero non vedere. [link]Scopri di più[/link]"],"Menu item to redirect to content settings\u0004Content settings":["Impostazioni del contenuto"],"Button that allows users to go to the next step of join community flow\u0004Continue":["Continua"],"Button text that will take user to Stripe to add their banking info\u0004Continue to Stripe":["Vai a Stripe"],"Text on button to log in with Apple\u0004Continue with Apple":["Continua con Apple"],"Text on button to log in with Google\u0004Continue with Google":["Continua con Google"],"Button text to login or register with an email address\u0004Continue with email":["Continua con l'email"],"Community labels settings: Description for section\u0004Control how you see certain topics across Tumblr":["Controlla come vedi determinati argomenti su Tumblr."],"Content labels settings: Description for section\u0004Control how you see certain topics across Tumblr":["Controlla come vedi determinati argomenti su Tumblr"],"Label for conversation where %1$s is the other participant's name\u0004Conversation with %1$s":["Conversazione con %1$s"],"Title for the section on the notifications settings page to enable whether you want to receive notifications about posts you participate in\u0004Conversational notifications":["Notifiche delle conversazioni"],"Menu option to convert the link card to an inline text link\u0004Convert to inline link":["Converti in link in linea"],"Button to close dialog displayed after requesting community membership\u0004Cool":["Fantastico"],"Placeholder of the Community name form field - variation 4\u0004Cool Kids on the Block":["Cool Kids on the Block"],"A question about Tumblr supporter badge\u0004Cool. But how does it work?":["Ok, ma come funziona?"],"Community invite dialog button tooltip informing that link was copied after click\u0004Copied":["Copiato"],"Label shown to confirm that copying the link was successful\u0004Copied":["Copiato"],"Success message shown when copying invite link for community\u0004Copied":["Copiato"],"Mid-level of Tumblr supporter badge\u0004Copper":["Rame"],"Mid-level of Tumblr supporter badge\u0004Gold":["Oro"],"Mid-level of Tumblr supporter badge\u0004Platinum":["Platino"],"Community invite dialog button label to copy invite code (accessible only by screen readers)\u0004Copy":["Copia"],"Community invite dialog button label to copy invite code (accessible only by screen readers)\u0004Copy invite link":["Copia link d'invito"],"Community invite dialog button tooltip to copy invite code\u0004Copy":["Copia"],"Community invite dialog copy invite code button tooltip\u0004Copy":["Copia"],"Community invite dialog copy invite link button tooltip\u0004Copy":["Copia"],"Menu item to copy the embed code to a post to your clipboard\u0004Copy code":["Copia il codice"],"Community invite dialog button label to copy invite link (accessible only by screen readers)\u0004Copy invite link":["Copia link d'invito"],"Menu item label for copying the link to a community\u0004Copy link":["Copia link"],"Menu item to copy the link to a post to your clipboard\u0004Copy link":["Copia link"],"Menu item to copy the link to a post to your clipboard\u0004Copy link to post":["Copia link al post"],"[Tour Guide] Text that is shown as a tooltip to inform user about Community Invite Link\u0004Copy your community's invite link":["Copy il link d'invito della tua Community"],"Label shown to inform that copying the link errored out\u0004Copying failed":["Capia fallita"],"Toast message showed as confirmation of sending verification email\u0004Could not resend email. Try again":["L'email non è stata inviata di nuovo. Riprova."],"Toast message showed as confirmation of sending verification email\u0004Email sent":["Email inviata"],"A message could not be sent. This text should be brief to accomodate the small form-factor of conversation windows\u0004Could not send":["Impossibile inviare"],"Error message on a dialog of the blog settings Tipping section\u0004Couldn't access your Stripe account, please try again later":["Non siamo riusciti ad accedere al tuo account Stripe, per favore riprova più tardi."],"The message displayed when there are no results.\u0004Couldn’t find that. Please, don’t be upset. Please.":["Non siamo riusciti a trovare nulla. Per favore non ti arrabbiare. Per favore."],"The message displayed when there are no results.\u0004If you were looking for nothing, congrats, you found it.":["Se stavi cercando il nulla, congratulazioni, l'hai trovato."],"The message displayed when there are no results.\u0004Looked around but didn’t see anything about that.":["Abbiamo cercato in giro ma non abbiamo trovato nulla."],"The message displayed when there are no results.\u0004Nothing to see here.":["Non c'è niente da vedere qui."],"The message displayed when there are no results.\u0004Nothing turned up. Bummer.":["Non è uscito niente. Delusione."],"The message displayed when there are no results.\u0004Remember: The internet is a series of tubes. Empty, empty tubes.":["Ricorda: internet è un'insieme di tubi. Tutti molto, molto vuoti."],"The message displayed when there are no results.\u0004Sadly, nothing.":["Purtroppo niente."],"The message displayed when there are no results.\u0004This? Here? Yeah, nothing.":["Una ricerca di qua, una di là e nulla ci sta."],"The message displayed when there are no results.\u0004Tragically, nothing.":["Che tragedia, non c'è nulla!"],"The message displayed when there are no results.\u0004We found nothing. Here it isn’t.":["Non abbiamo trovato nulla. Qui non c'è."],"The message displayed when there are no results.\u0004Welcome to the void. There is nothing here.":["Benvenuto nel vuoto assoluto. Qui non c'è nulla."],"\"aria-label\" for editing the \"country\" field in the domain contact information form\u0004Country":["Paese"],"Label for country selector in Blaze campaigns (modal)\u0004Country":["Paese"],"Label for selecting a country for Blaze campaigns (modal)\u0004Country":["Paese"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Label for a crab\u0004Crab":["Granchio"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Label for a crab that has been caught\u0004Crab in a bag":["Granchio nel sacco"],"Create collection button label\u0004Create":["Crea"],"Label for button to confirm creation of a new Patio column\u0004Create":["Crea"],"Community creation form title\u0004Create a Community":["Crea una Community"],"[Communities] Form title for creating a new community\u0004Create a Community":["Crea una Community"],"[Communities] Form title for creating a new community\u0004Create a community":["Crea una Community"],"Label for a button to create a collection located in the collection list\u0004Create a collection":["Crea una collezione"],"Text inviting users to create a collection\u0004Create a collection to share a curated selection of blogs and tags with your friends, family, and frenemies.":["Crea una raccolta per condividere una selezione curata di blog e tag con i tuoi amici, familiari e nemici-amici."],"Communities landing page CTA to create a community\u0004Create a community":["Crea una Community"],"[Communities] Button to create a new community\u0004Create a community":["Crea una Community"],"Help text describing a settings toggle\u0004Create a separate theme for your blog. Change the layout. Edit the code. Make an entirely new theme. It’s up to you.":["Crea un tema separato per il tuo blog. Cambia la disposizione. Modifica il codice. Crea un tema completamente nuovo. Tocca a te."],"Help text describing a settings toggle\u0004If enabled, your purchased checkmarks will appear next to your blog's name.":["Se abilitate, le spunte acquistate appariranno accanto al nome del tuo blog."],"Help text describing a settings toggle\u0004Make your follows public at: [link][url][/link]":["Rendi pubblici i tuoi seguiti su: [link][url][/link]"],"Help text describing a settings toggle\u0004Make your likes public at: [link][url][/link]":["Rendi pubblici i tuoi Mi piace su: [link][url][/link]"],"Help text describing a settings toggle\u0004[s]Make your likes public at[/s] [link][url][/link] [s]and to others in recommendations.[/s]":["[s]Rendi pubblici i tuoi Mi piace su[/s] [link][url][/link] [s]e ad altri nei consigli.[/s]"],"[Communities] Link to let users find out about communities\u0004Create new community":["Crea una nuova Community"],"CTA when there is no posts to blaze yet (Blaze landing page)\u0004Create your first post":["Crea il tuo primo post"],"Blaze campaign status: Created\u0004Created":["Creato"],"Label for showing an author of the collection\u0004Created by":["Creato da"],"Label for showing an author of the collection\u0004[Prefix]Created by[/Prefix] [Avatar/] [BlogName/]":["[Prefix]Creato da[/Prefix] [Avatar/] [BlogName/]"],"Text on the blog settings section that tells when the latest backup of their blog was created. [date] is the date of the backup\u0004Created on [date]":["Creato il [date]"],"Community created date label\u0004Created: %1$s":["Creata: %1$s"],"[TMG Credits] Detail text for credit info page\u0004Credits are a virtual currency you can use to gift streamers on Tumblr Live. Support Tumblr and encourage your favorite streamers to keep making Tumblr better!":["I crediti sono una valuta virtuale che puoi utilizzare per regalare agli streamer su Tumblr Live. Supporta Tumblr e incoraggia i tuoi streamer preferiti a continuare a migliorare Tumblr!"],"Palette/theme name. Freeform Cruel Summer takeover.\u0004Cruel Summer":["Estate crudele"],"Year in review loading indicator: text shown when loading results for a specific blog name\u0004Crunching the numbers for [bold][blogName][/bold]":["Stiamo generando le statistiche per [bold][blogName][/bold]"],"A brief description of the Dashboard Tabs Configuration screen\u0004Curate your Tumblr experience like never before! Choose what you see by selecting and reordering different tabs.":["Cura la tua esperienza Tumblr come mai prima d'ora! Scegli ciò che vedi selezionando e riordinando le diverse schede."],"Introduction to the new Dashboard Tabs Configure screen\u0004Curate your Tumblr experience like never before! Choose what you see by selecting and reordering different tabs.":["Cura la tua esperienza Tumblr come mai prima d'ora! Scegli ciò che vedi selezionando e riordinando le diverse schede."],"Label showing that the current post is selected, along with how many levels deep the reblog is\u0004Current post ([number] reblog deep)":["Post corrente ([number] livello di reblog)","Post corrente ([number] livelli di reblog)"],"Placeholder of messaging input when receiver is unable to receive message\u0004Currently offline":["Attualmente offline"],"screenreader-friendly description of which page the user is on. %1$s is the current page number, %2$s is the total page count.\u0004Currently on page %1$s of %2$s":["Al momento alla pagina %1$s di %2$s"],"Label for a button that allows a user to enter a free-form, custom tip amount\u0004Custom":["Personalizza"],"Title for a screen where a user can enter a custom tip amount\u0004Custom Amount":["Importo personalizzato"],"Label for a settings section that lets the user edit the blog theme\u0004Custom Theme":["Tema Personalizzato"],"Aria label for an input field that lets the user add a custom domain name for its blog\u0004Custom domain":["Dominio personalizzato"],"Community labels settings: Heading for topic list\u0004Customize per topic":["Personalizza per argomento"],"Content labels settings: Heading for topic list\u0004Customize per topic":["Personalizza per argomento"],"Palette/theme name. Green text on black background.\u0004Cybernetic":["Cibernetico"],"Label of a link that navigates to the domain DNS management page. %1$s is a domain name the user is adding a DNS record for\u0004DNS Records for %1$s":["Record DNS per %1$s"],"Label of a link that navigates to the domain DNS management page. %1$s is a domain name the user is editing a DNS record for\u0004DNS Records for %1$s":["Record DNS per %1$s"],"Title of the domain DNS panel in domain settings where users can manage their DNS records\u0004DNS records":["Record DNS"],"A description of what DNS records are\u0004DNS records are special settings that change how your domain works. They let you connect to third-party services, like an email provider.":["I record DNS sono impostazioni speciali che modificano il funzionamento del dominio. Ti permettono di connetterti a servizi di terze parti, come un provider di posta elettronica."],"Perks is a plural noun, variable is the maximum number of characters.\u0004Dang! Perks cannot be longer than %1$s characters.":["Accidenti! I vantaggi non possono avere più di %1$s caratteri."],"Perk is a noun, variable is the max number or perks.\u0004Dang! You hit the %1$s perk limit.":["Boom! Hai raggiunto il limite di %1$s vantaggi."],"Error message when field is blank\u0004Dang! You should put something here.":["Mannaggia! Dovresti mettere qualcosa qui."],"Palette/theme name. White text on black background.\u0004Dark Mode":["Modalità scura"],"Palette/theme name. White text on black background.\u0004Dark mode":["Modalità scura"],"Dashboard Settings | Tumblr\u0004Dashboard":["Dashboard"],"Label for date picker\u0004Date":["Data"],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Purchase history table date column header\u0004Date":["Data"],"{{endTime}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004DateNight is currently active! Event ends at {{endtime}}!":["DateNight è attiva! L'evento termina alle {{endtime}}!"],"{{endTime}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Play NextDate right now and get a free drink from us on your first date. Event ends at {{endtime}}!":["Gioca subito a NextDate e ricevi un drink gratuito offerto da noi al tuo primo appuntamento. L'evento termina alle {{endtime}}!"],"{{day}}, {{starttime}}, and {{endtime}} are tokens that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004DateNight is {{day}} from {{starttime}} - {{endtime}}!":["DateNight è {{day}} dalle {{starttime}} - alle {{endtime}}!"],"{{day}}, {{starttime}}, and {{endtime}} are tokens that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004The next DateNight will be {{day}} from {{starttime}} to {{endtime}}!":["Il prossimo DateNight sarà {{day}} dalle {{starttime}} alle {{endtime}}!"],"Label for birthdate day dropdown in account settings\u0004Day":["Giorno"],"Text on a button that will deactivate the Post+ feature for selected blog\u0004Deactivate Post+":["Disattiva Post+"],"Title for a button on the blog settings section that allows a user to disconnect their Twitter account from Tumblr\u0004Deauthorize this Twitter account.":["Non autorizzare più questo account Twitter."],"Description for the Allow Blaze by others Post level toggle\u0004Decide if this post can be sponsored by others. You’ll be able to stop it any time.":["Decidi se questo post può essere sponsorizzato da altri. Potrai sospenderlo in qualsiasi momento."],"Description for the Allow Blaze by others Post level toggle\u0004Decide if this post can be sponsored by others. You’ll be to stop it any time.":["Decidi se questo post può essere sponsorizzato da altri. Potrai fermarlo in qualsiasi momento."],"Instructions for the modal shown when a user wants to set up other users Blaze their content setting\u0004Decide whether you want to apply this setting to all your blog’s posts or only new posts you create.":["Decidi se vuoi applicare questa impostazione a tutti i post del tuo blog o solo ai nuovi post che crei."],"Label of a button used to decline invitation to a community\u0004Decline":["Rifiuta"],"[Badge Management] Badge count selector increment label\u0004Decrement badge count":["Riduci il conteggio dei badge"],"[Badge Management] Badge count selector increment label\u0004Increment badge count":["Incrementa il conteggio dei badge"],"Default collection cover image\u0004Default collection cover image":["Immagine predefinita di copertina della raccolta"],"Delete collection button label\u0004Delete":["Elimina"],"Link text to open delete dialog\u0004Delete":["Elimina"],"The menu item that deletes a DNS record\u0004Delete":["Elimina"],"Button label for deleting a blog. Placeholder is the blog name\u0004Delete %1$s":["Elimina %1$s"],"Button label to delete user's account\u0004Delete account":["Elimina account"],"Section title in settings page for deleting account\u0004Delete account":["Elimina account"],"Section title in settings page for deleting a secondary blog\u0004Delete blog":["Elimina blog"],"Confirmation button for modal shown when last admin attempts to leave a community\u0004Delete community":["Elimina Community"],"Ask if you want to remove this reply\u0004Delete this reply":["Elimina questa risposta"],"Confirmation button for demoting a community moderator\u0004Demote":["Annulla la promozione"],"Confirmation button for demoting a moderator\u0004Demote":["Annulla la promozione"],"Heading text for confirmation dialog shown when demoting a community moderator\u0004Demote @%1$s to member?":["Annulla la promozione di @%1$s e fallo diventare membro?"],"Heading text for confirmation dialog shown when demoting a moderator\u0004Demote @%1$s to member?":["Retrocedi @%1$s a membro?"],"Menu item label for demoting a community moderator\u0004Demote to member":["Retrocedi a membro"],"Menu item label for demoting a moderator\u0004Demote to member":["Retrocedi a membro"],"Button label to deny membership request in a community\u0004Deny":["Non autorizzare"],"Placeholder for the input that allows users to set the blog description on the blog settings\u0004Description":["Descrizione"],"Text field label for a collection description\u0004Description":["Descrizione"],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Purchase history table description column header\u0004Description":["Descrizione"],"[Badge Management] Hide badges radio label\u0004Deselect all badges":["Deseleziona tutti i badge"],"[Badge Management] Hide badges radio label\u0004Hide badges":["Nascondi badge"],"Windows98 desktop icon\u0004Desktop":["Desktop"],"The header for the Details section of the Community form\u0004Details":["Dettagli"],"Title of the domain registration details panel in domain settings\u0004Details":["Dettagli"],"Text to encourage users to mute a post instead of deleting it.\u0004Did you know that you can now mute notifications for this post if your activity is a bit too noisy?":["Sapevi che ora puoi disattivare le notifiche per questo post se la tua attività è un po' troppo rumorosa?"],"text a user sees after we send them an email to reset their password\u0004Didn’t get it? Check your spam folder. If it’s not there, follow the tips in our Help docs.":["Non l'hai ricevuta? Controlla nella cartella dello spam. Se non è neanche lì, segui i consigli nelle nostre guide di aiuto."],"text a user sees after we send them an email to reset their password\u0004Didn’t get it? Check your spam folder. If it’s not there, follow the tips in our [helpCenterLink]Help docs[/helpCenterLink].":["Non l'hai ricevuta? Controlla nella cartella dello spam. Se non è neanche lì, segui i consigli nelle nostre [helpCenterLink]guide di aiuto[/helpCenterLink]."],"Confirmation message shown when user mutes a post.\u0004Disabled notifications for this post.":["Disabilita le notifiche per questo post."],"Confirmation message shown when user mutes a post.\u0004Done! Push and activity notifications have been muted for this post from now on.":["Fatto! D'ora in poi le notifiche push e di attività sono state disattivate per questo post."],"Confirmation message shown when user mutes a post.\u0004Notifications are muted for this post.":["Le notifiche per questo post sono silenziate."],"Confirmation text when user opts-in to data sharing (CCPA)\u0004Disabling this setting will allow us to personalize the advertisements you see on Tumblr using information we and our advertising partners know about you.":["La disattivazione di questa impostazione ci consentirà di personalizzare le pubblicità che vedi su Tumblr utilizzando le informazioni che noi e i nostri partner pubblicitari conosciamo su di te."],"Button text for confirming domain disconnection\u0004Disconnect domain":["Disconnetti dominio"],"Indicates that the DNS settings for a domain connection are faulty\u0004Disconnected":["Disconnesso"],"Label describing a settings section used for connecting a blog to Discord\u0004Discord Notifications":["Notifiche di Discord"],"Label describing a settings input that discourages search engines from including your blog in external search results.\u0004Discourage external searching of [blogName]":["Inibisci la ricerca esterna di [blogName]"],"Name of the tab on a community page that will show related posts from global tumblr\u0004Discover":["Scopri"],"Meta description for tagged page. The first variable is a list of related tags. The second variable is the tag name.\u0004Discover more posts about %1$s, and %2$s.":["Scopri più post su %1$s e %2$s"],"Meta description for tagged page. The variable is the tag name.\u0004Discover more posts about %1$s.":["Scopri più post su %1$s."],"Button for dismissing pop-up after getting ad free browsing experience for a limited time\u0004Dismiss":["Chiudi"],"Button for dismissing pop-up when the user has ad-block enabled and we show a rewarded ad.\u0004Dismiss":["Chiudi"],"Button label for dismissing pop-up after getting an error from the backend when trying to grant a reward to user\u0004Dismiss":["Chiudi"],"Label for dismiss button\u0004Dismiss":["Chiudi"],"[TumblrMart] Checkout modal search dismiss selected blog pill label\u0004Dismiss blog selection":["Ignora la selezione del blog"],"Label for a button that will allow a user to dismiss a tag search\u0004Dismiss tag search":["Ignora ricerca di tag"],"Toggle for making contact information public in WHOIS\u0004Display my contact information in public WHOIS":["Mostra le mie informazioni di contatto nel WHOIS pubblico"],"Confirming if user wants to follow a blog, placeholder is for a blog name\u0004Do you want to follow %1$s?":["Vuoi seguire %1$s?"],"Confirming if user wants to like a post after using a permalink\u0004Do you want to like this post?":["Vuoi mettere Mi piace a questo post?"],"Text prompt asking the user if they want to link their Tumblr account with the third party one(Google or Apple)\u0004Do you want to use [provider] to log into this account in the future?":["Vuoi usare [provider] per loggarti a questo account in futuro?"],"Text prompt asking the user if they want to link their Tumblr account with the third party one(Google or Apple)\u0004Please enter your password to link your account. If you forgot your password or don't have one for your account, click [a]here[/a] to reset your password.":["Inserisci la tua password per collegare il tuo account. Se hai dimenticato la password o non ne hai una per il tuo account, clicca [a]qui[/a] per reimpostare la password."],"A description of the Privacy section of the community form\u0004Do you want your community to be public or private?":["Vuoi che la tua Community sia pubblica o privata?"],"Community create form - privacy section - description\u0004Do you want your community to be public or private?":["Vuoi che la tua Community sia pubblica o privata?"],"Button label. \"Dock\" as in for videos that get put in the sidebar and are always visible when you scroll\u0004Dock post in sidebar":["Fissa il post nella barra laterale"],"Button label. \"Dock\" as in for videos that get put in the sidebar and are always visible when you scroll\u0004Undock post in sidebar":["Sblocca il post nella barra laterale"],"Link to the domain registration agreement\u0004Domain Registration Agreement":["Contratto di registrazione del dominio"],"CTA button that links to a certain Domain Settings page\u0004Domain Settings":["Impostazioni di dominio"],"CTA button that links to the certain Domain Settings page\u0004Domain Settings":["Impostazioni di dominio"],"Label of a link that navigates to the domain settings page\u0004Domain Settings":["Impostazioni dominio"],"Refers to the name of a domain\u0004Domain name":["Nome dominio"],"Introductory text when editing domain contact information\u0004Domain privacy is included for free on applicable domains. [more]Learn more[/more].":["La privacy del dominio è inclusa gratuitamente nei domini applicabili. [more]Ulteriori informazioni[/more]."],"Introductory text when editing domain contact information\u0004Provide accurate contact information. [icann]ICANN[/icann] requires accurate contact information for registrants. This information will be validated after purchase. Failure to validate your contact information will result in domain suspension.":["Fornisci informazioni di contatto accurate. [icann]ICANN[/icann] richiede informazioni di contatto accurate per i registranti. Queste informazioni saranno convalidate dopo l'acquisto. La mancata convalida delle informazioni di contatto comporterà la sospensione del dominio."],"Title of a modal that appears when a domain registry is under maintenance\u0004Domain registry under maintenance":["Registro dominio in manutenzione"],"Error message for when a domain search term contains invalid characters\u0004Domain searches can only contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, dots, or hyphens":["Le ricerche di dominio possono contenere solo caratteri alfanumerici, spazi, punti o trattini"],"Error message for when a domain search term contains invalid characters\u0004Please enter a valid domain name":["Inserisci il nome di un dominio valido"],"Error message for when a domain search term is empty\u0004Domain searches can't be empty":["Le ricerche di dominio non possono essere vuote"],"Error message for when a domain search term doesn't contain at least one letter (a-z) or one number (0-9)\u0004Domain searches must contain alphanumeric characters":["Le ricerche di dominio devono contenere caratteri alfanumerici"],"Title of the domain security panel in domain settings\u0004Domain security":["Sicurezza del dominio"],"Label of a link that navigates to the domain purchase page\u0004Domains":["Domini"],"Main heading on the Domains Management page\u0004Domains":["Domini"],"User tried to search for a domain name and provided some disallowed characters\u0004Domains must only contain alphanumeric characters or dashes.":["I domini devono contenere solo caratteri alfanumerici o trattini."],"Title of the domain purchase banner\u0004Don't have a domain?":["Non hai un dominio?"],"CTA description for Domains on Tumblr connection upsell in blog settings\u0004Don't miss this exclusive offer to connect your domain to Tumblr for just [b][discountedPrice][/b] for the first year!":["Non perderti questa offerta esclusiva, connetti il tuo dominio a Tumblr a soli [b][discountedPrice][/b] per il primo anno!"],"Marketing text to promote domain connections in blog settings\u0004Don't miss this exclusive offer to connect your domain to Tumblr for just [b][discountedPrice][/b] for the first year!":["Non perderti questa offerta esclusiva, connetti il tuo dominio a Tumblr a soli [b][discountedPrice][/b] per il primo anno!"],"Marketing text to promote domain connections in blog settings\u0004Keep your domain with your current provider and point it to your Tumblr blog for [b][discountedPriceFormatted][/b] for the first year with SSL certificate for free!":["Mantieni il tuo dominio presso il tuo attuale provider e indirizzalo al tuo blog Tumblr per [b] [discountedPriceFormatted][/b] per il primo anno con il certificato SSL gratis!"],"Marketing text to promote domain connections in blog settings\u0004Keep your domain with your current provider and point it to your Tumblr blog for [b][firstYearPriceInDollars][/b] for the first year (an exclusive offer for [legacyDomainsLink]legacy domains[/legacyDomainsLink]), with SSL certificate for free!":["Mantieni il tuo dominio presso il tuo attuale provider e indirizzalo al tuo blog Tumblr per [b][firstYearPriceInDollars][/b] per il primo anno (un'offerta esclusiva per i [legacyDomainsLink]vecchi domini[/legacyDomainsLink]), con il certificato SSL gratis!"],"Label for a toggle that allows a user to share a link anonymously\u0004Don't share my blog name":["Non condividere il mio nome blog"],"Navigational tab at the top of Tumblr Blaze - Done\u0004Done":["Terminate"],"Save changes and close editor\u0004Done":["Fatto"],"Save the changes\u0004Done":["Fatto"],"Text displayed for button that closes the modal\u0004Done":["Fatto"],"[Badge Management] Description text that appears when badge is unlocked.\u0004Done! Added to Your Badges":["Fatto! Aggiunto ai tuoi badge"],"Confirmation message shown when user unmutes a post.\u0004Done! Push and activity notifications are back on for this post.":["Fatto! Le notifiche push e di attività sono riattivate per questo post."],"Confirmation message shown when user unmutes a post.\u0004Notifications are back on for this post.":["Le notifiche per questo post sono di nuovo attive."],"Button on the blog settings section that allows the user to download a backup of their blog\u0004Download backup":["Scarica backup"],"TSP CTA Button\u0004Download now":["Scarica ora"],"TSP CTA Button\u0004Follow the Blog":["Segui il blog"],"TSP CTA Button\u0004Install now":["Installa ora"],"TSP CTA Button\u0004See More":["Vedi di più"],"TSP CTA Button\u0004Watch now":["Guarda ora"],"TSP CTA Button\u0004Watch the Promo":["Guarda la promo"],"Section header text for a list of draft communities\u0004Draft communities":["Bozze Community"],"Section header text for a list of draft communities\u0004The following communities are in a draft state.":["Le seguenti Community sono all stadio bozza."],"Label for the drafts icon on Patio\u0004Drafts":["Bozze"],"Title of the Drafts page\u0004Drafts | Tumblr":["Bozze | Tumblr"],"Slider used to zoom an image in/out\u0004Drag to zoom the image in or out":["Trascina per ingrandire o rimpicciolire l'immagine"],"Mature content category\u0004Drug Use":["Abuso di sostanze"],"Mature content category\u0004Sexual Themes":["Temi sessuali"],"Mature content category\u0004Violence":["Violenza"],"Community labels settings: Label for drug use topic\u0004Drug and alcohol addiction":["Dipendenza da alcol e droga"],"Content labels settings: Label for drug use topic\u0004Drug and alcohol addiction":["Dipendenza da alcol e droga"],"Name of community label category\u0004Drug and alcohol addiction":["Dipendenza da droghe e alcol"],"Name of community label category\u0004Mature":["Adulti"],"Name of community label category\u0004Sexual themes":["Temi sessuali"],"Name of community label category\u0004Violence":["Violenza"],"Blaze guide third step description\u0004Each Blazed post is shown to each person once, at most.":["Ogni post con Blaze viene mostrato alle persone una sola volta al massimo."],"Blaze guide third step description\u0004If you change your mind you can always extinguish your campaign from Blaze dashboard.":["Se cambi idea puoi sempre estinguere la tua campagna dalla dashboard Blaze."],"Blaze guide third step description\u0004If you change your mind, you can extinguish your Blazed post directly from the Blaze dashboard.":["Se cambi idea, puoi estinguere il post su cui hai usato Blaze direttamente dalla dashboard Blaze."],"Blaze guide third step description\u0004Once approved, your Blazed post will appear as a sponsored post on your chosen audience's feeds (the dashboard, search results, and community hubs) within a few minutes.":["Una volta approvato, il tuo post con Blaze apparirà come post sponsorizzato sui feed del pubblico che hai scelto (la dashboard, i risultati di ricerca e gli hub community) in pochi minuti."],"Blaze guide third step description\u0004Promoted post will be visible in other users feeds (dashboards, search results, or community hubs), as sponsored posts, at most once.":["Gli utenti vedranno il tuo post nei loro feed (dashboard, risultati di ricerca o community hub), come post sponsorizzati, al massimo una volta."],"Blaze guide third step description\u0004Users are shown a Blazed post once at most.":["Agli utenti viene mostrato un post con Blaze al massimo una volta."],"Blaze guide third step description\u0004When approved, users will start to see it in a few minutes.":["Una volta approvato, gli utenti inizieranno a vederlo dopo pochi minuti."],"[TumblrMart] Label for a button that will display badges that can be earned.\u0004Earn":["Guadagna"],"[Badge Management] Description that appears below the badge management earn tab explaining how to earn badges.\u0004Earn badges to display on your profile and next to your username on posts.":["Guadagna badge da mostrare sul tuo profilo e accanto al tuo nome utente nei post."],"Blaze campaign popover: earned section title\u0004Earned":["Guadagnati"],"Button linking to external payments processor\u0004Edit":["Modifica"],"Button linking to external payments processor\u0004Set up":["Imposta"],"Label for a button to edit your collection\u0004Edit":["Modifica"],"Label for a button to edit your collection\u0004Edit collection":["Modifica raccolta"],"Submit form button for editing a DNS record\u0004Edit":["Modifica"],"Submit form button for editing a DNS record\u0004Update":["Aggiorna"],"The menu item that takes users to the edit DNS record page\u0004Edit":["Modifica"],"Label of the button to edit one of your apps on the apps settings page. The placeholder is the name of the app.\u0004Edit %1$s":["Modifica %1$s"],"Title of the editing a DNS record. Placeholder is a domain name the user is editing a DNS record for\u0004Edit DNS record for [domainName]":["Modifica record DNS per [domainName]"],"Button to edit the blog settings header\u0004Edit appearance":["Modifica grafica"],"Heading shown when user is editing their blog appearance\u0004Edit appearance":["Modifica aspetto"],"Button to customize the avatar image\u0004Edit blog avatar image":["Modifica immagine avatar"],"Button to customize the blog header image\u0004Edit blog header image":["Modifica immagine intestazione blog"],"Link for editing the owner contact information for a domain\u0004Edit contact info":["Modifica informazioni di contatto"],"Modal heading for editing domain contact information\u0004Edit contact information":["Modifica informazioni di contatto"],"A header for a page where a user edits their profile.\u0004Edit creator profile":["Modifica profilo creatore"],"Edit creator profile\u0004Edit creator profile":["Modifica profilo creatore"],"Button for editing the payment details of a domain subscription\u0004Edit payment details":["Modifica dettagli pagamento"],"Button that redirects the user to the edit blog theme page\u0004Edit theme":["Modifica tema"],"Button that opens the notifications settings of a blog\u0004Edit this blog's notifications' settings":["Modifica le impostazioni delle notifiche di questo blog"],"Label for a toggle button that lets a user change the Tumblrs they have blocked\u0004Edit your blocked Tumblrs":["Modifica i tuoi Tumblr bloccati"],"Label for a toggle button that lets a user change the featured tags of their blog\u0004Edit your featured tags":["Modifica i tuoi tag in primo piano"],"Windows98 email icon\u0004Email":["Email"],"place holder for an email input\u0004Email":["Email"],"Toggle button to enable whether you want to receive promotional emails\u0004Email me about trending topics, interesting blogs, whatever.":["Mandami email su argomenti popolari, blog interessanti o su quello che ti pare."],"Notifications settings section that lets the user decide which emails he/she wants to receive\u0004Email you about":["Email che vuoi ricevere"],"The caption for a button that will allow you to get the code to embed html into a page\u0004Embed":["Incorporato"],"Title of embed post modal\u0004Embed a Tumblr post":["Incorpora un post Tumblr"],"Jingle Bells: Toggle to enable keyboard shortcuts for bells\u0004Enable 1-8 keys to play bells":["Abilita i tasti 1-8 per suonare le campane"],"Pride 2023: Toggle to enable keyboard shortcuts for frogs\u0004Enable 1-8 keys to play frogs":["Abilita i tasti 1-8 per giocare a Rane"],"[One Piece Takeover] Toggle to enable one piece theme\u0004Enable One Piece takeover.":["Abilita il tema di One Piece."],"Label describing a settings toggle\u0004Enable custom theme":["Abilita tema personalizzato"],"Label describing a settings toggle\u0004Share posts you like":["Condividi i post che ti piacciono"],"Label describing a settings toggle\u0004Share the Tumblrs you're following":["Condividi i blog che segui"],"Label describing a settings toggle\u0004Show checkmarks":["Mostra spunte"],"Description of the required actions in order for a custom domain to link to the blog network view\u0004Enable custom theme and turn off \"Hide [blogName] from people without an account\" to make [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] the home address for this blog.":["Abilita il tema personalizzato e disattiva Nascondi [blogName] alle persone senza un account, per rendere [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] l'indirizzo di questo blog."],"Description of the required actions in order for a custom domain to link to the blog network view\u0004Enable custom theme to make [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] the home address for this blog.":["Abilita il tema personalizzato per rendere [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] l'indirizzo di questo blog."],"Description of the required actions in order for a custom domain to link to the blog network view\u0004Turn off \"Hide [blogName] from people without an account\" to make [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] the home address for this blog.":["Disattiva Nascondi [blogName] alle persone senza un account per rendere [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] l'indirizzo di questo blog."],"Jingle Bells: Toggle to show/hide snow\u0004Enable snow":["Abilita neve"],"Button text that will enable tipping on a blog\u0004Enable tipping":["Abilita mance"],"Information about how to adjust targeting for a Blaze campaign that is too narrow\u0004Enable unavailable packages by expanding you campaign audience. Do it by adding more tags or adjusting your audience criteria.":["Abilita tutti i pacchetti ampliando il pubblico della campagna. Per farlo, aggiungi più tag o modifica i criteri del tuo pubblico."],"Information about how to adjust targeting for a Blaze campaign that is too narrow\u0004Try expanding your campaign audience by adjusting your audience criteria.":["Prova a espandere il pubblico della tua campagna modificando i criteri relativi."],"Blaze campaign goal: Engagement section title\u0004Engagement":["Engagement"],"Blaze campaign popover: engagements section title\u0004Engagements":["Ingaggi"],"Engagements section title of a Blaze campaign\u0004Engagements":["Ingaggi"],"Engagements section title of a Blaze campaign\u0004engagements":["engagement"],"Toast notification on Tumblr Ad-Free landing page after a user finishes watching a rewarded video ad.\u0004Enjoy 30 min of Ad-free browsing":["Goditi 30 minuti di Navigazione senza pubblicità"],"Banner subtitle inviting users to use the mobile app\u0004Enjoy the best videos and GIFs on Tumblr. Only in the app.":["Goditi i migliori video e GIF su Tumblr. Solo nell'app."],"Placeholder text for the Blog search bar when user is creating a Blog column on Patio\u0004Enter a blog...":["Scegli un blog..."],"title of text input where a user can enter a custom tip amount\u0004Enter a custom amount":["Inserisci un importo personalizzato"],"Placeholder text for the Tag search bar when user is creating a Blog column on Patio\u0004Enter a tag...":["Scegli un tag..."],"Domain search field placeholder\u0004Enter a word or a phrase":["Inserisci una parola o una frase"],"Domain search field placeholder\u0004Enter your domain name":["Inserisci il nome del dominio."],"Input field hint\u0004Enter authorization code":["Inserisci il codice di autorizzazione"],"Provide hint to user on what to input\u0004Enter subdomain":["Inserisci il sottodominio"],"Place holder is max amount of perks. Perks is a plural noun, benefits a user will get for purchasing a paid subscription to a blog.\u0004Enter up to %1$s perks…":["Aggiungi fino a %1$s vantaggi..."],"Label text showing when message fails to send\u0004Error Message - Retry":["Messaggio d'errore - Ritenta"],"Label text showing when message fails to send\u0004Retry":["Riprova"],"Label text showing when message fails to send for feature messagingRedesign\u0004Error Message - Retry":["Messaggio d'errore - Ritenta"],"Second step in the onboarding for Patio, where we explain the meatballs menu of a column.\u0004Every column has this menu.[br /]All kinds of interesting settings are here, like changing how the column looks like, refreshing the contents and configuring column-specific settings and filters.[br /]Oh, you can also remove the column from here!":["Ogni colonna ha questo menu.[br /]Ci sono tutte le impostazioni più interessanti, puoi cambiare l'aspetto della colonna, aggiornarne il contenuto e configurare impostazioni specifiche per colonne e filtri.[br /]Oh, puoi anche rimuovere le colonne da qui!"],"Second step in the onboarding for Patio, where we explain the meatballs menu of a column.\u0004Every column has this menu.[br /]All kinds of interesting settings are here, like changing how the column looks, refreshing the content, and configuring column-specific settings and filters.[br /]Oh, you can also remove the column from here!":["Ogni colonna ha questo menu.[br /]Ci sono tutte le impostazioni più interessanti, puoi cambiare l'aspetto della colonna, aggiornarne il contenuto e configurare impostazioni specifiche per colonne e filtri.[br /]Oh, puoi anche rimuovere le colonne da qui!"],"Default value in Community Labels dropdown in post form\u0004Everyone":["Tutti"],"Default value in Community Labels dropdown in post form\u0004For Everyone":["Per tutti"],"Default value in post form Community Labels dropdown (no restrictions selected)\u0004Everyone":["Tutti"],"Default value in post form Community Labels dropdown (no restrictions selected)\u0004For Everyone":["Per tutti"],"A blog setting option that determines who can mention this blog.\u0004Everyone can mention me":["Chiunque può menzionarmi"],"A blog setting option that determines who can reply\u0004Everyone can reply":["Tutti possono rispondere"],"A blog setting option that determines who can reply\u0004Members and Tumblrs following you for a week can reply":["Membri e Tumblr che ti seguono da una settimana possono rispondere"],"A blog setting option that determines who can reply\u0004Nobody can reply":["Nessuno può rispondere"],"A blog setting option that determines who can reply\u0004Only Tumblrs you follow can reply":["Solo i Tumblr che segui possono rispondere"],"A blog setting option that determines who can reply\u0004Only members can reply":["Possono rispondere solo i membri"],"A blog setting option that determines who can reply\u0004Tumblrs you follow and Tumblrs following you for a week can reply":["I Tumblr che segui e che ti seguono da una settimana possono rispondere"],"Label describing a settings input that excludes a blog from Tumblr's search.\u0004Exclude [blogName] from Tumblr search":["Nascondi [blogName] dalla ricerca di Tumblr"],"Label describing a settings input that excludes a blog from Tumblr's search and recommendations.\u0004Exclude [blogName] from Tumblr search and recommendations":["Escludi [blogName] da ricerche e suggerimenti di Tumblr"],"Abbreviation for expires.\u0004Exp.":["Scade"],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Credit card expiry date.\u0004Exp. [month]/[year]":["Scade [month]/[year]"],"Button that shows the full post content when clicked, shown on posts that are very long\u0004Expand":["Espandi"],"Button used to show more blog info\u0004Expand":["Espandi"],"Label for button to expand side navigation\u0004Expand":["Espandi"],"[TumblrMart] Crab widget scoreboard expand icon\u0004Expand":["Espandi"],"Jingle Bells: Button to expand control panel\u0004Expand panel":["Espandi scheda"],"Pride 2023: Button to expand control panel\u0004Expand panel":["Espandi scheda"],"Indicates that a purchased domain has expired\u0004Expired":["Scaduto"],"Label for a tumblrmart order that is expired\u0004Expired":["Scaduto"],"[Premium] Label to show that a subscription has expired\u0004Expired":["Scaduto"],"[TumblrMart] Tab title for expired gifts in gift management page.\u0004Expired":["Scaduto"],"[TumblrMart] category title for when a gift expired\u0004Expired":["Scaduto"],"[TumblrMart] Status date string for expired gifts\u0004Expired %1$s":["Scaduto %1$s"],"expired on date\u0004Expired [date]":["Scaduto [date]"],"Label for indicating that a domain is expired\u0004Expired on":["Scaduto il"],"Refers to the expiration date of a domain purchased by a user\u0004Expired on [date]":["Scaduto il [date]"],"[Premium] Label to show that a subscription is due to expire soon\u0004Expires":["Scade"],"[TumblrMart] Status date string for active gifts\u0004Expires %1$s":["Scade %1$s"],"Label for indicating that a domain will expire\u0004Expires on":["Scade il"],"Private community modal wall dismiss button label\u0004Explore Communities":["Esplora le Community"],"Call to action text for browsing all blog search results\u0004Explore all blogs":["Esplora tutti i blog"],"Call to action text for browsing all communities search results\u0004Explore all communities":["Esplora tutte le Community"],"Call to action text for browsing all tag search results\u0004Explore all tags":["Esplora tutti i tag"],"Page title for the Explore page\u0004Explore | Tumblr":["Esplora | Tumblr"],"Label describing a settings section used for exporting a blog's data\u0004Export":["Esporta"],"Button text to export blog contents\u0004Export [blogName]":["Esporta [blogName]"],"[Tour Guide] Text that is shown as a tooltip to inform user how to react to posts\u0004Express yourself with a Reaction":["Esprimiti con una Reazione"],"[Tour Guide] Text that is shown as a tooltip to inform user how to react to posts\u0004Express yourself with a reaction":["Esprimiti con una reazione"],"Help text describing a setting that discourages search engines from including your blog in external search results.\u0004External search engines like Google or Yahoo will be discouraged from indexing your blog and showing it in search results. It is ultimately up to them to honor your request. [link]Learn more[/link]":["I motori di ricerca esterni come Google o Yahoo saranno scoraggiati dall'indicizzare il tuo blog e mostrarlo tra i risultati di ricerca, ma spetta a loro onorare la tua richiesta. [link]Scopri di più[/link]"],"Extinguish campaign button\u0004Extinguish":["Termina"],"CTA label - for stopping a campaign from running.\u0004Extinguish Campaign":["Termina campagna"],"The user wants to cancel a blazed post and needs to confirm\u0004Extinguish your Blaze campaign":["Termina la tua campagna Blaze"],"Blaze campaign status: Extinguished\u0004Extinguished":["Cancellato"],"Another user extinguished their Blaze of the logged in user's post\u0004Extinguished their Blaze campaign of your post":["Ha estinto la sua campagna Blaze sul tuo post"],"Another user extinguished the logged in user's Blaze on their post\u0004Extinguished your Blaze campaign of their post":["Ha estinto la tua campagna Blaze sul suo post"],"Failed to do action\u0004Failed":["Fallito"],"Title for the modal that appears when adding new DNS record failed\u0004Failed to add DNS record":["Impossibile aggiungere record DNS"],"Placeholder is blog name\u0004Failed to block %1$s.":["Impossibile bloccare %1$s."],"Error message when trying to copy the embed code\u0004Failed to copy code.":["Impossibile copiare il codice."],"Error message when trying to copy a link\u0004Failed to copy link.":["Impossibile copiare il link."],"Title for the modal that appears when dns delete failed\u0004Failed to delete DNS record":["Impossibile eliminare record DNS"],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Error message when payment method fetch fails.\u0004Failed to fetch payment method.":["Impossibile recuperare il metodo di pagamento."],"Error message shown when moderating a comment failed\u0004Failed to remove comment. Please try again later.":["Impossibile rimuovere il commento. Riprova tra poco."],"Error message shown when moderating post failed\u0004Failed to remove post. Please try again later.":["Impossibile rimuovere il post. Riprova tra poco."],"Title for the modal that appears when updating a DNS record failed\u0004Failed to update DNS record":["Impossibile aggiornare record DNS"],"Tour guide, reblog discovered text\u0004Fancy a post? Tap or long-press on [reblogIcon][/reblogIcon] to make it appear on your blog. Add commentary, gifs, music, pictures, and more if you want, too ✏️✨":["Hai voglia di un post? Tocca o premi a lungo su [reblogIcon][/reblogIcon] per farlo apparire sul tuo blog. Aggiungi commenti, gif, musica, immagini e altro ancora ✏️✨"],"Placeholder text when creating a new \"quirky\" font style text block\u0004Fancy text goes here!":["Il testo elegante va qui!"],"[TumblrMart] Pre-filled title of a Tumblr post when Horse Friend game has expired\u0004Farewell Horse Friend 👋 🐴":["Addio Horse Friend 👋 🐴"],"[TumblrMart] Pre-filled title of a Tumblr post when a user's crab gift has expired\u0004Farewell Sweet Crabs 👋 🦀":["Addio dolci granchi 👋 🦀"],"Label for live streaming status indicator\u0004Featured":["In primo piano"],"Label for live streaming status indicator\u0004Live":["Live"],"Label describing a settings section to configure which tags should show as featured a blog\u0004Featured Tags":["Tag in primo piano"],"Name of a navigation tab (only available in mobile) for blog collections. It contains the feed of posts for that collection.\u0004Feed":["Feed"],"Button shown at the bottom of the collections' pages so users can leave feedback\u0004Feedback":["Feedback"],"Error message when form field is missing a value\u0004Field is required":["Campo obbligatorio"],"Filter which tags will be used to compose the dashboard timeline\u0004Filter by Tag":["Filtra per tag"],"Button to open the tags filter\u0004Filter by tag":["Filtra per tag"],"Placeholder text for Patio column selection modal\u0004Filter columns":["Filtra colonne"],"Screenreader label for the button to access search filters for the current search\u0004Filter search":["Filtri di ricerca"],"Indicates how many tags are selected on the tags filter\u0004Filtering by %1$s tags":["Filtra per %1$s tag"],"Indicates that the filter tag is active with only one tag\u0004Filtering by 1 tag":["Filtra per 1 tag"],"Describes the final result for a poll\u0004Final result from %1$s vote":["Risultato finale da %1$s voto","Risultato finale da %1$s voti"],"[TumblrMart horse friend widget]: Text on a link that will open tumblrmart. Gidy up is a command to a horse to make them go faster.\u0004Find Horse Friend, a manure collecting game, in TumblrMart 🐴💩":["Trova Horse Friend, un gioco di raccolta di letame, in TumblrMart 🐴💩"],"[TumblrMart horse friend widget]: Text on a link that will open tumblrmart. Gidy up is a command to a horse to make them go faster.\u0004Find Horse Friend, a manure collecting game, in Tumblrmart 🐴💩":["Trova Horse Friend, un gioco di raccolta di letame, in Tumblrmart 🐴💩"],"[TumblrMart horse friend widget]: Text on a link that will open tumblrmart. Gidy up is a command to a horse to make them go faster.\u0004Horse Friend is a gift only available in TumblrMart 🐴":["Horse Friend è un regalo disponibile solo su TumblrMart 🐴"],"[TumblrMart horse friend widget]: Text on a link that will open tumblrmart. Gidy up is a command to a horse to make them go faster.\u0004Horse Friend is a gift only available in Tumblrmart 🐴":["Horse Friend è un regalo disponibile solo su Tumblrmart 🐴"],"[TumblrMart horse friend widget]: Text on a link that will open tumblrmart. Gidy up is a command to a horse to make them go faster.\u0004Maybe your mutuals could use a Horse Friend right now ❤️ 🐴":["Forse i tuoi amici potrebbero gradire un Horse Friend in questo momento ❤️ 🐴"],"[Tour Guide] Text that is shown as a tooltip to inform user how to access communities\u0004Find all your communities here":["Troverai qui tutte le tue Community"],"Reason to purchase Blaze - Description\u0004Find fandoms, communities, kindred spirits, who love all the things that you do.":["Trova fandom, comunità, spiriti affini, che amano tutte le cose che fai."],"Reason to purchase Blaze - Description\u0004Get thousands of views on your favorite shitposts, art, content, and creations.":["Ottieni migliaia di visualizzazioni sui tuoi shitpost, arte, contenuti e creazioni preferiti."],"Reason to purchase Blaze - Description\u0004Post about your favorite topics, or just help keep Pikaman off the dash.":["Pubblica i tuoi argomenti preferiti, o semplicemente aiuta a tenere Pikaman fuori dalla dash."],"Placeholder for topic search box\u0004Find topics":["Trova argomenti"],"Placeholder for blog input on invite modal\u0004Find your friends…":["Trova i tuoi amici..."],"Placeholder for blog input on invite modal\u0004Send an invite to…":["Manda un invito a..."],"Subtitle for follow goal when creating a Blaze campaign\u0004Find your people—and grow your communities":["Trova quelli come te... e sviluppa le tue Community"],"Blaze campaign campaign goal popover: description\u0004Finetune your Blaze experience with these tailor-made campaign goals.":["Perfeziona la tua esperienza Blaze con questi obiettivi della campagna personalizzati."],"Prompt to search for handle on Twitter-focused signup page.\u0004First things first, let’s see if your Twitter handle is available.":["Per prima cosa, vediamo se il tuo Twitter handle è disponibile."],"Prompt to search for handle on Twitter-focused signup page.\u0004First things first, let’s see if your Twitter/X handle is available.":["Per prima cosa, vediamo se il tuo nome utente Twitter/X è disponibile."],"Button label to follow a blog\u0004Follow":["Segui"],"Follow a topic on the topic selection page\u0004Follow":["Segui"],"Label for a button that allows you to follow a blog\u0004Follow":["Segui"],"A button that allows the user to begin following the specified blog\u0004Follow %1$s":["Segui %1$s"],"Fallback text for blog link previews; placeholder is blog name\u0004Follow @%1$s and get more of the good stuff by joining Tumblr today. Dive in!":["Segui @%1$s e ottieni più cose belle iscrivendoti a Tumblr oggi. Prova!"],"How many blogs the user still needs to follow before they can finish\u0004Follow [number] more":["Segui [number] altro","Segui altri [number]"],"How many topics the user still needs to follow before they can finish\u0004Follow [number] more":["Segui [number] in più","Segui [number] in più"],"Follow all the recommended blogs\u0004Follow all":["Segui tutti"],"Follow all the sub-topics\u0004Follow all":["Segui tutti"],"Label for a button to follow all blogs and tags from a collection\u0004Follow all":["Segui tutti"],"Contextual action to subscribe to updates\u0004Follow post":["Segui post"],"Contextual action to subscribe to updates\u0004Subscribe to conversation":["Iscriviti alla conversazione"],"Sub-heading/tag-line for topic selection page\u0004Follow tags \u0026 topics you want to see.":["Segui tag e argomenti che vuoi vedere."],"Another user has started following the logged in user\u0004Followed you":["Ha iniziato a seguirti"],"Title of the Folllowers page\u0004Followers | Tumblr":["Lettori | Tumblr"],"Button label to unfollow a blog\u0004Following":["Seguiti"],"Displayed above a list of tags the user follows\u0004Following":["Seguiti"],"Heading for a Patio column that contains the following timeline\u0004Following":["Seguiti"],"Label for the following icon on Patio\u0004Following":["Seguiti"],"Link to blog's Following page\u0004Following":["Seguiti"],"Navigational tab at the top of a blog view\u0004Following":["Seguiti"],"Navigational tab at the top of a blog view\u0004Likes":["Mi piace"],"Navigational tab at the top of a blog view\u0004Posts":["Post"],"The active user follows this blog\u0004Following":["Seguiti"],"How long you have had a mutual follow relationship with another blog\u0004Following each other for %1$s day":["Vi seguite da %1$s giorno","Vi seguite da %1$s giorni"],"How long you have had a mutual follow relationship with another blog\u0004Following each other for %1$s hour":["Vi seguite da %1$s ora","Vi seguite da %1$s ore"],"How long you have had a mutual follow relationship with another blog\u0004Following each other for %1$s minute":["Vi seguite da %1$s minuto","Vi seguite da %1$s minuti"],"How long you have had a mutual follow relationship with another blog\u0004Following each other for %1$s second":["Vi seguite da %1$s secondo","Vi seguite da %1$s secondi"],"How long you have had a mutual follow relationship with another blog\u0004Following each other for %1$s year":["Vi seguite da %1$s anno","Vi seguite da %1$s anni"],"How long you have had a mutual follow relationship with another blog\u0004Following each other since just now":["Da adesso vi seguite a vicenda"],"You are following a diferent blog\u0004Following for a year":["Seguito da un anno","Seguito da [number] anni"],"You are following a diferent blog\u0004Following for less than a year":["Seguito da meno di un anno"],"How long you have followed another blog\u0004Following them for %1$s day":["Lo segui da %1$s giorno","Lo segui da %1$s giorni"],"How long you have followed another blog\u0004Following them for %1$s hour":["Lo segui da %1$s ora","Lo segui da %1$s ore"],"How long you have followed another blog\u0004Following them for %1$s minute":["Lo segui da %1$s minuto","Lo segui da %1$s minuti"],"How long you have followed another blog\u0004Following them for %1$s second":["Lo segui da %1$s secondo","Lo segui da %1$s secondi"],"How long you have followed another blog\u0004Following them for %1$s year":["Lo segui da %1$s anno","Lo segui da %1$s anni"],"How long you have followed another blog\u0004Following them since just now":["Lo segui da adesso"],"How long another blog has been following you\u0004Following you for %1$s day":["Ti segue da %1$s giorno","Ti segue da %1$s giorni"],"How long another blog has been following you\u0004Following you for %1$s hour":["Ti segue da %1$s ora","Ti segue da %1$s ore"],"How long another blog has been following you\u0004Following you for %1$s minute":["Ti segue da %1$s minuto","Ti segue da %1$s minuti"],"How long another blog has been following you\u0004Following you for %1$s second":["Ti segue da %1$s secondo","Ti segue da %1$s secondi"],"How long another blog has been following you\u0004Following you for %1$s year":["Ti segue da %1$s anno","Ti segue da %1$s anni"],"How long another blog has been following you\u0004Following you since just now":["Ti segue da adesso"],"Someone else is following you\u0004Following you for a year":["Ti segue da un anno","Ti segue da [number] anni"],"Someone else is following you\u0004Following you for less than a year":["Ti segue da meno di un anno"],"Title of following page\u0004Following | Tumblr":["Tumblr | Seguiti"],"Follows section title of a Blaze campaign\u0004Follows":["Lettori"],"Follows section title of a Blaze campaign\u0004follows":["lettori"],"Font selection for the blog title\u0004Font":["Font"],"Default value in Content Labels dropdown in post form\u0004For Everyone":["Per tutti"],"Default value in post form Content Labels dropdown (no restrictions selected)\u0004For Everyone":["Per tutti"],"Tab label on Explore\u0004For You":["Per te"],"Tab label on Explore\u0004Staff Picks":["Scelti dallo staff"],"Tab label on Explore\u0004Today":["Oggi"],"Tab label on Explore\u0004Trending":["Popolari"],"Indicates that the post has paywalled content that the user doesn't have access to, as they are not a subscriber.\u0004For supporters":["Per gli abbonati"],"Heading for a Patio column that contains the for you timeline\u0004For you":["Per te"],"Label for the For You icon on Patio\u0004For you":["Per te"],"Button label for muting a post forever.\u0004Forever":["Per sempre"],"Option for filtering community search results by those that are free to join\u0004Free to join":["Ingresso libero"],"Subtitle for a free product in Blaze campaigns (modal)\u0004Free with Premium":["Gratis con Premium"],"[TumblrMart] Label for free premium perk\u0004Free with Premium!":["Gratis con Premium!"],"An answer to the question: why does tumblr want my support?\u0004Friends are honest with friends, and, to tell you the truth, this should probably be: “Why does Tumblr need my support?” Well, friend, now is as good a time as any to be straight with you. The vast majority of our time, resources, and energy are spent working on ways we hope to make Tumblr a sustainable business. This latest badge-inspired effort is many things, but it is primarily a way in which we hope to keep the platform going. It is also part of a move to being funded by our user base rather than advertisers.":["Gli amici sono onesti con gli amici e, a dirti la verità, alla domanda: perché Tumblr ha bisogno del mio supporto? Dovremmo rispondere: bene, amico, questo è il momento migliore per essere sincero con te. La stragrande maggioranza del nostro tempo, delle nostre risorse e delle nostre energie viene spesa lavorando sui modi in cui speriamo di rendere Tumblr un business sostenibile. Quest’ultimo sforzo, relativo ai badge, rappresenta molte cose, ma è principalmente un modo in cui speriamo di far funzionare la piattaforma. È anche, speriamo, un altro modo con cui possiamo avvicinarci a un modello di business guidato dagli utenti."],"Pride 2023: Screenreader-only label for a frog\u0004Frog":["Rana"],"[TumblrMart] Gifts Management page From column header\u0004From":["Da"],"Option that sets from which users you would like to receive notifications\u0004From everyone":["Da tutti"],"Option that sets from which users you would like to receive notifications\u0004From nobody":["Da nessuno"],"Option that sets from which users you would like to receive notifications\u0004From people you follow":["Da persone che segui"],"When adding a gif search block, this refers to the block name\u0004GIF Search":["Ricerca GIF"],"Accessibility caption for Gif results. First placeholder is the user’s search text. Second placeholder is the rank in the search results.\u0004GIF of: %1$s #%2$s":["GIF di: %1$s #%2$s"],"Tumblr Live action for starting a battle\u0004GO":["VIA"],"Community invite dialog invite link refresh confirmation action button label\u0004Generate":["Genera"],"Message displayed to community administrators right after they created the community - invite people CTA\u0004Generate invite link":["Genera link d'invito"],"Message displayed to community administrators right after they created the community - invite people CTA\u0004Invite people":["Invita persone"],"Community invite dialog button label to generate new invite code (accessible only by screen readers)\u0004Generate new invite link":["Genera nuovo link d'invito"],"Community invite dialog button label to generate new invite link (accessible only by screen readers)\u0004Generate new invite link":["Genera nuovo link d'invito"],"Community invite dialog invite link refresh confirmation heading\u0004Generate new invite link":["Genera nuovo link d'invito"],"Community invite dialog button tooltip to generate new invite code\u0004Generate new link":["Genera nuovo link"],"Community invite dialog button tooltip to generate new invite link\u0004Generate new link":["Genera nuovo link"],"Community invite dialog invite link refresh confirmation message\u0004Generating a new link will invalidate all previously shared links and can’t be undone.":["Generando un nuovo link, tutti i link precedentemente condivisi verranno invalidati e non si potrà tornare indietro."],"[Premium] Label on upsell button in modal\u0004Get Premium Now":["Ottieni Premium"],"CTA button for Domains on Tumblr upsell in blog settings\u0004Get a Tumblr Domain":["Ottieni dominio Tumblr"],"CTA button for Domains upsell\u0004Get a Tumblr Domain":["Ottieni dominio Tumblr"],"Tooltip for link on Domains Management page to Domain Purchase page\u0004Get a brand new awesome domain":["Ottieni un nuovo fantastico dominio"],"Short CTA for buying a custom domain; button opens a marketing page\u0004Get a domain":["Ottieni dominio"],"CTA button for Domains upsell with lowest price\u0004Get a domain from [price]":["Ottieni un dominio a partire da [price]"],"CTA button for Domains upsell with lowest price\u0004Tumblr Domains from [price]":["Domini Tumblr da [price]"],"Generic message for the banner for Tumblr Premium\u0004Get ad-free and early access to new stuff with Premium.":["Ottieni Ad-free e l'accesso anticipato a nuove funzionalità con Premium."],"Tooltip text displayed when the user hovers over the Go Premium button\u0004Get ad-free browsing and early access to new features with Tumblr Premium.":["Ottieni la navigazione Ad-free e l'accesso anticipato a nuove funzionalità con Tumblr Premium."],"[Premium] Description of the Premium signup page\u0004Get ad-free browsing and early access to new features with Tumblr Premium.":["Ottieni la navigazione Ad-free e l'accesso anticipato a nuove funzionalità con Tumblr Premium."],"Label of a button that generates an authorization code for transferring a domain away\u0004Get authorization code":["Ottieni codice di autorizzazione"],"Menu item in dropdown\u0004Get notifications":["Ricevi notifiche"],"Menu item in dropdown\u0004Send a Message":["Invia un messaggio"],"Menu item in dropdown\u0004Stop notifications":["Disattiva notifiche"],"Year in review results ready text\u0004Get ready to discover all of [bold][blogName]'s[/bold] secrets.":["Preparati a scoprire tutti i segreti di [bold][blogName][/bold]."],"CTA to start blazing posts (Blaze landing page)\u0004Get started":["Inizia"],"CTA to start blazing posts (Blaze landing page)\u0004Get started with Blaze":["Inizia con Blaze"],"Confirmation that a user wants to start the Blaze product selection page\u0004Get started":["Inizia"],"This is a caption for a button indicating that the user agrees to install the mobile app to view this content.\u0004Get the app":["Scarica l'app"],"Year in review post results get yours link\u0004Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →":["Guarda ora l'Analisi del tuo anno 2022 di Tumblr →"],"Blog selector year in review\u0004Get your Tumblr Year in Review":["Ottieni l'Analisi del tuo anno di Tumblr"],"Halloween palette/theme name. White background\u0004Ghost":["Fantasma"],"Error message shown in the blog view when the requested blog does not exist\u0004Ghost blog! This blog does not exist.":["Blog fantasma! Questo blog non esiste."],"Error message for missing post. Placeholder is a blog name.\u0004Ghost post! Spooky. See what else is haunting %1$s's Tumblr.":["Post fantasma! Guarda cosa infesta il Tumblr di %1$s."],"Error message for missing post. Placeholder is a blog name.\u0004This post is gone, gone, gone. But there's more, more, more, on %1$s's Tumblr.":["Questo post è andato via, via, via! Ma c'è di più, di più, di più sul Tumblr di %1$s."],"[TumblrMart] Gifts Management page Gift column header\u0004Gift":["Regala"],"[TumblrMart] label for a toggle to determine if product is a gift\u0004Gift":["Regala"],"Label for a toggle that allows a user to gift another user anonymously\u0004Gift anonymously":["Dona anonimamente"],"[TumblrMart] Checkout modal search label\u0004Gift to":["Regala a"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Share post copy. TumblrMart link text.\u0004Gift your friends the crab army!":["Regala ai tuoi amici l'esercito di granchi!"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Share post copy. TumblrMart link text.\u0004Join us at crustacean nation, and buy your friends a gift…":["Unisciti a noi alla nazione dei crostacei e fai un regalo ai tuoi amici..."],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Share post copy. TumblrMart link text.\u0004Say it with the gift of the crab army—only at TumblrMart.":["Dillo regalando l'esercito dei granchi, solo su TumblrMart."],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Share post copy. TumblrMart link text.\u0004Sharing is caring—and gifting your friends the crab army at TumblrMart…":["Condividere è prendersi cura e regalare ai tuoi amici l'esercito di granchi su TumblrMart..."],"Gift settings page title\u0004Gifts":["Regali"],"Notification filter text for Gift items\u0004Gifts":["Regali"],"[TumblrMart] Gift management page title\u0004Gifts":["Regali"],"[TumblrMart] Title of gift management page\u0004Gifts | Tumblr":["Regali | Tumblr"],"Label for a toggle that allows a user to tip an other user anonymously\u0004Give anonymously":["Dona anonimamente"],"Submit button label for transferring or connecting a domain\u0004Go":["Vai"],"Menu item call to action to subscribe to Tumblr Ad-Free Browsing\u0004Go Ad-Free":["Vai senza pubblicità"],"[Tumblrmart] Text on a button that will purchase a subscription to ad-free browsing\u0004Go Ad-Free ✨":["Vai senza pubblicità ✨"],"Text on button to go back from linking account to a third party authentication provider\u0004Go Back":["Torna indietro"],"Text on button to go back from linking account to a third party authentication provider\u0004No, sign in with email instead":["No, accedi con l'email"],"See more Live by clicking on that button\u0004Go Live":["Vai live"],"See more Live by clicking on that button\u0004See more":["Vedi di più"],"Label on call to action button to sign up for Tumblr Premium\u0004Go Premium":["Passa a premium"],"Title for Premium upsell modal\u0004Go Premium":["Passa a premium"],"[Premium] Title of the Premium signup page\u0004Go Premium | Tumblr":["Passa a Premium | Tumblr"],"Text on a button to purchase ad-free subscription\u0004Go ad-free today":["Passa alla navigazione senza pubblicità"],"Label for go back button available in messaging on mobile\u0004Go back":["Torna indietro"],"Text on a button that goes back to product list\u0004Go back":["Torna indietro"],"button text to go back to the previous step for login or register\u0004Go back":["Torna indietro"],"Label for a button that will allow a user to change their tip before completing the transaction\u0004Go back and edit your tip":["Torna indietro e modifica il tuo suggerimento"],"Text for button leading back to Tumblr\u0004Go back to Tumblr":["Torna a Tumblr"],"Button to start a live stream on Tumblr Live\u0004Go live":["Vai live"],"A link to a blog page that reads 'Go to @(blog_name)'\u0004Go to":["Vai a"],"Label for a link to a tag page\u0004Go to #[query/]":["Vai a #[query/]"],"Link to a tagged page for a given search query. Variable is the query itself, so it reads 'Go to #some-query'.\u0004Go to #[query/]":["Vai a #[query/]"],"Label for a link to a blog page\u0004Go to @[query/]":["Vai a @[query/]"],"Link to a blog page for a given search query. Variable is the query itself, so it reads 'Go to @some-query'.\u0004Go to @[query/]":["Vai a @[query/]"],"[Patio] Button text for redirecting mobile users to the dashboard from the patio page\u0004Go to Dashboard":["Vai alla dashboard"],"Link button, close to a tag that directs the user to the tag page.\u0004Go to Tag":["Vai ai tag"],"[Badge Management] Empty state link text that appears when a user has earned all badges in the earn tab.\u0004Go to [button]Your Badges[/button] to display them.":["Vai a [button]I tuoi badge[/button] per visualizzarli."],"[Communities] Accessible text label for link to community\u0004Go to community":["Vai alla Community"],"Banned from community modal wall dismiss button label\u0004Go to your communities":["Vai alle tue Community"],"Community create form - banner - description\u0004Good news! As part of your [link]Premium subscription[/link] we'll create the community for you in just a few moments!":["Buone notizie! Siccome hai un [link]abbonamento Premium[/link] creeremo noi la Community per te in pochi minuti!"],"Community create form - banner - description\u0004New communities are subject to our review prior to creation. Once you’ve saved your community, we’ll let you know when it's ready for you. Communities created by [link]Premium[/link] subscribers are approved automatically.":["Le nuove Community vengono esaminate e approvate da noi prima della creazione. Una volta salvata la Community, ti faremo sapere quando è pronta per te. Le Community create dagli abbonati [link]Premium[/link] vengono invece approvate automaticamente."],"Community create form - banner - description\u0004We’re currently approving each community manually. Once you’ve saved your community, we’ll let you know when it's ready for you.":["Stiamo attualmente approvando ogni Community manualmente. Dopo aver salvato la tua Community, ti faremo sapere quando sarà pronta per te."],"Community create form - banner - description\u0004We’re currently approving each community manually. Once you’ve saved your community, we’ll let you know when its ready for you.":["Stiamo attualmente approvando ogni Community manualmente. Dopo aver salvato la tua Community, ti faremo sapere quando sarà pronta per te."],"Button that will close the modal shown to a user while their Stripe application is awaiting approval on the Stripe side\u0004Got it":["Ho capito"],"Dismiss button of the dialog that is displayed when you try to perform a community members only action (not invited user)\u0004Got it":["Capito"],"Invite only info modal primary action\u0004Got it":["Capito"],"Tour guide reblog discovered CTA\u0004Got it":["Capito"],"Community intro modal dismiss button\u0004Got it!":["Capito!"],"Palette/theme name. Black background, neon colors.\u0004Goth Rave":["Goth Rave"],"Title for a page of several introducing newly-promoted community moderators to the role\u0004Great power, and responsibility.":["Grande potere e grande responsabilità."],"Title for a page of several introducing newly-promoted community moderators to the role\u0004Moderator milestone met!":["Traguardo moderatore raggiunto!"],"Title for a page of several introducing newly-promoted community moderators to the role\u0004Mods monitor all.":["I moderatori monitorano tutto."],"Title for the third page of several introducing newly-promoted community moderators to the role\u0004Great power, and responsibility.":["Grande potere e responsabilità."],"Toast indicating that the recent followed tag is now present on Your tags timeline.\u0004Great! Now you can see updates in Your Tags.":["Grande! Ora puoi vedere gli aggiornamenti in I tuoi tag."],"Login wall: Text shown when user clicks on the \"Like post\" button, after exceeding click counter limit\u0004Great! We are so glad to hear it. If you want to likey-likey this post and lotsy lotsy others just like it, simply sign up to Tumblr.":["Fantastico! Siamo felici di saperlo. Se vuoi mettere mi piace a questo post e a tanti altri come questo, iscriviti semplicemente a Tumblr."],"Label for setting the layout to grid view on a Patio Column\u0004Grid view":["Griglia"],"Guidelines for a community\u0004Guidelines":["Linee guida"],"The header for the Guidelines section of the community form\u0004Guidelines":["Linee guida"],"Form field asking for the URL handle for a community\u0004Handle":["Nome utente"],"Form field label for adding or editing a DNS record, the expected input is a domain name\u0004Handled by":["Gestito da"],"Help text for finding authorization code.\u0004Having trouble finding the code? Don't worry, we've [link]got you covered[/link]!":["Non riesci a trovare il codice? Nessun problema: [link]ti aiutiamo noi[/link]!"],"Link pointing to queue page where user can change its settings\u0004Head over [link]to the queue[/link] to manage its settings":["Vai verso [link]la coda[/link] per gestirne le impostazioni"],"The header image for a community\u0004Header":["Intestazione"],"Button confirming that user would like to proceed to the Dashboard Tabs Configure screen\u0004Hell yeah!":["Assolutamente!"],"This is a message to be shown in the development console of the browser. Please don't translate `window`, since it refers to a browser-provided variable whose name is always in english\u0004Hello fellow developers! Welcome to Tumblr. In the `window` property logged below, we have added some helpers we hope you will find useful when writing extensions.":["Ciao amici developer! Benvenuti su Tumblr. Nella finestra qui sotto abbiamo aggiunto degli aiuti che potrebbero tornarvi utili quando scrivete le estensioni."],"First part of intro text for our GDPR consent management platform\u0004Hello there! We take your privacy seriously, and want to be as transparent as possible. So: We (and our %1$s partner) uses cookies to collect some personal data from you. Some of these cookies we absolutely need in order to make things work, and others you can choose in order to optimize your experience while using our site and services. It's up to you!":["Ciao! Prendiamo sul serio la tua privacy e vogliamo essere il più trasparenti possibile. Quindi: noi (e il nostro %1$s partner) utilizziamo i cookie per raccogliere alcuni dati personali. Alcuni di questi cookie ci servono assolutamente per far funzionare le cose, altri possono invece essere scelti per ottimizzare l'esperienza durante l'utilizzo del nostro sito e dei nostri servizi. Scegli tu!","Ciao! Prendiamo sul serio la tua privacy e vogliamo essere il più trasparenti possibile. Quindi: noi (e i nostri %1$s partner) utilizziamo i cookie per raccogliere alcuni dati personali. Alcuni di questi cookie ci servono assolutamente per far funzionare le cose, altri possono invece essere scelti per ottimizzare l'esperienza durante l'utilizzo del nostro sito e dei nostri servizi. Scegli tu!"],"First part of intro text for our GDPR consent management platform\u0004Hello there! We take your privacy seriously, and want to be as transparent as possible. So: We (and our partners) use cookies to collect some personal data from you. Some of these cookies we absolutely need in order to make things work, and others you can choose in order to optimize your experience while using our site and services. It's up to you!":["Ciao! Prendiamo sul serio la tua privacy e vogliamo essere il più trasparenti possibile. Quindi: noi (e i nostri partner) utilizziamo i cookie per raccogliere alcuni dati personali. Alcuni di questi cookie ci servono assolutamente per far funzionare le cose, altri possono invece essere scelti per ottimizzare l'esperienza durante l'utilizzo del nostro sito e dei nostri servizi. Scegli tu!"],"Help link in post form Community Labels dropdown\u0004Help":["Aiuto"],"Help link in post form Content Labels dropdown\u0004Help":["Aiuto"],"[Communities] Screenreader-only label for help icon in content moderation dialog\u0004Help":["Aiuto"],"[Communities] Screenreader-only label for help icon in content moderation modal\u0004Help":["Aiuto"],"Heading for tip jar feature description. Tip has two meanings here: a monetary reward and a peice of advice\u0004Here's a tip":["Ecco una mancia"],"Landing page link to explore page\u0004Here's what's trending":["Ecco cosa è popolare"],"[Tumblrmart] Banner text that will be accompanied by a button to gift someone ad-free browsing subscription\u0004Hey 👋, down here! ... Just a short message now we have your attention. Did you know that you can purchase an ad-free browsing subscription for someone else on Tumblr? By gifting others you’ll be showing your appreciation while at the same time supporting this hellsite we all love so much. It’s a win win really. ❤️ Tumblr Staff.":["Ehi 👋, quaggiù! ... Solo un breve messaggio per avere la tua attenzione. Sapevi che puoi acquistare un abbonamento alla navigazione senza pubblicità per qualcun altro su Tumblr? Donando agli altri mostrerai il tuo apprezzamento e allo stesso tempo sosterrai questo sito infernale che tutti amiamo così tanto. È davvero una vittoria reciproca. ❤️ Lo staff di Tumblr."],"[Tumblrmart] Banner text that will be accompanied by a button to purchase ad-free browsing subscription\u0004Hey! Hello! Down here! 🐸 We see you are using an ad-blocker. Nobody likes ads. We get it. But they are a means to an end in keeping this hellsite we all love going. Did you know you can stop seeing ads while helping the world stay weird with Tumblr? Go Ad-Free. It's a win-win, really. ❤️ Tumblr Staff":["Ehi ciao! 🐸 Vedo che stai usando un ad-blocker. A nessuno piace le pubblicità, si sa. Nonostante ciò, rimane sempre un mezzo per mantenere in vita questo luogo infernale che tutti amiamo. Sapevi che puoi smettere di vedere gli annunci mentre aiuti il mondo a rimanere strano con Tumblr? Scegli Ad-Free. Sarebbe una vittoria per tutti, davvero. ❤️ Lo staff di Tumblr"],"Text shown under your birthdate in the account settings page, when it's your birthday\u0004Hey, it's your birthday today! Happy birthday! 🎂 🎉":["Ehi, oggi è il tuo compleanno! Buon compleanno! 🎂 🎉"],"Community labels settings: Label for Hide column\u0004Hide":["Nascondi"],"Content labels settings: Label for Hide column\u0004Hide":["Nascondi"],"Navigation item label for collapsing side navigation\u0004Hide":["Nascondi"],"Label describing a settings input that hides your blog when enabled. The blogName param is the blog name.\u0004Hide [blogName] from people without an account":["Nascondi [blogName] alle persone senza un account"],"A setting to hide possibly mature content\u0004Hide additional potentially mature content":["Nascondi contenuti aggiuntivi potenzialmente per adulti"],"[Badge Management] Hide badges toggle label\u0004Hide all badges":["Nascondi tutti i badge"],"[Badge Management] Description for the \"No Badge\" option.\u0004Hide badges from my blog.":["Nascondi badge dal mio blog."],"[Badge Management] Description for the \"No Badge\" option.\u0004Hide badges on my blog.":["Nascondi badge dal mio blog."],"Button to cover post with a community label\u0004Hide post":["Nascondi post"],"Button to cover post with a content label\u0004Hide post":["Nascondi post"],"Ask if you want to remove this reblog\u0004Hide this reblog":["Nascondi questo reblog"],"Description of a button that will hide a tip from being visible in post notes\u0004Hiding this tip will only remove it from the replies tab and notes. The tip will not be refunded. For further help contact Tumblr Support.":["Nascondere questa mancia la rimuoverà solo dalla scheda delle risposte e dalle note. La mancia non sarà rimborsata. Per ulteriore supporto, contatta l'assistenza Tumblr."],"No results found when searching for users to invite to a community\u0004Hmm, nope.":["Hmm, no."],"Text of a modal that appears when a domain cannot be transferred\u0004Hold up! It looks like your domain [b][domainName][/b] is already in the middle of a transfer. You will receive an email once that's done. Meanwhile, interested in shopping for another domain?":["Aspetta un attimo! Sembra che il tuo dominio [b][domainName][/b] sia già in fase di trasferimento. Al termine dell'operazione riceverai un'email. Nel frattempo, potrebbe interessarti acquistare un altro dominio?"],"Text of a modal that appears when a domain cannot be transferred\u0004The domain [b][domainName][/b] doesn't appear to be registered anywhere. Make sure you've got the right domain name.":["Sembra che il dominio [b][domainName][/b] non sia registrato da nessuna parte. Controlla di avere il giusto nome di dominio."],"Text of a modal that appears when a domain cannot be transferred\u0004There was an issue authorizing the transfer of [b][domainName][/b]. Double-check your authorization code and give it another whirl. Stuck? This [link]guide[/link] may help!":["Si è verificato un errore durante l'autorizzazione del trasferimento di [b][domainName][/b]. Ricontrolla il codice di autorizzazione e riprova. Ancora non riesci? Questa [link]guida[/link] potrebbe risultarti utile!"],"Text of a modal that appears when a domain cannot be transferred\u0004Your domain [b][domainName][/b] isn't eligible for transfer right now. There could be a few reasons for this, so check with your current registrar or our [link]guide[/link] for details. Alternatively, you can leave the domain with your current registrar, and connect it to Tumblr!":["Al momento, il tuo dominio [b][domainName][/b] non è idoneo a un trasferimento. I motivi possono essere vari, quindi consulta il registrar o la nostra [link]guida[/link] per maggiori dettagli. In alternativa, puoi sempre lasciare il dominio presso il tuo attuale registrar e connetterlo a Tumblr!"],"Text of a modal that appears when a domain cannot be transferred\u0004Your domain [b][domainName][/b] isn't eligible for transfer right now. There could be a few reasons for this, so check with your current registrar or our [link]guide[/link] for details. Perhaps we may entice you with another domain?":["Al momento, il tuo dominio [b][domainName][/b] non è idoneo a un trasferimento. I motivi possono essere vari, quindi consulta il registrar o la nostra [link]guida[/link] per maggiori dettagli. Possiamo tentarti con un altro dominio?"],"Text of a modal that appears when a domain cannot be transferred\u0004Your domain [b][domainName][/b] must be registered for at least 60 days before it can be transferred.":["Il tuo dominio [b][domainName][/b] deve essere registrato da almeno 60 giorni prima di poter essere trasferito."],"Text of a modal that appears when a domain cannot be transferred\u0004Your domain [b][domainName][/b] seems to be locked. Please check with your current registrar and make sure it's unlocked before trying again. Stuck? This [link]guide[/link] may help!":["Il tuo dominio [b][domainName][/b] sembra essere bloccato. Consulta il registrar e accertati che venga sbloccato prima di riprovare. Hai ancora problemi? Questa [link]guida[/link] potrebbe risultarti utile!"],"Title of the dialog that is displayed when you try to perform a community members only action (not invited user)\u0004Hold your horses":["Aspetta un attimo!"],"The user has reached a like received milestone\u0004Holy Moly [targetTumblelogName]! You've reached [milestone] likes!":["Incredibile [targetTumblelogName]! Hai raggiunto [milestone] Mi piace!"],"Message that is displayed during registration when a blog name is taken\u0004How about one of these?":["Cosa ne dici di uno di questi?"],"Message that is displayed during registration when a blog name is taken\u0004[strong]How about one of these?[/strong]":["[strong]Che ne dici di uno di questi?[/strong]"],"Jingle Bells: 3rd message from Tumblrbot if you jingle the bells\u0004How about some snow? (If not, you can turn it off in the top left corner.)":["Che ne dici di un po' di neve? (In caso contrario, puoi disattivarla nell'angolo in alto a sinistra.)"],"The description for the Joining section of the community form\u0004How can new members join your community":["Come fanno i nuovi membri ad accedere alla tua Community"],"The description for the Joining section of the community form\u0004How can new members join your community.":["Come fanno i nuovi membri ad accedere alla tua Community."],"Community create form - join type section - description\u0004How can new members join your community.":["Come fanno i nuovi membri ad accedere alla tua Community."],"Blaze campaign overview popover: engagements description\u0004How many times your post received an action (reblogs, likes, shares, follows, clicks, replies).":["Quante volte il tuo post ha ricevuto un'azione (reblog, Mi piace, condivisioni, follower, clic, risposte)."],"Blaze campaign overview popover: engagements description\u0004Interactions with your Blazed post (reblogs, likes, shares, follows, clicks, replies).":["Interazioni con il tuo post con Blaze (reblog, Mi piace, condivisioni, seguiti, click, risposte)."],"Blaze campaign overview popover: impressions description\u0004How many times your post was put in front of another person.":["Quante volte il tuo post è stato messo di fronte a un'altra persona."],"DO NOT TRANSLATE. Internal Tumblr staff will manage this string in all languages.\u0004I Agree!":["Accetto."],"DO NOT TRANSLATE. Internal Tumblr staff will manage this string in all languages.\u0004In addition to the data Tumblr collects and processes about you, which we describe in our Privacy Policy, our %1$s advertising partner stores and/or accesses information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select \"I Agree!\" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences, or decline consent by selecting \"Learn More\". Note that your preferences apply only to Tumblr. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences any time by visiting your Privacy Settings. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing \"Learn More\" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.":["Oltre ai dati che Tumblr raccoglie ed elabora su di te, che descriviamo nella nostra Informativa sulla privacy, il nostro %1$s partner pubblicitario archivia e/o accede alle informazioni sul tuo dispositivo e trattano anche dati personali, come identificatori univoci, attività di navigazione e altre informazioni standard inviate dal tuo dispositivo incluso il tuo indirizzo IP. Queste informazioni vengono raccolte nel tempo e utilizzate per annunci personalizzati, misurazione degli annunci, approfondimenti sul pubblico e sviluppo di prodotti specifici per il nostro programma di annunci. Se sei d'accordo, seleziona Accetto! sotto. In caso contrario, puoi ottenere maggiori informazioni, personalizzare le tue preferenze di consenso o negare il consenso selezionando Ulteriori informazioni. Nota che le tue preferenze si applicano solo a Tumblr. Se cambi idea in futuro, puoi aggiornare le tue preferenze in qualsiasi momento visitando le tue Impostazioni sulla privacy. Un'ultima cosa, i nostri partner possono elaborare alcuni dei tuoi dati in base a interessi legittimi anziché al consenso, ma puoi opporti scegliendo Ulteriori informazioni e quindi disabilitando l'interruttore Interessi legittimi in qualsiasi Scopo o Partner elencato.","Oltre ai dati che Tumblr raccoglie ed elabora su di te, che descriviamo nella nostra Informativa sulla privacy, i nostri %1$s partner pubblicitari archiviano e/o accedono alle informazioni sul tuo dispositivo e trattano anche dati personali, come identificatori univoci, attività di navigazione e altre informazioni standard inviate dal tuo dispositivo incluso il tuo indirizzo IP. Queste informazioni vengono raccolte nel tempo e utilizzate per annunci personalizzati, misurazione degli annunci, approfondimenti sul pubblico e sviluppo di prodotti specifici per il nostro programma di annunci. Se sei d'accordo, seleziona Accetto! sotto. In caso contrario, puoi ottenere maggiori informazioni, personalizzare le tue preferenze di consenso o negare il consenso selezionando Ulteriori informazioni. Nota che le tue preferenze si applicano solo a Tumblr. Se cambi idea in futuro, puoi aggiornare le tue preferenze in qualsiasi momento visitando le tue Impostazioni sulla privacy. Un'ultima cosa, i nostri partner possono elaborare alcuni dei tuoi dati in base a interessi legittimi anziché al consenso, ma puoi opporti scegliendo Ulteriori informazioni e quindi disabilitando l'interruttore Interessi legittimi in qualsiasi Scopo o Partner elencato."],"DO NOT TRANSLATE. Internal Tumblr staff will manage this string in all languages.\u0004In addition to the data Tumblr collects and processes about you, which we describe in our Privacy Policy, our advertising partners store and/or access information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select \"I Agree!\" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences, or decline consent by selecting \"Learn More\". Note that your preferences apply only to Tumblr. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences any time by visiting your Privacy Settings. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing \"Learn More\" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.":["Oltre ai dati che Tumblr raccoglie ed elabora su di te, che descriviamo nella nostra Informativa sulla privacy, i nostri partner pubblicitari archiviano e/o accedono alle informazioni sul tuo dispositivo e trattano anche dati personali, come identificatori univoci, attività di navigazione e altre informazioni standard inviate dal tuo dispositivo incluso il tuo indirizzo IP. Queste informazioni vengono raccolte nel tempo e utilizzate per annunci personalizzati, misurazione degli annunci, approfondimenti sul pubblico e sviluppo di prodotti specifici per il nostro programma di annunci. Se sei d'accordo, seleziona Accetto! sotto. In caso contrario, puoi ottenere maggiori informazioni, personalizzare le tue preferenze di consenso o negare il consenso selezionando Ulteriori informazioni. Nota che le tue preferenze si applicano solo a Tumblr. Se cambi idea in futuro, puoi aggiornare le tue preferenze in qualsiasi momento visitando le tue Impostazioni sulla privacy. Un'ultima cosa, i nostri partner possono elaborare alcuni dei tuoi dati in base a interessi legittimi anziché al consenso, ma puoi opporti scegliendo Ulteriori informazioni e quindi disabilitando l'interruttore Interessi legittimi in qualsiasi Scopo o Partner elencato."],"DO NOT TRANSLATE. Internal Tumblr staff will manage this string in all languages.\u0004In addition to the data Tumblr collects and processes about you, which we describe in our Privacy Policy, our advertising partners stores and/or accesses information on your device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your IP address. This information is collected over time and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select \"I Agree!\" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences for %1$s ad vendor, or decline consent by selecting \"Learn More\". Note that your preferences apply only to Tumblr. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences any time by visiting your Privacy Settings. One last thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing \"Learn More\" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner.":["Oltre ai tuoi dati che Tumblr raccoglie ed elabora, descritti nella nostra Informativa sulla Privacy, il nostro partner pubblicitario memorizza e/o accede alle informazioni sul tuo dispositivo, trattando anche dati personali, come ad esempio identificatori univoci, attività di navigazione e altre informazioni standard inviate dal tuo dispositivo, incluso il tuo indirizzo IP. Tali informazioni vengono raccolte nel tempo e usate per create annunci personalizzati, misurazione annunci, approfondimenti sul pubblico e sviluppo di prodotti specifici per il nostro programma pubblicitario. Se sei d'accordo, seleziona Accetto! qui sotto. Altrimenti, puoi ottenere maggiori informazioni, personalizzare le tue preferenze sul consenso per più di %1$s diversi offerenti, o rifiutare il consenso selezionando Ulteriori informazioni. Tieni presente che le tue preferenze si applicano solo a Tumblr. Se cambi idea in futuro, puoi aggiornare le tue preferenze in qualsiasi momento visitando le Impostazioni sulla privacy. Un'ultima cosa: alcuni dei tuoi dati potrebbero essere elaborati dal nostro partner pubblicitario in base a interessi legittimi anziché al consenso, ma puoi opporti scegliendo Ulteriori informazioni e disabilitando l'interruttore Interessi legittimi sotto qualsiasi Scopo o Partner.","Oltre ai tuoi dati che Tumblr raccoglie ed elabora, descritti nella nostra Informativa sulla Privacy, i nostri partner pubblicitari memorizzano e/o accedono alle informazioni sul vostro dispositivo, trattando anche dati personali, come ad esempio identificatori univoci, attività di navigazione e altre informazioni standard inviate dal tuo dispositivo, incluso il vostro indirizzo IP. Tali informazioni vengono raccolte nel tempo e usate per create annunci personalizzati, misurazione annunci, approfondimenti sul pubblico e sviluppo di prodotti specifici per il nostro programma pubblicitario. Se siete d'accordo, selezionate Accetto! qui sotto. Altrimenti, potete ottenere maggiori informazioni, personalizzare le vostre preferenze sul consenso per più di %1$s diversi offerenti, o rifiutare il consenso selezionando Ulteriori informazioni. Tenete presente che le vostre preferenze si applicano solo a Tumblr. Se cambiate idea in futuro, potete aggiornare le vostre preferenze in qualsiasi momento visitando le Impostazioni sulla privacy. Un'ultima cosa: alcuni dei vostri dati potrebbero essere elaborati dai nostri partner pubblicitari in base a interessi legittimi anziché al consenso, ma potete opporvi scegliendo Ulteriori informazioni e disabilitando l'interruttore Interessi legittimi sotto qualsiasi Scopo o Partner."],"DO NOT TRANSLATE. Internal Tumblr staff will manage this string in all languages.\u0004Learn More":["Ulteriori informazioni"],"DO NOT TRANSLATE. Internal Tumblr staff will manage this string in all languages.\u0004View Partners":["Visualizza fornitori"],"DO NOT TRANSLATE. Internal Tumblr staff will manage this string in all languages.\u0004We're sorry but an unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.":["Siamo spiacenti, ma si è verificato un errore imprevisto. Riprova più tardi."],"April Fools: Sentence #3 in share post, which appears after the list of reactions. There are several variations for this sentence; we randomly pick one per post.\u0004I am delighted.":["Sono contentissimo/a."],"April Fools: Sentence #3 in share post, which appears after the list of reactions. There are several variations for this sentence; we randomly pick one per post.\u0004I am filled with a sense of inner joy.":["Sono pieno di un senso di gioia interiore."],"April Fools: Sentence #3 in share post, which appears after the list of reactions. There are several variations for this sentence; we randomly pick one per post.\u0004I am fulfilled.":["Sono realizzato/a."],"April Fools: Sentence #3 in share post, which appears after the list of reactions. There are several variations for this sentence; we randomly pick one per post.\u0004I am impressed.":["Sono colpito/a."],"April Fools: Sentence #3 in share post, which appears after the list of reactions. There are several variations for this sentence; we randomly pick one per post.\u0004I am pleased.":["Sono contento/a."],"Year in review post results total posts this year\u0004I posted %1$s time in %2$s":["Ho postato %1$s volta nel %2$s","Ho postato %1$s volte nel %2$s"],"Year in review post results gifts sent\u0004I sent %1$s gift in %2$s":["Ho inviato %1$s regalo nel %2$s","Ho inviato %1$s regali nel %2$s"],"April Fools: Sentence #2 in share post. This follows the \"What a [cool group] of reactons I saw!\" sentence.\u0004I simply have to share it with the world:":["Devo proprio condividerlo con il mondo:"],"[TumblrMart] Pre-filled text of a Tumblr post when a user's crab gift has expired and crab counts can be read from local storage.\u0004I summoned %1$s 🦀, captured %2$s 💰, befriended %3$s 🌼, and %4$s fell in love with me 💜. I will miss you my sweet crabs.":["Ho evocato %1$s 🦀, catturato %2$s 💰, stretto amicizia con %3$s 🌼 e %4$s si sono innamorati di me 💜. Mi mancherete miei dolci granchi."],"Year in review post results total tags current year\u0004I tagged %1$s of my posts in %2$s":["Ho taggato %1$s dei miei post nel %2$s","Ho taggato %1$s dei miei post nel %2$s"],"Alt text for a decorative image in Tumblr Live TOS Screen\u0004Icon of TV":["Icona della TV"],"[Reporting] Modal text to confirm reporting violative content in post notes\u0004If it violates our [link]User Guidelines[/link], we'll remove it.":["Se viola le nostre [link]Linee guida utente[/link], verrà rimosso."],"Text for staff to report a video ad\u0004If it's a video: pause the ad, hold ALT and hit UP UP DOWN DOWN, screenshot / copy this data and e-mail it to":["Se si tratta di un video: metti in pausa l'annuncio, tieni premuto ALT e premi SU SU GIÙ GIÙ, fai uno screenshot / copia questi dati e inviali via e-mail a"],"Text for staff to report a non-video ad\u0004If it's not a video: screenshot the ad and email it to":["Se non è un video: scatta lo screenshot dell'annuncio e mandalo a"],"Blaze campaign goal: Engagement section description\u0004If the engagement goal was assigned, the campaign aims to increase engagement on the post selected for your Blaze campaign. It's for content that simply has to be shared.":["Se è stato assegnato l'obiettivo engagement, la campagna mira ad aumentare l'engagement sul post selezionato per la tua campagna Blaze. È per i contenuti che devono semplicemente essere condivisi."],"Third part of intro text for our GDPR consent management platform, for anonymous users\u0004If this sounds good to you, select \"I Agree!\" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences, or decline consent by selecting \"Learn More\". Note that your preferences apply only to Tumblr. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences any time by using the Privacy link beneath each ad. One last thing: Some of your data may be processed by our advertising partners based on legitimate interests instead of consent, but you can object to that by choosing \"Learn More\" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner on their respective settings pages.":["Se sei d'accordo, seleziona Accetto! sotto. Altrimenti, puoi ottenere maggiori informazioni, personalizzare le tue preferenze sul consenso o rifiutare il consenso selezionando Ulteriori informazioni. Tieni presente che le tue preferenze si applicano solo a Tumblr. Se cambi idea in futuro, puoi aggiornare le tue preferenze in qualsiasi momento visitando le Impostazioni sulla privacy. Un'ultima cosa: alcuni dei tuoi dati potrebbero essere elaborati dai nostri partner pubblicitari in base a interessi legittimi anziché al consenso, ma puoi opporti scegliendo Ulteriori informazioni e disabilitando l'interruttore Interessi legittimi sotto qualsiasi Scopo o Partner elencato sulle loro rispettive pagine delle impostazioni."],"Third part of intro text for our GDPR consent management platform\u0004If this sounds good to you, select \"I Agree!\" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences, or decline consent by selecting \"Learn More\". Note that your preferences apply only to Tumblr. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences any time by visiting your \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"\u003ePrivacy Settings\u003c/a\u003e. One last thing: Some of your data may be processed by our advertising partners based on legitimate interests instead of consent, but you can object to that by choosing \"Learn More\" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner on their respective settings pages.":["Se questo ti suona bene, seleziona Accetto! sotto. Altrimenti, puoi ottenere maggiori informazioni, personalizzare le tue preferenze di consenso o rifiutare il consenso selezionando Ulteriori informazioni. Tieni presente che le tue preferenze si applicano solo a Tumblr. Se cambi idea in futuro puoi aggiornare le tue preferenze in qualsiasi momento visitando le tue \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"\u003eImpostazioni sulla privacy\u003c/a\u003e. Un'ultima cosa: alcuni dei tuoi dati potrebbero essere elaborati dai nostri partner pubblicitari sulla base di interessi legittimi anziché del consenso, ma puoi opporti selezionando Ulteriori informazioni e quindi disabilitando l'interruttore Interessi legittimi in qualsiasi Finalità o Partner elencati nelle rispettive pagine delle impostazioni."],"Third part of intro text for our GDPR consent management platform, for known users\u0004If this sounds good to you, select \"I Agree!\" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent preferences, or decline consent by selecting \"Learn More\". Note that your preferences apply only to Tumblr. If you change your mind in the future you can update your preferences any time by visiting your Privacy Settings. One last thing: Some of your data may be processed by our advertising partners based on legitimate interests instead of consent, but you can object to that by choosing \"Learn More\" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner on their respective settings pages.":["Se sei d'accordo, seleziona Accetto! sotto. Altrimenti, puoi ottenere maggiori informazioni, personalizzare le tue preferenze sul consenso o rifiutare il consenso selezionando Ulteriori informazioni. Tieni presente che le tue preferenze si applicano solo a Tumblr. Se cambi idea in futuro, puoi aggiornare le tue preferenze in qualsiasi momento visitando le Impostazioni sulla privacy. Un'ultima cosa: alcuni dei tuoi dati potrebbero essere elaborati dai nostri partner pubblicitari in base a interessi legittimi anziché al consenso, ma puoi opporti scegliendo Ulteriori informazioni e disabilitando l'interruttore Interessi legittimi sotto qualsiasi Scopo o Partner elencato sulle loro rispettive pagine delle impostazioni."],"Message shown to users warning them that they are about to navigate away from a post or blog collection with unsaved changes\u0004If you leave before saving, your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to navigate away?":["Se te ne vai prima di salvare, le tue modifiche andranno perse. Sei sicuro/a di voler navigare verso altri lidi?"],"Label for an image\u0004Image":["Immagine"],"Title for image-only post\u0004Image":["Immagine","Immagini"],"When adding an image block, this refers to the block name\u0004Image":["Immagine"],"Title for the options menu on an image in the editor\u0004Image Options":["Opzioni immagine"],"Alt text for images on the CDN. Placeholder is the blog's title\u0004Image from %1$s":["Immagine da %1$s"],"[Badge Management] Badge hover card badge image.\u0004Image of a badge.":["Immagine di un badge."],"Button to open the options menu on an image in the editor\u0004Image options":["Opzioni immagine"],"Button to open the options menu on an image in the post form\u0004Image options":["Opzioni immagini"],"Title for image-only post with post date\u0004Image posted on %2$s":["Immagine postate su %2$s","Immagini postate su %2$s"],"Title for image-only post that was reblogged from another blog\u0004Image reblogged from @%2$s":["Immagine rebloggata da @%2$s","Immagini rebloggate da @%2$s"],"Title for image-only post with reblog date\u0004Image reblogged on %2$s":["Immagine rebloggata su %2$s","Immagini rebloggate su %2$s"],"Prefix for title including tags\u0004Image tagged with":["Immagine taggata con"],"Prefix for title including tags\u0004Video tagged with":["Video taggato con"],"Title for image-only post that is tagged. There may be 1-3 tags, and they will be inserted already concatenated. Example values: \"this is my favourite show\" or \"cat, cute, i love him\"\u0004Image tagged with %2$s":["Immagine taggata con %2$s","Immagini taggate con %2$s"],"Blaze campaign popover: impressions section title\u0004Impressions":["Impressioni"],"Impressions for a product in Blaze campaigns (modal)\u0004Impressions":["Impressioni"],"Impressions section title of a Blaze campaign\u0004Impressions":["Impressioni"],"Information about what impressions mean w.r.t. our product Blaze in a collapsible info section\u0004Impressions mean how many times a post will be put in front of another person.\n\nWe can't guarantee the exact number every time although we always do our best to get as close to the selected number of impressions as possible.":["Le impressioni indicano quante volte un post verrà mostrato ad un'altra persona. \n\nNon possiamo garantire il numero esatto ogni volta, anche se facciamo il possibile per avvicinarci al numero di impressioni scelto il più possibile."],"Blaze Campaign Status\u0004In progress":["In corso"],"Blaze Campaign Status\u0004Pending":["In attesa"],"Label for the amount of inactive Post+ subscriptions\u0004Inactive":["Inattivo","Inattivi"],"Label for the amount of inactive subscriptions\u0004Inactive":["Non attivo","Non attivi"],"[Premium] Label to show that a subscription is inactive\u0004Inactive":["Inattivo"],"Title for the Inactive Tabs section\u0004Inactive Tabs":["Schede inattive"],"Label when moderator removes content that constitutes inapproriate behavior\u0004Inappropriate behavior":["Comportamenti inappropriati"],"Heading for a Patio column that contains the user's inbox\u0004Inbox":["Posta in arrivo"],"Label for the inbox icon on Patio\u0004Inbox":["Posta in arrivo"],"Title of the Inbox page\u0004Inbox | Tumblr":["Inbox | Tumblr"],"Label for showing number of items in the collection (e.g. Includes 2 blogs)\u0004Includes":["Include"],"When adding an indented block, this refers to the block name\u0004Indented quote":["Citazione rientrata"],"Help text describing a setting that disables sharing data for your blog with third parties.\u0004Indicate that you do not wish [blogName] to be included in any third party data sharing. [link]Learn more[/link]":["Indica che non desideri che [blogName] venga incluso in alcuna condivisione di dati con terze parti. [link]Ulteriori informazioni[/link]"],"Button label for submitting a url input\u0004Insert":["Inserisci"],"View Blaze insights button\u0004Insights":["Approfondimenti"],"View Blaze insights button\u0004View insights":["Visualizza approfondimenti"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Label for interactive crab\u0004Interactive crab":["Granchio interattivo"],"Windows98 IE icon\u0004Internet Explorer":["Internet Explorer"],"Error message when form field contains an invalid value\u0004Invalid field":["campo non valido"],"Common error message for invalid form fields\u0004Invalid value":["Valore non valido"],"Default error message when form field contains a bad value\u0004Invalid value":["Valore non valido"],"Success message after admin cancels user invitation to a community\u0004Invitation canceled":["Invito annullato"],"Success message after declining invitation to join community\u0004Invitation declined":["Invito rifiutato"],"Button label for sending community user to a specific blog\u0004Invite":["Invita"],"Label for header button to invite blogs to community\u0004Invite":["Invita"],"Label for a button that starts the invite flow for the community\u0004Invite blogs":["Invita blog"],"Label for community invite code field on community settings page\u0004Invite code":["Codice d'invito"],"Label for community invite link field on community settings page\u0004Invite link":["Link d'invito"],"Community invite dialog explanation for invite links not yet available for private communities\u0004Invite links for private communities coming soon. [link]Learn more[/link]":["I link di invito per le Community private arriveranno presto. [link]Scopri di più[/link]"],"Community invite dialog main heading\u0004Invite members":["Invita membri"],"Invite only info modal heading\u0004Invite only":["Solo su invito"],"Label for header button that informs that community is invite only\u0004Invite only":["Solo su invito"],"Option for filtering community search results by those that require an invite to join\u0004Invite only":["Solo su invito"],"Message displayed to community administrators right after they created the community\u0004Invite people":["Invita persone"],"Message displayed to community administrators right after they created the community\u0004Invite your friends, make a welcome post, and start curating your space.":["Invita i tuoi amici, crea un post di benvenuto e inizia a prenderti cura del tuo spazio."],"Message displayed to community administrators right after they created the community\u0004Make a post":["Crea un post"],"Message displayed to community administrators right after they created the community\u0004Welcome to your Community":["Ti diamo il benvenuto nella tua Community"],"[Tour Guide] Text that is shown as a tooltip to nudge the user to invite people to the community\u0004Invite people to this community":["Invita persone a questa Community"],"Heading for communities invite flow confirmation dialog\u0004Invite sent!":["Invito inviato!","Inviti inviati!"],"Message displayed to community administrators right after they created the community - body\u0004Invite your friends, make a welcome post, and start curating your space.":["Invita i tuoi amici, crea un post di benvenuto e inizia a prenderti cura del tuo spazio."],"Message displayed to community administrators right after they created the community - body\u0004We've made it easier for you to grow your community. Now you can generate an invite link to share with your friends, wherever they are.":["Ora è più semplice far crescere la tua Community. Puoi generare un link di invito da condividere con i tuoi amici, ovunque si trovino."],"Label for informing user that the blog was successfully invited\u0004Invited":["Invitato"],"Tab button to display list of blogs invited to a community\u0004Invited":["Invitati"],"Information about a date when member was invited to a particular community\u0004Invited %1$s":["Ha invitato %1$s"],"Another user invited logged in user to a community\u0004Invited you to join [strong][communityName][/strong]":["Ti ha invitato ad unirti a [strong][communityName][/strong]"],"Label informing about when invitation was sent on in the Pending invitations list\u0004Invited: [time]":["Invitato/a: [time]"],"The header for the Invites section of the community form\u0004Invites":["Inviti"],"Dialog header text for staff to report a bad ad\u0004Is this a bad ad?":["Si tratta di un pessimo annuncio?"],"Content of a dialogue box that asks users to contact support if they want to delete an account with purchased domains\u0004It appears that you have purchased a Tumblr domain from this account. Please contact support for available options to handle your domains before deleting your account.":["Sembra che tu abbia acquistato un dominio Tumblr da questo account. Contatta l'assistenza per le opzioni disponibili per gestire i tuoi domini prima di eliminare il tuo account."],"Blaze campaign targeting popover: Tags section description\u0004It lists tags the campaign targeted when it was live.":["Mostra i tag scelti come target quando questa campagna era attiva."],"Text of a modal that appears when a domain cannot be connected\u0004It looks like your domain [b][domainName][/b] is not pointing to Tumblr. Please ensure that the A record for your domain is pointing to Tumblr. [pre] A [domainName] [/pre] Give this another go once the DNS record has been added. Stuck? This [link]guide[/link] may help.":["Sembra che il tuo dominio [b][domainName][/b] non punti a Tumblr. Assicurati che il record A del tuo dominio punti a Tumblr. [pre] A [domainName] [/pre] Fai un altro tentativo dopo aver aggiunto il record DNS. Sei bloccato/a? Questa [link]guida[/link] può aiutarti."],"Text of a modal that appears when a domain cannot be connected\u0004It looks like your domain [b][domainName][/b] is not pointing to Tumblr. Please ensure that the A record for your domain is pointing to Tumblr. [pre] A [domainName] [/pre] Try again in 30 minutes after adding the DNS record. Stuck? This [link]guide[/link] may help.":["Sembra che il tuo dominio [b][domainName][/b] non punti a Tumblr. Assicurati che il record A del tuo dominio punti a Tumblr. [pre] A [domainName] [/pre] Riprova tra 30 minuti dopo aver aggiunto il record DNS. Sei bloccato/a? Questa [link]guida[/link] può aiutarti."],"Text of a modal that appears when a domain cannot be connected\u0004It looks like your domain [b][domainName][/b] is not pointing to Tumblr. Please ensure that the A record for your domain is pointing to Tumblr. [pre]A [domainName][/pre] Try again in 30 minutes after adding the DNS record. Stuck? This [link]guide[/link] may help.":["Sembra che il tuo dominio [b][domainName][/b] non punti a Tumblr. Assicurati che il record A del tuo dominio punti a Tumblr. [pre]A [domainName][/pre] Riprova tra 30 minuti dopo aver aggiunto il record DNS. Sei bloccato/a? Questa [link]guida[/link] può aiutarti."],"Text of a modal that appears when a domain cannot be connected\u0004The domain [b][domainName][/b] is already in use on Tumblr. Are you sure you entered the correct domain name?":["Il dominio [b][domainName][/b] è già in uso su Tumblr. Sei sicuro/a di aver inserito il nome di dominio corretto?"],"Text of a modal that appears when a domain cannot be connected\u0004The domain [b][domainName][/b] is already in use on Tumblr. Please double-check if you entered the correct domain name.":["Il dominio [b][domainName][/b] è già in uso su Tumblr. Assicurati di aver inserito il nome di dominio corretto."],"Text of a modal that appears when a domain cannot be connected\u0004The root domain of [b][domainName][/b] is already in use on Tumblr. For security reasons, subdomains can be connected only by the owner of the root domain.":["Il dominio principale di [b][domainName][/b] è già in uso su Tumblr. Per motivi di sicurezza, i sottodomini possono essere collegati solo dal proprietario del dominio principale."],"Let the user know that Live is currently only available in certain countries.\u0004It may not be available in your country. [helpLink]Find out more[/helpLink].":["Potrebbe non essere disponibile nel tuo Paese. [helpLink]Scopri di più[/helpLink]."],"A follow up indicating the blazed post has been successfully stopped\u0004It may take a little bit for the post to be fully removed from promotion across Tumblr.":["Potrebbe volerci un po' prima che il tuo post venga completamente rimosso dalla promozione su Tumblr."],"A follow up indicating the post blaze has been successfully stopped\u0004It may take a little bit for your post to be fully removed from promotion across Tumblr.":["Potrebbe volerci un po' prima che il tuo post venga completamente rimosso dalla promozione su Tumblr."],"A post is being sponsored for X views (Blaze is the name of the product) introduction message\u0004It may take up to 24 hours for the post to be moderated and queued up for delivery.":["Potrebbero essere necessarie fino a 24 ore prima che il tuo post venga moderato e messo in coda per la consegna."],"A post is being sponsored for X views, where blaze is the name of the product\u0004It may take up to 24 hours for your post to be moderated and queued up for delivery. We’ll send you an email when that happens!":["Potrebbero essere necessarie fino a 24 ore prima che il tuo post venga moderato e messo in coda per la consegna. Ti invieremo un'e-mail quando ciò accadrà!"],"Blaze campaign targeting popover: Location section description\u0004It shows the country that was targeted when this campaign was live.":["Mostra il Paese scelto come target quando la campagna era attiva."],"Blaze campaign targeting popover: Language section description\u0004It shows which language-speaking audience was targeted when this campaign was live.":["Mostra il pubblico di quale lingua è stato scelto come target quando questa campagna era attiva."],"Copy that is shown on the landing page for Tumblr Ad-Free Browsing\u0004It's Tumblr, only ad-free. Ad-Free Browsing gives you more of what you love and less of what you don't. What are you waiting for? It's a whole new world out there.":["È Tumblr, solo senza pubblicità. La navigazione senza pubblicità ti dà più di ciò che ami e meno di ciò che non ti piace. Che cosa stai aspettando? C'è un mondo completamente nuovo là fuori."],"Copy that is shown on the landing page for Tumblr Ad-Free Browsing\u0004That's over [hoursPerYear] hours worth of ads. Go ad-free and never see another sponsored post or banner ad.":["Sono più di [hoursPerYear] ore di pubblicità. Passa all'abbonamento senza pubblicità e non vedrai mai più un post o un annuncio sponsorizzato."],"[Patio] Humorous title hinting to users that requires too much space for mobile usage\u0004It's a little cramped in here...":["È un po' stretto qui..."],"Success message to show when the user introduces a custom domain name for its blog that is correctly configured\u0004It's good!":["Va bene!"],"Year in review results ready title\u0004It's here":["Eccoci qui."],"Let the user know that Live is currently only available in the app\u0004It's in the app.":["È nell'app."],"An option for reporting ads where the ad contains offensive or inappropriate material\u0004It's offensive or inappropriate.":["È offensivo o inappropriato"],"Description of a benefit of ad-free subscription\u0004It's over [minutesPerYear] minutes a year! That's almost a whole season of that show you pretend not to watch but secretly love.":["Sono più di [minutesPerYear] minuti all'anno! È praticamente quasi una stagione intera di quella serie che fai finta di ignorare ma poi adori segretamente."],"Description of a benefit of ad-free subscription\u0004Keep your focus where it belongs: on that deep-dive thread you never knew you needed.":["Mantieni il focus al posto giusto: su quel thread approfondito di cui non sapevi assolutamente di aver bisogno."],"Description of a benefit of ad-free subscription\u0004That's nearly [postsPerYear] more GIFs, reblogs, and memes you could've scrolled through.":["Parliamo di circa [postsPerYear] GIF, reblog e meme, più di quelli che avresti mai potuto scrollare."],"Help text for Answer Time - paragraph 3 of 3\u0004It's the best hour you can catch up on later.":["È l'ora migliore che puoi recuperare più tardi."],"It's the users birthday today\u0004It's your birthday today! 🎉🎂":["Oggi è il tuo compleanno! 🎉🎂"],"Text shown under your birthdate in the account settings page, when it's not your birthday\u0004It's your birthday tomorrow 👀":["Domani è il tuo compleanno 👀","[number] giorni al tuo prossimo compleanno! 🎉"],"How many days until the users birthday\u0004It's your birthday tomorrow! 🎉🎂":["Domani è il tuo compleanno! 🎉🎂","[number] giorni al tuo prossimo compleanno! 🎉🎂"],"Text for the modal shown to a user while their Stripe application is awaiting approval on the Stripe side\u0004It’s taking a little longer than expected to verify your information but don’t worry, we’ll let you know once it’s complete and you can enable tipping.":["La verifica delle tue informazioni richiede un po' più tempo del previsto, ma non preoccuparti, ti faremo sapere una volta completata e potrai abilitare le mance."],"Jingle Bells: 1st message from Tumblrbot if you jingle the bells\u0004JINGLE JINGLE":["JINGLE JINGLE"],"Link to jobs page\u0004Jobs":["Opportunità"],"Label of a button used to join a community when using an invite link\u0004Join":["Unisciti"],"Invite links: Login Wall referral title\u0004Join %1$s on Tumblr":["Unisciti a %1$s su Tumblr"],"Page title for a community invited to join where the parameter is the community name\u0004Join %1$s • Community on Tumblr":["Unisciti a %1$s • Community su Tumblr"],"Text on a button to purchase ad-free subscription. Variable is the number of subscribers.\u0004Join %1$s+ others supporting Tumblr and go ad-free today":["Unisciti a %1$s+ altri che sostengono Tumblr e passano alla navigazione senza pubblicità oggi"],"Action button of the dialog that is displayed when you try to perform a community members only action (as invited user)\u0004Join community":["Unisciti alla Community"],"Label for header button to join the community when community is of free-to-join type\u0004Join community":["Unisciti alla Community"],"Heading of join community modal blog selection step\u0004Join community as...":["Unisciti alla Community come..."],"Subtitle on a call to action bragging to a potential user about how great our content is\u0004Join over [strong]100 million[/strong] people using [strong]Tumblr[/strong] to find their [strong]communities[/strong] and make [strong]friends[/strong].":["Unisciti a più di [strong]100 milioni[/strong] di persone che usano [strong]Tumblr[/strong] per trovare le loro [strong]community[/strong] e fare nuove [strong]amicizie[/strong]."],"Invite links: Login Wall referral text on sidebar\u0004Join them on Tumblr and discover more content you both love!":["Unisciti a lui/lei su Tumblr e scopri altri contenuti che entrambi amate!"],"Button shown on a community page to indicate that the user has already joined it\u0004Joined":["si è unito/a a"],"Label informing about when the user joined the community in the community members list\u0004Joined [date]":["si è unito/a [date]"],"Community create form - join type section - title\u0004Joining":["Accesso"],"The header for the Joining section of the community form\u0004Joining":["Accesso"],"Placeholder text when creating a new \"chat\" text block\u0004Juliet: Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Romeo: I’m right here, Juliet..? Juliet: ‘Wherefore’ means ‘why,’ not ‘where.’ Romeo: Misunderstandings like these are what define our relationship.":["Giulietta: Romeo, Romeo, perché sei tu Romeo? Romeo: Sono qui, Giulietta! Giulietta: “Ho detto perché non dove!” Romeo: Sono queste incomprensioni a rafforzare la nostra relazione."],"Placeholder text when creating a new \"chat\" text block. Variable is a new line character\u0004Juliet: Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?%1$sRomeo: I’m right here, Juliet..?%1$sJuliet: ‘Wherefore’ means ‘why,’ not ‘where.’%1$sRomeo: Misunderstandings like these are what define our relationship.":["Giulietta: Romeo, Romeo, perché sei tu Romeo? %1$sRomeo: Sono qui, Giulietta...?%1$sGiulietta: Ho detto perché non dove!%1$sRomeo: sono queste incomprensioni a rafforzare la nostra relazione."],"[TOS Screen] Label text for the TOS modal heading\u0004Jump right in and join a live stream or start one yourself.":["Partecipa subito a un live streaming o avviane uno tu stesso."],"Login wall: Text shown when user continues scrolling after exceeding click counter limit\u0004Just kidding. Simply sign up for free to dive into the limitless, effervescent worlds right here on Tumblr. You won't regret it. In fact, it might just be the best decision you ever make.":["Scherziamo. Basta registrarsi gratuitamente per tuffarsi nei mondi illimitati ed effervescenti proprio qui su Tumblr. Non te ne pentirai. In effetti, potrebbe essere la decisione migliore che tu abbia mai preso."],"One of the Blaze by others options for a post, just me can Blaze this post\u0004Just me":["Solo io"],"Message shown to users after the Stripe verification process is successful when enabling tipping\u0004Ka-Ching! You’re ready to get paid.":["Ta-da! Sei pronto per essere pagato."],"Message shown to users after the Stripe verification process is successful when enabling tipping\u0004To start accepting tips, enable your tip jar by tapping below.":["Per iniziare ad accettare mance, abilita il tuo barattolo delle mance cliccando qui sotto."],"Button text to close the form and stay on the Explore page\u0004Keep exploring":["Continua ad esplorare"],"Button to keep the user's current targeting selection before choosing a Blaze advertising package\u0004Keep my selection":["Mantieni la mia selezione"],"Domain connect description\u0004Keep your domain with your current provider and point it to your Tumblr blog for [b][priceInDollars][/b]/year with SSL certificate for free!":["Mantieni il tuo dominio presso il tuo attuale provider e indirizzalo al tuo blog Tumblr per [b][priceInDollars][/b]/anno con il certificato SSL gratis!"],"Domain connect description\u0004Keep your domain with your current provider and point it to your Tumblr blog for [b][price][/b]/year with SSL certificate for free!":["Mantieni il tuo dominio presso il tuo attuale provider e indirizzalo al tuo blog Tumblr per [b][price][/b]/anno con il certificato SSL gratis!"],"Domain connect description\u0004Keep your domain with your current provider and point it to your Tumblr blog with SSL certificate for free!":["Mantieni il tuo dominio presso il tuo attuale provider e indirizzalo al tuo blog Tumblr con il certificato SSL gratis!"],"Marketing copy for domain connection\u0004Keep your domain with your current provider and point it to your Tumblr blog!":["Mantieni il tuo dominio presso il tuo attuale provider e indirizzalo al tuo blog Tumblr!"],"Button to open a popover with experimental feature links\u0004Labs":["Lab"],"Section heading for experimental feature links\u0004Labs":["Lab"],"Tumblr Labs settings page title\u0004Labs":["Laboratori"],"Tumblr Labs settings page title\u0004Weird new stuff we're making":["Nuovi contenuti bizzarri creati da noi"],"Blaze campaign popover: Language section title\u0004Language":["Lingua"],"Label describing a settings section to configure the language for a blog\u0004Language":["Lingua"],"Language targeting section title of a Blaze campaign\u0004Language":["Lingua"],"Name of the tab on a community page that will show the latest posts\u0004Latest":["Più recenti"],"The label for a button to refresh the contents of a set of posts to show the newest content in it\u0004Latest":["Più recenti"],"Option for ordering community search results by latest activity\u0004Latest activity":["Attività più recenti"],"Blaze intro subheader\u0004Learn how Blaze works":["Scopri come funziona Blaze"],"A hyperlink that links out to the learn more page\u0004Learn more":["Scopri di più"],"Community intro modal learn more button\u0004Learn more":["Scopri di più"],"Label for a button to navigate back to intro section of Blaze modal\u0004Learn more":["Scopri di più"],"Communities landing page CTA to learn more about communities\u0004Learn more about communities":["Scopri di più sulle Community"],"Menu item label for leaving community\u0004Leave":["Abbandona"],"Button label to leave a group blog. Placeholder is the blog name\u0004Leave %1$s":["Lascia %1$s"],"Confirmation button for modal shown when user attempts to leave a community\u0004Leave community":["Abbandona Community"],"Underage user accessing mature community modal wall action button label\u0004Leave community":["Abbandona la Community"],"Section title in settings page for leaving a group blog\u0004Leave group blog":["Lascia blog di gruppo"],"Label describing a settings input for blaze other people posts\u0004Let people Blaze your posts":["Permetti agli altri di usare Blaze sui tuoi post"],"Label for a toggle that will show a tip button under a blog's name\u0004Let people tip your blog":["Permetti agli altri di lasciare mance al tuo blog"],"A description of the Content label section of the community form\u0004Let users know if your community contains mature content.":["Fai sapere agli utenti se la tua Community contiene contenuti per adulti."],"{{firstname}}, {{pronoun}}, {{object}}, and {{possessive}} are tokens that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Let {{firstname}} know you'd like to join in the fun! If they accept, you'll be streaming alongside them to all their viewers.":["Fai sapere a {{firstname}} che vorresti unirti al divertimento! Se accetta, trasmetterai in streaming insieme a lui/lei a tutti i suoi spettatori."],"{{firstname}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Let {{firstname}} know you'd like to join in the fun! If they accept, you'll be streaming to all viewers on this stream!":["Fai sapere a {{firstname}} che vorresti unirti al divertimento! Se accetta, trasmetterai in streaming a tutti gli spettatori in questo stream!"],"Year in review results intro text\u0004Let's dive in.":["Andiamo!"],"Third paragraph of the intro modal for Patio, where we say we'll walk the user through an onboarding tour\u0004Let's do a quick tour to get you up to speed!":["Facciamo un piccolo tour per vedere come funziona!"],"Title displayed on the followed tags sidebar when the user does not follow any tag\u0004Let's get personal":["Andiamo sul personale"],"Button text for the intro modal for Patio, that closes the modal and reveals the feature\u0004Let's go!":["Partiamo!"],"Year in review FOMO page title text\u0004Let's not dwell on the past. 2022 is over.":["Il passato è passato. Il 2022 è finito."],"{{level}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Level {{level}}":["Livello {{level}}"],"{{level}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004You've reached level {{level}}!":["Hai raggiunto il livello {{level}}!"],"Like button: Like label\u0004Like":["Mi piace"],"Tooltip suggesting the user to follow a tag to keep up with posts\u0004Like what you see? Follow the tag to see updates on your dashboard":["Ti piace quello che vedi? Segui il tag per vedere gli aggiornamenti sulla tua dashboard"],"Login wall: Title shown when user clicks on the \"Follow\" button, after exceeding click counter limit\u0004Like what you see? Right this way…":["Ti piace quello che vedi? Proprio in questo modo…"],"Another user liked the logged in user's post\u0004Liked your post":["Ha messo Mi piace al tuo post"],"One or more users liked the logged in user's post\u0004Liked your post":["Ha messo Mi piace al tuo post"],"Heading for a Patio column that contains the user's likes\u0004Likes":["Mi piace"],"Label for a setting that enables a public likes page\u0004Likes":["Mi piace"],"Label for the likes icon on Patio\u0004Likes":["Mi piace"],"Likes section title of a Blaze campaign\u0004Likes":["Mi piace"],"Likes section title of a Blaze campaign\u0004likes":["Mi piace"],"Notification filter text for a Likes milestone\u0004Likes milestones":["Traguardi Mi piace"],"Notification filter text for a Likes Received milestone\u0004Likes received milestones":["Traguardi Mi piace ricevuti"],"Title of the Likes page\u0004Likes | Tumblr":["Like | Tumblr"],"Label for a link block\u0004Link":["Link"],"When adding a link block, this refers to the block name\u0004Link":["Link"],"Text on button to go link account to a third party authentication provider\u0004Link Account":["Link Account"],"Text on button to go link account to a third party authentication provider\u0004Yes, link my account":["Sì, collega il mio account"],"Title for the options menu on link cards in the editor\u0004Link Options":["Opzioni link"],"Message informing that the invite link was copied when sharing a collection\u0004Link copied!":["Link copiato!"],"Success message after copying a link\u0004Link copied!":["Link copiato!"],"Button to open the options menu on a link in the editor\u0004Link options":["Opzioni link"],"Message displayed when an Answer Time is live\u0004Live now":["Live ora"],"[TMG Credits] Label text for credit modal title\u0004Live streaming credits":["Crediti diretta streaming"],"Notification filter for live streams of users you've subscribed to\u0004Live streams":["Stream live"],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Button label to fetch more purchases.\u0004Load More":["Carica altri"],"[TumblrMart] Button text to fetch more gifts on the gift management page.\u0004Load More":["Carica altri"],"[TumblrMart] Button text to fetch more gifts on the gift management page.\u0004Load more":["Carica altri"],"[TumblrMart] Button label to fetch more gifts on the gift management page.\u0004Load More Gifts":["Carica più regali"],"Button label when there is more data available to load\u0004Load more reblogs":["Carica altri reblog"],"Blaze modal - loading indicator\u0004Loading products...":["Caricamento prodotti..."],"[Premium] Loading text when fetching a users Premium perks\u0004Loading your perks.":["Caricamento dei tuoi vantaggi."],"Placeholder while dropdown menu is loading data\u0004Loading…":["Caricamento…"],"Blaze campaign popover: Location section title\u0004Location":["Luogo"],"Location targeting section title of a Blaze campaign\u0004Location":["Luogo"],"Label for a dashboard tab that is locked\u0004Locked":["Bloccata"],"Label for a dashboard tab that is locked\u0004Locked tab":["Scheda bloccata"],"Transfer lock setting is on for a given domain\u0004Locked for transfer to another registrar":["Bloccato per il trasferimento ad altro registrar"],"Transfer lock setting is on for a given domain\u0004Transfer lock on":["Blocco trasferimento attivato"],"Message shown when the transfer lock of a domain is being enabled\u0004Locking your domain":["Blocco del tuo dominio"],"Text on button to login after entering the two factor authentication code\u0004Log in":["Accedi"],"Button on the blog settings section that allows a user to disconnect their Twitter account from Tumblr\u0004Log out":["Esci"],"Alt text for the logo of a blog collection\u0004Logo for this collection":["Logo per questa raccolta"],"Year in review post results longest tag\u0004Longest Tag: [%1$s character]":["Tag più lungo: [%1$s carattere]","Tag più lungo: [%1$s caratteri]"],"Year in review longest tag title text\u0004Longest tag":["Tag più lungo"],"Marketing text to upsell Tumblr Domains in blog settings.\u0004Looking for a different domain? More options are available [link]here[/link].":["Cerchi un dominio diverso? Ulteriori opzioni sono disponibili [link]qui[/link]."],"Marketing text to upsell Tumblr Domains in blog settings.\u0004Make [strong][suggestedDomainName][/strong] the home address of your blog and give your blog the branding it deserves!":["Rendi [strong] [suggestedDomainName] [/strong] l'indirizzo fisso del tuo blog e dai al tuo blog il nome che merita!"],"Prompt to show when a user is blocking a blog that they are already blocking. The placeholder is the blocked blog name\u0004Looks like you are already blocking %1$s":["Sembra che tu stia già bloccando %1$s"],"Pop-up message when the user has ad-block enabled and we show a rewarded ad.\u0004Looks like you have an ad-blocker enabled. Please disable it to watch the ad and get 30 minutes of ad-free browsing.":["Sembra che tu abbia un ad-blocker abilitato. Per favore disabilitalo per vedere l'annuncio e ottieni 30 minuti di navigazione senza pubblicità."],"Text prompt letting the user know their account already exists\u0004Looks like your account already exists.":["Sembra che il tuo account esista già."],"Palette/theme name. Uses white text with old Tumblr blue for post background color.\u0004Low-Contrast Classic":["Basso contrasto classico"],"Palette/theme name. Uses white text with old Tumblr blue for post background color.\u0004Low-contrast classic":["Basso contrasto classico"],"MX record description\u0004MX (mail exchange) records are used to route emails to the correct mail servers.":["I record MX (scambio di posta) vengono utilizzati per instradare le e-mail ai server di posta corretti."],"Message displayed to community administrators right after they created the community - make a post CTA\u0004Make a post":["Crea un post"],"Message displayed to community administrators right after they created the community - make a post CTA\u0004Maybe later":["Forse dopo"],"Menu item label for promoting user to community moderator\u0004Make moderator":["Nomina un moderatore"],"Menu item label for promoting user to community moderator\u0004Promote to moderator":["Promuovi a moderatore"],"Button that makes a community private\u0004Make private":["Rendi privata"],"Landing page form header text\u0004Make stuff, look at stuff, talk about stuff, find your people.":["Crea contenuti, guardali, parlane e trova le persone che ti piacciono."],"Field label for a button that takes a community private\u0004Make this community private":["Rendi privata questa Community"],"Clicking here will open a modal where the user can manage their tags\u0004Manage":["Gestisci"],"[Badge Management] Button label to trigger seeing an unseen badge.\u0004Manage Badge":["Gestisci badge"],"[Badge Management] Label for earned badge activity item link\u0004Manage Badges":["Gestisci badge"],"Link for managing DNS records of a domain\u0004Manage DNS records":["Gestisci record DNS"],"Settings page title\u0004Manage Post+":["Gestisci Post+"],"Settings page title\u0004Post+ is currently inactive.":["Post+ al momento non è attivo."],"Settings page title\u0004Tumblr Post+":["Tumblr Post+"],"Link to open the tags manager modal\u0004Manage all your tags":["Gestisci i tuoi tag"],"[badge management] label for button to open badge manager\u0004Manage badges":["Gestisci badge"],"[badge management] label for button to open badge manager\u0004manage badges":["gestisci badge"],"Subheader of the contact information panel in domain settings\u0004Manage contact info and privacy settings":["Gestisci informazioni di contatto e impostazioni di privacy"],"Subheader of the domain DNS panel in domain settings\u0004Manage how your domain works":["Gestisci il funzionamento del tuo dominio"],"Button label to go to community pending invites screen\u0004Manage invites":["Gestisci inviti"],"The description for the Invites section of the community form\u0004Manage invites to your community":["Gestisci gli inviti alla tua Community"],"The description for the Invites section of the community form\u0004Manage invites to your community.":["Gestisci gli inviti alla tua Community."],"Title for the second page of several introducing newly-promoted community admin to the role\u0004Manage membership matters.":["Gestisci i problemi di partecipazione"],"[Badge Management] Count selector label\u0004Manage number of visible %1$s badges":["Gestisci il numero di %1$s badge visibili"],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Manage payment method button label\u0004Manage payment":["Gestisci pagamento"],"Help text describing the featured tags settings. The replacement is the maximum number of tags a blog can have.\u0004Manage the featured tags that appear in your blog's search and archive. You can have up to %1$s featured tags.":["Gestisci i tag in primo piano che appaiono nella ricerca e nell'archivio del tuo blog. Puoi avere fino a %1$s tag in primo piano."],"Subscriptions settings page description\u0004Manage your Post+ subscriptions":["Gestisci le iscrizioni Post+"],"Subscriptions settings page description\u0004Manage your subscriptions":["Gestisci i tuoi abbonamenti"],"Domain transfer description\u0004Manage your domain directly on Tumblr! Transfers extend your registration by another year at the [link]regular renewal fee[/link]. SSL certificate included for free!":["Gestisci il tuo dominio direttamente su Tumblr! Con i trasferimenti, la tua registrazione si estende per un altro anno al [link]normale costo di rinnovo[/link]. Il certificato SSL è incluso senza costi aggiuntivi!"],"Marketing text to promote domain transfers in blog settings\u0004Manage your domain directly on Tumblr! Transfers extend your registration by another year at the [link]regular renewal fee[/link]. SSL certificate included for free!":["Gestisci il tuo dominio direttamente su Tumblr! Con i trasferimenti, la tua registrazione si estende per un altro anno al [link]normale costo di rinnovo[/link]. Il certificato SSL è incluso senza costi aggiuntivi!"],"Marketing copy for domain transfer\u0004Manage your domain directly on Tumblr! We'll extend your registration for another year.":["Gestisci il tuo dominio direttamente su Tumblr! Rinnoveremo il tuo dominio per un altro anno."],"Marketing copy for domain transfer\u0004Manage your domain directly on Tumblr! We'll renew your domain for another year.":["Gestisci il tuo dominio direttamente su Tumblr! Rinnoveremo il tuo dominio per un altro anno."],"Marketing copy for domain transfer\u0004Transfer and manage it on Tumblr!":["Trasferiscilo e gestiscilo su Tumblr!"],"Payment \u0026 Purchases settings page description\u0004Manage your payment method and view purchases":["Gestisci il tuo metodo di pagamento e visualizza gli acquisti"],"Manage button label on Tumblr Premium modal\u0004Manage your payments":["Gestisci i tuoi pagamenti"],"Privacy settings page description\u0004Manage your privacy settings":["Gestisci le impostazioni di privacy"],"Manage subscription button label on Tumblr Premium modal\u0004Manage your subscription":["Gestisci il tuo abbonamento"],"[Subscriptions \u0026 purchases] Button label for managing payment method\u0004Manage your subscription":["Gestisci i tuoi abbonamenti"],"Link to settings page where the user can manage the tabs on dashboard.\u0004Manage…":["Gestisci..."],"Year in review FOMO page text\u0004Many things in life are fleeting — young love, bad days, many ships, and your chance to see your 2022 Year in Review.":["Molte cose nella vita sono fugaci: i giovani amori, le giornate storte e la possibilità di vedere l'analisi del tuo 2022."],"Heading for a dropdown list of tags that match a query by user\u0004Matching tags":["Tag corrispondenti"],"Community labels settings: Label for mature content setting\u0004Mature":["Adulti"],"Content labels settings: Label for mature content setting\u0004Mature":["Adulti"],"Label on Community Labels dropdown button in post form, when at least one category (drug use, sexual themes, violence) is selected. The number indicates how many of those categories are selected.\u0004Mature + [number] more":["Adulti + [number] di più","Adulti + [number] di più"],"Label on Content Labels dropdown button in post form, when at least one category (drug use, sexual themes, violence) is selected. The number indicates how many of those categories are selected.\u0004Mature + [number] more":["Adulti + [number] di più","Adulti + [number] di più"],"Title of warning screen that appears when a user opens an adult blog\u0004Mature Content":["Contenuto per adulti"],"Underage user accessing mature community modal wall heading\u0004Mature content":["Contenuti per adulti"],"User accessing mature community modal heading\u0004Mature content":["Contenuti per adulti"],"Content label community setting option - mature\u0004Mature content label":["Etichetta Contenuti per adulti"],"Button that allows users to close the join a community modal\u0004Maybe later":["Forse dopo"],"This is a caption for a button indicating that the user doesn't want to sign up now, but we're optimistic that they will sign up later. Should be kept short to fit smaller form factors.\u0004Maybe later":["Forse dopo"],"Label for informing user that blog is already a member of community (when trying to invite them)\u0004Member":["Membro"],"Label stating that user is member of a community\u0004Member":["Membro"],"Option for ordering community search results by member count\u0004Member count":["Numero di membri"],"Link to the members page\u0004Members":["Membri"],"Page title when user lands on the community's members page\u0004Members":["Membri"],"Tab button to display list of community members\u0004Members":["Membri"],"Title for group blog members page without member count\u0004Members":["Membri"],"Title of the group blog members page\u0004Members | Tumblr":["Membri | Tumblr"],"Button shown on a community page to indicate that only members can join it\u0004Members-only":["Solo membri"],"Title of the dialog that is displayed when you try to perform a community members only action\u0004Membership has its privileges":["Essere membri ha i suoi privilegi"],"screen title\u0004Memberships":["Abbonamenti"],"Another user mentioned the logged in user in a comment in a community\u0004Mentioned you in a comment in [communityName]":["Ti ha menzionato in un commento in [communityName]."],"Another user mentioned the logged in user in one of their posts\u0004Mentioned you in a post":["Ti ha menzionato in un post"],"Another user mentioned the logged in user on a post\u0004Mentioned you on a post":["Ti ha menzionato in un post"],"Another user mentioned the logged in user in one of their community posts\u0004Mentioned you on a post in [communityName]":["Ti ha menzionato in un post in [communityName]"],"Another user mentioned the logged in user in one of their community posts\u0004mentioned you on a post in [communityName].":["ti ha menzionato in un post in [communityName]."],"Label describing a settings section to determine which users can mention this blog\u0004Mentions":["Menzioni"],"Set whether you want to receive an email notification when you have a mention\u0004Mentions":["Citazioni"],"Button label (verb) to send a message to a blog\u0004Message":["Messaggi"],"Menu item to message blog\u0004Message":["Messaggi"],"Opens a messaging window to start a conversation with blog owner\u0004Message":["Messaggio"],"Label for the Messages icon on Patio\u0004Messages":["Messaggi"],"Alert text notifying user that replies have been disabled for the recipient blog, they cannot add a custom message.\u0004Messages have been disabled for this blog. [helpLink]Questions[/helpLink]?":["I messaggi sono stati disabilitati per questo blog. [helpLink]Domande[/helpLink]?"],"Label describing a settings section to determine which users can send messages\u0004Messaging":["Messaggistica"],"Placeholder of messaging input when receiver is deactivated account\u0004Messaging unavailable":["Messaggistica non disponibile"],"Notification filter text for milestone items\u0004Milestones":["Traguardi"],"Menu item for suggesting a community label\u0004Missing label?":["Manca l'etichetta?"],"Menu item for suggesting a community label\u0004Suggest Community Label":["Suggerisci Etichetta community"],"Shown next to 'Suggest a Community Label' button\u0004Missing label?":["Etichetta mancante?"],"Link text to open moderation dialog to remove post from community\u0004Moderate post":["Modera post"],"Page title when community moderation queue is selected\u0004Moderation Queue":["Moderazione coda"],"Blaze guide second step description\u0004Moderation time depends on the amount of content pending review. Typically, you'll wait no longer than one business day, but that's not guaranteed. If it's taking too long, you always have the option to extinguish your post.":["I tempi di moderazione dipendono dalla quantità di contenuti da esaminare. Di solito non impieghiamo più di un giorno lavorativo, ma non lo garantiamo. Se vedi che ci stiamo mettendo troppo, puoi sempre estinguere il tuo post."],"Blaze guide second step description\u0004We moderate all content promoted via Blaze, checking it against our [guidelinesLink]Community Guidelines[/guidelinesLink] to ensure the best experience for everyone.":["Moderiamo tutti i contenuti sponsorizzati con Blaze, controllando se rispettano le [guidelinesLink]Linee guida della nostra community[/guidelinesLink] per garantire la migliore esperienza per tutti."],"Blaze guide second step description\u0004We moderate all content promoted via Blaze, checking it against our [guidelinesLink]User Guidelines[/guidelinesLink] to ensure the best experience for everyone.":["Moderiamo tutti i contenuti sponsorizzati con Blaze, controllando se rispettano le [guidelinesLink]Linee guida utente[/guidelinesLink] per garantire la migliore esperienza per tutti."],"Blaze guide second step description\u0004We moderate all the content people promote through Blaze, checking whether they are within our Community Guidelines. This way, we can ensure the best experience for everyone.":["Moderiamo tutti i contenuti che le persone promuovono con Blaze, controllando che rispettino le linee guida della nostra community. In questo modo, possiamo garantire la migliore esperienza per tutti."],"Blaze guide second step description\u0004We moderate all the content people promote through Blaze, checking whether they are within our [guidelinesLink]Community Guidelines[/guidelinesLink]. This way, we can ensure the best experience for everyone.":["Moderiamo tutti i contenuti che le persone promuovono con Blaze, controllando se rispettano le [guidelinesLink]linee guida della nostra community[/guidelinesLink]. In questo modo, possiamo garantire la migliore esperienza per tutti."],"Blaze guide second step description\u0004We try to moderate posts as fast as possible, depending on how much content we need to review. This can take up to one business day, but there’s no guaranteed time. If it’s taking too long for your taste, you can extinguish your post.":["Cerchiamo di moderare i post il più velocemente possibile, a seconda della quantità dei contenuti che dobbiamo esaminare. Questa operazione di solito può richiedere fino a un giorno lavorativo, ma non c'è un tempo garantito. Se pensi che stiamo impiegando troppo tempo, puoi decidere di eliminare il tuo post."],"Label stating that user is a community moderator\u0004Moderator":["Moderatore"],"Role label for an individual member with the role of moderator in the Members list\u0004Moderator":["Moderatore"],"Short label shown beside blogname of a community moderator\u0004Moderator":["Moderatore"],"Title for the first page of several introducing newly-promoted community moderators to the role\u0004Moderator milestone met!":["Traguardo moderatore raggiunto!"],"Tab button to display list of community moderatos\u0004Moderators":["Moderatori"],"Description of Communities moderator role shown before promoting a user to moderator\u0004Moderators can remove members, posts, and comments. You can demote at any time.":["I moderatori possono rimuovere membri, post e commenti. Potrai annullare la promozione in qualsiasi momento."],"Description of Communities moderator role shown before promoting a user to moderator\u0004Moderators can remove posts and comments. You can demote at any time.":["I moderatori possono rimuovere post e commenti. Puoi annullare la promozione in qualsiasi momento."],"Description of community moderator role shown before promoting a user to moderator\u0004Moderators can remove posts and comments. You can demote at any time.":["I moderatori possono rimuovere post e commenti. Puoi lasciare il tuo ruolo in qualsiasi momento."],"Title for the second page of several introducing newly-promoted community moderators to the role\u0004Mods monitor all.":["I moderatori monitorano tutto."],"Label for birthdate month dropdown in account settings\u0004Month":["Mese"],"[Premium] Term used for billing monthly given the choices \"yearly\" and \"monthly\"\u0004Monthly":["Mensile"],"[Subscriptions \u0026 purchases] Header describing the length of a monthly subscription\u0004Monthly subscription":["Abbonamento mensile"],"Watch more Live by clicking on that button\u0004More":["Altro"],"Blaze campaign goal popover: Follower section title\u0004More Followers":["Più follower"],"[Badge Management] Badge hover card button label.\u0004More details.":["Dettagli."],"Community create form - more options section - title\u0004More options":["Altre opzioni"],"Label for screen readers on the button that opens the post options popover\u0004More options":["Altre opzioni"],"Blaze landing page, permalink More posts section title\u0004More posts to Blaze!":["Altri post su cui usare Blaze!"],"Accessible label used when the unread count is more than 99\u0004More than 99":["Più di 99"],"Label for a dashboard tab that is moveable\u0004Move":["Sposta"],"Label for a dashboard tab that is moveable\u0004Move tab":["Sposta scheda"],"Label for drag/drop handle on blocks in the post form\u0004Move":["Sposta"],"New message when the reply notes view is empty\u0004Move along, nothing to see here.":["Fatti un giro, non c'è nulla da vedere qui."],"New message when the reply notes view is empty for feature replyFromSecondaries\u0004Move along, nothing to see here.":["Fatti un giro, non c'è nulla da vedere qui."],"Label for button that moves a dashboard tab down one position in the list\u0004Move tab down":["Sposta scheda giù"],"Label for button that moves a dashboard tab up one position in the list\u0004Move tab up":["Sposta scheda su"],"Button for user to mute notifications about a post.\u0004Mute":["Silenzia"],"Button for user to mute notifications about a post.\u0004Mute notifications":["Silenzia notifiche"],"Confirm button for muting a post\u0004Mute":["Silenzia"],"Menu item label to mute a community\u0004Mute":["Silenzia"],"The relationship between blogs that follow each other\u0004Mutuals":["Reciprocità"],"Mutuals meaning that you mutually follow each other\u0004Mutuals for a year":["Vi seguite da un anno","Vi seguite da [number] anni"],"Mutuals meaning that you mutually follow each other\u0004Mutuals for less than a year":["Vi seguite da meno di un anno"],"Year in review post results number 1 post text\u0004My #1 post of %1$s":["Il mio post numero 1 del %1$s"],"Title of the section listing the apps you administer on the apps settings page\u0004My Apps":["Le mie app"],"Year in review post results top posts current year\u0004My Top Posts in %1$s:":["I miei post migliori nel %1$s:"],"Year in review: results page cover image alternate text\u0004My Year in Review":["Il mio bilancio annuale"],"[TumblrMart horse friend widget]: Title on a pre-filled post that details progress in Horse Friend game.\u0004My beloved horse friend":["Il mio amato amico cavallo","I miei amati amici cavalli"],"Form field asking for the name for a community\u0004Name":["Nome"],"Form field label for adding or editing A and AAAA DNS records\u0004Name":["Nome"],"Form field label for adding or editing a DNS records\u0004Name":["Nome"],"Text field label for a collection name\u0004Name":["Nome"],"The column title of the table that lists the DNS records for a domain\u0004Name":["Nome"],"The column title of the table that lists the DNS records for a domain\u0004Value":["Valore"],"[Subscriptions \u0026 Purchases] Help text for the subscriptions \u0026 purchases settings page.\u0004Need help? [helpLink]Contact Support[/helpLink]":["Serve aiuto? [helpLink]Contatta l'assistenza[/helpLink]"],"Used in the bottom sheet as a button to close the sheet\u0004Never mind":["Non importa"],"Button text for cancelling domain connection\u0004Nevermind":["Non importa"],"Button text for cancelling domain disconnection\u0004Nevermind":["Non importa"],"Button text that will close a dialog that prompted a user to enable tipping\u0004Nevermind":["Non importa"],"Button text that will close a dialog that prompted the user to set up other users Blaze their content setting\u0004Nevermind":["Non importa"],"Button that cancels making a community private\u0004Nevermind":["Non importa"],"Dismiss button for bottom sheet type of modal\u0004Nevermind":["Non importa"],"Nevermind button\u0004Nevermind":["Non importa"],"Underage user accessing mature community modal wall dismiss button label\u0004Nevermind":["Non importa"],"User accessing mature community modal dismiss action\u0004Nevermind":["Non importa"],"Label for a new dashboard tab\u0004New":["Nuova"],"Label on a new dashboard tab\u0004New":["Novità"],"Link label in main navigation pointing to create Collection page\u0004New":["Nuova"],"Set whether you want to receive an email notification when you have a new ask\u0004New Asks":["Nuove Domande"],"Section with description text about approval process for communities\u0004New communities are subject to our review prior to creation. Communities created by [link]Premium[/link] subscribers are approved automatically.":["Le nuove Community vengono esaminate e approvate da noi prima della creazione. Le Community create dagli abbonati [link]Premium[/link] vengono invece approvate automaticamente."],"[Communities] Landing page info about communities approval\u0004New communities are subject to our review prior to creation.[br/] Communities created by Premium subscribers are approved automatically.":["Le nuove Community vengono esaminate e approvate da noi prima della creazione.[br/] Le Community create dagli abbonati Premium vengono invece approvate automaticamente."],"Set whether you want to receive an email notification when you have a new follower\u0004New followers":["Nuovi follower"],"Community settings - joining section - request to join join type label\u0004New members can request or be invited to join":["I nuovi membri devono essere invitati o richiedere di esserlo, per poter partecipare"],"Community settings - joining section - invite join type label\u0004New members must be invited to join":["I nuovi membri devono essere invitati per poter partecipare"],"Label for the floating action button to create a new post on Patio screen\u0004New post":["Nuovo post"],"Set whether you want to receive an email notification when you have a new reply\u0004New replies":["Nuove risposte"],"Unread count pill text on the Communities timeline\u0004New stuff alert":["Avviso novità."],"Set whether you want to receive an email notification when you have a new submission\u0004New submissions":["Nuovi contributi"],"CTA to learn more about Blaze in Blaze modal\u0004New to Blaze? [learnMoreLink]Learn more[/learnMoreLink]":["Non conosci Blaze? [learnMoreLink]Leggi qui[/learnMoreLink]"],"Confirmation that a user wants to go to the next step in the blaze modal process\u0004Next":["Avanti"],"Next onboarding step\u0004Next":["Avanti"],"Text displayed for button that navigates the user to the next step\u0004Next":["Avanti"],"Text on button to go to the next page after user registration\u0004Next":["Avanti"],"Text on button to go to the next page after user registration\u0004Sign up":["Registrati"],"The label for a button to go to the next page of results\u0004Next":["Avanti"],"[TumblrMart] Label for button to go to checkout screen.\u0004Next":["Avanti"],"button text to go to the next step for login or register\u0004Next":["Avanti"],"label for a button that brings user to a checkout page\u0004Next":["Avanti"],"Label for next lightbox image. Clicking on this image goes to that next image.\u0004Next image":["Prossima immagine"],"[Premium] Label to show when next payment date is for a subscription\u0004Next payment":["Prossimo pagamento"],"Congratulate a user for liking or following\u0004Nice.":["Ottimo."],"Title when no active subscriptions\u0004No Active Subscriptions":["Nessuna iscrizione attiva"],"Title when no inactive subscriptions\u0004No Inactive Subscriptions":["Nessuna iscrizione inattiva"],"Message for the error view displayed when there are no liked posts to show to the user\u0004No Liked posts":["Nessun post piaciuto"],"Title message to inform users that there is no activity in the audit log\u0004No activity":["Nessuna attività"],"Shown when a community has no guidelines\u0004No community guidelines yet. Add your first!":["Ancora non ci sono linee guida utente, aggiungi qualcosa!"],"[TumblrMart] Gift management page title that appears when there are no expired gifts\u0004No expired gifts":["Nessun regalo scaduto"],"Message for when there are no more trending tags available to choose for targeting\u0004No more trending tags available, we're working on adding more tags soon.":["Non sono disponibili altri tag popolari, stiamo lavorando per aggiungere altri tag."],"Text shown on the notifications settings when you receive notifications \"From nobody\"\u0004No notifications":["Nessuna notifica"],"One of the reblog options for a post, no one can reblog this post\u0004No one":["Nessuno"],"A blog setting option that determines who can mention this blog\u0004No one can mention me":["Nessuno può menzionarmi"],"A blog setting option that determines who can mention this blog\u0004Only blogs I'm following can mention me":["Solo i blog che seguo possono menzionarmi"],"A blog setting option that determines who can mention this blog\u0004Only mutuals can mention me":["Solo gli amici reciproci possono menzionarmi"],"String to show when there are no posts in a timeline (e.g., no likes on /likes, no results for /tagged/atagnoonehasused).\u0004No posts available.":["Nessun post disponibile."],"Error message for empty search text. Placeholder is the search text.\u0004No posts for %1$s":["Nessun post per %1$s"],"Error message for empty search text. Placeholder is the search text.\u0004This Tumblr is content-free for %1$s":["Questo Tumblr è senza contenuti per %1$s"],"Error message for empty search text. Placeholder is the search text.\u0004This Tumblr is cool, but empty for %1$s":["Questo Tumblr è tanto fico quanto vuoto per %1$s"],"Text that's displayed when there are no results for a given tag.\u0004No recent posts tagged with [tagRender]#[tag]?[/tagRender] You should go ahead and [createPostLink]make one[/createPostLink].":["Non ci sono post recenti con il tag [tagRender]#[tag]?[/tagRender] Allora dovresti [createPostLink]crearne uno[/createPostLink] tu."],"Text indicating that a tag search provided no results\u0004No results in your tags for [strong][searchKeyword][/strong]":["Nessun risultato nei tuoi tag per [strong][searchKeyword][/strong]"],"This is a caption for a button indicating that the user doesn't want to use the mobile app to view this content.\u0004No thanks":["No grazie"],"[TumblrMart] Gift management page title that appears when there are no valid gifts\u0004No valid gifts":["Nessun regalo valido"],"Text for empty blocked Tumblrs setting\u0004Nobody":["Nessuno"],"Text for empty blocked Tumblrs setting\u0004None :)":["Nessuno :)"],"Text for empty blocked Tumblrs setting\u0004None… yet":["Nessuno... per ora"],"Text for empty blocked Tumblrs setting\u0004Not a soul":["Non c'è un'anima"],"Settings page subtitle\u0004Nobody can subscribe until you reactivate.":["Nessuno può iscriversi finché non riattivi gli abbonamenti."],"[Badge Management] Title for the \"No Badge\" option.\u0004None":["Nessuno"],"Error message when an email form field contains a malformed value\u0004Not a valid email":["Email non valida"],"Indicates that a domain purchased by a user does not redirect to a Tumblr blog yet\u0004Not connected":["Non connesso"],"User is not subscribed to activity updates for this post\u0004Not subscribed":["Non iscritto"],"Help text for Answer Time - paragraph 2 of 3\u0004Not sure what to ask? Poke through the archives on this page—you'll see. Answer Times get rowdy, deep, funny, and weird. So go ahead. Ask whatever your heart wants to ask.":["Non sai cosa chiedere? Dai un'occhiata agli archivi di questa pagina... ti farai un'idea. I tempi di risposta diventano rumorosi, profondi, divertenti e bizzarri. Chiedi quello che ti suggerisce il tuo cuore."],"[Communities] Form field label in content moderation dialog\u0004Note":["Nota"],"[Communities] Form field label in content moderation dialog\u0004Reason":["Motivo"],"[Communities] Form field label in moderation dialog\u0004Note":["Nota"],"[Communities] Form field label in moderation modal\u0004Note":["Nota"],"Notifications from users replying to others' posts you've subscribed to\u0004Note subscriptions":["Iscrizioni ai post"],"This text is shown after the blog's timezone setting on the queue page, and is followed by the blog's queued posts. [br/] is a placeholder for a line break.\u0004Note: This timezone only affects the queue schedule, as well as timestamps on custom themes.[br/] The publish times on posts below are displayed in your local timezone.":["Nota: questo fuso orario influisce solo sulla pianificazione della coda, nonché sui timestamp sui temi personalizzati.[br/] Gli orari di pubblicazione sui post di seguito vengono visualizzati nel fuso orario locale."],"Body text with a link to the purchases page.\u0004Note: Your payment method on Tumblr can now be [link]managed here[/link].":["Nota: il tuo metodo di pagamento su Tumblr ora può essere [link]gestito qui[/link]."],"Toast message shown when a user dismisses a recommended blog\u0004Noted! We won't recommend you this blog for a while.":["Ok! Non ti consiglieremo questo blog per un po'."],"A small preview of notes for a post\u0004Notes preview":["Anteprima note"],"Label for notification\u0004Notification":["Notifica"],"Label for the whole activity item\u0004Notification":["Notifica"],"Notification settings page title\u0004Notifications":["Notifiche"],"Notifications settings section that lets the user decide from which users he/she wants to receive notifications\u0004Notifications":["Notifiche"],"Toggle button to enable whether you want to receive notifications about posts you participate in\u0004Notifications about posts you're participating in.":["Notifiche di post a cui hai contribuito."],"Heading on unmute dropdown\u0004Notifications muted":["Notifiche silenziate"],"Indicates that the post is muted.\u0004Notifications muted":["Notifiche silenziate"],"Unmute button text which also indicates how much time before the mute automatically expires.\u0004Notifications muted. %1$s remaining":["Notifiche silenziate. %1$s rimanenti"],"[Blaze other people posts announcement] Label title for the blaze announcement pop up\u0004Now your posts can be Blazed by others!":["Ora anche gli altri possono usare Blaze sui tuoi post!"],"[Blaze other people posts announcement] Label title for the blaze announcement pop up\u0004Things are heating up!":["La situazione si sta scaldando!"],"Text for button that restores timeline to what it was when you last left the site.\u0004Now, where were we?":["Allora, dove eravamo?"],"Blaze campaign overview popover: audience description\u0004Number of people who were shown your Blazed post.":["Numero di persone a cui è stato mostrato il tuo post con Blaze."],"Approve delete collection action button label\u0004OK":["OK"],"Banned from community modal dismiss button label\u0004OK":["OK"],"OK button that is placed on a modal to close it\u0004OK":["OK"],"Requested to join info modal primary action\u0004OK":["OK"],"The blog has reached a reblog milestone\u0004OMG [targetTumblelogName]! You've reached [milestone] reblogs!":["ODDIO [targetTumblelogName]! Hai raggiunto [milestone] reblog!"],"Label when moderator removes content that is off topic\u0004Off-topic":["Off-topic"],"Year in review gifts no gifts text\u0004Oh :( No crabs or horse friends for your pals? Maybe next year?":["Oh :( Niente granchi o amici cavalli per i tuoi amici? Forse l'anno prossimo?"],"[TumblrMart] Title shown when the ability to use the crab widget has expired\u0004Oh no! Crab time is up":["Oh no! Il tempo dei granchi è scaduto"],"Toast notification on Tumblr Ad-Free landing page when a users email hasn't been verified yet.\u0004Oh no! Looks like you still need to verify your email address.":["Oh no! Sembra che tu debba ancora verificare il tuo indirizzo email."],"[TumblrMart] Title shown when a tumblrmart item is expired\u0004Oh no! Your TumblrMart item has expired.":["Oh no! Il tuo articolo TumblrMart è scaduto."],"[April Fools 2023] Message that appears when a reaction fails to add.\u0004Oh no. This is not working! But hey, I’m working on it! —Brick":["Oh no. Questo non funziona! Ma ehi, ci sto lavorando! -Brick"],"[April Fools 2023] Message that appears when a reaction fails to add.\u0004Oops. Something went wrong.":["Ops. Qualcosa è andato storto."],"Highest level of Tumblr supporter badge\u0004Oil Slick":["Iridescente"],"Blog selector year in review button text\u0004Ok, ok. Give me my Year in Review.":["OK, voglio vedere l'analisi del mio anno."],"[Premium] Label to show that a subscription is on hold\u0004On hold":["In sospeso"],"Help text next to a setting that will show the author portrait next to a post on group blogs\u0004On the Dashboard, followers will see authors' portraits in addition to this blog's portrait next to each post.":["Nella dashboard, i lettori vedranno le immagini degli autori insieme all'immagine di questo blog accanto ad ogni post."],"on-hold effective date\u0004On-Hold since [date]":["In sospeso dal [date]"],"Community create form - more options section - description\u0004Once your community is approved, you'll be able to set About info, Guidelines, and more!":["Una volta approvata la tua Community, potrai inserire le info su di te, le Linee Guida e altro!"],"Palette/theme name. One Piece takeover.\u0004One Piece":["One Piece"],"Final step in the oboarding for Patio, where we explain how to move a column to a different position, and we finish the onboarding.\u0004One last tip, you can move columns to a different position by dragging from the column icon.[br /][br /]Hope you enjoy Patio!":["Ultimo suggerimento, puoi spostare le colonne in una posizione diversa trascinandole dall'icona della colonna.[br /][br /]Speriamo che Patio ti piaccia!"],"[Premium] Loading state on Premium signup modal\u0004One moment please...":["Un momento, prego..."],"Year in review post results percent of posts with no tags text\u0004Only [%1$s%] of my posts had no tags":["Solo [%1$s%] dei miei post non aveva tag","Solo [%1$s%] dei miei post non aveva tag"],"Year in review only number of posts with no tags text\u0004Only [bold][percentNotTagged]%[/bold] of your posts had no tags!":["Solo [bold][percentNotTagged]%[/bold] dei tuoi post non avevano tag!"],"Label shown on reply field when community post is viewed by a non-member\u0004Only community members can comment.":["Solo i membri della Community possono commentare."],"Error message shown when a user tries to upload more than one file for a collection image\u0004Only one image can be uploaded":["È possibile caricare una sola immagine"],"Error message for when the user enters a link type that is not supported in specific scenarios\u0004Ooops! %1$s type links are not supported here":["Ooops! I collegamenti di tipo %1$s non sono supportati qui"],"Error message shown when sending boop has failed.\u0004Ooops! It looks like there was an error trying to %1$s %2$s.":["Ops! Sembra che si sia verificato un errore durante il tentativo di %1$s %2$s."],"Error message shown when there was an error when uploading an image\u0004Ooops! It looks like there was an error trying to upload that image.":["Ops! Sembra che si sia verificato un errore durante il tentativo di caricare la tua immagine."],"Error message shown when there was an error when uploading collection image\u0004Ooops! It looks like there was an error trying to upload that image.":["Ops! Sembra ci sia stato un errore durante il tentativo di caricare l'immagine."],"Error message for when the user enters an invalid url\u0004Ooops! That link doesn't seem to be working.":["Ops! Il link non sembra funzionare."],"Header for pop-up message when the backend fails to grant a reward to user\u0004Oops":["Oops"],"[Badge Management] Error message that appears when fetching available earned badges fails.\u0004Oops! Something went wrong while checking for earned badges. Please try again later.":["Ops! Qualcosa è andato storto durante il controllo dei badge guadagnati. Per favore riprova più tardi."],"[Badge Management] Error message that appears when fetching available badges fails.\u0004Oops! Something went wrong while grabbing your badges. Please try again later.":["Ops, qualcosa è andato storto nell'ottenere i tuoi badge. Riprova più tardi."],"[Badge Management] Error message that appears when updating active badge fails.\u0004Oops! Something went wrong while updating your badges. Please try again later.":["Ops, qualcosa è andato storto nell'aggiornare i tuoi badge. Riprova più tardi."],"Error message displayed when a post cannot be reblogged\u0004Oops! Something went wrong.":["Ops! Qualcosa è andato storto."],"Error message shown to a user when an unknown error occurred during domain search.\u0004Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again later.":["Ops, qualcosa è andato storto. Riprova più tardi."],"Error text displayed when fetching the blog's featured tags on the settings page\u0004Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again later.":["Ops, qualcosa è andato storto. Riprova più tardi."],"Feedback when the report violation fail\u0004Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again later.":["Ops, qualcosa è andato storto. Riprova più tardi."],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Error message that appears when there is a problem getting payment method.\u0004Oops! There was a problem getting your payment method.":["Ops! Si è verificato un problema durante il recupero del metodo di pagamento."],"Title of a modal that appears when a domain cannot be transferred\u0004Oops! Your domain cannot be transferred":["Ops! Non riusciamo a trasferire il tuo dominio"],"Title of a modal that appears when a domain cannot be transferred\u0004Your domain is being transferred":["Il tuo dominio è in fase di trasferimento"],"Error message when trying to pause queue\u0004Oops, could not pause queue right now. Please try again later.":["Spiacenti, al momento non riusciamo a mettere in pausa la tua coda. Riprova più tardi."],"Error message when trying to resume queue\u0004Oops, could not resume queue right now. Please try again later.":["Spiacenti, al momento non riusciamo a recuperare la tua coda. Riprova più tardi."],"Toast that appears when birthday could not be saved in account settings page\u0004Oops, could not save your birthdate. Try again later?":["Spiacenti, impossibile salvare la tua data di nascita. Vuoi riprovare più tardi?"],"Error message when retrieving the post queue settings fails\u0004Oops, something went wrong trying to retrieve your settings.":["Ops! Qualcosa è andato storto nel tentativo di recuperare le tue impostazioni."],"Error message when saving the post queue settings fails\u0004Oops, something went wrong trying to save your settings.":["Spiacenti, qualcosa è andato storto durante il tentativo di salvare le impostazioni."],"Toast message when free blaze redemption fails\u0004Oops, something went wrong. Please try again.":["Ops, qualcosa è andato storto. Riprova."],"Error message displayed when data could not be fetched on domain settings page\u0004Oops, sorry about that. There was an issue fetching your domain data. Please wait a few moments before refreshing your browser. Your domain should show up imminently.":["Ops, ci dispiace. Si è verificato un problema durante il recupero dei tuoi dati dominio. Per favore aspetta qualche istante prima di aggiornare il browser. Il tuo abbonamento dovrebbe apparire a breve."],"[TumblrMart] Checkout error message for blue checkmark.\u0004Oops. Something went wrong.":["Ops. Qualcosa è andato storto."],"[TumblrMart] error message when claiming a free tumblrmart badge fails\u0004Oops. There was a problem claiming your badge. Please reload the page and try again.":["Ops c'è stato un errore nel ricevere il tuo badge. Per favore ricarica la pagina."],"[TumblrMart] error message when redeeming a free premium perk fails\u0004Oops. There was a problem redeeming your perk. Please reload the page and try again.":["Ops. Si è verificato un problema durante il riscatto del tuo vantaggio. Ricarica la pagina e riprova."],"[Gift Management] error message when opening a badge fails\u0004Oops. There was an error opening your gift. Please reload the page and try again.":["Ops c'è stato un errore nel caricamento del tuo regalo. Per favore ricarica la pagina."],"[Badge Managment] error message when updating active badges fails\u0004Oops. There was an error updating your badges. Please reload the page and try again.":["Ops c'è stato un errore durante l'aggiornamento dei tuoi badge. Per favore ricarica la pagina."],"Error message when something fails when creating a collection\u0004Oops. There was an error while creating your collection. Please try again.":["Ops. Si è verificato un errore durante la creazione della tua raccolta. Per favore riprova."],"Error message when something fails when deleting a collection\u0004Oops. There was an error while deleting your collection. Please try again.":["Ops. Si è verificato un errore durante l'eliminazione della tua raccolta. Per favore riprova."],"Error message when something fails when editing a collection\u0004Oops. There was an error while editing your collection. Please try again.":["Ops. Si è verificato un errore durante la modifica della tua raccolta. Per favore riprova."],"Error message when promoting a user to Moderator fails\u0004Oops. There was an error. Please reload the page and try again.":["Ops c'è stato un errore. Per favore ricarica la pagina e riprova."],"Error message when updating a member role fails\u0004Oops. There was an error. Please reload the page and try again.":["Ops c'è stato un errore. Per favore ricarica la pagina e riprova."],"error message when activating a tumblrmart gift fails\u0004Oops. There was an error. Please reload the page and try again.":["Ops c'è stato un errore. Per favore ricarica la pagina."],"error message when an error occurred connecting a domain to a blog\u0004Oops. There was an error. Please reload the page and try again.":["Ops c'è stato un errore. Per favore ricarica la pagina e riprova."],"error message when an error occurred while updating contact information disclosure\u0004Oops. There was an error. Please reload the page and try again.":["Ops c'è stato un errore. Per favore ricarica la pagina e riprova."],"error message when an error occurred while updating privacy protection\u0004Oops. There was an error. Please reload the page and try again.":["Ops c'è stato un errore. Per favore ricarica la pagina."],"error message when an unknown error occurred while updating a domain setting\u0004Oops. There was an error. Please reload the page and try again.":["Ops c'è stato un errore. Per favore ricarica la pagina e riprova."],"error message when saving domain contact information fails\u0004Oops. There was an error. Please reload the page and try again.":["Ops c'è stato un errore. Per favore ricarica la pagina e riprova."],"error message when toggling auto-renewal for a domain fails\u0004Oops. There was an error. Please reload the page and try again.":["Ops c'è stato un errore. Per favore ricarica la pagina."],"Error message on login screen\u0004Oops. There was an error. Try again.":["Ops. C'è stato un errore. Riprova."],"Error message on login screen\u0004You do have to fill this stuff out, you know.":["Devi riempire tutti questi campi, è così."],"Error message on login screen\u0004You forgot to enter your email!":["Hai dimenticato di inserire l'email!"],"Error message on login screen\u0004You forgot to enter your password!":["Hai dimenticato di inserire la password!"],"Error message on login screen\u0004Your email or password were incorrect.":["La tua email o password sono errate."],"Error message on login screen\u0004Your email, blog name, or password were incorrect.":["La tua password, email o nome del blog erano errate."],"Button label to open community menu on desktop\u0004Open menu":["Apri il menu"],"Button label to open community navigation on mobile\u0004Open navigation":["Apri navigazione"],"Error message when trying to shuffle the post queue fails\u0004Opps, something went wrong shuffling the queue":["Opps, qualcosa è andato storto rimescolando la coda"],"Label describing a settings input that disables sharing data for your blog with third parties.\u0004Opt out of third party data sharing":["Disattiva la condivisione dei dati con terze parti"],"Badge indicating that this user is the owner of this post\u0004Original Poster":["Creatore originario"],"Indicates that the original posts filter is selected in the filter options\u0004Original posts":["Post originali"],"Post search option. It filters out regblogs, so only original posts are presented to the user.\u0004Original posts":["Post originali"],"Post search option. It filters out regblogs, so only original posts are presented to the user.\u0004Original posts only":["Solo post originali"],"Post search option. It filters out reblogs, so only original posts are presented to the user.\u0004Original posts only":["Solo post originali"],"Indicates that the original posts filter is selected alongside another post filter option\u0004Original posts, %1$s":["Post originali, %1$s"],"Label when moderator removes content due to an uncategorized reason\u0004Other":["Altro"],"Title of the section listing other apps you authorized on the apps settings page\u0004Other Apps":["Altre app"],"Description for a toggle that will show a tip button under a blog's posts\u0004Other people will see a Tip button on all of your eligible posts. You can still add/remove the button on individual posts regardless of this toggle.":["Altre persone vedranno un pulsante Mancia su tutti i tuoi post idonei. Puoi comunque aggiungere/rimuovere il pulsante sui singoli post indipendentemente da questo interruttore."],"Blaze guide second step title\u0004Our moderators review your campaign":["I nostri moderatori rivedono la tua campagna"],"Blaze guide second step title\u0004Our moderators will review your campaign":["I nostri moderatori controlleranno la tua campagna"],"Year in review landing page title\u0004Over to you.":["Ora, a te!"],"Blaze campaign Overview section title\u0004Overview":["Aspetti generali"],"The placeholder is the URL to the Tumblr jobs page\u0004PS: We're hiring! %1$s":["PS: stiamo assumendo! %1$s"],"Heading to inform user that they cannot select this Blaze advertising package\u0004Package Locked":["Pacchetto bloccato"],"Blog settings: Ask page title input length error.\u0004Page title is too long. Please use %1$s or fewer characters!":["Il nome della pagina è troppo lungo. Per favore non usare più di %1$s caratteri!"],"Blaze campaign popover: paid section title\u0004Paid":["Pagato"],"Blaze campaign popover: paid section title\u0004Via Blaze":["Via Blaze"],"Blaze campaign overview popover: paid description\u0004Paid impressions and engagements are a direct result from your paid Blaze campaign.":["Impressioni e impegni a pagamento sono il risultato diretto della tua campagna Blaze a pagamento."],"Blaze campaign overview popover: paid description\u0004These are the engagements your Blazed post received as a direct result of being Blazed to an audience of your choosing.":["Questi sono gli engagement ricevuti dal tuo post con Blaze secondo la tua richiesta di utilizzare Blaze per un pubblico specifico."],"Label describing a settings section to protect group blogs with a password\u0004Password":["Password"],"Year in review loading main text\u0004Patience. It takes whole actual minutes to eeby deeby down to the vaults that hold all the secrets.":["Pazienza. Ci vuole qualche minuto per raggiungere i sotterranei che custodiscono tutti i segreti."],"Text for the Button shown at the bottom of the nav bar in the Patio page, so users can leave feedback\u0004Patio feedback?":["Feedback su Patio?"],"First paragraph of the intro modal for Patio, where we briefly explain what Patio is\u0004Patio is a customizable page that allows you to organize your feeds into many \"columns\" side-by-side, creating a very dense but lively view of Tumblr.":["Patio è una pagina personalizzabile che ti permette di organizzare i feed in molte colonne diverse, una accanto all'altra, creando un layout molto intenso ma vivace su Tumblr."],"[Patio] Explanation for mobile users why Patio isn't available\u0004Patio is only available on the desktop version of Tumblr. We hope to see you there soon!":["Patio è disponibile sono nella versione desktop di Tumblr. Speriamo di vederti presto!"],"Pause the currently playing audio file for this block\u0004Pause":["Pausa"],"Button copy for pausing your queue\u0004Pause Queue":["Sospendi coda"],"Payment \u0026 Purchases settings page title\u0004Payment \u0026 Purchases":["Acquisti e pagamenti"],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Navigation menu item name\u0004Payment \u0026 Purchases":["Pagamenti e acquisti"],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Navigation menu item name\u0004Payment \u0026 purchases":["Pagamento e acquisti"],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Page title\u0004Payment \u0026 Purchases":["Acquisti e pagamenti"],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Page title\u0004Payment \u0026 purchases":["Pagamenti e acquisti"],"Title for the payment method section on the payment \u0026 purchases settings page to manage saved payment method.\u0004Payment Method":["Metodo di pagamento"],"[Subscriptions \u0026 purchases] Section title for a subscription's payment method\u0004Payment Method":["Metodo di pagamento"],"Subheader of the domain connection details panel in domain settings\u0004Payment details and auto-renewal":["Dettagli pagamento e rinnovo automatico"],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Title for the payment method section on the payment \u0026 purchases settings page to manage saved payment method.\u0004Payment method":["Metodo di pagamento"],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Notice that appears after successfully updating payment method.\u0004Payment method successfully updated.":["Metodo di pagamento aggiornato con successo."],"Success message after purchasing a tumblrmart item for themself.\u0004Payment successful 🎉 Enjoy your tumblrmart item.":["Pagamento andato a buon fine 🎉 Goditi il tuo articolo tumblrmart."],"Success message after purchasing a tumblrmart item for themself.\u0004Payment successful 🎉 Enjoy your tumblrmart item. It may take a few minutes for your item to appear.":["Pagamento andato a buon fine 🎉 Goditi il tuo articolo tumblrmart. Potrebbero volerci alcuni minuti prima che appaia."],"Success message after purchasing a tumblrmart gift for someone\u0004Payment successful 🎉 Your gift has been sent.":["Pagamento riuscito 🎉 Il tuo regalo è stato inviato."],"Blaze campaign status: Pending\u0004Pending":["In sospeso"],"Label for a tumblrmart order that is still being processed\u0004Pending":["In attesa"],"Pending state of Blaze post button\u0004Pending":["In attesa"],"Tab button to display list of community pending invitations\u0004Pending":["In sospeso"],"Section header text for a list of pending communities\u0004Pending Communities":["Community in attesa"],"[Premium] Label to show that a subscription is pending cancellation\u0004Pending cancellation":["In attesa di annullamento"],"Indicates that the transfer process has started for a purchased domain\u0004Pending transfer":["Trasferimento in attesa"],"Indicates that the inbound transfer process has started for a purchased domain\u0004Pending transfer in":["Trasferimento in entrata in attesa"],"Indicates that the outbound transfer process has started for a purchased domain\u0004Pending transfer out":["Trasferimento in uscita in attesa"],"For showing a list of perks a user gets by becoming a creators supporter\u0004Perks":["Benefici"],"Plural noun: benefits a user will get for purchasing a paid subscription to a blog.\u0004Perks:":["Vantaggi:"],"Placeholder of the Community name form field - variation 3\u0004Photography Collective":["Photography Collective"],"Label for button that pins a dashboard tab\u0004Pin":["Fissa"],"Link text for pinning a post\u0004Pin":["Fissa in alto"],"Label for button that pins a dashboard tab to the first tab position\u0004Pin tab":["Fissa scheda"],"Label on a dashboard tab that is pinned\u0004Pinned":["Fissato"],"Label on a dashboard tab that is pinned to the first tab position\u0004Pinned":["Fissato"],"Label for a dashboard tab that is pinned to the first tab position\u0004Pinned tab":["Scheda fissata"],"Play the audio file for this block\u0004Play":["Riproduci"],"[Tumblrmart] Label on a button that will open Horse Friend game\u0004Play Horse Friend":["Gioca a Horse Friend"],"[TumblrMart] Tooltip text for when a user first sees the horse friend widget\u0004Play Horse Friend 🐴":["Gioca a Horse Friend 🐴"],"Name of the Google Play Store\u0004Play Store":["Play Store"],"Info alert to verify email address\u0004Please check your %1$s mailbox to verify your contact information.":["Controlla la tua casella di posta %1$s per verificare le informazioni di contatto."],"[Premium] Title for perks dialog when perks request failed\u0004Please check your network connection":["Controlla la tua connessione"],"Title of a dialogue box that asks users to contact support if they want to delete an account with purchased domains\u0004Please contact support":["Per favore contatta l'assistenza"],"Error message for when a domain name is empty\u0004Please enter a domain name":["Inserisci il nome di un dominio"],"Error message for when an authorization code is empty\u0004Please enter an authorization code":["Inserisci un codice di autorizzazione"],"Message on login screen\u0004Please enter your two factor auth code from your mobile device.":["Inserisci il codice di autenticazione a due fattori dal tuo dispositivo mobile."],"Message on login screen\u0004The two factor auth code was incorrect.":["Il codice di autenticazione a due fattori non era corretto."],"Prompt to enter 2FA code from SMS, authenticator app, or backup codes\u0004Please enter your two-factor auth code.[br/][br/]It's either in a text we just sent you, or in the authenticator app you used when you set up two-factor authentication.[br/][br/]Alternatively, you can use one of your single-use backup codes.":["Per favore inserisci il tuo codice di autenticazione a due][br/]Lo trovi in un messaggio che ti abbiamo mandato, oppure nell'app che hai usato quando hai abilitato l'autenticazione a due fattori.[br/][br/]Altrimenti puoi usare uno dei codici di backup monouso."],"Error message for when the user enters an invalid time\u0004Please fill in a complete date and time":["Per favore inserisci data e ora complete"],"Error message to show when the user introduces an invalid domain name\u0004Please introduce a valid domain name.":["Per favore inserisci un nome dominio valido."],"Error message to show when the user tries to introduce an invalid tag\u0004Please introduce a valid tag":["Per favore inserisci un tag valido"],"Error message for when a domain name contains the protocol\u0004Please remove %1$s from the input":["Per favore rimuovi %1$s dai dati inseriti"],"Additional description of the form field\u0004Please use a domain name here (e.g. - an IP address (e.g. will not work.":["Utilizza un nome di dominio qui (ad esempio - un indirizzo IP (ad esempio non funzionerà."],"Additional description of the form field\u0004Please use a domain name here (e.g. - an IP address (e.g. will not work.":["Per favore utilizza un nome di dominio qui (ad es. - un indirizzo IP (ad es. non funzionerà."],"[TumblrMart] Default text shown when a tumblrmart item has expired.\u0004Please visit Tumblrmart again real soon":["Per favore, torna presto a trovare Tumblrmart"],"As in \"data point\". First parameter is a localized number (representing the y axis value, e.g., \"4,000\") while the second parameter is a translated date string (representing the x axis value, e.g., \"July 01, 5 PM \"). This is used as an accessibillity label used by screen readers that should convey the x and y values of a point on a line graph.\u0004Point: %1$s, %2$s":["Punto: %1$s, %2$s"],"Form field label for adding or editing A and AAAA DNS records, the expected input is an IP address\u0004Points To":["Rimanda a"],"Form field label for adding or editing A and AAAA DNS records, the expected input is an IP address\u0004Points to":["Rimanda a"],"Form field label for adding or editing a DNS record, the expected input is an IP address\u0004Points To":["Rimanda a"],"Form field label for adding or editing a DNS record, the expected input is an IP address\u0004Points to":["Rimanda a"],"Label for a poll block\u0004Poll":["Sondaggio"],"When adding a poll block, this refers to the block name\u0004Poll":["Sondaggio"],"Poll duration dropdown trigger label, including the value of the current setting\u0004Poll duration: %1$s":["Durata sondaggio: %1$s"],"Indicated how much time is left before a poll closes\u0004Poll ends in %1$s":["Il sondaggio termina tra %1$s"],"Indicated how much time is left before a poll closes\u0004Remaining time: %1$s":["Tempo rimasto: %1$s"],"Name of the tab on a community page that will show posts containing polls\u0004Polls":["Sondaggi"],"Name of the tab on a community page that will show the most popular posts\u0004Popular":["Popolari"],"Indicates the action of repositioning the blog settings header image\u0004Position Image":["Posiziona Immagine"],"Action button to publish a post, should be verb here\u0004Post":["Posta"],"Page title when a community post is selected\u0004Post":["Post"],"Page title when a community post is selected\u0004Removed comment":["Commento rimosso"],"Page title when a community post is selected\u0004Removed post":["Post rimosso"],"Notification filter text for Post Blaze items\u0004Post Blaze":["Post Blaze"],"Notification filter text for Post Community Label items\u0004Post Community Label":["Post etichetta community"],"Notification filter text for Post Content Label items\u0004Post Content Label":["Post etichetta Contenuti"],"The non-owned post has been sponsored and is hot / trending\u0004Post by [link][blogName][/link] is on fire – in a good way!":["Il post di [link][blogName][/link] è in fiamme, in senso buono!"],"Option for ordering community search results by post count\u0004Post count":["Numero di post"],"Year in review post button cta text\u0004Post my Year in Review":["Posta l'Analisi del tuo anno"],"The post blaze was successfully cancelled\u0004Post successfully extinguished":["Post cancellato con successo"],"[Tour Guide] Text that is shown as a tooltip inform user about audience control or posting from side blogs\u0004Post to another blog or community":["Posta in altro blog o Community"],"Prompt to reminds user the post does not have any tag yet\u0004Post without tags?":["Post senza tag?"],"Alert that appears when Post+ is successfully reactivated\u0004Post+ is now active":["Post+ ora è attivo"],"Post+ subscriptions settings page title\u0004Post+ subscriptions":["Iscrizioni Post+"],"Form label for editing postal code field in domain contact info. Applies to all countries but the USA.\u0004Postal code":["Codice postale"],"Tooltip text that shows when this post was posted. First variable is the date (\"Aug 26, 2021\"), second variable is the time (\"5:20 PM\").\u0004Posted %1$s - %2$s":["Postato %1$s - %2$s"],"Screenreader-friendly label for an original post, posted into a community by an admin. Variable is the admin's blogname.\u0004Posted by %1$s (admin)":["Postato da %1$s (amministratore)"],"Screenreader-friendly label for an original post, posted into a community by an moderator. Variable is the moderator's blogname.\u0004Posted by %1$s (moderator)":["Postato da %1$s (moderatore)"],"Post attribution displayed on the bottom of a banner image. Variable is a blog name so it reads 'Posted by some-cool-blog-name'. You can move it around inside the translated string, but please do not modify the actual [boldBlog][blogName][/boldBlog] token. On smaller screens, the blogname is replaced with just the user's avatar\u0004Posted by [boldBlog][blogName][/boldBlog]":["Postato da [boldBlog][blogName][/boldBlog]"],"Past tense user back in town.\u0004Posted for the first time in a while":["Ha postato per la prima volta dopo un po' di tempo"],"Past tense user back in town.\u0004[a][username][/a] posted for the first time in a while":["[a][username][/a] ha postato per la prima volta dopo tanto"],"A message to tell the user their post has been succesfully been posted to a community\u0004Posted to [bold][communityName][/bold]!":["Postato in [bold][communityName][/bold]!"],"A message to tell the user their post has been succesfully been posted to a community\u0004Posted to [bold][communityName][/bold]. Your post will show up shortly!":["Postato in [bold][communityName][/bold]. Il tuo post apparirà presto!"],"A message to tell the user their post has been succesfully posted\u0004Posted to [bold][blogName][/bold]":["Postato in [bold][blogName][/bold]"],"Notifications that encourage users to create a new post based on a prompt\u0004Posting prompts":["Suggerimenti per postare"],"Link to the community posts feed\u0004Posts":["Post"],"Notification filter text for a Posts Blaze\u0004Posts milestones":["Traguardi post"],"Meta description for blog tag page\u0004Posts tagged with #%1$s":["Post taggati con #%1$s"],"[Tour Guide] Text that is shown as a tooltip to inform user about posts made within a community\u0004Posts you make here are just for the community":["I post che crei qui sono solo per la Community"],"Label on nav button to view Tumblr Premium perks\u0004Premium Perks":["Vantaggi premium"],"Title for Premium Perks modal\u0004Premium Perks":["Vantaggi premium"],"[Premium] Title of the Premium Perks page\u0004Premium Perks | Tumblr":["Vantaggi Premium | Tumblr"],"[Premium] Header for the initial modal after a user acquires Premium\u0004Premium perks for premium people":["Vantaggi Premium per persone Premium"],"Text showing while waiting for paid content to load\u0004Preparing exclusive content, just for you! It should only take a minute...":["Preparazione contenuti esclusivi solo per te! Ci vorrà solo un minuto..."],"Community create form - image upload button - description\u0004Press to select an image":["Premi per selezionare un'immagine"],"Community create form - image upload button - description\u0004Press to select an image. Image should be 1840px by 560px.":["Premi per selezionare un'immagine. Questa dovrebbe essere 1840px X 560px."],"Community create form - image upload button - description\u0004Press to select an image. Image should square, ideally 512px":["Premi per selezionare un'immagine che dovrebbe essere quadrata, idealmente 512px."],"Label describing a settings input that disables sharing data for your blog with licensed third parties.\u0004Prevent third-party data sharing for [blogName]":["Impedisci la condivisione dei dati con terze parti per [blogName]"],"Label describing a settings input that disables sharing content for your blog with licensed third parties.\u0004Prevent third-party sharing for [blogName]":["Impedisci la condivisione con terze parti per [blogName]"],"Help text describing a setting that disables sharing data for your blog with licensed third parties.\u0004Prevent this blog’s content from being shared to our licensed network of data and research partners, including training AI models. [link]Learn more[/link]":["Impedisci che i contenuti di questo blog vengano condivisi con la nostra rete autorizzata di dati e partner di ricerca, inclusa la formazione di modelli di intelligenza artificiale. [link]Ulteriori informazioni[/link]"],"Help text describing a setting that disables sharing content for your blog with licensed third parties.\u0004Prevent this blog’s content—even in reblogs—from being shared with our licensed network of content and research partners, including those that train AI models. [link]Learn more[/link]":["Impedisci che i contenuti di questo blog, anche se rebloggati, vengano condivisi con la nostra rete autorizzata di contenuti e partner di ricerca, inclusa la formazione di modelli di intelligenza artificiale. [link]Ulteriori informazioni[/link]"],"Help text describing a setting that disables sharing content for your blog with licensed third parties.\u0004This option will prevent this blog's content from being shared with our licensed network of content and research partners, including those that train AI models. [link]Learn more[/link]":["L'opzione impedirà che i contenuti di questo blog vengano condivisi con la nostra rete autorizzata di contenuti e partner di ricerca, inclusa la formazione di modelli di intelligenza artificiale. [link]Ulteriori informazioni[/link]"],"The action of previewing content\u0004Preview":["Anteprima"],"Link text for previewing an unpublished post\u0004Preview Post":["Anteprima post"],"Link text for previewing an unpublished post\u0004Preview post":["Anteprima post"],"The label for a button to return to the previous page of results\u0004Previous":["Indietro"],"Label for previous lightbox image. Clicking on this image goes to that previous image.\u0004Previous image":["Immagine precedente"],"Label for the renewal price of a domain\u0004Price":["Prezzo"],"Label for the renewal price of a domain\u0004Renewal price":["Prezzo di rinnovo"],"Palette/theme name. Pink background, pride colors.\u0004Pride":["Pride"],"Form field label for adding or editing a DNS record, the expected input is a number\u0004Priority":["Priorità"],"Form field label for adding or editing a DNS record, the expected input is a number\u0004Weight":["Peso"],"Community create form - privacy section - title\u0004Privacy":["Privacy"],"Link to privacy policy\u0004Privacy":["Privacy"],"Privacy settings page title\u0004Privacy":["Privacy"],"The header for the Privacy section of the community form\u0004Privacy":["Privacy"],"The privacy section of the community form\u0004Privacy":["Privacy"],"Refers to the privacy protection status of a domain\u0004Privacy protection is disabled":["Protezione privacy disabilitata"],"Refers to the privacy protection status of a domain\u0004Privacy protection is enabled":["Protezione privacy abilitata"],"Title for the modal that appears when privacy settings update failed due to domain maintenance\u0004Privacy settings update failed":["Aggiornamento delle impostazioni per la privacy fallito"],"Community create form - privacy section - private option\u0004Private":["Privata"],"Private Community visibility label\u0004Private":["Privata"],"Status text while domain renewal is in progress\u0004Processing…":["Elaborazione in corso..."],"[Badge Management] label text for earned badge progress bar\u0004Progress":["I tuoi progressi"],"Button to promote a group blog member to admin\u0004Promote":["Promuovi"],"Confirmation button for promoting to moderator\u0004Promote":["Promuovi"],"Confirmation button for promoting user to community admin\u0004Promote":["Promuovi"],"Confirmation button for promoting user to moderator\u0004Promote":["Promuovi"],"Heading text for confirmation dialog shown when promoting user to community admin\u0004Promote @%1$s to admin?":["Promuovi @%1$s ad amministratore?"],"Heading text for confirmation dialog shown when promoting user to moderator\u0004Promote @%1$s to moderator?":["Promuovi @%1$s a moderatore?"],"Menu item label for promoting user to community admin\u0004Promote to admin":["Promuovi ad amministratore"],"Confirmation dialog title when promoting a group blog member to admin.\u0004Promote to admin?":["Promuovi ad admin?"],"Header for Blaze product modal\u0004Promote with Blaze":["Promuovi con Blaze"],"Blaze About Page Subtitle\u0004Promote your favorite art, memes, or anything you find that others should see.":["Promuovi la tua arte preferita, i tuoi meme o qualsiasi cosa pensi che gli altri debbano vedere."],"Toast text when group blog member promoted to admin successfully\u0004Promoted %1$s to blog admin!":["Ha promosso %1$s ad admin!"],"Form field label for adding or editing a DNS record\u0004Protocol":["Protocol"],"Form field label for adding or editing a DNS record\u0004Service":["Servizio"],"Form field label for adding or editing a DNS record\u0004Target Host":["Host di destinazione"],"Form field label for adding or editing a DNS record\u0004Text":["Testo"],"Notice to users that there are changes\u0004Psst, we've made some changes":["Psst, abbiamo apportato alcune modifiche"],"Text that is shown as a tooltip to nudge the user to like a post.\u0004Psst... liking a post you’re into makes your recommendations better 👀":["Psst... mettere mi piace a un post che ti piace migliora i tuoi consigli 👀"],"Year in review a big number of posts with no tags subtitle text\u0004Psst…tagging your posts helps others on Tumblr find them. But did you also know you can whisper little messages to your followers, and your followers only in the tags? Give it a go…":["Taggare i tuoi post aiuta gli altri utenti di Tumblr a trovarli. Ma sapevi anche che puoi sussurrare piccoli messaggi ai tuoi follower, e solo ai tuoi follower, nei tag? Provaci..."],"Community create form - privacy section - public option\u0004Public":["Pubblica"],"Public Community visibility label\u0004Public":["Pubblica"],"Public, as in this post is viewable by anyone and not just viewable by the subscribers of this blog\u0004Public":["Pubblico"],"Close th prompt and continue posting the post\u0004Publish":["Pubblica"],"Halloween palette/theme name. Black background, orange colors\u0004Pumpkin":["Zucca"],"[TumblrMart] Label when checking out an item for self purchase.\u0004Purchase %1$s":["Acquista %1$s"],"Metadata page description for a TumblrMart product.\u0004Purchase %1$s on TumblrMart, Tumblr's virtual storefront.":["Compra %1$s su TumblrMart, il negozio virtuale di Tumblr."],"Metadata page description for TumblrMart.\u0004Purchase Tumblr subscriptions, badges, crabs, and more.":["Compra abbonamenti Tumblr, badge, granchi e altro."],"[Badge Management] Description that appears above the badge management tabs explaining how to display badges.\u0004Purchase badges to display on your profile and next to your username on posts.":["Acquista badge da visualizzare sul tuo profilo e accanto al tuo nome utente sui post."],"[Badge Management] Description that appears below the badge management your badges and shop tabs explaining how to get new badges.\u0004Purchase badges to display on your profile and next to your username on posts.":["Acquista badge da visualizzare sul tuo profilo e accanto al tuo nome utente sui post."],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Title for the purchase history section on the payment \u0026 purchases settings page to see all purchases.\u0004Purchase history":["Storico acquisti"],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Text shown when there is no purchase history in the payment \u0026 purchases settings page.\u0004Purchases made on including subscriptions and TumblrMart will appear here.":["Gli acquisti effettuati su, abbonamenti e TumblrMart inclusi, appariranno qui."],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Text shown when there is no purchase history in the payment \u0026 purchases settings page.\u0004Purchases made on including subscriptions, tipping and TumblrMart will appear here.":["Gli acquisti effettuati su, inclusi abbonamenti, mance e TumblrMart, appariranno qui."],"Undock a video that is in the sidebar.\u0004Put it back":["Collocalo nuovamente dov'era"],"When the user is editing a reblog and they removed the reblog trail.\u0004Put reblogs back":["Colloca nuovamente i reblog dov'erano"],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Help text for the payment \u0026 purchases settings page.\u0004Questions or need help? [helpLink]Contact Tumblr Support[/helpLink]":["Domande o bisogno di aiuto? [helpLink]Contatta l'assistenza di Tumblr[/helpLink]"],"Action button to queue a post, should be verb here\u0004Queue":["In coda"],"Label describing a settings section for configuring queued posts\u0004Queue":["Metti in coda"],"Label for the queue icon on Patio\u0004Queue":["Coda"],"Tooltip for button to queue a post, should be verb here\u0004Queue":["In coda"],"Tooltip for queuing a reblog to a particular blog\u0004Queue to %1$s":["Metti in coda su %1$s"],"Title of the Queue page\u0004Queue | Tumblr":["Coda | Tumblr"],"Tooltip when the post has been queued\u0004Queued":["In coda"],"Message displayed after a post is successfully queued\u0004Queued to [blogName]":["In coda per [blogName]"],"A message to tell the user their post has been succesfully queued\u0004Queued to [bold][blogName][/bold]":["In coda in [bold][blogName][/bold]"],"When adding a quote block, this refers to the block name\u0004Quote":["Citazione"],"April Fools: Title for share post\u0004REACT COLLECTION":["COLLEZIONE REAZIONI"],"[April Fools 2023] Message that appears when a reaction limit has been met by a user.\u0004REACTION OVERLOAD! Unfortunately, you’ve hit the max of reactions you can give. Loving the enthusiasm, though! —Brick":["SOVRACCARICO DI REAZIONI! Sfortunatamente, hai raggiunto il massimo di reazioni che puoi dare. Apprezzo l'entusiasmo, però! -Brick"],"[April Fools 2023] Message that appears when a reaction limit has been met by a user.\u0004You have reached the maximum number of this reaction for this post.":["Hai raggiunto il numero massimo di reazioni per questo post."],"[April Fools 2023] Message that appears when a reaction limit has been met by a user.\u0004You've reached the maximum number of this reaction for this post.":["Hai raggiunto il numero massimo di reazioni per questo post."],"Blaze About Page Title\u0004Reach more people on Tumblr with Blaze":["Raggiungi più persone su Tumblr con Blaze"],"Label for reaction menu button on post footer\u0004Reactions menu":["Menù reazioni"],"When adding a read more block, this refers to the block name\u0004Read More":["Leggi tutto"],"Link to privacy setting\u0004Read our [link]Privacy Policy[/link] to learn how we collect and utilise data.":["Leggi l'[link]Informativa sulla privacy[/link] per sapere come raccogliamo e utilizziamo i dati."],"Link to privacy setting\u0004[link]Click here[/link] to learn more or manage your ad settings":["[link]Clicca qui[/link] to ulteriori informazioni o per gestire le impostazioni della pubblicità"],"[Communities] Form field label in content moderation modal\u0004Reason":["Motivo"],"A menu option to reblog this post by opening the post editor\u0004Reblog":["Reblog"],"Reblog button: Reblog label\u0004Reblog":["Reblog"],"Tooltip for the reblog button\u0004Reblog":["Reblog"],"Graphic display of the reblog network for a post\u0004Reblog Graph":["Grafica reblog"],"A menu option to immediately reblog this post, without opening the post editor\u0004Reblog now":["Reblogga ora"],"Tooltip for reblogging to a particular blog\u0004Reblog to %1$s":["Reblogga su %1$s"],"Tooltip for reblogging with a comment to a particular blog\u0004Reblog with comment to %1$s":["Reblogga con commento su %1$s"],"Tooltip when the post has been reblogged\u0004Reblogged":["Rebloggato"],"Message displayed after a post is successfully reblogged\u0004Reblogged to [blogName]":["Rebloggato in [blogName]"],"A message to tell the user their post has been succesfully reblogged\u0004Reblogged to [bold][blogName][/bold]":["Rebloggato in [bold][blogName][/bold]"],"A message to tell the user their post has been succesfully reblogged to a community\u0004Reblogged to [bold][communityName][/bold]":["Rebloggato in [bold][communityName][/bold]"],"Another user reblogged the logged in user's post\u0004Reblogged your post":["Ha rebloggato il tuo post"],"One or more users reblogged the logged in user's post\u0004Reblogged your post":["Ha rebloggato il tuo post"],"Reblogs section title of a Blaze campaign\u0004Reblogs":["Reblog"],"Reblogs section title of a Blaze campaign\u0004reblogs":["reblog"],"Reminder about reblog is disabled when note has history reblogs\u0004Reblogs have been turned off for this post":["I reblog di questo post sono stati disattivati."],"Notification filter text for a Reblogs Received milestone\u0004Reblogs received milestones":["Traguardi reblog ricevuti"],"Subheading on a section showing prices for Tumblr supporter badge.\u0004Receive a loyalty badge that gets shinier with your continued support":["Ricevi un badge fedeltà che si evolve grazie al tuo continuo supporto."],"[TumblrMart] category title for when a gift was received\u0004Received":["Ricevuto"],"[TumblrMart] category title for when a gift was received\u0004Recieved":["Ricevuto"],"Label pointing to recent searches\u0004Recent":["Recenti"],"Title for a list of recent searches\u0004Recent":["Recenti"],"Label for a list of recent searches\u0004Recent searches":["Ricerche recenti"],"Option for ordering community search results by recently created\u0004Recently created":["Creati di recente"],"A flag for recommended domain in the list of domain suggestions\u0004Recommended":["Raccomandato"],"Heading for a Patio column that contains the recommendations timeline\u0004Recommended":["Consigliati"],"Label for the recommended icon on Patio\u0004Recommended":["Raccomandati"],"Text above banner showing a recommended video hub\u0004Recommended":["Raccomandato"],"Button to proceed with domain redemption\u0004Redeem now":["Ottieni ora"],"Label for a tumblrmart order that has been redeemed\u0004Redeemed":["Ottenuti"],"[TumblrMart] Status date string for redeemed gifts\u0004Redeemed %1$s":["Ottenuti %1$s"],"Label for refreshing a Patio Column\u0004Refresh":["Aggiorna"],"Page title for the Register page\u0004Register - Login":["Iscriviti - Login"],"Label for the registration date of a domain\u0004Registered on":["Registrato il"],"Label for the expiration date of a domain\u0004Registered until":["Registrato fino al"],"Refers to the last date of a purchased domain's registration period\u0004Registered until":["Registrato fino al"],"Refers to domains that have been purchased by a user through Tumblr\u0004Registered with Tumblr":["Registrato con Tumblr"],"Refers to domains that have been purchased by a user through a third-party registrar\u0004Registered with other registrars":["Registrato con altri registrar"],"Subheader of the domain registration details panel in domain settings\u0004Registration and auto-renew":["Registrazione e rinnovo automatico"],"Subheader of the domain registration details panel in domain settings\u0004Registration, payment details and auto-renewal":["Registrazione, pagamento e rinnovo automatico"],"Subheader of the domain registration details panel in domain settings\u0004Transfer your domain to Tumblr":["Trasferisci il tuo dominio su Tumblr"],"Registration status of a domain purchased by a user (i.e. when it renews or when it has expired)\u0004Registration status":["Stato registrazione"],"Blaze campaign status: Rejected\u0004Rejected":["Rifiutato"],"Notification filter text for a Rejected Blaze\u0004Rejected Blaze":["Blaze respinti"],"Sub-topics related to a parent topic\u0004Related":["Simili"],"Title for the related communities sidebar\u0004Related Communities":["Comunità correlate"],"The title of a card that shows tags related to the current community\u0004Related tags":["Tag connessi"],"Option for ordering community search results by relevance\u0004Relevance":["Rilevanza"],"Year in review thanks other blogs text\u0004Remember to check out your Year in Review for any other blogs you might have!":["Ricordati di dare un'occhiata al tuo anno per qualsiasi altro blog che potresti avere!"],"Confirmation text shown when joining a community that doesn't have any guidelines\u0004Remember to respect Tumblr [link]Community Guidelines[/link] while using this community.":["Ricordati di rispettare le [link]Linee guida utente[/link] di Tumblr mentre usi questa Community."],"Confirmation text shown when joining a community that doesn't have any guidelines\u0004Remember to respect Tumblr [link]User Guidelines[/link] while using this community.":["Ricordati di rispettare le [link]Linee guida di Tumblr[/link] mentre usi questa Community."],"Sticky note gif\u0004Reminder to turn your computer before midnight 1999":["Promemoria per spegnere il computer prima della mezzanotte del 1999"],"Button to remove a group blog member\u0004Remove":["Rimuovi"],"Button to remove an option from a poll\u0004Remove":["Rimuovi"],"Confirmation dialog for removing a community member - primary action\u0004Remove":["Rimuovi"],"Confirmation dialog for removing a community member - primary action (ban checkbox not checked)\u0004Remove":["Rimuovi"],"Confirmation modal for removing a community member - primary action (ban checkbox not checked)\u0004Remove":["Rimuovi"],"Label for removing a Patio Column\u0004Remove":["Rimuovi"],"Label for removing a recent search\u0004Remove":["Rimuovi"],"Label or placeholder text to show on a button where a user can remove a featured tag from their blog\u0004Remove":["Rimuovi"],"Label of the button to revoke an app's authorization on the apps settings page. The placeholder is the name of the app e.g. 'Tumblr for iOS'.\u0004Remove %1$s":["Rimuovi %1$s"],"Menu item label for removing a community member\u0004Remove @%1$s":["Rimuovi @%1$s"],"Confirmation dialog for removing a community member - body\u0004Remove @[blogLink][blogName][/blogLink] from the community. They will no longer be able to post, comment or react.":["Rimuovi @[blogLink][blogName][/blogLink] dalla Community. Non potrà più postare, commentare o reagire."],"Confirmation dialog for removing a community member - primary action (ban checkbox checked)\u0004Remove and ban":["Rimuovi e banna"],"Confirmation modal for removing a community member - primary action (ban checkbox checked)\u0004Remove and ban":["Rimuovi e banna"],"Button label to remove a blog\u0004Remove blog":["Rimuovi blog"],"Label for button in post form color picker\u0004Remove color formatting":["Rimuovi formattazione colore"],"[Communities] Button that submits form in the comment moderation modal\u0004Remove comment":["Rimuovi commento"],"[Communities] Title for comment moderation modal\u0004Remove comment":["Rimuovi commento"],"Allows the user to unselect a blog in the blog selector component.\u0004Remove connection":["Rimuovi connessione"],"label for a button where a user can close a form where they enter a custom tip amount\u0004Remove custom amount":["Rimuovi importo personalizzato"],"Confirmation dialog for removing a community member - heading\u0004Remove member":["Rimuovi membro"],"[Communities] Title for member removal dialog\u0004Remove member":["Rimuovi membro"],"[Communities] Title for member removal modal\u0004Remove member":["Rimuovi membro"],"Confirmation dialog title for removing a member from a group blog.\u0004Remove member?":["Rimuovi membro?"],"[Communities] Button that submits form in the content moderation dialog\u0004Remove post":["Rimuovi post"],"[Communities] Button that submits form in the moderation dialog\u0004Remove post":["Rimuovi post"],"[Communities] Button that submits form in the moderation modal\u0004Remove post":["Rimuovi post"],"[Communities] Title for content moderation dialog\u0004Remove post":["Rimuovi post"],"[Communities] Title for post moderation dialog\u0004Remove post":["Rimuovi post"],"[Communities] Title for post moderation modal\u0004Remove post":["Rimuovi post"],"Button label to remove a tag\u0004Remove tag":["Rimuovi tag"],"Toast text when group blog member removed successfully\u0004Removed %1$s from blog.":["Ha rimosso %1$s dal blog."],"Page title for a member that has been removed from the community\u0004Removed member":["Utente rimosso"],"Heading above a comment that has been removed by a moderator\u0004Removed this comment":["Ha rimosso questo commento"],"Heading above a comment that has been removed by a moderator\u0004This comment was removed by a moderator":["Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore"],"Heading above a member that has been removed by a moderator\u0004Removed this member":["Ha rimosso questo utente"],"Heading above a post that has been removed by a moderator\u0004Removed this post":["Ha rimosso questo post"],"Heading above a post that has been removed by a moderator\u0004This post was removed by a moderator":["Questo post è stato rimosso da un moderatore"],"Button to proceed with domain renewal\u0004Renew now":["Rinnova ora"],"[Premium] Renew subscription button label\u0004Renew subscription":["Rinnova abbonamento"],"Indicates a renewal error with a purchased domain\u0004Renewal failed":["Rinnovo fallito"],"Label for the renewal date of a domain\u0004Renews on":["Si rinnova il"],"Label for the renewal date of a domain\u0004Renews on*":["Si rinnova il*"],"Refers to the renewal date of a domain purchased by a user\u0004Renews on [date]":["Si rinnova il [date]"],"Another user replied to the logged in user's post\u0004Replied to your post":["Ha risposto alla tua domanda"],"Label describing a settings section to determine which users can reply to posts\u0004Replies":["Risposte"],"Replies section title of a Blaze campaign\u0004Replies":["Risposte"],"Replies section title of a Blaze campaign\u0004replies":["risposte"],"Label shown on reply field when replies are restricted for the post\u0004Replies are restricted for this post.":["Le risposte a questo post sono limitate."],"Reminder about reply is disabled when note has history replies\u0004Replies have been turned off for this post":["Le risposte a questo post sono state disattivate."],"Placeholder on reply bar on the notes view which includes selected user blog name\u0004Reply as @%1$s":["Rispondi come @%1$s"],"Reminder to remind user which blog and reply they are currently replying to\u0004Replying to [mention][blogName][/mention]":["Rispondi a [mention][blogName][/mention]"],"Menu item label for reporting a community\u0004Report":["Segnala"],"Menu item to report a note\u0004Report":["Segnala"],"Menu item to report a post or blog\u0004Report":["Segnala"],"Menu item to report a post or blog\u0004Report %1$s":["Segnala %1$s"],"Menu item to report a post or blog\u0004Report abuse":["Segnala abuso"],"Reporting a user who is violating guidelines. Variable is blog name\u0004Report %1$s?":["Segnala %1$s?"],"A menu item for reporting an ad\u0004Report Ad":["Segnala annuncio"],"Menu item to report a received ask or private answer\u0004Report message":["Segnala messaggio"],"Menu item to report a post\u0004Report post":["Segnala post"],"Menu item to report a received submission\u0004Report submission":["Segnala contributo"],"Change the visible part of an image on a blog settings header\u0004Reposition":["Riposiziona"],"Error message shown when inviting user to community failed\u0004Request failed. Please try again later.":["Richiesta fallita. Per favore riprova più tardi."],"Error message shown when inviting user to community failed\u0004Something went wrong with the invite, please try again later":["Qualcosa è andato storto con l'invito. Riprova più tardi."],"Error message shown when inviting user to community failed\u0004Something went wrong with the invite, please try again later.":["Qualcosa è andato storto con l'invito. Riprova più tardi."],"Error message shown when requesting membership in a communityfailed\u0004Request failed. Please try again later.":["Richiesta fallita. Per favore riprova più tardi."],"Search filter request mode label\u0004Request mode":["Modalità richiesta"],"Heading of a dialog displayed after requesting community membership\u0004Request sent":["Richiesta inviata"],"Message displayed in a toast after user requests community membership during onboarding\u0004Request sent":["Richiesta inviata"],"Label for header button to request joining the community when community is of request-to-join type\u0004Request to join":["Chiedi di unirti"],"Option for filtering community search results by those that the user can request to join\u0004Request to join":["Richiesta di entrare"],"Label for header button that informs that the user already requested to join this community\u0004Requested":["Richiesta effettuata"],"Requested to join info modal heading\u0004Requested to join":["Hai chiesto di unirsi"],"Tab button to display list of blogs that requested the access to a community\u0004Requests":["Richieste"],"Button that resends the verification\u0004Resend":["Invia ancora"],"Button text for resetting the chosen filters for a search query to their default values\u0004Reset":["Resetta"],"{{days}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Resets in {{days}} days.":["Reset in {{days}} giorni."],"{{time}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Resets in {{time}}.":["Reset in {{time}}."],"{{time}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Steady on there! You can send another blast in {{time}}.":["Fermo lì! Puoi inviare un'altro blast tra {{time}}."],"Heading above a comment that has been restored by a moderator\u0004Restored this comment":["Ha recuperato questo commento"],"Heading above a comment that has been restored by a moderator\u0004This comment was restored by a moderator":["Questo commento è stato ripristinato da un moderatore"],"Heading above a post that has been restored by a moderator\u0004Restored this post":["Ha recuperato questo post"],"Heading above a post that has been restored by a moderator\u0004This post was restored by a moderator":["Questo post è stato ripristinato da un moderatore"],"Text on a button to resubscribe to a Tumblr Ad-Free subscription. Price is the cost of the subscription. Next billing is the day the payment will be billed.\u0004Resubscribe for [price] billed on [nextBilling]":["Iscriviti di nuovo per [price] addebitati il [nextBilling]"],"Button copy for resuming your queue\u0004Resume Queue":["Riprendi coda"],"Label text showing when message fails to send and is retrying\u0004Retrying message...":["Recupero messaggio..."],"Label text showing when message fails to send and is retrying\u0004Trying...":["Tentativo in corso..."],"Label text showing when message fails to send and is retrying for feature messagingRedesign\u0004Retrying message...":["Recupero messaggio..."],"Go back to the previous page\u0004Return":["Indietro"],"Action button of the dialog that is displayed when you try to perform a community members only action (as invited user, community with guidelines)\u0004Review the Guidelines":["Rivedi le Linee guida"],"Title of a modal that appears when a domain cannot be connected\u0004Root domain is already in use":["Questo dominio principale è già in uso"],"Title of a modal that appears when a domain cannot be connected\u0004This domain is already in use":["Questo dominio è già utilizzato"],"Title of a modal that appears when a domain cannot be connected\u0004You're almost there!":["Ci siamo quasi!"],"Label when the root post is selected\u0004Root post":["Post originale"],"[Premium] Following the \"yearly\" billing, this text tells the user how much they'd save over monthly\u0004SAVE %1$s%":["RISPARMIA %1$s%"],"SRV record description\u0004SRV (service) records define the information to access certain internet services.":["I record SRV (servizio) definiscono le informazioni per accedere a determinati servizi Internet."],"SSL certificate status\u0004SSL certificate active":["Certificato SSL attivo"],"Subheader of the domain security panel in domain settings\u0004SSL certificate active":["Certificato SSL attivo"],"A flag indicating the domain is on sale\u0004Sale":["Offerte"],"Blaze campaign goal: Sales section title\u0004Sales":["Vendite"],"Button for saving birthday in account settings page\u0004Save":["Salva"],"Label for button to save new settings for a Patio Search column\u0004Save":["Salva"],"Label for button to save new settings for a Patio Tag column\u0004Save":["Salva"],"Save collection button label\u0004Save":["Salva"],"Save subscription price button\u0004Save":["Salva"],"Save the changes after updating the blog settings header\u0004Save":["Salva"],"Amount saved annually with Premium\u0004Save %1$s% when paying annually":["Risparmia %1$s% con l'abbonamento annuale"],"Amount saved annually with Premium\u0004Save 15% when paying annually":["Risparmia 15% pagando l'abbonamento annuale"],"Save domain contain info form\u0004Save contact info":["Salva informazioni di contatto"],"Button shown when the user activates a toggle to save settings for all blogs at once instead of jut the current one\u0004Save for all":["Salva per tutti"],"A message to tell the user their post has been succesfully scheduled\u0004Scheduled to [bold][blogName][/bold]":["In coda per [bold][blogName][/bold]"],"[TumblrMart horse friend widget]: text preceeds a numerical score acheived while playing Horse Friend\u0004Score: %1$s":["Punteggio: %1$s"],"[TumblrMart] Crab widget scoreboard\u0004Scoreboard":["Classifica"],"Label for a button that scrolls left\u0004Scroll left":["Scorri a sinistra"],"Label for arrow button on Patio that lets users scroll left\u0004Scroll left":["Scorri a sinistra"],"Label for a button that scrolls right\u0004Scroll right":["Scorri a destra"],"Label for arrow button on Patio that lets users scroll right\u0004Scroll right":["Scorri a destra"],"Label for a button\u0004Scroll to top":["Vai in alto"],"Label for the search icon on Patio\u0004Search":["Cerca"],"Label of the search button for getting domain suggestions\u0004Search":["Cerca"],"Heading for a Patio column that contains a search timeline for a specific search term\u0004Search \"%1$s\"":["Cerca %1$s"],"Label for search input on a community page.\u0004Search %1$s...":["Cerca %1$s..."],"Members page search bar placeholder\u0004Search %1$s...":["Cerca %1$s..."],"Members page search bar placeholder\u0004Search Members...":["Cerca membri..."],"Members page search bar placeholder on mobile\u0004Search %1$s...":["Cerca %1$s..."],"[Keyboard shortcuts - Dashboard] the label for the Search Tumblr shortcut\u0004Search Tumblr":["Cerca su Tumblr"],"Members page search bar placeholder (admins tab)\u0004Search admins…":["Cerca admin..."],"Link to search a term on tumblr\u0004Search all on Tumblr":["Cerca tutto su Tumblr"],"[TumblrMart] Checkout modal search input field label\u0004Search for a blog to gift":["Cerca un blog a cui fare un regalo"],"Members page search bar label (all tab)\u0004Search members":["Cerca membri"],"Members page search bar placeholder on desktop\u0004Search members...":["Cerca membri..."],"Members page search bar placeholder on desktop\u0004Search members…":["Cerca membri..."],"Members page search bar placeholder (all tab)\u0004Search members…":["Cerca membri..."],"Members page search bar placeholder (moderators tab)\u0004Search moderators…":["Cerca moderatori..."],"Label describing list of timeline tabs on search results page\u0004Search result types":["Tipi di risultati della ricerca"],"Meta description for blog search page\u0004Search results for %1$s":["Risultati della ricerca per %1$s"],"Title of the modal to edit the search column settings\u0004Search settings":["Impostazioni di ricerca"],"Place holder text on a input in which the user will type a tag to search\u0004Search your tags":["Cerca nei tuoi tag"],"Share title for blog search page; first placeholder is search term, second placeholder is blog title/name\u0004Search: %1$s | %2$s":["Cerca %1$s | %2$s"],"Window title for blog search page; first placeholder is search term, second placeholder is blogname\u0004Search: %1$s – @%2$s on Tumblr":["Cerca: %1$s - @%2$s su Tumblr"],"Meta description for tagged page. The first variable is a user name and the second variable is the tag name.\u0004See a recent post on Tumblr from @%1$s about %2$s.":["Guarda un post recente su Tumblr da @%1$s su %2$s."],"Label for a button to view all tags followed by a user\u0004See all followed tags":["Vedi tutti i tag seguiti"],"Link to manage the users followed tags.\u0004See all followed tags":["Vedi tutti i tag seguiti"],"Button label that links to answer posts\u0004See answers":["Vedi risposte"],"Variable represents the primary tag for a post.\u0004See more about #%1$s":["Vedi di più su #%1$s"],"Text that refreshes dashboard when clicked\u0004See new posts":["Vedi nuovi post"],"Year in review post results see full post text\u0004See the full post":["Guarda il post completo"],"An option for reporting ads where the ad has been shown to the user multiple times\u0004See this ad too often.":["Vedo questa pubblicità troppo spesso."],"Year in review thank you see you next year\u0004See you in [nextYear]!":["Ci vediamo nel [nextYear]!"],"Login wall: Title shown when user clicks on a blog or image after exceeding click counter limit\u0004Seems we're out of free samples.":["A quanto pare abbiamo finito i campioni gratuiti."],"Placeholder is blog name for recipient\u0004Select %1$s":["Seleziona %1$s"],"Placeholder is blog name for recipient\u0004Unselect %1$s":["Deseleziona %1$s"],"[Badge Management] Badge count selector option label\u0004Select %1$s badge":["Seleziona %1$s badge","Seleziona %1$s badge"],"[Badge Management] Select badge radio label\u0004Select %1$s badge":["Seleziona badge %1$s"],"Select the blog on which you want the Important blue internet checkmark\u0004Select a blog":["Seleziona Blog"],"[TumblrMart] Default selector option asking user to select a blog to purchase a product for.\u0004Select a blog":["Seleziona un blog"],"When no blog is selected in the select blog component\u0004Select a blog.":["Seleziona un blog."],"Variable is blog name\u0004Select a blog. Current selection is %1$s":["Seleziona un blog. La selezione attuale è %1$s"],"Text button that will select all post type filters on search\u0004Select all":["Seleziona tutto"],"[Badge Management] Select badge button label\u0004Select badge":["Seleziona badge"],"Text on a button that will select a badge image.\u0004Select badge image":["Seleziona immagine badge"],"Poll duration dropdown trigger label\u0004Select poll duration":["Seleziona durata sondaggio"],"Button label for sending community invite\u0004Send":["Invia"],"[Tumblrmart] Text on a button that will purchase a gift for an ad-free browsing subscription\u0004Send a gift 🎁":["Invia un regalo! 🎁"],"Label and title for the Button shown at the bottom of the nav bar in the Patio page, so users can leave feedback\u0004Send feedback for Patio":["Invia un feedback su Patio."],"Blog setting for the Discord integration\u0004Send info about new followers to Discord":["Invia informazioni sui nuovi follower a Discord"],"Blog setting for the Discord integration\u0004Send info about new members of your blog to Discord":["Invia informazioni sui nuovi membri del tuo blog a Discord"],"Blog setting for the Discord integration\u0004Send new reblogs of your posts to Discord":["Invia nuovi reblog dei tuoi post a Discord"],"Blog setting for the Discord integration\u0004Send new received asks to Discord":["Invia nuove domande ricevute a Discord"],"Blog setting for the Discord integration\u0004Send new received likes to Discord":["Invia le nuove risposte ricevute a Discord"],"Blog setting for the Discord integration\u0004Send new received mentions in posts and replies to Discord":["Invia nuove citazioni ricevute nei post e nelle risposte a Discord"],"Blog setting for the Discord integration\u0004Send new received replies to Discord":["Invia le nuove risposte ricevute a Discord"],"Blog setting for the Discord integration\u0004Send your new original posts to Discord":["Invia i tuoi nuovi post originali a Discord"],"Blog setting for the Discord integration\u0004Send your new reblogs to Discord":["Invia i tuoi nuovi reblog a Discord"],"Blog setting for the Discord integration\u0004Webhook URL from Discord":["Webhook URL da Discord"],"Button to send email with reset password link\u0004Send reset link":["Invia link per resettare"],"Message shown when the authorization code to transfer a domain out is being sent to user's email address\u0004Sending authorization code":["Invio codice di autorizzazione"],"Confirmation message shown when user boops a blog.\u0004Sent %1$s a %2$s!":["Ha inviato a %1$s un %2$s!"],"Another user made a tip on the logged in user's blog\u0004Sent [span][tipAmount][/span] worth of love to your blog":["Ha mandato [span][tipAmount][/span] pieni d'amore al tuo blog"],"Another user sent the logged in user a TumblrMart gift\u0004Sent you a gift!":["Ti ha inviato un regalo!"],"Ignite modal title when Blazing other people post\u0004Set a post that belongs to %1$s ablaze.":["Infiamma il post che appartiene a %1$s."],"Button to change the avatar shape to be a circle\u0004Set the avatar shape to be a circle":["Rendi tonda la foto dell'avatar"],"Button to change the avatar shape to be a square\u0004Set the avatar shape to be a square":["Rendi quadrata la foto dell'avatar"],"A description of the Guidelines section of the community form\u0004Set the ground rules. Everyone must agree to these when joining.":["Stabilisci le regole di base. Tutti devono accettarle quando decidono di entrare."],"Title for the modal shown when a user wants to set up their Stripe account to receive tips\u0004Set up your payout details":["Imposta i tuoi dettagli di pagamento"],"Subheading displayed to a creator on their membership settings screen\u0004Set your monthly price":["Scegli il tuo prezzo mensile"],"Ignite modal title when Blazing your own post\u0004Set your post ablaze.":["Infiamma il tuo post."],"Indicates that a purchased domain is being set up\u0004Setting up":["Impostando"],"Label for opening the settings dropdown for a Patio Column\u0004Settings":["Impostazioni"],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Button label text for purchase history item settings.\u0004Settings":["Impostazioni"],"Indicates a setup error with a purchased domain\u0004Setup failed":["Setup fallito"],"Community labels settings: Label for sexual themes topic\u0004Sexual themes":["Temi sessuali"],"Content labels settings: Label for sexual themes topic\u0004Sexual themes":["Temi sessualmente espliciti"],"A button to open the dialog to share a post\u0004Share":["Condividi"],"Label for a button to share collection\u0004Share":["Condividi"],"[TumblrMart] Text on a button that will create a Tumblr post sharing expired message.\u0004Share":["Condividi"],"[TumblrMart] Text on a button that will open the new post form with a pre-filled post that shares stats from playing Horse Friend\u0004Share":["Condividi"],"Community invite dialog share invite link section heading\u0004Share an invite link":["Condividi link di invito"],"Button on the blog settings that enables user to share their posts on Twitter\u0004Share on Twitter":["Condividi su Twitter"],"April Fools: Tooltip text for post share reactions button\u0004Share reactions":["Condividi reazioni"],"Tooltip on the 'Share to Twitter' toggle button in the post form\u0004Share to [twitterAccountName]":["Condividi su [twitterAccountName]"],"[TumblrMart horse friend widget] Label on a button that create a pre-filled post detailing their progress in the Horse Friend game\u0004Share your Horse Friend progress":["Condividi il tuo progresso Horse Friend"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Button that shares your crab scores as a new post\u0004Share your crab counts!":["Condividi il tuo numero di granchi!"],"Invite links: Login Wall referral title on sidebar\u0004Shared by @%1$s":["Condiviso da @%1$s"],"Shares section title of a Blaze campaign\u0004Shares":["Condivisioni"],"Shares section title of a Blaze campaign\u0004shares":["condivisioni"],"[Badge Management] Empty state link label that appears when a user has no badges in the your badges tab.\u0004Shop":["Compra"],"[Badge Management] Link to shop tab.\u0004Shop":["Negozio"],"[TumblrMart] Label for a button that will display badges that can be purchased.\u0004Shop":["Negozio"],"label on a product button\u0004Shop":["Negozio"],"[TMG Credits] Label text for button to purchase credits\u0004Shop Credits":["Compra crediti"],"[Badge Management] Empty state link text that appears when a user has no badges in the your badges tab.\u0004Shop for badges":["Compra badge"],"[Badge Management] Empty state link text that appears when a user has no badges in the your badges tab.\u0004Shop for badges.":["Compra badge."],"Community labels settings: Label for Show column\u0004Show":["Mostra"],"Content labels settings: Label for Show column\u0004Show":["Mostra"],"Toggle button that shows the account settings on the navigation menu of the mobile web\u0004Show Account Settings":["Mostra impostazioni account"],"Toggle button that shows the settings on the navigation menu of the mobile web\u0004Show Settings":["Mostra impostazioni"],"Label describing a setting that will show the author portrait next to a post on group blogs\u0004Show author portraits":["Mostra ritratti degli autori"],"Toggle to show or hide the blog description\u0004Show description":["Mostra descrizione"],"GIF Viewer controls\u0004Show image":["Mostra immagine"],"GIF Viewer controls\u0004Thumbnail":["Miniatura"],"GIF Viewer controls\u0004Toggle full screen":["Passa a schermo intero"],"show less\u0004Show less":["Mostra meno"],"Year in review: text for button on the results ready page\u0004Show me the good stuff":["Mostrami le cose belle"],"Show user information about a new feature\u0004Show me!":["Fammi vedere!"],"Shore more notes for a post\u0004Show more":["Mostra di più"],"Text for a button that will load more blogs\u0004Show more":["Mostra di più"],"show mroe\u0004Show more":["Mostra di più"],"Label of the show more button for revealing more domain suggestions\u0004Show more results":["Mostra più risultati"],"Used to show more tags as options on a filter\u0004Show more tags":["Mostra più tag"],"[Badge Management] Empty state text that appears when a user has no badges in the your badges tab.\u0004Show off your personality or achievements by adding badges to your blog.":["Mostra la tua personalità o i tuoi risultati aggiungendo badge al tuo blog."],"Button text on community label in post body\u0004Show post":["Mostra post"],"Button text on content label in post body\u0004Show post":["Mostra post"],"Button to show post with a community label\u0004Show post":["Mostra post"],"Button to show post with a content label\u0004Show post":["Mostra post"],"Buttons that control a carousel of content - placeholder is the number slide that clicking on the button shows\u0004Show slide %1$s":["Mostra slide %1$s","Mostra slide %1$s"],"Toggle to show or hide the blog title\u0004Show title":["Mostra titolo"],"Label showing the number of reblogs\u0004Showing [count] reblogs":["Visualizzazione di [count] reblog"],"Button copy for shuffling your queued posts\u0004Shuffle Queue":["Coda casuale"],"Text on button to register an account\u0004Sign up":["Registrati"],"label on a registration form that takes user to the next step\u0004Sign up":["Registrati"],"Login wall: Text shown when user clicks on the \"New tagged post\" button, after exceeding click counter limit\u0004Sign up to Tumblr to create posts, polls, memes, gifs, and goodness knows what else. Share your thing, find your people.":["Iscriviti a Tumblr per creare post, sondaggi, meme, gif e chissà cos'altro. Condividi le tue cose, trova la tua gente."],"Login wall: Text shown when user clicks on the \"Follow\" button, after exceeding click counter limit\u0004Sign up to Tumblr to follow this excellent individual, and an abundance of others just like them, and create an endless feed of favorites, memes, and top-tier content.":["Iscriviti a Tumblr per seguire questo eccellente individuo e un'abbondanza di altri suoi simili e crea un feed infinito di preferiti, meme e contenuti di alto livello."],"Login wall: Title shown when user clicks on the \"Follow tag\" button, after exceeding click counter limit\u0004Sign up to follow your favorites…":["Registrati per seguire i tuoi preferiti..."],"Community labels settings: Text shown when user age unknown\u0004Since we don't know your age, posts with a Community Label are removed from your view across Tumblr.":["Poiché non conosciamo la tua età, i post con un'etichetta della community vengono rimossi dalla tua visualizzazione su Tumblr."],"Content labels settings: Text shown when user age unknown\u0004Since we don't know your age, posts with a Content Label are removed from your view across Tumblr.":["Poiché non conosciamo la tua età, i post con un'etichetta Contenuti vengono rimossi dalla tua visualizzazione su Tumblr."],"Community labels settings: Text shown when user is under 18\u0004Since you're under 18, posts with a Community Label are removed from your view across Tumblr.":["Dato che hai meno di 18 anni, i post con l'etichetta della community vengono rimossi dalla tua vista su Tumblr."],"Content labels settings: Text shown when user is under 18\u0004Since you're under 18, posts with a Content Label are removed from your view across Tumblr.":["Dato che hai meno di 18 anni, i post con l'etichetta Contenuti vengono rimossi dalla tua visualizzazione su Tumblr."],"The message displayed when there are no results. A joke like the end of a written letter.\u0004Sincerely, we found nothing.":["Onestamente, non abbiamo trovato niente."],"Skip button to skip the current onboarding step\u0004Skip":["Salta"],"Skip button to skip the current onboarding step\u0004Skip this step":["Salta questo passaggio"],"Skip onboarding step\u0004Skip":["Salta"],"alt text of an image on the apps settings page\u0004Smartphones running the tumblr mobile app":["Smartphone che eseguono l'app mobile tumblr"],"setting name\u0004Snooze Tumblr Live on your dashboard":["Silenzia Tumblr Live sulla tua dashboard"],"description of snooze the Snooze Tumblr Live on your dashboard setting\u0004Snooze Tumblr Live on your dashboard for 30 days.":["Silenzia Tumblr Live sulla tua dashboard per 30 giorni."],"Palette/theme name. White background.\u0004Snow Bright":["Bianco latte"],"An approved sponsored owned post is being extinguished - campaign performance message (sponsored by other user)\u0004So far it’s been shown to [impressionCount] out of [impressionGoal] impressions.":["Finora è stato mostrato a [impressionCount] su [impressionGoal] impressioni."],"An approved sponsored owned post is being extinguished - campaign performance message (sponsored by other user)\u0004So far it’s been shown to [impressionCount] out of [impressionGoal] people.":["Finora è stato mostrato a [impressionCount] su [impressionGoal] persone."],"An approved sponsored owned post is being extinguished - campaign performance message\u0004So far it’s been shown to [impressionCount] out of [impressionGoal] impressions. All sales are final and this will not refund your purchase.":["Finora è stato mostrato a [impressionCount] su [impressionGoal] impressioni. Tutte le vendite sono definitive e non avrai diritto a un rimborso per il tuo acquisto."],"An approved sponsored owned post is being extinguished - campaign performance message\u0004So far it’s been shown to [impressionCount] out of [impressionGoal] people. All sales are final, so this will not refund your purchase.":["Finora è stato mostrato a [impressionCount] su [impressionGoal] persone. Tutte le vendite sono definitive e non avrai diritto a un rimborso per il tuo acquisto."],"An approved sponsored non-owned post is being extinguished - campaign performance message\u0004So far it’s been shown to [impressionCount] out of [impressionGoal] impressions.[br/]All sales are final and this will not refund your purchase.":["Finora è stato mostrato a [impressionCount] su [impressionGoal] impressioni.[br/]Tutte le vendite sono definitive e questo non rimborserà il tuo acquisto."],"An approved sponsored non-owned post is being extinguished - campaign performance message\u0004So far it’s been shown to [impressionCount] out of [impressionGoal] people.[br/]All sales are final, so this will not refund your purchase.":["Finora è stato mostrato a [impressionCount] su [impressionGoal] persone.[br/]Tutte le vendite sono definitive e questo non rimborserà il tuo acquisto."],"Placeholder text when creating a new \"bigger\" size text block\u0004Some big text here.":["Qui c'è un testo grande."],"Help text for birthday section in account settings page, when a birthdate is set\u0004Some content can only be viewed if you're old enough. We will never share your birthday with other users. You can't change your birthday after entering it. [helpLink]Help[/helpLink]":["Alcuni contenuti possono essere visualizzati solo se sei abbastanza grande. Non condivideremo mai il tuo compleanno con altri utenti. Non puoi cambiare la tua data di nascita dopo averla inserita. [helpLink]Aiuto[/helpLink]"],"Help text for birthday section in account settings page, when full birthdate not set yet\u0004Some content can only be viewed if you're old enough. We will never share your birthday with other users. [strong]You can't change your birthday after entering it.[/strong] [helpLink]Help[/helpLink]":["Alcuni contenuti possono essere visualizzati solo se sei abbastanza grande. Non condivideremo mai il tuo compleanno con altri utenti. [strong]Non puoi cambiare la tua data di nascita dopo averla inserita.[/strong] [helpLink]Aiuto[/helpLink]"],"Text shown on the notifications settings when you receive notifications \"From people you follow\"\u0004Some notifications":["Alcune notifiche"],"Reminder about replies being filtered and the count on the post can be different from the number shown in the reply tab\u0004Some replies may have been hidden, blocked, or removed":["Alcune risposte potrebbero essere state nascoste, bloccate o rimosse."],"Reminder about reply has been filtered that the count on the post can be difference from the number of reply tab\u0004Some replies may have been hidden, blocked, or removed":["Alcune risposte potrebbero essere state nascoste, bloccate o rimosse."],"Reminder about replies being filtered and the count on the post can be different from the number shown in the reply tab for TSP or blazed post\u0004Some replies might be waiting for approval, or might have been hidden, blocked, or removed":["Alcune risposte potrebbero essere in attesa di approvazione, o potrebbero essere state nascoste, bloccate o rimosse."],"General error message\u0004Something broke. Try again.":["Qualcosa è andato storto. Riprova."],"Placeholder text when creating a new \"quote\" font style text block\u0004Something someone else said here.":["Qualcosa che qualcun altro ha detto qui."],"Label shown on reply field when replies networking is erroring\u0004Something went wrong":["Qualcosa è andato storto"],"Label shown on reply field when replies networking is erroring\u0004Uh oh, we're working on the problem. Try again later.":["Oh oh, stiamo lavorando al problema. Riprova più tardi."],"Error message shown when refreshing invite link for failed\u0004Something went wrong when refreshing the link, please try again later":["Qualcosa è andato storto mentre tentavi di aggiornare la pagina. Riprova più tardi."],"Error message shown when refreshing invite link for failed\u0004Something went wrong when refreshing the link, please try again later.":["Qualcosa è andato storto mentre tentavi di aggiornare la pagina. Riprova più tardi."],"Error message for canceling a user invitation by an admin\u0004Something went wrong when trying to cancel the invitation. Please try again later.":["Qualcosa è andato storto mentre tentavi di cancellare l'invito. Riprova più tardi."],"Error message shown when declining invitation to join community failed\u0004Something went wrong when trying to decline the invitation, please try again later":["Qualcosa è andato storto mentre tentavi di lasciare la community. Riprova più tardi."],"Error message shown when declining invitation to join community failed\u0004Something went wrong when trying to decline the invitation. Please try again later.":["Qualcosa è andato storto mentre tentavi di rifiutare l'invito. Riprova più tardi."],"Error message shown when leaving community failed\u0004Something went wrong when trying to leave the community, please try again later":["Qualcosa è andato storto mentre tentavi di lasciare la community. Riprova più tardi."],"Error message shown when leaving community failed\u0004Something went wrong when trying to leave the community. Please try again later":["Qualcosa è andato storto mentre tentavi di lasciare la community. Riprova più tardi."],"Error message shown when removing a community member failed\u0004Something went wrong when trying to remove this member. Please try again later.":["Qualcosa è andato storto mentre tentavi di rimuovere questo membro. Riprova più tardi."],"Error message shown when accepting the invite to community failed\u0004Something went wrong while accepting the invite, please try again later":["Qualcosa è andato storto con l'invito. Riprova più tardi."],"Generic error message for adding or removing reaction\u0004Something went wrong while trying to update your reaction. Please try again.":["Qualcosa è andato storto nell'aggiornare la tua reazione. Riprova più tardi."],"Error message shown when requesting new community failed\u0004Something went wrong, please try again later":["Qualcosa è andato storto. Riprova più tardi."],"Error message shown when requesting new community failed\u0004Something went wrong. Please try again later.":["Qualcosa è andato storto. Riprova più tardi."],"A toast message for reporting an ad, but something went wrong when reporting it\u0004Something went wrong. Could not report ad.":["Qualcosa è andato storto. L'annuncio non è stato segnalato."],"Error message when the blog header info was not saved for an unknown reason\u0004Something went wrong. Please try again":["Ops, qualcosa è andato storto. Riprova."],"Toast text when group blog member could not be promoted to admin\u0004Something went wrong. Please try again later.":["Qualcosa è andato storto. Per favore riprova."],"Toast text when member could not be removed from group blog.\u0004Something went wrong. Please try again later.":["Qualcosa è andato storto. Riprova più tardi."],"An unknown error that appears when cancelling a sub\u0004Something went wrong. Please try again.":["Qualcosa è andato storto. Riprova."],"[Badge Management] Error message for unseen badges\u0004Something went wrong. Please try again.":["Qualcosa è andato storto. Riprova."],"Error message if tab configuration updates fail to save\u0004Something went wrong. Please try to reload the page.":["Qualcosa è andato storto. Prova a ricaricare la pagina."],"Error text displayed when fetching the queue 2.0 settings fails\u0004Something went wrong. Please try to reload the page.":["Qualcosa è andato storto. Prova a ricaricare la pagina."],"April Fools: Error message when trying to create share post\u0004Something went wrong. Try again":["Qualcosa è andato storto. Riprova."],"Error message displayed in a toast\u0004Something went wrong. Try again":["Qualcosa è andato storto. Riprova."],"Error message displayed in a toast after user tries to join a community\u0004Something went wrong. Try again":["Qualcosa è andato storto. Riprova."],"[TumblrMart horse friend widget]: Error message when trying to share a Horse Friend post\u0004Something went wrong. Try again":["Qualcosa è andato storto. Riprova."],"Title that appears above a text area asking for user feedback\u0004Something wrong? If you found any issues with the Tumblr post editor, you can report them here.":["Qualcosa non va? Se hai riscontrato problemi con l'editor legacy, puoi segnalarli qui."],"Title of a screen informing a user that they are too young to register for a Tumblr account\u0004Sorry":["Ci dispiace"],"A toast error message shown to users when they paste an image into the editor when it's not allowed\u0004Sorry you cannot insert images into an anonymous ask":["Spiacenti, non puoi inserire immagini in una richiesta anonima"],"Error message when the blog description is too long\u0004Sorry! We are unable to save your settings as your blog description is more than %1$s characters":["Non è stato possibile salvare le tue impostazioni perché la descrizione del tuo blog ha più di %1$s caratteri"],"{{skips} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Sorry! You can only skip {{skips}} battles per day.":["Purtroppo puoi saltare solo {{skips}} battaglie al giorno."],"[TumblrMart] Text warning user that a blog cannot recieve a gifting message\u0004Sorry, [name] cannot be messaged.":["Spiacenti, non è possibile inviare messaggi a [name]."],"Error displayed in a toast after user request for community membership during onboarding fails\u0004Sorry, something went wrong with your request to join":["Ci dispiace, qualcosa non ha funzionato quando hai chiesto di unirti."],"A toast error message shown to users when the post cannot be reblogged that restricted via reblog controls of the original post\u0004Sorry, this post cannot be reblogged due to the original post's reblog controls":["Siamo spiacenti, questo post non può essere rebloggato a causa dei controlli di reblog del post originale"],"Text for when a domain is under maintenance\u0004Sorry, your domain is under maintenance at the registry. Please try again later.":["Siamo spiacenti, il tuo dominio è in manutenzione presso il registro. Per favore riprova più tardi."],"Content source. The placeholder is a link to the source of the post (like \"\").\u0004Source: [link][sourceTitle][/link]":["Fonte: [link][sourceTitle][/link]"],"Label when moderator removes content that is spam\u0004Spam":["Spam"],"{{name}} and {{prize}} are tokens that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Spin the {{name}} and send a {{prize}}.":["Gira la {{name}} e invia un {{prize}}."],"Ignite modal description when Blazing your own post\u0004Sponsor it to put it in front of more people across Tumblr!":["Sponsorizzalo per mostrarlo a più persone su Tumblr!"],"Ignite modal description when Blazing other people post\u0004Sponsor this post to reach more people on Tumblr!":["Sponsorizza questo post per raggiungere più persone su Tumblr!"],"Label for a dashboard tab that is sponsored\u0004Sponsored":["Sponsorizzata"],"Label on a dashboard tab that is sponsored\u0004Sponsored":["Sponsorizzato"],"Sponsored post header disclaimer\u0004Sponsored":["Sponsorizzato"],"Sponsored post header disclaimer\u0004Sponsored by %1$s":["Sponsorizzato da %1$s"],"Label for blaze campaigns, were Blaze is the product name.\u0004Sponsored with Blaze":["Sponsorizzato con Blaze"],"Heading for a Patio column that contains the staff picks timeline\u0004Staff picks":["Scelti dallo staff"],"Label for the Staff picks icon on Patio\u0004Staff picks":["Scelti dallo staff"],"Windows98 Start button\u0004Start":["Inizia"],"Title for the modal shown when a user wants to allow tips on their blog\u0004Start accepting tips":["Inizia ad accettare mance"],"Button text that initiates the process of sending a tip to user\u0004Start tipping now":["Inizia a dare mance"],"Another user started a Live Stream\u0004Started a livestream":["Ha iniziato un livestream"],"Another user has started following the blog of the logged in user\u0004Started following [blogNameOfAuthor]":["Ha iniziato a seguire [blogNameOfAuthor]"],"Announcement of the sunsetting of free connection if the legacy domain is transferable to Tumblr\u0004Starting [startDate], your custom theme will be disabled, and [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] will redirect to [defaultDomainBlogLink][defaultDisplayUrl][/defaultDomainBlogLink]. Transfer or connect your domain to ensure your blog remains on [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] and retains its unique aesthetic. [linkLearnMore]Learn more[/linkLearnMore].":["A partire dal [startDate], il tuo tema predefinito sarà disattivato e [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] reindirizzerà a [defaultDomainBlogLink][defaultDisplayUrl][/defaultDomainBlogLink]. Trasferisci o collega il tuo dominio per essere sicuro che il tuo blog rimanga attivo [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] e mantenga il suo aspetto originale. [linkLearnMore]Scopri di più[/linkLearnMore]."],"Announcement of the sunsetting of free connection if the legacy domain is transferable to Tumblr\u0004Transfer or connect your domain to ensure your blog remains on [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] and retains its unique aesthetic! [linkLearnMore]Learn more[/linkLearnMore].":["Trasferisci o connetti il tuo dominio per essere sicuro/a che il tuo blog rimanga su [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] e mantenga la sua particolare estetica! [linkLearnMore]Scopri di più[/linkLearnMore]."],"\"aria-label\" for editing the \"state\" field in domain contact information form\u0004State":["Stato"],"[TumblrMart] Gifts Management page Status column header\u0004Status":["Stato"],"[TumblrMart] category title for the status of a gift\u0004Status":["Stato"],"Lowest level of Tumblr supporter badge.\u0004Steel":["Acciaio"],"Login wall: Title shown when user continues scrolling after exceeding click counter limit\u0004Stop: Classified":["Stop: classificato"],"An image will fill the available space\u0004Stretch header image":["Allunga immagine intestazione"],"Message shown to the user while Stripe is processing the information provided in order to enable the tipping setting\u0004Stripe is verifying your information. It shouldn’t take too long so we thought you’d enjoy this cat GIF while you wait (cause who doesn’t enjoy a good cat GIF)":["Stripe sta verificando le tue informazioni. Non dovrebbe volerci troppo tempo, quindi abbiamo pensato che ti sarebbe piaciuta questa gif di gatti mentre aspetti (a chi non piace una bella gif di gatti!)."],"Description for banner that shows a recommended video hub\u0004Stuff we think you'll like":["Cose che pensiamo ti piaceranno"],"Label describing a settings section to allow other users to submit posts to your blog\u0004Submissions":["Contributi"],"CTA to publish a community for review\u0004Submit":["Invia"],"Menu item link to blog's submission page\u0004Submit":["Invia"],"Submit button label\u0004Submit":["Invia"],"This text denotes that a post on some blog was submitted to it by some other user\u0004Submitted by [span][postAuthor][/span]":["Postato da [span][postAuthor][/span]"],"This text denotes that a post on some blog was submitted to it by some anonymous user\u0004Submitted by [span]anonymous[/span]":["Postato da [span]anonymous[/span]"],"User is subscribed to activity updates for this post\u0004Subscribed":["Iscritto"],"[Subscriptions \u0026 purchases] Header for the subscription detail modal\u0004Subscription Details":["Dettagli abbonamento"],"Opens a menu containing a list of actions to perform on a subscription\u0004Subscription actions":["Opzioni di abbonamento"],"[Premium] Subscription cancelled toast\u0004Subscription cancelled.":["Abbonamento cancellato."],"[Premium] Subscription cancelled toast\u0004Your subscription has been cancelled and will expire on %1$s. You can access your perks until then, and can renew at anytime.":["Il tuo abbonamento è stato cancellato e scadrà il %1$s. Fino ad allora potrai comunque accedere ai tuoi vantaggi e rinnovare il tuo abbonamento in qualsiasi momento."],"Heading displayed to a creator on their membership settings screen\u0004Subscription price":["Costo abbonamento"],"Subscriptions settings page title\u0004Subscriptions":["Iscrizioni"],"[Subscriptions \u0026 Purchases] Title for the subscriptions section to see all current and previous subscriptions.\u0004Subscriptions":["Abbonamenti"],"[Subscriptions \u0026 Purchases] Title for the susbcriptions section to see all current and previous subscriptions.\u0004Subscriptions":["Abbonamenti"],"[Subscriptions \u0026 Purchases] Navigation menu item name\u0004Subscriptions \u0026 purchases":["Acquisti e abbonamenti"],"[Subscriptions \u0026 Purchases] Page title\u0004Subscriptions \u0026 purchases":["Acquisti e abbonamenti"],"Legal text and disclaimer about ad-free browsing\u0004Subscriptions renew automatically. Ad-Free excludes certain promotional content. [link]Learn more[/link].":["Gli abbonamenti si rinnovano automaticamente. Ad-Free esclude determinati contenuti promozionali. [link]Ulteriori informazioni[/link]."],"[Premium] Subscription and taxes details\u0004Subscriptions renew automatically. Taxes may apply.":["Gli abbonamenti si rinnovano automaticamente. Potrebbero essere applicate delle tasse aggiuntive."],"Menu item for suggesting a content label\u0004Suggest Content Label":["Suggerisci un'etichetta Contenuti"],"Menu item to suggest a community label to a post\u0004Suggest a Content Warning":["Suggerisci un avviso di contenuto"],"Heading for list of suggested perks\u0004Suggested":["Raccomandati"],"[Search] Title for a list of suggested communities before a user enters a search query\u0004Suggested communities":["Community consigliate"],"Label for a list of suggested searches\u0004Suggested searches":["Ricerche suggerite"],"{{debugData}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Suggestion: \n \n \n \n ----------------- PLEASE DO NOT DELETE BELOW THIS LINE ----------------- \n {{debugData}} \n":["Suggerimento: \n \n \n \n ----------------- SI PREGA DI NON CANCELLARE SOTTO QUESTA RIGA ----------------- \n {{debugData}} \n"],"{{debugData}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live. \"\\n\" should remain verbatim\u0004Suggestion: \\n \\n \\n \\n ----------------- PLEASE DO NOT DELETE BELOW THIS LINE ----------------- \\n {{debugData}} \\n":["Suggerimento:\\n\\n\\n\\n----------------- SI PREGA DI NON CANCELLARE SOTTO QUESTA RIGA -----------------\\n{{debugData}}"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Button that produces a crab on click\u0004Summon Crab!":["Evoca granchio!"],"[TumblrMart] Tooltip text for when a user first sees the dashboard crab widget\u0004Summon your crabs 🦀 Clack!":["Evoca i tuoi granchi 🦀 Clack!"],"Link to support page\u0004Support":["Supporto"],"This is a link/call to action for supporting a creator.\u0004Support":["Supporto"],"Button on a section explaining why support Tumblr; on click, navigates to supporter badge purchase.\u0004Support Tumblr":["Sostieni Tumblr"],"Text on a button that will show purchase options for Tumblr Supporter badge\u0004Support now":["Dai il tuo sostegno"],"As in this post should be is tagged 'for supporters only'\u0004Supporters":["Abbonati"],"As in this post should be is tagged 'for supporters only'\u0004Supporters only":["Solo abbonati"],"Indicates that the user has supported the creator of a post by subscribing to their blog.\u0004Supporting":["Blog in abbonamento"],"This is a link to the creator profile\u0004Supporting":["Abbonati"],"Indicates that a purchased domain has been suspended\u0004Suspended":["Sospeso"],"Disclaimer on post form settings.\u0004Switching to the HTML editor may break some post formatting, including the \"Read more\" link.":["Il passaggio all'editor HTML potrebbe interrompere la formattazione di alcuni post, incluso il collegamento Leggi di più."],"TXT record description\u0004TXT (text) records are used to record any textual information on a domain. They're typically used by other service providers (e.g. email services) to ensure you are the owner of the domain.":["I record TXT (testo) vengono utilizzati per registrare qualsiasi informazione testuale su un dominio. Solitamente vengono utilizzati da altri fornitori di servizi (ad esempio servizi di posta elettronica) per garantire che tu sia il proprietario del dominio."],"An error message for invalid TXT record, %1$s is the limit of characters.\u0004TXT records may not exceed %1$s characters.":["I record TXT non possono superare i %1$s caratteri."],"An error message for invalid TXT record\u0004TXT records may not exceed 255 characters.":["I record TXT non possono superare i 255 caratteri."],"Title for Configurable Tabbed Dashboard modal\u0004Tab options":["Opzioni scheda"],"Label for the tag icon on Patio\u0004Tag":["Tag"],"Label for the tag input field on Patio\u0004Tag":["Tag"],"Tag selection maximum reached\u0004Tag limit reached.":["Limite tag raggiunto."],"Label for a list of tag search results\u0004Tag search results":["Risultati di ricerca tag"],"Title of the modal to edit the tag column settings\u0004Tag settings":["Impostazioni tag"],"Form field asking for the tagline for a community\u0004Tagline":["Sottotitolo"],"The label for the tagline for a community. A tagline is a short description.\u0004Tagline":["Sottotitolo"],"Blaze campaign popover: Tags section title\u0004Tags":["Tag"],"Community create form - tags section - title\u0004Tags":["Tag"],"List of tags included in a collection\u0004Tags":["Tag"],"Tags targeting section title of a Blaze campaign\u0004Tags":["Tag"],"The header for the Tags section of the community form\u0004Tags":["Tag"],"The tags section of the community form\u0004Tags":["Tag"],"Title for a list of tag search results\u0004Tags":["Tag"],"CTA description in Blaze modal to use tag targeting\u0004Tags can give you up to 60% boost!":["I tag possono darti fino a un 60% di boost!"],"Input to add tags to the post\u0004Tags editor":["Tag editor"],"Title for a list of followed tags\u0004Tags you follow":["Tag che segui"],"Title for a list of tags followed by the user\u0004Tags you follow":["Tag che segui"],"Accessibility label used to keep track of the current take as you scroll down the list\u0004Take %1$s":["Clip %1$s"],"Year in review back to dashboard link text\u0004Take me back to my dashboard.":["Riportami alla Dashboard."],"Button that takes you to view a list of your flagged posts\u0004Take me there":["Portami là"],"Accessibility label used to identify the list of takes\u0004Takes":["Clip"],"Title for the \"Takes\" (VideoHubs) section of the Hotkeys guide\u0004Takes":["Clip"],"Text that is shown as a tooltip to nudge the user to reblog a post.\u0004Tap for a little clue... 🔎":["Tocca per un piccolo indizio... 🔎"],"Text that is shown as a tooltip to nudge the user to reblog a post.\u0004Tap for a little clue… 🔎":["Tocca per un piccolo indizio... 🔎"],"Ignite modal title when on targeting screen and Blazing other people post\u0004Target %1$s's post so it reaches the right audience.":["Indirizza il post di %1$s in modo che raggiunga il pubblico giusto."],"Form field label for adding or editing a DNS record, the expected input is a port number\u0004Target Port":["Porta di destinazione"],"Ignite modal title when on targeting screen\u0004Target your post so it reaches the right audience.":["Indirizza il tuo post, in modo che possa raggiungere il giusto pubblico."],"Label for selecting tags for Blaze campaign targeting\u0004Targeted tags":["Tag mirati"],"Label for selecting tags for Blaze campaign targeting\u0004Targeted tags (optional)":["Tag mirati (opzionali)"],"Label for targeting Blaze campaigns (modal)\u0004Targeting":["Targhetizzare"],"Targeting section title of a Blaze campaign\u0004Targeting":["Targhetizzare"],"Heading to inform user that the targeting options for a Blaze campaign they selected is too narrow\u0004Targeting too narrow":["Targeting troppo ridotto"],"The text for the 'teaser line' that separates the free content from the membership-only content\u0004Teaser":["Teaser"],"A description of the About section of the community form\u0004Tell everyone what this place is all about.":["Fai sapere a tutti di cosa si tratta."],"Text on a button that will show more information about Tumblr Supporter badge\u0004Tell me more":["Dimmi di più"],"Message to be shown on the blog settings section for Twitter when Twitter's API is down\u0004Temporary connection blip! Please check back soon.":["Blip temporaneo di connessione! Riprova tra poco."],"Link to terms of service\u0004Terms":["Termini"],"Button that lets the user test whether a custom domain is valid\u0004Test domain":["Testa dominio"],"Screenreader label for text styles menu\u0004Text style":["Stile testo"],"April Fools: Sentence #4 in share post. This is the final sentence!\u0004Thank you @brickwhartley!":["Grazie @brickwhartley!"],"{{vipColor}} and {{badgeColor}} are tokens that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Thank you for being a {{vipColor}}! To keep your {{badgeColor}}, be sure to fill your progress bar each month 🐸":["Grazie per essere un {{vipColor}}! Per mantenere il tuo {{badgeColor}}, assicurati di riempire la barra dei progressi ogni mese 🐸"],"Year in review FOMO page footer text\u0004Thanks for being on Tumblr. Keep it weird [heart]":["Grazie per essere sempre su Tumblr. [heart]"],"Year in review not enough data page footer\u0004Thanks for being part of the Tumblr community. See you in 2023!":["Grazie per aver fatto parte della community di Tumblr. Ci vediamo nel 2023!"],"Year in review thank you title\u0004Thanks for making Tumblr special.":["Grazie per rendere Tumblr speciale."],"A toast message for reporting an ad\u0004Thanks for reporting this ad!":["Grazie per avere segnalato questo annuncio!"],"[Premium] Subtitle for the initial modal after a user acquires Premium\u0004Thanks for subscribing to Tumblr Premium. We've already turned off most ads, and that's just the beginning. Your perks are waiting.":["Grazie per l'iscrizione a Tumblr Premium. Abbiamo già nascosto la maggior parte degli annunci ed è solo l'inizio. Ti aspettano anche altre sorprese."],"[Premium] Subtitle for the initial modal after a user acquires Premium\u0004You can now start shopping, Blaze a post, manage ad-free, and more.":["Ora puoi iniziare a fare shopping, usare Blaze su un post, gestire ad-free e molto altro."],"Feedback when the report violation is successful\u0004Thanks for the suggestion! Way to look out for yourself and others on Tumblr.":["Grazie per il suggerimento! È un modo per badare a te stesso e agli altri su Tumblr."],"Notifying the logged-in user they have reported spam\u0004Thanks for your help! The post you flagged is under [span]review.[/span]":["Grazie per l'aiuto! Il post che hai segnalato è in fase di [span]revisione.[/span]"],"Variables are \u003ca\u003e tags to make the text a link\u0004That isn't a Tumblr, but you could [link]make it one[/link].":["Non è un Tumblr, ma può [link]diventarlo[/link]."],"Year in review gifts thank you text\u0004That makes you a noble and generous member of the community. Delightful!":["Questo ti rende un membro nobile e generoso della community. Ottimo!"],"Year in review post results more posts than last year\u0004That's [%1$s more post] than %2$s!":["É [%1$s post in più] del %2$s!","Sono [%1$s post in più] del %2$s!"],"Year in review more or less posts than last year\u0004That's [bold][number][/bold] more post than [lastYear]!":["[bold][number][/bold] post in più rispetto al [lastYear]!","[bold][number][/bold] post in più rispetto al [lastYear]!"],"Error message on registration screen\u0004That's a good blog name, but it's taken.":["Bel nome per un blog, ma è già stato preso."],"Error message on registration screen\u0004That's not a valid age. Please try again.":["Quest'età non è valida. Per favore riprova."],"Error message on registration screen\u0004That's not a valid blog name.":["Questo nome blog non è valido."],"Error message on registration screen\u0004That's not a valid email address. Please try again.":["Non è un indirizzo email valido. Per favore riprova."],"Error message on registration screen\u0004That's not a valid password. Please try again.":["Questa password non è valida. Per favore riprova."],"Error message on registration screen\u0004This email address is already in use.":["Questo indirizzo email è già utilizzato."],"Error message on registration screen\u0004You forgot to enter your age!":["Hai dimenticato di inserire la tua età!"],"Error message on registration screen\u0004You forgot to enter your blog name!":["Hai dimenticato di inserire il nome del tuo blog!"],"Text shown on the search page when there are no results. The placeholder [searchTerm] is the search term. Everything between [strong] and [/strong] will be bolded.\u0004That's about it for [strong][searchTerm][/strong]. Try another search?":["È tutto qui per [strong][searchTerm][/strong]. Vuoi provare con una nuova ricerca?"],"Text shown on the hubs page when there are no more results for the timeframe.\u0004That's about it for the selected timeframe. Want to see more?":["Questo è tutto per il periodo di tempo selezionato. Vuoi vedere di più?"],"Message for when you attempt to follow your primary blog.\u0004That's you!":["Sei tu!"],"Shown when a Twitter handle is unavailable to register on Tumblr.\u0004That’s a really good handle. So good, in fact, that someone else got there first.":["È davvero un buon handle. Così buono, infatti, che qualcun altro è arrivato prima di te."],"[Tour Guide] Text that is shown as a tooltip to inform new mods/admins to visit the moderator handbook\u0004The [b]Moderator Handbook[/b] is highly recommended to help you understand your new responsibilities.":["Per capire al meglio le tue nuove responsabilità ti raccomandiamo di leggere la [b]Guida del moderatore[/b]."],"Underage user accessing mature community modal wall description\u0004The [title/] community may contain content not suitable for all audiences. [link]Learn more[/link]":["La [title/] Community potrebbe contenere contenuti non adatti a tutti gli utenti. [link]Scopri di più[/link]"],"Underage user accessing mature community modal wall description\u0004The [title/] community may contain content not suitable for users under 18. [link]Learn more[/link]":["La [title/] Community può contenere contenuti non adatti per gli utenti sotto i 18 anni. [link]Scopri di più[/link]"],"Logged out user accessing mature community modal wall description\u0004The [title/] community might contain mature content. You must be logged in to see its content. [link]Learn more[/link]":["La [title/] Community potrebbe contenere contenuti per adulti. Devi essere loggato per vederne i contenuti. [link]Scopri di più[/link]"],"Blaze campaign engagements popover: earned description\u0004The amount earned is from people spreading your post further, and aren't a direct result of impressions you paid for.":["L'importo guadagnato proviene da persone che diffondono ulteriormente il tuo post e non è il risultato diretto delle impressioni per cui hai pagato."],"Blaze campaign engagements popover: earned description\u0004The amount earned is from people spreading your post further, and aren't a direct result of the audience you paid for.":["L'importo guadagnato proviene da persone che diffondono ulteriormente il tuo post e non è il risultato diretto del pubblico per cui hai pagato."],"Blaze campaign engagements popover: paid description\u0004The amount from paid impressions are a direct result from when your Blaze campaign ran.":["L'importo delle impressioni pagate è il risultato diretto di quando è stata pubblicata la tua campagna Blaze."],"Blaze campaign engagements popover: paid description\u0004The amount via Blaze is a direct result from when your Blaze campaign ran.":["L'importo tramite Blaze è il risultato diretto di quando è stata pubblicata la tua campagna Blaze. una conseguenza diretta."],"Invalid auth code\u0004The auth code you entered was invalid.":["Il codice di autorizzazione inserito non è valido."],"Error message when the avatar image was not uploaded as a result of an error\u0004The avatar image was not updated. Please try again":["L'immagine dell'avatar non è stata aggiornata. Per favore riprova."],"Heading on a page that describes ad-free browsing\u0004The average Tumblr user saw [adsPerYear] ads last year.":["In media, un utente Tumblr ha visto [adsPerYear] annunci lo scorso anno."],"Prompt user to confirm a domain connection when the selected blog is already connected to another domain\u0004The blog \u003cstrong\u003e%1$s\u003c/strong\u003e is currently connected to \u003cstrong\u003e%2$s\u003c/strong\u003e. Are you sure you want to connect it to \u003cstrong\u003e%3$s\u003c/strong\u003e instead?":["Il blog \u003cstrong\u003e%1$s\u003c/strong\u003e è attualmente connesso a \u003cstrong\u003e%2$s\u003c/strong\u003e. Sei sicuro/a di volerlo invece connettere a \u003cstrong\u003e%3$s\u003c/strong\u003e?"],"Prompt user to confirm a domain connection when the selected blog is already connected to another domain\u0004The site \u003cstrong\u003e%1$s\u003c/strong\u003e is currently connected to \u003cstrong\u003e%2$s\u003c/strong\u003e. Are you sure you want to connect it to \u003cstrong\u003e%3$s\u003c/strong\u003e instead?":["Il sito \u003cstrong\u003e%1$s\u003c/strong\u003e è attualmente connesso a \u003cstrong\u003e%2$s\u003c/strong\u003e. Sei sicuro di volerlo invece connettere a \u003cstrong\u003e%3$s\u003c/strong\u003e?"],"Image alt for the blog's header image\u0004The blog's header image":["Immagine di intestazione del blog"],"Account settings page description\u0004The essentials":["L'essenziale"],"Text shown above a login prompt\u0004The good news is, gaining access will be relatively easy, on a scale of “click this” to “break into Area 51.” Simply click one of these:":["La buona notizia? Su una scala che va da \"clicca qui\" fino a \"eludi la sicurezza dell'Area 51\", accedere è facile proprio come fare clic su una di queste opzioni:"],"Error message when the blog header image was not uploaded as a result of an error\u0004The header image was not updated. Please try again":["L'immagine dell'intestazione non è stata aggiornata. Per favore riprova."],"Label describing a settings selection\u0004The language used on your blog.":["La lingua usata dal tuo blog."],"[TumblrMart] Success message after publishing a share post from a received gift\u0004The love has been shared!":["Tutto condiviso!"],"Error message on set password screen. Password is not long enough.\u0004The password must be at least [len] characters long.":["La password deve contenere almeno [len] caratteri."],"Error message on set password screen. Password is too long.\u0004The password must be at most [len] characters long.":["La password deve contenere almeno [len] caratteri."],"Invalid password error message\u0004The password you entered was invalid.":["La password che hai inserito non è valida."],"Message displayed when a the poll is in a draft/queued/submission post\u0004The poll will be active once you publish the post.":["Il sondaggio sarà attivo una volta pubblicato il post."],"A follow up indicating the pending blazed post has been successfully cancelled\u0004The post will be removed from the moderation queue in a few moments.":["Il tuo post verrà rimosso dalla coda di moderazione in pochi istanti."],"Confirmation that an anonymous sender has been blocked\u0004The sender has been blocked.":["Il mittente è stato bloccato."],"User tried to create a post using the old shortcut and we warn them about it\u0004The shortcut to create a new a post has been changed to just C!":["La scorciatoia per creare un nuovo post è stata cambiata in C!"],"User tried to create a post using the old shortcut and we warn them about it\u0004The shortcut to create a new post has been changed to just C!":["La scorciatoia per creare un nuovo post è stata cambiata in C!"],"User tried to queue a post using the old shortcut and we warn them about it\u0004The shortcut to queue a post has been changed to Shift+Q!":["La scorciatoia per mettere in coda un post è stata cambiata in Maiusc+Q!"],"User tried to queue a post using the old shortcut and we warn them about it\u0004The shortcut to queue a post has been changed to just Q!":["La scorciatoia per mettere in coda un post è stata cambiata in solo Q!"],"User tried to reblog a post using the old shortcut and we warn them about it\u0004The shortcut to reblog a post has been changed to Shift+R!":["La scorciatoia per rebloggare un post è stata cambiata in Maiusc+R!"],"User tried to reblog a post using the old shortcut and we warn them about it\u0004The shortcut to reblog a post has been changed to just R!":["La scorciatoia per rebloggare un post è stata cambiata in R!"],"Description of the reason for disabled buttons of editing contact information at the moment.\u0004The transfer process for your domain has started, you will not be able to edit its contact information and privacy settings.":["Il processo di trasferimento del tuo dominio è iniziato, non potrai modificarne le informazioni di contatto e le impostazioni sulla privacy."],"Description of the reason for disabled buttons of editing contact information at the moment.\u0004You will be able to edit your contact information and privacy settings once domain registration is completed.":["Potrai modificare le tue informazioni di contatto e le impostazioni sulla privacy una volta completata la registrazione del dominio."],"Status of a domain transfer process\u0004The transfer process for your domain started on [date].":["Il processo di trasferimento del tuo dominio è iniziato il [date]."],"Message that appears when there are no streams under a tag for Tumblr Live\u0004There are no #[tag /] streams right now. [br /] Why not start one?":["Non ci sono #[tag /] stream al momento. [br /] Perché non iniziarne uno?"],"Message that appears when there are no streams under a tag for Tumblr Live\u0004There are no [tag /] streams right now. [br /] Why not start one?":["Non ci sono [tag /] stream al momento. [br /] Perché non iniziarne uno?"],"No community moderators message\u0004There are no moderators for this community.":["Non ci sono moderatori in questa Community."],"[Badge Management] Empty earn tab desription\u0004There are no more badges to earn for now.":["Non ci sono più badge da guadagnare per ora."],"[Badge Management] Empty earn tab desription\u0004You've earned all the badges for now.":["Hai guadagnato tutti i badge per ora."],"No pending invites message\u0004There are no pending invites for this community.":["Non ci sono inviti in sospeso per questa Community."],"No membership requests message\u0004There are no requests to join this community.":["Non ci sono richieste per unirsi a questa comunità."],"[TumblrMart] Error message when modal fails to fetch storefront data\u0004There was a problem loading TumblrMart. Check back later.":["Si è verificato un problema durante il caricamento di TumblrMart. Riprova più tardi."],"[TumblrMart] Error message when product detail modal fails to fetch product data\u0004There was a problem loading the TumblrMart product. Check back later.":["Si è verificato un problema durante il caricamento del prodotto TumblrMart. Riprova più tardi."],"[TumblrMart] Gift management page message that appears when gifts fail to load.\u0004There was a problem loading your gifts. Please try again later.":["C'è stato un problema nel caricamento dei tuoi regali. Per favore riprova più tardi."],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Error message when fetching payment and purchases data fails.\u0004There was a problem retreiving your payment and purchases data. Please refresh the page and try again.":["Si è verificato un problema durante il recupero dei dati relativi a pagamenti e acquisti. Per favore ricarica la pagina e riprova."],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Error message when fetching payment and purchases data fails.\u0004There was a problem retrieving your payment and purchases data. Please refresh the page and try again.":["Si è verificato un problema durante il recupero dei dati relativi a pagamenti e acquisti. Per favore ricarica la pagina e riprova."],"[Badge Management] Error message that appears when a users unopened badges gifts fail to load.\u0004There was an error loading your unopened badge gifts.":["Si è verificato un errore durante il caricamento dei badge regalati non aperti."],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Error message when purchase history pagination fails.\u0004There was an error retrieving additional purchase history. Please try again later.":["Si è verificato un errore durante il recupero della cronologia degli acquisti aggiuntiva. Per favore riprova più tardi."],"Recaptcha token expired error text\u0004There was an unexpected error while submitting your registration, please try again.":["Si è verificato un errore imprevisto durante l'invio della registrazione, riprova."],"Community intro modal body\u0004There's a place for you in Tumblr Communities. Explore, share, and hang out with people who get you.":["C'è un posto tutto per te nelle Community di Tumblr. Esplora, condividi e passa del tempo con le persone che ti interessano."],"Community intro modal body\u0004Tumblr Communities are made for coming together—a place to connect with people who share your passions.":["Le Community di Tumblr sono fatte per riunire le persone: un posto per connettersi con chi condivide le tue stesse passioni."],"Message that appears when there is an issue with a payment method.\u0004There's an issue with your payment method.":["C'è stato un problema con il tuo metodo di pagamento."],"Text shown in messages window where there are no messages, and the user has not verified their email address\u0004There's nothing here right now. You can send new messages once you've verified your email address.":["Al momento non c'è niente qui. Potrai inviare nuovi messaggi dopo aver verificato il tuo indirizzo email."],"Error page message.\u0004There's nothing here.":["Qui non c'è niente."],"Blaze campaign targeting popover: description\u0004These are the details of your campaign's targeting settings.":["Questi sono i dettagli delle impostazioni di targeting della tua campagna."],"Explanation how the community invite will get delivered\u0004They will receive a Tumblr message from Tumblrbot with instructions for joining.":["Verrà inviato un messaggio Tumblr dal Tumblrbot con le istruzioni per partecipare."],"Description of what will happen if Community moderator is demoted to member\u0004They will retain their membership and can still view and interact with this community.":["Manterrà la sua iscrizione e potrà continuare a visualizzare e interagire con questa Community."],"Description of what will happen if community moderator is demoted to member\u0004They will retain their membership and can still view and interact with this community.":["Manterranno la loro iscrizione e potranno continuare a visualizzare e interagire con questa Community."],"Message describing all options that will be blocked\u0004They won't be able to follow %1$s, send %1$s messages, see %1$s in search results, or interact with any of %1$s's posts.":["Non potrà seguire %1$s, inviare messaggi a %1$s, vedere %1$s nei risultati di ricerca o interagire con i post di %1$s."],"App settings page description\u0004Things you've connected":["Cose che hai connesso"],"An option for reporting ads where the ad contains flashing images\u0004This ad contains flashing images.":["Questo annuncio contiene immagini lampeggianti."],"An option for reporting ads where the ad has autoplaying audio\u0004This ad has autoplaying audio.":["Questo annuncio riproduce automaticamente l'audio."],"An option for reporting ads where the ad is not rendering correctly\u0004This ad seems broken.":["Questo annuncio sembra non funzionare."],"Description of a form field that takes a community private which cannot be undone\u0004This cannot be undone.":["Questa azione non si può annullare"],"This message is shown when the collection is empty\u0004This collection is empty.":["Questa raccolta è vuota."],"Info message about who can view the content on a moderated comment page\u0004This comment is only visible to community admins and community moderators.":["Questo commento è visibile solo agli admin e ai moderatori della Community."],"[Communities] Educational banner text in comment moderation modal\u0004This comment will be hidden to everyone but admins.":["Questo commento sarà visibile solo agli admin."],"Community population cap limit explanation\u0004This community has a limit of %1$s member.":["Questa Community ha un limite di %1$s membro.","Questa Community ha un limite di %1$s membri."],"Message to inform users that there is no activity in the audit log\u0004This community has no activity related to comments.":["Questa Community non ha attività legate ai commenti"],"Message to inform users that there is no activity in the audit log\u0004This community has no activity related to memberships.":["Questa Community non ha attività legate alle iscrizioni."],"Message to inform users that there is no activity in the audit log\u0004This community has no activity related to posts.":["Questa Community non ha attività legata ai post."],"Message to inform users that there is no activity in the audit log\u0004This community has no activity yet.":["Questa Community non ha ancora attività."],"Community intro modal paragraph about community being private\u0004This community is [color]private[/color]. Only members of the community can see what’s posted here.":["Questa Community è [color]privata[/color]. Solo i membri potranno vedere quello che viene postato qui."],"Community intro modal paragraph about community being public\u0004This community is [color]public[/color]. Everyone on Tumblr can see what’s posted here.":["Questa Community è [color]pubblica[/color]. Tutti su Tumblr possono vedere i post qui."],"This indicates a community is private\u0004This community is [highlight]private[/highlight]":["Questa Community è [highlight]privata[/highlight]"],"This indicates a community is public\u0004This community is [highlight]public[/highlight]":["Questa Community è [highlight]pubblica[/highlight]"],"Private community modal wall description\u0004This community is only viewable by members who have been invited by an admin.":["Questa Community è visibile solo ai membri che sono stati invitati da un admin."],"Private community modal wall heading\u0004This community is private":["Questa Community è privata"],"Text on the modal shown when the last admin attempts to leave a community\u0004This community will be deleted as you are the last remaining member.":["Questa Community verrà eliminata perché sei l'ultimo membro rimasto."],"Content label community setting option details - mature (creating a new community)\u0004This community will be hidden or blurred for some users and will not be accessible to users under 18.":["Questa Community sarà nascosta od oscurata per alcuni utenti e non sarà accessibile agli utenti sotto i 18 anni."],"Content label community setting option details - none (creating a new community)\u0004This community will not regularly feature mature content and will be visible to all users.":["Questa Community non mostrerà regolarmente contenuti per adulti e sarà visibile a tutti gli utenti."],"Text on warning screen that appears when a user opens an adult blog\u0004This content has been hidden due to its potentially mature nature.":["Questo contenuto è stato nascosto a causa di contenuti potenzialmente per adulti."],"Error message for missing explicit post.\u0004This content has been hidden due to its potentially sensitive nature. For more information read our [link]Sexually Explicit Content Policy[/link].":["Questo contenuto è stato nascosto a causa della sua natura potenzialmente sensibile. Per ulteriori informazioni leggi la nostra [link]Informativa sui contenuti sessualmente espliciti[/link]."],"Message displayed to user when a post or a reply is no longer available\u0004This content is no longer available.":["Questo contenuto non è più disponibile."],"Text of a modal that appears when a domain registry is under maintenance\u0004This domain cannot be purchased right now, since the registry is under maintenance. Please try again later!":["Questo dominio non può essere acquistato al momento, il registro è in manutenzione. Per favore riprova più tardi!"],"when trying to login and the email doesn't have an account\u0004This email doesn't have a Tumblr account. [link]Sign up[/link] now?":["A questa email non corrisponde un account Tumblr. Vuoi [link]registrarti[/link] ora?"],"Text telling users to expect known issues with backdating posts\u0004This feature has some [link]known issues[/link]. Use with caution.":["Questa funzione ha qualche [link]problema già noto[/link]. Usala con cautela."],"Blaze campaign engagements popover: description\u0004This is a breakdown of engagements your Blazed post received during its campaign.":["Questa è una ripartizione degli ingaggi ricevuti dal tuo post con Blaze durante la sua campagna."],"An option for reporting ads where the ad contains malicious material\u0004This is a malicious ad.":["Questo è un annuncio nocivo."],"Blaze campaign overview popover: description\u0004This is a summary of the audience reached and the engagements received during your Blaze campaign.":["Questo è un riepilogo delle impressioni totali e degli engagement ricevuti durante la campagna Blaze."],"Blaze campaign overview popover: description\u0004This is a summary of total impressions and engagements your Blazed post received during its campaign.":["Questo è un riepilogo delle impressioni totali e degli impegni ricevuti dal tuo post con Blaze durante la sua campagna."],"Body of the dialog that is displayed when you try to perform a community members only action (invite-only community, user not invited)\u0004This is an invite-only community. Some functionality is restricted to members only.":["Questa è una Community solo su invito. Alcune funzionalità sono riservate ai soli membri."],"Body of the dialog that is displayed when you try to perform a community members only action (not invited user)\u0004This is an invite-only community. Some functionality is restricted to members only.":["Questa è una Community solo su invito. Alcune funzionalità sono riservate ai soli membri."],"Body of the dialog that is displayed when you try to perform a community members only action (not invited user)\u0004You’re not invited to this community, so you can’t do that.":["Non puoi farlo perché non hai ricevuto un invito a questa Community.\n"],"Error message shown on the Discord webhooks blog settings section when the user introduces a bad URL\u0004This is not a valid URL":["Questo non è un URL valido."],"Error message for invalid user URL input. This refers to the sales URL for a Tumblr Blaze Campaign\u0004This is not a valid web address":["Questo non è un indirizzo web valido"],"[Communities] Description for field in content moderation modal\u0004This is shown to other admins, moderators, and the post author.":["Questo è visibile agli altri admin, ai moderatori e all'all'autore del post."],"[Tour guide] Body for user discovers their own blog\u0004This is where posts you make or reblog show up. Oh, and guess what? You get to choose how it looks: [colorful]colors[/colorful], fonts, title, description, header, and avatar.":["È qui che vengono visualizzati i post che pubblichi o reblogghi. Oh, e indovina un po'? Puoi scegliere come appaiono: [colorful]colori[/colorful], caratteri, titolo, descrizione, intestazione e avatar."],"Placeholder text when creating a new \"ordered list\" text block\u0004This is where you list items and numbers appear next to them.":["Qui è dove elenchi gli elementi e i numeri appaiono accanto ad essi."],"Headline on a page where you can purchase a Tumblr supporter badge.\u0004This is your chance to support your favourite platform. Did we mention Shiny badges?":["Questa è la tua occasione per supportare la tua piattaforma preferita. Ti abbiamo già parlato dei badge luccicanti?"],"Explainer shown in the 'Delete blog' section on the primary blog's settings page\u0004This is your primary blog. It cannot be deleted without deleting the account associated with it. Head over to your [link]account settings[/link] if you want to delete your account.":["Questo è il tuo blog principale. Non può essere cancellato senza cancellare l'account associato a esso. Vai alle tue [link]impostazioni account[/link] se vuoi cancellare il tuo account."],"Label for lock icon in post form Community Labels dropdown\u0004This option is selected. It is locked and cannot be deselected.":["Questa opzione è selezionata. È bloccata e non può essere deselezionata."],"A message shown on a post with filtered tags that explains to the user why it is hidden\u0004This post contains filtered tags.":["Questo post contiene tag filtrati."],"Message to be shown when a user tries to embed a post that is not embeddable\u0004This post is not embeddable, sorry!":["Questo post non è incorporabile, mi dispiace!"],"The post has been sponsored and is hot / trending\u0004This post is on fire – in a good way!":["Questo post è in promo, per fortuna!"],"[Communities] Educational banner text in post moderation dialog\u0004This post will be hidden to everyone but admins. Members will be able to see the selected reason and note.":["Questo post verrà nascosto a tutti tranne gli admin. I membri potranno vedere il motivo selezionato e la nota annessa."],"[Communities] Educational banner text in post moderation modal\u0004This post will be hidden to everyone but admins. Members will be able to see the selected reason and note.":["Questo post verrà nascosto a tutti tranne gli admin. I membri potranno vedere il motivo selezionato e la nota annessa."],"[Communities] Educational banner text in post moderation modal\u0004This post will be removed from this community and the author will be notified of the reason.":["Questo post verrà rimosso da questa Community e l'autore riceverà una notifica del motivo."],"Info message about who can view the content on a moderated post page\u0004This post’s comments and reactions are only visible to community admins and community moderators.":["Commenti e reazioni di questo post sono visibili solo agli admin e moderatori della Community."],"Blaze campaign engagements popover: engagements description\u0004This refers to actions your post received when someone viewed your post (reblogs, likes, shares, follows, clicks, replies). How many times your post received an action (reblogs, likes, shares, follows, clicks, replies).":["Questo si riferisce alle azioni che il tuo post ha ricevuto quando qualcuno ha visualizzato il tuo post (reblog, Mi piace, condivisioni, follower, clic, risposte). Quante volte il tuo post ha ricevuto un'azione (reblog, Mi piace, condivisioni, follower, clic, risposte)."],"Help text to be shown on the twitter blog settings' section\u0004This setting is disabled for private blogs":["Questa impostazione è disabilitata per i blog privati"],"Message to be shown on the blog settings section for Export when the setting is not available because of feature flags\u0004This setting is not available yet for your account":["Questa impostazione non è ancora disponibile per il tuo account"],"Placeholders are link opening and closing tags around google recaptcha terms of service and privacy policy\u0004This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google [googleTOSLink]Terms of Service[/googleTOSLink] and [googlePrivacyPolicyLink]Privacy Policy[/googlePrivacyPolicyLink] apply.":["Questo sito è protetto da reCAPTCHA e soggetto alle [googleTOSLink]Condizioni generali di utilizzo del Servizio[/googleTOSLink] e l'[googlePrivacyPolicyLink]Informativa sulla privacy[/googlePrivacyPolicyLink] di Google."],"Message that appears for subscriptions that have a status of on-hold and are currently processing.\u0004This subscription is currently processing and may take a few minutes to complete.":["Questo abbonamento è attualmente in elaborazione e il completamento potrebbe richiedere alcuni minuti."],"Message that appears for subscriptions that have a status of on-hold due to a payment method issue.\u0004This subscription is paused due to a payment issue. Please fix the issue with your payment so that you can continue Ad-Free Browsing. On-hold since [strong][endDate][/strong].":["Questo abbonamento è sospeso a causa di un problema di pagamento. Risolvi il problema con il tuo pagamento in modo da poter continuare la navigazione senza pubblicità. In sospeso dal [strong][endDate][/strong]."],"Cancellation message\u0004This subscription will still be active until the end of your current billing period ([bold][date][/bold]).":["Il tuo abbonamento sarà ancora attivo fino alla fine del periodo di fatturazione corrente ([bold][date][/bold])."],"Cancellation message\u0004This subscription will still be active until the end of your current billing period. Enjoy exclusive +Posts and perks from [blogname] until [bold][date][/bold].":["Il tuo abbonamento sarà ancora attivo fino alla fine del periodo di fatturazione corrente. Goditi Post+ esclusivi e vantaggi da [blogname] fino al [bold][date][/bold]."],"Error message to show when the user tries to introduce an already existing tag\u0004This tag already exists":["Questo tag esiste già"],"Info message about who can view the content on a moderated user page\u0004This user is only visible to community admins and community moderators.":["Questo utente è visibile solo agli admin e ai moderatori della Community."],"text describing how usernames work on Tumblr\u0004This will be how you appear to others on Tumblr, and your URL. Don't worry, you can change this later.":["Questo sarà il modo in cui apparirai agli altri su Tumblr e il tuo URL. Non preoccuparti, puoi cambiarlo in seguito."],"Accessibility title of a thumbnail for a video on an external site. The placeholder is the name of the external site.\u0004Thumbnail of a video on %1$s":["Anteprima di un video su %1$s"],"Accessibility title of a thumbnail for a video on an unknown external site\u0004Thumbnail of a video on an external site":["Anteprima di un video proveniente da una fonte esterna"],"Label for setting the layout to thumbnail view on a Patio Column\u0004Thumbnails":["Miniature"],"Button label for muting a post for one week.\u0004Til next week":["Fino alla prossima settimana"],"Button label for muting a post for one day.\u0004Til tomorrow":["Fino a domani"],"Label for time picker\u0004Time":["Orario"],"[TumblrMart] Title shown when the ability to play Horse Friend has expired\u0004Time to say farewell to Horse Friend":["È ora di dire addio a Horse Friend"],"Year in review top tags of year times used text\u0004Times used":["Volte in cui è stato usato"],"Label describing a settings section to configure the timezone for a blog\u0004Timezone":["Fuso orario"],"[timezone] is a placeholder the blog's timezone (example: 'US/Eastern'). [a] is a placeholder for an anchor tag to ling to the blog settings page. The full string reads as 'Timezone: US/Eastern (change)'\u0004Timezone: [timezone] ([a]change[/a])":["Fuso orario: [timezone] ([a]change[/a])"],"Tip is a verb labeling a button that start the process of giving a tip to a blog\u0004Tip":["Mancia"],"Tip is a verb labeling a button that start the process of giving a tip to a blog\u0004Tip @%1$s":["Dai una mancia a @%1$s"],"Message shown on the header of the dialog that lets users choose the amount they want to tip\u0004Tip [blogname]":["Dai la mancia a [blogname]"],"Another user made a tip on the logged in user's post\u0004Tipped [span][tipAmount][/span] to your post":["Ha dato una mancia di [span][tipAmount][/span] al tuo post"],"Badge indicating that this user has made a tip on this post\u0004Tipper":["Re delle mance"],"label indicating that this use has made a tip on this post\u0004Tipper":["Mance"],"label indicating that this user has made a tip on this post\u0004Tipper":["Re delle mance"],"Success message shown after user has enabled tipping on their blog\u0004Tipping has been enabled":["Le mance sono state abilitate"],"Notification filter text for Tip items\u0004Tips":["Suggerimenti"],"Placeholder for the input that allows users to set the blog title on the blog settings\u0004Title":["Titolo"],"Information about why the user cannot select this Blaze advertising package\u0004To access this package, consider adding more tags or refining your audience targeting criteria.":["Per sbloccare questo pacchetto, aggiungi più tag o modifica i criteri di targeting del tuo pubblico."],"Error message shown on the 'Custom Theme' section of the blog settings\u0004To disable your custom theme, you must first disable your custom domain.":["Per disabilitare il tuo tema personalizzato, devi prima disabilitare il tuo dominio personalizzato."],"Instructions for the modal shown when a user wants to set up their Stripe account to receive tips\u0004To enable tipping, we're going to direct you to our payment partner, Stripe, so you can safely input your personal banking details in order to get paid. Don't worry, we'll bring you back here when you're done.":["Per abilitare le mance, ti indirizzeremo a Stripe, il nostro partner per i pagamenti, in modo che tu possa fornire in sicurezza i tuoi dati personali per essere pagato. Non preoccuparti, ti riporteremo qui quando avrai finito."],"Heading for a Patio column that contains the today timeline\u0004Today":["Oggi"],"Label for the today icon on Patio\u0004Today":["Oggi"],"Aria-label for button that toggles between editing and display a setting\u0004Toggle":["Attiva"],"Toggle to activate 2023 One Piece takeover\u0004Toggle One Piece":["Attiva One Piece"],"Error message, describing a too long collection description\u0004Too long collection description":["Descrizione della raccolta troppo lungo"],"Error message, describing a too long collection description\u0004Too long collection name":["Nome della raccolta troppo lungo"],"As in \"most popular\"\u0004Top":["Migliori"],"Year in review top tags of year title text\u0004Top [year] tags":["I principali tag del [year]"],"[TumblrMart horse friend widget]: Text proceeds a number of how many horses were hatched while playing Horse Friend\u0004Total horses hatched: %1$s":["Totale cavalli ottenuti: %1$s"],"[TumblrMart horse friend widget]: Text proceeds a number of how much poop was collected while playing Horse Friend\u0004Total manure harvested: %1$s":["Letame totale raccolto: %1$s"],"When uploading an audio file, this refers to the name of the song\u0004Track":["Traccia"],"{{nextBadgeColor}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004Track your progress toward your {{nextBadgeColor}}! Progress resets each month, but for now, you'll keep your current badge level.":["Tieni traccia dei tuoi progressi verso il tuo {{nextBadgeColor}}! I progressi si azzerano ogni mese, ma per ora manterrai il tuo attuale livello di badge."],"Name of the domain transfer feature\u0004Transfer":["Trasferisci"],"Title of the domain transfer panel in domain settings where users can enable and disable transfer lock and generate a transfer authorization code\u0004Transfer":["Trasferimento"],"Call to action button to transfer domain to Tumblr\u0004Transfer and manage on Tumblr":["Trasferisci e gestisci su Tumblr"],"CTA button for Domain transfer\u0004Transfer and renew at [renewalPriceFormatted]":["Trasferisci e rinnova a [renewalPriceFormatted]"],"Label of a button that takes users back to the domain add page\u0004Transfer another domain":["Trasferisci un altro dominio"],"Indicates that the inbound transfer process of a domain has failed\u0004Transfer failed":["Trasferimento fallito"],"Transfer lock setting is off for a given domain\u0004Transfer lock off":["Blocco trasferimento disattivato"],"Transfer lock setting is off for a given domain\u0004Unlocked for transfer to another registrar":["Sbloccato per il trasferimento ad altro registrar"],"Title for the modal that appears when transfer lock update failed due to domain maintenance\u0004Transfer lock update failed":["Aggiornamento del blocco del trasferimento non riuscito"],"Title of the domain transfer page\u0004Transfer your Domain":["Trasferisci il tuo Dominio"],"Title of the domain transfer page\u0004Transfer your domain":["Trasferisci il tuo dominio"],"CTA to purchase a domain transfer\u0004Transfer your domain":["Trasferisci il tuo Dominio"],"Description of the outbound transfer process\u0004Transferring a domain to another provider can take five to seven days during which no changes to the domain can be made. Read [link]this important information[/link] before starting a transfer.":["Il trasferimento di un dominio a un altro provider può richiedere da cinque a sette giorni durante i quali non è possibile apportare modifiche al dominio. Leggi [link]queste informazioni importanti[/link] prima di iniziare un trasferimento."],"Description of the outbound transfer process\u0004We recommend leaving the transfer lock on unless you want to transfer your domain to another provider.":["Ti consigliamo di lasciare attivo il blocco del trasferimento a meno che tu non voglia trasferire il tuo dominio a un altro provider."],"Description of what is domain transfer lock\u0004Transferring a domain to another provider can take five to seven days during which no changes to the domain can be made. Read [link]this important information[/link] before starting a transfer. [br /][br /] We recommend leaving the transfer lock on unless you want to transfer your domain to another provider.":["Il trasferimento di un dominio a un altro provider può richiedere da cinque a sette giorni durante i quali non è possibile apportare modifiche al dominio. Leggi [link]queste informazioni importanti[/link] prima di iniziare un trasferimento. [br /][br /] Ti consigliamo di lasciare attivo il blocco del trasferimento a meno che tu non voglia trasferire il tuo dominio a un altro provider."],"Heading for a Patio column that contains the trending timeline\u0004Trending":["Popolari"],"Label displayed next to a tag that is trending\u0004Trending":["Popolari"],"Label displayed next to a tag that is trending\u0004Trending now":["Tendenze del momento"],"Label for the trending icon on Patio\u0004Trending":["Popolari"],"Title for a list of trending tags\u0004Trending":["Popolari"],"Title for the sidebar section with trending blogs\u0004Trending Blogs":["Blog di tendenza"],"Communicating that a particular tag is trending right now\u0004Trending now":["Tendenze del momento"],"Heading for a dropdown list of popular tags\u0004Trending tags":["Tag popolari"],"Palette/theme name. The default Tumblr colors.\u0004True Blue":["True Blue"],"CTA button on Tumblr Ad-Free landing page to watch an ad in exchange for 30 mins Ad-Free session\u0004Try 30 min Ad-free browsing":["Prova 30 minuti di navigazione senza pubblicità"],"Button to repeat the same action which failed earlier\u0004Try again":["Riprova"],"Label for retry button when replies networking is erroring\u0004Try again":["Riprova"],"Retry button text when replies networking is erroring\u0004Try again":["Riprova"],"[Premium] Label for retry button when networking is erroring\u0004Try again":["Riprova"],"Year in review try again button text\u0004Try again, please.":["Riprova."],"Year in review not enough data page text another try\u0004Try another blog, or check out Tumblr's Year in Review 2022.":["Prova un altro blog o dai un'occhiata all'analisi del 2022 di Tumblr."],"Year in review not enough data page text another try\u0004You can still check out [tumblrYirLink]Tumblr's Year in Review 2022[/tumblrYirLink] and reminisce with the best of them.":["Puoi sempre dare un'occhiata alla [tumblrYirLink]Analisi del tuo anno 2022 di Tumblr[/tumblrYirLink] e scoprire bei ricordi."],"Text shown on the hubs page when there are no more results.\u0004Try one of these":["Prova uno di questi"],"When a user will try to access a share URL that text will appear\u0004Trying to access Tumblr Live?":["Stai cercando di accedere a Tumblr Live?"],"Error message shown when approving membership request failed\u0004Trying to approve this request failed. Please try again later.":["Il tentativo di approvare questa richiesta è fallito. Per favore riprova."],"Error message shown when declining membership request failed\u0004Trying to decline this request failed. Please try again later.":["Il tentativo di rifiutare questa richiesta è fallito. Per favore riprova."],"Palette/theme name. Tumblr 2007 look.\u0004Tumblr 2007":["Tumblr 2007"],"Product feature name for Ad-Free Browsing\u0004Tumblr Ad-Free Browsing":["Navigazione Tumblr senza pubblicità"],"Title of the section listing the tumblr apps you used and authorized on the apps settings page\u0004Tumblr Apps":["App Tumblr"],"Blaze is the brand name here - sponsor a post\u0004Tumblr Blaze":["Tumblr Blaze"],"Page Title (Blaze landing page)\u0004Tumblr Blaze":["Tumblr Blaze"],"Page title for Communities landing page\u0004Tumblr Communities":["Community di Tumblr"],"Alt text for an image representing Tumblr communities\u0004Tumblr Communities are made for coming together: a place to connect with people who share your passions, or a private space for you and your friends.":["Le Community di Tumblr sono fatte per riunire le persone: un posto per connettersi con chi condivide le tue stesse passioni, o uno spazio privato per te e i tuoi amici."],"Community intro modal description\u0004Tumblr Communities are made for coming together: a place to connect with people who share your passions, or a private space for you and your friends. You can read more about it [link]in our Help Center[/link].":["Le Community di Tumblr sono fatte per riunire le persone: un posto per connettersi con chi condivide le tue stesse passioni, o uno spazio privato per te e i tuoi amici. Per saperne di più vai al [link]nostro Help Center[/link]."],"Title of the home page of purchasing domains at Tumblr\u0004Tumblr Domains":["Domini Tumblr"],"Description of tumblr labs experiments\u0004Tumblr Labs is a collection of experiments we're working on that might turn out to be useful, fun, both, or neither.[br/][br/]They're not official features, so if something weird happens, please let us know! And if it keeps being weird, you can just turn it off.":["Tumblr Labs è una raccolta di esperimenti su cui stiamo lavorando che potrebbero rivelarsi utili, divertenti, entrambi o nessuno dei due.[br/][br/]Non sono ufficiali o altro, quindi se succede qualcosa di strano, contattaci! Se invece continua ad essere strano puoi spegnere tutto."],"Title for the Tumblr Live marquee that shows streamers you follow\u0004Tumblr Live: Following":["Tumblr Live: seguiti"],"Alert that appears when Post+ is successfully enabled\u0004Tumblr Post+ has been activated!":["Tumblr Post+ è stato attivato!"],"[Premium] Title of Premium sign up dialog\u0004Tumblr Premium":["Tumblr Premium"],"Title of the Consent dialog\u0004Tumblr Privacy \u0026 Cookies":["Tumblr Privacy \u0026 Cookies"],"Tagline on a page where you can purchase a Tumblr supporter badge.\u0004Tumblr is the garden, you're the gardeners. Support Tumblr to keep it green today, tomorrow, and beyond.":["Tumblr è il giardino, voi siete i giardinieri. Sostieni Tumblr per mantenerlo verde oggi, domani e oltre."],"Alt text for an image of Tumblr logo\u0004Tumblr logo":["Logo Tumblr"],"Title for the section on the notifications settings page to enable whether you want to receive promotional emails\u0004Tumblr news":["Notizie Tumblr"],"Alternate text for a special tumblr t logo\u0004Tumblr t logo in a crystal ball":["Logo t di Tumblr nella palla di cristallo"],"Alternate text for a special tumblr t logo\u0004Tumblr t logo in a gothic font":["Logo t di Tumblr in carattere gotico"],"Alternate text for a special tumblr t logo\u0004Tumblr t logo in a pumpkin":["Logo t di Tumblr in una zucca"],"Alternate text for a special tumblr t logo\u0004Tumblr t logo on tarot cards":["Logo t di Tumblr sui tarocchi"],"Alternate text for a special tumblr t logo\u0004Tumblr t logo that looks like guy fieri":["Logo t di Tumblr che assomiglia a guy fieri"],"Alternate text for a special tumblr t logo\u0004Tumblr t logo with a groundhog coming out of its hole":["Logo t di Tumblr con una marmotta che esce dalla sua tana"],"Alternate text for a special tumblr t logo\u0004Tumblr t logo with a moon and stars":["Logo t di Tumblr con luna e stelle"],"Alternate text for a special tumblr t logo\u0004Tumblr t logo with bat wings and eyes":["Logo t di Tumblr con ali e occhi da pipistrello"],"Alternate text for a special tumblr t logo\u0004Tumblr t logo with devil horns, tail and eyes":["Logo t di Tumblr con corna, coda e occhi da diavolo"],"Alternate text for a special tumblr t logo\u0004Tumblr t logo with fall leaves around":["Logo t di Tumblr contornato da foglie autunnali"],"Alternate text for a special tumblr t logo\u0004Tumblr t logo with fires around":["Logo t di Tumblr con fuochi intorno"],"Alternate text for a special tumblr t logo\u0004Tumblr t logo with fireworks":["Logo t di Tumblr con fuochi d'artificio"],"Alt text for Blaze logo (Blaze landing page)\u0004Tumblr t logo with fires around":["Logo t di Tumblr con fuochi intorno"],"Placeholder text to show on a user input where they can change the Tumblrs they have blocked\u0004Tumblr to block":["Tumblr da bloccare"],"Used as a fallback in the metadata description of a video for search engine results. The token %1$s is replaced with the name of the author of the video.\u0004Tumblr video from %1$s":["Video Tumblr da %1$s"],"A description of the site to use as a fallback when we have nothing else\u0004Tumblr. Pure effervescent enrichment. Old internet energy. Home of the Reblogs. All the art you never knew you needed. All the fandoms you could wish for. Enough memes to knock out a moderately-sized mammal. Add to it or simply scroll through and soak it up.":["Tumblr. Puro arricchimento effervescente. Vecchia energia di Internet. Casa dei Reblog. Tutta l'arte che non sapevi ti servisse. Tutti i fandom che potresti desiderare. Abbastanza meme per mettere fuori combattimento un mammifero di taglia moderata. Aggiungi cose o semplicemente scorri e rifatti gli occhi."],"Metadata page title for TumblrMart.\u0004TumblrMart - Tumblr's virtual storefront.":["TumblrMart: il negozio virtuale di Tumblr."],"[TumblrMart] Banner image that appears in TumblrMart header banner\u0004TumblrMart banner image":["Immagine banner TumblrMart"],"[TumblrMart] Banner image for TumblrMart gift\u0004TumblrMart gift banner":["Banner regalo TumblrMart"],"[TumblrMart] Thumbnail icon for TumblrMart gift\u0004TumblrMart gift icon":["Icona regalo TumblrMart"],"[TumblrMart] Banner image for TumblrMart product cards\u0004TumblrMart product card banner":["Banner della scheda prodotto TumblrMart"],"[TumblrMart] Banner image for TumblrMart product details view\u0004TumblrMart product details banner":["Banner dei dettagli del prodotto TumblrMart"],"[TumblrMart] Icon for Blue Checkmark checkout button\u0004TumblrMart shopping icon":["Icona shopping TumblrMart"],"Title of page for transferring or connecting a domain to Tumblr\u0004Tumblrize Your Domain":["Tumblerizza il tuo dominio"],"Title of page for transferring or connecting a domain to Tumblr\u0004Tumblrize your domain":["Tumblerizza il tuo dominio"],"Title for the modal shown when a user wants to disallow users to Blaze their posts\u0004Turn it off for all or only new posts":["Disattivalo per tutti o solo per i nuovi post"],"Title for the modal shown when a user wants to allow users to Blaze their posts\u0004Turn it on for all or only new posts":["Attivalo per tutti o solo per i nuovi post"],"Text explaining the behaviour of a custom domain when blog is hidden from people without an account\u0004Turn off \"Hide [blogName] from people without an account\" to make [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] the home address for this blog.":["Disattiva Nascondi [blogName] alle persone senza un account per rendere [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] l'indirizzo di questo blog."],"Label describing a settings section to share posts on Twitter\u0004Twitter":["Twitter"],"Disclaimer text shown on Twitter-focused signup page.\u0004Twitter® and X® are registered trademarks of X Corp. Automattic/Tumblr declares no affiliation, sponsorship, nor any partnerships with any registered trademarks unless otherwise stated.":["Twitter® e X® sono marchi registrati di X Corp. Automattic/Tumblr dichiara di non avere alcuna affiliazione, sponsorizzazione o partnership con alcun marchio registrato, salvo diversa indicazione."],"Disclaimer text shown on Twitter-focused signup page.\u0004Twitter® is a registered trademark of Twitter, Inc. Automattic/Tumblr declares no affiliation, sponsorship, nor any partnerships with any registered trademarks unless otherwise stated.":["Twitter® è un marchio registrato di Twitter, Inc. Automattic/Tumblr dichiara di non avere alcuna affiliazione, sponsorizzazione o partnership con alcun marchio registrato, salvo diversa indicazione."],"Disclaimer text shown on Twitter-focused signup page.\u0004Twitter® is a registered trademark of X Corp. Automattic/Tumblr declares no affiliation, sponsorship, nor any partnerships with any registered trademarks unless otherwise stated.":["Twitter® è un marchio registrato di X Corp. Automattic/Tumblr dichiara di non avere alcuna affiliazione, sponsorizzazione o partnership con alcun marchio registrato, salvo diversa indicazione."],"Disclaimer text shown on Share your blog landing page\u0004Twitter® is a registered trademark of Twitter, Inc. Automattic/Tumblr declares no affiliation, sponsorship, nor any partnerships with any registered trademarks unless otherwise stated.":["Twitter® è un marchio registrato di Twitter, Inc. Automattic/Tumblr dichiara di non avere alcuna affiliazione, sponsorizzazione o partnership con alcun marchio registrato, salvo diversa indicazione."],"Two factor authentication settings page description\u0004Two factor authentication":["Autenticazione a due fattori"],"Two factor authentication settings page title\u0004Two factor authentication":["Autenticazione a due fattori"],"Label for DNS record type selection\u0004Type":["Tipo"],"The title of a column from the table that displays DNS records for a specific domain.\u0004Type":["Tipo"],"Warning message for Blaze campaign page, where Blaze is the brand/service name\u0004Uh oh, can't find any Blaze campaigns.":["Uh oh, non trovo nessuna campagna Blaze."],"Warning message for post that can't be Blazed, where Blaze is the brand/service name\u0004Uh oh, you can’t Blaze that post.":["Uh oh, non puoi usare Blaze su quel post."],"Warning message for Blaze active campaigns, where Blaze is the brand/service name\u0004Uh oh, you don’t have any active Blaze campaign.":["Uh oh, non hai nessuna campagna Blaze attiva."],"Warning message for Blaze completed campaigns, where Blaze is the brand/service name\u0004Uh oh, you don’t have any completed Blaze campaign.":["Uh oh, non hai nessuna campagna Blaze completata."],"Warning message for Blaze promo page, where Blaze is the brand/service name\u0004Uh oh, you don’t have any recent posts to Blaze.":["Uh oh, non hai post recenti su cui usare Blaze."],"Alert to inform users that action is required to restore functionality for their domain connection\u0004Uh oh, your domain is disconnected. Please ensure the domain’s DNS points to Tumblr’s IP address [link]Learn more[/link].":["Oh oh, il tuo dominio è disconnesso. Assicurati che il DNS del dominio punti all'indirizzo IP di Tumblr [link]Scopri di più[/link]."],"Message displayed when there is an error loading info about a post\u0004Unable to load post":["Impossibile caricare il post"],"Label of the buy button when a domain is unavailable for purchase\u0004Unavailable":["Non disponibile"],"Heading above a member that has been un-banned by a moderator\u0004Unbanned this member":["Ha rimosso il ban per questo utente"],"Label to show on a button where a user can unblock a blog\u0004Unblock":["Sblocca"],"Menu item to unblock a blog\u0004Unblock":["Sblocca"],"Menu item to unblock a blog\u0004Unblock %1$s":["Sblocca %1$s"],"Menu item to unblock an anonymous sender\u0004Unblock sender":["Sblocca mittente"],"Placeholder of the Community name form field - variation 2\u0004Underwater Basketweavers":["Underwater Basketweavers"],"Menu item to unfollow a blog\u0004Unfollow":["Non seguire"],"Unfollow a topic on the topic selection page\u0004Unfollow":["Non seguire"],"Menu item to unfollow a blog. %1$s is the blog name.\u0004Unfollow @%1$s":["Smetti di seguire @%1$s"],"Unfollow all the recommended blogs\u0004Unfollow all":["Smetti di seguire tutti"],"Unfollow all the sub-topics\u0004Unfollow all":["Smetti di seguire tutti"],"Contextual action to unsubscribe from updates\u0004Unfollow post":["Smetti di seguire post"],"Contextual action to unsubscribe from updates\u0004Unsubscribe from conversation":["Annulla l'iscrizione alla conversazione"],"Year in review not enough data page text\u0004Unfortunately, there's just not enough 2022 data on this blog to serve you the full experience. This means you're a lurker (good for you!) or new here (even better, welcome!) or you've returned to us after a prolonged absence (welcome back!).":["Purtroppo i dati di questo blog non sono sufficienti per offrirti un'esperienza completa. Questo significa che sai stare in incognito (buon per te!) o che sei qui da poco (ancora meglio, ti diamo il benvenuto!) o che sei di ritorno dopo una lunga assenza (ti diamo il bentornato!)."],"Activity item text for a Rejected Blaze\u0004Unfortunately, your post can't be Blazed. If you'd like to learn more, please read our Help section and FAQs":["Sfortunatamente, non puoi usare Blaze sul tuo post. Se desideri saperne di più, leggi la nostra sezione Aiuto e le FAQ"],"Label for an unknown order status for Tumblrmart\u0004Unknown":["Sconosciuto"],"Like button: Unlike label\u0004Unlike":["Non mi piace"],"Message shown when the transfer lock of a domain is being disabled\u0004Unlocking your domain":["Sblocco del tuo dominio"],"Menu item label to unmute a community\u0004Unmute":["Riattiva notifiche"],"Button for user to unmute notifications about a post.\u0004Unmute notifications":["Riattiva notifiche"],"Link text for unpinning a post\u0004Unpin":["Sblocca"],"Label for unread notifications\u0004Unread Notification":["Notifica non letta"],"Text button that will unselect all post type filters on search\u0004Unselect all":["Deseleziona tutto"],"Blaze campaign status filter label for unsuccessful campaigns\u0004Unsuccessful":["Fallimentari"],"Payment method update button\u0004Update":["Aggiorna"],"Payment method update button default label\u0004Update":["Aggiorna"],"Menu option to update the description of an image\u0004Update image description":["Aggiorna descrizione immagine"],"[Premium] Label to show that a subscription needs a new payment method\u0004Update payment":["Aggiorna informazioni di pagamento"],"Status title that appears for subscriptions that have a status of on-hold due to a payment method issue.\u0004Update your payment method":["Aggiorna il tuo metodo di pagamento"],"Update payment method label text\u0004Update your payment method":["Aggiorna metodo di pagamento"],"[Subscriptions \u0026 Purchases] Navigation menu description\u0004Update, cancel, and view your purchases":["Aggiorna, cancella e visualizza i tuoi acquisti"],"Time ago since post has been made\u0004Updated %1$s day ago":["Aggiornato %1$s giorno fa","Aggiornato %1$s giorni fa"],"Time ago since post has been made\u0004Updated %1$s hour ago":["Aggiornato %1$s ora fa","Aggiornato %1$s ore fa"],"Time ago since post has been made\u0004Updated %1$s minute ago":["Aggiornato %1$s minuto fa","Aggiornato %1$s minuti fa"],"Time ago since post has been made\u0004Updated %1$s month ago":["Aggiornato %1$s mese fa","Aggiornato %1$s mesi fa"],"Time ago since post has been made\u0004Updated %1$s second ago":["Aggiornato %1$s secondo fa","Aggiornato %1$s secondi fa"],"Time ago since post has been made\u0004Updated %1$s week ago":["Aggiornato %1$s settimana fa","Aggiornato %1$s settimane fa"],"Time ago since post has been made\u0004Updated %1$s year ago":["Aggiornato %1$s anno fa","Aggiornato %1$s anni fa"],"Time ago since post has been made\u0004Updated just now":["Aggiornato ora"],"Text for when privacy settings are being updated\u0004Updating privacy settings":["Aggiornare le impostazioni di privacy"],"Community create form - avatar image upload button - title\u0004Upload avatar":["Carica avatar"],"Community create form - header image upload button - title\u0004Upload banner":["Carica banner"],"Toggle button that lets the user add a custom domain for this blog\u0004Use a custom domain":["Usa un dominio personalizzato"],"Toggle button that lets the user add a custom domain for this blog\u0004Use custom domain [domain]":["Usa dominio personalizzato [domain]"],"Subtitle of the Domain Add page for transferring or connecting a domain\u0004Use your own domain to house all your chaos.":["Usa il tuo dominio per organizzare il tuo caos."],"Label for a section that shows the tumblr url of a primary blog, e.g.\u0004Username":["Nome utente"],"[TumblrMart] Tab title for valid gifts in gift management page.\u0004Valid":["Valido"],"Error message for invalid DNS form fields: Weight, Priority, Target Port\u0004Value must be an integer between 0 and 65535":["Il valore deve essere un numero intero compreso tra 0 e 65535"],"Halloween palette/theme name. Black background, grayscale colors, with red accent\u0004Vampire":["Vampiro"],"To access vendor descriptions for GDPR purposes\u0004Vendor Description":["Descrizione fornitori"],"Notification settings page description\u0004Via email \u0026 mobile":["Via email e mobile"],"Label for a video block\u0004Video":["Video"],"Title for video-only post\u0004Video":["Video"],"When adding a video block, this refers to the block name\u0004Video":["Video"],"Title for video-only post with post date\u0004Video posted on %1$s":["Video postato su %1$s"],"Title for video-only post that was reblogged from another blog\u0004Video reblogged from @%1$s":["Video rebloggato da @%1$s"],"Title for video-only post with reblog date\u0004Video reblogged on %1$s":["Video rebloggato su %1$s"],"Title for video-only post that is tagged. There may be 1-3 tags, and they will be inserted already concatenated. Example values: \"this is my favourite show\" or \"cat, cute, i love him\"\u0004Video tagged with %1$s":["Video taggato con %1$s"],"A link to a post\u0004View":["Guarda"],"[Communities] CTA text to view comments on a post\u0004View %2$s comment":["Vedi %2$s commento","Vedi %2$s commenti"],"Menu item to view the blog\u0004View Blog":["Guarda blog"],"Button that will take the user to Stripe from the modal shown to a user while their Stripe application is awaiting approval on the Stripe side\u0004View Details":["Dettagli"],"Button linking to the user's creator profile\u0004View Profile":["Vedi profilo"],"Button linking to the user's creator profile\u0004View profile":["Vedi profilo"],"Used to show all live streams on the Tumblr Live marquee\u0004View all":["Vedi tutto"],"Used to show all live streams on the Tumblr Live marquee\u0004view all":["vedi tutto"],"Gift settings page description\u0004View and accept gifts sent to your blogs.":["Visualizza e accetta i regali inviati ai tuoi blog."],"Button shown above a Tumblr Live stream to direct a viewer to the streamer's blog\u0004View blog":["Guarda blog"],"Link label in account secondary navigation pointing to a particular blog page. This text appears in a narrow sidebar, so it should be as short as possible!\u0004View blog":["Vedi blog"],"Link label in mobile account secondary navigation pointing to a particular blog page\u0004View blog":["Vedi blog"],"Menu item label for navigating to a blog\u0004View blog":["Guarda blog"],"User accessing mature community modal primary action\u0004View community":["Vedi la Community"],"Button text that will bring a user to Stripe to see their banking info\u0004View details":["Vedi dettagli"],"[Badge Management] Button label to open the gift.\u0004View gift":["Guarda regalo"],"[Keyboard shortcuts - Dashboard] The label for the \"View keyboard shortcuts\" shortcut\u0004View keyboard shortcuts":["Vedi comandi veloci"],"Tooltip text when hovering note count button\u0004View notes":["Vedi note"],"Menu item to show the original post which this reblog was created from\u0004View original post":["Vedi post originale"],"Link to the target community post, shown below a comment that was removed by a moderator\u0004View post":["Guarda post"],"Hover text for timestamp that links to a blog permalink. %1$s is the blog's domain\u0004View post on %1$s":["Vedi post su %1$s"],"Menu item to show the post/reblog which this reblog was created from\u0004View previous reblog":["Visualizza reblog precedenti"],"Menu item to show the reblogged post which this reblog was created from\u0004View previous reblog":["Visualizza reblog precedente"],"[TumblrMart] Button label to view product details.\u0004View product details":["Vedi dettagli prodotto"],"A link to this note\u0004View this note":["Guarda questa nota"],"Button that redirects the user to the web\u0004View website":["Vedi sito"],"[Premium] Go from intro premium modal to perks management modal\u0004View your perks":["Vedi i tuoi vantaggi"],"Community labels settings: Label for violence topic\u0004Violence":["Violenza"],"Content labels settings: Label for violence topic\u0004Violence":["Violenza"],"Button text directing to the user dashboard\u0004Visit your dashboard":["Visita la tua dashboard"],"Inviting users to make their own tumblr apps\u0004Wanna make an app? Cool. [a1]Register[/a1] to use the [a2]Tumblr API[/a2], then have at it.":["Vuoi creare un'app? Ottimo. [a1]Registrati[/a1] per utilizzare l'[a2]API di Tumblr[/a2], quindi provaci."],"CTA header in Blaze modal to use tag targeting\u0004Want more engagement?":["Vuoi più engagement?"],"CTA in Blaze modal to use tag targeting\u0004Want more engagement? Tags can give you up to 60% boost!":["Vuoi più engagement? I tag ti possono dare fino al 60% di boost!"],"Blaze intro page footer\u0004Want to learn more? Visit our [faqLink]FAQ page[/faqLink]":["Vuoi saperne di più? Visita la nostra [faqLink]pagina FAQ[/faqLink]"],"Login wall: Title shown when user clicks on the \"Reblog\" button, after exceeding click counter limit\u0004Want to share? You're nearly there…":["Vuoi condividere? Ci sei quasi..."],"Another user was active on one of the logged in user's posts\u0004Was active on the post":["Era attivo nel post"],"Title of a link to open a video on an external site. The placeholder is the name of the external site.\u0004Watch on %1$s":["Guarda su %1$s"],"Next to the toggle to enable or disable tumblr labs experiments\u0004Watch your step":["Fai attenzione"],"Description of why domain renewal button is disabled\u0004We are checking your order status and will process your renewal once the order has been successfully submitted. This may take a few minutes.":["Stiamo controllando lo stato del tuo ordine e procederemo al rinnovo appena l'ordine sarà correttamente inviato. Potrebbe volerci qualche minuto."],"Notice to users that signups for Tipping is disabled\u0004We are currently not enabling Tipping for any new blogs. [link]Learn more[/link]":["Al momento non stiamo abilitando le mance per i nuovi blog. [link]Scopri di più[/link]"],"Info text displayed when there is a pending renewal for a domain subscription\u0004We are processing an auto-renewal for your subscription. Please [link]contact support[/link] if you would like to cancel the renewal.":["Stiamo elaborando il rinnovo automatico del tuo abbonamento. Per favore [link]contatta l'assistenza[/link] se desideri cancellare il rinnovo."],"A toast message telling the user the post will take a while to save because it still needs to proccess the videos in the psot\u0004We are still processing your video, it will take a moment to save your post":["Stiamo ancora elaborando il tuo video, ci vorrà un attimo per salvare il tuo post"],"[TumblrMart] Text in a pop-up window shown when Horse Friend game expires.\u0004We at TumblrMart hope you enjoyed playing Horse Friend. Before you go, write a farewell post and we'll clean up any remaining poo.":["Noi di TumblrMart speriamo che ti sia piaciuto giocare a Horse Friend. Prima di andare, scrivi un post di addio e ripuliremo la cacca rimasta."],"Registration error text\u0004We could not complete your registration at this time.":["Non possiamo completare la tua registrazione in questo momento."],"Error message shown when a user tries to add a blog to a collection but the text is not found\u0004We couldn't find any blog with that name":["Non siamo riusciti a trovare nessun blog che con quel nome."],"Information about what audience size means w.r.t. our product Blaze in a collapsible info section\u0004We define audience size by the number of people a post will reach. \n\nWe can’t guarantee we’ll hit the exact audience size every time, but we always do our best to get as close to the selected size as possible.":["Determiniamo la quantità di pubblico in base al numero di persone raggiunte da un post. \n\nNon possiamo garantire che raggiungeremo il numero esatto di spettatori ogni volta, anche se facciamo il possibile per avvicinarci al numero di persone scelto il più possibile."],"Error message displayed to user when our forecasting API call fails when a user is selecting targeting options for a Blaze campaign\u0004We encountered a problem. Please check your internet connection and try again.":["Si è verificato un problema, controlla la connessione a internet e riprova."],"Help text for Answer Time - paragraph 1 of 3\u0004We get the world's most interesting people to open up their Tumblr ask box, and you get a few days to fill it with whatever questions you want. Then they'll answer as many questions as they can, live on their Tumblrs, for one eclectic hour.":["Facciamo in modo che le persone più interessanti del mondo attivino le domande sui loro Tumblr e tu hai qualche giorno per riempire l'apposito riquadro chiedendo quello che vuoi. Loro faranno il possibile per rispondere a tante domande, in tempo reale sui loro Tumblr, per un tour davvero elettrizzante."],"SSL certificate description\u0004We give you strong HTTPS encryption with your domain for free. This provides a trust indicator for your visitors and keeps their connection to your site secure.":["Ti offriamo gratuitamente una forte crittografia HTTPS con il tuo dominio. Ciò fornisce un indicatore di fiducia per i tuoi visitatori e mantiene sicura la loro connessione al tuo sito."],"Introducing Tumblr\u0004We made it really, really simple for people to make a blog and put whatever they want on it. Stories, photos, GIFs, TV shows, links, quips, dumb jokes, smart jokes, Spotify tracks, mp3s, videos, fashion, art, deep stuff. Tumblr is [blogCountMillions] million different blogs, filled with literally whatever.":["Abbiamo reso veramente facile per le persone creare un blog e metterci dentro quello che vogliono. Storie, foto, GIF, serie televisive, link, barzellette stupide, battute intelligenti, tracce Spotify, mp3, video, moda, arte, cose profonde. Tumblr è [blogCountMillions] di blog differenti, pieni letteralmente di tutto."],"Activity item text for a Rejected appeal on Community Label post\u0004We re-reviewed your post and determined it needed a Community Label.":["Abbiamo riesaminato il tuo post e stabilito che necessitava di un'etichetta della community."],"Activity item text for a Rejected appeal on Content Label post\u0004We re-reviewed your post and determined it needed a Content Label.":["Abbiamo riesaminato nuovamente il tuo post e stabilito che necessitava di un'etichetta Contenuti."],"Activity item text for an Accepted appeal on Community Label post\u0004We re-reviewed your post and removed the Community Label.":["Abbiamo riesaminato il tuo post e rimosso l'etichetta della community."],"Activity item text for an Accepted appeal on Content Label post\u0004We re-reviewed your post and removed the Content Label.":["Abbiamo riesaminato il tuo post e rimosso l'etichetta contenuti."],"Refers to the contact information about a domain owner\u0004We recommend keeping privacy protection on.":["Si consiglia di mantenere attiva la protezione della privacy."],"{{hostAppName}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004We review every report carefully. Thank you for keeping {{hostAppName}} safe and clean!":["Esaminiamo ogni segnalazione attentamente. Grazie per aver tenuto {{hostAppName}} sicuro e pulito!"],"{{hostAppName}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004We're currently performing maintenance on this section of {{hostAppName}}. Please check back later.":["Al momento stiamo eseguendo la manutenzione di questa sezione di {{hostAppName}}. Per favore controlla più tardi."],"{{hostAppName}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004is using a feature that's not supported on your version of {{hostAppName}}.":["sta utilizzando una funzione che non è supportata sulla tua versione di {{hostAppName}}."],"{{hostAppName}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004{{hostAppName}} Live on web is in early access mode!":["{{hostAppName}} La diretta sul web è in modalità di accesso anticipato!"],"Activity item text for a Flagged appeal on Community Label post\u0004We reviewed your post and determined it needed a Community Label.":["Abbiamo esaminato il tuo post e stabilito che necessitava di un'etichetta della community."],"Activity item text for a Flagged appeal on Content Label post\u0004We reviewed your post and determined it needed a Content Label.":["Abbiamo riesaminato il tuo post e stabilito che necessitava di un'etichetta Contenuti."],"A message letting users know the authorization code has been emailed to their mailbox\u0004We sent the transfer authorization code to [ownerEmailAddress]. If you don't receive it shortly, check your spam folder.":["Abbiamo inviato il codice di autorizzazione al trasferimento a [ownerEmailAddress]. Se non lo ricevi a breve, controlla la tua cartella spam."],"[Premium] Description for perks dialog when perks request fails\u0004We were unable to connect to This usually means there was a problem with your connection to the internet.":["Non siamo riusciti a collegarci con, il che significa che ci sono problemi di connessione a internet."],"Message to show to the user when it's about to change the username or url of its blog\u0004We'll hold the old username for you for 24 hours, just in case you change your mind or want to use it on a different blog.":["Conserveremo il tuo vecchio nome utente per 24 ore, nel caso tu cambiassi idea o volessi usarlo in un altro blog."],"[Premium] Title for perks dialog when subscriber info request failed\u0004We're having trouble...":["C'è qualche problema..."],"Pop-up message when backend fails to grant a reward to user.\u0004We're sorry. Something went wrong. Please try again later.":["Spiacenti, qualcosa è andato storto. Riprova tra un po'."],"Text greeting folks who already have an account, and are logging in\u0004Welcome back to your corner of the internet.":["Bentornato nel tuo angolo di internet."],"when trying to login and the password must be reset\u0004Welcome back![br/]It's time to [a]change your password[/a].":["Ben tornato![br/]È il momento di [a]cambiare la tua password[/a]."],"Shown when a Twitter handle is available to register on Tumblr. [handle] will be replaced by the available handle.\u0004Welcome home, [handleWrapper]@[handle][/handleWrapper].":["Benvenuto a casa, [handleWrapper]@[handle][/handleWrapper]."],"Welcome text on Twitter-focused signup page.\u0004Welcome home.":["Benvenuto/a a casa"],"Communities landing page title\u0004Welcome to Communities":["Ti diamo il benvenuto nelle Community"],"Title for the intro modal for Patio\u0004Welcome to Patio!":["Ti diamo il benvenuto su Patio!"],"Intro text to the queue settings when the queue 2.0 lab experiment is turned on. [br/] is a placeholder for line breaks.\u0004Welcome to Queue 2.0, the better queueing solution to keep your blog regularly pumping out beautiful, engaging content. Let's take a look at some of the new hotness:[br/] - Explicit posting intervals - Specify the amount of time in between queued posts (1 to 1440 mins)[br/] - Bundled posts - Now you can schedule up to 5 posts at every interval[br/] - Around the clock posting - Your queue window can now span calendar days (i.e. 9pm til 2am)[br/] - More precise window settings - No longer are you constrained to having your queue window start and end on the hour":["Benvenuto in Queue 2.0, la migliore soluzione di accodamento per far sì che il tuo blog produca regolarmente contenuti belli e accattivanti. Diamo un'occhiata ad alcune delle novità più importanti:[br/] - Intervalli di pubblicazione espliciti - Specifica del tempo che intercorre tra i post in coda (da 1 a 1440 minuti)[br/] - Post raggruppati - Ora puoi programmarne fino a 5 post a ogni intervallo[br/] - Pubblicazione 24 ore su 24 - La finestra della tua coda ora può estendersi su diversi giorni di calendario (cioè dalle 21:00 alle 2:00)[br/] - Impostazioni della finestra più precise - Non sei più costretto ad avviare e terminare la finestra della coda e all'ora precisa."],"[TOS Screen] Label text for the TOS modal title\u0004Welcome to Tumblr Live!":["Benvenuto su Tumblr Live!"],"Community intro modal heading\u0004Welcome to communities!":["Ti diamo il benvenuto alle Community!"],"Community intro modal heading\u0004Welcome to the community!":["Benvenuta/o nella Community!"],"Message displayed to community administrators right after they created the community - heading\u0004Welcome to your Community":["Ti diamo il benvenuto nella tua Community"],"Message displayed to community administrators right after they created the community - heading\u0004[newSymbol/] Invite friends to join your community!":["[newSymbol/] Invita gli amici a unirsi alla tua Community!"],"Text greating folks who are creating an account\u0004Welcome to your corner of the internet. Glad you're here.":["Benvenuto nel tuo angolo di Internet. Felici che tu sia qui."],"Text welcoming a new user to Tumblr\u0004Welcome to your corner of the internet. You'll never be bored again.":["Benvenuto nel tuo angolo di internet. Non ti annoierai mai più."],"Message shown when a user has been invited to join a community. Inviter is the name of the username that has sent the invite.\u0004Welcome! @[inviter] invited you to join this community.":["Benvenuta/o! @[inviter] Ti ha invitato a unirti a questa Community."],"[Badge Management] Empty earn tab title\u0004Well done!":["Ben fatto!"],"[Badge Management] Text that appears when a user has received a gift.\u0004Well looky here, you have %1$s unopened badge gift!":["Bene guarda qui, hai %1$s distintivo in regalo non aperto!","Bene guarda qui, hai %1$s distintivi in regalo non aperti!"],"Pop-up message when we can't load an ad so we just reward a user with ad-free browsing.\u0004Well that didn't work! But you did a thing, so have 30 minutes of Ad-free on us.":["Beh, non ha funzionato! In ogni caso ce l'hai fatta, ti regaliamo 30 minuti di Ad-free."],"Year in review error try again title\u0004Well, that simply did not work. Try again?":["Non ha funzionato. Vuoi riprovare?"],"Greeting on share your blog to Twitter landing page\u0004Well, your Tumblr ain’t gonna view itself.[br/][span]Click below to instantaneously tweet your blog.[/span]":["Beh, il tuo Tumblr non si guarderà mica da solo![br/][span]Clicca sotto per twittare subito il tuo blog.[/span]"],"Text informing the user that we will review their community and reach out when ready\u0004We’ll be reviewing and approving each and every community and will let you know when its ready.":["Valuteremo e approveremo ogni Community e ti faremo sapere quando è pronta."],"A post is being sponsored for X views (Blaze is the name of the product) email notification notice\u0004We’ll email you when that happens!":["Ti avviseremo via email quando succederà!"],"A post is being sponsored for X views (Blaze is the name of the product) email notification notice\u0004We’ll send you an email when your campaign is live!":["Ti invieremo un'e-mail quando la tua campagna sarà attiva!"],"A follow up that shows how well the user sponsored post did\u0004We’ll send a full report when your campaign is complete. Here's how it is going:":["Invieremo un rapporto completo quando la tua campagna sarà completa. Ecco come sta andando:"],"A follow up that shows how well their sponsored post did\u0004We’ll send a full report when your campaign is complete. Here's how it is going:":["Invieremo un rapporto completo quando la tua campagna sarà completa. Ecco come sta andando:"],"A follow up that shows how well the user non-owned sponsored post did\u0004We’ll send you and [link][blogName][/link] a full report when the campaign is complete. Here’s how it’s going:":["Invieremo a te e a [link][blogName][/link] un rapporto completo quando la campagna sarà completa. Ecco come sta andando:"],"A follow up that shows how well the user sponsored post did (sponsored by other user) \u0004We’ll send you and [link][blogName][/link] a full report when the campaign is complete. Here’s how it’s going:":["Invieremo a te e a [link][blogName][/link] un rapporto completo al termine della campagna. Ecco come sta andando:"],"[Premium] Description for perks dialog when subscriber info request failed\u0004We’re unable to load information about Tumblr Premium Perks. Please check your network connection and try again.":["Non riusciamo a caricare le informazioni sui vantaggi di Tumblr Premium. Per favore controlla la tua connessione e riprova."],"[Premium] Failure message for when the user tried to update their premium ad settings\u0004We’re unable to save your ad-free preference. Please check your internet connection.":["Non riusciamo a salvare le tue preferenze ad-free. Controlla la tua connessione internet e riprova."],"Shown when a Twitter handle is available to use on Tumblr during signup.\u0004We’ve got a good feeling about this.":["Abbiamo un buon presentimento."],"A post is being sponsored for X views (Blaze is the name of the product) notice for non-owned posts\u0004We’ve notified [link][blogName][/link] that you’ve Blazed their post. They might cancel or extinguish the campaign when it is active.":["Abbiamo notificato a [link][blogName][/link] che hai usato Blaze sul loro post. Potrebbero annullare o estinguere la campagna quando è attiva."],"April Fools: Sentence #1 in share post. There are several variations for this sentence; we randomly pick one per post.\u0004What a beautiful gang of reactions I saw on this post!":["Che bella banda di reazioni che ho visto su questo post!"],"April Fools: Sentence #1 in share post. There are several variations for this sentence; we randomly pick one per post.\u0004What a gorgeous flock of reactions I saw on this post!":["Che meraviglioso stormo di reazioni ho visto su questo post!"],"April Fools: Sentence #1 in share post. There are several variations for this sentence; we randomly pick one per post.\u0004What a spectacular school of reactions I saw on this post!":["Che spettacolare scuola di reazioni ho visto su questo post!"],"April Fools: Sentence #1 in share post. There are several variations for this sentence; we randomly pick one per post.\u0004What a stunning collection of reactions I saw on this post!":["Che incredibile raccolta di reazioni che ho visto in questo post!"],"April Fools: Sentence #1 in share post. There are several variations for this sentence; we randomly pick one per post.\u0004What a wonderful pile of reactions I saw on this post!":["Che meraviglioso mucchio di reazioni che ho visto su questo post!"],"Question about Tumblr supporter badge\u0004What are the benefits of supporting Tumblr with badges?":["Quali sono i vantaggi nel supportare Tumblr con i badge?"],"Question about Tumblr supporter badge\u0004Why does Tumblr want my support?":["Perché Tumblr vuole il mio supporto?"],"Heading for topic selection page\u0004What are you into?":["Che cosa ti piace?"],"Blaze campaign popover: header title\u0004What does it all mean?":["Cosa significa?"],"Blaze campaign popover: header title\u0004What does this mean?":["Cosa significa?"],"Button label for Answer Time help\u0004What is Answer Time?":["Qual è il tempo di risposta?"],"Title for the Answer Time help modal\u0004What is Answer Time?":["Che cos'è il tempo di risposta?"],"text during registration prompting user to enter a username\u0004What should we call you?":["Come ti dobbiamo chiamare?"],"Text field placeholder for a collection description\u0004What's this collection about?":["Di cosa tratta questa raccolta?"],"Reason to purchase Blaze\u0004What’s in it for me? There’s perks-a-plenty…":["Che cosa ne ricavo? Ci sono vantaggi in abbondanza..."],"[TumblrMart] Text preceeding a memory of playing Horse Friend game\u0004When I remember my beloved horse, I will think of:":["Quando ricorderò il mio amico cavallo, penserò a:"],"[TumblrMart] Pre-filled text of a Tumblr post when a user's crab gift has expired and crab counts cannot be read from local storage.\u0004When I remember my crab friends I'll think of:":["Quando ricorderò i miei amici granchi penserò a:"],"Blaze campaign goal popover: Follower goal description\u0004When the followers goal is selected, the campaign focuses on finding more followers, fans, and friends for the blog linked to the Blaze campaign. Find your people.":["Quando viene selezionato l'obiettivo follower, la campagna si concentra sulla ricerca di più follower, fan e amici per il blog collegato alla campagna Blaze. Trova la tua gente."],"Blaze campaign goal popover: Sales goal description\u0004When the sales goal is selected, the campaign focuses on driving traffic to the website address specified during your campaign creation. Blaze your business.":["Quando viene selezionato l'obiettivo di vendita, la campagna si concentra sul traffico verso l'indirizzo del sito web specificato durante la creazione della campagna. Usa Blaze per la tua attività."],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Text shown when there is no stored payment method in the payment \u0026 purchases settings page.\u0004When you make a payment on including subscriptions, tipping and TumblrMart your payment method will appear here.":["Quando effettui un pagamento su inclusi abbonamenti, mance e TumblrMart, il tuo metodo di pagamento verrà visualizzato qui."],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Text shown when there is no stored payment method in the payment \u0026 purchases settings page.\u0004When you make a payment on, including subscriptions and TumblrMart, your payment method will appear here.":["Quando effettui un pagamento su abbonamenti e TumblrMart inclusi, il tuo metodo di pagamento verrà visualizzato qui."],"[Tour Guide] Text that is shown as a tooltip to nudge the user to customise their blog.\u0004When you’re ready, you can tap on this to customize your blog 🎨":["Quando sei pronto, puoi toccare qui per personalizzare il tuo blog 🎨"],"Post level toggle to Allow Blaze by others\u0004Who can Blaze?":["Chi può usare Blaze?"],"The title of a menu that lets the user select the viewing permissions of their post\u0004Who can see your post?":["Chi può vedere il tuo post?"],"Error message when limit of reactions for a post is reached\u0004Whoa! No more reactions can be added to this post.":["Wow! Non si possono più aggiungere reazioni a questo post."],"Year in review error title\u0004Whoops! Looks like we've hit a snag. We're working on it—stay tuned!":["Sembra esserci un errore. Ci stiamo lavorando, abbi pazienza!"],"A menu item to display why an ad is being displayed\u0004Why am I seeing this ad?":["Perché vedo questo annuncio?"],"Title for Why am I seeing this ad? modal\u0004Why am I seeing this ad?":["Perché vedo questo annuncio?"],"A header menu item for asking why a user is reporting an ad\u0004Why are you reporting this ad?":["Perché segnali questo annuncio?"],"Label for setting the wider width on a Patio Column\u0004Wide column":["Colonna ampia"],"Label for setting the wider width on a Patio Column\u0004Wide width":["Larghezza ampia"],"Jingle Bells: 4th message from Tumblrbot if you jingle the bells\u0004With love from Tumblr ❤":["Con affetto da Tumblr ❤"],"Toast message shown when the member lands on the community page for the first time after being accepted into the community\u0004Woohoo! You are now a member of [communityTitle/]":["Woooow! Ora fai parte di [communityTitle]"],"Message displayed in a toast after user joins a community\u0004Woohoo! You are now a member of [strong][communityTitle][/strong]":["Woooow! Ora sei un membro di [strong][communityTitle][/strong]"],"An approved sponsored post is being extinguished - confirmation message\u0004Would you still like to extinguish the campaign?":["Vuoi ancora estinguere la campagna?"],"Jingle Bells: 2nd message from Tumblrbot if you jingle the bells\u0004Wow, you really like these bells.":["Wow, ti piacciono davvero queste campane."],"Label for birthdate year dropdown in account settings\u0004Year":["Anno"],"[Premium] Term used for billing annually given the choices \"yearly\" and \"monthly\"\u0004Yearly":["Annuale"],"[Premium] The label used for accessibility on a toggle which chooses the yearly term length\u0004Yearly SAVE %1$s%":["RISPARMIO annuale %1$s%"],"Text on a button that will hide a tip from being visible in post notes\u0004Yep, hide it":["Sì, nascondila"],"Confirmation button for extinguishing a blazed post\u0004Yes, extinguish Blaze campaign":["Sì, termina la mia campagna Blaze"],"Reaction bubble details - item indicating the user themself in the list of blogs that reacted with the same emoji\u0004You":["Tu"],"Reaction bubble details - item indicating the user themself in the list of blogs that reacted with the same emoji\u0004you":["tu"],"Message shown when a user visits community through invite code link\u0004You are invited to join [strong][communityName][/strong]":["Ti ha invitato a unirti a [strong][communityName][/strong]"],"Message shown when a user visits community through invite code link\u0004You are invited to join this community.":["Ti ha invitato a unirti a questa Community."],"Message shown when a user visits community through invite code link\u0004You have been invited to join [strong][communityName][/strong]":["Ti ha invitato a unirti a [strong][communityName][/strong]"],"Message visible after user follow a collection\u0004You are now following all blogs and tags from this collection!":["Ora stai seguendo tutti i blog e i tag di questa raccolta!"],"Message shown to users who are on a fully gifted plan, but who have a previously saved payment method\u0004You are on a gifted Ad-Free Browsing plan. Your plan will not renew automatically and your payment method will not be charged.":["Attualmente hai un abbonamento alla navigazione senza pubblicità che ti è stato regalato. Il tuo piano non si rinnoverà automaticamente e sul tuo metodo di pagamento non verrà addebitato nulla."],"{{BOTWRANK}} and {{streamerName}} are tokens that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004You are the \u003c1\u003e#{{BOTWRank}}\u003c/1\u003e boss of the week for {{streamerName}}!":["Sei il \u003c1\u003e#{{BOTWRank}}\u003c/1\u003e boss della settimana per {{streamerName}}!"],"{{time}} and {{date}} are tokens that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004You are under a temporary ban for violations of our Code of Conduct. The ban will expire at {{time}} on {{date}}. Further violations may lead to longer bans and, eventually, account removal.":["Sei temporaneamente bannato per violazione del nostro Codice di condotta. Il ban scadrà alle {{time}} del {{date}}. Ulteriori violazioni possono comportare ban più lunghi, fino alla rimozione dell'account."],"Placeholders here are link tags - links are to each browser's page\u0004You are using an unsupported browser and things might not work as intended. Please make sure you're using the latest version of [chrome/] or [firefox/].":["Stai usando un browser non supportato e le cose potrebbero funzionare diversamente dalla norma. Assicurati di usare l'ultima versione di [chrome/] o [firefox/]."],"Placeholders here are link tags - links are to each browser's page\u0004You are using an unsupported browser and things might not work as intended. Please make sure you're using the latest version of [chrome/], [firefox/], [safari/], or [edge/].":["Stai usando un browser non supportato e le cose potrebbero funzionare diversamente dalla norma. Assicurati di usare l'ultima versione di [chrome/], [firefox/], [safari/], o [edge/]."],"First step in the onboarding for Patio, where we explain what the \"plus\" button does.\u0004You can add columns by clicking this \"plus\" button":["Puoi aggiungere colonne cliccando sul pulsante Più"],"First step in the onboarding for Patio, where we explain what the \"plus\" button does.\u0004You can add columns by clicking this \"plus\" button.":["Puoi aggiungere colonne cliccando sul pulsante Più."],"Second paragraph of the intro modal for Patio, where we briefly explain how Patio works\u0004You can add, remove and rearrange columns. Each column can be a different feed on Tumblr, like For You, Following, your Activity, a specific blog, a tag, a search, etc.":["Puoi aggiungere, rimuovere e riposizionare le colonne. Ogni colonna può essere un feed diverso su Tumblr, come Per te, Seguiti, Le tue attività, un blog in particolare, un tag, una ricerca, ecc."],"Second paragraph of the intro modal for Patio, where we briefly explain how Patio works\u0004You can add, remove, and rearrange columns. Each column can be a different feed on Tumblr, like For You, Following, your Activity, a specific blog, a tag, search results, etc.":["Puoi aggiungere, rimuovere e riposizionare le colonne. Ogni colonna può essere un feed diverso su Tumblr, come Per te, Seguiti, Le tue attività, un blog in particolare, un tag, una ricerca, ecc."],"Third step in the onboarding for Patio, where we explain that clicking on a column's header refreshes the column.\u0004You can also refresh the column content by clicking on its header!":["Puoi anche aggiornare il contenuto della colonna cliccando sull'intestazione!"],"Third step in the onboarding for Patio, where we explain that clicking on a column's header refreshes the column.\u0004You can also refresh the column contents by clicking on its header!'":["Puoi anche aggiornare il contenuto della colonna cliccando sull'intestazione!"],"fine print on page about Tumblr supporter badge\u0004You can cancel your subscription at any time. Your badge will be “inactive” until you decide to resume your support, at which point, you will continue your loyalty progress.":["Puoi cancellare il tuo abbonamento in qualsiasi momento. Il tuo badge non sarà attivo finché non deciderai di riattivarlo: a quel punto continuerai il tuo percorso da dove lo hai lasciato."],"An approved sponsored owned post is being extinguished - intro message\u0004You can extinguish the remaining campaign and we’ll stop sharing your post across Tumblr.":["Puoi estinguere la campagna rimanente e smetteremo di condividere il tuo post su Tumblr."],"An approved sponsored owned post is being extinguished - intro message (sponsored by other user)\u0004You can extinguish the remaining campaign initiated by [link][blogName][/link] and we’ll stop promoting your post across Tumblr.":["Puoi estinguere la campagna rimanente avviata da [link][blogName][/link] e smetteremo di promuovere il tuo post su Tumblr."],"An approved sponsored non-owned post is being extinguished - intro message\u0004You can extinguish the remaining campaign with [link][blogName][/link] post and we’ll stop promoting this post across Tumblr.":["Puoi chiudere la campagna rimanente con il post [link][blogName][/link] e smetteremo di promuovere questo post su Tumblr."],"An approved sponsored non-owned post is being extinguished - intro message\u0004You can extinguish the remaining campaign with [link][blogName]’s[/link] post and we’ll stop promoting this post across Tumblr.":["Puoi chiudere la campagna rimanente con il post di [link][blogName][/link] e smetteremo di promuovere questo post su Tumblr."],"Body text reminding new community admin to check the community guidelines\u0004You can help shape this community, but you're not doing it alone. Be sure to brush up on the community guidelines.":["Puoi aiutare a definire questa Community, ma non lo farai da solo. Ricordati di controllare le linee guida utente."],"Body text reminding new community moderators to check the community guidelines\u0004You can help shape this community, but you're not doing it alone. Be sure to brush up on the community guidelines.":["Puoi aiutare a definire questa Community, ma non lo farai da solo. Ricordati di controllare le linee guida utente."],"Text on a button to purchase the supporter badge.\u0004You can help to support Tumblr directly with the [u]Supporter Badge[/u].":["Puoi aiutare a sostenere Tumblr attivamente con il [u]badge Sostenitore[/u]."],"Body text explaining what community admins can do, specifically with details on membership-related admin abilities\u0004You can invite and remove members, along with promoting new moderators and admins.":["Puoi invitare e rimuove membri, oltre a promuovere nuovi moderatori e amministratori."],"[TumblrMart] Blog view header gift button tooltip encouraging users to send a gift to this blog.\u0004You can now give back to the people you love.":["Ora puoi ricambiare la generosità delle persone che ami."],"Body text explaining what community moderators can do\u0004You can now remove posts and comments from this community.":["Ora puoi rimuovere post e commenti da questa Community."],"Body text explaining what community admins can do\u0004You can now remove posts and comments from this community. You can also add and remove members.":["Ora puoi rimuovere post e commenti da questa Community. Puoi anche aggiungere e rimuovere i membri."],"Explanation on why the domain is locked for transfer\u0004You can unlock this domain after [date]. Please note that your domain must be at least [strong]60 days old[/strong] before you can transfer it away. [link]Learn more[/link]":["Puoi sbloccare questo dominio dopo il giorno [date]. Tieni presente che il tuo dominio deve avere almeno [strong]60 giorni[/strong] di età prima di poterlo trasferire. [link]Ulteriori informazioni[/link]"],"Explanation on why the domain is locked for transfer\u0004You can unlock this domain after [date]. [link]Why is your domain locked?[/link]":["Puoi sbloccare questo dominio dopo il [date]. [link]Perché il tuo dominio è bloccato?[/link]"],"Community invite dialog explanation when invite links disabled for public communities\u0004You can update your invite options in [link]settings[/link].":["Puoi aggiornare le tue opzioni d'invito nelle [link]impostazioni[/link]."],"Tooltip on the community pill in the post form when editing a post\u0004You can't change the community of an existing post":["Non puoi modificare la community di un post esistente"],"Reminding user published polls can not be edited\u0004You can't change the poll block after it's been published.":["Non puoi modificare il blocco del sondaggio dopo che è stato pubblicato."],"Text warning user that if they chose to gift anonymously, they cannot add a custom message.\u0004You can't message anonymously.":["Non puoi inviare messaggi in modo anonimo."],"Banned from community modal wall description\u0004You can't see any posts from this community.":["Non puoi vedere i post di questa Community."],"Alert text notifying user that if they chose to tip anonymously, they cannot add a custom message.\u0004You can’t message anonymously. [helpLink]Questions[/helpLink]?":["Non puoi inviare messaggi in modo anonimo. [helpLink]Domande[/helpLink]?"],"Confirming you want to perform an action\u0004You definitely want to delete this reply?":["Vuoi davvero eliminare questa risposta?"],"Confirming you want to perform an action\u0004You definitely want to hide this reblog?":["Vuoi davvero nascondere questo reblog?"],"Message a user sees after successfully tipping an other user\u0004You did that! Thanks for tipping [blogname]! Your generosity will help support them while they create more weird and wonderful content for us to enjoy.":["Fatto! Grazie per la mancia a [blogname]! La tua generosità lo aiuterà a sostenersi mentre crea contenuti più strani e meravigliosi per il nostro divertimento."],"Year in review no posts had tags text\u0004You didn't tag [bold]any[/bold] of your posts! Oof.":["Non hai taggato [bold]alcuno[/bold] dei tuoi post! Uff."],"Tour guide, reblog discovered heading\u0004You discovered [span]reblogging[/span] 😯":["Hai scoperto i [span]reblogging[/span] 😯"],"Label shown on the blog settings when the user has not configured any featured tags for their blog\u0004You do not have any featured tags":["Non hai alcun tag in primo piano"],"Text visible when user has no collections\u0004You don't have any collections yet. Why don't you create one?":["Non hai ancora nessuna raccolta. Perché non ne crei una?"],"[Subscriptions \u0026 Purchases] Empty state for a user's list of subscriptions\u0004You don't have any subscriptions. Head over to [tumblrMartLink]TumblrMart[/tumblrMartLink] to change that.":["Non hai abbonamenti. Vai a [tumblrMartLink]TumblrMart[/tumblrMartLink] per cambiare le cose."],"Tell the user the blog was followed, and ask to look at more posts\u0004You followed a blog.[lineBreak][/lineBreak]Shall we continue?":["Hai seguito un blog.[lineBreak][/lineBreak]Continuiamo?"],"Tell the user the tag was followed, and ask to look at more\u0004You followed a tag.[lineBreak][/lineBreak]Shall we continue?":["Hai seguito un tag.[lineBreak][/lineBreak]Continuiamo?"],"Error message when entering two factor authentication code\u0004You forgot to enter your auth code!":["Hai dimenticato di inserire il tuo codice di autorizzazione!"],"Error message when linking third party authentication account\u0004You forgot to enter your password!":["Hai dimenticato di inserire la tua password!"],"[Tour guide] Heading for user discovers their own blog\u0004You found your blog 🙌":["Hai trovato il tuo blog 🙌"],"Error message to show when the user tries to introduce a featured tag after having already reached the limit\u0004You have already reached the maximum number of tags for your blog, please remove some before adding new ones":["Hai già raggiunto il numero massimo di tag per il tuo blog, rimuovine alcuni prima di aggiungerne di nuovi"],"Error message shown when a user is voting on the same poll more than once\u0004You have already voted on this poll!":["Hai già votato per questo sondaggio!"],"Label for unopened TumblrMart Badges\u0004You have an unlocked badge!":["Hai un badge sbloccato!","Hai dei badge sbloccati!"],"Label for unopened TumblrMart gifts\u0004You have an unopened gift!":["Hai un regalo non aperto!","Hai regali non aperti!"],"{{bannedTill}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004You have been banned from streaming until {{bannedTill}}.":["Sei stato bandito dallo streaming fino al {{bannedTill}}!"],"Message shown when a user visits community through invite link\u0004You have been invited to join [strong][communityName][/strong]":["Hai ricevuto un invito a unirti a [strong][communityName][/strong]"],"Title when no active members\u0004You have no active supporters.":["Non hai abbonati attivi."],"Title when no inactive members\u0004You have no inactive supporters.":["Non hai abbonati inattivi."],"Message for when the user has added the maximum number of tags\u0004You have reached the maximum number of %1$s tags that can be targeted.":["Hai raggiunto il numero massimo di %1$s tag che possono essere indirizzati."],"Requested to join info modal body\u0004You have requested to join this community and will be notified when you are accepted.":["Hai chiesto di unirti a questa Community e ti faremo sapere quando la tua richiesta verrà accettata."],"{{over}}, {{number}}, and {{users}} are tokens that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004You have {{over}} {{number}} {{users}} waiting for you to claim a drink!":["Hai {{over}} {{number}} {{users}} che aspettano che tu prenda da bere!"],"{{over}}, {{number}}, and {{users}} are tokens that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004{{total}} waiting...":["{{total}} in attesa..."],"{{skips}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004You have {{skips}} skips remaining today.":["Hai {{skips}} skip rimanenti oggi."],"Label shown on reply field when replies are restricted for a draft or queued post\u0004You haven't ushered this post into existence yet, so you can't reply to it here.":["Non hai ancora pubblicato questo post, quindi non puoi rispondere qui."],"Tell the user the post was liked, and ask to look at more posts\u0004You liked a post. Care for another?":["Ti è piaciuto un post. Ne vuoi un altro?"],"Login wall: Title shown when user clicks on the \"Like post\" button, after exceeding click counter limit\u0004You likey-likey?":["Ti piace?"],"A message explaining that this feature is in progress and could be buggy\u0004You may encounter bugs and weird behavior. Some functionality may change as we work.":["Potresti riscontrare bug e comportamenti strani. Alcune funzionalità potrebbero cambiare mentre lavoriamo."],"A message explaining that this feature is in progress and could be buggy\u0004You may encounter bugs or weird behavior. Some functionality may change as we work.":["Potresti riscontrare bug e funzionamenti strani. Alcune funzionalità potrebbero cambiare mentre lavoriamo."],"Invite only info modal body\u0004You must be invited by an admin to become a member of this community.":["Devi essere invitato da un admin per diventare membro di questa Community."],"[Communities] Moderation dialog error message when no content removal reason selected\u0004You must choose a reason.":["Devi scegliere un motivo."],"[Communities] Moderation modal error message when no content removal reason selected\u0004You must choose a reason.":["Devi scegliere un motivo."],"Body of the dialog that is displayed when you try to perform a community members only action (request-to-join community, user not invited)\u0004You must request to join this community. Some functionality is restricted to members only.":["Devi richiedere di unirti a questa Community. Alcune funzionalità sono riservate ai soli membri."],"Account settings email address empty error message\u0004You need to enter an email address":["Devi inserire un indirizzo email"],"Account settings password empty error message when changing email address\u0004You need to enter your password to change your email address":["Devi inserire la tua password per cambiare il tuo indirizzo email"],"Error message shown when a user tries to search for a blog without adding some text\u0004You need to introduce a blog name before searching.":["È necessario introdurre il nome di un blog prima della ricerca."],"Year in review label for total number of posts this year\u0004You posted [break/][highlight][number][/highlight] [break/] time in [currentYear]":["Hai postato [break/][highlight][number][/highlight] [break/] volta nel [currentYear]","Hai postato [break/][highlight][number][/highlight] [break/] volte nel [currentYear]"],"Reaction bubble details - you reacted with this emoji\u0004You reacted with [span][slug][/span]":["Hai reagito con [span][slug][/span]"],"Reaction bubble details - you reacted with this emoji\u0004[strong][you/][/strong] reacted with [span][slug][/span]":["[strong][you/][/strong] ha reagito con [span][slug][/span]"],"Year in review gifts sent per year text\u0004You sent [break/][highlight][number][/highlight] [break/] gift in [currentYear]":["Hai inviato [break/][highlight][number][/highlight] [break/] regalo nel [currentYear]","Hai inviato [break/][highlight][number][/highlight] [break/] regali nel [currentYear]"],"Label at the top of your own message with shared post (in messaging)\u0004You shared a post":["Hai condiviso un post"],"Label at the top of your own message with shared post that's no longer available (in messaging)\u0004You shared a post that's no longer available.":["Hai condiviso un post che non è più disponibile."],"Message shown to users who have purchased ad free via in app purchase\u0004You signed up for Ad-Free Browsing via the [store] Store. You can manage your payment method and subscription on your mobile device.":["Ti sei registrato per la navigazione senza pubblicità tramite il negozio [store]. Puoi gestire il tuo abbonamento e metodo di pagamento sul tuo dispositivo mobile."],"Message shown to users who have purchased ad free via in app purchase\u0004You signed up for Ad-Free Browsing via the [store]. You can manage your payment method and subscription on your mobile device.":["Ti sei registrato/a per la navigazione senza pubblicità tramite [store]. Puoi gestire il tuo abbonamento e metodo di pagamento sul tuo dispositivo mobile."],"{{duration}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004You streamed for {{duration}}.":["Hai streammato per {{duration}}."],"Year in review tags you used text\u0004You tagged [break/][highlight][number][/highlight] [break/] of your posts in [currentYear]":["Hai taggato [break/][highlight][number][/highlight] [break/] dei tuoi post nel [currentYear]","Hai taggato [break/][highlight][number][/highlight] [break/] dei tuoi post nel [currentYear]"],"Login wall: Title shown when user clicks on the \"New tagged post\" button, after exceeding click counter limit\u0004You were *this close* to a post…":["Eri *così vicino* a un post..."],"Heading shown to a user after they have been banned by a moderator\u0004You were banned":["Sei stato bannato/a"],"Heading shown to a user after they have been banned by a moderator\u0004You were banned from this community":["Sei stato bannato da questa Community"],"Heading shown to a user after they have been removed by a moderator\u0004You were removed from this community":["Sei stato rimosso da questa Community"],"Heading shown to a user after they have been un-banned by a moderator\u0004You were unbanned":["Il tuo ban è stato rimosso"],"Text on the modal shown when a user attemps to leave a community.\u0004You will lose access to the community, but your existing posts will remain visible to members.":["Perderai accesso alla Community, ma i tuoi post esistenti resteranno visibili ai membri."],"Text on the modal shown when a user attempts to leave a community.\u0004You will lose access to the community, but your existing posts will remain visible to members.":["Perderai accesso alla Community, ma i tuoi post esistenti resteranno visibili ai membri."],"Description for confirmation dialog when user mutes a post for 8 hours.\u0004You won't receive push and activity notifications for this post for 8 hours.":["D'ora in poi non riceverai notifiche push e di attività per questo post per 8 ore."],"Description for confirmation dialog when user mutes a post for a day.\u0004You won't receive push and activity notifications for this post for one day.":["D'ora in poi non riceverai notifiche push e di attività per questo post per 1 giorno."],"Description for confirmation dialog when user mutes a post for a week.\u0004You won't receive push and activity notifications for this post for one week.":["D'ora in poi non riceverai notifiche push e di attività per questo post per 1 settimana."],"Description for confirmation dialog when user mutes a post forever.\u0004You won't receive push and activity notifications for this post from now on.":["D'ora in poi non riceverai notifiche push e di attività per questo post."],"Description for confirmation dialog when user mutes a post.\u0004You won't receive push and activity notifications for this post from now on.":["D'ora in poi non riceverai notifiche push e di attività per questo post."],"This is our website bragging to a potential user about how great our content is\u0004You'll never be bored again.":["Non ti annoierai mai più."],"[Tour Guide] Text that is shown as a tooltip to inform user about the audience of their post\u0004You're posting to this community":["Stai postando in questa Community"],"{{position}} and {{total}} are tokens that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004You're {{position}} in line of {{total}} people waiting. Leaving the line will give up your place. Do you want to leave the line?":["Sei {{position}} in fila di {{total}} persone in attesa. Lasciando la fila rinuncerai al tuo posto. Vuoi lasciare la coda?"],"{{position}}, and {{total}} are tokens that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004You're {{position}} in line of {{total}} people waiting. Leaving the line will give up your place. Do you want to leave the line?":["Sei {{position}} in fila di {{total}} persone in attesa. Lasciando la fila rinuncerai al tuo posto. Vuoi lasciare la coda?"],"Banned from community modal wall heading\u0004You've been banned":["Sei stato bannato/a"],"[Premium] Subtitle for the initial modal after a user acquires Premium as a gift\u0004You've been gift a single month of Tumblr Premium. We've already hidden most ads; The rest of your perks are waiting for you.":["Ti è stato regalato un mese di Tumblr Premium. Abbiamo già nascosto la maggior parte degli annunci. Ti aspettano anche altre sorprese."],"[Premium] Subtitle for the initial modal after a user acquires Premium as a gift\u0004You've been gifted a single month of Tumblr Premium. You can now start shopping, Blaze a post, manage ad-free, and more.":["Ti è stato regalato un mese di Tumblr Premium. Ora puoi iniziare a fare shopping, usare Blaze su un post, gestire ad-free e molto altro."],"Error message shown when user exceeded daily image upload limit when uploading collection image\u0004You've exceeded your daily image upload limit. Please try again tomorrow.":["Hai superato il limite giornaliero di immagini caricate. Riprova domani per favore."],"[TumblrMart] Message that appears when a crab gift expires and crab counts are not stored in local storage.\u0004Your 24 hours of crabs is over. Write a Tumblr post to say farewell to the glorious crustaceans, and we'll get to work cleaning this place up.":["Le tue 24 ore di granchi sono finite. Scrivi un post su Tumblr per dire addio ai gloriosi crostacei e ci metteremo al lavoro per ripulire questo posto."],"[TumblrMart] Message that appears when a crab gift expires and crab counts are stored in local storage.\u0004Your 24 hours of crabs is over. You summoned %1$s 🦀, captured %2$s 💰, befriended %3$s 🌼, and %4$s fell in love with you 💜 on the Tumblr web app. Share your time with crabs and we'll get this place cleaned up.":["Le tue 24 ore di granchi sono finite. Hai evocato %1$s 🦀, arraffato %2$s 💰, fatto amicizia con %3$s 🌼 e %4$s si è innamorato di te 💜 sull'app web di Tumblr. Condividi il tuo tempo con i granchi e ripuliremo questo posto.","Le tue 24 ore di granchi sono finite. Hai evocato %1$s 🦀, arraffato %2$s 💰, fatto amicizia con %3$s 🌼 e %4$s si sono innamorati di te 💜 sull'app web di Tumblr. Condividi il tuo tempo con i granchi e ripuliremo questo posto."],"[Badge Management] link to Your Badges tab.\u0004Your Badges":["I tuoi badge"],"[TumblrMart] Label for a button that will display a users active and available badges.\u0004Your Badges":["I tuoi badge"],"Activity item text for a Blaze other people's posts - Blaze post approved with boost\u0004Your Blaze campaign has been approved with a boost!":["La tua campagna Blaze è stata approvata con un boost!"],"Activity item text for a Blaze with a boost\u0004Your Blaze campaign has been approved with a boost!":["La tua campagna Blaze è stata approvata con un boost!"],"Activity item text for a Approved Blaze\u0004Your Blaze campaign has been approved!":["La tua campagna Blaze è stata approvata!"],"Activity item text for a Blaze other people's posts - Blaze post approved\u0004Your Blaze campaign has been approved!":["La tua campagna Blaze è stata approvata!"],"Activity item text for a Blaze other people's posts - Blaze post rejected\u0004Your Blaze campaign has been rejected":["La tua campagna Blaze è stata rifiutata"],"Activity item text for a Blaze other people's posts - Blaze post completed\u0004Your Blaze campaign was completed successfully!":["La tua campagna Blaze è stata completata con successo!"],"Activity item text for a Completed Blaze\u0004Your Blaze campaign was completed successfully!":["La tua campagna Blaze è stata completata con successo!"],"Button which leads to list of purchased domains\u0004Your Domains":["I tuoi domini"],"Button which leads to list of purchased domains\u0004Your domains":["I tuoi domini"],"Year in reviews results top posts title\u0004Your Top Posts in [currentYear]":["I tuoi post principali nel [currentYear]"],"Year in review: main cover image alternate text\u0004Your Year in Review":["Il tuo bilancio annuale"],"Year in review top post of the year title\u0004Your [break/][highlight]#1[/highlight] [break/] post of [currentYear]":["Il tuo post numero [break/][highlight]1[/highlight] [break/] del [currentYear]"],"Rewarded Ad reward ended.\u0004Your ad-free browsing just ended. Want some more?":["La tua navigazione senza pubblicità è appena terminata. Ne vuoi ancora?"],"Title for the modal shown to a user while their Stripe application is awaiting approval on the Stripe side\u0004Your application is under review":["La tua richiesta è in fase di verifica"],"Help text describing a setting that excludes a blog from Tumblr's search.\u0004Your blog and posts will not be recommended to others, will be excluded from Tumblr search results, and the in-blog search function will be disabled for everyone, including you. [link]Learn more[/link]":["I tuoi blog e post non saranno suggeriti ad altri, verranno esclusi dai risultati di ricerca di Tumblr e la funzione di ricerca in-blog verrà disattivata per tutti, te compreso/a. [link]Scopri di più[/link]"],"Help text describing a setting that excludes a blog from Tumblr's search.\u0004Your blog will be hidden from Tumblr search results, and the in-blog search function will be disabled for everyone, including you. [link]Learn more[/link]":["Il tuo blog verrà nascosto dai risultati di ricerca \ndi Tumblr e la funzione di ricerca in-blog verrà disabilitata per tutti, te compreso/a. [link]Scopri di più[/link]"],"Button on the blog settings section that allows a user to share their Tumblr blog to Twitter after connecting with Twitter app\u0004Your blog deserves more attention.[br/]Tap and quickly share your address:":["Il tuo blog merita più attenzione.[br/]Tocca per condividere rapidamente il tuo indirizzo:"],"Help text describing a setting that hides your blog when enabled. The url param is the blog URL\u0004Your blog will be available to the public at [url]":["Il tuo blog sarà disponibile al pubblico a [url]"],"Label or placeholder for an input field that lets a user change the url of its secondary blog\u0004Your blog's url":["Url del tuo blog"],"Error message shown when copying invite link for community failed\u0004Your browser does not support copying this way, please select and copy instead.":["Il tuo browser non supporta questa modalità della funzione copia, prima seleziona e poi copia."],"Error message shown when copying invite link for community failed\u0004Your device does not support copying this way, please select and copy instead.":["Il tuo dispositivo non supporta questa modalità della funziona copia, prima seleziona e poi copia."],"Blaze campaign activity intro message for extinguished campaigns\u0004Your campaign was active on [startDate] and aimed to reach [impressionGoal] impressions, but it was stopped before it finished.":["La tua campagna è stata pubblicata dal [startDate] e mirava a raggiungere [impressionGoal] impressioni, ma è stata fermata prima del termine."],"Blaze campaign activity intro message for extinguished campaigns\u0004Your campaign was active on [startDate] for a selected audience of [impressionGoal], but it was stopped before it finished.":["La tua campagna è stata pubblicata il giorno [startDate] per un pubblico selezionato di [impressionGoal], ma è stata fermata prima del termine."],"Blaze campaign activity intro message\u0004Your campaign was live for 24h from [startDate] - [endDate] and aimed to reach [impressionGoal] impressions.":["La tua campagna è stata pubblicata per 24 ore dal [startDate] al [endDate] e mirava a raggiungere [impressionGoal] impressioni."],"Blaze campaign activity intro message\u0004Your campaign was live for 24h from [startDate] - [endDate], for a selected audience of [impressionGoal].":["La tua campagna è stata pubblicata per 24 ore dal giorno [startDate] al giorno [endDate] per un pubblico di [impressionGoal]."],"Content label community setting option details - none (editing settings for existing community)\u0004Your community does not regularly feature mature content and should be visible to all users.":["La tua Community non presenta regolarmente contenuti per adulti e dovrebbe essere visibile a tutti."],"Content label community setting option details - mature (editing settings for existing community)\u0004Your community will be hidden or blurred for some users and hidden from all users under 18.":["La tua Community verrà nascosta od oscurata per alcuni utenti e nascosta da tutti gli utenti minori di 18 anni."],"Label for a link showing the user the URL for their blog\u0004Your custom site's URL":["URL del tuo sito personalizzato"],"Label for a link showing the user the URL for their blog\u0004Your site's custom URL":["URL personalizzato del tuo sito"],"Help text under showing the user the URL for their blog\u0004Your custom site's URL: [blogLink][url][/blogLink]":["URL del tuo sito personalizzato: [blogLink][url][/blogLink]"],"Help text under showing the user the URL for their blog\u0004Your site's custom URL: [blogLink][url][/blogLink]":["URL del tuo sito personalizzato: [blogLink][url][/blogLink]"],"Help text that tells the user that we failed to transfer the domain\u0004Your domain could not be transferred to Tumblr! Please contact your domain provider for assistance.":["Non è stato possibile trasferire il tuo dominio su Tumblr! Contatta il provider del dominio per ottenere assistenza."],"Help text that tells the user that the domain is expired\u0004Your domain has expired, please renew it as soon as possible from your Domain Settings. Your site's custom URL is [blogLink][blogDisplayUrl][/blogLink]":["Il tuo dominio non è più attivo, ti preghiamo di rinnovarlo al più presto possibile dalle Impostazioni del tuo dominio. L'URL personalizzato del tuo sito è [blogLink][blogDisplayUrl][/blogLink]"],"Help text that tells the user that the domain is no longer active\u0004Your domain is no longer active, please contact [tumblrLink]Tumblr support[/tumblrLink] for assistance. Your site's custom URL is [blogLink][blogDisplayUrl][/blogLink]":["Il tuo dominio non è più attivo, contatta il [tumblrLink]Supporto di Tumblr[/tumblrLink] per assistenza. L'URL personalizzato del tuo sito è [blogLink][blogDisplayUrl][/blogLink]"],"Help text that tells the user that the domain is no longer active\u0004Your domain is no longer active, please contact [tumblrLink]Tumblr support[/tumblrLink] for assistance. Your site's custom URL is [blogLink][url][/blogLink]":["Il tuo dominio non è più attivo, contatta il [tumblrLink]Supporto di Tumblr[/tumblrLink] per assistenza. L'URL personalizzato del tuo sito è [blogLink][url][/blogLink]"],"Description for domains in auto-renew grace period\u0004Your domain name has expired. If you do not renew your domain by [renewableUntilDateFormatted], a [linkRedemptionFee]redemption fee[/linkRedemptionFee] will apply. Your domain name may also become available for someone else to register, in which case you will no longer be able to renew or use the domain name. [linkLearnMore]Learn more[/linkLearnMore]":["Il tuo nome dominio è scaduto. Se non rinnovi il tuo dominio entro il [renewableUntilDateFormatted], verrà applicata [linkRedemptionFee]una tassa di riscatto[/linkRedemptionFee]. Il tuo nome dominio potrebbe anche diventare disponibile al pubblico per la registrazione, in quel caso non potrai più rinnovare o usare il nome dominio. [linkLearnMore]Scopri di più[/linkLearnMore]"],"Description of expired domain and now in redemption period\u0004Your domain name has expired. To redeem your domain, a [linkRedemptionFee]redemption fee[/linkRedemptionFee] will apply. Your domain name may also become available for someone else to register, in which case you will no longer be able to renew or use the domain name. [linkLearnMore]Learn more[/linkLearnMore]":["Il tuo nome dominio è scaduto. Se vuoi recuperarlo verrà applicata una [linkRedemptionFee]tassa di riscatto[/linkRedemptionFee]. Il tuo nome dominio potrebbe anche diventare disponibile al pubblico per la registrazione, in quel caso non potrai più rinnovare o usare il nome dominio. [linkLearnMore]Scopri di più[/linkLearnMore]"],"[TumblrMart] Gift management page message that appears when there are no gifts in the valid tab of the gift management screen.\u0004Your gifts will appear here when they are sent to you.":["I tuoi regali appariranno qui quando li riceverai."],"[TumblrMart] Gift management page message that appears when there are no gifts in the expired tab of the gift management screen.\u0004Your gifts will appear here when they are used or expire.":["I tuoi regali appariranno qui quando saranno usati o scaduti."],"Label for a text input\u0004Your message will be added to the post replies and visible to everyone on or off Tumblr. [helpLink]Questions[/helpLink]?":["Il tuo messaggio verrà aggiunto alle risposte al post e sarà visibile a tutti dentro o fuori Tumblr. [helpLink]Domande[/helpLink]?"],"Label for a text input\u0004Your message will be sent to [blogname]. [helpLink]Questions[/helpLink]?":["Il tuo messaggio verrà inviato a [blogname]. [helpLink]Domande[/helpLink]?"],"[TumblrMart] Informative text explaining how a custom gift message will be used specifying recipient\u0004Your message will be sent to [name]'s inbox and can be shared as a public post.":["Il tuo messaggio verrà inviato alla casella di posta di [name] e può essere condiviso come post pubblico."],"[TumblrMart] Informative text explaining how a custom gift message will be used\u0004Your message will be sent to their inbox and can be shared as a public post.":["Il tuo messaggio verrà inviato alla sua posta in arrivo e può essere condiviso come post pubblico."],"Error message on set password screen. Password is too long (max bytes exceeded).\u0004Your password is too long. Please use fewer characters.":["La tua password è troppo lunga. Si prega di utilizzare meno caratteri."],"Error message on set password screen. password and confirm password should match.\u0004Your passwords should match.":["Le password dovrebbero corrispondere."],"Message when no inactive subscriptions\u0004Your past subscriptions will appear here once they are inactive.":["I tuoi abbonamenti passati verranno visualizzati qui una volta diventati inattivi."],"Message when no inactive members\u0004Your past supporters will appear here once they are inactive.":["I tuoi abbonati passati verranno visualizzati qui una volta inattivi."],"Message that appears when a payment method is currently processing a payment.\u0004Your payment method is currently processing.":["Il tuo metodo di pagamento è attualmente in elaborazione."],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Details about payment methods on\u0004Your payment method is stored on [type] and used for all payments on including subscriptions and TumblrMart.":["Il tuo metodo di pagamento è memorizzato su [type] e utilizzato per tutti i pagamenti su inclusi abbonamenti e TumblrMart."],"[Payment \u0026 Purchases] Details about payment methods on\u0004Your payment method is stored on [type] and used for all payments on including subscriptions, tipping and TumblrMart.":["Il tuo metodo di pagamento è memorizzato su [type] e utilizzato per tutti i pagamenti su inclusi abbonamenti, mance e TumblrMart."],"Blaze guide third step title\u0004Your post goes live (more than ever)":["Il tuo post viene pubblicato"],"A post has been processed sucessfully and now we proceed to save it\u0004Your post is ready, let's go!":["Il tuo post è pronto, andiamo!"],"A post is being sponsored for X views (Blaze is the name of the product) notice when sponsored by other user\u0004Your post was Blazed by [link][blogName][/link] but you still have control over this campaign.":["Sul tuo post è stato usato Blaze da [link][blogName][/link] ma hai ancora il controllo su questa campagna."],"[Blaze] A post that was blazed using a premium credit is being extinguished - perk returned message\u0004Your post will be removed from the Blaze moderation queue. As a Premium subscriber, you'll get your Blaze Perk back for this month.":["Il tuo post verrà rimosso dalla coda di moderazione di Blaze ed essendo un membro Premium, verrà emesso un rimborso completo del vantaggio Blaze di questo mese."],"A follow up indicating the pending post blaze has been successfully cancelled\u0004Your post will be removed from the moderation queue in a few moments.":["Il tuo post verrà rimosso dalla coda di moderazione in pochi istanti."],"Explanation text shown when your queue is paused\u0004Your queue is currently paused. No queued posts will be published at this time. Scheduled posts, however, will still be published. Once the queue is un-paused, queued posts will be re-calculated and resume publication.":["La tua coda è attualmente in pausa. Nessun post in coda verrà pubblicato in questo momento. I post programmati però verranno comunque pubblicati. Una volta che la coda è stata riattivata, i post in coda verranno ricalcolati e la pubblicazione ripresa."],"Placeholder for when the user is going to write a Quote Post\u0004Your quote here":["Scrivi qui la tua citazione"],"Placeholder text when creating a new \"biggest\" size text block\u0004Your really big text here.":["Qui c'è un testo enorme."],"Body of a dialog displayed after requesting community membership\u0004Your request has been sent to the community admins. You will be notified once approved.":["La tua richiesta è stata inviata agli admin della Community. Ti arriverà una notifica una volta approvata."],"Help text that describes how a purchased domain will be used\u0004Your site's custom URL [blogLink][url][/blogLink] will redirect to [tumblrLink][tumblrUrl][/tumblrLink]":["L'URL personalizzato del tuo sito [blogLink][url][/blogLink] reindirizzerà a [tumblrLink][tumblrUrl][/tumblrLink]"],"Help text that describes how purchased domain will be used\u0004Your site's custom URL [blogLink][url][/blogLink] will redirect to [tumblrLink][tumblrUrl][/tumblrLink]":["L'URL personalizzato del tuo sito [blogLink][url][/blogLink] reindirizzerà a [tumblrLink][tumblrUrl][/tumblrLink]"],"Help text that indicates which domain is connected to the blog\u0004Your site's custom URL: [blogLink][url][/blogLink]":["URL personalizzato del tuo sito: [blogLink][url][/blogLink]"],"Help text that tells which domain is connected to the blog\u0004Your site's custom URL: [blogLink][url][/blogLink]":["URL del tuo sito personalizzato: [blogLink][url][/blogLink]"],"Help text that tells which domain is mapped to the blog\u0004Your site's custom URL: [blogLink][url][/blogLink]":["URL del tuo sito personalizzato: [blogLink][url][/blogLink]"],"Placeholder for CTA URL input\u0004Your store or product web address":["Indirizzo web del tuo negozio o prodotto"],"[Premium] Subscription renewed toast\u0004Your subscription has been renewed! Your next billing date will be %1$s.":["Il tuo abbonamento è stato rinnovato! La prossima data di pagamento è il giorno %1$s."],"Status title that appears for subscriptions that have a status of on-hold and are currently processing.\u0004Your subscription is processing":["Il tuo abbonamento è in elaborazione"],"Message when no active subscriptions\u0004Your subscriptions will appear here once they are active.":["I tuoi abbonamenti verranno visualizzati qui una volta attivi."],"Message when no active members\u0004Your supporters will appear here once they are active.":["I tuoi abbonati verranno visualizzati qui una volta diventati attivi."],"Heading for a Patio column that contains your followed tags\u0004Your tags":["I tuoi tag"],"Label for the Your Tags icon on Patio\u0004Your tags":["I tuoi tag"],"Label for a link showing the user the Tumblr's URL for their blog\u0004Your URL":["Il tuo URL"],"Label or placeholder for an input field that lets a user change the url of its primary blog\u0004Your username":["Il tuo nome utente"],"A post is being sponsored for X views, where Blaze is the name of the product\u0004You’ve set this post ablaze. It may take up to 24 hours for your post to be moderated and queued up for delivery. We’ll send you an email when that happens!":["Hai usato Blaze su questo post. Potrebbero essere necessarie fino a 24 ore prima che il tuo post venga moderato e messo in coda per la consegna. Ti invieremo un'e-mail quando ciò accadrà!"],"Form label for editing postal code field in domain contact info. Only applies to the USA.\u0004Zip":["Zip"],"Year in review post results: number of posts created and its percentage\u0004[%1$s] post created (%2$s%)":["[%1$s] post creato (%2$s%)","[%1$s] post creati (%2$s%)"],"Year in review post results: number of posts reblogged and its percentage\u0004[%1$s] post reblogged (%2$s%)":["[%1$s] post rebloggato (%2$s%)","[%1$s] post rebloggati (%2$s%)"],"Text prompt for a user to reset their password if they already have an account\u0004[a]I already have an account.[/a]":["[a]Ho già un account.[/a]"],"Past tense post attribution.\u0004[a][username][/a] added your GIF to a post":["[a][username][/a] ha aggiunto la tua GIF ad un post"],"Past tense post attribution.\u0004[a][username][/a] added your genre-defying work to a post":["[a][username][/a] ha aggiunto la tua opera a un post"],"Past tense post attribution.\u0004[a][username][/a] added your image to a post":["[a][username][/a] ha aggiunto la tua immagine a un post"],"Past tense commented.\u0004[a][username][/a] and [numberOfPeople] others commented on [blogNameOfAuthor]'s post":["[a][username][/a] e altri [numberOfPeople] hanno commentato il post di [blogNameOfAuthor]"],"Past tense commented.\u0004[a][username][/a] commented on [blogNameOfAuthor]":["[a][username][/a] ha commented su [blogNameOfAuthor]"],"Past tense followed.\u0004[a][username][/a] and [numberOfPeople] others followed you":["[a][username][/a] e altri [numberOfPeople] ti seguono"],"Past tense followed.\u0004[a][username][/a] started following [blogNameOfAuthor]":["[a][username][/a] ha iniziato a seguirti [blogNameOfAuthor]"],"Past tense liked.\u0004[a][username][/a] and [numberOfPeople] others liked your post":["[a][username][/a] e altri [numberOfPeople] hanno messo Mi piace al tuo post"],"Past tense reblogged.\u0004[a][username][/a] and [numberOfPeople] others reblogged your post":["[a][username][/a] e altri [numberOfPeople] hanno rebloggato il tuo post"],"Past tense ask-answer.\u0004[a][username][/a] answered your ask":["[a][username][/a] ha risposto alla tua domanda"],"Past tense ask post.\u0004[a][username][/a] asked":["[a][username][/a] ha chiesto"],"User liked post\u0004[a][username][/a] liked your post":["[a][username][/a] ha messo Mi piace al tuo post"],"User mentioned in post\u0004[a][username][/a] mentioned you in a post":["[a][username][/a] ti ha menzionato in un post"],"Past tense note mention.\u0004[a][username][/a] mentioned you on a post":["[a][username][/a] ti ha menzionato in un post"],"User reblogged post\u0004[a][username][/a] reblogged your post":["[a][username][/a] ha rebloggato il tuo post"],"User replied to post\u0004[a][username][/a] replied to your post":["[a][username][/a] ha risposto al tuo post"],"User made a tip on a blog\u0004[a][username][/a] sent [span][tipAmount][/span] worth of love to your blog":["[a][username][/a] ha mandato [span][tipAmount][/span] pieni d'amore al tuo blog"],"User received a TumblrMart gift\u0004[a][username][/a] sent you a gift!":["[a][username][/a] ti ha mandato un regalo!"],"User made a tip on a post\u0004[a][username][/a] tipped [span][tipAmount][/span] to your post":["[a][username][/a] ha dato una mancia di [span][tipAmount][/span] al tuo post"],"States a user was active on a post.\u0004[a][username][/a] was active on the post":["[a][username][/a] era attivo nel post"],"A link to the blog page using the search query as the blog name. It reads 'Go to @(searchQuery)'\u0004[action]Go to [/action][atSymbol]@[/atSymbol][blogName][searchQuery][/blogName]":["[action]Vai a [/action][atSymbol]@[/atSymbol][blogName][searchQuery][/blogName]"],"Header of the message shown when a logged out user opens a collection invitation link; blogName is the name of the user who sent the link\u0004[avatar/] [blogName] invited you to this collection!":["[avatar/] [blogName] ti ha invitato a questa raccolta!"],"Header of the message shown when a user opens a collection invitation link; blogName is the name of the user who sent the link\u0004[avatar/] [blogName] invited you to this collection!":["[avatar/] [blogName] ti ha invitato a questa raccolta!"],"Used when selecting a blog and a community to post to. Example: helloworld in The Last Of Us Fans\u0004[b][blogName][/b] in [b][communityName][/b]":["[b][blogName][/b] in [b][communityName][/b]"],"Used when selecting a blog and a community to post to. Example: helloworld in The Last Of Us Fans\u0004[b][blogName][/b] in [communityName/]":["[b][blogName][/b] in [communityName/]"],"The number of members this community has. Placeholder is the total members\u0004[b][memberCount][/b] [a]member[/a]":["[b][memberCount][/b] [a]membro[/a]","[b][memberCount][/b] [a]membri[/a]"],"The number of members this community has. Placeholder is the total members\u0004[b][memberCount][/b] member":["[b][memberCount][/b] membro","[b][memberCount][/b] membri"],"The number of followers of a given subject. Placeholder is the count of followers\u0004[b][numFollowers][/b] followers":["[b][numFollowers][/b] follower"],"The number of posts this community has. Placeholder is the total posts\u0004[b][postCount][/b] [a]post[/a]":["[b][postCount][/b] [a]post[/a]","[b][postCount][/b] [a]post[/a]"],"Success message shown after membership request was approved\u0004[blogName/] approved":["[blogName/] richiesta approvata"],"Success message shown after membership request was denied\u0004[blogName/] denied":["[blogName/] richiesta non autorizzata"],"Label describing a disabled settings input that informs you about the fact that your blog is explicit.\u0004[blogName] is explicit":["[blogName] ha contenuti espliciti"],"A message to someone creating a new post, informing them of video upload limits.\u0004[bold]Psst, heads up:[/bold] You can only upload 1 file per post but you can add up to 10 web URLs!":["[bold]Ehi, attenzione:[/bold] Puoi caricare solo 1 file per post ma puoi aggiungere fino a 10 URL web!"],"A message to someone creating a new post, informing them of audio upload limits.\u0004[bold]Psst, heads up:[/bold] You can upload up to 10 audio files, or add 10 web URLs!":["[bold]Ehi, attenzione:[/bold] Puoi caricare fino a 10 file audio, o aggiungere 10 URL web!"],"A message to someone creating a new post, informing them of image upload limits.\u0004[bold]Psst, heads up:[/bold] You can upload up to 10 image files, or add 10 web URLs!":["[bold]Ehi, attenzione:[/bold] Puoi caricare fino a 10 immagini, o aggiungere 10 URL web!"],"A message to someone creating a new post, informing them of image upload limits.\u0004[bold]Psst, heads up:[/bold] You can upload up to 30 image files, or add 30 web URLs!":["[bold]Ehi, attenzione:[/bold] Puoi caricare fino a 30 immagini, o aggiungere 30 URL web!"],"message detailing what will happen if the user switches blogs.\u0004[bold][blogName][/bold] does not have memberships enabled. Your post will be reverted back to public.":["[bold][blogName][/bold] non ha un abbonamento attivo. Il tuo post verrà convertito a pubblico."],"Displayed when showing a Tumblr Live stream as a preview in the dashboard. [name] is the name of the streamer and [live /] is a graphical badge.\u0004[bold][name][/bold] is streaming [live /] now!":["[bold][name][/bold] è in live streaming [live /] ora!"],"Year in review a big number of posts with no tags text\u0004[bold][percentNotTagged]%[/bold] of your posts had no tags! Oof.":["[bold][percentNotTagged]%[/bold] dei tuoi post non hanno tag! Uff."],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X clicks from paid impressions\u0004[count] from paid impressions":["[count] da impressioni pagate"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X clicks from paid impressions\u0004[count] via Blaze":["[count] via Blaze"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X engagements from paid impressions\u0004[count] from paid impressions":["[count] da impressioni pagate"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X engagements from paid impressions\u0004[count] via Blaze":["[count] via Blaze"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X follows from paid impressions\u0004[count] from paid impressions":["[count] da impressioni pagate"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X follows from paid impressions\u0004[count] via Blaze":["[count] via Blaze"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X impressions from paid impressions\u0004[count] from paid impressions":["[count] da impressioni pagate"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X impressions from paid impressions\u0004[count] via Blaze":["[count] via Blaze"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X likes from paid impressions\u0004[count] from paid impressions":["[count] da impressioni pagate"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X likes from paid impressions\u0004[count] via Blaze":["[count] via Blaze"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X reblogs from paid impressions\u0004[count] from paid impressions":["[count] da impressioni pagate"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X reblogs from paid impressions\u0004[count] via Blaze":["[count] via Blaze"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X replies from paid impressions\u0004[count] from paid impressions":["[count] da impressioni pagate"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X replies from paid impressions\u0004[count] via Blaze":["[count] via Blaze"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X shares from paid impressions\u0004[count] from paid impressions":["[count] da impressioni pagate"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X shares from paid impressions\u0004[count] via Blaze":["[count] via Blaze"],"Text explaining that a custom domain redirects to the default domain\u0004[customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] currently redirects to [defaultDomainBlogLink][peeprDefaultDisplayUrl][/defaultDomainBlogLink].":["[customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] attualmente reindirizza a [defaultDomainBlogLink][peeprDefaultDisplayUrl][/defaultDomainBlogLink]."],"Text explaining the behaviour of a custom domain when custom theme is disabled\u0004[customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] currently redirects to [defaultDomainBlogLink][peeprDefaultDisplayUrl][/defaultDomainBlogLink]. Enable custom theme to make [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] the home address for this blog.":["[customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] attualmente reindirizza a [defaultDomainBlogLink][peeprDefaultDisplayUrl][/defaultDomainBlogLink]. Abilita il tema personalizzato per rendere [customDomainBlogLink][domainName][/customDomainBlogLink] l'indirizzo di casa di questo blog."],"One item using an appropriate connecting word followed some amount of other items. Example output: Alex and 2 others\u0004[displayedItem/][space/][andOthersButton] and [number] other[/andOthersButton]":["[displayedItem/][space/][andOthersButton] e [number] altro[/andOthersButton]","[displayedItem/][space/][andOthersButton] e [number] altri[/andOthersButton]"],"One item using an appropriate connecting word followed some amount of other items. Example output: Alex and 2 others\u0004[displayedItem/][space/][andOthersButton]and [number] other[/andOthersButton]":["[displayedItem/][space/][andOthersButton]e [number] altro[/andOthersButton]","[displayedItem/][space/][andOthersButton]e [number] altri[/andOthersButton]"],"Next to a button that links to the tumblr mobile app\u0004[div]Got another device?[/div][mutedText]Get Tumblr.[/mutedText]":["[div]Hai un altro dispositivo?[/div][mutedText]Ottieni Tumblr.[/mutedText]"],"A mention of two blog names\u0004[firstUserLink][firstUsername][/firstUserLink] and [secondUserLink][secondUsername][/secondUserLink]":["[firstUserLink][firstUsername][/firstUserLink] e [secondUserLink][secondUsername][/secondUserLink]"],"A mention of two blog names and a certain number of others.\u0004[firstUserLink][firstUsername][/firstUserLink], [secondUserLink][secondUsername][/secondUserLink] and [number] other":["[firstUserLink][firstUsername][/firstUserLink], [secondUserLink][secondUsername][/secondUserLink] e [number] altro","[firstUserLink][firstUsername][/firstUserLink], [secondUserLink][secondUsername][/secondUserLink] e altri [number]"],"The number of followers this tag has. Placeholder is the count of followers\u0004[followersCount] follower":["[followersCount] follower","[b][followersCount][/b] follower"],"The number of followers this topic has. Placeholder is the count of followers\u0004[followersCount] follower":["[followersCount] follower","[b][followersCount][/b] follower"],"Label displayed next to a tag which shows the number of followers for the tag.\u0004[followers] followers":["[followers] follower"],"Label displayed next to a tag which shows the number of followers for the tag.\u0004[totalFollowers] follower":["[totalFollowers] follower","[totalFollowers] follower"],"A link to the search page using the search query. It reads 'search for (searchQuery)'\u0004[icon/][action]search for [/action][searchForQuery][searchQuery/][/searchForQuery]":["[icon/][action]cerca [/action][searchForQuery][searchQuery/][/searchForQuery]"],"A link to the search page using the search query. It reads 'search for (searchQuery)'\u0004[icon/][action]search for [/action][searchForQuery][searchQuery][/searchForQuery]":["[icon/][action]cerca [/action][searchForQuery][searchQuery][/searchForQuery]"],"A single list item ending with a delineator, so that putting multiple together creates a list ending with that delineator. Does not include the final item, which is handled separately. Example output when repeated, with the translated item in []: [Alex, ][Katie, ]Kelly,\u0004[item/],[space/]":["[item/],[space/]"],"A single list item ending with a delineator, so that putting multiple together creates a list ending with that delineator. Example output when repeated: Alex, Katie, Kelly,\u0004[item/],[space/]":["[item/],[space/]"],"The final list item amongst deliniated items. The deliniator (in English's case, the Oxford comma) may or may not exist, as needed by the language. Example output when following a list of items and preceeding and ending clause, with the translated item in []: Alex, Katie, [Kelly, ]and 2 others OR Alex, Katie, [Kelly ]y 2 otras\u0004[item/],[space/]":["[item/],[space/]"],"The post has been sponsored by other user and is hot / trending\u0004[link][blogName][/link] set this post on fire – in a good way!":["[link][blogName][/link] ha dato fuoco a questo post – in senso positivo!"],"An incomplete list of items using an appropriate connecting word followed by some amount of other items. listOfItems is an incomplete list ending with a comma or other delineator. Example output: Alex, Katie, Kelly, and 2 others\u0004[listOfItems/] [andOthersButton] and [number] other[/andOthersButton]":["[displayedItem/][space/][andOthersButton] e [number] altro[/andOthersButton]","[displayedItem/][space/][andOthersButton] e [number] altri[/andOthersButton]"],"An incomplete list of items using an appropriate connecting word followed by some amount of other items. listOfItems is an incomplete list ending with a comma or other delineator. Example output: Alex, Katie, Kelly, and 2 others\u0004[listOfItems/][andOthersButton]and [number] other[/andOthersButton]":["[listOfItems/][andOthersButton]e [number] altro[/andOthersButton]","[listOfItems/][andOthersButton]e [number] altri[/andOthersButton]"],"An incomplete list of items followed by one final item, using an appropriate connecting word. listOfItems is an incomplete list ending with a comma or other delineator. Example output: Alex, Katie, Kelly, and Lenny\u0004[listOfItems/] and[space/][finalListItem/]":["[listOfItems/] e[space/][finalListItem/]"],"An incomplete list of items followed by one final item, using an appropriate connecting word. listOfItems is an incomplete list ending with a comma or other delineator. Example output: Alex, Katie, Kelly, and Lenny\u0004[listOfItems/]and[space/][finalListItem/]":["[listOfItems/]e[space/][finalListItem/]"],"[Tumblrmart] text in Horse Friend that list a horse's name and how many days they lived\u0004[name] [br /] lived for 1 day":["[name] [br /] ha vissuto 1 giorno","[name] [br /] ha vissuto [number] giorni"],"The number of posts this topic has had recently. Placeholder is the count of posts\u0004[newPostsCount] recent post":["[newPostsCount] post recente","[b][newPostsCount][/b] post recenti"],"Message displayed to community members promoting free-to-join setting availability - heading\u0004[newSymbol/] Make your community free-to-join!":["[newSymbol/] Rendi libero l'accesso alla tua Community!"],"Message displayed to users about verifying their emails as a required step\u0004[newSymbol/] Verify your email!":["[newSymbol/] Verifica la tua email"],"Year in review posts created count text\u0004[number] [small]post created[/small] [subtitle][percentCreated]%[/subtitle]":["[number] [small]post creato[/small] [subtitle][percentCreated]%[/subtitle]","[number] [small]post creati[/small] [subtitle][percentCreated]%[/subtitle]"],"Year in review posts reblogged count text\u0004[number] [small]post reblogged[/small] [subtitle][percentReblogged]%[/subtitle]":["[number] [small]post rebloggato[/small] [subtitle][percentReblogged]%[/subtitle]","[number] [small]post rebloggati[/small] [subtitle][percentReblogged]%[/subtitle]"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X clicks earned\u0004[number] earned":["[number] guadagnato","[number] guadagnati"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X engagements earned\u0004[number] earned":["[number] guadagnato","[number] guadagnati"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X follows earned\u0004[number] earned":["[number] guadagnato","[number] guadagnati"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X impressions earned\u0004[number] earned":["[number] guadagnato","[number] guadagnati"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X likes earned\u0004[number] earned":["[number] guadagnato","[number] guadagnati"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X reblogs earned\u0004[number] earned":["[number] guadagnato","[number] guadagnati"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X replies earned\u0004[number] earned":["[number] guadagnato","[number] guadagnati"],"Blaze campaign: Abbreviation of X shares earned\u0004[number] earned":["[number] guadagnato","[number] guadagnati"],"Label showing how many levels deep the reblog is\u0004[number] reblog deep":["[number] livello di reblog","[number] livelli di reblog"],"[Communities] Educational banner text in member removal dialog. [p/] is a placeholder for paragraphs.\u0004[p] This person will be removed from this community, and unable to view comments, reactions, or members. [/p] [p]They will be notified and shown the selected reason and note.[/p]":["[p] Questa persona verrà rimossa da questa Community e non potrà più vedere commenti, reazioni o membri. [/p]\n[p]La persona riceverà una notifica e vedrà il motivo selezionato e la nota annessa.[/p]"],"[Communities] Educational banner text in member removal modal. [p/] is a placeholder for paragraphs.\u0004[p] This person will be removed from this community, and unable to view comments, reactions, or members. [/p] [p]They will be notified and shown the selected reason and note.[/p]":["[p] Questa persona verrà rimossa da questa Community e non potrà più vedere commenti, reazioni o membri. [/p]\n[p]La persona riceverà una notifica e vedrà il motivo selezionato e la nota annessa.[/p]"],"Answer to question: how does Tumblr supporter badge work?\u0004[p] You will receive a loyalty badge that evolves with your continued support. On the monthly plan, you'll start out with Steel at $2.99 per month, upgrade to Copper at three months, Gold at six months, and Platinum at 12 months. On the other hand, a yearly pledge of $29.99 will catapult you straight to Platinum. In either case, the final level is Oil Slick, which you'll reach after two years on the monthly plan or one year after purchasing the annual subscription: a small acknowledgment of your long-term support that you can proudly display on the dashboard. [/p] [p] And it gets better: you'll never lose the time you've banked as a Supporter. If you cancel your subscription or a payment fails, you won't have access to your badge anymore, but your time as a Supporter will be stored for posterity: Should you resume your subscription, it will continue from the level you were on when you canceled (i.e., if you canceled at Copper after four months, you would resume at Copper upon reactivating your subscription). You are, of course, free to cancel at any time. Note that this recurring subscription will renew automatically at each interval unless you cancel. [/p]":["[p] Riceverai un badge fedeltà che si evolve di pari passo al tuo supporto. Con il piano mensile inizierai da Acciaio a $ 2,99 al mese, passerai a Rame dopo tre mesi, Oro dopo sei mesi e Platino dopo 12 mesi. In alternativa, un contributo annuale di $ 29,99 ti catapulterà direttamente al platino. In entrambi i casi, il livello finale è Iridescente, che raggiungerai dopo due anni con il piano mensile o un anno di abbonamento annuale: un piccolo riconoscimento del tuo supporto a lungo termine che potrai mostrare con orgoglio sulla dashboard. [/p] [p] E c'è di meglio: non perderai mai il tempo che hai accumulato come sostenitore. Se annulli il tuo abbonamento o un pagamento non va a buon fine, non avrai più accesso al tuo badge, ma il tuo tempo come sostenitore sarà conservato per i posteri: se ripristini l'abbonamento, continuerà dal livello in cui ti trovavi al momento dell'annullamento (ovvero, se annulli dopo quattro mesi a livello Rame, riprenderai da lì alla riattivazione dell'abbonamento). Naturalmente sei libero di recedere in qualsiasi momento. Tieni presente che questo abbonamento ricorrente si rinnoverà automaticamente a ogni intervallo a meno che non lo annulli. [/p]"],"Description of the domain transfer process\u0004[p]To transfer your domain, we will need the domain's authorization code. It might also be called secret code, auth code, or EPP code. You can usually find this in the domain settings page of your domain provider.[/p] [p]It takes 10-20 minutes to set up. It can take up to 5 days for the domain to be transferred, depending on your provider.[/p]":["[p]Per trasferire il tuo dominio, abbiamo bisogno del relativo codice di autorizzazione, a volte chiamato anche codice segreto, codice di autenticazione o EPP. Lo trovi in genere nella pagina delle impostazioni del dominio del tuo provider.[/p] [p]La configurazione richiede tra i 10 e i 20 minuti. A seconda del provider, il trasferimento del dominio può richiedere fino a 5 giorni.[/p]"],"Description of the domain transfer process\u0004[p]To transfer your domain, we will need the domains authorization code. It might also be called secret code, auth code, or EPP code. You can usually find this in the domain settings page of your domain provider.[/p] [p]It takes 10-20 minutes to set up. It can take up to 5 days for the domain to be transferred, depending on your provider.[/p]":["[p]Per trasferire il tuo dominio, abbiamo bisogno del relativo codice di autorizzazione, a volte chiamato anche codice segreto, codice di autenticazione o codice EPP. Lo trovi in genere nella pagina delle impostazioni del dominio del tuo provider.[/p] [p]La configurazione richiede tra i 10 e i 20 minuti. A seconda del provider, il trasferimento del dominio può richiedere fino a 5 giorni.[/p]"],"Text for confirmation dialog, when user sets their birthdate on the account settings page. [birthdate] is the user's selected birthdate formatted according to the user's locale, e.g. 'May 2, 1995'.\u0004[p]You are confirming that your birthday of [birthdate /] is accurate. If Tumblr determines at any point that this information is inaccurate, your account may be permanently closed.[/p] [p]You can only confirm your birthday once.[/p]":["[p]Stai confermando che il tuo compleanno [data di nascita /] è corretto. Se Tumblr determina in qualsiasi momento che queste informazioni non sono accurate, il tuo account potrebbe essere chiuso definitivamente.[/p] [p]Puoi confermare il tuo compleanno solo una volta.[/p]"],"Placeholder for when the user is going to write a Chat Post\u0004[p][strong]Axl:[/strong] Welcome to the jungle.[/p] [p][strong]Customer:[/strong] We'd like a table for two, please.[/p] [p][strong]Axl:[/strong] Your table is right this way.[/p]":["[p][strong]Axl:[/strong] Benvenuti al the jungle.[/p] [p][strong]Cliente:[/strong] Un tavolo per due, per favore.[/p] [p][strong]Axl:[/strong] Prego, da questa parte.[/p]"],"For Ad-Free browsing discount. Price is a string containing price per period, discountPercent contains full percentage off, and pill is a visual wrapper t make the discount stand out.\u0004[price] [pill][discountPercent]% off![/pill]":["[price] [pill][discountPercent]% in meno![/pill]"],"Renewal price of a domain\u0004[price]/year":["[price]/anno"],"Shows up in post header to indicate that a post was reblogged by some other blogger.\u0004[rebloggerAuthor/] [span]reblogged[/span] [postAuthor/]":["[rebloggerAuthor/] [span]ha rebloggato[/span] [postAuthor/]"],"Shows up in post header to indicate that a post was reblogged by some other blogger.\u0004[rebloggerAuthor/] reblogged [postAuthor/]":["[rebloggerAuthor/] ha rebloggato [postAuthor/]"],"The number of recent posts this topic has. Placeholder is the count of recent posts\u0004[recentPosts] recent post":["[recentPosts] post recente","[b][recentPosts][/b] post recenti"],"Displayed when a blog has sent a message to a secondary blog\u0004[senderBlogLink/] [innerElement]said to[/innerElement] [recipientBlogLink/]:":["[senderBlogLink/] [innerElement]ha detto a[/innerElement] [recipientBlogLink/]:"],"Displayed when a blog has submitted a post to a secondary blog\u0004[senderBlogLink/] [innerElement]submitted to[/innerElement] [recipientBlogLink/]:":["[senderBlogLink/] [innerElement]ha inviato a[/innerElement] [recipientBlogLink/]:"],"Displayed when a blog has submitted a post to a primary blog\u0004[senderBlogLink/] [innerElement]submitted:[/innerElement]":["[senderBlogLink/] [innerElement]ha inviato:[/innerElement]"],"Displayed when a blog has submitted a post to a primary blog\u0004[senderBlogLink/] [innerElement]submitted[/innerElement]:":["[senderBlogLink/] [innerElement]ha inviato[/innerElement]:"],"Header shown on the adult blog community label page where [blogName] is the name of the blog the user is attempting to access\u0004[span][blogName][/span] is on Tumblr":["[span][blogName][/span] è su Tumblr"],"Help text for keyboard shortcuts which involve pressing a key (Q, W, or E) and hovering with the mouse eg. Q + Hover, W + Hover, E + Hover\u0004[span][shortcut][/span] + [span]Hover[/span]":["[span][shortcut][/span] + [span]Hover[/span]"],"Label for showing number of blogs in the collection\u0004[strongNumber][number][/strongNumber] blog":["[strongNumber][number][/strongNumber] blog","[strongNumber][number][/strongNumber] blog"],"Label for showing number of tags in the collection\u0004[strongNumber][number][/strongNumber] tag":["[strongNumber][number][/strongNumber] tag","[strongNumber][number][/strongNumber] tag"],"User tried to search for a domain name with a TLD that is not supported\u0004[strong].[tld][/strong] domains are not available for registration on Tumblr.":["[strong].[tld][/strong] i domini non sono disponibili per la registrazione su Tumblr."],"Tumblr Domains marketing copy - blurb 1 out of 3\u0004[strong]It’s so easy.[/strong] Simply search for your desired personal dot com, and within a few seconds you, too, can have a place to call your very own. Serve your stuff with a little verve.":["[strong]È così facile.[/strong] Basta cercare il punto com personale desiderato e in pochi secondi anche tu puoi avere un posto da chiamare il tuo. Servi le tue cose con un po' di brio."],"Tumblr Domains marketing copy - blurb 2 out of 3\u0004[strong]It’s so legit (or not).[/strong] Nothing says you’re the real deal quite like your very own domain name. (Unless it’s a .wtf domain. We’re Tumblr. We have those too.)":["[strong]È così legittimo (o no).[/strong] Niente dice che tu sia il vero affare come il tuo nome di dominio. (A meno che non sia un dominio .wtf. Siamo Tumblr. Abbiamo anche quelli.)"],"Tumblr Domains marketing copy - blurb 3 out of 3\u0004[strong]It’s so private.[/strong] We keep your identity safe and secure. Your domain registration information is kept private, for free.":["[strong]È così privato.[/strong] Manteniamo la tua identità al sicuro. Le tue informazioni di registrazione del dominio sono mantenute private, gratuitamente."],"Tumblr Domains marketing copy\u0004[strong]It’s unique.[/strong] Get a Tumblr Domain so your blog can be reached at a unique address of your choice! (Yes, a unique address that doesn't say":["[strong]È unico.[/strong] Ottieni un dominio Tumblr in modo che il tuo blog possa essere raggiunto a un indirizzo univoco a tua scelta! (Sì, un indirizzo univoco che non includa"],"Notifying the logged-in user they have a flagged post\u0004[strong]You[/strong] have a flagged post":["[strong]Hai[/strong] un post segnalato"],"Notifying the logged-in user their flagged post appeal was accepted\u0004[strong]Your[/strong] flagged post appeal was accepted":["Il ricorso al [strong]tuo[/strong] post segnalato è stato accettato"],"Notifying the logged-in user their flagged post appeal was denied\u0004[strong]Your[/strong] flagged post appeal was denied":["Il ricorso al [strong]tuo[/strong] post segnalato è stato rifiutato"],"Reaction bubble details - one user reacted (that is not you) with this emoji\u0004[strong][blog][/strong] reacted with [span][slug][/span]":["[strong][blog][/strong] ha reagito con [span][slug][/span]"],"List of blogs that reacted to this post with the given emoji slug.\u0004[strong][list/][/strong] reacted with [span][slug][/span]":["[strong][list/][/strong] ha reagito con [span][slug][/span]"],"Reaction bubble details - multiple users (including you) reacted with the same emoji\u0004[strong][list/][/strong] reacted with [span][slug][/span]":["[strong][list/][/strong] ha reagito con [span][slug][/span]"],"Reaction bubble details - multiple users reacted (not including you) with the same emoji\u0004[strong][list/][/strong] reacted with [span][slug][/span]":["[strong][list/][/strong] ha reagito con [span][slug][/span]"],"Community admins count\u0004[strong][number][/strong] Admin":["[strong][number][/strong] Admin","[strong][number][/strong] Admin"],"Community pending invitations count\u0004[strong][number][/strong] Invitation":["[strong][number][/strong] Invito","[strong][number][/strong] Inviti"],"Community members count\u0004[strong][number][/strong] Member":["[strong][number][/strong] Membro","[strong][number][/strong] Membri"],"Community moderators count\u0004[strong][number][/strong] Moderator":["[strong][number][/strong] Moderatore","[strong][number][/strong] Moderatori"],"Community pending membership requests count\u0004[strong][number][/strong] Request":["[strong][number][/strong] Richiesta","[strong][number][/strong] Richieste"],"Reaction bubble details - when no user details are provided fallback to count\u0004[strong][number][/strong] [span][slug][/span] reaction":["[strong][number][/strong] [span][slug][/span] reazione","[strong][number][/strong] [span][slug][/span] reazioni"],"Activity item text for when a Live Stream starts\u0004[strong][username][/strong] started a livestream":["[strong][username][/strong] ha iniziato un livestream"],"Activity item text for when a Live Stream starts\u0004[username] started a livestream":["[username] ha iniziato un livestream"],"Label displayed next to a tag which shows the number of recent posts for the tag.\u0004[totalRecentPosts] recent post":["[totalRecentPosts] post recente","[totalRecentPosts] post recenti"],"Label displayed next to a tag which shows the number of unread posts for the tag.\u0004[totalUnread] recent post":["[totalUnread] post recente","[totalUnread] post recenti"],"Label displayed next to a tag which shows the number of unread posts for the tag.\u0004[unreadCount] recent posts":["[unreadCount] post recenti"],"Credit card type and last four digits.\u0004[type] ending in [digits]":["[type] termina tra [digits]"],"Activity item text for a Blaze other people's posts - Blaze post created\u0004[username] Blazed your post!":["[username] ha usato Blaze sul tuo post!"],"A mention of one blog name and a certain number of others.\u0004[username] and [numberOfPeople] others":["[username] e [numberOfPeople] altri"],"Activity item text for a Blaze other people's posts - Blaze post canceled by blaze owner\u0004[username] canceled their Blaze campaign of your post":["[username] ha annullato la sua campagna Blaze del tuo post"],"Activity item text for a Blaze other people's posts - Blaze post canceled by post owner\u0004[username] canceled your Blaze campaign of their post":["[username] ha cancellato la tua campagna Blaze sul suo post"],"Activity item text for a Blaze other people's posts - Blaze post extinguished message to post owner\u0004[username] extinguished their Blaze campaign of your post":["[username] ha estinto la sua campagna Blaze sul tuo post"],"Activity item text for a Blaze other people's posts - Blaze post extinguished\u0004[username] extinguished your Blaze campaign of their post":["[username] ha estinto la tua campagna Blaze sul suo post"],"[TumblrMart] Text describing what one thinks about when they remember crabs\u0004a salty summer breeze":["una brezza salmastra d'estate"],"[TumblrMart] Text describing what one thinks about when they remember crabs\u0004drawn butter and a squirt of lemon juice":["burro spalmato e una spruzzata di succo di limone"],"[TumblrMart] Text describing what one thinks about when they remember crabs\u0004eurphoric sunsets on the beach":["tramonti euforici sulla spiaggia"],"[TumblrMart] Text describing what one thinks about when they remember crabs\u0004the color of the sky":["il colore del cielo"],"[TumblrMart] Text describing what one thinks about when they remember crabs\u0004the many waves that flow through clouds and sunken caves":["le tante onde che scorrono tra le nuvole e le grotte sommerse"],"[TumblrMart] Text describing what one thinks about when they remember crabs\u0004the sound of tiny waves splashing on the sand":["il suono delle piccole onde che si infrangono sulla sabbia"],"[TumblrMart] Text describing what one thinks about when they remember crabs\u0004the turning of the tides":["il cambio di marea"],"A comma-separated list of example tags\u0004a tag, another tag, ...":["un tag, un altro tag..."],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: What a crab says when it walks on top of a tag link that contains \"crab\".\u0004about me?":["su di me?"],"Text shown on the notifications settings when you have enabled all emails\u0004all emails":["tutte le email"],"[TumblrMart] Text describing what one thinks about when they remember Horse Friend\u0004an autumn walk through a cemetery":["una passeggiata autunnale in un cimitero"],"[TumblrMart] Text describing what one thinks about when they remember Horse Friend\u0004arriving at a destination on the back of my best friend":["arrivare a destinazione sul dorso del mio migliore amico"],"[TumblrMart] Text describing what one thinks about when they remember Horse Friend\u0004kisses from a big, wet mouth":["baci da una grande bocca tumida"],"[TumblrMart] Text describing what one thinks about when they remember Horse Friend\u0004secret confessions that are only uttered at death's door":["confessioni segrete che vengono pronunciate solo in punto di morte"],"[TumblrMart] Text describing what one thinks about when they remember Horse Friend\u0004strong galloping sounds":["forte suono di galoppo"],"[TumblrMart] Text describing what one thinks about when they remember Horse Friend\u0004the burdens of a life well lived":["il peso di una vita ben vissuta"],"[TumblrMart] Text describing what one thinks about when they remember Horse Friend\u0004the rich smell of leather":["il ricco profumo del cuoio"],"Coordinating conjunction as in \"Some notifications AND some emails\"\u0004and":["e"],"Expand the list of items\u0004and others":["e altri"],"alt text for the icon of an app listed in the apps settings page\u0004app icon":["Icona app"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Label for displaying total number of friend crabs\u0004befriended:":["diventati amici:"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Label for displaying total number of crabs that have fallen in love with the user\u0004beloved:":["amati:"],"April Fools: Name of reaction, for use in generating the share post image alt text\u0004brick":["brick"],"April Fools: Name of reaction, for use in generating the share post image alt text\u0004bug":["bug"],"April Fools: Name of reaction, for use in generating the share post image alt text\u0004cheese":["formaggio"],"April Fools: Name of reaction, for use in generating the share post image alt text\u0004cookie":["biscotto"],"April Fools: Name of reaction, for use in generating the share post image alt text\u0004crab":["granchio"],"April Fools: Name of reaction, for use in generating the share post image alt text\u0004ghost":["fantasma"],"April Fools: Name of reaction, for use in generating the share post image alt text\u0004horse":["cavallo"],"April Fools: Name of reaction, for use in generating the share post image alt text\u0004moon":["luna"],"April Fools: Name of reaction, for use in generating the share post image alt text\u0004pikaman":["pikaman"],"April Fools: Name of reaction, for use in generating the share post image alt text\u0004shh":["shh"],"April Fools: Name of reaction, for use in generating the share post image alt text\u0004socks":["calzini"],"April Fools: Name of reaction, for use in generating the share post image alt text\u0004unicorn":["unicorno"],"April Fools: Name of reaction, for use in generating the share post image alt text\u0004vanilla":["vaniglia"],"Tooltip text for the brick reaction icon in the post footer reactions menu\u0004brick":["brick"],"April Fools: Localized tag for share post\u0004brick's latest great idea":["l'ultima grande idea di brick"],"April Fools: Localized tag for share post\u0004post reactions":["reazioni al post"],"Tooltip text for the bug reaction icon in the post footer reactions menu\u0004bug":["bug"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Label for displaying total number of captured crabs\u0004captured:":["catturati:"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Label for displaying total number of captured crabs\u0004sleeping:":["dormono:"],"Tooltip text for the cheese reaction icon in the post footer reactions menu\u0004cheese":["formaggio"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: What the crab says when it steps on the Summon Crab button.\u0004click please":["clicca per favore"],"close banner button\u0004close":["Chiudi"],"Tooltip text for the cookie reaction icon in the post footer reactions menu\u0004cookie":["biscotto"],"Tooltip text for the crab reaction icon in the post footer reactions menu\u0004crab":["granchio"],"%1$s is an example of the expected input\u0004e.g. %1$s":["ad es. %1$s"],"Give users an example of the expected input\u0004e.g. 10":["ad es. 10"],"Give users an example of the expected input\u0004e.g.":["per es."],"Give users an example of the expected input\u0004e.g.":["ad es."],"Give users an example of the expected input\u0004e.g. 2001:500:84::b":["per es. 2001:500:84::b"],"Give users an example of the expected input\u0004e.g. 5060":["per es. 5060"],"Give users an example of the expected input\u0004e.g. ::ffff:c0a8:101":["ad es. ::ffff:c0a8:101"],"Give users an example of the expected input\u0004e.g.":["per es."],"Give users an example of the expected input\u0004e.g.":["per es."],"Give users an example of the expected input\u0004e.g. sip":["ad esempio sip"],"Give users an example of the expected input\u0004e.g.":["per es."],"Give users an example of the expected input\u0004e.g. v=spf1 ~all":["ad esempio v=spf1 ~all"],"end time of post queue schedule\u0004end time":["ora di fine"],"Estimated impressions for a product in Blaze campaigns (modal)\u0004estimated impressions":["visualizzazioni stimate"],"Tooltip text for the four reaction icon in the post footer reactions menu\u0004four":["quattro"],"Tooltip text for the four reaction icon in the post footer reactions menu. Includes an indication that clicking this reaction triggers sound.\u0004four (this one's noisy)":["quattro (questo è rumoroso)"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: What a friend crab says when you hover over it\u0004friend \u003c3":["amico \u003c3"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: What a crab says when it walks on top of a blog name or avatar.\u0004friend?":["amico?"],"Part of the message shown at the bottom of the collections' pages so users can leave feedback, indicating that this feature comes from the Labs team\u0004from @[blogLink]labs[/blogLink]":["da @[blogLink]labs[/blogLink]"],"Tooltip text for the ghost reaction icon in the post footer reactions menu\u0004ghost":["fantasma"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Share post group picture title. Must be a litle silly and excitable.\u0004group picture!!!":["foto di gruppo!!!"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: What a crab says when you hover over it\u0004hand":["mano"],"[Tumblrmart] Label on a Horse Friend button that allows player to hatch a new horse\u0004hatch a new one":["ottienine uno nuovo"],"Pride 2023: What the crabs say if they touch a frog\u0004hoppy friend":["hoppy friend"],"Tooltip text for the horse reaction icon in the post footer reactions menu\u0004horse":["cavallo"],"Tooltip text for the horse reaction icon in the post footer reactions menu. Includes an indication that clicking this reaction triggers sound.\u0004horse (this one's noisy)":["cavallo (questo è rumoroso)"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Share post copy. 1 is the number of befriended crabs. 2 is the emoji associated with friends.\u0004i became friends with one %2$s of them.":["ho fatto amicizia con uno %2$s di loro.","ho fatto amicizia con %1$s %2$s di loro."],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Share post copy. 1 is the number of captured crabs. 2 is the emoji associated with being captured.\u0004i caught one %2$s of them.":["ne ho catturato uno %2$s di loro.","oggi ne ho catturati %1$s %2$s."],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Share post copy. Closing content text.\u0004i summoned some new orange friends 🦀":["ho convocato dei nuovi amici arancioni 🦀"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Share post copy. Closing content text.\u0004just me and my crab army *clack clack clack* 🦀":["solo io e il mio esercito di granchi *clack clack clack* 🦀"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Share post copy when no crabs summoned.\u0004it is time for crab on tumblr, but not time for crab in my life. yet.":["è tempo di granchi su tumblr, ma non di granchi nella mia vita. Ancora."],"Relative time to show on a poll expires in less than 1 minute\u0004less than 1 minute":["meno di 1 minuto"],"Relative time to show when time runs out in less than 1 minute\u0004less than 1 minute":["meno di 1 minuto"],"Relative hour string to show when time runs out in exactly 1 day\u0004less than 24 hours":["meno di 24 ore"],"Relative time to show on a poll expires in less than 1 day\u0004less than 24 hours":["meno di 24 ore"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: What a crab says when it walks on top of a link.\u0004link":["link"],"Used within the sentence \"[username] is streaming live now!\". This is a separate string because it is part of a graphical badge displaying \"live\".\u0004live":["live"],"[TumblrMart horse friend widget]: text indicating how many days a horse lived\u0004lived for %1$s day":["ha vissuto %1$s giorno","ha vissuto %1$s giorni"],"label for heart emoji\u0004love":["amore"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: What a beloved crab says when it meets you\u0004love \u003c3":["amore \u003c3"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: What a crab says when it walks on top of a tag link that contains a crab emoji.\u0004me??":["io??"],"Another user mentioned the logged in user in a reply in a community\u0004mentioned you on a post in [communityName].":["ti ha menzionato in un post in [communityName]."],"Another user mentioned the logged in user on a post in a community\u0004mentioned you on a post in [communityName].":["ti ha menzionato in un post in [communityName]."],"Tooltip text for the moon reaction icon in the post footer reactions menu\u0004moon":["luna"],"Your year in review: shared post localised version of my year in review tag\u0004my 2022 tumblr year in review":["Il mio bilancio dell'anno 2022"],"Text shown on the notifications settings when you have disabled all emails\u0004no emails":["nessuna email"],"Label for a numeric count of notes of a post\u0004note":["nota","note"],"Label for a numeric count of notes of a post\u0004notes":["note"],"Used in timestamps; indicates action happened just now (i.e. less than 1 second ago)\u0004now":["adesso"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Share post copy. 1 is the number of beloved crabs. 2 is the emoji associated with love.\u0004one fell in love with me %2$s":["uno si è innamorato di me %2$s","%1$s si sono innamorati di me %2$s"],"Text that separates our different login methods\u0004or":["o"],"Unit for audience size of a Blaze product package (modal)\u0004people":["persone"],"Section title of a Blaze campaign, description for how many people have been shown a post\u0004people reached":["persone raggiunte"],"Tooltip text for the pikaman reaction icon in the post footer reactions menu\u0004pikaman":["pikaman"],"popular tags\u0004popular":["Popolari"],"number of posts to publish per interval in post queue schedule\u0004posts published per interval":["post pubblicati per intervallo"],"interval for post queue schedule\u0004publishing interval in minutes":["intervallo di pubblicazione in minuti"],"Tooltip text for an already silenced post, shown above the silence reaction icon in the post footer reactions menu\u0004reactions disabled. click to enable.":["reazioni disabilitate. clicca per abilitare."],"anchor link title\u0004regular renewal fee":["tassa di rinnovo regolare"],"[TumblrMart horse friend widget]: text on a button that will take a user to their cemetary to remember their dead horses\u0004remember your dead":["ricorda i tuoi defunti"],"[Tumblrmart] Label on a Horse Friend button that brings player to the cemetery\u0004remember your dead":["ricorda i tuoi defunti"],"[Tumblrmart] Label on a Horse Friend tombstone button that when clicked, allows the player to remember their dead horse\u0004remember your horse":["ricordati il tuo cavallo"],"Placeholder text shown for a blog name when content has been moderated\u0004removed":["rimosso"],"Jingle Bells: What the crabs say if they touch a bell\u0004ring ring":["drin drin"],"[Tumblrmart] text in Horse Friend that lists the players numeric score\u0004score: [scoreNumber]":["punti: [scoreNumber]"],"A link to the search page that reads 'search for (blog_name)'\u0004search for":["cerca"],"{{name}} is the name of the gift that was sent. The receiver username is prepended to the message.\u0004sent {{name}}":["inviato {{name}}"],"{{name}} is the name of the gift that was sent. The receiver username is prepended to the message.\u0004sent {{name}} to {{recipient}}. Wahay!":["inviato {{name}} a {{recipient}}. Yeah!"],"{{name}} is the name of the gift that was sent. The receiver username is prepended to the message.\u0004sent {{name}}. Nice.":["inviato {{name}}. Bene."],"{{name}} is the name of the gift that was sent. The sender username is prepended to the message.\u0004sent {{name}}":["inviato {{name}}"],"{{name}} is the name of the gift that was sent. The sender username is prepended to the message.\u0004sent {{name}} to {{recipient}}. Wahay!":["inviato {{name}} a {{recipient}}. Yeah!"],"{{name}} is the name of the gift that was sent. The sender username is prepended to the message.\u0004sent {{name}}. Nice.":["inviato {{name}}. Bene."],"{{name}} is the name of the gift that was sent. The receiver username is prepended to the message\u0004sent {{name}} along with a personal message. Nice touch!":["inviato {{name}} insieme a un messaggio personale. Ben fatto!"],"{{name}} is the name of the gift that was sent. The sender username is prepended to the message\u0004sent {{name}} along with a personal message. Nice touch!":["inviato {{name}} con un messaggio personale. Ben fatto!"],"Tooltip text for the socks reaction icon in the post footer reactions menu\u0004socks":["calzini"],"Text shown on the notifications settings when you have enabled some emails but not all\u0004some emails":["alcune email"],"start time of post queue schedule\u0004start time":["ora d'inizio"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Label for displaying total number of summoned crabs\u0004summoned:":["evocati:"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: What a crab says when it walks on top of a tag link.\u0004tag":["tag"],"[Tumblrmart] Label on a button that brings the user back to playing Horse Friend\u0004tend to your horse":["prenditi cura del tuo cavallo"],"April Fools: Name of reaction, for use in generating the share post image alt text. This one is specifically longer, to distinguish the name of the \"four\" reaction from the emoji counts.\u0004the number \"four\"":["il numero quattro"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Share post copy when user is friends with all summoned crabs. 1 is the number of crabs summoned. 2 is the emoji associated with friends.\u0004today i summoned %1$s crab and became best friends with it. it's just me and my crab friend against the world! 🦀%2$s":["oggi ho evocato %1$s granchio e ora siamo migliori amici. Siamo io e lui contro il mondo! 🦀%2$s","oggi ho evocato %1$s granchi e ho fatto amicizia con tutti loro 🦀%2$s guarda i miei nuovi amici!!!"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Share post copy when user caught some of summoned crabs. 1 is the number of summoned crabs. 2 is the number of captured crabs. 3 is the emoji associated with being captured.\u0004today i summoned %1$s crabs and caught %2$s %3$s of them. look at them all!":["oggi ho evocato %1$s granchi e ne ho catturati %2$s %3$s. Fantastico!"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Share post copy when only summoned crabs.\u0004today i summoned a crab! it is a good day":["oggi ho evocato un granchio! è una bella giornata","oggi ho evocato %1$s granchi! dagli un'occhiata!"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Share post copy when user caught all summoned crabs. 1 is the number of summoned crabs. 2 is the emoji associated with being captured.\u0004today i summoned one crab and then caught it %2$s":["oggi ho evocato un granchio e poi l'ho catturato %2$s","oggi ho evocato %1$s granchi e poi li ho catturati tutti %2$s che bottino"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Share post copy when user summoned crabs and all of them fell in love with user. 1 is the number of summoned crabs. 2 is the emoji associated with love.\u0004today i summoned one crab and then we fell in love 🦀%2$s crab my beloved":["oggi ho evocato un granchio e poi ci siamo innamorati. 🦀%2$s granchio amore mio","oggi ho evocato %1$s granchi e si sono tutti innamorati di me 🦀%2$s anch'io li amo"],"[Tumblrmart crab widget]: Share post copy. 1 is the number of summoned crabs.\u0004today i summoned one crab!":["oggi ho evocato un granchio!","oggi ho evocato %1$s granchi!"],"Tooltip text for the unicorn reaction icon in the post footer reactions menu\u0004unicorn":["unicorno"],"Alt tag for an image being uploaded. 1 is a filename.\u0004uploaded image %1$s":["Immagine %1$s caricata"],"Tooltip text for the vanilla reaction icon in the post footer reactions menu\u0004vanilla":["vaniglia"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: What a crab says when it walks on top of a video.\u0004video":["video"],"Your year in review: shared post localised version of year in review tag\u0004year in review":["bilancio annuale"],"Item indicating the user themself in the list of blogs that reacted with the same emoji\u0004you":["tu"],"Placeholder for user input to provide Twitter handle\u0004your Twitter handle":["Il tuo Twitter handle"],"Your year in review: shared post localised version of your year in review tag\u0004your tumblr year in review":["Il tuo bilancio annuale"],"{{bouner}} and {{user}} are tokens that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004{{bouncer}} kicked {{user}} out.":["{{bouncer}} ha espulso {{user}}."],"{{sp}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004{{sp}} SP":["{{sp}} SP"],"{{sp}} and {{level}} are tokens that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004{{sp}} SP to {{level}}":["{{sp}} SP al {{level}}"],"{{total}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004{{total}} waiting...":["{{total}} in attesa..."],"{{xp}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004{{xp}} XP":["{{xp}} XP"],"{{xp}} is a token that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004{{xp}} XP to":["{{xp}} XP a"],"{{xp}} and {{level}} are tokens that will be replaced by Tumblr Live\u0004{{xp}} XP to level {{level}}":["{{xp}} XP al livello {{level}}"],"The '—' is a loading placeholder for when we don't know how many blogs a user is following. The non-placeholder version of this string is '%2$s Follower'/'%2$s Followers'\u0004— Followers":["— Lettori"],"The '—' is a loading placeholder for when we don't know how many blogs a user is following. The non-placeholder version of this string is '%2$s Following'/'%2$s Following'\u0004— Following":["— Seguiti"],"Text between yearly price and monthly price of subscription\u0004— or —":["— o —"],"Login wall: Text shown when user clicks on the \"Follow tag\" button, after exceeding click counter limit\u0004…and countless others just like them. Create and curate your dashboard experience of all your favorite blogs and tags drawn from your likes, loves, interests, and tastes. Dive in!":["… e innumerevoli altri simili. Crea e cura la tua esperienza dashboard di tutti i tuoi blog e tag preferiti tratti dai tuoi Mi piace, amori, interessi e gusti. Buttati!"],"Login wall: Text shown when user clicks on the \"Reblog\" button, after exceeding click counter limit\u0004…because if you want to reblog this digital bit of online phantasmagoria, all you have to do is sign up to Tumblr today. It's waiting for you.":["… perché se vuoi rebloggare questo frammento digitale di fantasmagoria online, tutto ciò che devi fare è iscriverti a Tumblr oggi. Ti sta aspettando."],"Prompt directing users to a button that opens the new Dashboard Tabs Configure screen\u0004✨ New! Change your dash tabs from here!":["✨ Novità! Cambia le tue schede della dash da qui!"],"Tooltip for the blog selector for user reply with different blog\u0004✨ Switch to reply as a different blog":["✨ Scegli il blog da cui vuoi rispondere"],"[TumblrMart] Message that appears when a TumblrMart gift has been used for the first time\u0004✨ Your TumblrMart order is activated! ✨":["✨ Il tuo ordine TumblrMart è attivo! ✨"],"[TumblrMart] Message that appears when a TumblrMart gift has been used for the first time\u0004🐴 Your 24 hours of horse friend has begun! 🐴":["🐴 Le tue 24 ore di Horse Friend sono iniziate! 🐴"],"[TumblrMart] Message that appears when a TumblrMart gift has been used for the first time\u0004🐴 Your 30 days of horse friend has begun! 🐴":["🐴 I tuoi 30 giorni di Horse Friend sono iniziati! 🐴"],"[TumblrMart] Message that appears when a TumblrMart gift has been used for the first time\u0004🦀 Your 24 hours of crabs has begun! 🦀":["🦀 Le tue 24 ore di granchi sono iniziate! 🦀"],"[TumblrMart crab widget]: Share post title 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