Matthias J. Kannwischer

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Matthias J. Kannwischer</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link href="css/mjk.css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <div class="content-left"> <img id="mobile-img" src="images/mjk2023.jpg" alt="Matthias J. Kannwischer"> </div> <div class="content-right"> <section id="home"> <h1>Matthias J. <br/>Kannwischer</h1> <span>Chelpis Quantum Tech, Taipei, Taiwan<br/> <h2>Contact</h2> <p> Office: 4F., No. 200, Sec. 2, Jinshan S. Rd., Da'an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan<br /> Email:,<br /> GPG: <a href="matthiaskannwischereu.asc">6D22 F663 208D 21ED D766 2827 FE11 74A2 5098 145A</a><br /> <a href="" class="ic"><i class="fab fa-github"></i></a> <a href="" class="ic"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a> <a href="" class="ic"><i class="ai ai-google-scholar-square"></i></a> </p> </section> <section id="intro"> <h2>Info</h2> <p> I am the research director at the Taiwanese PQC start-up <a href="">Chelpis Quantum Tech</a> based in Taipei, Taiwan.<br /> Before that, I was a postdoc at the <a href="">Institute of Information Science</a> of <a href="">Academia Sinica</a>, Taipei, Taiwan. <br /> Before that, I was at the <a href="">Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy</a>, Bochum, Germany. <br /> Before that, I was at the <a href="" >Digital Security group</a> at <a href="">Radboud University</a>, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. <br /> Before that, I was at the <a href="">University of Surrey</a>, Guildford, United Kingdom. <br /> <br /> In 2022, I obtained my PhD from <a href="">Radboud University</a>, Nijmegen, The Netherlands under the supervision of <a href="">Peter Schwabe</a> and <a href="">Bo-Yin Yang</a>. My dissertation on <b>Polynomial Multiplication for Post-Quantum Cryptography</b> is available <a href="thesis/">here</a>. <br /> In 2017, I obtained my MSc in IT Security from <a href="">TU Darmstadt</a> under the supervision of <a href="">Juliane Kr盲mer</a> and <a href="">Denis Butin</a>. My master thesis is available <a href="theses/MasterThesisMatthiasKannwischerFINAL.pdf">here</a>. <br /><br /> I am a co-editor of the <a href="">IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive</a>. <br /> I am an elected member of the <a href="">IACR CHES Steering Committee</a>. <br /> I am a co-submitter of the UOV and <a href="">MAYO</a> signature schemes which have been submitted <a href="">NIST PQC digital-signature competition</a>.<br /> I have also been co-submitter of the <a href="">Rainbow</a> (RIP) signature scheme which was a finalist in the <a href="">NIST PQC project</a>. </p> </section> <section id="research"> <h2>Research Interests</h2> <ul> <li>Post-Quantum Cryptography</li> <li>Efficient implementation </li> <li>Side-channel and fault attacks</li> </ul> </section> <section id="publications"> <h2>Publications</h2> <ul> <li> <span class="label">2025</span> <b>Post-Quantum Implementations</b>, Matthias J. Kannwischer, <a href="">Ruben Niederhagen</a>, <a href="">Francisco Rodriguez-Henriquez</a>, and <a href="">Peter Schwabe</a>, Chapter in Embedded Cryptography 2, Wiley-ISTE (2025), The full book is available <a href="">here</a>. [<a href="papers/2023_pqimpl.pdf">pdf</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">TCHES'25</span><b>KyberSlash: Exploiting secret-dependent division timings in Kyber implementations</b>, Daniel J. Bernstein, Karthikeyan Bhargavan, Shivam Bhasin, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Tee Kiah Chia, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Franziskus Kiefer, Thales Paiva, Prasanna Ravi, Goutam Tamvada, <a href="">IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES)</a> 2025 Issue 2 [<a href="papers/2024_kyberslash.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="papers/2024_kyberslash_preprint20240628.pdf">preprint20240628</a>|<a href="">website</a>] </li> <hr> <li><span class="label">TCHES'24</span><b>Nibbling MAYO: Optimized Implementations for AVX2 and Cortex-M4</b>, Ward Beullens, <a href="">Fabio Campos</a>, <a href="">Sofia Celi</a>, Basil Hess, and Matthias J. Kannwischer <a href="">IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES)</a> 2024 Issue 2 [<a href="papers/2023_mayo-impl.pdf">paper</a>| <a href="papers/2023_mayo-impl_preprint20231030.pdf">preprint20231030</a> |<a href="">C code</a>|<a href="">M4 code</a>] <li><span class="label">TCHES'24</span><b>Fast and Clean: Auditable high-performance assembly via constraint solving</b>, <a href="">Amin Abdulrahman</a>, Hanno Becker, Matthias J. Kannwischer, and Fabien Klein, <a href="">IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES)</a> 2024 Issue 1 <b>(Runner-up Best Paper Award)</b> [<a href="papers/2023_slothy.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="papers/2023_slothy_preprint20230317.pdf">preprint20230317</a>|<a href="">code</a>|<a href="">website</a>] </li> <hr> <li><span class="label">TCHES'23</span><b>Oil and Vinegar: Modern Parameters and Implementations</b>, Ward Beullens, Ming-Shing Chen, Shih-Hao Hung, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Bo-Yuan Peng, Cheng-Jhih Shih, and <a href="">Bo-Yin Yang</a>, <a href="">IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES)</a> 2023 Issue 3 [<a href="papers/2023_ov-impl.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="">code</a>|<a href="talks/20230913_chesuov.pdf">slides</a>]</li> <hr> <li><span class="label">Indocrypt'22</span><b>Hybrid scalar/vector implementations of Keccak and SPHINCS+ on AArch64</b>, Hanno Becker, and Matthias J. Kannwischer, <a href="">Indocrypt 2022</a> <br />[<a href="papers/2022_armv8keccak.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="papers/2022_armv8keccak_preprint20220919.pdf">preprint20220919</a>|<a href="">code</a>|<a href="talks/20221212_armv8keccak.pdf">slides</a>]</li> <li><span class="label">IWSEC'22</span><b>Efficient Multiplication of Somewhat Small Integers using Number-Theoretic Transforms</b>, Hanno Becker, <a href="">Vincent Hwang</a>, Matthias J. Kannwischer, <a href="">Lorenz Panny</a>, and <a href="">Bo-Yin Yang</a>, <a href="">IWSEC 2022</a> <b>(Best Paper Award)</b> <br />[<a href="papers/2022_ntt-int-mul.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="papers/2022_ntt-int-mul_preprint20220406.pdf">preprint20220406</a>|<a href="talks/20220831_ntt-int-mul.pdf">slides</a>]</li> <li><span class="label">SSR'22</span><b>Improving Software Quality in Cryptography Standardization Projects</b>, Matthias J. Kannwischer, <a href="">Peter Schwabe</a>, <a href="">Douglas Stebila</a>, and <a href="">Thom Wiggers</a>, <a href="">Security Standardisation Research Conference 2022</a> <br /> [<a href="papers/2022_pqclean.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="papers/2022_pqclean_preprint20220314.pdf">preprint20220314</a>|<a href="">code</a>|<a href="talks/20220606_ssrpqclean.pdf">slides</a>] <li><span class="label">ACNS'22</span><b>Faster Kyber and Dilithium on the Cortex-M4</b>, <a href="">Amin Abdulrahman</a>, <a href="">Vincent Hwang</a>, Matthias J. Kannwischer, and <a href="">Amber Sprenkels</a>, <a href="">ACNS 2022</a> <br /> [<a href="papers/2022_fasterkyberdilithiumm4.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="papers/2022_fasterkyberdilithiumm4_preprint20220131.pdf">preprint20220131</a>|<a href="">code</a>]</li> <li><span class="label">TCHES'22</span><b>Neon NTT: Faster Dilithium, Kyber, and Saber on Cortex-A72 and Apple M1</b>, Hanno Becker, <a href="">Vincent Hwang</a>, Matthias J. Kannwischer, <a href="">Bo-Yin Yang</a>, and Shang-Yi Yang, <a href="">IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES)</a> 2022 Issue 1 <br /> [<a href="papers/2021_neonntt.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="papers/2021_neonntt_preprint20210726.pdf">preprint20210726</a>|<a href="">code</a>]</li> <li><span class="label">TCHES'22</span><b>Multi-moduli NTTs for Saber on Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4</b>, <a href="">Amin Abdulrahman</a>, Jiun-Peng Chen, Yu-Jia Chen, <a href="">Vincent Hwang</a>, Matthias J. Kannwischer, <a href="">Bo-Yin Yang</a>, <a href="">IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES)</a> 2022 Issue 1 <br /> [<a href="papers/2021_multi-moduli-ntt.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="papers/2021_multi-moduli-ntt_preprint20210725.pdf">preprint20210725</a>|<a href="">code</a>]</li> <hr> <li><span class="label">PQCrypto'21</span><b>Verifying Post-Quantum Signatures in 8 KiB of RAM</b>, Ruben Gonzalez, <a href="">Andreas H眉lsing</a>, Matthias J. Kannwischer, <a href="">Juliane Kr盲mer</a>, <a href="">Tanja Lange</a>, Marc St枚ttinger, Elisabeth Waitz, <a href="">Thom Wiggers</a>, and <a href="">Bo-Yin Yang</a>, <a href="">PQCrypto 2021</a> <br /> [<a href="papers/2021_streamingpqc.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="">code</a>]</li> <li><span class="label">TCHES'21</span><b>Rainbow on Cortex-M4</b>, <a href="">Tung Chou</a>, Matthias J. Kannwischer, and <a href="">Bo-Yin Yang</a>, <a href="">IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES)</a> 2021 Issue 4 <br /> [<a href="papers/2021_rainbowm4.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="papers/2021_rainbowm4_preprint20210421.pdf">preprint20210421</a>|<a href="">code</a>|<a href="talks/20210917_rainbowm4short.pdf">shortslides</a>|<a href="talks/20210917_rainbowm4long.pdf">longslides</a>|<a href="">talk</a>]</li> <li><span class="label">TCHES'21</span> <b>NTT Multiplication for NTT-unfriendly Rings</b>, Chi-Ming Marvin Chung, <a href="">Vincent Hwang</a>, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Gregor Seiler, Cheng-Jhih Shih, <a href="">Bo-Yin Yang</a>, <a href="">IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES)</a> 2021 Issue 2 <b>(Best Artifact Award)</b> <br /> [<a href="papers/2020_ntt-polymul.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="papers/2020_ntt-polymul_preprint20201110.pdf">preprint20201110</a>|<a href="">code</a>|<a href="">slides</a>|<a href="">talk</a>]</li> <li><span class="label">TCHES'21</span> <b>Compact Dilithium Implementations on Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4</b>, Denisa O. C. Greconici, Matthias J. Kannwischer, <a href="">Amber Sprenkels</a>, <a href="">IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES)</a> 2021 Issue 1 <br /> [<a href="papers/2021_dilithium.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="">code</a>|<a href="">slides</a>|<a href="">talk</a>|<a href="papers/2021_dilithium_poster.pdf">poster</a>]</li> <hr> <li><span class="label">FDTC'20</span> <b>Trouble at the CSIDH: Protecting CSIDH with Dummy-Operations against Fault Injection Attacks</b>, <a href="">Fabio Campos</a>, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Michael Meyer, Hiroshi Onuki, and Marc St枚ttinger, <a href="">FDTC 2020</a> <br /> [<a href="papers/2020_cremebrulee.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="">code</a>|<a href="">slides</a>|<a href="">talk</a>]</li> <li><span class="label">TCHES'20</span> <b>Single-Trace Attacks on Keccak</b>, Matthias J. Kannwischer, <a href="">Peter Pessl</a>, and <a href="">Robert Primas</a>, <a href="">IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES)</a> 2020 Issue 3 <br /> [<a href="papers/2020_keccaksasca.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="">code</a>|<a href="">slides</a>|<a href="">talk</a>] </li> <hr> <li><span class="label">Africacrypt'19</span> <b>Memory-Efficient High-Speed Implementation of Kyber on Cortex-M4</b>, Leon Botros, Matthias J. Kannwischer, and <a href="">Peter Schwabe</a>, Africacrypt 2019 <br /> [<a href="papers/2019_nttm4.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="talks/20190710_africacrypt.pdf">slides</a>|<a href="">code</a>] </li> <li><span class="label">ACNS'19</span> <b>Faster multiplication in &#8484;<sub>2<sup>m</sup></sub>[x] on Cortex-M4 to speed up NIST PQC candidates</b>, Matthias J. Kannwischer, <a href="">Joost Rijneveld</a>, and <a href="">Peter Schwabe</a>, <a href="">ACNS 2019</a> <b>(Best Student Paper Award)</b> <br /> [<a href="papers/2018_polymul-z2mx-m4.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="papers/2018_polymul-z2mx-m4_preprint20181019.pdf">preprint20181019</a>|<a href="talks/20190606_acns.pdf">slides</a>|<a href="">code</a>]</li> <hr> <li><span class="label">COSADE'18</span> <b>Differential Power Analysis of XMSS and SPHINCS</b>, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Aymeric Gen锚t, <a href="">Denis Butin</a>, <a href="">Juliane Kr盲mer</a>, and <a href="">Johannes Buchmann</a>, <a href="">COSADE 2018</a>: 168-188 <br /> [<a href="papers/2018_hbs_sca.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="talks/20180424_singapore_cosade.pdf">slides</a>]</li> </ul> </section> <section id="preprints" name="preprints"> <h2>Preprints and Technical Reports</h2> <ul> <li> <span class="label">Mar 2025</span><b>Enabling Microarchitectural Agility: Taking ML-KEM & ML-DSA from Cortex-M4 to M7 with SLOTHY</b>, <a href="">Amin Abdulrahman</a>, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Thing-Han Lim, [<a href="papers/2025_slothy-m7.pdf">paper</a>] </li> <li><span class="label">Feb 2025</span><b>MAYO - 2nd Round Specification</b>, Ward Beullens, <a href="">Fabio Campos</a>, <a href="">Sofia Celi</a>, Basil Hess, and Matthias J. Kannwischer [<a href="">spec</a>|<a href="">reference code</a>|<a href="">sage code</a>] </li> <li><span class="label">Feb 2025</span><b>UOV: Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar - 2nd Round Specification</b>, Ward Beullens, Ming-Shing Chen, Jintai Ding, Boru Gong, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Jacques Patarin, Bo-Yuan Peng, Dieter Schmidt, Cheng-Jhih Shih, Chengdong Tao, <a href="">Bo-Yin Yang</a> [<a href="papers/2025_uov_round2.pdf">spec</a>|<a href="">reference code</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">NISTPQC'24</span><b>pqm4: Benchmarking NIST Additional Post-Quantum Signature Schemes on Microcontrollers</b>, Matthias J. Kannwischer, <a href="">Markus Krausz</a>, <a href="">Richard Petri</a>, and Shang-Yi Yang [<a href="papers/2024_pqm4.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="">code</a>] </li> <li><span class="label">Jun 2023</span><b>UOV: Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar - 1st Round Specification</b>, Ward Beullens, Ming-Shing Chen, Jintai Ding, Boru Gong, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Jacques Patarin, Bo-Yuan Peng, Dieter Schmidt, Cheng-Jhih Shih, Chengdong Tao, <a href="">Bo-Yin Yang</a> [<a href="papers/2023_uov.pdf">spec</a>|<a href="">reference code</a>] </li> <li><span class="label">Mar 2023</span><b>MAYO - 1st Round Specification</b>, Ward Beullens, <a href="">Fabio Campos</a>, <a href="">Sofia Celi</a>, Basil Hess, and Matthias J. Kannwischer [<a href="">spec</a>|<a href="">reference code</a>|<a href="">sage code</a>] </li> <li><span class="label">Jan 2022</span><b>First-Order Masked Kyber on ARM Cortex-M4</b>, Daniel Heinz, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Georg Land, <a href="">Thomas P枚ppelmann</a>, <a href="">Peter Schwabe</a>, and <a href="">Amber Sprenkels</a> <br /> [<a href="papers/2022_maskedkyber.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="">code</a>] </li> <li><span class="label">2020</span><b>Rainbow - 3rd Round Submission</b>, Jintai Ding, Ming-Shing Chen, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Jacques Patarin, Albrecht Petzoldt, Dieter Schmidt, and <a href="">Bo-Yin Yang</a> <br /> [<a href="papers/2020_rainbowspec.pdf">spec</a>|<a href="">code</a>] </li> <li><span class="label">NISTPQC'19</span> <b>pqm4: Testing and Benchmarking NISTPQC on ARM Cortex-M4</b>, Matthias J. Kannwischer, <a href="">Joost Rijneveld</a>, <a href="">Peter Schwabe</a>, and <a href="">Ko Stoffelen</a>, <a href="">Second NIST PQC Standardization Conference</a> <br /> [<a href="papers/2019_pqm4.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="talks/20190824_nistpqc.pdf">slides</a>|<a href="">code</a>] </li> <li><span class="label">Kangacrypt'18</span> <b>Practical Fault Injection Attacks on SPHINCS</b>, Aymeric Gen锚t, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Herv茅 Pelletier, and Andrew McLauchlan, <a href="">Kangacrypt 2018</a> <br /> [<a href="papers/2018_hbs_fa_20181015.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="papers/2018_hbs_fa_preprint20180710.pdf">preprint20180710</a>|<a href="talks/20181208_kangacrypt.pdf">slides</a>] </li> </ul> </section> <section id="software"> <h2>Software</h2> <ul> <li><span class="label"><a href="">mlkem-native</a></span> <b>High-assurance, high-performance ML-KEM implementation for mobile, pc, and server targets</b> [<a href="">code</a>] </li> <li><span class="label"><a href="">SLOTHY</a></span> <b>Fixed-instruction assembly superoptimizer based on constraint solving</b> [<a href="">code</a>|<a href="">website</a>] </li> <li><span class="label"><a href="">PQClean</a></span> <b>Clean implementations of NISTPQC candidates</b> [<a href="">code</a>] </li> <li><span class="label"><a href="">pqm4</a></span> <b>Testing and benchmarking framework for PQC on the ARM Cortex-M4</b> [<a href="">code</a>]</li> </ul> </section> <section id="reviews"> <h2>Conferences and Journals</h2> <ul> <li><span class="label">2025</span> Editorial board of the <a href="">IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES)</a> 2025 </li> <li> General Co-Chair of <a href="">PQCrypto 2025</a>, Taipei, Taiwan </li> <li> Program committee for <a href="">PQCrypto 2025</a>, and <a href="">Asiacrypt 2025</a> </li> <hr> <li><span class="label">2024</span> Rump Session Co-Chair at <a href="">CHES 2024</a> </li> <li> Editorial board of the <a href="">IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES)</a> 2024 </li> <li> Program committee for <a href="">Asiacrypt 2024</a> (<b>Distinguished PC Members Award</b>), and <a href="">ACNS 2024</a> </li> <li> Reviewer for <a href="">ICFP 2024</a>, <a href="">ARITH 2024</a>, <a href="">ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS)</a>, and the <a href="">Journal of Cryptographic Engineering (JCEN)</a> </li> <hr> <li><span class="label">2023</span> Editorial board of the <a href="">IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES)</a> 2023 </li> <li> Reviewer for <a href="">IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2023</a>, <a href="">IEEE Transactions on Information Theory</a> </li> <hr> <li><span class="label">2022</span> <a href="">Rump Session</a> Co-Chair at Asiacrypt 2022 together with Ngoc Khanh Nguyen </li> <li> Artifact review committee for <a href="">IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES)</a> 2022 </li> <li> Program committee for <a href="">PQCifris 2022</a> </li> <li> Reviewer for <a href="">IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES)</a> 2022, <a href="">IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I (TCAS1)</a>, <a href="">IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC)</a>, SCN 2022, <a href="">ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS)</a>, <a href="">Journal of Cryptographic Engineering (JCEN)</a>, and CANS 2022 </li> <hr> <li><span class="label">2021</span> Reviewer for <a href="">IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES)</a> 2021 and ACNS 2021 </li> <hr> <li><span class="label">2020</span> Reviewer for AsiaCCS 2020, <a href="">IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I (TCAS1)</a>, and <a href="">SPACE 2020</a> </li> <hr> <li><span class="label">2019</span> Reviewer for <a href="">EuroS&amp;P 2019</a>, <a href="">CARDIS 2019</a>, and <a href="">IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I (TCAS1)</a> </li> <hr> <li><span class="label">2018</span> Reviewer for ESORICS 2018, <a href="">Kangacrypt 2018</a>, and <a href="">Indocrypt 2018</a> </li> </ul> </section> <section id="talks" name="talks"> <h2>Talks and Posters</h2> <ul> <li> <span class="label">07 Nov 2024</span> <b>An update on quantum-safe digital signatures</b>, <a href="">QSMC Workshop on Automotive Cybersecurity</a>, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan [<a href="talks/20241107_nistpqcsig.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">24 Oct 2024</span> <b>Engineering Post-Quantum Cryptography</b>, <a href="">Information Security Laboratory</a>, National Chengchi University, Taipei Taiwan [<a href="talks/20241024_nccu.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">09 Oct 2024</span> <b>Accelerating lattice-based cryptography using constraint solving</b>, Cryptography Research Center, Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE [<a href="talks/20241009_tii.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">26 Sep 2024</span> <b>UOV and MAYO: Tiny Post-Quantum Signatures from Multivariate Quadratic Equations</b>, <a href="">9th International Cryptology and Information Security Conference</a>, Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia <b>(Invited Talk)</b> [<a href="talks/20240926_uovmayo.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">24 Sep 2024</span> <b>Embedded PQC</b>, Post-Quanten Kryptographie in der Praxis (PQKP), INFORMATIK FESTIVAL 2024, Wiesbaden, Germany <b>(Invited Talk)</b> [<a href="talks/20240924_pqkp.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">22 Sep 2024</span> <b>Tutorial on Implementing ML-KEM and ML-DSA on Microcontrollers</b>, <a href="">2nd Malaysian Society for Cryptology Research (MSCR) Cryptography School (CRYPTOS) 2024</a>, Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia <b>(Invited Talk)</b> [<a href="talks/2024092223_cryptos.pdf">slides</a>|<a href="">assignment</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">05 Sep 2024</span> <b>Fast and Clean: Auditable high-performance assembly via constraint solving</b>, <a href="">CHES2024</a>, Halifax, Canada [<a href="talks/20240905_slothy.pdf">slides</a>|<a href="">talk</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">05 Sep 2024</span> <b>Nibbling MAYO: Optimized Implementations for AVX2 and Cortex-M4</b>, <a href="">CHES2024</a>, Halifax, Canada [<a href="talks/20240905_mayo.pdf">slides</a>|<a href="">talk</a>] <br /> Joint talk with Ward Beullens </li> <li> <span class="label">30 Aug 2024</span> <b>Accelerating lattice-based cryptography using constraint solving</b>, <a href="">Cryptology and Information Security Conference 2024</a>, Taipei, Taiwan <b>(Invited Talk)</b> [<a href="talks/20240830_cisc.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">10 Aug 2024</span> <b>Secure post-quantum implementations: Avoiding KyberSlash and more</b>, <a href="">3nd PQC Standardization & Migration Workshop</a>, Taipei, Taiwan [<a href="talks/20240810_pqcsm3.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">20 Jun 2024</span> <b>Implementing ML-KEM and ML-DSA on Microcontrollers</b>, Florida Atlantic University, USA [<a href="talks/20240620_fau.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">06 Jun 2024</span> <b>Workshop on ML-KEM and ML-DSA Implementations</b> [<a href="talks/20240606_mlkemdsa.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">16 May 2024</span> <b>Implementation Challenges of Quantum-Safe Cryptography Migration</b>, PQC Cybersecurity Industry Alliance International Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, [<a href="talks/20240516_pqccia.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">12 Apr 2024</span> <b>pqm4: Benchmarking NIST Additional Post-Quantum Signature Schemes on Microcontrollers</b>, Fifth PQC Standardization Conference, Rockville, Maryland, USA [<a href="talks/20240412_nistpqc5.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <hr /> <li> <span class="label">28 Nov 2023</span> <b>Oil-and-Vinegar and MAYO: All the condiments you need for achieving tiny quantum-safe signatures</b> <a href="">2nd PQC Standardization & Migration Workshop</a>, <a href="">TCC 2023</a>, Taipei, Taiwan [<a href="talks/20231128_pqcsm2.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">13 Sep 2023</span> <b>Oil and Vinegar: Modern Parameters and Implementations</b>, <a href="">CHES 2023</a>, Prague, Czech Republic [<a href="talks/20230913_chesuov.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">10 Sep 2023</span> <b>Tutorial: Implementing Kyber and Dilithium on Microcontrollers</b>, <a href="">CHES 2023</a>, Prague, Czech Republic [<a href="talks/20230910_chestutorial.pdf">slides</a>|<a href="">assignment</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">08 Jun 2023</span> <b>Tutorial on Implementing Cryptography on Microcontrollers</b>, <a href="">Summer School on real-world crypto and privacy</a>, Vodice, Croatia [<a href="croatia2023/">slides</a>|<a href="">assignment</a>]<br /> Joint tutorial with <a href="">Bo-Yin Yang</a> </li> <li> <span class="label">11 Apr 2023</span> <b>Implementing the NIST PQC standards on microcontrollers</b>, <a href="">Dagstuhl Seminar on Secure and Efficient Post-Quantum Cryptography in Hardware and Software</a>, Wadern, Germany [<a href="talks/20230411_dagstuhlpqc.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">07 Apr 2023</span> <b>Introduction to Arm Cortex-M4 and Arm Neon</b>, <a href="">National Taiwan University</a>, Taipei, Taiwan [<a href="talks/20230407_ntu.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <hr> <li> <span class="label">15 Dec 2022</span> <b>Hybrid scalar/vector implementations of Keccak and SPHINCS+ on AArch64</b> PQC Seminar, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan [<a href="talks/20221215_armv8keccak.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">12 Dec 2022</span> <b>Tutorial: Implementing Kyber and Dilithium</b> <a href="">SPACE 2022</a>, Jaipur, India <b>(Invited Talk)</b> [<a href="talks/20221212_space.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">12 Dec 2022</span> <b>Hybrid scalar/vector implementations of Keccak and SPHINCS+ on AArch64</b> <a href="">Indocrypt 2022</a>, Kolkata, India [<a href="talks/20221212_armv8keccak.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">05 Dec 2022</span> <b>Implementing the NIST PQC standards on microcontrollers</b> PQC Standardization &amp; Migration Workshop, <a href="">Asiacrypt 2022</a>, Taipei, Taiwan <b>(Invited Talk)</b> [<a href="talks/20221205_pqcsm.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">01 Dec 2022</span> <b>Implementing Kyber and Dilithium</b> <a href="">ICISC 2022</a>, Seoul, Korea <b>(Invited Talk)</b> [<a href="talks/20221201_icisc.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">14 Sep 2022</span> <b>Efficient Multiplication of Somewhat Small Integers using Number-Theoretic Transforms</b> University of Bristol Crypto Seminar, Bristol, UK [<a href="talks/20220914_bristol.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">31 Aug 2022</span> <b>Efficient Multiplication of Somewhat Small Integers using Number-Theoretic Transforms</b> <a href="">IWSEC 2022</a>, Tokyo, Japan [<a href="talks/20220831_ntt-int-mul.pdf">slides</a>] <br /> Joint talk with <a href="">Lorenz Panny</a> </li> <li> <span class="label">15 Jul 2022</span> <b>Implementations of Lattice-based Cryptography</b> <a href="">Postquantum Crypto Minischool</a>, Taipei, Taiwan [<a href="talks/20220715_twpqc.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">06 Jun 2022</span> <b>Improving Software Quality in Cryptography Standardization Projects</b> <a href="">Security Standardisation Research Conference 2022</a>, Genoa, Italy [<a href="talks/20220606_ssrpqclean.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">18 May 2022</span> <b>Intro to Lattice-based Cryptography - Part 2: Signatures and Implementations</b> <a href="">RheinMain University of Applied Sciences</a>, Wiesbaden, Germany [<a href="talks/20220518_latticesigs.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">11 May 2022</span> <b>Intro to Lattice-based Cryptography - Part 1: Key Encapsulation Mechanisms</b> <a href="">RheinMain University of Applied Sciences</a>, Wiesbaden, Germany [<a href="talks/20220511_latticekems.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">04 Apr 2022</span> <b>PhD Defense: Polynomial Multiplication for Post-Quantum Cryptography</b>, Radboud University, The Netherlands, Nijmegen [<a href="talks/20220404_phddefense.pdf">slides</a>|<a href="thesis/">thesis</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">11 Mar 2022</span> <b>Introduction to Arm Cortex-M4 and Arm Neon</b>, <a href="">National Taiwan University</a>, Taipei, Taiwan [<a href="talks/20220311_ntu.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">01 Feb 2022</span> <b>PQM4 and Lattice Crypto on Cortex-M4</b>, <a href="">Post-Quantum Cryptography for Embedded Systems 2022, Lorentz Center (Online)</a> [<a href="talks/20220201_pqembed.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <hr> <li> <span class="label">05 Nov 2021</span> <b>Lattice-based Cryptography on Microcontrollers</b>, University of Bristol Crypto Seminar, Bristol, UK (Online) [<a href="talks/20211105_bristol.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">11 Oct 2021</span> <b>PQM4: NIST PQC Round 3 Results on the Cortex-M4</b>, PQC Migration &amp; Agility Forum, VMware Research [<a href="talks/20211011_vmware.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">17 Sep 2021</span> <b>Rainbow on Cortex-M4</b>, <a href="">CHES 2021</a> [<a href="talks/20210917_rainbowm4long.pdf">longslides</a>|<a href="talks/20210917_rainbowm4short.pdf">shortslides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">07 Jun 2021</span> <b>pqm4: NISTPQC Round 3 Results on the Cortex-M4</b>, <a href="">Third PQC Standardization Conference</a> [<a href="talks/20210607_pqm4.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">07 Jun 2021</span> <b>Rainbow on Cortex-M4</b>, <a href="">Third PQC Standardization Conference</a> [<a href="talks/20210607_rainbowm4.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">16 Apr 2021</span> <b>Introduction to Cortex-{M4,A7,A53,A72}</b>, <a href="">National Taiwan University</a>, Taipei, Taiwan [<a href="talks/20210416_ntu.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">27 Jan 2021</span> <b>Post-Quantum Cryptography</b>, NATO LCMG Workshop [<a href="talks/20210127_nato.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <hr> <li> <span class="label">11 May 2020</span> <b>An Introduction to the Cortex-M4</b>, <a href="">Academia Sinica</a>, Taipei, Taiwan [<a href="talks/20200511_taipei.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <hr> <li> <span class="label">27 Sep 2019</span> <b>Embedded Post-Quantum Crypto: pqm4 and Kyber on Cortex-M4</b>, <a href="">DS Lunch Colloquium</a>, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands [<a href="talks/20190927_DSLunch.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">24 Aug 2019</span> <b>pqm4: Testing and Benchmarking NISTPQC on ARM Cortex-M4</b>, <a href="">Second PQC Standardization Conference</a>, Santa Barbara, USA [<a href="talks/20190824_nistpqc.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">10 Jul 2019</span> <b>Memory-Efficient High-Speed Implementation of Kyber on Cortex-M4</b>, Africacrypt 2019, Rabat, Morocco [<a href="talks/20190710_africacrypt.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">06 Jun 2019</span> <b>Faster multiplication in &#8484;<sub>2<sup>m</sup></sub>[x] on Cortex-M4 to speed up NIST PQC candidates</b>, <a href="">ACNS 2019</a>, Bogota, Colombia [<a href="talks/20190606_acns.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">02 May 2019</span> <b>pqm4: Benchmarking PQC on the Cortex-M4</b>, <a href="">NIST</a>, Gaithersburg, USA [<a href="talks/20190502_nist.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">14/15 Mar 2019</span> <b>Introduction to Post-Quantum Cryptography</b>, <a href="">DHBW Stuttgart</a>, Stuttgart, Germany [<a href="talks/201903_dhbw.pdf">slides</a>|<a href="talks/201903_dhbw_handout.pdf">handoutslides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">07 Jan 2019</span> <b>Faster multiplication in &#8484;<sub>2<sup>m</sup></sub>[x] on Cortex-M4 to speed up NIST PQC candidates</b>, Cryptography Research Inc., San Francisco, USA [<a href="talks/20190107_cri.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <hr> <li> <span class="label">15 Nov 2018</span> <b>Building and Breaking Post-Quantum Cryptography</b>, <a href="">RheinMain University of Applied Sciences</a>, Wiesbaden, Germany [<a href="talks/20181115_hsrm.pdf">slides</a>|<a href="talks/20181115_hsrm_handout.pdf">handoutslides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">09 Nov 2018</span> <b>Faster multiplication in &#8484;<sub>2<sup>m</sup></sub>[x] on Cortex-M4 to speed up NIST PQC candidates</b>, <a href="">Crypto Working Group</a>, Utrecht, The Netherlands [<a href="talks/20181109_cwg.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <span class="label">03 Sep 2018</span> <b>Fast Ideal Lattice-Based KEMs on ARM Cortex-M4</b>, School on Security &amp; Correctness in the Internet of Things 2018 - PhD Forum, Graz, Austria [<a href="talks/20180903_graz.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li><span class="label">06 Jun 2018</span><b>Breaking Lattice-Based Signatures Using Fault Injection</b>, <a href="">Surrey Centre for Cyber Security</a>, Guildford, United Kingdom</li> <li><span class="label">24 Apr 2018</span><b>Differential Power Analysis of XMSS and SPHINCS</b>, 9th International Workshop on Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure Design (COSADE), Singapore [<a href="papers/2018_hbs_sca.pdf">paper</a>|<a href="talks/20180424_singapore_cosade.pdf">slides</a>]</li> <li><span class="label">16 Apr 2018</span><b>Differential Power Analysis of XMSS and SPHINCS</b>, CRYPTACUS Training School - PhD Session, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal [<a href="talks/20180416_azores_poster.pdf">poster</a>|<a href="talks/20180416_azores_pitch.pdf">pitch slides</a>|<a href="talks/20180416_azores_extended_abstract.pdf">extended abstract</a>]</li> <li><span class="label">27 Mar 2018</span><b>Differential Power Analysis and Fault Attacks on Hash-Based Signature Schemes</b>, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands [<a href="talks/20180327_nijmegen.pdf">slides</a>]</li> <li><span class="label">16 Mar 2018</span> <b>Differential Power Analysis of XMSS and SPHINCS</b>, <a href="">DS lunch colloquium</a>, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands [<a href="talks/20180316_nijmegen.pdf">slides</a>]</li> <li> <span class="label">16 Feb 2018</span><b>NIST PQC</b>, Secure Systems Reading Group, Surrey Centre for Cyber Security, Guildford, United Kingdom</li> <li><span class="label">25 Jan 2018</span> <b>Practical Post-Quantum Cryptography for Trusted Computing</b>, Workshop on Trusted Computing and its Applications (TCA), <a href="">Surrey Centre for Cyber Security</a>, Guildford, United Kingdom [<a href="talks/20180125_guildford.pdf">slides</a>]</li> <hr> <li><span class="label">15 Dec 2017</span> <b>Practical Lattice-Based Cryptography and Kyber - a CCA-secure KEM</b>, Secure Systems Reading Group, <a href="">Surrey Centre for Cyber Security</a>, Guildford, United Kingdom</li> <li> <span class="label">21 Sep 2017</span> <b>Physical Attack Vulnerability of Hash-Based Signature Schemes</b>, CDC Oberseminar, TU Darmstadt, Germany </li> </ul> </section> <section id="teaching"> <h2>Teaching</h2> <ul> <li> <span class="label">2024</span> Tutorial on Implementing ML-KEM and ML-DSA on Microcontrollers, <a href="">2nd Malaysian Society for Cryptology Research (MSCR) Cryptography School (CRYPTOS) 2024</a>, Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia [<a href="talks/2024092223_cryptos.pdf">slides</a>|<a href="">assignment</a>] </li> <hr> <li> <span class="label">2023</span> Guest lecture on Arm Cortex-M4 and Arm Neon at <a href="">National Taiwan University</a>, Taipei, Taiwan [<a href="talks/20230407_ntu.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> Joint tutorial on Implementing Cryptography on Microcontrollers with <a href="">Bo-Yin Yang</a>, <a href="">Summer School on real-world crypto and privacy</a>, Vodice, Croatia [<a href="croatia2023/">slides</a>|<a href="">assignment</a>] </li> <hr> <li> <span class="label">2022</span> Joint lecture on <b>Post-Quantum Cryptography</b> with <a href="">Gustavo Banegas</a>, <a href="">Fabio Campos</a>, <a href="">Michael Meyer</a> und <a href="">Steffen Reith</a> at <a href="">RheinMain University of Applied Sciences</a> <ul> <li> Intro to Lattice-based Cryptography - Part 1: Key Encapsulation Mechanisms [<a href="talks/20220511_latticekems.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> Intro to Lattice-based Cryptography - Part 2: Signatures and Implementations [<a href="talks/20220518_latticesigs.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> <a href="">More info and the other parts</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> Guest lecture on Arm Cortex-M4 and Arm Neon at <a href="">National Taiwan University</a>, Taipei, Taiwan [<a href="talks/20220311_ntu.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <hr> <li> <span class="label">2021</span> Guest lecture on Cortex-{M4,A7,A53,A72} at <a href="">National Taiwan University</a>, Taipei, Taiwan [<a href="talks/20210416_ntu.pdf">slides</a>] </li> <li> Bachelor thesis co-supervision: <a href="">Amin Abdulrahman</a> </li> <li> Master thesis co-supervision: Jasper Haasdijk </li> <hr> <li><span class="label">2020</span> Teaching assistant for NWI-IMC039: Cryptographic Engineering taught by <a href="">Lejla Batina</a> and <a href="">Peter Schwabe</a> <ul> <li> Slides of the lecture <b>An introduction to the Cortex M4</b> are available on the <a href="">course website</a>.</li> <li> Sample code for the tutorial on <b>How to find timing leaks in cryptographic software</b> is available <a href="ce2020/valgrind-demo.c">here</a>.</li> </ul> </li> <hr> <li><span class="label">2019</span> Teaching assistant for NWI-IPC021: Security taught by <a href="">Joan Daemen</a> and <a href="">Zekeriya Erkin</a> </li> <li> Teaching assistant for NWI-IMC039: Cryptographic Engineering taught by <a href="">Lejla Batina</a> and <a href="">Peter Schwabe</a> </li> <li> Guest lecture on Post-Quantum Cryptography at <a href="">DHBW Stuttgart</a> </li> <hr> <li><span class="label">2018</span> Teaching assistant for NWI-IPC021: Security taught by <a href="">Bart Jacobs</a> and <a href="">Joan Daemen</a> </li> <li> Guest lecture on Post-Quantum Cryptography at <a href="">RheinMain University of Applied Sciences</a> </li> <li> Teaching assistant for COMM036: Multimedia Security and Digital Forensics taught by <a href="">Kaitai Liang</a> </li> <hr> <li><span class="label">2017</span> Teaching assistant for COMM037: Information Security Managament taught by David Williams </li> <li>Bachelor thesis supervision: <a href="">Felix Schabernack</a> </li> </ul> </section> </div> </div> <footer> <small> Version: 2025-03-04 </small> </footer> </body> </html>

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