Blog - Apache Drill
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previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2024/06/23/drill-1.21.2-released/">Drill 1.21.2 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Jun 23, 2024 by James Turton</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.21.2 has been released.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2023/04/29/drill-1.21.1-released/">Drill 1.21.1 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Apr 29, 2023 by James Turton</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.21.1 has been released.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2023/03/02/drill-1.21.0-released/">Announcing Drill 1.21!</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Mar 2, 2023 by Charles Givre</span> <br/>Announcing Drill 1.21: New Connectors, Functions and Much Better Stability.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2023/01/07/drill-1.20.3-released/">Drill 1.20.3 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Jan 7, 2023 by James Turton</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.20.3 has been released.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2022/08/03/drill-1.20.2-released/">Drill 1.20.2 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Aug 3, 2022 by James Turton</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.20.2 has been released.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2022/05/16/drill-1.20.1-released/">Drill 1.20.1 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on May 16, 2022 by James Turton</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.20.1 has been released.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2022/02/25/drill-1.20-released/">Drill 1.20 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Feb 25, 2022 by James Turton</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.20 has been released providing the Apache Phoenix storage plugin with impersonation support, the Apache Iceberg format plugin, expanded push down support for MongoDB, persistent table and storage aliases, a release for Hadoop 2 environments, write support in the JDBC storage plugin, SAS and PDF format plugins, pagination and OAuth support in the HTTP storage plugin, a HashiCorp Vault authentication and credential storage providers and read/write support for all compression codecs and both format versions of Parquet.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2022/02/04/2021-in-review/">2021 in Review</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Feb 4, 2022 by James Turton</span> <br/>A short post to share Cong Luo's slide deck reviewing the Drill project in 2021.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2021/10/30/reports-of-my-death/">The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Oct 30, 2021 by James Turton</span> <br/>There's a somewhat breathless post entitled "The Death of Apache Drill" in a blog that has as a theme the imminent demise of technologies previously or currently associated with Hadoop, with the exception Trino (formerly known as PrestoSQL).</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2021/08/05/drill-provider-for-airflow/">Drill provider for Airflow</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Aug 5, 2021 by James Turton</span> <br/>In its provider package release this month, the Apache Airflow project added a provider for interacting with Apache Drill. This allows data engineers and data scientists to incorporate Drill queries in their Airflow DAGs, enabling the automation of big data and data science workflows.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2021/07/09/streaming-data-from-the-rest-api/">Streaming data from the Drill REST API</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Jul 9, 2021 by James Turton</span> <br/>The release of Apache Drill 1.19 saw a major change under the hood of Drill's REST API with the introduction of a streaming data path for query results moving from Drill and over the network to the initiating client. The result is better memory utilisation, less blocking and a more reliable API.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2021/06/10/drill-1.19-released/">Drill 1.19 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Jun 10, 2021 by Laurent Goujon</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.19 has been released providing new storage plugins for Cassandra, Elasticsearch and Splunk, updating several storage plugins to EVF, adding Linux ARM64 support and JSON reader improvements, and more.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2020/09/05/drill-1.18-released/">Drill 1.18 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Sep 5, 2020 by Abhishek Girish</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.18 has been released providing Drill Metadata management "Drill Metastore", Format Plugins for HDF5 and SPSS, Storage Plugins for Generic HTTP REST APIs and Apache Druid, Support for DICT type in RowSet Framework, Dynamic credit based flow control, Support for injecting BufferManager into UDF, Drill RDBMS Metastore"</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2019/12/26/drill-1.17-released/">Drill 1.17 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Dec 26, 2019 by Bridget Bevens</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.17's highlights are: Hadoop, Kafka, Sqlline, and Calcite upgrades, .zip compression, file/table function for schema provisioning, new UDFs, and more.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2019/05/02/drill-user-meetup/">Drill User Meetup 2019</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on May 2, 2019 by Bridget Bevens</span> <br/>Drill User Meetup coming soon.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2019/05/02/drill-1.16-released/">Drill 1.16 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on May 2, 2019 by Bridget Bevens</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.16's highlights are: table statistics, schema provisioning for text files, parquet metadata caching improvements, several Web UI improvements, and more.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2018/12/31/drill-1.15-released/">Drill 1.15 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Dec 31, 2018 by Bridget Bevens</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.15's highlights are: SQLLine upgrade, index support, ability to secure znodes with custom ACLs, INFORMATION_SCHEMA files table, systemfunctions table, and more.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2018/12/01/learning-apache-drill-book/">Learning Apache Drill book from O'Reilly Media</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Dec 1, 2018 by James Turton</span> <br/>A new book for learning to work with Apache Drill from two Drill comitters has been published through O'Reilly Media. The book contains helpful explanations and recipes for different types of user from big data admins to data scientists. It also presents information relevant to developers interested in customising Drill, contributing to the open source project or just taking a peek under the hood.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2018/10/16/drill-user-meetup/">Drill User Meetup 2018</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Oct 16, 2018 by Bridget Bevens</span> <br/>Drill User Meetup coming soon.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2018/10/16/drill-developer-day/">Drill Developer Day 2018</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Oct 16, 2018 by Bridget Bevens</span> <br/>Drill Developer Day coming soon.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2018/08/05/drill-1.14-released/">Drill 1.14 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Aug 5, 2018 by Bridget Bevens</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.14's highlights are: Ability to run Drill in a Docker container, ability to export and save storage plugin configurations, a storage plugin configuration file to manage storage plugin configurations, an image metadata format plugin, option to set Hive properties at the session level, and more.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2018/03/18/drill-1.13-released/">Drill 1.13 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Mar 18, 2018 by Bridget Bevens</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.13's highlights are: YARN support, support for HTTP Kerberos authentication using SPNEGO, SQL syntax highlighting of queries, and user and distribution specific configuration checks during startup.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2018/02/09/running-sql-queries-on-amazon-s3/">Running SQL Queries on Amazon S3</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Feb 9, 2018 by Nick Amato</span> <br/>Drill enables you to run SQL queries directly on data in S3. There's no need to ingest the data into a managed cluster or transform the data. This is a step-by-step tutorial on how to use Drill with S3.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2017/12/15/drill-1.12-released/">Drill 1.12 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Dec 15, 2017 by Bridget Bevens</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.12's highlights are: Kafka and OpenTSDB storage plugins, SSL and network encryption support, queue-based memory assignment for buffering operators, networking functions, and the ability to prevent users from accessing paths outside the root of a workspace.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2017/07/31/drill-1.11-released/">Drill 1.11 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Jul 31, 2017 by Bridget Bevens</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.11's highlights are: Cryptography-related functions, spill to disk for the hash aggregate operator, Format plugin support for PCAP files, ability to change the HDFS block Size for Parquet files, ability to store query profiles in memory, configurable CTAS directory and file permissions option, support for network encryption, relative paths stored in the metadata file, and support for ANSI_QUOTES.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2017/03/15/drill-1.10-released/">Drill 1.10 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Mar 15, 2017 by Bridget Bevens</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.10's highlights are: CTTAS, improved fault tolerance, Drill version and statistics in Web Console, implicit interpretation of INT96, and Kerberos authentication.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2016/11/29/drill-1.9-released/">Drill 1.9 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Nov 29, 2016 by Bridget Bevens</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.9's highlights are: asynchronous Parquet reader, Parquet filter pushdown, dynamic UDF support, and HTTPD format plugin.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2016/08/30/drill-1.8-released/">Drill 1.8 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Aug 30, 2016 by Bridget Bevens</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.8's highlights are: metadata cache pruning, IF EXISTS support, DESCRIBE SCHEMA command, multi-byte delimiter support, and new parameters for filter selectivity estimates.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2016/06/28/drill-1.7-released/">Drill 1.7 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Jun 28, 2016 by Bridget Bevens</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.7's highlights are: Monitoring via JMX, Hive CHAR data type support, and HBase 1.x support.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2016/03/16/drill-1.6-released/">Drill 1.6 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Mar 16, 2016 by Bridget Bevens</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.6's highlights are: Inbound impersonation and additional custom window frames.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2016/02/16/drill-1.5-released/">Drill 1.5 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Feb 16, 2016 by Jason Altekruse, Bridget Bevens</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.5's highlights are: Authentication and security for the Web interface and REST API, experimental query support for Apache Kudu (incubating), an improved memory allocator, and configurable caching for Hive metadata.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2015/12/14/drill-1.4-released/">Drill 1.4 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Dec 14, 2015 by Jacques Nadeau</span> <br/>Apache Drill 1.4's highlights are: "select with options" queries that can change storage plugin settings, improved behavior when parsing CSV file header names, a variable to set non-pretty (e.g. compact) printing of JSON, and better drillbit.log files that include query text.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2015/11/23/drill-1.3-released/">Drill 1.3 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Nov 23, 2015 by Jacques Nadeau</span> <br/>Drill 1.3 has been released. Users can now query Hadoop sequence files and text delimited files with headers. In addition, this release provides significant performance and usability improvements for working with Amazon S3. Drill 1.3 also adds support for heterogeneous types, enabling queries on datasets with columns that have more than one data type (commonly seen in JSON files, MongoDB collections, etc.).</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2015/10/16/drill-1.2-released/">Drill 1.2 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Oct 16, 2015 by Jacques Nadeau</span> <br/>Drill 1.2 has been released. This release includes a new JDBC storage plugin for querying relational databases, as well as new window functions such as `NTILE`, `FIRST_VALUE`, `LAST_VALUE`, `LEAD` and `LAG`. This release addresses 210 JIRAs, including performance, stability and documentation enhancements.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2015/07/23/drill-tutorial-at-nosql-now-2015/">Drill Tutorial at NoSQL Now! 2015</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Jul 23, 2015 by Tomer Shiran</span> <br/>Attend the 3-hour Drill tutorial at the NoSQL Now! 2015 conference to learn more about Apache Drill.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2015/07/05/drill-1.1-released/">Drill 1.1 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Jul 5, 2015 by Jacques Nadeau</span> <br/>Drill 1.1 has been released, providing window functions, automatic partitioning, improved MongoDB support and more. This release addresses 162 JIRAs.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2015/05/19/the-apache-software-foundation-announces-apache-drill-1.0/">The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache Drill 1.0</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on May 19, 2015 by Tomer Shiran</span> <br/>The Apache Software Foundation announced today the availability of Apache Drill 1.0, the schema-free SQL query engine for Apache Hadoop, NoSQL and cloud storage.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2015/05/19/drill-1.0-released/">Drill 1.0 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on May 19, 2015 by Tomer Shiran, Jacques Nadeau</span> <br/>Drill 1.0 has been released, representing a major milestone for the Drill community. Drill in now production-ready, making it easier than ever to explore and analyze data in non-relational datastores.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2015/05/04/drill-0.9-released/">Drill 0.9 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on May 4, 2015 by Tomer Shiran, Jacques Nadeau</span> <br/>The community has just released Drill 0.9, which includes 199 resolved JIRAs and numerous enhancements.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2015/04/30/apache-parquet-graudates-to-a-top-level-project/">Apache Parquet Graduates to a Top-Level Project</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Apr 30, 2015 by Tomer Shiran</span> <br/>The Apache Parquet project has graduated to a top-level project (TLP) at the Apache Software Foundation.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2015/03/31/drill-0.8-released/">Drill 0.8 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Mar 31, 2015 by Tomer Shiran, Jacques Nadeau</span> <br/>The community has just released Drill 0.8, which includes 243 resolved JIRAs and numerous enhancements.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2015/03/23/microstrategy-announces-drill-support/">MicroStrategy Announces Drill Support</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Mar 23, 2015 by Tomer Shiran</span> <br/>MicroStrategy announced that it is now certified with Apache Drill, providing a first-class BI experience for Hadoop and NoSQL databases.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2015/01/27/schema-free-json-data-infrastructure/">Schema-free JSON Data Infrastructure</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Jan 27, 2015 by Tomer Shiran</span> <br/>JSON has emerged as the de-facto standard data exchange format. Data infrastructure technologies such as Apache Drill, MongoDB and Elasticsearch are embracing JSON as their native data models, bringing game-changing ease-of-use and agility to developers and analysts.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2014/12/23/drill-0.7-released/">Drill 0.7 Released</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Dec 23, 2014 by Jacques Nadeau</span> <br/>The community has just released Drill 0.7, which includes 228 resolved JIRAs and numerous enhancements.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2014/12/16/whats-coming-in-2015/">What's Coming in 2015?</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Dec 16, 2014 by Tomer Shiran</span> <br/>Drill is now a top-level project, and the community is expanding rapidly. Find out more about some of the new features planned for 2015.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2014/12/11/apache-drill-qa-panelist-spotlight/">Apache Drill Q&A Panelist Spotlight</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Dec 11, 2014 by Tomer Shiran</span> <br/>Join us on Twitter for a live Q&A on Wednesday, December 17.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2014/12/02/drill-top-level-project/">Apache Drill Graduates to a Top-Level Project</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Dec 2, 2014 by Tomer Shiran</span> <br/>Drill has graduated to a Top-Level Project at Apache. This marks a significant accomplishment for the Drill community, which now includes dozens of developers working at a variety of companies.</p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="/blog/2014/11/19/sql-on-mongodb/">SQL on MongoDB</a><br/> <span class="post-date">Posted on Nov 19, 2014 by Anil Kumar Batchu, Kamesh Bhallamudi</span> <br/>The MongoDB storage plugin for Drill enables analytical queries on MongoDB databases. Drill's schema-free JSON data model is a natural fit for MongoDB's data model.</p> <p class="info">Want to contribute a blog post? Check out the source for some of the <a href="">existing posts</a> to see how it's done. When you're ready, email your Markdown file to <a href=""></a>.</p> <h1>Third-Party Articles</h1> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="">How to Turn Raw Data from Yelp into Insights in Minutes with Apache Drill</a> (Nov 13, 2014)<br/></p> <!-- previously: site.posts --> <p><a class="post-link" href="">How to Use SQL, Hadoop, Drill, REST, JSON, NoSQL, and HBase in a Simple REST Client</a> (Jan 6, 2015)<br/></p> </div> </div> <p class="push"></p> <div id="footer" class="mw"> <div class="wrapper"> Copyright 漏 2012-2022 The Apache Software Foundation, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.<br> Apache and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. 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