{"title":"Design of Walking Beam Pendle Axle Suspension System","authors":"K. Arunachalam, P. Mannar Jawahar","volume":93,"journal":"International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering","pagesStart":1630,"pagesEnd":1634,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/9999618","abstract":"<p>This paper deals with design of walking beam pendel<br \/>\r\naxle suspension system. This axles and suspension systems are<br \/>\r\nmainly required for transportation of heavy duty and Over Dimension<br \/>\r\nConsignment (ODC) cargo, which is exceeding legal limit in terms of<br \/>\r\nlength, width and height. Presently, in Indian transportation industry,<br \/>\r\nODC movement growth rate has increased in transportation of bridge<br \/>\r\nsections (pre-cast beams), transformers, heavy machineries, boilers,<br \/>\r\ngas turbines, windmill blades etc. However, current Indian standard<br \/>\r\nroad transport vehicles are facing lot of service and maintenance<br \/>\r\nissues due to non availability of suitable axle and suspension to carry<br \/>\r\nthe ODC cargoes. This in turn will lead to increased number of road<br \/>\r\naccidents, bridge collapse and delayed deliveries, which finally result<br \/>\r\nin higher operating cost. Understanding these requirements, this work<br \/>\r\nwas carried out. These axles and suspensions are designed for<br \/>\r\noptimum self – weight with maximum payload carrying capacity with<br \/>\r\nbetter road stability.<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1] Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India,\r\n\u201cCentral Motor Vehicles Rules\u201d, 1989.\r\n[2] Indian Tyre Technical Advisory Committee, \u201cITTAC Standards,\u201d 2011.\r\n[3] Florian Fleissnera, Alexandra Lehnarta, Peter Eberharda, \u201cDynamic\r\nsimulation of sloshing fluid and granular cargo in transport vehicles\u201d,\r\nVehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics\r\nand Mobility, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 3\u201315, 2010.\r\n[4] Reggald E. Isley, \u201cWalking beam suspension for tracked vehicle,\u201d US\r\nPatent 6951260B1, 2005.\r\n[5] Roger D. Jable, James B. Taylor, \u201cTandem-axle walking beam\r\nsuspension,\u201d US Patent 4699399A, 1987.\r\n[6] Rymes John E, \u201cWalking beam suspension,\u201d US Patent 3386778A,\r\n1965.\r\n[7] Lin Li, Corina Sandu, \u201cOn the impact of cargo weight, vehicle\r\nparameters, and terrain characteristics on the prediction of traction for\r\noff-road vehicles,\u201d Journal of Terramechanics, vol. 44, no.3, pp. 221\u2013\r\n238, 2007.\r\n[8] Herbert E. Cooper, Josef P. de Fazekas, E. Dallas Smith, \u201cTrailer\r\nsuspension apparatus,\u201d US Patent 4878691, 1988.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 93, 2014"}