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target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc postdoc with experience in drug/gene carriers Co-encapsulation of antitumoral drugs and RNA therapeutics molecules in dendritic zeolites.<br/>Evaluation of the encapsulation success by means of state-of-art techniques <br/>Investigation of the biosafety and efficacy in diverse tumor lines.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Bochum Bochum</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >SYMOPTIC-Symmetry and Optimization at the Frontiers of Computation</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Michael Walter</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD and Postdoc PhD and Postdoc Positions in Symmetry and Optimization at the Frontiers of Computation We are always on the lookout for outstanding PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers broadly in the area of symmetries and optimization, which brings together theoretical computer science, quantum computer science, and mathematics. Please see for more information.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Spain</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Autonomous University of Madrid Madrid</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >TOMATTO-The ultimate Time scale in Organic Molecular opto-electronics, the ATTOsecond</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Fernando Martin</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Theoretical modelling of ultrafast phenomena The group of Fernando Martín ( at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and IMDEA Nanoscience, is looking for a researcher to work in an ERC funded project seeking to capture ultrafast electron dynamics to enhance solar energy conversion efficiency.<br/>Position requirements <br/>- A PhD in theoretical chemistry, AMO Physics or related areas. <br/>- Experience in advanced computational modelling<br/>- Experience in scientific programming languages (e.g., Fortran 90, C, C++, Python, etc)<br/>- Advanced knowledge of atomic and molecular physics<br/>- Good oral and written proficiency in English<br/>- Ability to work both independently and as part of a team<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Forschungsverbund Berlin Ev Berlin</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ULISSES-Ultrafast molecular chirality: twisting light to twist electrons on ultrafast time scale</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Olga Smirnova</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" > Non–linear Dynamics, attosecond physics, ultrafast molecular chirality, high harmonic generation </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) Bordeaux</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >cofacTau-Cofactors at the core of tau prion behaviour</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Yann Fichou</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student The tau protein is an intrinsically disordered protein present in the brain where it regulates the microtubule activity. Tau is directly implicated in several neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease. In these diseases, called tauopathies, tau aggregates into so-called amyloid filaments, which are deleterious for the survival of neurons and can spread throughout the brain. Our group studies the formation of these aggregates and more generally the molecular basis of tauopathies. <br/><br/>This project aims at studying the mechanisms of tau protein aggregation induced by different co-factors. In particular, we are interested in the molecular factors that allow the seeding and structural templating of these amyloids. During this thesis, the candidate will (i) extract and characterize aggregates from brain tissue (ii) express and purify recombinant tau protein (iii) perform in vitro seeding assays, under different conditions mimicking biological environments and (iv) perform biophysical and structural characterizations. This multidisciplinary project will combine biochemical techniques with fluorescence spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and cryo-electron microscopy. This thesis, funded by an ERC project and the Fondation Vaincre Alzheimer, will be carried out in a interdisciplinary context involving several national and international collaborations.<br/>You are motivated and curious and you wish to discover a modern and dynamic research environment through this PhD project. You have demonstrated excellent results in a biology/biochemistry/biophysics/physical-chemistry background with an interest in molecular sciences. You like multidisciplinary approaches and you have the ability to work in a team. You wish to discover biophysical methods and apply your skills to better understand fundamental pathological mechanisms. A good level of spoken and written English is essential.<br/>The thesis will take place at the CBMN Laboratory (UMR5248) in the team of Y. Fichou, located at the European Institute of Chemistry and Biology (IECB) near Bordeaux. The IECB is a multidisciplinary institute at the interface of biology and chemistry, and is equipped with several platforms (biochemistry, bacteriology, crystallography/X-ray diffraction, NMR, mass spectrometry, electron microscopy) that will be accessible during the thesis project.<br/>The beginning of the thesis is expected for September 2023. Please address any inquiry to Dr. Yann Fichou ( and send your CV, a cover letter, a recommendation letter and you master’s transcripts for application.<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Greece</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas Heraklion</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Beyond_Anderson-Non-Hermitian Transport in Anderson forbidden land</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Konstantinos Makris</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Non-Hermitian physics of disordered-topological optical systems Conducting research on topics related to Anderson localization in the non-Hermitian regime. The physical systems of interest are non-Hermitian optical lattices, photonic topological insulators and quantum many-body lattices with disorder. Research experience in non-Hermitian and/or topological physics of classical/quantum systems is desirable.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Freiburg Freiburg</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >MULTIPLEX-Multidimensional interferometric photoelectron spectroscopy with extreme ultraviolet photons</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Lukas Bruder</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student MSc or comparable degree in physics, chemistry or optical engineering is required Understanding photochemical processes in individual molecules remains a major challenge due to the involved non-adiabatic coupling between electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom and the ultrafast time scales of the molecular dynamics. We will address this challenge with a new experi-mental approach combining state-of-the-art techniques: tabletop XUV photoelectron spectroscopy with ultrafast interferometric and multidimensional spectroscopy. As a unique feature, this approach will provide a gap-less mapping of molecular dynamics along the entire reaction coordinate and re-solve the dynamics with unprecedented spectro-temporal resolution. <br/><br/>The PhD candidate will join a small team of highly motivated researchers in the group of Lukas Bruder at the University of Freiburg, Germany. The team will build the new experimental apparatus and investigate prototypical photo-driven reactions ranging from isomerization reactions to intra/inter-molecular energy and charge transfer processes. Depending on the candidate’s preferences the PhD project will have a main focus on laser engineering and nonlinear optics; the development of the XUV beamline; building the molecular beam machine for sample preparation including the photoelectron/-ion detection. <br/><br/>The PhD project will be embedded in the graduate school which provides an outstanding environment for the research and career development of the doctoral candidate. Applicants should have strong interest in atomic and molecular physics or physical chemistry. Experience in the use of ultrafast lasers and/or vacuum equipment is desired. Applications including a letter of motivation, a CV, certificates of your university degree (including grades), a transcript of records and contact details of two references should be sent in a single pdf file by email. Please indicate the subject “PhD MULTIPLEX” in your email.<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Denmark</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Aarhus University Aarhus</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >eSYMb-The evolution of early symbolic behavior</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Kristian Tylén</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc computational modeling See full job call here:<br/>Deadline April 14 </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Netherlands</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Leiden University Leiden</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >PURANA-Mythical Discourse and Religious Agency in the Puranic Ecumene</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Peter Bisschop</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Postdoctoral researcher on literary and material cultures of Southeast Asiaṇas-on-the-literary-and-material-cultur</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Belgium</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Leuven Leuven</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >IonFracMem-Enabling Targeted Fractionation of Ions via Facilitated Transport Membranes</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Xing Yang</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student PhD position: electro-driven membranes for ion resource recovery</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Netherlands</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Leiden University Leiden</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >COMMUNITY-Unraveling the regulatory networks in Streptomyces that switch on antibiotic production on demand</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Gilles Van Wezel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student • MSc in Biology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology or similar discipline<br/>• Ability to perform independent research <br/>• Good social and communication skills; excellent scientific writing and presentation skills.<br/>• Proven affinity for systems biology and bioinformatics and a particular interest in global regulatory networks<br/>• Excellent scientific writing and presentation skills<br/>• Team player with strong social skills, dedicated to innovative research combined with scientific curiosity<br/>• Excellent oral and written English communication skills Streptomyces are bacteria commonly found in soils with the capacity to produce a wide range of natural products that we harness for clinical, biotechnological and agricultural applications. Streptomyces bacteria are usually grown in isolation and in laboratory media that do not accurately mimic the complexity of their natural habitat. Primary (carbon) metabolism has a strong impact on specialised metabolism, including antibiotic production. The efficiency of antibiotic production depends a lot on the specific culturing conditions. A key element of this research project is the so-called lab-soil dichotomy, in other words, the large difference between growth of bacteria in the laboratory and in the complex natural habitat. We seek to bridge this huge knowledge gap, and you will investigate the effect of carbon utilization at the transcriptional and metabolic level, in the laboratory and in soil. This will provide better insights into how the bacteria respond to changing nutritional conditions and how we can harness that for the activation of specialised metabolism.<br/>You will apply microbiology and molecular biology techniques, systems biology such as ChIP-seq and Dap-Seq (DNA affinity purification sequencing) to identify the genome-wide distribution of transcription factor (TF) binding sites, transcriptomics etc. Thus you will unravel the TF networks that tie primary to specialised metabolism. <br/><br/>more info: <br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Netherlands</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Utrecht University Utrecht</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >DUALNETS-Bridges in social networks: Harnessing dual identity to improve interethnic relations</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Tobias Stark</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="https://www.ERCOMER.EU">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Sociology, Social Psychology, Political Science Title: The impact of recognizing dual identifiers on interethnic relations among youth<br/><br/>Aim: To understand how perceiving someone to belong to both the national majority and an ethnic minority<br/>group promotes (a) positive interethnic relationships and (b) the reduction of prejudices among late<br/>adolescents with and without a migration background.<br/><br/>Information: See project 10 on this website:<br/> <br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique Cnrs Paris</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >HOLOVIS-Holographic control of visual circuits</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Valentina Emiliani</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student physicist The aim of this project will be to conceive and realize three-photon excitation (3PE) strategies for all-optical investigation of neuronal circuits in-depth. 3PE uses longer wavelengths that undergo less scattering comparing to two-photon excitation strategies, whilst the cubic power dependence of the excited fluorescence signal to the excitation light intensity further suppresses out-of-focus excitation, enhancing contrast and penetration depth. 3PE microscopy is increasingly used in neurosciences for imaging deep brain layers (down to ~1 mm). Here, we will use it combined to optogenetics for in-depth control of neuronal activity. <br/>The candidate will design, develop and validate a 3PE microscope based on spatiotemporal light-targeting methods developed by our group. With this system, we aim to demonstrate for the first time 3P manipulation of neuronal circuits via optogenetics with the long term prospective of using the system for circuit investigation in primates. <br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Austria</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Oesterreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften Vienna</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >THEAGENT-Theatre and Gentrification in the European City</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Emine Fişek Türem</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc 4 Postdoctoral Positions ERC CONSOLIDATOR GRANT (2023-2028):<br/><br/>THEATRE AND GENTRIFICATION IN THE EUROPEAN CITY<br/><br/>is offering 4 POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW POSITIONS starting in September 2023.<br/><br/>“Theatre and Gentrification in the European City” (THEAGENT) is a five-year research project funded by the European Research Council’s (ERC) Consolidator Grant Program with a 2 million Euro grant. Located in the Institute for Urban and Regional Research (ISR) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW), and conducted under the direction of Principal Investigator Dr. Emine Fişek, the project combines multi-sited ethnographic and archival research to analyze the relationship between theatre practices and urban transformation in five European metropoles in the twenty-first century: London, Berlin, Paris, Warsaw, and Istanbul. Ground-breaking in its mixed methodology, this project will be the first to explore theatre’s role in the cultural dimensions of Europe’s urban transformations, as well as to demonstrate gentrification’s role in the politics of contemporary European theatre.<br/><br/>*** For further details, please see the attached call or visit<br/><br/>Application requirements include a cover letter describing the candidates’ academic experience and qualifications, as well as their plans for research relating to THEAGENT, curriculum vitae, one English-language writing sample, and three confidential letters of recommendation. Application materials can be submitted electronically in a single PDF file by email to no later than May 1st, 2023, referencing Job ID: ISR014PD223. Letters of recommendation can also be submitted under separate cover to this address. Selected candidates will be contacted for ZOOM Interviews.<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >United Kingdom</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Warwick Coventry</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >FDC-Finite and Descriptive Combinatorics</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Oleg Pikhurko</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Visiting researcher There is possibility to support short/medium term visits to the group, for collaborating in various areas of combinatorics related to the project.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Bonn Bonn</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >LATIS-Multifunctional Ligands for Enhanced Catalysis</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Ala Bunescu</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc PhD in Organic Chemistry We are interested in hiring an outstanding and highly motivated Post-Doc associate in organic chemistry in the research group of Dr. Ala Bunescu, University of Bonn, Germany. The positions are funded by European Research Council ERC StG 2021.<br/><br/>Description of the research program: Our research group's goal is to develop novel catalytic strategies to access organic molecules with lower ecological and economic impacts. The project will be on non-directed C-H functionalization with earth-abundant transition metals.<br/><br/>Relevant skills of the applicant:<br/>-PhD degree in chemistry<br/>-Strong theoretical and practical background in organic chemistry and experience in analytical techniques (NMR, MS, GC, HPLC etc.)<br/>-Strong interest and experience in transition metal catalysis<br/>-Good level of oral and written English<br/>-Predisposition to work in collaborative settings<br/><br/>Expected training: The successful applicant will receive state-of-the-art training in organometallic chemistry, catalysis, synthetic organic chemistry, ligand design, methodology development, and mechanistic investigations.<br/><br/>Application process: Please email your application as a single PDF to The expected starting date is October 1st, 2023, or earlier upon arrangement. The application should contain the following elements:<br/>-Cover Letter<br/>-Curriculum Vitae<br/>-2-3 pages summary of your Ph.D. thesis<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Munich (LMU) Munich</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >SYNCPOL-Synchronised Politics: Multiple Times and Political Power</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Klaus Goetz</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc SYNCPOL conceptualises synchronisation arrangements as a critical variable that is fundamental to the distribution of political power amongst policy-makers. It rigorously probes hypotheses on this crucial connection employing a mixed-methods design that combines document analysis, interviews, a major survey, dictionary-based text analysis and process tracing. The project examines synchronisation across EU, national and subnational governments, parliaments and administrative agencies. The analysis covers two policy domains migration-asylum and public health policy – since the early 2010s. SYNCPOL will generate fundamentally new insights into how time shapes democratic multi-level politics and policy.<br/><br/>Candidates for this post are expected to have a doctorate in political science, public policy or public administration completed by the date of appointment; methodological experience with text-as-data; and the ability to work in a team. Subject knowledge in the field of public health represents an advantage. The position is initially limited to three years, with the possibility of extension for another year.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Erlangen</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >AccelOnChip-Attosecond physics, free electron quantum optics, photon generation and radiation biology with the accelerator on a photonic chip</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Peter Hommelhoff</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Experimetnal physicist (in rare cases also theorist) with a backround in ultrafast laser physics The field of activity could cover one of these areas:<br/>- Basic research on nanophotonic particle accelerators<br/>- Investigation of the interaction of ultrashort laser pulses and matter<br/>- Investigating the wave and particle properties of electrons in ultrafast processes at the surface and within nano-objects<br/>- Development of novel particle traps to be used to realize a quantum electron microscope<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Luxembourg</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >ULB Free University of Brussels Esch-Belval</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >FragMent-Geographic environments, daily activities and stress: a study on the space-time fragmentation of exposure patterns</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Camille Perchoux</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student A Master in a relevant discipline such as geography, public health, epidemiology, data sciences<br/>applied to health, bioinformatics or biostatistics;<br/>Knowledge in quantitative research methods;<br/>Advances skills for data management and statistics;<br/>Experience with Machine learning technics;<br/>Advanced skills for writing scientific peer-review papers in English;<br/>Advanced skills for presenting research results to scientific conferences and to a lay audience;<br/>Skills in French, German or Luxembourgish would be an asset, but not mandatory;<br/>Good organizational skills, good communication skills;<br/>Ability to take own initiatives, as well as a strong ability for teamwork. Geographic environments, daily activities and stress: a study on the space-time fragmentation of <br/>exposure patterns.<br/><br/>Stress is nearly ubiquitous in everyday life, and act as a major risk factor of numerous mental and <br/>physical disorders. The aim of the FragMent project is to evaluate to which extent the spatial and <br/>temporal fragmentation of exposures to environments in daily life influences physiological and <br/>psychological stress, as well as social inequalities in stress. <br/><br/>Engaging in daily activities translates into travelling to and staying within a variety of environments <br/>over a day. Exposures to daily environments may either act as a contributor to stress or provide some <br/>restorative qualities. For example, while greener environments reduce stress, higher built-up density <br/>and proximity to traffic do the reverse. Yet, the combination of these momentary effects on stress over <br/>a day have so far been largely ignored. This project builds on a corpus of evidence from neighborhood <br/>effect in epidemiology, and creates a bridge with the concept of activity fragmentation from Time <br/>Geography, to investigate the determinants of momentary, daily and chronic stress.<br/>Leading the research effort on the identification of vocal biomarkers of stress and examine the <br/>effects of the urban environments and exposure patterns on momentary and daily stress.<br/><br/>This sub-project in FragMent aims to assess the impact of urban environment, exposure patterns and <br/>activity patterns on momentary, daily and chronic stress in daily life. We will rely on an observational <br/>cross-sectional study collecting information on both self-reported psychological stress measurements <br/>and physiological measurements based on vocal biomarkers of stress. Using map-based <br/>questionnaires, this study will collect information of individual’s regular mobility and activity patterns, <br/>to be correlated with chronic stress. In addition, we will make use of Geographically explicit Ecological <br/>Momentary Assessment combining GPS data with repeated assessment of participants’ momentary <br/>stress, activity patterns, and environmental perceptions over 15 days, in order to accurately capture <br/>participants’ activity space. <br/><br/>The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to the FragMent project as described above <br/>and will be in charge of running analyses on the environmental correlates of momentary and daily <br/>stress. An important phase will be the identification of vocal biomarkers of stress using machine <br/>learning methods. To this end, the successfull candidate will be hosted at the Luxembourg Institute of <br/>Health (LIH) to build core knowledge and methods of the identification of vocal biomarkers.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italy</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Genoa Genoa</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >SLING-Efficient algorithms for sustainable machine learning</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Lorenzo Rosasco</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student PhD student We are looking for one PhD student in Machine Learning theory. The research themes include efficient large scale algorithms and modern overparameterized models through the lens of regularization and optimization. The emphasis is on the interplay between computational and modeling aspects. Prospective candidates should be familiar with machine learning theory or related fieds, such as statistics, optimization, applied analysis, and have a strong mathematical background.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Finland</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Tampere Universities Tampere</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ARCHIMEDES-dAta-dRiven integrated approaches to CHemIcal safety assessMEnt and Drug dEvelopment</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Dario Greco</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student 3 PhD student positions available <br/>LINK TO THE CALL:<br/><br/><br/>We are seeking highly motivated Doctoral Researchers to join our team to work on the newly funded ERC Consolidator Project ARCHIMEDES. We have three positions open with different profiles.<br/><br/>1. Doctoral Researcher / Artificial intelligence in toxicology<br/><br/>The main tasks include:<br/><br/>analyzing and modeling multi-omics datasets for antigen discovery<br/>defining computational pipelines<br/>developing functional software for antigen discovery.<br/>Highly valued skills are:<br/><br/>A strong background in bioinformatics and/or immunology and/or cancer biology<br/>Knowledge of RNA sequencing data analysis and modelling <br/>Knowledge of exome sequencing data analysis<br/>Knowledge of proteomics data analysis<br/>Knowledge of network inference from multi-omics data <br/>Knowledge of antigen identification and characterization.<br/>2. Doctoral Researcher / Personalized cancer immunotherapy<br/><br/>The main tasks include:<br/><br/>analyzing and modeling large omics datasets<br/>analyzing and modelling our in-house knowledge graph<br/>curating, integrating and analyzing large data sets<br/>inferring and analyzing large networks<br/>development of predictive learning models.<br/>Highly valued skills are:<br/><br/>Knowledge in bioinformatics and systems biology <br/>Knowledge in analysis and modelling of biological data<br/>Good knowledge of python and R programming<br/>A strong background in machine learning <br/>Good knowledge of data exploration techniques as well as supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms <br/>Experience in data management systems is required, preferably in graph database and NoSQL systems <br/>Knowledge about knowledge graphs and complex networks. <br/>3. Doctoral Researcher / In vitro toxicology<br/><br/>The main tasks include:<br/><br/>characterizing the molecular mechanism of action of chemicals and drugs in multiple in vitro models <br/>identifying and testing molecular biomarkers of chemical exposure in the context of adverse outcome pathways (AOPs)<br/>investigating cellular crosstalk in the response to chemical exposure<br/>building co-culture air-liquid interface in vitro models of pulmonary exposure.<br/>Highly valued skills are:<br/><br/>A strong background in cell and molecular biology. <br/>Knowledge of in vitro toxicology and pharmacology. <br/>Knowledge of multiplex ELISA.<br/>Knowledge of exosome isolation and characterization<br/>Knowledge of omics pipelines (RNA seq, ATAC seq).<br/>Knowledge of co-culture, microfluidics, and air-liquid interface are a big plus.<br/>For all the three positions the successful candidates will pursue a doctoral degree at Tampere University. The position of doctoral researcher offers you the opportunity to concentrate full time on your doctoral studies while receiving high-quality supervision along with the freedom and encouragement to develop your ideas in a supportive, inspirational and multidisciplinary research environment. <br/><br/>Requirements<br/><br/>You need to have a Master’s degree in an applicable field and have demonstrated (during your studies towards the Master’s degree or otherwise) the competence and motivation to pursue postgraduate studies. Please be prepared to provide proof of your merits when requested.<br/><br/>Successful candidates must be pursuing or will be accepted to study towards a doctoral degree in the doctoral programme of the discipline. Please visit the admissions webpage for more information on eligibility requirements.<br/><br/>Skills required by successful applicants for all three open positions:<br/><br/>Dynamic and positive thinking<br/>Curiosity<br/>Critical thinking and ability to interpret experimental results<br/>Good collaboration and teamwork skills <br/>Good written and spoken English<br/>Good presentation and communication skills<br/>Time and task management<br/>Independent work capability.<br/>Tampere University is a unique, multidisciplinary and boldly forward-looking, evolving community. Our values are openness, diversity, responsibility, courage, critical thinking, erudition bildung, and learner-centredness. We hope that you can embrace these values and promote them in your work.<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Frankfurt Frankfurt</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Cookies-Economic Consequences of Restrictions on the Usage of Cookies</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Bernd Skiera</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Knowledge in information systems, computer science, business (marketing), economics, or other related disciplines. Professor Bernd Skiera (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany) received an Advanced Research Grant from the European Research Council (“ERC Advanced Grant”). He is searching for a<br/><br/>Post-Doctoral Researcher (E 13 TV-G-U, 100% full-time)<br/><br/>(Initially limited for two years, with the possibility to extend)<br/><br/><br/>Description of ERC project “Economic Consequences of Restrictions on the Usage of Tracking Technologies“:<br/><br/>The ERC project examines the economic consequences of more (online) consumer privacy. Insights about these consequences are important because they enable the trade-off between increases in (online) consumer privacy and economic damage to firms and consumers. Current projects look at topics such as the impact of GDPR on website traffic or trackers, pay-or-consent walls, the tracking and transparency framework (TCF), Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT), digital service taxes, differential privacy, consumer profiles, the value of data and the quality of data.<br/><br/>Your Profile:<br/>You have a strong interest and, ideally, experience examining how to implement online consumer privacy best. You have a doctoral degree in information systems, computer science, business (marketing), economics, or other related disciplines. <br/>Ideally, you want to combine your strengths with our strengths. Our strengths include excellent skills in estimating economic consequences, getting access to insightful and large data sets, an infrastructure to examine these large data sets, strong skills in econometrics and machine learning, and getting published in the best journals in the field of marketing. We will support your research with an excellent research environment that includes a team of other researchers in the area of online consumer privacy, the frequent opportunity to meet regularly with international visiting scientists, the attendance of international conferences and the opportunity to conduct research stays abroad. <br/><br/>Your Opportunity:<br/>The position allows you to focus intensely on research. Possible research topics are, among others, marketing in a post-cookie world, contextual targeting, consumer profiling, Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT), transparency in programmatic advertising, digital advertising supply chains, differential privacy, federated learning, industry approaches such as Microsoft’s PARAKEET, Google’s “Privacy Sandbox” or “FLEDGE.” <br/><br/>Your Application:<br/>Please send your application, which should include copies of all your transcripts and your research projects, to:<br/>Bernd Skiera, Professor of Electronic Commerce, Faculty of Economics and Business, Goethe University Frankfurt, Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4, 60323 Frankfurt am Main, Germany,<br/>You will find more information about our work at<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Max Planck Society Dortmund</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >PRIGLUE-Protein-RNA interaction stabilization using molecular glues</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Peter 'T Hart</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Chemical biologist, biochemist, chemist The ‘t Hart group at the Chemical Genomics Centre which is part of the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology is looking for a PhD candidate in chemical biology (m/f/d) to join our highly multidisciplinary chemical biology team for the ERC-funded PRIGLUE project to look for molecular glues that stabilize protein-RNA interactions.<br/><br/>RNA-binding proteins play important roles in a wide variety of cellular processes and various diseases are caused by a loss of affinity between the RNA-binding protein and its RNA targets. The project aims to identify molecular glues that promote the interaction between the RBP and its RNA to compensate for this loss of affinity and provide a novel therapeutic strategy. The project will involve the use of an in-house developed protein-RNA interaction assay in combination with a genetically encoded cyclic peptide library screening technique. The powerful combination allows the high-throughput screening of a library with millions of cyclic peptides in a single experiment. Identified molecular glues will then be further evaluated in biochemical and cellular assays.<br/><br/>We are looking for an enthusiastic candidate who has recently finished a degree in biochemistry, chemical biology, chemistry, or a related topic. The candidate should have experience with molecular cloning, biochemistry, and cell biology.<br/><br/>The ‘t Hart group is a young and dynamic team of chemists and biologists. Our aim is to explore the use of macrocyclic peptides to address difficult targets with a focus on RNA biology. We also develop methods to improve peptide properties using novel chemical methodology. We offer state-of-the-art facilities including fully equipped peptide/organic synthesis labs and cell biology facilities. Also see<br/><br/>The position is available from the 1st of June 2023 and fully funded for 3 years with the possibility for an extension for another year. Financial compensation will be carried out according to the public service remuneration scheme TVöD.<br/><br/>The Max Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals.<br/><br/>The Max Planck Society strives for gender equality and diversity within its workforce.<br/><br/>Furthermore, the Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.<br/><br/>Applications should be sent (as PDF) to Dr. Peter ‘t Hart ( Applications should include a motivation letter, a recent CV, copies of your certificates, and two names for reference. The deadline for application is the 14.04.2023<br/><br/>For questions regarding the position please contact Dr. Peter ‘t Hart directly.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Netherlands</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Free University of Amsterdam Amsterdam</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >CONNECT-Connecting cross-condition patterns of brain connectivity towards a common mechanism of mental conditions and prediction connectomics</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Martijn Van Den Heuvel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Computational Neuroscience Postdoc with neuroimaging processing experience of functional and structural MRI data.<br/>Experience in programming (MATLAB, python), advanced statistical modelling, mathematics and/or neuroimaging is highly appreciated.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Karlsruhe</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >TRITIME-Isolation, observation and quantification of mechanisms responsible for hydrogen embrittlement by TRITIum based microMEchanics</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Christoph Kirchlechner</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student PhD candidate in physics, material science or mechanical engineering PhD Candidate (f/m/d) at the Institute for Applied Materials in<br/>Hydrogen Micromechanics<br/>The Institute for Applied Materials – Mechanics of Materials and Interfaces (IAM-MMI) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) strives for a fundamental understanding, prediction, and optimization of mechanisms responsible for the degradation of advanced structural and functional material systems. Our materials re-search portfolio comprises, among others, materials required for the energy transition, i.e. for energy conver-sion and storage, as well as advanced structural materials. <br/>The IAM-MMI is looking for a PhD candidate (f/m/d) with a strong background in physics, materials science or mechanical engineering. As a PhD candidate you will be part of a newly formed research group comprised of six researchers, undertaking fundamental research by investigating the mechanisms responsible for hy-drogen embrittlement based on in situ small scale mechanical testing. As a successful candidate, you will be tasked with establishing a new detector system to measure the local distribution of the hydrogen isotope Tritium. You and your group will use this detector while performing in situ small scale mechanical testing on focused ion beam (FIB) milled samples in order to correlate the fundamental mechanisms of hydrogen em-brittlement with the local hydrogen content. <br/>Your tasks comprise: <br/>• Adopt a Multi-Channel-Plate (MCP) detector system for measuring the local Tritium content.<br/>• Develop software tools to analyze the obtained data.<br/>• Validate the spatial and chemical resolution of the MCP setup.<br/>• Integrate the MCP-System in a state-of-the-art SEM for in situ micromechanical testing.<br/>You should hold a Master’s degree in physics, materials science or mechanical engineering at the time of your start at IAM-MMI.<br/>Besides a state-of-the-art laboratory at the IAM and an inclusive, caring, and supportive atmosphere, we can offer a three-year PhD contract (75% TVL-E13). We strongly encourage applications from women and candi-dates from underrepresented backgrounds in STEM research to apply for this position, as a diverse work-place is vital to our success and life at the institute.<br/>The call for applications is open until filled.<br/>For more information, do not hesitate to contact<br/>Prof. Christoph Kirchlechner<br/><br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Poland</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Warsaw Warsaw</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >NMER-Chirality-sensitive Nuclear Magnetoelectric Resonance</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Piotr Garbacz</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Two positions, one theoretical and one experimental: 1. computations of tensors of nuclear interactions (nuclear magnetic shielding, spin-spin coupling), 2. construction of equipment for nuclear magnetic resonance.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Sweden</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Lund University Lund</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ArtMotor-Artificial Motor Proteins: toward a designed, autonomous protein motor built from non-motor parts</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Heiner Linke</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Doctoral student in Physics within modelling of molecular motors application deadline 23 March 2023 Description of the workplace<br/>The research at the division of Solid State Physics within the Physics Department is focused around different aspects of nanophysics, ranging from materials science to quantum physics, to different applications. The division plays a central role in NanoLund, the major interdisciplinary research environment within nanoscience and nanotechnology at Lund University, and it hosts Lund Nano Lab, a central key facility for fabrication of material and devices on the nanoscale. The division is also heavily involved in the undergraduate education, especially within the “Engineering Nanoscience” program.<br/><br/>A significant part of the research at the division is in the area of nano-biotechnology, where we develop new methods to investigate biological systems, and to use biomolecules in nanodevices. The department hosts the ERC Synergy Grant ArtMotor (PI Heiner Linke), which aims at designing and building functional, synthetic protein motors, and to detect their movements along a DNA-track. The aim is to construct, step by step, an autonomous protein motor capable of transducing chemical energy to move along a track. Our role in the project is to characterize the motors’ performance as well to guide the design of the protein motors and to evaluate the experimental results using coarse grain (Brownian dynamics) modelling. The research will be performed in close collaboration with Birte Höcker (University of Bayreuth, Germany) and Paul Curmi (UNSW, Sydney, Australia) who will be responsible for protein design, synthesis and characterization of the molecules, as well as with Ralf Eichhorn (Nordita), expert in stochastic thermodynamics and modelling of Brownian dynamics.<br/><br/>More information can be found at:,,,<br/><br/>Work duties<br/>The main duties of doctoral students are to devote themselves to their research studies which includes participating in research projects and third cycle courses. The work duties can also include teaching and other departmental duties (no more than 20%).<br/><br/>Coarse-grain modelling of protein motor designs and their expected performance. Development of software to examine the molecules in numerical simulations. The purpose of the PhD project is to guide the design of various types of motors, to develop understanding of how design details determine motor performance, and to guide interpretation of experimental measurements of the motors’ performance. In addition, the position may include fundamental studies of the stochastic thermodynamics of molecular motors.<br/><br/>The PhD student is expected to work independently as well as in close collaboration with the other partners in the project.<br/><br/>Please check the vacancy for full vacancy including qualification requirements and apply online at this link: <br/> <br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italy</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Genoa Genoa</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >SLING-Efficient algorithms for sustainable machine learning</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Lorenzo Rosasco</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Postdoctoral position in Machine Learning Theory We are looking for one postdoc in Machine Learning theory. The research themes include efficient large scale algorithms and modern overparameterized models through the lens of regularization and optimization. The emphasis is on the interplay between computational and modeling aspects. Prospective candidates should be familiar with machine learning theory or related fields, such as statistics, optimization, applied analysis, and have a strong mathematical background.<br/><br/>The position starts as soon as possible, but this is flexible. The duration of the contract is 1 year, and renewable for up to 3 years. The postdoc salary varies depending on experience and is commensurate to international standards.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg Heidelberg</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >TWIST-Twisted Perovskites Control of Spin and Chirality in Highly-luminescent Metal-halide Perovskites</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Felix Deschler</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Technician Electronics & IT Technician Your tasks:<br/><br/>- Draft planning and construction of scientific test setups<br/>- Setup and support of the IT/EDP infrastructure and data processing<br/>- Planning and organization of the manufacturing and assembly processes<br/>- Maintenance of electronic devices<br/><br/>Requirements:<br/><br/>- Completed training with an electronics focus.<br/>- Experience in the planning and construction of electronic structures<br/>- Knowledge of the automation of electronic structures<br/>- Independent, structured, goal-oriented and responsible way of working<br/>- Communication and teamworking skills</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Netherlands</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Twente Enschede</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Interfaces at Work-Interface-sensitive Spectroscopy of Atomically-defined Solid/Liquid Interfaces Under Operating Conditions</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Christoph Baeumer</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Postdoc position for operando X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Operando characterization becomes ever more important for the rational design of energy materials. For electrocatalysts, e.g. for green hydrogen production, the surface properties define the catalytic properties and require more in-depth understanding. But most chemically-sensitive operando characterization tools lack surface sensitivity. In this project, funded via an ERC Grant of the European Commission, you will work on the development of photoelectron spectroscopy towards surface-sensitive operando characterization of the solid liquid interface. <br/>The project relies on a new “operando photoemission” platform at the University of Twente, which combines advanced liquid-cell options and multi-color X-ray sources. The “operando photoemission” platform is created with the ambition to establish the first-of-its-kind laboratory-based XPS platform for operando characterization of the solid-liquid interface with maximum interface-sensitivity, and is made possible through a national infrastructure grant.<br/>The key research idea relies on single-crystal-like, atomically defined surfaces achieved in the form of thin films or 2D materials. In collaboration with materials synthesis and spectroscopy experts from the Inorganic Materials Science group, you will make use of these materials to further develop the concepts of “meniscus XPS” and/or “membrane XPS”. In the end, this will help clarify the central research question: How do the composition and electronic structure of the outermost atomic layer in state-of-the-art electrocatalysts impact the catalytic activity and how can we optimize materials design for maximum efficiency. <br/>Your profile<br/>• PhD in Physics, Chemistry or Materials Science or a related field.<br/>• You are an expert XPS user.<br/>• Experience with APXPS and/or HAXPES, pulsed laser deposition, thin film analysis or electrochemical characterization are a big plus.<br/>• You are a highly motivated, enthusiastic, and self-driven researcher.<br/>• You are a problem solver with excellent analytical and communication skills.<br/>• You have a track record of experimental research in the given discipline, with scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals.<br/>• You are fluent in English.<br/>Our offer<br/>• Full time postdoc position for up to three years, starting spring-summer 2023<br/>• Access to a new lab-based, multicolor APXPS system with innovative liquid cell<br/>• Dynamic ecosystem with enthusiastic colleagues in a stimulating scientific and entrepreneurial environment on a green and lively campus with lots of sports facilities.<br/>• Gross salary between € 3,557 € 4,670,- per month depending on experience and qualifications according to the Dutch Collective Labour Agreement for Universities (CAO)<br/>• Excellent benefits including a holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary, a year-end bonus of 8.3% and a solid pension scheme.<br/>• Minimum of 29 leave days in case of full-time employment.<br/>• Excellent facilities for professional and personal development<br/><br/>Information and application<br/>For more information, please contact Dr. Chris Baeumer ( You can apply by clicking on the button "Apply now" at The application should include a motivation letter emphasizing your expertise, your research interest and motivation to apply for this position, a detailed CV, contact details of at least 2 references, a half-A4 page summary of your PhD research, a 200-word summary of your (AP)XPS expertise as a separate document (emphasize any experience with working with liquids in the XPS) and a TOEFL or IELTS score to verify sufficient mastering of the English language. An interview will be part of the selection procedure. <br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italy</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Turin Turin</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >DEMALPS-Democracies of the Alps. Issues, practices and ideals of politics in mountain communities, 1300-1500</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Marta Gravela</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jerusalem</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >MultiJets-Relativistic Jets in the Multimessenger Era</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Tsvi Piran</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Postdoctoral researcher in Relativistic Astrophysics Postdoc in relativistic astrophysics</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) Nantes</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ATTOP-Attosecond Photochemistry: controlling chemical reactions with electrons</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Morgane Vacher</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student The candidate should have a Master degree in chemistry, chemistry-physics, theoretical chemistry or physics, or equivalent obtained in 2022 or in 2023 and must have a solid training in physical and theoretical chemistry. Experience in ab initio molecular calculations as well as programming skills (Fortran, Python...) and machine learning are assets. ATTOP is a theoretical chemistry project which proposes to bring the very recent technological progress in attosecond science to the field of photochemistry. Indeed, light pulses of such short duration have a large spectral bandwidth and excite multiple electronic excited states in a simultaneous and coherent manner. This superposition, called an “electronic wavepacket”, has a new electronic distribution and is thus expected to lead to a new chemical reactivity. The goal of this thesis is to study attophotochemistry for medium-sized inorganic molecular systems, in particular transition metal complexes. Because attophotochemistry requires an exact treatment of electronic coherence and thus very accurate dynamics methods, the first objective is to develop, in collaboration with a post-doc in the group, a protocol to simulate quantum dynamics of large molecular systems (≈ 30 atoms and more), with a reduced number of coordinates chosen objectively, while controlling the impact of the approximations made. To achieve this, we propose to use machine learning algorithms in order to identify the most relevant nuclear coordinates for the process studied. Once such a protocol is validated, the next step will be to apply this protocol on the photodissociation reaction of a transition metal complex from MLCT states. This photochemical reaction could be an efficient way to produce useful highly reactive, coordinately unsaturated species. However, it is in competition with a photophysical relaxation pathway. The task will be first to simulate the photochemical reaction induced by each of the MLCT states separately, and finally by a coherent superposition of them. The target is to propose an electronic wavepacket that increases significantly the photodissociation reaction yield.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Netherlands</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Twente Enschede</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Interfaces at Work-Interface-sensitive Spectroscopy of Atomically-defined Solid/Liquid Interfaces Under Operating Conditions</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Christoph Baeumer</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Postdoc position for operando X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Operando characterization becomes ever more important for the rational design of energy materials. For electrocatalysts, e.g. for green hydrogen production, the surface properties define the catalytic properties and require more in-depth understanding. But most chemically-sensitive operando characterization tools lack surface sensitivity. In this project, funded via an ERC Grant of the European Commission, you will work on the development of photoelectron spectroscopy towards surface-sensitive operando characterization of the solid liquid interface. <br/>The project relies on a new “operando photoemission” platform at the University of Twente, which combines advanced liquid-cell options and multi-color X-ray sources. The “operando photoemission” platform is created with the ambition to establish the first-of-its-kind laboratory-based XPS platform for operando characterization of the solid-liquid interface with maximum interface-sensitivity, and is made possible through a national infrastructure grant.<br/>The key research idea relies on single-crystal-like, atomically defined surfaces achieved in the form of thin films or 2D materials. In collaboration with materials synthesis and spectroscopy experts from the Inorganic Materials Science group, you will make use of these materials to further develop the concepts of “meniscus XPS” and/or “membrane XPS”. In the end, this will help clarify the central research question: How do the composition and electronic structure of the outermost atomic layer in state-of-the-art electrocatalysts impact the catalytic activity and how can we optimize materials design for maximum efficiency. <br/>Your profile<br/>• PhD in Physics, Chemistry or Materials Science or a related field.<br/>• You are an expert XPS user.<br/>• Experience with APXPS and/or HAXPES, pulsed laser deposition, thin film analysis or electrochemical characterization are a big plus.<br/>• You are a highly motivated, enthusiastic, and self-driven researcher.<br/>• You are a problem solver with excellent analytical and communication skills.<br/>• You have a track record of experimental research in the given discipline, with scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals.<br/>• You are fluent in English.<br/>Our offer<br/>• Full time postdoc position for up to three years, starting spring-summer 2023<br/>• Access to a new lab-based, multicolor APXPS system with innovative liquid cell<br/>• Dynamic ecosystem with enthusiastic colleagues in a stimulating scientific and entrepreneurial environment on a green and lively campus with lots of sports facilities.<br/>• Gross salary between € 3,557 € 4,670,- per month depending on experience and qualifications according to the Dutch Collective Labour Agreement for Universities (CAO)<br/>• Excellent benefits including a holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary, a year-end bonus of 8.3% and a solid pension scheme.<br/>• Minimum of 29 leave days in case of full-time employment.<br/>• Excellent facilities for professional and personal development<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Max Planck Society Jena</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >EPIDEMIC-Experimental Epidemiology in Ant Societies</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Yuko Ulrich</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types Scientist position in computational ethology Applications are invited for a full-time scientist position in computational ethology at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany to work in the Social Behavior group headed by Dr. Yuko Ulrich. We are looking for a dynamic, creative, and collaborative scientist to join an interdisciplinary team working at the intersection of behavioral ecology and epidemiology.<br/><br/>The group’s current work is centered on the drivers and consequences of social behavior. We seek to understand how individual traits, the social environment, and the epidemiological context shape individual and collective behavior using experimental, computational, and molecular approaches in an uniquely accessible social insect, the clonal raider ant. In particular, we routinely use automated tracking tools to analyze individual behaviour in live ant colonies (Gal, Saragosti et al. 2020). For more information about our work, please visit<br/><br/>The position will involve developing and implementing computational tools to measure behavior and disease spread in ant colonies. We are therefore looking for a team member with a strong quantitative/technical background and experience in the acquisition and analysis of large image-based datasets. Experience working with live animals or fluorescence imaging is a plus but not necessary. The position will require communicating and coordinating with biologists (PhD students, postdocs), as well as with a technical workshop and the IT department of our institute. Candidates must therefore have good communication and organizational skills and experience working collaboratively in interdisciplinary teams.<br/><br/>Roles/responsibilities:<br/>Develop and implement custom pipelines to acquire and analyze white-field and fluorescence images from live ant colonies<br/>Evaluate, select, and adapt existing tools for specific applications<br/>Interface with lab members, IT, and fabrication workshop<br/>If desired, the option to mentor MSc and PhD students is available<br/>Communicate results and observations to colleagues in lab meetings<br/><br/>Qualifications/experience:<br/>A background in computer science, engineering, biology, or related fields<br/>Experience in the acquisition and analysis of large image-based datasets <br/>Knowledge of at least one major programming language (e.g., Python, MATLAB)<br/>Creative problem-solving ability, attention to detail<br/>Ability to work independently and as part of a team<br/><br/>The Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology provides a thriving, international, and multidisciplinary research environment, state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, and world-class colleagues working on insect chemical ecology, neuroethology, and evolutionary biology. The working language of the institute is English. For more information, please visit<br/><br/>References<br/>Gal, A., J. Saragosti and D. J. Kronauer (2020). "anTraX, a software package for high-throughput video tracking of color-tagged insects." Elife 9.<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >United Kingdom</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Birmingham Birmingham</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Mito-Recombine-Homologous recombination and its application in manipulating animal mitochondrial DNA</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Hansong Ma</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Applications are invited for two postdoc positions in Dr Hansong Ma’s lab at the University of Birmingham, UK ( <br/><br/>You will mainly use biochemical and genetic approaches to dissect machinery involved in mitochondrial DNA transmission and maintenance. Ideal qualifications include demonstrated experience in Drosophila genetics and mitochondrial biology. Previous experience in protein purification, coimmunoprecipitation, proteomics and metabolomics is a strong advantage but unnecessary. <br/><br/>Interested candidates please send her/his CV and the contact information of two referees to Dr Hansong Ma (, We will start reviewing the applications immediately until the positions are filled. <br/><br/><br/>Research keywords: mitochondrial heteroplasmy transmission, mitochondrial DNA repair, mitochondrial dynamics, mito-nuclear interactions. <br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Weizmann Institute Of Science Rehovot</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ThermoQuantumImage-Thermal imaging of nano and atomic-scale dissipation in quantum states of matter</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Eli Zeldov</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" ></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Kaiserslautern University of Technology Kaiserslautern</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >MitoCyto-Mitochondrial Precursor Proteins in the Cytosol as Major Determinants of Cellular Health</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Johannes Herrmann</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types AI-assisted analysis of microscopic images We develop tools to study the intracellular transport of proteins by fluorescence microscopy. Our measurements result in large data sets of images which we analyze by established programs. However, we also develop own pipelines for image analysis in cooperation with experts from the artificial intelligence field. We are interested in hiring a computer-affine person who is interested in an exciting scientific project. Some experience in programming would be helpful. A background in biology is not necessary. We offer a position in our dynamic and lively team which consists of about 15 people, most of which are students and technicians.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Bonn Bonn</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >MLCat-Multifunctional Ligands for Enhanced Catalysis</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Ala Bunescu</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Organic synthesis, transition metal catalysis, C-H functionalization Description of the research program: We aim to develop novel catalytic<br/>strategies to access organic molecules with lower ecological and economic impacts. The project<br/>will be on non-directed C-H functionalization with earth-abundant transition metals.<br/>Relevant skills of the applicant:<br/>- MSc (or equivalents) degree in chemistry<br/>- Strong theoretical and practical background in organic chemistry and experience in<br/>analytical techniques (NMR, MS, GC, HPLC etc.)<br/>- Strong interest in transition metal catalysis<br/>- Good level of oral and written English<br/>- Predisposition to work in collaborative settings<br/>Expected training: The successful applicant will receive state-of-the-art training in organometallic<br/>chemistry, catalysis, synthetic organic chemistry, ligand design, methodology development,<br/>mechanistic investigations.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Institute of African Worlds (CNRS) Paris</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >WomatWork-Women at work: for a comparative history of African female urban professions (Soudn, Tanzania and Ghana), 1919-1970</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Elena Vezzadini </td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student historians The applicant should be already well acquainted with the history of one of the following countries. Ethiopia, Sudan, Tanzania and Ghana</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Finland</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Eastern Finland Kuopio</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >QUANTOM-Quantitative Tomography Using Coupled Physics of Waves</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Tanja Tarvainen</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Computational modelling and imaging Research in the field of computational modelling and inverse problems, specifically by developing numerical methods for modelling light and ultrasound propagation, and related inverse problem of coupled physics tomography. Main responsibilities:<br/>- Developing numerical approximations for equations describing light and ultrasound propagation in a biological tissue <br/>- Developing methods of computational inverse problems for imaging from coupled physics of light and ultrasound<br/>- Collaborating with other members of the research team, especially related to development of an experimental measurement setup<br/>- Authoring high-quality scientific papers</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Luxembourg</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Luxembourg Luxembourg</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >STAMFORD-Statistical Methods For High Dimensional Diffusions </td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Mark Podolskij</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) Strasbourg</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >TransNeuroFate-Translational control of neuronal fate and identity</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Juliette Godin</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc position in Bioinformatics (in single cell data analytics applied to neurosciences) We are seeking a highly motivated and creative Engineer /postdoctoral fellow in bioinformatics to join the team “Regulation of cortical development in health and disease” at the Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire (IGBMC) in Strasbourg, France. The successful candidate will be part of an interdisciplinary research team focusing on the elucidation of the fundamental mechanisms that dictate cell fate acquisition and neuronal maturation during mammalian corticogenesis. He/She will be involved in an ERC funded project that aims to understand how transcriptional priming and translation, through modulation of tRNA abundance and/or modification, control neuronal fate, and thereby regulate neuronal diversity. He/she will develop bioinformatics and statistical methods to analyze, interpret and integrate newly generated high-throughput omic data (scRNA-seq, Ribo-Seq). Main tasks of the candidate will be to analyze and interpret in vivo genetic perturbation screen (Perturb-Seq), to integrate tRNA abundance measurements with matched quantitative profile of translational efficiency and to address codon usage/optimality in specific cellular or disease context. He/She will work productively via collaborative interactions with diverse team members. The scope of the missions could be adapted according to the selected profile (postdoc or engineer).</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italy</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Milan Milan</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >FermiMath-The Mathematics of Interacting Fermions</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Niels Benedikter</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types PhD student + postdoc positions The group is looking for PhD students and postdocs with expertise in the mathematically rigorous analysis of many-body quantum systems.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >United Kingdom</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Exeter Exeter</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >GAIA-BIFROST-GAIA-BInaries: Formation and fundamental pRoperties Of Stars and planeTary systems</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Stefan Kraus</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Postdoctoral Researcher (Optical Engineer) in Astronomical Instrumentation The Faculty wishes to recruit a either a Postdoctoral Research Associate or Fellow with a background in optical engineering to work on astronomical instrumentation in the newly established Exeter Exoplanet Lab. The post is funded through the ERC Consolidator Grant project GAIA-BIFROST.<br/><br/>We are building the BIFROST instrument to enable short-wavelength, high-spectral resolution interferometry with European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope Interferometer. The instrument will be used to carry out a large survey on binary stars and exoplanets / planet-host stars and to advance our understanding of star and planet formation. <br/><br/>The instrument design features innovative solutions, for instance on photonics beam combination and ultra-low noise infrared detectors. You will work on integrating optical, optomechanical, and photonics components of the instrument and on validating their performance. <br/><br/>You will join the Exeter BIFROST team and collaborate with international partners in the broader Asgard consortium, including partners at KU Leuven, Australian National University, Nice, and Michigan. Good teamwork and communication skills are required. We regard diversity as important asset within our team, and welcome applicants with diverse backgrounds and experiences. <br/><br/>The post includes funding for computing & travel, and offers opportunities to become involved in other instrumentation or astrophysics projects. For instance, we are members of the CHARA consortium and have access to guaranteed time. </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jerusalem</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >DryCoAdapt-Unravelling the molecular evolution of plant-microbiome interactions in drylands</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Omri Finkel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types We are seeking applicants with a strong background in one or more of the following: <br/><br/>Bioinformatics<br/>Analysis of large biological datasets<br/>Python and Linux shell environments<br/>Experience in molecular microbiology methods<br/>A track record in translating complex data into meaningful biological insights<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >United Kingdom</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Exeter Exeter</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Plastinet-Plasticity of the pluripotency network</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Austin Smith</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Computational biologist/bioinformatician Computational and bioinformatic decoding of pluripotency<br/>Post-doctoral Research Fellow<br/>An exciting opportunity is available in the laboratory of Austin Smith Profile | Living Systems Institute | University of Exeter to develop and lead a programme of computational and bioinformatics analyses to delineate developmental trajectories, decipher the regulatory networks of pluripotency, and to generate predictive models of GRN dynamics. <br/>You will work mainly with single cell NGS data from natural and synthetic embryos, and from stem cell differentiation time courses and perturbation studies. The study will include comparative analyses between human, non-human primates and other mammals, using stem cells and embryos. You will create and implement algorithms, analysis methods and visualisation tools for interrogation of multi-omic single cell datasets. <br/>You will have the opportunity to supervise project students. In addition to your own research projects, you will advise and support wet lab researchers in the group. You will implement and maintain NGS bioinformatics pipelines and be responsible for data management for the group.<br/>Prior knowledge in stem cell or developmental biology is not necessary, but experience in working closely with experimental researchers is essential.<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Switzerland</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Fribourg Fribourg</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Locus Ludi-Locus Ludi: The Cultural Fabric of Play and Games in Classical Antiquity</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Véronique Dasen</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types senior researcher Research on play and games in the ancient black sea region (6th c. BCE-4th c. CE). </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Cryptoexperts Sas Paris</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >AMAskZONE-Generation and Verification of Masking Countermeasures Against Side-Channel Attacks</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Sonia Belaid</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Cryptography is everywhere in our daily life to ensure the confidentiality and authentication of our communications and the integrity of our records. Although there are strong expectations regarding the security of cryptographic schemes against black-box attackers whose knowledge is restricted to a few inputs or outputs, the security of their implementations is less challenged. However, once implemented on embedded devices, cryptographic schemes become vulnerable to powerful side-channel attacks. The latter additionally exploit the physical leakage (e.g., power consumption) released by the device to recover the manipulated secrets. With cheap equipment, side-channel attacks may yield tremendous damage (e.g., full key recovery) within seconds. Nevertheless, the current security level of countermeasures is not yet close to that achieved in the black-box model. <br/><br/>The community is divided on how to assess the security of cryptographic implementations. From practitioners’ perspective, they need to be confronted with concrete side-channel attacks directly on embedded devices. Conversely, theorists consider that such an empirical approach is not portable and does not yield concrete security levels (e.g., not all attacks can be tested). Therefore, they instead investigate security proofs based on abstract leakage models, although the latter are often too far removed from reality to yield practical security. <br/><br/>The combination of both worlds with a toolbox to generate and verify cryptographic implementations with practical security is the topic of an ERC starting project that is hosted by CryptoExperts. As a member of this project, the candidate will work on the design of new compilers to turn any high-level algorithm into an efficient implementation proven secure for identified concrete devices. <br/><br/>Starting date: around September 2023 (flexible)<br/>Duration: 3 years </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Greece</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Biomedical Sciences Research Center Alexander Fleming Athens</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >BecomingCausal-Contextual specification of fibroblast-driven causalities in chronic intestinal inflammation and fibrosis</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >George Kollias</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Bioscientists and Bioinformaticians </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Technion Israel Institute of Technology Haifa</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Niche4NbS-Beyond assuming co-benefits in Nature-based Solutions: Applying the niche concept for optimizing social and ecological outcomes</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Assaf Shwartz</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Post-doc or PhD Profile 1: Background in spatial modelling, ecology, optimization<br/>Profile 2: Background in environmental/social psychology with strong quantitative skills </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Estonia</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >National Institute Of Chemical Physics And Biophysics Tallinn Tallinn</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >KERR-How do chiral superconductors break time-reversal symmetry? – Kerr spectroscopy study</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Girsh Blumberg</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc THz spectroscopy Postdoctoral position is available in the THz optics group at NICPB in Tallinn. <br/>The THz group specializes in low energy electrodynamics in solids with strong electron correlations. The experimental techniques include optical spectroscopies at ultra-low frequencies. The areas of interest center on out-of-the-ordinary electronic states of matter at low temperatures, including unconventional superconductors, quantum magnets, topological insulators, materials in proximity to quantum critical points, to name a few. Considerable flexibility beyond the focus of these topics can be built into research program of a postdoc applicant. <br/>The position is related to the ERC project on unconventional superconductors which possess non-trivial topological properties: The details and application instructions are given at <br/>An ideal applicant should have knowledge in physics of systems with strongly electron correlations and experience in THz spectroscopic tools, but strong applicants with other backgrounds would be considered as well. Applicants should submit a CV with publication list, a very brief statement of research interests, and the names of three references as instructed at the given above URL links. <br/><br/>Thank you for your interest to this matter! <br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Turkey</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Koc University Istanbul</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >BeyondMoore-Pioneering a New Path in Parallel Programming Beyond Moore’s Law</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Didem Unat</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types Parallel computing, HPC, supercomputing, system software We are developing new programming models, runtime systems, and tools for heterogeneous memory and processor systems. Knowledge in CUDA is desired but not necessary. Experience in parallel computing or system software development is preferred. <br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Wuerzburg Würzburg</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >BoNi-Sens-Quantum Sensing with van der Waals Heterostructures based on hexagonal Boron Nitride</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Vladimir Dyakonov</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Field: experimental solid state physics; Methods: electron spin resonance and confocal optics several positions are available, the job descriptions will be provided upon direct request, informal zoom meeting will be possible</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ReMembrane-How do tetraspanin proteins organize, shape, and remodel biological membranes?</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Raya Sorkin</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Your profile: For this interdisciplinary project, we look for a trained experimentalist with a strong record of research in biophysics or soft matter, preferably with prior experience with microscopy and/or force-spectroscopy. For postdoc positions, a Ph.D. in biophysics, physics, chemistry, molecular biology or a related field is required. <br/><br/>Our lab is equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation for single-molecule mechanical studies. We are a collaborative and supportive group, and we will provide you will the needed training and support your personal development. We are affiliated with the Center for the Physics and Chemistry of Living Systems at Tel Aviv University that provides a most stimulating environment for biophysical research by bringing together groups from various disciplines that study biophysical problems by a wide range of approaches. The campus is located in the north of Tel Aviv, which is a fun and vibrant city with international atmosphere.<br/> Projects Overview: The project aims to reveal the interplay between membrane tension and curvature and the organization and function of tetraspanin proteins. The context is specific key physiological scenarios: membrane fusion that occurs during viral infection and fertilization, and the formation of vesicles called migrasomes that mediate cellular communication. For these projects you will develop and use membrane model systems such as micro-beads coated with membranes of defined composition with incorporated proteins of interest, GUVs and GPMVs. You will use single-molecule assays to study protein-membrane interactions, analyze data using custom-written python scripts, and use theoretical models for data interpretation, in collaboration with theorists. </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Finland</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Oulu Oulu</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >UNIFY-Unification of the best piezoelectric and photovoltaic properties in a single photoferroelectric material</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Yang Bai</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Postdoctoral researcher with a background in solid-state physics We are looking for a postdoc who has an academic background and track record in solid-state physics, especially in research fields related to photoelectrics, photovoltaics and photoluminescence. </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Spain</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Astrophysics Institute of the Canary Islands San Cristobal de La Laguna</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Substellar-Substellar science with the Euclid space mission</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Eduardo Martín</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Astrometry of ultracool dwarfs Astrometric monitoring of ultracool dwarfs using ground-based and space-based data. Determination of dynamical masses in the substellar domain. </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Belgium</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Ghent University Ghent</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >CHANSON-Chiral semiconductor nanophotonics for ultraresolved molecular sensing</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Alberto Curto</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Postdoctoral researcher on nanophotonics for chiral sensing </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) Paris</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >SHRED-Survival of Hadean REmnants in a Dynamic mantle</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Catherine Chauvel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Evaluation of the scale of mantle heterogeneities by in-situ measurements </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Spain</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) Esporles</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >GEoREST-predictinG EaRthquakES induced by fluid injection</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Victor Vilarrasa</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Well safety in response to induced earthquakes To simulate the change of peak ground accelerations from the bottom up in the locations of the wells, to calculate the maximum shear deformations, maximum absorption coefficients, and change of soil parameters during an earthquake for each layer and as a result identify the most seismically weak soils in the section.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Denmark</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Copenhagen Copenhagen</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ExplainYourself-Explainable and Robust Automatic Fact Checking</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Isabelle Augenstein</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Explainable Natural Language Understanding</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Duisburg-Essen Duisburg</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >MATTER-Macroscopic quantum transport materials by nanoparticle processing</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Gabi Schierning</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Materials science, solid state physics Characterization of electronic transport properties including low-temperare magnetic field dependence; Nanoparticle processing; data modelling and analysis; publication of scientific results;</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Freiburg Freiburg</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >SODI-From face-to-face to face-to-screen: Social animals interacting in a digital world</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Bastian Schiller</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student PhD position (f/m/d) (E13 TV-L, 75%) This PhD position has been established within the European Research Council (ERC) funded project “Social animals interacting in a digital world” awarded to Dr. Bastian Schiller. Together with a team of researchers, the candidate will (1) investigate differences between interacting socially within digital environments and interacting socially from “face-to-face” and, (2), strike new paths for “socially enriching” digital interaction environments. This topic will be tackled by taking a multi-method research approach combining experimental-psychological interactions paradigms, game theoretical paradigms, psychophysiological methods (like applying chemosensory cues vial olfactometry, electroencephalography, dual eye-tracking), self-reports and hormone administration (like oxytocin, testosterone).<br/><br/>The candidate will be involved in planning, preparing, executing, analysing and publishing the described research in international, peer-reviewed journals as well as in presenting this research’s findings at national and international conferences. The principal investigator and the chair holder will support and closely collaborate with the candidate throughout this process. As part of their work, the candidate is expected to perform administrative duties and participate in supervising interns as well as bachelor and master students.<br/>Furthermore, the candidate should show interest in the laboratory’s research on the psychobiological foundations of (pathological) social interactions. This research is situated at the interface of Social Neuroscience, Psychoneuroendocrinology and Clinical Psychology. Another research focus lies on the study of stress-related disorders. Our laboratory’s infrastructure also has an Outpatient Clinic and Research Unit for treating stress-related disorders.<br/><br/>You are enthusiastic about the named research, are a team-oriented and socially competent person and possess very good statistical knowledge. You have already addressed experimental and/or psychobiological research questions during your studies. You are motivated to open a new research field on the effects of the digital change on our social behavior and systematically investigate this avenue together with a team of young researchers. You are interested in learning about different psychobiological research methods. We would support you in starting or continuing a training in psychotherapy (preferentially in cognitive behavioural therapy) during the PhD program.<br/><br/>The University of Freiburg intends to increase the number of female employees and encourages female candidates to apply. In case of equal qualifications applicants with a degree of disability of at least 50 or equal will be given preference.<br/><br/>In your application, please include a brief (max. 2 pages) cover letter explaining your research interests, motivation, and your longer-term career goals, a CV, certificates (degrees, internships) and, if applicable, contact information for references. Please merge all information into one PDF-document and send it to:<br/><br/>Informal inquiries may be made to Dr. Bastian Schiller:<br/><br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Ireland</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >National University of Ireland University College Cork Cork</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >BACtheWINNER-Bacteriocins from interbacterial warfare as antibiotic alternative</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Paul Ross</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Senior Post-Doctoral Researcher Recognised Researcher (R2) APC Microbiome Ireland (formerly Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre) was formed in 2003 with funding from Science Foundation Ireland and in conjunction with key industry partners, it represents a seamless collaboration between UCC, Teagasc Moorepark. It is widely recognised that the gut microbiota plays an important role in human health and has become one of the most dynamic, complex and exciting areas of research in both food and pharmaceutical arenas. Over the last decade APC Microbiome Ireland has established itself as one of the leading global centres in gut microbiota research. APC Microbiome Ireland has made several landmark discoveries and has published over 3500 research articles in peer-reviewed journals, generating many journal covers and associated editorials. APC Microbiome Ireland collaborates with over 20 industry partners and employs over 300 individuals, from the scientific PI’s funded by the partner Institutions, the management team, and a dedicated group of research scientists, research assistants and postgraduate students.<br/><br/>We are currently recruiting a Senior Post-Doctoral Researcher to lead the ERC Advanced project BACtheWINNER. The main aim of this research programme is to develop bacteriocins as novel antimicrobials/therapeutics by solving the current challenges associated with their implementation, such as low production levels, resistance development, and inadequate potency/inhibition spectrum. This Senior Post-Doctoral Researcher should be passionate about peptide bioengineering and molecular genetics and have significant experience in bacteriocin research. They should be experienced with cloning in Gram positive hosts, peptide purification, fermentation technology and preclinical models.<br/><br/>The ideal candidate will have:<br/><br/>A PhD and post-doctoral experience that focused on molecular cloning, genomics and wet-lab microbiology.<br/>Proven ability to conduct independent research within a team environment.<br/>The role will include and require:<br/><br/>Wet-lab experience should ideally include peptide bioengineering and molecular genetics.<br/>Experience with the characterisation of bacteriocins from isolation through purification to bioinformatic analysis.<br/>Heterologous expression and characterisation of antimicrobial proteins.<br/>Experience with in-silico discovery of antimicrobials.<br/>Experience with in vivo and/or ex vivo models (e.g. fermenters).<br/>Experience with wet lab skills needed to investigate the microbiome (e.g. Nucleic acid extraction from pre-clinical samples, PCR, NGS library preparation).<br/>Extensive microbiology skills with proven handling of pathogens.<br/>Project management and team leadership to ensure all wet-lab milestones remain on track.<br/>Data controller/management proficiency.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Switzerland</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Basel Basel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >AimingT6SS-Mechanisms of dynamic localization of the bacterial Type 6 secretion system assembly</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Marek Basler</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italy</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >NoisyFluid-Noise in Fluids</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Franco Flandoli</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc expert of fluid mechanics, turbulence, stochastic processes, SPDEs The research will concern stochastic aspects of fluid dynamics; in particular:<br/><br/> origin and form of noise in fluids; stochastic modeling of small-scale fluctuations<br/><br/> influence of small scale turbulence on large scale; closed stochastic and deterministic large scale models<br/><br/> regularization by noise in fluids; regularization of large scales by turbulence.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Ireland</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University College Dublin, National University Of Ireland, Dublin Dublin</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Expanding Agency-Expanding Agency: Women, Race and the Global Dissemination of Modern Architecture</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Kathleen James-Chakraborty</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Research Scientist in Art History at University College Dublin The Research Scientists will research and write about the role of female entrepreneurs in the dissemination of modern architecture and design between 1920 and 1970 as part of a larger ERC-funded project that is investigating the role of gender and race in this process.<br/><br/>The successful candidate will participate with other team members in a reading group every autumn trimester, will deliver conference papers on the subject at appropriate conferences in Europe and the United States, and will publish articles and/or book chapters, while preparing a book manuscript on the topic. They will also co-organise an international conference to be held in June 2024 and co-edit the resulting book, as well as contribute to the organisation of an exhibition that will tour architecture schools in 2026.<br/><br/>A primary purpose of this role is to further develop your research skills, including through the publication of peer-reviewed scholarship. There are travel (up to €4000 per annum) and conference funds (up to €3000 per annum) associated with this post. Closing date 7 March 2023. Prior to application, further information (including application procedure) should be obtained from the Work at UCD website: And search for competition 015641</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Institut National De La Sante Et De La Recherche Medicale Paris</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >MetaboSENS-Metabolic Integration by Nutrient Sensing</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Ganna Panasyuk</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Technician We are looking for a Lab technician to join the group of Dr. Ganna PANASYUK in the Institute Necker Enfants Malades at INSERM U1151, Paris, France. We are a young, dynamic, international team with a great hunger for discovery (! We provide a melting pot environment of curiosity, enthusiasm, fun and ambition to perform top tier science. We use a combination of cell biology, metabolomic, gene expression approaches and mouse genetics to address the role of nutrient signalling dynamics in whole body metabolic balance. <br/><br/>Your role will be to assure the smooth running of the molecular biology and histology analyses in the on-going projects of the team. You will be also a key member for our transgenic mouse colony management. You will employ various approaches (nucleic acid purification, genotyping, transcript and protein expression, work with primary and established cell lines, biochemistry assays). You will also be entrusted with the tasks to assure the smooth ordering and lab management (e.g. ordering, data base management, organization of the day-to-day routine of the lab)<br/><br/>As our ideal candidate, you should hold a BSc academic degree in molecular and/or cell biology and/or biochemistry. Expertise in molecular biology approaches is essential. Previous experience with cell culture is expected. Excellent working knowledge of English is required to integrate our team and succeed in this position. <br/><br/>Our team is proud to belong to INSERM which is a world acclaimed research institute for fundamental and translational medical research. INSERM provides an inclusive and equal opportunity environment with attractive infrastructure and a collegial working atmosphere. Our lab is based in central Paris on a campus of internationally renowned Necker Hospital. Our lab fully explores exceptional translational opportunities of Necker campus such as close working relationship with the clinical units of Necker Hospital and the tight interaction with patient associations and patients with rare diseases. We belong to a multidisciplinary international research centre of molecular medicine – the Institute Necker Enfants Malades (INEM, which is located in newly refurbished premises of Paris Descartes University Medical School (belongs to University of Paris). INEM unites over 250 members from more than 20 countries. The INEM teams apply insights obtained through basic and clinical research to develop innovative therapeutic strategies in human diseases caused by the interplay of polygenic inheritance and environmental factors. INEM also provides excellent newly refurbished institute infrastructure, access to 17 on-site state-of-the-art shared facilities, stimulating international work environment to conduct collaborative translational research. <br/><br/>To apply, email to a single PDF file named “Lab tech _YOUR NAME” following information:<br/><br/>-a brief motivation letter outlining your previous experience and your interest in joining us (max 1 page)<br/>-a CV (max 2 pages)<br/>-contact details of at least 1 referee<br/><br/>Applications will be considered until the position is filled. The pre-selected candidates will be interviewed by Zoom followed by in-person visit of the lab.<br/><br/>Earliest possible start date of the contract: 1 May 2023<br/><br/>The remuneration package will be based on qualifications and experience according to the INSERM salary grid. Note that this one-year fixed term contract is renewable for 3 years, depending on circumstances at the time of the review.<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italy</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Polytechnic University of Milan milano</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >EUNICE-Debiasing the uncertainties of climate stabilization ensembles</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Massimo Tavoni</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc decision theory and applications to the environment and climate Applied mathematician or economist interested in decision making under uncertainty with applications to climate problems</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Weizmann Institute rehovot</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ANYONIC-Statistics of Exotic Fractional Hall States</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Moty Heiblum</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc postdoc experimental studies of fractional quantum hall effect (QHE)<br/>clean room fabrication<br/>using dilution refrigerator at mK range<br/>understanding the principles of exotic states in the QHE regime<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Netherlands</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Groningen Groningen</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >2D-OPTOSPIN-Spins in two-dimensional materials for tunable magnetic and optoelectronic devices</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Marcos Guimarães</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student PhD candidate on opto-spintronics in 2D materials We are looking for a PhD candidate for our research on combining light, electronics and spins in two-dimensional materials. The aim of the PhD project is to develop a device based on van der Waals heterostructures capable of transmitting magnetic information through light. Experience with van der Waals heterostructures/2D materials, optics and/or electronics is desirable. If you are interested in joining, or have any questions, please contact Dr. Marcos H. D. Guimaraes.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Weizmann Institute Rehovot</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ExTrA-Extratropical-Tropical interAction: A unified view on the extratropical impact on the subtropics and tropics at weather timescales</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Shira Raveh-Rubin</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types Atmospheric scientist We are looking for atmospheric scientists to join our dynamical meteorology team and engage in research of weather systems driving intrusions of extratropical air into the tropics. Students/scientists with backgrounds in atmospheric dynamics/ modelling/ statistical methods are particularly welcomed.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Technical University of Munich Freising</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ORIGIN-Learning Isoform Fingerprints to Discover the Molecular Diversity of Life</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Mathias Wilhelm</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Computational Proteomics, Bioinformatics, Computer Science We invite applications for a PhD position with a strong background or interest in bioinformatics, big data analytics, machine learning, applied mathematics and its application in computational proteomics. The successful candidate will become a key member of an ERC Starting Grant funded project called ORIGIN which aims to answer a fundamental question in biology: To which extent and prevalence are isoforms translated and functionally relevant. For this, a novel MS-based proteomics data analysis strategy needs to be developed and tested. Candidates therefore must have a strong interest in one or more of the following aspects: (1) Tap into the wealth of data the proteomics community has already amassed to train deep neural networks that allow the prediction of isoform fingerprints. (2) Implement an innovative data analysis strategy that utilizes the predictions to identify and quantify isoforms. (3) Demonstrate that the novel approach can be used to address open questions in isoform-biology of varying biological and technical complexity.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Beer Sheva</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >BoundaryTheory-Random Walks on Groups, Commutative and Non-commutative Dynamics</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Yair Hartman</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types PhD students and postdocs Candidates are not required to speak Hebrew. These are non-teaching positions with competitive salaries and travel funds, beginning in September 2023. The group will run a weekly seminar and collaborate with the many researchers in these fields from Ben-Gurion University and all over Israel. </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Sweden</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Karolinska Institute Stockholm</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ImmuneDiversity-Defining of human adaptive immune gene diversity and its impact on disease</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Gunilla Karlsson Hedestam</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="mailto:">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types Bioinformatician/computational scientist Modern immunology research generates large datasets from high-throughput sequencing techniques. The Karlsson Hedestam group analyzes highly diverse adaptive immune receptor repertoires and studies the role of germline-encoded polymorphism for antigen-specific responses. Having developed the computational tool IgDiscover ( to process such datasets, the group is now seeking to expand its analytic support. Specifically, the group is looking for an experienced Bioinformatician to contribute to data analysis, statistics, and visualization for several ongoing research projects. The tasks also include maintenance of existing analysis pipelines and the development of new bioinformatic tools for advanced analysis to support ongoing research in the group.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Pasteur Institute Paris</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >RNAiNHERITANCE-Somatic and Germline Mechanisms of Small RNA Inheritance</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germano Cecere</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc We are looking for highly passionate and motivated candidates holding a Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, or any related area of Life Science. Candidates with a strong background in biochemistry, molecular and RNA biology, generation and/or analysis of next-generation sequencing, mass spectrometry, or quantitative microscopy are especially encouraged to apply. Previous experience with the C. elegans model would be an asset but not essential. Successful applicants are expected to have demonstrated the ability to work independently, have good organizational skills, work in an interdisciplinary team, and manage multiple tasks. English is our working language. Knowledge of French is not required In our Laboratory, we study the role of small RNAs in epigenetic inheritance using the nematode C. elegans as a model system. We are integrating genetic, biochemical, and molecular biology tools with high-throughput genomic and proteomic approaches to achieve a molecular understanding of the epigenetic inheritance process in animals. The postdoc will work on understanding how small RNAs are generated and inherited through the gametes and how they transmit information from one generation to another. In addition, we will study the impact that these heritable molecules have on essential developmental processes and in transmitting the memory of past experiences, such as pathogen infections and other types of stresses. <br/>For more information on our research projects, visit our website and our recent publications.<br/><br/>We offer<br/>An ERC consolidator grant funds the position for at least three years, and the salary will follow the guidelines for Postdoctoral fellowships of the Institut Pasteur. The candidates will benefit from technical and conceptual training, mentorship, and career development. The candidates will have the responsibility and freedom to shape, lead, and present their research projects. Our Laboratory is committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive environment and promoting underrepresented scientists, trainees, and staff.<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italy</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italian Institute of Technology Genoa</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >I-Wood-Forest Intelligence: robotic networks inspired by the Wood Wide Web</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Barbara Mazzolai</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Denmark</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Copenhagen Copenhagen</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Loops and Groups-Loops and groups: Geodesics, moduli spaces, and infinite discrete groups via string topology and homological stability</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Nathalie Wahl</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Visiting researcher Geometry and Topology Visiting position for up to 1 year. </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Beer Sheva</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Interactive -Coding for Interactive Communication and the Power of Adaptivity </td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Klim Efremenko</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types Researcher in error correcting codes and theoretical computer science I am looking for a researcher with a strong mathematical background who want to do research in theoretical computer science and in error correcting codes. </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >MultiplexGenomics-Exploring the Epigenome by Multiplexed Physical Mapping of Individual Chromosomes</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Yuval Ebenstein</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types Development of assay strategies and analysis, Creating and conducting experiments , Analyzing results of the experiments </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Weizmann Institute Rehovot</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >InsulaBodyLoop-The Insula-Body Loop for neural control of gut physiology</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Yoav Livneh</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" ></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jerusalem</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >AllOptHipp-All-Optical Dissection of Hippocampal Circuits Using Voltage Imaging</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Yoav Adam</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Weizmann Institute Rehovot</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ImageMelanoma-Revealing the immune tumor microenvironment (iTME) in melanoma by multiplexed imaging</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Leeat Keren</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types Machine learning / Data scientist / Image analyst expert Our lab studies tumor specimens using novel technologies for multiplexed imaging. We are seeking excellent machine learning experts / data scientists / image analysis experts to join our group and work on developing algorithms for this complex data.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Beer Sheva</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >EpigeneticScars-Understanding DSB repair from pathway choice to long term effects and their consequences.</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Debra Toiber</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Cell Biologist, Molecular Biology, Epigenetics PhD or M.Sc student tryoing to understand the long term consequences of DNA damage leading to aging and neurodegeneration</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >CancerAneuploidy-Understanding and targeting the functional consequences of aneuploidy in cancer</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Uri Ben-David</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Postdoctoral Fellow The Ben-David lab has openings for full-time postdoctoral fellows. The lab is located at the Department of Human Molecular Genetics & Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.<br/><br/>Our lab studies cancer genetics. We focus on an under-studied trait of cancer, called aneuploidy — the presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes in cancer cells — and the potential of using this trait to target cancer cells and eliminate tumors. We combine experimental and computational approaches to uncover the basic biology underlying this hallmark of cancer, to track its origins and to uncover its cellular consequences. In addition, we are interested in improving and expanding the arsenal of cancer model systems, for basic research and cancer precision medicine. To read more about the lab, see <br/><br/>We have two open positions, for an experimental biologist and for a computational biologist.<br/>Job requirements for the experimental position:<br/>• Passion for science and strong motivation <br/>• Ph.D. in life sciences (or equivalent)<br/>• At least 3 years of experimental lab experience (e.g., tissue culture, molecular biology, microscopy, mouse models)<br/>• High organizational and project management skills <br/>• Excellent ability to work both independently and in a team<br/>• Background in cancer research is an advantage<br/>Job requirements for the computational position:<br/>• Passion for science and strong motivation<br/>• M.Sc. or Ph.D. in bioinformatics, computational biology, biology with programming experience (or equivalent background)<br/>• At least 2 years of programming experience, preferably in Python and/or R<br/>• High organizational and project management skills <br/>• Excellent ability to work both independently and in a team <br/>• Experience with NGS data – an advantage<br/>• Background in biostatistics – an advantage<br/>• Background in genetics and/or in cancer genomics – an advantage<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Sweden</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Stockholm University Stockholm</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >HoliSoils-Holistic management practices, modelling & monitoring for European forest Soils</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Stefano Manzoni</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Postdoctoral Fellow in Microbial diversity and soil processes Project description<br/>The position will be associated with one of the projects: Holistic management practices, modelling and monitoring for European forest soils (HoliSoils,, or Soil microbial responses to land use and climatic changes in the light of evolution (SMILE, Both projects investigate how soil processes and biota drive the cycles of carbon and nutrients, using various modelling approaches (both process-based and empirical). In HoliSoils the aim is to link microbial diversity to soil functioning in forests, whereas in SMILE the aim is to develop and test models based on optimality theories. Collaborations with several partners across Europe in both HoliSoils and SMILE projects are envisioned, providing a unique opportunity for networking.<br/><br/>Main responsibilities<br/>The appointed postdoctoral researcher will be responsible for:<br/>- Developing empirical (statistical) models linking soil processes to microbial diversity<br/>- Developing new process-based models that describe the function of soil biota<br/>- Attending project meetings, writing result reports, and participating to activities in the projects beyond modelling (data analyses, conceptual developments etc.).<br/><br/>More information and application page<br/><br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italy</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Parma Parma</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >PREDICT-CARE-Developing tools for the PREDICTion, at individual level, of the CArdiometabolic REsponse to the consumption of dietary (poly)phenols</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Pedro Mena</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Postdocs or research technicians with experience in LC-MS, microbiomics, predictive modelling (big data, machine learning and data mining), or databases and software engineering. Three positions may be available:<br/>1) Postdoc or research technician with experience in targeted or untargeted LC-MS analyses in the food/nutrition field.<br/>2) A biostatistician with expertise in predictive modelling (big data analysis, machine learning and data mining) using metabolomics, genotypic and microbiological data.<br/>3) A computer scientist with expertise in developing predictive algorithm, databases (DBMS), and software engineering. </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jerusalem</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >AquaAgeRate-Genetic Design of Biological Time in Fish</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Itamar Harel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Postdoc position: experimental biology of vertebrate aging and age-related diseases The Harel lab is exploring fundamental questions in aging research, such as why is aging such a strong driver of disease, and what is the molecular basis behind the outstanding diversity in vertebrate lifespan (which can reach up to 1000-fold differences).<br/><br/>To this end, we develop state-of-the-art genome engineering for the naturally short-lived turquoise killifish model, and apply cutting-edge in-vivo imaging, single-cell and computational approaches, as well as disease modeling in mammalian models. Have a look at a video abstract of the lab and our recent studies.<br/><br/>We are currently looking for two talented and enthusiastic PhD students and postdocs to join us, as part of a new ERC project.<br/><br/>Highly motivated applicants should be interested in multidisciplinary aging research. You will work in a young and international lab, and can choose to focus on either computational or experimental approaches.<br/><br/>Please see the full description here:<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Tel Aviv University Ramat Aviv</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >FungalTolerance-Unraveling the complexity of fungal drug tolerance at multiple scales of biology </td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Judith Berman</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Bioinformatics and/or cell biology </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Czechia</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Biology Centre (CAS) Ceske Budejovice</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Mitosignal-Mitochondrial signaling drives parasite differentiation</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Alena Zikova</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student The metabolites synthesized within mitochondria during energy production can function as intracellular signaling molecules that communicate the bioenergetic and biosynthetic fitness of the organelle to the nucleus. This information relay mechanism plays a powerful role in determining cellular fate. The Laboratory of Functional Biology of Protists utilizes the unicellular parasites, Trypanosoma brucei and T. congolense, as simplified but elegant model organisms. These protists offer exciting new possibilities to address significant knowledge gaps concerning the molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial signaling because their single mitochondrion undergoes drastic structural and metabolic rewiring during programmed development between several distinct life cycle forms. Recent discoveries in the lab have determined that elevated reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced in the mitochondria are key signaling molecules required for the parasite cellular differentiation. <br/><br/>You will be a key contributor to a small research team within the lab that integrates nextgeneration biosensors, advanced bioenergetic methods, redox proteomics and a CRISPR/Cas9 genetic screen within the Trypanosoma model organisms. These data sets will help resolve the following fundamental questions: Does mitochondrial ROS drive Trypanosoma cellular differentiation? What molecular processes are responsible for the elevated mitochondrial ROS levels during differentiation? How is the redox signal propagated to the rest of the cell? Specifically, you will contribute to the design and execution of your experiments, data analysis and<br/>manuscript preparation.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italy</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Verona Verona</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >PROCT-Prostate Diagnosis using Optical Coherence Tomography </td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Paolo Fiorini</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Visiting researcher Participate to the design and test of a micro-OCT system to perform the optical biopsy of prostate tissue The project aims at testing the possibility of replacing standard prostate biopsy techniques for cancer detection with the optical images acquiredt with an OCT probe; The project will first usie a standard OCT system to assess only tissue denstity, and then it will address the results obtained by a higher resolution micro-OCT system. The visiting researcher (or post-doc) should have experience in the design and use of OCT systems and be familiar with the characteristics of micro-OCT and its data transmission and analysis. She/he will be in charge of the development of the micro-OCT device. She/he will collaborate with the computer science and physics researchers of the department of computer science and the medical staff of the department of surgery of the University of Verona, to develop the system and validate it on ex-vivo tissues.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Turkey</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Middle East Technical University Ankara</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >LCFlow-Liquid Crystals in Flow: A New Era in Sensing and Diagnostics</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Emre Bukusoglu</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Postdoctoral Fellow We are seeking for a postdoctoral researcher. The successful applicants will contribute to the project in the development and conceptualization of a microfluidic platform targeted towards rapid and comprehensive sensing applications.<br/><br/>We are here to make a change in sensing and diagnostics applications.<br/><br/>Specifically, we seek researchers to address the following topics:<br/>1. Design and fabrication of a microfluidic device,<br/>2. Flow characterizations of complex fluids (liquid crystals),<br/>3. Optical characterizations of the response of liquid crystals against analytical species.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Ireland</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >National University of Ireland University College Dublin Dublin</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ACHIEVE-Advanced Cellular Hierarchical Tissue-Imitations based on Excluded Volume Effect</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Dimitrios Zevgolis</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student biomaterials, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Karlsruhe</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ScAlBox-Engineering Scalable Algorithms for the Basic Toolbox ScAlBox</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Peter Sanders</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types to be discussed We are looking for researchers on all levels as well as for a system administrator<br/><br/>Qualifications depend on the position.<br/>Researchers ideally have some background in the design of algorithms and/or in advanced performance oriented programming (in particular C++)</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Helmholtz Center Munich German Research Center for Environmental Health munich</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >CompHematoPathology-Computational Hematopathology for Improved Diagnostics</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Carsten Marr</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher with a keen interest in joining a multidisciplinary team to work on the processing, analysis, and modeling of state-of-the-art single-cell omics data. A particular focus will be on better understanding single cell behavior in health and disease using quantitative insights from computer vision, mechanistic modeling, and ML approaches. In our various collaborations with clinical and industrial partners, we work on scientific questions and solutions with direct impact for healthcare and diagnostics. The position offers the exciting possibility to substantially contribute to and conceive future studies addressing the following aspects:<br/><br/>Implementation and application of the latest object segmentation and classification algorithms to single cells in 2D and 3D microscopic image data.<br/>Morphological characterization and tracking of single cells over time.<br/>Fate prediction of differentiating stem cells using latest neural network architectures.<br/>Multi-model data integration.<br/><br/>Your qualifications<br/><br/>PhD in biology, bioinformatics, biomathematics, physics, or a related field.<br/>Strong programming skills combined with a mathematical mindset.<br/>Evidence of the ability to conduct high-quality research and produce publications in top-tier journals.<br/>Experienced in addressing clinical and biomedical questions.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Lille University of Science and Technology Lille</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >BryoFit-Selection efficacy at intraspecific and interspecific scales: insights from haplo-diplontic plants</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Christelle Fraisse</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student PhD student in the genomics of speciation in Bryophytes Factors influencing the efficacy of natural selection, particularly how the dominance level of selected mutations interacts with the ploidy level of organisms, remain poorly understood. A key prediction is that recessivity should reduce selection efficacy in diploids but not haploids. However, this is challenging to test directly in species with a diploid-dominant life cycle. An under-explored phylogenetic clade ideal for studying this question is Bryophytes. Their life cycles are characterised by alternating between a long haploid phase (gametophyte) and a short diploid phase (sporophyte). The relative lengths of the haploid and diploid phases can be appreciably different across different species, making them ideal for comparative analysis.<br/>With that global aim, the PhD project will evaluate how ploidy in haplo-diploid organisms affects the efficacy of selection against hybridisation. The successful candidate will produce population genomic data for various species pairs of Bryophytes and develop an inferential framework to estimate introgression rates between hybridising species. The exact project plan will be adjusted based on the background and interest of the candidate. Moreover, the candidate is encouraged to develop their own ideas within the project.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Turkey</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Koc University Istanbul</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >GoodMobility-A New Perspective on City Logistics: Concepts, Theory, and Models for Designing and Managing Logistics as a Service</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Barış Yıldız</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Phd in applied mathmematics The Ph.D. students will conduct research under the supervision of Dr. Barış Yıldız as a part of an international and multidisciplinary research team. The students envisioned conducting part of their Ph.D. studies in collaborating institutions in Europe and North America as international exchange students. The project aims to redefine city logistics as a public need and explore innovative last-mile delivery solutions with public-private collaborations to help cities achieve their sustainability and development goals. Project studies will be conducted in close cooperation with public agencies, businesses, and citizen associations to include all stakeholder perspectives to develop innovative approaches to shape the future of the city logistics research and practice. </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Institut National De La Sante Et De La Recherche Medicale Paris</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >DITSB-Development of Innovative Therapeutic Strategies for beta-hemoglobinopathies </td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Annarita Miccio</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" ></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Spain</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Pompeu Fabra University Barcelona</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >MiniEmbryoBlueprint-The mammalian body plan blueprint, an in vitro approach</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Alfonso Martinez Arias</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Bioinformatician/computational biologist The successful candidate will be based in the Stembryo lab of the UPF and work between a computational and an experimental laboratories in the processing, analysis and integration of genomic data from mouse and human embryos and embryo models. It is expected that they will contribute to the development of novel computational approaches in the field of multiomics.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Sweden</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >SIMONANO2-Single Molecule Analysis in Nanoscale Reaction Chambers</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Andreas Dahlin</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Netherlands</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Radboud University Nijmegen Nijmegen</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >www.WORK-How Mirror-Image Effects Shape Online Labour Markets</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Andrea Monika Herrmann</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Two PhD positions on “Online Labour Markets (the Gig Economy)” at the Nijmegen School of Management (NSM) of Radboud University (The Netherlands) For an international research project funded by the European Research Council (ERC), the Nijmegen School of Management advertises two PhD positions (4-5 years each) to investigate “Online Labour Markets” (the Gig Economy), supervised by Prof. Dr. Andrea M. Herrmann:<br/> <br/>Application deadline: 19 March 2023</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Heidelberg</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >DECODE-Decoding Context-Dependent Genetic Networks in vivo</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Wolfgang Huber</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Statistics, machine learning, computational biology, single-cell multi-omics, image analysis About the team: the research group of Wolfgang Huber at EMBL develops statistical data analysis and machine learning methods for modern biotechnologies, applies them to biological and biomedical discovery, and translates them into reusable tools by engaging in open source software communities. The interdisciplinary and international team has strong collaborations with researchers in cancer and developmental biology. They use cutting edge experimental data to discover and understand biological processes and to develop new biomedical applications.<br/><br/>About the project: Project DECODE aims to comprehensively map, model and understand genetic networks in complex tissues in vivo, in the living organism, at single cell resolution. The project combines high-throughput reverse genetics by cell type specific inducible CRISPR-Cas9 gene knockout followed by single-cell RNA-seq (Perturb-Seq), imaging-based phenotyping, statistical data analysis, and mathematical and computational modelling. To drive this ERC Synergy funded collaboration between the cancer and developmental genetics labs of Michael Boutros (DKFZ) and Jan Lohmann (University of Heidelberg) and the computational groups of Wolfgang Huber (EMBL) and Oliver Stegle (DKFZ & EMBL), we are looking for a postdoc in the areas of probabilistic modelling, statistical inference and scientific computing.<br/><br/>Your role: as part of the research team, you will participate in the overall project and shape your own research profile in one or several of the following areas:<br/><br/>- Conduct integrative data analysis for biological discovery in: <br/>Single-cell RNA-seq data analysis at ultra-large scale;<br/>Large-scale CRISPR-KO perturbation analysis and biological network inference;<br/>Imaging-based phenotyping;<br/>- Develop novel computational methods using multivariate statistics, latent space reconstruction, manifold learning, Bayesian inference;<br/>- Model cell states, transitions and genetic dependencies; <br/>- Model gene-gene and gene-environment interactions; <br/>- Data science, quality assurance, advanced visualization and model checking; <br/>- Develop scalable and robust software for scientific computing; <br/>- Probabilistic models of genetic causal networks using latent spaces, categories, graphs and dynamic processes.<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >3D NOAM-Efficient and functional optical frequency conversion in 3D Nonlinear Optical Artificial Materials</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Tal Ellenbogen</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types Participate in a multidisciplinary physics/engineering/materials sciences research project on 3D optical metamaterials For an exciting ERC funded research project on nonlinear metamaterials, we are looking for highly motivated, outstanding PhD students, Postdoctoral fellows. The project will involve advanced experimental and theoretical research on: Nanoscale light-matter interaction; 3D nanofabrication; Nonlinear Optics; Electromagnetics in complex media.<br/>We are a young and vibrant international team, in a lab near the city center and the beautiful beaches of Tel-Aviv<br/><br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Sweden</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Uppsala University Uppsala</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >PHOENIX-Paving the way for High-throughput Organoid ENgineering using Integrated acoustiX</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Maria Tenje</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Acoustics, microfluidics To be posted soon</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jerusalem</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >RiboID-Ribosome Heterogeneity as a Determinant of Cellular Identity in Hematopoiesis and Leukemia</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Daphna Nachmani </td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc We have 2 openings for a full time postdoctoral fellow. <br/><br/>Project #1 includes development of new and exciting technologies for dissecting cell-type-specific RNA modification profiles. We encourage applicants with experience in single cell sequencing techniques to apply. <br/><br/>Project #2 involves in-depth analysis of hematopoiesis after bone marrow transplantation of genetically manipulated HSCs, using cutting edge technologies. We encourage applicants with experience in mouse models to apply. <br/><br/>In the Nachmani lab we are committed to a supporting, safe and diverse environment. <br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Technion Israel Institute of Technology Haifa</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ExtractABact-Deciphering host-gut microbiota spatio-functional plasticity in inflammation</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Naama Geva-Zatorsky</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Deciphering the mechanisms of microbiota-host interactions Studying the microbial and host mechanisms of communications in health and disease, and specifically in inflammatory bowel disease. Experience/Willingness to work with mice is required. Background+experience in immunology and microbiology are beneficial.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Spain</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Barcelona</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >CoCoUnit-CoCoUnit: An Energy-Efficient Processing Unit for Cognitive Computing</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Antonio González</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types Researcher in the area of computer architecture. Research in domain-specific computing architectures, with especial emphasis on cognitive computing and graphics.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italy</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >San Raffaele Hospital Milan</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >HSC-reNEW-Dissecting the molecular regulation of hematopoietic stem cell emergence using pluripotent stem cells to improve ex vivo therapies</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Andrea Ditadi</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types Cell and Molecular Biologist The call is open to pre- and post-doctoral fellows with the following requirements:<br/>- Pre-doctoral: recent Degree in relevant disciplines (top grades) and research experience<br/>in competitive laboratories. Fellows are expected to enroll into San Raffaele PhD program<br/>in 2023/2024.<br/>- Post-doctoral: PhD in molecular and cell biology, biochemistry or similar; proven track<br/>record of publications in recognized journals; documented experience in cell culture and<br/>sorting/animal models/NGS approaches. We offer competitive salary and benefits<br/>commensurate to qualifications and experience.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Spain</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Barcelona Supercomputing Center Barcelona</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >HomE-Enabling Homomorphic Encryption of Deep Neural Network Models and Datasets in Production Environments</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Antonio J. Peña</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Sr. Researcher About BSC<br/><br/>The Barcelona Supercomputing Center Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS) is the leading supercomputing center in Spain. It houses MareNostrum, one of the most powerful supercomputers in Europe, and is a hosting member of the PRACE European distributed supercomputing infrastructure. The mission of BSC is to research, develop and manage information technologies in order to facilitate scientific progress. BSC combines HPC service provision and R&D into both computer and computational science (life, earth and engineering sciences) under one roof, and currently has over 770 staff from 55 countries.<br/><br/>Look at the BSC experience:<br/>BSC-CNS YouTube Channel<br/>Let's stay connected with BSC Folks!<br/><br/>We are particularly interested for this role in the strengths and lived experiences of women and underrepresented groups to help us avoid perpetuating biases and oversights in science and IT research.<br/><br/>Context And Mission<br/><br/>The Accelerators and Communications for HPC Group leads cutting-edge research and development around accelerators/coprocessors in HPC and high-performance networking. We collaborate closely with the major vendors in the topic for HPC: NVIDIA and Intel. We organize locally international events such as the PUMPS Summer School, PATC Courses on CUDA/OpenACC, and annual hackathons, and collaborate in the organization of related international conferences and workshops such as SC, IEEE Cluster, or AsHES.<br/><br/>The group has been recently awarded one of the prestigious ERC Consolidator Grants:<br/><br/>Group Web Page:<br/><br/>Key Duties<br/><br/> Coordinate co-design efforts in the project<br/> Supervise R&D related to homomorphic encryption<br/> Write papers and scientific documents<br/> Drive dissemination and communication tasks<br/><br/><br/>Requirements<br/><br/> Education<br/> PhD in related field<br/> Essential Knowledge and Professional Experience<br/> Cryptography background<br/> Additional Knowledge and Professional Experience<br/> Experience with homomorphic encryption valued but not required<br/> Competences<br/> Good English Level<br/><br/><br/>Conditions<br/><br/> The position will be located at BSC within the Computer Sciences Department<br/> We offer a full-time contract, a good working environment, a highly stimulating environment with state-of-the-art infrastructure, flexible working hours, extensive training plan, restaurant tickets, private health insurance, support to the relocation procedures<br/> Duration: Open-ended contract due to technical and scientific activities linked to the project and budget duration<br/> Salary: we offer a competitive salary commensurate with the qualifications and experience of the candidate and according to the cost of living in Barcelona<br/> Starting date: ASAP<br/><br/><br/>Applications procedure and process<br/><br/>All applications must be made through BSC website and contain:<br/><br/>A full CV in English including contact details<br/>A Cover Letter with a statement of interest in English, including two contacts for further references Applications without this document will not be considered<br/><br/>In accordance with the OTM-R principles, a gender-balanced recruitment panel is formed for every vacancy at the beginning of the process. After reviewing the content of the applications, the panel will start the interviews, with at least one technical and one administrative interview. A profile questionnaire as well as a technical exercise may be required during the process.<br/><br/>The panel will make a final decision and all candidates who had contacts with them will receive a feedback with details on the acceptance or rejection of their profile.<br/><br/>At BSC we are seeking continuous improvement in our recruitment processes, for any suggestions or feedback/complaints about our Recruitment Processes, please contact<br/><br/><br/>Deadline<br/><br/>The vacancy will remain open until suitable candidate has been hired. Applications will be regularly reviewed and potential candidates will be contacted.<br/><br/>OTM-R principles for selection processes<br/><br/>BSC-CNS is committed to the principles of the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers of the European Commission and the Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment principles (OTM-R). This is applied for any potential candidate in all our processes, for example by creating gender-balanced recruitment planels and recognizing career breaks etc.<br/>BSC-CNS is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and inclusion. We are pleased to consider all qualified applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability or any other basis protected by applicable state or local law.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >CNRS IEMN Villeneuve D'Ascq</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >POSEIDON-Unconventional principles of underwater wave control in the sub-wavelength regime</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Marco Miniaci</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types 2 profiles are available:<br/><br/>1) Postdoc1 (12 months) undertaking research on the development of analytical and numerical tools for wave dynamics in periodic structures.<br/>Competencies required: computational mechanics, FEM, BEM, Matlab, Comsol.<br/>PhD in FE-related discipline applied to solid-fluid interaction would be a plus.<br/><br/>2) PhD (36 months) undertaking research on the development of analytical and numerical tools for wave dynamics in periodic structures.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italy</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Genoa Genoa</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >SAMPDE-Sample complexity for inverse problems in PDE</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Giovanni S. Alberti</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Applied mathematics, and especially applied analysis: partial differential equations, functional analysis, harmonic analysis, machine learning. The start of the PhD position is expected in Fall 2023.<br/><br/>This project is focused on using methods of applied harmonic analysis, in particular compressed sensing, wavelet theory and approximation theory, and of machine learning to solve inverse problems. We shall focus on inverse problems described by integral operators, as well as those modeled by PDEs.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Tuebingen Tübingen</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >gutMAP-Gut microbiome-mediated activities of psychotropic drugs</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Lisa Maier</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Compiègne</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >MultiphysMicroCaps-Multiphysics study of the dynamics, resistance and targeted therapy potential of deformable Micro-Capsules</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Anne-Virginie Salsac</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Generation and optimization of microcapsules for antioxidant encapsulation The main objective of the recruited person will be to contribute to the development of techniques to encapsulate antioxidants in matrices that are compatible with food applications and that allow a specific release under the physiological conditions of the small intestine. The antioxidant molecules will be extracted from beetroots and purified according to a well-established protocol. Different techniques of encapsulation will be studied varying matrices and process of encapsulation. The objective will be to measure the release and mechanical resistance of the capsules under digestive conditions. Another objective will be to use these capsules to enrich food products with antioxidants and evaluate their preservation under conditions which normally lead to their degradation, such as heat treatments.<br/><br/>For more information:</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine Berlin</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >MERAS-Mechanoregulation of alternative splicing a multi-omics and single cell approach to improved cardiac function</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Michael Gotthardt</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Postdoctoral Researcher The Gotthardt Lab aims to develop a basic understanding of the transition from cardiovascular health to disease at the molecular, cellular, organ and systems level and use this information to improve patient care. After our identification of the splice regulator RBM20 as a therapeutic target, we are now evaluating the connection of two macromolecular machines the spliceosome and sarcomere in adapting cardiac contraction and filling with generous funding from an ERC Advanced grant. At the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC) and the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, our ultimate goal is to bring splice therapeutics to the clinic. In the Leduq Network CASTT, we work with labs from Boulder Colorado, Heidelberg, Lisbon and Stanford to evaluate cardiac splicing as a therapeutic target, in the CRC1470 on heart failure with clinicians and basic scientists in Berlin.<br/><br/><br/><br/>The MDC is one of the world's leading biomedical research institutions – investigating the biological foundations of life from its most elementary building blocks to systems-wide mechanisms. Patients should benefit as soon as possible from our basic research discoveries. The MDC therefore supports spin-off creation and participates in collaborative networks. It works in close partnership with Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin in the jointly run Experimental and Clinical Research Center (ECRC), the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité, and the German Center for Cardiovascular Research.<br/><br/><br/><br/>Job Description<br/><br/>As a postdoc in the Gotthardt lab, you will study cardiac splicing and sarcomere biology with the focus on mechanotransduction and single cell technologies / multi-omics. Based on your background, you will develop new strategies and therapeutic targets, study cellular signaling circuits interacting with the splice regulatory network, or model sarcomere biology.<br/><br/>By using a combination of cell-biological, biochemical, and genetic tools as well as existing mouse and 3D-cell-culture models you will be able to uncover novel aspects of cardiomyocyte communication, growth, and adaptation. This work is third-party funded with the possibility for computational modelling, translation (preclinical), and involvement with small medium enterprises, depending on your interests.<br/><br/><br/><br/>Requirements<br/><br/>You should apply if you have finished your PhD or MD PhD in Biology, Molecular Biology, Biophysics, Biochemistry or related discipline. You should be highly motivated and interested to work at the interface of theoretical, basic and translational research. Background in molecular biology and commonly used technics in cell biology as well as prior knowledge in analyzing high throughput data is necessary. As we communicate and perform research in English, no prior knowledge in German is needed.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >United Kingdom</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Nottingham Trent University Nottingham</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >FACEDIFF-Individual differences in facial expressivity: Social function, facial anatomy and evolutionary origins</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Bridget Waller</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Research Assistant Research Assistant in Psychology<br/><br/>We are seeking a Research Assistant in Psychology to support research activities associated with ERC Consolidator Grant FACEDIFF ‘Individual differences in facial expressivity: Social function, facial anatomy and evolutionary origins’ ( The post holder will be linked to Work Package 1 focussed on human behavioural experiments.<br/><br/>Your role will include tasks such as recruiting and supporting participants, collecting data, collating and managing quantitative research data, and conducting statistical analysis. You will also play an important role in our research on social interactions and as part of this role, you will engage in face-to-face and online interactions with unknown participants (sometimes as a confederate). You will work as part of a large research team comprising of psychologists, behavioural biologists and anatomists lead by Professor Bridget Waller.<br/><br/>This fixed-term role (1 year) is an ideal opportunity to gain experience prior to starting a research career and we welcome applications from candidates with good degrees in Psychology, Biology, Behavioural Science or similar. <br/><br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Spain</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia Tarragona</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >FOLDMETCAT-Bioinspired Catalytic Metallofoldamers</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Antonio M. Echavarren</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Bachelor and Master degrees in Chemistry with a background in Organic Chemistry Syntesis of new gold() catalysts, development of synthetic methodology, experimental and computational study of reaction mechanisms and experimental work towards total synthesis of natural products</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Rennes 1 Rennes</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >SHIFUMI-SOMO-HOMO Inversion For chiral open-shell pi-conjUgated systeMs</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Ludovic Favereau</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Researcher in organic chemistry In this project, the objective is to develop novel classes of persistent chiral organic open-shell systems, exhibiting potentially high-spin (triplet) ground state. In addition to the synthetic aspect, the candidate will explore the experimental and theoretical optical, chiroptical and spin properties of the obtained organic radicals, and evaluate their potential in organic field-effect transistors (OFETs), organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), and spintronic devices <br/>This multidisciplinary research project is part of an European Research Council project and will be an excellent opportunity for the Postdoc candidate to acquire scientific and soft skills valuable for academic and professional careers. .<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Spain</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF) Bellaterra</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >STOIKOS-Elemental Ecology: towards an element-based functional ecology</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Marcos Fernández Martínez</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Data analyses Compiling and analysing big datasets to asses how elemental diversity may affect ecosystem functioning</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) Paris</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >HOPLA-Homeostatic Plasticity beyond the critical period</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Claudia Lunghi</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc 2-year post-doc position in cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging. <br/><br/>Required skills: <br/><br/>- Background in Cognitive Neuroscience<br/>- Experience with psychophysical methods, programming of psychophysical experiments (Matlab, Python…) and data analysis<br/>- Experience with neuroimaging methods, in particular with Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and/or EEG The aim of the project is to measure the changes in intracortical excitation/inhibition balance (Glutamate/GABA concentration) induced by short-term monocular deprivation in the subsequent sleep, and their relationship with the behavioural effect of short-term monocular deprivation on ocular dominance. Glutamate and GABA and electro-physiological activity will be registered by combining magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) at 3 Tesla and Polysomnography.<br/>The project will take place at the Laboratoire des Systèmes Perceptifs, at the Department of Cognitive Studies of the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, however the project will be performed in collaboration with Brown University (Prof. Takeo Watanabe and Prof. Yuka Sasaki), where the data collection will take place. The candidate will therefore travel between France and the US.<br/><br/>Applications: </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italy</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Trento Trento</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >INSPIRE-Integrated Structural and Probabilistic Approaches for Biological and Epidemiological Systems</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Giulia Giordano</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Motivated, talented, outstanding prospective Postdoctoral Researcher, with a proven track record and a strong Mathematical background in the areas of Systems and Control, Dynamical Systems, Optimisation, Mathematical Biology/Epidemiology, passionate about interdisciplinary research at the interface between mathematical systems and control, engineering and life sciences. More information on the webpage<br/><br/><br/><br/>and in the flyer<br/><br/><br/><br/>Do not mind the deadline for applications and the link for official applications, if present in the flyer; you can contact directly the Principal Investigator for expressions of interest.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Switzerland</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Geneva Geneva</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >mARs-mARs: Mobile DNA driven antibiotic resistance spreading: molecular strategies, control and evolution for broad distribution</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Orsolya Barabas</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Research fellow in structural and molecular biology of transposons involved in the spread of antibiotic resistance A fully funded postdoc position is available in the group of Prof. Orsolya Barabas at the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. UNIGE is a leading university pursuing training and research in a collaborative atmosphere (see The Barabas Group studies the mechanism of transposons using molecular, cellular and structural biology techniques.<br/><br/>Transposons are mobile genetic elements that have shaped evolution for millions of years. In bacteria, they drive the spread of antibiotic resistance (AR) genes in bacterial communities in human and natural environments, leading to the development of highly virulent, multidrug-resistant pathogens, a major health concern of our times. Yet, our knowledge of the mechanisms of AR-carrying transposon movement remains very sparse. The ERC project, mARs uses an integrated approach, combining bioinformatics, microbiology, biochemistry, and structural biology to elucidate the mechanisms and diversity of transposon-driven resistance spreading. We (a) investigate the molecular pathways of AR gene movement in vitro, in model bacteria and in bacterial communities; (b) dissect the structure of the underlying molecular machineries to reveal how protein-DNA interplay promotes gene transfer; and (c) characterize the diversity, evolution and functional success of distinct AR transfer vehicles. Our studies focus on transposons that confer resistance to last resort drugs and are highly prevalent in disease. By bridging disciplines, we aim to provide functionally annotated molecular movies of gene movement and explain how specific molecular strategies evolved to enable broad dissemination of resistance determinants. The resulting insights will provide in-depth knowledge on major AR transfer pathways and will have key implications for the development of new intervention strategies against resistance spreading. <br/>The postdoctoral fellow will contribute to structural and/or cell-based studies to AR-carrying transposons, employing protein and nucleic acid biochemistry, microbial genetics, structural biology (single particle and in situ cryo-EM), proteomics and/or cellular imaging techniques. <br/><br/>We seek a skilled and passionate biochemist, structural or cell biologist who is enthusiastic to venture into this emerging area of research. The successful candidate will join an energetic and highly interactive research group in the resourceful environment of UNIGE, surrounded by world-class scientists from a wide variety of fields. He/she will be encouraged to work independently, but well integrated into a highly collaborative team. He/she will be offered expert training in any of the required experimental techniques, an opportunity to participate in training students, as well as career mentoring through institutional and individual means.<br/><br/>To gain more information or to apply, please contact Orsolya Barabas at<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Spain</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Public University of Navarre Pamplona</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >InteVol-Interactions with Future Reach-Through Volumetric Displays</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Asier Marzo</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Computer Scientist, Physics, Electronics We are going to create a 3D volumetric display that people can touch, like in the movies (Ironman, Bones, Spiderman homecoming...) aerosols controlled with ultrasound, tomographic illumination, vol tracking of the particles...<br/><br/>Experience with utltrasound, high-voltage, controls of aerosols, optics, fluorescence particles or other non-linear behaviours.<br/>3D dispalys, 3D graphics, 3D simulations. Human-computer-Interaction.<br/>If any of those things spark your interest, let's talk.<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Belgium</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Universite Libre De Bruxelles Brussels</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >SensationaHL-Sensitive periods for audition: Teenagers with Normal Hearing & Hearing Loss</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Axelle Calcus</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Centrale Nantes Nantes</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >INJECT-Preventing human-induced seismicity to fight climate change</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Ioannis Stefanou</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Netherlands</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Stichting Vumc Amsterdam</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >BayCause-High-dimensional nonparametric Bayesian causal inference</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Stephanie Van Der Pas</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student PhD student in causal inference suitable for students with a Mathematics background You will do four years of research in causal inference, culminating in a PhD thesis. The focus of the PhD trajectory is on developing new methods and theory. In this subproject of the larger ERC-project 'BayCause', you will take the graphical approach rooted in directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). We will work in a high-dimensional setting, meaning that there are many covariates / features relative to the amount of individuals for which we have data ('small n, large p'). You will investigate settings in which the DAG is partially or fully unknown, and will research whether Bayesian methods are suitable for reliable causal effect estimation, including appropriate uncertainty quantification. We will consider various outcomes, including continuous, binary and survival outcomes.<br/><br/>This PhD position is jointly supervised by dr. Stéphanie van der Pas (Amsterdam UMC, Epidemiology and Data Science) and dr. Sara Magliacane (UvA, Amsterdam Machine Learning Lab). <br/><br/>Your main task will be to do research. You are expected to present your research at national and international workshops and conferences. Additionally, we expect you to participate in the Amsterdam UMC's teaching duties and departmental events.<br/><br/>Deadline to apply is April 2nd, 2023. Please apply through</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jerusalem</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >RECENT-TO-REMOTE-Remote Memory Consolidation Based on Activity, Connectivity and Stability; Contribution of Neurons and Astrocytes.</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Inbal Goshen</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Technical University of Darmstadt Darmstadt</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >HYDRANOS-Hardware-assisted Adaptive Cross-Layer Security for Computing Systems</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Switzerland</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Basel Basel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ETOPEX-Engineering Topological Phases and Excitations in Nanostructures with Interactions</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Jelena Klinovaja</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany Duesseldorf</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >PERLIFE-Engineering perennial barley</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Maria Von Korff</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Expertise in plant genetics, genomics, grass physiology, molecular biology, bioinformatics, NGS Today, annual crops account for more than 85% of worldwide calorie consumption. Annual crops are sown and harvested within one growing season and therefore require yearly tillage and the application of herbicides and fertilizers that cause land and water degradation. In contrast, perennial crops grow over many seasons, require low agricultural input and thereby hold great potential for sustainable production systems and climate change adaptation. However, current efforts to breed perennial cereals are hindered by hybridization barriers between annual crops and wild perennial relatives and the trade-off between longevity and seed yield.<br/>PERLIFE pioneers the knowledge-based engineering of perennial traits in annual crops using the important annual crop barley as a study system. This project will thus open entirely novel avenues for breeding perennial crops. PERLIFE capitalizes on 1) recent technical advances in high-throughput genome sequencing to identify genetic variants and 2) the novel genome-editing technology CRISPR/Cas for the targeted transfer of genes between species. PERLIFE will isolate genetic loci promoting perennial growth using comparative genomics in annual and perennial wild relatives of barley. In interspecific crosses, we will dissect the interrelationship of longevity and seed yield and identify linked coding and regulatory variation. Based on this information, we will design and implement strategies for the targeted modification of longevity in barley using transgenic approaches and genome editing. The engineered genotypes will be trialed in environmental simulation chambers for longevity, stable seed yield and stress resistance to select the most successful engineering strategy. This ground-breaking work will provide a highly efficient approach to the generation of perennial cereals. It will thus have a profound impact on sustainable food production in the face of climate change and a growing human population.<br/><br/>Expertise required: we are looking for experts either in <br/>evolutionary biology bioinformatics of large NGS data sets<br/>quantitative genetics- mapping of traits<br/>plant phenotyping<br/>transformation/cloning</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Duesseldorf Düsseldorf</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >SymPore-Plasmodesmata, Symplasmic pores for plant cell-to-cell communication</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Rüdiger Simon</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student master students with strong background in molecular biology, microscopy, botany A position is available for a phd student to study core structure and function of plasmodesmata. The student will focus on studying the precise localisation and function of newly discovered candidate plasmodesmatal proteins.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Humboldt University of Berlin Berlin</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >QUREP-Quantum Repeater Architectures Based on Quantum Memories and Photonic Encoding</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Tim Schröder</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types Research in diamond single spin control with optical and microwave fields We are developing quantum security and communication devices based on single spin defects in diamond. We address these qubits with coherent control fields in the optical or microwave domain. To increase light matter interaction we fabricate photonic nanocavities in diamond. The goal is the generation of spin-photon entanglement and steps beyond.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >United Kingdom</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Exeter Exeter</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >FriendOrigins-The Evolutionary Origins of Friendship: A Cross-Species Comparison and Experimental Approach</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Lauren Brent</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Postdoctoral Research Fellow The Faculty of Health and Life Sciences at the University of Exeter wishes to recruit a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to participate in the FriendOrigins project together with Professor Lauren Brent. This European Research Council (ERC) funded post is available from May 1, 2023 for 1.5 years and is based at University of Exeter, Streatham Campus. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 864461).<br/><br/>The successful applicant will contribute to the FriendOrigins project on the evolution of social relationships. The aims of this project are to answer key questions about the evolution of friendly relationships – What are the ultimate functions of friendly relationships? What environmental factors shape friendly relationships? How do individuals navigate their social worlds? How do we best quantify relationships? To do this, our team uses long-term behavioural data on gregarious mammals, comparative and experimental methods, and social network analysis.<br/><br/>The appointed Postdoctoral Research Fellow will work within our research team to generate advancements in one or more of these aims. With scope for input from the successful candidate, the post may include field-work at our site in Puerto Rico, analysis of long-term social network data, and/or development of computational or statistical methods for social network analysis. <br/><br/>For further information please contact Professor Lauren Brent, e-mail The closing date for completed applications is 16 March 2023. Interviews are expected to take place in April 2023. </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >EMERGE-Reconstructing the emergence of the Milky Way’s stellar population with Gaia, SDSS-V and JWST </td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Dan Maoz</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Telecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris Palaiseau</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >COMNFT-Communication Using the Nonlinear Fourier Transform</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Mansoor Yousefi</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Optical fiber forms the backbone of the communication systems. The exponential increase in data traffic is putting an escalating pressure on fiber-optic networks. Optical fiber is a nonlinear medium because its properties change with the signal intensity. It is well known that the fiber nonlinearity limits the achievable information rates of the conventional transmission methods in optical communication. The problem of efficient communication over optical fiber is open, because the channel is governed by complex models that go beyond the standard models in communications.<br/><br/>The project is funded by the ERC Starting Grant COMNFT from the European Research Council (ERC). The objective of the COMNFT project is to establish the information-theoretic limits in the nonlinear optical fiber, and to develop communication algorithms that approach these limits. The research involves modeling the fiber nonlinearity using nonlinear Fourier transforms (NFTs), and devising receivers using NFTs for network communication. Further information can be found on the project website:<br/><br/><br/><br/>A PhD student and a postdoctoral fellow will be recruited at Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau, France. The positions can commence immediately. The PhD position is nominally for three years, and the postdoc position for two years (with a review at year one). Applicants with degrees in Electrical Engineering, Mathematical Physics, or equivalent, are especially encouraged to apply.<br/><br/>Applicants interested in these positions should send their CV to Mansoor Yousefi ( </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Slovenia</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >InnoRenew CoE Izola</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ARCHI-SKIN-Bioinspired living skin for architecture</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Anna Sandak</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Multi-mode microscopy and spectroscopy to explore fungi-surface interactions The overall objective of the ARCHI-SKIN project is to comprehensively evaluate bio-inspired strategies for fungal biofilms’ chemistry-structure properties to create solid a basis for the advancement of future living engineering materials’ surfaces. This will lead to the development and optimization of a novel exterior architectural coating system for the building sector. The researcher will be employed at the InnoRenew CoE in the Wood Modification Group under the supervision of Assoc Prof. Anna Sandak and become a doctoral candidate at the University of Primorska (Ph.D. study program Renewable Materials for Healthy Built Environments).<br/>The candidate will explore the design principles underlying fungal biofilm. Its structure will be elucidated with various spectroscopic and microscopic techniques. The novel high throughput methodology based on time-lapse microscopy (fluorescence and optical) and VIS-NIR-SWIR hyperspectral imaging merged with chemometrics and discrete mathematics will be used for monitoring and understanding dynamic living systems. Experience in microscopy, spectroscopy, chemometrics, data mining, and machine learning is favorable. Interest and skills in analytical instrumentation prototyping and programing are particularly desired. </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Denmark</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Aarhus University Aarhus</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >CLIOARCH-Cliodynamic archaeology: Computational approaches to Final Palaeolithic/earliest Mesolithic archaeology and climate change</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Felix Riede</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Postdoctoral research/fieldwork coordinator I will be looking for an experienced postdoctoral researcher with experience in:<br/>- Palaeolithic archaeology<br/>- archaeological fieldwork<br/>- geoarchaeological sampling<br/><br/>Applicants must be proficient in German.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Netherlands</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Sanquin Amsterdam</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Printers-Post-transcriptional regulation of effector function in T cells by RNA binding proteins</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Monika Wolkers</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types molecular immunologist, molecular biologist (with interest in Immunology), computational biologist Background<br/>CD8+ T cells are critical to fight microbial infections and to clear cancer cells. They block pathogen spreading and they clear infected cells and tumor cells from the body. To do so they require tight regulation of gene expression. We are in particular interested in understanding the mechanisms that regulate post-transcriptional events, i.e. the fate from mRNA towards the regulation of translation. <br/>In Printers, we wish to define the role of RNA-binding proteins in this process. <br/><br/>What are we looking for? <br/>Within a highly interactive and collaborative work environment, we seek for motivated scientists with a keen interest in (molecular) immunology (wet-lab- all levels possible). <br/>Additionally, we are searching for a computational biologist, who will focus on (the integration of) RNAseq and proteomics analysis, including some machine-learning approaches to integrate data sets.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Spain</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change Leioa, Biscay</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >IMAGINE adaptation-IMAGINE climate change adaptation in urban areas</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Marta Olazabal</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Research Assistant Research Assistant We are looking for a research assistant (RA) who can support the Principal Investigator in the project activities related to adaptation monitoring and evaluation for a period of 4 months (March 2023-June 2023). Part of the activities to be developed by the RA are also aligned with an ongoing project led by the PI in collaboration with members of the International Platform on Adaptation Metrics (IPAM). This IPAM project aims to develop a systematic review of urban adaptation indicators and metrics across scientific literature.<br/><br/>Full job description:</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Muenster Muenster</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >NewtonStrat-Newton strata geometry and representations</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Eva Viehmann</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >VAPLCS-Verification-Aware Programming Language Concurrency Semantics</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Ori Lahav</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types Applications are invited for PhD and postdoc positions at Tel Aviv University under the supervision of Ori Lahav ( The positions are funded by the ERC Starting Grant on "Verification-Aware Programming Language Concurrency Semantics". This project concerns the development of rigorous (and machine verified) models for shared memory concurrency that can be efficiently implemented and are amenable to formal verification.<br/><br/>I am seeking exceptional math-inclined candidates who are interested (and preferably have experience) in one or more of the following topics:<br/><br/>- weakly consistent memory models (a.k.a. relaxed memory models)<br/>- weak consistency in distributed key-value stores<br/>- verification of concurrent programs and proof techniques for linearizability and contextual refinement<br/>- dynamic analysis of concurrent programs<br/>- the Coq proof assistant<br/><br/>Interested applicants are encouraged to contact me at Please include a CV and list of references.<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jerusalem</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >DigitalHRGeneration3-Three Generations of Digital Human Rights</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Yuval Shany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Post-Doc candidates who have obtained their Ph.D. after 31 January 2019 in Law, Social Science, Humanities, We are seeking Post-Doc candidates who have obtained their Ph.D. after 31 January 2019 in Law, Social Science, Humanities, or Computer Science, to join a research group focusing on the development of digital human rights. The research is an ERC Advanced Grant (2023-2027). <br/>The position is offered for the period of 1 October 2023-30 September 2024 and it entails the grant of a post-doctoral fellowship. <br/><br/>The selected post-doc candidate is expected to spend a significant part of the academic year at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.<br/><br/>The post-doc candidate selected for the position will conduct research under the joint supervision of the PI – Professor Yuval Shany of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, and the group’s research associates (Dr. Tomer Shadmy and Dr. Tamar Megiddo) Israel and participate in the various academic activities of the group. <br/><br/>About our project:<br/>The research program explores different strategies developed in the digital age within and outside international human rights law to respond to new needs, interests, risks and challenges brought about by transition of inter-personal interactions, social activities and regulatory schemes from offline to online environments. It investigates the development in recent years of three generations of digital human rights: adaptation of existing rights and their manner of application to online environments (e.g., online privacy), the creation of new digital rights (e.g., right to access the Internet) and the introduction of new rights and duty holders (e.g., virtual persons and online platforms exercising quasi-sovereign power), as well as the development of alternative protection avenues based on private ordering, including rights by design and community standards, Internet governance and multi-stakeholder arrangements. <br/><br/>How to Apply:<br/>Please send your CV and two recommendation letter to by March 1st 2023. <br/><br/>For any administrative queries, you can contact Mr. Gadi Perl, the group’s research coordinator, at<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >NaMLab gGmbH Dresden</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >MEMRINESS-Memristive Neurons and Synapses for Neuromorphic Edge Computing</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Erika Covi</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student M.Sc. / M.Eng. in electrical engineering / physics / material science / computer science / computational neuroscience or related disciplines The PhD candidate will focus on the development of memristive-friendly learning algorithms and on the simulation of (i) memristive-based spiking neural networks and (ii) their use in federated learning context. Required skills for the PhD candidate include basis of neural network modelling and computational neuroscience.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Saarland University Saarbruecken</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Push-It-Charge Separation – A General Motif for the Activation and Catalytic Functionalization of Strong Bonds </td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Dominik Munz</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types Synthetic Chemistry, Molecular Inorganic Chemistry Contact Dominik Munz for details.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italy</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Verona Verona</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >GrInSun-Harvesting Light for Life: Green Proteins as the Interface between Sun Energy and Biosphere</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Roberto Bassi</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="mailto:and-">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Biophysics of Photosynthesis Experimental (bio) physics. Steady state and transient absorption spectroscopy of Chlorophyll and Carotenoids in light harvesting systems of plant and green algae. Measurements on isolated pigment-binding proteins and intact systems ( algae, leaves). Modelling of energy transfer pathways in supercomplexes conaining reaction cenrees and antenna systems.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >IGN France Champs-sur-Marne</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >LostInZoom-Not Getting Lost in Multi-Scale Maps: Exploring the Anchor Theory in Cartographic Zoom Interactions in the Context of Crisis Management</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Guillaume Touya</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Geographic information science and cartography There are two postdoc offers with a description available on the website of the project</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >École normale supérieure Paris</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >FLORA-Sustainable and healthy food solutions: system dynamics and trade-offs</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Carole Dalin</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Postdoctoral researcher in environmental sciences applied to global food systems sustainability</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Switzerland</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) Lausanne</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >NaCRe-Nature-inspired Circular Recycling for Polymers</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Francesco Stellacci</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Sweden</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Umeå</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >HOT-AND-COLD-How plants deal with heat and cold: Molecular mechanisms of auxin transport and signaling in response to temperature stress</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Petra Marhava</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Plant cell biology ERC-funded PhD position at UPSC: How plants deal with heat and cold at the cellular level<br/><br/> Umeå Plant Science Centre, Sweden,<br/><br/>4-year PhD position funded by an ERC Starting Grant is available in the group of Dr. Petra Marhava at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)/Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC), Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, with expected starting date of September 1, 2023.<br/><br/>Description: <br/>Temperatures below or above the physiological optimum for plant growth induce temperature stress, which can cause detrimental and irreversible damage to plant growth and development. While most of the studies to date have focused on big-picture elements of plant responses to climate change, our research will provide insights into the molecular and cellular responses, to improve our mechanistic understanding of plant acclimation to heat and cold stress. The project will mainly work with the root of the model organism Arabidopsis thaliana. and will combine state-of-the-art approaches, e.g. various microscopy techniques, molecular and cell biology, biochemistry and genetic screens.<br/><br/>Qualifications: To be admitted for studies at third-cycle level the applicant is required to have completed a second-cycle level degree, or completed course requirements of at least 240 ECTS credits, of which at least 60 ECTS credits are at second-cycle level, or have an equivalent education from overseas, or equivalent qualifications. The applicant should have a strong interest for plant biology, and a background in plant cell and molecular biology. Previous experience working with Arabidopsis is advantage. The successful candidate is expected to have good social skills and the ability to do research independently, as well as in a team. Furthermore, good oral and writing skills in English are essential qualifications.<br/><br/>Application: Please send your application as a single PDF file by e-mail to The application should consist of your CV including publication list, motivation letter, and the names and contact information of three references. Closing date for application is April 15, 2023. <br/><br/>Research environment: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)/Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC) is a Centre of Excellence in experimental plant biology, located in northern Sweden. The UPSC comprises approximately 200 researchers, from more than 40 countries, working on a variety of key issues in plant biology, including root and shoot development, flowering, biotic and abiotic stress responses, and wood formation. UPSC has excellent, world-class laboratories and associated facilities for genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, microscopy, plant growth and genetic manipulation.<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Mainz Mainz</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >SUPRAVACC-Supramolecular engineering of glycan-decorated peptides as synthetic vaccines</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Pol Besenius</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Postdoctoral Researcher Aqueous self-assembly of molecular building blocks into ordered architectures, polymers and materials opens exciting avenues for fundamental developments in nanoscience and applications for example in biomedical technologies. The Besenius Group exploits peptide supramolecular interactions to construct multifunctional multistimuli responsive systems for applications as temperature-, pH-, oxidative stress and mechano-responsive nanoparticles, hydrogels, and biomaterials. Our investigations range from basic understanding of the underlying self-assembly mechanisms[1] to the resulting material properties[2] and material-protein or cell interactions[3]. <br/>In view of biomedical applications, self-assembly of defined building blocks into supramolecular copolymers provides an elegant and highly modular approach to multicomponent subunit vaccines. In the framework of the ERC Consolidator grant SUPRAVACC, we harness peptide amphiphiles to tag carbohydrate and glycopeptide epitopes and immunomodulators enabling their supramolecular copolymerization and the facile generation of fully synthetic multivalent vaccine nanoparticles. As spatial and temporal control of vaccine presentation and immune activation is of high importance in vivo, the lab additionally seeks to develop supra- and macromolecular biomaterials that allow for tunable cargo release and cell interaction as well as uptake. As a postdoctoral researcher you will either advance the project from a synthetic point of view with your expertise in carbohydrate chemistry or from a materials perspective with expertise in (bio)material imaging or the investigation of material cell-interaction.<br/>You will work at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) which is one of the largest universities in Germany. Thanks to its location in the Rhine-Main science region, the university can unfold to its full potential and showcase its innovative power and dynamism. Almost all of its institutes are located on a single campus close to the Mainz city center, creating a lively academic culture for researchers. The lab and departments state of the art scientific infrastructure provide an excellent environment for organic as well as polymer synthesis, material characterization and imaging. <br/><br/>[1] Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 7242-7246; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 15461-15465; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 534-537; ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2022, 4, 822-831. [2] Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2018, 39, 1800459; Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2022, 43, 2100473. [3] Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2021, 17, 97-104; ChemBioChem 2018, 19, 912-916.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Bonn Bonn</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ECHO-Practical Imaging and Inversion of Transient Light Transport</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Matthias Hullin</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types Optical metrology, (computational) imaging We are seeking to fill an open position at PhD or postdoc level to design and conduct experiments within the ECHO project and with the possibility of transitioning into subsequent projects at a later point. The ideal candidate has a background in engineering or physics and brings basic skills in mechanical and optical design, embedded development and data acquisition and analysis and extended experience in one or more of these areas. Excellent command of the English language is expected. Please contact the PI for further information regarding the tasks and details on the position.<br/><br/>The University of Bonn is committed to diversity and equal opportunity. It is certified as a family-friendly university. The University of Bonn seeks to increase the proportion of women in areas in which they are underrepresented and focus on promoting their career development. Accordingly, the University of Bonn expressly encourages qualified women to apply. Applications will be handled in accordance with the NRW State Gender Equality Act. Applications are particularly welcome from suitably-qualified candidates with a certified severe disability or those of equal status.<br/><br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Sweden</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >EPHEMERAL-Detection and Speciation of Gas-Phase Atmospheric Peroxy and Criegee Radicals</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Barbara Noziere</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Post doc in physical chemistry, atmospheric chemistry: detection of gas-phase radicals by Mass Spectrometry </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Portugal</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >REQUIMTE Porto</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >BeTASTy-New Molecular and Cell-based Approaches to assess Food Astringency and Bitterness</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Susana Soares</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Researcher for signal transduction and cell membranes To pursue scientific research activities in the areas of Biochemistry and/or Biological sciences, under a work contract for a non-fixed term, in order to pursue research activities in i) mechanical changes in cell membrane upon interaction with specific compounds; ii) deciphering signal transduction pathways activated by cell membrane interactions; iii) preparation and physical-chemical characterization of cell membrane-derived vesicles. </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Norway</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >PARTRES-Particle Resolving Fluid-Sediment Interaction</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Hans Bihs</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student PhD position within particle resolving modeling of sediment transport Representing the interconnected processes of current, waves and sediment transport constitutes an interdisciplinary challenge. In the current PhD project, a particle-based sediment transport model will be created. Together with the underlying high-resolution and turbulence resolving flow solver, this will take a step towards a more realistic representation of these processes. The sediment transport will be described through a particle centric numerical framework. The turbulent flow calculations will be performed on a Eulerian background mesh using an immersed boundary method for the solid boundaries and a two-phase flow solver to capture complex free surface dynamics. <br/>More info:</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Austria</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Institute of Science and Technology Austria Klosterneuburg</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >NEQUM-Non-Ergodic Quantum Matter: Universality, Dynamics and Control</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Maksym Serbyn</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc theoretical quantum many-body physics</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Norway</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Bergen Bergen</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >WarEffects-The Micro-Level Effects of Civil Wars on Multiple Dimensions of Women's Empowerment</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Carlo Koos</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Postdoctoral Fellowship in Political Science</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Heidelberg University Hospital Heidelberg</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Acclimatize-Hypothalamic mechanisms of thermal homeostasis and adaptation </td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Jan Siemens</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Neuroscientist, ideally with experience in electrophysiological recording techniques We are interested in understanding neuronal mechanism and circuits involved in thermoregulation and temperature homeostasis using the mouse as a model system. The candidate would employ brain slice recordings and in vivo experiments, including optogenetics and other forms of manipulations such as local hypothalamic warming and cooling. </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >NanoNonEq-Nanoprobes for Nonequilibrium Driven Systems</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Gili Bisker</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student PhD Position Ph.D. position for a theoretical physicist in the field of nonequilibrium physics and stochastic thermodynamics. The goal is to develop new approaches for inferring entropy production from partial information.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Denmark</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Aarhus Universitet Aarhus</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ALPS-AI-based Learning for Physical Simulation</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Alessandro Lucantonio</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student See the webpage for details.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Denmark</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Copenhagen Copenhagen</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >HDXchip-Analysis of “difficult” proteins by microfluidic-based hydrogen/deuterium exchange </td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Kasper Rand</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Analytical Chemistry, microfluidics</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >United Kingdom</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University College London London</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >GMGalaxies-Understanding the diversity of galaxy morphology in the era of large spectroscopic surveys</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Andrew Pontzen</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Research Fellow in Cosmological Galaxy Formation The post-holder will perform original research in the area of computational galaxy and structure formation. They will contribute to the design, execution and analysis of cosmological simulations with Andrew Pontzen and collaborators, including on comparisons to observations and/or galactic dynamical models. <br/><br/>The post-holder will be about to complete or have completed a PhD in galaxy formation, cosmology or a related field. They will have a track record of publication in astronomical or physics journals and preferably experience of communicating their research at national and international conferences. Experience of using high performance computing for performing and/or analyzing simulations of galaxy formation would be advantageous. <br/><br/>This position is funded by the ERC-funded project “GMGalaxies” ( for an initial period of two years. The start date is October 2023 or sooner if possible.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Helmholtz Centre Geesthacht Centre for Materials and Coastal Research Geesthacht</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >MA.D.AM-Modelling Assisted Solid State Materials Development and Additive Manufacturing</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Benjamin Klusemann</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Experimental investigation and characterization of Solid State Additive Manufacturing The Solid State Materials Processing department of the Institute of Materials Mechanics, at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon is looking for two PhD students (m/f/d), initially limited to 3 years, within the ERC Consolidator Grant “Modelling Assisted Solid State Materials Development and Additive Manufacturing”. The PhD position responsibilities are towards experimental investigations with focus on Additive Manufacturing (AM) via Solid State Layer Deposition. Equal opportunity is an important part of our personnel policy.We would therefore strongly encourage qualified women to apply for the positions.<br/><br/>Your tasks<br/>• execution and responsible handling of the research project funded by the European Union, i.e. the ERC Consolidator Grant Modelling Assisted Solid State Materials Development and Additive Manufacturing<br/>• fundamental understanding of relationships between process variables and resulting microstructure<br/>• working in an interdisciplinary team<br/>• publication of the results in scientific journals and at conferences<br/>• experimental production and analyses of AM parts via Solid State Layer Deposition process<br/>• process/microstructural characterization, including ex situ/ in-situ characterization<br/>• implementation of the work of WP4 “Solid State Additive Manufacturing via Solid State Layer Deposition” within the ERC project<br/><br/>Your profile<br/>• university degree in the field of mechanical engineering, physics, materials science, computer science or comparable (master's degree or equivalent)<br/>• ability to work scientifically, usually proven by an above-average degree<br/>• knowledge of microstructural evolution in metals is advantageous<br/>• knowledge in the field of solid state joining processes is advantageous<br/>• very good oral and written expression in English, German is advantageous<br/>• ability to work in a team and commitment to the work programme<br/>• knowledge in the field of experimental processes and microstructure characterization<br/><br/>We offer<br/>• multinational work environment with more than 1,100 colleagues from more than 50 nations<br/>• extensive options of vocational training (i. e. expert seminars, language courses or leadership seminars)<br/>• flexible working hours and various models to ensure the compatibility of family and career<br/>• excellent infrastructure, including a scientific in-house library as well as modern work spaces<br/>• remuneration according to the standards of the collective wage agreement TV-AVH including further social benefits<br/>• free employee advice Employee Assistance Program (EAP)<br/>• Welcome Office, guest accommodation<br/>• PhD Buddy Program<br/>• canteen<br/><br/>Severely disabled persons and those equaling severely disabled persons who are equally suitable for the position will be considered preferentially within the framework of legal requirements.<br/>Interested?<br/>Please state clearly in your application for which of the two doctoral positions you are applying!<br/>Then we are looking forward to receiving your comprehensive application documents (cover letter, CV, transcripts, certificates etc.) indicating the reference number code no. 2023/WM 1 until 15th March, 2023.<br/><br/>Please apply via<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Heidelberg</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >MOSAIC-Relationship of Somatic Structural Variation Mosaicism to Aging and Disease Phenotypes</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Jan Korbel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Postdoc in single cell genomics somatic structural variation in normal tissues We are looking forward to hire a postdoc to work on somatic structural variation in normal tissues and/or cancerous tissues. Our laboratory has pioneered haplotype-resolved single cell genomic methods geared to understand patterns of genetic mosaicism at cellular resolution. Our scTRIP method (Sanders et al., Nat Biotechnol 2020) enables the direct detection of DNA rearrangement processes in single cells, and as such can be used to obtain insights into pathomechanisms acting in human tissues. Our recently developed scNOVA method (Jeong et al. Nat Biotechnol 2022) allows to functionally characterise DNA rearrangements at the molecular phenotypic level. Candidates with expertise in genomics, computational biology, molecular biology or genetics are welcome to apply.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Netherlands</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Wageningen</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >BLOOMTOX-Global change impacts on cyanobacterial bloom toxicity</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Dedmer Van De Waal</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Novel high throughput microfluidic methods for cyanobacterial ecology Using and further developing novel multi chamber microfluidics devices to test responses of cyanobacteria to a gradients of global change fractors (nutrients, temperature).</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >French National Institute for Agricultural Research Versailles</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >STORMtheWALL-Resolving the mechanism of plant cell expansion at high spatio-temporal resolution.</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Kalina Haas</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types Plant molecular biology and genetics, Biochemistry, optical microscopy We look for highly motivated and curious candidates with a background in either plant biology, biophysics, biochemistry, or bioinformatics ready to work in a multidisciplinary environment and learn and develop new cutting-edge approaches. We could offer different position from lab manager/engineer ,post-doc, visiting scientist, PhD or mater student. Experience in domains such as optical microscopy, molecular biology and plant genetics, biochemistry or programming will be a plus.<br/>The candidate will take a part in development of next-generation advanced bioimaging techniques to control and observe key elements involved in plant cell expansion at fast temporal and small spatial scales. A combination of optogenetics and multiplexed spectral FRET-FLIM will be used to provoke rapid perturbations while simultaneously reading the downstream effects. Super-resolution imaging will be used to map the nanometer-scale architecture and de novo formation of the plant cell wall. </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Aix-Marseille University Marseille</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Speedy-Defining an integrated model of the neural processing of speech in light of its multiscale dynamics</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Benjamin Morillon</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types Auditory Cognitive Neurosciences Data acquisition and analysis of human behavioural and brain imaging data such as electro- or magneto-encephalography.<br/>Domain is auditory perception, mostly speech and music.<br/>Thematic is auditory brain asymmetry and audio-motor coupling.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >United Kingdom</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Bristol Bristol</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >AeroSurf-Comprehensive Investigations of Aerosol Droplet Surfaces and Their Climate Impacts</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Bryan Bzdek</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Link to job advertisement:<br/><br/>We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral research associate to work on a European Research Council-funded project exploring surface composition and surfactant partitioning dynamics in individual aerosol droplets. The surfaces of aerosols and droplets hold exceptional significance due to their high surface area-to-volume ratio, but reactions occurring at the aerosol-air interface are not well understood. A complete understanding of the composition and reactivity at these microscopic interfaces is required. However, our current knowledge about how surfactants partition to the droplet-air interface is poor, and current technology is insufficient to measure adequately aerosol surface and bulk molecular composition on a single droplet basis. New approaches are required to address this grand challenge in aerosol science.<br/><br/>The researcher will be based at the Bristol Aerosol Research Centre (BARC), a unique, world-leading facility for aerosol research. BARC houses an array of home-built single aerosol droplet measurement tools that will complement this project. The School of Chemistry hosts the multi-institution EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Aerosol Science, which has developed a new curriculum in aerosol science, is training ~80 graduate students over 5 years, and has an industrial club of ~70 companies. The researcher will benefit from these allied centres. Further information about BARC can be found at: Further information about Bzdek’s group can be found at:<br/><br/>In this project, you will pioneer the development of new approaches to quantify surfactant partitioning in microscopic droplets and measure the molecular composition of single aerosol droplets. The researcher specifically will 1) explore the timescales of surfactant partitioning in picolitre and nanolitre droplets in the microseconds after droplet generation and 2) develop a surface-selective mass spectrometry approach for the molecular analysis of picolitre droplet surface composition. These approaches will then be applied to scientific questions about the rates of light-induced reactions in aerosol droplets. As part of your role, you will be constructing and modifying home-built scientific equipment, working across a multidisciplinary team, and communicating research results through publications and presentations to diverse audiences.<br/><br/>You should apply if you have:<br/><br/>Undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in chemistry or in disciplines aligned with aerosol science.<br/>A strong background in experimental science, drawing on knowledge gained during postgraduate research.<br/>Previous experience with mass spectrometry or single particle analysis approaches, or experience in the development of new instrumental techniques.<br/>The ability to lead preparation of manuscripts for publication and to communicate project outcomes to researchers from a broad range of disciplines.<br/>The ability to work effectively across a team of researchers spanning multiple disciplines.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Turkey</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Koc University Istanbul</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Expanding Agency -Ultralow power and ultra-wideband spintronics near thermodynamic limits</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Mehmet Cengiz Onbasli</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types Materials scientist, electrical engineers masters, PhD, post-doc, technician or visiting researcher levels We welcome researchers with material science, electrical engineering or similar training for masters, PhD, post-doc, technician or visiting researcher levels. The research involves growth, characterization, device fabrication and testing of 2D spintronic and magnetic materials.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Observatoire de Paris Paris</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >SPIAKID-SpectroPhotometric Imaging in Astronomy with Kinetic Inductance Detectors</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Piercarlo Bonifacio</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc expert in design and fabrication of MKIDs expert in cryogeny </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italy</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Padua Padova</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >SYNPHOCAT-Synthetic Bimodal Photoredox Catalysis: Unlocking New Sustainable Light-Driven Reactivity</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Luca Dell'Amico</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Organic chemist, expert in organic synthesis / catalysis / photochemistry </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Tel Aviv University Tel-Aviv</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >HypFlow-The evolution and function of ancestral brain states</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Mark Shein-Idelson</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student PhD / postdoc RepiCode addresses one of the oldest enigmas in neuroscience: What is the function of brain states? We constantly switch between different behavioural states: we attend salient stimuli, we engaged in precise motor activity or we quietly sit still as our mind wanders off. These behavioural transitions are accompanied by distinct changes in the firing patterns of neurons in the brain. Strikingly, such transitions are even more prominent during sleep, when interaction with the environment is limited. The functional role of these neural patterns as well as the similarities between sleep and awake patterns remains unexplained, thus complicating our understanding of the global function of brain states. <br/>Why is the function of brain states so elusive? A likely explanation is that state transitions are inextricably intertwined with many other processes, rendering their dissection difficult. ReptiCode is motivated by the notion that to understand brain states we need to: a) examine them in a simpler model system, b) understand how they evolved, c) identify which state properties are fundamental and which are species specific. Our aim in ReptiCode is to utilize the simpler and highly structured state organization in the lizard Pogona Vitticeps, to expose the full repertoire of brain states in a naturally behaving animal. We will take advantage of the limited diversity of motor movements in Pogona, to expose the link between population patterns and defined behaviors. We will furthermore exploit the unique evolutionary positions of reptiles as closest to stem amniotes, in which the layered cortex and hippocampus first emerged, to reveal the forces that pushed the emergence of brain states in evolution. Finally, through a comparative analysis of brain state properties between different lizards and mammals we plan to extract the fundamental properties and functions of brain states and the network that supports them.<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Slovenia</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Jozef Stefan Institute Ljubljana</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >LOGOS-Light-operated logic circuits from photonic soft-matter</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Igor Musevic</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc 1. PhD in Physics.<br/>2. Good expertise in optics and lasers<br/>3. Some experience in experimental work in the laboratory<br/>4. Some knowledge on soft matter physics The candidate will be working in a group of physicists, experts in experimental physics, optics and lasers.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Finland</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Jyvaskyla Jyväskylä</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Auto-SELECT-An Ontological Reconstruction of Gaming Disorder: A Qualitative Meta-Phenomenological Foundation</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Veli-Matti Karhulahti</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="mailto:">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types Any of the following: Psychology, Psychiatry, Slovak Language, Qualitative Research, Videogame Analysis For applicants with sufficient skills, diverse types of positions can be curated.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Netherlands</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Netherlands Foundation of Scientific Research Institutes Amsterdam</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Q-MEME-Challenging the limits of mechanical quantum metrology</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Ewold Verhagen</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Physics MSc education required. Expertise in photonics, nanomechanics, quantum measurement, and/or quantum control is preferred We are searching PhD students in quantum nano-optomechanics, at the NWO Institute AMOLF in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. You will be designing, fabricating, and testing novel nano-optomechanical systems which aim to approach and evade the quantum limits to nanomechanical displacement measurements. In the project, we will develop new cryogenic optical experimental techniques to this purpose. More detailed description will be published soon on The project is carried out in the Photonic Forces group at AMOLF, under the supervision of prof. Ewold Verhagen. A PhD degree will be granted from Eindhoven University of Technology upon completion of the 4-year project.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Commissariat A L Energie Atomique Et Aux Energies Alternatives Gif sur Yvette</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >BINGO-Bi-Isotope 0n2b Next Generation Observatory</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Claudia Nones</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italy</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Normal Superior School of Pisa Pisa</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >GEMS-General Embedding Models for Spectroscopy</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Chiara Cappelli</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student PhD in Computational Chemistry </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Sweden</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Uppsala University Uppsala</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >CUSTOMER-Customizable Embedded Real-Time Systems: Challenges and Key Techniques</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Yi Wang</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Embedded, Real-Time Systems The functionality as well as economical value of many industrial systems and products, for instance cars,<br/>airplanes, drones/blimps, and medical devices, is today defined and realized by embedded software. A<br/>key challenge in the design of such systems is the ability to update software (e.g., to add new features, to<br/>customize a system, or to fix security vulnerabilities) without compromising the overall safety and<br/>security. This is extremely difficult due to the complexity of today’s software and hardware architectures,<br/>with the result that safe system updates after deployment become nearly impossible. <br/><br/>The project will develop the following: a new system architecture for embedded systems that supports<br/>the ability to deploy incremental updates, allowing components to be seamlessly integrated and updated,<br/>while guaranteeing the deterministic behavior of systems; scalable methods and verification tools that<br/>automatically verify, in-the-field, that intended updates preserve and ensure safety conditions; efficient<br/>scheduling algorithms for optimal resource utilization for state-of-the-art computing platforms to enable<br/>dynamic updates; robust protocols and run-time techniques for secure deployment and enforcement of<br/>verified and accepted updates even in safety- and security-critical environments such as drones/blimps.<br/>We are therefore looking for motivated PhD students in the following areas:<br/>• System architectures for Embedded Systems<br/>• Formal modelling and verification<br/>• Real-time scheduling and analysis<br/>• Code generation for (multi-core) embedded target platforms<br/>• Run-time systems, protocols, and monitoring</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >United Kingdom</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Sussex Brighton</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >BayesianGDPR-Bayesian Models and Algorithms for Fairness and Transparency</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Novi Quadrianto</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types Machine Learning and Computer Vision We have several open positions for postdoctoral researchers, visiting researchers, software engineers, and PhD students in the scope of the ERC project BayesianGDPR ("Bayesian Models and Algorithms for Fairness and Transparency"). It involves the development of novel inference and computational methods towards the realisation of fair and transparent machine learning and computer vision systems in static and dynamic settings.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Hamburg Hamburg</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >EXPAT-How EXPectation and ATtention shape visual information processing in the human brain</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Arjen Alink</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Cognitive Neuroscience, Phd OR postdoc 3-year E13 (TVöD/VKA) PhD(75%) or Postdoc position<br/>Earliest start date: 01.04.2023<br/><br/>Joining the Knowledge-based Vision Lab<br/>My lab, funded by a 2-million ERC Consolidator Grant (EXPAT, How expectation and attention<br/>shape visual information processing in the human brain), is looking for a highly motivated PhD<br/>student that is interested in unraveling how our brain uses previous experiences to better<br/>process visual information.<br/><br/>You would help develop and execute experimental paradigms aimed at<br/>revealing how our expectations and attention alter the way in which our brain processes natural<br/>visual images, and translates sensory input into meaningful percepts. This will involve<br/>psychophysical experiments, fMRI experiments, and EEG experiments. Furthermore, you<br/>would be involved in data analysis, with a strong focus on state-state-of-the-art multivariate<br/>pattern analyses. For more information on my program and lab, visit, or contact me directly (a.alink@uke).<br/><br/>I (Arjen Alink) am the PI of this lab and am originally from the Netherlands. Before joining the<br/>UKE in Hamburg, I have been part of several other renowned research institutes, including<br/>Cambridge University and the Max Planck Insitute for Brain Research in Frankfurt am Main. I<br/>have an extensive publication track record (google: Arjen Alink scholar) and have received<br/>several prestigious individual fellowships before receiving the ERC consolidator (e.g., British<br/>Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship and Marie Curie). Most importantly, I am an expert in fMRI<br/>and EEG methods and advanced multivariate analysis of neuroimaging data and am an expert<br/>programmer in Matlab and Python. During the program, I will be actively sharing this knowhow with all team members.<br/><br/>My aim is to establish a diverse and international team. Therefore, applications from outside<br/>Germany are encouraged. The default lab language is English, and the job interview will be in<br/>English<br/><br/>This position will offer ample possibility for developing new technical and data-analytical skills,<br/>as well as learning how to write and publish high-impact scientific papers. If you have any questions about the position, do not hesitate to contact me, via<br/><br/>We are looking for candidates that have:<br/>- a genuine interest in unraveling how the brain works<br/>- a ‘problem-solving’ mentality<br/>- diligent, independent, and systematic approach to work<br/>- experience with and/or interest in the analysis of complex data using, e.g., Matlab,<br/>Python and/or R<br/>- experience with and/or interest in learning how to conduct fMRI and EEG experiments<br/>- good command of English, both written and spoken<br/><br/>Apply via email (<br/>Your application should include your full C.V., a letter of motivation, and a copy of relevant<br/>academic certificates and grades. Optionally, you can include a maximum of two references,<br/>with contact information. </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italy</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Trieste Trieste</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >PROTOMAT-Integrating non-living and living matter via protocellular materials (PCMs) design and synthetic construction</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Pierangelo Gobbo</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Researcher with experience in synthetic chemistry and/or microfluidics </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Spain</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Salamanca Salamanca</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >PASSAGE-Provenance And tranSport PathwayS of mArine proxy-bearinG particlEs</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Blanca Ausin</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Oceanographer, Marine Scientist, Organic Geochemist</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Belgium</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Liege Liege</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ChemForce-Chemistry under force</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Anne-Sophie Duwez</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Organic chemistry We are looking for highly motivated postdoctoral researchers with a PhD in organic/synthetic chemistry to join our team. You will be part of the NANOCHEM group (, Department of Chemistry and UR MolSys, of the University of Liege. You will synthesize the molecules containing tethered bonds that will be studied in the ERC ChemForce project. You will join several other postdoctoral researchers, PhD students and staff (chemists and physicists) carrying out experimental research on Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)-based SMFS and Optical Tweezers-based SMFS. You will have access to a wide range of in-house experimental facilities and a network of leading international collaborations.<br/>More information on</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Spain</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Barcelona Barcelona</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >ENFORCE-ENgineering FrustratiOn in aRtificial Colloidal icEs: degeneracy, exotic lattices and 3D states</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >^Pietro Tierno</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Post doc in manipulation of colloidal particles The candidate will be involved with a running experimental system based on the use of a pre-existing laser tweezers set-up incorporating acousto-optic-deflectors to manipulate magnetic/non-magnetic particles<br/>See the works: Antonio Ortiz-Ambriz et al. Soft Matter 14 5121-5129 (2018); Eric Cereceda-López et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 214501 (2021)</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italy</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Nvidia Italy S.R.L. Florence</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >DynAI-Omni-Supervised Learning for Dynamic Scene Understanding</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Laura Leal-Taixe</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types Intern, PhD student, postdoc We are seeking highly motivated and talented students with expertise in computer vision and machine learning. Our group works on dynamic scene understanding topics, closely related to applications such as robotics or autonomous driving.<br/>We are seeking for three profiles:<br/>- Master student that wants to pursue their Master thesis at the group, later followed by a PhD. <br/>- Master student that has completed their thesis and wants to pursue a PhD. In this case, we offer first a 6 month internship followed by a PhD if the internship is successful.<br/>- Researchers with a PhD degree that want to pursue a postdoc. They should have shown their high skills with several publications at CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR.<br/>The PhD will be pursued at NVIDIA Italy in Florence, with a competitive salary and the possibility of collaborating with talented researchers across the company!</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Netherlands</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Twente Enschede</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Interfaces at Work-Interface-sensitive Spectroscopy of Atomically-defined Solid/Liquid Interfaces Under Operating Conditions</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Christoph Baeumer</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Ph.D. position on MXene nanosheet electrocatalysts The ‘power-to-X’ strategy aims at generating value-added chemicals and fuels through electrochemical conversion, for example by splitting water into O2 and H2 via the oxygen and hydrogen evolution reactions. This approach can generate climate-neutral fuel and sustainable chemical synthesis using renewable energy sources, effectively storing energy and coupling different sectors. For the underlying electrochemical reactions, electrocatalyst materials are required, which reduce the amount of energy needed to drive the reactions efficiently and to steer the product selectivity. These materials must be made of earth-abundant and safe materials, and must be stable under reaction conditions. In the Inorganic Materials Science Group, we approach this fundamental research question through a special materials-by-design approach and through novel characterization tools. <br/>The key scientific questions for this PhD project revolve around a new class of two-dimensional materials, called MXenes, which promise high activity and selectivity for a multitude of reactions. MXenes are 2D carbides and nitrides that can be synthesized through wet etching of MAX phases (transition metal carbides or nitrides with layers of “A-elements” (groups 13 and 14 in the periodic table)), followed by transfer to arbitrary substrates. MXenes have the general formula Mn+1XnTx, where M is an early transition metal, X is C or N, and T is a surface termination functional group. We will investigate, e.g., Ti3C2Tx and Mo2CTx. <br/>As is the case for most electrocatalyst materials, the properties of the MXene surface during operation are unknown. But these properties dictate the reactivity, hampering materials design and exploitation for energy transformation and storage and chemical synthesis because predictive power is limited. We aim to overcome this lack in understanding using newly-developed interface-sensitive spectroscopies that probe the surface composition and electronic structure under reaction conditions (“operando”). Only with such interface-sensitive operando information can we fully understand the underlying reaction mechanisms and devise much-needed prescriptive design rules.<br/>The research will be pursued by one PhD student at the University of Twente, in close collaboration with a team of researchers pursuing development of operando, interface-sensitive X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The PhD student will be supervised Asst. Prof. Chris Baeumer and Prof. André ten Elshof with the four-eye-principle of the Twente Graduate School. <br/><br/>Requirements <br/>• You are a highly motivated, enthusiastic, and self-driven researcher (F/M/D). <br/>• You have a MSc degree in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science or equivalent, with excellent experimental skills. <br/>• You have a keen interest in Materials Science, Electrochemistry and bridging Chemistry and Physics. <br/>• You have strong analytical skills and can interpret complex data in a broader scientific context. <br/>• You are fluent in English. <br/><br/><br/>Information and application <br/>For more information, please contact Dr. Chris Baeumer ( You can apply by clicking on the button "Apply now" at<br/>The application should include a motivation letter emphasizing your research interest and motivation to apply for this Ph.D. position, a detailed CV, contact details of at least 2 referees, an academic transcript of B.Sc. and M.Sc. education and a TOEFL or IELTS score to verify sufficient mastering of the English language. An interview will be part of the selection procedure. <br/><br/>Conditions of employment <br/>You will be appointed on a fulltime position for 4 years, with a qualifier in the first year, within a very stimulating scientific environment. The university offers a dynamic ecosystem with enthusiastic colleagues. Salary and conditions are in accordance with the collective labor agreement for Dutch universities. <br/>• Monthly salary ranging from € 2.540- gross at the start to € 3.245,- gross in the 4th year. <br/>• Excellent benefits including a holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary, a yearly bonus of 8.3% and a solid pension scheme. <br/>• A training program in which you and your supervisors will make a plan for additional suitable education and supervision. <br/>• As a Ph.D. candidate you will be enrolled in the Twente Graduate School. <br/>• We encourage a high degree of responsibility and independence, but also stimulate interaction and discussion with colleagues. <br/><br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >BoostDiscovery-Boosting the discovery using τs in the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Liron Barak</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc ATLAS </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Technical University Berlin Berlin</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >TrueBrainConnect-Advancing the non-invasive assessment of brain communication in neurological disease</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Stefan Haufe</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Computer Science, Neuroscience, Psychology The successful applicant will conduct research investigating functional brain connectivity in aging and neurological diseases. Concretely, this entails:<br/><br/>- Analysis of large multi-modal datasets using state of the art signal processing and machine learning techniques Development and implementation of data analysis pipelines, and publication as open code and open data Literature research<br/>Publication of results in high impact scientific journals<br/><br/>Requirements:<br/>Successfully completed university degree (Master, Diplom or equivalent) in (computational)neuroscience, psychology, computer science, physics, mathematics, etc.<br/>Very good programming skill, preferably in Matlab<br/>Very good command of written English<br/>Further desired skills:<br/>Strong interest in the topics of neuroscience and neural data analysis with signal processing and machine learning methods<br/>Ideally, prior experience in analyzing EEG data<br/>Good knowledge of mathematics and statistics<br/>Completed PhD in a relevant discipline</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Spain</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Autonomous University of Barcelona Barcelona</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >CLIMASAT-Remote-Sensing Satellite Data and the Making of Global Climate in Europe, 1980s-2000s.</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Gemma Cirac-Claveras</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc PhD degree in: Social studies of data (economy, history, sociology, etc); Science and Technology studies; History of science and technology; Environmental history; or related fields Research and dissemination on the origins of the practices of producing, circulating and using satellite data, from the perspective of the economies associated to these practices. These may include, but they are not restricted to: origins of the various forms of markets for satellite data, alternatives to data market economy, and effects of commercial data on the epistemological value of data, including the power relations that were built and maintained through data economics and how they impacted the production, circulation and use of climate knowledge</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Institut National De La Sante Et De La Recherche Medicale Lille</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >AntiBioClicks-BioInspired Clicked Siderophore-Antibiotics</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Ruben Hartkoorn</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Post-doctoral researcher on an ERC-COG research program investigating the molecular biology of novel siderophore-antibiotic conjugate uptake and release A post-doctoral research position investigating the molecular biology and potential of novel siderophore<br/>conjugates (ERC-COG research project ANTBIOCLICKS), is now open in the Hartkoorn Lab located at the<br/>Institut Pasteur of Lille. The Hartkoorn lab’s primary focus is on innovation in antibiotic drug discovery and<br/>development.<br/><br/>The frightening increase in antibiotic drug resistance is threatening global healthcare as we know it. To this<br/>extent, the World Health Organisation that has classes M. tuberculosis and a number of Gram-negative<br/>infections as the highest priority for novel R&D strategies. A major obstacle to drug discovery programs is<br/>to design inhibitors that can efficiently enter into bacteria. One such strategy is by coupling antibiotic<br/>molecules to siderophores that are taken up by the bacteria for iron acquisition. In this project,<br/>ANTIBIOCLICKS, new bioinspired siderophore conjugates are being developed for such a stealth delivery<br/>system targeting M. tuberculosis, A. baumannii, E. coli, P. aeruginosa and K. pneumonia. The particular<br/>focus for this research project will be to define the potential of new bioinspired siderophore conjugates<br/>for antibiotic delivery into A. baumannii and P. aeruginosa, and to clearly define the mechanisms of<br/>sideromycin uptake and intracellular decoupling. Envisioned research approaches include confocal<br/>microscopy (with possibility of timelapse), antibiotic kill assays, genetic engineering and mass spectrometry.<br/><br/>Applicants should hold a PhD in a relevant biology field (molecular biology, pharmacology, pharmacy,<br/>microbiology etc). Applicants are expected to have a strong background in bacterial research including<br/>specific experience with A. baumannii and P. aeruginosa. Candidates need be competent in bacterial<br/>genetic engineering, understand of how antibiotics function, and have experience with imaging techniques<br/>for bacteria. Previous experience in siderophores research is a bonus. The candidate will need to work as<br/>part of a multidisciplinary team and communicate in English. Written English and manuscript writing must<br/>be excellent.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Denmark</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Copenhagen Business School Copenhagen</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >DALOSS-Data Loss: The Politics of Disappearance, Destruction and Dispossession in Digital Societies</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Nanna Bonde Thylstrup </td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italy</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italian Institute of Technology Rome</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >eHonesty-Embodied Honesty in real world and digital interactions</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Salvatore Maria Aglioti</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Previous experience with creation of social neuroscience experiments, data analysis, autonomic signals recording, interoception </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Norway</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Bergen Bergen</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >smartGROW-3D diamond growth</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Justas Zalieckas</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student PhD Research Fellow in Physics The position is related to the ERC Starting Grant project smartGROW, which main aim is the development of a new diamond growth technology that allows diamond synthesis in 3D on complex-shaped objects at low temperatures. The research fellow will get the opportunity to be involved in the design and development of a novel chemical vapor deposition system. This will include development of models for fractal apertures and simulations of plasma distribution inside the deposition chamber. Simulations of electromagnetic fields and surface wave hydrogen plasma will be an integral part of the project.<br/><br/>Position is announced at</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >DESY (Helmholtz Research Center) Hamburg</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >STARCHIP-Microphotonics-based frequency combs for habitable exoplanet detection</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Tobias Herr</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student - BSc or MSc in physics, photonics, optics, electrical engineering or similar.<br/>- Willingness to work collaboratively in fast paced research environment.<br/>- Experience in laboratory work and computer programming is helpful. </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Turkey</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Bilkent University Ankara</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >TRANCIDS-Transmission over Channels with Insertions and Deletions</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Tolga Duman</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types We are looking for postdoctoral researchers and PhD students to work on this project We invited applications for multiple postdoctoral scholar positions as well as fully-funded Ph.D. positions for a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant entitled “TRANCIDS: Transmission over Channels with Insertions and Deletions”. The selected candidates will work on determining the ultimate limits of communication for different insertion/deletion channel models including DNA storage channels and developing practical channel coding solutions. Successful candidates must have a strong background in information theory and channel coding. Background on communication theory in general, optimization and deep learning is also desirable.<br/><br/>The salary is highly competitive and includes full benefits, national public health insurance as well as private health insurance for the candidate and his/her family, and fully furnished on-campus housing.<br/><br/>How to apply: Applicants should submit a CV including a complete list of publications, copies of two or three most relevant publications, and names and contact information of three references by email to Prof. Tolga M. Duman at</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Netherlands</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam Rotterdam</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >SECRETE-HF-SECRETED FACTORS IN CARDIAC REMODELING PROVOKE TUMORIGENESIS AND END ORGAN DAMAGE IN HEART FAILURE</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Rudolf De Boer</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Master student Master Student Models of cardio-oncology</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences Goettingen</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >RIBOFOLD-Ribosome Processivity and Co-translational Protein Folding</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Marina Rodnina</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Netherlands</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Free University Amsterdam (VU) Amsterdam</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >PIRO-Phototransient InfraRed Holography (PIRO)</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Matz Liebel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student PhD position in ultrafast phototransient infrared imaging and spectroscopy The Biomolecular Imaging Lab (Matz Liebel, at the VU Amsterdam is searching for PhD students to work on the recently awarded ERC grant “PIRO” to experimentally develop, implement and apply an ultrafast phototransient infrared holographic microscope for biomedical imaging and diagnostics. Both the lab as well as the “PIRO” project are at their starting point. This means that you will have the unique opportunity, and responsibility, to be amongst the first generation of students that kick-starts a completely novel technology. As such, you will be working together with the PI who has >10 years of hands-on experimental expertise in the field. <br/><br/>The group<br/>We develop innovative optical imaging and sensing platforms for future applications in medical diagnostics and the clinic. As they represent low-cost prime-candidates for improving healthcare globally we are particularly interested in label-free or digital approaches. To realise this vision, we combine fundamental and applied approaches, building on an interdisciplinary toolbox ranging from molecular biology over ultrafast optics to digital holography with the key-ingredient being creativity. <br/><br/>The PIRO project<br/>Successful medical imaging and diagnostics requires a combination of rapid, large-area, observations with quantitative and target-specific signals. Vibrational imaging is a prime-candidate in this regard: it provides vibrational, or chemical, information without requiring costly and often difficult to use labels. However, even after decades of research it remains difficult if not impossible to simultaneously obtain said information while covering meaningful observation areas. <br/>Together, we will deliver the necessary tool for the job. You will combine concepts from nonlinear ultrafast spectroscopy and digital holography to develop a novel vibrational imaging platform: a phototransient infrared holographic microscope (PIROscope). The PIROscope is inspired by an ultrafast holographic microscope that we implemented over the past years: it combines femtosecond IR-excitation with visible readout to, ultimately, retrieve spectrally resolved quantitative images with an unprecedented combination of imaging speed, spectral observation window and spatial-resolution. During PIRO we will implement the PIROscope and validate it for biomedical imaging. We will then use our edge over the state-of-the-art to take first steps towards PIRO-based diagnostics by high-resolution visualising breast cancer tissue and the metabolic activity of antibiotics-treated bacteria.<br/><br/>You<br/>The candidate must hold a Master’s degree in physics, chemistry or engineering with an outstanding track record and a passion for experimental research. Proficiency in English (written and oral) are required. Previous experience in (non)linear optics, spectroscopy or microscopy are desired but not a must. Finally, the ability to independently and creatively work in a diverse interdisciplinary environment is essential.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Spain</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia Tarragona</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhotoSwim-Engineering of Photo-rechargeable Nanoswimmers using Multicomponent Heterojunctions</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Katherine Villa</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student Preferred skills or background: active matter, fluid mechanics, 2D simulations, and physics. The project consists of the development and characterization of hybrid luminescent nanomotors based on material heterojunctions. The monitoring of their motion modes and interactions, after a pre-charging step, will be investigated as well.<br/><br/>Tasks to be performed by the PhD student:<br/><br/>- Motion and tracking analysis of self-propelled nanomotors.<br/><br/>- Understanding of their motion behaviors under different experimental conditions.<br/><br/>- Simulation of electrical and flow fields generated around the particles.<br/><br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Hungary</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Eotvos Lorand University Budapest</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >POLYQUANT- Theoretical developments for precision spectroscopy of polyatomic and polyelectronic molecules</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Edit Matyus</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types molecular physics and spectroscopy Non-adiabatic, relativistic, and QED developments and computations in the field of molecular physics and spectroscopy. </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Weizmann Institute Rehovot</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Q-CIRC-Superconducting qubits with 1 second coherence time using rotation codes</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Serge Rosenblum</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc prior experience in the design / fabrication / measurements of superconducting quantum circuits is required </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Israel</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Weizmann Institute Rehovot</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >CompExDyn-Complex Exciton Dynamics in Materials: a First-Principles Computational Approach</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Sivan Refaely-Abramson</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Master student Research project: ab initio approach to excited-state dynamics in materials The only job requirement is general interest in computational theory and in materials science. In particular, the project will involve application of advanced ab initio approaches to study quantum effects on excited-state dynamics in structurally-complex layered materials. </td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Denmark</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Copenhagen Copenhagen</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >RITUAL DETERRENCE-Ritual Action: Making Deterrence Matter in International Security and Memory Politics</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Maria Mälksoo</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >All types 1 PhD position, 2 post-doc positions Deadline for applications: 1 March 2023<br/>PhD scholarship at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)/ /ERC RITUAL DETERRENCE<br/><br/><br/>Deadline for applications: 2 April 2023<br/>Postdoctoral position in Extended Nuclear Deterrence During the Cold War /ERC RITUAL DETERRENCE<br/><br/><br/>Deadline for applications: 2 April 2023<br/>Postdoctoral position in US-China Deterrence Politics in the post-Cold War Era /ERC RITUAL DETERRENCE<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Germany</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research Darmstadt</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >LISA-LIfetime measurements with Solid Active targets</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Kathrin Wimmer</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Physics, experimental nuclear structure, design and development of detector equipment for in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy, data analysis, modeling, simulations Contact me for more information</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Poland</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Warsaw Warsaw</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >Afropolis Tungul-Afropolis Tungul. Urban biography of a cosmopolitan African capital.</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Artur Obłuski</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc post-doc, phd student Project starts in 2024; looking for a specialist in urban studies, spatial analyses of the built environment; space syntax, scaling etc.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Italy</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >University of Perugia Perugia</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >HELIOS-the new generation of scalable urban HEat isLand mitigatIOn by means of adaptive photoluminescent radiative cooling Skins</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Anna Laura Pisello</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Visiting researcher graduated with PhD in Energy engineering, mechanical engineering, buildinh physics or similar. Post Doc positions or visiting scientist positions with expertise in building physics, heat transfer and experimental and numerical approaches.</td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >Sweden</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Uppsala</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >DETOXPEST-Towards increased biosafety for non-target insects Damage-activated proteolysis to selectively enhance toxicity of pesticides</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Simon Stael</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >Postdoc Plant-insect interaction Postdoctor in plant-insect interaction Apply by 3rd of March 2023<br/>Ref<br/><br/>Department of Molecular Sciences<br/>Conducts research and education in chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, food science and microbiology with a focus on fundamental biological processes as well as development of applications for a sustainable future.<br/><br/>Uppsala BioCenter brings together scientists and students from the Departments of Molecular Sciences, Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, Plant Biology, and Aquatic Resources. The Departments share advanced technological platforms and enjoy both basic and applied research across all kingdoms of life, thus offering a stimulating environment for scientific development and education.<br/><br/>Read more about our benefits and what it is like to work at SLU at<br/><br/>Duties:<br/>This position is part of the ambitious 5-year ERC Consolidator project DETOXPEST funded by the European Research Commission and is aimed at improving pesticide selectivity by exploiting the plant´s natural response mechanisms to insect herbivory. The successful candidate for this position will join the Stael Lab, a part of The Plant Catabolism Laboratories, at the Department of Molecular Sciences, Uppsala BioCenter, SLU.<br/><br/>Insects numbers and diversity have rapidly declined in the EU and worldwide. Pesticides, and particularly the toxicity of insecticides to non-target insects, are one of the major drivers of insect declines. Apart from destabilizing natural ecosystems, pollinator disappearance directly threatens food security. The Stael lab pioneers the study of proteolysis in the plant wound response, following our recent discovery that physical damage activates a class of proteases called metacaspases (doi/10.1126/science.aar7486). The main purpose for the position in this project is to find out additional substrate targets of metacaspases and explore the activation of other plant proteases during insect herbivory. The work will involve an exploration of the damage-activated protease-substrate network through proteomics in the economically relevant crop-pest interaction of maize (corn) and fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda). Additional biochemical, genetic and cell biological approaches will be performed in the model organisms Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana benthamiana. The final goal is to use this newfound knowledge to reduce toxicity of insecticides for non-target (beneficial) insects, including pollinators and predators.<br/><br/>Qualifications:<br/>We are looking for a highly motivated plant-insect specialist with strong analytical skills and a keen interest in uncovering novel mechanisms of the plant wound response. Candidates are required to have a deep knowledge of plant and insect biology. Candidates with experience in proteomics, protein engineering, and pesticide formulation, are particularly encouraged to apply. Excellent communication skills in both oral and written English are expected. To be eligible for a postdoctoral position, the applicant must have a PhD degree in life sciences obtained within the last three years.<br/><br/>Place of work:<br/>Uppsala<br/><br/>Form of employment:<br/>Temporary employment 24 months, with the possibility of extension.<br/><br/>Extent:<br/>100%<br/><br/>Starting date:<br/>1 April 2023 or according to agreement.<br/><br/>Application:<br/>We welcome your application no later than 2023-03-03, use the button below. The application must contain: i) a cover letter explaining why you are applying for this position and what you would like to discover in this project (max 1 page), ii) CV, including a list of publications, and iii) contact information of minimum two references.<br/><br/>Academic union representatives:<br/><br/><br/><br/>The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) is a world-class international university with research, education and environmental assessment within the sciences for sustainable life. Its principal sites are in Alnarp, Umeå and Uppsala, but activities are also conducted at research stations, experimental parks and educational establishments throughout Sweden. We bring together people who have different perspectives, but they all have one and the same goal: to create the best conditions for a sustainable, thriving and better world.<br/><br/>SLU has just over 3,000 employees, 5,000 students and a turnover of SEK 3 billion. The university has invested heavily in a modern, attractive environment on its campuses.<br/><br/><br/><br/>Contact person<br/><br/>Simon Stael<br/><br/>Associate Professor<br/><br/>+4618673187<br/><br/><br/><br/>URL to this page<br/><br/><br/>Apply<br/></td></tr><tr class="ecl-table__row"><td data-ecl-table-header="Country" class="ecl-table__cell" >France</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Host Institution" class="ecl-table__cell" >Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique Cnrs Grenoble</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Project" class="ecl-table__cell" >DOC-PAST-Deciphering the Oxidizing Capacity of the PAST atmosphere</td><td data-ecl-table-header="ERC Grantee" class="ecl-table__cell" >Joel Savarino</td><td data-ecl-table-header="Contact" class="ecl-table__cell" ><a target="_blank" href="">Website</a><br/><a href="">Contact</a></td><td data-ecl-table-header="Job Offered" class="ecl-table__cell" >PhD student PhD in Environmental Geosciences, Paleoclimate, Ice Core Chemistry Option 1: SURFACE MASS BALANCE OF THE ANTARCTIC MEGADUNE PLATEAU<br/>Option 2: SPATIAL VARIABILITY OF SIGNALS IN ICE CORING AT LOW ACCUMULATION SITES<br/>Option 3: VARIABILITY OF AEROSOL DEPOSITION IN ICE CORES FROM COASTAL AND INTERIOR LOCATIONS IN EAST ANTARCTICA</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="ecl-site-footer"><div class="ecl-container ecl-site-footer__container"><div class="ecl-site-footer__row"><div class="ecl-site-footer__column"><div class="ecl-site-footer__section"><h4 class="ecl-site-footer__title ecl-site-footer__title--separator">Jobs & Opportunities</h4><ul class="ecl-site-footer__list"><li class="ecl-site-footer__list-item"><a href="/jobs" class="ecl-link ecl-link--standalone ecl-site-footer__link" >Post Jobs</a></li><li class="ecl-site-footer__list-item"><a href="/jobs/search?f%5B0%5D=offer_type%3Ajob_offer" class="ecl-link ecl-link--standalone ecl-site-footer__link" >Search for Jobs</a></li><li 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