Energy Point - trova i nostri Store | Alperia

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al ven 10.00 – 21.00 e sab 10.00 – 18.00</span><span class="btn">CHIAMACI</span></a></li><li class="dropdown submenu-title pos-0"><a href="#" >Offerte energia</a><ul><li><a href="" >Luce Green</a></li><li><a href="" >Gas Green</a></li><li><a href="" >Luce+Gas Green</a></li></ul></li><li class="dropdown submenu-title pos-1"><a href="#" >Servizi all'avanguardia</a><ul><li><a href="" >Teleriscaldamento</a></li><li><a href="" >Fotovoltaico</a></li><li><a href="" >MyCharge</a></li></ul></li><li class="dropdown submenu-title pos-2"><a href="#" >Efficienza energetica</a><ul><li><a href="" >Sybil Home</a></li><li><a href="" >Smart communities</a></li></ul></li><li class="extra-content right-content "><a class="card show-mobile" href=""><span class="image"><div class="icons"></div><img src="" class="bg lazyload ewww_webp_lazy_load" data-src="" decoding="async" data-eio-rwidth="1920" data-eio-rheight="920" data-src-webp="" /><noscript><img src="" class="bg" data-eio="l" /></noscript></span><span class="content"><span class="title">Assistenza</span><span class="desc">Il nostro impegno continua anche dopo l'attivazione del contratto luce e gas. </span></span><span class="btn">Scopri di più<img src="" class="icon lazyload" data-src="" decoding="async" /><noscript><img src="" class="icon" data-eio="l" /></noscript></a></li></ul></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li><li class="dropdown"><a href="#"><span>Business</span></a><ul class="submenu"> <li class="extra-content"><a class="card show-mobile lazyload" href="" style="background:" data-back="" data-back-webp=""><span class="head"><span class="icon fill"><img src="" data-src="" decoding="async" class="lazyload" /><noscript><img src="" data-eio="l" /></noscript></span><span class="title">Chi siamo</span></span><span class="desc">La nostra energia è certificata green.</span><span class="btn">Scopri di più<img src="" class="icon lazyload" data-src="" decoding="async" /><noscript><img src="" class="icon" data-eio="l" /></noscript></a><a class="card support-card" href=""><span class="head"><span class="icon"><img src="" data-src="" decoding="async" class="lazyload" /><noscript><img src="" data-eio="l" /></noscript></span><span class="title">La tua impresa consuma più di 1.000.000 kWh/anno o più di 200.000 smc/anno?</span></span><span class="desc"></span><span class="btn">Contattaci </span></a></li><li class="dropdown pos-0"><a href="#" >Offerte energia</a><ul><li><a href="" >Grandi Aziende</a></li><li><a href="" >Piccole Medie Imprese</a></li><li><a href="" >Teleriscaldamento</a></li><li><a href="" >Fotovoltaico</a></li><li><a href="" >Power Purchase Agreement</a></li></ul></li><li class="dropdown pos-1"><a href="#" >Servizi all'avanguardia</a><ul><li><a href="" >Decarbonizzazione e climate strategy</a></li><li><a href="" >Servizi energetici</a></li><li><a href="" >Diagnosi Energetica</a></li></ul></li><li class="dropdown double-col pos-2"><a href="#" >Efficienza energetica</a><ul><li><a href="" >Alperia Sybil Industrial</a></li><li><a href="" >Alperia Sybil HVAC</a></li><li><a href="" >Smart Communities</a></li></ul></li><li class="extra-content right-content "><a class="card" href=""><span class="image"><div class="icons"></div><img src="" class="bg lazyload" data-src="" decoding="async" data-eio-rwidth="600" data-eio-rheight="384" /><noscript><img src="" class="bg" data-eio="l" /></noscript></span><span class="content"><span class="title">Green Communication Kit</span><span class="desc">Un aiuto pratico per raccontare l’impegno green della tua realtà.</span></span><span class="btn">Scopri di più<img src="" class="icon lazyload" data-src="" decoding="async" /><noscript><img src="" class="icon" data-eio="l" /></noscript></a></li></ul></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li><li class="dropdown"><a href="#"><span>Condomini</span></a><ul class="submenu"> <li class="extra-content"><a class="card show-mobile 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data-eio="l" /></noscript></span><span class="title">Chi siamo</span></span><span class="desc">La nostra energia è certificata green.</span><span class="btn">Scopri di più<img src="" class="icon lazyload" data-src="" decoding="async" /><noscript><img src="" class="icon" data-eio="l" /></noscript></a></li><li class="dropdown pos-0"><a href="#" >Offerte Pubblica Amministrazione</a><ul><li><a href="" >Servizi</a></li><li><a href="" >Smart city</a></li></ul></li><li class="extra-content right-content "><a class="card show-mobile" href=""><span class="image"><div class="icons"></div><img src="" class="bg lazyload ewww_webp_lazy_load" data-src="" decoding="async" data-eio-rwidth="724" data-eio-rheight="483" data-src-webp="" /><noscript><img src="" class="bg" data-eio="l" /></noscript></span><span class="content"><span class="title">Smart city</span><span class="desc">Dai sensori per i parcheggi alle tecnologie per la gestione dei rifiuti.</span></span><span class="btn">Scopri di più<img 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Un'unica soluzione per tutta l'energia di cui hai bisogno.</span></span><span class="btn">Scopri di più<img src="" class="icon lazyload" data-src="" decoding="async" /><noscript><img src="" class="icon" data-eio="l" /></noscript></a></li></ul></li></li></li></li></li><li class="dropdown"><a href="#"><span>E-Mobility</span></a><ul class="submenu"> <li class="dropdown triple-col pos-0"><a href="#" >Offerte E-Mobility</a><ul><li><a href="" >Casa / Condominio</a></li><li><a href="" >Business</a></li><li><a href="" >MyCharge</a></li></ul></li><li class="extra-content right-content multiple-cards"><a class="card" href=""><span class="image"><div class="icons"></div><img src="" class="bg lazyload ewww_webp_lazy_load" data-src="" decoding="async" data-eio-rwidth="724" data-eio-rheight="483" data-src-webp="" /><noscript><img src="" class="bg" data-eio="l" /></noscript></span><span class="content"><span class="title">MyCharge</span><span class="desc">Il tuo pieno di energia a 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.elementor-drop-cap{background-color:#69727d;color:#fff}.elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-framed .elementor-drop-cap{color:#69727d;border:3px solid;background-color:transparent}.elementor-widget-text-editor:not(.elementor-drop-cap-view-default) .elementor-drop-cap{margin-top:8px}.elementor-widget-text-editor:not(.elementor-drop-cap-view-default) .elementor-drop-cap-letter{width:1em;height:1em}.elementor-widget-text-editor .elementor-drop-cap{float:left;text-align:center;line-height:1;font-size:50px}.elementor-widget-text-editor .elementor-drop-cap-letter{display:inline-block}</style> <p>Siamo a tua disposizione<strong> per rispondere </strong><strong>a tutte le tue domande</strong> e <strong>consigliarti </strong><strong>sulla tua fornitura di energia</strong>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-9394621 e-flex e-con-boxed e-con e-parent" data-id="9394621" data-element_type="container"> <div 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66050, 66010, 66034, 66050, 66010, 66050, 66010, 66030, 66040, 66040, 66010, 66050, 66030, 66036, 66026, 66020, 66017, 66050, 66010, 66040, 66010, 66040, 66040, 66030, 66020, 66010, 66040, 66010, 66010, 66010, 66020, 66040, 66050, 66040, 66040, 66050, 66050, 66020, 66010, 66050, 66030, 66037, 66038, 66020, 66045, 66018, 66010, 66020, 66046, 66050, 66010, 66019, 66030, 66050, 66010, 66054, 66020, 66010, 66047, 66040, 66040], "Basilicata": [85010, 85011, 85010, 85010, 85010, 85020, 85021, 85050, 85010, 85050, 85022, 85051, 85050, 85010, 85010, 85030, 85010, 85010, 85030, 85030, 85050, 85040, 85040, 85010, 85031, 85030, 85030, 85032, 85012, 85033, 85034, 85020, 85023, 85034, 85010, 85013, 85050, 85010, 85042, 85043, 85014, 85044, 85024, 85046, 85052, 85050, 85020, 85025, 85010, 85047, 85020, 85053, 85054, 85040, 85035, 85015, 85026, 85020, 85055, 85016, 85010, 85010, 85100, 85027, 85020, 85028, 85020, 85040, 85036, 85048, 85056, 85020, 85010, 85030, 85030, 85020, 85030, 85030, 85050, 85037, 85050, 85050, 85050, 85050, 85038, 85039, 85032, 85030, 85050, 85017, 85057, 85049, 85018, 85010, 85029, 85058, 85040, 85059, 85020, 85050, 75011, 75010, 75012, 75010, 75010, 75021, 75010, 75013, 75010, 75010, 75014, 75010, 75022, 75100, 75010, 75023, 75024, 75020, 75010, 75015, 75025, 75016, 75026, 75017, 75027, 75010, 75018, 75019, 75028, 75029, 75020], "Calabria": [87010, 87020, 87041, 87031, 87020, 87070, 87070, 87040, 87042, 87032, 87071, 87051, 87033, 87030, 87021, 87050, 87043, 87060, 87020, 87020, 87060, 87060, 87061, 87070, 87062, 87030, 87050, 87011, 87040, 87040, 87070, 87012, 87053, 87050, 87070, 87044, 87010, 87040, 87022, 87010, 87030, 87050, 87100, 87060, 87060, 87023, 87045, 87030, 87013, 87030, 87050, 87010, 87030, 87072, 87010, 87024, 87034, 87020, 87020, 87035, 87014, 87015, 87050, 87010, 87030, 87066, 87010, 87040, 87020, 87030, 87010, 87060, 87050, 87040, 87040, 87050, 87040, 87040, 87046, 87070, 87016, 87026, 87010, 87070, 87073, 87020, 87060, 87050, 87027, 87020, 87040, 87040, 87050, 87050, 87050, 87060, 87070, 87028, 87036, 87074, 87017, 87054, 87040, 87070, 87010, 87050, 87010, 87040, 87060, 87069, 87010, 87037, 87020, 87060, 87055, 87070, 87040, 87038, 87018, 87010, 87020, 87030, 87047, 87010, 87010, 87020, 87010, 87020, 87048, 87056, 87030, 87010, 87060, 87029, 87057, 87030, 87019, 87058, 87040, 87010, 87060, 87010, 87020, 87075, 87060, 87020, 87076, 87040, 87059, 87064, 88055, 88050, 88040, 88050, 88060, 88060, 88050, 88021, 88070, 88050, 88062, 88040, 88100, 88067, 88067, 88050, 88064, 88040, 88040, 88020, 88051, 88022, 88060, 88041, 88042, 88040, 88050, 88060, 88060, 88045, 88024, 88040, 88065, 88060, 88020, 88050, 88025, 88050, 88044, 88040, 88040, 88040, 88060, 88060, 88040, 88047, 88067, 88050, 88050, 88060, 88050, 88040, 88040, 88021, 88040, 88025, 88040, 88060, 88060, 88060, 88067, 88060, 88050, 88050, 88040, 88054, 88040, 88050, 88050, 88068, 88049, 88050, 88069, 88071, 88055, 88056, 88060, 88050, 88050, 88046, 89030, 89040, 89020, 89040, 89031, 89060, 89011, 89030, 89032, 89040, 89033, 89034, 89035, 89036, 89030, 89050, 89040, 89052, 89020, 89040, 89030, 89060, 89030, 89030, 89041, 89040, 89021, 89022, 89030, 89050, 89012, 89050, 89030, 89050, 89054, 89040, 89020, 89013, 89042, 89043, 89050, 89023, 89044, 89045, 89046, 89020, 89040, 89020, 89020, 89063, 89010, 89040, 89064, 89065, 89014, 89038, 89015, 89040, 89040, 89039, 89024, 89040, 89121, 89122, 89123, 89124, 89125, 89126, 89127, 89128, 89129, 89131, 89132, 89133, 89134, 89135, 89040, 89016, 89060, 89047, 89060, 89025, 89030, 89017, 89040, 89069, 89030, 89020, 89020, 89050, 89056, 89030, 89050, 89027, 89040, 89057, 89010, 89058, 89028, 89020, 89048, 89020, 89030, 89040, 89049, 89029, 89010, 89010, 89018, 89026, 88824, 88833, 88817, 88822, 88834, 88833, 88813, 88811, 88836, 88900, 88812, 88842, 88841, 88814, 88838, 88818, 88837, 88835, 88821, 88831, 88817, 88832, 88825, 88831, 88816, 88823, 88819, 89832, 89832, 89817, 89822, 89818, 89816, 89832, 89833, 89862, 89823, 89814, 89841, 89843, 89815, 89851, 89831, 89851, 89863, 89844, 89843, 89852, 89823, 89819, 89824, 89844, 89861, 89812, 89834, 89813, 89866, 89841, 89842, 89851, 89853, 89821, 89843, 89822, 89822, 89831, 89831, 89822, 89864, 89843, 89861, 89821, 89834, 89900, 89867, 89868, 89867], "Campania": [81010, 81011, 81012, 81021, 81031, 81010, 81041, 81059, 81013, 81042, 81050, 81030, 81020, 81014, 81043, 81032, 81030, 81022, 81033, 81030, 81020, 81100, 81010, 81040, 81016, 81020, 81030, 81023, 81030, 81010, 81044, 81040, 81010, 81014, 81040, 81050, 81030, 81010, 81044, 81042, 81010, 81046, 81030, 81010, 81040, 81030, 81047, 81024, 81025, 81035, 81049, 81034, 81030, 81030, 81050, 81013, 81016, 81051, 81040, 81052, 81040, 81050, 81010, 81010, 81050, 81017, 81020, 81053, 81040, 81035, 81051, 81042, 81010, 81036, 81027, 81010, 81030, 81020, 81049, 81016, 81054, 81028, 81055, 81050, 81050, 81017, 81030, 81037, 81056, 81030, 81057, 81030, 81044, 81038, 81058, 81010, 81020, 81030, 81039, 81041, 81030, 81030, 81030, 81020, 82011, 82031, 82021, 82030, 82011, 82010, 82020, 82100, 82013, 82010, 82020, 82018, 82020, 82030, 82027, 82022, 82024, 82030, 82037, 82023, 82030, 82014, 82032, 82020, 82024, 82033, 82030, 82015, 82030, 82030, 82020, 82011, 82020, 82020, 82030, 82020, 82034, 82030, 82030, 82010, 82020, 82025, 82016, 82026, 82020, 82020, 82017, 82011, 82030, 82020, 82030, 82020, 82030, 82027, 82030, 82020, 82028, 82018, 82020, 82010, 82030, 82034, 82034, 82029, 82010, 82018, 82010, 82030, 82020, 82019, 82010, 82026, 82036, 82037, 82030, 82030, 82038, 82021, 80011, 80021, 80051, 80071, 80022, 80070, 80072, 80041, 80042, 80031, 80023, 80012, 80030, 80073, 80030, 80024, 80013, 80032, 80074, 80025, 80020, 80050, 80026, 80053, 80030, 80040, 80033, 80030, 80030, 80020, 80075, 80027, 80020, 80014, 80054, 80028, 80077, 80076, 80050, 80030, 80016, 80030, 80034, 80061, 80017, 80062, 80070, 80018, 80121, 80122, 80123, 80124, 80125, 80126, 80127, 80128, 80129, 80131, 80132, 80133, 80134, 80135, 80136, 80137, 80138, 80139, 80141, 80142, 80143, 80144, 80145, 80146, 80147, 80035, 80044, 80036, 80063, 80050, 80040, 80040, 80038, 80045, 80055, 80078, 80079, 80019, 80010, 80056, 80030, 80040, 80046, 80047, 80030, 80040, 80065, 80048, 80029, 80057, 80030, 80039, 80030, 80081, 80049, 80067, 80040, 80040, 80058, 80059, 80030, 80069, 80010, 80030, 80040, 80050, 80040, 80040, 83020, 83011, 83040, 83041, 83031, 83042, 83021, 83100, 83043, 83022, 83044, 83032, 83040, 83040, 83045, 83040, 83040, 83010, 83040, 83034, 83040, 83040, 83040, 83040, 83012, 83020, 83010, 83040, 83020, 83040, 83020, 83040, 83040, 83020, 83040, 83040, 83030, 83035, 83010, 83040, 83046, 83030, 83023, 83047, 83040, 83030, 83020, 83030, 83013, 83036, 83030, 83037, 83030, 83024, 83030, 83030, 83048, 83040, 83038, 83049, 83040, 83020, 83027, 83051, 83014, 83020, 83050, 83052, 83010, 83030, 83015, 83030, 83039, 83020, 83020, 83016, 83050, 83017, 83050, 83050, 83018, 83020, 83050, 83050, 83050, 83020, 83053, 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84070, 84036, 84070, 84121, 84122, 84123, 84124, 84125, 84126, 84127, 84128, 84129, 84131, 84132, 84133, 84134, 84135, 84020, 84099, 84070, 84020, 84090, 84010, 84070, 84070, 84030, 84030, 84067, 84027, 84037, 84010, 84020, 84010, 84030, 84073, 84087, 84038, 84018, 84010, 84070, 84028, 84074, 84088, 84029, 84070, 84075, 84039, 84076, 84030, 84077, 84030, 84010, 84070, 84070, 84078, 84020, 84079, 84019, 84092], "Emilia-Romagna": [29010, 29010, 29010, 29021, 29022, 29011, 29010, 29010, 29012, 29013, 29014, 29015, 29010, 29020, 29020, 29020, 29016, 29023, 29024, 29017, 29010, 29020, 29010, 29025, 29018, 29010, 29020, 29026, 29121, 29122, 29010, 29010, 29027, 29028, 29010, 29029, 29010, 29019, 29010, 29010, 29020, 29010, 29020, 29010, 29020, 29010, 29031, 43051, 43032, 43041, 43042, 43030, 43043, 43011, 43030, 43044, 43052, 43053, 43021, 43035, 43036, 43012, 43010, 43045, 43013, 43037, 43014, 43010, 43022, 43024, 43015, 43025, 43121, 43122, 43123, 43124, 43125, 43126, 43047, 43010, 43038, 43039, 43017, 43046, 43019, 43040, 43028, 43059, 43056, 43029, 43050, 43040, 43049, 43018, 43016, 43058, 42020, 42011, 42031, 42021, 42022, 42041, 42023, 42012, 42040, 42033, 42013, 42034, 42014, 42024, 42035, 42025, 42026, 42015, 42042, 42043, 42044, 42016, 42045, 42027, 42017, 42028, 42020, 42046, 42121, 42122, 42123, 42124, 42010, 42047, 42048, 42018, 42020, 42049, 42019, 42010, 42020, 42030, 42030, 42030, 42032, 41030, 41030, 41011, 41031, 41012, 41013, 41051, 41014, 41032, 41033, 41021, 41034, 41042, 41022, 41043, 41044, 41052, 41023, 41053, 41054, 41036, 41037, 41121, 41122, 41123, 41124, 41125, 41126, 41025, 41045, 41055, 41015, 41016, 41046, 41026, 41027, 41040, 41048, 41017, 41020, 41018, 41038, 41039, 41030, 41049, 41056, 41028, 41029, 41019, 41057, 41058, 41059, 40011, 40050, 40052, 40010, 40121, 40122, 40123, 40124, 40125, 40126, 40127, 40128, 40129, 40131, 40132, 40133, 40134, 40135, 40136, 40137, 40138, 40139, 40141, 40021, 40054, 40012, 40032, 40033, 40020, 40034, 40022, 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131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 193, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 27, 60, 20, 10, 10, 58, 10, 60, 30, 20, 37, 28, 19, 59, 60, 69, 20, 20, 38, 49, 29, 20, 39, 76, 55, 40, 43, 30, 54, 13, 4011, 4010, 4020, 4021, 4012, 4010, 4022, 4023, 4024, 4020, 4100, 4025, 4010, 4026, 4020, 4010, 4014, 4027, 4015, 4010, 4010, 4010, 4010, 4016, 4017, 4020, 4013, 4018, 4010, 4029, 4020, 4019, 4031, 3040, 3010, 3011, 3041, 3021, 3012, 3031, 3032, 3020, 3033, 3042, 3040, 3040, 3022, 3030, 3030, 3030, 3034, 3043, 3030, 3040, 3030, 3020, 3023, 3024, 3044, 3030, 3010, 3030, 3040, 3045, 3020, 3013, 3010, 3014, 3035, 3030, 3100, 3010, 3040, 3020, 3016, 3036, 3025, 3017, 3018, 3020, 3010, 3030, 3040, 3020, 3030, 3010, 3040, 3026, 3037, 3030, 3027, 3030, 3038, 3040, 3046, 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23852, 23898, 23815, 23900, 23827, 23871, 23864, 23826, 23832, 23807, 23873, 23817, 23847, 23804, 23874, 23876, 23811, 23895, 23848, 23887, 23854, 23865, 23875, 23877, 23833, 23837, 23818, 23828, 23855, 23834, 23819, 23899, 23849, 23889, 23844, 23896, 23835, 23867, 23837, 23857, 23868, 23829, 23808, 23897, 23879, 23888, 23836, 26834, 26821, 26811, 26812, 26851, 26822, 26852, 26831, 26841, 26842, 26853, 26843, 26823, 26866, 26824, 26832, 26845, 26833, 26854, 26846, 26842, 26834, 26835, 26861, 26832, 26813, 26862, 26814, 26900, 26855, 26843, 26825, 26847, 26866, 26815, 26843, 26833, 26836, 26837, 26863, 26864, 26816, 26854, 26857, 26848, 26817, 26865, 26866, 26849, 26826, 26856, 26867, 26858, 26838, 26827, 26828, 26859, 26818, 26839, 26844, 20864, 20886, 20847, 20862, 20825, 20882, 20881, 20842, 20853, 20813, 20836, 20861, 20875, 20857, 20841, 20866, 20873, 20816, 20811, 20815, 20863, 20856, 20832, 20833, 20824, 20855, 20812, 20851, 20846, 20821, 20883, 20826, 20900, 20835, 20834, 20876, 20838, 20885, 20831, 20822, 20845, 20884, 20844, 20865, 20814, 20854, 20837, 20843, 20852, 20871, 20874, 20867, 20872, 20823, 20877], "Marche": [61041, 61042, 61026, 61040, 61043, 61044, 61021, 61030, 61032, 61033, 61034, 61040, 61021, 61040, 61011, 61012, 61030, 61026, 61023, 61040, 61013, 61024, 61040, 61037, 61020, 61010, 61030, 61010, 61025, 61040, 61049, 61045, 61121, 61122, 61020, 61026, 61023, 61046, 61039, 61047, 61048, 61040, 61040, 61020, 61010, 61049, 61029, 61022, 61036, 61038, 61028, 60020, 60121, 60122, 60123, 60124, 60125, 60126, 60127, 60128, 60129, 60131, 60011, 60010, 60030, 60021, 60020, 60030, 60022, 60010, 60031, 60043, 60033, 60013, 60034, 60044, 60015, 60024, 60040, 60035, 60025, 60030, 60030, 60030, 60036, 60018, 60030, 60037, 60030, 60026, 60020, 60027, 60010, 60010, 60030, 60020, 60030, 60030, 60038, 60030, 60041, 60019, 60030, 60048, 60020, 60039, 60012, 62021, 62010, 62020, 62035, 62020, 62032, 62020, 62022, 62039, 62020, 62011, 62012, 62020, 62014, 62024, 62035, 62025, 62022, 62020, 62020, 62100, 62024, 62010, 62010, 62036, 62010, 62010, 62010, 62015, 62020, 62010, 62034, 62020, 62014, 62036, 62025, 62021, 62010, 62017, 62018, 62019, 62020, 62026, 62027, 62020, 62028, 62025, 62020, 62038, 62029, 62010, 62010, 62039, 62039, 62031, 63095, 63075, 63083, 63096, 63100, 63063, 63082, 63072, 63081, 63079, 63087, 63067, 63064, 63084, 63086, 63066, 63085, 63061, 63077, 63068, 63069, 63062, 63094, 63088, 63076, 63073, 63092, 63065, 63093, 63071, 63074, 63078, 63091, 63824, 63857, 63838, 63828, 63837, 63900, 63816, 63844, 63823, 63832, 63834, 63842, 63835, 63855, 63858, 63846, 63833, 63812, 63841, 63853, 63852, 63825, 63815, 63813, 63847, 63836, 63843, 63826, 63851, 63827, 63848, 63845, 63822, 63821, 63831, 63854, 63811, 63839, 63856, 63814], "Molise": [86030, 86011, 86021, 86041, 86010, 86100, 86020, 86010, 86040, 86042, 86043, 86010, 86030, 86020, 86031, 86010, 86012, 86010, 86030, 86020, 86044, 86020, 86010, 86020, 86013, 86010, 86030, 86014, 86034, 86015, 86035, 86022, 86030, 86030, 86040, 86030, 86030, 86010, 86020, 86040, 86023, 86032, 86033, 86040, 86030, 86036, 86040, 86040, 86010, 86037, 86038, 86024, 86040, 86020, 86045, 86040, 86016, 86040, 86025, 86020, 86040, 86026, 86020, 86030, 86030, 86010, 86010, 86040, 86046, 86027, 86020, 86047, 86020, 86048, 86017, 86020, 86030, 86039, 86028, 86018, 86029, 86010, 86049, 86019, 86080, 86081, 86091, 86080, 86092, 86082, 86083, 86093, 86080, 86090, 86090, 86071, 86080, 86072, 86097, 86094, 86073, 86070, 86074, 86084, 86070, 86095, 86170, 86090, 86070, 86096, 86080, 86070, 86080, 86075, 86090, 86097, 86080, 86090, 86085, 86071, 86086, 86077, 86087, 86092, 86080, 86070, 86088, 86070, 86096, 86080, 86095, 86070, 86097, 86078, 86089, 86079], "Piemonte": [10011, 10060, 10070, 10010, 10040, 10080, 10091, 10020, 10010, 10060, 10020, 10051, 10010, 10010, 10070, 10080, 10020, 10070, 10010, 10070, 10052, 10010, 10092, 10060, 10060, 10012, 10071, 10080, 10013, 10031, 10050, 10080, 10032, 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70044, 70017, 70018, 70037, 70010, 70028, 70029, 70038, 70020, 70019, 70010, 70010, 74020, 74021, 74011, 74012, 74020, 74022, 74013, 74023, 74014, 74020, 74020, 74024, 74015, 74020, 74016, 74020, 74020, 74020, 74017, 74018, 74019, 74026, 74020, 74027, 74020, 74028, 74121, 74122, 74123, 74020, 74010, 72100, 72012, 72013, 72020, 72014, 72020, 72015, 72021, 72022, 72023, 72024, 72017, 72025, 72018, 72026, 72027, 72019, 72020, 72028, 72029, 73031, 73011, 73040, 73032, 73040, 73010, 73020, 73020, 73021, 73012, 73020, 73010, 73041, 73020, 73042, 73020, 73020, 73040, 73020, 73040, 73043, 73022, 73033, 73020, 73020, 73030, 73034, 73013, 73044, 73014, 73030, 73020, 73010, 73100, 73010, 73045, 73023, 73024, 73025, 73020, 73046, 73026, 73040, 73020, 73035, 73027, 73047, 73030, 73040, 73036, 73048, 73040, 73020, 73051, 73030, 73028, 73020, 73052, 73053, 73037, 73055, 73049, 73015, 73050, 73030, 73016, 73010, 73017, 73010, 73020, 73020, 73050, 73010, 73010, 73040, 73038, 73018, 73010, 73040, 73030, 73010, 73056, 73057, 73030, 73019, 73039, 73058, 73059, 73020, 73010, 73029, 73010, 73020, 73030, 73010, 73054, 76123, 76121, 76011, 76012, 76016, 76013, 76017, 76014, 76125, 76015], "Sardegna": [7020, 7020, 7041, 7010, 7010, 7021, 7040, 7010, 7022, 7040, 7043, 7011, 7012, 7030, 7040, 7010, 7020, 7010, 7030, 7010, 7023, 7030, 7031, 7040, 7030, 7040, 7010, 7010, 7030, 7010, 7010, 7010, 7044, 7030, 7024, 7020, 7025, 7010, 7030, 7010, 7020, 7013, 7030, 7010, 7010, 7032, 7026, 7040, 7027, 7033, 7045, 7014, 7015, 7020, 7016, 7034, 7017, 7046, 7018, 7040, 7010, 7020, 7028, 7100, 7035, 7010, 7036, 7040, 7037, 7029, 7047, 7040, 7048, 7038, 7010, 7040, 7049, 7019, 7039, 7020, 7030, 7030, 7020, 7020, 7030, 7030, 7030, 7030, 7040, 7020, 7051, 7052, 8031, 8040, 8030, 8030, 8042, 8040, 8030, 8010, 8021, 8011, 8016, 8012, 8032, 8022, 8010, 8040, 8023, 8030, 8040, 8020, 8020, 8040, 8040, 8020, 8044, 8045, 8010, 8040, 8020, 8020, 8040, 8020, 8015, 8024, 8030, 8010, 8100, 8025, 8020, 8020, 8020, 8020, 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9010, 9040, 9054, 9020, 9055, 9040, 9020, 9010, 9040, 9010, 9035, 9040, 9040, 9036, 9016, 9056, 9020, 9022, 9040, 9010, 9023, 9043, 9010, 9010, 9057, 9058, 9024, 9059, 9010, 9061, 9040, 9030, 9020, 9010, 9020, 9010, 9010, 9062, 9030, 9020, 9040, 9037, 9010, 9040, 9026, 9040, 9025, 9010, 9040, 9010, 9017, 9030, 9040, 9040, 9040, 9040, 9038, 9027, 9063, 9029, 9064, 9065, 9020, 9010, 9040, 9040, 9040, 9040, 9019, 9010, 9029, 9020, 9020, 9020, 9010, 9039, 9020, 9010, 9066, 9020, 9020, 9010, 9040, 9040, 9049, 9034, 9010], "Sicilia": [91011, 91012, 91013, 91021, 91014, 91022, 91015, 91016, 91023, 91024, 91025, 91026, 91027, 91017, 91028, 91020, 91020, 91018, 91029, 91010, 91100, 91019, 91010, 91020, 91031, 90021, 90020, 90020, 90010, 90030, 90011, 90041, 90020, 90031, 90032, 90030, 90020, 90042, 90012, 90022, 90030, 90010, 90030, 90043, 90040, 90044, 90013, 90014, 90020, 90030, 90030, 90015, 90010, 90033, 90023, 90045, 90016, 90030, 90034, 90010, 90024, 90010, 90040, 90030, 90030, 90010, 90010, 90040, 90010, 90025, 90035, 90030, 90036, 90046, 90040, 90020, 90030, 90121, 90123, 90124, 90125, 90126, 90127, 90128, 90129, 90131, 90133, 90134, 90135, 90136, 90138, 90139, 90141, 90142, 90143, 90144, 90145, 90146, 90147, 90149, 90151, 90047, 90026, 90027, 90037, 90028, 90010, 90038, 90040, 90020, 90040, 90048, 90010, 90030, 90017, 90020, 90020, 90018, 90049, 90040, 90019, 90040, 90051, 90029, 90020, 90020, 90039, 90030, 90020, 90020, 98070, 98020, 98021, 98030, 98051, 98060, 98061, 98031, 98071, 98070, 98072, 98032, 98070, 98070, 98030, 98053, 98033, 98040, 98060, 98062, 98022, 98030, 98050, 98030, 98034, 98070, 98023, 98054, 98030, 98070, 98030, 98035, 98063, 98036, 98040, 98025, 98050, 98037, 98064, 98030, 98055, 98070, 98050, 98030, 98020, 98056, 98040, 98121, 98122, 98123, 98124, 98125, 98126, 98127, 98128, 98129, 98131, 98132, 98133, 98134, 98135, 98136, 98137, 98138, 98139, 98141, 98142, 98143, 98144, 98145, 98146, 98147, 98148, 98149, 98151, 98152, 98153, 98154, 98155, 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94010, 94100, 94010, 94013, 94014, 94010, 94015, 94016, 94017, 94010, 94018, 94019, 94010, 95020, 95021, 95022, 95024, 95025, 95031, 95032, 95033, 95034, 95011, 95041, 95040, 95040, 95012, 95121, 95122, 95123, 95124, 95125, 95126, 95127, 95128, 95129, 95131, 95013, 95014, 95042, 95030, 95040, 95015, 95035, 95016, 95030, 95043, 95010, 95044, 95040, 95045, 95040, 95030, 95046, 95047, 95030, 95017, 95040, 95040, 95036, 95018, 95040, 95037, 95027, 95040, 95030, 95030, 95010, 95038, 95010, 95048, 95039, 95030, 95028, 95029, 95049, 95019, 95040, 95030, 95030, 97011, 97012, 97013, 97010, 97014, 97015, 97010, 97016, 97100, 97017, 97018, 97019, 96011, 96012, 96010, 96010, 96010, 96013, 96010, 96010, 96014, 96015, 96016, 96010, 96017, 96018, 96010, 96019, 96100, 96010, 96010, 96010, 96010], "Toscana": [54011, 54021, 54033, 54014, 54015, 54023, 54013, 54035, 54016, 54100, 54038, 54026, 54010, 54027, 54012, 54028, 54029, 55011, 55022, 55051, 55023, 55041, 55031, 55012, 55030, 55032, 55033, 55025, 55042, 55020, 55027, 55100, 55054, 55034, 55020, 55015, 55064, 55035, 55045, 55036, 55016, 55038, 55047, 55040, 55030, 55049, 55019, 55030, 55021, 55039, 51031, 51011, 51035, 51036, 51010, 51010, 51015, 51037, 51016, 51017, 51018, 51100, 51019, 51039, 51020, 51034, 51010, 51013, 51024, 51028, 50012, 50031, 50032, 50041, 50013, 50050, 50051, 50050, 50052, 50062, 50053, 50014, 50121, 50122, 50123, 50124, 50125, 50126, 50127, 50129, 50131, 50132, 50133, 50134, 50135, 50136, 50137, 50139, 50141, 50142, 50143, 50144, 50145, 50033, 50054, 50050, 50022, 50023, 50055, 50060, 50034, 50050, 50056, 50025, 50035, 50060, 50065, 50066, 50067, 50068, 50026, 50060, 50018, 50019, 50058, 50036, 50039, 50059, 50063, 50038, 50028, 57020, 57021, 57034, 57031, 57032, 57022, 57023, 57014, 57121, 57122, 57123, 57124, 57125, 57126, 57127, 57128, 57030, 57033, 57025, 57036, 57037, 57016, 57027, 57020, 57028, 57038, 56031, 56032, 56011, 56012, 56033, 56040, 56021, 56022, 56040, 56041, 56034, 56043, 56040, 56030, 56040, 56040, 56040, 56020, 56040, 56036, 56037, 56121, 56122, 56123, 56124, 56125, 56126, 56127, 56128, 56045, 56038, 56025, 56046, 56017, 56028, 56029, 56040, 56020, 56030, 56019, 56010, 56048, 56035, 56042, 52031, 52100, 52032, 52011, 52021, 52010, 52033, 52016, 52018, 52029, 52043, 52022, 52010, 52010, 52041, 52044, 52045, 52024, 52046, 52047, 52010, 52035, 52048, 52025, 52010, 52036, 52014, 52027, 52037, 52038, 52010, 52010, 52028, 52026, 52015, 52019, 53021, 53041, 53022, 53031, 53011, 53019, 53023, 53040, 53042, 53012, 53043, 53034, 53013, 53045, 53035, 53014, 53015, 53016, 53025, 53026, 53036, 53017, 53040, 53030, 53040, 53040, 53037, 53027, 53047, 53100, 53048, 53018, 53049, 53020, 53024, 58031, 58042, 58011, 58033, 58034, 58043, 58044, 58045, 58022, 58023, 58100, 58012, 58051, 58014, 58024, 58019, 58026, 58015, 58017, 58053, 58036, 58037, 58054, 58020, 58038, 58010, 58025, 58055, 59025, 59015, 59013, 59016, 59100, 59021, 59024], "Trentino Alto Adige": [39040, 39010, 39040, 39057, 39010, 39036, 39040, 39100, 39030, 39041, 39042, 39051, 39031, 39010, 39052, 39040, 39032, 39020, 39040, 39010, 39030, 39043, 39053, 39040, 39040, 39033, 39027, 39034, 39044, 39030, 39050, 39045, 39040, 39030, 39010, 39020, 39021, 39022, 39040, 39055, 39011, 39023, 39040, 39040, 39040, 39024, 39030, 39020, 39020, 39010, 39012, 39035, 39040, 39013, 39010, 39025, 39040, 39056, 39050, 39040, 39046, 39020, 39030, 39025, 39040, 39014, 39026, 39030, 39040, 39040, 39030, 39054, 39010, 39037, 39037, 39040, 39038, 39050, 39015, 39030, 39030, 39010, 39010, 39047, 39058, 39017, 39030, 39048, 39020, 39030, 39028, 39020, 39029, 39030, 39018, 39040, 39010, 39050, 39019, 39040, 39020, 39016, 39051, 39030, 39049, 39030, 39030, 39030, 39040, 39010, 39039, 39040, 39049, 39040, 39030, 39010, 38061, 38041, 38060, 38010, 38062, 38063, 38042, 38043, 38060, 38050, 38071, 38080, 38080, 38051, 38060, 38020, 38080, 38050, 38022, 38052, 38060, 38031, 38010, 38050, 38032, 38030, 38080, 38050, 38082, 38030, 38053, 38050, 38033, 38011, 38010, 38073, 38022, 38060, 38050, 38020, 38045, 38023, 38020, 38027, 38010, 38010, 38074, 38074, 38010, 38075, 38050, 38064, 38040, 38050, 38060, 38030, 38086, 38055, 38050, 38060, 38046, 38015, 38056, 38020, 38040, 38040, 38027, 38086, 38030, 38020, 38050, 38016, 38017, 38035, 38018, 38065, 38069, 38060, 38060, 38050, 38050, 38026, 38050, 38030, 38060, 38024, 38020, 38079, 38057, 38050, 38086, 38060, 38037, 38020, 38066, 38010, 38050, 38050, 38010, 38030, 38068, 38010, 38020, 38050, 38059, 38098, 38050, 38010, 38011, 38050, 38047, 38010, 38030, 38048, 38088, 38010, 38010, 38070, 38089, 38080, 38050, 38050, 38050, 38060, 38060, 38027, 38038, 38079, 38010, 38050, 38068, 38121, 38122, 38123, 38040, 38060, 38029, 38057, 38060, 38060, 38030, 38077, 38067, 38012, 38078, 38091, 38025, 38085, 38092, 38049, 38011, 38083, 38079, 38059, 38034, 38093, 38076, 38094, 38054, 38087, 38095, 38096, 38019, 38036, 38097, 38013, 38028, 38099], "Umbria": [6081, 6083, 6084, 6031, 6042, 6033, 6043, 6044, 6061, 6041, 6010, 6062, 6012, 6050, 6073, 6021, 6053, 6034, 6022, 6054, 6030, 6035, 6023, 6024, 6060, 6063, 6055, 6056, 6057, 6036, 6045, 6010, 6014, 6025, 6046, 6060, 6064, 6065, 6121, 6122, 6123, 6124, 6125, 6126, 6127, 6128, 6129, 6131, 6132, 6133, 6134, 6135, 6066, 6026, 6040, 6047, 6016, 6040, 6027, 6040, 6030, 6028, 6038, 6049, 6059, 6089, 6039, 6069, 6019, 6029, 6040, 6030, 5021, 5011, 5020, 5022, 5031, 5012, 5023, 5032, 5013, 5014, 5015, 5034, 5016, 5024, 5025, 5020, 5026, 5020, 5030, 5010, 5017, 5035, 5018, 5030, 5010, 5028, 5030, 5010, 5029, 5010, 5039, 5100, 5020], "Valle d'Aosta": [11010, 11020, 11100, 11020, 11011, 11010, 11020, 11010, 11020, 11010, 11020, 11022, 11020, 11020, 11023, 11020, 11020, 11020, 11020, 11024, 11012, 11013, 11020, 11010, 11020, 11014, 11020, 11020, 11020, 11010, 11020, 11020, 11025, 11020, 11010, 11020, 11020, 11020, 11020, 11015, 11016, 11020, 11020, 11017, 11020, 11010, 11010, 11020, 11020, 11020, 11024, 11026, 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35010, 35020, 35040, 35030, 35040, 35010, 35010, 35010, 35040, 35010, 35010, 35030, 35020, 35046, 45011, 45012, 45031, 45021, 45022, 45032, 45033, 45030, 45034, 45020, 45020, 45035, 45030, 45030, 45010, 45015, 45023, 45030, 45036, 45024, 45030, 45025, 45030, 45010, 45020, 45030, 45026, 45017, 45020, 45037, 45030, 45010, 45010, 45020, 45038, 45030, 45018, 45010, 45100, 45030, 45020, 45030, 45039, 45019, 45027, 45010, 45030, 45020, 45030, 45014]}; var regionCityMap = {"Trentino Alto Adige": "Trento", "Veneto": "Venezia", "Lombardia": "Milano", "Marche": "Ancona", "Lazio": "Roma", "Puglia": "Bari", "Toscana": "Firenze", "Abruzzo": "L'Aquila", "Piemonte": "Torino", "Tutte le regioni": "Bolzano"}; // Mappa per ottenere l'ID della regione var regionIdMap = { "Abruzzo": 184, "Campania": 193, "Trentino Alto Adige": 191, "Veneto": 192, "Lombardia": 186, "Marche": 187, "Lazio": 185, "Puglia": 189, "Toscana": 190, "Piemonte": 188 // Aggiungi altre regioni e ID qui }; function validateCapInput() { var capValue = $('#cap-search').val(); var isValid = /^[0-9]{5}$/.test(capValue); $('#cap-button').prop('disabled', !isValid); $('#copied-cap').val(capValue); } $('#cap-button').on('click', function() { var cap = $('#cap-search').val(); // Trova la regione corrispondente al CAP var foundRegion = null; $.each(regionCapMap, function(region, caps) { if (caps.includes(parseInt(cap))) { foundRegion = region; return false; // interrompe il ciclo } }); if (foundRegion) { var regioneId = regionIdMap[foundRegion]; $('#wpsl-checkbox-filter input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', false); $('#wpsl-checkbox-filter input[value="' + regioneId + '"]').prop('checked', true); $('#wpsl-search-btn').click(); openTooltip(); selectStore(); } else { alert('Non sono disponibili Energy Point nel CAP inserito.'); } }); $('#cap-search').on('input', function() { validateCapInput(); var capValue = $(this).val(); $('#wpsl-search-input').val(capValue); }); // Impostazione del valore iniziale di #wpsl-search-input a "Bolzano" $('#wpsl-search-input').val('Bolzano'); // Gestione del click sui pulsanti delle regioni $('.wpsl-store-category').on('click', function() { var categoryValue = $(this).attr('value'); // Rimuovi la classe "active" da tutti i pulsanti $('.wpsl-store-category').removeClass('active'); // Aggiungi la classe "active" al pulsante cliccato $(this).addClass('active'); // Seleziona la checkbox corrispondente e deseleziona le altre $('#wpsl-checkbox-filter input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', false); $('#wpsl-checkbox-filter input[value="' + categoryValue + '"]').prop('checked', true); // Imposta il valore di #wpsl-search-input basato sul testo del pulsante var buttonText = $(this).text().trim(); if (regionCityMap[buttonText]) { $('#wpsl-search-input').val(regionCityMap[buttonText]); } // Simula il click sul pulsante di ricerca $('#wpsl-search-btn').trigger('click'); openTooltip(); selectStore(); }); waitForElm('.btn-map').then((elm) => { 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