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GPU Variant</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-27T15:56:28+00:00"> Thursday, 23:56 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333237/sapphire-nitro-radeon-rx-9070-xt-bios-leak-reveals-navi-48-xtx-gpu-variant#comments">Discuss (15 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Sapphire's premium <a href="" target="_blank">NITRO+ Radeon RX 9070 XT</a> graphics card model was the subject of several leaks in the recent past—unsurprisingly, gaming GPU detectives <a href="" target="_blank">gathered evidence</a> of a very high speculative price point. The AIB's top &quot;<a href="" target="_blank">champagne gold</a>&quot; offering is due for a full unveiling; we expect to see examples tomorrow—AMD will broadcast a <a href="" target="_blank">special Radeon RX 9070 Series presentation</a>. Within the past 24 hours, VideoCardz received a <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">compelling tip-off</a>—the GPU news specialist was pointed in the direction of TechPowerUp. Currently, the site's VGA BIOS Collection hosts a downloadable &quot;Sapphire 9070 XT 16 GB BIOS (Nitro+)&quot; ROM.<br /> <br /> The VGA BIOS build date is listed as &quot;2024-12-13,&quot; with the file becoming available to download roughly two days ago (February 25). VideoCardz highlighted interesting &quot;BIOS Internals&quot; information; namely the mentioning of a &quot;Navi48 XTX&quot; GPU variant. Since CES 2025, AMD and its board partners have kept quiet about finer RDNA 4 details, but insiders and leakers have noted the existence of a generic &quot;<a href="" target="_blank">Navi 48</a>&quot; GPU. TechPowerUp's GPU database listings of AMD <a href="" target="_blank">Radeon RX 9070 XT 16 GB</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">RX 9070 16 GB</a> (non-XT) are freshly updated; reflecting new information sourced from pre-launch VGA BIOS listings. The incoming flagship seems to utilize a &quot;Navi 48 XT&quot; GPU variant (<b>note:</b> not 48 XTX), while its non-XT sibling is (supposedly) based on &quot;Navi 48 XL.&quot; VideoCardz has heard whispers of a next-gen &quot;Navi XTXH,&quot; industry moles have linked this sub-model to a <a href="" target="_blank">supposed &quot;higher-end&quot; 32 GB RDNA 4 card</a>. TPU's GPU database also alludes to an AMD <a href="" target="_blank">Radeon RX 9060 XT</a> GPU; just updated with a &quot;Navi 48 LE&quot; designation.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1024" data-height="640" data-fancybox="g333237"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="208" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="581" data-height="669" data-fancybox="g333237"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="113" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="783" data-height="750" data-fancybox="g333237"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="136" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333107"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="ASRock" /> <h1><a href="/333107/asrock-addresses-amd-ryzen-7-9800x3d-boot-issues-with-a-bios-update" class="newslink">ASRock Addresses AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D Boot Issues With a BIOS Update</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/187454/">AleksandarK</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T16:13:46+00:00"> Wednesday, 00:13 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333107/asrock-addresses-amd-ryzen-7-9800x3d-boot-issues-with-a-bios-update#comments">Discuss (6 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p"><a href="" target="_blank">ASRock</a> has deployed beta <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">BIOS version 3.20</a> today for its AM5 motherboard lineup to address persistent boot failures and <a href="" target="_blank">burns affecting AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D processors</a>. ASRock Japan refuted claims of permanent CPU damage, characterizing circulating reports as &quot;misinformation&quot; and identifying memory compatibility as the underlying cause rather than processor defects. The firmware patch targets a specific interaction between memory configurations and the 9800X3D's architecture that manifests as boot failures across what ASRock describes as a &quot;minority proportion&quot; of affected systems. A <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">community-aggregated database on Reddit</a> documented 40 failure incidents, with ASRock boards accounting for 32 cases. The failure pattern appears inconsistent—some systems fail immediately while others operate normally for weeks before exhibiting symptoms. BIOS flashback procedures have successfully restored functionality in multiple instances.<br /> <br /> &quot;The CPUs themselves are not broken. This is specifically a memory compatibility issue affecting system initialization,&quot; ASRock Japan explained via social media. Prior to releasing version 3.20, the company had recommended affected users downgrade to BIOS 3.10 as a temporary workaround. Notably, customers who RMA'd their processors and received replacements found their systems suddenly operational—suggesting the issue stems from complex firmware-hardware interactions rather than manufacturing defects. The problem appears isolated to the 9800X3D model and does not affect other processors in AMD's Ryzen 9000 series lineup. ASRock noted that the company will provide comprehensive technical documentation explaining the underlying mechanisms. AMD has yet to issue an official statement regarding the compatibility issues affecting their premium gaming processor.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="881" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333107"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="119" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333094"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="ASRock" /> <h1><a href="/333094/asrock-releases-the-latest-am5-motherboard-bios-to-improve-ryzen-9000-series-cpu-boot-issues" class="newslink">ASRock Releases the Latest AM5 Motherboard BIOS to Improve Ryzen 9000 Series CPU Boot Issues</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228790/">GFreeman</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T11:32:11+00:00"> Tuesday, 19:32 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333094/asrock-releases-the-latest-am5-motherboard-bios-to-improve-ryzen-9000-series-cpu-boot-issues#comments">Discuss (8 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">ASRock, a global leader in motherboards, graphics cards, mini PCs, power supplies, and gaming monitors, has observed reports on Reddit from users experiencing unexpected boot issues and error codes when using ASRock AM5 motherboards paired with minority proportion of AMD Ryzen 9000 series processors. To enhance user experience, ASRock promptly released the latest 3.20 Beta BIOS for its AM5 series motherboards, further improving AMD Ryzen 9000 series processors boot issues.<br /> <br /> Users can download and install the BIOS from the official ASRock website or use the BIOS Flashback function on their motherboard for a quick update. ASRock also promises to continue enhancing the compatibility of its products.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="600" data-fancybox="g333094"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="260" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333064"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Gigabyte" /> <h1><a href="/333064/gigabyte-launches-new-servers-using-intel-xeon-6700-6500-series-processors-and-provides-updates-for-servers-using-xeon-6300-series" class="newslink">GIGABYTE Launches New Servers Using Intel Xeon 6700 &amp; 6500-series Processors and Provides Updates for Servers Using Xeon 6300-series</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/240733/">Nomad76</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T19:00:19+00:00"> Tuesday, 03:00 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333064/gigabyte-launches-new-servers-using-intel-xeon-6700-6500-series-processors-and-provides-updates-for-servers-using-xeon-6300-series#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Giga Computing, a subsidiary of GIGABYTE and an industry leader in generative AI servers and advanced cooling technologies, today announced new GIGABYTE rack servers that are optimized for Intel Xeon 6700/6500-series processors with up to 136 PCIe 5.0 lanes. Additionally, GIGABYTE enterprise products support new Intel Xeon 6700/6500-series with P-cores and 6300-series.<br /> <br /> <b>New Servers Supporting Platform with Up to 136 PCIe Lanes</b><br /> The new Intel Xeon 6700 and 6500-series have processor SKUs that are designed to support either up to 136 PCIe 5.0 lanes (referred to as R1S) or 88 PCIe lanes. Optimized for R1S processors, the new GIGABYTE rack servers (R264-SG2, R264-SG3, R264-SG5, R164-SG5, R164-SG6) make use of the additional PCIe lanes for diverse storage options, dual-slot GPUs, and additional expansion slots including support for OCP NIC 3.0. These servers will be deployed in applications such as storage, telecom, edge, and more. The new servers support Intel Xeon 6 processors using LGA 4710; however, they are further optimized to take advantage of the additional PCIe lanes when compared to other Intel Xeon 6 processors. A new server that exemplifies this advantage, the R264-SG5 supports up to twenty-eight E3.S Gen 5 NVMe drives, yet it has support for a dual-slot (Gen 5 x16) GPU.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="630" data-fancybox="g333064"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="248" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="332902"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="TechPowerUp" /> <h1><a href="/332902/techpowerup-gpu-z-v2-63-0-released" class="newslink">TechPowerUp GPU-Z v2.63.0 Released</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="">btarunr</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-21T12:58:33+00:00"> Feb 21st, 2025 20:58 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/332902/techpowerup-gpu-z-v2-63-0-released#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">TechPowerUp today released the latest update to TechPowerUp GPU-Z, the graphics sub-system information and monitoring utility for PC gamers and enthusiasts. Version 2.63.0 comes with support for new GPUs that include the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5070 Ti, and AMD Radeon RX 9070 XT, RX 9070, and RX 7650 GRE. We have introduced the ability to save or upload the video BIOS of NVIDIA RTX 50-series &quot;Blackwell&quot; GPUs. A bug that caused the GPU vendor logo to incorrectly scale on systems with high-DPI displays, has been fixed. DPI scaling of top-right action buttons on high-DPI monitors has also been fixed. Grab GPU-Z from the link below.<br /> <br /> <b>DOWNLOAD:</b> <a href="" target="_blank">TechPowerUp GPU-Z 2.63.0</a><div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="441" data-height="558" data-fancybox="g332902"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="103" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="332879"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="MSI - Micro-Star International" /> <h1><a href="/332879/msi-x870-e-motherboards-now-support-amd-ryzen-9-9950x3d-and-9900x3d-processors" class="newslink">MSI X870(E) Motherboards Now Support AMD Ryzen 9 9950X3D and 9900X3D Processors</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228790/">GFreeman</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-21T07:43:49+00:00"> Feb 21st, 2025 15:43 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/332879/msi-x870-e-motherboards-now-support-amd-ryzen-9-9950x3d-and-9900x3d-processors#comments">Discuss (3 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">MSI is pleased to announce support for the upcoming AMD Ryzen 9 9950X3D and 9900X3D processors, built on the Zen 5 architecture and featuring AMD's cutting-edge 2nd generation AMD 3D V-Cache technology. This innovative technology is designed to significantly increases the cache size, allowing faster data access and improved performance. Engineered to deliver exceptional performance, these processors meet the demands of even the most intensive gaming and content creation workloads.<br /> <br /> At the heart of this experience is the MSI MEG X870E GODLIKE motherboard, which sets a new standard with its innovative design and robust features. The Dynamic Dashboard III, a 3.99-inch full-color LCD, offers real-time hardware monitoring, troubleshooting, BIOS update status, clock display, and personalization options, enhancing user experience and system control. MSI's EZ Link design complements this, streamlining cable management by consolidating the front panel, fan, and RGB headers into the EZ Bridge and EZ Control Hub, ensuring a cleaner build and simplified installation process.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1000" data-height="645" data-fancybox="g332879"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="202" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="332463"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="ASUS" /> <h1><a href="/332463/asus-rog-astral-geforce-rtx-5090-5080-bios-update-tool-retunes-quiet-mode" class="newslink">ASUS ROG Astral GeForce RTX 5090 &amp; 5080 BIOS Update Tool Retunes Quiet Mode</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-12T19:58:21+00:00"> Feb 13th, 2025 03:58 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/332463/asus-rog-astral-geforce-rtx-5090-5080-bios-update-tool-retunes-quiet-mode#comments">Discuss (5 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">ASUS has released version one of a BIOS update tool for its ultra-premium air-cooled ROG Astral graphics cards, OC and standard flavors. Yesterday's update advertises an improved &quot;Quiet Mode,&quot; that implements a &quot;more silent fan curve.&quot; TechPowerUp reviewed the quad-fan configured ASUS ROG <a href="" target="_blank">Astral GeForce RTX 5090</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">RTX 5080</a> OC Edition cards late last month. Resident GPU evaluator, W1zzard, awarded the astronomically-priced <a href="" target="_blank">flagship model</a> with an &quot;Editor's Choice&quot; badge, but simultaneously pinned on a &quot;But Expensive&quot; honor. The <a href="" target="_blank">lesser (GB203-based) Astral</a> did not receive any accolades. Both models have courted criticism for louder than expected operation; W1zzard did not enjoy listening to the Astral GeForce RTX 5090 OC Edition's collective fan concerto. &quot;Out of the box&quot; settings were not great, and the quiet BIOS mode did not &quot;help much&quot; in reducing the highest-end Astral's cacophony.<br /> <br /> TPU's GPU guru elaborated further: &quot;the second BIOS runs a more relaxed fan curve, but it's not much quieter and achieves 36.5 dBA with 70°C. Sure, good temperature, but isn't the point of a 'quiet' BIOS that isn't quiet, even if temperatures are higher? MSI's <a href="" target="_blank">Suprim</a> lineup does much better noise-wise, with temperatures that aren't that much higher.&quot; The <a href="" target="_blank">ASUS ROG Astral RTX 5080 OC Edition</a> seems to be a less noisy prospect, given that its cooling solution is not dealing with the <a href="" target="_blank">largest &quot;Blackwell&quot; GPU</a> die. Its sound signature was less offensive, but W1zzard reckoned that there was room for improvement. On this subject he stated: &quot;with the default (performance) BIOS, temperatures are extremely low, but noise levels are a little bit on the high side with 36 dBA. I would have preferred a more balanced setting. Good thing that ASUS includes a secondary quiet BIOS with their card. Now the card runs whisper quiet, emitting only 26 dBA, which is highly impressive for a card in this performance segment. It is not the quietest card though, the <a href="" target="_blank">MSI Suprim SOC</a> is a tiny bit quieter, and it is so out of the box, without requiring a manual BIOS switch change.&quot; ASUS has seemingly absorbed initial feedback from review outlets (plus early adopters)—yesterday's update arrived just under two weeks from launch time. Watch out for possible upcoming reassessments.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1280" data-height="720" data-fancybox="g332463"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="837" data-height="629" data-fancybox="g332463"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="173" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="843" data-height="627" data-fancybox="g332463"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="175" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="332372"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="ASRock" /> <h1><a href="/332372/asrock-am5-motherboards-now-fully-support-amd-ryzen-9-9950x3d-9900x3d-processors" class="newslink">ASRock AM5 Motherboards Now Fully Support AMD Ryzen 9 9950X3D &amp; 9900X3D Processors</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/240733/">Nomad76</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-11T09:36:58+00:00"> Feb 11th, 2025 17:36 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/332372/asrock-am5-motherboards-now-fully-support-amd-ryzen-9-9950x3d-9900x3d-processors#comments">Discuss (2 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">ASRock, a global leader in motherboards, graphics cards, gaming monitors, small form factor PCs, and power supply units, proudly announces that its entire lineup of AM5 motherboards fully supports the AMD Ryzen 9 9950X3D and 9900X3D processors. With this seamless compatibility, gamers can harness the full potential of these flagship processors for an unparalleled gaming experience.<br /> <br /> The AMD Ryzen 9 9950X3D and 9900X3D processors are the flagship models of the Ryzen 9000X3D series, designed for hardcore gaming enthusiasts who demand the ultimate in gaming performance. ASRock AM5 motherboards offer seamless compatibility with the Ryzen 9000X3D series, making them the ideal choice for gamers worldwide to experience the power of the AMD Ryzen 9 9950X3D and 9900X3D processors firsthand.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="600" data-fancybox="g332372"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="260" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="332051"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="G.SKILL" /> <h1><a href="/332051/g-skill-announces-ddr5-6800-cl32-2x48gb-ddr5-6400-cl28-2x16gb-memory-kit-specifications" class="newslink">G.Skill Announces DDR5-6800 CL32 2x48GB &amp; DDR5-6400 CL28 2x16GB Memory Kit Specifications</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="">btarunr</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-04T10:23:34+00:00"> Feb 4th, 2025 18:23 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/332051/g-skill-announces-ddr5-6800-cl32-2x48gb-ddr5-6400-cl28-2x16gb-memory-kit-specifications#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">G.Skill International Enterprise Co., Ltd., the world's leading brand of performance overclock memory and PC components, is announcing the release of high-speed, low-latency DDR5-6800 CL32 memory specification with large kit capacity of up to 96 GB (2x 48 GB), as well as DDR5-6400 CL28 32 GB (2x 16 GB) high-performance memory specification. These new memory specifications will be available under the G.SKILL Trident Z5 Royal, Trident Z5 RGB, and Ripjaws M5 RGB series, with Intel XMP 3.0 memory overclock profile support.<br /> <br /> As G.SKILL continues to push memory performance to higher limits, an ideal memory solution for overclocking enthusiasts who are looking for both large capacity and high performance is born at DDR5-6800 CL32-42-42 at up to 96 GB (2x 48 GB). This new specification has been validated on both Intel Z790 and Z890 platforms. Please refer to the screenshots below for Memtest validation on the ASUS ROG Maximus Z890 Hero motherboard with the Intel Core Ultra 7 265K desktop processor, and the ASUS ROG Maximus Z790 Dark Hero motherboard with the Intel Core i9-14900K desktop processor.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1920" data-height="1080" data-fancybox="g332051"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1920" data-height="1080" data-fancybox="g332051"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1920" data-height="1080" data-fancybox="g332051"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1920" data-height="1152" data-fancybox="g332051"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="217" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="331839"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="MSI - Micro-Star International" /> <h1><a href="/331839/msi-b860-motherboards-updated-with-support-for-chinese-made-cxmt-ddr5-memory" class="newslink">MSI B860 Motherboards Updated with Support for Chinese-made CXMT DDR5 Memory</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-01-30T17:45:46+00:00"> Jan 31st, 2025 01:45 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/331839/msi-b860-motherboards-updated-with-support-for-chinese-made-cxmt-ddr5-memory#comments">Discuss (2 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">ChangXin Memory Technology (CXMT) is playing catch up with competitors based in neighboring nations—as <a href="" target="_blank">reported</a> earlier today, this Chinese memory module manufacturer is making advancements in the field of commercial DDR5 products. Reports from the region suggest that a well-known motherboard manufacturer has embraced some of ChangXin new portfolio. According to a recent ITHome article, MSI has implemented a multitude of optimizations for new-ish Intel &quot;<a href="" target="_blank">Arrow Lake</a>&quot; Core Ultra Series 2 CPU-oriented motherboards—notably the MAG B860 TOMAHAWK WIFI, MAG B860M MORTAR WIFI, and PRO B860M-A WIFI models. <br /> <br /> The publication provided evidence of MSI enabling transfer rates of 6800 MT/s across four engaged modules—a welcome step up from the usual twin-stick setup. ITHome also points out that the motherboard specialist has prepared a new BIOS version for B860 chipset mainboards: &quot;specially optimized for the recently popular DDR5 domestic memory particles of ChangXin Storage, which undoubtedly gives the gaming community (in China) more choices.&quot; MSI appears to be the first major international vendor to enable support for CXMT's DDR5 modules—thus, representing a significant achievement for the Chinese memory industry.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="687" data-height="571" data-fancybox="g331839"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="156" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1024" data-height="819" data-fancybox="g331839"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="163" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="679" data-height="834" data-fancybox="g331839"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="106" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="748" data-height="515" data-fancybox="g331839"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="189" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="331735"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="ASRock" /> <h1><a href="/331735/asrock-cpu-support-list-updated-with-amd-ryzen-9-9950x3d-9900x3d" class="newslink">ASRock CPU Support List Updated with AMD Ryzen 9 9950X3D &amp; 9900X3D</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-01-28T19:05:52+00:00"> Jan 29th, 2025 03:05 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/331735/asrock-cpu-support-list-updated-with-amd-ryzen-9-9950x3d-9900x3d#comments">Discuss (3 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">ASRock has quietly updated its CPU Support List with entries for the upcoming AMD Ryzen 9 <a rel="nofollow" href=";u=782" target="_blank">9950X3D</a> and <a rel="nofollow" href=";u=783" target="_blank">9900X3D</a> desktop processors—starting off with motherboard BIOS versions 3.15 and 3.16. The Taiwanese manufacturer seems to be the very first company to add these &quot;Zen 5&quot; models to public-facing motherboard compatibility databases—according to yesterday evening's <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">VideoCardz report</a>, the likes of MSI, GIGABYTE, and ASUS have not yet followed suit (at the time of writing). The appearance of Team Red's &quot;Granite Ridge&quot; <a href="" target="_blank">16-core</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">12-core</a> 3D V-Cache-equipped processors on ASRock's website has set off chatter across PC hardware discussion communities.<br /> <br /> AMD has not officially revealed a specific launch date (or pricing details) for its Ryzen 9 9950X3D and 9900X3D CPUs—instead, a loose March window has been marked down on this year's calendar. Industry watchdogs believe that ASRock's freshly updated database is proof of an imminent launch—a couple of insiders predicted a January rollout, but this seems unlikely to occur by the end of this working week. Given the reported scarcity of Team Red's already released and highly-praised <a href="" target="_blank">Ryzen 7 9800X3D</a> gaming processor, many folks will welcome the addition of two alternative options. Team Red has already set expectations for the (presumably) more expensive models—recently, a product manager disclosed that their &quot;new chips will provide similar overall gaming performance&quot; to the <a href="" target="_blank">current champion</a>.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g331735"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1949" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g331735"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="264" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1845" data-height="659" data-fancybox="g331735"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="364" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g331735"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="331171"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="G.SKILL" /> <h1><a href="/331171/g-skill-announces-ddr5-6400-cl30-96gb-2x-48gb-low-latency-memory-kits" class="newslink">G.Skill Announces DDR5-6400 CL30 96GB (2x 48GB) Low-Latency Memory Kits</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="">btarunr</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-01-16T07:50:43+00:00"> Jan 16th, 2025 15:50 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/331171/g-skill-announces-ddr5-6400-cl30-96gb-2x-48gb-low-latency-memory-kits#comments">Discuss (6 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">G.SKILL International Enterprise Co., Ltd., the world's leading brand of performance overclock memory and PC components, is announcing the release of low latency DDR5-6400 CL30-39-39-102 memory specification in high-capacity kit configurations, up to 96 GB (2x 48 GB) kit capacity. This high performance memory kit specification will be available under the Trident Z5 RGB and Trident Z5 Royal series, with Intel XMP 3.0 memory overclock profile support.<br /> <br /> The G.SKILL DDR5-6400 CL30 memory kit at 96 GB (2x 48 GB) combines high-capacity and low-latency to enable higher performance for memory intensive platforms and uses. The screenshot below shows this 96 GB (2x 48 GB) memory kit operating at DDR5-6400 CL30-39-39-102 with the ASUS ROG Maximus Z890 Hero motherboard and Intel Core Ultra 7 265K desktop processor.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1920" data-height="1117" data-fancybox="g331171"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="223" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1920" data-height="1080" data-fancybox="g331171"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1920" data-height="1080" data-fancybox="g331171"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1185" data-height="730" data-fancybox="g331171"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="211" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="330801"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Gigabyte" /> <h1><a href="/330801/gigabyte-redefines-intel-and-amd-b800-series-motherboards-performance-with-ai-technology-at-ces-2025" class="newslink">Gigabyte Redefines Intel and AMD B800 Series Motherboards Performance with AI Technology at CES 2025</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag ces">CES</span> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/3382/">TheLostSwede</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-01-08T18:05:32+00:00"> Jan 9th, 2025 02:05 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/330801/gigabyte-redefines-intel-and-amd-b800-series-motherboards-performance-with-ai-technology-at-ces-2025#comments">Discuss (3 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">GIGABYTE, the world's leading computer brand, unveils the new generation of Intel B860 and AMD B850 series motherboards at CES 2025. These new series are designed to unleash the performance of the latest Intel Core Ultra and AMD Ryzen processors by leveraging AI-enhanced technology and user-friendly design for a seamless gaming and PC-building experience. Equipped with all digital power and enhanced thermal design, GIGABYTE B800 series motherboards are the gateway to mainstream PC gamers. <br /> <br /> GIGABYTE achieved the remarkable milestone of claiming the highest market share on X870 series motherboards due to fully supporting AMD Ryzen 5 7000 and 9000 series X3D processors. The new B800 series motherboards are also adopted with ultra-durable and high-end components and the revolutionary AI suite, D5 Bionics Corsa, integrates software, hardware, and firmware to boost DD5 memory performance up to 8600 MT/s on AMD B850 models and 9466 MT/s on Intel B860 motherboards. The AI SNATCH is an exclusive AI-based software for enhancing DDR5 performance with just a few clicks. Meanwhile, the AI-Driven PCB Design ensures low signal reflection for peak performance across multiple layers through AI simulation. Plus, HyperTune BIOS integrates AI-driven optimizations to fine-tune the Memory Reference Code on Intel B860 series motherboards for high-demand gaming and multitasking. Specially built for AMD Ryzen 9000 series X3D processors, GIGABYTE applies X3D Turbo mode on AMD B850 series motherboards by adjusting core count to boost gaming performance.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="630" data-fancybox="g330801"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="248" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="330624"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Gigabyte" /> <h1><a href="/330624/gigabyte-shows-off-custom-radeon-rx-9070-and-9070-xt-gpus-at-ces-2025" class="newslink">GIGABYTE Shows Off Custom Radeon RX 9070 and 9070 XT GPUs at CES 2025</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag ces">CES</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/187454/">AleksandarK</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-01-07T08:05:54+00:00"> Jan 7th, 2025 16:05 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/330624/gigabyte-shows-off-custom-radeon-rx-9070-and-9070-xt-gpus-at-ces-2025#comments">Discuss (18 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">At CES 2025, GIGABYTE unveiled their latest Radeon RX 9070 series GPUs, showcasing the AORUS Radeon RX 9070 XT ELITE and the Radeon RX 9070 GAMING OC models. Powered by AMD's new RDNA 4 architecture, GIGABYTE has prepared a massive triple-fan cooling setup for both cards. The AORUS RX 9070 XT ELITE stands out with its WINDFORCE cooling system, featuring a newly designed Hawk fan and a vapor chamber with composite copper heat pipes for enhanced thermal management. The card also glows with an RGB Halo lighting system, a reinforced structure with an RGB-illuminated metal backplate, and dual BIOS modes for performance and silent operation. Meanwhile, the RX 9070 GAMING OC offers similar cutting-edge features in a sleek package, tailored for gamers who demand a balance of performance and style.<br /> <br /> These new GIGABYTE models, with features such as dual BIOS for overclocking, help AMD's RX 9070 series deliver performance comparable to the RX 7900 XT or even higher in rasterization while introducing innovations like 2nd gen AI accelerators, 3rd gen ray tracing accelerators, and the FidelityFX Super Resolution 4 (FSR 4) with frame generation and anti-lag technology. With these GPUs set to launch in Q1 2025, we will learn more about the pricing structure in the coming days.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="901" data-fancybox="g330624"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="173" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="901" data-fancybox="g330624"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="173" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="901" data-fancybox="g330624"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="173" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="901" data-fancybox="g330624"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="173" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="330577"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Intel" /> <h1><a href="/330577/intel-showcases-core-ultra-65w-desktop-processors-b860-and-h810-chipsets" class="newslink">Intel Showcases Core Ultra 65W Desktop Processors, B860 and H810 Chipsets</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag ces">CES</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="">btarunr</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-01-06T18:03:37+00:00"> Jan 7th, 2025 02:03 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/330577/intel-showcases-core-ultra-65w-desktop-processors-b860-and-h810-chipsets#comments">Discuss (3 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Intel today launched &quot;locked&quot; 65 W variants of its Core Ultra &quot;Arrow Lake-S&quot; desktop processors in the Socket LGA1851 package. The company also announced more affordable motherboard chipset models, namely the Intel B860 mid-range chipset, and the Intel H810 value-ended chipset. The processor lineup is led by the Intel Core Ultra 9 285 (8P+16E, up to 5.60 GHz P-core boost), followed by the Core Ultra 7 265 (8P+12E, up to 5.30 GHz P-core boost); and the Core Ultra 5 245 (6P+8E, up to 5.10 GHz P-core boost). All three come with suitable boxed cooling solutions in the retail channel.<br /> <br /> The Intel B860 chipset comes with a 4-lane DMI 4.0 chipset bus (half the bandwidth of the 8-lane chipset bus of the Intel Z890). The PCH puts out 14 PCI-Express 4.0 general purpose lanes, exactly half the number put out by the Z890. Storage connectivity, besides the configurability of the PCIe GPP lanes, include four SATA 6 Gbps ports. Networking includes a 1 GbE MAC, and Wi-Fi 6E integrated MAC, with Bluetooth 5.3. You can have up to 16 USB 3.2 lanes (each worth 5 Gbps), which can be configured as 5 Gbps, 10 Gbps, or 20 Gbps ports. The B860 lacks CPU overclocking support, but retains memory overclocking, including the ability to apply XMP 3.0 profiles.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="900" data-fancybox="g330577"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="173" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="900" data-fancybox="g330577"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="173" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="900" data-fancybox="g330577"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="173" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="900" data-fancybox="g330577"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="173" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="329999"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="MSI - Micro-Star International" /> <h1><a href="/329999/msi-releases-memory-latency-killer-for-amd-ryzen-9000-series-cpus-up-to-12-ns-lower-memory-latency" class="newslink">MSI Releases Memory &quot;Latency Killer&quot; for AMD Ryzen 9000 Series CPUs, up to 12 ns Lower Memory Latency</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/187454/">AleksandarK</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2024-12-18T15:18:02+00:00"> Dec 18th, 2024 23:18 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/329999/msi-releases-memory-latency-killer-for-amd-ryzen-9000-series-cpus-up-to-12-ns-lower-memory-latency#comments">Discuss (12 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">MSI has unveiled a new performance-enhancing feature for its AM5 socket motherboards to improve DDR5 memory latency. Some latency issues that emerged following AMD's AGESA microcode update, which added support for AMD's Ryzen 9000X3D processors, are now fixed. MSI has baked in its BIOS tuning to develop a new &quot;Latency Killer&quot; feature, which can be found in the advanced menu section, specifically within the overclocking submenu in BIOS of MSI X870E/X870 gaming motherboards like MEG X870E GODLIKE and MPG X870E CARBON WIFI. Users have three options to choose from: Auto, Enabled, and Disabled. While the default behavior of the Auto setting remains unclear, it is believed to be initially disabled to ensure system stability.<br /> <br /> Recent benchmark testing of <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Uniko's Hardware</a> using AIDA64 has demonstrated promising results, showing an eight nanosecond improvement in memory latency when the new feature is activated. The test was conducted using a Ryzen 7 9800X3D processor paired with an MPG X870E Carbon WiFi motherboard and DDR5-8000 CL38 memory, running in High-Efficiency mode at its maximum preset. Some <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Reddit users</a> with AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D on MSI Tomahawk X870 reported seeing 10-12 ns improvement from enabling the &quot;Latency Killer.&quot; MSI motherboards complement its Latency Killer feature with additional memory optimization tools in the BIOS, including EXPO / A-XMP profiles, Memory Try It presets, High-Efficiency Mode, and comprehensive manual overclocking options for enthusiasts seeking maximum performance.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g329999"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="540" data-fancybox="g329999"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="540" data-fancybox="g329999"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="540" data-fancybox="g329999"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="329386"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="AMD" /> <h1><a href="/329386/amd-quietly-disables-zen-4s-loop-buffer-feature-without-performance-penalty" class="newslink">AMD Quietly Disables Zen 4&#039;s Loop Buffer Feature Without Performance Penalty</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/187454/">AleksandarK</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2024-12-02T07:42:53+00:00"> Dec 2nd, 2024 15:42 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/329386/amd-quietly-disables-zen-4s-loop-buffer-feature-without-performance-penalty#comments">Discuss (3 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">AMD has silently disabled the loop buffer feature in its Zen 4 processor architecture through an AGESA microcode update. This development, first reported by the website Chips and Cheese, affects the entire Ryzen 7000 series processors and related EPYC models. The loop buffer, a power-optimization feature capable of storing 144 entries (72 per thread with SMT enabled), was implemented for the first time in AMD's Zen 4 architecture but has been notably absent from the newer Zen 5 design. The feature's primary function was to allow the processor's front end to power down while maintaining operational efficiency. The change was discovered when testing an ASRock B650 PG Lightning motherboard paired with a Ryzen 9 7950X3D processor. Hardware performance monitoring showed the loop buffer was active in BIOS version 1.21 (AGESA but ceased to function after updating to BIOS 3.10 with AGESA <br /> <br /> In a performance test conducted by Chips and Cheese, we learned that there is no significant impact from the feature's deactivation, suggesting the existing op cache provides sufficient bandwidth for optimal processor operation. AMD's architectural design has historically relied on its op cache for similar functionality. The feature appeared experimental, given the lack of documentation and the absence of programming guides for loop buffer optimization. Unlike competitors Intel and Arm, who have extensively documented their loop buffer implementations, AMD's approach appeared less developed. While the exact reasoning behind the deactivation remains unclear, disabling undocumented features is a step in the right direction, mainly as future Zen architecture iteration doesn't rely on a loop buffer, as seen with Zen 5.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g329386"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="329047"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Lenovo" /> <h1><a href="/329047/lenovo-launches-thinkshield-firmware-assurance-for-deep-protection-above-and-below-the-operating-system" class="newslink">Lenovo launches ThinkShield Firmware Assurance for Deep Protection Above and Below the Operating System</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/3382/">TheLostSwede</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2024-11-20T14:37:43+00:00"> Nov 20th, 2024 22:37 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/329047/lenovo-launches-thinkshield-firmware-assurance-for-deep-protection-above-and-below-the-operating-system#comments">Discuss (2 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Today, Lenovo announced the introduction of ThinkShield Firmware Assurance as part of its portfolio of enterprise-grade cybersecurity solutions. ThinkShield Firmware Assurance is one of the only computer OEM solutions to enable deep visibility and protection below the operating system (OS) by embracing Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) component-level visibility to generate more accurate and actionable risk management insights.<br /> <br /> As a security paradigm, ZTA explicitly identifies users and devices to grant appropriate levels of access so a business can operate with less risk and minimal friction. ZTA is a critical framework to reduce risk as organizations endeavor to complete Zero-Trust implementations.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="971" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g329047"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="131" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="328845"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Intel" /> <h1><a href="/328845/intel-removes-dlvr-bypass-for-arrow-lake-in-latest-0x112-microcode-update" class="newslink">Intel Removes DLVR Bypass for &quot;Arrow Lake&quot; in Latest 0x112 Microcode Update</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/187454/">AleksandarK</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2024-11-15T11:36:48+00:00"> Nov 15th, 2024 19:36 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/328845/intel-removes-dlvr-bypass-for-arrow-lake-in-latest-0x112-microcode-update#comments">Discuss (10 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Intel has significantly changed its latest 0x112 microcode update, removing users' ability to bypass the Digital Linear Voltage Regulator (DLVR) through standard BIOS settings on &quot;Arrow Lake&quot; processors. DLVR, a technology designed to provide precise voltage control for individual performance cores and efficiency core clusters, offers great benefits during gaming sessions and light workloads. According to overclocker <a rel="nofollow" href=";t=503s" target="_blank">der8auer's analysis</a>, DLVR can effectively manage power consumption during gaming, with power losses of around 20 W at typical gaming loads. However, these losses can shoot up to approximately 88 W under full CPU utilization. Previously, users could disable DLVR through a BIOS setting called &quot;Power Gate&quot; mode, which is particularly useful for intensive workloads where power losses might impact performance. With the new microcode update, this option has been removed from standard BIOS settings. It is also worth pointing out that DLVR is in its second iteration inside Arrow Lake CPUs, after the initial debut in &quot;Raptor Lake,&quot; which had DLVR fused off.<br /> <br /> Intel explained to Hardwareluxx that this change was implemented to &quot;prevent accidental misuse of DLVR bypass,&quot; restricting its use to extreme overclocking scenarios involving sub-ambient cooling methods like liquid nitrogen. The update has already been rolled out through BIOS updates on some Z890 chipset motherboards, with ASRock and MSI being among the first manufacturers to implement the new microcode. While DLVR bypass may still be accessible through specialized LN2 profiles on high-end motherboards, the average enthusiast user loses direct control over this feature. This development mainly affects early Arrow Lake adopters, as not all motherboards include extreme overclocking profiles. While Intel's move appears to prevent potential issues, we must remember that power settings are something that users should only change with plenty of consideration. Removing this power gate mod is Intel prevention for Raptor Lake-like situations where these chips had <a href="" target="_blank">an issue with Vmin shift</a>.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1160" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g328845"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="157" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="328636"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Intel" /> <h1><a href="/328636/intel-working-on-fixing-arrow-lake-gaming-performance-with-upcoming-patches" class="newslink">Intel Working on Fixing &quot;Arrow Lake&quot; Gaming Performance with Upcoming Patches</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/187454/">AleksandarK</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2024-11-09T19:26:41+00:00"> Nov 10th, 2024 03:26 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink hotnews" href="/328636/intel-working-on-fixing-arrow-lake-gaming-performance-with-upcoming-patches#comments">Discuss (91 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">In an exclusive interview with Hot Hardware, Intel acknowledged that its recently launched Core Ultra 200 desktop processors, codenamed &quot;Arrow Lake,&quot; have significant performance issues. However, Intel announced that a set of fixes are being developed. As <a href="" target="_blank">our review confirmed</a>, the launch of these new processors fell short of both consumer expectations and Intel's own projections, particularly in gaming performance, despite showing promise in productivity, content creation, and some AI workloads. In a discussion during a recent livestream, Intel's Robert Hallock, VP and general manager of client AI and technical marketing, addressed these concerns head-on, describing the Arrow Lake launch as &quot;disastrous&quot; and attributing the underwhelming performance to inadequately optimized systems.<blockquote><small> Robert Hallock</small>I can't go into all the details yet, but we identified a series of multifactor issues at the OS level, at the BIOS level, and I will say that the performance we saw in reviews is not what we expected and not what we intended. The launch just didn't go as planned. That has been a humbling lesson for all of us, inspiring a fairly large response internally to get to the bottom of what happened and to fix it.</blockquote><div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1160" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g328636"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="157" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="916" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g328636"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="124" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="328307"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="ASRock" /> <h1><a href="/328307/asrock-am5-motherboards-fully-compatible-with-amd-ryzen-7-9800x3d-processor" class="newslink">ASRock AM5 Motherboards Fully Compatible with AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D Processor</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228790/">GFreeman</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2024-10-31T08:15:58+00:00"> Oct 31st, 2024 16:15 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/328307/asrock-am5-motherboards-fully-compatible-with-amd-ryzen-7-9800x3d-processor#comments">Discuss (5 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">ASRock, the global leading manufacturer of motherboards, graphics cards, mini PCs, and gaming monitors, announced today that its AM5 series motherboards are fully compatible with the AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D processor, maximizing its impressive gaming performance. This allows PC enthusiasts worldwide to be among the first to experience the exceptional capabilities brought by the AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D processor. The AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D is the first model released in the 9000X3D processor series. ASRock AM5 motherboards will continue to receive updates to ensure seamless compatibility with upcoming Ryzen 9000 Series X3D processors, delivering outstanding performance for gaming enthusiasts.<br /> <br /> Users can download and install the latest AGESA BIOS from the ASRock website or use the BIOS Flashback and Instant Flash features for an easy upgrade. ASRock recommends updating to the latest BIOS version promptly to ensure optimal system compatibility and performance.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="600" data-fancybox="g328307"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="260" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="328087"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Gigabyte" /> <h1><a href="/328087/gigabyte-announces-aorus-z890-motherboards-now-available-unlocking-ai-enhanced-performance-with-d5-bionic-corsa" class="newslink">Gigabyte Announces AORUS Z890 Motherboards Now Available, Unlocking AI-Enhanced Performance With D5 Bionic Corsa</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/3382/">TheLostSwede</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2024-10-24T16:26:44+00:00"> Oct 25th, 2024 00:26 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/328087/gigabyte-announces-aorus-z890-motherboards-now-available-unlocking-ai-enhanced-performance-with-d5-bionic-corsa#comments">Discuss (5 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Gigabyte, the world's leading computer brand, proudly announces that the AORUS Z890 series motherboards are now officially available for purchase. Designed to maximize the performance of the latest Intel Core Ultra processors, the groundbreaking D5 Bionic Corsa technology was introduced along with advanced thermal management and optimized power design on these boards. GIGABYTE's continuous partnership with HWiNFO further enhances the boards with real-time monitoring of CPU vCore power phase outputs and efficiency. With these powerful boards now on sale, users can enjoy unmatched performance and seamless customization, making them the ideal platform for enthusiasts and professionals.<br /> <br /> D5 Bionic Corsa is the core technology for AORUS Z890 series motherboards, which leverages AI-enhanced innovations across software, hardware, and firmware to boost DDR5 memory speeds to an unprecedented 9500+ MT/s. The AI SNATCH Engine, powered by advanced AI overclocking models, optimizes configurations for DDR5 XMP memory and CPUs, enabling up to 20% faster speeds. With XMP AI BOOST and CPU AI BOOST, users can achieve world-class overclocking performance with just one click. The AI-driven PCB Design enhances signal integrity by reducing reflection by 28.2%, while HyperTune BIOS fine-tunes the Memory Reference Code (MRC) for peak performance. The VRM Thermal Balance mechanism ensures heat dissipation across the VRM with a heatpipe design, while optimized PWM firmware balances current output for superior stability.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1280" data-height="720" data-fancybox="g328087"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="327853"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Gigabyte" /> <h1><a href="/327853/gigabytes-x3d-turbo-mode-is-here-to-revolutionize-your-gaming-performance" class="newslink">Gigabyte&#039;s X3D Turbo Mode is Here to Revolutionize Your Gaming Performance</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/3382/">TheLostSwede</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2024-10-18T14:07:22+00:00"> Oct 18th, 2024 22:07 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink hotnews" href="/327853/gigabytes-x3d-turbo-mode-is-here-to-revolutionize-your-gaming-performance#comments">Discuss (24 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY Co. Ltd, a leading manufacturer of motherboards, graphics cards, and hardware solutions, is proud to announce the launch of X3D Turbo Mode, a revolutionary BIOS feature designed to maximize gaming performance on X870E, X870, and 600 series motherboards with AMD Ryzen 7000 X3D and Ryzen 9000 series processors.⁠<br /> <br /> GIGABYTE X3D Turbo Mode is a cutting-edge BIOS feature that pushes the boundaries of gaming performance. Empirical testing demonstrates that this innovative BIOS feature delivers tangible benefits to gamers, with performance increases of up to 35% for incoming Ryzen 9000 X3D processors and an astounding 20% for Ryzen 9000 non-X3D processors. Moreover, X3D Turbo Mode's unique optimization parameters allow even Ryzen 9000 non-X3D processors to achieve similar gaming performance levels as their Ryzen X3D counterparts. Experience smoother gameplay, higher frame rates, and reduced latency by GIGABYTE's BIOS wizardry-X3D Turbo Mode.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1728" data-height="1080" data-fancybox="g327853"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="208" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="327660"> <h1><a href="/327660/maxsun-launches-twelve-new-z890-series-motherboards" class="newslink">MAXSUN Launches Twelve New Z890 Series Motherboards</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228790/">GFreeman</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2024-10-14T11:08:57+00:00"> Oct 14th, 2024 19:08 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/327660/maxsun-launches-twelve-new-z890-series-motherboards#comments">Discuss (3 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">MAXSUN has officially launched 12 new Z890 series motherboards, designed to support Intel's next-generation Core processors. These motherboards, crafted with cutting-edge technology, deliver exceptional performance for gaming, content creation, and high-end computing tasks. As a key Intel partner, MAXSUN has developed this line with the Z890 chipset, covering four main series: iCraft, Terminator, eSport, and Challenger, providing users with a diverse selection tailored to their needs.<br /> <br /> The Z890 series offers a variety of form factors to accommodate different user preferences. Whether you're a hardcore gamer seeking top performance, a fan of clean white builds, or someone looking to build a compact mini PC, MAXSUN's Z890 motherboards deliver powerful solutions with both aesthetic appeal and technical prowess to meet various demands.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1778" data-height="1000" data-fancybox="g327660"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1778" data-height="1000" data-fancybox="g327660"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1778" data-height="1000" data-fancybox="g327660"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1778" data-height="1000" data-fancybox="g327660"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="327541"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="MSI - Micro-Star International" /> <h1><a href="/327541/msi-unveils-z890-motherboard-lineup-with-meg-mpg-mag-and-pro-series" class="newslink">MSI Unveils Z890 Motherboard Lineup With MEG, MPG, MAG, and PRO Series</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228790/">GFreeman</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2024-10-10T16:02:47+00:00"> Oct 11th, 2024 00:02 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/327541/msi-unveils-z890-motherboard-lineup-with-meg-mpg-mag-and-pro-series#comments">Discuss (4 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">MSI proudly introduces the next generation of motherboards, designed to pair seamlessly with Intel brand-new Core Ultra Processors. The Z890 MEG Series, MPG Series, MAG Series, and PRO Series motherboards are designed to harness the power of Intel's latest technology, delivering enhanced AI computing efficiency compared to previous generations. These boards provide exceptional performance with advanced features, MSI innovations, premium components, and improved connectivity. But what truly sets them apart is their user-friendly DIY solutions, empowering you to take control of your computing experience. Built with gamers, creators, and all users in mind, MSI's Z890 motherboards offer the very best in computing power. On launch, there will be 5 models available, which are the Intel Core Ultra 9 285K, Intel Core Ultra 7 265K / 265KF, and Intel Core Ultra 5 245K / 245KF processors.<br /> <br /> With the introduction of MSI's Z890 motherboards, designed to push performance boundaries and with a completely redesigned, more intuitive BIOS, users can now maximize motherboard performance with ease. Powered by MSI's Ultra Engine, memory design optimization enables overclocking up to 9200+ MT/s across the entire Z890 motherboard lineup. And with the returning of the MEG Z890 UNIFY-X, built with overclocking in mind, takes memory frequencies even higher, reaching up to 9600 MT/s. The Z890 motherboards incorporate a number of powerful features like AI Boost with the ability to overclock the NPU further for AI enhancement capabilities, Game Boost, Performance Preset, enhanced XMP Memory Profiles, and Memory Try It!, allowing users to elevate their system's performance to new heights.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="516" data-fancybox="g327541"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="302" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="503" data-fancybox="g327541"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="310" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <nav class="pager size-l"><span class="counts"><b>1</b> to <b>25</b> of <b>250</b></span><span class="description">Go to Page</span><span class="buttons"><a class="current">1</a><a href="/news-tags/BIOS?page=2">2</a><a href="/news-tags/BIOS?page=3">3</a><a href="/news-tags/BIOS?page=4">4</a><a href="/news-tags/BIOS?page=5">5</a><a href="/news-tags/BIOS?page=6">6</a><a href="/news-tags/BIOS?page=7">7</a><a href="/news-tags/BIOS?page=8">8</a><a href="/news-tags/BIOS?page=9">9</a><a href="/news-tags/BIOS?page=10">10</a></span><span class="prevnext"><a class="previous disabled">Previous</a><a class="next" href="/news-tags/BIOS?page=2">Next</a></span></nav> <a class="button big" href="/news_tags.php">Return to Keyword Browsing</a> </div> <div class="s-"> <label for="s--check" class="s--toggle-button" title="Close" onclick=""></label> <div class="s--item s--time"> <span class="s--time__cur">Mar 2nd, 2025 18:31 +08</span> <a class="s--time__link" href="#">change timezone</a> </div> <script> loadjs.ready(['jquery', 'popup'], function() { $('.s--time__cur, .s--time__link').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); 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