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class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/eca4835c72de211e44b42d5160b344e7300b4f64" class="default-link muted">OpenPGP improvements for people (</a><a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/issues/50" class="ref-issue">#50</a><a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/eca4835c72de211e44b42d5160b344e7300b4f64" class="default-link muted">)</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-10-01T00:48:46Z" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-10-01 00:48:46 +00:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="cgi-bin" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file-directory-fill" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M1.75 1A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 0 2.75v10.5C0 14.216.784 15 1.75 15h12.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 16 13.25v-8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 14.25 3H7.5a.25.25 0 0 1-.2-.1l-.9-1.2C6.07 1.26 5.55 1 5 1z"/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/cgi-bin" title="cgi-bin"> cgi-bin </a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/ccccdf6f36fca92723e1e3ac6d303511a045067e" class="default-link muted">use YYYY-MM-DD</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-09-29T11:40:10+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-09-29 11:40:10 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="community" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file-directory-fill" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M1.75 1A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 0 2.75v10.5C0 14.216.784 15 1.75 15h12.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 16 13.25v-8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 14.25 3H7.5a.25.25 0 0 1-.2-.1l-.9-1.2C6.07 1.26 5.55 1 5 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2.75v10.5C0 14.216.784 15 1.75 15h12.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 16 13.25v-8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 14.25 3H7.5a.25.25 0 0 1-.2-.1l-.9-1.2C6.07 1.26 5.55 1 5 1z"/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/" title=""> </a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/a31f7180946f9cfb7b6c34497ad690d4543e0e74" class="default-link muted">broken link fixing & https fix (</a><a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/issues/1624" class="ref-issue">#1624</a><a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/a31f7180946f9cfb7b6c34497ad690d4543e0e74" class="default-link muted">)</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-09-29T12:46:19+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-09-29 12:46:19 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="error" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file-directory-fill" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M1.75 1A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 0 2.75v10.5C0 14.216.784 15 1.75 15h12.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 16 13.25v-8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 14.25 3H7.5a.25.25 0 0 1-.2-.1l-.9-1.2C6.07 1.26 5.55 1 5 1z"/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/error" title="error"> error </a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/3edd78501ed185ef92ee902c8fa5b6407a6af515" class="default-link muted">Remove "FSFE" when used as prefix or suffix</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-07-30T14:32:47+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-07-30 14:32:47 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="events" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" 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class="svg octicon-file-directory-fill" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M1.75 1A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 0 2.75v10.5C0 14.216.784 15 1.75 15h12.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 16 13.25v-8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 14.25 3H7.5a.25.25 0 0 1-.2-.1l-.9-1.2C6.07 1.26 5.55 1 5 1z"/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/freesoftware" title="freesoftware"> freesoftware </a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/a9b6a3305069720de9ee0e8d49eddf71db71ad03" class="default-link muted">Fixed typos in English Free Software text</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-10-12T12:48:25+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-10-12 12:48:25 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="global" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file-directory-fill" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M1.75 1A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 0 2.75v10.5C0 14.216.784 15 1.75 15h12.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 16 13.25v-8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 14.25 3H7.5a.25.25 0 0 1-.2-.1l-.9-1.2C6.07 1.26 5.55 1 5 1z"/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/global" title="global"> global </a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/2cbbe7d28e8a8073fcc208b67a1baf8479800090" class="default-link muted">remove fixed language from links</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-09-28T17:11:19+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-09-28 17:11:19 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="graphics" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file-directory-fill" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M1.75 1A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 0 2.75v10.5C0 14.216.784 15 1.75 15h12.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 16 13.25v-8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 14.25 3H7.5a.25.25 0 0 1-.2-.1l-.9-1.2C6.07 1.26 5.55 1 5 1z"/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/graphics" title="graphics"> graphics </a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/279873d60abbd1a9ba40995843579aeca5e1a252" class="default-link muted">adding updated FLA pages to website</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-08-10T12:02:29+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-08-10 12:02:29 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="internal" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file-directory-fill" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M1.75 1A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 0 2.75v10.5C0 14.216.784 15 1.75 15h12.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 16 13.25v-8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 14.25 3H7.5a.25.25 0 0 1-.2-.1l-.9-1.2C6.07 1.26 5.55 1 5 1z"/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/internal" title="internal"> internal </a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/c340d97e599539b7d880130971ccc61cf3fd27e2" class="default-link muted">always require valid ER number</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-10-12T12:02:46+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-10-12 12:02:46 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="look" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file-directory-fill" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M1.75 1A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 0 2.75v10.5C0 14.216.784 15 1.75 15h12.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 16 13.25v-8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 14.25 3H7.5a.25.25 0 0 1-.2-.1l-.9-1.2C6.07 1.26 5.55 1 5 1z"/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/look" title="look"> look </a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/eca4835c72de211e44b42d5160b344e7300b4f64" class="default-link muted">OpenPGP improvements for people (</a><a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/issues/50" class="ref-issue">#50</a><a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/eca4835c72de211e44b42d5160b344e7300b4f64" class="default-link muted">)</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-10-01T00:48:46Z" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-10-01 00:48:46 +00:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="news" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file-directory-fill" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M1.75 1A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 0 2.75v10.5C0 14.216.784 15 1.75 15h12.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 16 13.25v-8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 14.25 3H7.5a.25.25 0 0 1-.2-.1l-.9-1.2C6.07 1.26 5.55 1 5 1z"/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/news" title="news"> news </a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/1822bdb124b4ab2d3ffe81d4ce9685746198ada5" class="default-link muted">sync h1 with title</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-10-09T11:02:27+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-10-09 11:02:27 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="order" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file-directory-fill" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M1.75 1A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 0 2.75v10.5C0 14.216.784 15 1.75 15h12.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 16 13.25v-8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 14.25 3H7.5a.25.25 0 0 1-.2-.1l-.9-1.2C6.07 1.26 5.55 1 5 1z"/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/order" title="order"> order </a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/448897f0557863b9baa968834c68f0a39f4568de" class="default-link muted">Update available merchandise</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-10-12T10:23:56+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-10-12 10:23:56 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="pdfreaders" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file-directory-fill" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M1.75 1A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 0 2.75v10.5C0 14.216.784 15 1.75 15h12.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 16 13.25v-8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 14.25 3H7.5a.25.25 0 0 1-.2-.1l-.9-1.2C6.07 1.26 5.55 1 5 1z"/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/pdfreaders" title="pdfreaders"> pdfreaders </a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/2cbbe7d28e8a8073fcc208b67a1baf8479800090" class="default-link muted">remove fixed language from links</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-09-28T17:11:19+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-09-28 17:11:19 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="picturebase" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file-directory-fill" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M1.75 1A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 0 2.75v10.5C0 14.216.784 15 1.75 15h12.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 16 13.25v-8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 14.25 3H7.5a.25.25 0 0 1-.2-.1l-.9-1.2C6.07 1.26 5.55 1 5 1z"/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/picturebase" title="picturebase"> picturebase </a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/66cd2cdd115f740623c493e69fab103d4babcecf" class="default-link muted">Revert "NL translation of pdfreaders activity"</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-10-02T07:23:58+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-10-02 07:23:58 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="press" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file-directory-fill" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M1.75 1A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 0 2.75v10.5C0 14.216.784 15 1.75 15h12.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 16 13.25v-8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 14.25 3H7.5a.25.25 0 0 1-.2-.1l-.9-1.2C6.07 1.26 5.55 1 5 1z"/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/press" title="press"> press </a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/3edd78501ed185ef92ee902c8fa5b6407a6af515" class="default-link muted">Remove "FSFE" when used as prefix or suffix</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-07-30T14:32:47+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-07-30 14:32:47 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="scripts" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file-directory-fill" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M1.75 1A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 0 2.75v10.5C0 14.216.784 15 1.75 15h12.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 16 13.25v-8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 14.25 3H7.5a.25.25 0 0 1-.2-.1l-.9-1.2C6.07 1.26 5.55 1 5 1z"/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/scripts" title="scripts"> scripts </a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/ef2523bac936b4572a71de99742820799a23b06e" class="default-link muted">Switch mobile menu to a Javascript-less implementation</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-07-07T16:40:44+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-07-07 16:40:44 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="tags" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file-directory-fill" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M1.75 1A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 0 2.75v10.5C0 14.216.784 15 1.75 15h12.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 16 13.25v-8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 14.25 3H7.5a.25.25 0 0 1-.2-.1l-.9-1.2C6.07 1.26 5.55 1 5 1z"/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/tags" title="tags"> tags </a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/3edd78501ed185ef92ee902c8fa5b6407a6af515" class="default-link muted">Remove "FSFE" when used as prefix or suffix</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-07-30T14:32:47+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-07-30 14:32:47 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="templates" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file-directory-fill" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M1.75 1A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 0 2.75v10.5C0 14.216.784 15 1.75 15h12.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 16 13.25v-8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 14.25 3H7.5a.25.25 0 0 1-.2-.1l-.9-1.2C6.07 1.26 5.55 1 5 1z"/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/templates" title="templates"> templates </a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/727b580fe144c10ba0123e884b155216539d773a" class="default-link muted">Revert my false revert. Actually, all was fine</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-09-18T11:39:04+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-09-18 11:39:04 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="timeline" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file-directory-fill" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M1.75 1A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 0 2.75v10.5C0 14.216.784 15 1.75 15h12.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 16 13.25v-8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 14.25 3H7.5a.25.25 0 0 1-.2-.1l-.9-1.2C6.07 1.26 5.55 1 5 1z"/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/timeline" title="timeline"> timeline </a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/3edd78501ed185ef92ee902c8fa5b6407a6af515" class="default-link muted">Remove "FSFE" when used as prefix or suffix</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-07-30T14:32:47+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-07-30 14:32:47 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="tools" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file-directory-fill" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M1.75 1A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 0 2.75v10.5C0 14.216.784 15 1.75 15h12.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 16 13.25v-8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 14.25 3H7.5a.25.25 0 0 1-.2-.1l-.9-1.2C6.07 1.26 5.55 1 5 1z"/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/tools" title="tools"> tools </a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/924aeec6f927f61c06df4b23a65849fb9e7a8ed2" class="default-link muted">write to tmp file first, and follow some bash best practices</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-10-02T12:18:21+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-10-02 12:18:21 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname=".drone.yml" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/.drone.yml" title=".drone.yml">.drone.yml</a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/d2a01d860c78ec5963f684b2e53539d4ffc1cac0" class="default-link muted">do not build twice for pull requests</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-09-28T17:23:06+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-09-28 17:23:06 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname=".gitignore" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/.gitignore" title=".gitignore">.gitignore</a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/394f5113330609e78aea246db5428f572e4d4cd9" class="default-link muted">texts reorganisation in build and make scripts</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-07-30T14:17:59+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-07-30 14:17:59 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname=".htaccess" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/.htaccess" title=".htaccess">.htaccess</a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/e22b923e175b716985961838b2390cf64921b038" class="default-link muted">http -> https</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-09-25T18:10:00+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-09-25 18:10:00 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="boilerplate.en.xhtml" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/boilerplate.en.xhtml" title="boilerplate.en.xhtml">boilerplate.en.xhtml</a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/3edd78501ed185ef92ee902c8fa5b6407a6af515" class="default-link muted">Remove "FSFE" when used as prefix or suffix</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-07-30T14:32:47+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-07-30 14:32:47 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="default.xsl" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/default.xsl" title="default.xsl">default.xsl</a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/377fcde82eb677e21b75f3aa288c0c910267bc23" class="default-link muted">Clean up formatting of XSL files, no code change</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-04-27T21:53:42+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-04-27 21:53:42 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="fsfe.xsl" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/fsfe.xsl" title="fsfe.xsl">fsfe.xsl</a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/821ebf2a7231bc3b8e0510b02d7edeb07a715f9b" class="default-link muted">Turn subscribe and become-supporter banners into modules</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-05-25T22:23:20+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-05-25 22:23:20 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="fundraising.en.xml" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/fundraising.en.xml" title="fundraising.en.xml">fundraising.en.xml</a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/c4cb7aeef44ed9d2c955268b9b20946f024e09b4" class="default-link muted">Introduce content version in source files</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-04-15T14:07:46+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-04-15 14:07:46 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/" title=""></a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/c4cb7aeef44ed9d2c955268b9b20946f024e09b4" class="default-link muted">Introduce content version in source files</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-04-15T14:07:46+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-04-15 14:07:46 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/" title=""></a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/c4cb7aeef44ed9d2c955268b9b20946f024e09b4" class="default-link muted">Introduce content version in source files</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-04-15T14:07:46+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-04-15 14:07:46 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="fundraising.sq.xml" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/fundraising.sq.xml" title="fundraising.sq.xml">fundraising.sq.xml</a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/c4cb7aeef44ed9d2c955268b9b20946f024e09b4" class="default-link muted">Introduce content version in source files</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-04-15T14:07:46+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-04-15 14:07:46 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/" title=""></a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/821ebf2a7231bc3b8e0510b02d7edeb07a715f9b" class="default-link muted">Turn subscribe and become-supporter banners into modules</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-05-25T22:23:20+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-05-25 22:23:20 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="index.en.xhtml" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/index.en.xhtml" title="index.en.xhtml">index.en.xhtml</a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/821ebf2a7231bc3b8e0510b02d7edeb07a715f9b" class="default-link muted">Turn subscribe and become-supporter banners into modules</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-05-25T22:23:20+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-05-25 22:23:20 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/" title=""></a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/821ebf2a7231bc3b8e0510b02d7edeb07a715f9b" class="default-link muted">Turn subscribe and become-supporter banners into modules</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-05-25T22:23:20+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-05-25 22:23:20 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/" title=""></a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/821ebf2a7231bc3b8e0510b02d7edeb07a715f9b" class="default-link muted">Turn subscribe and become-supporter banners into modules</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-05-25T22:23:20+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-05-25 22:23:20 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="index.sources" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/index.sources" title="index.sources">index.sources</a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/9a7c6e75dfaa7811bac4d2ee47b3b6956121ffbd" class="default-link muted">Fix path</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-05-19T15:42:58+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-05-19 15:42:58 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="index.xsl" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/index.xsl" title="index.xsl">index.xsl</a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/95e69698c538940e99c5592bdc0fd88aa2ada670" class="default-link muted">Update news and event feeds</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-05-02T00:03:37+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-05-02 00:03:37 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="Makefile" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/Makefile" title="Makefile">Makefile</a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/394f5113330609e78aea246db5428f572e4d4cd9" class="default-link muted">texts reorganisation in build and make scripts</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-07-30T14:17:59+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-07-30 14:17:59 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/" title=""></a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/d1fdef8bd06ae953cebc823c39aed5da2c286cc9" class="default-link muted">reflect move of texts files</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-10-02T12:09:19+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-10-02 12:09:19 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="robots_test.txt" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/robots_test.txt" title="robots_test.txt">robots_test.txt</a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/79672321a0e2008339c4132bc71acb00d84a035e" class="default-link muted">add robots.txt files for and</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2018-12-10T14:25:20+01:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2018-12-10 14:25:20 +01:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="robots.txt" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/robots.txt" title="robots.txt">robots.txt</a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/dafb337ed122710ecbd9088e37858faa7885f024" class="default-link muted">block SemrushBot which is spamming our logs</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2019-03-06T13:46:52+01:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2019-03-06 13:46:52 +01:00</relative-time></td> </tr> <tr data-entryname="sitemap.txt" data-ready="true" class="ready entry"> <td class="name four wide"> <span class="truncate"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-file" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M2 1.75C2 .784 2.784 0 3.75 0h6.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v9.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16h-9.5A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 2 14.25Zm1.75-.25a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v12.5c0 . 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 9 4.25V1.5Zm6.75.062V4.25c0 ."/></svg> <a class="muted" href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/src/branch/master/sitemap.txt" title="sitemap.txt">sitemap.txt</a> </span> </td> <td class="message nine wide"> <span class="truncate"> <a href="/gabriel.ku/fsfe-website/commit/7f3bd4fd81d4be877eb16a6e559f28b1d4749fed" class="default-link muted">replace /work with /about/ourwork</a> </span> </td> <td class="text right age three wide"><relative-time prefix="" tense="past" datetime="2020-07-22T18:24:23+02:00" data-tooltip-content data-tooltip-interactive="true">2020-07-22 18:24:23 +02:00</relative-time></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div id="readme" class="tab-size-4 non-diff-file-content"> <h4 class="file-header ui top attached header tw-flex tw-items-center tw-justify-between tw-flex-wrap"> <div class="file-header-left tw-flex tw-items-center tw-py-2 tw-pr-4"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="tw-mr-2 svg octicon-book" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M0 1.75A.75.75 0 0 1 .75 1h4.253c1.227 0 2.317.59 3 1.501A3.74 3.74 0 0 1 11.006 1h4.245a.75.75 0 0 1 .75.75v10.5a.75.75 0 0 1-.75.75h-4.507a2.25 2.25 0 0 0-1.591.659l-.622.621a.75.75 0 0 1-1.06 0l-.622-.621A2.25 2.25 0 0 0 5.258 13H.75a.75.75 0 0 1-.75-.75Zm7.251 10.324.004-5.073-.002-2.253A2.25 2.25 0 0 0 5.003 2.5H1.5v9h3.757a3.75 3.75 0 0 1 1.994.574M8.755 4.75l-.004 7.322a3.75 3.75 0 0 1 1.992-.572H14.5v-9h-3.495a2.25 2.25 0 0 0-2.25 2.25"/></svg> <strong><a class="default-link muted" href="#readme"></a></strong> </div> <div class="file-header-right file-actions tw-flex tw-items-center tw-flex-wrap"> </div> </h4> <div class="ui bottom attached table unstackable segment"> <div class="file-view markup markdown"> <h1 id="user-content-fsfe-website" dir="auto">FSFE Website</h1> <p dir="auto">This repository contains the source files of <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>,,,,, and</p> <h2 id="user-content-table-of-contents" dir="auto">Table of Contents</h2> <ul dir="auto"> <li><a href="#user-content-technical-information" rel="nofollow">Technical information</a></li> <li><a href="#user-content-structure" rel="nofollow">Structure</a></li> <li><a href="#user-content-contribute" rel="nofollow">Contribute</a></li> <li><a href="#user-content-translate" rel="nofollow">Translate</a></li> <li><a href="#user-content-build" rel="nofollow">Build</a></li> </ul> <h2 id="user-content-technical-information" dir="auto">Technical information</h2> <p dir="auto">Our web team has compiled some information about technology used for this website on the <a href="" rel="nofollow">Information for Webmasters</a> page.</p> <h2 id="user-content-structure" dir="auto">Structure</h2> <p dir="auto">Most files are XHTML files organised in a rather logical folder structure.</p> <h3 id="user-content-important-folders" dir="auto">Important folders</h3> <p dir="auto">Notable directories are:</p> <ul dir="auto"> <li><code>about</code>: Information about the FSFE itself, its team members etc</li> <li><code>activities</code>: All specific FSFE activities</li> <li><code>at</code>, <code>de</code>, <code>ee</code> etc: Folders used for the FSFE country teams</li> <li><code>build</code>: Mostly custom Bash and XSL scripts to build the website</li> <li><code>cgi-bin</code>: Our very few CGI scripts</li> <li><code>error</code>: Custom 4xx and 5xx error pages</li> <li><code>events</code>: Files for our events, ordered by year</li> <li><code>freesoftware</code>: More timeless pages explaining Free Software and related topics</li> <li><code>global</code>: Globally used data files and modules, also the static translated strings.</li> <li><code>graphics</code>: Icons, pictures and logos</li> <li><code>internal</code>: Forms used mostly by FSFE staff for internal processes</li> <li><code>look</code>: CSS and other style files</li> <li><code>news</code>: Files for news articles, press releases, and newsletters ordered by year</li> <li><code>order</code>: Our web shop</li> <li><code>scripts</code>: JavaScript files used on our pages</li> <li><code>tags</code>: Files necessary to display used tags throughout the website. Mostly automatically generated</li> <li><code>tools</code>: Contains miscellaneous XML, XSL, and SH files.</li> </ul> <h3 id="user-content-other-domains" dir="auto">Other domains</h3> <p dir="auto">This repository also contains the source files of other websites the FSFE hosts:</p> <ul dir="auto"> <li><code>activities/android</code> for <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></li> <li><code>activities/ilovefs</code> for <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></li> <li><code></code> for <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></li> <li><code>pdfreaders</code> for <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></li> <li><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> is build from the test branch of this repository</li> </ul> <h2 id="user-content-contribute" dir="auto">Contribute</h2> <p dir="auto">Become member of our awesome <a href="" rel="nofollow">webmaster team</a> and help improving our online information platform! The <a href="" rel="nofollow">web teams wiki page</a> contains info how to join the mailing list, where a issue tracker can be found, and how to edit the website's source code.</p> <h2 id="user-content-translate" dir="auto">Translate</h2> <p dir="auto">We adore our voluntary translators who make information about Free Software available over 30 languages, from Arabic to Turkish!</p> <p dir="auto">Join them to spread the message of our community in all over Europe and beyond. The <a href="" rel="nofollow">translators team page</a> will introduce you to their amazing work.</p> <h2 id="user-content-build" dir="auto">Build</h2> <p dir="auto">You can build the website on your own computer to make previews of single pages possible offline and without having to wait for an online website build. A <a href="" rel="nofollow">dedicated wiki page</a> tells you how to do it.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="page-footer" role="group" aria-label="Footer"> <div class="left-links"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">Powered by Gitea</a> Page: <strong>170ms</strong> Template: <strong>16ms</strong> </div> <div class="right-links"> <div class="ui language bottom floating slide up dropdown link item"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="svg octicon-globe" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16"><path d="M8 0a8 8 0 1 1 0 16A8 8 0 0 1 8 0M5.78 8.75a9.64 9.64 0 0 0 1.363 4.177q.383.64.857 1.215c.245-.296.551-.705.857-1.215A9.64 9.64 0 0 0 10.22 8.75Zm4.44-1.5a9.64 9.64 0 0 0-1.363-4.177c-.307-.51-.612-.919-.857-1.215a10 10 0 0 0-.857 1.215A9.64 9.64 0 0 0 5.78 7.25Zm-5.944 1.5H1.543a6.51 6.51 0 0 0 4.666 5.5q-.184-.271-.352-.552c-.715-1.192-1.437-2.874-1.581-4.948m-2.733-1.5h2.733c.144-2.074.866-3.756 1.58-4.948q.18-.295.353-.552a6.51 6.51 0 0 0-4.666 5.5m10.181 1.5c-.144 2.074-.866 3.756-1.58 4.948q-.18.296-.353.552a6.51 6.51 0 0 0 4.666-5.5Zm2.733-1.5a6.51 6.51 0 0 0-4.666-5.5q.184.272.353.552c.714 1.192 1.436 2.874 1.58 4.948Z"/></svg> <div class="text">English</div> <div class="menu language-menu"> <a lang="de-DE" data-url="/?lang=de-DE" class="item ">Deutsch</a> <a lang="en-US" data-url="/?lang=en-US" class="item ">English</a> <a lang="es-ES" data-url="/?lang=es-ES" class="item ">español</a> <a lang="fr-FR" data-url="/?lang=fr-FR" class="item ">français</a> <a lang="it-IT" data-url="/?lang=it-IT" class="item ">italiano</a> <a lang="lv-LV" data-url="/?lang=lv-LV" class="item ">latviešu</a> <a lang="nl-NL" data-url="/?lang=nl-NL" class="item ">Nederlands</a> <a lang="pl-PL" data-url="/?lang=pl-PL" class="item ">polski</a> <a lang="pt-BR" data-url="/?lang=pt-BR" class="item ">português do Brasil</a> <a lang="fi-FI" data-url="/?lang=fi-FI" class="item ">suomi</a> <a lang="sv-SE" data-url="/?lang=sv-SE" class="item ">svenska</a> <a lang="tr-TR" data-url="/?lang=tr-TR" class="item ">Türkçe</a> <a lang="cs-CZ" data-url="/?lang=cs-CZ" class="item ">čeština</a> <a lang="bg-BG" data-url="/?lang=bg-BG" class="item ">български</a> <a lang="ru-RU" data-url="/?lang=ru-RU" class="item ">русский</a> <a lang="sr-SP" data-url="/?lang=sr-SP" class="item ">српски</a> <a lang="ja-JP" data-url="/?lang=ja-JP" class="item ">日本語</a> <a lang="zh-CN" data-url="/?lang=zh-CN" class="item ">简体中文</a> <a lang="zh-TW" data-url="/?lang=zh-TW" class="item ">繁體中文(台灣)</a> <a lang="zh-HK" data-url="/?lang=zh-HK" class="item ">繁體中文(香港)</a> <a lang="ko-KR" data-url="/?lang=ko-KR" class="item ">한국어</a> </div> </div> <a href="/assets/js/licenses.txt">Licenses</a> <a href="/api/swagger">API</a> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="">FSFE</a> hosts this service <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Imprint / Privacy</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Gitea</a>-powered </div> </footer> <script src="/assets/js/index.js?v=1.22.3" onerror="alert('Failed to load asset files from ' + this.src + '. 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