Why These 4 Retail Apparel & Shoes Stocks Are Worth Investing in Now - November 22, 2024 -
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Fluctuating consumer confidence, driven by underlying inflationary pressures, has significantly altered spending patterns. With disposable incomes shrinking, consumers are prioritizing essential items, causing demand for apparel and footwear to weaken. Simultaneously, retailers are grappling with rising operational costs, including increased wages and higher prices for goods and services. Efforts to pass these added costs onto consumers have only intensified the challenges for retailers.<br><br>Nonetheless, industry participants are proactively adapting to the shifting consumer landscape by focusing on robust product strategies, advancing omnichannel capabilities, making prudent capital investments and expanding their customer reach. These initiatives enable retailers to stay competitive and effectively meet evolving consumer demands, positioning them for continued success despite market challenges.<br><br>Backed by these initiatives, companies like <strong>Deckers Outdoor Corporation</strong> (<button class="modal_external appear-on-focus" href="/modals/quick-quote.php" rel="DECK">DECK Quick Quote</button><a href="/stock/quote/DECK" class="hoverquote-container-od analytics_tracking hoverquote-pos" rel="DECK" show-add-portfolio="true" id = commentary_body-DECK-txt style="font-weight:bold;"><span class="hoverquote-symbol">DECK</span></a> <span> - </span> <a class="in_copy newwin" href="/registration/premium/login/?ALERT=zrmodule&mode=zramodule&t=DECK&ADID=ZCOM_ARTICLEBODY_TCK_INDUSTRYOUTLOOK_2374080_DECK&icid=COMMENTARY-Industry_Outlook-2374080-free_report-commentary_body-text-DECK" alt="Free Report" title="Free Report">Free Report</a>) , <strong>Tapestry, Inc.</strong> (<button class="modal_external appear-on-focus" href="/modals/quick-quote.php" rel="TPR">TPR Quick Quote</button><a href="/stock/quote/TPR" class="hoverquote-container-od analytics_tracking hoverquote-pos" rel="TPR" show-add-portfolio="true" id = commentary_body-TPR-txt style="font-weight:bold;"><span class="hoverquote-symbol">TPR</span></a> <span> - </span> <a class="in_copy newwin" href="/registration/premium/login/?ALERT=zrmodule&mode=zramodule&t=TPR&ADID=ZCOM_ARTICLEBODY_TCK_INDUSTRYOUTLOOK_2374080_TPR&icid=COMMENTARY-Industry_Outlook-2374080-free_report-commentary_body-text-TPR" alt="Free Report" title="Free Report">Free Report</a>) , <strong>Abercrombie & Fitch Co.</strong> (<button class="modal_external appear-on-focus" href="/modals/quick-quote.php" rel="ANF">ANF Quick Quote</button><a href="/stock/quote/ANF" class="hoverquote-container-od analytics_tracking hoverquote-pos" rel="ANF" show-add-portfolio="true" id = commentary_body-ANF-txt style="font-weight:bold;"><span class="hoverquote-symbol">ANF</span></a> <span> - </span> <a class="in_copy newwin" href="/registration/premium/login/?ALERT=zrmodule&mode=zramodule&t=ANF&ADID=ZCOM_ARTICLEBODY_TCK_INDUSTRYOUTLOOK_2374080_ANF&icid=COMMENTARY-Industry_Outlook-2374080-free_report-commentary_body-text-ANF" alt="Free Report" title="Free Report">Free Report</a>) and <strong>Torrid Holdings Inc.</strong> (<button class="modal_external appear-on-focus" href="/modals/quick-quote.php" rel="CURV">CURV Quick Quote</button><a href="/stock/quote/CURV" class="hoverquote-container-od analytics_tracking hoverquote-pos" rel="CURV" show-add-portfolio="true" id = commentary_body-CURV-txt style="font-weight:bold;"><span class="hoverquote-symbol">CURV</span></a> <span> - </span> <a class="in_copy newwin" href="/registration/premium/login/?ALERT=zrmodule&mode=zrmodule&t=CURV&ADID=ZCOM_ARTICLEBODY_TCK_INDUSTRYOUTLOOK_2374080_CURV&icid=COMMENTARY-Industry_Outlook-2374080-free_report-commentary_body-text-CURV" alt="Free Report" title="Free Report">Free Report</a>) are better placed.<br></p><h3>About the Industry</h3> <p></p><p>The Retail - Apparel & Shoes industry encompasses the manufacturing, distribution and retailing of clothing, footwear and accessories. The industry is influenced by various factors, including fashion trends, consumer spending habits, economic dynamics and seasonal variations. Companies within the industry range from global apparel giants to domestic brands, each targeting specific market segments. The industry presents both opportunities and challenges. On one hand, it demands continuous product innovation, brand distinctiveness and effective marketing to attract customers. On the other hand, fierce competition and price sensitivity pose hurdles. Technological advancements and the rise of online retail have revolutionized the industry, with consumers increasingly seeking convenience and personalized shopping experiences.</p> <h3>4 Key Trends to Watch in the Industry</h3> <p></p><p><strong>Soft Demand May Hit Revenues:</strong> Underlying inflationary pressures and geopolitical tensions are weighing on consumer spending, a critical driver for the retail sector. The industry’s outlook is increasingly tied to consumer purchasing power, which is being strained by rising prices, squeezing family budgets and weakening demand. According to the latest report from the Commerce Department, sales at clothing and accessories stores declined by 0.2% in October on a sequential basis, reflecting the growing pressure on the sector.</p><p><strong>Pressure on Margins to Linger:</strong> The retail apparel and shoes industry is highly competitive, with companies battling for market share through pricing, product offerings and speed to market. To stay ahead, many players have been heavily investing in digital infrastructure and enhancing delivery capabilities. While these initiatives drive sales, they come with substantial costs. Increased spending on marketing, advertising and store operations is putting further pressure on margins. However, companies are actively working to offset these challenges by streamlining operations, optimizing supply chains and implementing strategic pricing strategies.</p><p><strong>Brand Enhancement & Capital Discipline:</strong> Industry players are increasingly focused on deepening consumer engagement through innovative products, personalized experiences, and enhanced digital and data analytics capabilities. The introduction of new styles, customization options and revamped store environments is designed to attract and retain shoppers. Efforts to strengthen brand portfolios through targeted marketing, strategic acquisitions, innovation and partnerships are expected to continue supporting growth in the sector. Additionally, companies are taking steps to bolster their financial health, including managing inventory more effectively, closing underperforming stores, optimizing capital expenditures and improving operational efficiency.</p><p><strong>Diversification & Digitization Key to Growth:</strong> As consumer shopping behaviors evolve, companies are adapting by integrating both in-store and online operations. They are developing omnichannel capabilities, implementing loyalty and marketing programs, and enhancing supply chains to offer faster delivery options such as doorstep delivery, curbside pickup, and buy online, pick up in-store. At the same time, investments in store renovations, improved checkout processes and mobile point-of-sale systems are helping to maintain relevance. To align with consumer preferences and the shift toward online shopping, companies are continually replenishing shelves with popular merchandise and increasing investments in digital technologies.</p> <h3>Zacks Industry Rank Indicates Bleak Prospects</h3> <p></p><p>The Zacks Retail - Apparel And Shoes industry is a group within the broader Zacks <a href="">Retail – Wholesale</a> sector. The industry currently carries a Zacks Industry Rank #135, which places it in the bottom 46% of more than 250 Zacks industries.<br><br>The group’s <a href="">Zacks Industry Rank</a>, which is the average of the Zacks Rank of all the member stocks, indicates drab near-term prospects. Our research shows that the top 50% of the Zacks-ranked industries outperform the bottom 50% by a factor of more than 2 to 1. <br><br>The industry’s positioning in the bottom 50% of the Zacks-ranked industries is a result of the negative earnings outlook for the constituent companies in aggregate. Looking at the aggregate earnings estimate revisions, it appears that analysts are losing confidence in this group’s earnings growth potential. Since the beginning of February 2024, the industry’s earnings estimate has declined by 16.1%.<br><br>Before we present a few stocks that you may want to consider for your portfolio, let’s take a look at the industry’s recent stock-market performance and valuation picture.</p> <h3>Industry vs. Broader Market</h3> <p></p><p>The Zacks Retail - Apparel And Shoes industry has underperformed both the broader Zacks Retail-Wholesale sector and the Zacks S&P 500 composite over the past year.<br><br>The industry has advanced 16.3% over this period compared with the S&P 500’s growth of 30%. Meanwhile, the broader sector has risen 30.6%.</p><h3 style="text-align: center;">One-Year Price Performance</h3><p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src=""></p><p> </p><h3>Industry's Current Valuation</h3> <p></p><p>Based on forward 12-month price-to-earnings (P/E), which is commonly used for valuing retail stocks, the industry is currently trading at 15.92X compared with the S&P 500’s 22.28X and the sector’s 23.94X.<br><br>Over the last five years, the industry has traded as high as 36.25X and as low as 8.03X, with the median being at 15.28X, as the chart below shows.</p><h3 style="text-align: center;">Price-to-Earnings Ratio (Past 5 Years)</h3><p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src=""></p> <h3>4 Stocks Worth Considering</h3> <p></p><p><strong>Deckers:</strong> The company’s diverse brand portfolio, financial strength and strategic growth initiatives make it a promising investment. Driven by HOKA and UGG’s impressive growth, balanced channel performance and successful global expansion, Deckers shows a well-executed strategy. The company’s focus on innovation, expanding its consumer reach and leveraging strong market trends positions it favorably for sustained success. <br><br>The Zacks Consensus Estimate for Deckers’ current fiscal sales and earnings per share (EPS) suggests growth of 13.6% and 12.6%, respectively, from the year-ago reported figure. This global leader in designing, marketing and distributing innovative footwear, apparel and accessories has an average trailing four-quarter earnings surprise of 41.1%. Shares of this Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy) company have surged 72.5% in the past year. <span style="pd4ml-display: none; pd4ml-visibility: hidden;"> You can see <strong><a href="">the complete list of today’s Zacks #1 Rank stocks here</a></strong>. </span></p><h3 style="text-align: center;">Price and Consensus: DECK</h3><p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src=""></p><p><strong>Tapestry:</strong> The company’s strategic focus on geographic expansion, operational efficiency and digital innovation lays a strong foundation for sustained growth. The company’s ability to navigate diverse global markets reflects its resilience and adaptability in leveraging regional opportunities. Its disciplined cost management, combined with efficiency-driven margin improvements, supports sustainable profitability without compromising innovation or investments. By seamlessly integrating physical and digital channels, Tapestry enhances the customer experience, catering to a younger, tech-savvy demographic while broadening its reach. With innovative products and strong brand momentum, the company continues to build customer loyalty.<br><br>The house of iconic accessories and lifestyle brands consisting of Coach, Kate Spade and Stuart Weitzman has an average trailing four-quarter earnings surprise of 11.3%. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for Tapestry’s current financial-year sales and earnings suggests growth of 1.4% and 6.3% from the year-ago period. Shares of this Zacks Rank #2 (Buy) company have zoomed 94.4% in the past year.</p><h3 style="text-align: center;">Price and Consensus: TPR</h3><p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src=""></p><p><strong>Abercrombie & Fitch:</strong> By integrating digital and physical retail experiences, Abercrombie & Fitch offers a seamless shopping experience, driving higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. Strategic marketing initiatives, particularly targeted campaigns in key markets, have been effective in boosting brand visibility and customer acquisition. The introduction of innovative product lines meets specific customer needs and broadens the brand's appeal. Abercrombie & Fitch’s regional operating model, with a focus on the Americas, the EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) and the APAC (Asia-Pacific), provides a solid foundation for global expansion.<br><br>This omnichannel specialty retailer of apparel and accessories delivered a trailing four-quarter earnings surprise of 28%, on average. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for Abercrombie & Fitch’s current financial-year sales and earnings suggests growth of 13.4% and 64.8% from the year-ago period. Shares of this Zacks Rank #2 company have rallied 85.6% in the past year.</p><h3 style="text-align: center;">Price and Consensus: ANF</h3><p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src=""></p><p><strong>Torrid Holdings:</strong> The company has established itself as a leader in the plus-size fashion market through a strategic focus on supply chain enhancements and digital innovation, enabling it to meet evolving consumer preferences effectively. By combining high-quality products with a seamless omnichannel strategy, the company strengthens customer engagement and loyalty. Its emphasis on product innovation, particularly in denim and intimates, allows Torrid to appeal to a broader demographic and stay ahead of shifting market trends.<br><br>Torrid, a direct-to-consumer brand in North America dedicated to offering a diverse assortment of stylish apparel, intimates and accessories, has an average trailing four-quarter earnings surprise of 43.9%. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for Torrid’s current financial-year earnings suggests growth of 81.8% from the year-ago period. Shares of this Zacks Rank #2 company have advanced 2.1% in the past year.</p><h3 style="text-align: center;">Price and Consensus: CURV</h3><p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src=""></p> <p><br></p><div class="cta_section"></div> </div> <div id="inline_bottom"> <!-- investing channel adcode --> <div id="IC_M_3x7_2" class="dfp_ad_unit"></div> </div> <div id="third_para_ad"> <!-- investing channel desktop adcode --> <div id="IC_d_div_3x7_1" class="dfp_ad_unit"></div> </div> </div> </article> </section> <section class="commentary_reports_content commentary_b"> <div class="commentary_reports"> <div class="commentary_reports_block"> <br><div class="reports_header"><h1>See More Zacks Research for These Tickers</h1><br></div> <div class="reports_header"><h3>Normally $25 each - click below to receive one report FREE:</h3><br></div> <p class="report_document_text"><a href="/registration/premium/login/?ALERT=zrmodule&mode=zramodule&t=ANF&ADID=ZCOM_ARTICLEBTM_TCK_INDUSTRYOUTLOOK_2374080_ANF&icid=COMMENTARY-Industry_Outlook-2374080-free_report-commentary_reports-text-ANF" class="comm_button newwin"><span>Abercrombie & Fitch Company (ANF) - free report >></span></a></p><p class="report_document_text"><a href="/registration/premium/login/?ALERT=zrmodule&mode=zramodule&t=DECK&ADID=ZCOM_ARTICLEBTM_TCK_INDUSTRYOUTLOOK_2374080_DECK&icid=COMMENTARY-Industry_Outlook-2374080-free_report-commentary_reports-text-DECK" class="comm_button newwin"><span>Deckers Outdoor Corporation (DECK) - free report >></span></a></p><p class="report_document_text"><a href="/registration/premium/login/?ALERT=zrmodule&mode=zramodule&t=TPR&ADID=ZCOM_ARTICLEBTM_TCK_INDUSTRYOUTLOOK_2374080_TPR&icid=COMMENTARY-Industry_Outlook-2374080-free_report-commentary_reports-text-TPR" class="comm_button newwin"><span>Tapestry, Inc. 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