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Archives Logo" /> </p> <div class="region region-content"> <section id="block-system-main" class="block block-system clearfix"> <h1>Guides and Finding Aids</h1> <p>NARA guides provide researchers with detailed information on general and selected subjects documented in the holdings of the National Archives.<br /> <br /> These guides provide descriptions of <em>records relating to a single subject in the records of many Federal agencies. </em></p> <p><strong>Most Frequently Requested</strong></p> <ul> <li><a href="/research/guide-fed-records">Guide to Federal Records</a> in the National Archives of the United States<br /> 聽</li> <li><a href="#genguide">Guide to Genealogical Research</a> in the National Archives, Revised<br /> 聽</li> <li><a href="#blackhist">Black History:</a> A Guide to Civilian Records in the National Archives<br /> 聽</li> <!--<li><a href="#amindians">Guide to Records in the National Archives Relating to American Indians</a><br /><br /></li> --> <li><a href="#trans">The Trans-Mississippi West, 1804-1912:</a> A Guide to Federal Records for the Territorial Period (Parts I, II, III, and IV, Sections 1, 2, and 3)</li> </ul> <p><strong>Also available:</strong></p> <ul> <li><a href="#amwomen">American Women and the US Armed Forces:</a> A Guide to the Records of Military Agencies in the National Archives Relating to American Women<br /> 聽</li> <li><a href="#civilwar">Civil War Guides</a> (The Union, The Confederacy)<br /> 聽</li> <!--<li><a href="#cartographic">Guide to Cartographic Records</a> in the National Archives<br /><br /></li> --> <li><a href="/research/guides/still-pictures-guide.html">Guide to the Holdings of the Still Picture Branch</a><br /> <em>(Note: This publication is out of stock and is available only online.)</em><br /> 聽</li> <li><a href="#latin">Guide to Materials on Latin America in the National Archives of the United States </a><br /> 聽</li> <li><a href="#pre-fed">Guide to Pre-Federal Records</a> in the National Archives<br /> 聽</li> <li><a href="/legislative/guide/house/table-of-contents-short.html">Guide to Records of the US House of Representatives at the National Archives, 1789-1989</a> <em>(Note: This publication is out of stock and is available only online.)</em><br /> 聽</li> <li><a href="/legislative/guide/senate/table-of-contents-short.html">Guide to Records of the US Senate at the National Archives, 1789-1989</a><br /> <em>( Note: This publication is out of stock and is available only online.)</em><br /> 聽</li> <li><a href="#assets">Holocaust-Era Assets: A Finding Aid to Records at the National Archives at College Park, MD</a><br /> 聽</li> <li><a href="#israel">The Holocaust, Israel, and the Jews: Motion Pictures</a> in the National Archives<br /> 聽</li> <li><a href="/research/guides/catalog-tv-interviews-1951-to-1955.html">Television Interviews, 1951-1955: A Catalog of Longines Chronoscope Interviews in the National Archives</a><br /> 聽</li> </ul> <p><a href="#foreign">Guides to Foreign Records</a><strong> </strong>(Record Group 242)</p> <hr /> <p><strong><a name="amwomen"></a>American Women and the U.S. Armed Forces: A Guide to the Records of Military Agencies in the National Archives Relating to American Women</strong></p> <blockquote> <p><em>Compiled by Charlotte Palmer Seeley<br /> Revised by Virginia C. Purdy and Robert Gruber</em><br /> <br /> "This volume . . .clearly and helpfully explains the organizational logic of the complex holdings of the National Archives relating to women and the military."<br /> <em>--Journal of Military History</em></p> <p>"This publication will be especially welcomed by the increasing number of historians who believe that history cannot be fully told without including the role of women."<br /> <em>--The North Carolina Historical Review</em></p> <p>"A fascinating addition to the growing field of women's studies."<br /> <em>--American Libraries</em></p> <p>This important guide describes records in the National Archives and Presidential libraries that relate to American women who interacted with and eventually formed a part of the Nation's military service organizations.<br /> <br /> Covering the last two centuries, the records highlighted in this volume discuss women as participants in and victims of war, suppliers of military goods and services, and wives and mothers of soldiers. The documents include those of the armed services as well as the War Department collections of Revolutionary War and Confederate records. A comprehensive name and subject index and four appendixes are included. Researchers will find the guide an excellent starting point in the study of the role of the US Government in the lives of American women.</p> <p><em>6" x 9", 367 pages, 18 illustrations<br /> National Archives and Records Administration, 1992<br /> <br /> #100022 Hardcover $25<br /> ISBN 0-911333-90-8</em></p> </blockquote> <hr /> <p><a name="blackhist"></a></p> <div class="nwidget ncontainer ntable"><div class="table table-responsive table-striped"> <table class="layout" width="90%"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="left" width="25%"><img align="LEFT" alt="Black History: Guide to Civilian Records in the National Archives cover" height="177" src="/files/publications/images/black-history.gif" width="117" /></td> <td align="left" width="75%"><strong>Black History: A Guide to Civilian Records in the National Archives</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div></div> <blockquote><em>Compiled by Debra L. Newman </em> <p>"[An] important volume. . .[Newman] has produced a work that fills a gap in the bibliographic resources available for research on black Americans."<br /> <em>--The American Archivist</em></p> <p>"An exceptionally fine guide, easy to read and understand. It is a most significant contribution to the National Archives subject guide literature."<br /> <em>--Provenance</em></p> <p>"All historians interested in the history of Afro-Americans should become familiar with this work."<br /> <em>--The North Carolina Historical Review</em></p> <p><em>--Winner of the 1985 C.F.W. Coker Prize for Innovative Archival Description</em> awarded by the Society of American Archivists</p> <p>This award-winning research guide provides accurate, concise information about civilian records held by the National Archives textual, photographic, and audiovisual that can be used to study the history of African Americans. Records of more than 140 nonmilitary Federal agencies are described. The information provided about each agency explains why that agency was involved with African Americans and describes the volume and characteristics of the records.</p> <p><em>6 1/4" x 9", 397 pages, 40 illustrations<br /> National Archives and Records Administration, 1984<br /> <br /> #100030 Hardcover $25<br /> ISBN 0-911333-21-5<br /> <br /> #200030 Softcover $15<br /> ISBN 0-911333-31-2</em></p> </blockquote> <hr /> <p><strong><a name="civilwar"></a> Civil War Guides</strong></p> <p>"Seldom are reprints of reference books as welcome as these two essential guides. . .[The Union and The Confederacy] belong in all reference collections."<br /> <em>--American Reference Books Annual 1988, Vol. 19</em></p> <blockquote> <p><a name="union"></a> <strong>The Union: A Guide to Federal Archives Relating to the Civil War</strong> <em>Kenneth W. Munden and Henry Putney Beers </em></p> <p>"Exhaustive, well written, well organized, [and] well indexed."<br /> <em>--Civil War Book Exchange & Collector's Newspaper</em></p> <p>This guide provides an opportunity to study the vast collection of US Government documents in the National Archives that relate to the Civil War. In addition to the records of the conduct of the war, the book describes records relating to the war that were created after Lee's surrender. Substantive administrative histories of the agencies of the Federal Government add to the usefulness of the volume.</p> <p><em>6" x 9", 733 pages<br /> National Archives and Records Administration, 1962, 1986, reprinted 2005<br /> <br /> #200122 softcover $25<br /> ISBN 0-911333-46-0</em></p> </blockquote> <blockquote><a name="confederacy"></a> <p><strong>The Confederacy: A Guide to the Archives of the Government of the Confederate States of America</strong><br /> <em>Henry Putney Beers</em></p> <p>"An outstanding reference aid. . .Those who simply desire a handy, reliable authority on the myriad operations of the Confederate government will also want this book, even if they never crank the handle on a microfilm reader or crack the cover of a dusty ledger."<br /> <em>--Civil War Book Exchange & Collector's Newspaper</em></p> <p>This companion volume to <em>The Union</em> is a guide to the official archives of the government of the Confederate States of America. The bulk of the book describes materials held by the National Archives, but Confederate records maintained at the Library of Congress and at 29 other institutions are also covered, as well as information obtained from repository guides and registers, from the National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections, and from bibliographies regarding the holdings of other repositories.</p> <p><em>6" x 9", 546 pages<br /> National Archives and Records Administration, 1968, 1986, reprinted 2005<br /> <br /> #200121 Softcover $25<br /> ISBN 0-911333-18-5</em></p> </blockquote> <!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMOVED 9/5/2008 by Holly Russo per Deborah Powe and Katherine Coram <a name="cartographic"></a> <strong>Guide to Cartographic Records in the National Archives </strong> <ul> NARA has among its holdings more than 2 million maps and 9 million aerial photographs. This guide describes those materials that are maintained in the Cartographic and Architectural Branch as well as other maps filed with closely related textual records held by other custodial units of NARA.<br /> <br /> <em>6&quot; x 9&quot;, 455pages <br /> National Archives and Records Administration, 1971 <br /> <br /> #100005 Hardcover $25<br /> ISBN 0-911333-19-3</em> </ul> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> <hr /> <p><a name="guide"></a></p> <div class="nwidget ncontainer ntable"><div class="table table-responsive table-striped"> <table class="layout" width="90%"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="left" width="27%"><a href="/research/guide-fed-records/index.html"><img alt="Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives cover" src="/files/publications/images/guide-to-federal-records.gif" /></a></td> <td align="left" width="73%"><strong><a href="/research/guide-fed-records/index.html">Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States</a></strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div></div> <blockquote> <p>"This set of volumes is a must for all research libraries, and for those who research seriously in the Federal Period. "<br /> --Robert Charles Anderson, <em>The American Genealogist</em><br /> <br /> <em>--Winner of the C.F. W. Coker Prize for Innovative Archival Description </em>awarded by the Society of American Archivists<br /> <br /> <em>--Winner of the </em>Choice<em> Award for Outstanding Academic Book</em><br /> <br /> This essential new reference work introduces users to the archival records of the Federal Government. In this three-volume set, two volumes describe the nearly 1.7 million cubic feet of records transferred to the custody of the National Archives as of October 1, 1994, and the third volume indexes these descriptions.<br /> <br /> All types of Federal records, textual, electronic, cartographic and architectural, and audiovisual are covered. The information is organized into more than 400 sections, each of which covers the records found in a single record group, generally one Government agency. Each section opens with an administrative history of the agency and an overview of the extent and location of its archival records, whether those records are in the Washington, DC, area or in a regional Federal archival repository. The overview is followed by specific details of types of records, dates of coverage, and activities documented.</p> <p>The extensive index enables users to trace connections between related records described in separate record groups. The <em>Guide</em> is an invaluable source of information about the rich resources of the National Archives of the United States and an essential addition to the collections of libraries, archival and historical institutions and organizations, Federal agencies, colleges and universities, and professional and private individual researchers.</p> <p><em>8 3/4" x 11 3/8", 3 volumes, 2,428 pages<br /> National Archives and Records Administration, 1996<br /> <br /> #100009 Hardcover $95<br /> ISBN 0-16048312-3</em></p> </blockquote> <p><strong>See also: <a href="/research/guide-fed-records/index.html">Guide to Federal Records</a></strong> <strong>online </strong></p> <hr /> <p><a name="genguide"></a> <a name="generes"></a></p> <div class="nwidget ncontainer ntable"><div class="table table-responsive table-striped"> <table class="layout" width="90%"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="left" width="25%"><img alt="Guide to Genealogical Research cover" height="125" src="/files/publications/images/genealogical-guide-thumbnail-2.jpg" width="94" /></td> <td align="left" width="75%"><strong>Guide to Genealogical Research in the National Archives, Third Edition</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div></div> <blockquote><em><strong>Praise for the First Edition</strong></em><br /> <br /> "This guide is a must for both the novice and the experienced genealogist."<br /> <em>--Genealogical Helper</em> <p>"Amazingly complete. . . .This book should find a place on every scholar's bookshelf."<br /> <em>--Journal of Southern History</em></p> <p>"This is the sort of volume that induces late-night browsiness. . .The surprise is how engaging government can be once bureaucracy breaks down into such discrete matters as passenger arrival lists, bounty land records, and . . .claims maps. What was red tape a century ago becomes . . .connective tissue today."<br /> <em>--Los Angeles Times</em></p> <p><em>--Selected an Outstanding Reference Source by the American Library Association </em></p> <p>The National Archives contains a wealth of information about individuals whose names appear in census records, military service and pension files, ship passenger arrival lists, land records, and many other types of documents of interest to both beginning and experienced genealogists. The award-winning <em>Guide</em> shows how to tap this rich resource, explaining what types of records are preserved in the National Archives and what specific information about individuals is included in each type of record.</p> <p>This new <em>Guide</em> supersedes the 1985 edition. A complete revision and enlargement, it covers records not described in the earlier version and includes references to information available through the NARA web site. The volume also contains illustrations and photographs, citations to many new and previously cited microfilm publications, and expanded and clarified descriptions of the relevant records held by NARA.</p> <p><strong>Highlights of the new edition include:</strong></p> <ul> <li>New information on the 1920 census</li> <li>Increased coverage of naturalizations</li> <li>Citations to more than 300 new microfilm publications</li> <li>Descriptions of many records accessioned since the last edition</li> <li>A comprehensive, greatly expanded index</li> <li>Enlarged chapters on African Americans and Native Americans</li> <li>More coverage of records in NARA's regional archival facilities</li> </ul> <p>The <em>Guide </em>is an indispensable aid for researching family genealogy, local history, and social trends. Beyond its extraordinary reference value, the <em>Guide</em> will fascinate all curious readers and inspire a deep appreciation of America's rich documentary heritage.</p> <p><em>8 1/2" x 11", 420 pages, 59 illustrations<br /> National Archives and Records Administration, 2001<br /> <br /> # 100001 Hardcover $39<br /> ISBN 0-911333-00-2<br /> <br /> #200001 Softcover $25<br /> ISBN 0-911333-01-0</em></p> </blockquote> <hr /> <p><a name="latin"><strong> Guide to Materials on Latin America in the National Archives of the United States</strong></a></p> <blockquote><em>Compiled by George S. Ulibarri and John P. Harrison</em> <p>This guide will assist the researcher in locating the most significant materials in the National Archives that relate to the countries of the Western Hemisphere south of the United States. These materials date from the Continental Congress of 1774 to executive agency decisions of the early 1970s. The descriptions are of representative records of the U.S. Congress, courts, and executive departments.</p> <p><em>6 x 9, 489 pages<br /> National Archives and Records Administration, Reprinted 2005<br /> <br /> #200123 Softcover $25<br /> ISBN 0-911333-22-3</em></p> </blockquote> <hr /> <p><a name="pre-fed"></a></p> <div class="nwidget ncontainer ntable"><div class="table table-responsive table-striped"> <table class="layout" width="90%"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="left" width="25%"><img align="LEFT" alt="Guide to Pre-Federal Records in the National Archives cover" src="/files/publications/images/pre-federal-records.gif" /></td> <td align="left" width="75%"><strong>Guide to Pre-Federal Records in the National Archives</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div></div> <blockquote><em>Compiled by Howard H. Wehmann<br /> Revised by Benjamin L. DeWhitt </em> <p>"Like the other guides published by the National Archives, this one is essential for researchers studying the records of the Federal government. . .Highly recommended."<br /> <em>--American Reference Books Annual 1990, Vol. 21</em></p> <p>This important guide will assist the researcher in locating within the National Archives those records created during, or directly related to, the pre-Federal era of US history the period before the Constitution went into effect on March 4, 1789. The documents described include those of the Continental and Confederation Congresses, the Constitutional Convention, and the Continental Army and Navy; Revolutionary War era diplomatic, fiscal, and judicial records; records pertaining to commerce, Indian affairs, and postal and customs operations; and records relating to pension, bounty-land, and other claims arising out of military and civilian activities. The volume also contains a comprehensive name and subject index.</p> <p><em>6" x 9", 388 pages<br /> National Archives and Records Administration, 1989<br /> <br /> #100026 Hardcover $25<br /> ISBN 0-911333-75-4</em></p> </blockquote> <!-- out of print <a name="amindians"></a><a name="native"></a> <div class="nwidget ncontainer ntable"><div class="table table-responsive table-striped"> <table width="90%" class="layout"> <tr> <td width="25%" align=left> <img border="1" align=LEFT src="/publications/images/american-indians-guide.gif" alt="Guide to Records Relating to American Indians cover" width=143 height=178> </td> <td width="75%" align=left><strong>Guide to Records in the National Archives Relating to American Indians</strong> </td> </tr> </table></div></div> <ul> <em>Compiled by Edward E. Hill </em> <p> &quot;A significant publication that will serve as an indispensable research tool.&quot;<br /> <em>--The American Archivist</em> <p> &quot;[A] unique and extraordinarily useful research tool [that] will benefit scholars for years to come.&quot;<br /> <em>--Choice</em> <p> &quot;Hill's guide is a magnificent work that should be on every serious researcher's shelf.&quot; <br /> <em>--New Mexico Historical Review</em> <p> <em>--Winner of the 1982 Waldo G. Leland Prize </em>awarded by the Society of American Archivists <p> First published in 1981, this guide enables the researcher to review descriptions of records that are available in the National Archives, including the regional records services facilities. It includes concise information about records that trace the evolution of Federal Indian policy, the effects of national policies on traditional Native American culture, Indian wars and their results, and the role of Native Americans in the development of US society. <p> <em>6 1/4&quot; x 9 1/4&quot;, 483 pages, 24 illustrations <br /> National Archives and Records Administration, 1981, 1984 <br /> <br /> #200003 Softcover $25 <br /> ISBN 0-911333-13-4</em> <br /> <br /> </ul>--> <hr /><!--superceded<a name="milpart"></a> <div class="nwidget ncontainer ntable"><div class="table table-responsive table-striped"> <table width="90%" class="layout"> <tr> <td width="25%" align=left> <img border="1" align=LEFT src="/publications/images/military-participation.gif" alt="Guide to Records Relating to Military Participation, WWII cover"> </td> <td width="75%" align=left><strong>Guide to Records Relating to US Military Participation in World War II</strong> </td> </tr> </table></div></div> <ul> <em>Compiled by Timothy P. Mulligan</em> <p> This series of guides identifies and describes the activities of the many military agencies that had a role in World War II. Although these materials emphasize the period December 1941 - September 1945, extensive documentation of the interwar and pre-Pearl Harbor periods is also included. <br /> <br /> These topical guides each represent the activities of a broad range of agencies, and the records are drawn from many record groups. Thus, these guides make accessible a large body of records that were not readily accessible before. <p> <a name="policy"></a> <ul> <li><strong>Part I: Policy Planning, Administration</strong></li> <p> This first volume includes records that cover such topics as formulation of strategy; personnel matters associated with the war; financial matters, including acquisition of land for military installations; legislative issues; and mobilization and training of US military and naval personnel. <p> <em>8 1/2&quot; x 11&quot;, 172 pages<br /> National Archives and Records Administration, 1996<br /> <br /> #200118 Softcover $15<br /> ISBN 1-880875-08-x</em> <br /> <br /> <a name="support"></a> <li><strong>Part II: Support and Supply</strong></li> <p> This second volume identifies and describes records in the National Archives that document the activities of the many military agencies involved in armaments production and procurement, lend-lease, stockpiling and consumption of strategic and conventional industrial materials, shipbuilding, military construction, protection of the Western Hemisphere, logistical support, services furnished to personnel, surveys of soldier attitudes, and detention of POWs and civilian internees <p> <em>8 1/2&quot; x 11&quot;, 170 pages<br /> National Archives and Records Administration, 1998<br /> <br /> #200119 Softcover $20<br /> ISBN 1-880875-16-0 </em> <br /> <br /> <strong>Please note:</strong> For more information on military history, see also <a href="../military-history.html">Military History.</a> <em></em> </ul> </ul>--> <hr /> <p><a name="assets"></a></p> <div class="nwidget ncontainer ntable"><div class="table table-responsive table-striped"> <table class="layout" width="90%"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="left" width="25%"><img alt="Holocaust Era Assets cover" height="125" src="/files/publications/images/holocaust-era-assets-thumbnail.jpg" width="91" /></td> <td align="left" width="75%"><strong>Holocaust-Era Assets: A Finding Aid to Records at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div></div> <blockquote><em>Compiled by Greg Bradsher</em> <p>This aid to locating records in the National Archives focuses primarily on efforts to identify, recover, and restitute assets hidden or stolen by Nazi Germany during World War II. However, it also covers such additional topics as World War II economic warfare, and provides a starting point for those interested in other aspects of the Holocaust era, including refugees and war crimes.</p> <p><em>8 1/2" x 11", 1,185 pages<br /> National Archives and Records Administration, 1999<br /> <br /> #200048 Softcover $39.95<br /> ISBN 1-880875-19-5</em><br /> <br /> <strong>See also: <a href="/research/holocaust/finding-aid/">Holocaust-Era Assets: A Finding Aid to Records</a> online.</strong></p> </blockquote> <hr /> <p><a name="israel"></a> <strong>The Holocaust, Israel, and the Jews: Motion Pictures in the National Archives</strong></p> <blockquote><em>Compiled by Charles Lawrence Gellert</em> <p>"An important guide for teachers, scholars, and researchers in the area of modern Jewish history."<br /> <em>--American Reference Books Annual 1991, Vol. 22</em></p> <p>This guide is an indispensable tool for locating films related to modern Jewish history in the National Archives holdings. Heavily illustrated, it presents an annotated listing of films and portions of films produced by the armed forces, civilian Federal agencies, and commercial newsreel sources. Crucial periods in recent Jewish history are represented in four sections: Jews in the United States before, during, and after World War II; Jews in Europe before and after World War II; the Holocaust; and the establishment of modern Israel. Each numbered entry includes the film's title, date, length, and sources as well as a brief description of the film's contents and whether it is in color or black-and-white.</p> <p><em>8 1/2" x 11", 123 pages, 103 illustrations<br /> National Archives and Records Administration, 1989<br /> <br /> # 100013 Hardcover $17<br /> ISBN 0-911333-78-9</em></p> </blockquote> <hr /><!-- <a name="papers"></a> <strong>Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 (Index)</strong> <ul> <em>Compiled by John P. Butler </em> <p> The Papers of the Continental Congress include the records of the Continental and Confederation Congresses and the records of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, all part of Record Group 360 in the National Archives. This comprehensive index covers all of the records of the Continental and Confederation Congresses except the journals and two manuscript indexes. It also covers the records of the Constitutional Convention of 1787. All persons, places, and subjects are indexed in a single alphabetical sequence, which is followed by a chronological list of every document. <p> <em>8 3/4&quot; x 11&quot;, 5 volumes, 6,615 pages <br /> National Archives and Records Administration, 1978 <br /> <br /> #100024 Hardcover $85<br /> ISBN 0-911333-56-8</em> </ul> <hr /> --> <p><strong><a name="trans"></a>The Trans-Mississippi West, 1804-1912: A Guide to Federal Records for the Territorial Period</strong></p> <blockquote><em>Compiled by Robert M. Kvasnicka</em> <p>This multi-volume guide identifies and describes records in the National Archives that are associated with the American West. These guides alert readers to the research potential of these records and assist in their location. <a name="PartI"></a></p> </blockquote> <p><strong><img alt="Trans-Mississippi Guide, Part I cover" class="pull-left" src="/files/publications/images/trans-mississippi-part-1.gif" /> Part I: A Guide to Records of the Department of State for the Territorial Period </strong></p> <p>This initial volume identifies and describes the Territorial Papers maintained by the Department of State, records relating to Presidential appointments and pardons, and correspondence with departmental officials at various posts in Mexico, Canada, and the Republic of Texas.<br /> <br /> The <em>Guide</em> also covers records of commissions responsible for establishing the international boundaries of the United States and the settlement of claims involving the Republic of Texas, Great Britain, and Mexico, as well as records concerning Government exhibits at various international expositions held in the Western United States.<br /> <br /> <em>8 1/2" x 11", 140 pages<br /> National Archives and Records Administration, 1993<br /> <br /> #200018 Softcover $12<br /> ISBN 1-880875-00-4</em></p> <p><a name="PartII"></a> <img alt="Trans-Mississippi Guide, Part II cover" class="pull-left" src="/files/publications/images/trans-mississippi-part-2.gif" /> Part II: A Guide to Records of the Department of Justice for the Territorial Period</p> <p>This second volume covers correspondence of the Attorney General's Office; records relating to appointments of Federal judges, attorneys, and marshals; and dockets and case files documenting the activities of US attorneys and marshals.<br /> <br /> The <em>Guide</em> also covers case files for Indian depredation claims as well as other claims brought against the United States, reports and other records of the Bureau of Prisons, Presidential pardon case files and Utah amnesty case files, and investigative case records compiled by predecessors of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.</p> <p><em>8 1/2" x 11", 137 pages<br /> National Archives and Records Administration, 1994<br /> <br /> #200019 Softcover $15<br /> ISBN 1-880875-02-0</em></p> <p><a name="PartIII"></a> <img alt="Trans-Mississippi Guide, Part III cover" class="pull-left" src="/files/publications/images/trans-mississippi-part-3.gif" /> Part III: A Guide to Records of the Department of Agriculture for the Territorial Period</p> <p>The third volume of this series describes records of the Secretary of Agriculture, the Forest Service, and the Weather Bureau. This volume identifies documents relating to the activities of the Bureau of Roads, Bureau of Animal Industry, Bureau of Dairy Industry, Bureau of Plant Industry, and other agencies that affected agriculture and ranching in the Trans-Mississippi West.</p> <p><em>8 1/2" x 11", 397 pages<br /> National Archives and Records Administration, 1996<br /> <br /> #200038 Softcover $20<br /> ISBN 1-880875-11-X</em></p> <p><strong><a name="PartIV1"></a> Part IV: Section 1. A Guide to Records of the Department of the Interior for the Territorial Period: Records of the Secretary of the Interior and the Commissioner of Railroads </strong></p> <p>The fourth volume of this series covers records of the Secretary of the Interior concerning public lands and territories, railroads, reclamation projects and parks, and Indian-white relations. This guide also discusses records of the Commissioner of Railroads.</p> <p><em>8 1/2" x 11", 250 pages<br /> National Archives and Records Administration, 1996<br /> <br /> #200039 Softcover $18<br /> ISBN 1-880875-13-6</em></p> <p><strong><a name="PartIV2"></a> <img alt="Trans-Mississippi Guide, Part IV, Section 2 cover" class="pull-left" src="/files/publications/images/trans-mississippi-part-4.gif" /> Part IV: Section 2. A Guide to Records of the Department of Interior for the Territorial Period: Records of Select Agencies </strong></p> <p>This volume covers records of the Geological Survey, National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Offices of Education and Territories, and Bureaus of Reclamation and Mines.</p> <p><em>8 1/2" x 11", 216 pages<br /> National Archives and Records Administration, 1997<br /> <br /> #200056 Softcover $20<br /> ISBN 1-880875015-2</em></p> <p><a name="PartIV3"></a> <strong> Part IV: Section 3 A Guide to Records of the Department of the Interior for the Territorial Period: Records of the General Land Office</strong></p> <p>Published in two volumes, this guide highlights records of the General Land Office, the Federal agency responsible from 1812 to 1946 for supervising the surveying, management, and disposition of the public domain and the execution of all laws relating to public lands.</p> <p>The textual, cartographic, and photographic documents described show the manner in which the General Land Office accomplished its mission and the impact of Federal Government policies on the people and lands of the trans-Mississippi West, which consists of the contiguous states between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean.</p> <p>Included are descriptions of records pertaining to land-grant railroads, Indian and forest reserves, mining claims, and private land claims in areas acquired by the Louisiana Purchase and the Mexican cessions, as well as the land entry papers documenting the thousands of individual transactions transferring the public lands to private ownership. These records are an invaluable source of information for environmental and family historians and those interested in our Nation's westward expansion.</p> <p><em>8 陆" x 11", 1,130 pages in 2 volumes<br /> National Archives and Records Administration, 2007<br /> <br /> #200058-Softcover-$49<br /> ISBN 1-880875-29-2</em></p> <hr /> <p><strong><a name="foreign"></a> Guides to Foreign Records (Record Group 242) </strong></p> <hr /> <p><strong>Currently Available </strong></p> <p><strong>Index of Microfilmed Records of the German Foreign Ministry and the Reich's Chancellery Covering the Weimar Period (1958)</strong>, 95 pp., available in <em>Microfilm Publication T407</em>. $</p> <p><strong>Supplement to the Guide to Captured German Documents (1959)</strong>, 69 pp., available only on microfilm. Originally prepared by Gerhard L. Weinberg and the War Documentation Project Staff and published by the Air University in 1952. $</p> <p><strong>Guides to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, VA </strong></p> <blockquote> <p>Please note: Guides numbered 1-88 are available only in <em>Microfilm Publication T733</em>, which may be purchased. $<br /> <a href="#contact">Please contact the Customer Service Center for further information.</a></p> </blockquote> <blockquote> <p>1. Records of the Reich Ministry of Economics (1958), 75 pp. $</p> <p>2. Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Strengthening of Germandom (1958), 15 pp. $</p> <p>3. Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party, Pt. I (1958), 141 pp. $</p> <p>4. Records of the Organization Todt (1958), 2 pp. $</p> <p>5. Miscellaneous German Records Collection, Pt. I (1958), 15 pp. $</p> <p>6. Records of Nazi Cultural and Research Institutions, and Records Pertaining to Axis Relations and Interests in the Far East (1958), 161 pp. $</p> <p>7. Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command, Pt. I (1959), 222 pp. $</p> <p>8. Miscellaneous German Records Collection, Pt. II (1959), 203 pp. $</p> <p>9. Records of Private German Individuals (1959), 23 pp. $</p> <p>10. Records of the Reich Ministry for Armaments and War Production (1959), 109 pp. $</p> <p>11. Fragmentary Records of Miscellaneous Reich Ministries and Offices (1959), 19 pp. $</p> <p>12. Records of Headquarters of the German Army High Command, Pt. I (1959), 19 pp. $</p> <p>13. Records of the Reich Air Ministry (1959), 34 pp. $</p> <p>14. Records of German Field Commands: Armies, Pt. I (1959), 61 pp. $</p> <p>15. Records of Former German and Japanese Embassies and Consulates, 1890-1945 (1960), 63 pp. $</p> <p>16. Records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart. Pt. I: Records on Resettlement (1960), 105 pp. $</p> <p>17. Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command, Pt. II (1960), 213 pp. $</p> <p>18. Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command, Pt. III (1960), 118 pp. $</p> <p>19. Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command, Pt. IV (1960), 76 pp. $</p> <p>20. Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party, Pt. II (1960), 45 pp. $</p> <p>21. Records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart. Pt. II: The General Records (1961), 180 pp. $</p> <p>22. Records of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda (1961), 41 pp. $</p> <p>23. Records of Private Austrian, Dutch, and German Enterprises, 1917-46 (1961), 119 pp. $</p> <p>24. Records of Headquarters of the German Air Force High Command (1961), 59 pp. $</p> <p>25. German Air Force Records: Luftgaukommandos, Flak, Deutsche Luftwaffenmission in Rum盲nien (1961), 41 pp. $</p> <p>26. Records of Reich Office for Soil Exploration (1961), 11 pp. $</p> <p>27. Miscellaneous SS Records: Einwandererzentralstelle, Waffen-SS, and SS-Oberabschnitte (1961), 34 pp. $</p> <p>28. Records of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories, 1941-45 (1961), 69 pp. $</p> <p>29. Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command, Part II (1961), 154 pp. $</p> <p>30. Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command, Pt. II (1961), 212 pp. $</p> <p>31. Records of the Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Baltic States, 1941-45 (1961), 19 pp. $</p> <p>32. Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police, Pt. I (1961), 165 pp. $</p> <p>33. Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police, Pt. II (1961), 89 pp. $</p> <p>34. Records of German Army Areas (1962), 234 pp. $</p> <p>35. Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party, Pt. III (1962), 29 pp. $</p> <p>36. Miscellaneous German Records Collection, Pt. III (1962), 61 pp. $</p> <p>37. Records of Headquarters, German Navy High Command (1962), 5 pp. $</p> <p>38. Records of German Field Commands: Rear Areas, Occupied Territories, and Others, Pt. I (1963), 200 pp. $</p> <p>39. Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police, Pt. III (1963), 198 pp. $</p> </blockquote> <p><strong>Records of German Field Commands</strong></p> <blockquote> <p>40. Army Groups, Pt. I (1964), 126 pp. $</p> <p>41. Divisions, Pt. I (1964), 160 pp. $</p> <p>42. Armies, Pt. II (1964), 110 pp. $</p> <p>43. Armies, Pt. III (1964), 108 pp. $</p> <p>44. Armies, Pt. IV (1964), 96 pp. $</p> <p>45. Divisions, Pt. II (1964), 118 pp. $</p> <p>46. Corps, Pt. I (1965), 156 pp. $</p> <p>47. Armies, Pt. V (1965), 162 pp. $</p> <p>48. Armies, Pt. VI (1965), 85 pp. $</p> <p>49. Armies, Pt. VII (1965), 124 pp. $</p> <p>50. Armeeabteilungen (1966), 45 pp. $</p> <p>51. Panzer Armies, Pt. I (1966), 112 pp. $</p> <p>52. Army Groups, Pt. II (1966), 139 pp. $</p> <p>53. Panzer Armies, Pt. II (1967), 160 pp. $</p> <p>54. Armies, Pt. VIII (1967), 132 pp. $</p> <p>55. Corps, Pt. II (1967), 150 pp. $</p> <p>56. Armies, Pt. IX (1968), 166 pp. $</p> <p>57. Rear Areas, Occupied Territories, and Others, Pt. II (1968), 25 pp. $</p> <p>58. Corps, Pt. III (1968), 84 pp. $</p> <p>59. Corps, Pt. IV (1968), 144 pp. $</p> <p>60. Corps, Pt. V (1969), 124 pp. $</p> <p>61. Corps, Pt. VI (1969), 186 pp. $</p> <p>62. Corps, Pt. VII (1970), 233 pp. $</p> <p>63. Divisions, Pt. III (1970), 143 pp. $</p> <p>64. Divisions, Pt. IV (1970), 141 pp. $</p> <p>65. Divisions, Pt. V (1970), 143 pp. $</p> <p>66. Divisions, Pt. VI (1972), 177 pp. $</p> <p>67. Divisions, Pt. VII (1974), 179 pp. $</p> <p>68. Divisions, Pt. VIII (1974), 244 pp. $</p> <p>69. Divisions, Pt. IX (1975), 243 pp. $</p> <p>70. Divisions, Pt. X (1975), 237 pp. $</p> <p>71. Divisions, Pt. XI (1976), 316 pp. $</p> <p>72. Divisions (292d 327th), Part XII (1976), 305 pp. $</p> <p>73. Divisions, Pt. XIII (1976), 293 pp. $</p> <p>74. Divisions, Pt. XIV (1977), 345 pp. $</p> <p>75. Records of the Waffen-SS, Pt. I (1978), 283 pp. $</p> <p>76. Records of German Field Commands: Divisions, Pt. XV (1978), 287 pp. $</p> <p>77. Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party, Pt. IV (1980), 37 pp. $</p> <p>78. Records of the German Armed Forces High Command, Pt. V (1981), 180 pp. $</p> <p>79. Records of the Waffen-SS, Pt. II (1981), 165 pp. $</p> <p>80. Records of the German Armed Forces High Command, Pt. VI (1982), 173 pp. $</p> <p>81. Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police, Pt. IV (1982), 184 pp. $</p> <p>82. Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command, Pt. IV (1982), 234 pp. $</p> <p>83. Records of the SS Economic and Administrative Office (1984), 124 pp. $</p> <p>84. Records of the German Armed Forces High Command, Pt. VII (1985), 193 pp. $</p> <p>85. Records of the German Armed Forces High Command, Pt. VIII (1990), 70 pp. $</p> <p>86. Records of the German Armed Forces High Command, Pt. IX (1990), 132 pp. $</p> <p>87. Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command, Pt. V (1990), 111 pp. $</p> <p>88. Records of Private German Enterprises and Individuals, Pt. II (1991), 31 pp. $</p> </blockquote> <p>Guides numbered 89-95 are available as hard-copy introductions with microfiche copies of series entries.<br /> <a href="#contact">Please contact the Research Support Branch for further information.</a></p> <blockquote> <p>89. Records of the General Plenipotentiary for the Serbian Economy (1991), microfiche</p> <p>90. Miscellaneous German Records Collection, Pt. II (1991), microfiche</p> <p>91. Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command, Pt. VI (1992), microfiche</p> <p>92. Records of Headquarters, German Air Force High Command, Pt. II (1992), microfiche</p> <p>93. Records of Private German Enterprises and Individuals, Pt. III (1992), microfiche</p> <p>94. Records of the German Armed Forces High Command, Pt. X (1993), microfiche</p> <p>95. Records of the Waffen-SS, Pt. III (1994), microfiche</p> <p>96. Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command, Part VII (Oberkommando des Hers-OKH), microfiche</p> <p>97. Records of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories (Reichsminsterium fur die besetzten Ostgebiete) and other Rosenberg Organizations, Part II, microfiche</p> <p>98. Miscellaneous German Records Collection, Part V (2000), microfiche</p> </blockquote> <p><strong>Guides to Records of the German Navy, 1850-1945</strong></p> <ol> <li>U-Boats and T-Boats, 1914-18 (1984), 357 pp.(available only in <em>Microfilm Publication M1743</em>) $</li> <li>Records Relating to U-Boat Warfare, 1939-45 (1985), 265 pp.(available only in <em>Microfilm Publication M1743</em>) $</li> <li>Records of the German Naval High Command 1935-1945 (1999) 24 pp.</li> <li>Records of the German Navy Operational Commands in World War II (2005), 196 pp.</li> <li>Pre-World War I Records of the Imperial German nNvy and Its Predecessors, 1822-1919 (2006), 76 pp.</li> <li>Selected records of the Imperial German Navy Relating to World War I (2008), 190 pp.<br /> 聽</li> </ol> <p><strong>Guide to Records of the Italian Armed Forces </strong>(available only in <em>Microfilm Publication T94</em>) $</p> <ul> <li>Part I (1967), 146 pp.</li> <li>Part II (1967), 133 pp.</li> <li>Part III (1967), 170 pp.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Guide to the Records of the Smolensk Oblast of the All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1917-41 (1980</strong>), 277 pp., available only on microfilm $</p> </section> </div> </div> <a name='sidebar'></a> <div id="sidebar" class="col-sm-3"> <aside id="sidebar-second"> <div> <div class="nwidget nsnippet" data-name="print-page-left" data-version="1"> <div class="highlighted" id="shared-holdings"> <h3> <img alt="info" class="floatRight" height="24" src="/global-images/icons/24x24/about.gif" width="24" />National Archives Holdings Guides</h3> <p>Many <a href="" rel="gb_page_center[640, 510]">National Archives reference papers on a variety of topics</a> have been digitized and posted online as PDFs by the Mt. 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