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Feel free to use it for any kind of discussion related to this website. </p> <script type="text/javascript"> document.title = document.title.replace(/Forum/, 'Forum - How to progress in speed'); function quote (postid) { var post = document.getElementById('post' + postid).innerHTML; var user = document.getElementById('user' + postid).innerHTML; var answer = document.getElementById('answer'); user = user.replace(/\s-.+$/, ''); post = post.replace(/<div(.|\r|\n)+<\/div>/g, ''); post = post.replace(/<br>/g, ''); post = post.replace(/<(\/)?([a-z])>/g, '[$1$2]'); post = post.replace(/(\s|\r|\n)$/g, ''); post = post.replace(/^(\s|\r|\n)/g, ''); post = post.replace(/^(\s|\r|\n)/g, ''); answer.value = '[quote='+user+']'+post+'[/quote]\n\n'+answer.value; } </script> <h2>Thread: How to progress in speed </h2> <p><a href="/forum">Back to the Forum </a></p> <table width="80%" cellpadding="5"> <tr><th width="30%">Author</th><th width="70%">Text</th></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17966' href="/profile/Godmil">Godmil - Gordon</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-26 16:46</td><td class="tborder" id="fp1" valign="top"><div id="post17966">Hello, <br>I'm working my way through the Koch lessons at 20/10, and I'm nearly finished them. I thought I should then start again at the beginning but at a higher speed. Do you think it would be worth using small increments like 22/12 then going up again after I finish them, or should I make larger jumps and force myself to get used to them? <br> <br>Or should I stick on lesson 40 and gradually build the speed up there. </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17974' href="/profile/PE4BAS">PE4BAS - Bas</a></div> <img src="/img/userimage13529.jpg" width="75"> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-27 13:25</td><td class="tborder" id="fp2" valign="top"><div id="post17974">My advice: do whatever suits you. As long as you keep learning... </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17975' href="/profile/oc">oc - M0***</a></div> <img src="/img/userimage140262.jpg" width="75"> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-27 15:19</td><td class="tborder" id="fp3" valign="top"><div id="post17975">Official recommendation is that you start at 20/15. </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17980' href="/profile/nonagenarian">nonagenarian - FM</a></div> <img src="/img/userimage57810.jpg" width="75"> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-28 00:13</td><td class="tborder" id="fp4" valign="top"><div id="post17980">Do not restart at lesson 1, but keep doing lesson 40. <br> <br>Start also with words in your language. <br> <br>The problem is not character speed, but shrinking character spacing to dash duration. <br> <br>Your choice out the next 2 procedures: <br> <br>1. go in your case slowly to 22/22 it will take you at least a year, before you are able to receive regular spaced Morse code reliably at 22/22 <br> <br>OR <br>2. go slowly from 22/12 to 12/12 which is a perfect speed for communication, it will take you a few months to communicate at 12/12 in perfect Morse code. <br> <br>55 </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17982' href="/profile/Godmil">Godmil - Gordon</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-28 10:18</td><td class="tborder" id="fp5" valign="top"><div id="post17982">Thanks for the tips, I've just got two lessons to go through, then I'm excited about speeding up. <br> <br>Edit: I finished 40, and tried setting it to 21/11 and my brain just about melted after a few seconds :D </div> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="tborder" valign="top"><div><a id='user17983' href="/profile/G8GDS">G8GDS - Peter Wilkinson</a></div> <br><br>Posted: 2025-02-28 11:21</td><td class="tborder" id="fp6" valign="top"><div id="post17983">Im at 18/7 with reasonable accuracy. Planning on <br>17/8 then <br>16/9 then reassessing progress <br> <br> </div> </td></tr> </table> <p><a href="/forum">Back to the Forum </a></p> <p>You must be logged in to post a message.</p> </td> <td width="20"> &nbsp; </td> </tr> </table> <br><br><br> <div align="center" class="footer"> - <strong>Learn Morse Code (CW) Online</strong> by <a class="sLink" href="">Fabian Kurz, DJ5CW</a> (<a href="/impressum">Impressum</a>) - <a href="/privacy">Privacy Policy / Datenschutzinformationen</a></div> <script> // keep the session cookie alife as long as user is on the page, refresh every // 5 minutes function session_keepalive () { var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "//", true); request.onreadystatechange = function() { var done = 4, ok = 200; if (request.readyState == done && request.status == ok) { var r = JSON.parse(request.responseText); if (r["result"] == false) { // no session if (document.getElementById("logoutlink")) { // but we think we're logged in! document.location.href = "//"; } } } } request.send(); } window.setInterval('session_keepalive()', 300000); </script> </body> </html>

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