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class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='high'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Investments</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Citi Invests in Mortgage Infrastructure Provider Pylon" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Citi Invests in Mortgage Infrastructure Provider Pylon</a> <p>Citi made a minority investment in mortgage infrastructure provider Pylon. In addition, the companies...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-0" > <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="FTC: Evolv Oversold Abilities of AI-Powered Weapon Detector"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='high'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Regulation</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="FTC: Evolv Oversold Abilities of AI-Powered Weapon Detector" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">FTC: Evolv Oversold Abilities of AI-Powered Weapon Detector</a> <p>The FTC has accused Evolv Technologies of overstating the capabilities of its in-school weapons-detection system. The Federal Trade...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-0" > <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Apple Ordered to Lift In-App Purchase Restrictions in Brazil"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='high'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">ANTITRUST</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Apple Ordered to Lift In-App Purchase Restrictions in Brazil" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Apple Ordered to Lift In-App Purchase Restrictions in Brazil</a> <p>Yet another antitrust regulator has taken issue with Apple’s in-app payment system. As Reuters reported Monday (Nov. 25),...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-0" > <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Mollie and PayPal Partner on Payment Solutions for Marketplace Platforms"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='high'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Partnerships</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Mollie and PayPal Partner on Payment Solutions for Marketplace Platforms" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Mollie and PayPal Partner on Payment Solutions for Marketplace Platforms</a> <p>Mollie and PayPal have teamed up to deliver payment solutions for marketplace platforms in the...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-0" > <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Ross, TJX and Gap Pivot as Consumer Spending Shift Poses Challenges"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='high'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Retail</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Ross, TJX and Gap Pivot as Consumer Spending Shift Poses Challenges" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Ross, TJX and Gap Pivot as Consumer Spending Shift Poses...</a> <p>As consumers remain cautious with their spending amid ongoing economic pressures, leading retail companies...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-0" > <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Consumer Confidence Jumps, but Spending Plans Mixed"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='high'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Consumer Insights</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Consumer Confidence Jumps, but Spending Plans Mixed" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Consumer Confidence Jumps, but Spending Plans Mixed</a> <p>Headed into Black Friday, consumers are more positive than they have been in months....</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-0" > <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="What Synapse’s Court Filings Reveal About the Future of Bank-FinTech Partnerships"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='high'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Partnerships</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="What Synapse’s Court Filings Reveal About the Future of Bank-FinTech Partnerships" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">What Synapse’s Court Filings Reveal About the Future of Bank-FinTech...</a> <p>A reevaluation of risk management and regulatory oversight is transforming the bank-FinTech partnership model....</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-0" > <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Burlington Sales Impacted by ‘Significantly’ Warmer Fall Temperatures"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='high'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Earnings</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Burlington Sales Impacted by ‘Significantly’ Warmer Fall Temperatures" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Burlington Sales Impacted by ‘Significantly’ Warmer Fall Temperatures</a> <p>A warmer-than-normal autumn wasn’t enough to stall sales growth for Burlington Stores. The off-price clothing...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-0" > <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Kohl’s Increases Private Brands Inventory to Bolster Value Messaging"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='high'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Earnings</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Kohl’s Increases Private Brands Inventory to Bolster Value Messaging" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Kohl’s Increases Private Brands Inventory to Bolster Value Messaging</a> <p>Kohl’s will sharpen its focus on value by increasing its inventory of private brands...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-0" > <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="dLocal Becomes Certified Payment Initiation Service Provider in Brazil"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='high'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Cross-border Payments</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="dLocal Becomes 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Path for X-Border Payments Transformation"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='high'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Cross Border Commerce</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Private Sector Will Pave Path for X-Border Payments Transformation" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Private Sector Will Pave Path for X-Border Payments Transformation</a> <p>The Treasury Department is pushing for frameworks and international standards for cross-border transactions —...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-0" > <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Dick’s Sporting Goods Outperforms Headwinds Due to Experiences, Exclusive Brands"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='high'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Earnings</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Dick’s Sporting Goods Outperforms Headwinds Due to Experiences, Exclusive Brands" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Dick’s Sporting Goods Outperforms Headwinds Due to Experiences, Exclusive Brands</a> <p>Dick’s Sporting Goods’ third-quarter 2024 earnings results exceeded analyst expectations and demonstrated continued momentum...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-0" > <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Mastercard Foundation Makes Private Equity Debut With $550 Million Deal"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='high'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Mastercard</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Mastercard Foundation Makes Private Equity Debut With $550 Million Deal" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Mastercard Foundation Makes Private Equity Debut With $550 Million Deal</a> <p>The Mastercard Foundation has reportedly established itself as a major institutional investor following a private equity...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-0" > <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Trump Reportedly Weighs Concept of White House AI Czar"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='high'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Artificial Intelligence</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Trump Reportedly Weighs Concept of White House AI Czar" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Trump Reportedly Weighs Concept of White House AI Czar</a> <p>President-elect Donald Trump could reportedly add an artificial intelligence czar to his new administration....</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Cardless Raises $30 Million to Continue Developing Co-Branded Credit Cards"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Investments</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Cardless Raises $30 Million to Continue Developing Co-Branded Credit Cards" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Cardless Raises $30 Million to Continue Developing Co-Branded Credit Cards</a> <p>Cardless has raised $30 million in a funding round to support its continued development...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="HSBC Launches Platform for Managing Domestic and International Business Payments"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">B2B Payments</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="HSBC Launches Platform for Managing Domestic and International Business Payments" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">HSBC Launches Platform for Managing Domestic and International Business Payments</a> <p>HSBC has launched a platform for managing domestic and international business payments. The new...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="UK Targets 2026 for Crypto Rules as Digital Asset Ownership Climbs"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Cryptocurrency</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="UK Targets 2026 for Crypto Rules as Digital Asset Ownership Climbs" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">UK Targets 2026 for Crypto Rules as Digital Asset Ownership...</a> <p>The United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority published its cryptocurrency regulation roadmap amid increasing digital...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Mistral Reportedly Eyes US Expansion to Take on AI Giants"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">artificial intelligence</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Mistral Reportedly Eyes US Expansion to Take on AI Giants" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Mistral Reportedly Eyes US Expansion to Take on AI Giants</a> <p>Mistral is reportedly boosting its U.S. expansion to compete with Silicon Valley tech giants. The...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Apple AI Launch Faces ‘Difficult and Long Process’ in China"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Apple</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Apple AI Launch Faces ‘Difficult and Long Process’ in China" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Apple AI Launch Faces ‘Difficult and Long Process’ in China</a> <p>Apple is reportedly facing hurdles in bringing its AI-powered iPhone to China. Government officials...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Why Payments Innovators Say Simplicity Is Their New KPI"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Payments Innovation</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Why Payments Innovators Say Simplicity Is Their New KPI" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Why Payments Innovators Say Simplicity Is Their New KPI</a> <p>Complexity is a hallmark of business, especially when it comes to money movement. Funds...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Why Instant Payments Are No Longer Optional for Credit Unions"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Opinion</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Why Instant Payments Are No Longer Optional for Credit Unions" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Why Instant Payments Are No Longer Optional for Credit Unions</a> <p>Today, immediacy is not just a nice-to-have but an expectation, Jon Budd, CEO of...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="CFOs Say Better Receivables Visibility Now Important Strategic Asset"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="feat-vid-but"> <i class="fa fa-play fa-3"></i> </div> <!--feat-vid-but--> </a> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Accounts Receivable</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="CFOs Say Better Receivables Visibility Now Important Strategic Asset" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">CFOs Say Better Receivables Visibility Now Important Strategic Asset</a> <p>Embracing an automated approach to accounts receivable (AR) can pay off in spades for...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="The Great Paper Escape: Transforming Accounts Payable for the Digital Age"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Digital Payments</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="The Great Paper Escape: Transforming Accounts Payable for the Digital Age" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">The Great Paper Escape: Transforming Accounts Payable for the Digital...</a> <p>Paper checks continue to dominate the accounts payable (AP) landscape — a costly reality...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="41% of Zillennials Prioritize Price Over Brand Loyalty"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Consumer Insights</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="41% of Zillennials Prioritize Price Over Brand Loyalty" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">41% of Zillennials Prioritize Price Over Brand Loyalty</a> <p>Zillennials, the generation born between 1991 and 1999, exhibit distinct shopping preferences, with a...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Kohl’s Appoints Michaels Chief Ashley Buchanan to Succeed Retiring CEO"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Retail</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Kohl’s Appoints Michaels Chief Ashley Buchanan to Succeed Retiring CEO" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Kohl’s Appoints Michaels Chief Ashley Buchanan to Succeed Retiring CEO</a> <p>Kohl’s has appointed Michaels Companies CEO Ashley Buchanan to succeed its current CEO Tom...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="FinCEN Aims to Expand Public-Private Partnerships Combating Fraud"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Fraud Prevention</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="FinCEN Aims to Expand Public-Private Partnerships Combating Fraud" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">FinCEN Aims to Expand Public-Private Partnerships Combating Fraud</a> <p>The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) said it aims...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Judge Sets Trial Date for FTC Antitrust Lawsuit Against Meta"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Meta</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Judge Sets Trial Date for FTC Antitrust Lawsuit Against Meta" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Judge Sets Trial Date for FTC Antitrust Lawsuit Against Meta</a> <p>A Federal Trade Commission (FTC) lawsuit that aims to unwind Meta’s acquisitions of Instagram and WhatsApp is set...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Healthcare Cash Crunch: Complex Payments and Sidelined Treasurers Strain Financial Health"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Healthcare</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Healthcare Cash Crunch: Complex Payments and Sidelined Treasurers Strain Financial Health" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Healthcare Cash Crunch: Complex Payments and Sidelined Treasurers Strain Financial...</a> <p>Healthcare is among the largest and most complex of industries in the United States....</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Crypto Entrepreneur Justin Sun Invests $30 Million in Trump-Backed World Liberty Financial"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">News</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Crypto Entrepreneur Justin Sun Invests $30 Million in Trump-Backed World Liberty Financial" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Crypto Entrepreneur Justin Sun Invests $30 Million in Trump-Backed World...</a> <p>Crypto company World Liberty Financial, which is backed by President-Elect Donald Trump, has received...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title=" Raises $15 Million to Grow Investment Management Platform"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">artificial intelligence</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title=" Raises $15 Million to Grow Investment Management Platform" class=" fs-5 fw-bold"> Raises $15 Million to Grow Investment Management Platform</a> <p>, has raised $15 million for its generative artificial intelligence (AI) tool for investment...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Ransomware Attack Targets Supply Chain Management Software Provider Blue Yonder"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Cybersecurity</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Ransomware Attack Targets Supply Chain Management Software Provider Blue Yonder" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Ransomware Attack Targets Supply Chain Management Software Provider Blue Yonder</a> <p>Supply chain management software provider Blue Yonder has reportedly been hit by a ransomware attack...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Report: Cantor Fitzgerald Seeks Tether’s Support for Bitcoin Lending Project"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Cryptocurrency</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Report: Cantor Fitzgerald Seeks Tether’s Support for Bitcoin Lending Project" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Report: Cantor Fitzgerald Seeks Tether’s Support for Bitcoin Lending Project</a> <p>Cantor Fitzgerald is reportedly seeking support for its planned $2 billion bitcoin lending project...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Blockchain’s B2B Dreams Start With New Regulations"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Blockchain</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Blockchain’s B2B Dreams Start With New Regulations" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Blockchain’s B2B Dreams Start With New Regulations</a> <p>Cryptocurrencies, and more specifically their underlying blockchain technologies, have gone from a solution in...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="DoorDash Adds 5 New Chains to Grocery Partner List"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Delivery</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="DoorDash Adds 5 New Chains to Grocery Partner List" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">DoorDash Adds 5 New Chains to Grocery Partner List</a> <p>DoorDash is adding new grocers to its list of supermarket delivery partners. The delivery...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-1" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Envestnet Finalizes $4.5 Billion Go-Private Deal With Bain Capital"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Acquisitions</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Envestnet Finalizes $4.5 Billion Go-Private Deal With Bain Capital" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Envestnet Finalizes $4.5 Billion Go-Private Deal With Bain Capital</a> <p>Wealth technology provider Envestnet has officially become a private company. The firm announced Monday...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Retailers Exercise Data Readiness Muscle to Boost Holiday Spend and Customer Loyalty"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">News</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Retailers Exercise Data Readiness Muscle to Boost Holiday Spend and Customer Loyalty" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Retailers Exercise Data Readiness Muscle to Boost Holiday Spend and...</a> <p>Data readiness is the ability of an organization to collect, manage and effectively use...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title=" Valued at $1.8 Billion Following Tender Offer"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Identity</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title=" Valued at $1.8 Billion Following Tender Offer" class=" fs-5 fw-bold"> Valued at $1.8 Billion Following Tender Offer</a> <p> has reportedly been valued at $1.8 billion following a tender offer. That’s up from...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="EC: Bluesky Breaches Rules by Not Disclosing Number of Users"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Regulation</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="EC: Bluesky Breaches Rules by Not Disclosing Number of Users" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">EC: Bluesky Breaches Rules by Not Disclosing Number of Users</a> <p>A European Commission spokesman reportedly said Monday (Nov. 25) that social media platform Bluesky...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Mastercard Launches Open Banking Partnership With Unzer"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Partnerships</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Mastercard Launches Open Banking Partnership With Unzer" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Mastercard Launches Open Banking Partnership With Unzer</a> <p>Payment/software solutions provider Unzer has formed an open banking-focused collaboration with Mastercard. The collaboration,...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Mastercard Debuts Shopping Experiences Supporting Small Businesses"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Mastercard</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Mastercard Debuts Shopping Experiences Supporting Small Businesses" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Mastercard Debuts Shopping Experiences Supporting Small Businesses</a> <p>Mastercard will launch an immersive shopping experience in Fort Langley, British Columbia, Canada, that...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Digital Identities, Wallets and Tokens Give Consumers Passports to Commerce"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Mobile Wallets</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Digital Identities, Wallets and Tokens Give Consumers Passports to Commerce" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Digital Identities, Wallets and Tokens Give Consumers Passports to Commerce</a> <p>The concept behind tokenization is straightforward. Sensitive data (often personal information) is replaced with...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Geico and Travelers Fined $11.3 Million for NY Data Breaches "> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">News</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Geico and Travelers Fined $11.3 Million for NY Data Breaches " class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Geico and Travelers Fined $11.3 Million for NY Data Breaches </a> <p>New York state has penalized two auto insurance giants for failing to secure customer...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="UK’s FCA Aims to Support Competitiveness of Financial Services Sector"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Regulation</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="UK’s FCA Aims to Support Competitiveness of Financial Services Sector" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">UK’s FCA Aims to Support Competitiveness of Financial Services Sector</a> <p>The United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has launched an economic research competition that...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Mbanq Debuts AI-Powered Loan Origination Platform Comet"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Banking</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Mbanq Debuts AI-Powered Loan Origination Platform Comet" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Mbanq Debuts AI-Powered Loan Origination Platform Comet</a> <p>Banking technology company Mbanq has debuted Mbanq Comet, an AI-powered digital loan origination platform. Comet integrates...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Lawmakers Question US Banking Relationship With Hong Kong"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Bank Regulation</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Lawmakers Question US Banking Relationship With Hong Kong" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Lawmakers Question US Banking Relationship With Hong Kong</a> <p>Two U.S. lawmakers reportedly want the country to rethink its banking relationship with Hong Kong....</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Nvidia Says AI Model Generates ‘Sounds Never Heard Before’"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">artificial intelligence</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Nvidia Says AI Model Generates ‘Sounds Never Heard Before’" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Nvidia Says AI Model Generates ‘Sounds Never Heard Before’</a> <p>Nvidia has unveiled an AI model it dubs “a Swiss Army knife for sound.” Fugatto...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="US Bank Names Payment Services CFO Kristy Carstensen to Lead Global Treasury Management"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Personnel</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="US Bank Names Payment Services CFO Kristy Carstensen to Lead Global Treasury Management" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">US Bank Names Payment Services CFO Kristy Carstensen to Lead...</a> <p>U.S. Bank has appointed Kristy Carstensen, who was formerly its chief financial officer of Payment...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Retailers Take Note: Consumers Say There Are Too Many Deals"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Consumer Insights</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Retailers Take Note: Consumers Say There Are Too Many Deals" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Retailers Take Note: Consumers Say There Are Too Many Deals</a> <p>Through the past few years, consumers in the United States, have collectively seemed to...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Goldman Sachs Banker Sees ‘Massive’ Potential for 2025 IPO Uptick"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">IPO</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Goldman Sachs Banker Sees ‘Massive’ Potential for 2025 IPO Uptick" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Goldman Sachs Banker Sees ‘Massive’ Potential for 2025 IPO Uptick</a> <p>A senior Goldman Sachs banker believes 2025 will see more technology companies go public....</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="How Upgrading the Onboarding Experience Redefines B2B Relationships"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Digital Onboarding</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="How Upgrading the Onboarding Experience Redefines B2B Relationships" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">How Upgrading the Onboarding Experience Redefines B2B Relationships</a> <p>Onboarding is often the first test for whether a business relationship can succeed. If...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Report: TD Bank Close to Adding Compliance Monitors"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Bank Regulation</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Report: TD Bank Close to Adding Compliance Monitors" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Report: TD Bank Close to Adding Compliance Monitors</a> <p>TD Bank reportedly is working to select compliance monitors to track its progress on risk...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="WEX Debuts AI-Powered Enhancements to Benefits Admin Tool"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">artificial intelligence</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="WEX Debuts AI-Powered Enhancements to Benefits Admin Tool" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">WEX Debuts AI-Powered Enhancements to Benefits Admin Tool</a> <p>Commerce platform WEX says it is launching new AI enhancements to its benefits administration offering. With...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Macy’s Employee Accused of Concealing $132 Million in Delivery Costs"> <img data-src='’s.jpg?w=300&h=180&crop=1' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Retail</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Macy’s Employee Accused of Concealing $132 Million in Delivery Costs" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Macy’s Employee Accused of Concealing $132 Million in Delivery Costs</a> <p>Macy’s has delayed its earnings call after discovering a multimillion-dollar “intentional” employee accounting error. That...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="ChatGPT Flexes Muscles in Unexpected Arena as Estée Lauder Beauty Consultant"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Artificial Intelligence</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="ChatGPT Flexes Muscles in Unexpected Arena as Estée Lauder Beauty Consultant" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">ChatGPT Flexes Muscles in Unexpected Arena as Estée Lauder Beauty...</a> <p>Beauty companies increasingly use artificial intelligence to transform how they develop and market products,...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Warren Accuses Verisign of Web Domain Registration Monopoly"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">ANTITRUST</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Warren Accuses Verisign of Web Domain Registration Monopoly" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Warren Accuses Verisign of Web Domain Registration Monopoly</a> <p>Sen. Elizabeth Warren is calling for an antitrust investigation into the web domain registration...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-2" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Intrigue or Fatigue? Amid Crowded Deals Landscape, Financial Lifestyle Drives Consumers’ Black Friday Interest"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">PYMNTS Data Lab</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Intrigue or Fatigue? Amid Crowded Deals Landscape, Financial Lifestyle Drives Consumers’ Black Friday Interest" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Intrigue or Fatigue? Amid Crowded Deals Landscape, Financial Lifestyle Drives...</a> <p>Consumers are gearing up for one of the holiday shopping season’s main events: Black...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="In B2B Payments, It Takes Two to Create Value"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">B2B Payments</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="In B2B Payments, It Takes Two to Create Value" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">In B2B Payments, It Takes Two to Create Value</a> <p>B2B payments remain tied to legacy systems, but emerging solutions are setting the stage...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="The True Cost of Fraud Goes Well Beyond Dollars Lost"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Security & Fraud</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="The True Cost of Fraud Goes Well Beyond Dollars Lost" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">The True Cost of Fraud Goes Well Beyond Dollars Lost</a> <p>The impact of fraud on a business can be swift and severe. Several payments...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="J.P. Morgan Weighs In on Retail’s Three Big Moments of Truth"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="feat-vid-but"> <i class="fa fa-play fa-3"></i> </div> <!--feat-vid-but--> </a> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Retail</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="J.P. Morgan Weighs In on Retail’s Three Big Moments of Truth" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">J.P. Morgan Weighs In on Retail’s Three Big Moments of...</a> <p>We all heard the saying as kids when parents and teachers offered up these...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Rush Hour Retail: How Geolocation Impacts Customer Experience During the Holidays"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="feat-vid-but"> <i class="fa fa-play fa-3"></i> </div> <!--feat-vid-but--> </a> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Retail</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Rush Hour Retail: How Geolocation Impacts Customer Experience During the Holidays" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Rush Hour Retail: How Geolocation Impacts Customer Experience During the...</a> <p>The holiday shopping season is retailers’ peak period. “Holiday shopping puts tremendous pressure on...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="CE 100 Index Jumps 5.2% as and Snowflake Surge by Double Digits"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Connected Economy</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="CE 100 Index Jumps 5.2% as and Snowflake Surge by Double Digits" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">CE 100 Index Jumps 5.2% as and Snowflake Surge...</a> <p>Artificial intelligence — specifically, AI companies that have been riding the wave of simulating...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Apple Loses Bid to Stall India Antitrust Probe Report"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Apple</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Apple Loses Bid to Stall India Antitrust Probe Report" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Apple Loses Bid to Stall India Antitrust Probe Report</a> <p>India’s antitrust regulator has reportedly rejected Apple’s bid to suspend an investigative report. That...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="How Alto Pharmacy Is Redefining the Pharmacy Experience Through Digital Innovation"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Retail</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="How Alto Pharmacy Is Redefining the Pharmacy Experience Through Digital Innovation" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">How Alto Pharmacy Is Redefining the Pharmacy Experience Through Digital...</a> <p>Alto Pharmacy is changing the pharmacy experience by leveraging digital solutions to improve patient...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Report: Trump Tariffs Could Cost Consumers $78 Billion Per Year"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Economy</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Report: Trump Tariffs Could Cost Consumers $78 Billion Per Year" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Report: Trump Tariffs Could Cost Consumers $78 Billion Per Year</a> <p>Recent research shows that President-elect Donald Trump’s tariff proposals could cost American consumers. A...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="China’s Secondhand Luxury Market Blooms as Consumers Feel Pinched"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Retail</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="China’s Secondhand Luxury Market Blooms as Consumers Feel Pinched" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">China’s Secondhand Luxury Market Blooms as Consumers Feel Pinched</a> <p>While Chinese consumers are struggling, the country’s secondhand luxury market is reportedly thriving. As...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Celero Commerce Bolsters Retail Presence With Precision Payments Purchase"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Acquisitions</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Celero Commerce Bolsters Retail Presence With Precision Payments Purchase" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Celero Commerce Bolsters Retail Presence With Precision Payments Purchase</a> <p>Tennessee-based financial services firm Celero Commerce has acquired electronic payments technology provider Precision Payments....</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Social Media Startup Bluesky Sees 300% Post-Election User Jump"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Social Commerce</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Social Media Startup Bluesky Sees 300% Post-Election User Jump" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Social Media Startup Bluesky Sees 300% Post-Election User Jump</a> <p>Elon Musk’s social media loss has — so far — not been Mark Zuckerberg’s...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Trump Considering ‘Pretty Significant’ Changes to CFPB"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">CFPB</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Trump Considering ‘Pretty Significant’ Changes to CFPB" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Trump Considering ‘Pretty Significant’ Changes to CFPB</a> <p>President-elect Donald Trump and congressional Republicans are reportedly considering sweeping changes to the Consumer...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Barclays Calls on Ex-CEO to Fight $50 Million UK Fine"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Legal</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Barclays Calls on Ex-CEO to Fight $50 Million UK Fine" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Barclays Calls on Ex-CEO to Fight $50 Million UK Fine</a> <p>Barclays has reportedly asked ex-CEO John Varley to help it challenge a $50 million...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Retro Revival: Nostalgic Tech Is Making a Comeback"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Technology</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Retro Revival: Nostalgic Tech Is Making a Comeback" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Retro Revival: Nostalgic Tech Is Making a Comeback</a> <p>Old-fashioned technology is coming back into fashion, and we’re talking more than just dumb...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Digital Wallets Gain Traction: Nearly Half of US Consumers Tap In"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Mobile Wallets</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Digital Wallets Gain Traction: Nearly Half of US Consumers Tap In" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Digital Wallets Gain Traction: Nearly Half of US Consumers Tap...</a> <p>In the U.S., digital wallets have become popular for everyday transactions, yet their full...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Lenovo Adds Klarna’s Flexible Payment Methods in 15 European Countries"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">BNPL</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Lenovo Adds Klarna’s Flexible Payment Methods in 15 European Countries" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Lenovo Adds Klarna’s Flexible Payment Methods in 15 European Countries</a> <p>Global technology firm Lenovo now enables shoppers in 15 European countries to use Klarna’s flexible payment...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Judge Rules SiriusXM Must Make It Easier to Cancel Subscriptions"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Subscription Commerce</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Judge Rules SiriusXM Must Make It Easier to Cancel Subscriptions" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Judge Rules SiriusXM Must Make It Easier to Cancel Subscriptions</a> <p>A New York state judge ruled Thursday (Nov. 21) that SiriusXM must change its subscription...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Cards Making Gains With Commercial Payments, but Greenfield Opportunity Still Is Massive"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">B2B Payments</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Cards Making Gains With Commercial Payments, but Greenfield Opportunity Still Is Massive" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Cards Making Gains With Commercial Payments, but Greenfield Opportunity Still...</a> <p>The death of the paper check may be a ways off — certainly that’s...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Treasury Official: US Promotes Innovation and Regulatory Frameworks for Cross-Border Payments"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Cross-border Payments</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Treasury Official: US Promotes Innovation and Regulatory Frameworks for Cross-Border Payments" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Treasury Official: US Promotes Innovation and Regulatory Frameworks for Cross-Border...</a> <p>The U.S. is working to keep the dollar as the dominant currency in global...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Pandemic’s Main Street Lending Program Borrowers Still Struggle With High Interest Rates"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Loans</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Pandemic’s Main Street Lending Program Borrowers Still Struggle With High Interest Rates" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Pandemic’s Main Street Lending Program Borrowers Still Struggle With High...</a> <p>The Federal Reserve’s pandemic-era Main Street Lending Program reportedly had $1.23 billion in interest...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-3" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Social Engineering Scams Prove Costly to Consumers and Bank Bottom Lines"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Fraud Prevention</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Social Engineering Scams Prove Costly to Consumers and Bank Bottom Lines" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Social Engineering Scams Prove Costly to Consumers and Bank Bottom...</a> <p>With financial institutions (FIs) fortifying their defenses and evolving their strategies against digital payment...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-4" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Ross Stores: ‘Treasure Hunt Environment’ Drives Off-Price Store Sales"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Earnings</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Ross Stores: ‘Treasure Hunt Environment’ Drives Off-Price Store Sales" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Ross Stores: ‘Treasure Hunt Environment’ Drives Off-Price Store Sales</a> <p>Ross Stores aims to draw customers and drive sales by offering value and a...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-4" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Leading Indicators: Bumpy Holiday Season for Consumers, and Maybe B2B Too?"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Economy</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Leading Indicators: Bumpy Holiday Season for Consumers, and Maybe B2B Too?" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Leading Indicators: Bumpy Holiday Season for Consumers, and Maybe B2B...</a> <p>This week, PYMNTS Intelligence noted the appeal of paying over time — especially now,...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-4" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Gap’s ‘Brand Reinvigoration’ Focus Turns to In-Store and Online Experiences"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Earnings</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Gap’s ‘Brand Reinvigoration’ Focus Turns to In-Store and Online Experiences" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Gap’s ‘Brand Reinvigoration’ Focus Turns to In-Store and Online Experiences</a> <p>Gap Inc. is refining both its digital and in-store channels as it works to...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-4" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Report: Apple Aims to Increase Siri’s Capabilities With Advanced LLMs"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Apple</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Report: Apple Aims to Increase Siri’s Capabilities With Advanced LLMs" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Report: Apple Aims to Increase Siri’s Capabilities With Advanced LLMs</a> <p>Apple reportedly is working to make its Siri voice assistant more conversational with the...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-4" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Exclusive: BNPL, Mobile Banking Embraced by Low-Income Consumers"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Consumer Insights</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Exclusive: BNPL, Mobile Banking Embraced by Low-Income Consumers" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Exclusive: BNPL, Mobile Banking Embraced by Low-Income Consumers</a> <p>PYMNTS Intelligence’s long-standing chronicling of the paycheck-to-paycheck economy has revealed shifts in how consumers...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-4" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Amazon Doubles Total Investment in Anthropic to $8 Billion"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Investments</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Amazon Doubles Total Investment in Anthropic to $8 Billion" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Amazon Doubles Total Investment in Anthropic to $8 Billion</a> <p>Amazon and Anthropic announced an expanded partnership that includes Amazon investing another $4 billion...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-4" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="AI-Powered Search Engines Emerge as Google Faces Antitrust Scrutiny"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Google</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="AI-Powered Search Engines Emerge as Google Faces Antitrust Scrutiny" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">AI-Powered Search Engines Emerge as Google Faces Antitrust Scrutiny</a> <p>The history of the search landscape is a journey of technological innovation, evolving user...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-4" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="UK’s CMA Says Apple and Google Policies ‘Hold Back Innovation’"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">ANTITRUST</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="UK’s CMA Says Apple and Google Policies ‘Hold Back Innovation’" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">UK’s CMA Says Apple and Google Policies ‘Hold Back Innovation’</a> <p>Apple and Google may face a formal investigation into their mobile ecosystem policies in...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-4" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="The Treasurer Will See You Now: Collaboration Is the Medicine the Healthcare Industry Needs"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Healthcare</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="The Treasurer Will See You Now: Collaboration Is the Medicine the Healthcare Industry Needs" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">The Treasurer Will See You Now: Collaboration Is the Medicine...</a> <p>Treasurers play a vital role in healthcare firms by managing liquidity and influencing financial...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-4" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Ingo Payments CEO Takes Aim at ‘FBO Account and Move On’ Mentality in Payments"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="feat-vid-but"> <i class="fa fa-play fa-3"></i> </div> <!--feat-vid-but--> </a> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">B2B Payments</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Ingo Payments CEO Takes Aim at ‘FBO Account and Move On’ Mentality in Payments" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Ingo Payments CEO Takes Aim at ‘FBO Account and Move...</a> <p>For the longest time, moving money for business or consumer purposes was a manual,...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-4" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Panel: Data-Driven Paradigms Future-Proof Security Lifecycle Management"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="feat-vid-but"> <i class="fa fa-play fa-3"></i> </div> <!--feat-vid-but--> </a> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Payments Innovation</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Panel: Data-Driven Paradigms Future-Proof Security Lifecycle Management" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Panel: Data-Driven Paradigms Future-Proof Security Lifecycle Management</a> <p>As digital payments scale, the sophistication of scams matches their pace. This ongoing dichotomy...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-4" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Two-Thirds of Digital Wallet Users in France Use Them for Everything but Payments"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Mobile Wallets</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Two-Thirds of Digital Wallet Users in France Use Them for Everything but Payments" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Two-Thirds of Digital Wallet Users in France Use Them for...</a> <p>Digital wallets are becoming essential tools for French consumers, especially as the country embraces...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-4" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="FinTech IPO Index Surges 3.8% as Lemonade, Affirm Lead the Pack"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Fintech Investments</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="FinTech IPO Index Surges 3.8% as Lemonade, Affirm Lead the Pack" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">FinTech IPO Index Surges 3.8% as Lemonade, Affirm Lead the...</a> <p>The FinTech IPO Index was 3.8% higher this past week, as Lemonade and Affirm...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-4" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Why Complexity Is the Enemy of the Sale"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="feat-vid-but"> <i class="fa fa-play fa-3"></i> </div> <!--feat-vid-but--> </a> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Buy Now Pay Later</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Why Complexity Is the Enemy of the Sale" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Why Complexity Is the Enemy of the Sale</a> <p>Even with the continued shift to digital payments and the plethora of payment options,...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-4" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Report: Financial Scams Drive 122% Increase in Fraud Losses by US Banks"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Fraud Prevention</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Report: Financial Scams Drive 122% Increase in Fraud Losses by US Banks" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Report: Financial Scams Drive 122% Increase in Fraud Losses by...</a> <p>Transactions have moved more digital, changing the fraud landscape. Financial institutions (FIs) have made...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-4" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Bridging the Digital Divide: How Banks Can Meet Customer Expectations in Lending"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="feat-vid-but"> <i class="fa fa-play fa-3"></i> </div> <!--feat-vid-but--> </a> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Banking</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Bridging the Digital Divide: How Banks Can Meet Customer Expectations in Lending" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Bridging the Digital Divide: How Banks Can Meet Customer Expectations...</a> <p>Banks and credit unions may feel like they offer a best-in-class digital experience —...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-4" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Adyen to Support Global Expansion of Spendesk’s Spend Management Platform"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Partnerships</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Adyen to Support Global Expansion of Spendesk’s Spend Management Platform" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Adyen to Support Global Expansion of Spendesk’s Spend Management Platform</a> <p>Spendesk aims to strengthen its offer in core markets and support the global growth...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-4" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Report: OpenAI Considers Adding Web Browser and Search Partnerships"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">artificial intelligence</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Report: OpenAI Considers Adding Web Browser and Search Partnerships" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Report: OpenAI Considers Adding Web Browser and Search Partnerships</a> <p>OpenAI reportedly has considered developing a web browser and powering search features for partners...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-4" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="DOJ Proposal in Antitrust Case Aims to Undo Google-Anthropic Partnership"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">ANTITRUST</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="DOJ Proposal in Antitrust Case Aims to Undo Google-Anthropic Partnership" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">DOJ Proposal in Antitrust Case Aims to Undo Google-Anthropic Partnership</a> <p>The Justice Department’s proposal to resolve its antitrust case over online search against Google...</p> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-3 group-4" style="display:none"> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Intuit Sees AI Driving Big Changes for Small Businesses"> <img data-src='' class='border w-100 h-auto' fetchpriority='low'/> <div class="pt-2"> <span class="smaller text-muted text-uppercase">Earnings</span><br> <a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Intuit Sees AI Driving Big Changes for Small Businesses" class=" fs-5 fw-bold">Intuit Sees AI Driving Big Changes for Small Businesses</a> <p>All artificial intelligence (AI) systems are software, but not all software is AI. 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