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HIV/AIDS and environment linkages organized by <a href="">International Planned Parenthood Federation-Africa Regional Office (IPPFARO) </a>and the <a href="">International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) East and South Africa Regional Office</a> brought together professionals from diverse organizations from Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda to share knowledge and experiences concerning these relationships.</p> <p>I admit that the relationships between HIV/AIDS and the environment are not as intuitive as other population, health, and environment links, however a growing number of research studies and health and conservation programs have explored these relationships. The simplest explanation is that HIV/AIDS morbidity and mortality may affect people’s natural resource use or may affect institutions that govern resources, thus impacting natural ecosystems. On the flip side, environmental change may have special impacts on people living with HIV/AIDS or may increase susceptibility to HIV infection among certain groups.</p> <p align="center"><img border="0" width="286" src="" height="208"/> </p> <p>At the meeting in Kenya, we went into far greater detail on the nature of the linkages with the goal being the development of an HIV/AIDS-environment framework to assist organizations in determining priority actions for reducing the impacts on households, their resources, and the natural environment. A few of the linkages discussed included:</p> <p><strong>AIDS, Food Security, and Exploitation of Natural Resources</strong><br/> Evidence shows that AIDS exacerbates vulnerability to food security because AIDS disproportionately affects young adults thus decreasing available labor for small-scale agriculture. A survey in South Africa found that households affected by AIDS are significantly more concerned about food security. The study also found that households that had experienced AIDS mortality were more likely to use natural resources as cost-saving substitutes (in particular turning to fuelwood from forests) perhaps due to their perceived need to save money for food. </p> <p><strong>Impacts on the Conservation Workforce and Loss of Human Capacity</strong><br/> Conservation work tends to take adult males to remote areas and separate them from their families for long periods of time. Unprotected sex and extramarital sex during these absences puts these workers and their partners at risk of contracting HIV. For those conservation workers who are already living with HIV, long absences for work can complicate the care and support they need. In sub-Saharan Africa, the conservation workforce has been heavily affected by AIDS morbidity and mortality resulting in a substantial loss of human capacity among conservation institutions. One conservation organization has reported losing 14 percent of its workforce to AIDS since 1994, and national agencies such Kenya Wildlife Service now have specific HIV/AIDS workplace policies and programs to increase awareness among staff. </p> <p><strong>Limited Access to Land Ownership and Resources for Widowed Women and orphans</strong><br/> Women whose husbands have died from AIDS face challenges in maintaining livelihoods and food security in contexts where female ownership of land is prohibited. In such contexts, widows may lose their household’s land and lose access to agricultural lands and a source of wealth. Orphans whose parents have died from AIDS are also especially vulnerable to having their parent’s land and wealth taken from them.</p> <p><strong>Natural Resources, Migration, and HIV</strong><br/> Households dependent on natural resource-based livelihoods that require temporary migration to access resources, such as seasonal fisherman, are at greater risk of contracting HIV due to periodic absences from home, influxes of cash, and extramarital sex. The increasing prominence of wage employment to supplement agricultural livelihoods may also take individuals away from the household to work in natural resource based industries such as mining, timber, and oil and gas production, and thus place people at greater risk of contracting HIV. </p> <p><strong>Complex Emergencies, Resource Scarcity, and HIV</strong><br/> Natural disasters and armed conflict can make gathering food, fuelwood, and water risky endevours. Traveling farther for food and resources during complex emergencies puts women at greater risk of sexual violence. In addition, women may be more likely to be coerced into transactional sex to attain resources when a household’s survival depends on a woman bringing home food and resources. Sexual violence and transactional sex both put women at risk of contracting HIV.</p> <p>These were just a few of the relationships discussed, and a great deal of work on HIV and environment has been done by the <a href="">Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group </a>among others. Despite this work many participants at the seminar were new to the idea of HIV and environment relationships. The IPPF and IUCN collaboration is promising, but much remains to be done to popularize these relationships. </p> <p>It would be great to hear your thoughts. Have you thought about HIV and environment relationships before? Do the linkages mentioned above make sense to you? Are you already doing work to reduce the impacts of HIV on households, their resources, and the natural environment, or to reduce the impacts of a changing environment on people living with HIV?</p> </div> <!-- AddThis Bookmark Post Button BEGIN --> <div class="addthis"><a href=" Between HIV/AIDS and…the Environment?" title="Bookmark using any bookmark manager!" target="_blank"><img src="" width="125" height="16" border="0" alt="AddThis Social Bookmark Button"/></a></div><!-- AddThis Bookmark Post Button END --> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div> <div class="alignleft"></div> <div class="alignright"></div> </div> <br/> </div> </td></tr></table></center> <!--googleoff: all--> <br/><br/> <div align="center"> <div align="center" id="ftr"><img src="" width="3" height="23" align="right"/><img src="" width="3" height="23" align="left"/><span class="footertext">Services: <a href="">Get E-Mail News</a> · <a href="">Join/Renew Membership</a> · <a href="">Donate</a> · <a href="">Bookstore</a> · <a href="">Contact</a> · <a href="">Español</a> · <a href="">Français</a></span></div> <span class="footer2text"><b>Copyright 2007, Population Reference Bureau.</b> All rights reserved. • <a href="">Privacy Policy</a></span><br/> <span class="footer2text">1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW • Suite 520 • Washington, DC 20009-5728 • USA <br/> <b>Phone:</b> 800-877-9881 • <b>Fax:</b> 202-328-3937 • <b>E-mail:</b> <a href=""></a></span><br/> </div> <!--googleon: all--> </div> <!-- Google Analytics start --> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? 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