The Future of Jamstack
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style="fill: rgb(255, 255, 255)"></path> <path d="M 285.185 43.324 L 289.6 43.324 Q 289.579 43.603 289.568 43.942 Q 289.557 44.28 289.557 44.651 Q 289.557 45.021 289.557 45.397 Q 289.557 45.773 289.557 46.117 Q 289.772 45.591 290.116 45.038 Q 290.46 44.484 290.927 44.044 Q 291.394 43.603 291.99 43.319 Q 292.587 43.034 293.328 43.034 Q 293.467 43.034 293.634 43.05 Q 293.8 43.066 293.962 43.099 Q 294.123 43.131 294.268 43.179 Q 294.413 43.228 294.509 43.292 L 294.133 47.718 Q 293.65 47.535 293.113 47.444 Q 292.576 47.353 292.178 47.353 Q 291.63 47.353 291.217 47.487 Q 290.803 47.621 290.513 47.836 Q 290.223 48.051 290.057 48.309 Q 289.89 48.566 289.826 48.813 L 289.826 54.915 L 285.185 54.915 Z" style="fill: rgb(255, 255, 255)"></path> <path d="M 307.209 54.453 Q 306.199 54.786 305.028 55.006 Q 303.857 55.227 302.589 55.227 Q 301.204 55.227 299.947 54.861 Q 298.69 54.496 297.734 53.723 Q 296.778 52.949 296.214 51.762 Q 295.65 50.575 295.65 48.932 Q 295.65 47.997 295.94 47.197 Q 296.23 46.396 296.73 45.741 Q 297.229 45.086 297.9 44.581 Q 298.572 44.076 299.34 43.732 Q 300.108 43.389 300.924 43.211 Q 301.741 43.034 302.525 43.034 Q 303.76 43.034 304.706 43.308 Q 305.651 43.582 306.279 44.044 Q 306.908 44.506 307.23 45.118 Q 307.552 45.73 307.552 46.418 Q 307.552 47.256 307.268 47.847 Q 306.983 48.437 306.505 48.84 Q 306.027 49.243 305.399 49.474 Q 304.77 49.705 304.072 49.829 Q 303.374 49.952 302.649 49.984 Q 301.923 50.017 301.268 50.017 Q 301.043 50.017 300.833 50.011 Q 300.624 50.006 300.42 50.006 Q 300.505 50.618 300.758 51.037 Q 301.01 51.456 301.392 51.719 Q 301.773 51.982 302.273 52.095 Q 302.772 52.208 303.341 52.208 Q 303.771 52.208 304.26 52.144 Q 304.749 52.079 305.248 51.966 Q 305.748 51.853 306.247 51.708 Q 306.747 51.563 307.209 51.402 Z M 300.323 48.352 Q 300.581 48.341 300.983 48.319 Q 301.386 48.298 301.837 48.244 Q 302.289 48.19 302.74 48.094 Q 303.191 47.997 303.556 47.847 Q 303.921 47.696 304.147 47.471 Q 304.373 47.245 304.373 46.923 Q 304.373 46.375 303.938 46.047 Q 303.503 45.72 302.729 45.72 Q 302.375 45.72 301.966 45.822 Q 301.558 45.924 301.204 46.214 Q 300.849 46.504 300.602 47.019 Q 300.355 47.535 300.323 48.352 Z" style="fill: rgb(255, 255, 255)"></path> <path d="M 323.939 55.227 Q 322.671 55.227 321.683 54.99 Q 320.695 54.754 319.954 54.335 Q 319.212 53.916 318.691 53.341 Q 318.171 52.767 317.848 52.09 Q 317.526 51.413 317.381 50.661 Q 317.236 49.909 317.236 49.136 Q 317.236 48.373 317.381 47.626 Q 317.526 46.88 317.848 46.198 Q 318.171 45.516 318.686 44.941 Q 319.202 44.366 319.948 43.942 Q 320.695 43.518 321.683 43.276 Q 322.671 43.034 323.939 43.034 Q 325.207 43.034 326.195 43.276 Q 327.183 43.518 327.93 43.942 Q 328.676 44.366 329.192 44.941 Q 329.708 45.516 330.03 46.198 Q 330.352 46.88 330.497 47.626 Q 330.642 48.373 330.642 49.136 Q 330.642 49.909 330.497 50.661 Q 330.352 51.413 330.03 52.09 Q 329.708 52.767 329.187 53.341 Q 328.666 53.916 327.924 54.335 Q 327.183 54.754 326.195 54.99 Q 325.207 55.227 323.939 55.227 Z M 321.877 49.136 Q 321.877 49.716 321.984 50.269 Q 322.091 50.822 322.333 51.257 Q 322.575 51.692 322.967 51.956 Q 323.359 52.219 323.939 52.219 Q 324.519 52.219 324.911 51.956 Q 325.303 51.692 325.545 51.257 Q 325.787 50.822 325.894 50.269 Q 326.002 49.716 326.002 49.136 Q 326.002 48.556 325.894 48.002 Q 325.787 47.449 325.545 47.014 Q 325.303 46.579 324.911 46.311 Q 324.519 46.042 323.939 46.042 Q 323.359 46.042 322.967 46.311 Q 322.575 46.579 322.333 47.014 Q 322.091 47.449 321.984 48.002 Q 321.877 48.556 321.877 49.136 Z" style="fill: rgb(255, 255, 255)"></path> <path d="M 338.387 54.915 L 333.747 54.915 L 333.747 46.031 L 331.899 46.031 L 331.899 43.324 L 333.725 43.324 Q 333.725 42.003 334.08 41.02 Q 334.434 40.037 335.089 39.382 Q 335.745 38.727 336.674 38.399 Q 337.603 38.071 338.763 38.071 Q 339.709 38.071 340.514 38.275 Q 341.32 38.479 341.997 38.759 L 341.653 41.519 Q 341.03 41.369 340.616 41.267 Q 340.203 41.165 339.816 41.165 Q 339.322 41.165 339.037 41.348 Q 338.753 41.53 338.608 41.831 Q 338.462 42.132 338.425 42.524 Q 338.387 42.916 338.387 43.324 L 341.631 43.324 Q 341.481 44.033 341.395 44.688 Q 341.309 45.344 341.309 46.031 L 338.387 46.031 Z" style="fill: rgb(255, 255, 255)"></path> </svg> </div> </h1> </div> <main><div class="wrapper"> <p style=" background: rgba(0,0,0,.5); border: 1px solid yellow; font-size: .8em; border-radius: 10px; padding: 1em; "> We've finished the last panel and interviews for the #TheFutureOfJamstack project. Currently, we're working on combining all of this content into a cohesive pitch for the community to review. </p> <p> Jamstack redefined building on the web. At a time when the majority of the industry built large, monolithic websites, Jamstack was a voice of simplicity, security, scalability, and performance. </p> <p> The cycle is repeating and the principles of Jamstack are relevant now more than ever. </p> <p> What if we could get back to the core of Jamstack, cherish that, and have the community steer its future course? </p> <p> <em>#TheFutureOfJamstack</em> is a shared vision we’re writing, transparently and collectively. Join the movement to hear stories of the people who live and breathe Jamstack, have your say in community polls and feedback sessions, and a Jamstack definition that gets back to the roots. All in the open. </p> <hr> </div> <div class="wrapper"> <h2>What are we discussing?</h2> </div> <div class="wrapper"> <h3>What is <em>Jamstack</em>?</h3> </div> <wc-carousel-lite class="carousel-1" init-item="12" no-touch="" transition-duration="1000"> <lite-youtube class="item" controls="0" fs="0" playlabel="Netlify" short="" videoid="EcbdkB9InGk"></lite-youtube> <lite-youtube class="item" controls="0" fs="0" playlabel="Jamstack cool" short="" videoid="Gxa1jiSQJG4"></lite-youtube> <lite-youtube class="item" controls="0" fs="0" playlabel="Jamstack is" short="" videoid="hvPSuhzBWd4"></lite-youtube> <lite-youtube class="item" controls="0" fs="0" playlabel="Portable" short="" videoid="nicqop_iKYE"></lite-youtube> <lite-youtube class="item" controls="0" fs="0" playlabel="API Contract" short="" videoid="sx0W8SSMbC8"></lite-youtube> <lite-youtube class="item" controls="0" fs="0" playlabel="Modern stack" short="" videoid="UcQHIpu7b2I"></lite-youtube> <lite-youtube class="item" controls="0" 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Davis - What the Jam</span> </span> </a> </li><li> <a href="" target="_blank"> <div class="preview"> <img alt="The personal web with Juhis - What the Jam" class="og-image" decoding="async" height="211" loading="lazy" src="" width="375"> </div> <span> <img alt="IndieWeb Avatar for" class="avatar avatar-indieweb" decoding="async" height="150" loading="lazy" src="" width="150"> <span class="title">The personal web with Juhis - What the Jam</span> </span> </a> </li><li> <a href="" target="_blank"> <div class="preview"> <img alt="Start with Static with Jason Lengstorf - What the Jam" class="og-image" decoding="async" height="211" loading="lazy" src="" width="375"> </div> <span> <img alt="IndieWeb Avatar for" class="avatar avatar-indieweb" decoding="async" height="150" loading="lazy" src="" width="150"> <span class="title">Start with Static with Jason Lengstorf - What the Jam</span> </span> </a> </li><li> <a href="" target="_blank"> <div class="preview"> <img alt="Building international communities with Henri Helvetica - What the Jam" class="og-image" decoding="async" height="211" loading="lazy" src="" width="375"> </div> <span> <img alt="IndieWeb Avatar for" class="avatar avatar-indieweb" decoding="async" height="150" loading="lazy" src="" width="150"> <span class="title">Building international communities with Henri Helvetica - What the Jam</span> </span> </a> </li><li> <a href="" target="_blank"> <div class="preview"> <img alt="The voice of simplicity with Murtuzaali Surti - What the Jam" class="og-image" decoding="async" height="211" loading="lazy" src="" width="375"> </div> <span> <img alt="IndieWeb Avatar for" class="avatar avatar-indieweb" decoding="async" height="150" loading="lazy" src="" width="150"> <span class="title">The voice of simplicity with Murtuzaali Surti - What the Jam</span> </span> </a> </li><li> <a href="" target="_blank"> <div class="preview"> <img alt="Using the best tool for the job with Phil Hawksworth - What the Jam" class="og-image" decoding="async" height="211" loading="lazy" src="" width="375"> </div> <span> <img alt="IndieWeb Avatar for" class="avatar avatar-indieweb" decoding="async" height="150" loading="lazy" src="" width="150"> <span class="title">Using the best tool for the job with Phil Hawksworth - What the Jam</span> </span> </a> </li><li> <a href="" target="_blank"> <div class="preview"> <img alt="The role of Gatsby in Jamstack with Kyle Mathews - What The Jam" class="og-image" decoding="async" height="211" loading="lazy" src="" width="375"> </div> <span> <img alt="IndieWeb Avatar for" class="avatar avatar-indieweb" decoding="async" height="150" loading="lazy" src="" width="150"> <span class="title">The role of Gatsby in Jamstack with Kyle Mathews - What The Jam</span> </span> </a> </li><li> <a href="" target="_blank"> <div class="preview"> <img alt="What's next for Jamstack #2 - Panel Discussion" class="og-image" decoding="async" height="211" loading="lazy" src="" width="375"> </div> <span> <img alt="IndieWeb Avatar for" class="avatar avatar-indieweb" decoding="async" height="150" loading="lazy" src="" width="150"> <span class="title">What's next for Jamstack #2 - Panel Discussion</span> </span> </a> </li><li> <a href="" target="_blank"> <div class="preview"> <img alt="I'm still excited about Static Site Generators with Jared White - What the Jam" class="og-image" decoding="async" height="211" loading="lazy" src="" width="375"> </div> <span> <img alt="IndieWeb Avatar for" class="avatar avatar-indieweb" decoding="async" height="150" loading="lazy" src="" width="150"> <span class="title">I'm still excited about Static Site Generators with Jared White - What the Jam</span> </span> </a> </li><li> <a href="" target="_blank"> <div class="preview"> <img alt="Is Jamstack just Next.js now with Brian Douglas - What the Jam" class="og-image" decoding="async" height="211" loading="lazy" src="" width="375"> </div> <span> <img alt="IndieWeb Avatar for" class="avatar avatar-indieweb" decoding="async" height="150" loading="lazy" src="" width="150"> <span class="title">Is Jamstack just Next.js now with Brian Douglas - What the Jam</span> </span> </a> </li><li> <a href="" target="_blank"> <div class="preview"> <img alt="What's next for Jamstack? - Panel Discussion" class="og-image" decoding="async" height="211" loading="lazy" src="" width="375"> </div> <span> <img alt="IndieWeb Avatar for" class="avatar avatar-indieweb" decoding="async" height="150" loading="lazy" src="" width="150"> <span class="title">What's next for Jamstack? - 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What the Jam</span> </span> </a> </li><li> <a href="" target="_blank"> <div class="preview"> <img alt="From WordPress to static sites with Miriam Schwab - What the Jam" class="og-image" decoding="async" height="211" loading="lazy" src="" width="375"> </div> <span> <img alt="IndieWeb Avatar for" class="avatar avatar-indieweb" decoding="async" height="150" loading="lazy" src="" width="150"> <span class="title">From WordPress to static sites with Miriam Schwab - What the Jam</span> </span> </a> </li><li> <a href="" target="_blank"> <div class="preview"> <img alt="What the Jam: Decoding Jamstack's Evolution with Bud Parr" class="og-image" decoding="async" height="211" loading="lazy" src="" width="375"> </div> <span> <img alt="IndieWeb Avatar for" class="avatar avatar-indieweb" decoding="async" height="150" loading="lazy" src="" width="150"> <span class="title">What the Jam: Decoding Jamstack's Evolution with Bud Parr</span> </span> </a> </li><li> <a href="" target="_blank"> <div class="preview"> <img alt="A Deep Dive into Jamstack with Brian Rinaldi - 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What is the JAMstack?" class="og-image" decoding="async" height="211" loading="lazy" src="" width="375"> </div> <span> <img alt="IndieWeb Avatar for" class="avatar avatar-indieweb" decoding="async" height="150" loading="lazy" src="" width="150"> <span class="title">Phil Hawksworth - What is the JAMstack?</span> </span> </a> </li><li> <a href="" target="_blank"> <div class="preview"> <img alt="What is the JAMStack? ft Matt Biilmann" class="og-image" decoding="async" height="211" loading="lazy" src="" width="375"> </div> <span> <img alt="IndieWeb Avatar for" class="avatar avatar-indieweb" decoding="async" height="150" loading="lazy" src="" width="150"> <span class="title">What is the JAMStack? ft Matt Biilmann</span> </span> </a> </li><li> <a href="" target="_blank"> <div class="preview"> <img alt="The New Front-end Stack. Javascript, APIs and Markup" class="og-image" decoding="async" height="211" loading="lazy" src="" width="375"> </div> <span> <img alt="IndieWeb Avatar for" class="avatar avatar-indieweb" decoding="async" height="150" loading="lazy" src="" width="150"> <span class="title">The New Front-end Stack. Javascript, APIs and Markup</span> </span> </a> </li></ul> <hr> <h2>Who is behind this?</h2> <p class="smaller-text"> <a href="" target="_blank">CloudCannon</a> has always been a believer in the power of static websites, even <a href="" target="_blank">before Jamstack was a thing</a>. We're here to facilitate a transition to a community-led movement with a clear definition and purpose of what Jamstack is, and what it isn't. </p> <footer> 💛 Jamstack 2024 </footer> </div></main> <script type="module">/** * A lightweight youtube embed. Still should feel the same to the user, just MUCH faster to initialize and paint. * * Thx to these as the inspiration * * * * Once built it, I also found these: * (👍👍) * * */ class LiteYTEmbed extends HTMLElement { connectedCallback() { this.videoId = this.getAttribute('videoid'); let playBtnEl = this.querySelector('.lty-playbtn'); // A label for the button takes priority over a [playlabel] attribute on the custom-element this.playLabel = (playBtnEl && playBtnEl.textContent.trim()) || this.getAttribute('playlabel') || 'Play'; /** * Lo, the youtube placeholder image! (aka the thumbnail, poster image, etc) * * See * * TODO: Do the sddefault->hqdefault fallback * - When doing this, apply referrerpolicy ( * TODO: Consider using webp if supported, falling back to jpg */ if (! { = `url("${this.videoId}/hqdefault.jpg")`; } // Set up play button, and its visually hidden label if (!playBtnEl) { playBtnEl = document.createElement('button'); playBtnEl.type = 'button'; playBtnEl.classList.add('lty-playbtn'); this.append(playBtnEl); } if (!playBtnEl.textContent) { const playBtnLabelEl = document.createElement('span'); playBtnLabelEl.className = 'lyt-visually-hidden'; playBtnLabelEl.textContent = this.playLabel; playBtnEl.append(playBtnLabelEl); } playBtnEl.removeAttribute('href'); // On hover (or tap), warm up the TCP connections we're (likely) about to use. this.addEventListener('pointerover', LiteYTEmbed.warmConnections, {once: true}); // Once the user clicks, add the real iframe and drop our play button // TODO: In the future we could be like amp-youtube and silently swap in the iframe during idle time // We'd want to only do this for in-viewport or near-viewport ones: this.addEventListener('click', this.addIframe); // Chrome & Edge desktop have no problem with the basic YouTube Embed with ?autoplay=1 // However Safari desktop and most/all mobile browsers do not successfully track the user gesture of clicking through the creation/loading of the iframe, // so they don't autoplay automatically. Instead we must load an additional 2 sequential JS files (1KB + 165KB) (un-br) for the YT Player API // TODO: Try loading the the YT API in parallel with our iframe and then attaching/playing it. #82 this.needsYTApiForAutoplay = navigator.vendor.includes('Apple') || navigator.userAgent.includes('Mobi'); } /** * Add a <link rel={preload | preconnect} ...> to the head */ static addPrefetch(kind, url, as) { const linkEl = document.createElement('link'); linkEl.rel = kind; linkEl.href = url; if (as) { = as; } document.head.append(linkEl); } /** * Begin pre-connecting to warm up the iframe load * Since the embed's network requests load within its iframe, * preload/prefetch'ing them outside the iframe will only cause double-downloads. * So, the best we can do is warm up a few connections to origins that are in the critical path. * * Maybe `<link rel=preload as=document>` would work, but it's unsupported: * But TBH, I don't think it'll happen soon with Site Isolation and split caches adding serious complexity. */ static warmConnections() { if (LiteYTEmbed.preconnected) return; // The iframe document and most of its subresources come right off LiteYTEmbed.addPrefetch('preconnect', ''); // The botguard script is fetched off from LiteYTEmbed.addPrefetch('preconnect', ''); // Not certain if these ad related domains are in the critical path. Could verify with domain-specific throttling. LiteYTEmbed.addPrefetch('preconnect', ''); LiteYTEmbed.addPrefetch('preconnect', ''); LiteYTEmbed.preconnected = true; } fetchYTPlayerApi() { if (window.YT || (window.YT && window.YT.Player)) return; this.ytApiPromise = new Promise((res, rej) => { var el = document.createElement('script'); el.src = ''; el.async = true; el.onload = _ => { YT.ready(res); }; el.onerror = rej; this.append(el); }); } async addYTPlayerIframe(params) { this.fetchYTPlayerApi(); await this.ytApiPromise; const videoPlaceholderEl = document.createElement('div') this.append(videoPlaceholderEl); const paramsObj = Object.fromEntries(params.entries()); new YT.Player(videoPlaceholderEl, { width: '100%', videoId: this.videoId, playerVars: paramsObj, events: { 'onReady': event => {; } } }); } async addIframe(){ if (this.classList.contains('lyt-activated')) return; this.classList.add('lyt-activated'); const params = new URLSearchParams(this.getAttribute('params') || []); params.append('autoplay', '1'); params.append('playsinline', '1'); if (this.needsYTApiForAutoplay) { return this.addYTPlayerIframe(params); } const iframeEl = document.createElement('iframe'); iframeEl.width = 560; iframeEl.height = 315; // No encoding necessary as [title] is safe. iframeEl.title = this.playLabel; iframeEl.allow = 'accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture'; iframeEl.allowFullscreen = true; // AFAIK, the encoding here isn't necessary for XSS, but we'll do it only because this is a URL // iframeEl.src = `${encodeURIComponent(this.videoId)}?${params.toString()}`; this.append(iframeEl); // Set focus for a11y iframeEl.focus(); } } // Register custom element customElements.define('lite-youtube', LiteYTEmbed); export class Customcarousel extends HTMLElement{constructor(){super(),this.item="item",this.initItem=0,this.transitionDuration=0,this.transitionType="ease",this.interval=1e3,this.direction="left",this.touchVelocityLimit=1.5,this.mouseVelocityLimit=3,this.t=30,this.i=null,this.s=null,this.h=[]}static get observedAttributes(){return["infinite","init-item","center-between","autoplay","interval","direction","transition-duration","transition-type","item","no-touch"]}disconnectedCallback(){for(;this.l.firstChild;)this.l.firstChild.remove();for(let 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