Privacy Management | Nikon
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Accordingly, in line with the <a href="/privacy/group/" class="c-inline-link">Nikon Group Privacy Protection Statement</a>, personal information will be handled in the following manner:</p> <ul class="c-link-list"> <li><a href="/company/corporate/data/">Address and Name of Representative Director and President of NIKON CORPORATION</a></li> </ul><!-- /.c-link-list --> <h2 class="c-heading-b">1. Acquisition of Personal Information</h2> <p class="c-text">The Company will acquire in a fair and lawful manner, only such personal information as is necessary, and will ensure that the use of such information is restricted.</p> <h2 class="c-heading-b">2. Personal Information Use</h2> <p class="c-text">Personal information acquired by the Company may be used in the following ways:</p> <ul class="c-list"> <li>to provide products or services requested by the customer, including product sales, repair and inspection, after-sales service, and catalogue distribution (Personal information includes such information necessary to understand the requirements of the customer such as a customer's purchase history and repair history)</li> <li>to enable response to customer requests including customer inquiry history (including the collection of customer inquiries for the purpose of improving the Company's responsiveness)</li> <li>as a reference to determine customer requirements for products, planning, development, advertisement, sales, and service activities of the Nikon Group (This personal information will include answers to questionnaires given at the time of purchase, the customer satisfaction survey, and the customer's inquiry history)</li> <li>to offer product information, company information, service information, and other related information of the Nikon Group, e.g. the sending of a catalogue, new product information, books, magazines or a mail magazine.</li> <li>to notify a prizewinner or send a prize, or for the purpose of other communication with the person in question</li> <li>to verify participants in exhibitions and seminars and to correspond with them after the event</li> <li>to develop and maintain smooth relations with business partners and related entities</li> <li>as a reference in the recruitment of an individual where the personal information is provided by an inquirer or an applicant to the Company</li> <li>to send necessary documentation to shareholders including notification of the General Shareholders' Meeting, and to administer dividend payments or other actions as required by the laws and regulations</li> <li>to create and display Nikon museum exhibits, etc. (for example, the possible creation and display of exhibits that include the names, portraits (photos, videos), voices, etc. of employees and former employees of the Company)</li> <li>as defined by Personal Data Protection Law and other applicable laws and regulations</li> </ul><!-- /.c-list --> <p class="c-text">The acquired personal information may, provided that particular individuals cannot be identified, be processed and used as statistical data.</p> <h2 class="c-heading-b">3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties</h2> <h3 class="c-heading-c">1. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties</h3> <p class="c-text">Acquired personal information shall not be disclosed to third parties except as listed below:<br> with prior consent<br> where authorized by Personal Data Protection Law or any other relevant laws and regulations.</p> <h3 class="c-heading-c">2. Provision of Personal Information to Sub-contractors</h3> <p class="c-text">Acquired personal information may be disclosed and offered to sub-contractors within the limited scope necessary to achieve the purpose for which the information is being used, e.g. when the Company sends products to a distributor or assigns the role of organizing a campaign to a data processing company. In such a case, a confidentiality agreement shall be signed by the third party and the Company shall strictly monitor and supervise the handling of the personal information by the third party.</p> <h3 class="c-heading-c">3. Personal Information Sharing</h3> <p class="c-text">Acquired personal information may be shared and used within the Nikon Group in order to attain the usage purposes described in Section 2, " Personal Information Use " . Personal information that may be shared within the group means: names, addresses, telephone numbers, mail addresses, purchase histories, repair histories, inquiry history and content, and request content. NIKON CORPORATION is responsible for protecting the personal information that is shared and used by the Group.<br> The Nikon Group will observe the Nikon Group Privacy Protection Policy and strictly control the security of personal information.</p> <ul class="c-link-list"> <li><a href="/company/corporate/group/">Nikon Group Companies</a></li> </ul><!-- /.c-link-list --> <h2 class="c-heading-b">4. Proper Management of Personal Information</h2> <p class="c-text">All necessary and appropriate security measures will be taken to prevent the acquired personal information from being leaked, lost or damaged, and to secure the safety of the personal information in accordance with the Nikon Group Privacy Protection Policy and other company rules related to information management. The Company will also offer all training necessary to ensure the proper handling of information to its directors, employees, and other related personnel.</p> <h2 class="c-heading-b">5. Inquiries</h2> <p class="c-text">Inquiries from customers regarding their own personal information, including verification of the purpose of the usage of the personal information, and the giving of opinions or making of complaints with regard to personal information handling, shall be forwarded to the section to which the customer initially provided his/her personal information.<br> If you do not know the section to which you should send an inquiry, please visit the following page.</p> <ul class="c-link-list"> <li><a href="/privacy/form/">Inquiries — Privacy</a></li> </ul><!-- /.c-link-list --> <h2 class="c-heading-b">6. Improvement</h2> <p class="c-text">The Company will comply with privacy protection-related Japanese laws and regulations, and will review and improve the contents of this document to strive constantly towards better privacy protection.</p> <h2 class="c-heading-b">7. Other</h2> <p class="c-text">If you are a California resident, you may have additional rights regarding your personal information collected by the Company. Please read the California-Specific Addendum</p> <ul class="c-link-list"> <li class="c-text"><a href="/privacy/ccpa.html">NIKON PRIVACY MANAGEMENT CALIFORNIA-SPECIFIC ADDENDUM</a></li> </ul><!-- /.c-link-list --> <ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note privacy-list"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*</span>Personal information refers to information with which a particular individual can be identified, including any information that can be matched with other information to identify a particular individual.</li> </ul><!-- /.c-list --> </div><!-- /.main-narrow --> </div><!-- /.main-inner --> </main><!-- /.main --> <script> var country_iso_code = "SG"; </script> <footer class="footer"> <div class="footer__row"> <div class="footer__row-inner"> <div class="footer__divider1"> <div class="footer__information"> <ul class="footer__information__links"> <li class="footer__information__link"><a href="/company/news/">News</a></li> <li class="footer__information__link"><a href="/company/updates/">Updates</a></li> <li class="footer__information__link"><a href="/company/rss/">RSS Feeds</a></li> <li class="footer__information__link"><a href="/socialmedia/">Social Media Accounts</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer__row footer__row--border"> <div class="footer__row-inner"> <div class="footer__divider2"> <div class="footer__utility"> <ul class="footer__utility__links"> <li class="footer__utility__link"><a href="/contacts/">Contacts</a></li> <li class="footer__utility__link"><a href="/privacy/">Privacy Management</a></li> <li class="footer__utility__link"><a href="/privacy_sitenotice/">Website Privacy Notice</a></li> <li class="footer__utility__link"><a href="/usage/">Terms of Use</a></li> <li class="footer__utility__link"><a href="/cookie/">Cookie Notice</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="footer__globalSite"> <a href="/network/">Global Network</a> </div> <div class="footer__logo"> <p class="footer__copyright">© 2024 Nikon Corporation</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="c-link-pagetop"><a href="#header"><span class="u-visually-hidden">Return to the top of the page</span></a></p> </footer><!-- /.footer --> </div><!-- /.wrapper --> </body> </html>