Reported Decisions | Foster LLP T2P 3R7 | (403) 261-5333
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B. (C.T.) 139 A.R. 250 Family, Child Protection Order</li><li>May 25, 1993 R v Lukovszki 1993 ABCA 164 Criminal</li><li>September 25, 1993 R v Neufeld 1993 ABCA 287 Criminal</li><li>March 14, 1994 R v Kard (ABCA) 1994 CarswellAlta 862 Criminal</li><li>March 13, 1994 R v Ulm 1994 ABCA 114 Criminal</li><li>March 14, 1994 R v G.K. 1994 ABCA 109 Criminal</li><li>March 14, 1994 R v Saby 1994 ABCA 112 Criminal</li><li>January 27, 1995 Re P.(T.D.) 1995 CarswellAlta 1003 Family, Apprehension, Child Protection Order</li><li>June 8, 1995 R v Biscette 1995 ABCA 234 Criminal, Wire Tapping</li><li>October 31, 1996 R v Biscette [1996] 3 SCR 599 Criminal, Wire Tapping</li><li>January 18, 1996 Re Ryckman (Alberta Securities Commission) 1996 CarswellAlta 111 Criminal, Securities Fraud</li><li>December 2, 1996 R v Sessions 1996 ABCA 405 Criminal, First Degree Murder</li><li>March 9, 1999 R v Pyykonen 1999 ABCA 78 Criminal, Offences Against Property</li><li>July 2, 1996 R v Mircha 1996 ABCA 265 Criminal, Sentencing Principles</li><li>May 21, 1996 R v Tait 1966 ABCA 200 Criminal</li><li>September 27, 1996 R v Sorenson 191 AR 26 Criminal</li><li>November 18, 1996 R v King 1996 ABCA 375 Criminal, Variation of Probation Conditions</li><li>February 14, 2000 R. v. Kostner 2000 ABCA 66 Criminal</li><li>August 2, 2001 Alberta (Director of Child Welfare) v. Y. 2001 ABPC 139 Family Law, Permanent Guardianship</li><li>March 22, 2002 Re Indian Residential Schools 2002 ABQB 308 Class Action, Torts in relations to wrongful confinement, breach of fiduciary duty, breach of non- delegable statutory duty, breach of treaty rights, intentional infliction harm, negligence</li><li>April 29, 2002 Re K.A.A.M 2002 ABPC 67 Family Law, Permanent Guardianship Order</li><li>May 20, 2003 Re Indian Residential Schools 2003 ABQB 449 Class Action, Torts in relations to wrongful confinement, breach of fiduciary duty, breach of non- delegable statutory duty, breach of treaty rights, intentional infliction harm, negligence</li><li>January 16, 2004 Thomas v Thomas 2004 ABQB 27 Family Law, Divorce Action, Spousal Support, Child Support</li><li>January 30, 2006 R v Ellahib 2006 ABQB 84 Criminal</li><li>July 6, 2006 Re R.V.P. 2006 ABPC 193 Family Law, Permanent Guardianship Application</li><li>November 1, 2007 RE F.H. 2007 ABPC 307 Family Law, Application for Permanent Guardianship</li><li>July 20, 2007 Re F.H. 2007 ABPC 216 Family Law, Application for Permanent Guardianship</li><li>December 18, 2007 T.A. v J.K. 2007 ABPC 347 Family Law, Child Support</li><li>February 20, 2007 Re F.M. 2007 ABPC 44 Family Law, Permanent Guardianship Order</li><li>August 28, 2007 Re F.M. 2007 ABPC 186 Family Law, Permanent Guardianship Application</li><li>December 20, 2007 Re C.T. 2007 ABPC 352 Family Law, Permanent Guardianship Application</li><li>March 25, 2008 Alberta (Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act, Director) v. J.P. 2008 ABPC 64 Family Law, Custody and Access</li><li>March 27, 2008 S.M. v. Alberta (Child Youth and Family Enhancement Act, Director) 2008 ABPC 101 Family Law, Custody and Access</li><li>September 11, 2008 Re M.L. Jr 2008 ABPC 269 Family Law, Apprehension, Guardianship Order</li><li>December 15, 2008 Re A.R.H. 2008 ABPC 386 Family Law, Parenting Order, Guardianship Application</li><li>October 8, 2010 Alberta (Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act, Director) v. T.A.D. 2010 ABPC 304 Family Law, Child Protection, Permanent Guardianship Order</li><li>November 10, 2010 Re T.E.D. (ABPC) [2010] A.J. No. 1568 Family Law, Child Protection</li><li>December 23, 2010 R.W. v. Alberta (Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act, Director) 2010 ABCA 412 Family Law, Child Protection, Private Guardianship Application</li><li>April 28, 2011 Re B.O.P. 2011 ABPC 170 Family Law, Child Protection</li><li>May 10, 2011 W. (R.) v Alberta (Director of Child Welfare) 2011 ABCA 139 Family Law, Child protection, Evidence Presented on Appeal, Counsel for the Children</li><li>May 11, 2012 W. (D.C.) v. Alberta (Director, Child Youth & Family Enhancement Act) 2012 ABPC 199 Family, Guardianship Application</li><li>May 30, 2012 Re R. (D.) 2012 ABPC 154 Family, Child Custody and Protection, Permanent Guardianship Order</li><li>January 12, 2012 Re T.F. 2012 ABPC 5 Family Law, Child Protection, Supervision and Guardianship Order</li><li>November 2, 2012 Lemoine v Griffith 2012 ABQB 685 Marriage Contracts, Matrimonial Property, Restitution, Validity of Prenuptial Agreements, Unconscionability</li><li>July 13, 2012 D.C.W. v. Alberta (Child, Youth and Family Enhancement, Director) 2012 ABPC 199 Family Law, Child Protection Order, Guardianship Application</li><li>May 16, 2013 T.B. v D.B. 2013 ABPC 125 Family Law, Custody and Access</li><li>April 12, 2013 R. W. v Alberta (Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act, Director) 2013 ABPC 102 Family Law, Child Protection</li><li>October 9, 2013 T.F. v Alberta (Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act) 2013 ABPC 364 Family Law, CYFEA</li><li>June 10, 2014 C.R. (Re) 2014 ABPC 364 Family Law, CYFEA</li><li>July 25, 2014 KRC v AMT 2014 ABQB 441 Family Law, Child Custody and Child Support</li></ol><p></p><h3>Peter Wells Reported Decisions</h3><ol role="list"><li>March 21, 2002 Community Credit Union Ltd v Otto 2002 ABQB 0317 Property</li><li>July 4, 2002 Leitch v Condominium Plan No, 7510322 2002 ABQB 645 Property</li><li>December 13, 2011 Lavoie v Lavoie 2011 ABQB 781 Family Law, Spousal Support</li></ol><p></p><h3>Jennifer Shaften Reported Decisions</h3><ol role="list"><li>June 16, 1998 L.J.G. v. D.J.L. (ABPC) 1998 ABPC 152 1998 CarswellAlta 842 Guardianship and custody</li><li>February 14, 2000 McArthur v. McArthur (ABCA) 2000 ABCA 62 2000 CarswellAlta 170 Spousal Support, Lump Sum Payment, Matrimonial Property</li><li>January 6, 2003 M.D.W. v. M.J.W. (ABQB) 2003 ABQB 11 2003 CarswellAlta 116 Custody and Access</li><li>November 14, 2003 P.M.L. v. B.G.L. (ABQB) 2003 ABQB 937 2003 CarswellAlta 1613 Child Support</li><li>September 11, 2006 V.M.P. v. D.B. P. (ABCA) 2006 ABCA 268 2006 CarswellAlta 1228 Custody and Access</li><li>March 26, 2007 F. H., Re (ABPC) 2007 ABPC 216 2007 CarswellAlta 1538 Child Welfare</li><li>March 23, 2009 A. H. v. R. K. (ABPC) 2009 ABPC 67 2009 CarswellAlta 494 Custody and Access</li><li>January 9, 2009 L.S. v. Alberta (Director of Child, Youth and Family Enhancement) (ABCA) 2009 ABCA 10 Children’s Counsel</li><li>May 24, 2012 Scheidt v. Scheidt (ABCA) 2012 ABCA 151 2012 CarswellAlta 1740 Removal of children’s counsel</li><li>CR v. Alberta (Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act, Director) 2015 ABQB 198 apprehension, medical treatment</li><li>ET v. GT, 2018 ABPC 147 forum conveniens habitual residence</li><li>Higgins v. Ingarfield, 2018 ABQB 561 reimbursements of therapy costs</li></ol></div></div></div><a href="/contact-us" class="button-huge w-button">Click here to book a free consultation.</a><div class="section dark no-padding-vertical dark-footer"><div class="wrapper"><div class="footer-v1"><div class="footer-v1-about"><h5 class="heading-13">Foster LLP</h5><div class="divider dark-bg"></div><p class="text-white-tranparent">Disclaimer: No lawyer-client relationship is created by your use of this Web Site. The Web Site is for convenience and informational purposes only. The Web Site is not intended to be a comprehensive or detailed statement concerning the matters addressed; legal or any other kind of advice. 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