Hockey India League 2024-25 Auction Day 2 LIVE: Yuvraj Walmiki goes unsold; Belgium’s Victor Wegnez goes to Soorma Hockey Club at 40 lakhs; Final squads - Sportstar

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data-publish-date="2024-10-14T22:47:49.000+0530">October 14, 2024 22:47</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Kalinga Lancers Final Squad </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><div ><div ><a href= ><div class="relative cuelive"><img src=""/></div></a></div><div ><h3>Kalinga Lancers (Odisha) squad, Hockey India League 2024-25: Full list of players after auction</h3><p>HIL Auction 2024-25: Here is the list of players bought by Kalinga Lancers on October 13-14 in Delhi and the full men’s squad.</p></div></div><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) 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html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T22:44:58.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175952" id="175952" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T22:44:58+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:50+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T22:44:58.000+0530">October 14, 2024 22:44</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Delhi SG Pipers Final Squad </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><div ><div ><a href= ><div class="relative cuelive"><img src=""/></div></a></div><div ><h3>Delhi SG Pipers men’s squad, Hockey India League 2024-25: Full list of players after auction</h3><p>HIL Auction 2024-25: Here is the list of players bought by Delhi SG Pipers on October 13-14 in Delhi and the full men’s squad.</p></div></div><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T22:44:06.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175951" id="175951" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T22:44:06+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:50+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T22:44:06.000+0530">October 14, 2024 22:44</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Hyderabad Toofans Final Squad </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><div ><div ><a href= ><div class="relative cuelive"><img src=""/></div></a></div><div ><h3>Hyderabad Toofans squad, Hockey India League 2024-25: Full list of players after auction</h3><p>HIL Auction 2024-25: Here is the list of players bought by Hyderabad Toofans on October 13-14 in Delhi and the full men’s squad.</p></div></div><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T22:43:16.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175950" id="175950" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T22:43:16+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:50+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T22:43:16.000+0530">October 14, 2024 22:43</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Find the final 24 member squads below </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>The final squads of the all 8 teams are listed below. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T22:40:44.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175949" id="175949" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T22:40:44+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:50+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T22:40:44.000+0530">October 14, 2024 22:40</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> We’re back! </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>The auction is back with the list of players. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T22:19:29.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175948" id="175948" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T22:19:29+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:50+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T22:19:29.000+0530">October 14, 2024 22:19</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Close-door auction under way </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>A close-door auction is under way action is going on at the moment. After it end, the HIL will announce the list of players who will be get sold. <br></p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:45:38.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175938" id="175938" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T20:45:38+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:50+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:45:38.000+0530">October 14, 2024 20:45</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Darshan Vibhav Gawkar to Hyderabad Toofans for 2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Darshan Vibhav Gawkar is sold to Hyderabad Toofans for 2 L</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:22:21.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175936" id="175936" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T20:22:21+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:50+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:22:21.000+0530">October 14, 2024 20:22</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Nominations now! </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>HIL will provide 15 minutes to all franchise to select 8 players from the unsold list with a priority list and the auction will be back in 45 minutes. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:19:45.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175935" id="175935" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T20:19:45+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:50+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:19:45.000+0530">October 14, 2024 20:19</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Roshan Minz to Lancers for 2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Roshan Minz is sold to Kalinga Lancers for 2 lakhs</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:18:33.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175934" id="175934" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T20:18:33+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:50+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:18:33.000+0530">October 14, 2024 20:18</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Sumit Kumar to Delhi for 2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Sumit kumar goes to Delhi SG Pipers for 2 lakhs</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:17:50.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175933" id="175933" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T20:17:50+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:17:50.000+0530">October 14, 2024 20:17</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Only 3 teams need 1 player each </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Only 3 teams need 1 player each, other 5 teams have reached their quota of 20 players. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:17:27.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175932" id="175932" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T20:17:27+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:17:27.000+0530">October 14, 2024 20:17</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Sudeep Chirmako joins Rudras for 12 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Sudeep Chirmako, Indian forward, is bought by UP Rudras for 12 lakhs</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:11:39.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175931" id="175931" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T20:11:39+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:11:39.000+0530">October 14, 2024 20:11</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Love Light Kujur unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Love Light Kujur unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:10:01.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175930" id="175930" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T20:10:01+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:10:01.000+0530">October 14, 2024 20:10</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Love Kumar Kanojiya unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Love Kumar Kanojiya unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:08:57.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175929" id="175929" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T20:08:57+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:08:57.000+0530">October 14, 2024 20:08</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Paras Malhotra unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Paras Malhotra is also unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:07:57.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175928" id="175928" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T20:07:57+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:07:57.000+0530">October 14, 2024 20:07</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Rakesh Dahiya unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Rakesh Dahiya unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:01:12.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175927" id="175927" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T20:01:12+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T20:01:12.000+0530">October 14, 2024 20:01</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Pardeep Singh Sandhu joins Tigers for 3.1 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Pardeep Singh Sandhu, Indian midfielder, is sold Rarh Bengal Tigers for 3.1 lakhs </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:59:26.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175926" id="175926" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:59:26+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:59:26.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:59</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Prabhjot SIngh to Soorma for 2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Prabhjot SIngh, Indian midfielder, to Soorma Hockey Club for 2 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:56:10.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175925" id="175925" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:56:10+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:56:10.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:56</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Sundaram Rajawat to Toofans for 2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Sundaram Rajawat, Indian defender, to Hyderabad Toofans for 2 lakhs</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:50:16.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175924" id="175924" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:50:16+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:50:16.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:50</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Ankush Dhiman unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Ankush Dhiman goes unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:49:41.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175923" id="175923" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:49:41+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:49:41.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:49</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Angad Bir Singh joins Lancers for 26 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Angad Bir Singh, 22-year-old Indian forward, is sold to Kalinga Lancers for 26 lakhs</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:43:46.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175922" id="175922" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:43:46+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:43:46.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:43</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Abharan Sudev to Tamil Nadu Dragons for 2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Abharan Sudev to Tamil Nadu Dragons for 2 L </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:40:46.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175921" id="175921" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:40:46+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:40:46.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:40</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Amit Kumar Yadav goes unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Amit Kumar Yadav also goes unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:38:28.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175920" id="175920" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:38:28+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:38:28.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:38</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Wilson Xaxa unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Wilson Xaxa goes unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:38:03.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175919" id="175919" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:38:03+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:38:03.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:38</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Yograj Singh unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Yograj Singh is also unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:37:50.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175918" id="175918" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:37:50+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:37:50.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:37</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Vinodhan V unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Vinodhan V goes unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:36:52.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175917" id="175917" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:36:52+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:36:52.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:36</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Sushil Dhanwar to Lancers for 2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Sushil Dhanwar bought by Kalinga Lancers for 2 lakhs</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:36:20.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175916" id="175916" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:36:20+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:36:20.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:36</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Tyron Pereira unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Tyron Pereira goes unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:35:29.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175915" id="175915" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:35:29+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:35:29.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:35</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Sunil Jojo to UP Rudras for 2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Sunil Jojo is sold to UP Rudras for 2 lakhs</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:34:39.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175913" id="175913" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:34:39+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:34:39.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:34</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Indian defender once again </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>The return of Indian defenders</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:32:46.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175912" id="175912" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:32:46+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:32:46.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:32</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Karanjot Maan Singh unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Karanjot Maan Singh unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:32:28.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175910" id="175910" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:32:28+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:32:28.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:32</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Jot Ranjodh unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Jot Ranjodh goes unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:29:40.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175909" id="175909" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:29:40+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:29:40.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:29</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Next Indian goalkeepers again </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Indian goalkeepers again up next</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:28:32.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175908" id="175908" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:28:32+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:28:32.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:28</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Mohit Karma is unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Mohit Karma is unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:27:18.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175907" id="175907" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:27:18+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:27:18.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:27</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Mohd. Zaid Khan goes to Rudras for 2.9 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Mohd. Zayed Khan, 19 year-old Indian forward, is sold to UP Rudras for 2.9 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:26:13.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175906" id="175906" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:26:13+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:26:13.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:26</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Lot 5 next </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Indian forwards once again</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:25:14.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175905" id="175905" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:25:14+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:25:14.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:25</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Rajinder goes to Toofans for 23 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Rajinder. the 21-year-old Indian midfielder, is snapped up by Hyderabad Toofans for 23 lakhs after and intense bidding war between UP Rudras, Toofans abd Rarh Bengal Tigers. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:21:49.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175903" id="175903" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:21:49+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:21:49.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:21</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Rahim Aakib Sayyed joins Toofans for 2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Rahim Aakib Sayyed, the Indian midfielder, joins Hyderabad Toofans for 2 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:18:30.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175902" id="175902" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:18:30+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:18:30.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:18</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Mohit joins the unwanted list </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Mohit also joins the unwanted list. He goes unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:17:29.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175901" id="175901" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:17:29+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:17:29.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:17</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Nikhil Pardesh unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Nikhil Pardesh is also unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:16:50.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175900" id="175900" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:16:50+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:16:50.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:16</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Nitin goes unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Nitin goes unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:16:08.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175899" id="175899" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:16:08+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:16:08.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:16</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Now it’s turn for Indian defenders </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Now it’s turn for Indian defenders</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:15:53.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175898" id="175898" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:15:53+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:15:53.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:15</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Deepesh Choubey unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Deepesh Choubey goes unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:12:20.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175897" id="175897" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:12:20+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:12:20.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:12</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Indian goalkeepers again! </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Another lot of Indian goalkeepers </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:10:39.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175896" id="175896" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:10:39+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:10:39.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:10</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Sundar Pandi unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Sundar Pandi also goes unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:08:19.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175895" id="175895" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:08:19+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:08:19.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:08</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Sunil goes unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Sunil goes unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:07:49.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175894" id="175894" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:07:49+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:07:49.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:07</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Indian forwards now </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>It’s time for Indian forwards now</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:03:49.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175893" id="175893" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:03:49+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:03:49.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:03</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Harwinder Singh goes unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Harwinder Singh goes unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:02:55.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175892" id="175892" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:02:55+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:02:55.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:02</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Indian defenders once again </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Indian defenders once again</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:02:44.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175891" id="175891" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:02:44+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:02:44.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:02</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Ramesh Nallamuthu unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Ramesh Nallamuthu, the 42-year-old Indian defender, goes unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:02:07.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175890" id="175890" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:02:07+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:02:07.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:02</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Pratap Lakra to Lancers at 2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Pratap Lakra is bought by Kalinga Lancers at 2 lakhs</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:01:34.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175889" id="175889" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:01:34+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:01:34.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:01</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Paramvir Singh Saini unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Paramvir Singh Saini is also unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:01:13.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175888" id="175888" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T19:01:13+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T19:01:13.000+0530">October 14, 2024 19:01</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Rhythm Bhavesh Mania unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Rhythm Bhavesh Mania goes unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:59:04.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175887" id="175887" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:59:04+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:59:04.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:59</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Pradip Mandal joins Soorma for 2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Pradip Mandal is sold to Soorma Hockey Club for 2 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:58:31.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175886" id="175886" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:58:31+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:58:31.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:58</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Indian defenders up next </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Indian defenders up next in this lot. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:57:58.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175885" id="175885" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:57:58+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:57:58.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:57</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Ravinder Kharb goes unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Ravinder Kharb is unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:56:43.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175884" id="175884" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:56:43+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:56:43.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:56</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Kamalbir Singh to Gonasika for 2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Kamalbir Singh is sold to Team Gonasika for 2 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:54:58.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175883" id="175883" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:54:58+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:54:58.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:54</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Sanjay B unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Sanjay B also goes unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:53:49.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175882" id="175882" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:53:49+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:53:49.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:53</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Sahil Kumar Nayak to Lancers at 2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Sahil Kumar Nayak to Kalinga Lancers at 2 lakhs.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:52:55.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175881" id="175881" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:52:55+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:52:55.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:52</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Sai Kumar unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Sai Kumar goes unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:52:23.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175880" id="175880" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:52:23+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:52:23.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:52</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Indian goalkeepers next </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Indian goalkeepers next up</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:48:54.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175879" id="175879" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:48:54+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:48:54.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:48</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Irshad Mirza unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Irshad Mirza also goes unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:47:57.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175878" id="175878" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:47:57+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:47:57.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:47</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Jaymasih Tuti goes unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Jaymasih Tuti is also unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:46:48.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175877" id="175877" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:46:48+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:46:48.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:46</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Vasu Dev unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Vasu Dev unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:45:49.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175876" id="175876" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:45:49+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:45:49.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:45</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Vishal Singh unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Vishal Singh also goes unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:44:44.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175875" id="175875" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:44:44+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:44:44.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:44</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Vinay Rana unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Vinay Rana goes unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:43:59.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175874" id="175874" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:43:59+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:43:59.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:43</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Yogesh Malik Singh goes to Tigers for 2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Yogesh Malik Singh goes to Rarh Bengal Tigers for 2 lakhs.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:42:29.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175873" id="175873" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:42:29+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:51+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:42:29.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:42</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Wassim Hafiz Khan unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Wassim Hafiz Khan goes unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:42:09.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175872" id="175872" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:42:09+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:42:09.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:42</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Indian midfielders </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Indian midfielders now</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:41:28.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175871" id="175871" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:41:28+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:41:28.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:41</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Tobias Reynolds-Cotterill to Lancers for 2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Tobias Reynolds-Cotterill is bought by Kalinga Lancers for 2 lakhs.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:40:37.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175870" id="175870" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:40:37+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:40:37.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:40</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> James Mazarelo joins Rudras for 13 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Great Britain’s 23-year-old custodian James Mazarelo is sold to UP Rudras for 13 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:37:21.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175869" id="175869" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:37:21+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:37:21.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:37</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Takumi Kitagawa unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Takumi Kitagawa goes unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:36:44.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175868" id="175868" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:36:44+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:36:44.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:36</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Overseas Goalkeepers now </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Overseas Goalkeepers are on the table now.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:35:39.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175867" id="175867" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:35:39+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:35:39.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:35</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Joshu Sesil Vessoakar joins the unsold list </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Joshu Sesil Vessoakar also joins the unsold list.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:34:14.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175866" id="175866" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:34:14+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:34:14.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:34</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Manjot Singh Badesha unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Manjot Singh Badesha is also unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:32:48.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175865" id="175865" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:32:48+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:32:48.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:32</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Divit Bisht unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Divit Bisht goes unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:27:56.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175864" id="175864" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:27:56+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:27:56.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:27</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Yash Kumar Gondaliya unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Yash Kumar Gondaliya goes unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:27:04.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175863" id="175863" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:27:04+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:27:04.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:27</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Vikas Dahiya joins Toofans for 2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Vikas Dahiya, former India international, is sold to Hyderabad toofans for 2 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:26:11.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175862" id="175862" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:26:11+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:26:11.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:26</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Tanuj Gulia unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Tanuj Gulia is unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:24:41.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175861" id="175861" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:24:41+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:24:41.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:24</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Indian Goalkeepers next </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Indian goalkeepers with base price of 2 lakhs are on the table now</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:24:03.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175860" id="175860" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:24:03+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:24:03.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:24</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Closed bid will take place! </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Rudras, Lancers and Toofans are yet to fill their quota of 8 foreign players. They will now take part in a closed bid shortly. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:22:57.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175859" id="175859" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T18:22:57+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T18:22:57.000+0530">October 14, 2024 18:22</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> We’re back </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>The auction resumes</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T17:00:04.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175848" id="175848" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T17:00:04+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T17:00:04.000+0530">October 14, 2024 17:00</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Time out </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>It’s time for a short break.</p><p><strong>Stay tuned for LIVE updates.</strong></p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:56:08.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175846" id="175846" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:56:08+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:56:08.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:56</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Nqobile Ntuli is unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Nqobile Ntuli is unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:55:15.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175845" id="175845" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:55:15+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:55:15.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:55</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Overseason forwards </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Overseason forwards going on.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:52:17.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175844" id="175844" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:52:17+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:52:17.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:52</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Prashant Shulka unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Prashant Shulka is also unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:51:46.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175843" id="175843" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:51:46+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:51:46.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:51</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Rajat Minz unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Rajat Minz goes unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:51:31.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175842" id="175842" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:51:31+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:51:31.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:51</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Indian forwards now </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Indian forwards now</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:49:36.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175840" id="175840" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:49:36+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:49:36.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:49</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Samkelo Mvimbi unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>South African Samkelo Mvimbi goes unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:48:42.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175839" id="175839" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:48:42+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:48:42.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:48</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Overseas midfielders again </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Overseas midfielders are up again.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:47:33.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175838" id="175838" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:47:33+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:47:33.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:47</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Bharath K. R unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Bharath K. R is also unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:46:39.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175837" id="175837" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:46:39+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:46:39.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:46</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Bharat M. K unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Bharat M. K goes unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:41:45.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175835" id="175835" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:41:45+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:41:45.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:41</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Atul Deep joins Tigers for 2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Atul Deep, the 27-year-old Indian midfielder, is sold to Rarh Bengal Tigers for 2 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:39:51.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175834" id="175834" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:39:51+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:39:51.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:39</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Indian midfielders again </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Indian midfielders again</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:38:25.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175833" id="175833" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:38:25+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:38:25.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:38</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Mohamed Mea unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Mohamed Mea unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:37:42.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175832" id="175832" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:37:42+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:37:42.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:37</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Victor Charlet unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Victor Charlet unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:37:07.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175831" id="175831" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:37:07+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:37:07.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:37</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Bellenger Amaury unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Bellenger Amaury is unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:36:29.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175830" id="175830" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:36:29+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:36:29.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:36</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Matteo Desgouillons </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Matteo Desgouillons of France is unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:30:40.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175829" id="175829" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:30:40+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:30:40.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:30</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Akashdeep Singh goes unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Akashdeep Singh goes unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:29:58.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175828" id="175828" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:29:58+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:29:58.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:29</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Ashu Maurya joins Soorma for 2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Ashu Maurya is sold to Soorma Hockey Club for 2 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:27:45.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175827" id="175827" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:27:45+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:27:45.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:27</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Indian defenders with base price of 2 L next </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Now it’s time for Indian defenders with base price of 2 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:26:55.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175826" id="175826" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:26:55+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:26:55.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:26</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Sourabh Anand Kushwaha to Delhi at 5 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Sourabh Anand Kushwaha is sold to Delhi Sg Pipers at 5 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:25:27.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175825" id="175825" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:25:27+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:25:27.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:25</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> S. V. Sunil unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Former India international S. V. Sunil is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:23:06.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175824" id="175824" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:23:06+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:23:06.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:23</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Talwinder Singh goes to Toofans for 14.5 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Talwinder Singh is sold to Hyderabad Toofans by 14.5 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:17:06.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175822" id="175822" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:17:06+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:17:06.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:17</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Uttam Singh joins Dragons for 23 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Uttam Singh, the 21-year-old Indian forward, is bought by Tamil nadu Dragons for 23 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:11:24.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175821" id="175821" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:11:24+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:11:24.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:11</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Sadiq Mohd unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Sadiq Mohd unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:10:04.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175819" id="175819" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:10:04+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:10:04.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:10</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Satbir Singh unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Satbir Singh unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:09:36.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175818" id="175818" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:09:36+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:09:36.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:09</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Rahul Rajbhar unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Rahul Rajbhar is unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:08:45.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175817" id="175817" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:08:45+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:08:45.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:08</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Shesha Gowda to Dragons at 5 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Shesha Gowda is sold to Tamil Nadu Dragons for 5 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:07:39.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175816" id="175816" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:07:39+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:07:39.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:07</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Rosan Kujur joins Lancers for 12.5 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Rosan Kujur is bought by Kalinga Lancer for 12.5 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:04:06.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175815" id="175815" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:04:06+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:04:06.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:04</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Santa Singh unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Santa Singh is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:03:43.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175814" id="175814" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:03:43+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:03:43.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:03</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Rajbeer Singh unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Rajbeer Singh also joins the unwanted list. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:03:16.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175813" id="175813" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:03:16+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:03:16.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:03</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Roshan Ronu unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Roshan Ronu unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:02:21.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175812" id="175812" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:02:21+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:02:21.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:02</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Yuvraj Singh unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Yuvraj Singh goes unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:01:32.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175811" id="175811" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:01:32+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:01:32.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:01</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Yashdeep Siwach unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Yashdeep Siwach is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:00:49.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175810" id="175810" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T16:00:49+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T16:00:49.000+0530">October 14, 2024 16:00</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> S.K. Uthappa unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Former Indian international S.K. Uthappa is also unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:59:46.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175809" id="175809" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:59:46+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:59:46.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:59</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Rahul Kumar Rajbhar unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Rahul Kumar Rajbhar is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:58:58.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175808" id="175808" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:58:58+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:58:58.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:58</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Majji Ganesh joins Dragons for 7.2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Majji Ganesh, the 21-year-old Indian forward, is roped in by Tamil Nadu Dragons for 7.2 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:56:50.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175807" id="175807" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:56:50+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:56:50.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:56</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Mo. Amir Rahman Khan unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Mo. Amir Rahman Khan is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:55:53.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175806" id="175806" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:55:53+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:55:53.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:55</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Parvinder Singh unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Parvinder Singh also goes unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:54:50.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175805" id="175805" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:54:50+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:54:50.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:54</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Rohit Yadav unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Rohit Yadav is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:54:16.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175804" id="175804" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:54:16+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:54:16.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:54</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Mandeep Antil unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Mandeep Antil is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:53:37.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175803" id="175803" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:53:37+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:53:37.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:53</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Pawan Rajbhar goes to Soorma for 5 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Pawan Rajbhar is bought by Soorma Hockey Club for 5 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:52:11.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175802" id="175802" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:52:11+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:52+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:52:11.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:52</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Maninder Singh joins Soorma for 26 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Maninder Singh, the 23-year-old Indian forward, is sold to Soorma Hockey Club for 26 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:47:45.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175801" id="175801" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:47:45+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:47:45.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:47</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Lokesh unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Lokesh is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:46:27.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175800" id="175800" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:46:27+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:46:27.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:46</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Nikin Thaimmaiah Chendanda unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Nikin Thaimmaiah Chendanda is unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:45:44.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175799" id="175799" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:45:44+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:45:44.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:45</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Mohd. Konain Dad unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Mohd. Konain Dad is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:44:15.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175798" id="175798" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:44:15+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:44:15.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:44</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Aditya Singh unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Aditya Singh goes unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:43:33.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175797" id="175797" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:43:33+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:43:33.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:43</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Anup Valwiki unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Anup Valwiki is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:42:55.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175796" id="175796" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:42:55+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:42:55.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:42</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Affan Yosuf joins Tigers for 11.5 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Affan Yosuf is sold to Rarh Bengal Tigers for 11.5 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:40:16.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175795" id="175795" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:40:16+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:40:16.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:40</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Gagandeep Singh unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Gagandeep Singh is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:39:30.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175794" id="175794" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:39:30+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:39:30.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:39</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Chinglensana Kangujam unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Chinglensana Kangujam is also unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:38:39.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175793" id="175793" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:38:39+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:38:39.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:38</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Armann Qureshi unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Armann Qureshi is unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:38:09.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175792" id="175792" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:38:09+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:38:09.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:38</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Chandan Yadav joins Dragons for 6.2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Chandan Yadav is sold to Tamil Nadu Dragons for 6.2 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:36:51.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175790" id="175790" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:36:51+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:36:51.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:36</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Yuvraj Walmiki unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Former India international Yuvraj Walmiki goes unsold. </p><p><strong>READ MORE </strong>​<div ><div ><a href= ><div class="relative cuelive"><img src=""/></div></a></div><div ><h3>Unfulfilled dream fuels Yuvraj Walmiki’s mission to inspire the next generation</h3><p>It has been almost a decade since Yuvraj Walmiki donned the India blue jersey. Still, he continues to grind away in the domestic circuit, playing the game that propelled him from the slums of Mumbai to the national stage.</p></div></div>​</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:36:12.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175789" id="175789" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:36:12+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:36:12.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:36</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Gurmukh Singh unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Gurmukh Singh is unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:35:38.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175788" id="175788" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:35:38+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:35:38.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:35</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Ankush unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Ankush goes unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:34:25.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175787" id="175787" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:34:25+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:34:25.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:34</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Siddhant Singh unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Siddhant Singh also joins the unwanted list. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:33:28.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175786" id="175786" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:33:28+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:33:28.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:33</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Manoj Yadav is unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Manoj Yadav is unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:33:04.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175785" id="175785" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:33:04+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:33:04.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:33</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Sharda Nand Tiwari unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Sharda Nand Tiwari goes unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:32:38.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175784" id="175784" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:32:38+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:32:38.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:32</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Read on Joginder </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><div ><div ><a href= ><div class="relative cuelive"><img src=""/></div></a></div><div ><h3>Murugappa Gold Cup: Joginder, with goals aplenty to his name, hopes to make it to Indian National camp</h3><p>With six goals in five games, RSPB’s Joginder leads the goal-scoring chart in the 95th edition of one of the country’s oldest domestic tournaments, the MCC-Murugappa Gold Cup.</p></div></div><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:32:17.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175783" id="175783" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:32:17+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:32:17.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:32</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Joginder Singh joins Delhi for 5.2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Joginder Singh, the 26-year-old Indian defender, is sold to Delhi SG Pipers for 5.2 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:31:00.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175782" id="175782" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:31:00+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:31:00.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:31</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Prashant Barla unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Prashant Barla unsold</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:30:04.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175781" id="175781" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:30:04+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:30:04.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:30</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Somjeet unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Somjeet is also unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:29:20.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175780" id="175780" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:29:20+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:29:20.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:29</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Suman Beck unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Suman Beck is unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:28:44.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175779" id="175779" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:28:44+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:28:44.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:28</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Priyobarta Talem joins Rudras for 9 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Priyobarta Talem, the 20-year-old Indian defender, is sold to UP Rudras for 9 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:25:30.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175776" id="175776" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:25:30+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:25:30.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:25</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Rehman Masud Khan unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Rehman Masud Khan is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:24:32.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175774" id="175774" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:24:32+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:24:32.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:24</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Vikramjit Singh Singh unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Vikramjit Singh Singh is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:23:36.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175773" id="175773" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:23:36+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:23:36.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:23</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Sunil Yadav unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Sunil Yadav goes unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:22:48.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175771" id="175771" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:22:48+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:22:48.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:22</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Sukhvinder joins Soorma for 11 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Sukhvinder , the 18-year-old Indian defender, is roped in by Soorma Hockey Club for 11 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:19:58.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175769" id="175769" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:19:58+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:19:58.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:19</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Nehueh Hernando unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Nehueh Hernando is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:19:19.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175768" id="175768" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:19:19+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:19:19.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:19</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Joaquin Berthold unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Joaquin Berthold is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:18:05.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175767" id="175767" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:18:05+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:18:05.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:18</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Gowan Jones unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Gowan Jones also joins the unwanted list. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:17:23.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175766" id="175766" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:17:23+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:17:23.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:17</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Leon Hayward unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Leon Hayward of Australia is unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:16:42.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175765" id="175765" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:16:42+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:16:42.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:16</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Kriek Hendrik unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Kriek Hendrik goes unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:14:50.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175763" id="175763" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:14:50+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:14:50.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:14</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Prashant Kumar Shauhan to Rudras for 5 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Prashant Kumar Shauhan is sold to UP Ridras for 5 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:13:31.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175762" id="175762" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:13:31+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:13:31.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:13</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Himwann Sihag unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Himwann Sihag goes unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:13:04.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175761" id="175761" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:13:04+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:13:04.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:13</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Mohith H S joins Soorma for 10 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Mohith H S goes to Soorma Hockey Club for 10 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:10:36.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175760" id="175760" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:10:36+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:10:36.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:10</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Abhinav Kumar Pandey unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Abhinav Kumar Pandey is also unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:09:47.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175759" id="175759" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:09:47+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:09:47.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:09</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Ali Khan unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Ali Khan goes unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:09:05.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175757" id="175757" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:09:05+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:09:05.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:09</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Ranvijay Singh Yadav unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Ranvijay Singh Yadav is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:08:14.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175756" id="175756" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:08:14+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:08:14.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:08</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Bikramjit Singh joins Toofans for 6.2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Bikramjit Singh is bought by Hyderabad Toofans for 6.2 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:06:29.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175755" id="175755" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:06:29+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:06:29.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:06</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Ashwani Yadav unsold. </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Ashwani Yadav is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:05:37.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175754" id="175754" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:05:37+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:05:37.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:05</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Ankit Malik unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Ankit Malik is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:04:14.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175753" id="175753" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:04:14+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:04:14.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:04</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Prince Deep SIngh to Dragons for 5 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Prince Deep SIngh goes to Tamil Nadu Dragons for 5 lakhs.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:03:25.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175752" id="175752" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:03:25+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:03:25.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:03</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Indian goalkeepers now </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Time for Indian goalkeepers now. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:02:42.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175750" id="175750" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:02:42+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:02:42.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:02</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Kazumasa Matsumoto unsold. </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Kazumasa Matsumoto goes unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:01:22.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175749" id="175749" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:01:22+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:01:22.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:01</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Boris Burkhardy to Soorma 5 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Boris Burkhardy goes to Soorma Hockey Club for 5 lakhs.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:00:40.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175748" id="175748" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:00:40+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:00:40.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:00</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Martin Ferreiro unsold. </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Martin Ferreiro is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:00:04.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175747" id="175747" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T15:00:04+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T15:00:04.000+0530">October 14, 2024 15:00</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Jake Smith unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Jake Smith unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:59:26.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175746" id="175746" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T14:59:26+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:53+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:59:26.000+0530">October 14, 2024 14:59</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Albert Beltran unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Albert Beltran is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:58:56.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175745" id="175745" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T14:58:56+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:54+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:58:56.000+0530">October 14, 2024 14:58</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Overseas player once again </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Overseas player once again, this time forwards </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:58:07.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175744" id="175744" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T14:58:07+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:54+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:58:07.000+0530">October 14, 2024 14:58</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Ajinkya Yadav goes unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Ajinkya Yadav goes unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:57:13.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175743" id="175743" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T14:57:13+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:54+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:57:13.000+0530">October 14, 2024 14:57</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Aditya Lalage joins Delhi for 20 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Aditya Lalage, the 21-yeare-old Indian forward, is bought by Delhi SG Pipers for 20 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:52:21.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175742" id="175742" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T14:52:21+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:54+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:52:21.000+0530">October 14, 2024 14:52</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Arshdeep Singh to Toofans for 11.5 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>19-year-old Indian midfielder Arshdeep Singh is roped in by Hyderabad Toofans for 11.5 lakhs</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:49:15.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175739" id="175739" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T14:49:15+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:54+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:49:15.000+0530">October 14, 2024 14:49</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Gurjot Singh to Rudras for 14.5 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Gurjot Singh, the 19-year-old Indian forward, is bought by UP Rudras for 14.5 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:45:54.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175738" id="175738" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T14:45:54+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:54+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:45:54.000+0530">October 14, 2024 14:45</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Harsahib Singh Shammi unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Harsahib Singh Shammi is also unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:44:52.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175736" id="175736" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T14:44:52+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:54+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:44:52.000+0530">October 14, 2024 14:44</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Jeeva Kumar H. B unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Jeeva Kumar H. B is unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:43:45.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175735" id="175735" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T14:43:45+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:54+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:43:45.000+0530">October 14, 2024 14:43</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Birsa Oreya unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Birsa Oreya goes unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:43:03.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175734" id="175734" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T14:43:03+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:54+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:43:03.000+0530">October 14, 2024 14:43</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Dilraj Singh joins Delhi for 5 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Dilraj Singh goes to Delhi SG Pipers for 5 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:41:54.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175733" id="175733" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T14:41:54+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:54+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:41:54.000+0530">October 14, 2024 14:41</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Gursewak Singh to Tigers at 6.6 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Gursewak Singh , the 17-year-old Indian forward, is roped in by Rarh Bengal Tigers for 6.6 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:39:53.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175732" id="175732" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T14:39:53+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:54+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:39:53.000+0530">October 14, 2024 14:39</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Laxman Karan Baskaran unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Laxman Karan Baskaran is unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:39:00.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175731" id="175731" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T14:39:00+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:54+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:39:00.000+0530">October 14, 2024 14:39</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Hardeep Singh unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Hardeep Singh goes unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:38:38.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175730" id="175730" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T14:38:38+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:54+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:38:38.000+0530">October 14, 2024 14:38</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Lot No. 3 next </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>It’s time for Lot No. 3 - Indian forwards. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:37:53.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175728" id="175728" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T14:37:53+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:54+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:37:53.000+0530">October 14, 2024 14:37</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Mustapha Cassiem joins Gonasika for 7.2 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Mustapha Cassiem of South Africa is bought by team Gonasika 7.2 lakhs.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:34:57.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175727" id="175727" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T14:34:57+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:54+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:34:57.000+0530">October 14, 2024 14:34</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Lucio Mendez unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Lucio Mendez of Argentina is unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:34:02.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175726" id="175726" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T14:34:02+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:54+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:34:02.000+0530">October 14, 2024 14:34</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Nicholas Bandurak unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Nicholas Bandurak goes unsold.</p><script> var html = ""; 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// To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:31:21.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175723" id="175723" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T14:31:21+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:54+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:31:21.000+0530">October 14, 2024 14:31</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Ladislao Gencarelli unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Ladislao Gencarelli goes unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:30:32.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175721" id="175721" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T14:30:32+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:54+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:30:32.000+0530">October 14, 2024 14:30</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Marc Gimo Bolto unsold </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Marc Gimo Bolto goes unsold. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:29:38.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="175719" id="175719" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-10-14T14:29:38+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-07T08:58:54+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-10-14T14:29:38.000+0530">October 14, 2024 14:29</div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Jacob Draper to Gonasika for 5 L </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Jacob Draper is bought by Team Gonasika for 5 lakhs. </p><script> var html = ""; 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