All Continents | Joshua Project

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*/ "dataProvider": { "map": "worldLow", "getAreasFromMap": true, "areas":[ { "id": "AO", customData: {"x1": "AFRICA", "x2": "1,490,578,000", "x3": "3,749", "x4": "972", "x5": "25.9%", "x6": "58"}, "url": "/continents/AFR", "groupId": "AFR"}, { "id": "BW", customData: {"x1": "AFRICA", "x2": "1,490,578,000", "x3": "3,749", "x4": "972", "x5": "25.9%", "x6": "58"}, "url": "/continents/AFR", "groupId": "AFR"}, { "id": "BJ", customData: {"x1": "AFRICA", "x2": "1,490,578,000", "x3": "3,749", "x4": "972", "x5": "25.9%", "x6": "58"}, "url": "/continents/AFR", "groupId": "AFR"}, { "id": "DZ", customData: {"x1": "AFRICA", "x2": "1,490,578,000", "x3": "3,749", "x4": "972", "x5": "25.9%", "x6": "58"}, "url": "/continents/AFR", "groupId": "AFR"}, { "id": "BI", customData: {"x1": "AFRICA", "x2": "1,490,578,000", "x3": "3,749", "x4": "972", "x5": "25.9%", "x6": "58"}, "url": "/continents/AFR", "groupId": "AFR"}, { "id": "TD", customData: {"x1": "AFRICA", "x2": "1,490,578,000", "x3": "3,749", "x4": "972", "x5": "25.9%", "x6": "58"}, "url": "/continents/AFR", "groupId": "AFR"}, { "id": "CG", customData: {"x1": "AFRICA", "x2": "1,490,578,000", "x3": "3,749", "x4": "972", "x5": "25.9%", "x6": "58"}, "url": "/continents/AFR", "groupId": "AFR"}, { "id": "CD", customData: {"x1": "AFRICA", "x2": "1,490,578,000", "x3": "3,749", "x4": "972", "x5": "25.9%", "x6": "58"}, "url": "/continents/AFR", "groupId": "AFR"}, { "id": "CM", customData: {"x1": "AFRICA", "x2": "1,490,578,000", "x3": "3,749", "x4": "972", "x5": "25.9%", "x6": "58"}, "url": "/continents/AFR", "groupId": "AFR"}, { "id": "KM", customData: {"x1": "AFRICA", "x2": "1,490,578,000", "x3": "3,749", "x4": "972", "x5": "25.9%", "x6": "58"}, "url": "/continents/AFR", "groupId": "AFR"}, { "id": "CF", customData: {"x1": "AFRICA", "x2": "1,490,578,000", "x3": "3,749", "x4": "972", "x5": "25.9%", "x6": "58"}, "url": "/continents/AFR", "groupId": "AFR"}, { "id": "CV", customData: {"x1": "AFRICA", "x2": "1,490,578,000", "x3": "3,749", "x4": "972", "x5": "25.9%", "x6": "58"}, "url": "/continents/AFR", "groupId": "AFR"}, { "id": "DJ", customData: {"x1": "AFRICA", "x2": "1,490,578,000", "x3": "3,749", "x4": "972", "x5": "25.9%", "x6": "58"}, "url": "/continents/AFR", "groupId": "AFR"}, { "id": "EG", customData: {"x1": "AFRICA", "x2": "1,490,578,000", "x3": "3,749", "x4": "972", "x5": "25.9%", "x6": "58"}, "url": "/continents/AFR", "groupId": "AFR"}, { "id": "GQ", customData: {"x1": "AFRICA", "x2": "1,490,578,000", "x3": "3,749", "x4": "972", "x5": "25.9%", "x6": "58"}, "url": "/continents/AFR", "groupId": "AFR"}, { "id": "ER", customData: {"x1": "AFRICA", "x2": "1,490,578,000", "x3": "3,749", "x4": "972", "x5": "25.9%", "x6": "58"}, "url": "/continents/AFR", "groupId": "AFR"}, { "id": "ET", customData: {"x1": "AFRICA", "x2": "1,490,578,000", "x3": "3,749", "x4": "972", "x5": "25.9%", "x6": "58"}, "url": "/continents/AFR", "groupId": "AFR"}, { "id": "GM", customData: {"x1": "AFRICA", "x2": "1,490,578,000", "x3": 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"x5": "11.6%", "x6": "38"}, "url": "/continents/NAR", "groupId": "NAR"}, { "id": "PR", customData: {"x1": "NORTH AMERICA", "x2": "606,029,000", "x3": "1,551", "x4": "180", "x5": "11.6%", "x6": "38"}, "url": "/continents/NAR", "groupId": "NAR"}, { "id": "PM", customData: {"x1": "NORTH AMERICA", "x2": "606,029,000", "x3": "1,551", "x4": "180", "x5": "11.6%", "x6": "38"}, "url": "/continents/NAR", "groupId": "NAR"}, { "id": "KN", customData: {"x1": "NORTH AMERICA", "x2": "606,029,000", "x3": "1,551", "x4": "180", "x5": "11.6%", "x6": "38"}, "url": "/continents/NAR", "groupId": "NAR"}, { "id": "LC", customData: {"x1": "NORTH AMERICA", "x2": "606,029,000", "x3": "1,551", "x4": "180", "x5": "11.6%", "x6": "38"}, "url": "/continents/NAR", "groupId": "NAR"}, { "id": "TT", customData: {"x1": "NORTH AMERICA", "x2": "606,029,000", "x3": "1,551", "x4": "180", "x5": "11.6%", "x6": "38"}, "url": "/continents/NAR", "groupId": "NAR"}, { "id": "TC", customData: {"x1": "NORTH AMERICA", "x2": "606,029,000", "x3": "1,551", "x4": "180", "x5": "11.6%", "x6": "38"}, "url": "/continents/NAR", "groupId": "NAR"}, { "id": "CW", customData: {"x1": "NORTH AMERICA", "x2": "606,029,000", "x3": "1,551", "x4": "180", "x5": "11.6%", "x6": "38"}, "url": "/continents/NAR", "groupId": "NAR"}, { "id": "US", customData: {"x1": "NORTH AMERICA", "x2": "606,029,000", "x3": "1,551", "x4": "180", "x5": "11.6%", "x6": "38"}, "url": "/continents/NAR", "groupId": "NAR"}, { "id": "VC", customData: {"x1": "NORTH AMERICA", "x2": "606,029,000", "x3": "1,551", "x4": "180", "x5": "11.6%", "x6": "38"}, "url": "/continents/NAR", "groupId": "NAR"}, { "id": "VG", customData: {"x1": "NORTH AMERICA", "x2": "606,029,000", "x3": "1,551", "x4": "180", "x5": "11.6%", "x6": "38"}, "url": "/continents/NAR", "groupId": "NAR"}, { "id": "VI", customData: {"x1": "NORTH AMERICA", "x2": "606,029,000", "x3": "1,551", "x4": "180", "x5": "11.6%", "x6": "38"}, "url": "/continents/NAR", "groupId": "NAR"}, { "id": "AS", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "SB", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "CC", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "MP", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "CK", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "FJ", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "FM", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "PF", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "GU", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "KI", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "CX", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "NC", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "NU", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "NF", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "VU", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "NR", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "NZ", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "PN", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "PW", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "MH", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "TK", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "TO", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "TV", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "WF", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, { "id": "WS", customData: {"x1": "OCEANIA", "x2": "8,676,000", "x3": "488", "x4": "39", "x5": "8.0%", "x6": "25"}, "url": "/continents/SOP", "groupId": "SOP"}, ], }, /** * create areas settings * autoZoom set to true means that the map will zoom-in when clicked on the area * selectedColor indicates color of the clicked area. */ "areasSettings": { "autoZoom": false, "selectedColor": "#CC0000", "alpha": 1, "color": "#A6A6A6", // dark olive #68CDAA, medium gray #C3C3C3 "outlineThickness": .4, "rollOverColor": "#770000", "rollOverOutlineColor": "#FFFFFF", "selectedColor": "#770000", "balloonText": "[[title]]<br />[[customData]]", "fitMapToContainer": true }, "balloonLabelFunction": function (item) { if (item.customData != undefined) { return '<div>'+item.customData.x1+'<br />Number Countries: '+item.customData.x6+'<br />Population: '+item.customData.x2+'<br />Total People Groups: '+item.customData.x3+'<br />Unreached People Groups: '+item.customData.x4+'<br />% of Groups Unreached: '+item.customData.x5+'</div>'; } else { return item.title; } }, "balloon": { "horizontalPadding": 15, "verticalPadding": 12, "adjustBorderColor": true, "color": 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data-sort="string-ins" class="essential persist">Continent<span class="arrow"> &#9650;</span></th> <th data-sort="int" class="optional num_right">Population</th> <th data-sort="float" class="num_right">Total<br /> Countries</th> <th data-sort="int" class="essential num_right">People<br /> Groups</th> <th data-sort="int" class="essential num_right">Unreached<br /> Groups</th> <th data-sort="float" class="optional num_right">% Unreached<br /> Groups</th> <th data-sort="int" class="optional num_right">Popl in<br /> Unreached</th> <th data-sort="float" class="optional num_right">% Popl in<br /> Unreached</th> <th data-sort="float" class="num_right"><span data-toggle="tooltip" data-html="true" title="The rectangular area of North Africa, the Middle East and Asia between 10 degrees north and 40 degrees north latitude.">10/40<br /> Window</span></th> <th data-sort="float" class="num_right"><span data-toggle="tooltip" data-html="true" title="Those who identify with Christian tradition in any form. Includes devout, nominal, sects and historical identification. Broadest possible general meaning.">% Christian<br /> Adherent</span></th> <th data-sort="float" class="num_right"><span data-toggle="tooltip" data-html="true" title="Followers of Christ who emphasize that Jesus is the sole source of salvation through faith, regeneration by the Holy Spirit, the Bible as the rule of faith and share the blessing of God in Jesus with others.">%<br /> Evangelical</span></th> <th data-sort="int" class="num_right"><span data-toggle="tooltip" data-html="true" title="Estimated # of pioneer workers needed for initial church planting. Based on ratio of 1 worker for every 50,000 population. Some workers may already be onsite.">Est. Workers<br /> Needed *&nbsp;</span></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><a href=>Africa</a></td> <td class="num_right">1,490,578,000</td> <td class="num_right">58</td> <td class="num_right">3,749</td> <td class="num_right">972</td> <td class="num_right">25.9 %</td> <td class="num_right">426,102,000</td> <td class="num_right">28.6 %</td> <td class="num_right">22</td> <td class="num_right">48.1 %</td> <td class="num_right">15.9 %</td> <td class="num_right"> 8,881 </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=>Asia</a></td> <td class="num_right">4,891,783,000</td> <td class="num_right">50</td> <td class="num_right">7,483</td> <td class="num_right">5,404</td> <td class="num_right">72.2 %</td> <td class="num_right">2,950,079,000</td> <td class="num_right">60.3 %</td> <td class="num_right">45</td> <td class="num_right">9.1 %</td> <td class="num_right">3.1 %</td> <td class="num_right"> 61,302 </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=>Australia</a></td> <td class="num_right">37,029,000</td> <td class="num_right">2</td> <td class="num_right">1,092</td> <td class="num_right">35</td> <td class="num_right">3.2 %</td> <td class="num_right">1,487,000</td> <td class="num_right">4.0 %</td> <td class="num_right">0</td> <td class="num_right">72.0 %</td> <td class="num_right">16.5 %</td> <td class="num_right"> 44 </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=>Europe</a></td> <td class="num_right">602,591,000</td> <td class="num_right">51</td> <td class="num_right">1,959</td> <td class="num_right">461</td> <td class="num_right">23.5 %</td> <td class="num_right">28,498,000</td> <td class="num_right">4.7 %</td> <td class="num_right">1</td> <td class="num_right">70.5 %</td> <td class="num_right">2.9 %</td> <td class="num_right"> 872 </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=>North America</a></td> <td class="num_right">606,029,000</td> <td class="num_right">38</td> <td class="num_right">1,551</td> <td class="num_right">180</td> <td class="num_right">11.6 %</td> <td class="num_right">17,630,000</td> <td class="num_right">2.9 %</td> <td class="num_right">0</td> <td class="num_right">82.3 %</td> <td class="num_right">21.4 %</td> <td class="num_right"> 446 </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=>Oceania</a></td> <td class="num_right">8,676,000</td> <td class="num_right">25</td> <td class="num_right">488</td> <td class="num_right">39</td> <td class="num_right">8.0 %</td> <td class="num_right">474,000</td> <td class="num_right">5.5 %</td> <td class="num_right">0</td> <td class="num_right">64.1 %</td> <td class="num_right">20.1 %</td> <td class="num_right"> 42 </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=>South America</a></td> <td class="num_right">441,852,000</td> <td class="num_right">14</td> <td class="num_right">958</td> <td class="num_right">99</td> <td class="num_right">10.3 %</td> <td class="num_right">718,000</td> <td class="num_right">0.2 %</td> <td class="num_right">0</td> <td class="num_right">90.4 %</td> <td class="num_right">18.9 %</td> <td class="num_right"> 102 </td> </tr> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr> <th class="essential persist">Totals:&nbsp;&nbsp;7</th> <th class="optional num_right">8,078,539,000</th> <th class="num_right">238</th> <th class="essential num_right">17,280</th> <th class="essential num_right">7,190</th> <th class="optional num_right">41.6 %</th> <th class="optional num_right">3,424,988,000</th> <th class="optional num_right">42.4 %</th> <th class="num_right">68</th> <th class="num_right">31.2 %</th> <th class="num_right">7.8 %</th> <th class="num_right">71,689&nbsp;</th> </tr> </tfoot> </table> </div> <div class="minor-peoples-link hidden-xs left"> <a id="footnote"></a> <strong>*</strong> An estimate of the number of pioneer workers needed for initial church planting among unreached people groups by country. Estimates are calculated only for unreached people groups and are based on ratio of 1 worker-unit (single person or married couple) per 50,000 living in an unreached people group by country, or for example one team of four worker-units per 200,000 people. Some workers may already be onsite. Many more workers are needed beyond this initial estimate. </div> </section> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 center"> <a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="?format=excel" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'download', 'click-xls', 'AllContinentsListing.csv')"> <span><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt"></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;Download</span> </a> <a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="/about/sources"> <span><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-tag"></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;Sources</span> </a> <a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="/help/definitions"> <span><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign"></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;Definitions</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal fade modal-standard" id="progressScale" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="basicModal" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog modal-scale"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true"><img src="/assets/img/btn-close-modal.png" /></button> <span class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Progress Scale</span> </div> <div class="modal-body center"> <div> The Joshua Project <a href='/global/progress'>Progress Scale</a> is an estimate of the progress of church planting among a people group, people cluster, country or language. The <a href='/global/progress'>Progress Scale</a> is derived from people group values for percent <a href='/help/definitions#evangelical' data-toggle="tooltip" data-html="true" title="Followers of Christ who emphasize that Jesus is the sole source of salvation through faith, regeneration by the Holy Spirit, the Bible as the rule of faith and share the blessing of God in Jesus with others.">Evangelical</a> and percent <a href='/help/definitions#christian-adherent' data-toggle="tooltip" data-html="true" title="Those who identify with Christian tradition in any form. Includes devout, nominal, sects and historical identification. Broadest possible general meaning.">Christian Adherent</a>.<br /> </div> <div> <table class="table-scale-modal"> <tbody> <tr> <th>Level</th> <th>Description</th> <th class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">Criteria</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="progress-bg-1"><a href="/progress/1" target="_top">1</a></td> <td><a href="/progress/1" target="_top">Unreached</a><span class="hidden_xs"> - Few evangelicals and few who identify as Christians. Little, if any, history of Christianity.</span></td> <td class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">Evangelicals &lt;= 2%<br />Professing Christians &lt;= 5%</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="progress-bg-2"><a href="/progress/2" target="_top">2</a></td> <td><a href="/progress/2" target="_top">Minimally reached</a><span class="hidden_xs"> - Few evangelicals, but significant number who identify as Christians.</span></td> <td class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">Evangelicals &lt;= 2%<br />Professing Christians &gt; 5% and &lt;= 50%</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="progress-bg-3"><a href="/progress/3" target="_top">3</a></td> <td><a href="/progress/3" target="_top">Superficially reached</a><span class="hidden_xs"> - Few evangelicals, but many who identify as Christians. In great need of spiritual renewal and commitment to biblical faith.</span></td> <td class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">Evangelicals &lt;= 2%<br />Professing Christians &gt; 50%</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="progress-bg-4"><a href="/progress/4" target="_top">4</a></td> <td><a href="/progress/4" target="_top">Partially reached</a><span class="hidden_xs"> - Evangelicals have a modest presence.</span></td> <td class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">Evangelicals &gt; 2% and &lt;= 10%<br /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="progress-bg-5"><a href="/progress/5" target="_top">5</a></td> <td><a href="/progress/5" target="_top">Significantly reached</a><span class="hidden_xs"> - Evangelicals have a significant presence.</span></td> <td class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">Evangelicals &gt; 10%<br /></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="frontier-modal"> <span class="progress-dots"><span class="progress-1">&#x2600;&#xFE0E;</span></span> indicates <a href="/frontier">Frontier Peoples</a> which are a subset of <a href='/progress/1' target="_top">Unreached</a> with 0.1% or fewer Christian Adherents and no reported movement. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bullets-footer"> <b>Disclaimers:</b> <ol> <li>Joshua Project data is drawn from many sources and of varying accuracy depending on source and editorial decisions. Populations are scaled to the current year. Other data may have varying ages. We welcome <a href="/contact/general_submit">updates</a>.</li> <li>Joshua Project occasionally adjusts profile text from third party sources. This is done to avoid confusion regarding the current reality of a people group, to fix grammar and spelling and to avoid potentially offensive wording.</li> <li>A displayed zero can mean true zero, a very small rounded number or sometimes unknown. Blanks mean an unknown value.</li> <li>Data is not as precise as it appears. Values for %Christian Adherent and %Evangelical (which determine unreached status) are often informed estimates, some more accurate than others. We recommend against using %Christian Adherent and %Evangelical to calculate absolute numbers.</li> <li>Joshua Project makes every effort to ensure that the subject in an image is in fact from the specific people group. In rare instances a representative photo may be used.</li> <li>Joshua Project may be able to provide more information than what is published on this site. Please <a href="/contact">contact us</a>.</li> <li>On-the-ground reality may vary from what is presented here. 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