File a report | Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance | Michigan State University

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padding: 25px; margin-bottom: 30px;"> <p>MSU treats all reports filed with Investigation, Support and Resolution, or ISR, in the Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance (OCR) seriously. Anyone is welcome to file a report with ISR, including students, faculty, staff, and guests. Both reports involving the Anti-Discrimination Policy and Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy may be filed online via the <a href="">Public Incident Reporting Form</a> or by calling ISR at <avayaelement class="contentWrapper" style="background-color: #f6f6f6;"><avayaelement callelement="+15173533922" class="dcelink" id="dceLink-1" originaltext="517-353-3922">517-353-3922</avayaelement></avayaelement> between the hours of 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. and 1:00-5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.</p> <p><strong>*The Office of Civil Rights and the Investigation, Support and Resolution Department will be closed in observance of the University holiday beginning at 2pm Wednesday, November 27th through Friday, November 29th. Our offices will reopen Monday, December 2nd at 8am.&#160;Community members may still submit a public incident report by using the online reporting form. Response times may be delayed. If it is an emergency, please call 911.*</strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Reports of Prohibited Conduct Involving OCR Staff Members</strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">To ensure objective investigations and decision-making, reports of Prohibited Conduct under the Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy or Anti-Discrimination Policy involving any staff member of OCR as a claimant or respondent should be made to the MSU Misconduct Hotline. Reports to the Misconduct Hotline (monitored by the Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance) can be made online or via phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as described here: <a href="" title=""></a>. Additional details regarding this process can be found<a href="file-a-staff-report.html"> here</a>.</p> </div> <p>All individuals are encouraged to promptly report possible violations of MSU&#8217;s Anti-Discrimination Policy and Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy. In addition, all individuals are encouraged to report conduct that may also violate&#160;criminal&#160;law to both MSU Police and to local law enforcement.</p> <ul> <li>Report to Investigation, Support and Resolution (ISR). The Title IX Coordinator has designated ISR to respond to and investigate reports. Reports under the RVSM and Title IX Policy may also be made directly to the Title IX Coordinator.</li> <li>Contact the&#160;<a href="">MSU Police</a>&#160;for assistance in filing a criminal complaint and preserving physical evidence, and/or</li> <li>Contact local law enforcement to file a criminal complaint.</li> </ul> <p>Individuals may wish to also speak with <a href="">confidential resources</a> to discuss reporting options in a confidential setting.<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank"></a><span></span></p> <p><strong><u>Language Assistance</u></strong></p> <p>OCR offers translation services through a third-party vendor. If you need language assistance, please state this in your report and/or contact OCR directly at <a href=""></a> and request language assistance.</p> <p><a href="../about/Language Plan.html">Michigan State University Language Access Plan</a></p> <p><strong><u>Reasonable Accommodation </u></strong></p> <p>If you are an individual with a disability and need accommodation to fully participate in the complaint, investigation, or disciplinary or appellate processes, please contact the following:</p> <p>For <strong><u>Students</u></strong>, please contact the University&#8217;s <a href="">Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (RCPD)</a></p> <p>For <strong><u>Employees</u></strong> please contact the Office of Employee Relations at (517) 884-0799 or <a href=""></a>.</p> <div class="row image-text-callout"> <div class="medium-6 columns medium-centered text-center"> <h2>Who is required to report?<a href="mr_reporting_fail_procedures.html"></a></h2> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="medium-6 columns medium-centered"> <img alt="MSU RVSM Reporting infographic. Accessible version available for download." src="Mandatory_Reporting_Process.jpg"/> </div> </div> <p>&#160;</p> <p>&#160;</p> <p><a href="../_assets/documents/MSU OCR RVSM Process.pdf"><strong>Download: Mandatory Reporting Infographic</strong></a></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Mandatory Reporting for Relationship Violence, Sexual Misconduct and Stalking Policy (link)</strong></a></p> <p><a href="mr_faq.html"><strong>Mandatory Reporting FAQs</strong></a></p> <p><a href="mr_reporting_fail_procedures.html"><strong>Mandatory Reporting Failure Investigation Procedures</strong></a></p> <p>&#160;</p> <p><a href=""><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>University Reporting Protocols: Child Abuse and Other Harm to Children</strong></span></a></p> <p><span>The University strives to offer a safe and supportive learning and working environment for all individuals. In support of that goal, the University has established reporting protocols for its employees and volunteers with respect to child abuse, sexual assault, and child pornography. For more information, review the&#160;</span><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">University Reporting Protocols: Child Abuse and Other Harm to Children</a><span>.</span></p> <div class="row image-text-callout"> <div class="medium-6 columns medium-centered text-center"> <h2>What happens when an RVSM and Title IX report is made?</h2> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="medium-6 columns medium-centered"> <img alt="MSU RVSM and Title IX process infographic. Accessible version available for download." src="../_assets/RVSM_and_Title_IX_Process.jpg"/> </div> </div> <p>&#160;</p> <p><a href="MSU-OCR-RVSM-Title-IX-Process.pdf"><strong>Download: Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy investigation process infographic</strong></a></p> <p><strong><a href="../_assets/documents/OCR-Process-FAQ-FINAL.docx">Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy Investigations FAQ</a></strong></p> <div class="row image-text-callout"> <div class="medium-6 columns medium-centered text-center"> <h2>What happens when an Anti-Discrimination report is made?</h2> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="medium-6 columns medium-centered"> <img alt="MSU ADP process infographic. Accessible version available for download." src="ADP_INFOGRAPHIC_082924.JPEG"/> </div> </div> <p>&#160;</p> <p><strong><a href="adp-process-infographic.pdf" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Download: Anti-Discrimination Policy investigation process infographic</a></strong></p> <p><a href="../policies/adp-faq.html"><strong>Anti-Discrimination Policy FAQs</strong></a></p> <div class="row image-text-callout"> <div class="medium-6 columns medium-centered text-center"> <h2>How can I report a hostile environment?</h2> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="medium-6 columns medium-centered"> <img alt="Thumbnail of infographic sharing indicators of a hostile environment and how to file a report" src="Hostile-Environment-Infographic-.jpg"/> </div> </div> <p>&#160;</p> <p><strong><a href="Hostile-Environment-Infographic1.pdf" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Download: Understanding and Reporting a Hostile Environment infographic</a></strong></p> <div class="row image-text-callout"> <div class="medium-6 columns medium-centered text-center"> <h2>What are supportive measures?</h2> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="medium-6 columns medium-centered"> <img alt="Thumbnail of infographic sharing indicators of a hostile environment and how to file a report" src="supportive-measures-thumbnail"/> </div> </div> <p>&#160;</p> <p><strong><a href="OCR-Supportive-Measure-Info-Graphic-.pdf" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Download: Supportive Measures infographic</a></strong></p> <h2>&#160;</h2> <h2>Information Sharing</h2> <p>The MSU Police Department and Investigation, Support and Resolution (ISR) independently investigate complaints of relationship violence and sexual misconduct.</p> <p>ISR is required to notify the MSU Police of all reports it receives regarding sexual assaults, relationship violence, and stalking. This does not obligate you to talk to the police, and the choice about whether to participate in a law enforcement investigation remains with you.</p> <p><strong>MSU Police Department reports all incidents to ISR. The MSU Police Department shares information about ongoing investigations with ISR to the extent that sharing such information will not interfere with law enforcement proceedings.</strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span></p> <p>If you have experienced sexual misconduct, relationship violence, stalking, discrimination, or harassment, or would like to make a report to help a friend or colleague, you can contact:</p> <h4><strong>MSU Police</strong></h4> <p><span><avayaelement class="contentWrapper"><avayaelement callelement="+15173552221" class="dcelink" id="dceLink-2" originaltext="(517) 355-2221">(517) 355-2221</avayaelement></avayaelement><br/><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">MSU Police Website</a></span></p> <h4><strong>Investigation, Support and Resolution (ISR)</strong></h4> <p><avayaelement class="contentWrapper"><avayaelement callelement="+15173533922" class="dcelink" id="dceLink-3" originaltext="(517) 353-3922">(517) 353-3922</avayaelement></avayaelement><br/>5 Olds Hall<br/><a href=""></a></p> <p><a href="">Public Incident Reporting form</a></p> <p>&#160;</p> <p><strong><a href="Hostile-Environment-Infographic1.pdf" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Download: Understanding and Reporting a Hostile Environment infographic</a></strong></p> </div> <div class="large-4 columns contextual-nav contextual-nav__sidebar"> <div class="js-initial-load"> <h2 id="section-heading"><a class="contextual-nav__drawer__link" href="index.html">Reporting</a></h2> <nav aria-label="Contextual navigation"> <ul aria-labelledby="section-heading"> <li> <a class="link" href="mr_faq.html">Mandatory Reporting FAQs</a> </li> <li> <a class="link" href="university-report.html">University report</a> </li> <li> <a class="link" href="external-reporting-options.html">External reporting options</a> </li> <li> <a class="link" href="confidential-resources.html">Confidential Resources</a> </li> <li> <a class="link" href="health-team-greivance.html">MSU Health Team Grievance </a> </li> <li> <a class="link" href="mr_reporting_fail_procedures.html">Mandatory Reporting Failure Investigation Procedures</a> </li> <li> <a class="link" href="file-a-staff-report.html">Reports of Prohibited Conduct Involving OCR Staff Members </a> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="footer"> <div class="footer__mega"> <div class="row" data-equalizer="true"> <div class="large-3 columns"> </div> <div class="large-3 columns"> </div> <div class="large-3 columns"> </div> <div class="large-3 columns"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row footer__standard"> <div class="large-12 columns"> <div class="footer__info"> <ul class="footer__info__links"> <li style="text-decoration: none;"> <a href="tel:(517) 355-3960"><span style="font-weight: 600;">(517) 355-3960</span></a> </li> <li> <a href="../contact.html">Contact Information</a> </li> <li> <a href="../site-map.html">Site Map</a> </li> <li> <a href="../privacy.html">Privacy Statement</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Site Accessibility</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="footer__info__msu"> <li>Call MSU: <strong>(517) 355-1855</strong> </li> <li>Visit: <strong> <a href=""></a> </strong> </li> <li>MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer.</li> <li> <a href=""> <strong>Notice of Nondiscrimination</strong> </a> </li> </ul> <ul class="footer__info__copyright"> <li> <strong>Spartans Will</strong>. </li> <li>漏 Michigan State University</li> </ul> </div> <div class="footer__wordmark"> <a href=""> <img alt="Michigan State University wordmark" class="screen-msuwordmark" src=""/> </a> </div> </div> </div> </footer> </div> </div> </div> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src="../_assets/scripts/custom.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/_Incapsula_Resource?SWJIYLWA=719d34d31c8e3a6e6fffd425f7e032f3&ns=1&cb=1170275933" async></script></body> </html>

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