100+ Event Industry Statistics & Data Points: Trends and Insights For 2024
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started</div></a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="section-3"><div class="blog-wrapper w-container"><div class="left-wrapper"><h6 id="blog-category" class="grey">Event Marketing & Planning</h6><h1 id="blog-title" class="tabs-pane">100+ Event Industry Statistics & Data Points: Trends and Insights For 2024</h1><div class="authorbio"><div class="flex-hor author-title-wrap"><h6 class="mr-1">by</h6><h6>The Eventcube Team</h6></div><div class="small grey">With extensive experience in events and technology, our platform, Eventcube, has powered over 100,000 events across the globe, attended by more than 15 million people. Our expertise ensures every event, whether in-person or virtual, is a standout success. Our goal is simple: to help our clients create and host extraordinary events.</div></div><h3 class="mt-1 w-condition-invisible"></h3><a href="/blog" class="arrowlink w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="16" alt="" class="arrowlink-arrow back"/><div class="arrowlink-text">Back to blog</div></a><div class="cta"><h3 class="mt-1">Start selling tickets online with our powerful ticketing platform</h3><p>We empower event organizers around the globe, from destination festivals, major sporting and music events to club nights, local fairs, charity fundraisers and private galleries.</p><p class="paragraph-6 w-condition-invisible">Start an event, members’ hub or virtual event for your community and discover how Eventcube can transform your business.</p><a href="/getting-started" target="_blank" id="blog-cta" class="btn-primary mt-2 w-button">Get Started</a></div></div><div class="right-wrapper"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 92vw, (max-width: 767px) 90vw, 58vw" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 1920w"/><h4 class="mt-2">Welcome to the ultimate resource for the latest event industry stats, trends and insights! As we move into 2024, it's essential that industry professionals are informed about developments within the events market. This article was crafted to give you a thorough understanding of the events sector, particularly in light of recent global changes.</h4><div class="richtext w-richtext"><p>Welcome to the most comprehensive guide for the latest event industry stats, trends and insights! As we move into 2024, it's essential that industry professionals are informed about developments within the events market. This article was crafted to give you a thorough understanding of the events sector, particularly in light of recent global changes. It covers wide range of topics – from the resurgence of trade shows and expos in key North American markets to the ongoing transformation of event management companies and public organizations in the UK and beyond.</p><h3><strong>How has the event industry grown in recent years?</strong></h3><p>According to Custom Market Insights (CMI), the market size of the event industry was estimated at a staggering $1,190.4 Billion in 2022 This growth can be attributed to the increased demand for experiential marketing, advancements in tech, and the rise of virtual and hybrid events.</p><h3><strong>What contributed to this growth?</strong></h3><p>The year marked a significant comeback, with the industry not only recovering but also innovating. Hybrid events became more prevalent, offering a mix of in-person and virtual experiences. More than simply adaptation, this trend reflects a strategic choice that catered to diverse attendee preferences.</p><h3><strong>Sustainability</strong></h3><p><a href="" target="_blank">Sustainability</a> also emerged as a key focus, reflecting a growing commitment to eco-friendly event practices. In terms of technology, there was a push towards user-friendly and easily integrable solutions, which helped in keeping audiences engaged and making events more interactive.</p><h3><strong>The rise of AI</strong></h3><p>Artificial Intelligence also played a crucial role in<a href="" target="_blank"> revolutionizing event technology</a>, from streamlining event planning processes to enhancing attendee engagement and predicting future trends. This marked a departure from traditional event management practices, focusing more on efficiency and effectiveness. AI also tackled the complexities of organizing events, improving overall user experiences, and managing financials more effectively. As a result, AI's integration into the event industry not only brought about efficiency and better engagement but also set a new standard for how future events are conceptualized and executed.</p><h3><strong>Evolving consumer preferences</strong></h3><p>Today's attendees seek more personalized, engaging, and interactive experiences, driving event organizers to innovate and diversify their offerings. This shift towards more tailored experiences, often supported by advanced technology, has led to a surge in demand for unique events. As consumers increasingly value experiences over material possessions, the event industry has adapted to meet these desires, resulting in a dynamic expansion and evolution of the sector.</p><p>Looking ahead, these developments set a new benchmark for the industry, combining innovation with practicality. The event sector is now poised for sustained growth and continued transformation as we enter 2024.</p><figure style="max-width:1400pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div></figure><h2><strong>Key event industry statistics - Trends, market value, growth</strong></h2><p>*Data sourced from<a href="" target="_blank"> Allied Market Research</a></p><ul role="list"><li>The market was valued at $1.1 trillion in 2019 and is projected to reach $2.1 trillion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 6.4% from 2023 to 2032.</li><li>Major growth drivers include increased frequency of corporate meetings, conferences, music concerts, sports events, and advancements in event technology. Sponsorships from major brands are also significantly boosting the market.</li><li>Event organization involves considerable expenses, including venue costs, food and catering, event rentals, and production costs, which impact the overall market growth.</li><li>Technological advancements have revolutionized event management, making it more cost-effective, accessible, and efficient. This includes online bookings, emails, and video conferences.</li><li><a href="" target="_blank">Corporate events</a> and seminars are a leading segment, crucial for fostering business relationships and employee motivation. The sponsorship segment, vital for marketing and sales, dominated the revenue source category in 2022. In terms of organizers, the entertainment segment led the market in 2022.</li><li>The 21-40 years age group dominated the market, showing high engagement in diverse events like seminars and music concerts.</li><li>Europe is predicted to dominate the market, with Germany and Spain experiencing significant growth. The rise in smart device use and internet adoption has increased online event bookings. The Asia-Pacific region is witnessing rapid growth due to economic expansion and technological adoption, with a significant interest among the youth in various events.</li><li>In London, the average salary for event planners is £28,745 (Glassdoor).</li><li>The average salary for event organizers in the US is $59K (Glassdoor).</li></ul><h3><strong>In-person event data</strong></h3><p>*Data sourced from<a href="" target="_blank"> Bizzabo</a></p><ul role="list"><li>52.1% of organizers have seen a rise in attendance over the past year.</li><li>86.4% of organizers aim to maintain or boost the number of in-person events in 2024 compared to 2023.</li><li>47.2% of organizers report expansion in their events team in the past year.</li><li>76.6% of organizers deem these conferences essential for their organization's success.</li><li>80.4% of organizers recognize these events as the most impactful marketing channel for their organization.</li><li>75.9% of organizers anticipate these conferences will become more crucial for organizational success in future years.</li><li>71.2% of organizers find it difficult to prove the ROI of in-person conferences to stakeholders.</li><li>72.7% of organizers report that their leadership team and C-suite actively back their in-person event strategies.</li><li>82.8% of organizers and 77.7% of attendees agree that these conferences offer an ideal networking environment.</li><li>55% plan to conduct most of their events in-person.</li><li>70% of events and 87% of meetings are being conducted in person.</li><li>An average of 65% of companies worldwide reported an increase in event spending.</li><li>98% of event organizers plan to host at least one in-person event in 2023, 85% plan at least three, and 35% aim for at least ten.</li><li>72% of event organizers view in-person events as essential in their marketing strategies.</li><li>On average, in-person events are 47.8% more expensive than virtual ones.</li><li>95% of marketers believe in-person events contribute significantly to achieving business objectives.</li><li>35% of events in 2022 were expected to be in-person.</li><li>88% anticipated meetings in 2022 to include an in-person component, while 87% expected this for events in general.</li><li>67% of event professionals think in-person meetings will reach pre-pandemic numbers within one to two years.</li><li>78% of in-person attendees prefer networking with others present in person, whereas 58% of virtual attendees are open to networking with anyone.</li><li>41.1% of event planners would only attend an in-person event if it was local.</li><li>55% of event organizers report safety as the biggest challenge in resuming in-person events.</li></ul><h3><strong>Virtual event statistics</strong></h3><figure style="max-width:1400pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div></figure><p>* Data sourced from<a href="" target="_blank"> Anyroad</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> Bizzabo</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> Emerald</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> Forrester</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> Grand View Research</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> ICE Research</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> Kaltura</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> Markletic</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> Redback</a>, and<a href="" target="_blank"> Vimeo </a></p><p><strong>Impact of virtual events</strong></p><ul role="list"><li>92.1% of organizers rate their online experiences as successful (Anyroad).</li><li>79% say virtual provided new opportunities, 66% note greater ROI than physical events (LinkedIn).</li><li>90% believe large-scale events will be hybrid or virtual in two years (Kaltura).</li><li>82% plan similar or more virtual events in the next 12 months (Forrester).</li><li>25% run virtual-only strategies, two-thirds use hybrid (Kaltura).</li><li>Top benefits: Increased registration, greater ROI, better engagement (Kaltura).</li><li>Virtual events seen as pandemic-proof, cost-effective (LinkedIn).</li><li>Global market projected to grow at 23.7% CAGR from 2021-2028 (Grand View Research).</li></ul><p><strong>Future of virtual events</strong></p><ul role="list"><li>76% see attendee diversification as key to success (Forrester).</li><li>Marketers expect growth in lead generation, attendance, registrations, engagement, and budget in 2023 (Kaltura).</li></ul><p><strong>Goals, objectives, and outcomes</strong></p><ul role="list"><li>Primary goals: Engagement (45.3%) and brand awareness (18.9%) (Anyroad).</li><li>Main goals for large events include brand awareness and revenue generation (Kaltura).</li><li>Key success metrics: Quality of contacts, engagement level, post-event engagement (Emerald).</li><li>78% reconsidered virtual event success meaning (LinkedIn).</li></ul><p><strong>Attendee expectations</strong></p><ul role="list"><li>75% sign up for up to 5 virtual events per month (Vimeo).</li><li>68% rewatch content; 75% would rewatch missed sessions (Vimeo).</li><li>Engagement factors include speaker quality, Q&A sessions, MasterClass-style courses (RedBack Connect, Vimeo).</li><li>84% prefer virtual event options, seeking livestreams, online access, hybrid offerings, educational content (Kaltura, Emerald)</li></ul><p><strong>Preparation and planning</strong></p><ul role="list"><li>Over six weeks needed for large event preparation (Markletic).</li><li>70% use 2-15 people for planning (Vimeo).</li><li>63.4% use live rehearsals (Anyroad).</li><li>93% have a pivot plan from in-person to virtual (Kaltura).</li></ul><p><strong>Performance management</strong></p><ul role="list"><li>Metrics: Engagement, attendee satisfaction, revenue, social engagement (Anyroad).</li><li>82% of B2B marketers view engagement as crucial KPI (Bizzabo).</li><li>Challenges in demonstrating impact and measuring engagement (Forrester).</li></ul><p><strong>Challenges and obstacles</strong></p><ul role="list"><li>28% find virtual events less effective, prefer in-person (Forrester).</li><li>Attendee experience, event uniqueness challenges (Bizzabo, Forrester).</li><li>Attendance and maintaining high rates problematic (Kaltura).</li><li>2023 challenges: Sustainability, brand consistency, performance measurement (ICE Research).</li></ul><p><strong>Event teams and skill sets</strong></p><ul role="list"><li>74% seeking talent for skill gaps (Forrester).</li><li>In-demand skills: Design, troubleshooting, technical knowledge (LinkedIn).</li></ul><p><strong>New virtual event types and experiences</strong></p><ul role="list"><li>Aligning event, audience, and time leads to growth (Forrester).</li><li>Attendees value educational sessions, live Q&As, VIP sessions (Kaltura).</li><li>76% want to diversify offerings (Forrester).</li></ul><p><strong>Session duration and event length</strong></p><ul role="list"><li>Average length 54 minutes, optimal up to 2 hours (Bizzabo).</li><li>Ideal time for round table discussions: 60-90 minutes (Markletic).</li><li>Most events contain around 12 sessions (Bizzabo).</li></ul><p><strong>Virtual event sponsorship</strong></p><ul role="list"><li>44% use sponsorships for revenue (Forrester).</li><li>Average cost: $8,456 (Forrester).</li><li>25% of attendees want sponsor connection features (Forrester).</li></ul><h2><strong>Hybrid event stats</strong></h2><p>* Data sourced from<a href="" target="_blank"> Vfairs</a></p><h3><strong>General trends in hosting business events from a</strong><a href="" target="_blank"><strong> LinkedIn poll</strong></a></h3><figure style="max-width:1600pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div></figure><h3><strong>Specific trends in hybrid events</strong></h3><ul role="list"><li>38.8% believe hybrid events will be most popular.</li><li>Shift towards small-scale events.</li><li>Incorporation into PR activities.</li><li>Focus on data mining.</li><li>Investment in technology like Eventcube.</li></ul><h3><strong>Industry-specific hybrid event trends</strong></h3><ul role="list"><li>Catering to the popularity of remote work.</li><li>Hosting in a hybrid environment.</li><li>Broadening accessibility.</li><li>Hosting speakers virtually to reduce costs.</li><li>Expanding audience and industry leads.</li></ul><h3><strong>Ways hybrid event trends will elevate event experience</strong></h3><ul role="list"><li>Using interactive features for engagement.</li><li>Reducing on-site staffing needs.</li><li>Prioritizing safety in large-scale events.</li><li>Incorporating augmented reality into events.</li><li>Developing apps for event access.</li></ul><h2><strong>Event marketing statistics</strong></h2><figure style="max-width:1400pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div></figure><p>*Data sourced from<a href="" target="_blank"> Aventri</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> Bizzabo</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> Event Marketer</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> Gavel</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> Splash</a>,</p><ul role="list"><li>31% of marketers consider event marketing their most effective tool (Aventri).</li><li>95% believe they are essential for achieving objectives (Bizzabo).</li><li>77% prioritize experiential marketing (Splash That, Event Marketer).</li><li>59.4% of companies seek hybrid solutions (Bizzabo).</li><li>83.7% of organizers anticipated impacts in 2021 (Bizzabo).</li><li>92% state software aids in achieving goals (Bizzabo).</li><li>The software industry is valued at $28 billion (Learn 2G).</li><li>64% use attendee numbers to gauge success (Statista).</li><li>95% say live events offer real-life connection opportunities (Aventri).</li><li>55% see safety as a major concern (Gavel).</li><li>Constitutes 21% of corporate marketing budgets (Splash That).</li><li>Nearly half replaced live events with web events during the pandemic (Finances Online).</li><li>62% believe apps drive engagement (Bizzabo).</li><li>60% are content with their strategies and results (Splash That).</li><li>12% faced pay cuts during the pandemic (Event Marketer).</li><li>Up to 87% had to cancel events due to COVID-19 (Event Marketer).</li><li>B2C marketers allocate 19%, B2B 29% of budgets to events (Splash That).</li></ul><h2><strong>Event technology statistics</strong></h2><p>*Data sourced from<a href="" target="_blank"> Bizzabo</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> Bluejeans and Forrester</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> EventMB</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> Fairfield Market Research</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> Skiff Meetings</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> Zippia</a></p><p>Event technology has revolutionized the way events are planned, executed, and experienced, playing a pivotal role in the industry's evolution. The adoption of innovative technologies like event management software, mobile event apps, and virtual reality has not only streamlined organizational processes but also significantly enhanced attendee engagement. This data below underscores the critical role of technology in the future of events, with companies like Eventcube at the forefront, driving innovation and setting new standards in the industry.</p><h3><strong>Event Technology Adoption</strong></h3><ul role="list"><li>40% of developers report over an 80% adoption rate for apps, while 35% observe adoption rates between 60 and 80% (EventMB, 2020).</li><li>The primary challenges with event technology, in order of significance, are engagement, cost, and integration (Skiff Meetings, 2022).</li><li>A notable 73.6% of event planners enhanced their technological skills during the pandemic (EventMB, 2020).</li></ul><h3><strong>Event management software</strong></h3><ul role="list"><li>A considerable 78% of event planners have increased their use of technology since the pandemic (Skift Meetings, 2022).</li><li>The event management software market, valued at $5.6 billion in 2019, is projected to reach $18.4 billion by 2029, growing at an annual rate of 12.9% (Fairfield Market Research, 2022).</li><li>Over two-thirds (67.4%) of organizers are considering or planning to switch event software vendors within the next year (Bizzabo, 2023).</li><li>Around 72.5% of organizers acknowledge the significant impact of their event platform in achieving positive results at recent conferences (Bizzabo, 2023).</li><li>62.9% of attendees now expect the use of advanced technology, like smart badges, at in-person conferences (Bizzabo, 2023).</li><li>41.5% of professionals are ready to invest up to $5,000 for new virtual event technology (Zippia, 2022).</li><li>Despite 51% of event decision-makers being satisfied with their virtual events platform, 94% have faced issues with platform setup (BlueJeans and Forrester, 2021).</li><li>59.4% of event marketers are in search of a hybrid software solution for managing both in-person and virtual events (Bizzabo, 2020).</li></ul><h3><strong>Event apps</strong></h3><ul role="list"><li>Nearly two-thirds (67.5%) of attendees deem a mobile event app as essential for events (Bizzabo, 2023).</li><li>98% of event professionals utilize agenda and session features in their event apps (EventMB, 2020).</li><li>In the tech industry, 97% of marketers employ agenda features in their event apps (EventMB, 2020).</li><li>A significant 86% of event apps incorporate AI elements like chatbots or smart matchmaking (EventMB, 2020).</li><li>27% of virtual/hybrid meetings are expected to utilize a mobile app (AMEX, 2020).</li></ul><h2><strong>Event ROI Statistics</strong></h2><p>* Data sourced from<a href="" target="_blank"> Amex</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> Bizzabo</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> Equation Events</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> Knowland</a>,<a href="" target="_blank"> Nunify</a>,</p><ul role="list"><li>In 2023, 19.6% of event planners anticipate generating higher ROI from events, compared to previous years (Knowland, 2022).</li><li>Conversely, 24.3% of event teams foresee a decrease in ROI for 2023 (Knowland, 2022).</li><li>A small percentage, 7.9%, of event professionals predict that they will generate negative ROI (Knowland, 2022).</li><li>Meanwhile, 26.2% of event organizers believe that their ROI will remain consistent from 2022 to 2023 (Knowland, 2022).</li><li>However, 73% of event planners expect costs to increase by 20 to 50% in 2023, potentially impacting event ROI negatively (Knowland, 2022).</li><li>A notable 71.2% of organizers find it challenging to prove the ROI of in-person conferences to stakeholders (Bizzabo, 2023).</li><li>Despite this, 72.7% of organizers report that their leadership team and C-suite actively support their in-person event strategies (Bizzabo, 2023).</li><li>52% of business leaders agree that event marketing drives more ROI than any other marketing channel (Nunify, 2023).</li><li>Three-quarters of companies with an event budget between $50-100 million expect an event ROI exceeding 5:1. Additionally, 48% of brands anticipate an ROI between 3:1 and 5:1, while 44% of marketers report a 3:1 ROI from event marketing (Equation Events, 2023).</li><li>41% of marketers believe that events are the most effective marketing channel for achieving business objectives (Blizzabo, 2023).</li></ul><h2><strong>Attendee engagement statistics</strong></h2><figure style="max-width:1400pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div></figure><p>* Data sourced from<a href="" target="_blank"> Bizzabo</a> and<a href="" target="_blank"> Knowland</a></p><ul role="list"><li>67.7% of event marketers find it more challenging to keep attendees engaged during virtual event sessions (Bizzabo).</li><li>63% of respondents believe tools to engage virtual attendees will play a key role in their future event strategies (Bizzabo).</li><li>The average virtual attendee watches 68% of a virtual session that is 20 minutes or longer (Bizzabo).</li><li>50% of organizers found moderating Q&A with virtual and in-person audiences challenging in hybrid events (Bizzabo).</li><li>68.7% of event professionals agree that using technology to improve the attendee experience is a trend with staying power (Knowland).</li><li>67% of hybrid event speakers found polls a helpful way to connect with audiences (Bizzabo).</li><li>46% of organizers found networking to be a challenging aspect of organizing hybrid events (Bizzabo).</li></ul><h2><strong>Challenges and opportunities for 2024</strong></h2><p>*Data sourced from<a href=",18" target="_blank"> Marketsplash</a></p><ul role="list"><li>77% of planners find attracting attendees challenging.</li><li>73% experience lower attendance rates.</li><li>64% observe increased attendee inclination for networking post-Covid.</li><li>65% of planners adjust requirements due to budget constraints.</li><li>48% face difficulties in securing day-of staff.</li><li>36% of planners have higher budgets compared to 2019.</li><li>52% of marketers leverage social media for event marketing.</li><li>50% of event planners use paid advertising on social media.</li><li>63% of event planners use influencer marketing in their social media strategy.</li><li>36% of planners find engagement challenging when pivoting to virtual</li></ul><h2><strong>Takeaway</strong></h2><p>Based on these events industry statistics, it's clear the event sector is experiencing significant growth and transformation. Driven by technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and strategic corporate initiatives, this dynamic industry is evolving to meet new challenges and opportunities. As organizations navigate this landscape, the importance of effective event management solutions becomes evident.</p><p>For those looking to harness the full potential of their <a href="">event strategies</a>, Eventcube offers innovative solutions tailored to the modern event landscape. Discover how Eventcube can help you create, manage, and maximize successful events by<a href="" target="_blank"> requesting a demo</a> today.</p><p></p><p><strong>You might also like...</strong></p><ul role="list"><li><a href="" target="_blank">Top 14 Best Event Ticketing Software Systems</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank">Top 10 Best Eventbrite Alternatives In The UK</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank">Top 12 Best Eventbrite Alternatives & Competitors</a> </li><li><a href="" target="_blank">Top 14 Best Event Booking Software Tools</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank">Top 8 Best Event Registration Software Systems</a><br/></li></ul></div></div></div></div><div class="footer"><div class="footer-wrap"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-4"/><div class="columns-4 w-row"><div class="footer-col w-col w-col-3 w-col-tiny-6"><h6 class="grey">eventcube</h6><a href="/pricing" class="link-wrap w-inline-block"><div class="footerlink">Pricing</div></a><a href="/customers/event-ticketing-customers" class="link-wrap w-inline-block"><div class="footerlink">Customers</div></a><a href="/about-us" class="link-wrap w-inline-block"><div class="footerlink">About us</div></a><a href="/getting-started" class="link-wrap w-inline-block"><div class="footerlink">Getting started</div></a><a href="/contact" class="link-wrap w-inline-block"><div class="footerlink">Contact</div></a></div><div class="footer-col w-col w-col-3 w-col-tiny-6"><h6 class="grey">Products</h6><a href="/sell-tickets" class="link-wrap w-inline-block"><div class="footerlink">Tickets</div></a><a href="/virtual-events" class="link-wrap w-inline-block"><div class="footerlink">Virtual Events</div></a><a href="/memberships" class="link-wrap w-inline-block"><div class="footerlink">Memberships</div></a></div><div class="footer-col w-col w-col-3 w-col-tiny-6"><h6 class="grey">Solutions</h6><a href="/virtual-events/features" class="link-wrap w-inline-block"><div class="footerlink">Host your event online</div></a><a href="/event-ticketing" class="link-wrap w-inline-block"><div class="footerlink">Self service event ticketing</div></a><a href="/virtual-events/live-stream-scheduling" class="link-wrap w-inline-block"><div class="footerlink">Live stream scheduling</div></a><a href="/virtual-events/hybrid-events-platform" class="link-wrap w-inline-block"><div class="footerlink">Host your hybrid event</div></a><a href="/virtual-events/virtual-conferencing" class="link-wrap w-inline-block"><div class="footerlink">Host your conference online</div></a><a href="/enterprise-events" class="link-wrap w-inline-block"><div class="footerlink">Enterprise events</div></a></div><div class="footer-col w-col w-col-3 w-col-tiny-6"><h6 class="grey">Community</h6><a href="/help-support" class="link-wrap w-inline-block"><div class="footerlink">Help & Support</div></a><a href="/blog" class="link-wrap w-inline-block"><div class="footerlink">Blog</div></a><a href="/work-with-us" class="link-wrap w-inline-block"><div class="footerlink">Work with us</div></a><a href="/write-for-us" class="link-wrap w-inline-block"><div class="footerlink">Write for us</div></a><a href="/trust-security" class="link-wrap w-inline-block"><div class="footerlink">Trust & Security</div></a><a href="/for-developers" class="link-wrap w-inline-block"><div class="footerlink">For Developers</div></a></div></div></div><div class="footer-bottom"><div class="footerlink grey small">© Eventcube. 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