Sayona Mining, Piedmont agree to create $623 million lithium miner - Mining Engineering Online

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}, opt: { place: plc559829++, keywords: abkw, domain: '', click:'CLICK_MACRO_PLACEHOLDER' }}); </script> <center> </div> <div id="mainBody"> <div> <div class="dark-wrapper"> <div class="container inner"> <div class="post format-image"> <div class="divide30"> </div> <h2 class="post-title"> Sayona Mining, Piedmont agree to create $623 million lithium miner </h2> <h3 class="post-title"> <i>Reuters</i> </h3> <div class="meta"> <span class="date"> November 19, 2024 </span> </div> <!-- /.meta --> <span style="width:50%; float:right; padding-top:0px; padding-left:20px;"> <figure class="icon-overlay icn-link media-wrapper"> <img src="" alt=""/> </figure> </span> <span> <p> <p>Australia's Sayona Mining will buy U.S.-based Piedmont Lithium in an all-stock deal that will consolidate its Canadian operations and strengthen its exposure to the North American electric vehicle sector, the companies said on Tuesday.</p> <p>Under the deal, the two companies will merge to create a lithium business, with Sayona becoming the parent entity. Under the all-share transaction, Sayona is paying a 6 percent premium for Piedmont, based on their closing share prices on Monday.</p> <p>The deal marks the latest by lithium companies to cope with a market that is reeling from rapid supply growth that has outpaced strong demand projections, as the adoption of electric vehicles has been slower than expected.</p> <p>Following separate capital raisings by each company, the combined entity will have an estimated pro-forma market capitalization of $623 million, with shareholders of the two companies owning it approximately evenly, the companies said.</p> <p>&quot;We are excited about the opportunities this merger presents to accelerate our growth plans and enhance our strategic flexibility,&quot; Sayona CEO Lucas Dow said in a statement.</p> <p>Sayona will raise A$40 million ($26.04 million) through a capital raise and A$69 million through a conditional placement of shares to private equity firm Resource Capital Funds (RCF). Piedmont will issue shares worth $27 million.</p> <p>The companies have a joint venture in Quebec, North American Lithium (NAL), which finished ramping up in June and is targeting 226,000 metric tons a year of spodumene concentrate production, of which it will sell half to Piedmont.</p> <p>NAL operated at a loss in the September quarter, according to Sayona. The simplification of its structure in a merged entity would make it easier to accept government or customer support, if needed, a fund manager said. Piedmont's customers include South Korea's LG Chem.</p> <p>Piedmont is also developing a project in North Carolina and is working on spodumene assets in Ghana with Australian-listed Atlantic Lithium. Sayona also has lithium holdings in Western Australia.</p> <p>Expectations have grown for further consolidation in the beleaguered sector after Rio Tinto's $6.7 billion bid for Arcadium Lithium last month.</p> <p>($1 = 1.5378 Australian dollars)</p> <p>(Reporting by Roshan Thomas and Rajasik Mukherjee in Bengaluru; Editing by Abinaya Vijayaraghavan and Sonali Paul)&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </p> </span> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> <style> /* Slideshow container */ .slideshow-RightColumn { } /* Hide the images by default */ .mySlidesRightColumn1 { display: none; } /* Hide the images by default */ .mySlidesRightColumn2 { display: none; } /* Hide the images by default */ .mySlidesRightColumn3 { display: none; } </style> <div class="slideshow-RightColumn" style="background-color:#FFFFFF; border-top:20px solid white; border-right:10px solid white;"> <center> </center> </div> <script> var slideRightColumn1Index = 0; showSlidesRightColumn1(); function showSlidesRightColumn1() { var i; var slidesRightColumn1 = document.getElementsByName("mySlidesRightColumn1"); for (i = 0; i < slidesRightColumn1.length; i++) { slidesRightColumn1[i].style.display = "none"; } slideRightColumn1Index++; if (slideRightColumn1Index > slidesRightColumn1.length) {slideRightColumn1Index = 1} slidesRightColumn1[slideRightColumn1Index-1].style.display = "block"; setTimeout(showSlidesRightColumn1, 15000); // Change image every 15 seconds } var slideRightColumn2Index = 0; showSlidesRightColumn2(); function showSlidesRightColumn2() { var i; var slidesRightColumn2 = document.getElementsByName("mySlidesRightColumn2"); for (i = 0; i < slidesRightColumn2.length; i++) { slidesRightColumn2[i].style.display = "none"; } slideRightColumn2Index++; if (slideRightColumn2Index > slidesRightColumn2.length) {slideRightColumn2Index = 1} slidesRightColumn2[slideRightColumn2Index-1].style.display = "block"; setTimeout(showSlidesRightColumn2, 15000); // Change image every 15 seconds } var slideRightColumn3Index = 0; showSlidesRightColumn3(); function showSlidesRightColumn3() { var i; var slidesRightColumn3 = document.getElementsByName("mySlidesRightColumn3"); for (i = 0; i < slidesRightColumn3.length; i++) { slidesRightColumn3[i].style.display = "none"; } slideRightColumn3Index++; if (slideRightColumn3Index > slidesRightColumn3.length) {slideRightColumn3Index = 1} slidesRightColumn3[slideRightColumn3Index-1].style.display = "block"; setTimeout(showSlidesRightColumn3, 15000); // Change image every 15 seconds } </script> <div style="text-align:left; width:640px; padding-left:70px; padding-right:30px; font-size:100%;"> Related article search: <br> <div style="padding-top:10px; padding-left:0px; padding-bottom:20px;"> <a href="featureFinder.cfm?articleKeyWord=Sayona Mining&submit=1"> Sayona Mining </a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="featureFinder.cfm?articleKeyWord= Piedmont Lithium&submit=1"> Piedmont Lithium </a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="featureFinder.cfm?articleKeyWord= Electric Vehicles&submit=1"> Electric Vehicles </a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="featureFinder.cfm?articleKeyWord= EVs&submit=1"> EVs </a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="featureFinder.cfm?articleKeyWord= Resource Capital Funds&submit=1"> Resource Capital Funds </a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="featureFinder.cfm?articleKeyWord= RCF&submit=1"> RCF </a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="featureFinder.cfm?articleKeyWord= Canada&submit=1"> Canada </a> &nbsp; &nbsp; </div> </div> <!-- /.post .format-image --> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="black-wrapper"> <div class="container inner"> <div class="divide30"> </div> <div class="row"> <section class="col-sm-3 widget"> <h3 class="section-title widget-title"> About </h3> <p> &copy;2021 SME All Rights Reserved. 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