Ryan Frailich – Forbes Advisor

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Working in HR revealed a lot about the financial lives of employees, and the lightbulb went off: Too many smart and talented people feel overwhelmed with finances, always wondering if they're making mistakes. And too many people who want help are taken advantage of or shut out by large financial institutions. I changed careers, earned a certificate in financial planning, and started Deliberate Finances. I work with couples in their 20s, 30s, and 40s to put together the pieces of their financial puzzle, from getting married, to student loans, what it means to plan for retirement, and what to expect (financially!) when a baby is on the way. When not working, I spend my time exploring my adopted home city of New Orleans with my wife &amp; young son. </p> </div> </div> </div> <nav class="c-tabs" data-toggle="c-tabs" role="navigation"> <ul class="c-tab--navigation"> <li class="c-tab--item"> <a href="#editorial-stream" class="active">Latest</a> </li> <li class="c-tab--item"> <a href="#archive">Archive</a> </li> <li class="c-tab--slider"> <div class="c-tab-indicator"></div> </li> </ul> </nav> <div class="c-tab--content active" id="editorial-stream"> <ul class="edittools-stream"> <li class="stream-article et-promoblock-removeable-item et-promoblock-star-item ng-scope "> <div class="ng-scope"> <div class="ng-scope"> <div class="stream-article-wrapper ng-scope"> <div class="stream-article-text"> <h6 class="article-meta"> <span class="ng-scope"> <time class="article-time ng-binding">1 month ago</time> </span> </h6> <a href="" aria-label="How To Fund A Trust With Life Insurance"> <h2 class="fs-h2 article-headline ng-isolate-scope"> <span class="brand-voice-name ng-scope"> <span class="ng-binding">How To Fund A Trust With Life Insurance</span> </span> </h2> </a> <div class="stream-article-desc"> Estate planning is all about ensuring your wishes are met after your death. All estate plans should include a will and powers of attorney. But in many cases, a trust has additional benefits beyond what can be accomplished with the... </div> <div class="article-footer"> <div class="csf-sharing csf-block-sharing csf-block-sharing-small clearfix ng-isolate-scope"> <ul class="csf-sharing-list hide-icons"> <li class="fs-icon-share"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share"> <i class="icon icon-share"></i> </button> </li> <li class="facebook expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Facebook" onclick="(function(){'','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-facebook"></i> </button> </li> <li class="twitter expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Twitter" onclick="(function(){';text=How To Fund A Trust With Life Insurance','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-twitter"></i> </button> </li> <li class="linkedin expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Linkedin" onclick="(function(){';url=;title=How To Fund A Trust With Life Insurance');})()"> <i class="icon icon-linkedin"></i> </button> </li> <li class="mobile email expandable"> <button class="button" onclick="(function(){'mailto:?subject=How To Fund A Trust With Life Insurance - Forbes&amp;body=Hi,%0A%0AI thought you'd like this:%0A To Fund A Trust With Life Insurance - Forbes','_blank');})()"> <a aria-label="Share Email"> <i class="icon icon-email"></i> </a> </button> </li> <li class="desktop email"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Email" onclick="(function(){'mailto:?subject=How To Fund A Trust With Life Insurance - Forbes&amp;body=Hi,%0A%0AI thought you\'d like this:%0A To Fund A Trust With Life Insurance - Forbes','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-email"></i> </button> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="stream-article-thumbnail ng-scope"> <a class="fs-bg-image article-image ratio16x9 lozad" href="" data-bg-img-src="" aria-label="How To Fund A Trust With Life Insurance"> <i class="icon icon-gallery"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="stream-article et-promoblock-removeable-item et-promoblock-star-item ng-scope "> <div class="ng-scope"> <div class="ng-scope"> <div class="stream-article-wrapper ng-scope"> <div class="stream-article-text"> <h6 class="article-meta"> <span class="ng-scope"> <time class="article-time ng-binding">1 month ago</time> </span> </h6> <a href="" aria-label="Making Trusts for Special Needs Children"> <h2 class="fs-h2 article-headline ng-isolate-scope"> <span class="brand-voice-name ng-scope"> <span class="ng-binding">Making Trusts for Special Needs Children</span> </span> </h2> </a> <div class="stream-article-desc"> If you are the parent of a person with special needs, you’re well aware the role you play is very different than it may be for other children. Properly planning to meet their financial needs, both in the immediate and... </div> <div class="article-footer"> <div class="csf-sharing csf-block-sharing csf-block-sharing-small clearfix ng-isolate-scope"> <ul class="csf-sharing-list hide-icons"> <li class="fs-icon-share"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share"> <i class="icon icon-share"></i> </button> </li> <li class="facebook expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Facebook" onclick="(function(){'','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-facebook"></i> </button> </li> <li class="twitter expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Twitter" onclick="(function(){';text=Making Trusts for Special Needs Children','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-twitter"></i> </button> </li> <li class="linkedin expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Linkedin" onclick="(function(){';url=;title=Making Trusts for Special Needs Children');})()"> <i class="icon icon-linkedin"></i> </button> </li> <li class="mobile email expandable"> <button class="button" onclick="(function(){'mailto:?subject=Making Trusts for Special Needs Children - Forbes&amp;body=Hi,%0A%0AI thought you'd like this:%0A Trusts for Special Needs Children - Forbes','_blank');})()"> <a aria-label="Share Email"> <i class="icon icon-email"></i> </a> </button> </li> <li class="desktop email"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Email" onclick="(function(){'mailto:?subject=Making Trusts for Special Needs Children - Forbes&amp;body=Hi,%0A%0AI thought you\'d like this:%0A Trusts for Special Needs Children - Forbes','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-email"></i> </button> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="stream-article-thumbnail ng-scope"> <a class="fs-bg-image article-image ratio16x9 lozad" href="" data-bg-img-src="" aria-label="Making Trusts for Special Needs Children"> <i class="icon icon-gallery"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="stream-article et-promoblock-removeable-item et-promoblock-star-item ng-scope "> <div class="ng-scope"> <div class="ng-scope"> <div class="stream-article-wrapper ng-scope"> <div class="stream-article-text"> <h6 class="article-meta"> <span class="ng-scope"> <time class="article-time ng-binding">8 months ago</time> </span> </h6> <a href="" aria-label="Maximize Life Insurance At The Right Time With A Ladder"> <h2 class="fs-h2 article-headline ng-isolate-scope"> <span class="brand-voice-name ng-scope"> <span class="ng-binding">Maximize Life Insurance At The Right Time With A Ladder</span> </span> </h2> </a> <div class="stream-article-desc"> Determining how much life insurance to buy can be a bit of a Goldilocks problem. You certainly don’t want to buy too little. But you also don’t want to buy too much, and be spending money you could put to... </div> <div class="article-footer"> <div class="csf-sharing csf-block-sharing csf-block-sharing-small clearfix ng-isolate-scope"> <ul class="csf-sharing-list hide-icons"> <li class="fs-icon-share"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share"> <i class="icon icon-share"></i> </button> </li> <li class="facebook expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Facebook" onclick="(function(){'','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-facebook"></i> </button> </li> <li class="twitter expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Twitter" onclick="(function(){';text=Maximize Life Insurance At The Right Time With A Ladder','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-twitter"></i> </button> </li> <li class="linkedin expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Linkedin" onclick="(function(){';url=;title=Maximize Life Insurance At The Right Time With A Ladder');})()"> <i class="icon icon-linkedin"></i> </button> </li> <li class="mobile email expandable"> <button class="button" onclick="(function(){'mailto:?subject=Maximize Life Insurance At The Right Time With A Ladder - Forbes&amp;body=Hi,%0A%0AI thought you'd like this:%0A Life Insurance At The Right Time With A Ladder - Forbes','_blank');})()"> <a aria-label="Share Email"> <i class="icon icon-email"></i> </a> </button> </li> <li class="desktop email"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Email" onclick="(function(){'mailto:?subject=Maximize Life Insurance At The Right Time With A Ladder - Forbes&amp;body=Hi,%0A%0AI thought you\'d like this:%0A Life Insurance At The Right Time With A Ladder - Forbes','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-email"></i> </button> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="stream-article-thumbnail ng-scope"> <a class="fs-bg-image article-image ratio16x9 lozad" href="" data-bg-img-src="" aria-label="Maximize Life Insurance At The Right Time With A Ladder"> <i class="icon icon-gallery"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="stream-article et-promoblock-removeable-item et-promoblock-star-item ng-scope "> <div class="ng-scope"> <div class="ng-scope"> <div class="stream-article-wrapper ng-scope"> <div class="stream-article-text"> <h6 class="article-meta"> <span class="ng-scope"> <time class="article-time ng-binding">9 months ago</time> </span> </h6> <a href="" aria-label="Forbes Guide To Whole Life Insurance"> <h2 class="fs-h2 article-headline ng-isolate-scope"> <span class="brand-voice-name ng-scope"> <span class="ng-binding">Forbes Guide To Whole Life Insurance</span> </span> </h2> </a> <div class="stream-article-desc"> Whole life insurance is one type of permanent life insurance that can provide lifelong coverage. It provides a variety of guarantees, which can be appealing to someone who doesn’t want any guesswork after buying life insurance. Whole life insurance combines... </div> <div class="article-footer"> <div class="csf-sharing csf-block-sharing csf-block-sharing-small clearfix ng-isolate-scope"> <ul class="csf-sharing-list hide-icons"> <li class="fs-icon-share"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share"> <i class="icon icon-share"></i> </button> </li> <li class="facebook expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Facebook" onclick="(function(){'','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-facebook"></i> </button> </li> <li class="twitter expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Twitter" onclick="(function(){';text=Forbes Guide To Whole Life Insurance','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-twitter"></i> </button> </li> <li class="linkedin expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Linkedin" onclick="(function(){';url=;title=Forbes Guide To Whole Life Insurance');})()"> <i class="icon icon-linkedin"></i> </button> </li> <li class="mobile email expandable"> <button class="button" onclick="(function(){'mailto:?subject=Forbes Guide To Whole Life Insurance - Forbes&amp;body=Hi,%0A%0AI thought you'd like this:%0A Guide To Whole Life Insurance - Forbes','_blank');})()"> <a aria-label="Share Email"> <i class="icon icon-email"></i> </a> </button> </li> <li class="desktop email"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Email" onclick="(function(){'mailto:?subject=Forbes Guide To Whole Life Insurance - Forbes&amp;body=Hi,%0A%0AI thought you\'d like this:%0A Guide To Whole Life Insurance - Forbes','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-email"></i> </button> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="stream-article-thumbnail ng-scope"> <a class="fs-bg-image article-image ratio16x9 lozad" href="" data-bg-img-src="" aria-label="Forbes Guide To Whole Life Insurance"> <i class="icon icon-gallery"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="stream-article et-promoblock-removeable-item et-promoblock-star-item ng-scope "> <div class="ng-scope"> <div class="ng-scope"> <div class="stream-article-wrapper ng-scope"> <div class="stream-article-text"> <h6 class="article-meta"> <span class="ng-scope"> <time class="article-time ng-binding">1 year ago</time> </span> </h6> <a href="" aria-label="Best Places to Open an IRA"> <h2 class="fs-h2 article-headline ng-isolate-scope"> <span class="brand-voice-name ng-scope"> <span class="ng-binding">Best Places to Open an IRA</span> </span> </h2> </a> <div class="stream-article-desc"> An Individual Retirement Account (IRA) is a vital component of financial planning. 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In exchange for... </div> <div class="article-footer"> <div class="csf-sharing csf-block-sharing csf-block-sharing-small clearfix ng-isolate-scope"> <ul class="csf-sharing-list hide-icons"> <li class="fs-icon-share"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share"> <i class="icon icon-share"></i> </button> </li> <li class="facebook expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Facebook" onclick="(function(){'','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-facebook"></i> </button> </li> <li class="twitter expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Twitter" onclick="(function(){';text=Best Places to Open an IRA','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-twitter"></i> </button> </li> <li class="linkedin expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Linkedin" onclick="(function(){';url=;title=Best Places to Open an IRA');})()"> <i class="icon icon-linkedin"></i> </button> </li> <li class="mobile email expandable"> <button class="button" onclick="(function(){'mailto:?subject=Best Places to Open an IRA - Forbes&amp;body=Hi,%0A%0AI thought you'd like this:%0A Places to Open an IRA - Forbes','_blank');})()"> <a aria-label="Share Email"> <i class="icon icon-email"></i> </a> </button> </li> <li class="desktop email"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Email" onclick="(function(){'mailto:?subject=Best Places to Open an IRA - Forbes&amp;body=Hi,%0A%0AI thought you\'d like this:%0A Places to Open an IRA - Forbes','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-email"></i> </button> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="stream-article-thumbnail ng-scope"> <a class="fs-bg-image article-image ratio16x9 lozad" href="" data-bg-img-src="" aria-label="Best Places to Open an IRA"> <i class="icon icon-gallery"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="stream-article et-promoblock-removeable-item et-promoblock-star-item ng-scope "> <div class="ng-scope"> <div class="ng-scope"> <div class="stream-article-wrapper ng-scope"> <div class="stream-article-text"> <h6 class="article-meta"> <span class="ng-scope"> <time class="article-time ng-binding">2 years ago</time> </span> </h6> <a href="" aria-label="How Millennials Should Prepare for Rising Interest Rates"> <h2 class="fs-h2 article-headline ng-isolate-scope"> <span class="brand-voice-name ng-scope"> <span class="ng-binding">How Millennials Should Prepare for Rising Interest Rates</span> </span> </h2> </a> <div class="stream-article-desc"> My wife and I bought a minivan last weekend. We’d budgeted carefully, so I walked in knowing the monthly payment and overall amount we were comfortable with, and sat down with the finance department at the dealership. I knew we... </div> <div class="article-footer"> <div class="csf-sharing csf-block-sharing csf-block-sharing-small clearfix ng-isolate-scope"> <ul class="csf-sharing-list hide-icons"> <li class="fs-icon-share"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share"> <i class="icon icon-share"></i> </button> </li> <li class="facebook expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Facebook" onclick="(function(){'','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-facebook"></i> </button> </li> <li class="twitter expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Twitter" onclick="(function(){';text=How Millennials Should Prepare for Rising Interest Rates','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-twitter"></i> </button> </li> <li class="linkedin expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Linkedin" onclick="(function(){';url=;title=How Millennials Should Prepare for Rising Interest Rates');})()"> <i class="icon icon-linkedin"></i> </button> </li> <li class="mobile email expandable"> <button class="button" onclick="(function(){'mailto:?subject=How Millennials Should Prepare for Rising Interest Rates - Forbes&amp;body=Hi,%0A%0AI thought you'd like this:%0A Millennials Should Prepare for Rising Interest Rates - Forbes','_blank');})()"> <a aria-label="Share Email"> <i class="icon icon-email"></i> </a> </button> </li> <li class="desktop email"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Email" onclick="(function(){'mailto:?subject=How Millennials Should Prepare for Rising Interest Rates - Forbes&amp;body=Hi,%0A%0AI thought you\'d like this:%0A Millennials Should Prepare for Rising Interest Rates - Forbes','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-email"></i> </button> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="stream-article-thumbnail ng-scope"> <a class="fs-bg-image article-image ratio16x9 lozad" href="" data-bg-img-src="" aria-label="How Millennials Should Prepare for Rising Interest Rates"> <i class="icon icon-gallery"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="stream-article et-promoblock-removeable-item et-promoblock-star-item ng-scope "> <div class="ng-scope"> <div class="ng-scope"> <div class="stream-article-wrapper ng-scope"> <div class="stream-article-text"> <h6 class="article-meta"> <span class="ng-scope"> <time class="article-time ng-binding">2 years ago</time> </span> </h6> <a href="" aria-label="Life Insurance Riders Explained"> <h2 class="fs-h2 article-headline ng-isolate-scope"> <span class="brand-voice-name ng-scope"> <span class="ng-binding">Life Insurance Riders Explained</span> </span> </h2> </a> <div class="stream-article-desc"> Life insurance is designed to provide a financial safety net to your loved ones in case you pass away. There are ways to add additional features to your life insurance policy that let you customize it. Life insurance riders are... </div> <div class="article-footer"> <div class="csf-sharing csf-block-sharing csf-block-sharing-small clearfix ng-isolate-scope"> <ul class="csf-sharing-list hide-icons"> <li class="fs-icon-share"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share"> <i class="icon icon-share"></i> </button> </li> <li class="facebook expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Facebook" onclick="(function(){'','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-facebook"></i> </button> </li> <li class="twitter expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Twitter" onclick="(function(){';text=Life Insurance Riders Explained','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-twitter"></i> </button> </li> <li class="linkedin expandable"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Linkedin" onclick="(function(){';url=;title=Life Insurance Riders Explained');})()"> <i class="icon icon-linkedin"></i> </button> </li> <li class="mobile email expandable"> <button class="button" onclick="(function(){'mailto:?subject=Life Insurance Riders Explained - Forbes&amp;body=Hi,%0A%0AI thought you'd like this:%0A Insurance Riders Explained - Forbes','_blank');})()"> <a aria-label="Share Email"> <i class="icon icon-email"></i> </a> </button> </li> <li class="desktop email"> <button class="button" aria-label="Share Email" onclick="(function(){'mailto:?subject=Life Insurance Riders Explained - Forbes&amp;body=Hi,%0A%0AI thought you\'d like this:%0A Insurance Riders Explained - Forbes','_blank');})()"> <i class="icon icon-email"></i> </button> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="stream-article-thumbnail ng-scope"> <a class="fs-bg-image article-image ratio16x9 lozad" href="" data-bg-img-src="" aria-label="Life Insurance Riders Explained"> <i class="icon icon-gallery"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="stream-article et-promoblock-removeable-item et-promoblock-star-item ng-scope hide"> <div class="ng-scope"> <div class="ng-scope"> <div class="stream-article-wrapper ng-scope"> <div class="stream-article-text"> <h6 class="article-meta"> <span class="ng-scope"> <time class="article-time ng-binding">2 years ago</time> </span> </h6> <a href="" aria-label="5 Key Strategies To Deal With Student Loans"> <h2 class="fs-h2 article-headline ng-isolate-scope"> <span class="brand-voice-name ng-scope"> <span class="ng-binding">5 Key Strategies To Deal With Student Loans</span> </span> </h2> </a> <div class="stream-article-desc"> Millennials have been having fewer kids than previous generations---or at least are waiting until later ages to have them. There’s not much debate about that. 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Working in HR revealed a lot about the financial lives of employees, and the lightbulb went off: Too many smart and talented people feel overwhelmed with finances, always wondering if they're making mistakes. And too many people who want help are taken advantage of or shut out by large financial institutions. I changed careers, earned a certificate in financial planning, and started Deliberate Finances. I work with couples in their 20s, 30s, and 40s to put together the pieces of their financial puzzle, from getting married, to student loans, what it means to plan for retirement, and what to expect (financially!) when a baby is on the way. 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var __linkTrackingController = (function (__cookie, __util, __prefetch) { var E2E_COOKIE_ADVISOR_USER_ID = 'fadve2etid'; var E2E_COOKIE_ADVISOR_USER_VISIT_COUNT = 'fadve2etidvcnt'; var E2E_COOKIE_ADVISOR_UTM = 'fadve2esrc'; var E2E_COOKIE_ORIGINAL_TID_PARAM = 'fadve2etid_oname'; var E2E_COOKIE_ORIGINAL_TID_VALUE = 'fadve2etid_oval'; var E2E_HOST = ''; var BANKRATE_HOST = ''; var POLICYGENIUS_HOST = ""; var CM_PREFIX_ID = '_spid'; var E2E_REDIRECT_URL = ''; /* * Generate a hash code from a string * */ String.prototype.hashCode = function () { var hash = 0; if (this.length === 0) return hash; for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { char = this.charCodeAt(i); hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + char; hash = hash & hash; } if (hash < 0) return "N" + (hash * -1); else return "P" + hash; }; /* * Get Utm params Mapping * */ function getUtmSourceClickIdParamMapping() { return { "outbrain": ["ob_click_id", "clickid", "OutbrainClickId", "outbrainclickid"], "taboola": ["tcid"], "google": ["gclid"], "bing": ["msclkid"], "kw": ["fbclid"] }; 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var paramsObj = getOgUtmParamValuePair(); if (paramsObj.hasOwnProperty('value') && !__util.empty(paramsObj.value) && typeof paramsObj.value === 'string') { var hashInput = paramsObj.value + new Date().getTime() + __util.getRandomInt(1, 99); hash = hashInput.hashCode(); } return hash; } /* * Get Default User ID Hash * returns hash : P74473637 * */ function getDefaultUserIdHash() { var userid = 'NOTID' + new Date().getTime() + __util.getRandomInt(1, 99); return userid.hashCode(); } /* * Get Unique Hash * returns numeric 9 digit value: 187654367 * */ function getUniqueId(suffix) { suffix = suffix || ''; var rand = __util.getRandomInt(100000000, 999999999); var timestamp = (suffix.toUpperCase() + Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000)); return timestamp.concat(rand); } /** * Add a query string to url */ function addQueryString(param) { var url; if (param.hasOwnProperty('url') && !__util.empty(param.url)) { url = param.url; } if (param.hasOwnProperty('parameterName') && !__util.empty(param.parameterName) && param.hasOwnProperty('parameterValue') && !__util.empty(param.parameterValue)) { if (url.indexOf(param.parameterName) !== -1 && param.hasOwnProperty('override') && param.override === true) { var tidFromurl = __util.getQueryParameterValue(param.parameterName, url); url = url.replace(param.parameterName + '=' + tidFromurl, param.parameterName + '=' + param.parameterValue); } else { //if parameter is not found if (url.indexOf('?') !== -1) { url = url + '&' + param.parameterName + '=' + param.parameterValue; } else { url = url + '?' + param.parameterName + '=' + param.parameterValue; } } } return url; } /** * @param link * @param attributes */ function setAttributesToLink(link, attributes) { if (!!link && typeof attributes === 'object') { for (var prop in attributes) { if (attributes.hasOwnProperty(prop) && !!attributes[prop]) { link.setAttribute(prop, attributes[prop]); } } } return link; } /** * Appends tracking ID to provided url * Checks for topics | bankrate url * @param url * @param hostName * @param trackingId * * @return string */ function appendTrackingId(url, hostName, trackingId) { var urlWithTrackingID; if (E2E_HOST === hostName) { var affiliateLink = __util.getQueryParameterValue('r', url); if (!!affiliateLink) { affiliateLink = decodeURIComponent(affiliateLink); 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var uniqueIdHash = getUniqueId('c'); hashes.uid = uniqueIdHash; hashes.tid = USER_ID_HASH + '_' + uniqueIdHash; return hashes; } /** * Set Tracking Values (?tid=USERID_UNIQUEID) for all bankrate urls * Set Link Attributes rel="nofollow" & target="_blank" */ function setTrackingId(elSelector) { var elementSelector = elSelector || '.inarticle-link-tracking a'; var links = document.querySelectorAll(elementSelector); if (links.length > 0) { for (var x = 0; x < links.length; x++) { var link = links[x]; var url = link.getAttribute('href'); //get hostname var hostName = __util.getHostname(url); if (!!url && !!hostName && (hostName === E2E_HOST || hostName === BANKRATE_HOST || hostName === POLICYGENIUS_HOST)) { if( hostName !== POLICYGENIUS_HOST ) { __prefetch.init(link); } //Generate Tracking ID var idsObj = getTrackingIdHash(); //append tracking id url = appendTrackingId(url, hostName, idsObj.tid); //set tracking attributes link = setAttributesToLink(link, { "href": url, "rel": "nofollow", "target": "_blank", "data-uid": USER_ID_HASH, "data-cid": idsObj.uid, "data-tid": idsObj.tid, }); } } } } return { setCookie: setCookie, setTrackingId: setTrackingId, getUserIdHash: getUserIdHash, USER_ID_HASH: USER_ID_HASH, getUniqueId: getUniqueId, getTrackingIdHash: getTrackingIdHash } })(__cookieController, __helper, __linkprefetch); //set cookie values __linkTrackingController.setCookie(); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { //set user id __linkTrackingController.setTrackingId(); }); </script><script type="text/javascript"> var e2e = (function($){ var E2E_HOST = ''; var BANKRATE_HOST = ''; var analyticsParams = { pageview_event: 'pageview', bankrate_event: 'bankrate', page_template: 'Article', tid: __linkTrackingController.USER_ID_HASH, session_pageview_count: '1', original_tracking_param: '', original_tracking_param_value: '', referrer_host: '', referrer_url: '', author_name: 'Ryan Frailich', author_role: 'contributor', primary_category: 'Life Insurance', secondary_category: '', published_date: 'September 17, 2020', updated_date: 'Sep 17, 2020', ra_feed_enabled: false }; 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var placeholderIndexMapKey = articleIndex + "" + rowIndex; //Eg: 01 var slotIndexMap = placeholderIndexMap[placeholderIndexMapKey]; if (!slotIndexMap) { console.log('slot not found', placeholderIndexMapKey); return false; } for (placeholderId in slotIndexMap) { // Eg: placeholderId = rec if (slotIndexMap.hasOwnProperty(placeholderId)) { var indexArray = slotIndexMap[placeholderId]; //Eg: [1,2] indexArray.forEach(function (index) { var slotId = placeholderId + "-" + articleIndex + "-" + index; // eg: rec-0-1 //push to slotMetaDataArray, if slotId present in placeHolderMap and slotId not true in defineSlotMap if (window.placeHolderMap[slotId] && !window.defineSlotMap[slotId]) { var sizeArray = getSizeArray(placeholderId); //eg: [[320,50], [1,1]] var pageIndex = getPageIndex(articleIndex, rowIndex); if (sizeArray.length != 0) { var slotMetaDetails = { sizeArray: sizeArray, slotId: slotId, placeholderId: placeholderId, index: index, articleIndex: articleIndex, pageIndex: pageIndex, unitPath: unitPath, batch: articleIndex + "" + rowIndex }; slotMetaDataArray.push(slotMetaDetails); } } }); } } //send slots to dfp for each row if (slotMetaDataArray.length != 0) { defineDFPSlotBatches(slotMetaDataArray); } }); //send max 4 slots to dfp // while (slotMetaDataArray.length > 0) { // var chunkArray = slotMetaDataArray.splice(0,4); // defineDFPSlotBatches(chunkArray); // } } window.allSlots = {}; function defineDFPSlotBatches(slotMetaDataArray) { if (!!window.dfpdbg) { console.log('slotMetaDataArray', slotMetaDataArray); } var firstSlotMeta = slotMetaDataArray[0]; var batch = firstSlotMeta.batch; var placementMap = []; window.allSlots[batch] = []; slotMetaDataArray.forEach(function (meta) { placementMap.push({slotID: meta.slotId, sizes: meta.sizeArray}); defineSlot(meta); }); if (placementMap.length !== 0) { // callAmazon(placementMap, batch); // callApsOnError(batch); callGPT(placementMap, batch); } } //DFP Slot logic start window.defineSlotMap = {}; function defineSlot(slotMeta) { googletag.cmd.push(function () { var slotId = slotMeta.slotId; var slot = googletag.defineSlot(slotMeta.unitPath, slotMeta.sizeArray, slotId) .addService(googletag.pubads()) .setTargeting('pos', slotMeta.placeholderId) .setTargeting('slotId', slotId) // .setTargeting(slotMeta.placeholderId, slotMeta.index + '') // .setTargeting('pageIndex', slotMeta.pageIndex); googletag.display(slotId); window.allSlots[slotMeta.batch].push(slot); window.defineSlotMap[slotId] = true; }); } // function callApsOnError(batch) { // if (apsErrorLoading) { // googletag.cmd.push(function () { // googletag.pubads().refresh(window.allSlots[batch]); // }); // } // } // function callAmazon(placementMap, batch) { // apstag.fetchBids({ // slots: placementMap // }, function (bids) { // googletag.cmd.push(function () { // apstag.setDisplayBids(); // googletag.pubads().refresh(window.allSlots[batch]); // }); // }); // } function callGPT(placementMap, batch) { googletag.cmd.push(function () { googletag.pubads().refresh(window.allSlots[batch]); }); } var sections = document.getElementsByClassName('article-row'); 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}); allSlots[batchNumber] = []; var slotIndexMap = placeholderIndexMap[batchNumber]; for (placeholderId in slotIndexMap) { // Eg: placeholderId = rec if (slotIndexMap.hasOwnProperty(placeholderId)) { var indexArray = slotIndexMap[placeholderId]; //Eg: [1,2] indexArray.forEach(function (index) { var slotId = placeholderId + "-" + articleIndex + "-" + index; // eg: rec-0-1 defineSlotMap[slotId] = false; // console.log('slotId -> ', slotId); }); } } var articleWrapper = document.getElementsByClassName('spa-article')[articleIndex]; if (!!articleWrapper) { var articleRow = articleWrapper.getElementsByClassName('article-row')[deleteRowIndex]; if (!!articleRow) { articleRow.removeAttribute('data-dfp'); } } // console.log('-- Destroy --'); } } function loadSingleUnit(posArray, articleIndex, parentID) { var slotMetaDataArray = []; var parentEle = null; if (parentID) { parentEle = document.getElementById(parentID); } else { parentEle = document; } posArray.forEach(function (pos) { var placeholderClass = getcssClass(pos); var parentDiv = parentEle.getElementsByClassName(placeholderClass); if (!!parentDiv.length != 0) { //create div var placeholder = document.createElement("div"); var slotId = pos + "-" + articleIndex; //rec-0 = slotId; placeholder.className = 'placeholder'; window.placeHolderMap[slotId] = true; parentDiv[0].appendChild(placeholder); var sizeArray = getSizeArray(pos); var meta = { sizeArray: sizeArray, slotId: slotId, placeholderId: pos, index: 1, articleIndex: articleIndex, pageIndex: 1, unitPath: unitPath, batch: articleIndex + "w" } slotMetaDataArray.push(meta); } else { console.error('placeholder not found', placeholderClass); } }); if (slotMetaDataArray.length !== 0) { defineDFPSlotBatches(slotMetaDataArray); } } function refreshSlots(slots) { if (slots.length !== 0) { googletag.cmd.push(function () { googletag.pubads().refresh(slots); }); } } </script><script> var attributeNofollowValue = 'nofollow'; (function($){ $(function(){ var isContributor = 1; function isInternalLink(url) { var siteUrl = ''; 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