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<p>スケーラブルで柔軟なプログラマティック・イノベーションを提供することで、お客様の成果を向上させるとともに、活気と透明性のあるデジタル広告のサプライチェーンを支援しています。</p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="intro"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <figure class="col gs_reveal"> <img width="490" height="444" src="" alt="" /> </figure> <div class="col gs_reveal"> <div class="intro-block"> <h3><strong>デジタル広告の未来のためのより良いサプライチェーンの構築</strong></h3> <p>PubMatic は、データに基づく意思決定がデジタル広告の未来であるというビジョンを掲げて2006年に設立されました。コンテンツクリエイターがより収益性の高い広告ビジネスを運営できるようにすることで、消費者が求めるマルチスクリーンおよびマルチフォーマットのコンテンツに投資できるようにすることが私たちの使命です。</p> <p>PubMaticは、世界をリードする大規模なデジタル広告プラットフォームとして、パブリッシャー、メディアバイヤー、データオーナーにさらに透明性の高い広告ソリューションを提供するための革新を続け、オープンインターネットの力と可能性を活用してより良いビジネス成果を達成できるようにしています。</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="features"> <div class="container gs_reveal"> <h3>PUBMATIC<strong>の特徴</strong></h3> <div class="row"> <div class="text-block"> <div class="img-wrap"> <img width="71" height="54" 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<img width="63" height="71" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%2063%2071'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="" decoding="async" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="63" height="71" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="" decoding="async" /></noscript> </div> <div class="text-block-copy"> <h4><strong>持続的な<br>イノベーション</strong></h4> <p>自社所有、自社運用のインフラストラクチャで市場をリードします。</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <style> .infra-scale { background: url( center center no-repeat; background-size: cover; } </style> <section class="infra-scale"> <div class="container"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svg xmlns="" width="931" height="506" viewBox="0 0 931 506" fill="none"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_0_3)"> <mask id="mask0_0_3" style="mask-type:luminance" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="35" y="0" width="896" height="506"> <path d="M931 0H35V506H931V0Z" fill="white"></path> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_0_3)"> <g opacity="0.25"> <path d="M931.712 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456.875C920.72 456.788 920.318 456.573 920.003 456.258C919.687 455.942 919.472 455.54 919.385 455.103C919.298 454.665 919.343 454.212 919.514 453.8C919.684 453.388 919.973 453.036 920.344 452.788C920.715 452.54 921.151 452.408 921.597 452.408C922.193 452.415 922.762 452.655 923.184 453.076C923.605 453.498 923.845 454.067 923.852 454.663Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M915.99 100.759C915.99 101.205 915.858 101.641 915.61 102.012C915.362 102.383 915.01 102.672 914.598 102.842C914.186 103.013 913.732 103.058 913.295 102.971C912.858 102.884 912.456 102.669 912.14 102.354C911.825 102.038 911.61 101.636 911.523 101.199C911.436 100.762 911.481 100.308 911.652 99.896C911.822 99.484 912.111 99.1318 912.482 98.884C912.853 98.6363 913.289 98.504 913.735 98.504C914.033 98.4964 914.33 98.5496 914.607 98.6603C914.884 98.7709 915.135 98.9367 915.346 99.1477C915.557 99.3586 915.723 99.6102 915.834 99.8872C915.944 100.164 915.998 100.461 915.99 100.759Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M915.99 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124.78C754.169 124.343 754.214 123.889 754.385 123.477C754.555 123.065 754.844 122.713 755.215 122.465C755.586 122.217 756.022 122.085 756.468 122.085C756.765 122.083 757.059 122.14 757.333 122.253C757.608 122.366 757.857 122.532 758.067 122.741C758.276 122.951 758.442 123.2 758.555 123.475C758.668 123.749 758.725 124.043 758.723 124.34Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M758.723 132.2C758.723 132.646 758.591 133.082 758.343 133.453C758.095 133.824 757.743 134.113 757.331 134.283C756.919 134.454 756.465 134.499 756.028 134.412C755.59 134.325 755.189 134.11 754.873 133.795C754.558 133.479 754.343 133.077 754.256 132.64C754.169 132.202 754.214 131.749 754.385 131.337C754.555 130.925 754.844 130.573 755.215 130.325C755.586 130.077 756.022 129.945 756.468 129.945C757.06 129.963 757.623 130.206 758.042 130.625C758.461 131.045 758.705 131.608 758.723 132.2Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M758.723 140.065C758.723 140.511 758.591 140.947 758.343 141.318C758.095 141.689 757.743 141.978 757.331 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416.598 71.1068 416.969 70.859C417.34 70.6112 417.776 70.479 418.222 70.479C418.519 70.4771 418.813 70.5342 419.087 70.6469C419.362 70.7595 419.611 70.9256 419.821 71.1353C420.03 71.3451 420.196 71.5944 420.309 71.8688C420.422 72.1433 420.479 72.4373 420.477 72.734Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M420.477 80.529C420.477 80.975 420.345 81.411 420.097 81.7818C419.849 82.1526 419.497 82.4417 419.085 82.6123C418.673 82.783 418.219 82.8277 417.782 82.7407C417.345 82.6537 416.943 82.4389 416.627 82.1235C416.312 81.8082 416.097 81.4063 416.01 80.9689C415.923 80.5315 415.968 80.0781 416.139 79.666C416.309 79.254 416.598 78.9018 416.969 78.654C417.34 78.4062 417.776 78.274 418.222 78.274C418.814 78.2918 419.378 78.5351 419.797 78.9542C420.216 79.3733 420.459 79.9366 420.477 80.529Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M412.616 1.927C412.616 2.52506 412.378 3.09863 411.955 3.52152C411.533 3.94442 410.959 4.182 410.361 4.182C409.763 4.182 409.189 3.94442 408.766 3.52152C408.344 3.09863 408.106 2.52506 408.106 1.927C408.104 1.63035 408.161 1.33628 408.274 1.06185C408.387 0.787421 408.553 0.538092 408.762 0.328325C408.972 0.118558 409.221 -0.0474738 409.496 -0.16014C409.77 -0.272806 410.064 -0.329864 410.361 -0.328005C410.957 -0.320995 411.526 -0.0811649 411.948 0.34022C412.369 0.761604 412.609 1.33111 412.616 1.927Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M412.616 9.792C412.616 10.238 412.484 10.674 412.236 11.0448C411.988 11.4156 411.636 11.7047 411.224 11.8753C410.812 12.046 410.358 12.0907 409.921 12.0037C409.484 11.9167 409.082 11.7019 408.766 11.3865C408.451 11.0712 408.236 10.6694 408.149 10.2319C408.062 9.7945 408.107 9.3411 408.278 8.92905C408.448 8.517 408.737 8.16482 409.108 7.91704C409.479 7.66925 409.915 7.537 410.361 7.537C410.658 7.53514 410.952 7.5922 411.226 7.70487C411.501 7.81753 411.75 7.98356 411.96 8.19333C412.169 8.4031 412.335 8.65243 412.448 8.92686C412.561 9.20128 412.618 9.49535 412.616 9.792Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M412.616 17.648C412.616 18.094 412.484 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40.365C408.448 39.953 408.737 39.6008 409.108 39.353C409.479 39.1053 409.915 38.973 410.361 38.973C410.957 38.98 411.526 39.2198 411.948 39.6412C412.369 40.0626 412.609 40.6321 412.616 41.228Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M412.616 49.092C412.616 49.538 412.484 49.974 412.236 50.3448C411.988 50.7156 411.636 51.0047 411.224 51.1753C410.812 51.346 410.358 51.3907 409.921 51.3037C409.484 51.2166 409.082 51.0019 408.766 50.6865C408.451 50.3711 408.236 49.9693 408.149 49.5319C408.062 49.0945 408.107 48.6411 408.278 48.229C408.448 47.817 408.737 47.4648 409.108 47.217C409.479 46.9692 409.915 46.837 410.361 46.837C410.658 46.8351 410.952 46.8922 411.226 47.0049C411.501 47.1175 411.75 47.2835 411.96 47.4933C412.169 47.7031 412.335 47.9524 412.448 48.2268C412.561 48.5013 412.618 48.7953 412.616 49.092Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M412.616 56.949C412.616 57.395 412.484 57.831 412.236 58.2018C411.988 58.5726 411.636 58.8617 411.224 59.0323C410.812 59.203 410.358 59.2477 409.921 59.1607C409.484 59.0737 409.082 58.8589 408.766 58.5435C408.451 58.2282 408.236 57.8264 408.149 57.3889C408.062 56.9515 408.107 56.4981 408.278 56.0861C408.448 55.674 408.737 55.3218 409.108 55.074C409.479 54.8263 409.915 54.694 410.361 54.694C410.953 54.7118 411.517 54.9551 411.936 55.3742C412.355 55.7933 412.598 56.3566 412.616 56.949Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M412.616 64.873C412.616 65.319 412.484 65.755 412.236 66.1258C411.988 66.4966 411.636 66.7857 411.224 66.9563C410.812 67.127 410.358 67.1717 409.921 67.0847C409.484 66.9977 409.082 66.7829 408.766 66.4675C408.451 66.1522 408.236 65.7504 408.149 65.3129C408.062 64.8755 408.107 64.4221 408.278 64.0101C408.448 63.598 408.737 63.2458 409.108 62.998C409.479 62.7503 409.915 62.618 410.361 62.618C410.659 62.6104 410.956 62.6636 411.233 62.7743C411.51 62.8849 411.761 63.0507 411.972 63.2617C412.183 63.4726 412.349 63.7242 412.46 64.0012C412.57 64.2782 412.624 64.5748 412.616 64.873Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M412.616 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0.787421 400.692 0.538092 400.902 0.328325C401.112 0.118558 401.361 -0.0474738 401.636 -0.16014C401.91 -0.272806 402.204 -0.329864 402.501 -0.328005C403.093 -0.309944 403.656 -0.0665664 404.075 0.352477C404.495 0.77152 404.738 1.33465 404.756 1.927Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M404.756 9.792C404.756 10.238 404.624 10.674 404.376 11.0448C404.128 11.4156 403.776 11.7047 403.364 11.8754C402.952 12.046 402.498 12.0907 402.061 12.0037C401.624 11.9167 401.222 11.7019 400.906 11.3865C400.591 11.0712 400.376 10.6694 400.289 10.2319C400.202 9.7945 400.247 9.3411 400.418 8.92905C400.588 8.517 400.877 8.16482 401.248 7.91704C401.619 7.66926 402.055 7.537 402.501 7.537C403.093 7.55506 403.656 7.79844 404.076 8.21748C404.495 8.63653 404.738 9.19966 404.756 9.792Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M404.756 17.648C404.756 18.094 404.624 18.53 404.376 18.9008C404.128 19.2716 403.776 19.5607 403.364 19.7313C402.952 19.902 402.498 19.9467 402.061 19.8597C401.624 19.7727 401.222 19.5579 400.906 19.2425C400.591 18.9272 400.376 18.5253 400.289 18.0879C400.202 17.6505 400.247 17.1971 400.418 16.785C400.588 16.373 400.877 16.0208 401.248 15.773C401.619 15.5252 402.055 15.393 402.501 15.393C403.097 15.4003 403.666 15.6402 404.087 16.0615C404.509 16.4828 404.749 17.0522 404.756 17.648Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M404.756 25.508C404.756 25.954 404.624 26.39 404.376 26.7608C404.128 27.1316 403.776 27.4207 403.364 27.5913C402.952 27.762 402.498 27.8067 402.061 27.7197C401.624 27.6327 401.222 27.4179 400.906 27.1025C400.591 26.7872 400.376 26.3853 400.289 25.9479C400.202 25.5105 400.247 25.0571 400.418 24.645C400.588 24.233 400.877 23.8808 401.248 23.633C401.619 23.3852 402.055 23.253 402.501 23.253C403.093 23.2711 403.656 23.5144 404.076 23.9335C404.495 24.3525 404.738 24.9157 404.756 25.508Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M404.756 33.368C404.756 33.814 404.624 34.25 404.376 34.6208C404.128 34.9916 403.776 35.2807 403.364 35.4513C402.952 35.622 402.498 35.6667 402.061 35.5797C401.624 35.4927 401.222 35.2779 400.906 34.9625C400.591 34.6471 400.376 34.2453 400.289 33.8079C400.202 33.3705 400.247 32.9171 400.418 32.505C400.588 32.093 400.877 31.7408 401.248 31.493C401.619 31.2452 402.055 31.113 402.501 31.113C403.093 31.1311 403.656 31.3744 404.076 31.7935C404.495 32.2125 404.738 32.7757 404.756 33.368Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M404.756 41.228C404.756 41.674 404.624 42.11 404.376 42.4808C404.128 42.8516 403.776 43.1407 403.364 43.3113C402.952 43.482 402.498 43.5267 402.061 43.4397C401.624 43.3527 401.222 43.1379 400.906 42.8225C400.591 42.5072 400.376 42.1054 400.289 41.6679C400.202 41.2305 400.247 40.7771 400.418 40.365C400.588 39.953 400.877 39.6008 401.248 39.353C401.619 39.1053 402.055 38.973 402.501 38.973C403.093 38.9911 403.656 39.2344 404.076 39.6535C404.495 40.0725 404.738 40.6357 404.756 41.228Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M404.756 49.092C404.756 49.538 404.624 49.974 404.376 50.3448C404.128 50.7156 403.776 51.0047 403.364 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224.364C81.223 223.47 81.0014 222.409 81.0014 221.182C81.0014 219.955 81.223 218.894 81.6662 218C82.1094 217.106 82.7173 216.417 83.4901 215.932C84.2628 215.447 85.1454 215.205 86.1378 215.205C86.7249 215.205 87.276 215.29 87.7912 215.46C88.3101 215.631 88.7779 215.881 89.1946 216.21C89.6113 216.536 89.9597 216.934 90.2401 217.403C90.5204 217.869 90.7135 218.402 90.8196 219Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M94.5057 215.364V227H93.0966V215.364H94.5057Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M103.695 218.273C103.626 217.697 103.35 217.25 102.865 216.932C102.38 216.614 101.786 216.455 101.081 216.455C100.566 216.455 100.115 216.538 99.7287 216.705C99.3461 216.871 99.0469 217.1 98.831 217.392C98.6188 217.684 98.5128 218.015 98.5128 218.386C98.5128 218.697 98.5866 218.964 98.7344 219.188C98.8859 219.407 99.0791 219.591 99.3139 219.739C99.5488 219.883 99.795 220.002 100.053 220.097C100.31 220.187 100.547 220.261 100.763 220.318L101.945 220.636C102.248 220.716 102.585 220.826 102.956 220.966C103.331 221.106 103.689 221.297 104.03 221.54C104.375 221.778 104.659 222.085 104.882 222.46C105.106 222.835 105.217 223.295 105.217 223.841C105.217 224.47 105.053 225.038 104.723 225.545C104.397 226.053 103.92 226.456 103.291 226.756C102.666 227.055 101.907 227.205 101.013 227.205C100.179 227.205 99.4579 227.07 98.848 226.801C98.2419 226.532 97.7647 226.157 97.4162 225.676C97.0715 225.195 96.8764 224.636 96.831 224H98.2855C98.3234 224.439 98.4711 224.803 98.7287 225.091C98.9901 225.375 99.3196 225.587 99.7173 225.727C100.119 225.864 100.551 225.932 101.013 225.932C101.551 225.932 102.034 225.845 102.462 225.67C102.89 225.492 103.229 225.246 103.479 224.932C103.729 224.614 103.854 224.242 103.854 223.818C103.854 223.432 103.746 223.117 103.53 222.875C103.314 222.633 103.03 222.436 102.678 222.284C102.325 222.133 101.945 222 101.536 221.886L100.104 221.477C99.1946 221.216 98.4749 220.843 97.9446 220.358C97.4143 219.873 97.1491 219.239 97.1491 218.455C97.1491 217.803 97.3253 217.235 97.6776 216.75C98.0336 216.261 98.5109 215.883 99.1094 215.614C99.7116 215.341 100.384 215.205 101.126 215.205C101.876 215.205 102.543 215.339 103.126 215.608C103.71 215.873 104.172 216.237 104.513 216.699C104.857 217.161 105.039 217.686 105.058 218.273H103.695Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M116.898 219H115.489C115.405 218.595 115.259 218.239 115.051 217.932C114.847 217.625 114.597 217.367 114.301 217.159C114.009 216.947 113.686 216.788 113.33 216.682C112.973 216.576 112.602 216.523 112.216 216.523C111.511 216.523 110.873 216.701 110.301 217.057C109.733 217.413 109.28 217.938 108.943 218.631C108.61 219.324 108.443 220.174 108.443 221.182C108.443 222.189 108.61 223.04 108.943 223.733C109.28 224.426 109.733 224.951 110.301 225.307C110.873 225.663 111.511 225.841 112.216 225.841C112.602 225.841 112.973 225.788 113.33 225.682C113.686 225.576 114.009 225.419 114.301 225.21C114.597 224.998 114.847 224.739 115.051 224.432C115.259 224.121 115.405 223.765 115.489 223.364H116.898C116.792 223.958 116.598 224.491 116.318 224.96C116.038 225.43 115.689 225.83 115.273 226.159C114.856 226.485 114.388 226.733 113.869 226.903C113.354 227.074 112.803 227.159 112.216 227.159C111.223 227.159 110.341 226.917 109.568 226.432C108.795 225.947 108.187 225.258 107.744 224.364C107.301 223.47 107.08 222.409 107.08 221.182C107.08 219.955 107.301 218.894 107.744 218C108.187 217.106 108.795 216.417 109.568 215.932C110.341 215.447 111.223 215.205 112.216 215.205C112.803 215.205 113.354 215.29 113.869 215.46C114.388 215.631 114.856 215.881 115.273 216.21C115.689 216.536 116.038 216.934 116.318 217.403C116.598 217.869 116.792 218.402 116.898 219Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M128.993 221.182C128.993 222.409 128.771 223.47 128.328 224.364C127.885 225.258 127.277 225.947 126.504 226.432C125.732 226.917 124.849 227.159 123.857 227.159C122.864 227.159 121.982 226.917 121.209 226.432C120.436 225.947 119.828 225.258 119.385 224.364C118.942 223.47 118.72 222.409 118.72 221.182C118.72 219.955 118.942 218.894 119.385 218C119.828 217.106 120.436 216.417 121.209 215.932C121.982 215.447 122.864 215.205 123.857 215.205C124.849 215.205 125.732 215.447 126.504 215.932C127.277 216.417 127.885 217.106 128.328 218C128.771 218.894 128.993 219.955 128.993 221.182ZM127.629 221.182C127.629 220.174 127.461 219.324 127.124 218.631C126.79 217.938 126.338 217.413 125.766 217.057C125.197 216.701 124.561 216.523 123.857 216.523C123.152 216.523 122.514 216.701 121.942 217.057C121.374 217.413 120.921 217.938 120.584 218.631C120.25 219.324 120.084 220.174 120.084 221.182C120.084 222.189 120.25 223.04 120.584 223.733C120.921 224.426 121.374 224.951 121.942 225.307C122.514 225.663 123.152 225.841 123.857 225.841C124.561 225.841 125.197 225.663 125.766 225.307C126.338 224.951 126.79 224.426 127.124 223.733C127.461 223.04 127.629 222.189 127.629 221.182Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M405.409 158V146.364H406.818V156.75H412.227V158H405.409Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M423.774 152.182C423.774 153.409 423.553 154.47 423.109 155.364C422.666 156.258 422.058 156.947 421.286 157.432C420.513 157.917 419.63 158.159 418.638 158.159C417.645 158.159 416.763 157.917 415.99 157.432C415.217 156.947 414.609 156.258 414.166 155.364C413.723 154.47 413.501 153.409 413.501 152.182C413.501 150.955 413.723 149.894 414.166 149C414.609 148.106 415.217 147.417 415.99 146.932C416.763 146.447 417.645 146.205 418.638 146.205C419.63 146.205 420.513 146.447 421.286 146.932C422.058 147.417 422.666 148.106 423.109 149C423.553 149.894 423.774 150.955 423.774 152.182ZM422.411 152.182C422.411 151.174 422.242 150.324 421.905 149.631C421.571 148.937 421.119 148.413 420.547 148.057C419.979 147.701 419.342 147.523 418.638 147.523C417.933 147.523 417.295 147.701 416.723 148.057C416.155 148.413 415.702 148.937 415.365 149.631C415.032 150.324 414.865 151.174 414.865 152.182C414.865 153.189 415.032 154.04 415.365 154.733C415.702 155.426 416.155 155.951 416.723 156.307C417.295 156.663 417.933 156.841 418.638 156.841C419.342 156.841 419.979 156.663 420.547 156.307C421.119 155.951 421.571 155.426 421.905 154.733C422.242 154.04 422.411 153.189 422.411 152.182Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M435.371 146.364V158H434.007L427.666 148.864H427.553V158H426.143V146.364H427.507L433.871 155.523H433.984V146.364H435.371Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M441.781 158H438.19V146.364H441.94C443.069 146.364 444.035 146.597 444.838 147.062C445.641 147.525 446.257 148.189 446.685 149.057C447.113 149.92 447.327 150.955 447.327 152.159C447.327 153.371 447.111 154.415 446.679 155.29C446.247 156.161 445.618 156.831 444.793 157.301C443.967 157.767 442.963 158 441.781 158ZM439.599 156.75H441.69C442.652 156.75 443.45 156.564 444.082 156.193C444.715 155.822 445.187 155.294 445.497 154.608C445.808 153.922 445.963 153.106 445.963 152.159C445.963 151.22 445.81 150.411 445.503 149.733C445.196 149.051 444.738 148.528 444.128 148.165C443.518 147.797 442.759 147.614 441.849 147.614H439.599V156.75Z" fill="#50C9ED"></path> <path d="M459.509 152.182C459.509 153.409 459.287 154.47 458.844 155.364C458.401 156.258 457.793 156.947 457.02 157.432C456.247 157.917 455.365 158.159 454.372 158.159C453.38 158.159 452.497 157.917 451.724 157.432C450.952 156.947 450.344 156.258 449.901 155.364C449.457 154.47 449.236 153.409 449.236 152.182C449.236 150.955 449.457 149.894 449.901 149C450.344 148.106 450.952 147.417 451.724 146.932C452.497 146.447 453.38 146.205 454.372 146.205C455.365 146.205 456.247 146.447 457.02 146.932C457.793 147.417 458.401 148.106 458.844 149C459.287 149.894 459.509 150.955 459.509 152.182ZM458.145 152.182C458.145 151.174 457.976 150.324 457.639 149.631C457.306 148.937 456.853 148.413 456.281 148.057C455.713 147.701 455.077 147.523 454.372 147.523C453.668 147.523 453.029 147.701 452.457 148.057C451.889 148.413 451.437 148.937 451.099 149.631C450.766 150.324 450.599 151.174 450.599 152.182C450.599 153.189 450.766 154.04 451.099 154.733C451.437 155.426 451.889 155.951 452.457 156.307C453.029 156.663 453.668 156.841 454.372 156.841C455.077 156.841 455.713 156.663 456.281 156.307C456.853 155.951 457.306 155.426 457.639 154.733C457.976 154.04 458.145 153.189 458.145 152.182Z" fill="#50C9ED"></path> <path d="M471.105 146.364V158H469.741L463.401 148.864H463.287V158H461.878V146.364H463.241L469.605 155.523H469.719V146.364H471.105Z" fill="white"></path> </g> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_0_3"> <rect width="931" height="506" fill="white"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <div class="infra-scale__infra gs_reveal"> <h3 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">PubMatic<strong>のインフラストラクチャ</strong></h3> <p>私たちは特化したクラウドインフラストラクチャを通じて、デジタル広告の機会を捉えています。</p> <p>膨大なデータフローの中心に位置し、機械学習において卓越することは、私たちにとって大きな差別化要因です。自社で所有するインフラストラクチャにより、顧客のパフォーマンスをより最適化し、より迅速に革新を進め、公共クラウドの代替品に依存する企業と比較して著しくコストを節約することができます。</p> <a href="" target=""> <span> オフィス所在地 </span> <svg xmlns="" width="11.064" height="10" viewBox="0 0 11.064 10"> <path id="arrow-white" 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<div class="award-block"><img width="400" height="400" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%20400%20400'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 400w, 300w, 150w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 400px) 100vw, 400px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="400" height="400" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="" decoding="async" srcset=" 400w, 300w, 150w" sizes="(max-width: 400px) 100vw, 400px" /></noscript></div> <div class="award-block"><img width="168" height="288" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%20168%20288'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="" decoding="async" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="168" height="288" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="" decoding="async" /></noscript></div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="members-section"> <div class="container members-container"> <h3 class="with-top-line text-uppercase gs_reveal">LEADERSHIP TEAM</h3> <div class="row"> <div class="member-box gs_reveal" data-fancybox="gallery-leadership" data-src="#rajeev-goel" data-slug="rajeev-goel"> <div class="member-box-inner"> <div class="member-img-wrap"> <img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Rajeev-Goel-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Rajeev-Goel-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript> </div> <span class="member-name text-uppercase">Rajeev Goel</span> <span class="member-title">Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer</span> </div> </div> <div class="member-box gs_reveal" data-fancybox="gallery-leadership" data-src="#amar-goel" data-slug="amar-goel"> <div class="member-box-inner"> <div class="member-img-wrap"> <img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Amar-Goel-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Amar-Goel-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript> </div> <span class="member-name text-uppercase">Amar Goel</span> <span class="member-title">Founder, Chairman and Chief Innovation Officer</span> </div> </div> <div class="member-box gs_reveal" data-fancybox="gallery-leadership" data-src="#mukul-kumar" data-slug="mukul-kumar"> <div class="member-box-inner"> <div class="member-img-wrap"> <img width="1306" 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size-full" alt="Steve-Pantelick-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Steve-Pantelick-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript> </div> <span class="member-name text-uppercase">Steve Pantelick</span> <span class="member-title">Chief Financial Officer</span> </div> </div> <div class="member-box gs_reveal" data-fancybox="gallery-leadership" data-src="#paulina-klimenko" data-slug="paulina-klimenko"> <div class="member-box-inner"> <div class="member-img-wrap"> <img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Paulina-Klimenko-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Paulina-Klimenko-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript> </div> <span class="member-name text-uppercase">Paulina Klimenko</span> <span class="member-title">Chief Growth Officer</span> </div> </div> <div class="member-box gs_reveal" data-fancybox="gallery-leadership" data-src="#johanna-bauman" data-slug="johanna-bauman"> <div class="member-box-inner"> <div class="member-img-wrap"> <img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Johanna-Bauman-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Johanna-Bauman-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript> </div> <span class="member-name text-uppercase">Johanna Bauman</span> <span class="member-title">Chief Marketing Officer</span> </div> </div> <div class="member-box gs_reveal" data-fancybox="gallery-leadership" data-src="#kyle-dozeman" data-slug="kyle-dozeman"> <div class="member-box-inner"> <div class="member-img-wrap"> <img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Kyle-Dozeman-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Kyle-Dozeman-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript> </div> <span class="member-name text-uppercase">Kyle Dozeman</span> <span class="member-title">Chief Revenue Officer, Americas</span> </div> </div> <div class="member-box gs_reveal" data-fancybox="gallery-leadership" data-src="#andrew-woods" data-slug="andrew-woods"> <div class="member-box-inner"> <div class="member-img-wrap"> <img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Andrew-Woods-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Andrew-Woods-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript> </div> <span class="member-name text-uppercase">Andrew Woods</span> <span class="member-title">General Counsel</span> </div> </div> <div class="member-box gs_reveal" data-fancybox="gallery-leadership" data-src="#nishant-khatri" data-slug="nishant-khatri"> <div class="member-box-inner"> <div class="member-img-wrap"> <img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Nishant-Khatri-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Nishant-Khatri-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript> </div> <span class="member-name text-uppercase">Nishant Khatri</span> <span class="member-title">Executive VP, Product Management</span> </div> </div> <div class="member-box gs_reveal" data-fancybox="gallery-leadership" data-src="#lorrie-dougherty" data-slug="lorrie-dougherty"> <div class="member-box-inner"> <div class="member-img-wrap"> <img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Lorrie-Dougherty-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Lorrie-Dougherty-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript> </div> <span class="member-name text-uppercase">Lorrie Dougherty</span> <span class="member-title">SVP, Human Resources</span> </div> </div> </div> <div id="rajeev-goel" class="member-lightbox"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">Rajeev Goel</h2> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <span class="member-title-lightbox">Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer</span> <div class="member-socials"> <a href="" class="member-social socila-linkedin"> <svg xmlns="" width="20.01" height="19" viewBox="0 0 20.01 19"> <g transform="translate(1.405 1.405)"> <path id="Path_50" data-name="Path 50" d="M.994,3.014A2.237,2.237,0,0,0,3.424.8,2.227,2.227,0,0,0,1.025-1.4,2.237,2.237,0,0,0-1.405.8a2.209,2.209,0,0,0,2.4,2.209Z" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_51" data-name="Path 51" d="M5.135,66.485V53.671H.843V66.485Z" transform="translate(-1.996 -48.89)" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_52" data-name="Path 52" d="M60.134,63.991h4.292V56.826a3.489,3.489,0,0,1,.126-1.042,2.35,2.35,0,0,1,2.209-1.547c1.547,0,2.178,1.168,2.178,2.9v6.849h4.292V56.637c0-3.945-2.115-5.776-4.955-5.776a4.268,4.268,0,0,0-3.882,2.146h.032V51.145H60.134c.063,1.231,0,12.846,0,12.846Z" transform="translate(-54.627 -46.396)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </g> </svg> </a> <a href="" class="member-social socila-twitter"> <svg xmlns="" width="22.16" height="18" viewBox="0 0 22.16 18"> <path d="M20.8,6.076c.,12.853,0,0,1,7.87,19.6h0A12.922,12.922,0,0,1,.9,17.566a8.7,8.7,0,0,0,1.081.063,9.123,9.123,0,0,0,5.646-1.954,4.552,4.552,0,0,1-4.25-3.161,4.4,4.4,0,0,0,2.053-.081A4.549,4.549,0,0,1,1.782,7.976V7.922a4.482,4.482,0,0,0,2.062.567A4.549,4.549,0,0,1,2.44,2.42a12.948,12.948,0,0,0,9.374,4.754,4.548,4.548,0,0,1,7.744-4.142,9.114,9.114,0,0,0,2.89-1.108,4.579,4.579,0,0,1-2,2.512,9.08,9.08,0,0,0,2.611-.72A8.938,8.938,0,0,1,20.8,6.076Z" transform="translate(-0.9 -1.601)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="member-copy-lightbox"><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Rajeev Goel,(ラジーヴ・ゴエル)は、プレミアム・パブリッシャーが収益とブランド戦略を管理できるリアルタイム販売プラットフォームを提供すべく、2006年にPubMaticを共同で設立。PubMaticの共同創設者兼CEOとして、同社のビジョン・戦略・執行の全責任を負っています。</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">持ち前の指導力を活かし、パブリッシャー向けリアルタイム入札の先駆者としての同社の地位を確立しただけでなく、同社をマルチチャネル・プラットフォームのリーダー企業に成長させ、パブリッシャーのプログラマティック広告戦略を支援してきました。</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">PubMaticを設立する前は、製品エンジニアリング、セールス、マーケティングなどの幅広いキャリアを歩んできました。大学在学中には、オーダーメイドのゴルフ用品をオンライン販売するChipshot.comを共同で設立。セコイアキャピタル(Sequoia Capital)からの支援を受けつつ、製品管理とエンジニアリングにてリーダーシップを発揮し、同社を3千万ドル規模の企業に成長させました。Chipshot.comを離れた後、ダイアモンド・マネージメント・アンド・テクノロジー・コンサルタンツ</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">(</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Diamond Management and Technology Consultants――後にプライスウォーターハウスクーパースに買収</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">)</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">の一員として、クラフトフーズ(</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Kraft Foods)</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">、オールステート保険(</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Allstate Insurance)</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">、ロウズ・ホーム・インプルーブメント(</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Lowe's Home Improvement</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">)などのFortune 2000企業のCIO</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">(</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">最高情報責任者</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">)</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">やCFO</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">(</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">最高財務責任者</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">)</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">とともにIT戦略対応を推進。PubMaticの設立前には、SAPの製品マーケティング幹部として、クラウドおよびモバイルソリューションの市場進出戦略を担当しました。</span><br /> <span style="font-weight: 400;">Goelは、ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学で経済学、政治学、スペイン語の学士号、ペンシルベニア大学にてコンピューター・情報技術の修士号を取得。現在は、妻と2人の男児と共にシリコンバレーに在住。</span></p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="member-img-wrap-lightbox"><img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Rajeev-Goel-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Rajeev-Goel-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript></div> <div class="member-testimonial"><span>PubMatic is on a path to deliver the industry’s leading infrastructure for digital advertising. It’s an honor to work with a fabulous team and serve the world’s leading publishers, advertisers, and agencies on a daily basis.</span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="amar-goel" class="member-lightbox"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">Amar Goel</h2> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <span class="member-title-lightbox">Founder, Chairman and Chief Innovation Officer</span> <div class="member-socials"> <a href="" class="member-social socila-linkedin"> <svg xmlns="" width="20.01" height="19" viewBox="0 0 20.01 19"> <g transform="translate(1.405 1.405)"> <path id="Path_50" data-name="Path 50" d="M.994,3.014A2.237,2.237,0,0,0,3.424.8,2.227,2.227,0,0,0,1.025-1.4,2.237,2.237,0,0,0-1.405.8a2.209,2.209,0,0,0,2.4,2.209Z" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_51" data-name="Path 51" d="M5.135,66.485V53.671H.843V66.485Z" transform="translate(-1.996 -48.89)" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_52" data-name="Path 52" d="M60.134,63.991h4.292V56.826a3.489,3.489,0,0,1,.126-1.042,2.35,2.35,0,0,1,2.209-1.547c1.547,0,2.178,1.168,2.178,2.9v6.849h4.292V56.637c0-3.945-2.115-5.776-4.955-5.776a4.268,4.268,0,0,0-3.882,2.146h.032V51.145H60.134c.063,1.231,0,12.846,0,12.846Z" transform="translate(-54.627 -46.396)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </g> </svg> </a> <a href="" class="member-social socila-twitter"> <svg xmlns="" width="22.16" height="18" viewBox="0 0 22.16 18"> <path d="M20.8,6.076c.,12.853,0,0,1,7.87,19.6h0A12.922,12.922,0,0,1,.9,17.566a8.7,8.7,0,0,0,1.081.063,9.123,9.123,0,0,0,5.646-1.954,4.552,4.552,0,0,1-4.25-3.161,4.4,4.4,0,0,0,2.053-.081A4.549,4.549,0,0,1,1.782,7.976V7.922a4.482,4.482,0,0,0,2.062.567A4.549,4.549,0,0,1,2.44,2.42a12.948,12.948,0,0,0,9.374,4.754,4.548,4.548,0,0,1,7.744-4.142,9.114,9.114,0,0,0,2.89-1.108,4.579,4.579,0,0,1-2,2.512,9.08,9.08,0,0,0,2.611-.72A8.938,8.938,0,0,1,20.8,6.076Z" transform="translate(-0.9 -1.601)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="member-copy-lightbox"><p>A serial entrepreneur, Amar founded PubMatic in 2006, serving as the company’s first CEO until his brother, Rajeev Goel, took the helm as the company’s current CEO. As Founder &amp; Chairman, Amar runs PubMatic’s marketplace group, which is focused on increasing liquidity and driving monetization for the publishers on PubMatic’s platform. As part of this role, Amar is responsible for the machine learning team and runs the EMEA and APAC regions. As Chairman of the Board he is responsible for helping PubMatic’s Board and management team drive the company’s overall strategy.</p> <p>In addition to PubMatic, Amar also founded several other companies, including Komli Media, the leading independent advertising technology platform in the APAC region. Amar served as Founder and Chairman of Komli from 2006 through 2013, assuming the role of Founder and CEO in late 2013, a position he held until selling Komli Media in September 2015 when he rejoined PubMatic in a more active day-to-day role. As a 19-year-old student at Harvard University, Amar co-founded Over five years he grew the business to approximately $30M in annual sales, making the fastest-growing ecommerce website at that time.</p> <p>In addition to founding his own companies, Amar has extensive experience in digital media and advertising, previously leading sales for a digital advertising business for Microsoft in the US, and working at McKinsey &amp; Co. and Netscape in a variety of consulting and engineering roles.</p> <p>As an entrepreneur, Amar raised over $100M in venture capital and hired more than 1,000 employees around the globe, generating several hundred million dollars per year in revenue at peak. He holds a master’s degree in Computer Science and a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Harvard University.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="member-img-wrap-lightbox"><img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Amar-Goel-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Amar-Goel-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript></div> <div class="member-testimonial"><span>Building PubMatic with our customers, employees, and shareholders has really been the journey of a lifetime. I am more excited for the future of digital advertising today than when I started PubMatic!</span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="mukul-kumar" class="member-lightbox"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">Mukul Kumar</h2> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <span class="member-title-lightbox">Co-Founder & President, Engineering</span> <div class="member-socials"> <a href="" class="member-social socila-linkedin"> <svg xmlns="" width="20.01" height="19" viewBox="0 0 20.01 19"> <g transform="translate(1.405 1.405)"> <path id="Path_50" data-name="Path 50" d="M.994,3.014A2.237,2.237,0,0,0,3.424.8,2.227,2.227,0,0,0,1.025-1.4,2.237,2.237,0,0,0-1.405.8a2.209,2.209,0,0,0,2.4,2.209Z" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_51" data-name="Path 51" d="M5.135,66.485V53.671H.843V66.485Z" transform="translate(-1.996 -48.89)" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_52" data-name="Path 52" d="M60.134,63.991h4.292V56.826a3.489,3.489,0,0,1,.126-1.042,2.35,2.35,0,0,1,2.209-1.547c1.547,0,2.178,1.168,2.178,2.9v6.849h4.292V56.637c0-3.945-2.115-5.776-4.955-5.776a4.268,4.268,0,0,0-3.882,2.146h.032V51.145H60.134c.063,1.231,0,12.846,0,12.846Z" transform="translate(-54.627 -46.396)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </g> </svg> </a> <a href="" class="member-social socila-twitter"> <svg xmlns="" width="22.16" height="18" viewBox="0 0 22.16 18"> <path d="M20.8,6.076c.,12.853,0,0,1,7.87,19.6h0A12.922,12.922,0,0,1,.9,17.566a8.7,8.7,0,0,0,1.081.063,9.123,9.123,0,0,0,5.646-1.954,4.552,4.552,0,0,1-4.25-3.161,4.4,4.4,0,0,0,2.053-.081A4.549,4.549,0,0,1,1.782,7.976V7.922a4.482,4.482,0,0,0,2.062.567A4.549,4.549,0,0,1,2.44,2.42a12.948,12.948,0,0,0,9.374,4.754,4.548,4.548,0,0,1,7.744-4.142,9.114,9.114,0,0,0,2.89-1.108,4.579,4.579,0,0,1-2,2.512,9.08,9.08,0,0,0,2.611-.72A8.938,8.938,0,0,1,20.8,6.076Z" transform="translate(-0.9 -1.601)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="member-copy-lightbox"><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Mukul has over two decades of software engineering expertise and is one of the four co-founders that started PubMatic in 2006. As the president of PubMatic’s engineering organization, Mukul is responsible for ensuring that PubMatic’s product vision is realized through excellence in execution and helping to drive the company’s continued product innovation. Mukul oversees more than 300 employees that comprise the company’s engineering, data and analytics and data center teams. Mukul is passionate about startups and entrepreneurship, he regularly talks at popular startup conferences and advises budding entrepreneurs. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Prior to co-founding PubMatic, Mukul was the director of engineering at PANTA Systems, a high-performance computing startup. Prior to PANTA, Mukul served as a director at Veritas (India), joining the company as its 13th employee. There, he helped grow the company to over 2,000 employees in India. Mukul has filed for 14 patents in systems software, storage software and application software and proudly proclaims his love for π and his ability to recite it to 60 digits.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Mukul is a graduate of IIT Kharagpur with a degree in Electrical Engineering. He is based in PubMatic’s office in Pune, India.</span></p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="member-img-wrap-lightbox"><img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Mukul-Kumar-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Mukul-Kumar-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="steve-pantelick" class="member-lightbox"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">Steve Pantelick</h2> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <span class="member-title-lightbox">Chief Financial Officer</span> <div class="member-socials"> <a href="" class="member-social socila-linkedin"> <svg xmlns="" width="20.01" height="19" viewBox="0 0 20.01 19"> <g transform="translate(1.405 1.405)"> <path id="Path_50" data-name="Path 50" d="M.994,3.014A2.237,2.237,0,0,0,3.424.8,2.227,2.227,0,0,0,1.025-1.4,2.237,2.237,0,0,0-1.405.8a2.209,2.209,0,0,0,2.4,2.209Z" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_51" data-name="Path 51" d="M5.135,66.485V53.671H.843V66.485Z" transform="translate(-1.996 -48.89)" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_52" data-name="Path 52" d="M60.134,63.991h4.292V56.826a3.489,3.489,0,0,1,.126-1.042,2.35,2.35,0,0,1,2.209-1.547c1.547,0,2.178,1.168,2.178,2.9v6.849h4.292V56.637c0-3.945-2.115-5.776-4.955-5.776a4.268,4.268,0,0,0-3.882,2.146h.032V51.145H60.134c.063,1.231,0,12.846,0,12.846Z" transform="translate(-54.627 -46.396)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </g> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="member-copy-lightbox"><p>Steve is an accomplished industry executive with more than 20 years of experience in driving growth and profitability, strategy and operational excellence across a broad range of industries in the US and Europe. He joined PubMatic in 2011 after working with leading companies including Ofoto (Kodak Gallery), a pioneer in the online photo sharing space with 60 million monthly users, Blockbuster, Inc., a multi-billion dollar global business, and Cadbury Schweppes Plc, one of the world’s largest confectionery and beverage brands.</p> <p>Before joining PubMatic, Steve was CFO of the innovative data management platform company Aggregate Knowledge. Prior to that, as CFO of Ofoto/Kodak Gallery, Steve helped build one of the world’s leading online digital imaging and services companies, where in addition to finance, he oversaw the company’s printing and customer service operations. Earlier in his career, he worked for Blockbuster in roles ranging from COO of Blockbuster Inc.’s New Media Division to senior vice president of Blockbuster’s U.S. Financial Operations overseeing 4,000 retail locations, to vice president of worldwide planning and helped take the company public in 1999.</p> <p>Prior to Blockbuster, Steve spent seven years with Cadbury Schweppes, in a variety of roles in the US and Europe, including vice president of finance for Dr. Pepper/7Up and planning director for Schweppes Europe.</p> <p>Steve holds an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and a bachelor’s degree from Harvard College.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="member-img-wrap-lightbox"><img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Steve-Pantelick-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Steve-Pantelick-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="paulina-klimenko" class="member-lightbox"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">Paulina Klimenko</h2> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <span class="member-title-lightbox">Chief Growth Officer</span> <div class="member-socials"> <a href="" class="member-social socila-linkedin"> <svg xmlns="" width="20.01" height="19" viewBox="0 0 20.01 19"> <g transform="translate(1.405 1.405)"> <path id="Path_50" data-name="Path 50" d="M.994,3.014A2.237,2.237,0,0,0,3.424.8,2.227,2.227,0,0,0,1.025-1.4,2.237,2.237,0,0,0-1.405.8a2.209,2.209,0,0,0,2.4,2.209Z" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_51" data-name="Path 51" d="M5.135,66.485V53.671H.843V66.485Z" transform="translate(-1.996 -48.89)" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_52" data-name="Path 52" d="M60.134,63.991h4.292V56.826a3.489,3.489,0,0,1,.126-1.042,2.35,2.35,0,0,1,2.209-1.547c1.547,0,2.178,1.168,2.178,2.9v6.849h4.292V56.637c0-3.945-2.115-5.776-4.955-5.776a4.268,4.268,0,0,0-3.882,2.146h.032V51.145H60.134c.063,1.231,0,12.846,0,12.846Z" transform="translate(-54.627 -46.396)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </g> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="member-copy-lightbox"><p>Paulina joined PubMatic in 2011, bringing 15 years of experience in new business development and corporate strategy. As Chief Growth Officer, Paulina oversees PubMatic’s international business, business and corporate development, and high-growth strategic initiatives.</p> <p>Prior to joining PubMatic, Paulina was a director at PayPal where she negotiated and managed strategic partnerships with Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft and other large Internet and payment players, and she played a leadership role in establishing the X.commerce business at eBay. Prior to that, Paulina headed business development for BlueLithium, a leading online ad network acquired by Yahoo!. She also spent four years at AOL, driving strategy, corporate development and international expansion, including the launch of AOL’s business in Japan. Paulina started her career in investment banking and corporate finance at Charles Schwab.</p> <p>Paulina earned her undergraduate degree at the Finance Academy of Moscow and her MBA from the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="member-img-wrap-lightbox"><img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Paulina-Klimenko-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Paulina-Klimenko-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript></div> <div class="member-testimonial"><span>I have been privileged to lead and participate in PubMatic’s growth story over the last decade. I am excited about the continued innovation and creativity of PubMatic’s team that is changing the world of digital advertising.</span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="johanna-bauman" class="member-lightbox"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">Johanna Bauman</h2> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <span class="member-title-lightbox">Chief Marketing Officer</span> <div class="member-socials"> <a href="" class="member-social socila-linkedin"> <svg xmlns="" width="20.01" height="19" viewBox="0 0 20.01 19"> <g transform="translate(1.405 1.405)"> <path id="Path_50" data-name="Path 50" d="M.994,3.014A2.237,2.237,0,0,0,3.424.8,2.227,2.227,0,0,0,1.025-1.4,2.237,2.237,0,0,0-1.405.8a2.209,2.209,0,0,0,2.4,2.209Z" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_51" data-name="Path 51" d="M5.135,66.485V53.671H.843V66.485Z" transform="translate(-1.996 -48.89)" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_52" data-name="Path 52" d="M60.134,63.991h4.292V56.826a3.489,3.489,0,0,1,.126-1.042,2.35,2.35,0,0,1,2.209-1.547c1.547,0,2.178,1.168,2.178,2.9v6.849h4.292V56.637c0-3.945-2.115-5.776-4.955-5.776a4.268,4.268,0,0,0-3.882,2.146h.032V51.145H60.134c.063,1.231,0,12.846,0,12.846Z" transform="translate(-54.627 -46.396)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </g> </svg> </a> <a href="" class="member-social socila-twitter"> <svg xmlns="" width="22.16" height="18" viewBox="0 0 22.16 18"> <path d="M20.8,6.076c.,12.853,0,0,1,7.87,19.6h0A12.922,12.922,0,0,1,.9,17.566a8.7,8.7,0,0,0,1.081.063,9.123,9.123,0,0,0,5.646-1.954,4.552,4.552,0,0,1-4.25-3.161,4.4,4.4,0,0,0,2.053-.081A4.549,4.549,0,0,1,1.782,7.976V7.922a4.482,4.482,0,0,0,2.062.567A4.549,4.549,0,0,1,2.44,2.42a12.948,12.948,0,0,0,9.374,4.754,4.548,4.548,0,0,1,7.744-4.142,9.114,9.114,0,0,0,2.89-1.108,4.579,4.579,0,0,1-2,2.512,9.08,9.08,0,0,0,2.611-.72A8.938,8.938,0,0,1,20.8,6.076Z" transform="translate(-0.9 -1.601)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="member-copy-lightbox"><p>Johanna Bauman is a seasoned marketer and business strategist with a track record of driving successful B2B marketing programs for technology companies. She joined PubMatic in 2016 as Senior Director, and later Vice President of Marketing Communications where she redefined the corporate narrative and executed global marketing programs that strengthened the PubMatic brand. In her role as Chief Marketing Officer, Johanna is responsible for all aspects of corporate marketing strategy, product marketing and sales enablement, brand development, events and communications across all regions.</p> <p>Prior to joining PubMatic, Johanna led product marketing at CPXi, where she oversaw product development and go-to-market strategies across the company’s tech and media divisions. She has held several positions in product marketing, development, and events across the technology and non-profit sectors, including Infogroup, a leading data and marketing solutions company, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.</p> <p>She earned her undergraduate degree from Washington University in St. Louis and holds an MBA in Marketing, Strategy and Finance from the NYU Stern School of Business. When not leading marketing teams, Johanna enjoys her second job of being a mom to two young sons.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="member-img-wrap-lightbox"><img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Johanna-Bauman-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Johanna-Bauman-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript></div> <div class="member-testimonial"><span>The PubMatic brand is respected in market for innovation, expertise, and value creation. We take our commitment to our customers seriously, and it comes across in how we inform, engage and empower buyers and sellers of digital media across the open internet.</span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="kyle-dozeman" class="member-lightbox"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">Kyle Dozeman</h2> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <span class="member-title-lightbox">Chief Revenue Officer, Americas</span> <div class="member-socials"> <a href="" class="member-social socila-linkedin"> <svg xmlns="" width="20.01" height="19" viewBox="0 0 20.01 19"> <g transform="translate(1.405 1.405)"> <path id="Path_50" data-name="Path 50" d="M.994,3.014A2.237,2.237,0,0,0,3.424.8,2.227,2.227,0,0,0,1.025-1.4,2.237,2.237,0,0,0-1.405.8a2.209,2.209,0,0,0,2.4,2.209Z" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_51" data-name="Path 51" d="M5.135,66.485V53.671H.843V66.485Z" transform="translate(-1.996 -48.89)" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_52" data-name="Path 52" d="M60.134,63.991h4.292V56.826a3.489,3.489,0,0,1,.126-1.042,2.35,2.35,0,0,1,2.209-1.547c1.547,0,2.178,1.168,2.178,2.9v6.849h4.292V56.637c0-3.945-2.115-5.776-4.955-5.776a4.268,4.268,0,0,0-3.882,2.146h.032V51.145H60.134c.063,1.231,0,12.846,0,12.846Z" transform="translate(-54.627 -46.396)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </g> </svg> </a> <a href="" class="member-social socila-twitter"> <svg xmlns="" width="22.16" height="18" viewBox="0 0 22.16 18"> <path d="M20.8,6.076c.,12.853,0,0,1,7.87,19.6h0A12.922,12.922,0,0,1,.9,17.566a8.7,8.7,0,0,0,1.081.063,9.123,9.123,0,0,0,5.646-1.954,4.552,4.552,0,0,1-4.25-3.161,4.4,4.4,0,0,0,2.053-.081A4.549,4.549,0,0,1,1.782,7.976V7.922a4.482,4.482,0,0,0,2.062.567A4.549,4.549,0,0,1,2.44,2.42a12.948,12.948,0,0,0,9.374,4.754,4.548,4.548,0,0,1,7.744-4.142,9.114,9.114,0,0,0,2.89-1.108,4.579,4.579,0,0,1-2,2.512,9.08,9.08,0,0,0,2.611-.72A8.938,8.938,0,0,1,20.8,6.076Z" transform="translate(-0.9 -1.601)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="member-copy-lightbox"><p>Kyle Dozeman has worked in the media and technology industries for over a decade. As Chief Revenue Officer, Americas, at PubMatic, he leads the publisher customer success organization as well as advertiser sales, operations and strategies in the region. Kyle joined PubMatic in 2013, and has held roles as a sales and corporate strategy leader. He has helped drive and support key initiatives, including developing the company’s demand strategy as well as international expansion efforts.</p> <p>Prior to PubMatic, he held various product management and corporate strategy positions at Symantec, the global leader in cybersecurity. Kyle began his career working in finance at KPMG in Ireland.</p> <p>Kyle holds a bachelor’s degree from California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="member-img-wrap-lightbox"><img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Kyle-Dozeman-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Kyle-Dozeman-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="andrew-woods" class="member-lightbox"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">Andrew Woods</h2> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <span class="member-title-lightbox">General Counsel</span> <div class="member-socials"> <a href="" class="member-social socila-linkedin"> <svg xmlns="" width="20.01" height="19" viewBox="0 0 20.01 19"> <g transform="translate(1.405 1.405)"> <path id="Path_50" data-name="Path 50" d="M.994,3.014A2.237,2.237,0,0,0,3.424.8,2.227,2.227,0,0,0,1.025-1.4,2.237,2.237,0,0,0-1.405.8a2.209,2.209,0,0,0,2.4,2.209Z" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_51" data-name="Path 51" d="M5.135,66.485V53.671H.843V66.485Z" transform="translate(-1.996 -48.89)" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_52" data-name="Path 52" d="M60.134,63.991h4.292V56.826a3.489,3.489,0,0,1,.126-1.042,2.35,2.35,0,0,1,2.209-1.547c1.547,0,2.178,1.168,2.178,2.9v6.849h4.292V56.637c0-3.945-2.115-5.776-4.955-5.776a4.268,4.268,0,0,0-3.882,2.146h.032V51.145H60.134c.063,1.231,0,12.846,0,12.846Z" transform="translate(-54.627 -46.396)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </g> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="member-copy-lightbox"><p>Andrew Woods is an attorney and executive with 15 years’ experience working across technology, legal services, and startup companies. He joined PubMatic as general counsel and corporate secretary in 2022, where he oversees the company’s global corporate, commercial, intellectual property and legal affairs.</p> <p>Prior to joining Pubmatic, he served as a director &amp; associate general counsel at Twitter (NYSE: TWTR); a corporate counsel at demand-side platform Turn, Inc. (acquired by Amobee); the general counsel and a co-founder at Skill-in-Games, a data analytics firm; and an associate at a boutique law firm where he focused on transnational litigation. Before practicing law, Andrew served as a teaching fellow at the Harvard College of Economics and was the executive director of the Global Poker Strategic Thinking Society (GPSTS).</p> <p>Andrew holds a J.D. from Harvard University and obtained his bachelor’s degree in History from the University of California, Los Angeles.</p> <p>He lives in San Francisco with his wife and three sons.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="member-img-wrap-lightbox"><img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Andrew-Woods-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Andrew-Woods-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="nishant-khatri" class="member-lightbox"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">Nishant Khatri</h2> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <span class="member-title-lightbox">Executive VP, Product Management</span> <div class="member-socials"> <a href="" class="member-social socila-linkedin"> <svg xmlns="" width="20.01" height="19" viewBox="0 0 20.01 19"> <g transform="translate(1.405 1.405)"> <path id="Path_50" data-name="Path 50" d="M.994,3.014A2.237,2.237,0,0,0,3.424.8,2.227,2.227,0,0,0,1.025-1.4,2.237,2.237,0,0,0-1.405.8a2.209,2.209,0,0,0,2.4,2.209Z" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_51" data-name="Path 51" d="M5.135,66.485V53.671H.843V66.485Z" transform="translate(-1.996 -48.89)" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_52" data-name="Path 52" d="M60.134,63.991h4.292V56.826a3.489,3.489,0,0,1,.126-1.042,2.35,2.35,0,0,1,2.209-1.547c1.547,0,2.178,1.168,2.178,2.9v6.849h4.292V56.637c0-3.945-2.115-5.776-4.955-5.776a4.268,4.268,0,0,0-3.882,2.146h.032V51.145H60.134c.063,1.231,0,12.846,0,12.846Z" transform="translate(-54.627 -46.396)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </g> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="member-copy-lightbox"><p>Nishant is a seasoned product executive with decades of experience building and launching successful internet and high-tech products. As Executive Vice President, Product Management, he is responsible for driving global product innovation and development across all of the products and solutions. He joined PubMatic in 2015 as the header bidding Product Manager, devising strategies with Prebid and OpenWrap to establish PubMatic as having one of the most thoughtful solutions in the industry. Since then Nishant has taken up increasing levels of product leadership roles, building a solid team that drives PubMatic’s RTB platform and pipes in addition to our marketplace quality, omni-channel monetization, analytics platform, and efficiency.</p> <p>Prior to PubMatic, Nishant led new product innovation, platform and mobile audience related products at Groundtruth, playing a key role in what was then a rapidly growing location based mobile advertising platform. He has deep insights into the location based mobile ad technology market. These experiences were more centered on the buy side of the eco-system, including prior ones that involved the use of machine learning applications in search and contextual advertising at Microsoft and Yahoo.</p> <p>Nishant grew up in India and moved to Bay Area to do his MBA at Stanford University Graduate School of Business. He is also an Electronics and Communication engineer, and has professionally worked on building robotic systems before working in ad tech.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="member-img-wrap-lightbox"><img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Nishant-Khatri-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Nishant-Khatri-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="lorrie-dougherty" class="member-lightbox"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">Lorrie Dougherty</h2> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <span class="member-title-lightbox">SVP, Human Resources</span> <div class="member-socials"> <a href="" class="member-social socila-linkedin"> <svg xmlns="" width="20.01" height="19" viewBox="0 0 20.01 19"> <g transform="translate(1.405 1.405)"> <path id="Path_50" data-name="Path 50" d="M.994,3.014A2.237,2.237,0,0,0,3.424.8,2.227,2.227,0,0,0,1.025-1.4,2.237,2.237,0,0,0-1.405.8a2.209,2.209,0,0,0,2.4,2.209Z" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_51" data-name="Path 51" d="M5.135,66.485V53.671H.843V66.485Z" transform="translate(-1.996 -48.89)" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_52" data-name="Path 52" d="M60.134,63.991h4.292V56.826a3.489,3.489,0,0,1,.126-1.042,2.35,2.35,0,0,1,2.209-1.547c1.547,0,2.178,1.168,2.178,2.9v6.849h4.292V56.637c0-3.945-2.115-5.776-4.955-5.776a4.268,4.268,0,0,0-3.882,2.146h.032V51.145H60.134c.063,1.231,0,12.846,0,12.846Z" transform="translate(-54.627 -46.396)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </g> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="member-copy-lightbox"><p>Lorrie Dougherty brings more than 20 years of experience and a diverse people skillset to PubMatic as the SVP, Human Resources (HR). Lorrie represents the HR function by providing thought-leadership and insight into the best global people practices for PubMatic. Lorrie manages with a collaborative focus and goal to integrate global business and personnel strategies to deliver optimal results. She leads the global HR team to create and execute policies and programs that promote retention through learning and engagement, foster a positive employee experience and support a diverse and inclusive culture. Lorrie is committed to continually assessing the competitiveness and resulting impact of PubMatic’s people programs and practices to always do better for our employees.</p> <p>Lorrie’s experience spans strategic talent acquisition, compensation strategy and design, global benefits, learning and development, corporate culture, employee engagement, plus immigration and diversity and inclusion. She has held influential HR and recruiting positions across multiple industries including higher education (as the Director or Recruitment for the MBA program at Seton Hall University), pharmaceuticals (as the HR Business Partner for National Sales at Organon), media (Director of Recruiting for MTV Networks) and advertising (Senior Director, HR for Viacom).</p> <p>She admittedly fell in love with the advertising industry when she joined Viacom in 2007 and set out to build their first digital advertising sales department. Her success led to a supporting role in building out other complimentary businesses including, MTV Games and EPIX. She worked with Viacom until 2015, holding a Senior Director role supporting the Kids &amp; Family Advertising Sales Division at Nickelodeon before coming to PubMatic.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="member-img-wrap-lightbox"><img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Lorrie-Dougherty-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Lorrie-Dougherty-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container members-container"> <h3 class="with-top-line text-uppercase gs_reveal">GLOBAL MANAGEMENT</h3> <div class="row"> <div class="member-box gs_reveal" data-fancybox="gallery-management" data-src="#jason-barnes" data-slug="jason-barnes"> <div class="member-box-inner"> <div class="member-img-wrap"> <img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Jason-Barnes-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Jason-Barnes-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript> </div> <span class="member-name text-uppercase">Jason Barnes</span> <span class="member-title">Chief Revenue Officer, APAC</span> </div> </div> <div class="member-box gs_reveal" data-fancybox="gallery-management" data-src="#emma-newman" data-slug="emma-newman"> <div class="member-box-inner"> <div class="member-img-wrap"> <img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Emma-Newman-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Emma-Newman-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript> </div> <span class="member-name text-uppercase">Emma Newman</span> <span class="member-title">Chief Revenue Officer, EMEA</span> </div> </div> </div> <div id="jason-barnes" class="member-lightbox"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">Jason Barnes</h2> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <span class="member-title-lightbox">Chief Revenue Officer, APAC</span> <div class="member-socials"> <a href="" class="member-social socila-linkedin"> <svg xmlns="" width="20.01" height="19" viewBox="0 0 20.01 19"> <g transform="translate(1.405 1.405)"> <path id="Path_50" data-name="Path 50" d="M.994,3.014A2.237,2.237,0,0,0,3.424.8,2.227,2.227,0,0,0,1.025-1.4,2.237,2.237,0,0,0-1.405.8a2.209,2.209,0,0,0,2.4,2.209Z" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_51" data-name="Path 51" d="M5.135,66.485V53.671H.843V66.485Z" transform="translate(-1.996 -48.89)" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_52" data-name="Path 52" d="M60.134,63.991h4.292V56.826a3.489,3.489,0,0,1,.126-1.042,2.35,2.35,0,0,1,2.209-1.547c1.547,0,2.178,1.168,2.178,2.9v6.849h4.292V56.637c0-3.945-2.115-5.776-4.955-5.776a4.268,4.268,0,0,0-3.882,2.146h.032V51.145H60.134c.063,1.231,0,12.846,0,12.846Z" transform="translate(-54.627 -46.396)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </g> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="member-copy-lightbox"><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Jason has more than 15 years of digital experience from a number of senior positions held in Asia and Europe. He joined PubMatic in 2014 as vice president for the Asia Pacific region, where he manages teams in offices across Australia, India, Japan and Singapore. Jason has spent the last several years driving expansion of the company’s business across the Asian market, and was promoted to Chief Revenue Officer for APAC in 2018. He oversees the development of major partnerships and business initiatives such as the recent launch of J-PAD, an alliance of leading Japanese publishers powered by PubMatic’s revenue management platform, SEVEN. </span></p> <p>Prior to joining PubMatic, Jason served as the head of commercial development at News Corp Australia, where he launched and managed the publisher’s initial adoption of programmatic and was responsible for driving growth of the company’s strategy. Before joining News Corp in early 2008, Jason spent four years as business development director at Fairfax Digital, where he established the media company’s mobile business. Prior to Fairfax, Jason worked at in London, where he was responsible for content and corporate subscriptions.</p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Jason holds an MBA from Macquarie Graduate School of Management.  </span></p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="member-img-wrap-lightbox"><img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Jason-Barnes-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Jason-Barnes-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="emma-newman" class="member-lightbox"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">Emma Newman</h2> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <span class="member-title-lightbox">Chief Revenue Officer, EMEA</span> <div class="member-socials"> <a href="" class="member-social socila-linkedin"> <svg xmlns="" width="20.01" height="19" viewBox="0 0 20.01 19"> <g transform="translate(1.405 1.405)"> <path id="Path_50" data-name="Path 50" d="M.994,3.014A2.237,2.237,0,0,0,3.424.8,2.227,2.227,0,0,0,1.025-1.4,2.237,2.237,0,0,0-1.405.8a2.209,2.209,0,0,0,2.4,2.209Z" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_51" data-name="Path 51" d="M5.135,66.485V53.671H.843V66.485Z" transform="translate(-1.996 -48.89)" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_52" data-name="Path 52" d="M60.134,63.991h4.292V56.826a3.489,3.489,0,0,1,.126-1.042,2.35,2.35,0,0,1,2.209-1.547c1.547,0,2.178,1.168,2.178,2.9v6.849h4.292V56.637c0-3.945-2.115-5.776-4.955-5.776a4.268,4.268,0,0,0-3.882,2.146h.032V51.145H60.134c.063,1.231,0,12.846,0,12.846Z" transform="translate(-54.627 -46.396)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </g> </svg> </a> <a href="" class="member-social socila-twitter"> <svg xmlns="" width="22.16" height="18" viewBox="0 0 22.16 18"> <path d="M20.8,6.076c.,12.853,0,0,1,7.87,19.6h0A12.922,12.922,0,0,1,.9,17.566a8.7,8.7,0,0,0,1.081.063,9.123,9.123,0,0,0,5.646-1.954,4.552,4.552,0,0,1-4.25-3.161,4.4,4.4,0,0,0,2.053-.081A4.549,4.549,0,0,1,1.782,7.976V7.922a4.482,4.482,0,0,0,2.062.567A4.549,4.549,0,0,1,2.44,2.42a12.948,12.948,0,0,0,9.374,4.754,4.548,4.548,0,0,1,7.744-4.142,9.114,9.114,0,0,0,2.89-1.108,4.579,4.579,0,0,1-2,2.512,9.08,9.08,0,0,0,2.611-.72A8.938,8.938,0,0,1,20.8,6.076Z" transform="translate(-0.9 -1.601)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="member-copy-lightbox"><p>Emma Newman has served as a pioneer in the digital media space with 20 plus years’ experience in all marketing disciplines, digital communications and business development. Emma joined PubMatic in 2014 as Senior Director of International Marketing, was promoted to Vice President of International Marketing and later took on a commercial role as VP, UK.  Emma was promoted to Chief Revenue Officer, EMEA in August of 2019.</p> <p>Prior to PubMatic, Emma spent 10 years at MSN in several marketing roles before transitioning to lead their business excellence function across EMEA. She then served as AOL’s Senior Director of UK Marketing where she built and lead both the commercial and consumer marketing teams. Emma later joined the team that launched the Huffington Post in EMEA and sat on the board of Clear Channel UK as their Marketing Director, helping to drive their transition into the digital space. Emma became increasingly interested in the technology that powers digital publishing and ultimately chose to move into AdTech as it allows her to support digital publishing whilst also being part of an industry that would help shape the <a href="">future of digital advertising</a>.</p> <p>Throughout Emma’s time at PubMatic, she has proven to be a leader, cultivating a deep understanding of our products and working with our customers and partners to help them take advantage of the opportunities that programmatic has to offer.. In her new role as Chief Revenue Officer, EMEA, strategy, change, and bringing people together continue to be the central theme in her career.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="member-img-wrap-lightbox"><img width="1306" height="1176" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201306%201176'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Emma-Newman-Profile" decoding="async" data-lazy-srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img width="1306" height="1176" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Emma-Newman-Profile" decoding="async" srcset=" 1306w, 300w, 1024w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1306px) 100vw, 1306px" /></noscript></div> <div class="member-testimonial"><span>Access to a free and open internet is critical to a fair and equitable society. The focus we have here at PubMatic, supporting premium publishers to ensure that their investment in quality journalism is sustainable, makes me incredibly proud to work here.</span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <h3 class="with-top-line text-uppercase gs_reveal">BOARD OF DIRECTORS</h3> <div class="row"> <div class="member-box member-simple-box gs_reveal" data-fancybox="gallery-directors" data-src="#susan-daimler" data-slug="susan-daimler"> <div class="member-box-inner"> <span class="member-name text-uppercase">Susan Daimler</span> <span class="member-title">President, Zillow</span> </div> </div> <div class="member-box member-simple-box gs_reveal" data-fancybox="gallery-directors" data-src="#shelagh-glaser" data-slug="shelagh-glaser"> <div class="member-box-inner"> <span class="member-name text-uppercase">Shelagh Glaser</span> <span class="member-title">Chief Financial Officer, Synopsys</span> </div> </div> <div class="member-box member-simple-box gs_reveal" data-fancybox="gallery-directors" data-src="#amar-goel" data-slug="amar-goel"> <div class="member-box-inner"> <span class="member-name text-uppercase">Amar Goel</span> <span class="member-title">Founder, Chairman & Chief Innovation Officer</span> </div> </div> <div class="member-box member-simple-box gs_reveal" data-fancybox="gallery-directors" data-src="#rajeev-goel" data-slug="rajeev-goel"> <div class="member-box-inner"> <span class="member-name text-uppercase">Rajeev Goel</span> <span class="member-title">Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer</span> </div> </div> <div class="member-box member-simple-box gs_reveal" data-fancybox="gallery-directors" data-src="#anton-hanebrink" data-slug="anton-hanebrink"> <div class="member-box-inner"> <span class="member-name text-uppercase">Anton Hanebrink</span> <span class="member-title">Executive Vice President, Chief Corporate Strategy & Development Officer, Intuit Inc.</span> </div> </div> <div class="member-box member-simple-box gs_reveal" data-fancybox="gallery-directors" data-src="#ramon-jones" data-slug="ramon-jones"> <div class="member-box-inner"> <span class="member-name text-uppercase">Ramon Jones</span> <span class="member-title">Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company</span> </div> </div> <div class="member-box member-simple-box gs_reveal" data-fancybox="gallery-directors" data-src="#nick-mehta" data-slug="nick-mehta"> <div class="member-box-inner"> <span class="member-name text-uppercase">Nick Mehta</span> <span class="member-title">Chief Executive Officer, Gainsight, Inc.</span> </div> </div> <div class="member-box member-simple-box gs_reveal" data-fancybox="gallery-directors" data-src="#jacob-shulman" data-slug="jacob-shulman"> <div class="member-box-inner"> <span class="member-name text-uppercase">Jacob Shulman</span> <span class="member-title">Chief Financial Officer, JFrog Ltd.</span> </div> </div> </div> <div id="susan-daimler" class="member-lightbox"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">Susan Daimler</h2> <div class="row"> <span class="member-title-lightbox">President, Zillow</span> <div class="member-copy-lightbox"><p>As President of Zillow, Susan leads the Premier Agent business and oversees the buyer and seller product teams, StreetEasy and the corporate relations function, which includes internal and external communications, government relations and social impact. Susan joined Zillow in October 2012 after the company’s acquisition of Buyfolio, a co-shopping platform for real estate agents and their homebuyers that she co-founded in 2009. Prior to Buyfolio, Susan co-founded the award-winning travel website SeatGuru, which was acquired by Expedia in 2007.</p> <p>Susan is recognized as a leader in the industry, having been named by Inman as one of 33 people who are changing the real estate industry.</p> <p>Susan earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from Johns Hopkins University and currently sits on their Board of Trustees.</p> <p><a href="">Member of the Audit Committee</a></p> <p><a href="">Member of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="shelagh-glaser" class="member-lightbox"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">Shelagh Glaser</h2> <div class="row"> <span class="member-title-lightbox">Chief Financial Officer, Synopsys</span> <div class="member-copy-lightbox"><p>Shelagh Glaser currently serves as the Chief Financial Officer of Zendesk, Inc., a software-as-a-service company, since May 2021. She previously served in senior finance roles at Intel Corporation, a multinational technology company, including serving as its Corporate Vice President and Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer for the Data Platform Group since July 2019 and serving as its Corporate Vice President and Chief Financial Officer and other senior roles at Client Computing Group from December 2013 to July 2019.</p> <p>Ms. Glaser holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Michigan and a Master’s in Business Administration from Carnegie Mellon University.</p> <p><a href="">Glaser is a member of the Audit Committee</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="amar-goel" class="member-lightbox"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">Amar Goel</h2> <div class="row"> <span class="member-title-lightbox">Founder, Chairman & Chief Innovation Officer</span> <div class="member-socials"> <a href="" class="member-social socila-linkedin"> <svg xmlns="" width="20.01" height="19" viewBox="0 0 20.01 19"> <g transform="translate(1.405 1.405)"> <path id="Path_50" data-name="Path 50" d="M.994,3.014A2.237,2.237,0,0,0,3.424.8,2.227,2.227,0,0,0,1.025-1.4,2.237,2.237,0,0,0-1.405.8a2.209,2.209,0,0,0,2.4,2.209Z" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_51" data-name="Path 51" d="M5.135,66.485V53.671H.843V66.485Z" transform="translate(-1.996 -48.89)" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_52" data-name="Path 52" d="M60.134,63.991h4.292V56.826a3.489,3.489,0,0,1,.126-1.042,2.35,2.35,0,0,1,2.209-1.547c1.547,0,2.178,1.168,2.178,2.9v6.849h4.292V56.637c0-3.945-2.115-5.776-4.955-5.776a4.268,4.268,0,0,0-3.882,2.146h.032V51.145H60.134c.063,1.231,0,12.846,0,12.846Z" transform="translate(-54.627 -46.396)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </g> </svg> </a> <a href="" class="member-social socila-twitter"> <svg xmlns="" width="22.16" height="18" viewBox="0 0 22.16 18"> <path d="M20.8,6.076c.,12.853,0,0,1,7.87,19.6h0A12.922,12.922,0,0,1,.9,17.566a8.7,8.7,0,0,0,1.081.063,9.123,9.123,0,0,0,5.646-1.954,4.552,4.552,0,0,1-4.25-3.161,4.4,4.4,0,0,0,2.053-.081A4.549,4.549,0,0,1,1.782,7.976V7.922a4.482,4.482,0,0,0,2.062.567A4.549,4.549,0,0,1,2.44,2.42a12.948,12.948,0,0,0,9.374,4.754,4.548,4.548,0,0,1,7.744-4.142,9.114,9.114,0,0,0,2.89-1.108,4.579,4.579,0,0,1-2,2.512,9.08,9.08,0,0,0,2.611-.72A8.938,8.938,0,0,1,20.8,6.076Z" transform="translate(-0.9 -1.601)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="member-copy-lightbox"><p>A serial entrepreneur, Amar founded PubMatic in 2006, serving as the company’s first CEO until his brother, Rajeev Goel, took the helm as the company’s current CEO. As Founder &amp; Chairman, Amar runs PubMatic’s marketplace group, which is focused on increasing liquidity and driving monetization for the publishers on PubMatic’s platform. As part of this role, Amar is responsible for the machine learning team and runs the EMEA and APAC regions. As Chairman of the Board he is responsible for helping PubMatic’s Board and management team drive the company’s overall strategy.</p> <p>In addition to PubMatic, Amar also founded several other companies, including Komli Media, the leading independent advertising technology platform in the APAC region. Amar served as Founder and Chairman of Komli from 2006 through 2013, assuming the role of Founder and CEO in late 2013, a position he held until selling Komli Media in September 2015 when he rejoined PubMatic in a more active day-to-day role. As a 19-year-old student at Harvard University, Amar co-founded Over five years he grew the business to approximately $30M in annual sales, making the fastest-growing ecommerce website at that time.</p> <p>In addition to founding his own companies, Amar has extensive experience in digital media and advertising, previously leading sales for a digital advertising business for Microsoft in the US, and working at McKinsey &amp; Co. and Netscape in a variety of consulting and engineering roles.</p> <p>As an entrepreneur, Amar raised over $100M in venture capital and hired more than 1,000 employees around the globe, generating several hundred million dollars per year in revenue at peak. He holds a master’s degree in Computer Science and a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Harvard University.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="rajeev-goel" class="member-lightbox"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">Rajeev Goel</h2> <div class="row"> <span class="member-title-lightbox">Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer</span> <div class="member-socials"> <a href="" class="member-social socila-linkedin"> <svg xmlns="" width="20.01" height="19" viewBox="0 0 20.01 19"> <g transform="translate(1.405 1.405)"> <path id="Path_50" data-name="Path 50" d="M.994,3.014A2.237,2.237,0,0,0,3.424.8,2.227,2.227,0,0,0,1.025-1.4,2.237,2.237,0,0,0-1.405.8a2.209,2.209,0,0,0,2.4,2.209Z" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_51" data-name="Path 51" d="M5.135,66.485V53.671H.843V66.485Z" transform="translate(-1.996 -48.89)" fill="#50c9ed"/> <path id="Path_52" data-name="Path 52" d="M60.134,63.991h4.292V56.826a3.489,3.489,0,0,1,.126-1.042,2.35,2.35,0,0,1,2.209-1.547c1.547,0,2.178,1.168,2.178,2.9v6.849h4.292V56.637c0-3.945-2.115-5.776-4.955-5.776a4.268,4.268,0,0,0-3.882,2.146h.032V51.145H60.134c.063,1.231,0,12.846,0,12.846Z" transform="translate(-54.627 -46.396)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </g> </svg> </a> <a href="" class="member-social socila-twitter"> <svg xmlns="" width="22.16" height="18" viewBox="0 0 22.16 18"> <path d="M20.8,6.076c.,12.853,0,0,1,7.87,19.6h0A12.922,12.922,0,0,1,.9,17.566a8.7,8.7,0,0,0,1.081.063,9.123,9.123,0,0,0,5.646-1.954,4.552,4.552,0,0,1-4.25-3.161,4.4,4.4,0,0,0,2.053-.081A4.549,4.549,0,0,1,1.782,7.976V7.922a4.482,4.482,0,0,0,2.062.567A4.549,4.549,0,0,1,2.44,2.42a12.948,12.948,0,0,0,9.374,4.754,4.548,4.548,0,0,1,7.744-4.142,9.114,9.114,0,0,0,2.89-1.108,4.579,4.579,0,0,1-2,2.512,9.08,9.08,0,0,0,2.611-.72A8.938,8.938,0,0,1,20.8,6.076Z" transform="translate(-0.9 -1.601)" fill="#50c9ed"/> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="member-copy-lightbox"><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Rajeev Goel,(ラジーヴ・ゴエル)は、プレミアム・パブリッシャーが収益とブランド戦略を管理できるリアルタイム販売プラットフォームを提供すべく、2006年にPubMaticを共同で設立。PubMaticの共同創設者兼CEOとして、同社のビジョン・戦略・執行の全責任を負っています。</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">持ち前の指導力を活かし、パブリッシャー向けリアルタイム入札の先駆者としての同社の地位を確立しただけでなく、同社をマルチチャネル・プラットフォームのリーダー企業に成長させ、パブリッシャーのプログラマティック広告戦略を支援してきました。</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">PubMaticを設立する前は、製品エンジニアリング、セールス、マーケティングなどの幅広いキャリアを歩んできました。大学在学中には、オーダーメイドのゴルフ用品をオンライン販売するChipshot.comを共同で設立。セコイアキャピタル(Sequoia Capital)からの支援を受けつつ、製品管理とエンジニアリングにてリーダーシップを発揮し、同社を3千万ドル規模の企業に成長させました。Chipshot.comを離れた後、ダイアモンド・マネージメント・アンド・テクノロジー・コンサルタンツ</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">(</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Diamond Management and Technology Consultants――後にプライスウォーターハウスクーパースに買収</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">)</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">の一員として、クラフトフーズ(</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Kraft Foods)</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">、オールステート保険(</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Allstate Insurance)</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">、ロウズ・ホーム・インプルーブメント(</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Lowe's Home Improvement</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">)などのFortune 2000企業のCIO</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">(</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">最高情報責任者</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">)</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">やCFO</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">(</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">最高財務責任者</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">)</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">とともにIT戦略対応を推進。PubMaticの設立前には、SAPの製品マーケティング幹部として、クラウドおよびモバイルソリューションの市場進出戦略を担当しました。</span><br /> <span style="font-weight: 400;">Goelは、ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学で経済学、政治学、スペイン語の学士号、ペンシルベニア大学にてコンピューター・情報技術の修士号を取得。現在は、妻と2人の男児と共にシリコンバレーに在住。</span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="anton-hanebrink" class="member-lightbox"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">Anton Hanebrink</h2> <div class="row"> <span class="member-title-lightbox">Executive Vice President, Chief Corporate Strategy & Development Officer, Intuit Inc.</span> <div class="member-copy-lightbox"><p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Anton Hanebrink has served as the Executive Vice President, Chief Corporate Strategy &amp; Development Officer of Intuit Inc., the global financial technology platform that makes <a class="ProsemirrorEditor-link" href="">Intuit TurboTax</a>, <a class="ProsemirrorEditor-link" href="">Credit Karma</a>, <a class="ProsemirrorEditor-link" href="">QuickBooks</a>, and <a class="ProsemirrorEditor-link" href="">Mailchimp</a>, since November 2016. He previously served in senior corporate strategy and development roles at Square (now known as Block, Inc.), a financial services and mobile payment technology company, from October 2014 to November 2016, and at Intuit serving as its Vice President of Corporate Strategy &amp; Development from January 2011 to October 2014.</p> <p>Mr. Hanebrink holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Washington University in St. Louis and a Master’s in Business Administration from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.</p> <p><a href="">Member of the Audit Committee</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="ramon-jones" class="member-lightbox"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">Ramon Jones</h2> <div class="row"> <span class="member-title-lightbox">Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company</span> <div class="member-copy-lightbox"><p>Ramon Jones serves as Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. Since joining Nationwide in 2000, Jones has held several leadership positions including Regional Vice President of Nationwide’s Western U.S. operations, Associate Vice President for the Office of the Chief Executive Officer, Marketing leader of Nationwide’s Property &amp; Casualty businesses, and Financial Services Marketing leader. Since being elected CMO in November 2019, Jones has been responsible for brand and marketing strategies, advertising, creative services, social media, and corporate communications. Prior to joining Nationwide, Jones was an engagement manager with Accenture’s financial services strategy practice.</p> <p>Jones earned a Bachelor of Science degree in finance from Villanova University and a Master of Business Administration degree from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.</p> <p>He serves on the Board of Directors for the Columbus Regional Airport Authority and the Mount Carmel Foundation. He is additionally a member of the Executive Leadership Council and the Black Executive CMO Alliance.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="nick-mehta" class="member-lightbox"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">Nick Mehta</h2> <div class="row"> <span class="member-title-lightbox">Chief Executive Officer, Gainsight, Inc.</span> <div class="member-copy-lightbox"><p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Nick Mehta currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Gainsight, Inc., a software-as-a-service company, which he joined in February 2013. He previously served in senior roles at Accel Partners, a venture capital firm, including serving as an Executive-in-Residence from May 2012 to February 2013, and LiveOffice, a software company, serving as its Chief Executive Officer prior to its acquisition by Symantec from May 2008 to May 2012. Mr. Mehta also currently serves on the board of directors of F5 Networks, Inc., since January 2019, and Lead Edge Growth Opportunities, Ltd, since March 2021.</p> <p>Mr. Mehta holds a Bachelor of Arts in Biochemistry and a Master of Science in Computer Science from Harvard University.</p> <p><a href="">Member of the Compensation Committee</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="jacob-shulman" class="member-lightbox"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="with-top-line text-uppercase">Jacob Shulman</h2> <div class="row"> <span class="member-title-lightbox">Chief Financial Officer, JFrog Ltd.</span> <div class="member-copy-lightbox"><p>Jacob Shulman currently serves as the Chief Financial Officer at JFrog Ltd., a software-as-a-service company, which he joined May 2018. He previously served as Chief Financial Officer of Mellanox Technologies, Ltd., a supplier of computer networking products, from November 2012 to May 2018, Vice President of Finance from March 2012 until November 2012 and Corporate Controller from June 2007 to March 2012.</p> <p>Mr. Shulman holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Accounting from Tel Aviv University and a Master of Business Administration from College of Management Academic Studies.</p> <p><a href="">Member of the Audit Committee</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="contact"> <div class="lines prlx-img" data-speed="0.13"></div> <div class="contact-copy"> <h3 class="with-top-line text-uppercase"><strong>採用情報</strong></h3> <p>世界中でアドテクノロジーのイノベーションをリードしているPubMaticで現在募集中のポジションの詳細は、こちらでご覧いただけます。</p> <a class="btn btn-outline-white" href="/careers/job-search/" title="<strong>詳細はこちら</strong>"><strong>詳細はこちら</strong></a> </div> <div class="prlx-img img-top-left" data-speed="0.15"><img 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