Grant Programs - American Federation for Aging Research
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-1.38,8.39 0,12.7 8.46,22.12 20.49,22.12 0.84,0 1.66,-0.04 2.46,-0.12 12.03,-1.1 20.33,-10.25 20.33,-19.39 0,-8.54 -7.45,-13.37 -8.37,-19.03 -0.06,-0.38 -0.1,-0.76 -0.1,-1.14 0,-0.51 0.06,-1.03 0.18,-1.55 1.67,-7.84 15.58,-17 32.66,-17 32.21,0 41.64,27.33 41.64,48.81 0,12.36 -14.31,13.66 -58.24,26.02 -38.61,10.93 -54.61,23.05 -59.76,38.7 -1.44,4.37 -2.03,9.03 -2.03,14.01 0,2.66 0.25,5.18 0.73,7.58 0.65,3.2 1.69,6.18 3.08,8.94 1.38,2.76 3.1,5.3 5.09,7.61 10.47,12.14 28.44,18.17 44.45,18.17 h 0.01 c 34.13,0 54.57,-16.59 67.91,-27.65 0,0 0.06,0.01 0.17,0.03 l -0.13,0.15 c 0,0 17.09,27.7 50.2,27.7 1.17,0 2.31,0.12 3.45,0.02 1.44,-0.14 2.88,-0.32 4.3,-0.55 0.56,-0.1 1.12,-0.19 1.67,-0.32 0.7,-0.11 1.4,-0.26 2.09,-0.4 8.49,-1.88 16.54,-5.71 24.06,-12.1 9.01,-7.67 13.07,-18.64 14.77,-25.84 0.06,-0.45 0.13,-0.91 0.19,-1.35 0.53,-2.62 0.71,-4.27 0.71,-4.27 l 0.07,-3.42 c 0.04,-0.61 0.08,-1.18 0.12,-1.71 v -3.96 l 0.04,-2.19 0.07,-16.11 0.01,-0.85 -0.12,0.12 v -52.39 c 1.26,-20.79 8.75,-43.81 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0.56,-1.19 1.47,-2.26 2.72,-3.19 1.25,-0.93 2.93,-1.4 5.04,-1.4 3.97,0 6.61,1.57 7.91,4.7 0.91,-1.62 2.06,-2.8 3.43,-3.56 1.37,-0.76 3,-1.13 4.9,-1.13 1.69,0 3.11,0.28 4.27,0.85 1.16,0.57 2.1,1.33 2.82,2.32 0.72,0.98 1.24,2.13 1.56,3.45 0.32,1.32 0.47,2.74 0.47,4.25 v 15.08 h -6.33 v -14.34 c 0,-0.77 -0.07,-1.52 -0.21,-2.24 -0.14,-0.72 -0.39,-1.35 -0.74,-1.9 -0.35,-0.55 -0.83,-0.97 -1.42,-1.29 -0.6,-0.32 -1.37,-0.48 -2.32,-0.48 -0.98,0 -1.82,0.18 -2.5,0.55 -0.68,0.37 -1.25,0.86 -1.69,1.48 -0.44,0.62 -0.76,1.32 -0.95,2.11 -0.19,0.79 -0.29,1.59 -0.29,2.4 v 13.71 h -6.33 v -15.08 c 0,-1.58 -0.33,-2.84 -1,-3.77 -0.67,-0.93 -1.77,-1.4 -3.32,-1.4 -1.06,0 -1.94,0.18 -2.66,0.53 -0.72,0.35 -1.32,0.83 -1.79,1.42 -0.47,0.6 -0.82,1.28 -1.03,2.06 -0.21,0.78 -0.32,1.58 -0.32,2.43 v 13.82 h -6.33 v -25.33 z" id="path18" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 239.22,576.12 c 0.21,1.9 0.95,3.37 2.22,4.43 1.26,1.06 2.79,1.58 4.59,1.58 1.58,0 2.91,-0.33 3.98,-0.98 1.07,-0.65 2.01,-1.46 2.82,-2.45 l 4.54,3.43 c -1.48,1.83 -3.13,3.13 -4.96,3.9 -1.83,0.77 -3.74,1.16 -5.75,1.16 -1.9,0 -3.69,-0.31 -5.38,-0.95 -1.69,-0.63 -3.15,-1.53 -4.38,-2.69 -1.23,-1.16 -2.21,-2.56 -2.93,-4.19 -0.72,-1.63 -1.08,-3.46 -1.08,-5.46 0,-2 0.36,-3.82 1.08,-5.46 0.72,-1.64 1.7,-3.03 2.93,-4.19 1.23,-1.16 2.69,-2.06 4.38,-2.69 1.69,-0.63 3.48,-0.95 5.38,-0.95 1.76,0 3.36,0.31 4.82,0.92 1.46,0.62 2.71,1.51 3.74,2.67 1.04,1.16 1.85,2.59 2.43,4.3 0.58,1.71 0.87,3.67 0.87,5.88 v 1.74 z m 12.98,-4.75 c -0.03,-1.86 -0.62,-3.33 -1.74,-4.4 -1.12,-1.07 -2.69,-1.61 -4.69,-1.61 -1.9,0 -3.4,0.55 -4.51,1.64 -1.11,1.09 -1.79,2.55 -2.03,4.38 h 12.97 z" id="path20" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 264.43,561.25 h 6.33 v 4.01 h 0.11 c 0.7,-1.48 1.71,-2.62 3.01,-3.43 1.3,-0.81 2.8,-1.21 4.48,-1.21 0.39,0 0.77,0.04 1.14,0.11 0.37,0.07 0.75,0.16 1.13,0.26 v 6.12 c -0.53,-0.14 -1.05,-0.26 -1.56,-0.34 -0.51,-0.09 -1.01,-0.13 -1.5,-0.13 -1.48,0 -2.66,0.27 -3.56,0.82 -0.9,0.55 -1.58,1.17 -2.06,1.87 -0.47,0.7 -0.79,1.41 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3.82,-0.95 5.83,-0.95 1.79,0 3.3,0.21 4.54,0.61 1.23,0.4 2.25,0.92 3.06,1.55 0.81,0.64 1.43,1.36 1.87,2.19 0.44,0.83 0.76,1.66 0.95,2.51 0.19,0.84 0.31,1.66 0.34,2.45 0.03,0.79 0.05,1.49 0.05,2.09 v 14.55 h -5.7 v -3.47 z m -0.36,-7.86 h -1.32 c -0.88,0 -1.86,0.03 -2.96,0.11 -1.09,0.07 -2.12,0.24 -3.08,0.5 -0.97,0.27 -1.79,0.65 -2.45,1.16 -0.67,0.51 -1,1.22 -1,2.13 0,0.6 0.13,1.1 0.39,1.51 0.26,0.4 0.61,0.75 1.03,1.03 0.42,0.28 0.9,0.49 1.42,0.61 0.53,0.12 1.05,0.18 1.58,0.18 2.18,0 3.79,-0.52 4.83,-1.56 1.04,-1.03 1.56,-2.45 1.56,-4.24 z" id="path28" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 352.4,561.25 h 6.01 v 4.06 h 0.11 c 0.6,-1.27 1.51,-2.36 2.74,-3.3 1.23,-0.93 2.9,-1.4 5.01,-1.4 1.69,0 3.12,0.28 4.3,0.85 1.18,0.56 2.14,1.3 2.87,2.21 0.74,0.91 1.27,1.97 1.58,3.16 0.32,1.2 0.47,2.45 0.47,3.75 v 15.98 h -6.33 v -12.82 c 0,-0.7 -0.03,-1.49 -0.11,-2.35 -0.07,-0.86 -0.26,-1.67 -0.55,-2.43 -0.3,-0.76 -0.76,-1.39 -1.4,-1.9 -0.63,-0.51 -1.5,-0.77 -2.58,-0.77 -1.06,0 -1.94,0.18 -2.66,0.53 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39.87 h -6.01 v -3.8 z m -14.97,-8.85 c 0,0.98 0.17,1.94 0.5,2.85 0.33,0.92 0.83,1.73 1.47,2.43 0.65,0.7 1.43,1.27 2.35,1.69 0.91,0.42 1.95,0.63 3.11,0.63 1.16,0 2.2,-0.21 3.11,-0.63 0.91,-0.42 1.7,-0.98 2.35,-1.69 0.65,-0.7 1.14,-1.51 1.48,-2.43 0.33,-0.91 0.5,-1.86 0.5,-2.85 0,-0.98 -0.17,-1.94 -0.5,-2.85 -0.33,-0.91 -0.83,-1.72 -1.48,-2.42 -0.65,-0.7 -1.43,-1.27 -2.35,-1.69 -0.91,-0.42 -1.95,-0.64 -3.11,-0.64 -1.16,0 -2.2,0.21 -3.11,0.64 -0.91,0.42 -1.7,0.98 -2.35,1.69 -0.65,0.7 -1.14,1.51 -1.47,2.42 -0.34,0.91 -0.5,1.86 -0.5,2.85 z" id="path36" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 488.05,576.12 c 0.21,1.9 0.95,3.37 2.21,4.43 1.26,1.06 2.79,1.58 4.59,1.58 1.58,0 2.91,-0.33 3.98,-0.98 1.07,-0.65 2.01,-1.46 2.82,-2.45 l 4.54,3.43 c -1.48,1.83 -3.13,3.13 -4.96,3.9 -1.83,0.77 -3.74,1.16 -5.75,1.16 -1.9,0 -3.7,-0.31 -5.38,-0.95 -1.69,-0.63 -3.15,-1.53 -4.38,-2.69 -1.23,-1.16 -2.21,-2.56 -2.93,-4.19 -0.72,-1.64 -1.08,-3.46 -1.08,-5.46 0,-2 0.36,-3.82 1.08,-5.46 0.72,-1.64 1.7,-3.03 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1.04,-1.03 1.56,-2.45 1.56,-4.24 v -1.43 z" id="path42" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 559.15,566.63 v -5.38 h 5.22 v -7.33 h 6.33 v 7.33 h 6.96 v 5.38 h -6.96 v 11.08 c 0,1.27 0.24,2.27 0.71,3 0.47,0.74 1.41,1.11 2.82,1.11 0.56,0 1.18,-0.06 1.85,-0.18 0.67,-0.12 1.2,-0.33 1.58,-0.61 v 5.33 c -0.67,0.32 -1.49,0.54 -2.46,0.66 -0.97,0.12 -1.82,0.18 -2.56,0.18 -1.69,0 -3.06,-0.18 -4.14,-0.55 -1.07,-0.37 -1.92,-0.93 -2.53,-1.69 -0.61,-0.76 -1.04,-1.7 -1.27,-2.82 -0.23,-1.12 -0.34,-2.42 -0.34,-3.91 v -11.6 z" id="path44" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 581.88,552.65 c 0,-1.02 0.37,-1.91 1.13,-2.67 0.76,-0.76 1.71,-1.13 2.87,-1.13 1.16,0 2.14,0.36 2.93,1.08 0.79,0.72 1.19,1.63 1.19,2.72 0,1.09 -0.39,2 -1.19,2.72 -0.79,0.72 -1.76,1.08 -2.93,1.08 -1.16,0 -2.12,-0.38 -2.87,-1.14 -0.76,-0.75 -1.13,-1.64 -1.13,-2.66 z m 0.89,8.6 h 6.33 v 25.31 h -6.33 z" id="path46" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 595.11,573.91 c 0,-2 0.36,-3.82 1.08,-5.46 0.72,-1.64 1.7,-3.03 2.93,-4.19 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class="st1" d="m 628.55,561.25 h 6.01 v 4.06 h 0.11 c 0.6,-1.27 1.51,-2.36 2.74,-3.3 1.23,-0.93 2.9,-1.4 5.01,-1.4 1.69,0 3.12,0.28 4.3,0.85 1.18,0.56 2.13,1.3 2.87,2.21 0.74,0.91 1.27,1.97 1.58,3.16 0.32,1.2 0.47,2.45 0.47,3.75 v 15.98 h -6.33 v -12.82 c 0,-0.7 -0.03,-1.49 -0.11,-2.35 -0.07,-0.86 -0.25,-1.67 -0.55,-2.43 -0.3,-0.76 -0.76,-1.39 -1.39,-1.9 -0.64,-0.51 -1.5,-0.77 -2.58,-0.77 -1.06,0 -1.94,0.18 -2.67,0.53 -0.72,0.35 -1.32,0.83 -1.79,1.42 -0.47,0.6 -0.82,1.28 -1.03,2.06 -0.21,0.78 -0.32,1.58 -0.32,2.43 v 13.82 h -6.33 v -25.3 z" id="path50" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 679.34,566.63 h -5.22 v -5.38 h 5.22 v -3.59 c 0,-1.76 0.12,-3.35 0.37,-4.77 0.24,-1.42 0.71,-2.64 1.4,-3.67 0.69,-1.02 1.64,-1.8 2.88,-2.35 1.23,-0.55 2.83,-0.82 4.8,-0.82 1.44,0 2.78,0.12 4.01,0.37 l -0.42,5.38 c -0.45,-0.1 -0.9,-0.19 -1.32,-0.26 -0.42,-0.07 -0.86,-0.11 -1.32,-0.11 -0.88,0 -1.58,0.14 -2.11,0.42 -0.52,0.28 -0.94,0.66 -1.24,1.14 -0.3,0.47 -0.49,1.03 -0.58,1.66 -0.09,0.63 -0.13,1.3 -0.13,2 v 4.59 h 5.85 v 5.38 h -5.85 v 19.94 h -6.33 v -19.93 z" id="path52" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 694.37,573.91 c 0,-2 0.36,-3.82 1.08,-5.46 0.72,-1.64 1.7,-3.03 2.93,-4.19 1.23,-1.16 2.69,-2.06 4.38,-2.69 1.69,-0.63 3.48,-0.95 5.38,-0.95 1.9,0 3.69,0.32 5.38,0.95 1.69,0.64 3.15,1.53 4.38,2.69 1.23,1.16 2.21,2.56 2.93,4.19 0.72,1.63 1.08,3.46 1.08,5.46 0,2 -0.36,3.82 -1.08,5.46 -0.72,1.64 -1.7,3.03 -2.93,4.19 -1.23,1.16 -2.69,2.06 -4.38,2.69 -1.69,0.64 -3.48,0.95 -5.38,0.95 -1.9,0 -3.7,-0.31 -5.38,-0.95 -1.69,-0.63 -3.15,-1.53 -4.38,-2.69 -1.23,-1.16 -2.21,-2.56 -2.93,-4.19 -0.72,-1.63 -1.08,-3.46 -1.08,-5.46 z m 6.33,0 c 0,0.98 0.17,1.94 0.5,2.85 0.33,0.92 0.82,1.73 1.48,2.43 0.65,0.7 1.43,1.27 2.35,1.69 0.91,0.42 1.95,0.63 3.11,0.63 1.16,0 2.19,-0.21 3.11,-0.63 0.91,-0.42 1.7,-0.98 2.34,-1.69 0.65,-0.7 1.15,-1.51 1.48,-2.43 0.33,-0.91 0.5,-1.86 0.5,-2.85 0,-0.98 -0.17,-1.94 -0.5,-2.85 -0.33,-0.91 -0.82,-1.72 -1.48,-2.42 -0.65,-0.7 -1.43,-1.27 -2.34,-1.69 -0.92,-0.42 -1.95,-0.64 -3.11,-0.64 -1.16,0 -2.2,0.21 -3.11,0.64 -0.92,0.42 -1.7,0.98 -2.35,1.69 -0.65,0.7 -1.15,1.51 -1.48,2.42 -0.33,0.91 -0.5,1.86 -0.5,2.85 z" id="path54" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 727.81,561.25 h 6.33 v 4.01 h 0.11 c 0.7,-1.48 1.7,-2.62 3,-3.43 1.3,-0.81 2.8,-1.21 4.49,-1.21 0.39,0 0.76,0.04 1.13,0.11 0.37,0.07 0.75,0.16 1.13,0.26 v 6.12 c -0.53,-0.14 -1.05,-0.26 -1.55,-0.34 -0.51,-0.09 -1.01,-0.13 -1.5,-0.13 -1.48,0 -2.67,0.27 -3.56,0.82 -0.9,0.55 -1.58,1.17 -2.06,1.87 -0.48,0.7 -0.79,1.41 -0.95,2.11 -0.16,0.7 -0.24,1.23 -0.24,1.58 v 13.55 h -6.33 z" id="path56" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 176.68,619 h 7.18 l 20.11,46.68 h -9.49 L 190.13,655 h -20.24 l -4.22,10.68 h -9.3 z m 10.54,28.87 -7.19,-18.99 -7.32,18.99 z" id="path58" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 250.64,662.24 c -5.76,3.08 -12.2,4.61 -19.32,4.61 -3.61,0 -6.91,-0.58 -9.92,-1.75 -3.01,-1.16 -5.6,-2.81 -7.78,-4.94 -2.17,-2.13 -3.88,-4.69 -5.11,-7.68 -1.23,-2.99 -1.85,-6.3 -1.85,-9.95 0,-3.74 0.61,-7.13 1.85,-10.18 1.23,-3.06 2.93,-5.66 5.11,-7.82 2.18,-2.15 4.77,-3.81 7.78,-4.97 3.01,-1.17 6.32,-1.75 9.92,-1.75 3.56,0 6.9,0.42 10.02,1.28 3.12,0.86 5.91,2.39 8.37,4.58 l -6.13,6.2 c -1.5,-1.45 -3.31,-2.58 -5.44,-3.36 -2.13,-0.78 -4.38,-1.18 -6.76,-1.18 -2.42,0 -4.61,0.43 -6.56,1.28 -1.96,0.86 -3.64,2.04 -5.04,3.56 -1.41,1.52 -2.5,3.28 -3.26,5.3 -0.76,2.02 -1.15,4.2 -1.15,6.53 0,2.5 0.38,4.81 1.15,6.92 0.77,2.11 1.86,3.93 3.26,5.47 1.41,1.54 3.09,2.75 5.04,3.63 1.96,0.88 4.14,1.32 6.56,1.32 2.11,0 4.1,-0.2 5.97,-0.59 1.87,-0.39 3.53,-1.01 4.98,-1.85 v -11 h -9.56 v -7.52 h 17.87 z" id="path60" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 260.27,619 h 8.31 v 46.68 h -8.31 z" id="path62" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 278.79,619 h 11.01 l 22.61,34.68 h 0.13 V 619 h 8.31 v 46.68 H 310.3 l -23.07,-35.8 h -0.13 v 35.8 h -8.31 z" id="path64" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 372.74,662.24 c -5.76,3.08 -12.2,4.61 -19.32,4.61 -3.61,0 -6.91,-0.58 -9.92,-1.75 -3.01,-1.16 -5.6,-2.81 -7.78,-4.94 -2.17,-2.13 -3.88,-4.69 -5.11,-7.68 -1.23,-2.99 -1.85,-6.3 -1.85,-9.95 0,-3.74 0.61,-7.13 1.85,-10.18 1.23,-3.06 2.93,-5.66 5.11,-7.82 2.18,-2.15 4.77,-3.81 7.78,-4.97 3.01,-1.17 6.32,-1.75 9.92,-1.75 3.56,0 6.9,0.42 10.02,1.28 3.12,0.86 5.91,2.39 8.37,4.58 l -6.13,6.2 c -1.5,-1.45 -3.31,-2.58 -5.44,-3.36 -2.13,-0.79 -4.38,-1.18 -6.76,-1.18 -2.42,0 -4.61,0.43 -6.56,1.28 -1.96,0.86 -3.64,2.04 -5.04,3.56 -1.41,1.52 -2.5,3.28 -3.26,5.3 -0.76,2.02 -1.15,4.2 -1.15,6.53 0,2.5 0.38,4.81 1.15,6.92 0.77,2.11 1.86,3.93 3.26,5.47 1.41,1.54 3.09,2.75 5.04,3.63 1.96,0.88 4.14,1.32 6.56,1.32 2.11,0 4.1,-0.2 5.97,-0.59 1.87,-0.39 3.53,-1.01 4.98,-1.85 v -11 h -9.56 v -7.52 h 17.87 z" id="path66" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 406.88,619 h 16.22 c 2.24,0 4.41,0.21 6.49,0.63 2.09,0.42 3.94,1.13 5.57,2.14 1.62,1.01 2.92,2.37 3.89,4.09 0.97,1.71 1.45,3.89 1.45,6.52 0,3.39 -0.93,6.22 -2.8,8.51 -1.87,2.28 -4.54,3.67 -8.01,4.15 l 12.39,20.64 H 432.06 L 421.25,645.9 h -6.06 v 19.78 h -8.31 z m 14.76,19.78 c 1.19,0 2.37,-0.06 3.56,-0.16 1.19,-0.11 2.27,-0.37 3.26,-0.79 0.99,-0.42 1.79,-1.05 2.41,-1.91 0.62,-0.86 0.92,-2.06 0.92,-3.59 0,-1.36 -0.29,-2.46 -0.86,-3.3 -0.57,-0.84 -1.32,-1.46 -2.24,-1.88 -0.92,-0.42 -1.94,-0.69 -3.06,-0.82 -1.12,-0.13 -2.21,-0.2 -3.26,-0.2 h -7.18 v 12.66 h 6.45 z" id="path68" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 448.41,619 h 30.92 v 7.52 h -22.61 v 11.47 h 21.43 v 7.52 h -21.43 v 12.66 h 23.8 v 7.52 h -32.11 z" id="path70" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 511.56,629.02 c -0.88,-1.27 -2.06,-2.21 -3.53,-2.8 -1.47,-0.59 -3.02,-0.89 -4.65,-0.89 -0.97,0 -1.9,0.11 -2.8,0.33 -0.9,0.22 -1.72,0.58 -2.44,1.06 -0.73,0.49 -1.3,1.11 -1.75,1.88 -0.44,0.77 -0.66,1.68 -0.66,2.73 0,1.58 0.55,2.79 1.65,3.63 1.1,0.84 2.46,1.56 4.09,2.18 1.63,0.62 3.4,1.21 5.34,1.78 1.94,0.57 3.71,1.36 5.34,2.37 1.63,1.01 2.99,2.35 4.09,4.02 1.1,1.67 1.65,3.89 1.65,6.66 0,2.51 -0.46,4.69 -1.39,6.56 -0.92,1.87 -2.16,3.42 -3.73,4.65 -1.56,1.23 -3.37,2.15 -5.44,2.77 -2.06,0.62 -4.24,0.92 -6.53,0.92 -2.9,0 -5.69,-0.48 -8.37,-1.45 -2.68,-0.97 -4.99,-2.6 -6.92,-4.88 l 6.26,-6.06 c 1.01,1.54 2.34,2.73 3.99,3.59 1.65,0.86 3.39,1.28 5.24,1.28 0.97,0 1.93,-0.13 2.9,-0.39 0.97,-0.26 1.85,-0.66 2.64,-1.18 0.79,-0.53 1.42,-1.2 1.91,-2.01 0.48,-0.81 0.73,-1.75 0.73,-2.8 0,-1.72 -0.55,-3.03 -1.65,-3.96 -1.1,-0.93 -2.46,-1.7 -4.09,-2.34 -1.63,-0.64 -3.41,-1.24 -5.34,-1.82 -1.94,-0.57 -3.72,-1.35 -5.34,-2.34 -1.63,-0.99 -2.99,-2.31 -4.09,-3.96 -1.1,-1.65 -1.65,-3.85 -1.65,-6.62 0,-2.42 0.49,-4.51 1.49,-6.27 0.99,-1.76 2.28,-3.22 3.89,-4.38 1.61,-1.16 3.44,-2.03 5.51,-2.61 2.06,-0.57 4.17,-0.85 6.33,-0.85 2.46,0 4.85,0.37 7.15,1.12 2.3,0.75 4.38,1.98 6.23,3.69 z" id="path72" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 526.53,619 h 30.92 v 7.52 h -22.61 v 11.47 h 21.43 v 7.52 h -21.43 v 12.66 h 23.8 v 7.52 h -32.1 V 619 Z" id="path74" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 581.91,619 h 7.18 l 20.11,46.68 h -9.49 L 595.36,655 h -20.24 l -4.22,10.68 h -9.3 z m 10.55,28.87 -7.19,-18.99 -7.31,18.99 z" id="path76" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 614.41,619 h 16.22 c 2.24,0 4.4,0.21 6.49,0.63 2.09,0.42 3.94,1.13 5.57,2.14 1.62,1.01 2.92,2.37 3.89,4.09 0.97,1.71 1.45,3.89 1.45,6.52 0,3.39 -0.94,6.22 -2.8,8.51 -1.87,2.28 -4.54,3.67 -8.01,4.15 l 12.39,20.64 H 639.59 L 628.78,645.9 h -6.06 v 19.78 h -8.31 z m 14.77,19.78 c 1.18,0 2.37,-0.06 3.56,-0.16 1.19,-0.11 2.27,-0.37 3.27,-0.79 0.99,-0.42 1.79,-1.05 2.4,-1.91 0.62,-0.86 0.92,-2.06 0.92,-3.59 0,-1.36 -0.28,-2.46 -0.85,-3.3 -0.58,-0.84 -1.32,-1.46 -2.24,-1.88 -0.92,-0.42 -1.94,-0.69 -3.06,-0.82 -1.12,-0.13 -2.21,-0.2 -3.26,-0.2 h -7.18 v 12.66 h 6.44 z" id="path78" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 687.98,629.94 c -1.72,-1.85 -3.37,-3.08 -4.98,-3.69 -1.61,-0.62 -3.22,-0.92 -4.85,-0.92 -2.42,0 -4.61,0.43 -6.56,1.28 -1.96,0.86 -3.64,2.04 -5.04,3.56 -1.41,1.52 -2.5,3.28 -3.27,5.3 -0.77,2.02 -1.15,4.2 -1.15,6.53 0,2.5 0.38,4.81 1.15,6.92 0.77,2.11 1.86,3.93 3.27,5.47 1.4,1.54 3.09,2.75 5.04,3.63 1.95,0.88 4.14,1.32 6.56,1.32 1.89,0 3.73,-0.45 5.51,-1.35 1.78,-0.9 3.44,-2.34 4.97,-4.32 l 6.86,4.88 c -2.11,2.9 -4.68,5.01 -7.71,6.33 -3.03,1.32 -6.27,1.97 -9.69,1.97 -3.61,0 -6.91,-0.58 -9.92,-1.75 -3.01,-1.16 -5.61,-2.81 -7.78,-4.94 -2.17,-2.13 -3.88,-4.69 -5.11,-7.68 -1.23,-2.99 -1.85,-6.3 -1.85,-9.95 0,-3.74 0.61,-7.13 1.85,-10.18 1.23,-3.06 2.94,-5.66 5.11,-7.82 2.18,-2.15 4.77,-3.81 7.78,-4.97 3.01,-1.17 6.32,-1.75 9.92,-1.75 3.16,0 6.09,0.56 8.8,1.68 2.71,1.12 5.22,3.02 7.55,5.7 z" id="path80" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 701.1,619 h 8.31 v 18.59 h 21.82 V 619 h 8.31 v 46.68 h -8.31 v -20.57 h -21.82 v 20.57 h -8.31 z" id="path82" fill="#8d837f"/></g></g></svg> </span> </a> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.header__logo --> <div class="header__logo hidden-md hidden-lg"> <a href="" class="logo bg-white"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="251.44443" height="43.603954" viewBox="0 0 251.44443 43.603954"><path d="m 1647.86,793.98 c 0,-113.21 -90.96,-161.89 -171.38,-161.89 -55.45,0 -100.77,31.59 -106.21,80.019 -0.36,3.211 -0.55,6.532 -0.55,9.879 0,6.481 0.52,12.75 1.59,18.883 10.15,59.078 69.3,102.535 171.82,130.359 l 104.73,28.528 z m 459.41,382.73 c -53.43,-3.07 -101.09,-15.07 -141.97,-40.36 l -2.59,45.99 h -0.01 l -171.79,-11.31 v -45.78 l 37.79,-1.16 c 23.05,-1.16 37.37,-6.98 42.96,-17.38 5.55,-10.44 8.92,-29.37 10.05,-56.78 l 1.74,-41.14 0.42,-15.239 c -0.12,-2.953 -0.24,-5.863 -0.24,-8.86 l 0.44,-5.597 V 753.148 c 0,-79.238 -12.1,-126.339 -65.16,-126.339 -55.56,0 -70.43,42.101 -70.43,126.339 h -0.13 l -0.02,0.582 v 231.719 c 0,132.241 -108.95,185.101 -226.35,185.101 h -0.02 c -89.37,0 -163.83,-38.98 -201.61,-86.75 -1.73,-2.16 -3.37,-4.34 -4.93,-6.53 -3.13,-4.41 -5.96,-8.9 -8.43,-13.4 -1.25,-2.25 -2.41,-4.51 -3.5,-6.82 -2.16,-4.51 -3.98,-9.07 -5.45,-13.62 -2.95,-9.18 -4.5,-18.33 -4.5,-27.31 0,-41.265 27.51,-71.909 66.64,-71.909 2.71,0 5.4,0.148 8,0.363 39.09,3.59 66.08,33.336 66.08,63.086 0,27.75 -24.19,43.43 -27.22,61.86 -0.21,1.23 -0.3,2.47 -0.3,3.75 0,1.61 0.19,3.31 0.55,5.01 5.44,25.48 50.66,55.25 106.21,55.25 104.72,0 135.39,-88.86 135.39,-158.675 0,-40.207 -46.51,-44.425 -189.35,-84.652 C 1334,854.707 1282.01,815.305 1265.25,764.41 c -4.65,-14.219 -6.59,-29.371 -6.59,-45.57 0,-8.649 0.82,-16.852 2.4,-24.68 2.07,-10.359 5.47,-20.07 9.99,-29.012 4.48,-8.988 10.06,-17.238 16.56,-24.75 34.02,-39.457 92.46,-59.066 144.52,-59.066 h 0.01 c 110.98,0 177.43,53.938 220.81,89.918 l 0.55,-0.09 -0.43,-0.5 c 0,0 55.58,-90.058 163.22,-90.058 3.78,0 7.53,-0.391 11.24,-0.09 4.7,0.437 9.36,1.039 13.98,1.777 1.83,0.281 3.67,0.633 5.44,1.051 2.29,0.34 4.55,0.84 6.8,1.301 27.62,6.089 53.79,18.531 78.22,39.328 29.28,24.922 42.5,60.57 48.01,83.972 0.19,1.5 0.44,3.008 0.61,4.411 1.75,8.546 2.32,13.918 2.32,13.918 l 0.22,11.128 c 0.14,1.973 0.29,3.864 0.38,5.563 v 12.848 l 0.15,7.171 0.23,52.372 0.02,2.753 -0.4,-0.378 v 170.316 c 4.13,67.587 28.47,142.437 136.76,151.367 42.58,3.49 90.04,-15.32 90.04,-41.77 0,-20.1 -27.5,-35.98 -27.5,-65.57 0,-31.74 30.69,-63.472 74.04,-63.472 39.14,0 66.65,30.644 66.65,71.922 0,71.95 -96.14,143.07 -216.23,136.19" fill="#f4a00f" transform="matrix(.04812 0 0 -.04812 -20.552239 71.501094)"/><path d="m 816.395,793.98 c 0,-113.21 -90.95,-161.89 -171.36,-161.89 -59.219,0 -106.836,35.961 -106.836,89.898 0,68.821 60.313,118.539 173.489,149.242 l 104.707,28.528 z m 463.105,692.04 c -5.43,-0.08 -10.8,0.1 -16.17,-0.29 -111.29,-4.53 -210.83,-59.02 -210.83,-185.37 v -123.68 h -91.293 v -53.86 H 1052.5 V 753.73 c 0,-89.839 -14.46,-127.601 -68.383,-126.921 -52.375,0.64 -67.207,38.113 -67.207,126.921 v 231.719 c 0,132.241 -108.957,185.101 -226.367,185.101 -130.129,0 -228.508,-82.51 -228.508,-154.43 0,-41.265 27.516,-71.909 66.656,-71.909 43.36,0 74.039,31.727 74.039,63.449 0,29.61 -27.515,45.48 -27.515,65.61 0,26.41 47.613,60.26 106.851,60.26 104.715,0 135.383,-88.86 135.383,-158.675 0,-40.207 -46.515,-44.425 -189.34,-84.652 C 467.305,844.746 427.148,792.93 427.148,718.84 c 0,-92.02 94.145,-137.508 173.477,-137.508 111.063,0 176.898,53.938 220.281,89.918 0,0 56.035,-91.289 163.836,-91.289 3.774,0 7.492,0.25 11.219,0.551 4.709,0.437 9.369,1.039 13.989,1.777 1.82,0.32 3.66,0.633 5.44,1.051 2.27,0.34 4.53,0.84 6.78,1.301 27.63,6.089 53.8,17.929 78.22,38.711 29.31,24.949 42.52,61.796 48.01,85.187 0.22,1.512 0.44,3.012 0.64,4.441 1.74,8.52 2.31,13.899 2.31,13.899 l 0.22,11.121 c 0.14,1.98 0.28,3.859 0.38,5.582 v 12.867 l 0.15,7.09 -0.15,52.75 v 306.531 h 111.15 v 53.86 h -111.15 v 113.12 c 0,16.19 1.6,33.58 5.28,50.7 13.82,55.83 42.27,103.21 130.7,108.49 37.73,2.24 88.73,-9.28 90.06,-39.95 0.87,-20.09 -27.52,-35.97 -27.52,-65.61 0,-31.69 30.69,-63.44 74.07,-63.44 39.03,0 66.54,30.68 66.54,71.92 0,71.95 -93.15,135.58 -211.58,134.11" fill="#f4a00f" transform="matrix(.04812 0 0 -.04812 -20.552239 71.501094)"/><path d="M2904.16 1015h-7.69c-5.13 0-10.86-.2-17.21-.61-6.36-.41-12.36-1.39-17.99-2.93-5.64-1.53-10.41-3.8-14.3-6.76-3.89-2.97-5.85-7.118-5.85-12.454 0-3.484.78-6.402 2.32-8.766 1.53-2.359 3.53-4.347 5.99-5.996 2.45-1.64 5.22-2.812 8.3-3.531 3.08-.715 6.15-1.078 9.22-1.078 12.71 0 22.08 3.031 28.14 9.066 6.04 6.055 9.07 14.297 9.07 24.759zm2.15-45.805h-.92c-5.34-8.402-12.1-14.5-20.29-18.3-8.21-3.79-17.22-5.684-27.07-5.684-6.76 0-13.37.934-19.82 2.762-6.46 1.851-12.2 4.609-17.22 8.312-5.02 3.676-9.07 8.289-12.14 13.828-3.08 5.539-4.61 11.981-4.61 19.364 0 8.003 1.43 14.813 4.3 20.453 2.87 5.64 6.71 10.34 11.53 14.13 4.82 3.8 10.4 6.82 16.75 9.08 6.35 2.25 12.97 3.95 19.84 5.07 6.86 1.13 13.77 1.85 20.74 2.16 6.97.31 13.53.46 19.68.46h9.23v3.99c0 9.22-3.18 16.14-9.54 20.75-6.35 4.62-14.45 6.92-24.28 6.92-7.79 0-15.07-1.38-21.83-4.15-6.76-2.77-12.6-6.51-17.53-11.21l-19.37 19.36c8.2 8.4 17.79 14.45 28.75 18.14 10.97 3.69 22.29 5.53 33.97 5.53 10.46 0 19.27-1.18 26.44-3.54 7.17-2.36 13.12-5.38 17.84-9.07 4.71-3.68 8.34-7.94 10.91-12.75 2.56-4.82 4.4-9.69 5.54-14.6 1.12-4.93 1.78-9.69 1.99-14.3.2-4.61.31-8.66.31-12.15v-84.848h-33.2v20.293M2977.63 1096.48h35.05v-23.07h.61c3.27 6.97 8.56 13.17 15.83 18.6 7.28 5.43 17.07 8.15 29.37 8.15 23.16 0 38.51-9.11 46.11-27.36 5.33 9.42 11.99 16.34 20 20.75 7.98 4.4 17.52 6.61 28.59 6.61 9.83 0 18.13-1.64 24.89-4.92 6.76-3.28 12.24-7.79 16.46-13.53 4.19-5.74 7.21-12.45 9.06-20.13 1.85-7.69 2.78-15.94 2.78-24.75v-87.928h-36.92v83.618c0 4.51-.41 8.87-1.22 13.07-.83 4.2-2.25 7.89-4.3 11.07-2.04 3.18-4.82 5.68-8.31 7.52-3.48 1.86-7.99 2.78-13.51 2.78-5.74 0-10.63-1.08-14.61-3.23-3.99-2.15-7.29-5.02-9.83-8.61-2.58-3.59-4.44-7.68-5.56-12.3-1.11-4.61-1.68-9.27-1.68-13.98v-79.938h-36.9v87.928c0 9.22-1.94 16.55-5.83 21.98-3.9 5.43-10.35 8.15-19.37 8.15-6.15 0-11.33-1.03-15.53-3.07-4.2-2.06-7.68-4.83-10.46-8.3-2.75-3.5-4.75-7.49-5.98-12-1.23-4.51-1.85-9.22-1.85-14.14v-80.548h-36.89v147.578M3351.79 1037.44c-.22 10.86-3.59 19.42-10.15 25.67-6.55 6.25-15.69 9.38-27.37 9.38-11.06 0-19.83-3.18-26.28-9.53-6.45-6.35-10.41-14.86-11.84-25.52zm-75.64-27.67c1.22-11.063 5.53-19.668 12.91-25.825 7.38-6.148 16.3-9.218 26.75-9.218 9.22 0 16.95 1.89 23.21 5.687 6.25 3.785 11.73 8.555 16.45 14.289l26.45-19.976c-8.62-10.661-18.25-18.25-28.91-22.758-10.66-4.504-21.83-6.758-33.51-6.758-11.06 0-21.52 1.859-31.37 5.531-9.83 3.692-18.33 8.926-25.5 15.696-7.17 6.761-12.86 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.22 9.523-6.31 20.143-6.31 31.823 0 11.68 2.09 22.29 6.31 31.81 4.2 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.17 6.76 15.67 11.99 25.5 15.68 9.85 3.69 20.31 5.53 31.37 5.53 10.26 0 19.63-1.8 28.14-5.38 8.49-3.59 15.77-8.76 21.81-15.53 6.05-6.76 10.77-15.11 14.15-25.05 3.39-9.94 5.08-21.37 5.08-34.28v-10.15h-112.53M3423.1 1096.48h36.9v-23.37h.61c4.1 8.6 9.93 15.26 17.52 19.98 7.58 4.72 16.29 7.07 26.14 7.07 2.25 0 4.45-.21 6.6-.62 2.17-.41 4.36-.92 6.62-1.53v-35.67c-3.08.82-6.1 1.49-9.07 2-2.97.52-5.89.77-8.76.77-8.61 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8.926-25.52 15.696-7.16 6.761-12.86 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.22 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823 0 11.68 2.08 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.2 9.54 9.9 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.67 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.84 3.69 20.28 5.53 31.36 5.53 9.43 0 18.9-1.8 28.44-5.38 9.54-3.59 17.89-9.28 25.06-17.07l-25.52-25.51M3860.9 1015h-7.69c-5.12 0-10.87-.2-17.21-.61-6.36-.41-12.36-1.39-18-2.93-5.64-1.53-10.39-3.8-14.3-6.76-3.88-2.97-5.83-7.118-5.83-12.454 0-3.484.76-6.402 2.31-8.766 1.53-2.359 3.52-4.347 6-5.996 2.45-1.64 5.22-2.812 8.29-3.531 3.08-.715 6.15-1.078 9.23-1.078 12.7 0 22.08 3.031 28.13 9.066 6.03 6.055 9.07 14.297 9.07 24.759zm2.16-45.805h-.93c-5.34-8.402-12.09-14.5-20.29-18.3-8.2-3.79-17.22-5.684-27.05-5.684-6.77 0-13.38.934-19.84 2.762-6.46 1.851-12.19 4.609-17.22 8.312-5.02 3.676-9.06 8.289-12.12 13.828-3.09 5.539-4.62 11.981-4.62 19.364 0 8.003 1.42 14.813 4.3 20.453 2.86 5.64 6.7 10.34 11.53 14.13 4.81 3.8 10.4 6.82 16.74 9.08 6.36 2.25 12.97 3.95 19.84 5.07 6.87 1.13 13.77 1.85 20.75 2.16 6.97.31 13.53.46 19.67.46h9.24v3.99c0 9.22-3.2 16.14-9.54 20.75-6.35 4.62-14.44 6.92-24.29 6.92-7.79 0-15.06-1.38-21.83-4.15-6.77-2.77-12.6-6.51-17.53-11.21l-19.36 19.36c8.2 8.4 17.77 14.45 28.75 18.14 10.96 3.69 22.28 5.53 33.96 5.53 10.47 0 19.28-1.18 26.46-3.54 7.16-2.36 13.11-5.38 17.82-9.07 4.72-3.68 8.35-7.94 10.92-12.75 2.56-4.82 4.4-9.69 5.53-14.6 1.12-4.93 1.8-9.69 2-14.3.19-4.61.31-8.66.31-12.15v-84.848h-33.2v20.293M3935.91 1096.48h35.05v-23.68h.61c3.49 7.38 8.81 13.78 15.99 19.21 7.17 5.43 16.91 8.15 29.21 8.15 9.83 0 18.19-1.64 25.06-4.92 6.85-3.28 12.45-7.58 16.74-12.91 4.31-5.34 7.39-11.48 9.24-18.44 1.83-6.98 2.76-14.26 2.76-21.84v-93.148h-36.89v74.708c0 4.09-.21 8.65-.61 13.68-.41 5.02-1.5 9.73-3.24 14.15-1.73 4.4-4.46 8.09-8.15 11.06-3.68 2.96-8.71 4.46-15.05 4.46-6.16 0-11.33-1.03-15.54-3.07-4.2-2.06-7.68-4.83-10.46-8.3-2.75-3.5-4.74-7.49-5.98-12-1.23-4.51-1.84-9.22-1.84-14.14v-80.548h-36.9v147.578M4216.59 1065.11h-30.44v31.37h30.44v20.9c0 10.24.73 19.51 2.17 27.82 1.43 8.3 4.14 15.43 8.13 21.36 4 5.95 9.58 10.51 16.76 13.69 7.17 3.18 16.51 4.77 27.98 4.77 8.4 0 16.18-.73 23.36-2.16l-2.45-31.36c-2.67.62-5.24 1.13-7.69 1.54-2.47.41-5.04.62-7.69.62-5.13 0-9.22-.82-12.3-2.46-3.06-1.65-5.48-3.84-7.21-6.61-1.76-2.77-2.87-6-3.38-9.69-.53-3.69-.77-7.58-.77-11.68v-26.74h34.12v-31.37H4253.5V948.902h-36.91v116.208M4416.74 1037.44c-.21 10.86-3.6 19.42-10.15 25.67-6.56 6.25-15.68 9.38-27.36 9.38-11.07 0-19.84-3.18-26.29-9.53-6.45-6.35-10.4-14.86-11.84-25.52zm-75.64-27.67c1.23-11.063 5.54-19.668 12.92-25.825 7.38-6.148 16.28-9.218 26.75-9.218 9.21 0 16.94 1.89 23.2 5.687 6.26 3.785 11.73 8.555 16.46 14.289l26.45-19.976c-8.62-10.661-18.26-18.25-28.91-22.758-10.66-4.504-21.83-6.758-33.51-6.758-11.07 0-21.52 1.859-31.36 5.531-9.85 3.692-18.34 8.926-25.52 15.696-7.17 6.761-12.86 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.21 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823 0 11.68 2.09 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.2 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.67 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.84 3.69 20.29 5.53 31.36 5.53 10.25 0 19.62-1.8 28.12-5.38 8.51-3.59 15.78-8.76 21.83-15.53 6.05-6.76 10.78-15.11 14.15-25.05 3.38-9.94 5.07-21.37 5.07-34.28v-10.15H4341.1M4517.57 1022.69c0-5.75.97-11.28 2.92-16.6 1.95-5.33 4.82-10.043 8.61-14.149 3.8-4.093 8.35-7.378 13.68-9.847 5.33-2.453 11.39-3.68 18.15-3.68 6.77 0 12.79 1.227 18.14 3.68 5.31 2.469 9.88 5.754 13.66 9.847 3.81 4.106 6.66 8.819 8.62 14.149 1.95 5.32 2.93 10.85 2.93 16.6 0 5.73-.98 11.27-2.93 16.6-1.96 5.32-4.81 10.03-8.62 14.14-3.78 4.1-8.35 7.37-13.66 9.84-5.35 2.46-11.37 3.69-18.14 3.69-6.76 0-12.82-1.23-18.15-3.69-5.33-2.47-9.88-5.74-13.68-9.84-3.79-4.11-6.66-8.82-8.61-14.14-1.95-5.33-2.92-10.87-2.92-16.6zm87.31-51.655h-.6c-5.35-9.019-12.52-15.582-21.53-19.68-9.03-4.097-18.76-6.144-29.21-6.144-11.48 0-21.66 2-30.58 6.004-8.92 3.996-16.55 9.473-22.9 16.43-6.37 6.98-11.18 15.175-14.47 24.601-3.27 9.434-4.9 19.574-4.9 30.444 0 10.86 1.72 21 5.22 30.44 3.48 9.42 8.35 17.62 14.61 24.58 6.24 6.97 13.78 12.46 22.59 16.45 8.8 4 18.45 6 28.9 6 6.95 0 13.12-.72 18.45-2.15 5.32-1.44 10.03-3.28 14.13-5.53 4.09-2.26 7.58-4.67 10.47-7.23 2.85-2.57 5.21-5.07 7.06-7.54h.93v103.61h36.88V948.902h-35.05v22.133M4786.89 1037.44c-.21 10.86-3.59 19.42-10.15 25.67-6.56 6.25-15.69 9.38-27.36 9.38-11.07 0-19.84-3.18-26.28-9.53-6.46-6.35-10.41-14.86-11.84-25.52zm-75.63-27.67c1.22-11.063 5.53-19.668 12.91-25.825 7.37-6.148 16.29-9.218 26.74-9.218 9.22 0 16.95 1.89 23.21 5.687 6.26 3.785 11.73 8.555 16.46 14.289l26.44-19.976c-8.61-10.661-18.25-18.25-28.9-22.758-10.66-4.504-21.83-6.758-33.5-6.758-11.08 0-21.53 1.859-31.38 5.531-9.83 3.692-18.34 8.926-25.52 15.696-7.16 6.761-12.86 14.902-17.05 24.429-4.21 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823 0 11.68 2.09 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.19 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.05 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.69 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.85 3.69 20.3 5.53 31.38 5.53 10.24 0 19.61-1.8 28.11-5.38 8.51-3.59 15.79-8.76 21.83-15.53 6.05-6.76 10.76-15.11 14.15-25.05 3.39-9.94 5.07-21.37 5.07-34.28v-10.15h-112.52M4858.21 1096.48h36.9v-23.37h.6c4.09 8.6 9.93 15.26 17.52 19.98 7.59 4.72 16.3 7.07 26.15 7.07 2.24 0 4.45-.21 6.61-.62 2.15-.41 4.35-.92 6.6-1.53v-35.67c-3.07.82-6.11 1.49-9.06 2-2.97.52-5.9.77-8.76.77-8.62 0-15.54-1.59-20.76-4.77-5.23-3.18-9.22-6.8-11.99-10.91-2.77-4.1-4.62-8.2-5.53-12.3-.92-4.1-1.38-7.17-1.38-9.22v-79.008h-36.9v147.578M5067.88 1015h-7.69c-5.12 0-10.86-.2-17.21-.61-6.37-.41-12.35-1.39-18-2.93-5.62-1.53-10.4-3.8-14.3-6.76-3.87-2.97-5.83-7.118-5.83-12.454 0-3.484.77-6.402 2.31-8.766 1.53-2.359 3.52-4.347 5.99-5.996 2.47-1.64 5.23-2.812 8.3-3.531 3.08-.715 6.15-1.078 9.22-1.078 12.71 0 22.09 3.031 28.14 9.066 6.04 6.055 9.07 14.297 9.07 24.759zm2.16-45.805h-.93c-5.34-8.402-12.1-14.5-20.29-18.3-8.2-3.79-17.22-5.684-27.06-5.684-6.76 0-13.37.934-19.83 2.762-6.46 1.851-12.19 4.609-17.21 8.312-5.02 3.676-9.07 8.289-12.14 13.828-3.08 5.539-4.61 11.981-4.61 19.364 0 8.003 1.41 14.813 4.3 20.453 2.87 5.64 6.7 10.34 11.53 14.13 4.8 3.8 10.4 6.82 16.74 9.08 6.35 2.25 12.98 3.95 19.83 5.07 6.88 1.13 13.79 1.85 20.76 2.16 6.98.31 13.52.46 19.68.46h9.23v3.99c0 9.22-3.19 16.14-9.54 20.75-6.36 4.62-14.45 6.92-24.29 6.92-7.79 0-15.06-1.38-21.82-4.15-6.76-2.77-12.6-6.51-17.53-11.21l-19.37 19.36c8.19 8.4 17.77 14.45 28.76 18.14 10.95 3.69 22.28 5.53 33.96 5.53 10.45 0 19.27-1.18 26.44-3.54 7.17-2.36 13.13-5.38 17.82-9.07 4.73-3.68 8.36-7.94 10.93-12.75 2.55-4.82 4.4-9.69 5.53-14.6 1.12-4.93 1.79-9.69 2-14.3.2-4.61.31-8.66.31-12.15v-84.848h-33.2v20.293M5125.67 1065.11v31.37h30.44v42.72h36.9v-42.72h40.57v-31.37h-40.57v-64.57c0-7.364 1.37-13.204 4.16-17.517 2.75-4.296 8.24-6.453 16.43-6.453 3.28 0 6.86.36 10.77 1.075 3.89.718 6.97 1.902 9.21 3.523v-31.039c-3.89-1.852-8.66-3.125-14.29-3.844-5.64-.719-10.62-1.074-14.91-1.074-9.83 0-17.89 1.074-24.13 3.227-6.26 2.152-11.18 5.429-14.76 9.839-3.59 4.403-6.05 9.875-7.38 16.45-1.33 6.558-2 14.14-2 22.753v67.63h-30.44M5263.11 1096.48h36.88V948.902h-36.88zm-5.23 50.1c0 5.94 2.2 11.12 6.61 15.53 4.41 4.41 9.99 6.61 16.75 6.61 6.77 0 12.45-2.1 17.06-6.3 4.62-4.21 6.92-9.49 6.92-15.84 0-6.35-2.3-11.63-6.92-15.83-4.61-4.2-10.29-6.31-17.06-6.31-6.76 0-12.34 2.21-16.75 6.61-4.41 4.41-6.61 9.59-6.61 15.53M5371.93 1022.69c0-5.75.98-11.28 2.92-16.6 1.96-5.33 4.82-10.043 8.62-14.149 3.79-4.093 8.35-7.378 13.69-9.847 5.31-2.453 11.37-3.68 18.13-3.68 6.76 0 12.8 1.227 18.14 3.68 5.32 2.469 9.88 5.754 13.67 9.847 3.8 4.106 6.65 8.819 8.61 14.149 1.96 5.32 2.92 10.85 2.92 16.6 0 5.73-.96 11.27-2.92 16.6-1.96 5.32-4.81 10.03-8.61 14.14-3.79 4.1-8.35 7.37-13.67 9.84-5.34 2.46-11.38 3.69-18.14 3.69-6.76 0-12.82-1.23-18.13-3.69-5.34-2.47-9.9-5.74-13.69-9.84-3.8-4.11-6.66-8.82-8.62-14.14-1.94-5.33-2.92-10.87-2.92-16.6zm-36.88 0c0 11.68 2.1 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.19 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.68 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.84 3.69 20.28 5.53 31.36 5.53 11.07 0 21.52-1.84 31.36-5.53 9.84-3.69 18.33-8.92 25.52-15.68 7.17-6.76 12.86-14.91 17.05-24.45 4.2-9.52 6.3-20.13 6.3-31.81 0-11.68-2.1-22.3-6.3-31.823-4.19-9.527-9.88-17.668-17.05-24.429-7.19-6.77-15.68-12.004-25.52-15.696-9.84-3.672-20.29-5.531-31.36-5.531-11.08 0-21.52 1.859-31.36 5.531-9.84 3.692-18.34 8.926-25.52 15.696-7.17 6.761-12.87 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.2 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823M5518.6 1096.34h34.98v-23.63h.63c3.47 7.37 8.8 13.76 15.97 19.18 7.15 5.42 16.87 8.15 29.16 8.15 9.81 0 18.14-1.66 25.01-4.92 6.84-3.28 12.43-7.58 16.72-12.9 4.3-5.32 7.38-11.46 9.22-18.41 1.83-6.95 2.76-14.23 2.76-21.8v-93.006h-36.84v74.586c0 4.1-.21 8.65-.6 13.67-.42 5.01-1.49 9.72-3.24 14.11-1.74 4.4-4.44 8.08-8.12 11.05-3.7 2.97-8.71 4.46-15.05 4.46-6.14 0-11.3-1.02-15.51-3.07-4.2-2.05-7.66-4.81-10.42-8.29-2.77-3.48-4.76-7.47-5.99-11.97-1.23-4.5-1.84-9.21-1.84-14.12v-80.426h-36.84v147.336M2822.35 769.5h-30.38v31.313h30.38v20.867c0 10.234.71 19.492 2.15 27.785 1.43 8.289 4.14 15.398 8.14 21.328 3.99 5.937 9.56 10.484 16.73 13.672 7.16 3.164 16.46 4.746 27.92 4.746 8.4 0 16.17-.715 23.34-2.16l-2.46-31.289c-2.66.605-5.22 1.113-7.68 1.523-2.45.41-5.01.613-7.66.613-5.12 0-9.21-.82-12.28-2.46-3.08-1.629-5.48-3.829-7.22-6.598-1.74-2.754-2.87-5.988-3.37-9.66-.52-3.684-.77-7.586-.77-11.668v-26.699h34.07V769.5h-34.07V653.469h-36.84V769.5M2946.67 727.141c0-5.743.97-11.262 2.91-16.582 1.94-5.309 4.81-10.02 8.59-14.11 3.79-4.097 8.34-7.371 13.66-9.828 5.32-2.461 11.36-3.68 18.11-3.68 6.76 0 12.79 1.219 18.11 3.68 5.32 2.457 9.87 5.731 13.67 9.828 3.78 4.09 6.65 8.801 8.59 14.11 1.95 5.32 2.92 10.839 2.92 16.582 0 5.73-.97 11.257-2.92 16.57-1.94 5.328-4.81 10.027-8.59 14.117-3.8 4.094-8.35 7.371-13.67 9.832-5.32 2.461-11.35 3.68-18.11 3.68-6.75 0-12.79-1.219-18.11-3.68-5.32-2.461-9.87-5.738-13.66-9.832-3.78-4.09-6.65-8.789-8.59-14.117-1.94-5.313-2.91-10.84-2.91-16.57zm-36.85 0c0 11.66 2.11 22.25 6.3 31.769 4.19 9.52 9.87 17.649 17.04 24.41 7.16 6.739 15.66 11.961 25.48 15.641 9.82 3.684 20.25 5.531 31.3 5.531 11.06 0 21.5-1.847 31.31-5.531 9.83-3.68 18.32-8.902 25.48-15.641 7.17-6.761 12.84-14.89 17.04-24.41 4.19-9.519 6.28-20.109 6.28-31.769 0-11.661-2.09-22.25-6.28-31.77-4.2-9.512-9.87-17.66-17.04-24.402-7.16-6.758-15.65-11.981-25.48-15.66-9.81-3.668-20.25-5.528-31.31-5.528-11.05 0-21.48 1.86-31.3 5.528-9.82 3.679-18.32 8.902-25.48 15.66-7.17 6.742-12.85 14.89-17.04 24.402-4.19 9.52-6.3 20.109-6.3 31.77M3104.42 800.813h36.85v-23.344h.61c4.09 8.601 9.93 15.25 17.5 19.961 7.56 4.711 16.26 7.062 26.08 7.062 2.25 0 4.46-.195 6.61-.613 2.15-.41 4.35-.918 6.6-1.543v-35.598c-3.06.821-6.1 1.473-9.06 2-2.97.5-5.9.762-8.75.762-8.59 0-15.51-1.578-20.71-4.75-5.22-3.18-9.21-6.809-11.99-10.91-2.76-4.09-4.59-8.192-5.51-12.281-.93-4.09-1.38-7.161-1.38-9.2v-78.89h-36.85v147.344M3404.63 719.469h-7.69c-5.1 0-10.84-.199-17.17-.617-6.34-.403-12.34-1.372-17.97-2.922-5.63-1.532-10.38-3.782-14.27-6.739-3.88-2.972-5.84-7.113-5.84-12.441 0-3.488.78-6.391 2.3-8.75 1.55-2.359 3.54-4.34 5.99-5.98 2.46-1.649 5.22-2.809 8.29-3.532 3.08-.718 6.14-1.078 9.21-1.078 12.69 0 22.06 3.012 28.09 9.051 6.02 6.039 9.06 14.277 9.06 24.719zm2.14-45.731h-.91c-5.33-8.398-12.08-14.488-20.26-18.269-8.19-3.778-17.19-5.688-27.02-5.688-6.74 0-13.35.918-19.79 2.778-6.46 1.832-12.19 4.613-17.18 8.281-5.04 3.68-9.07 8.281-12.14 13.808-3.06 5.532-4.61 11.973-4.61 19.34 0 7.973 1.44 14.782 4.3 20.41 2.86 5.633 6.71 10.34 11.52 14.122 4.8 3.781 10.38 6.8 16.72 9.062 6.34 2.238 12.94 3.93 19.8 5.066 6.85 1.114 13.76 1.84 20.73 2.141 6.95.313 13.5.449 19.63.449h9.21v4c0 9.223-3.18 16.121-9.5 20.723-6.36 4.609-14.43 6.91-24.26 6.91-7.78 0-15.04-1.391-21.8-4.16-6.76-2.75-12.59-6.492-17.5-11.191l-19.33 19.332c8.18 8.386 17.75 14.429 28.71 18.109 10.93 3.684 22.25 5.531 33.91 5.531 10.44 0 19.23-1.179 26.4-3.535 7.16-2.355 13.09-5.367 17.81-9.047 4.69-3.691 8.33-7.941 10.89-12.738 2.56-4.813 4.39-9.672 5.52-14.594 1.12-4.906 1.78-9.656 2-14.269.2-4.61.29-8.649.29-12.118v-84.722h-33.14v20.269M3552.59 771.34c-6.56 0-12.49-1.078-17.81-3.219-5.33-2.152-9.89-5.109-13.66-8.902-3.8-3.797-6.75-8.399-8.9-13.809-2.15-5.43-3.23-11.43-3.23-17.969 0-5.929 1.08-11.461 3.23-16.57 2.15-5.109 5.15-9.609 9.05-13.512 3.89-3.879 8.49-6.949 13.82-9.211 5.3-2.238 11.04-3.359 17.19-3.359 6.74 0 12.83 1.121 18.25 3.359 5.42 2.262 10.04 5.282 13.82 9.071 3.78 3.769 6.7 8.332 8.76 13.652 2.04 5.309 3.05 11.039 3.05 17.199 0 12.891-3.88 23.321-11.66 31.301-7.79 7.969-18.41 11.969-31.91 11.969zm78.56 29.473V666.672c0-13.301-1.64-25.313-4.9-36.063-3.27-10.757-8.34-19.847-15.21-27.328-6.85-7.461-15.48-13.242-25.92-17.34-10.44-4.082-22.83-6.14-37.15-6.14-13.7 0-26.7 1.738-38.98 5.23-12.28 3.469-23.64 9.801-34.07 19.02l22.1 30.078c7.37-6.75 15.04-11.969 23.01-15.641 7.99-3.687 17.21-5.527 27.65-5.527 8.78 0 16.2 1.219 22.24 3.668 6.03 2.461 10.84 5.851 14.43 10.141 3.57 4.289 6.13 9.468 7.67 15.5 1.54 6.039 2.31 12.73 2.31 20.089v10.762h-.62c-5.32-7.172-12.39-12.543-21.18-16.133-8.8-3.566-17.81-5.347-27.01-5.347-11.05 0-21.08 1.988-30.08 5.968-9 3.993-16.73 9.371-23.17 16.129-6.46 6.742-11.42 14.723-14.9 23.942-3.47 9.191-5.2 19.031-5.2 29.461 0 10.839 1.63 20.98 4.9 30.39 3.27 9.41 8.08 17.598 14.42 24.547 6.35 6.961 13.97 12.442 22.88 16.442 8.89 3.98 19.08 5.972 30.54 5.972 10.44 0 20.15-2.058 29.15-6.152 9.01-4.078 16.16-10.629 21.5-19.629h.6v22.102h34.99M3673.51 800.813h36.84V653.469h-36.84zm-5.22 50.027c0 5.937 2.2 11.101 6.6 15.5 4.4 4.402 9.98 6.598 16.74 6.598 6.74 0 12.43-2.11 17.03-6.29 4.6-4.199 6.91-9.46 6.91-15.808 0-6.336-2.31-11.61-6.91-15.813-4.6-4.199-10.29-6.289-17.03-6.289-6.76 0-12.34 2.207-16.74 6.606-4.4 4.39-6.6 9.558-6.6 15.496M3752.71 800.813h34.99v-23.641h.61c3.48 7.367 8.79 13.769 15.96 19.18 7.16 5.425 16.88 8.14 29.16 8.14 9.82 0 18.16-1.64 25.03-4.914 6.84-3.269 12.42-7.566 16.72-12.898 4.29-5.309 7.37-11.461 9.2-18.41 1.84-6.95 2.78-14.231 2.78-21.79v-93.011h-36.84v74.601c0 4.09-.22 8.629-.62 13.649-.41 5.019-1.49 9.711-3.23 14.121-1.73 4.398-4.45 8.09-8.13 11.039-3.68 2.973-8.69 4.461-15.03 4.461-6.15 0-11.32-1.031-15.52-3.07-4.19-2.051-7.66-4.809-10.42-8.29-2.77-3.48-4.76-7.468-5.99-11.96-1.22-4.5-1.84-9.219-1.84-14.122v-80.429h-36.83v147.344M4001.95 771.34c-6.55 0-12.49-1.078-17.8-3.219-5.33-2.152-9.88-5.109-13.66-8.902-3.79-3.797-6.75-8.399-8.9-13.809-2.16-5.43-3.23-11.43-3.23-17.969 0-5.929 1.07-11.461 3.23-16.57 2.15-5.109 5.16-9.609 9.04-13.512 3.9-3.879 8.51-6.949 13.82-9.211 5.32-2.238 11.05-3.359 17.19-3.359 6.75 0 12.83 1.121 18.26 3.359 5.41 2.262 10.04 5.282 13.82 9.071 3.78 3.769 6.7 8.332 8.74 13.652 2.05 5.309 3.08 11.039 3.08 17.199 0 12.891-3.9 23.321-11.67 31.301-7.78 7.969-18.42 11.969-31.92 11.969zm78.58 29.473V666.672c0-13.301-1.65-25.313-4.9-36.063-3.28-10.757-8.34-19.847-15.21-27.328-6.85-7.461-15.49-13.242-25.94-17.34-10.42-4.082-22.81-6.14-37.14-6.14-13.7 0-26.71 1.738-38.98 5.23-12.29 3.469-23.63 9.801-34.06 19.02l22.1 30.078c7.35-6.75 15.02-11.969 23.01-15.641 7.99-3.687 17.2-5.527 27.63-5.527 8.79 0 16.21 1.219 22.26 3.668 6.01 2.461 10.84 5.851 14.42 10.141 3.57 4.289 6.13 9.468 7.68 15.5 1.53 6.039 2.3 12.73 2.3 20.089v10.762h-.62c-5.32-7.172-12.39-12.543-21.18-16.133-8.79-3.566-17.81-5.347-27-5.347-11.06 0-21.08 1.988-30.09 5.968-9.01 3.993-16.73 9.371-23.18 16.129-6.44 6.742-11.41 14.723-14.89 23.942-3.47 9.191-5.21 19.031-5.21 29.461 0 10.839 1.62 20.98 4.92 30.39 3.26 9.41 8.07 17.598 14.42 24.547 6.34 6.961 13.96 12.442 22.87 16.442 8.89 3.98 19.07 5.972 30.54 5.972 10.44 0 20.14-2.058 29.16-6.152 8.99-4.078 16.15-10.629 21.49-19.629h.61v22.102h34.99M4195.95 800.813h36.83v-23.344h.61c4.1 8.601 9.93 15.25 17.5 19.961 7.57 4.711 16.26 7.062 26.09 7.062 2.25 0 4.46-.195 6.61-.613 2.15-.41 4.35-.918 6.61-1.543v-35.598c-3.08.821-6.11 1.473-9.07 2-2.97.5-5.9.762-8.75.762-8.59 0-15.5-1.578-20.71-4.75-5.22-3.18-9.21-6.809-11.98-10.91-2.77-4.09-4.6-8.192-5.52-12.281-.93-4.09-1.39-7.161-1.39-9.2v-78.89h-36.83v147.344M4420.33 741.879c-.2 10.84-3.58 19.383-10.12 25.633-6.55 6.226-15.67 9.359-27.33 9.359-11.04 0-19.8-3.18-26.24-9.531-6.44-6.328-10.39-14.828-11.82-25.461zm-75.51-27.629c1.23-11.051 5.52-19.641 12.9-25.789 7.36-6.129 16.26-9.199 26.7-9.199 9.2 0 16.93 1.886 23.18 5.668 6.24 3.781 11.71 8.55 16.41 14.281l26.39-19.949c-8.58-10.653-18.19-18.223-28.84-22.731-10.64-4.492-21.79-6.75-33.46-6.75-11.05 0-21.49 1.86-31.31 5.528-9.81 3.679-18.31 8.902-25.47 15.66-7.17 6.742-12.85 14.89-17.03 24.402-4.2 9.52-6.3 20.109-6.3 31.77 0 11.66 2.1 22.25 6.3 31.769 4.18 9.52 9.86 17.649 17.03 24.41 7.16 6.739 15.66 11.961 25.47 15.641 9.82 3.684 20.26 5.531 31.31 5.531 10.23 0 19.6-1.797 28.08-5.371 8.5-3.582 15.76-8.742 21.81-15.5 6.03-6.75 10.74-15.082 14.11-25.031 3.38-9.918 5.07-21.309 5.07-34.219V714.25h-112.35M4560.92 759.98c-7.17 10.02-16.79 15.059-28.86 15.059-4.91 0-9.73-1.238-14.43-3.699-4.71-2.449-7.06-6.449-7.06-11.969 0-4.512 1.94-7.781 5.85-9.82 3.86-2.051 8.78-3.789 14.72-5.231 5.94-1.422 12.33-2.898 19.18-4.441 6.86-1.527 13.25-3.891 19.19-7.059 5.93-3.172 10.84-7.519 14.73-13.039 3.89-5.531 5.83-13.101 5.83-22.73 0-8.789-1.9-16.211-5.68-22.25-3.78-6.031-8.69-10.879-14.73-14.571-6.04-3.699-12.83-6.359-20.41-7.98-7.58-1.641-15.15-2.469-22.72-2.469-11.46 0-21.99 1.649-31.61 4.918-9.62 3.281-18.22 9.223-25.78 17.813l24.54 23.019c4.72-5.332 9.78-9.672 15.21-13.062 5.42-3.36 12.02-5.059 19.79-5.059 2.67 0 5.42.301 8.29.93 2.87.609 5.53 1.621 7.98 3.07 2.45 1.418 4.44 3.219 5.99 5.371 1.53 2.149 2.3 4.66 2.3 7.508 0 5.109-1.95 8.91-5.84 11.359-3.88 2.461-8.8 4.454-14.72 5.981-5.94 1.543-12.34 2.973-19.19 4.301-6.86 1.34-13.26 3.48-19.18 6.449-5.93 2.961-10.85 7.101-14.74 12.43-3.9 5.332-5.83 12.691-5.83 22.101 0 8.192 1.69 15.301 5.06 21.34 3.38 6.039 7.83 10.988 13.35 14.891 5.53 3.879 11.86 6.738 19.04 8.597 7.16 1.825 14.43 2.754 21.8 2.754 9.82 0 19.54-1.687 29.15-5.062 9.62-3.391 17.38-9.168 23.32-17.352l-24.54-22.098M4723.6 741.879c-.2 10.84-3.59 19.383-10.14 25.633-6.55 6.226-15.65 9.359-27.31 9.359-11.05 0-19.79-3.18-26.25-9.531-6.44-6.328-10.37-14.828-11.81-25.461zm-75.51-27.629c1.22-11.051 5.52-19.641 12.9-25.789 7.35-6.129 16.26-9.199 26.69-9.199 9.2 0 16.94 1.886 23.18 5.668 6.25 3.781 11.71 8.55 16.42 14.281l26.4-19.949c-8.59-10.653-18.22-18.223-28.85-22.731-10.65-4.492-21.8-6.75-33.46-6.75-11.06 0-21.48 1.86-31.31 5.528-9.83 3.679-18.32 8.902-25.48 15.66-7.17 6.742-12.84 14.89-17.03 24.402-4.2 9.52-6.29 20.109-6.29 31.77 0 11.66 2.09 22.25 6.29 31.769 4.19 9.52 9.86 17.649 17.03 24.41 7.16 6.739 15.65 11.961 25.48 15.641 9.83 3.684 20.25 5.531 31.31 5.531 10.23 0 19.59-1.797 28.08-5.371 8.5-3.582 15.76-8.742 21.79-15.5 6.05-6.75 10.75-15.082 14.13-25.031 3.37-9.918 5.06-21.309 5.06-34.219V714.25h-112.34M4884.74 719.469h-7.68c-5.12 0-10.84-.199-17.18-.617-6.35-.403-12.33-1.372-17.96-2.922-5.63-1.532-10.39-3.782-14.27-6.739-3.9-2.972-5.84-7.113-5.84-12.441 0-3.488.78-6.391 2.31-8.75 1.53-2.359 3.53-4.34 5.97-5.98 2.46-1.649 5.23-2.809 8.3-3.532 3.07-.718 6.14-1.078 9.21-1.078 12.68 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We have an established national network with most research institutions in the U.S., as well as expanding networks worldwide.<br /></p> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> <div class="grid-item grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="photo"> <div class="photo__inner"> <div class="photo__image"> <img class="lazyload" data-src="/imager/scientistsinaction/80254/CatherineKaczorowskSarahNeunei_8c3db02c789aac09497d19c3bbf7ce48.jpg" alt="Catherine Kaczorowsk Sarah Neunei"> <div class="slider-nav"> <div class="slider__arrow slider__prev swiper-button-prev component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_62" data-name="Path 62" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(11677.5 -12275.801) rotate(180)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"> </path></svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> <div class="slider__arrow slider__next swiper-button-next component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_63" data-name="Path 63" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(-11649.4 12342.199)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"></path> </svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> </div><!-- /.slider-nav --> </div><!-- /.photo__image --> </div><!-- /.photo__inner --> </div><!-- /.photo --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="section section--bgclr color-green "> <div class="section__bg section__bg--clr"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <div class="section__inner section__pad"> <div class="shell"> <div class="grid grid--xs"> <div class="grid__inner"> <div class="grid-item grid-item--full"> <div class="component component--inherit "> <div class="inlay"> <div class="shadow"></div><!-- /.shadow --> <div class="inlay__bg inlay__bg--clr component__bgclr"></div><!-- /.inlay__bg --> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <h3><strong>Advancing Biomedical Research</strong></h3> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="section section--padxs-top section--padxs-bottom "> <div class="section__bg section__bg--clr"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <div class="section__inner section__pad"> <div class="shell"> <div class="grid grid--xs"> <div class="grid__inner"> <div class="grid-item grid-item--full"> <div class="component "> <div class="inlay"> <div class="shadow"></div><!-- /.shadow --> <div class="inlay__bg inlay__bg--clr component__bgclr"></div><!-- /.inlay__bg --> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <p>AFAR’s Biology of Aging grant programs have demonstrated over the years that by studying the basic biology of aging and aging mechanisms underlying age-related diseases, we can potentially delay many common, chronic diseases, including cancer, stroke, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. </p><p>AFAR awards 35-40 grants and scholarships each year. They are selected through a rigorous review process led by expert committees.</p><p>These grants support research along a continuum, from very basic studies of model systems, molecules and cells, to studies that are building on very early stage translational research addressing human aging and health span. </p><p>AFAR’s grant programs include:<br /></p><ul><li><strong><a href="">Glenn Foundation for Medical Research and AFAR Grants for Junior Faculty</a></strong></li><li><strong><a href="">Glenn Foundation for Medical Research Postdoctoral Fellowships in Aging Research<br /></a></strong></li><li><strong><a href=""></a></strong><strong><a href="">Glenn Foundation Discovery Awards</a></strong></li><li><strong><a href="">Hevolution/AFAR New Investigator Awards in Aging Biology and Geroscience Research <br /></a></strong></li><li><strong><a href="">Diana Jacobs Kalman/AFAR Scholarships for Research in the Biology of Aging</a><a href=""><br /></a></strong></li><li><strong><a href="">McKnight Brain Research Foundation Innovator Awards in Cognitive Aging and Memory Loss</a></strong></li><li><strong><a href="">The Sagol Network GerOmic Award for Junior Faculty </a></strong></li></ul> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="section section--padxs-top section--padsm-bottom "> <div class="section__bg section__bg--clr"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <div class="section__inner section__pad"> <div class="shell"> <div class="grid grid--xs"> <div class="grid__inner"> <div class="grid-item grid-item--full"> <div class="component component--inset component--bgclr color-purple component--center"> <div class="inlay"> <div class="shadow"></div><!-- /.shadow --> <div class="inlay__bg inlay__bg--clr component__bgclr"></div><!-- /.inlay__bg --> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <h3>Meet AFAR's 2024 Grantees!</h3> </div><!-- /.article__main --> <div class="article__aside" data-aos="fade-up"> <div class="article__actions"> <a href="" class="btn"> <span class="btn__background"></span> <span class="btn__content">Click here</span> </a> </div><!-- /.article__actions --> </div><!-- /.article__aside --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="section section--bgclr color-green "> <div class="section__bg section__bg--clr"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <div class="section__inner section__pad"> <div class="shell"> <div class="grid grid--xs"> <div class="grid__inner"> <div class="grid-item grid-item--full"> <div class="component component--inherit "> <div class="inlay"> <div class="shadow"></div><!-- /.shadow --> <div class="inlay__bg inlay__bg--clr component__bgclr"></div><!-- /.inlay__bg --> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <h3><strong>Training Physician-Scientists</strong></h3> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="section section--padxs-top section--padxs-bottom "> <div class="section__bg section__bg--clr"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <div class="section__inner section__pad"> <div class="shell"> <div class="grid grid--xs"> <div class="grid__inner"> <div class="grid-item grid-item--full"> <div class="component "> <div class="inlay"> <div class="shadow"></div><!-- /.shadow --> <div class="inlay__bg inlay__bg--clr component__bgclr"></div><!-- /.inlay__bg --> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <p>The Beeson and MSTAR Programs were designed to address the continued and growing need for doctors who can address the many complex needs of an aging population. Equally important is the need for age-related research that leads to optimal care of older adults. Much progress has been made over the past two decades, but further significant commitment is needed to train the future leaders in aging and geriatric medicine. Currently, fewer than 7,500 geriatricians have the expertise to care for older Americans. The projected need is for 30,000 geriatricians by the year 2030 to care for about 21 million older Americans. We also need to train more physicians in other specialties and subspecialties to focus on the age-related aspects of their specialty or subspecialty. <br /><br />Investments in these programs, ensure that a group of physician-scientists, focused in the areas of aging and geriatrics, will be groomed as researchers, teachers, and leaders.<br /></p><p>AFAR helps promote these grant programs supporting physician-scientists:</p><ul><li><strong><a href="">The Paul B. Beeson Emerging Leaders Career Development Award in Aging (K76)</a></strong></li><li><strong><a href="">Medical Student Training in Aging Research (MSTAR) Program</a></strong></li></ul> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="section section--band section--padxs-top section--bgclr color-purple "> <div class="section__bg section__bg--clr"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <div class="section__inner section__pad "> <div class="shell"> <div class="grid grid--sm"> <div class="grid__inner grid__inner--two-columns"> <div class="grid-item grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component component--inherit "> <div class="inlay"> <div class="shadow"></div><!-- /.shadow --> <div class="inlay__bg inlay__bg--clr component__bgclr"></div><!-- /.inlay__bg --> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <h4>Leveraging Investment</h4><ul><li>Many AFAR grantees have gone on to receive the coveted R01 grant from the NIH.</li><li>More than 1/2 of the Beeson Scholars now hold leadership positions in their institution.</li></ul> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> <div class="grid-item grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="video"> <div class="video__inner"> <div class="video__holder"> <iframe src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div><!-- /.video__holder --> </div><!-- /.video__inner --> <div class="caption" data-aos="fade-zoom-in"> Multiple grantee Jenna Bartley, PhD </div><!-- /.caption --> </div><!-- /.video --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="section section--band section--padsm-top section--padxs-bottom "> <div class="section__bg section__bg--clr"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <div class="section__inner section__pad "> <div class="shell"> <div class="grid grid--sm"> <div class="grid__inner grid__inner--two-columns"> <div class="grid-item grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="inlay"> <div class="shadow"></div><!-- /.shadow --> <div class="inlay__bg inlay__bg--clr component__bgclr"></div><!-- /.inlay__bg --> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <h3>A Talent Incubator</h3><p><em>According to respondents in a recent AFAR Grantee Survey:</em></p><ul><li>Nearly 100% of grantees reported that their AFAR-<br />funded research laid the groundwork for future studies.</li><li>99% continue to conduct aging-related research.</li><li>93% continue to develop the research topic initiated under their AFAR research grant.</li><li>69% published the results of their AFAR-sponsored research; 33% have had their research profiled in the media.</li><li>53% noted that AFAR-supported research stimulated follow-up studies by others.</li></ul> </div><!-- /.article__main --> <div class="article__aside" data-aos="fade-up"> <div class="article__actions"> <a href="" class="btn" target=""> <span class="btn__background"></span> <span class="btn__content">AFAR Grantees' Impact</span> </a> </div><!-- /.article__actions --> </div><!-- /.article__aside --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> <div class="grid-item grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="photo"> <div class="photo__inner"> <div class="photo__image"> <img class="lazyload" data-src="/imager/general/13099/MapwithLab_ResearchPipeline_52c9019e1953b2a35422c2c16755c67f.jpg" alt="Mapwith Lab Research Pipeline"> <div class="slider-nav"> <div class="slider__arrow slider__prev swiper-button-prev component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_62" data-name="Path 62" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(11677.5 -12275.801) rotate(180)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"> </path></svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> <div class="slider__arrow slider__next swiper-button-next component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_63" data-name="Path 63" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(-11649.4 12342.199)" fill="none" 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<div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <h3>Rigorous Review Process</h3><p>AFAR grants are selected through a meticulous, scientifically rigorous review process to ensure that only the most promising science receives our support. </p><p>Members of AFAR’s Scientific Review Committees—over 200 members strong—are accomplished experts in biomedical research on aging, including past AFAR grantees.</p><p>AFAR’s grant review process is regarded as the gold-star standard in the field.</p> </div><!-- /.article__main --> <div class="article__aside" data-aos="fade-up"> <div class="article__actions"> <a href="" class="btn" target=""> <span class="btn__background"></span> <span class="btn__content">AFAR Scientific Committees</span> </a> </div><!-- /.article__actions --> </div><!-- /.article__aside --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> <div class="grid-item grid-item--card-wide"> <div class="component "> <div class="photo"> <div class="photo__inner"> <div class="photo__image"> <img class="lazyload" data-src="/imager/general/210175/Grant-Review-Process-Graphic-copy_8c3db02c789aac09497d19c3bbf7ce48.jpg" alt="Grant Review Process Graphic copy"> <div class="slider-nav"> <div class="slider__arrow slider__prev swiper-button-prev component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_62" data-name="Path 62" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(11677.5 -12275.801) rotate(180)" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="4"> </path></svg> </span> </div><!-- /.slider__arrow --> <div class="slider__arrow slider__next swiper-button-next component-arrow"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="28.1" height="66.398" viewBox="0 0 28.1 66.398"> <path id="Path_63" data-name="Path 63" d="M11651-12341l24,32-24,32" transform="translate(-11649.4 12342.199)" fill="none" 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component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <h4><strong>“When you apply for an AFAR grant,</strong><strong> you know that your work will be evaluated and critiqued by the best </strong><strong>aging experts. The satisfaction that your scientific views are appreciated </strong><strong>by the leaders in our field is the biggest encouragement that a young scientist can get.”</strong></h4><p>- Subhash D. Katewa, PhD, 2014 AFAR Research Grant for Junior Faculty<br />Buck Institute for Research on Aging</p> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> </div> <footer class="footer bg-darkgray color-white"> <div class="shell"> <div class="footer__inner"> <div class="footer__cols"> <div class="footer__col footer__col--big"> <div class="footer__contact"> <a href="#" class="logo"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="251.44443" height="43.603954" viewBox="0 0 251.44443 43.603954"><path d="m 1647.86,793.98 c 0,-113.21 -90.96,-161.89 -171.38,-161.89 -55.45,0 -100.77,31.59 -106.21,80.019 -0.36,3.211 -0.55,6.532 -0.55,9.879 0,6.481 0.52,12.75 1.59,18.883 10.15,59.078 69.3,102.535 171.82,130.359 l 104.73,28.528 z m 459.41,382.73 c -53.43,-3.07 -101.09,-15.07 -141.97,-40.36 l -2.59,45.99 h -0.01 l -171.79,-11.31 v -45.78 l 37.79,-1.16 c 23.05,-1.16 37.37,-6.98 42.96,-17.38 5.55,-10.44 8.92,-29.37 10.05,-56.78 l 1.74,-41.14 0.42,-15.239 c -0.12,-2.953 -0.24,-5.863 -0.24,-8.86 l 0.44,-5.597 V 753.148 c 0,-79.238 -12.1,-126.339 -65.16,-126.339 -55.56,0 -70.43,42.101 -70.43,126.339 h -0.13 l -0.02,0.582 v 231.719 c 0,132.241 -108.95,185.101 -226.35,185.101 h -0.02 c -89.37,0 -163.83,-38.98 -201.61,-86.75 -1.73,-2.16 -3.37,-4.34 -4.93,-6.53 -3.13,-4.41 -5.96,-8.9 -8.43,-13.4 -1.25,-2.25 -2.41,-4.51 -3.5,-6.82 -2.16,-4.51 -3.98,-9.07 -5.45,-13.62 -2.95,-9.18 -4.5,-18.33 -4.5,-27.31 0,-41.265 27.51,-71.909 66.64,-71.909 2.71,0 5.4,0.148 8,0.363 39.09,3.59 66.08,33.336 66.08,63.086 0,27.75 -24.19,43.43 -27.22,61.86 -0.21,1.23 -0.3,2.47 -0.3,3.75 0,1.61 0.19,3.31 0.55,5.01 5.44,25.48 50.66,55.25 106.21,55.25 104.72,0 135.39,-88.86 135.39,-158.675 0,-40.207 -46.51,-44.425 -189.35,-84.652 C 1334,854.707 1282.01,815.305 1265.25,764.41 c -4.65,-14.219 -6.59,-29.371 -6.59,-45.57 0,-8.649 0.82,-16.852 2.4,-24.68 2.07,-10.359 5.47,-20.07 9.99,-29.012 4.48,-8.988 10.06,-17.238 16.56,-24.75 34.02,-39.457 92.46,-59.066 144.52,-59.066 h 0.01 c 110.98,0 177.43,53.938 220.81,89.918 l 0.55,-0.09 -0.43,-0.5 c 0,0 55.58,-90.058 163.22,-90.058 3.78,0 7.53,-0.391 11.24,-0.09 4.7,0.437 9.36,1.039 13.98,1.777 1.83,0.281 3.67,0.633 5.44,1.051 2.29,0.34 4.55,0.84 6.8,1.301 27.62,6.089 53.79,18.531 78.22,39.328 29.28,24.922 42.5,60.57 48.01,83.972 0.19,1.5 0.44,3.008 0.61,4.411 1.75,8.546 2.32,13.918 2.32,13.918 l 0.22,11.128 c 0.14,1.973 0.29,3.864 0.38,5.563 v 12.848 l 0.15,7.171 0.23,52.372 0.02,2.753 -0.4,-0.378 v 170.316 c 4.13,67.587 28.47,142.437 136.76,151.367 42.58,3.49 90.04,-15.32 90.04,-41.77 0,-20.1 -27.5,-35.98 -27.5,-65.57 0,-31.74 30.69,-63.472 74.04,-63.472 39.14,0 66.65,30.644 66.65,71.922 0,71.95 -96.14,143.07 -216.23,136.19" fill="#f4a00f" transform="matrix(.04812 0 0 -.04812 -20.552239 71.501094)"/><path d="m 816.395,793.98 c 0,-113.21 -90.95,-161.89 -171.36,-161.89 -59.219,0 -106.836,35.961 -106.836,89.898 0,68.821 60.313,118.539 173.489,149.242 l 104.707,28.528 z m 463.105,692.04 c -5.43,-0.08 -10.8,0.1 -16.17,-0.29 -111.29,-4.53 -210.83,-59.02 -210.83,-185.37 v -123.68 h -91.293 v -53.86 H 1052.5 V 753.73 c 0,-89.839 -14.46,-127.601 -68.383,-126.921 -52.375,0.64 -67.207,38.113 -67.207,126.921 v 231.719 c 0,132.241 -108.957,185.101 -226.367,185.101 -130.129,0 -228.508,-82.51 -228.508,-154.43 0,-41.265 27.516,-71.909 66.656,-71.909 43.36,0 74.039,31.727 74.039,63.449 0,29.61 -27.515,45.48 -27.515,65.61 0,26.41 47.613,60.26 106.851,60.26 104.715,0 135.383,-88.86 135.383,-158.675 0,-40.207 -46.515,-44.425 -189.34,-84.652 C 467.305,844.746 427.148,792.93 427.148,718.84 c 0,-92.02 94.145,-137.508 173.477,-137.508 111.063,0 176.898,53.938 220.281,89.918 0,0 56.035,-91.289 163.836,-91.289 3.774,0 7.492,0.25 11.219,0.551 4.709,0.437 9.369,1.039 13.989,1.777 1.82,0.32 3.66,0.633 5.44,1.051 2.27,0.34 4.53,0.84 6.78,1.301 27.63,6.089 53.8,17.929 78.22,38.711 29.31,24.949 42.52,61.796 48.01,85.187 0.22,1.512 0.44,3.012 0.64,4.441 1.74,8.52 2.31,13.899 2.31,13.899 l 0.22,11.121 c 0.14,1.98 0.28,3.859 0.38,5.582 v 12.867 l 0.15,7.09 -0.15,52.75 v 306.531 h 111.15 v 53.86 h -111.15 v 113.12 c 0,16.19 1.6,33.58 5.28,50.7 13.82,55.83 42.27,103.21 130.7,108.49 37.73,2.24 88.73,-9.28 90.06,-39.95 0.87,-20.09 -27.52,-35.97 -27.52,-65.61 0,-31.69 30.69,-63.44 74.07,-63.44 39.03,0 66.54,30.68 66.54,71.92 0,71.95 -93.15,135.58 -211.58,134.11" fill="#f4a00f" transform="matrix(.04812 0 0 -.04812 -20.552239 71.501094)"/><path d="M2904.16 1015h-7.69c-5.13 0-10.86-.2-17.21-.61-6.36-.41-12.36-1.39-17.99-2.93-5.64-1.53-10.41-3.8-14.3-6.76-3.89-2.97-5.85-7.118-5.85-12.454 0-3.484.78-6.402 2.32-8.766 1.53-2.359 3.53-4.347 5.99-5.996 2.45-1.64 5.22-2.812 8.3-3.531 3.08-.715 6.15-1.078 9.22-1.078 12.71 0 22.08 3.031 28.14 9.066 6.04 6.055 9.07 14.297 9.07 24.759zm2.15-45.805h-.92c-5.34-8.402-12.1-14.5-20.29-18.3-8.21-3.79-17.22-5.684-27.07-5.684-6.76 0-13.37.934-19.82 2.762-6.46 1.851-12.2 4.609-17.22 8.312-5.02 3.676-9.07 8.289-12.14 13.828-3.08 5.539-4.61 11.981-4.61 19.364 0 8.003 1.43 14.813 4.3 20.453 2.87 5.64 6.71 10.34 11.53 14.13 4.82 3.8 10.4 6.82 16.75 9.08 6.35 2.25 12.97 3.95 19.84 5.07 6.86 1.13 13.77 1.85 20.74 2.16 6.97.31 13.53.46 19.68.46h9.23v3.99c0 9.22-3.18 16.14-9.54 20.75-6.35 4.62-14.45 6.92-24.28 6.92-7.79 0-15.07-1.38-21.83-4.15-6.76-2.77-12.6-6.51-17.53-11.21l-19.37 19.36c8.2 8.4 17.79 14.45 28.75 18.14 10.97 3.69 22.29 5.53 33.97 5.53 10.46 0 19.27-1.18 26.44-3.54 7.17-2.36 13.12-5.38 17.84-9.07 4.71-3.68 8.34-7.94 10.91-12.75 2.56-4.82 4.4-9.69 5.54-14.6 1.12-4.93 1.78-9.69 1.99-14.3.2-4.61.31-8.66.31-12.15v-84.848h-33.2v20.293M2977.63 1096.48h35.05v-23.07h.61c3.27 6.97 8.56 13.17 15.83 18.6 7.28 5.43 17.07 8.15 29.37 8.15 23.16 0 38.51-9.11 46.11-27.36 5.33 9.42 11.99 16.34 20 20.75 7.98 4.4 17.52 6.61 28.59 6.61 9.83 0 18.13-1.64 24.89-4.92 6.76-3.28 12.24-7.79 16.46-13.53 4.19-5.74 7.21-12.45 9.06-20.13 1.85-7.69 2.78-15.94 2.78-24.75v-87.928h-36.92v83.618c0 4.51-.41 8.87-1.22 13.07-.83 4.2-2.25 7.89-4.3 11.07-2.04 3.18-4.82 5.68-8.31 7.52-3.48 1.86-7.99 2.78-13.51 2.78-5.74 0-10.63-1.08-14.61-3.23-3.99-2.15-7.29-5.02-9.83-8.61-2.58-3.59-4.44-7.68-5.56-12.3-1.11-4.61-1.68-9.27-1.68-13.98v-79.938h-36.9v87.928c0 9.22-1.94 16.55-5.83 21.98-3.9 5.43-10.35 8.15-19.37 8.15-6.15 0-11.33-1.03-15.53-3.07-4.2-2.06-7.68-4.83-10.46-8.3-2.75-3.5-4.75-7.49-5.98-12-1.23-4.51-1.85-9.22-1.85-14.14v-80.548h-36.89v147.578M3351.79 1037.44c-.22 10.86-3.59 19.42-10.15 25.67-6.55 6.25-15.69 9.38-27.37 9.38-11.06 0-19.83-3.18-26.28-9.53-6.45-6.35-10.41-14.86-11.84-25.52zm-75.64-27.67c1.22-11.063 5.53-19.668 12.91-25.825 7.38-6.148 16.3-9.218 26.75-9.218 9.22 0 16.95 1.89 23.21 5.687 6.25 3.785 11.73 8.555 16.45 14.289l26.45-19.976c-8.62-10.661-18.25-18.25-28.91-22.758-10.66-4.504-21.83-6.758-33.51-6.758-11.06 0-21.52 1.859-31.37 5.531-9.83 3.692-18.33 8.926-25.5 15.696-7.17 6.761-12.86 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.22 9.523-6.31 20.143-6.31 31.823 0 11.68 2.09 22.29 6.31 31.81 4.2 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.17 6.76 15.67 11.99 25.5 15.68 9.85 3.69 20.31 5.53 31.37 5.53 10.26 0 19.63-1.8 28.14-5.38 8.49-3.59 15.77-8.76 21.81-15.53 6.05-6.76 10.77-15.11 14.15-25.05 3.39-9.94 5.08-21.37 5.08-34.28v-10.15h-112.53M3423.1 1096.48h36.9v-23.37h.61c4.1 8.6 9.93 15.26 17.52 19.98 7.58 4.72 16.29 7.07 26.14 7.07 2.25 0 4.45-.21 6.6-.62 2.17-.41 4.36-.92 6.62-1.53v-35.67c-3.08.82-6.1 1.49-9.07 2-2.97.52-5.89.77-8.76.77-8.61 0-15.52-1.59-20.75-4.77-5.24-3.18-9.23-6.8-12-10.91-2.76-4.1-4.62-8.2-5.53-12.3-.91-4.1-1.38-7.17-1.38-9.22v-79.008h-36.9v147.578M3543.31 1096.48h36.89V948.902h-36.89zm-5.23 50.1c0 5.94 2.2 11.12 6.62 15.53 4.4 4.41 9.98 6.61 16.76 6.61 6.75 0 12.44-2.1 17.05-6.3 4.62-4.21 6.93-9.49 6.93-15.84 0-6.35-2.31-11.63-6.93-15.83-4.61-4.2-10.3-6.31-17.05-6.31-6.78 0-12.36 2.21-16.76 6.61-4.42 4.41-6.62 9.59-6.62 15.53M3723.47 1052.2c-4.31 4.51-8.81 8.1-13.53 10.76-4.72 2.66-9.53 4-14.45 4-6.76 0-12.82-1.23-18.13-3.69-5.34-2.47-9.9-5.74-13.69-9.84-3.8-4.11-6.67-8.82-8.61-14.14-1.94-5.33-2.92-10.87-2.92-16.6 0-5.75.98-11.28 2.92-16.6 1.94-5.33 4.81-10.043 8.61-14.149 3.79-4.093 8.35-7.378 13.69-9.847 5.31-2.453 11.37-3.68 18.13-3.68 5.73 0 11.07 1.172 15.99 3.527 4.91 2.368 9.12 5.801 12.6 10.305l24.59-26.441c-3.68-3.68-7.95-6.864-12.75-9.52-4.82-2.68-9.69-4.824-14.61-6.461-4.92-1.64-9.63-2.82-14.13-3.539-4.52-.719-8.41-1.074-11.69-1.074-11.08 0-21.52 1.859-31.36 5.531-9.85 3.692-18.34 8.926-25.52 15.696-7.16 6.761-12.86 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.22 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823 0 11.68 2.08 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.2 9.54 9.9 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.67 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.84 3.69 20.28 5.53 31.36 5.53 9.43 0 18.9-1.8 28.44-5.38 9.54-3.59 17.89-9.28 25.06-17.07l-25.52-25.51M3860.9 1015h-7.69c-5.12 0-10.87-.2-17.21-.61-6.36-.41-12.36-1.39-18-2.93-5.64-1.53-10.39-3.8-14.3-6.76-3.88-2.97-5.83-7.118-5.83-12.454 0-3.484.76-6.402 2.31-8.766 1.53-2.359 3.52-4.347 6-5.996 2.45-1.64 5.22-2.812 8.29-3.531 3.08-.715 6.15-1.078 9.23-1.078 12.7 0 22.08 3.031 28.13 9.066 6.03 6.055 9.07 14.297 9.07 24.759zm2.16-45.805h-.93c-5.34-8.402-12.09-14.5-20.29-18.3-8.2-3.79-17.22-5.684-27.05-5.684-6.77 0-13.38.934-19.84 2.762-6.46 1.851-12.19 4.609-17.22 8.312-5.02 3.676-9.06 8.289-12.12 13.828-3.09 5.539-4.62 11.981-4.62 19.364 0 8.003 1.42 14.813 4.3 20.453 2.86 5.64 6.7 10.34 11.53 14.13 4.81 3.8 10.4 6.82 16.74 9.08 6.36 2.25 12.97 3.95 19.84 5.07 6.87 1.13 13.77 1.85 20.75 2.16 6.97.31 13.53.46 19.67.46h9.24v3.99c0 9.22-3.2 16.14-9.54 20.75-6.35 4.62-14.44 6.92-24.29 6.92-7.79 0-15.06-1.38-21.83-4.15-6.77-2.77-12.6-6.51-17.53-11.21l-19.36 19.36c8.2 8.4 17.77 14.45 28.75 18.14 10.96 3.69 22.28 5.53 33.96 5.53 10.47 0 19.28-1.18 26.46-3.54 7.16-2.36 13.11-5.38 17.82-9.07 4.72-3.68 8.35-7.94 10.92-12.75 2.56-4.82 4.4-9.69 5.53-14.6 1.12-4.93 1.8-9.69 2-14.3.19-4.61.31-8.66.31-12.15v-84.848h-33.2v20.293M3935.91 1096.48h35.05v-23.68h.61c3.49 7.38 8.81 13.78 15.99 19.21 7.17 5.43 16.91 8.15 29.21 8.15 9.83 0 18.19-1.64 25.06-4.92 6.85-3.28 12.45-7.58 16.74-12.91 4.31-5.34 7.39-11.48 9.24-18.44 1.83-6.98 2.76-14.26 2.76-21.84v-93.148h-36.89v74.708c0 4.09-.21 8.65-.61 13.68-.41 5.02-1.5 9.73-3.24 14.15-1.73 4.4-4.46 8.09-8.15 11.06-3.68 2.96-8.71 4.46-15.05 4.46-6.16 0-11.33-1.03-15.54-3.07-4.2-2.06-7.68-4.83-10.46-8.3-2.75-3.5-4.74-7.49-5.98-12-1.23-4.51-1.84-9.22-1.84-14.14v-80.548h-36.9v147.578M4216.59 1065.11h-30.44v31.37h30.44v20.9c0 10.24.73 19.51 2.17 27.82 1.43 8.3 4.14 15.43 8.13 21.36 4 5.95 9.58 10.51 16.76 13.69 7.17 3.18 16.51 4.77 27.98 4.77 8.4 0 16.18-.73 23.36-2.16l-2.45-31.36c-2.67.62-5.24 1.13-7.69 1.54-2.47.41-5.04.62-7.69.62-5.13 0-9.22-.82-12.3-2.46-3.06-1.65-5.48-3.84-7.21-6.61-1.76-2.77-2.87-6-3.38-9.69-.53-3.69-.77-7.58-.77-11.68v-26.74h34.12v-31.37H4253.5V948.902h-36.91v116.208M4416.74 1037.44c-.21 10.86-3.6 19.42-10.15 25.67-6.56 6.25-15.68 9.38-27.36 9.38-11.07 0-19.84-3.18-26.29-9.53-6.45-6.35-10.4-14.86-11.84-25.52zm-75.64-27.67c1.23-11.063 5.54-19.668 12.92-25.825 7.38-6.148 16.28-9.218 26.75-9.218 9.21 0 16.94 1.89 23.2 5.687 6.26 3.785 11.73 8.555 16.46 14.289l26.45-19.976c-8.62-10.661-18.26-18.25-28.91-22.758-10.66-4.504-21.83-6.758-33.51-6.758-11.07 0-21.52 1.859-31.36 5.531-9.85 3.692-18.34 8.926-25.52 15.696-7.17 6.761-12.86 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.21 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823 0 11.68 2.09 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.2 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.67 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.84 3.69 20.29 5.53 31.36 5.53 10.25 0 19.62-1.8 28.12-5.38 8.51-3.59 15.78-8.76 21.83-15.53 6.05-6.76 10.78-15.11 14.15-25.05 3.38-9.94 5.07-21.37 5.07-34.28v-10.15H4341.1M4517.57 1022.69c0-5.75.97-11.28 2.92-16.6 1.95-5.33 4.82-10.043 8.61-14.149 3.8-4.093 8.35-7.378 13.68-9.847 5.33-2.453 11.39-3.68 18.15-3.68 6.77 0 12.79 1.227 18.14 3.68 5.31 2.469 9.88 5.754 13.66 9.847 3.81 4.106 6.66 8.819 8.62 14.149 1.95 5.32 2.93 10.85 2.93 16.6 0 5.73-.98 11.27-2.93 16.6-1.96 5.32-4.81 10.03-8.62 14.14-3.78 4.1-8.35 7.37-13.66 9.84-5.35 2.46-11.37 3.69-18.14 3.69-6.76 0-12.82-1.23-18.15-3.69-5.33-2.47-9.88-5.74-13.68-9.84-3.79-4.11-6.66-8.82-8.61-14.14-1.95-5.33-2.92-10.87-2.92-16.6zm87.31-51.655h-.6c-5.35-9.019-12.52-15.582-21.53-19.68-9.03-4.097-18.76-6.144-29.21-6.144-11.48 0-21.66 2-30.58 6.004-8.92 3.996-16.55 9.473-22.9 16.43-6.37 6.98-11.18 15.175-14.47 24.601-3.27 9.434-4.9 19.574-4.9 30.444 0 10.86 1.72 21 5.22 30.44 3.48 9.42 8.35 17.62 14.61 24.58 6.24 6.97 13.78 12.46 22.59 16.45 8.8 4 18.45 6 28.9 6 6.95 0 13.12-.72 18.45-2.15 5.32-1.44 10.03-3.28 14.13-5.53 4.09-2.26 7.58-4.67 10.47-7.23 2.85-2.57 5.21-5.07 7.06-7.54h.93v103.61h36.88V948.902h-35.05v22.133M4786.89 1037.44c-.21 10.86-3.59 19.42-10.15 25.67-6.56 6.25-15.69 9.38-27.36 9.38-11.07 0-19.84-3.18-26.28-9.53-6.46-6.35-10.41-14.86-11.84-25.52zm-75.63-27.67c1.22-11.063 5.53-19.668 12.91-25.825 7.37-6.148 16.29-9.218 26.74-9.218 9.22 0 16.95 1.89 23.21 5.687 6.26 3.785 11.73 8.555 16.46 14.289l26.44-19.976c-8.61-10.661-18.25-18.25-28.9-22.758-10.66-4.504-21.83-6.758-33.5-6.758-11.08 0-21.53 1.859-31.38 5.531-9.83 3.692-18.34 8.926-25.52 15.696-7.16 6.761-12.86 14.902-17.05 24.429-4.21 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823 0 11.68 2.09 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.19 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.05 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.69 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.85 3.69 20.3 5.53 31.38 5.53 10.24 0 19.61-1.8 28.11-5.38 8.51-3.59 15.79-8.76 21.83-15.53 6.05-6.76 10.76-15.11 14.15-25.05 3.39-9.94 5.07-21.37 5.07-34.28v-10.15h-112.52M4858.21 1096.48h36.9v-23.37h.6c4.09 8.6 9.93 15.26 17.52 19.98 7.59 4.72 16.3 7.07 26.15 7.07 2.24 0 4.45-.21 6.61-.62 2.15-.41 4.35-.92 6.6-1.53v-35.67c-3.07.82-6.11 1.49-9.06 2-2.97.52-5.9.77-8.76.77-8.62 0-15.54-1.59-20.76-4.77-5.23-3.18-9.22-6.8-11.99-10.91-2.77-4.1-4.62-8.2-5.53-12.3-.92-4.1-1.38-7.17-1.38-9.22v-79.008h-36.9v147.578M5067.88 1015h-7.69c-5.12 0-10.86-.2-17.21-.61-6.37-.41-12.35-1.39-18-2.93-5.62-1.53-10.4-3.8-14.3-6.76-3.87-2.97-5.83-7.118-5.83-12.454 0-3.484.77-6.402 2.31-8.766 1.53-2.359 3.52-4.347 5.99-5.996 2.47-1.64 5.23-2.812 8.3-3.531 3.08-.715 6.15-1.078 9.22-1.078 12.71 0 22.09 3.031 28.14 9.066 6.04 6.055 9.07 14.297 9.07 24.759zm2.16-45.805h-.93c-5.34-8.402-12.1-14.5-20.29-18.3-8.2-3.79-17.22-5.684-27.06-5.684-6.76 0-13.37.934-19.83 2.762-6.46 1.851-12.19 4.609-17.21 8.312-5.02 3.676-9.07 8.289-12.14 13.828-3.08 5.539-4.61 11.981-4.61 19.364 0 8.003 1.41 14.813 4.3 20.453 2.87 5.64 6.7 10.34 11.53 14.13 4.8 3.8 10.4 6.82 16.74 9.08 6.35 2.25 12.98 3.95 19.83 5.07 6.88 1.13 13.79 1.85 20.76 2.16 6.98.31 13.52.46 19.68.46h9.23v3.99c0 9.22-3.19 16.14-9.54 20.75-6.36 4.62-14.45 6.92-24.29 6.92-7.79 0-15.06-1.38-21.82-4.15-6.76-2.77-12.6-6.51-17.53-11.21l-19.37 19.36c8.19 8.4 17.77 14.45 28.76 18.14 10.95 3.69 22.28 5.53 33.96 5.53 10.45 0 19.27-1.18 26.44-3.54 7.17-2.36 13.13-5.38 17.82-9.07 4.73-3.68 8.36-7.94 10.93-12.75 2.55-4.82 4.4-9.69 5.53-14.6 1.12-4.93 1.79-9.69 2-14.3.2-4.61.31-8.66.31-12.15v-84.848h-33.2v20.293M5125.67 1065.11v31.37h30.44v42.72h36.9v-42.72h40.57v-31.37h-40.57v-64.57c0-7.364 1.37-13.204 4.16-17.517 2.75-4.296 8.24-6.453 16.43-6.453 3.28 0 6.86.36 10.77 1.075 3.89.718 6.97 1.902 9.21 3.523v-31.039c-3.89-1.852-8.66-3.125-14.29-3.844-5.64-.719-10.62-1.074-14.91-1.074-9.83 0-17.89 1.074-24.13 3.227-6.26 2.152-11.18 5.429-14.76 9.839-3.59 4.403-6.05 9.875-7.38 16.45-1.33 6.558-2 14.14-2 22.753v67.63h-30.44M5263.11 1096.48h36.88V948.902h-36.88zm-5.23 50.1c0 5.94 2.2 11.12 6.61 15.53 4.41 4.41 9.99 6.61 16.75 6.61 6.77 0 12.45-2.1 17.06-6.3 4.62-4.21 6.92-9.49 6.92-15.84 0-6.35-2.3-11.63-6.92-15.83-4.61-4.2-10.29-6.31-17.06-6.31-6.76 0-12.34 2.21-16.75 6.61-4.41 4.41-6.61 9.59-6.61 15.53M5371.93 1022.69c0-5.75.98-11.28 2.92-16.6 1.96-5.33 4.82-10.043 8.62-14.149 3.79-4.093 8.35-7.378 13.69-9.847 5.31-2.453 11.37-3.68 18.13-3.68 6.76 0 12.8 1.227 18.14 3.68 5.32 2.469 9.88 5.754 13.67 9.847 3.8 4.106 6.65 8.819 8.61 14.149 1.96 5.32 2.92 10.85 2.92 16.6 0 5.73-.96 11.27-2.92 16.6-1.96 5.32-4.81 10.03-8.61 14.14-3.79 4.1-8.35 7.37-13.67 9.84-5.34 2.46-11.38 3.69-18.14 3.69-6.76 0-12.82-1.23-18.13-3.69-5.34-2.47-9.9-5.74-13.69-9.84-3.8-4.11-6.66-8.82-8.62-14.14-1.94-5.33-2.92-10.87-2.92-16.6zm-36.88 0c0 11.68 2.1 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.19 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.68 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.84 3.69 20.28 5.53 31.36 5.53 11.07 0 21.52-1.84 31.36-5.53 9.84-3.69 18.33-8.92 25.52-15.68 7.17-6.76 12.86-14.91 17.05-24.45 4.2-9.52 6.3-20.13 6.3-31.81 0-11.68-2.1-22.3-6.3-31.823-4.19-9.527-9.88-17.668-17.05-24.429-7.19-6.77-15.68-12.004-25.52-15.696-9.84-3.672-20.29-5.531-31.36-5.531-11.08 0-21.52 1.859-31.36 5.531-9.84 3.692-18.34 8.926-25.52 15.696-7.17 6.761-12.87 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.2 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823M5518.6 1096.34h34.98v-23.63h.63c3.47 7.37 8.8 13.76 15.97 19.18 7.15 5.42 16.87 8.15 29.16 8.15 9.81 0 18.14-1.66 25.01-4.92 6.84-3.28 12.43-7.58 16.72-12.9 4.3-5.32 7.38-11.46 9.22-18.41 1.83-6.95 2.76-14.23 2.76-21.8v-93.006h-36.84v74.586c0 4.1-.21 8.65-.6 13.67-.42 5.01-1.49 9.72-3.24 14.11-1.74 4.4-4.44 8.08-8.12 11.05-3.7 2.97-8.71 4.46-15.05 4.46-6.14 0-11.3-1.02-15.51-3.07-4.2-2.05-7.66-4.81-10.42-8.29-2.77-3.48-4.76-7.47-5.99-11.97-1.23-4.5-1.84-9.21-1.84-14.12v-80.426h-36.84v147.336M2822.35 769.5h-30.38v31.313h30.38v20.867c0 10.234.71 19.492 2.15 27.785 1.43 8.289 4.14 15.398 8.14 21.328 3.99 5.937 9.56 10.484 16.73 13.672 7.16 3.164 16.46 4.746 27.92 4.746 8.4 0 16.17-.715 23.34-2.16l-2.46-31.289c-2.66.605-5.22 1.113-7.68 1.523-2.45.41-5.01.613-7.66.613-5.12 0-9.21-.82-12.28-2.46-3.08-1.629-5.48-3.829-7.22-6.598-1.74-2.754-2.87-5.988-3.37-9.66-.52-3.684-.77-7.586-.77-11.668v-26.699h34.07V769.5h-34.07V653.469h-36.84V769.5M2946.67 727.141c0-5.743.97-11.262 2.91-16.582 1.94-5.309 4.81-10.02 8.59-14.11 3.79-4.097 8.34-7.371 13.66-9.828 5.32-2.461 11.36-3.68 18.11-3.68 6.76 0 12.79 1.219 18.11 3.68 5.32 2.457 9.87 5.731 13.67 9.828 3.78 4.09 6.65 8.801 8.59 14.11 1.95 5.32 2.92 10.839 2.92 16.582 0 5.73-.97 11.257-2.92 16.57-1.94 5.328-4.81 10.027-8.59 14.117-3.8 4.094-8.35 7.371-13.67 9.832-5.32 2.461-11.35 3.68-18.11 3.68-6.75 0-12.79-1.219-18.11-3.68-5.32-2.461-9.87-5.738-13.66-9.832-3.78-4.09-6.65-8.789-8.59-14.117-1.94-5.313-2.91-10.84-2.91-16.57zm-36.85 0c0 11.66 2.11 22.25 6.3 31.769 4.19 9.52 9.87 17.649 17.04 24.41 7.16 6.739 15.66 11.961 25.48 15.641 9.82 3.684 20.25 5.531 31.3 5.531 11.06 0 21.5-1.847 31.31-5.531 9.83-3.68 18.32-8.902 25.48-15.641 7.17-6.761 12.84-14.89 17.04-24.41 4.19-9.519 6.28-20.109 6.28-31.769 0-11.661-2.09-22.25-6.28-31.77-4.2-9.512-9.87-17.66-17.04-24.402-7.16-6.758-15.65-11.981-25.48-15.66-9.81-3.668-20.25-5.528-31.31-5.528-11.05 0-21.48 1.86-31.3 5.528-9.82 3.679-18.32 8.902-25.48 15.66-7.17 6.742-12.85 14.89-17.04 24.402-4.19 9.52-6.3 20.109-6.3 31.77M3104.42 800.813h36.85v-23.344h.61c4.09 8.601 9.93 15.25 17.5 19.961 7.56 4.711 16.26 7.062 26.08 7.062 2.25 0 4.46-.195 6.61-.613 2.15-.41 4.35-.918 6.6-1.543v-35.598c-3.06.821-6.1 1.473-9.06 2-2.97.5-5.9.762-8.75.762-8.59 0-15.51-1.578-20.71-4.75-5.22-3.18-9.21-6.809-11.99-10.91-2.76-4.09-4.59-8.192-5.51-12.281-.93-4.09-1.38-7.161-1.38-9.2v-78.89h-36.85v147.344M3404.63 719.469h-7.69c-5.1 0-10.84-.199-17.17-.617-6.34-.403-12.34-1.372-17.97-2.922-5.63-1.532-10.38-3.782-14.27-6.739-3.88-2.972-5.84-7.113-5.84-12.441 0-3.488.78-6.391 2.3-8.75 1.55-2.359 3.54-4.34 5.99-5.98 2.46-1.649 5.22-2.809 8.29-3.532 3.08-.718 6.14-1.078 9.21-1.078 12.69 0 22.06 3.012 28.09 9.051 6.02 6.039 9.06 14.277 9.06 24.719zm2.14-45.731h-.91c-5.33-8.398-12.08-14.488-20.26-18.269-8.19-3.778-17.19-5.688-27.02-5.688-6.74 0-13.35.918-19.79 2.778-6.46 1.832-12.19 4.613-17.18 8.281-5.04 3.68-9.07 8.281-12.14 13.808-3.06 5.532-4.61 11.973-4.61 19.34 0 7.973 1.44 14.782 4.3 20.41 2.86 5.633 6.71 10.34 11.52 14.122 4.8 3.781 10.38 6.8 16.72 9.062 6.34 2.238 12.94 3.93 19.8 5.066 6.85 1.114 13.76 1.84 20.73 2.141 6.95.313 13.5.449 19.63.449h9.21v4c0 9.223-3.18 16.121-9.5 20.723-6.36 4.609-14.43 6.91-24.26 6.91-7.78 0-15.04-1.391-21.8-4.16-6.76-2.75-12.59-6.492-17.5-11.191l-19.33 19.332c8.18 8.386 17.75 14.429 28.71 18.109 10.93 3.684 22.25 5.531 33.91 5.531 10.44 0 19.23-1.179 26.4-3.535 7.16-2.355 13.09-5.367 17.81-9.047 4.69-3.691 8.33-7.941 10.89-12.738 2.56-4.813 4.39-9.672 5.52-14.594 1.12-4.906 1.78-9.656 2-14.269.2-4.61.29-8.649.29-12.118v-84.722h-33.14v20.269M3552.59 771.34c-6.56 0-12.49-1.078-17.81-3.219-5.33-2.152-9.89-5.109-13.66-8.902-3.8-3.797-6.75-8.399-8.9-13.809-2.15-5.43-3.23-11.43-3.23-17.969 0-5.929 1.08-11.461 3.23-16.57 2.15-5.109 5.15-9.609 9.05-13.512 3.89-3.879 8.49-6.949 13.82-9.211 5.3-2.238 11.04-3.359 17.19-3.359 6.74 0 12.83 1.121 18.25 3.359 5.42 2.262 10.04 5.282 13.82 9.071 3.78 3.769 6.7 8.332 8.76 13.652 2.04 5.309 3.05 11.039 3.05 17.199 0 12.891-3.88 23.321-11.66 31.301-7.79 7.969-18.41 11.969-31.91 11.969zm78.56 29.473V666.672c0-13.301-1.64-25.313-4.9-36.063-3.27-10.757-8.34-19.847-15.21-27.328-6.85-7.461-15.48-13.242-25.92-17.34-10.44-4.082-22.83-6.14-37.15-6.14-13.7 0-26.7 1.738-38.98 5.23-12.28 3.469-23.64 9.801-34.07 19.02l22.1 30.078c7.37-6.75 15.04-11.969 23.01-15.641 7.99-3.687 17.21-5.527 27.65-5.527 8.78 0 16.2 1.219 22.24 3.668 6.03 2.461 10.84 5.851 14.43 10.141 3.57 4.289 6.13 9.468 7.67 15.5 1.54 6.039 2.31 12.73 2.31 20.089v10.762h-.62c-5.32-7.172-12.39-12.543-21.18-16.133-8.8-3.566-17.81-5.347-27.01-5.347-11.05 0-21.08 1.988-30.08 5.968-9 3.993-16.73 9.371-23.17 16.129-6.46 6.742-11.42 14.723-14.9 23.942-3.47 9.191-5.2 19.031-5.2 29.461 0 10.839 1.63 20.98 4.9 30.39 3.27 9.41 8.08 17.598 14.42 24.547 6.35 6.961 13.97 12.442 22.88 16.442 8.89 3.98 19.08 5.972 30.54 5.972 10.44 0 20.15-2.058 29.15-6.152 9.01-4.078 16.16-10.629 21.5-19.629h.6v22.102h34.99M3673.51 800.813h36.84V653.469h-36.84zm-5.22 50.027c0 5.937 2.2 11.101 6.6 15.5 4.4 4.402 9.98 6.598 16.74 6.598 6.74 0 12.43-2.11 17.03-6.29 4.6-4.199 6.91-9.46 6.91-15.808 0-6.336-2.31-11.61-6.91-15.813-4.6-4.199-10.29-6.289-17.03-6.289-6.76 0-12.34 2.207-16.74 6.606-4.4 4.39-6.6 9.558-6.6 15.496M3752.71 800.813h34.99v-23.641h.61c3.48 7.367 8.79 13.769 15.96 19.18 7.16 5.425 16.88 8.14 29.16 8.14 9.82 0 18.16-1.64 25.03-4.914 6.84-3.269 12.42-7.566 16.72-12.898 4.29-5.309 7.37-11.461 9.2-18.41 1.84-6.95 2.78-14.231 2.78-21.79v-93.011h-36.84v74.601c0 4.09-.22 8.629-.62 13.649-.41 5.019-1.49 9.711-3.23 14.121-1.73 4.398-4.45 8.09-8.13 11.039-3.68 2.973-8.69 4.461-15.03 4.461-6.15 0-11.32-1.031-15.52-3.07-4.19-2.051-7.66-4.809-10.42-8.29-2.77-3.48-4.76-7.468-5.99-11.96-1.22-4.5-1.84-9.219-1.84-14.122v-80.429h-36.83v147.344M4001.95 771.34c-6.55 0-12.49-1.078-17.8-3.219-5.33-2.152-9.88-5.109-13.66-8.902-3.79-3.797-6.75-8.399-8.9-13.809-2.16-5.43-3.23-11.43-3.23-17.969 0-5.929 1.07-11.461 3.23-16.57 2.15-5.109 5.16-9.609 9.04-13.512 3.9-3.879 8.51-6.949 13.82-9.211 5.32-2.238 11.05-3.359 17.19-3.359 6.75 0 12.83 1.121 18.26 3.359 5.41 2.262 10.04 5.282 13.82 9.071 3.78 3.769 6.7 8.332 8.74 13.652 2.05 5.309 3.08 11.039 3.08 17.199 0 12.891-3.9 23.321-11.67 31.301-7.78 7.969-18.42 11.969-31.92 11.969zm78.58 29.473V666.672c0-13.301-1.65-25.313-4.9-36.063-3.28-10.757-8.34-19.847-15.21-27.328-6.85-7.461-15.49-13.242-25.94-17.34-10.42-4.082-22.81-6.14-37.14-6.14-13.7 0-26.71 1.738-38.98 5.23-12.29 3.469-23.63 9.801-34.06 19.02l22.1 30.078c7.35-6.75 15.02-11.969 23.01-15.641 7.99-3.687 17.2-5.527 27.63-5.527 8.79 0 16.21 1.219 22.26 3.668 6.01 2.461 10.84 5.851 14.42 10.141 3.57 4.289 6.13 9.468 7.68 15.5 1.53 6.039 2.3 12.73 2.3 20.089v10.762h-.62c-5.32-7.172-12.39-12.543-21.18-16.133-8.79-3.566-17.81-5.347-27-5.347-11.06 0-21.08 1.988-30.09 5.968-9.01 3.993-16.73 9.371-23.18 16.129-6.44 6.742-11.41 14.723-14.89 23.942-3.47 9.191-5.21 19.031-5.21 29.461 0 10.839 1.62 20.98 4.92 30.39 3.26 9.41 8.07 17.598 14.42 24.547 6.34 6.961 13.96 12.442 22.87 16.442 8.89 3.98 19.07 5.972 30.54 5.972 10.44 0 20.14-2.058 29.16-6.152 8.99-4.078 16.15-10.629 21.49-19.629h.61v22.102h34.99M4195.95 800.813h36.83v-23.344h.61c4.1 8.601 9.93 15.25 17.5 19.961 7.57 4.711 16.26 7.062 26.09 7.062 2.25 0 4.46-.195 6.61-.613 2.15-.41 4.35-.918 6.61-1.543v-35.598c-3.08.821-6.11 1.473-9.07 2-2.97.5-5.9.762-8.75.762-8.59 0-15.5-1.578-20.71-4.75-5.22-3.18-9.21-6.809-11.98-10.91-2.77-4.09-4.6-8.192-5.52-12.281-.93-4.09-1.39-7.161-1.39-9.2v-78.89h-36.83v147.344M4420.33 741.879c-.2 10.84-3.58 19.383-10.12 25.633-6.55 6.226-15.67 9.359-27.33 9.359-11.04 0-19.8-3.18-26.24-9.531-6.44-6.328-10.39-14.828-11.82-25.461zm-75.51-27.629c1.23-11.051 5.52-19.641 12.9-25.789 7.36-6.129 16.26-9.199 26.7-9.199 9.2 0 16.93 1.886 23.18 5.668 6.24 3.781 11.71 8.55 16.41 14.281l26.39-19.949c-8.58-10.653-18.19-18.223-28.84-22.731-10.64-4.492-21.79-6.75-33.46-6.75-11.05 0-21.49 1.86-31.31 5.528-9.81 3.679-18.31 8.902-25.47 15.66-7.17 6.742-12.85 14.89-17.03 24.402-4.2 9.52-6.3 20.109-6.3 31.77 0 11.66 2.1 22.25 6.3 31.769 4.18 9.52 9.86 17.649 17.03 24.41 7.16 6.739 15.66 11.961 25.47 15.641 9.82 3.684 20.26 5.531 31.31 5.531 10.23 0 19.6-1.797 28.08-5.371 8.5-3.582 15.76-8.742 21.81-15.5 6.03-6.75 10.74-15.082 14.11-25.031 3.38-9.918 5.07-21.309 5.07-34.219V714.25h-112.35M4560.92 759.98c-7.17 10.02-16.79 15.059-28.86 15.059-4.91 0-9.73-1.238-14.43-3.699-4.71-2.449-7.06-6.449-7.06-11.969 0-4.512 1.94-7.781 5.85-9.82 3.86-2.051 8.78-3.789 14.72-5.231 5.94-1.422 12.33-2.898 19.18-4.441 6.86-1.527 13.25-3.891 19.19-7.059 5.93-3.172 10.84-7.519 14.73-13.039 3.89-5.531 5.83-13.101 5.83-22.73 0-8.789-1.9-16.211-5.68-22.25-3.78-6.031-8.69-10.879-14.73-14.571-6.04-3.699-12.83-6.359-20.41-7.98-7.58-1.641-15.15-2.469-22.72-2.469-11.46 0-21.99 1.649-31.61 4.918-9.62 3.281-18.22 9.223-25.78 17.813l24.54 23.019c4.72-5.332 9.78-9.672 15.21-13.062 5.42-3.36 12.02-5.059 19.79-5.059 2.67 0 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