The Embassy of Azerbaijan in Pakistan

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I hope You will find answers to questions related to our country and also our Embassy. <p align="justify"> Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, the first democratic Republic in the Muslim east appeared as a logic conclusion of the centuries old social-economic, political and cultural development. This Republic emerged as a result of the national awakening and revival processes. The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was the indicator of the political conscience, intellectual and cultural potential, high talent and capability of our nation. The leaders of the Republic- Mahammad Amin Rasulzadeh, Fatali Khan Khoysky, Nasib Bey Yusifbeyli, Samad Bey Mehmandarov, Aliaga Shikhlinsky and others had great contributions in proclamation of the independence of Azerbaijan on 28 May 1918 and in establishment and activity of the Democratic Republic. The names of these prominent political leaders, patriotic intellectuals, professional militaries have gone down into the memory of our people forever. The measures implemented in the Country had a great impact on the restoration of the statehood tradition and strengthening of the national conscience. Therefore, even after the collapse of the Republic as a result of the Bolshevik occupation in April 1920, the sense of independence has never abandoned the hearts of Azerbaijanis since the ideas of freedom were deeply enrooted in the minds of people. </a> <a class="link" href="?name=message&amp;title=Ambassador's Message">more »</a></td> <td width="209" valign="top" align="center"> <a class="text" href="?name=biography&amp;title=Biography of Ambassador"> <img border="0" src="/web/20090508121906im_/" width="190" height="140"> <p align="center">Dr. Eynulla Madatli,<br>Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan</a><br> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"> <img border="0" src="/web/20090508121906im_/" width="730" height="10"></td> </tr> </table><br> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="730" bgcolor="#D4D7DD"> <tr> <td width="100%"> <img border="0" src="/web/20090508121906im_/" width="730" height="10"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"> <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="1" style="background-repeat: repeat-y; background-position-x: center"> <img border="0" src="/web/20090508121906im_/" width="10" height="9"></td> <td width="235"><a class="head">History of Azerbaijan</a></td> <td width="1" style="background-repeat: repeat-y; background-position-x: center"> <img border="0" src="/web/20090508121906im_/" width="10" height="9"></td> <td width="235"><a class="head">Azerbaijan-Pakistan Relations</a></td> <td width="1" style="background-repeat: repeat-y; background-position-x: center"> <img border="0" src="/web/20090508121906im_/" width="10" height="9"></td> <td width="235"><a class="head">Culture of Azerbaijan</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="1" style="background-image: url('/web/20090508121906im_/'); background-repeat: repeat-y; background-position-x: center"> </td> <!-- <td width="235" valign="top"><p align="justify"> <img border="1" src="../img/xerite_small.jpg" align="right" width="87" height="107"><a class="text">The ancient states of Azerbaijan, which maintained political, economic and cultural ties with Sumer and Akkad and formed part of the wider civilization of Mesopotamia, were governed by dynasties of Turkic descent. The Turkophone peoples which have inhabited the area of Azerbaijan since ancient times were fire worshippers and adherents of one of the world’s oldest religions Zoroastrianism. The country’s name, in its current form, is derived from a Turkic collocation meaning “land, noble people, keepers of the flame”. </a><a class="link" href="?name=history&title=History of Azerbaijan">more »</a></td> --> <td width="235" valign="top"><p align="justify"> <img border="1" src="/web/20090508121906im_/" align="right" width="80" height="110"><a class="text">“Azerbaijan: Short History of Statehood” written by Professor Yagub Mahmudlu, the Doctor of History and Honored Scientist of the Republic of Azerbaijan, carries a special importance in terms of imparting the history of Azerbaijan to the world readers, academic-scientific community as well as various social-political circles. This book provides accurate information for those who want to find out about the statehood history of Azerbaijan as it is the compendious review of the history of Azerbaijan from ancient times to our present day. </a><a class="link" href="book/" target="_blank">more »</a></td> <td width="1" style="background-image: url('/web/20090508121906im_/'); background-repeat: repeat-y; background-position-x: center"> </td> <td width="235" valign="top"><p align="justify"> <img border="1" src="/web/20090508121906im_/" align="right" width="87" height="107"><a class="text">Pakistan recognized independence of Azerbaijan 1991 (the second country after Turkey) and the two countries established diplomatic relations in 1992. Pakistan was one of the first countries to open its Embassy in Baku.</a><p align="justify"><a class="text">Pakistan and Azerbaijan enjoy close and cordial relations, characterized by shared perceptions on major global and regional issues. A unique feature of the relations is strong support extended to each other on issues of mutual interest... </a><a class="link" href="?name=relations&amp;title=Azerbaijan-Pakistan Relations">more »</a></td> <td width="1" style="background-image: url('/web/20090508121906im_/'); background-repeat: repeat-y; background-position-x: center"> </td> <td width="235" valign="top"><p align="justify"> <img border="1" src="/web/20090508121906im_/" align="right" width="87" height="107"><a class="text">After reestablishment of state independence country's future development strategy has been reviewed and determined and a new phase of Azerbaijan Culture Policy development has started. Fundamental principles of modem Azerbaijan cultural policy developing in all-European framework are even cultural development of center and regions, elimination of culture and art monopoly and democratization.</a><a class="link" href="?name=culture&amp;title=Culture of Azerbaijan">more »</a></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"> <img border="0" src="/web/20090508121906im_/" width="730" height="10"></td> </tr> </table><br> <!--F O O T E R --> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" height="30" width="730" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #BDBDBD" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td align="center"><a class="menu" href="?name=karabakh&amp;title=Karabakh Conflict">Karabakh Conflict</a></td> <td align="center"><a class="menu" href="?name=consular&amp;title=Visa Requirements"> Consular Section</a></td> <td align="center"><a class="menu" href="?name=press&amp;title=Press Releases"> Press Releases</a></td> <td align="center"><a class="menu" href="?name=links&amp;title=Useful Links"> Useful Links</a></td> <td align="center"><a class="menu" href="?name=contact&amp;title=Contact Information"> Contact Us</a></td> </tr> </table> </center> </body> </html><!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 12:19:06 May 08, 2009 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 07:57:53 Nov 24, 2024. 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