Wellness Activities

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M 27 12 C 26.445313 12 26 12.449219 26 13 L 26 15 C 26 15.550781 26.445313 16 27 16 C 27.554688 16 28 15.550781 28 15 L 28 13 C 28 12.449219 27.554688 12 27 12 Z M 32 12 C 31.445313 12 31 12.449219 31 13 L 31 15 C 31 15.550781 31.445313 16 32 16 C 32.554688 16 33 15.550781 33 15 L 33 13 C 33 12.449219 32.554688 12 32 12 Z M 37 12 C 36.445313 12 36 12.449219 36 13 L 36 15 C 36 15.550781 36.445313 16 37 16 C 37.554688 16 38 15.550781 38 15 L 38 13 C 38 12.449219 37.554688 12 37 12 Z M 42 12 C 41.445313 12 41 12.449219 41 13 L 41 15 C 41 15.550781 41.445313 16 42 16 C 42.554688 16 43 15.550781 43 15 L 43 13 C 43 12.449219 42.554688 12 42 12 Z M 47 12 C 46.445313 12 46 12.449219 46 13 L 46 15 C 46 15.550781 46.445313 16 47 16 C 47.554688 16 48 15.550781 48 15 L 48 13 C 48 12.449219 47.554688 12 47 12 Z M 52 12 C 51.445313 12 51 12.449219 51 13 L 51 15 C 51 15.550781 51.445313 16 52 16 C 52.554688 16 53 15.550781 53 15 L 53 13 C 53 12.449219 52.554688 12 52 12 Z M 19.5 18 C 17.019531 18 15 20.019531 15 22.5 C 15 24.980469 17.019531 27 19.5 27 C 21.980469 27 24 24.980469 24 22.5 C 24 20.019531 21.980469 18 19.5 18 Z M 19.5 19.671875 C 21.058594 19.671875 22.328125 20.941406 22.328125 22.5 C 22.328125 24.058594 21.058594 25.328125 19.5 25.328125 C 17.941406 25.328125 16.671875 24.058594 16.671875 22.5 C 16.671875 20.941406 17.941406 19.671875 19.5 19.671875 Z M 39.875 27.4375 C 37.558594 27.4375 35.726563 28.253906 34.433594 29.3125 L 34.433594 28.972656 C 34.433594 28.421875 33.988281 27.972656 33.433594 27.972656 L 27 27.972656 C 26.449219 27.972656 26 28.421875 26 28.972656 L 26 51 C 26 51.550781 26.449219 52 27 52 L 33.703125 52 C 34.257813 52 34.703125 51.550781 34.703125 51 L 34.703125 39.886719 C 34.703125 36.574219 35.523438 35.34375 37.730469 35.34375 C 39.855469 35.34375 40.214844 36.800781 40.214844 40.066406 L 40.214844 51 C 40.214844 51.550781 40.660156 52 41.214844 52 L 47.921875 52 C 48.476563 52 48.921875 51.550781 48.921875 51 L 48.921875 38.722656 C 48.925781 33.144531 47.851563 27.4375 39.875 27.4375 Z M 16 28 C 15.445313 28 15 28.449219 15 29 L 15 51 C 15 51.550781 15.445313 52 16 52 L 23 52 C 23.554688 52 24 51.550781 24 51 L 24 29 C 24 28.449219 23.554688 28 23 28 Z M 39.875 29.4375 C 45.746094 29.4375 46.925781 32.988281 46.925781 38.722656 L 46.925781 50 L 42.214844 50 L 42.214844 40.0625 C 42.214844 37.714844 42.214844 33.339844 37.730469 33.339844 C 32.703125 33.339844 32.703125 38.265625 32.703125 39.886719 L 32.703125 50 L 28 50 L 28 29.972656 L 32.4375 29.972656 L 32.4375 31.925781 C 32.4375 32.476563 32.972656 32.925781 33.527344 32.925781 C 33.898438 32.925781 34.238281 32.71875 34.410156 32.390625 C 35.128906 31.027344 36.992188 29.4375 39.875 29.4375 Z M 17 30 L 22 30 L 22 50 L 17 50 Z"></path></svg> </div> <div class="btn-sharing" data-share="pinterest"> <svg fill="#000000" role="graphics-symbol" xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 64 64" ><title>Pinterest</title><path d="M 30.820313 2 C 27.054688 2.019531 23.230469 2.777344 19.558594 4.351563 C 4.863281 10.664063 -1.957031 27.75 4.351563 42.441406 C 9.066406 53.417969 19.789063 60 31.039063 60 C 34.851563 60 38.722656 59.242188 42.441406 57.644531 C 57.136719 51.335938 63.957031 34.25 57.644531 19.558594 C 52.914063 8.539063 42.121094 1.945313 30.820313 2 Z M 30.832031 4 C 41.351563 3.949219 51.402344 10.085938 55.8125 20.347656 C 61.683594 34.027344 55.332031 49.9375 41.652344 55.8125 C 27.972656 61.683594 12.0625 55.332031 6.1875 41.652344 C 0.316406 27.972656 6.667969 12.0625 20.347656 6.1875 C 23.765625 4.71875 27.324219 4.015625 30.832031 4 Z M 30.753906 7.078125 C 30.335938 7.074219 29.917969 7.082031 29.5 7.101563 C 28.949219 7.128906 28.523438 7.597656 28.546875 8.148438 C 28.574219 8.699219 29.070313 9.109375 29.59375 9.101563 C 30.363281 9.066406 31.128906 9.070313 31.890625 9.117188 C 31.910156 9.117188 31.929688 9.117188 31.949219 9.117188 C 32.472656 9.117188 32.914063 8.710938 32.949219 8.179688 C 32.980469 7.628906 32.5625 7.152344 32.011719 7.117188 C 31.59375 7.09375 31.175781 7.082031 30.753906 7.078125 Z M 25.398438 7.757813 C 25.269531 7.734375 25.136719 7.738281 25.003906 7.773438 C 19.921875 9.050781 15.394531 12.050781 12.25 16.210938 C 11.917969 16.652344 12.003906 17.28125 12.445313 17.609375 C 12.625 17.75 12.839844 17.8125 13.046875 17.8125 C 13.351563 17.8125 13.652344 17.675781 13.847656 17.417969 C 16.714844 13.617188 20.851563 10.882813 25.488281 9.710938 C 26.023438 9.578125 26.351563 9.03125 26.21875 8.5 C 26.117188 8.097656 25.785156 7.816406 25.398438 7.757813 Z M 32.277344 11.617188 C 23.671875 11.617188 14.777344 17.429688 14.777344 27.160156 C 14.777344 31.214844 16.042969 34.359375 18.34375 36.015625 C 19.019531 36.5 19.859375 36.417969 20.59375 35.800781 C 21.8125 34.78125 23.222656 31.597656 22.519531 30.140625 C 22.125 29.320313 21.949219 28.566406 21.949219 27.703125 C 21.949219 23.78125 24.65625 18.265625 30.675781 18.265625 C 33.515625 18.265625 36.328125 19.359375 38.019531 21.121094 C 39.234375 22.386719 39.816406 23.882813 39.75 25.578125 C 39.519531 31.339844 36.335938 36.242188 33.84375 36.203125 C 33.078125 36.191406 32.488281 35.929688 32.035156 35.398438 C 31.4375 34.6875 31.28125 33.6875 31.316406 33.441406 C 31.539063 32.507813 31.847656 31.519531 32.140625 30.558594 C 32.734375 28.652344 33.289063 26.847656 33.289063 25.277344 C 33.289063 23.363281 33.289063 20.160156 29.417969 20.046875 C 27.96875 20.019531 26.65625 20.546875 25.554688 21.613281 C 24.074219 23.050781 23.230469 25.246094 23.230469 27.640625 C 23.230469 28.609375 23.355469 29.566406 23.601563 30.488281 C 23.746094 31.023438 23.757813 31.535156 23.644531 32.015625 L 21.179688 42.464844 C 20.457031 45.515625 20.726563 49.03125 21.078125 51.433594 C 21.195313 52.332031 21.839844 53.066406 22.71875 53.304688 C 22.914063 53.359375 23.113281 53.386719 23.316406 53.386719 C 24.019531 53.382813 24.667969 53.066406 25.160156 52.433594 C 26.40625 50.839844 27.457031 47.03125 28.300781 43.96875 L 28.371094 43.707031 C 28.480469 43.300781 28.769531 42.183594 29.066406 41.019531 C 30.15625 41.863281 31.671875 42.746094 34.25 42.890625 C 37.445313 43.074219 40.414063 41.964844 42.824219 39.6875 C 46.113281 36.578125 48 31.597656 48 26.03125 C 48 22.304688 46.40625 18.636719 43.628906 15.96875 C 40.703125 13.164063 36.671875 11.617188 32.277344 11.617188 Z M 32.28125 13.613281 C 36.15625 13.613281 39.691406 14.964844 42.246094 17.410156 C 44.632813 19.707031 46 22.847656 46 26.03125 C 46 31.050781 44.339844 35.5 41.449219 38.234375 C 39.449219 40.125 36.984375 41.035156 34.359375 40.894531 C 31.820313 40.753906 30.707031 39.808594 29.625 38.894531 C 29.453125 38.746094 29.28125 38.601563 29.109375 38.464844 C 28.84375 38.25 28.488281 38.191406 28.167969 38.296875 C 27.84375 38.40625 27.601563 38.667969 27.515625 39 C 27.125 40.535156 26.601563 42.597656 26.441406 43.179688 L 26.371094 43.4375 C 25.617188 46.171875 24.585938 49.921875 23.527344 51.28125 C 23.472656 51.34375 23.386719 51.382813 23.238281 51.375 C 23.140625 51.347656 23.074219 51.269531 23.058594 51.15625 C 22.789063 49.320313 22.441406 45.8125 23.125 42.921875 L 25.59375 32.480469 C 25.78125 31.683594 25.757813 30.820313 25.53125 29.972656 C 25.328125 29.21875 25.226563 28.4375 25.226563 27.640625 C 25.226563 25.816406 25.871094 24.097656 26.949219 23.050781 C 27.425781 22.589844 28.207031 22.046875 29.265625 22.046875 C 29.296875 22.046875 29.328125 22.046875 29.359375 22.046875 C 30.878906 22.09375 31.289063 22.5 31.289063 25.277344 C 31.289063 26.546875 30.773438 28.207031 30.230469 29.96875 C 29.921875 30.957031 29.605469 31.984375 29.371094 32.984375 C 29.171875 33.816406 29.511719 35.417969 30.398438 36.550781 C 31.226563 37.613281 32.410156 38.1875 33.816406 38.203125 L 33.871094 38.203125 C 38.09375 38.203125 41.507813 31.601563 41.746094 25.660156 C 41.835938 23.429688 41.046875 21.382813 39.464844 19.734375 C 37.375 17.5625 34.089844 16.265625 30.675781 16.265625 C 25.40625 16.265625 19.949219 20.542969 19.949219 27.703125 C 19.949219 28.867188 20.191406 29.914063 20.703125 30.96875 C 20.871094 31.613281 19.949219 33.765625 19.339844 34.261719 C 17.707031 32.960938 16.777344 30.390625 16.777344 27.15625 C 16.777344 18.679688 24.65625 13.613281 32.28125 13.613281 Z M 47.070313 43.058594 C 46.816406 43.09375 46.578125 43.226563 46.410156 43.449219 C 46.082031 43.890625 46.171875 44.519531 46.613281 44.847656 L 48.21875 46.046875 C 48.398438 46.183594 48.609375 46.246094 48.816406 46.246094 C 49.121094 46.246094 49.421875 46.105469 49.617188 45.84375 C 49.949219 45.402344 49.859375 44.773438 49.417969 44.445313 L 47.8125 43.25 C 47.589844 43.082031 47.324219 43.023438 47.070313 43.058594 Z M 43.78125 46.703125 C 43.523438 46.671875 43.261719 46.738281 43.042969 46.90625 C 42.609375 47.25 42.535156 47.878906 42.875 48.3125 L 44.113281 49.886719 C 44.308594 50.136719 44.605469 50.265625 44.902344 50.265625 C 45.117188 50.265625 45.335938 50.195313 45.515625 50.050781 C 45.953125 49.707031 46.027344 49.078125 45.683594 48.644531 L 44.445313 47.074219 C 44.273438 46.859375 44.035156 46.730469 43.78125 46.703125 Z M 39.28125 49.296875 C 39.148438 49.296875 39.019531 49.324219 38.890625 49.375 C 38.382813 49.59375 38.148438 50.183594 38.367188 50.6875 L 39.15625 52.527344 C 39.320313 52.90625 39.6875 53.132813 40.078125 53.132813 C 40.207031 53.132813 40.339844 53.109375 40.46875 53.050781 C 40.980469 52.835938 41.210938 52.246094 40.996094 51.738281 L 40.203125 49.902344 C 40.039063 49.519531 39.667969 49.292969 39.28125 49.296875 Z M 34.242188 50.6875 C 33.695313 50.765625 33.316406 51.273438 33.394531 51.820313 L 33.683594 53.800781 C 33.753906 54.296875 34.183594 54.65625 34.671875 54.65625 C 34.71875 54.65625 34.765625 54.652344 34.816406 54.644531 C 35.363281 54.566406 35.742188 54.058594 35.660156 53.511719 L 35.375 51.53125 C 35.296875 50.984375 34.789063 50.597656 34.242188 50.6875 Z M 29.414063 50.75 C 28.863281 50.683594 28.367188 51.078125 28.300781 51.625 L 28.066406 53.609375 C 28.003906 54.160156 28.394531 54.65625 28.941406 54.71875 C 28.984375 54.726563 29.023438 54.730469 29.0625 54.730469 C 29.5625 54.730469 29.996094 54.355469 30.054688 53.84375 L 30.289063 51.859375 C 30.355469 51.3125 29.960938 50.816406 29.414063 50.75 Z"></path></svg> </div> <div class="btn-sharing" data-share="email"> <svg fill="#000000" role="graphics-symbol" xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 64 64" ><title>Email</title><path d="M 5 10 C 3.346 10 2 11.346 2 13 L 2 49 C 2 50.654 3.346 52 5 52 L 59 52 C 60.654 52 62 50.654 62 49 L 62 13 C 62 11.346 60.654 10 59 10 L 5 10 z M 5 12 L 59 12 C 59.551 12 60 12.449 60 13 L 60 20.3125 L 33.228516 34.349609 C 32.446516 34.702609 31.549312 34.703906 30.820312 34.378906 L 4 20.392578 L 4 13 C 4 12.449 4.449 12 5 12 z M 60 22.570312 L 60 49 C 60 49.551 59.551 50 59 50 L 5 50 C 4.449 50 4 49.551 4 49 L 4 22.648438 L 29.949219 36.177734 C 30.592219 36.465734 31.281516 36.611328 31.978516 36.611328 C 32.693516 36.611328 33.417469 36.457484 34.105469 36.146484 L 60 22.570312 z M 7 44 C 6.448 44 6 44.448 6 45 L 6 47 C 6 47.552 6.448 48 7 48 C 7.552 48 8 47.552 8 47 L 8 45 C 8 44.448 7.552 44 7 44 z M 12 44 C 11.448 44 11 44.448 11 45 L 11 47 C 11 47.552 11.448 48 12 48 C 12.552 48 13 47.552 13 47 L 13 45 C 13 44.448 12.552 44 12 44 z M 17 44 C 16.448 44 16 44.448 16 45 L 16 47 C 16 47.552 16.448 48 17 48 C 17.552 48 18 47.552 18 47 L 18 45 C 18 44.448 17.552 44 17 44 z M 22 44 C 21.448 44 21 44.448 21 45 L 21 47 C 21 47.552 21.448 48 22 48 C 22.552 48 23 47.552 23 47 L 23 45 C 23 44.448 22.552 44 22 44 z M 27 44 C 26.448 44 26 44.448 26 45 L 26 47 C 26 47.552 26.448 48 27 48 C 27.552 48 28 47.552 28 47 L 28 45 C 28 44.448 27.552 44 27 44 z M 32 44 C 31.448 44 31 44.448 31 45 L 31 47 C 31 47.552 31.448 48 32 48 C 32.552 48 33 47.552 33 47 L 33 45 C 33 44.448 32.552 44 32 44 z M 37 44 C 36.448 44 36 44.448 36 45 L 36 47 C 36 47.552 36.448 48 37 48 C 37.552 48 38 47.552 38 47 L 38 45 C 38 44.448 37.552 44 37 44 z M 42 44 C 41.448 44 41 44.448 41 45 L 41 47 C 41 47.552 41.448 48 42 48 C 42.552 48 43 47.552 43 47 L 43 45 C 43 44.448 42.552 44 42 44 z M 47 44 C 46.448 44 46 44.448 46 45 L 46 47 C 46 47.552 46.448 48 47 48 C 47.552 48 48 47.552 48 47 L 48 45 C 48 44.448 47.552 44 47 44 z M 52 44 C 51.448 44 51 44.448 51 45 L 51 47 C 51 47.552 51.448 48 52 48 C 52.552 48 53 47.552 53 47 L 53 45 C 53 44.448 52.552 44 52 44 z M 57 44 C 56.448 44 56 44.448 56 45 L 56 47 C 56 47.552 56.448 48 57 48 C 57.552 48 58 47.552 58 47 L 58 45 C 58 44.448 57.552 44 57 44 z"></path></svg> </div> <div class="btn-sharing" data-share="whatsapp"> <svg fill="#000000" role="graphics-symbol" xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 64 64" ><title>WhatsApp</title><path d="M 31.988281 2 C 15.453125 2 2 15.457031 2 32 C 2 38.199219 3.867188 44.121094 7.414063 49.160156 L 3.960938 59.453125 C 3.839844 59.808594 3.929688 60.207031 4.195313 60.472656 C 4.460938 60.742188 4.855469 60.839844 5.210938 60.722656 L 15.90625 57.308594 C 20.714844 60.378906 26.273438 62 32.011719 62 C 48.546875 62 62 48.542969 62 32 C 62 15.457031 48.546875 2 32.0625 2.003906 L 32.046875 2 C 32.027344 2 32.007813 2 31.988281 2 Z M 31.988281 4 L 32.011719 4 C 47.445313 4 60 16.5625 60 32 C 60 47.4375 47.445313 60 32.011719 60 C 26.503906 60 21.175781 58.402344 16.609375 55.375 C 16.441406 55.269531 16.25 55.210938 16.058594 55.210938 C 15.953125 55.210938 15.851563 55.226563 15.75 55.257813 L 6.484375 58.21875 L 9.46875 49.316406 C 9.574219 49.007813 9.519531 48.667969 9.328125 48.40625 C 5.84375 43.621094 4 37.945313 4 32 C 4 16.5625 16.554688 4 31.988281 4 Z M 33.207031 7.949219 C 30.933594 7.875 28.652344 8.128906 26.425781 8.71875 C 25.890625 8.855469 25.574219 9.402344 25.714844 9.9375 C 25.851563 10.472656 26.394531 10.792969 26.933594 10.652344 C 31.011719 9.582031 35.292969 9.71875 39.3125 11.054688 C 40.351563 11.398438 41.363281 11.824219 42.328125 12.3125 C 42.476563 12.386719 42.632813 12.421875 42.78125 12.421875 C 43.148438 12.421875 43.5 12.21875 43.675781 11.871094 C 43.925781 11.378906 43.730469 10.777344 43.234375 10.527344 C 42.183594 9.992188 41.078125 9.53125 39.945313 9.15625 C 37.75 8.425781 35.484375 8.023438 33.207031 7.949219 Z M 46.640625 12.988281 C 46.382813 13.015625 46.140625 13.140625 45.96875 13.355469 C 45.621094 13.785156 45.6875 14.414063 46.121094 14.761719 C 46.734375 15.257813 47.328125 15.792969 47.886719 16.351563 C 48.078125 16.546875 48.335938 16.644531 48.59375 16.644531 C 48.847656 16.644531 49.105469 16.550781 49.296875 16.355469 C 49.691406 15.964844 49.691406 15.332031 49.300781 14.941406 C 48.695313 14.332031 48.046875 13.746094 47.375 13.203125 C 47.160156 13.03125 46.894531 12.960938 46.640625 12.988281 Z M 22.300781 17 C 20.929688 17 19.707031 17.449219 18.878906 18.296875 C 18.023438 19.167969 16.015625 21.207031 16.015625 25.21875 C 16.015625 28.632813 18.035156 31.90625 19.285156 33.621094 L 19.421875 33.8125 C 23.191406 39.273438 27.859375 43.359375 32.570313 45.308594 C 36.742188 47.039063 38.976563 47.5 40.515625 47.5 C 41.179688 47.5 41.710938 47.414063 42.21875 47.308594 C 44.46875 46.820313 47.269531 45.152344 48.027344 43.015625 C 48.65625 41.234375 48.8125 39.332031 48.390625 38.597656 C 48.09375 38.074219 47.589844 37.832031 46.949219 37.523438 L 46.53125 37.316406 C 46.484375 37.296875 42.117188 35.121094 41.28125 34.828125 C 40.09375 34.378906 38.992188 34.71875 38.265625 35.746094 L 37.9375 36.203125 C 37.339844 37.046875 36.769531 37.839844 36.328125 38.320313 C 36.191406 38.464844 35.894531 38.484375 35.621094 38.371094 L 35.375 38.269531 C 34.394531 37.875 32.359375 37.050781 29.839844 34.808594 C 27.816406 33.007813 26.371094 30.730469 25.84375 29.839844 C 25.800781 29.765625 25.789063 29.722656 25.78125 29.71875 C 25.808594 29.652344 25.941406 29.5 26.0625 29.359375 C 26.257813 29.109375 26.457031 28.902344 26.652344 28.699219 C 26.820313 28.515625 26.988281 28.335938 27.160156 28.136719 L 27.242188 28.046875 C 27.589844 27.644531 27.863281 27.328125 28.128906 26.753906 C 28.652344 25.746094 28.1875 24.785156 28.035156 24.46875 C 27.917969 24.214844 27.007813 22.007813 26.40625 20.546875 L 25.734375 18.921875 C 25.089844 17.382813 24.378906 17.078125 23.230469 17.03125 C 22.953125 17.015625 22.644531 17 22.300781 17 Z M 22.300781 19 C 22.601563 19 22.867188 19.015625 23.128906 19.03125 C 23.242188 19.035156 23.484375 19.042969 23.535156 19.066406 C 23.542969 19.070313 23.664063 19.160156 23.886719 19.6875 L 24.554688 21.308594 C 25.453125 23.488281 26.097656 25.050781 26.234375 25.332031 C 26.355469 25.585938 26.394531 25.757813 26.335938 25.875 C 26.167969 26.226563 26.039063 26.378906 25.730469 26.734375 L 25.644531 26.828125 C 25.496094 27.007813 25.34375 27.167969 25.195313 27.324219 C 24.964844 27.566406 24.738281 27.8125 24.5 28.101563 C 24.148438 28.515625 23.324219 29.484375 24.113281 30.847656 C 24.832031 32.0625 26.355469 34.382813 28.503906 36.300781 C 31.285156 38.777344 33.625 39.71875 34.625 40.125 L 34.847656 40.214844 C 35.917969 40.65625 37.070313 40.449219 37.789063 39.683594 C 38.324219 39.105469 38.929688 38.257813 39.566406 37.363281 L 39.890625 36.90625 C 40.097656 36.613281 40.242188 36.574219 40.601563 36.710938 C 41.164063 36.90625 44.386719 38.480469 45.632813 39.105469 L 46.078125 39.328125 C 46.285156 39.425781 46.53125 39.542969 46.621094 39.578125 C 46.660156 39.957031 46.609375 41.023438 46.140625 42.347656 C 45.667969 43.6875 43.515625 44.984375 41.800781 45.351563 C 40.777344 45.570313 39.226563 45.902344 33.339844 43.460938 C 28.976563 41.65625 24.621094 37.824219 21.066406 32.675781 C 20.976563 32.542969 20.914063 32.453125 20.855469 32.371094 C 19.792969 30.921875 18.015625 28.0625 18.015625 25.21875 C 18.015625 22.027344 19.5625 20.453125 20.375 19.625 C 20.75 19.238281 21.492188 19 22.300781 19 Z M 9.5625 30.90625 C 9.011719 30.875 8.539063 31.296875 8.507813 31.84375 C 8.472656 32.398438 8.890625 32.871094 9.445313 32.902344 L 11.511719 33.023438 C 11.53125 33.023438 11.550781 33.027344 11.574219 33.027344 C 12.097656 33.027344 12.539063 32.617188 12.566406 32.085938 C 12.601563 31.535156 12.183594 31.058594 11.628906 31.027344 Z M 12.144531 36.304688 C 12.019531 36.28125 11.882813 36.277344 11.75 36.308594 L 9.71875 36.722656 C 9.179688 36.832031 8.828125 37.363281 8.941406 37.90625 C 9.039063 38.378906 9.457031 38.703125 9.921875 38.703125 C 9.988281 38.703125 10.054688 38.695313 10.125 38.683594 L 12.152344 38.265625 C 12.691406 38.152344 13.039063 37.625 12.929688 37.082031 C 12.847656 36.675781 12.527344 36.378906 12.144531 36.304688 Z M 13.613281 41.265625 C 13.484375 41.277344 13.355469 41.308594 13.230469 41.371094 L 11.378906 42.300781 C 10.886719 42.546875 10.683594 43.148438 10.933594 43.640625 C 11.105469 43.992188 11.460938 44.195313 11.828125 44.195313 C 11.976563 44.195313 12.128906 44.160156 12.273438 44.089844 L 14.125 43.160156 C 14.621094 42.914063 14.820313 42.3125 14.574219 41.816406 C 14.386719 41.449219 14.003906 41.242188 13.613281 41.265625 Z M 16.695313 45.632813 C 16.441406 45.617188 16.179688 45.699219 15.972656 45.886719 L 14.421875 47.261719 C 14.011719 47.625 13.976563 48.257813 14.34375 48.671875 C 14.539063 48.894531 14.8125 49.007813 15.089844 49.007813 C 15.324219 49.007813 15.5625 48.925781 15.753906 48.753906 L 17.300781 47.378906 C 17.714844 47.011719 17.75 46.378906 17.386719 45.96875 C 17.203125 45.761719 16.949219 45.648438 16.695313 45.632813 Z M 20.804688 49.097656 C 20.421875 49.027344 20.015625 49.183594 19.785156 49.53125 L 18.648438 51.261719 C 18.34375 51.722656 18.472656 52.339844 18.933594 52.644531 C 19.101563 52.753906 19.292969 52.8125 19.484375 52.8125 C 19.808594 52.8125 20.125 52.652344 20.316406 52.359375 L 21.457031 50.628906 C 21.761719 50.167969 21.636719 49.550781 21.171875 49.246094 C 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14.660156 50.148438 14.40625 49.960938 C 7.792969 45.023438 4 37.691406 4 29.851563 C 4 15.597656 16.5625 4 32 4 Z M 31.957031 8.003906 C 28.144531 8.019531 24.320313 8.871094 20.949219 10.5 C 20.449219 10.738281 20.242188 11.335938 20.480469 11.832031 C 20.652344 12.191406 21.011719 12.402344 21.382813 12.402344 C 21.527344 12.402344 21.675781 12.367188 21.816406 12.300781 C 25.957031 10.304688 30.847656 9.578125 35.457031 10.25 C 35.996094 10.335938 36.515625 9.949219 36.59375 9.402344 C 36.671875 8.855469 36.292969 8.347656 35.746094 8.269531 C 34.496094 8.085938 33.226563 8 31.957031 8.003906 Z M 40.28125 9.445313 C 39.894531 9.464844 39.535156 9.714844 39.394531 10.105469 C 39.210938 10.625 39.476563 11.195313 40 11.382813 C 41.003906 11.746094 41.992188 12.183594 42.9375 12.683594 C 43.085938 12.761719 43.246094 12.796875 43.402344 12.796875 C 43.761719 12.796875 44.105469 12.605469 44.285156 12.265625 C 44.546875 11.777344 44.359375 11.171875 43.871094 10.914063 C 42.847656 10.371094 41.769531 9.894531 40.675781 9.5 C 40.546875 9.453125 40.414063 9.4375 40.28125 9.445313 Z M 28.933594 21.332031 C 28.660156 21.332031 28.398438 21.449219 28.210938 21.644531 L 12.359375 38.472656 C 12.023438 38.832031 11.996094 39.382813 12.296875 39.769531 C 12.492188 40.023438 12.785156 40.160156 13.089844 40.160156 C 13.25 40.160156 13.414063 40.121094 13.566406 40.039063 L 27.296875 32.53125 L 34.152344 39.84375 C 34.339844 40.046875 34.605469 40.160156 34.882813 40.160156 C 35.15625 40.160156 35.421875 40.046875 35.609375 39.847656 L 51.464844 23.019531 C 51.800781 22.660156 51.824219 22.109375 51.523438 21.71875 C 51.21875 21.328125 50.679688 21.21875 50.25 21.457031 L 36.691406 28.964844 L 29.660156 21.640625 C 29.472656 21.445313 29.195313 21.378906 28.933594 21.332031 Z M 28.941406 23.78125 L 35.78125 30.902344 C 36.09375 31.230469 36.589844 31.304688 36.984375 31.085938 L 45.609375 26.3125 L 34.882813 37.699219 L 28.226563 30.597656 C 28.03125 30.394531 27.765625 30.28125 27.496094 30.28125 C 27.332031 30.28125 27.167969 30.324219 27.015625 30.40625 L 18.128906 35.265625 Z M 22.058594 44.578125 C 21.671875 44.519531 21.273438 44.6875 21.050781 45.035156 L 20.015625 46.699219 C 19.726563 47.167969 19.867188 47.785156 20.335938 48.078125 C 20.5 48.179688 20.683594 48.230469 20.863281 48.230469 C 21.199219 48.230469 21.523438 48.0625 21.714844 47.757813 L 22.75 46.09375 C 23.042969 45.628906 22.898438 45.011719 22.433594 44.71875 C 22.3125 44.644531 22.1875 44.601563 22.058594 44.578125 Z M 41.941406 44.578125 C 41.8125 44.601563 41.6875 44.644531 41.566406 44.71875 C 41.101563 45.011719 40.957031 45.628906 41.25 46.097656 L 42.285156 47.757813 C 42.472656 48.0625 42.800781 48.230469 43.136719 48.230469 C 43.316406 48.230469 43.5 48.179688 43.664063 48.078125 C 44.132813 47.785156 44.273438 47.167969 43.984375 46.699219 L 42.949219 45.035156 C 42.726563 44.683594 42.328125 44.519531 41.941406 44.578125 Z M 37.34375 46.441406 C 37.214844 46.425781 37.082031 46.4375 36.949219 46.472656 C 36.417969 46.628906 36.113281 47.183594 36.265625 47.714844 L 36.800781 49.566406 C 36.929688 50.003906 37.328125 50.285156 37.761719 50.285156 C 37.855469 50.285156 37.945313 50.273438 38.039063 50.25 C 38.570313 50.09375 38.875 49.539063 38.722656 49.011719 L 38.1875 47.15625 C 38.074219 46.757813 37.730469 46.488281 37.34375 46.441406 Z M 26.65625 46.441406 C 26.269531 46.488281 25.929688 46.757813 25.8125 47.15625 L 25.277344 49.011719 C 25.125 49.542969 25.429688 50.097656 25.960938 50.25 C 26.054688 50.277344 26.144531 50.289063 26.238281 50.289063 C 26.671875 50.289063 27.070313 50.003906 27.199219 49.566406 L 27.734375 47.714844 C 27.886719 47.183594 27.582031 46.628906 27.050781 46.472656 C 26.917969 46.4375 26.785156 46.429688 26.65625 46.441406 Z M 32 47.074219 C 31.449219 47.074219 31 47.519531 31 48.074219 L 31 49.988281 C 31 50.542969 31.449219 50.988281 32 50.988281 C 32.550781 50.988281 33 50.542969 33 49.988281 L 33 48.074219 C 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18.429891 33.024078 18.587891 33.080078 L 23.462891 34.722656 C 23.871891 36.063656 24.992906 39.735641 25.253906 40.556641 C 25.383906 40.969641 25.713609 42.008187 26.474609 42.242188 C 27.056609 42.453188 27.633484 42.252172 28.021484 41.951172 L 30.869141 39.355469 L 35.605469 42.986328 L 35.814453 43.109375 C 36.245453 43.297375 36.630938 43.365234 36.960938 43.365234 C 37.312938 43.365234 37.602312 43.288219 37.820312 43.199219 C 38.729312 42.826219 39.093812 41.972953 39.132812 41.876953 L 42.900391 22.658203 C 43.176391 21.430203 42.767 20.7725 42.375 20.4375 C 42.099 20.202 41.751562 20.062891 41.367188 20.025391 z M 40.982422 22.039062 C 40.975422 22.096063 40.964312 22.165047 40.945312 22.248047 L 37.251953 41.173828 C 37.214953 41.226828 37.146453 41.315609 37.064453 41.349609 C 36.965453 41.388609 36.823891 41.356406 36.712891 41.316406 L 30.757812 36.748047 L 27.185547 40.011719 L 27.939453 35.214844 C 27.939453 35.214844 37.19575 26.586844 37.59375 26.214844 C 37.99175 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