uCoz - Abuse Report

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<tr><td> <br> <p><b>Copyright Violations</b></p> <p> Copyrights are collection of rights relating to the reproduction, distribution, performance and so forth of original literary, musical, dramatic or artistic works, films, sound recordings, broadcasts and other matter. The copyright owner has the exclusive right to do, or allow others to do, the acts set out in the legislation.</p> <p>If you find a site hosted by uCoz which is in violation of copyrights held by your self, company, or organization, please make sure that you have the following information to submit to uCoz:</p> <ul class="uz"> <li>The site address in violation of your copyright</li> <li>The name of the page(s) that contains the content in question</li> <li>Location of your site from which the content has been stolen</li> <li>Method of violation (hotlinked content, copied content, altered content)</li> </ul> <p>Should the proper information and supporting documentation be in order, please fill out the <a href="#abuse">form</a> at the bottom of this page.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>Trademark Violations</b></p> <p>A Trademark is word, phrase, slogan, design or symbol used to identify goods and distinguish them from competitive products. Trademarks may be registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and similar offices worldwide. However, in the US and in other countries with legal systems based on English common law, trademark rights also accrue through common law usage.</p> <p>Simply using a name which is held in trademark may not be a violation of that trademark unless it is intended for the distribution or promotion or identification of a competing or marketable product or service, or to alter or dilute the value of that name.</p> <p>If you find a site hosted by uCoz which is in violation of trademark(s) held by your self, company, or organization, please make sure that you have the following information to submit to uCoz:</p> <ul class="uz"> <li>The name held in trademark</li> <li>The site address in violation of your trademark</li> <li>The name of the page(s) that contains the content in question</li> <li>Supporting documentation for the trademark,<br> ex: Federal Trademark ID # <li>Method of violation (use and intent of content)</li> </li> </ul> <p>Should the proper information and supporting documentation be in order, please fill out the <a href="#abuse">form</a> at the bottom of this page.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>Adult or Inappropriate Content</b></p> <p>Pornographic, obscene, nude, graphically violent, and other inappropriate content is strictly prohibited.</p> <p>uCoz treats all abuse violations on a case by case basis. Violations which fall into this category sometimes cannot be determined by expressing a definition, but there are some guidelines which can be used to determine if the content on a site is in violation of our <a href="/main/?a=terms">Terms-of-Service</a>.</p> <p>Please review the following guidelines:</p> <ul class="uz"> <li>Adult images are any nude images of the human or humanoid form which depict the nude body in a manner other than in the classical style (i.e. the Statue of David, Venus de Milo, Da Vinci Man Figure, etc). Contemporary nude "art" is considered adult content and is in violation of our Term-of-Service.</li> <li>Artistic nudes in the classical style must be content specific. If such an image is used, it must fall in line with the theme of the site. Alterations of the work for any purpose will be considered a violation of our Terms-of-Service.</li> <li>Any text which describes, refers to, or alludes to services, stories, or products of an adult or sexual nature is a violation of our terms.</li> </ul> <p> Other inappropriate content includes:</p> <ul class="uz"> <li>Graphically violent images not specific to the context of the site</li> <li>Graphically violent content that is not computer generated for gaming purposes</li> <li>Hate speech directed toward an individual or group of people based on sex, color, creed, practices, or orientation</li> <li>Content depicting or referring to the harm of others, animals, or property</li> <li>Content depicting violent behavior toward others or oneself </li> </ul> <p>Should the proper information be in order, please fill out the <a href="#abuse">form</a> at the bottom of this page.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>Hacking Related Content</b></p> <p>There are several definitions which can be applied to hacking related content. Please review the following to better understand the issue and what constitutes hacking related content.</p> <ul class="uz"> <li>Unauthorized use or attempts to circumvent or bypass the security mechanisms of an information system or network.</li> <li>Means of unauthorized access to a computer, its files and programs.</li> <li>Use, create, or distribution or tools or programs intended to alter or enhance the experience of a game or program opposed to the intended use or function of that game or program.</li> </ul> <p>uCoz does not allow any program to be hosted on an account which is in violation of copyrights of the creator of the game or program to which the hack is intended.</p> <p>Distribution of legal hacks which may be distributed by the creator of a game or program cannot be hosted without expressed permission from the copyright holder.</p> <p>If you find a site hosted by uCoz which is using or distributing content in violation of the above definitions, please make sure that you have the following information to submit to uCoz:</p> <ul class="uz"> <li>The site address in violation</li> <li>The name of the page(s) that contains the content in question</li> <li>The specific location of the violation</li> <li>Method of violation (distribution, tutorial)</li> </ul> <p>Should the proper information be in order, please fill out the <a href="#abuse">form</a> at the bottom of this page.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>Spam Violations</b></p> <p>Although uCoz is not an Email Service Provider, we are aware of the growing problem that spam has become on the internet. We are strictly against all spam activity, including mass Emailing, multiple Emailing, multiple posts or mass posting into forums, and flooding of forums or chat rooms with the intent of promoting a site.</p> <p>To better understand how to define spam, or to report spam activity, please refer to these third-party links:</p> <blockquote> <p><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br> <a href="" target="_blank">CAUCE</a></p> </blockquote> <p>For uCoz to take the proper steps to monitor the spamming activity of our users, we require proper verification of this activity. For proper verification, please report the activity to one of the above sites, and to the Email Service provider from which the spam is coming. First time violators will be warned of the activity. Repeat verified violators will have their sites removed from our system</p> <p>Please also send us notification of spam abuse by submitting this <a href="#abuse">form</a> to report the violation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>Guestbook Violations</b></p> <p>Guestbook violations fall into two categories. Please review the information pertaining to the violation you require assistance with.</p> <p><i>1. Inappropriate content in someone else's Guestbook</i></p> <blockquote> <p>uCoz takes abuse of services provided very seriously. The Guestbook, however, does not contain content posted by the Site Manager.</p> <p>uCoz receives many complaints that content on a Guestbook is a violation of our Terms-of-Service, mainly due to defaming, vulgar, or otherwise inappropriate content. We have found that the individual complaining about the content is often the same individual posting the abusive content in hopes of having a site deleted. Since the Site Manager is not the one posting this content, uCoz will notify the user in hopes that they will better monitor the content in the Guestbook.</p> </blockquote> <p>Should you be a concerned parent, school official, or law enforcement officer investigating content on a site, please use this <a href="#abuse">form</a> to obtain information.</p> <p><i>2. Inappropriate content in your Guestbook</i></p> <p>uCoz currently offers IP logging for posting Guestbook entries. Use this feature to obtain IP information, from which you can obtain ISP information to report online abuse. Also you can use provided IP filter to prevent disturber from posting.</p> <p>Should the proper information be in order, please fill out the <a href="#abuse">form</a> at the bottom of this page.</p> </td></tr> </table> </div> <form id="contact_form" class="abuse-form" method="post" autocomplete="off" > <input type="hidden" name="a" value="abuse"> <div class="field-container"> <label for="name_field">Your full name</label> <input id="name_field" name="name" class="input-field" type="text" value="" maxlength="100" placeholder="Enter your first and last name" > <span class="error-message"></span> </div> <div class="fields-group"> <div class="field-container"> <label for="email_field">Your email</label> <input id="email_field" name="email" class="input-field" type="email" value="" maxlength="50" placeholder="Enter your email address" > <span class="error-message"></span> </div> <div class="field-container"> <label for="subject_field">Type of Abuse </label> <select name="subj" id="subject_field" class="select-field default-state"> <option value="">- choose subject -</option> <option>Copyright or Trademark Infringement</option> <option>Defamation</option> <option>Adult content</option> <option>Hacking Related</option> <option>Email Spam Complaint</option> <option>Guestbooks, Forums and Comments Spam</option> <option>Password Harvesting</option> <option>Other</option> </select> <span class="error-message"></span> </div> </div> <div class="field-container"> <label for="main_text">Your Complaint</label> <textarea name="text" id="main_text" class="textarea-field" placeholder="Your text" ></textarea> <span class="error-message"></span> </div> <div class="field-container"> <label for="terms_checkbox" class="check"> <input type="checkbox" id="terms_checkbox" name="terms" class="check-input" > <span class="check-box"></span> I agree to the <a href="javascript://" onclick="'','terms','scrollbars=1,top=1,left=1,width=650,height=450'); return false;">terms of processing my personal data</a> </label> <span class="error-message"></span> </div> <div class="form-action"> <button id="submit-fld" type="submit" class="g-recaptcha btn btn-default" value="Send" data-sitekey="6LeaxigUAAAAAE5RDt2ULPtxUqw6KY1EjLrCc_HW" data-callback="submitForm" data-size="invisible" data-badge="bottomright" >Send</button> <script src="" async defer></script> </div> <div class="field-container"> <span id="form_error_container" class="error-message global-error"></span> </div> </form> </div> <div id="notification" class="modal-style notification-container sent hidden"> <div class="message-wrapper"> <h2 id="status_text">Your complaint has been sent</h2> <p id="status_wait">Please wait, we'll get back to you shortly to the specified email</p> <a href="/" class="btn-link">To main page</a> </div> </div> <script type="module"> import {ContactUs as Abuse} from '/ucoz/v5/dist/js/ContactUs.min.js?v=1'; new Abuse(); </script> </main> <footer> <div class="footer-content"> <p class="copyright">LLC Ucoz Media Copyright &copy; 2005–2025</p> <a class="help-link" href="/contact/" target="_blank">Contact Us</a> </div> <ul class="social-list"> <li><a class="twitter" href="//" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" aria-label="Twitter"> <svg width="20" height="20" class="x-twitter-icon"> <use xlink:href="#x_twitter_icon"/> </svg> </a></li> <li><a class="fb" href="//" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" aria-label="Facebook"> <svg width="20" height="20" class="fb-icon"> <use xlink:href="#fb_icon"/> </svg> </a></li> </ul> </footer> <script type="module"> import {Menu} from '/ucoz/v5/dist/js/Menu.min.js'; window['uMenu'] = new Menu(uCoz.sign, !!0); </script> </body> </html> <!--~ 0.01234 ~-->

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