US Federal Contractor Registration (USFCR) | USFCR Testimonials
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class="col-md-6"> </div> <div class="col-md-12 mb-3"> <p>We strive daily to delight our clients and help them simplify and maximize their contracting or nonprofit relationship with the federal government. We do this by providing professional services, training, and technology that streamline their federal relationship and help them succeed when selling products and services to the government.</p> <p>Even after 10 years and over 100,000 SAM compliant registrations, we still love getting reviews and feedback.</p> <p>Here are some kind words from a few hundred of our delighted clients.</p> </div> </div> <div class="justify-content-center row mb-3"> <div class="col-12"> <nav aria-label="Page navigation"> <ul class="pagination mb-0" id="pagin"> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12"> <div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Now that the DoD is improving more opportunities for small business contractors with CLS, now is the time to register your business in SAM using US Federal Contractor Registration (USFCR). As a procurement officer representing a division of the DoD I fully endorse and encourage businesses to have USFCR properly register their business in SAM. I have recommended numerous businesses to use USFCR in order to become properly registered and accept the bids that I have available.The best thing about USFCR is that not only, do they register businesses in SAM, but they also provide marketing programs, like creating a business’s government-formatted website. These websites that USFCR builds, make it easier for us to find federal buyers that are properly registered. It is part of our process in the Naval supply center to make sure they are registered in SAM in order to be approved for these contracts. USFCR has always sent me great contractors to me and I will always recommend their valuable SAM registration service.</blockquote><img class="reviewimg" src="/assets/img/reviews/navalairsystems.png" alt="navalairsystems"> - Rob Petyo, MH-60R/S Weapon System Manager of NAVAIR (Procurement Officer for DoD)</div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I now know why so many businesses have used US Federal Contractor Registration to register their business in System for Award Management (SAM). US Federal Contractor Registration has done a great job handling my federal registration so far and I am currently waiting for my registration to be completed. I would definitely recommend any business or any federal official to use US Federal Contractor Registration for government contracting assistance. I’m glad I did. As a government official, I cannot believe the government makes it this hard for business owners to become registered, thank god I found US Federal Contractor Registration.</blockquote><img class="reviewimg" src="/assets/img/reviews/usda.png" alt="usda"> - Patricia Griffith, Information Technology Chief of the Grading and Verification Division (GVD) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)</div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I just wanted to say thank you for your assistance with the vendor who choose your services in assisting with their SAM registration. I was able to process the Purchase Order yesterday, and knowing how our system works, I will say it was indeed a lot sooner than if they would of done the registration themselves.</blockquote><img class="reviewimg" src="/assets/img/reviews/USFS_Logo.svg_-283x300.png" alt="USFS_Logo.svg"> - Rita Mills, Purchasing Agent, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)</div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Thank you so much for your help getting Fargo Colonial, LLC registered in SAM with a CAGE Code so quickly! I understand it’s a super busy time of year with probably lots of requests coming in, but you were able to get them added very quickly, [saving] us a lot of time. I know that Leo Lopez at the Grande Colonial is also very appreciative of your hard work and professionalism. Thanks again!</blockquote><img class="reviewimg" src="/assets/img/reviews/2000px-NOAA_logo.svg_-300x300.png" alt="2000px-noaa_logo-svg"> - Patrick Curry, Contract Specialists, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration</div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I would like to take this opportunity to inform you about the excellent customer service I received from Ms. Jessica Summers. For me, this is not an easy process, since obliviously I’m not familiar with it. I was very frustrated in several occasions. Ms. Summers made the process so easy. I just can’t thank her enough for her help, e-mails, returned phone calls, and, most of all, her patience….repeating and explaining a few times the same thing. I certainly appreciate that.</blockquote><p>- Pat De Los Santos, Total Business Services</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know. We had tried to gain entry into the government contracting space, and believed that we had completed all the steps. But it wasn’t working! Then we contracted US Federal Contractor Registration to help us, and the panel lit-up immediately! Everything started to work. It is amazing that they can deliver a service of such value, so quickly and for so little compared to its benefit. We are very pleased!</blockquote><img class="reviewimg" src="/assets/img/reviews/fbbe41f96406ce05d061ec5735c6c2ca.png" alt="fbbe41f96406ce05d061ec5735c6c2ca"> - John Cheeseborough, president and co-founder of SabioAdvantec, LLC</div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic"><p class="testintro">Pyramid Technologies, LLC landed its first contract - a $125,000 contract to provide and deliver propane to several Navy sites- after working closely with John Wayne, II.</p><p>I’ll be honest- this was a new ballgame for me, and it’s all thanks to US Federal Contractor Registration, especially John Wayne, that I not only won this contract but am confident that there will be others awarded to us in the future. John is a godsend. He possesses a great deal of knowledge and is willing to share and teach- and he has the patience of Job. John is just a wealth of knowledge, and if you don’t understand how it all works together, then you can easily be overwhelmed. He helps put things in perspective and can save you a lot of time just by helping you focus on the parts of the bid notification that are the most important.</p></blockquote><img class="reviewimg" src="/assets/img/reviews/new-logo2.jpg" alt="new-logo2"> - Herb Jones, President and CEO, Pyramid Technologies, LLC</div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic"><p class="testintro">Eamon Chase signed up with US Federal Contractor Registration at the end of August 2015. Within three weeks, it had been awarded an $86,000 contract and was in the running for a second contract. Here’s what its owner, Brett Sanborn, had to say:</p><p>Thanks to Marianne Swager and everyone at US Federal Contractor Registration, I was awarded an $86,000 contract three weeks after they completed my SAM Registration. I can’t thank them enough for helping me start this chapter of my life. Disabled veterans don’t always get the same job and employment opportunities as other people,” he says. “It’s an incredible opportunity for people who can’t find traditional work, and it helps give veterans the chance to earn a livelihood.</p></blockquote><img class="reviewimg" src="/assets/img/reviews/logo-6.png" alt="logo"> - Brett Sanborn, Eamon Chase, Inc.</div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic"><p class="testintro">Mac Made Easy, Inc. (MME) signed-up with US Federal Contractor Registration/GovKinex at the end of January 2014.</p> <p>With the help of US Federal Contractor Registration we were registered with SAM, had our DUNS number, government website was complete and Dynamic Small Business Search completed by March 7th, 2014. The quality support, experience and expertise provided by GovKinex during our registration process was key in our ability to quickly begin competing for government opportunities.</p><p>Since March 4th, 2014 MME has been working hard, learning how to compete in the Federal, State and Local government market. Throughout the intervening months we have isolated and submitted bids on almost 100 government opportunities, unsuccessfully. US Federal Contractor Registration’s expert staff answered questions and updated our various profiles and website during this difficult and trying period. Spending month after month bidding with no success was discouraging but time and time again US Federal Contractor Registration encouraged and provided ‘best practices’ which led to our first award.</p><p>On July 1st, MME received it’s first award from the city of Los Angeles, California for the purchase of iPad devices Apple computers and accessories. This small award is only the beginning and already US Federal Contractor Registration is helping us to document and establish records of our past performance. Now that we have our first award we are expecting many great things to come.</p></blockquote><img class="reviewimg" src="/assets/img/reviews/macmadeeasy.png" alt="macmadeeasy"> - Ruben Andazola, Mac Made Easy, inc.</div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kamron Nelson was assigned to work with us on our website, I can’t tell you when I’ve had a better experience with an outside contractor- Kamron was helpful and eager to please, listened carefully to what we needed and then implemented changes quickly and efficiently. Getting this website online was very easy thanks to his expertise! We now have a great site that we’re proud to share!</blockquote><img class="reviewimg" src="/assets/img/reviews/evraz.png" alt="evraz"> - Melodie Ruse, Senior Manager of Communications, EVRAZ North America</div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">John is truly an expert in his field. From initial contact with John I was confident that I had found the assistance that I had been searching for. After only a few short meetings I was extremely impressed at John’s patience, knowledge and persistence at achieving my goals. His knowledge of contracting is extensive, introducing me to area’s of contracting that I had not even considered. He constantly goes above and beyond ensuring my decision to ask him personally for help in contracting was the right choice. I highly recommend that any business looking to win in contracting regardless of which agency ie. govt, private, personal etc. I recommend him whole heartedly.</blockquote><img class="reviewimg" src="/assets/img/reviews/mgt.png" alt="mgt"> - Victoria Pridgen, Myriad Global Technologies</div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">The name John Wayne says it all, Honest and Straight Forward. John knows what it means to Persevere and Stay The Course. John is a Great Leader and the best Representative USFCR could have. Both USFCR and John Wayne are of the Highest Principle. We have referred many people and companies to USFCR because of the way John has always taken care of CDFI throughout the years, for this started day one and has never changed. John is very good a matching up companies and their needs as he has referred many to also CDFI better know as CDIFIRST. John has the professional experience and know how and he has provided these abilities to those he works with and in doing so he further provides the parties with a Successful Track Record as the outcome. John is self reliant as you find in one that owns their own company but is a Team Player all the way. John does not know what is means to give up or quit, but rather John has moved forward full steam ahead and has fully supported and helped those who come to him to organize and develop thriving businesses, starting with that first past performance. One of the best things I could say about John is that he is very passionate about his Family, His Calling and also Others. Thank You John Wayne.</blockquote><img class="reviewimg" src="/assets/img/reviews/cdfi.jpg" alt="cdfi"> - Walter “WR” Presley, Chief and Director of CDFI and CDFI Companies</div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">John is truly an expert in his field. From the first time that I spoke with John I was confident that I had at last found the assistance that I had been searching for. After only a few short meetings I was once again on my way to achieving my goals. His knowledge of contracting is extensive, introducing me to area’s of contracting that I had not even considered. He constantly goes above and beyond ensuring my decision to ask him personally for help in contracting was the right choice. I highly recommend that any business looking to win in contracting regardless of which agency ie. govt, private, personal etc. Contact John Wayne</blockquote><img class="reviewimg" src="/assets/img/reviews/mgenterprises.png" alt="mgenterprises"> - Michael Graham, MG Enterprise</div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Good day. I wanted to take a moment, to extend my most sincere gratitude for the customer service provided by M. Julie Topping. Her service was everything that we could have hoped for: clear, well informed and prompt. Her support, especially in light of the oversight on the part of our organization, salvaged a critical transaction with our valued customer. We are very satisfied and wanted to ensure her supervisors were made aware of her stellar performance.</blockquote><img class="reviewimg" src="/assets/img/reviews/nusil.png" alt="nusil"> - Sissy Ann Tschernoscha, Quality Systems / Regulatory Affairs Supervisor, NuSil Technology LLC</div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Not everyone goes out of their way as you’ve (Jessica Summers) done and it’s appreciated more than you can imagine. If there’s anything I can do for you in that way please let me know.</blockquote><img class="reviewimg" src="/assets/img/reviews/wilmadlabglass.png" alt="wilmadlabglass"> - Susan Jakubowski, Sales, Marketing & Web Support, Wilmad-LabGlass (an SP Industries Company)</div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Initially we had very limited knowledge in navigating the government registration process, set-aside programs and the overall government language. Not only did US Federal Contractor Registration help our business quickly become registered for government contracts but they also provided excellent support for questions and advice. They were able to breakdown the seemingly complex bureaucracy and talk me through the steps I needed to follow to have opportunities for government work. I would absolutely recommend US Federal Contractor Registration to another business seeking to get involved in government contracting.</blockquote><img class="reviewimg" src="/assets/img/reviews/andersonindustrialcontracting.png" alt="andersonindustrialcontracting"> - Don Anderson, Vice President of Anderson Industrial Contracting.</div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic"><p class="testintro">Mike Wills Excavating & Trucking, Inc. renewed its SAM Registration with US Federal Contractor Registration in the middle of September 2015, just a few days before the due date of a bid it wanted to make. It had forgotten about renewing its SAM Registration and, rather than attempt to do it on its own, worked with Case Manager John Lynch to do it. Two weeks later, Mike Wills Excavating & Trucking, Inc. had been awarded a $96,800 contract.</p><p>We had done the project before, so we wanted the chance to do it again. John was very helpful, and we’re glad it worked out like this.”</p></blockquote><p>- Leesa Misterly, Mike Wills Excavating & Trucking</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic"><p class="testintro">Morris Taylor and his two business partners knew they wanted to be able to bid on government contracts and receive government grants, but didn’t know how to do it. They tried to do it themselves, then they reached out to the USDA, and then they reached out to Marianne Swager at US Federal Contractor Registration. Marianne has heard from other contractors that government agencies often explain that a business needs to register but doesn’t follow up and explain how to do it. That’s what Marianne did, and within a couple of weeks, Taylor was registered and ready to go.</p><p>My local USDA told me I could easily complete my SAM Registration on my own, but they didn’t tell me how to do it. I tried several times, but it was clear that I needed help. Marianne was as helpful as she could be, and handled my registration. Thanks to her, my registration is complete.</p></blockquote><p>- Morris Taylor</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I am writing to let you know about how great working with Bobby Davis has been. He has been very helpful in supporting our attempts to update our DUNS number and CAGE Code. We are trying to quickly test the Solidworks v2017 software for use on Air Force Networks and ran into a snag when we found that our DUNS number and Cage Code were expiring. Even though there are more than 250 people at Hill AFB using this software, they weren’t able to purchase it because our SAM Registration was about to be outdated. Bobby and Jessica worked to make sure our DUNS number and CAGE Code were renewed. Between the two of them, we had the new/current information we needed in less than two weeks. It took just about seven days from the time I called to having the information searchable online. I look forward to working with them in the future.</blockquote><img class="reviewimg" src="/assets/img/reviews/air-force-lcmc.png" alt="air-force-lcmc"> - Billy Hines, AFLCMC/LZPEX Designer/Drafter</div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic"><p>US Federal Contractor Registration is very friendly and professional and helped us get set up as a federal contractor.</blockquote><p>- Mallory Dunn, owner, Dump It Services, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR has been a great help to preparing our company to do business with the government. Our website, VA certification, SAMS registration, lists of contract specialists and so much more have done through USFCR.John Wayne II, John Lynch, Kamron Nelson, and Jessica Summers. Thank you so much.</blockquote><p>- Tim McCann, Supreme Systems Co.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">There is no way I could’ve jumped through all these hoops without the help of Federal Contractor Registration. Thank you so much for turning a complicated process into an easy one. Would definitely recommend.</blockquote><p>- Joshua Cash, Cash Family Farms, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I’ve been working with Kristen Salonia and Brian Lewis at USFCR in the Simplified Acquisition Program for two years. They are very professional and personable, and will make the daunting world of federal contracting a smooth and seamless process. Kristen and Brian go the extra mile to make sure you understand everything involved in working with the federal government, and work tirelessly to give you and your company the opportunity to succeed. It is an honor and a privilege to work with such high caliber professionals.</blockquote><p>- Belinda Bentley, Emergency Preparedness Solutions & Consulting LLC Emergency Preparedness Solutions & Consulting LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I would like to say that Kristen Salonia was a great help with the transferring of our cage code. She new how much of a rush we had and work every hard to make sure it was done in time. Thank you Kristen.</blockquote><p>- David Cochrane, Stratotech, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">The company that I work for Alphatec Spine we had to renew our SAM registration within the last week. As this is my first year being involved with this system and the processes. Kristen Salonia-Scheidell & Nicole Smith. Were very helpful, professional, and went above and beyond to ensure that I understood the process and explained the various fees and amounts. They are both available when you call (not saying that aren’t working with other customers). But each time I have called I have actually had an opportunity to speak with them. They are both very responsive to any questions that I have asked. They both have made this entire process bearable and I feel more confident than I initially was when I received the notice that our SAM registration was about to expire. Thank you both so very much for your awesome customer service.</blockquote><p>- Nakia Williams, Alphatec Spine, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen Salonia was very helpful in explaining everything to me during the SAM Registration process. She even took the time to explain to me the step by step process after the registration is complete. As a novice to this process I do appreciate all the help she provided thus far.</blockquote><p>- Naim Reza, Sparta Luxe, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I have had the pleasure of working with Kristen Salonia-Scheidell for the last four weeks. She is efficient, professional and highly organized. I found her to be responsive, thoughtful and most helpful. She made this very onerous process easy for me. For that, I am extremely grateful! I highly recommend Kristen and the rest of her colleagues at USFCR. They are a practical, professional and highly skilled resource team working on behalf of my small business, giving me the confidence I need to succeed. I am very happy to have them as an extension of my team.</blockquote><p>- Mari Anne Snow, Sophaya, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I had the pleasure of working with Kristen Salonia-Scheidell while renewing our registration. Kristen was extremely helpful during the entire process!</blockquote><p>- Chelsea Sewell, Kent Manor Inn, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I worked with Kristen Salonia-Scheidell over the course of 2 months to setup my DUNS Number, Cage code and WOSB. She was very knowledgeable, professional, responsive and efficient in my dealing with her.</blockquote><p>- Tricia Shauger, TriBar Technologies, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen was very helpful and very kind during the process of registration! Great service!</blockquote><p>- Andrea Liz Reyes, Eco Building Solutions, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I worked with Kristen Salonia-Scheidell on updating my registration and she was very helpful, knowledgable and fast. Thank you!</blockquote><p>- Kimy Durenne, Tri-M Technologies</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Great experience Kristen Solonia was awesome and very helpful.</blockquote><p>- Scott Reefe, Nutanix, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen Salonia was very helpful, professional and responsive.</blockquote><p>- Phlezette Watt, Cecil Green dba Y&G Contractors</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Robert Renzella has been one of the most professional, proficient, and knowledgeable men with whom I have had the pleasure of working. His guidance has been outstanding, and I’d recommend his services to everyone interested in government contracting.</blockquote><p>- Luke McCool, Skin Sake director of sales and marketing</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I would really like to thank Nicole S. for [making] the process very easy and understandable.</blockquote><p>- Marrya B., National Consortium of TASC, Inc. dba National TSAC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Nicole has been very helpful in the advancement and presentation of my company. Ms. S. has shown exemplary and profound understanding in being able to advice and assist the marketability of my company.</blockquote><p>- Manuel V., Vee Enterprise</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen Salonia’s help and assistance with our SAM Registration was invaluable. Kristen was very responsive, kept us informed, and exhibited the highest degree of professionalism. USFCR should be proud to have Kristen as part of the team.</blockquote><p>- Will D.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I was very fortunate to work with Kristen Salonia. She was very professional, efficient, helpful, and patient. It was a pleasure working with her.</blockquote><p>- Barb P.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen was awesome and really helped us through the process.</blockquote><p>- Craig H.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR provided me with the best team manager, positive reinforcements, immediate response, and help navigating through uncharted territory. Thank you.</blockquote><p>- Jennifer O.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Our case worker Kristen was extremely professional and courteous. Typically, in the government registration processing, it can be a burdensome lengthy task; she had the ability to make the process simple and relaxing with a quick turnaround with our response. She resolved issues in an expedient timeframe.</blockquote><p>- Ed H.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Johnathan M., Director of Contract Operations, worked hard for us to get us through the process. His follow-through and responsiveness was exemplary. He was knowledgeable and explained the process and followed through. The firm is awesome to work with. This was our first time working with the Federal Government under the umbrella, and we could not be happier with our experience with USFCR, the staff, and the results. Their training videos were helpful as was how they marketed our firm to selected agencies. Bravo.</blockquote><p>- Don</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Johnathan M. with U.S. Federal Contractor Registration has offered impeccable service to my business. Every time I have called, he has been right there to answer any questions that I have. Mr. M. has gotten my business certified to do business with the government for two consecutive years.</blockquote><p>- Gregg, Gregg Trucking</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Robert R. and Christie J. were not only quick but professional with their assistance. They made us feel as though our company’s challenges were their only priority. Our company would recommend Robert for registration and assistance with any marketing needs you have. Robert also spent an extended period of time with us on the phone discussing our path forward with additional government contracts and search engine optimization. We had discussed this within our company and had been researching options, but finding all the services we required with one phone call to Robert gave us the time to tend to other business matters. Lastly we were extremely satisfied with the price for the services provided.</blockquote><p>- Mark C.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I’ve been extremely pleased with the attention and professionalism my company has received since signing up with USFCR. Johnathon has answered each and every question, as well as offering great advice when concerning the welfare of our company and our long term goals. Also he has answered every phone call I’ve made (which has been numerous) or called back, usually within minutes. I’m looking forward to doing many years of work alongside these guys, right up to retirement, which should be years sooner than had I not procured their services.</blockquote><p>- Richard B.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I was very apprehensive about my registration. Thankfully I got in touch with a gentleman named Rod J. Rod made everything very simple for me. Also, he has made communication between us quick and to the point. He always answers the phone or reply to me very promptly. He is very pleasant and friendly and gives me the feeling he is actually glad to help me and enjoys his job. That is sure refreshing! Thumbs up to Rod!</blockquote><p>- Betty S. Houston, Houston Custom Packaging, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Peter L., from US Federal Contractor Registration, helped me finish the SAM registration, create an effective website for my services ( and has followed up with numerous calls that resulted in continued support and feedback for my efforts in responding to RFPs as well as writing proposals. I highly recommend Peter to any business that might be interested in gaining government contracts.</blockquote><p>- Dudley D.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kellie S. provided exceptional service through US Federal Contractor Registration. I would recommend her services to any company who desires to navigate through the complicated process of securing a federal contract.</blockquote><p>- Javelin L.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Robert R. was not only quick but professional with his assistance. Robert also spent an extended period of time with us on the phone discussing our path forward with additional government contracts and search engine optimization. I extremely happy with him.</blockquote><p>- Maye C.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I have been working with Robert R. at US Federal Contractor Registration. I have found him to be very professional and quick to respond to questions I may have. He has spent time with me to ensure that we are presenting my company in the most positive light possible within the federal marketplace. He and his company have provided and continue to provide the training that I feel will make my company successful within the federal marketplace. He makes appropriate recommendations as to the direction he feels you need to take and is also quick to recommend a course correction if needed. I would highly recommend Robert and his company to anyone that is entertaining the thought of entering the federal marketplace.</blockquote><p>- Tim S.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen was extremely helpful, knowledgeable, and a breeze to work with. She made all steps involved extremely easy.</blockquote><p>- Christian P.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">In my dealing with USFCR and Mark Georges, I have only had a very positive experience. All the personnel have been very helpful and willing to assist us when needed.</blockquote><p>- Melissa G.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Mr. John Wayne, III with U.S. Federal Contractor Registration is one of the most knowledgeable individuals in the world of government contracting. He walked Veterans Drywall Plus, Inc. through every step insuring that our paperwork was submitted correctly in order to register with SAM/ ORCA/ FED BIZ/ VET BIZ as well as assisting our new business with obtaining our Cage Code and DUNS number. This man is a wealth of knowledge and anyone looking to land government contracts has a huge advantage by using Federal Contractor Registration Services. Mr. W. is always readily available via email or phone to answer our calls he also has held training webinars to help our business understand how to navigate the government sites in order to find opportunities relevant to our field of work. This is a top notch company with vast knowledge in their field along with excellent customer service. Veterans Drywall Plus, Inc. highly recommends using U.S. Federal Contractor Registration Services.</blockquote><p>- Joshua W., Veterans Drywall Plus, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">In attempting to do a company name change at about the same time that the government was switching from Wide Area Work Flow (WAWF) to the System for Acquisition Management (SAM), I changed the legal name of my business and moved. It caused me to be unable to navigate the waters until Ms. Christie J., Lead Case Manager for US Federal Contractor Registration stepped in and helped me personally through the process. She was prompt, thorough, and always understanding of my inability to understand how to work through the process. She stayed in touch and assisted me each step of the way. Thanks to Christie J. for her diligence.</blockquote><p>- Rob R.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">This is the first time I had my company’s SAM registration renewed. Kristen S. of US Federal Contractor Registration helped me throughout the whole process. She is very supportive, responsive and informative. With her support, I got the registration completed quickly since of my customers was waiting for my SAM re-activation to place order. I highly appreciate Kristen’s service and support and enjoyed working with her during the process. Kristen, thank you very much!</blockquote><p>- James P., Optoplex Corporation</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I am a new woman-owned small business and have been working with US Federal Contractor Registration for a month. Robert is always so eager to help with any questions I may have. Since I am new to all of this he has taken the time to explain things slowly and guide me step by step. He is available to help 90% of the time when I reach out to him whether it be by phone or email and if he isn’t he gets back with me at his first available minute. I would definitely recommend to request Robert R. to folks who are interested in working with USFCR.</blockquote><p>- MaryJoe P.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR has been very helpful in my business endeavors.</blockquote><p>- Barbara C.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Our experience over the past several years has been very good.</blockquote><p>- Jackie B.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Working through this process was not stressful at all, thanks to Kristan S. She was great. Any time I call or e-mail her, she responds quickly. She got things done in a timely manner.</blockquote><p>- Lashonda W.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">After signing up with US Federal Contractor Registration, I worked with Robert. He helped me write my company capability statement, a bid template, and a custom elevator pitch. This company is backing up their words with actions. To have Robert helping me during every step of this process has been phenomenal. He is always available for any question I have, and he is always happy. That makes me feel secure about the choice I made.</blockquote><p>- Nubia H., Count on Us Today, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Michel L. was very helpful getting me setup with my SAM Registration. She was very knowledgeable about the Registration, was very responsive to my questions, and made the whole process very easy.</blockquote><p>- Mark R.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Brian L. at US Federal Contractor Registration has been very responsive to me and my account. Any problems or questions that come up, all I have to do is contact Brian and the issue is addressed and resolved. I can’t ask for more than that.</blockquote><p>- Linda H.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">There are numerous companies that perform the type of services that this company provides… After I did a market analysis of where I would put my money, Mr. Brian L. and a very professional team, have been met and exceeded my expectations. They are not only skilled and knowledgeable in Federal Contracting practices and mentoring businesses to success, they do so exceeding cost, schedule and performance matrices. I am extremely pleased with their assistance and would not hesitate to recommend and encourage businesses that are intimidated by Federal government business practices to use these service and not attempt to go “solo”. They offer value and professional, attentive service.</blockquote><p>- Rita V., New Stone Soup VT, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">US Federal Contractor Registration- in particular Tammy H. and Eric K.- has been extremely helpful with helping me navigate the process of achieving my 8(a) certification. Eric K. has been instrumental in helping me understand the big picture of how achieving my 8(a) status will benefit my business. Furthermore, he explained how unique my company’s service offering is and how the 8(a) program, along with SAP and G-SAP would assist me in growing additional revenue. Tammy on the other hand has been my life line, and has been involved every step of the way in making sure fantastic! Simply put, Tammy and the USFCR support team have been amazing, and I am truly grateful.</blockquote><p>- Wardell J.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR does great work.</blockquote><p>- Jeff K.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I am extremely pleased with the service received, by myself and my external customers. Representative was available throughout the process, very patient and kind. No words can completely satisfy the outstanding service received. haven’t had this type of service in a very long time. Representative really demonstrated great customer skills and meeting the customer needs. The experience of working with your agency representative was very pleasing. Thank you so much for putting the customer first in receiving quality and timely service.</blockquote><p>- Alice L.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I cannot say enough nice things about Kristen S. and the excellent help she provided me with my SAM recertification. She is a true professional with follow-up and patience. Her customer service skills are top notch. Her dedication to her job was apparent through the whole recertification process. She is definitely an asset to your organization.</blockquote><p>- Jennifer C.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">The process went very smoothly. Christie is excellent. Last year, our firm had a name change, and she went above and beyond helping me get the change through the necessary systems. I really appreciated the help.</blockquote><p>- Paul A.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I am very pleased with my service.</blockquote><p>- William C.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen is awesome and very accommodating. I have never not received a response from her that was delayed, and she has always answered all of my questions. Great person to work with.</blockquote><p>- Rosemary V.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Tammy H. was so helpful with my registrations, and USFCR is training me to become successful in the federal marketplace.</blockquote><p>- Diane P.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen S. was the person assigned to our case when we were trying to sign up for the FBO/Government bids. At first we were quite intimated by the entire process, working the maze of Federal Government could be overwhelming and we didn’t quite understand it. Then we were assigned Kristen from the US Federal Contractor Registration as our Case Manager. Right from the first interaction, we knew we were dealing with someone extraordinary. Kristen has exceptional customer service, she provides very clear directions, in a very timely manner. She is extremely helpful, friendly and put you right at ease. We were dreading this registration process but Kristen made it very easy and simple for us, she took care of it all for us. The Federal Government/UD Federal Contractor Registration is extremely lucky to have such a competent person for them! Thanks for everything Kristen, keep on the good work!</blockquote><p>- Marie-Christine C.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">It is with great pleasure that I inform you how satisfied Amzco Surgical Devices is with the services provided by USFCR. Beginning with Specialist John L., who is extremely knowledgeable about acquiring government contracts and how to apply their services to obtain government business. He certainly projects a clear understanding of what to do, we just followed his instructions. We also received excellent service from Kristen Salonia, as she guided us through the registration process; she answered all questions and conducted herself in a very friendly and professional manner. The assistance we received from Web Designer, Kamron N. was just superb! He designed our website to the level of expectation with great efficiency and professionalism. It was truly a great experience working with USFCR!</blockquote><p>- Norman W., VP of Sales & Marketing Amzco Surgical Devices</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">This was a very easy experience getting set up for government contracts compared to what it was five years ago. Our contractors have been extremely attentive to our needs, explained things in ABC terms and have stayed in touch throughout the process to keep us informed on what we can expect one day at a time. Trying to navigate the process on my own five years ago took over a month of ALL my time and energy and was ridiculously frustrating. This has been a very pleasant business interaction!</blockquote><p>- Pam C.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I want to make sure it is noted that Robert R. was a true professional in assisting me with my SAM Registration renewal. He truly went above and beyond to make the process happen after I had failed to renew on time. His performance should be the standard for everyone in your organization. He is Top-Notch for sure. Thank you.</blockquote><p>- Danny</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen was very attentive and patient while walking our company through the SAM registration process. Anyone who gets the opportunity to work with Kristen will be in good hands.</blockquote><p>- Debra J. H., Compassionate Care, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Johnathan Maness was very easy to work with and extremely customer friendly. He made it a seamless process and kept us informed every step of the way. We knew a month before it was due, that it was time for our renewal, and then were notified when the process was complete.</blockquote><p>- Joyce T.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen Salonia is very attentive and helpful!</blockquote><p>- Hannah G.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR provides great customer service, is very knowledgeable, and delivered what they promised.</blockquote><p>- Stephen Y.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">It was very effective having US Federal Contractor Registration and Johnathan Maness in your corner. The process was simple and smooth, and took all the headaches out. I couldn’t have done it without them.</blockquote><p>- Rock D.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Your employees are very helpful.</blockquote><p>- Janice M.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">With the help of my Case Manager, Kristen S., the entire process was extremely easy and surprisingly fast. Ms. S. was prompt in replying to my request for help, very detailed and concise so that instructions were easy to follow, and made the registration happen. Thank you!</blockquote><p>- Jeanne P.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Johnathan Maness is excellent.</blockquote><p>- Jae K.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I found Kristen to be very responsive, timely, and always willing to help.</blockquote><p>- Peter F.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I was very happy with the help I received from Kristen. All the documents and forms were processed in a timely fashion.</blockquote><p>- Gabriel</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">We worked with Kristen at the US Federal Contractor Registration, and without her assistance, could not have done this registration process ourselves. She always answered emails and phone calls quickly. We will definitely use their service again in the future because it takes the burden of a cumbersome process and makes it manageable.</blockquote><p>- Pam S.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Brian Lewis of US Federal Contractor Registration is second to none. His professionalism and knowledge is remarkable, and his people skills are outstanding. I would recommend Brian and the US Federal Contractor Registration to anyone interested in doing business with the Federal Government. There is no one better qualified to assist businesses with this process than Brian Lewis.</blockquote><p>- Belinda B., EPSC, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">US Federal Contractor Registration is worth the money. The process, which is usually time consuming, was smooth and the response was quick. Christie was very helpful and professional. I would recommend using this service.</blockquote><p>- Loretta T.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa B. and Tammy H. were incredible to work with! They were patient, informative, and expressed a genuine concern for my ability to get the required paperwork in time. They followed up in a timely manner for all my questions and needs. I consider myself very lucky to have had their help in this process.</blockquote><p>- Nicole B.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest rating, my experience with Kristen Salonia at US Federal Contractor Registration, was by far a 10. She was courteous, very experienced, and competent with the processes and information needed, and worked closely with our firm in getting our CAGE number assigned. She followed up with checking the status of our registration and kept me advised of any problems that were causing a delay with our registration. The customer service was exceptional and I would highly recommend this firm to others.</blockquote><p>- Susan K.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen made the process very easy and helped me complete the registration process without any issues.</blockquote><p>- Kristie H.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR provides efficient and helpful services.</blockquote><p>- Michelle L.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR makes a tedious process very easy. Easily the best money I’ve spent, in terms of ROI.</blockquote><p>- Maria C.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">My experience with Brian L. and the USFCR team thus far has been excellent! Brian is extremely knowledgeable on the government contracting process and is eager to help a supplier through the entire set up and selling process. While we are just getting started as a company and have a lot to learn, we are confident we chose the right partner to work with and are excited about our prospects moving forward.</blockquote><p>- Michael V.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR makes applying and renewal of SAM registrations virtually painless. They handle everything from start to finish. If you have questions, they are beyond competent with quick answers. They are fast, easy to work with, and efficient. A real joy to partner with for these types of forms and paperwork.</blockquote><p>- Anonymous</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">At this point, I’ve very happy with the efforts made by the staff. Contact and response has been timely and helpful, and I look forward to working with the group to complete the work ahead.</blockquote><p>- Tony J.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen Salonia was great. She is very helpful and responded to my questions quickly and efficiently. Great working with her.</blockquote><p>- Desanka H.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen S. was one of the most helpful agents I have ever worked with, walking me through a confusing bureaucratic process step by step.</blockquote><p>- Rick G.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">West Harlem Group Assistance, Inc. has worked for several years with US Federal Contractor Registration, and we have complete faith in their work.</blockquote><p>- Gillian A., West Harlem Group Assistance, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">My experience with USFCR has made my part of renewal of the SAM registration so much easier. They take care of everything for me. Every person that I’ve had contact with has been extremely knowledgeable, patient, and helpful. The follow up is always great. I would highly recommend this firm to others. It certainly takes a lot of stress off me. I would also like the mention that Jessica S. was a tremendous help in getting me started with the process, and Brian L. did a follow-up call to make sure we had everything we needed and to see if we had any problems or concerns. While we are very happy with everything as it is, I really appreciated that he took the time to check on us!</blockquote><p>- Linda P.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Both Mark G. & Melissa B. of USFCR were very helpful in the SAM Registration, walking me through the complete process in a very timely manner. They met and exceeded my expectations, and I would recommend them to everyone.</blockquote><p>- Adam T.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">My name is Tom B. and I am an operations manager for a tug boat and barge company located in Seattle, Washington. Three months ago I went to a Regional Contracting Forum in Seattle to meet with a couple different agencies. I wanted to see what it would take to get my business registered for upcoming work. From the meeting I learned that my business wasn’t working with the Federal Government. I somehow met Robert R. through all of this. Robert has been a tremendous help. He has gone out of his way to make sure that I am staying on track with this program. I feel every time I’m talking to him that my business can succeed with this. I am very excited to be working with him and what kind of business we can find in the future. Robert is great and I feel lucky ended up with him.</blockquote><p>- Tom B.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR customer service exceeded my expectations. My team was friendly, knowledgeable, and expedient. Their positive attitude was reflected in every exchange we had, be it the phone and/or email, and it was greatly appreciated.</blockquote><p>- Kathleen A.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">My company has used US Federal Contractor Registration/Govkinex for the last several years to assist with our SAM registration. Justin Jones has been very helpful and extremely professional. I would recommend this service since they simplified the entire process.</blockquote><p>- Lorraine H.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR provides excellent service and was very helpful in helping me start my business.</blockquote><p>- John H.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">This company provides effective service and continues to work with clients long after they’ve provided the required services. I’d recommend this service to others.</blockquote><p>- Julius G.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">In all ways, Kristen Salonia is excellent and professional.</blockquote><p>- Stephen M.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Robert and Kamron did everything they told me they would do. I found them to be very knowledgeable and helpful. I’m looking forward to what else they can do to help me and my business exceed in its goals.</blockquote><p>- James E.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen was a great help in getting our business set up for government contracts.</blockquote><p>- Robert</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen Salonia is very professional and knows what she is doing. She has a pleasant and pleasing personality, and explains what you need to know so that you can easily understand it.</blockquote><p>- Vince K.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen S. helped us numerous times, was professional and sympathetic to our problems, and found a solution and kept us informed throughout the whole process. Her friendly and knowledgeable performance is a credit to US Federal Contractor Registration, and she should be commended. I am looking forward to working with her closely in the years to come.</blockquote><p>- Jeffrey L.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Alicia S. was very helpful and responsive during our company’s registration process. As our Case Manager, Ms. S. always acted in a professional manner.</blockquote><p>- Chuck B.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">US Federal Contractor Registration was a great choice for my company to work with. Robert R. has qualified my company for the Simplified Acquisition Program and we use the State Marketing Campaign. Robert R. is a great asset to the US Federal Contractor Registration Inc. as he truly cares about his clients and has been there from the initial training to winning contracts. I have just won my 2nd multi-year Federal Contract due to the knowledge and support of Robert R. and US Federal Contractor Registration.</blockquote><p>- Anonymous</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">The person I worked with at US Federal Contractor Registration Inc.- Robert R.- was extremely patient with my questions and very knowledgeable about Government contracting procedures. He worked very hard training and familiarizing me with the different Government websites available to be used for procurement and market research on contracts. He also showed a willingness to learn about my company’s services and products. This isn’t easy for most individuals as my company provides Automation Engineering Solutions across many business classifications. Robert R. is also a very friendly person and enjoyable to work with. Classified as a small company with a small amount of expendable time and funds available I found that US Federal Contractor Registration Inc. and Robert R. was a very good value.</blockquote><p>- Todd W.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR was extremely responsive, easy to work with, and definitely worth the money. They even went above and beyond to help us with a unique issue that we had not been able to resolve previously.</blockquote><p>- Kelly T.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Alicia S. is very professional and courteous. It was a long, drawn out process and I wouldn’t have been able to navigate all the way through to completion without the ongoing assistance of Alicia S. I very much appreciate all the assistance she provided.</blockquote><p>- Sandy T.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I found Kristen S. to be very helpful in navigating through a very difficult and confusing process. Kristen was very responsive when I needed her expertise and assistance and I would highly recommend her to others who might be going through this process.</blockquote><p>- Jim B.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I have nothing but positives for the way our business was handled and the attention we received from them. We hit several roadblocks in our application process, and the person we were assigned to was continually on top of the situation and worked with us to work through the issues to get to a successful conclusion. Top notch service and knowledge. Ali S. did a terrific job with this process and communicating with us.</blockquote><p>- Donald K.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">The performance of Ms. Christie J., Lead Case Manager, was exemplary! She was patient, courteous, very detailed with her explanations, timely in her responses, and professional in her demeanor. She made the process manageable and painless! I applaud her work ethic and commitment to her job!</blockquote><p>- Patricia T.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR is fast, reliable, and extremely helpful. After months of conversations with the IRS, Dunn and Bradstreet, and the CAGE code registration people, I was at an impasse with my SAM registration. I had been rejected a total of 11 times due to differences in our school name with various government agencies. US Federal Contractor Registration Inc. took away my headache and gave me a hassle-free registration. Well worth the money!</blockquote><p>- Abigail Z.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen S. did an outstanding job assisting me with all my paperwork to complete my SAM registration. She was on top of everything, and made calls for me that were needed to make sure everything was completed satisfactory. She was very patient, and I am very appreciative of all her assistance. Please let her know how appreciative I am for her help.</blockquote><p>- Yolanda K.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen S. was very professional and helpful.</blockquote><p>- Dave G.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I am very satisfied with Alicia S. Otherwise, it would be extremely hard for me to update my SAM.</blockquote><p>- Joseph N.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">The process was painless and effective.</blockquote><p>- Herb H.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR has friendly & effective case managers. Our case manager was very friendly, followed up, provided exceptional service, and was patient with challenges that arose during the renewal process. Thank you.</blockquote><p>- Anonymous</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">The team members with whom I interacted to obtain registration for my company were extremely helpful and responsive. Our Case Manager, Kristen S., was exceptionally knowledgeable and helpful throughout the entire process.</blockquote><p>- Alan S.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I have spent more than 30 years working with and for both large and small government contractors, so I have had significant experience in working with agencies and government contract operations. This experience was a delight and also a major shock from what I have experienced in the past. These folks were direct, very helpful, responsive and most efficient and a real tribute to the efforts being made to make the government more responsive to the marketplace. In this case they have successfully achieved that goal beautifully.</blockquote><p>- Stan M., LMD Consulting, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I had the absolute best professional and customer service experience with Kristen S. at US Federal Contractor Registration. She expedited our registration process under stressful circumstances for my firm. She was highly communicative, informed, and results oriented. Without Kristen’s expertise we would not have met a very tight deadline and would have lost out on a significant opportunity to bid on services we have been the subcontractor on for seven years. I give her the highest ratings one could give. She truly exceeded all of my expectations.</blockquote><p>- Robert M.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Although the process is a long one and in depth, it is really helpful to have a friendly voice with assistance assigned to you. As a non-US company, some of the terminology was not familiar, but again the case worker was a real help.</blockquote><p>- Sophie A.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">We needed help to convert over from the old CCR to the new SAM system, and Melissa went above and beyond what we normally get for help from any government agency. She saved us a ton of time and a great deal of heart burn. My hat is off to her.</blockquote><p>- Gregory C.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I dealt with Alicia, and she was very helpful during the renewal process. She was great to work with.</blockquote><p>- Kim H.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">We had a great experience working with Alicia. She was very helpful and clear as to what we needed to do. She assisted immediately and we saw immediate results.</blockquote><p>- Beth C.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Alicia performed exceptionally well, and with great efficiency, speed, and professionalism. I would highly recommend her to anyone needing the services of US Federal Contractor Registration.</blockquote><p>- Karen L.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I recently had the pleasure of being assisted by Kristen Salonia regarding my employer’s registration and update. She was very helpful and asked open-ended questions in assisting me to get the answers needed for qualification. Her suggestions were very helpful and any part of the registration process that I wasn’t sure of- she ensured that repeated questions to her were easily explained. My company thanks her also for a tremendous and profound job so to that I say “Great Job” I am sure you are a great asset to your company.</blockquote><p>- Jacquelyne C.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I needed assistance with the new form under a re-registration. The form itself was not clear, so I called and received an immediate response back from Alicia. She followed up with the form to make sure it was complete and sent me a completed copy. She did a great job.</blockquote><p>- Anonymous</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I am a volunteer for a nonprofit in Wisconsin that was required to register in the SAM system in order to be able to apply for federal grants. I was fortunate to be able to work with Christie on this process. I could not have asked for a better partner in this process. She was prompt, extremely responsive and helpful and went above and beyond to make sure we efficiently made it through the registration process. Christie was also there for me when I had to use my SAM registration to also register under so we could actually file the grant application. In that case, I contacted her randomly and she got back to me quickly and helped me get everything in order. Thanks to Christie for all her help!!</blockquote><p>- Anne S.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen was very helpful and got everything processed very quickly. I could not have gotten this accomplished with out her.</blockquote><p>- Joseph F.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR is very thorough and easy to work with.</blockquote><p>- Regan M.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen is professional, knowledgeable, friendly, and clearly loves her job. She made the process of renewing my SAM Registration easy and stress free. She also provided good advice about seeking out new opportunities.</blockquote><p>- Carol G.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I was very satisfied with USFCR and with our case manager.</blockquote><p>- Charles D.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen Salonia was super helpful and went above and beyond what I was expecting. Instead of pushing everything back onto me, she took on some things that made this first time experience for me a very smooth one.</blockquote><p>- Marcus S.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen was extremely professional and courteous. Typically, in the government registration process, it can be a burdensome lengthy task; she made the process simple and relaxing with a quick turnaround with our response, resolving issues in an expedient timeframe.</blockquote><p>- Ed H.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR provided me with a great team manager, immediate responses to my questions, and helped guide me through uncharted territories.</blockquote><p>- Jennifer O.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen was awesome, and she really helped us through the process.</blockquote><p>- Craig H.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I was very fortunate to work with Kristen Salonia, who was very professional and personal as well as efficient, helpful, and had a lot of patience. It was a pleasure working with Kristen.</blockquote><p>- Barb P.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen Salonia help with our SAM Registration was invaluable. Kristen was very responsive, kept us informed, and exhibited the highest degree of professionalism. USFCR should be proud to have Kristen part of the team!</blockquote><p>- Will D.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen was very helpful throughout the application process. The process may be a little confusing to some people, but her help made it a lot easier.</blockquote><p>- Jae K.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR is very helpful and friendly. I would recommend everyone speak to them directly if they need any help, especially with Kristen. She went above and beyond to help us get things done with our application. I would work with her again in the future.</blockquote><p>- Dana C.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen S. was very patient and helpful.</blockquote><p>- Marvin M.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I want to express my deep gratitude for your assistance earlier today with the process of getting our organization on its way to being registered with and You were patient, thorough, knowledgeable, and able to help me and my colleague at the International Foundation for Science (based in Stockholm) make progress on our efforts to respond to a notice of funding opportunity with the US Government.</blockquote><p>- William Savage, International Foundation for Science Consultant</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I want to thank you for all of your help and assistance. I could have never completed this on my own. You were kind and patient. You did a fantastic job. Thank you so much.</blockquote><p>- Henry E. Dunigan, Mayor, Black Oak, Arkansas.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">US Federal Contractor Registration has been very supportive. They provide guidance and assist with troubleshooting. We will continue to use their services in the years to come.</blockquote><p>- Vicki Pettis, Program Coordinator, Colorado Veterans Resource Coalition</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">They always answer my questions.</blockquote><p>- Victoria Marr, Make a Difference Landscaping</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">We recently needed to renew our registration with the Federal System of Award Management (SAM) in order to apply for a grant. It had been several years since our registration had lapsed and we had no idea where to begin. The individuals answering the technical assistance hotline were great and told us exactly what we needed to do and who to contact. We were referred to a Case Manager (Jessica S.) who assisted us in the process from beginning to end. Ms. Summers was able to tell us exactly what to do and our registration was complete within a few short days.</blockquote><p>- Melinda S.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa helped me obtain my SAM Registration. She pleasantly walked me through the process. Without her help, I would have been hopelessly lost. If all employees were as easy to work with, life would be much more pleasant.</blockquote><p>- Henry D.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie and team made this process ridiculously easy. I appreciated them staying on top of something I probably would have let fall through the cracks due to lack of time. It is nice to have them remind you about this each year.</blockquote><p>- Kim S. </p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I worked with Christie J. to get our SAM account revised/updated to our new company name and she was great. Always willing to help me with any questions I had and made this process a lot easier than it could have been.</blockquote><p>- James S. </p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">[We received] excellent results with good response, and they made the work flow easy.</blockquote><p>- Suraa Adnan, Scopesky Communications</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">US Federal Contractor Registration and Brian Lewis were very helpful and efficient.</blockquote><p>- Lisa von Schlichting, owner and office manager, Inter-Chrome Dental Lab</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">John Lynch and company take care of all my needs. When I call in they take the time to listen to what I have to say and follow thru with what they said they would do. One of the best choices ive made so far.</blockquote><p>- Ty Flying Out, of Flying Out Roofing, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Exceptional service. Rare to get such service from a Government website. </blockquote><p>- Jay Shaw</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Case Manager, Amanda Pedigo was EXTREMELY helpful assisting me. Her responses were same day and in most cases, immediate. Very professional and accurate.</blockquote><p>- Julie Derr, The James House</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">John Wayne is totally awesome, and we would not have won our contract without him.</blockquote><p>- Letha Beaty, Ceroglass</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">The registration process went quickly and smoothly. Everyone I interacted with was knowledgeable and courteous. My lead case manager, Christie Jackson, clearly communicated each step of the process and responded quickly to any questions I had.</blockquote><p>- Carrie Vaughn, Tracker Products</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">We are a marine engine dealer and distributor on the west coast, in charge of CA, UT, NV, AZ, NM, HI and Guam, and have been working with USFCR, specifically with Christie Jackson, for almost as long as USFCR has existed. They are thorough, fast, and efficient. Knowing the nightmares of filling out and updating those government forms- due to USFCR, we have never missed an update or registration, and we’ve never had a problem with our paperwork. We can recommend them only in the highest regard.</blockquote><p>- Lieselotte Reichel, Helmuts Marine Service</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson is our account manager, and she is great! She gets us going with our Sam Registration and renewals each year for accepting federal contracts, and it is all done in a timely manner.</blockquote><p>- Tryn Hendricks, H&H Electric, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson is very efficient and quick to respond.</blockquote><p>- Derek Allen, MHI Hospitality TRS, dba Brownstone Hotel</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Great service and turnaround. Christie J. is always a pleasure to work with. Highly recommend.</blockquote><p>- Debbie S.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I worked with Christie J. to renew my organization’s SAM account so that we could apply for federal grants. We were on a tight schedule, with a grant deadline weeks away so it was critical that we have our SAM account renewed as quickly as possible. Christie was extremely professional, responsive, and helpful through the process. She gave me assurances that the process would be handled as quickly as possible, and was clear and precise in her communication.</blockquote><p>- Shelana D., Save the Redwoods League</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I have been working with Christie J. for several years with my renewals. Christie and her team are incredibly efficient and courteous. They make my end of the process so easy and I am completely confident in their work. Good job!!!!</blockquote><p>- William R.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie was very helpful and quick on assisting with filing our documents and in answering any questions I may of had. Always a pleasure to work with.</blockquote><p>- Linda J.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Very positive experience dealing with Christie J. Everything was straight forward, simple and fast. It was pleasure dealing with her and her team. I strongly recommend them.</blockquote><p>- Roquel Garcia, Broadcast Tech., Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie and team made this process ridiculously easy. I appreciated them staying on top of something I probably would have let fall through the cracks due to lack of time. It is nice to have them remind you about this each year.</blockquote><p>- Kim S.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I worked with Christie J. to get our SAM Registration revised/updated to our new company name, and she was great. She was always willing to help me with any questions I had, and made this process a lot easier than it could have been.</blockquote><p>- James S.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I had to go through the whole process to renew my SAM registration for the first time. Amanda P. assisted me since the beginning of the process and she was exceptionally professional, patient, knowledgeable, and clear at all times. I do not think I would have been able to complete this difficult process without her assistance. Thank you Amanda!</blockquote><p>- Mariana C.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Ms. Melissa B. helped me obtain my SAM number. She pleasantly walked me through the process. Without her help, I would have been hopelessly lost. If all employees were as easy to work with, life would be much more pleasant.</blockquote><p>- Henry D.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I began my company’s SAM Renewal Registration Monday. At that time I was assigned my Case Manager Kristen S. She was awesome. Her knowledge in the process and her assistance in completing the Registration Renewal was over the top. It took only 3 days to get the SAM Renewal approved. Thank you Kristen!</blockquote><p>- Debra M.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Thank you for the awesome “love” that you showed us today during the conference call. I have worked many years with professionals from all walks of life, and you made us feel very welcomed in the USFCR family. Looking forward to a long and prosperous future together.</blockquote><p>- Trent Stevens, Greer Consulting, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I’m so thankful for Christie J. in the way she takes care of our application renewal. With a lot of these types of forms, they can be very intimidating to fill out when it’s not something you do every day. Christie is so easy to work with and helps me feel comfortable if i ask questions about the process. I absolutely could not do this by myself.</blockquote><p>- Brenda Jones, Old Line Water Authority, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I found this service to be useful, and the service by Melissa Baum to be quick and helpful.</blockquote><p>- Thomas Vehe, WaterRock Environmental, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie and her team are excellent to work with. They save us a lot of time internally and provide quick and accurate feedback.</blockquote><p>- Kevin Baker, National Recovery Solutions</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen S. is very helpful and efficient.</blockquote><p>- Gaby Bontea, USC Salvation Army</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson has always provided timely, accurate, and fast service.</blockquote><p>- Judith Fenton, Camarena Health</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson was very helpful through the process of updating our account. I run a small diesel engine shop and wouldn’t expect anyone to know what we know. Trying to navigate through everything that needed to be done was difficult but Christie walked us through everything.</blockquote><p>- John Smith, Diesel Parts Sales & Service, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen Salonia-Scheidell is FABULOUS! She is highly professional and an expert in her work. She gave very clear guidance and walked us through our entire Registration Process. She kept in constant communication with us. Kristen’s streamlined process and structure lead our Registration to be a success in a very short amount of time and flawlessly! Thank you!</blockquote><p>- Rebecca Uyleman, Devil Dog Installations, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I was totally ignorant of the registration process. Kristen Salonia-Scheidell, Case Manager with US Federal Contractor Registration, made this process so easy and comfortable it couldn’t have been better. She was friendly and patient no matter how many times I called or asked the same questions over and over. She literally did all the work for me. Kristen Salonia-Scheidell is a true professional and a real pleasure to work with. I can’t thank her enough.</blockquote><p>- Don Yegge, Sierra County Historical Society Incorporated</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen Salonia was very professional and active, we are very grateful for the service provided. Their service was everything we could have hoped for, clear, and knowledgeable. We are very satisfied.</blockquote><p>- Alexis Soto, Deco Data, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen was very helpful to get me through the process!</blockquote><p>- Ami Martin, Martin’s Sedan Service</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Using this service was an easy win for our Non-Profit. Easy to use, prompt response, and helpful. I am pleased!</blockquote><p>- Betty Sims, Big Country AIDS Support Group</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Amanda Pedigo with S.A.M. was truly awesome to work with on getting me set up for another year. Everyone should be so lucky to have an employee like that. She made me feel like I could count on her no matter what my questions were. Good selection S.A.M.</blockquote><p>- Kelly R. Wilcox, THE GW Van Keppel Company</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Case Manager Melissa Baum was a life saver in registering us in the System for Award Management. Our non-profit was required to complete this process for a grant, and I had never heard of SAM before. Melissa answered all of my questions and handled the entire process for me in no time at all, allowing our company to submit the needed paperwork for our grant. I couldn’t be more thrilled to have been assigned this case manager to help me for the next year, and I highly recommend doing business with US Federal Contractor Registration as a result of my positive experience with Melissa!</blockquote><p>- Jessica Wilson Epps, Augusta Stepping Stones to Recovery </p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa was very helpful to guide us through the Federal Registration Process and help to maintain our SAM registration</blockquote><p>- Gary Chimkin, Springshare, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie was very helpful and efficient.</blockquote><p>- Judy Hammack, Housing Authority of London</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson has worked with our company for two years in renewing our SAM registration. She has been very responsive and professional. We are very happy with the service and will continue to use her.</blockquote><p>- Kathleen Sego, Certified Languages International, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie was fast, timely, and helpful.</blockquote><p>- Sara Jean, FiberOptic Resale Corp.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Jessica Summers is an outstanding customer services rep. She never gave up on this old man, even if I thought renewing my SAM profile was impossible. Jessica did it with outstanding professionalism and also with a positive attitude. I am just thankful that people like Jessica are available for actions like I had, correcting my Profile and SAM Registration.</blockquote><p>- Nelson Stiltner, Stiltmart Learning Management Systems, Inc. dba NS Software Services</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson and her team made the SAM registration process painless and seamless. They stay on top of deadlines and get everything done with as little work as possible required on the customer’s part. Thank you, Christie! I highly recommend them.</blockquote><p>- Kristina Stoede, Georgia Professional Standards Commission</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson and Bobby Davis was very helpful. They were very knowledgeable and guided me through the whole process.</blockquote><p>- Erica Gearner, Crawford and Reiber Medical Associates</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson is prompt and professional.</blockquote><p>- Robert Tudi, OST Services, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson was great and very helpful. The whole experience was long and complicated. Glad it’s over!</blockquote><p>- Al Garner, Independent Refrigeration Services, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I want to share a POSITIVE experience regarding Christie Jackson & Robert Renzella. Each year they both do a fantastic job of assisting in renewing our SAM Registration, and it is very much appreciated by our staff at US Medical Innovations. They are both very professional & helpful during this process, and we look forward to working with them again in 2018!</blockquote><p>- Kathleen Korinko, US Medical Innovations</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Jessica Summers was outstanding … at helping me clean up my profile on all websites, which was required to renew my SAM Registration. Will use this company again and again.</blockquote><p>- Nelson Stiltner, Stiltmart Learning Management Systems, Inc. dba NS Software Services</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">So much easier than it used to be…great job Christie Jackson, as always!</blockquote><p>- Connie Shockley, George County dba George County Sheriff’s Office </p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I have been working with Justin Jones to help set up my company to communicate with Federal Government buyers to obtain contracts for my company products. He has gone above and beyond to assist us, making sure we get the proper information we need to make intelligent decisions. I would be lost without Justin’s help. Thank you for your outstanding guidance.</blockquote><p>- Matthew Quinn, Greenmont Healthcare Products, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Very efficient and friendly response.</blockquote><p>- John Slater, Slater Endoscopy</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa Baum was extremely helpful in completing what I needed to do to renew my SAM registration. She answered all of my questions, and explained things in a manner that was easy to understand. She is awesome, and I hope that I get to continue to work with her in the future.</blockquote><p>- Kerry Prine, Certified Medical Systems II, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Great help with the forms and certifications. Good work.</blockquote><p>- Anson Murphy, Anson & Associates, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I would like to thank Amanda for her great work, perseverance, and patience during the registration process. Also for being professional and understanding. Great work!</blockquote><p>- Humberto Serrano, Serco Machine Shop, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I wanted to take a moment and thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule to do a follow-up call with us. We are new to the federal government procurement system, and there is so much to learn about the system that at first it felt overwhelming.There were times that I had no idea what they were requesting on the solicitations and no one to ask for guidance —that is until I discovered you on YouTube. Simply put, your YouTube videos are by far the BEST instructions available for doing business with the federal government. After watching just one of your YouTube videos, I was convinced that we needed to register with your organization if we were planning on being successful in the federal market sector. I must say I have not been disappointed. Your daily group trainings are AMAZING! You often answer my questions before I even ask them. I really enjoy and benefit from hearing the questions and concerns that members of the daily group training session ask each day. I love the fact that you are working on actual current situations and opportunities. Believe me when I tell you that as a small business that is new to this market sector, it is very exciting and motivating to see an actual solicitation on my screen for $1 million and to hear you explain to the business owner, line by line, the small details that must be double checked before submitting.- then you actually suggest that he e-mail the RFQ it to you for review before submitting it. That is AMAZING SERVICE!</blockquote><p>- Earline Perrilliat, GVal Investments</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I worked with Melissa Baum, a case manager at US Federal Contract Registration, recently. Our organization needed to expedite the process of receiving a SAM number. She was wonderful. She understood the time sensitivity of our need and worked with us to acquire a SAM number with professionalism and urgency. I am pleased with her professionalism, timeliness and courtesy to me!</blockquote><p>- Lauren Brooks, Rocketown of Middle Tennessee</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Very helpful and responsive!</blockquote><p>- Chris Chapman, Hasten Energy Solutions LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa Baum,my case manager at US Federal Contractor Registration, took the worry and additional work out of my day, so I can focus on making my business successful.</blockquote><p>- Rich Hanlin, Heritage Facilities Maintenance Company</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa Baum from USFCR was very helpful with the registration process. I would recommend her to help you with your registration. Great service.</blockquote><p>- Ruth Castro, Rocha Plumbing, Incorporated</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR has amazing customer service and is very helpful with any questions or concerns.</blockquote><p>- Cristal Perez, HEP Pharmacy, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa Baum was a great help in getting the paperwork done for our company and helping me through the process. Now with the renewal this year, she has come to my aid again. Very nice to have them on our side.</blockquote><p>- Art Wawrzyniak, KAH2O 2nd Avenue, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I worked with Melissa Baum as my case manager at US Federal Contractor Registration, When I recently changed the company name, she was incredible to work with! The first registration went smoothly, but when I attempted to change the company name in SAM without help, I quickly realized I should have reached out to Melissa. After emailing Melissa for help, the change was effortless on my end. She walked me through everything and made the process tremendously easy.</blockquote><p>- Scott Ingram, Intrinsic, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa Baum made this process seamless. Once we completed the necessary beginning paperwork, she took it from there and only forwarded us the progress as she completed everything.</blockquote><p>- Jess Camera, Shippers Highway Express, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa Baum, Case Manager with US Federal Contractor Registration, has been very knowledgeable, and helpful.</blockquote><p>- Rebecca Rose, Marine Magnetics, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa Baum provided excellent and very timely service to get Innu-Science USA registered. It was a pleasure working with her, and I highly recommend this professional service.</blockquote><p>- Desmond Parker, Innu-Science USA</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I found them to be highly responsive and easy to work with. Melissa Baum’s experience in the process make a big difference in us getting our registration completed quickly.</blockquote><p>- Jim Moore, Trustpoint Translations, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">We recently renewed our Federal Contractor Registration utilizing US Federal Contractor Registration, Inc. Our Case Manager, Melissa Baum, was extremely helpful and timely. The whole process was painless, and we are very pleased with the outcome.</blockquote><p>- Kathryn Pikosky, EAO Switch Corporation</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa and her team are terrific. They take care of all of the details and make the experience an easy one. I appreciate their efforts because, without their assistance, I would have likely let this fall through the cracks for lack of time. Definitely a blessing.</blockquote><p>- Rob Stark, Bluechip Technologies, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Love working with Melissa at US Federal Contractor. She makes keeping track of our account easy and quick!</blockquote><p>- Antionette Gonzales, Aries Charter Transportation, Inc. dba Aries Travel</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa Baum performed an outstanding performance with helping RSM Geospatial, Inc. register into the System for Awards Management. Great, precise, and professional. Great job, Thank You Melissa!</blockquote><p>- Darin Ray, RSM Geospatial, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Pleasant and quick to respond.</blockquote><p>- Brenda Hines, Sheehy Ford of Springfield, Inc. dba Sheehy Ford of Springfield</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa Baum did a fine job of assisting me to work through registering in SAM.</blockquote><p>- Tom Evert, Washington State Hospital Association</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">The service was very fast! Melissa Baum is very knowledgeable and professional! I would highly recommend her!</blockquote><p>- Larry Green, The Elevation Foundation</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">It was a pleasure updating and having USFCR assist me in taking care of getting everything submitted correctly. I didn’t have to take the time out of my busy schedule.</blockquote><p>- Sandy West, Puritas Metal Products, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Worked with Melissa Baum, and everything went extremely well and simple. She was attentive to all the steps, and that is exactly what we hoped to get.</blockquote><p>- James Egarian, MedVantage, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Amanda has been outstanding. Very much on top of things.</blockquote><p>- Jason Landers, JML Trucking, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Excellent experience. Very helpful, responsive, and efficient.</blockquote><p>- Jennifer Muehlbronner, Movers Specialty Services</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I recently decided to submit an application to become a government contractor. Initially, it looked like a lot of work, but my case manager Amanda communicated with me regularly to get me through the process. Once the application was submitted, her follow up was timely, and now I am all set to take my energy management business in a new direction. I really appreciated Amanda’s level of engagement. When it comes to processes like this, I believe there is no such thing as too much communication. That proved to be very beneficial in this case.</blockquote><p>- Karl Darden, Supergreen Solutions West Phoenix</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">We just recently received our first contract award- woo hoo! Thanks for all the assistance these past few weeks with the YouTube videos and conference calls. It really helped out big time.</blockquote><p>- Darren Eby, Chief Procurement Officer, Selkirk Products, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">John Wayne is a 10+ all the way. Thank you for educating me on government contracts. Five stars!</blockquote><p>- Yuriy Makoviychuk, Continent Corp.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Very quick and professional.</blockquote><p>- Harold Hebert, New England Metal Finishing, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Jessica and her team has been outstanding walking me through my questions, and getting such quick responses is so valuable for my very busy business days. I would certainly recommend her for future business for anyone interested in working with the federal government. Thank you, Jessica.</blockquote><p>- Raymond Dabney, Cannabis Science, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Everything went smooth. Christie Jackson was very helpful.</blockquote><p>- Gilad Levi, Shikun & Binui America, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">In reviewing our account renewal this year, we again worked with Christie Jackson. What a pleasure to do business with her, as she is most helpful and very attentive to the needs for our account. She makes the process very easy for us and very professional. Thank you to Christie!</blockquote><p>- Anna Boyles, Bobby J. Boyles Properties, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Thank you for keeping our department compliant and updated.</blockquote><p>- Kasey Miller, North Lyon County Fire Protection District</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson was very helpful with our SAM registration.</blockquote><p>- Kathy Ross, Title Service & Escrow Company</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I have worked with Christie Jackson of USFCR to get 13 entities registered on She has been very efficient, cooperative, and prompt during the process.</blockquote><p>- Steve Colella, Senior Vice President, McDougal Property Management, LC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Our SAM registration renewal was a breeze, thanks to Christie. I would recommend my business associates who wish to get SAM registered, to engage your assistance.</blockquote><p>- Josephine Ang, Eurekahedge Pte., Ltd.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">This is our first time using this service. Christie J. was friendly and helpful, and quickly responded when I had questions.</blockquote><p>- Sumi Dalrymple, Ackila, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR provided excellent and very thorough services.</blockquote><p>- Pat Snyder, Crosstown Mechanical, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Outstanding customer service provided by Christie Jackson on every occasion.</blockquote><p>- Jean Mathis, JDMathis, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie is consistently professional and easy to work with. She makes the renewal process simple.</blockquote><p>- Kimberly Vann, Safer Foundation</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Great service! Thorough, precise, diligent, and timely!</blockquote><p>- Mark Jackson, Eastvale Financial Group, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Zero complaints. Very efficient and streamlined process, along with professional and prompt customer service.</blockquote><p>- Robert Jackson, Milbar Hydro-Test, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I could not be more pleased. Christie Jackson made the whole process painless.</blockquote><p>- Tom Fulwider, Community Action Program, Inc. of Western Indiana</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson, Lead Case Manager, did a fine and professional job of assisting me to work through registering in SAM for second year consecutive. Thanks for all the support.</blockquote><p>- Jesus Pico, Macro Enterprises, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I would highly recommend Christie Jackie to assist you in the SAM Registration process.</blockquote><p>- Stephen A. West, Tobias & West, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I was assisted by Christie Jackson at USFCR in the completion of my registration. She and her agency were extremely helpful, prompt, and instructive!</blockquote><p>- Dr. C. Brady Wilson, Ph.D.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson has been an amazing help in updating our registration annually.</blockquote><p>- Mike Potts, Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I have had great success changing our company name this year in the SAM database, with excellent help and assistance from Christie Jackson. She has always gone above and beyond to always satisfy and help the customer.</blockquote><p>- Margaret Marinelli, Bay Metals & Fabrication, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I have been working with Christie Jackson (Lead Case Manager, US Federal Contractor Registration) at USFCR, and I have been incredibly impressed with her prompt attention and responsiveness! I’ve been dealing with folks at the county, state, and federal level for business reasons but never dealt with USFCR, and it’s been refreshing!! So professional and prompt. Thank you!</blockquote><p>- Diane Creal, IncisiveCare, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Jason Cribbs has been extremely helpful. He’s very responsive and answers any questions that I have.</blockquote><p>- Chris Chapman, Hasten Energy Solutions, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Justin is consistently professional and easy to work with. He makes the renewal process simple.</blockquote><p>- Kimberly Vann, Safer Foundation</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I have worked with Robert Renzella of USFCR to get 13 entities registered on He has been very efficient, cooperative, and prompt during the process.</blockquote><p>- Steve Colella, Senior Vice President, McDougal Property Management, LC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Everything went smooth. Nicole Smith was very helpful.</blockquote><p>- Gilad Levi, Shikun & Binui America, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I have been dealing with this company for over three years. Every year it just gets easier. They are very helpful, especially year one, when we were without any knowledge.</blockquote><p>- Kate Aarnio, Institute for Clinical Pharmacodynamics dba ICPD</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I have had great success changing our company name this year in the SAM database, with excellent help and assistance from Nicole Smith. She has always gone above and beyond to always satisfy and help the customer.</blockquote><p>- Margaret Marinelli, Bay Metals & Fabrication, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">High praise for Kristen Salonia-Scheidell and her company, US Federal Contractor Registration. They helped us through a process that can be complicated, detail-oriented, and multifaceted. We highly recommend them.</blockquote><p>- Dan Digre, Oaktron by Misco</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I would like to thank Robert Renzella and Kristen Salonia Scheidell on their tremendous help getting TRXS off the ground. Before meeting these guys, I was not knowledgeable at all about federal contracting with the bidding, researching, and talking with the contract officers. After a year working with them, I was about to win one contract within six months and gain experience from that. Thanks again guys. I would recommend US Contractors to anyone looking for help.</blockquote><p>- Anthony White, Top Rate Express Service, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen was super helpful with all of our federal registrations. She provided step-by-step instructions and was quick to answer questions. She made everything easy and painless. Would definitely recommend her!</blockquote><p>- Nicole Caudill, Alpha Demolition, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen helped me with my CVE certification for 2017. Thank you very much for your excellent customer service and great communication through this process. Keep up the great work!!</blockquote><p>- Morgan Gould, MPG1, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen provided terrific service. I had seven telephone calls with SAM before the last agent referred me to Kristen. She finished the process in less than one day. It was great. I was very stressed after the multiple calls, and she solved my problems quickly.</blockquote><p>- John Else, Refugee Empowerment Center</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">The US Federal Contractor Registration process was a pleasure. As a new user, I was completely unsure of what I was doing, but Case Manager Kristen was so organized and professional. She picked up errors immediately and saw me through the process in a professional but friendly way.</blockquote><p>- Norman Eaglestone, Eaglestone Consulting, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">My business recently signed up with US Federal Contractor Registration. The process was somewhat difficult, because the content was government related, and unfamiliar. Bobby Davis, who is an Acquisition Specialist, walked me through the entire process. He made sure my business was registered for everything we were capable of doing, and he was extremely knowledgeable about the process. Without his help, I would not have registered my business to its fullest potential. I truly appreciate what Bobby Davis did for me and my business, and he is still working with me even after the registration process. I would recommend his services to any new business signing up for the SAM registration.</blockquote><p>- Bryan Eatmon, Wood Wonders, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">The staff that I had communications with have been very professional. They are also very proactive in assisting us with our annual renewal process.</blockquote><p>- Sandra Fulgham, American Academy of Audiology, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I use this service every year, and I get a lot of federal business from this Thank you.</blockquote><p>- Betty Carter, Claussen Hospitality LLC dba Candlewood Suite</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson, our lead case manager, is very helpful, and makes the registration process very simple and streamlined. After we had already been registered for some time, I had made the mistake of deleting our profile when trying to update our address when we moved locations. I contacted Miss Jackson and explained the situation, to which she had me send her a letter (on company letterhead) detailing the matter, and she took care of everything from there and promptly notified me once the problem was corrected. She is very personable and professional and took the fear and headache away from me by taking care of it all for me. It was nice and refreshing to have the pleasure of dealing with someone who actually cares. Thank you Christie!</blockquote><p>- Deborah Sass, Gemini Electric Company, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">The staff made it very easy for my renewal application. My staff member who first enrolled me is no longer with us, and when it came time to renew i was uninformed and lost on how to get it done. The staff made it very easy for me, and it only took a little time to complete and was very informative. It really took the monkey off my back.</blockquote><p>- Mike Scalia, Drasis Development, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I highly recommend US Federal Contractor Registration, the company we use to handle our annual SAM registration. I’ve worked directly with Brian Lewis and Christie Jackson, who provide exceptional customer service. The company was first recommended to us when we were experiencing difficulty in migrating from the CCR to SAM system a few years ago. They managed the process and helped resolve issues. We’ve continued to utilize their services since then.</blockquote><p>- Patricia DeMaio, City of New Haven, Inc. dba New Haven Public School System</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">We have great experience in working with US Federal Contractor Registration, Inc. They provide excellent service.</blockquote><p>- Freddie Leonor, Promark Corporation</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I have been very satisfied with the help I have received from US Federal Contractor Registration, Inc. They respond promptly, have resolved several issues, and gotten me past several hangups that could have delayed me for hours. I am happy to recommend their services.</blockquote><p>- Steve Lewis, Red Canyon Transit, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Professional and very dependable service. I would highly recommend to anyone looking to get things start with registering to be a contractor for the government.</blockquote><p>- Zachary Williams, Kishron</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Dear Sirs, I am a retired judge and President of the American Ukrainian Medical Foundation (AUMF), which is certified as a public charity by the IRS. Ms. Christie Jackson, a Lead Case Manager at USFCR, is assigned to us for about a year. Ms. Jackson is very competent at her work. She helps me at every step in the grant procurement process. To date, it has truly been an honor to work with her.</blockquote><p>- Lubomyr Jachnycky, American Ukrainian Medical Foundation</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie is always professional and competent and I know our applications are in good hands when I know she is handling our matters.</blockquote><p>- Kathleen Hales, Western HealthConnect</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Our experience with US Federal Contractor Registration Inc. has been very satisfying. Their agent was precise and very professional in leading us through the process.</blockquote><p>- Nancy Johnson, Historical Society of Idaho Springs</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Over the last several years every interaction I’ve had with US Federal Contractor Registration, Inc. has been exceptional. Their attention to detail and service is noteworthy. They create sound working relationships and do what they say they will do.</blockquote><p>- David Ryder, Wells Fargo & Company dba Wells Fargo</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie was professional, efficient and pleasant to work with.</blockquote><p>- Joe Winchell, Stoneco Construction, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Ms. Jackson’s helped me with the process to complete the registration for Shining Stars. He was patient and very helpful answering all the questions I had. Her kindness and willingness made it very easy for me.</blockquote><p>- Olivia Navarro, Shining Stars, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I have been a client of USFCR for several years and have found them to be efficient, professional and helpful. MY case manager has been (and, hopefully, will continue to be) Ms. Christie Jackson. I actually look forward to my next annual USFCR case review.</blockquote><p>- Jeffery Young, JB Young & Associates, LTD</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson partners with me in a professional, efficient, and effective process.</blockquote><p>- Herb Stevenson, Cleveland Consulting Group, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">We worked with Christie Jackson, who handled the SAM process for us. She was very professional, efficient, and enthusiastic about helping us complete the process quickly. Yes, this is an independent firm, not a government agency, but if you want help throughout the process, US Federal Contractor Registration, Inc. does a very good job and is open when discussing their role. We’ll definitely work with them in the future.</blockquote><p>- Alice Whinnery, LFT Institute, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I never have any issues with any of the personnel associated with this business.</blockquote><p>- Stacy Bennett, BRP Manufacturing Company dba Buckeye Rubber Products</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I have used this service for the past 4 years and their professionalism and excellent customer service will always have us coming back for more.</blockquote><p>- John Rawlings, Raw Safety</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">We worked with Christie Jackson, who handled the SAM process for us. She was very professional, efficient, and enthusiastic about helping us complete the process quickly. Yes, this is an independent firm, not a government agency, but if you want help throughout the process, US Federal Contractor Registration, Inc. does a very good job and is open when discussing their role. We’ll definitely work with them in the future.</blockquote><p>- Alice Whinnery, LFT Institute, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">They did a very professional job.</blockquote><p>- Ronald Rouse, Rouse & Rouse, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">This was a very rushed and necessary circumstance for our business; therefore, this was the fastest way for us. Brian Lewis was the first person I spoke with. He understood our situation and had Amanda Pedigo connect us. Within 48 hours, Amanda had coached and instructed me to achieve the finished product. Could not have done this without Amanda.</blockquote><p>- Shirley Tucker</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I want to share an excellent experience I had using the USFCR agency. Amanda Pedigo assisted me through the registration process to establish CASA of Will County in the System for Award Management System. Amanda was efficient, timely and knowledgeable as she guided me through the process.</blockquote><p>- Rita Facchina, CASA of Will County</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I want to emphasize the excellent service/support I have received from Amanda Pedigo for my company’s SAM renewal process. Thank you.</blockquote><p>- Salvatore Mascia, CONTINUUS Pharmaceuticals</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I was blessed to work with Amanda Pedigo. She provided me with excellent service through the SAM registration process. Her patience, encouragement, and assistance made the process seamless. I could not imagine having a better experience.</blockquote><p>- Terrell Byrd, Byrd Network, LLC dba Veterans Resource Services</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristin made the process easy and quick. She was very prompt, answered all of my questions, and got our company submitted and registered in record time! We greatly appreciate the help and are looking forward to next year’s registration.</blockquote><p>- Pamela Blackwell, Spencer Enterprises, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">My case manager (Kristen) was very helpful and quick to respond back to me. Kristen took care of everything for our company that needed to be done.</blockquote><p>- Steve Kaminstein, Quality Collision, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">The US Federal Contractor Registration process was a pleasure. As a new user, I was completely unsure of what I was doing, but Case Manager Kristen was so organized and professional. She picked up errors immediately and saw me through the process in a professional but friendly way.</blockquote><p>- Norman Eaglestone, Eaglestone Consulting, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Excellent service. Very professional, efficient and reasonable. Kristen did a fantastic job.</blockquote><p>- Dani Durkee, adp Gauselmann GmbH</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">[Working with US Federal Contractor Registration] was a positive and easy way to become registered as a federal contractor.</blockquote><p>- Robert Kern, Little River Tree Farm, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa Baum was exceptional in assisting me with the fish food bid. She explained and walked me through what I encountered as an extremely difficult process. I may not be able to complete the bid as I wait 10 days for acceptance of my registration, however Melissa made it a more palatable experience.</blockquote><p>- George Demos, Nelson & Sons, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">The process to register with USFCR was easy, especially with the assistance of Melissa Baum, Case Manager.</blockquote><p>- Emile Young, Drs. Combs and Lutz, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">It was a very simple process dealing with Melissa.</blockquote><p>- Tammy Glawson, Tim Baker Auto Repair</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">The best money I ever spent was hiring USFCR to assist me.</blockquote><p>- Doug Morrison, George and the Boys, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Jimi is wonderful. He helped me update our website on a timely matter. Made some correction and got the update with a few minutes now that is service. Very professional and great to work with.</blockquote><p>- Maribel Goodrow, Mid State Solid Waste and Recycling, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Jessica and her team has been outstanding walking me through my questions, and getting such quick responses is so valuable for my very busy business days. I would certainly recommend her for future business for anyone interested in working with the federal government. Thank you, Jessica.</blockquote><p>- Raymond Dabney, Cannabis Science, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Jessica has been very helpful with getting us up and running. Thank you for all your help!</blockquote><p>- Deb Foss, Real Radiology, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">My SAM renewal was handled well and in a timely fashion. I was very pleased.</blockquote><p>- Judi Ushio, GVNW Consulting, Inc. </p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">John Wayne is a 10+ all the way. Thank you for educating me on government contracts. Five stars!</blockquote><p>- Yuriy Makoviychuk, Continent Corp.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">As an Advisor for ExxonMobil, we go through the SAM registration process for parts of our business. Although the process of filling out Federal Paperwork is sometimes cumbersome, I had the pleasure of working with Mr. Jason Cribbs, who personally guided me through the process in a manner where I could complete in a timely manner, and he also offered me some time saving and beneficial tips to help me in the future. Jason is the second Administrator that I have dealt with, and I have had positive experiences with all. Very pleasant to deal with, and a great help and advocate for the companies they do business with.</blockquote><p>- Michael Guillot, Exxon Mobile</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Rod does a great job and makes the process easy.</blockquote><p>- Chris Roberts, Meador Farming Company</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I just want to validate the support and the professional attitude that Christie Jackson- Lead Case Manager- has shown during my registration process.</blockquote><p>- Tristan Le Lonquer</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">We have used US Federal Contractor Registration for a few years now, and they have made it all very easy for us. If I have a problem or question, they are right on top of it. Christie Jackson has been with me from the start, keeping me on track with the SAM registration process.</blockquote><p>- Leslie Williams, Pacific Industrial Supply Company Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Very nice to deal with and very helpful never had a problem with them.</blockquote><p>- Ronald Bender, Potts & Callahan, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">They are great to work with, and they handle everything in a timely manner.</blockquote><p>- Michael Hadnagy, Social- Engineer, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">If my experience wasn’t over-the-top great, I wouldn’t be posting. My company had a great experience with US Federal Contractor Registration Inc. and our case manager Christie. If you have ever tried to get registered in the SAM data base, you know it is a momentous task that could keep you running in circles. When you go looking for contractors to be a case manager for you, there are dozens of obscure companies out there. I was recommended to US Federal Contractor Registration. Christie made the process a breeze for my team and the good people at US Federal Contractor Registration know how to work with the employees at the SAM office. We were under a tight time table and everything was completed seamlessly.</blockquote><p>- Douglas Reitz, Rycom Instruments, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Very professional service, and the personnel is promptly available for any questions, anytime.The registration process was smooth and very expeditious.There were instances where we were required to provide documentation of information which we overlooked, and our agent would call us to give us a remainder.</blockquote><p>- Ovi Iorgovan, PE Z.S. Engineering, DPC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I worked directly with Christie to renew our agency’s current registration. Our situation at first seemed complicated, but with the guidance of our case lead, the entire renewal was completed in a matter of days. Christie provided me step-by-step instructions and answered any/all of my questions. In addition, the customer services staff that connected me with Christie was great to work with. Very information and reassuring.</blockquote><p>- San Nicolas, County of Thurston</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I have been dealing with USFCR for 4 years, and Christie always answers my questions. I have been very satisfied with their services, and I will continue doing business with them in the future.</blockquote><p>- Sharon Lamb, B&S Bolts Corporation</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Quick and efficient service and communication. Also very friendly and helpful. Fully recommended!</blockquote><p>- Nick Proach, Proach Models</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson was awesome to work with and very knowledgeable.</blockquote><p>- Melissa Young, AC Schultes of Carolina Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I recently updated my registration and worked with Christie Jackson. The team is always very professional, thorough, and helpful. They have streamlined the process, making it easy for a busy executive like myself.</blockquote><p>- Noel Burgoa, SI2 Technologies, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Customer service was excellent. I would highly recommend this service.</blockquote><p>- Clinton Newson, Life Style Beauty Supply, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">U.S. Federal Contractor Registration, Inc. has provided services to Global Energy & Water Consulting for the last four years. Each year, they remind us of the timing of registration updates and provide the services to maintain our registration to SAM and other federal purchasing locations.Their assistance is invaluable, as we do not have the time nor the personnel to pursue this through the maze of federal paperwork.</blockquote><p>- Mark W. Crisp, Global Energy & Water Consulting, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I have been working with US Federal Contractor Registration, Inc. for the past few yeas, and I have found them to be professional and efficient. They keep me up to date with keeping my registration current; they call to from time to time to make sure that all is going well; and they are always eager to assist when a problem arises.</blockquote><p>- Bliss Bully, Virgin Island Water & Power Authority</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">US Federal Contractor Registration is easy to work with.</blockquote><p>- BB Magee, Woolwine Autoplex, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Always have a great experience working with Christie Jackson and Robert Renzella. They are very proactive and keep me ahead of schedule to make sure we submitted all information required. I appreciate their prompt responses to emails and any information required.</blockquote><p>- Monica Levisohn, Gorman Company</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen and Robert were lifesavers!! They got the re-cert done in less that 48hrs!! They are miracle workers!</blockquote><p>- Jennifer Frey, Quammen Health Care Consultants, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa Baum and Jessica Summers are to be commended. They were exemplary examples of Case Management at it’s finest. They worked as a team to assist me in setting the right channels in motion. Navigating the process can be daunting, especially as we had a turnover in staff and no one knew that anyone had started this process at a earlier time. Thanks for the professional and prompt assistance!</blockquote><p>- Brenda Johnson, Aase Haugen Homes, Inc. </p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I am writing to commend Ms. Nicole Smith who went above and beyond to assist me in a SAM renewal matter. She was highly professional, extremely competent, and was outstanding in all aspects. She represents her agency in the best possible way. Just today (June 9) I had occasion to interact with Ms. Smith. She was again immediately responsive, professional, and an outstanding problem solver. She is really great at what she does. Furthermore, I omitted praising Kristen Salonia, who is awesome! Kristen provided answers to all my questions, did so amazingly fast, and created the most positive and reassuring experience. She was fantastic. I have worked with Kristen the past two years intermittently and each time the experience has been delightful!</blockquote><p>- Sandra Heater, Tuclas, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen Salonia-Scheidell did a great job for us with the SAM registration. She took the stress out of the process.</blockquote><p>- Barbara Byars, Spring Gulch, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa Baum, Case Manager with US Federal Contractor Registration made the process painless! She was quick, efficient, patient and VERY helpful. Without her managing our renewal process I would have been lost and frustrated. THANKS MELISSA, your help was fabulous!</blockquote><p>- Kortni Grett, Grand Mesa Motorsport, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">If it wasn’t for the help from this company I would have been lost. A special thanks to Melissa Baum.</blockquote><p>- Vicente Montano</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Submitted a SAM registration and it was the best experience I have had. I was assigned a Case Manager (Melissa) who was incredibly helpful and responsive.</blockquote><p>- Michelle Tomberlin, Joint Integrity Solutions, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa Baum, an employee with US Federal Contractor Registration, was very professional and quick returning emails and phone calls. She made my experience with US Federal Contractor a joy. I would refer Melissa to all family and friends looking to start a business in contracting. Thanks, Melissa, you rock!!!</blockquote><p>- Andrew Fulbright, Dirt Boys Excavation</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Very helpful, replied in a timely manner, and they were able to work through all our problems for us.</blockquote><p>- Lisa Foster Jacks, County of Ashley</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">They have been very helpful and responded quickly to any requests.</blockquote><p>- Dale Hirokowa, Medical Consultants Network, Inc. dba MCN Healthcare</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Easy to work with and very helpful.</blockquote><p>- Morgan Whalen-Fabber, Bethany Beach Ocean Suites Residence Inn dba Residence Inn</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa Baum did a great job of assisting me in getting through the required paperwork, which was the first time I had filled these forms out and found myself confused.</blockquote><p>- Kirk Rottschafer, 3765 Broadmoor, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa Baum was our case manager, and she always responded promptly to my “muddy water” emails. I so appreciate having someone like this to work with.</blockquote><p>- Billye Smith, Nueces Canyon School District</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Excellent service!!! Angela Armstrong is very helpful, and John Wayne’s trainings are awesome. I would recommend them to anybody trying to get into federal contracting.</blockquote><p>- Naveen Joshi, Saivi Technologies, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I wouldn’t want to go through this process without US Federal Contractor. They make it simple and quick. When I had questions, they e-mailed me right back and took care of everything I needed. I appreciate all their work.</blockquote><p>- Michele Roy, Mountain View-Birch Tree R-III</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Ms. Jessica Summers was very helpful and promptly responded to my requests and questions.</blockquote><p>- Rosemary Johnson, County of Hyde</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I highly recommend US Federal Contractor Registration. I have worked with Acquisition Specialist Bobby Davis and Case Manager Kristen Salonia-Scheidell. They provided excellent customer service, managed the process, and helped our company complete the entire registration for contracts with the federal government. They are very professional.</blockquote><p>- Abe Cook, United Contracting Services, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I just renewed my subscription with US Federal Contractor Registration, and I did it because of the consistent support and service I receive. Bobby Davis, my primary account contact, is always cheerful, informative, and interested in my success, as are the rest of the team members that work with me. As a small business, this is a big investment for me, but I feel it is well worth the expense. I feel as if I have a full government contracting team behind me, and, as a result, I’ve learned a huge amount in a very short period of time.</blockquote><p>- Mari Anne Snow, Sophaya, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">My experience with US Federal Contractor Registration has been excellent. Gina Wright has been the agent handling my account and giving me hands-on training and advice for everything I need. She has been a VITAL asset to helping me become a federal contractor and mentoring me on getting awarded my first federal contract. I would recommend and have recommended her and her company to many people who want to get registered and start the process of growing their business. I could not have done it without her. We still speak a couple of times a month on the phone, and I will continue to seek her guidance for the life of my business, which is hopefully for many more years to come.</blockquote><p>- Clay Hodges, Relative Weed Control</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">US Federal Contractor Registration is great and quick.</blockquote><p>- Paul Barker, Barker Industrial Contracting</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I thought that my encounter with Kristen was very prosperous and to the point. I made her aware [that] what I was being introduced to was new to me, and she was very graceful and patient.</blockquote><p>- Riely Evans, North Courtland Town Hall</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR is a great company to trust for your indoctrination into government contracts. Kristen Salonia-Scheidell went beyond the call-of-duty to secure an SDVOSB designation for my startup company. The rest of the staff is competent and trustworthy. They know how to get your business in compliance with SAM, and how to maintain eligibility for your company to win government contracts. 5-star service, and expert advice.</blockquote><p>- Erik Ross, Ross Consulting US, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen Salonia-Scheidell, my Case Manager at US Federal Contractor Registration, was key in completing the complicated process with our SAM registration. She held my hand through the process and even helped me correct mistakes I made that held up my SAM approval. She made me feel like someone really cared…and built up my confidence.</blockquote><p>- Louis Tomaselli, GHS America, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I am very satisfied working with US Federal Contractor Registration, Inc. We look forward to future work with US Federal Contractor Registration.</blockquote><p>- Ed Phelps, Phelps Composite Towers, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson was very helpful and was very courteous in getting my registration completed. It was a good experience.</blockquote><p>- Robin Smith, Warm Springs Housing</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson was very helpful with my organization’s SAM registration recently, which prove to be very beneficial in my federal grant application process.</blockquote><p>- Todd Blake, City of Fremont</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie made a renewal such a smooth and easy process!</blockquote><p>- Brooke Rusher, Williams Mechanical Services, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">My experience has been nothing but positive with this company. They helped me to get the necessary codes and numbers i needed to start my company in government bidding and contracts. The response time was great and communication was detailed and understandable. I’d recommend this company to anyone looking for help to get their government codes for their business quickly and without headaches.</blockquote><p>- Jon Priest, Priest4</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Very helpful, efficient, and knowledgeable, and a pleasure to work with.</blockquote><p>- Lea Slavin, 1760 Madison, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson has been very helpful.</blockquote><p>- Vicki Lardie, Cone Drive Operations, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR has been handling our SAM registration for the past several years, and they’ve been a valuable partner. Christie is easy to communicate with and does an excellent job with our account. We look forward to continuing to work with them in the future.</blockquote><p>- Johnathan Franz, Thinkwell Group, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I have worked with US Federal Contractor for six years, and I have had a very successful relationship with them. Their responsiveness and professionalism is top drawer. No complaints what so ever. A pleasure to work with them.</blockquote><p>- Burke Wilford, Redwood Government Solutions, Corp.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I recently worked with US Federal Contractor Registration, Inc., and I found everyone to be very knowledgeable and informative. They were upfront about the services they offered, and I knew they were not part of the government. My case manager, Christie Jackson, helped me through the SAM process to a positive outcome. I think I would have given up on the process without their help.</blockquote><p>- Susan Taggart</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I give Christie Jackson five stars.</blockquote><p>- Selina Evans, Red Mesa Electric Enterprises, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I worked with Christie Jackson on my SAM registration and subsequent renewal. She is very knowledgeable regarding this process, was always available when I needed her, and responded promptly with assistance and answers to my questions. Very satisfied.</blockquote><p>- Sandra Becker, Asset Innovations, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I had a very positive experience with USFCR. After speaking with the representative, I quickly received a telephone call from Lead Case Manager Christie Jackson. She was knowledgeable and had me registered and ready to become a US government contractor with a very short timeframe. I cannot say enough positive things about her professionalism and helpfulness. Thank you, USFCR.</blockquote><p>- Rebecca Spann</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Excellent services. I could not have done this without them.</blockquote><p>- Dan Laughlin, Anaconda School District 10</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I would like to commend Christie Jackson, Lead Case Manager, for taking care of our US Federal Contractor Registration account. Ms. Jackson was helpful in getting everything organized and ready. We very much appreciate her care and guidance throughout the process.</blockquote><p>- Eve Allyn, Saginaw Medical Service, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I have been very pleased with Ms. Baum’s professional, timely, and accurate performance in handling our school’s renewal each year. No complaints- just a satisfied customer.</blockquote><p>- Russell Marino, Hosanna Christian Academy</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa Baum did a great job for me!</blockquote><p>- John Whitney, Whitney Appraisal Associates, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">So far so good. They have been most helpful, experienced, knowledgeable, and professional. I thought to pursue government contracts on my own, but after I started the process, I realized it would benefit me greatly to get an expert in the subject, processes, and procedures. They are friendly, patient, and speak to you at your level.</blockquote><p>- Wanda Parham, JPS Garage, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Superb. The representative, Melissa Baum, was thoughtful, knowledgeable, patient, and very gracious.</blockquote><p>- C. A. Pool</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Was given assistance in getting our company re-registered, and she was fantastic. Stayed in touch through the process. Provided updates and confirmed when it was done. Didn’t take very long, and really appreciated having someone who knows what they’re doing to take the burden off of our company. Highly recommend using them!</blockquote><p>- Nancy Marks, Starnet Data Design, Inc. </p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Very professional and helpful. Would definitely recommend. Experience very good.</blockquote><p>- James Whelehan, Innovative Technology, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Amanda was very efficient and completed the process in a timely fashion.</blockquote><p>- Val Colvis, Commquest Services, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Quick. Polite. Helpful. Knowledgeable. Would use over and over again!</blockquote><p>- Bradley Baker, Baker & Reid Company, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Amanda Pedigo was extremely helpful in getting the necessary paperwork established for Caldwell Butler & Associates, LLC to have the ability to work with the VA Health Systems. I would highly recommend Amanda to anyone trying to get established with United States government contracts.</blockquote><p>- Ray Johnson, Chip Caldwell & Associates, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">They are great people to work with.</blockquote><p>- Jeremiah Wojcik, J Landscaping, Co.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I had a billing issue (double billed), but they promptly handled it…billing department was good with their service.</blockquote><p>- Mike Wright, Wright Appraisals, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I am completely happy and satisfied with my experience working with US Federal Contractor Registration. I have learned more in the past couple of days than I have in years of working with other federal training programs. The staff is very helpful and friendly. They make you feel like you are part of a team. Really love the program.</blockquote><p>- Taiwan Moore, T Moore Enterprises, LLC dba TCM Technology Group</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Before I write my review, I need to say something about the “negative” reviews that are found here… Before you do business with a company, learn what they offer and don’t offer. Don’t write negative reviews because you didn’t receive services that the company doesn’t provide. With that said, I’ll proceed. I have had (and continue to have) a great experience with USFCR. Yes, I could’ve done the work myself for cheaper but they made my life significantly less stressful by offering their services. Not only did they complete work that I had already started, they fixed significant mistakes that I had made. This saved me time, money, and embarrassment. I have no less than 4 people (that I know of) who answer the phone and emails without fail if I need them. Would I do business with them again? Absolutely. I still do business with them and don’t see a reason to stop in the foreseeable future. Thank you John Wayne and team for the tremendous support and information that you continue to provide.</blockquote><p>- Joshua Shoob, Pelican 1, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">My experience with USFCR has been nothing but positive. I think doing some research as to what their services are may help you during the process. They are responsive to my emails and phone calls within 24 hrs or earlier, Gina, Angela, and John have always been willing to help and guide as we move through the process. They are a service that actually has useful resources, such as the open training every day. No matter the level of experience, John will walk you through things step by step. It’s great and really helpful to stay motivated. If you think they are there to do everything for you, then it’s not for you, but if you need good counsel for bids or useful certifications and ways to do things correctly, then its perfect.</blockquote><p>- Joseph Kinsey, Pacific Logistics Solutions, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">It has been a pleasure to work with USFCR. They have taken us down the learning curve faster than we ever imagined. They are very knowledgable and enjoyable to work with.</blockquote><p>- Mark Elliott</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Before I write my review, I need to say something about the “negative” reviews that are found here… Before you do business with a company, learn what they offer and don’t offer. Don’t write negative reviews because you didn’t receive services that the company doesn’t provide. With that said, I’ll proceed. I have had (and continue to have) a great experience with USFCR. Yes, I could’ve done the work myself for cheaper but they made my life significantly less stressful by offering their services. Not only did they complete work that I had already started, they fixed significant mistakes that I had made. This saved me time, money, and embarrassment. I have no less than 4 people (that I know of) who answer the phone and emails without fail if I need them. Would I do business with them again? Absolutely. I still do business with them and don’t see a reason to stop in the foreseeable future. Thank you John Wayne and team for the tremendous support and information that you continue to provide.</blockquote><p>- Joshua Shoob, Pelican 1, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Have dealt with this firm and specifically Christie Jackson, Lead Case Manager, to register my company as an approved company to deal with the federal government. The company and staff are professional and all matters have been handled smoothly and competently. In all, a pleasure to deal with!</blockquote><p>- Rod Milne, iSIGN Media Corp.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I was lucky to have Christie Jackson handle my SAM application and processing. Her communication, execution, and professionalism were exceptional, and I am grateful for her exceptional work.</blockquote><p>- Michael Hetzler, RoA Solutions, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I have been working with this company for the past year. Christie Jackson, Lead Case Manager, has worked so hard for me and been able to help me so much with getting a number of our hotel SAM accounts activated. It has not been an easy job. Different ownerships, paperwork that needed to be completed, on and on. Literally, one year of working with Christie and she has been right there to help me with any questions or help with a solution. I have to admit spending the money of $500 per property (at the beginning) looks like a lot of money for this process. Trust me when I say, it has been well worth the cost! I cannot thank Christie for all her help. I would recommend using this company should you need to establish a SAM account for your company! Thanks again!</blockquote><p>- Cindy Addison, Wright Investments</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR was efficient and fast with the registration process. Company was already set up in SAM, but USFCR helped correct mistakes made in set up process.</blockquote><p>- Cody Lowell, Transportation and Logistical Services, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Great people to work with. They are skilled to deal even with the time sensitivity. Very respectful and professional. Recently, I worked with them in a registration process, and they met my expectation. I wish them good luck ahead.</blockquote><p>- Y. Raj Baral, Humanitarian Organization for Philanthropic Enthusiasm</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Great experience. Highly recommend.</blockquote><p>- Rebecca Settimio, Settimio Consulting Services, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Excellent service. Thanks for all your help!</blockquote><p>- Dottie Lou Combs, Dot Weld, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson did an excellent job in getting me a Cage Code. It took longer than expected, but she took the time to help me through it all. Bravo.</blockquote><p>- Jim Mullen, ATS Equipment, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Very well pleased. Everything I needed was done in a very professional manner and very timely.</blockquote><p>- Kimberly Thompson, Grant Parish Housing Authority</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie was a big help in getting our registration completed and processed.</blockquote><p>- David Shaw, Albert Bros., Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">My name is James, and I have used USFCR to establish my companies in the the federal contracting database. They have been a pleasure to work with from day 1. Recently, my SAM registration was expiring. Christie Jackson notified me of this, expertly took care of this problem, and ensured my status in SAM is active for the next year. I feel like I am in good hands whenever dealing with USFCR.</blockquote><p>- James Wines, Country Boy Arms Supply, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I am writing to thank Kristen Salonia-Scheidell for her help through the SAM renewal process. She had great follow-through and was very patient with me through the process.</blockquote><p>- Meredith Cochran, IPC Services, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I feel lucky to be associated with your company. You keep me on track with my SAM registration, and I appreciate that.</blockquote><p>- Tony Schwartz, Albany Associates Cleaning & Supply, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">My customer service experience with Kristen Salonia-Scheidell was top notch!</blockquote><p>- Ligia Carvalho, Physique Fitness, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">US Federal Contractor Registration, Inc. was very easy and friendly. They were very helpful and made all steps easy for set up.</blockquote><p>- Ruben Urbina, Automatic Access Solutions, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa Baum at US Federal Contractor Registration was my case manager. This process can be confusing, and she was very helpful. Ms. Baum simplified things for me to understand, guided me through the steps, and always answered every question that I had. She was a valuable asset in getting our business registered.</blockquote><p>- Jill Lerille, Velvet Pines Developers, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">We just completed the process of registration with US Federal Contractor Registration. Case Manager Melissa Baum has been helpful throughout the process, and, in my opinion, went above and beyond in the assistance provided. Furthermore, the use of their website was an additional positive addition to the experience.</blockquote><p>- Marc Clark, Federal Express Corporation</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR was efficient and fast with the registration process. Company was already set up in SAM, but USFCR helped correct mistakes made in set up process.</blockquote><p>- Cody Lowell, Transportation and Logistical Services, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">They are very committed to helping you. I would advise anyone looking to get started in government contract work, to give them the opportunity to work with you.</blockquote><p>- Paula Moore, Moore Machine Works, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I recently hired USFCR, and am happy so far with their responsiveness & services.</blockquote><p>- Tim Rolf, Engineered Data, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">John Wayne is the “Einstein” of the government contract process- not only for preparing bids, but also for knowing the process of WINNING bids.</blockquote><p>- Mike Lewis, Pahrump Medical Supply</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">John Wayne is great for educating and providing resources for companies like myself for bidding on federal contracts.</blockquote><p>- Mark Mahoney, Bright Language Testing, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">John Wayne is one of the most resourceful guys I’ve spoken to, with the federal registration process. John spends time with the individual providing tools that ultimately help the business become knowledgeable with government contracting. The fact that he takes part of his day and has live conversations with US Federal Contractor Registration clients, and walks them through the process, is, in my opinion, rare. Thank you, John, for all of your support.</blockquote><p>- Joshua Burgess, Divided Lines, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">John has been the common denominator for not only me but thousands of others in the federal arena. He’s been the man that goes the extra mile to make sure that all of his clients are being taken care of.</blockquote><p>- Nikolas Tamez, Novalt Corps., Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">John and his team are true professionals, providing hands-on training and guidance for federal procurement.</blockquote><p>- Martin Jennings, Jennings & Jennings, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Thank you John, and your team, for all the hard work [you’ve] put in to help me get as far as I’ve gotten.</blockquote><p>- Klay South, USA Up Star, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">You guys are awesome! You did everything right, professionally, and timely, in support of CAMSECO Investigations to garner government contracts. We rarely meet people with great integrity in a lifetime. You are great!</blockquote><p>- Aubrey Campbell, CAMSECO Investigations and Security Services, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">My only regret is that I did not find them earlier. I have been nothing but pleased with the work they have done for me. They are extremely knowledgeable in the realm of government contracting. I spent a year just getting set up only to find that I was making things much harder than it needed to be. They started with updating my SAM registration, creating a government-friendly web site and helping me with proposals, capabilities statement. I was on the verge of giving up hope of ever successfully bidding on and winning any government contracts. They have changed all of that for me. I look forward to working very closely with them over the next year and watching my bottom line soar.</blockquote><p>- Geraldine McMiller, Scoop or Scuttlebutt, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Just got another contract. That’s three in the past week. If you want help or more information on how to bid or work with the federal government, ask anyone on the [USFCR] team.</blockquote><p>- Klay South, USA Up Star, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I am very encouraged and optimistic about my experience with US Federal Contractor Registration so far. John Wayne is an excellent teacher, and Angela Armstrong, his assistant, is always pleasant, cheerful, and willing to help.</blockquote><p>- Wole Adeoye, Victory Pharmacy of Decatur, Inc. dba Victory Medical Equipment</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">What more can I say about my friend, John Wayne? We have known each for a few years now, and his customer service is outstanding; his warmth, empathy, and commitment to helping people is bar none; and this man gives 120% of his time and efforts to helping you succeed. He has a group of people around him that has surpassed anything I’ve seen in this industry so far. You can’t go wrong with John.</blockquote><p>- Gregory McBride, Organo Gold</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">John, Gina, and Angela are a great team with a wealth of knowledge. They are always there when you need them. They really have your best interest at heart.</blockquote><p>- Michael Paulus, C-Plus Electronics, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">My review is based entirely on the excellent work of Angela Armstrong, who has been a great- and courteous, and professional- help to this tiny federal contractor in navigating the intricacies of the System for Award Management (SAM).</blockquote><p>- Thomas King, PHD</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I am very encouraged and optimistic about my experience with US Federal Contractor Registration so far. John Wayne is an excellent teacher, and Angela Armstrong, his assistant, is always pleasant, cheerful, and willing to help.</blockquote><p>- Wole Adeoye, Victory Pharmacy of Decatur, Inc. dba Victory Medical Equipment</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">You are beyond awesome. Thank you.</blockquote><p>- Billy Kyle, RPC Company</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa Baum was incredibly helpful with our registration, as we are a new contractor and really needed the support.</blockquote><p>- Heather Lusk, Community Health Outreach Work to Prevent AIDS</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">The service I received was fantastic. Very quick to help with any questions I had and get me through the process.</blockquote><p>- Mary Fruit, PLF Total Tree Care, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Our company was treated very well during the entire registration process. I am already referring friends and other associates. Thanks, Melissa Baum.</blockquote><p>- Gerald Fisher</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa Baum followed through on our registration process efficiently, after a phone appointment. She was professional and business like, and a please to work with. US Federal Contractor Registration’s process is efficient and less cumbersome than dealing directly with most governments sites.</blockquote><p>- Roger Harned, Firstlight Homecare Franchising, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">This is a very dynamic group with highly efficient processes employed to achieve client goals. Highly recommended.</blockquote><p>- Ruth Ibanez, Black Gold Technologies</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">My questions and concerns were answered in a courteous and timely manner.</blockquote><p>- Linda Main, Lackey Grading Co., Inc. </p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Great support via e-mail on submitting requests and helping us through the registration process.</blockquote><p>- Chris Hill, Diamondback Mechanical Group Air Conditioning Heating and Refrigeration, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I was very pleased with the service of this company and how they expedited our file. We recommended them to several other professionals.</blockquote><p>- Sam Mawardi, Restore Dry, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR has been a very good company to work with, very helpful with teaching me things I need to know, and helpful in helping me get my business started.</blockquote><p>- Daniel Chavez, DLC Tree Cutters</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I had a very good experience with my rep, Melissa, and the process of renewing for SAM. She was responsive and resourceful. We had an issue from an old registration that had to be resolved, and she worked through it in a timely fashion. I was very pleased, and I would use them again.</blockquote><p>- Steve Brilex, Brilex Industries, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Melissa was excellent in her communication and follow-up.</blockquote><p>- Deb Moeller, Focal Therapeutics, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">We worked with Melissa Baum to set up our SAM registration. She also answered all questions that we had in an efficient and timely manner. She went above and beyond to make sure we were registered and all of our questions were met. She made the process much easier and we were thankful to work with her.</blockquote><p>- Jenny Kent, Veriforce, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">US Federal Contractor Registration provided expert, responsive, and reliable service in setting up my business in the System for Award Management (SAM). All work was done efficiently and effectively, and communications were clear and concise.</blockquote><p>- Gerard Giudici, Barden Brook Capital, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">US Federal Contractor Registration gets 5 stars. In particular, my contact has been Christie Jackson who has been the very best contact anyone could ask for in this crazy business world. It is really tough to deal with the government and Christie is a breath of fresh air.</blockquote><p>- Rex Anderson, Frigate Contract Services, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Very knowledgeable and courteous help. Eager to be of assistance and quick with response/reply.</blockquote><p>- Patty Hayes, Green Acres Farm </p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie was outstanding on helping me throughout the whole process I would highly recommend this company.</blockquote><p>- Melody Vaught, Keith Whitson Trucking</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR made it a quick and easy renewal, thanks to their friendly staff.</blockquote><p>- Thomas Williams, Cityline-Hamilton Builders LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie was helpful with SAM registration and was fast to respond and keep me informed of status and next steps to take.</blockquote><p>- Blake Jordan, Jordan’s Trucking, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR performed the services I hired them for expeditiously and professionally. I cannot say they are necessarily the best value for the money (they seem to be quite expensive all things considered) and the original sales person’s attitude was a little to “whatever, dude” for me, however the individual assigned as my “Lead Case Manager, Christie Jackson did a good job. She kept me informed and moved the process along. From beginning to end it took less than 7 business days (I had already been registered with CCR).</blockquote><p>- Michael Trahan, Alternate Axis, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Our experience has been favorable and we are now registered and competing. We recommend US Federal Contractor Registration, Inc. to everyone interested in correctly registering with the Government to bid for contracts and win.</blockquote><p>- Jarrod Schnabel, United Patriot Partners</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I would rate our interaction with this company as being very positive. They took care of exactly what we needed them to do in a professional, timely manner.</blockquote><p>- Jane Drapeaux, Hawkeye Area Community Action Program, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie and the team are very professional, proactive, and customer service oriented. The process/procedures used are designed to produce a quality outcome for customers. Highly satisfied and recommended.</blockquote><p>- Gloria Cooper, Global Enterprise Management Solutions, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I worked with Christie to get my company’s DUNS number activated and up to date. The process was easy and fast. I would recommend using this business to anyone who has issues with their DUNS number.</blockquote><p>- Bill Bartgen, ESPARK, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie was very helpful with quick and prompt responses.</blockquote><p>- Angelo Alfano, Kuharchik Construction, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson helped me become a contractor and did a outstanding job. Always responded back to me fast and never let us down.</blockquote><p>- Brandon Brown, Brown Heating and Air Conditioning, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Bobby Davis and Christie Jackson are wonderful. I’m still trying to catch up to all the work they both have already done for me within the last 3-4 business days.</blockquote><p>- Steve Schroeder, South Side Lawn & Landscaping, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">This business provides great service to it entities. The are key for small businesses in compliance.</blockquote><p>- Jackie Mims, The Mike Mims Foundation, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">These people worked hard on helping us get through all the paperwork in a timely and efficient manner. Very friendly staff, and we look forward to continuing to work with them throughout the upcoming years.</blockquote><p>- Heather Meyer, McDowell South, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson provided excellent customer service through our renewal process.</blockquote><p>- Sandy Greer, Bluewater Environmental Services, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Very satisfied.</blockquote><p>- Ana Zenda, Zenda, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie was a big help.</blockquote><p>- Dalila AGiza, AG Nationwide Logistics, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR persisted with me on the path through the intricacies of updating/re-registering my government DUNS and CAGE codes, which had expired, while simultaneously doing a name change. Eliminated my frustrations with the system.</blockquote><p>- Harry Bonnell</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Excellent support and response times. Effective and efficient. Always consistent in providing the right solution at the right time. Great customer service. They make complex problems solved by their expertise.</blockquote><p>- Kevin Dunn, City of Lafayette</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">In working with the federal government or one of their contractors, my expectations were really low. And what a pleasant surprise to be addressed so genuinely and to experience super timely follow up. It exceeded every expectation I had … and surpassed any expectation I would have had for a commercial business.</blockquote><p>- Tiffany Crenshaw, Intellect Resources, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Our lead case manager, Christie, helped us renew our SAM registration. This was especially critical this year, as we have changed personnel and someone new is handling this on our end. Thank you for your patience and great service.</blockquote><p>- Bret Padgett, Charter Township of Comstock</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">So far so good.</blockquote><p>- Mary Harroun, Merry Walker Corporation</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">The support for the renewal of my SAM registration was done efficiently and accurately.</blockquote><p>- Herb Harrison, Phoenix Technologies, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">My experience with this company has always been professional and courteous; they make the process very efficient. I would highly recommend this company to handle your SAM registration.</blockquote><p>- Doris Williams, Rape Crisis Center of the Coastal Empire, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson was incredibly helpful getting our school district set up in the SAM system. She was quick and efficient and very friendly. I don’t think the process would have gone as smooth without her leading the way. Thank you, Christie.</blockquote><p>- James Jotter, Mountain Iron-Buhl Independent School District 712</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie was very helpful and efficient with help with me getting through the process. Thank you, Christie.</blockquote><p>- Keith Detrick, BioControl North America, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Jessica Summers was very helpful with my application process and was very professional in every way.</blockquote><p>- Kirk Gordon, Jack Gordon & Sons, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Jessica Summers was fantastic to work with. I had problems renewing our previous SAM number, and she was so on top of things and so great to work with. She continuously followed up with me to see if I need anything at all.</blockquote><p>- Kate Fahey, GNS Hotel, Inc. dba Double Tree Schenectady</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen was very professional and quick to get us registered. She gave us the heads up on the possibility that scammers would call. She was absolutely correct and we were able to avoid any issues. She is great to work with.</blockquote><p>- Beth Blasdel, Blasdel Enterprises, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen was very helpful and very knowledgeable in our company needs. She did a great job. Thank you for the quick recovery & install of our account.</blockquote><p>- Mark Stewart, Global Packaging & Export, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Excellent communication and assistance. Quick and painless process. Grateful for the help.</blockquote><p>- Martha Bartz, xponent-solutions, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Great job.</blockquote><p>- Emmanuel Dyboh, Immeltech Corporation</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Very good experience from Kristen.</blockquote><p>- Joan Edme, Chances Enterprise Personal Care Home, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I am writing to thank Kristen S. for helping our company complete the SAM registration process in June 2017. Kristen was very efficient, patient, and highly professional to work with. The entire process only took three days from submitting our information to the activation of our SAM Registration. We provided USFCR with the registration information on 6/27/17, and Kristen completed and submitted the SAM Registration on 6/29/17. We received a notice that SAM Registration became active on 6/30/17. Kristen was also very prompt in answering all of my questions through email. I would highly recommend US Federal Contractor Registration, especially Kristen!</blockquote><p>- Jean Huang, Suffolk Pontoon Mooring Systems, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen Salonia-Scheidell was just wonderful! She helped me during a very long process that took almost six weeks to complete. There was a lot of detail and I messed something up after she had told me how to do it…..she never got mad at me and was never unkind. She took a lot of time to make sure she understood what needed to be done and asked questions that showed she knew what she was doing (and got all the information needed to really help me and do what needed to be done- even though I didn’t understand it at all!). I felt so well taken care of in something totally out of my realm of experience! I kept her name so I can find her again when I need help!</blockquote><p>- Katie Sherick</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen Salonia-Scheidell was an absolute gem to work with. Very dedicated and patient with my questions and fumbling. Could not recommend her enough!!</blockquote><p>- Kellie Ballard, Alaska Concrete Sawing, Inc.</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen Salonia-Scheidell and her company were professional and very helpful for my business needs. She was very quick to respond to any questions I had and processed my SAMs application and subsequent paperwork very quickly. I highly recommend both her and her company.</blockquote><p>- Jason Braadt, American Allegiance Contracting, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">My business registered for the Simplified Acquisition Program about 5 weeks ago. From the first week, we were assigned a team consisting of case manager, business developer, and marketing and technology departments [representatives]. They are very attentive and alert- keeping me updated; requesting info to move registration process forward; and delivering on USFCR’s timeline. It’s a pleasure to work with proactive professionals.</blockquote><p>- Sandral Turner, MPT Enterprises, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Bobby Davis and Christie Jackson are wonderful. I’m still trying to catch up to all the work they both have already done for me within the last 3-4 business days.</blockquote><p>- Steve Schroeder, South Side Lawn & Landscaping, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Thank you immensely for your extraordinary effort to get us going on renewing our status in SAM as we are completing a grant application due today. You were very patient, quickly assigned an account manager for us, expedited payment, and got me started on the full application. Your generosity and helpfulness cannot be understated. Your actions and spirit of service are a true example of what it means to be a public servant.</blockquote><p>- Iovanka A. Todt, Public Libraries, City of San Diego</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I dealt with Wendy Coutinho. She was very pleasant to deal with, and very helpful. I am very happy with her customer service.</blockquote><p>- Doug Griffith, ILease & Rentals, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I’ve had nothing but trouble with a situation involving the government, until I had the opportunity to work with Wendy Coutinho. She actually listened to my issues and didn’t make me feel stupid. She took the time to explain certain procedures to me and helped me understand. She was patient with this old dog that’s trying to learn new tricks or new systems. She was also polite and professional. If I had the opportunity to hire her for my company, I would. Thank you Wendy for all your help, kindness and understanding. You have turned an unpleasant situation into pleasant one. Well done!!</blockquote><p>- Mark Brown, Motomark 1, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I was lead thru the entire process and it was very easy, because of the help i got with every question was a prompt reply! Very easy and great assistance!</blockquote><p>- Linda Robbins, Timeless Sources, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">It was a pleasure to work Ms. Amanda Pedigo. She knew what to do and helped us through the process. It took some time, but at last we got our SAM number. Thank you, Amanda.</blockquote><p>- Gary Brink, Community Volunteer Fire Department of Mahaffey Borough</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">After months of struggling with my government contract submittal process, I reached out to US Federal Contractor Registration to help me get past my hurdles. The process was amazing and seamless. I have recommended them to others already. The professionalism and knowledge was perfect! I highly recommend them.</blockquote><p>- Erik Geisler, A Better Tint</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Ms.Jackson was very diligent and respectful in assisting me with my registration process.</blockquote><p>- Yadira Deya, REO Customer Solution Corp</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I am so happy that I have Kristen Salonia, manager of US Federal Contractor Registration, to help me to go through the processing. She is very professional and respond to me so quick. She is great!</blockquote><p>- Belinda Xu, B & W Farm, LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Case manager, Kristen S is a bright spot in the US Federal Contractor Registration group.</blockquote><p>- William Lange, United Language Group Inc</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">My case manager Kristen, was very helpful and made my US Federal Contractor Registration quick and easy.</blockquote><p>- Andrew Rivera, Gamin Direct LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kelli Johnston has been very helpful answering all our questions and walking us through the process to getting contracts. We are so happy we went with US Federal Contractor Registration.</blockquote><p>- Joseph Hogan, The Hogan Group LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I am writing this review in to show how efficient Melissa Baum of USFCR was in supporting Imaginetics LLC north to get signed back up with our SAM registration. She was a very professional individual to work and was able to answer all of my questions off of the top of her head, She stayed on task and once our registration was submitted it was hours, not days before she informed me that our company was complete and registered for another year. Surveys and registration can be very painful and time consuming and working with Melissa was just the opposite. I believe if other companies exerted the effort shown by Melissa surveys and registrations would be looked upon in a entirely new light.</blockquote><p>- Mark Bentley</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Excellent service and communication. Answered all my questions promptly and was very helpful.</blockquote><p>- Adam Nerren, Adam Nerren Ltd</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">USFCR has been easy to work with and has always been on top of our registration.</blockquote><p>- Kathleen Sego, Certified Languages International LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">The team at US Federal Contractor registration is on top of their game. I found them while searching for resolutions to the extremely difficult and always frustrating SAM system. We never had success in filing with SAM, I attempted multiple times, just to later find that it was never processed properly, or something in the system had changed. I wish I’d found them sooner. They set everything up for us and maintain everything that’s required. Have not had an issue since using their services.</blockquote><p>- Matt Butterson, Butterson Construction LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">My expectations of working with a government help desk had been low going in but was pleasantly surprised at the positive support I got. The person explained the process and what it could do and what it would not be able to do. The support was helpful.</blockquote><p>- John Mariano, DRG Undersea Consulting Inc</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson was prompt and courteous in responding to my e-mail and telephone requests concerning my application. This was unfamiliar territory; Christie put my anxiety at ease. She was professional in her job. I would highly recommend her as a provider.</blockquote><p>- William Nelson, Miss-Lou Electric Service Inc</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I would highly recommend US Federal Contractor Registration Inc.</blockquote><p>- Amy Kaufman, Humanitri</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I received an immediate phone call and support by Kristen Salonia-Scheidell, she made the process a breeze.</blockquote><p>- Kathleen Westover, Air Systems Service & Construction Inc</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Thank you Kristen Salonia-Scheidell for your professional, efficient and timely assistance with our corporation’s WOSB registration/certification process. It was very much appreciated.</blockquote><p>- Trudy Alva Kinyon, Rumina Nursingwear</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">A big thanks to Melissa Baum for helping with the SAM registration process. Melissa was incredibly efficient, patient, and highly professional. The entire process only took a few days from submitting our information to the activation of our SAM Registration. Definitely recommended!</blockquote><p>- Tanya Nascimento, International Association of Certified Home Inspectors</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I would like to thank Kelli Johnston for guiding me through the Sam Registration Process. Kelli was very knowledgeable and very helpful. She is indeed an excellent person for this position. Thanks again Kelli.</blockquote><p>- Anna Marie, EDCO industries</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">The US Federal Contractor Registration process was very easy to use. We were assigned a representative, Jessica, who made it a seamless transaction. We were registered in a very timely manner.</blockquote><p>- Anjela Ponce, Affordable Housing Alliance II, Inc. dba Integrity Housing</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I had an issue with having two D&B numbers due to a business location move. My case manager was Kristen Salonia-Scheidell and she helped walk me through the resolution of the issue. She could not have been more helpful, every question I had she immediate…</blockquote><p>- David Saville, Big Pic Media LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">We used US Federal Contractor Registration Inc to assist in the process of of registering as a federal contractor. The experience was very positive. Kat Moran was most responsive and kept us informed at each step of the process. Highly recommend.</blockquote><p>- Laura Famularo, Famular LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Pleasant and easy process.</blockquote><p>- Ryan Pott, Yanmar America Corporation</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Kristen Salonia-Scheidell is FABULOUS. Her Customer Service is Exemplary! She is Highly Skilled and Knowledgeable and answered all of my questions in a timely fashion. She was easily accessible and always with a Positive Attitude!</blockquote><p>- Rebecca Uyleman, Devil Dog Installations LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Jessica Summers was very helpful in getting my small business registered for SAM. I would highly recommend reaching out to her company if you have similar needs.</blockquote><p>- Kevin M. Smith, SPINE3D LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Very satisfactory!</blockquote><p>- Arthur O’Briant, Ace Rubber Products</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">They were very helpful in getting my small business registered to work for the Federal Government.</blockquote><p>- Kevin Smith, SPINE3D LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Was very easy to renew our SAM Registration. We received a phone call stating that it was time to renew and that they would be sending us an email from a certain email address. They helped walk me through the process and make sure everything was all set …</blockquote><p>- Jen Wood, Cherry Valley and Rochdale Water District</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">I am writing in regards to Kelli Johnston.. Kelli was very easy to work with and kept me in the loop.. I had alot of questions that needed to be answered and she took me step by step…. Overall Kelli is amazing and deserves praise for her outstanding cu…</blockquote><p>- Jason Wenning, Uniopolis Volunteer Fire Company</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Christie Jackson was my case manager. What a great job Christie did for us. Very very knowledgeable!</blockquote><p>- Joseph Lucent, Standard Components LLC</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Effortless, they help you through the whole process! Great team!</blockquote><p>- Connie Shockley, George County</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Katherine Moran acted as our SAM registration liaison. She was efficient and helpful at each step and was essential in making our process as easy as possible.</blockquote><p>- Nikole Kimes, Siolta Therapeutics</p></div><div class="line-content"><blockquote class="font-italic">Ease of registration, friendly and prompt service</blockquote><p>- Laura Bills, Nitta Inc</p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="stickyBlockEndPoint"></div> <hr class="my-0"> </main> <!-- ========== FOOTER ========== --> <footer class="container-fluid bg-light mt-3" style="border-top:solid #CCC 2px;"> <div class="container pt-5"> <div class="row mb-7"> <div class="col-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 col-lg-3 mb-0"> <!-- Title --> <h3 class="h6"> <strong>Quick Links</strong> </h3> <!-- End Title --> <!-- List --> <ul class="list-unstyled u-list"> <li><a class="u-list__link" href="/registrations/about-sam/">SAM Registration</a></li> <li><a class="u-list__link" href="/services/simplified-acquisition-program/">Simplified Acquisition Program™</a></li> <li><a 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